#Stex bobo
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luvdeliah · 2 days ago
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(Btw got inspired by a Barbie standing infront of a burning car photo)
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uselessjester · 1 month ago
UEE 😭🥺 💧 Eu 💧💧 E E 😭😭 E EUE 🥺🥺😭 UUUUE 😭🥺💧🥺😭 ue 💧 ee 😭🥺💧 ue 🥺 e e e 😭, e 💧🥺😭Uueuuue. 💧💧 ue 😭🥺 ee e 🥺🥺😭eUEE 💧🥺💧 EEE 💧💧😭 U E 🥺😭EE H 💧🥺😭E EUU 💧🥺😭 UUEHH 🥺💧😭 EUEH 🥺😭💧💧 ue e😭😭eeeeee 💧 💧💧 uu🥺 😭 hh 😭🥺uUEEE 🥺😭💧 uuuue. 💧 😭🥺😭ueeeeee 💧🥺😭💧
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thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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captainmvf · 1 year ago
Stex Greaseball + Nationals Charms for Sale!! 🚂🌟
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🌟 They're available on my online store right now! Please check out the link for more details! 🌟
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gears-twisting-and-turning · 4 months ago
Lastly the international trains for the stex fnaf au! Had to juggle between putting them in the skating rink or kids room and ended up going with the kids' room as they are perfect for educational stuff like a friend of mine suggested
International trains: Bobo, Coco, Espresso, Ruhrgold, Turnov, Manga and Brexit
The international trains - 
Bobo is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic. He is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them French. Incredibly kind and maybe slightly overdramatic if you ask the others, especially the staff. He’s kind enough though and not many people 
Coco is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic. She is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them French. She’s rather cutthroat and rather often at the other end of the stick of her brother’s never ending dramatics, is tired of it and the two often become a bit for the kids. 
Espresso is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic.He is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them Italian. Rather dramatic, but not even close to Bobo, although the two have some kind of rivalry despite that. Other than that is often friendly, but easily offended which is rather easy around kids. The kids love him though, even if it is slightly to make fun of him.
Ruhrgold is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic. He is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them German. The embodiment of a gentle giant, incredibly kind and even though his large stature makes some kids uncomfortable, most of them love to latch onto his legs or give him a hug whenever he comes by.
Turnov is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic. He is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them Russian. Kind of a hardass, but incredibly friendly if you’re not terrified by his stoic face. It’s just his neutral face and you would think kids are often scared, but quite the opposite. He’s absolutely loved and adored. It’s probably because of kids’ scary good gut instinct.
Manga is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic. He is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them Japanese. Extremely polite, almost to a fault. A wonderful role model towards kids in manners, even if he can be rather competitive and has often brushed it off on kids before. Not like the other engines are much better in that regard. 
Brexit is made to be entertaining, but also an educational animatronic. He is one of the lively characters in the kids room made to entertain them and teach them proper English grammar. He’s pretty laid back, but very often the butt of the joke. Takes in stride though, he gets rather annoyed when people make fun of British accents though, that’s when he’ll want to fight.
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green-planets · 1 year ago
Happy Valentine's day!! Can I have some Espresso x BoBo, please?
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Please ignore that this is a few days late
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trainqueen379 · 1 year ago
Bobo and Espresso!
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thewizardofschnoz · 2 years ago
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Some more genderbent StEx for the soul.
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princeelectra · 1 year ago
Oh yes I love that scene in StEx where bobo is randomly transformed into a cat
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years ago
Stex: The Nationals
Turnov: A very loud and and brash engine. He has an alcohol problem and a reputation for getting up to all sorts of crazy things while drunk. He once got black out drunk and had a one night stand with CoCo which he is rather embarrassed by because they don’t usually get along. He has also purposed to Rusty several times while drunk.
Brexit: A bit fastidious and snobbish. He is rather serious and straight-laced and very gay. He has a huge crush on both Ruhrgold and Espresso but he won’t admit that, even on pain of death.
Nintendo: A trans gamer who likes to present himself as quite serious and intense but is in actuality is rather shy and generally chill.
BoBo: An arrogant playboy type. He is related to CoCo and the two are the most intense rivals. He loves to bring up her history with Turnov because of how much it riles her up.
CoCo: A serious perfectionist and a total lightweight when in comes to strong drink. She once got black out drunk and had a one night stand with Turnov. She is extremely annoyed whenever anyone brings this up. She is related to BoBo and the two are the most intense rivals.
Espresso: Very bold and confidant engine. He knows he’s the best looking engine around and loves to flirt with anyone regardless of gender. He is aware of Brexit’s crush on him and likes to flirt just enough to rile him up but not reveal that he knows.
Ruhrgold: A very serious and disciplined engine. He expects a certain level of luxury as his status as a racer and is a big believer in that expanse should equal quality which should equal success. If things don’t go well he blames it on cheep components. He is often heard to say “*thing* wouldn’t have happened if they had just bought German! German Engineering is the Best!” He and Espresso have had an on-again off-again relationship for years on the down low.
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starburst2000 · 1 year ago
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Some art of Espresso and BoBo with a newlyborn CoCo! BoBo is the dad who gave birth to CoCo, while Espresso is the dad who stepped up.
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isaterriblebore · 2 years ago
Steam Press may not be canon but at least Bobo/Espresso is canon
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I’m joking when I say they’re canon. I totally respect any other ships with Bobo or Espresso and I respect that not everyone ships them
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uselessjester · 5 months ago
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jessiwiththeheadphones · 1 year ago
Espresso/BoBo from Starlight Express for the ship bingo, pls!
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whoswormie · 10 days ago
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starburst2000 · 1 year ago
Hashimoto: 🎶Depending on the time of day the French go either way~🎶
BoBo: 😡HEY!
Espresso: 🎶You are so gay, you big parfait, you flaming big boy cabaret!🎶
Espresso: 😠You were not yesterday.
gay or european but with the international trains
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green-planets · 2 years ago
StEx Appreciation Month Day Twenty-Six: The Nationals!
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I'm blowing the dust off of another ancient draw the squad meme. Grouping them all together here:
Favorite Songs/Moments: Coda Freight (this song slaps so hard), Entry of the National Engines, and the races
Favorite Costume: I like all of the current costumes (but I'm in the Brexit needs a different tie camp)! Orange Bobo > Blue Bobo. I actually like Espresso's current costume more than the yellow base one. Hashamoto did look good in blue and Ruhrgold's ICE costume is soooooo much better than anything Weltschaft had going on
Favorite Ships: Bobo x Espresso, Coco x Brandi, Coco x Pearl, Brocky, Ruhrgold x Joule, Ruhrgold x Carrie, and Rustgold is cute
Unpopular opinions: I know it's not unpopular, but some of their names have really sucked (I'm looking at you Japanese Engines and Brexit). Ofc this doesn't affect my enjoyment of the characters but the writers could've tried harder
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