#Steven Tranquilli
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scienza-magia · 3 years ago
Nuovi dati dalla sonda Osiris-Rex, pericolo asteroide Bennu
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Nuovo calcolo di probabilità d’impatto per Bennu, è fra i due asteroidi con più alto rischio d'impatto complessivo. «Non abbiamo mai modellato la traiettoria di un asteroide con questa precisione prima d'ora», spiega Davide Farnocchia della Nasa, primo autore di un nuovo studio che ha ricalcolato con i dati ottenuti dalla sonda Osiris-Rex le orbite dell’asteroide Bennu per i prossimi due secoli. Fino al 2135 possiamo stare tranquilli; dopo, ha qualche piccola possibilità d’infilare la porta gravitazionale sbagliata. Il 24 settembre 2023 è previsto l’arrivo sulla terra di un’abbondante manciata di regolite carbonacea che la sonda Nasa Osiris-Rex ha raccolto nell’ottobre 2020 direttamente dalla superficie dell’asteroide Bennu. Sempre il 24 settembre, ma molti anni dopo, precisamente nel 2182, la Terra rischia di trovarsi recapitata a domicilio tutta la massa dell’asteroide da mezzo chilometro di diametro. Vediamo perché. L’asteroide (101955) Bennu, scoperto nel 1999 e ripetutamente osservato con telescopi ottici e radar, è un Near-Earth Object potenzialmente a rischio di intersecare la sua orbita con quella terrestre. Anzi, nella scala Palermo – usata dagli astronomi per valutare il rischio di impatto – risulta uno dei due oggetti con maggiore probabilità complessiva di causare danni alla Terra.
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L’asteroide Bennu in un mosaico d’immagini riprese dalla sonda Nasa Osiris-Rex. Crediti: Nasa/Goddard/University of Arizona Un nuovo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista Icarus, ha ora raffinato notevolmente le previsioni su un possibile incontro tra Bennu e il nostro pianeta, basandosi sulle informazioni raccolte proprio dalla missione Osiris-Rex negli oltre due anni in cui ha visitato Bennu. Osiris-Rex ha indagato da vicino le dimensioni, la forma e la composizione dell’asteroide, studiando la rotazione e la traiettoria orbitale molto più in dettaglio di quanto avrebbe potuto fare qualunque telescopio terrestre. Questo ha permesso ora di stimare con maggiore precisione il suo percorso nel prossimo paio di secoli. Il nuovo studio ha determinato una probabilità complessiva d’impatto entro l’anno 2300 di 1 su 1750 (o 0.057 per cento), mentre – come si diceva – il 24 settembre 2182 risulterebbe la singola data più significativa in termini di potenzialità, con una probabilità d’impatto di 1 su 2700 (o circa 0.037 per cento). «I dati di Osiris-Rex ci danno informazioni molto più precise, possiamo testare i limiti dei nostri modelli e calcolare la traiettoria futura di Bennu con un altissimo grado di certezza fino al 2135», commenta il primo autore dello studio Davide Farnocchia, del Center for Near Earth Object Studies (Cneos) della Nasa. «Non abbiamo mai modellato la traiettoria di un asteroide con questa precisione prima d’ora».
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Illustrazione dei “buchi della serratura gravitazionali” in cui potrebbe infilarsi Bennu nel 2135. Crediti: Nasa/Goddard Nel 2135 l’asteroide Bennu si avvicinerà molto alla Terra. Pur senza rappresentare alcun rischio in quel momento, per gli scienziati è fondamentale riuscire a capire il più accuratamente possibile in che modo la gravità terrestre altererà il percorso dell’asteroide intorno al Sole. In particolare, se il corpo spaziale percorrerà alcune traiettorie specifiche, passanti attraverso determinati punti chiamati “buchi della serratura gravitazionali” (gravitational keyhole), che lo metterebbero in rotta di collisione con Terra durante un’orbita futura. Per calcolare esattamente dove si troverà Bennu durante il suo passaggio ravvicinato del 2135 e se possa passare o meno attraverso un gravitational keyhole, Farnocchia e il suo team hanno valutato vari tipi di forze che, per quanto piccole, possono influenzare a lungo andare il percorso dell’asteroide mentre orbita attorno al Sole. Tra queste forze, il calore del Sole medesimo gioca un ruolo cruciale grazie a un fenomeno chiamato effetto Yarkovsky, che, con la rotazione del corpo fra “giorno” e “notte”, fa disperdere l’energia assorbita dal Sole nello spazio, generando una piccola quantità di spinta sull’asteroide. Con la prossima disponibilità di un campione della superficie di Bennu, si potranno determinare ancora più accuratamente le proprietà termiche dell’asteroide.
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Manovra di campionamento su Bennu eseguita da Osiris-Rex. Crediti: Nasa/Goddard/University of Arizona «L’effetto Yarkovsky agisce su asteroidi di tutte le dimensioni e, sebbene sia stato misurato per una piccola frazione della popolazione di asteroidi da lontano, Osiris-Rex ci ha dato la prima opportunità di misurarlo in dettaglio mentre Bennu viaggiava intorno al Sole», spiega Steve Chesley del Jpl Nasa, fra gli autori del nuovo studio. «L’effetto su Bennu è equivalente al peso di tre acini d’uva che agiscono costantemente sull’asteroide: minuscolo, sì, ma significativo quando si determinano le future possibilità di impatto di Bennu nei decenni e nei secoli a venire». Il gruppo di ricerca ha considerato anche molte altre forze perturbanti, tra cui la gravità del Sole, dei pianeti, delle loro lune e di oltre 300 altri asteroidi, la resistenza causata dalla polvere interplanetaria, la pressione del vento solare e gli eventi di espulsione di particelle da Bennu medesimo. I ricercatori hanno anche valutato la forza esercitata da Osiris-Rex durante l’esecuzione del suo evento di raccolta campioni Touch-And-Go del 20 ottobre 2020, per vedere se avesse potuto alterare leggermente l’orbita di Bennu. Sono state confermate le stime teoriche, secondo le quali il piccolo tocco del campionatore avrebbe avuto un effetto trascurabile. Per saperne di più: Leggi su Icarus l’articolo “Ephemeris and hazard assessment for near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx data”, di Davide Farnocchia, Steven R. Chesley, Yu Takahashi, Benjamin Rozitis, David Vokrouhlický, Brian P. Rush, Nickolaos Mastrodemos, Brian M.Kennedy, Ryan S. Park, Julie Bellerose, Daniel P. Lubey, Dianna Velez, Alex B. Davis, Joshua P. Emery, Jason M. Leonard, Jeroen Geeraert, Peter G. Antreasian e Dante S. Lauretta Guarda il servizio video di MediaInaf Tv: Read the full article
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wiseyuricafe · 6 years ago
[EXPRESSO] La Truffa Dei Logan (2017) | Kylo Driver
[EXPRESSO] La Truffa Dei Logan (2017) | Kylo Driver
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Sebbene non sia familiare come dovrei (tranquilli, mi pecio e mi piumo da me) con le opere di Steven Sodenberg, ho memorie piacevoli di Ocean’s Eleven, non che abbia bisogno di una scusa per vedere La Truffa Dei Logan, finalmente arrivato nei cinema italiani con quasi un’anno di ritardo dall’uscita statunitense della scorsa estate, dopo averne visto l’intrigante trailer.
Essenzialmente una…
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minijenn · 7 years ago
That actually helps a lot. In regards to outlining chapters, would it be possible to see an example? I think I remember you posting a partial outline for Scary-oke a few months back?
Yeah sure! I’ll give you an example of what my notes look like for Sock Opera, seeing as how my notes for that chapter were, in my opinion, very thorough and good (warning this is in a bunch of parts because my notes for that chapter were VERY long, hence why they’re under the cut). But let me just say that I structure my notes in OneNote, just like how you see them here more or less. It helps keep me fairly organized. But the big thing that I do is that I structure my notes by beats that I have to go through, and generally give myself a little wiggle room to work with when it comes to things I won’t come up with until I’m actually writing. Still, I hope this helps! ^_^
Characters: Dipper, Mabel, Steven, Connie, Bill Cipher, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Gabe, Candy, Grenda, Stan, Soos, Wendy, various GF and SU characters, Lapis (dream), Jasper (dream), Malachite (dream)Settings: Mystery Shack, temple, theatre, some others Episodes to look at: Sock OperaTone: BIG drama, action, angst, horror, family, hurt/comfort, foreshadowing, some humor (dark humor)
• Start the chapter off more or less the same as the episode, with the kids at the library; the laptop from the bunker has been fixed and Dipper is determined to uncover what secrets it might hold (Connie is pretty much just as resolved in this, Steven and Mabel a bit less so, though make it clear they still want to help)Side note: Make sure there’s a good bit of underlying tension between Dipper and Mabel throughout much of this chapter (and make it come to a head later on)• Extend this intro a bit, and drop the implication in here that Dipper’s intention in figuring the laptop out is twofold: to not only find more clues about the author, but also to look through his research in the hopes that he might be able to find something that can help free Lapis from Malachite (angst)• However, their attempts are quickly halted upon discovering that the laptop is protected by a password (maybe through some humor in here as the kids make initial guesses about what it might be)• Not too long into this, however, Mabel is distracted by a show being put on by a young puppeteer, Gabe; of course she instantly falls for him, so she asks Steven to be her wingman as she goes over to talk to him• Make this part appropriately funny, though it eventually leads into Mabel panicking and telling Gabe that she’s going to put on a puppet show at the end of the week (make sure to give Steven dialogue in this)• Cut back to Dipper and Connie as they’re trying to crack the laptop, only for Mabel and Steven to return and beg for their help in putting the show together; Connie mostly agrees (she doesn’t think its going to be that big of an undertaking) and while he’s much more begrudging about it (since he believes time is of the essence for helping Lapis) Dipper agrees as well• Cut after some more interactions as the kids leave, though imply that an ominous, familiar shadow is lurking right behind them… (but don’t imply too much)• Cut to the temple as the kids rush in, with Steven and Mabel on the hunt for supplies that can be used during the show; the Gems are naturally confused by their excited panic, so they explain about the puppet show, which only ends up bewildering them even more (humor)• Also include a bit in here where Dipper asks the Gems if they might know what the password is (given their apparent connection to the author), but of course they don’t have a clue; in this, maybe show that they’re supportive of Dipper taking this mission on (they want to know who the author is too, of course), which will ultimately set up for irony later on (while also bolstering Dipper’s resolve to figure it out)• From here, go into something of a descriptive montage as the kids work on the puppet show (with help from Soos and Wendy; in here also mention how Dipper and Connie are still hard at work on the laptop, though Dipper more so• Generally in this part bring up several things, including Dipper’s near obsessive drive to unlock the laptop and his reasoning for doing so (mainly to help Lapis (maybe include some retrospective bits in here, including the pictures (for later on))) and how that drive is depriving him of sleep because he refuses to rest until he’s solved it (also highlight his frustration at being unable to do so thus far) (basically just set up the reasoning behind why he would make the deal with Bill in the first place) (make this angsty)• End this bit off the night before the show, with Mabel being content in how things are coming along for it (she’s on the phone with Steven discussing it); meanwhile Dipper and Connie are also on the phone, discussing their bafflement at how difficult figuring the password is going• After a bit of this, the twins both end their calls and so have some somewhat fun dialogue in here, but again, use this as a chance to foreshadow the conflict between them later on in the chapter• Still frustrated, Dipper goes up onto the roof to keep working with the laptop (maybe include a brief callback to Dipper and Lapis in here, (pictures!) for angst); have his irritation continue to grow until of course, the scene leads into Bill’s appearance (be descriptive with this)• Extend this scene quite a bit and keep all of Bill’s usual humorously twisted beats (maybe add a few) as he offers to give Dipper some help with the laptop in exchange for a “favor”; in this, have Dipper adamantly refuse (recalling Dreamscaperers), claiming that he doesn’t need Bill’s help• Of course, Bill counters this by claiming that the Gems are pretty much useless in helping him with this (again implications), as is pretty much everyone else; have him also be a bit manipulative in here by bringing up Dipper’s resolve to help save Lapis• Though briefly conflicted by that, Dipper still refuses, though Bill tells him the offer will still be on the table (make this ominous, maybe foreshadow more) before making his abrupt exit• Give Dipper a little introspection here before cutting, show that he’s still resolved to do this without Bill’s help, knowing that making a deal with him couldn’t possibly end well at all (though imply that he’s still a little conflicted about actually being able to do it on his own)• Have some humor the next day between Stan and Mabel for a bit as Steven and Connie show up; after a little of this, Dipper pulls them aside and tells them about his confrontation with Bill the previous night, so give the others appropriate interactions to thisSide note: Be sure to show that Dipper is sleep deprived in here, don’t just say it• Still, Mabel assures Dipper that she’ll be able to help him with the laptop after handing her materials off to Candy and Grenda; in the midst of this, however, Gabe shows up, so have a bit of humor as Mabel realizes she’ll have to up her game in order to impress him• Bring the underlying tension between the twins to a head here as Dipper angrily protests Mabel putting him off again; this of course, leads to an argument between the two (give Steven, Connie, Candy, and Grenda somewhat humorous reactions to this)• Make sure both of the twins abnegate their goals in here (with Dipper claiming that Mabel will quickly get over Gabe anyway, while Mabel calls Dipper’s ongoing obsession out); either way, make sure both of them are equally in the wrong against each other here• Still, have Mabel go a little further by claiming that Dipper should slow his search down because Lapis can wait (and have her regret saying that instantly); also, make Dipper’s reaction to this shocked and tranquilly outraged• As Steven finally intervenes in the argument, Dipper bitterly storms off to figure the password out on his own, leaving Mabel feeling pretty guilty about what she said (though not guilty enough to call the show off); still, before cutting, have some dialogue between her and Steven, where she asks him to go talk to Dipper in her stead• Cut to the attic, and have some introspection in here as Dipper’s not just frustrated with the laptop anymore, but also with Mabel; include a bit in here where he notices one of his pictures with Lapis and his resolve starts to crumble as he fears he’ll never be able to help her (PICTURES HERE)• In the midst of this, Dipper’s lack of sleep finally catches up with him and he gradually nods off, leading into a dream where he sees Lapis again, though keep their interaction very brief before she disappears and Jasper shows up in her place• In this, Jasper both mocks and threatens Dipper, telling him to give up on trying to save Lapis because he’d never be able to do so anyway (make this REALLY dramatic and dark); the dream of course ends on Malachite showing up (again, make this dramatic, kind of a parallel to Chille Tid later on)Side Note: Imply Bill induced this nightmare as an attempt to further manipulate Dipper into making a deal with him (don’t outright state this)• As Dipper wakes up in an abrupt panic, he’s of course met with none other than Bill, who makes a few snide remarks before casually informing him that the laptop’s about to erase all its data from too many failed entries (make this part a little different from the episode)• This is enough to convince Dipper to hear Bill out; the demon claims that all he needs is a puppet, and implies that he’s just going to use one of Mabel’s; of course, Dipper is hesitant to relinquish one, since Mabel worked so hard on them• Before Bill can counter this, however, he’s interrupted by Steven knocking on the attic door, having come to talk to Dipper as he promised Mabel; Bill lowkey panics at this but he’s quick to regain Dipper’s attention by reminding him about the laptop counting down, forcing him to put Steven on hold• Build tension in this part as Bill continues his appeal, reminding Dipper not only of how Mabel failed to help him, but of the fact that Lapis is still trapped at the bottom of the lake, essentially because of him• Remember to include Steven outside the door, continually worried over Dipper not responding (imply that he can he can kind of hear Bill talking to him, but he can’t really tell who it is, implying that Steven sort of defies the mindscape)• And so, as the laptop counts down its final seconds, on a burst of mere impulse and desperation alone, Dipper agrees to Bill’s demands (make this MOMENTOUS, as this moment alone changes a TON in UF as a whole)• Keep this tension high as Bill suddenly turns the tables, and be VERY descriptive and dark as he rips Dipper’s consciousness out of his body and possesses it in his place (again, draw this out, make it very dramatic)• As this is happening, Steven breaks into the room just in time to witness Bill possess Dipper, so of course show his shocked, horrified reaction to this (include Dipper’s as well); also remember that Steven can’t see/hear Dipper in his incorporeal form• Of course, Bill only welcomes Steven’s intrusion as he smashes the laptop right in front of both of the boys, while also tearing up the pictures of Dipper and Lapis, just as an added measure of sadism (make this hit Dipper hard)Side note: Make sure to have Bill’s dialogue switch to normal text and Dipper’s to italics post-possession and for the duration• Have some dark humor in here as  Bill experimentally messes around with Dipper’s body, intentionally injuring it (more so than the show, again, make it darker) just for fun and to also psyche Steven out; however, when Steven tries to heal these self-inflicted wounds, his powers do nothing, much to his confusion and Bill’s sadistic delight Side Note: Make sure that Bill addresses both Steven and Dipper (and yes, make sure to have Steven be confused by this) in a lot of theses scenes• Needless to say that Steven’s still in a panic in all this, since he really doesn’t know what’s going on, but he resolves to tell the Gems so they can stop Bill and save Dipper; of course Bill casually blackmails him, saying that if he does that, he’ll destroy (kill) Dipper’s body, so that of course forces Steven to remain silent about it (even if Dipper tries to tell him not to, but of course, Steven can’t hear him)Side note: Also imply (from the journal) that Dipper (or at least his body) might be dead while Bill is possessing him (again imply, don’t state) (possibly do this through Steven being unable to heal the injuries Bill inflicts)• Keep both the suspense and humor going as Bill inquires about the journal, claiming that his intention is to destroy it to keep the kids from getting answers (that might stop his plans, but only imply this); of course both boys refuse to divulge where it is, only for Connie and Mabel to innocently pop in (hint that she still feels bad about earlier but she’s had time to get over it) and Mabel says that she’s going to use it in her show• Extend this scene as Steven attempts to warn Mabel about Bill, only for Bill to remind him of his ultimate; still, even though Steven remains silent, Bill ends up inflicting a pretty sizable cut on Dipper’s shoulder all the same, much to Steven’s (and Dipper’s distress)Side note: Be sure to have Connie in specifics notice how strange both Steven and “Dipper” act in this brief scene, though it goes over Mabel’s head• As everyone heads off to see the show, Bill takes the time to mock and gloat at Dipper specifically, claiming that he won’t be able to stop him because he effectively doesn’t exist anymore, cap this part off with some pretty heavy introspection for Dipper, show the severity of his situation here and his desperation to fix it• At the theatre, a huge audience has shown up to see the show; give some interactions between Mabel, Stan, and the Gems in here (have some humor with the Gem’s confusion as to what this show is)• Also include some interactions between Bill and Soos, Wendy, and the Gems (the Gems in particular, use this to imply/foreshadow a bit, but not too much); have the Gems (especially Garnet) pick up that something seems off with “Dipper”, but none of them can really pinpoint what (though it does seem somewhat familiar to them)• Bill’s plans are aided along when Mabel recruits him to be the reverend in her play, which will get him even closer to the journal; Steven fearfully attempts to protest this, but once again, he’s forced to say nothing (much to Connie’s continued suspicion)• From there, the show starts, to have it be appropriately humorous (include cuts to the audience reactions, including Stan and the Gems being somewhat weirded out by it); but for the most part, keep this relatively close to the episode and keep it short• Amidst all this, Dipper’s still trying in vain to get the attention of anyone who could possibly help him, but as Bill told him, he can’t interact with the physical plane without a vessel, which gives him the idea to use one of Mabel’s puppetsSide note: Make the implication throughout the chapter be that no one can notice stuff like the eyes or Bill’s voice coming out of Dipper until they are aware that he’s possessing him (Steven can though cause he knows about it from basically the beginning) • As the play reaches its intermission, include a scene in here of Bill confronting Steven, reminding him of just what will happen if he doesn’t keep up their “bargain” (imply that Bill kind of does want Steven to break it, but only after he’s destroyed the journal and won and its too late to do anything to stop him anyway)• Amidst this however, Connie comes in and acts just as smooth in her suspicion as Bill does in his “innocence”; have a bit of snappy dialogue in here (while Steven’s lowkey panicking all the while), and have Connie come very close to breaking Bill’s ruse, only for Mabel to call Steven and Connie into the nearby dressing room for their help• Of course, Mabel hardly notices the ongoing tension as she shows her excitement for how well the show is going so far; amidst this, Gabe pops in and compliments her while also putting the pressure on for the rest of the show to be just as good• After she leaves, Connie mentions that she thinks something’s up with Dipper, only for Steven to adamantly refute that (out of obvious fear); however, right before the girls can break him down into telling them about what’s really going on, they’re interrupted by Dipper (the real one), who’s using one of Mabel’s puppets to communicate with them• While the girls are aptly confused, Steven’s overwhelmed with relief that Dipper’s still technically ok and finally, the boys tell the girls about what happened with Bill, shocking them both; Connie’s resolved to do what she can to help, but Mabel’s hesitant, not wanting to ruin the rest of her show• The others scold her for this, however, which gets her to compromise and agree to secure the journal along with Steven and Connie while Dipper finishes off the show for her• So the kids split up, with Mabel, Steven, and Connie heading to grab the book from the stage catwalk; however, before they can get it, Bill confronts them (make this really dramatic and intense); give him dialogue with each of the kids, chastising Steven for breaking their deal, “praising” Connie for nearly figuring things out on her own, and threatening Mabel with ruining the show if she doesn’t hand the journal over to him• Give Mabel some conflict here (even as Steven and Connie are arguing with her to keep the journal away from Bill) as she doesn’t want all of her hard work to be for nothing; however, at the same time, she knows that she can’t let Dipper down like this, especially considering all he’s done for her in the past and since the consequences of doing so could be very severe• Still, it seems as though Bill manages to convince her before, suddenly, she turns the tables on him, pulling him down with the journal; make this a bit different than the episode, as instead of falling to the stage, Bill catches the journal while Steven catches both the catwalk railing and the girls• For a moment, Bill gloats his apparent victory over the kids, only for Mabel to cut it short by throwing one of her spare puppets up at him, knocking the journal out of his grasp; of course he thoughtlessly dives after it, but not before knocking the kids off the catwalk• Make this fall intense as Steven barely manages to catch them all (including Bill) in a bubble that cushions the fall a bit as they land on stage, crashing right through the play, much to the shock of the audience (have the Gems hint at intervening, though none of them are sure what’s even going on, much less how to stop it)Side note: Imply during this part that Dipper’s ribs get broken from the fall, something that’ll come into play in the next chapter• Chaos unfolds as the kids all fight against Bill for the journal, and extend this part a bit from the episode, as they all essentially play keep away with it, much to Bill’s growing frustration (make this somewhat funny, but also climactic)• Bill almost manages to overpower Mabel and get the journal back, only for her to utilize Dipper’s weaknesses against him, such as his ticklishness and his exhaustion, have Steven and Connie join in on this and add an element of fun to it• After a while of this, the kids finally manage to wear Bill out entirely, which in turn finally forces him out of Dipper’s body, allowing Dipper to rightfully reclaim it (be descriptive in this)• Of course, while the kids are all exceedingly relieved and overjoyed by this, their levity doesn’t last long as Bill leaves them all with one final, ominous warning (one that divulges a bit more than the episode does, specifically about the SU side of things)Side note: Possibly foreshadow to chapters such as Pyrite, Rifts/Memories/Dimensions, ect in here• This is cut short, however, as the kids light the show’s pyrotechnics, effectively destroying all the puppets (make this both dramatic and hilarious, show audience reactions to this)• Of course, the audience is anything but pleased with how the show ended up being a bust and they all storm out; Gabe breaks things off with Mabel (make this kind of funny), leaving just the kids, Stan, Soos, Wendy, and the Gems behind• After this, have Mabel apologize to Dipper for her selfishness, though Dipper apologizes for his obsessiveness too; give a few good feelings in here, and incorporate Stan and the Gems as they wonder what just happened; of course, considering what did just happen, none of the kids really no how to explain, so they lowkey unanimously decide not to • However, not too much longer after this, Dipper’s various injuries (specifically his shoulder cut and broken ribs, among others) finally catch up to him and he ends up passing out from them before they can even leave the theatre (much to everyone’s surprise as they realize this was more serious than they thought)• Give Mabel plenty of guilty introspection during the rushed trip home to get Dipper patched up, especially as she finds a note that Bill wrote while he was still in Dipper’s body on the floor of the car (don’t show what it says yet)• Steven lamenting that he tried his best to keep Bill from hurting Dipper, only for him to fail completely (the girls try to reassure him, but it doesn’t really work)• After a while of this, Dipper finally wakes up, in a lot of pain and still rather exhausted (give him some introspection); Steven hesitantly offers to try and heal his wounds again, but Dipper quickly turns him down (he claims that he’s not sure if it would work, but its mostly because he thinks he put Steven through enough during what happened with Bill)• As everyone voices their concern for him, Dipper staunchly assures them that he’s fine, hugely underplaying his injuries, both inside and out; still, show that he’s mentally shaken from it all, beginning signs of PTSD, trauma, ect, but he forces himself to suppress all that as he goes upstairs to rest• Cut back to Dipper (give him pretty much continual introspection by this point) as he goes upstairs and stumbles across both the broken laptop and the torn picture, which he desperately tries to piece back together as he realizes that he lost what was likely his only chance at helping Lapis while also partially losing a bit of himself (metaphorically) in the process, and all because of him making a choice that nearly cost him so much more • End the chapter on a very sad, angsty note, with Dipper finally breaking down over both what happened to Lapis, but mostly over what just happened to him (imply that he’s deeply traumatized by what just happened, and that that trauma likely won’t go away any time soon)Side note: End on the imagery of the light from the triangular window falling upon Dipper (ominous, angsty foreshadowing)
Cryptogram (keyword: SOCK):He claims to see all with his ancient eyeHe works in flattery, deception, and liesDon’t take his deals or play his gamesOr all you know could go up in flames
Part 2 (keyword: PUPPETS)A pine tree has burnedA shooting star’s fallingA sword swinger’s been spurnedA rosebud’s remorsefully calling
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josephinelynncooper · 5 years ago
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- 𝙄𝙖𝙣 & 𝙅𝙤𝙚𝙮 - 𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙚'𝙨 𝘼𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 - 
 «Ha intenzione di arrestarci?»
Esordisce Josephine attirando l’attenzione del ragazzo, che ha salutato soltanto da qualche minuto il suo amico poliziotto.
«Steven è un amico, ci coprirà le spalle.»
«Dobbiamo soltanto sistemare quella porta prima che i vicini comincino a fare domande.»
«Come è possibile che nessuno abbia sentito niente?»
«Oh, ci hanno sentito eccome!.»
 La Cooper lo ascolta confusa, in attesa di una spiegazione plausibile da parte del ragazzo.
 «Steven è un vampiro. Ha interrogato tutti i vicini che avevano sentito dei “rumori sospetti” e se ne è occupato lui.»
«Se ne è occupato? Che intendi dire?»
«Compulsione mentale.»
 Si limita a rispondere Josephine mentre cerca lentamente di ricomporre tutti i pezzi. 
 «È un ex-nephilim. Ha fatto l’addestramento con me, anni fa. È un ragazzo affidabile, possiamo stare tranquilli.»
«Oh… E come―?»
«Due anni fa, un succhia sangue lo ha aggredito e sua moglie lo ha convinto a completare la transizione. Se la cava piuttosto bene, devo ammettere.»
 La Cooper annuisce, mantenendo comunque una certa distanza emotiva dal ragazzo. Non dimentica la litigata di qualche ora prima e nemmeno le dure parole con cui si è rivolto a lei quando è tornata indietro salvandogli letteralmente la vita.
Non è più arrabbiata con lui, ma non per questo sarà la prima a fare un passo avanti tra i due.
Ian, fino a quel momento freddo e distaccato, si concede finalmente di rivolgere uno sguardo all'amica. La maglietta imbrattata di sangue e i segni rossi sul collo attirano quasi immediatamente la sua attenzione, tanto è che il primo impulso del ragazzo è quello avvicinarsi alla Cooper, scostarle una ciocca di capelli dietro all'orecchio e accarezzarle delicatamente la pelle in corrispondenza dell’arrossamento.
 «Ti fa tanto male?»
 Un brivido percorre la schiena di Joey, che in seguito al tocco scrolla le spalle e scuote la testa, tentando di mascherare una smorfia di dolore.
 «Macché. Ci vuole ben altro per zittire una Cooper!»
 Ironizza Joey indicando le sue corde vocali, che in realtà sente affaticarsi ogni volta che apre bocca. Ian sorride alla sua battuta, ma la sua espressione è ancora piuttosto spenta e malinconica.
 «Tessie è ancora a lavoro?»
 Domanda la mora interrompendo quegli interminabili secondi di silenzio.
 «Le ho spiegato la situazione per telefono, l’ho convinta ad aspettarmi a casa. Di certo non le permetterò di trascorrere la notte nella casa degli orrori...»
Josephine si limita ad annuire, non riuscendo a trovare una seconda domanda in grado di far ingranare la conversazione. I due rimangono in silenzio per diversi secondi, entrambi intenzionati ad avere quel tanto atteso confronto, ma incapaci di raccogliere il coraggio e farsi avanti per primi. 
 «Senti, Jo, io―»
«Ian, mi dispiace così―»
Esordiscono all'unisono Ian e Joey, finendo per interrompersi a vicenda.
«Comincio io...»
 Suggerisce Ian, ricevendo come risposta un cenno di approvazione da parte di Joey.
 «Avevi ragione. Avrei dovuto fidarmi del tuo sesto senso, sarei dovuto venire da te non appena mi hai mandato quel messaggio. Ho sottovalutato il problema e Dio solo sa che cosa sarebbe successo se non fosse stato Edward l’oscuro nel tuo giardino.»
«No, ma che dici?»
Lo interrompe Josephine scuotendo la testa.
 «L’ho detto soltanto per ferirti, non lo pensavo davvero. È vero, sono una persona paranoica e melodrammatica per definizione. Per non parlare del fatto che ti avevo promesso che ti avrei chiamato e poi ho fatto di testa mia. Sono stata imprudente, lo so, ma non sono pentita di averlo fatto.»
«Lo so, e non dovresti. È solo che non ho fatto che pensare a cosa sarebbe potuto accadere e non ci ho visto più...»
 Ammette Ian abbassando lo sguardo e scuotendo la testa.
«Anche se fosse successo qualcosa di brutto, non sarebbe di certo stata colpa tua!»
Ci tiene a precisare Josephine, per poi poggiare delicatamente una mano sulla spalla del ragazzo.
«Al diavolo i sensi di colpa, Jo, ci sono almeno altre mille ragioni per cui non avrei potuto sopportarlo!»
 Ian sta ancora cercando di far sbollire la rabbia, ma Josephine non riesce a fare a meno di sorridere in seguito a quella sua affermazione. Il nephilim alza finalmente lo sguardo, incrociando quello di lei per una buona manciata di secondi. Tiene molto e lei e questo è il suo burbero modo di dimostrarlo. 
 «Che hai da ridere?»
Domanda interrompendo bruscamente quel tenero momento.  
 Esclama la Cooper portando entrambe le mani avanti, tentando di nascondere la sua espressione divertita.
«Bene. Ed ora… Non ti aspettare che ti ringrazi per quel fantastico salvataggio. Voglio dire, è stato un colpo quasi perfetto, sono colpito. Ma avevi promesso che non ti saresti atteggiata alla “Buffy L’Ammazza Vampiri” e pensa un po’? Hai infranto senza ombra di dubbio anche quella promessa. Potevano ferirti, o peggio. Ti avevo dato un compito preciso e tu invece��»
«Non c’è di che, Ian.»
 Esclama ironica la Cooper tirando un colpetto sulla spalla di Ian, facendo innervosire il ragazzo ancora di più.
 «Non ti ho ringraziato.»
«Oh, sì che l’hai fatto.»
«No invece.»
«Hai detto che sono stata brava. E lo hai definito un “fantastico salvataggio”.»
«Sì, ma non è questo il punto.»
«Okay, allora grazie a te per i tuoi “non ringraziamenti”!»
 Precisa Josephine, strappando il primo sorriso sincero della giornata al ragazzo. Subito dopo l’espressione di Ian si fa più seria, facendo di conseguenza mutare anche quella di Joey.
  «Come è stato?»
«Di che parli?»
«Premere il grilletto, fare fuori quel figlio di puttana. Insomma, stai bene?»
«Sì, credo di sì.»
«Sei sicura? Un evento simile traumatizza a vita la maggior parte delle persone... Insomma, che cosa hai provato? Devi renderti conto che non avevi altra scelta e che―»
«È stato eccitante.»
 Josephine lo dice e basta, pentendosene subito dopo. Il fatto che non si sia pentita di aver premuto il grilletto la rende di conseguenza un assassina? Probabilmente no, ma forse è il fatto che le sia quasi piaciuto ad attanagliarla di sensi di colpa.
Ian la guarda sorpreso, e Josephine si sente morire dall'imbarazzo.
 «È una cosa preoccupante?»
«Ehm, no. Credo di no, l’importante è che non ti trasformi in Hannibal Lecter e ci fai fuori tutti.»
 Josephine strabuzza gli occhi, per poi tirare un pugno sulla spalla dell’amico. 
«Non lo nominare nemmeno, è quello il film horror che ho trovato ieri sera in TV! È raccapricciante,»
 Esclama fingendo di rabbrividire solo al pensiero, provocando l’ennesima risata di Ian.
 «Sai, prenderei più sul serio la tua fobia per i film dell’orrore se solo non avessi sangue umano misto a sangue di volpe e budella di wendigo spalmati sulla maglietta. Direi che forse è il caso di farsi una bella doccia, che dici?»
 Esclama il ragazzo ironico, mentre si dirige con l’amica fino ai resti dell'appartamento di Tessie. 
 «Sai com'è, sono stata impegnata a pulire budella di wendigo e cenere di vampiro dal tappeto di Tessie fino a poco fa.»
«Pensa un po’, io me ne stavo qua sotto a conversare amichevolmente con un vampiro che avrebbe potuto squarciarmi la giugulare, se solo avessi detto qualcosa di sbagliato.»
 Quell'ultima battuta del cacciatore riesce a strappare una fragorosa risata alla Cooper, che proprio non riesce a trattenersi.
«Per non parlare dell’oscuro che hai appena ucciso che io e Steven abbiamo, giusto una mezz'oretta fa, scaricato nell'inceneritore.»
«Wow...Certo che nell'ultimo anno la mia vita è diventata così strana!»
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carocinematv · 8 years ago
Cari La Bella e la Bestia / Be our guest!
tante cose si possono dire e tante altre assolutamente no, ma di certo il fatto che la storia sia stata strutturata ha creato non poca confusione tra i non-addetti-ai-lavori, quindi mi urge chiarire: tranquilla gente! è la stessa storia del cartone animato del ‘91! 
Il Live Action non è altro che l'animazione che lascia il posto ad attori in carne ed ossa, con una grossa mano da parte della CGI che c’ha messo lo zampino rendendo tutto realizzabile. Non credevo che riuscissero a riportare nuovamente la magia tipica di alcune scene, l’animazione degli oggetti che celano l’animo e l’atteggiamento umano ed in cui la performance attoriale non lascia dubbi! Il cast stellare fa il suo “sporco” lavoro, ma nulla è equiparabile al costume ed alle scenografie. Il cast corale è meraviglioso, i più visti ed i meno visti, tutti si sono completamente calati nella parte ed hanno dato il meglio, a me sono piaciuti, in qualche modo sono riuscita a riconoscere i personaggi dell’animazione che ho amato e quindi non ho assolutamente nulla da togliere alla Watson, Stevens, Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad, McGregor, Stanley Tucci, McKellen e la dolcissima Emma Thompson, tutti degni di essere nominati ed ammirati. Eppure se c’è una cosa che proprio mi saltava all’occhio al punto da distrarmi dalla trama era la cura ed i tanti dettagli degli abiti, quelli maschili in particolar modo! La contestualizzazione barocca è ineccepibile, la meraviglia dei drappeggi e l'eleganza soprattutto nei decoratissimi abiti di cerimonia della scena simbolo della fiaba, quando la Bella e la Bestia danzano nella sala da ballo da soli, sulle note di una melodiosa “È una storia sai… vera più che mai!”. 
Eppure per quanto la scenografia sia stata bella e calzante, bisogna proprio dirlo che non c’entra niente con il castello a cui ci eravamo abituati con l’animazione Disney. Vogliamo parlare della libreria del villaggio? Ok, magari non era realistico farne una come quella del cartone, ma neppure considerare “libreria” un insieme di dieci libri e non di più! Per fortuna almeno hanno fatto un sorpassone con la biblioteca della Bestia; sì gente, esiste! Esiste sul serio ed io rientro nella categoria di giovani romantiche che vorrebbero trascorrere le giornate lì dentro, assieme a qualcuno con cui condividere le avventure narrative.
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Con assoluta certezza posso confermare che questa produzione sia stata nettamente più bella e riuscita di Cenerentola, che a mio parere ha fatto un po’ acqua da tutte le parti, così come  Into the Woods con cui, mi viene sinceramente da pensare che la Disney abbia voluto testare il format -- chissà! Intanto prende e porta a casa un Live Action soddisfacente, bello da guardare e da vivere, una realizzazione di grande effetto la cui unica lacuna - almeno in Italia - può esser dovuta alla traduzione totale del lungometraggio, canzoni incluse YEP! I testi sono stati adattati al labiale ed alle esigenze narrative, ragion per cui è naturale che lo spontaneo canticchiare della sala sia stato interrotto più volte da quelle parole o strofe interamente modificate, provocando un risentimento naturale da parte dello spettatore. Chi come me è cresciuto guardando il cartone animato e conosce a memoria le canzoni, certamente capirà cosa intendo.
Il mio desiderio rivederlo in versione originale magari sarà “tutto mio”, ad altri basterà averlo visto e sono convinta che per i bambini ascoltare le canzoni in italiano sia stata certamente la scelta migliore. A chi invece non è ancora corso al cinema, mi sento in dovere di consigliarlo. Cara Belle e Cara Bestia, state tranquilli perché il record d’incasso USA appena raggiunto, mi auguro sia solo l’inizio e se qualcuno mi chiedesse se vale la pena spendere le due ore di film per essere vostri ospiti, non ho dubbi su cosa rispondere.
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weirdesplinder · 8 years ago
La regina dei cimiteri: Amanda Stevens
Continuo a presentarvi i libri urban fantasy disponibili in italiano che sono lì solo ad aspettare di essere acquistati da voi, amanti di un genere sempre più raro da trovare nelle librerie del nostro Bel Paese.
Noterete che ho iniziato questa lunga carrellata di post con molti titoli della collana Bluenocturne di HarperCollins. Non è un caso.
Visto che chiuderà a maggio sto cercando di mostravi tutto ciò che proponeva nella speranza di un aumento delle vendite dei libri che ne fanno parte...e di un ripensamento da parte della casa editrice.
Troppo speranzosa eh?
So che la pubblicità che il mio piccolo blog gli può fare non basterà, ma io ci provo e nel frattempo vi do anche la possibilità di scoprire titoli che magari vi erano sfuggiti.
Oggi vi parlo di una serie che merita veramente di essere letta, la serie Graveyard queen di Amanda Stevens. La serie ad oggi conta 5 libri, più un sesto che verrà pubblicato in America nel 2017. In italia sono stati pubblicati ad oggi i primi 4....e se chiuderà la collana non so cosa accadrà al quinto e al sesto...ma visto che tutti i libri sono già stati ripubblicati in ebook da HarpercollinsItalia nella collana Elit, potrebbe continuare lì ad essere pubblicata qui da noi.
Credo che venda. Perché credo che valga.
E' scritta molto bene, e seppur contiene l'elemento paranormal per eccezione, cioè una protagonista che vede i fantasmi (ricorderete serie tv culto come Medium e Ghostwhisperer), è più thriller gialla di molti altri urban fantasy, con atmosfere gotiche e quasi horror a tratti, ma horror di classe, che sa dare i brividi senza bisogno di mostri.
E' una serie intelligenti, con trame ben studiate, scritta bene, che appassiona e piacerà credo soprattutto agli amanti dei gialli. Anche se contiene anche venature di rosa, tranquilli.
Ecco i libri che la compongono:
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0,5: The Abandoned, La signora dei cimiteri
Autore:  Amanda Stevens
Editore: HarperCollinsItalia Racconto lungo, prequel alla serie
Trama: Ci sono delle regole da rispettare, quando si ha a che fare con i fantasmi. Ma Ree Hutchins, studentessa in psicologia e volontaria in una clinica psichiatrica, non le conosce. Quando la sua paziente preferita muore, non riesce a scrollarsi di dosso l'inquietante sensazione che stia accadendo qualcosa di soprannaturale. E ancor più terrificante è l'impressione che qualcosa di malvagio la stia spiando. Hayden Priest, giovane appassionato di fenomeni paranormali, è convinto che lei sia perseguitata da un fantasma, e persino Amelia Gray, la Signora dei Cimiteri, avverte che l'oscurità si sta addensando. Guidata da una forza che non sa spiegarsi, Ree ha scoperto un orribile segreto. E a quel punto, se vuole salvarsi, deve trovare il modo di dare pace alle anime abbandonate che cercano di oltrepassare il velo tra l'altro mondo e questo...
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1, The Restorer, La signora dei cimiteri
Autore:  Amanda Stevens
Editore: HarperCollinsItalia
Trama: Sono Amelia Gray e restauro cimiteri. Sono condannata a poter vedere i morti, ed è un'esperienza angosciante. Hanno fame di vita. Per questo non li posso guardare, non devo far loro capire che li vedo, o sono perduta. Ultimamente però tutto è diverso. È accaduto qualcosa nel cimitero di Oak Grove, dove sto lavorando, qualcosa che va oltre la semplice violenza, che coinvolge i vivi e i dannati. Ho paura, perché il senso di tutto ciò mi sfugge. Sono sempre più confusa, sopraffatta dalle circostanze e da un mistero che, invece di sciogliersi, pare diventare più fitto e più oscuro. Spero di trovare delle risposte, prima che tutto ciò possa uccidermi.
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2. The Kingdom, La signora dei cimiteri
Autore:  Amanda Stevens
Editore: HarperCollinsItalia Trama: Sono Amelia Gray e mi chiamano la Signora dei Cimiteri. Ho ricevuto l'incarico di restaurare un vecchio camposanto nella cittadina di Asher Falls, South Carolina, raggiungibile solo in barca. Ma credo che in realtà ci sia un'altra ragione se sono stata chiamata qui. Sento una sorta di legame che non riesco a spiegarmi e a comprendere. Perché c'è un cimitero in fondo al lago? Perché vengo attirata di continuo verso una tomba nascosta che ho scoperto nel bosco? C'è qualcosa in questa città che la fa avvizzire. Si respira un'atmosfera di morte e il male è in mezzo a noi. Forse tutto cambierà se riuscir�� a scoprire la verità nascosta dal velo che separa i vivi dai morti.
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3. The Prophet, La Signora dei Cimiteri
Autore:  Amanda Stevens
Editore: HarperCollinsItalia Trama: Sono Amelia Gray, la Signora dei Cimiteri, e vedo i fantasmi. Mio padre mi ha insegnato quattro regole per tenermi al sicuro da loro, e io le ho infrante tutte. Ora una porta si è aperta, e il male mi reclama per sé. Vorrei tornare alla mia vita di sempre, a quelle regole che mi garantivano la salvezza, ma il fantasma di un poliziotto assassinato non mi dà tregua. So che non troverò pace finché non avrò scoperto il suo assassino. Tutti gli indizi conducono nei quartieri più oscuri di Charleston, e a John Devlin, il detective perseguitato dai fantasmi che dovrei amare solo da lontano. E adesso dovrò scegliere se seguire le regole... oppure il mio cuore.
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4. The Visitor, la signora dei cimiteri
Autore:  Amanda Stevens
Editore: HarperCollinsItalia
Trama: Sono Amelia Gray, la Signora dei Cimiteri. La mia professione è recuperare cimiteri abbandonati, ma comincio a credere che il mio vero talento sia svelare i segreti lasciati dietro di sé dalle anime dei defunti. Qualcosa mi ha attirato in questo piccolo e cadente camposanto, dove sono stati sepolti i membri di una setta e il suo controverso e carismatico leader, Ezra Kroll, tutti morti sucidi più di cinquant'anni fa. Secondo una leggenda locale, questo luogo nasconde un enigma, la cui chiave si cela nelle intricate iscrizioni delle lapidi. Ma ogni passo verso la soluzione, aumenta il rischio per me e per John, l'uomo che amo, perché c'è qualcuno disposto a tutto pur di evitare che il mistero legato a quegli spiriti tormentati venga risolto.
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5. The Sinner
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Sono arrivata a al cimitero di Seven Gates Cemetery col cuore spezzato, ma questo non è certo il luogo per ritrovare la pace, né per me, né per i morti. Quando il corpo di una giovane donna viene ritrovato in una gabbia all'interno di una tomba, solo io posso scoprire il suo assassino. Vorrei potermi fidare del detective assegnato al caso, perché anche lui può vedere i fantasmi, proprio come me....ma come posso se non mi fido neppure di me stessa?
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6. The Awakening
Inedito in italiano
Trama: un anonimo donatore mi ha ingaggiato per restaurare il cimitero di Woodbine, un luogo dove i ricchi e potenti seppelliscono i loro segreti. Quaranta anni fa una bambina è scomparsa in questo luogo, e ora il suo fantasma vuole che io sveli la verità riguardo la sua morte. So che è stata assassinata ma scoprire il colpevole non è semplice. Nell'indagine posso contare sull'aiuto di John Devlin, ma quando gli indizi mi conducono alle porta della casa della sua potente famiglia, capisco che forse sta per diventare il mio nemico numero uno.
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forbidden-creepypasta · 5 years ago
A Dream Come True
Imagine the multiverse: Atoms converging into patterns infinite. Most universes listening to physics, placing only that which should exist into reality, but there are others in which the impossible happens simply because there's no reason it is not. All the darkest horrors of the grimmest imaginations, made real with naught more than a vast cosmic whim. It is a night--like any other--and the Stevens are a family--like any other. Sleeping in a house--like any other. A house containing young boy's room--like any other. Little Howie Stevens was always an imaginative young boy. His room reflects such. Small, glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the ceiling offers dismal green light to a room otherwise blanketed in black. By this light, one might see the blue walls with thin, vertical white stripes. Simple white carpet, supports a dresser of neatly organized clothes as well as chest of toys ordered with far less finesse. The half-open closet, the lamp slumbering on the dresser, and the door shut firmly. This view in all its under-spoken peace would be decidedly picturesque but for the one small discrepancy: Howie is not sleeping tranquilly in his bed. No, he is quite awake and with no intention of rectifying this. He is afraid, you see. He is afraid, because Little Howie Stevens--in pajamas broadcasting his interest in small insects--sees monsters in the night. Not ones in the closet or under his bed. (At seven, he is too old for such childish fears.) He sees them on the very floor before him, fading silently into existence, confused and purposeless before blinking away to nothingness once more. They don't notice Howie and for weeks he was not sure they were appearing at all. A trick of the light or a dream creeping into conscious thought, haunting his waking hours too. But each time, they've stayed for longer. Not much. So incremental were the changes that he had no reason to notice them at all until the monsters began to stay for seconds at a time. Long enough to notice their surroundings. He has seen monsters for almost a month's time now--not every night, but every night where he lie awake past eleven. Not until the second week had he seen clearly the otherworldly beast. Abominably fat, squat hind legs, a slimy, lizard's tail wagging in the night all dyed as red as the stones of Hell. Once he saw it, the image was forever burned into his eyes like spots of colored light, ready to present itself whenever he blinked--whenever he slept--whenever he dared to let his mind wander. Last week was the worst. The monster had finally turned around to see him. At first, the monster's bulging eyes, dripping teeth, and questioning snout flashed astonishment at this young boy's presence. The next night, this emotion was replaced with another: hunger. Hunger and delight. The last few days, Howie did not sleep. Would not sleep. He stayed each time the monster whipped about and charged Young Howie--lunging to claim his meal, but always vanishing as the boy winced to meet his doom. Afterwards, he would scream and his parents would come to save their boy from a would-be criminal, only to find him sobbing in solitude. "What's wrong, sweetie?" his mother asks, sitting down to offer a protective embrace. "Th-there's monsters! Th-there was a monster right there a-and it keeps coming and then disappearing and now it wants to eat me!" He trails off into sobs as he awaits his parents fear-wrought plan of defense. They won't come. His father flashed his mom an askew glance and sits next to his son. "Howie, do you know what daddy does?" "A-a s-scientist." "A physicist," he corrects proudly. "I study everything that is possible in this world and even some things that are impossible, but if there is one thing I can tell you with absolute confidence, it's that there was no monster in this room. If there was, we would see evidence of it. How it came and left!" Exasperated, Young Howie retorts, "It appeared! A-and then it just disappeared!" "Son, as a physicist I assure you teleportation is, thus-far, impossible," then he adds matter-of-factly, "I think you just had a bad dream." "B-but that's what I thought at first too!" He thirsts to make his parents understand. "But it kept happening for like two weeks and then last week it saw me and--and--" He cuts off, distracted by his mother's reaction. She's suddenly fraught with worry. At last, he thinks. At last she understands. But it's not comprehension that his created her worry, but it's lack. She looks with despair to her husband, but he waves away her concerns with a reassuring head gesture and then turns to his son. "Son, I think you're exaggerating. I promise there is no monster. You can sleep in our bed, this one night, but for the rest of this week, I expect to hear no more screaming about these nightmares." Howie wanted to argue, but he was so tired and his parent's bed seemed so safe and he trusted his father's words, though his reason yelled to the contrary. The next night and Howie dared not sleep. He sat huddled against the wall sobbing silently into his pillow--determined to stay up the whole night and prove to himself the monster was not real. It was eleven thirty-four and this time Howie smelled the creature's hot breath as the wide jaws attempted to close around the young boy. If it had only been half a second faster, the blade-like fangs would have pierced Howie's soft flesh and the monster would have tasted the blood it so violently craved. The pillow muffled the young boy's screams and then contained his sobs as he cried himself to sleep, determined not to displease his father. He knew tonight could be his final moments of life. His mother expressed worry when her perpetually starving young boy pushed aside his dinner with a forlorn "I'm not hungry," but her response was only to suggest he go to bed early if he were not feeling well. He solemnly agreed, only coming back out to sneak away with the biggest knife he could find. He hardly dared to blink. He stared at the digital clock--numbers a clown-like, mocking red--as it slowly counted down his remaining minutes on Earth. It always happened at about eleven thirty. He didn't know when exactly, but he was determined that it should not happen as he turned away. He wouldn't sleep until then. It was ten now. It was… it's… eleven thirty-two? He jolts to alertness. Perhaps in fear of his imminent demise. Perhaps in rage that he let his guard down. Perhaps because he thought he might have missed it and find himself forced to endure such hell another night. Whatever the reason, Howie Stevens screams, dragging his parents from kinder dreams into his own personal nightmare. Howie's parents come in with the same urgent rush as before, but as the father looks upon his whimpering boy, his worry hardens and he prepares in his head a lengthy speech about the boy who cried wolf and telling lies and about how Howie ought to be brave like his father. He sits down next to his boy, his mother already frantically stroking the child and waits for the child's frightened eyes to meet his. He is determined to be gentle this one last time, but this is it. Never again, after this. The father is right, on the last note, but the speech never comes to pass nor does the opportunity for gentleness ever arise, because--unbeknownst to all but one of the Steven's--the monster of a far-off dimension had been prepared for its own recurring fantasy in which a young meal was but a single dive away. It prepared itself for the moment of transition and as the tingle that marked the beginning of a random, cross-dimensional journey through space-time, the monster did not make note of its victim as it bore down its destructive, knife-like teeth into the flesh of some writhing prey. Blood burst merrily into its mouth and when it sensed the presence of another, more aggressive being, the beast drove it's fangs into that one as well, and felt its own home fade into meaning around it as the taste of foreign meat became only a treasured memory, nursed by a tongue licking crimson nectar from long teeth. Far, far away, all Howie could do was howl in despair. Tears, running as warm as the blood that covered him, pouring from his parents wounds. Pouring onto the chrome tool he thought could be his only lifeline. He would cry all night. Loud and constant enough to warrant a disgruntled neighbor's complaint to the police. Howie thought--perhaps--this was his salvation. The bite marks would be the proof he needed to be safe. Between howls of pain, he tried to explain about the monster. It was a certainly tragic tale the boy wove, but who could believe the words of a child when the wounds of the parents appeared so knife-like? When a suitable blood-stained blade was found clutched in the hand of that very child? When all signs of the monster had vanished as if it had never existed? Certainly not the state-ordered psychiatric specialist who applied the sedative to Young Howie, who could no longer find any peace in the night. The doctor could only pray miserably that his words would break through to the poor, ten year-old boy, and shouted "There is no such thing as monsters! There is no such thing as monsters!" Young Howie thought he heard his father shouting these words from across a great distance and although he knew he was ten now and far too old to believe in monsters, he swore he would never stop believing that somewhere, the monster was still out there, searching for Howie--getting inches closer every day. He swore it because the only thing worse than believing that the monster was coming to find him was believing the doctors and the judge that the monster was inside him and that it was coming for everyone else until Howie was left all alone, whimpering into the night.
Credit to: Magnacor
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vivianbates · 7 years ago
Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park
Near the amazing hiking trails in Yosemite Valley is the designed-to-be-delightful Happy Isles Trail. The easy 3/4 of a mile walk at Happy Isles explores a pair of small islands in the Merced River at the east end of Yosemite Valley. While the trail doesn’t feature a show-stopping attraction (like Lower Yosemite Falls Trail), the Happy Isles live up to their name – a pleasant and happy place to walk along the river.
The level and easy hike through the Happy Isles begins from the Happy Isles Shuttle Stop. A kiosk by the shuttle stop provides a map of the Happy Isles as well as a quote from W.E. Dennison, the Guardian of Yosemite Valley from 1884 to 1887 who gave special attention to the small islands in the Merced River that you are about the explore:
I have named them the Happy Isles, for no one can visit them without for a while forgetting the grinding strife of his world to be happy.
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Happy Isles Shuttle Stop is also the start of John Muir Trail and hikes to Half Dome, and the Mist Trail to Nevada Fall and Vernal Fall. Hikers looking for the John Muir Trail head east from the shuttle stop and cross a bridge over the Merced River. To begin exploring the Happy Isles, head east initially as well (turning left as you face the kiosk at Happy Isles), but don’t cross the bridge with the road. Instead, turn up the trail heading up the river toward the Happy Isles. Make your way through the forest and south up a trail along the Merced River.
After 250 yards, come to a tiny building for the Happy Isles Stream Gage. In its window is a monitor displaying the current weather for this precise location. A panel explains that:
This gage station house holds equipment that measures, records, and transmits the height of the water surface (or stage) of the Merced River here at Happy Isles via a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. All information is stored in the USGS National Water Information System database for public viewing. In addition, instruments for measuring weather conditions such as air temperature, precipitation, barometric pressure, and wind are installed in and on this building by the National Weather Service.
At this stream gage, a pressurized tube of air on the bottom of the river detects rises and falls in the level of the river, transmitting about 100 measurements per day.
After checking the weather, proceed another 50 yards up the trail to a junction (0.17 miles from the start). Straight ahead, the trail continues toward Happy Isles Nature Center and a rockfall exhibit. For now, turn left, following a sign for the Happy Isles. The trail crosses a bridge over part of the Merced River out to the first of two islands.
As you cross the bridge, gaze up and down the Merced River. If you’ve walked along the easy-going mellow river downstream (or floated by in a tube), you’ll find the Happy Isles stretch of the Merced to have a bit more of a downhill grade. The water tumbles over boulders, whispering hints about the waterfalls upriver. During the summer and fall, the river here is picturesque, tranquilly pouring over and around boulders. During the months of April and May, snowmelt typically causes the Merced River to swell and the river at Happy Isles rages with white water rapids.
The Merced River sweeps past the Happy Isles
Ease your way onto the first island, a glorious patch of forest wrapped by the river. Boulders line the water, providing shelter for hearty trees to take root. Come to a junction in the middle of the first island. Proceed to the right first, up to a point at the south end of the island, a quarter mile from the start of the hike. Pause here to look up and across the river.
Happy Isles Trail
Backtrack to the junction and take the other fork, which crosses a bridge to the second island. Below the bridge is a smaller slice of the river, where the water courses around smooth boulders. In the middle of the bridge, pass a plaque honoring Steven Tyng Mather, which reads:
He laid the foundation of the national park service, defining and establishing the policies under which its areas shall be developed and conserved unimpaired for future generations. There will never come an end to the good that he has done.
Mr. Mather campaigned for the creation of a National Park Service. When the NPS was created, he became its first director. Mather served for twelve formative years, expanding the number of national parks and monuments, while establishing a system for bringing new parks into the fold.
As a side note, Mather spent his early professional career working for Pacific Coast Borax Company, where he is credited with the labeling of “20 Mule Team Borax” – a name that still has significance in Death Valley today.
Happy Isles Trail
Across the bridge, venture up the second island in the center of the Merced River. Dogwood trees in this area look lovely during their spring blossom. Happy Isles Trail approaches the south end of the island and comes to an end at a viewpoint. Take in another perspective up the Merced and then backtrack down the trail. Make a right turn on the other island to get back to the off-river part of the trail.
The viewpoint at the end of the Happy Isles
Turn left to visit the nature center and the rockfall exhibit, fifty yards up this trail. The nature center had been used as a fish hatchery, starting in 1926, but was remodeled and converted into a nature center in the 1950s. The nature center is open during the summer with limited hours. The family-friendly nature center has interactive displays about wildlife and natural history.
Cliffs above the Merced River
Outside the nature center, you’ll find an exhibit with four panels describe Yosemite’s geological history and a major rock fall. In July of 1996, a section of granite about 200 yards across and three stories tall fell from the cliffs above Happy Isles. The rock had a long way to fall, accelerating to a blistering speed before smashing into the valley floor:
On that evening, about 68,000 tons of rock slid down the upper cliff above, then proceeded to free fall 1,800 feet (550 m), hitting the cliff base at about 270 mph (435 kph). During the night smaller sections fell, depositing a total of 80,000 tons of rock.
The shape of Yosemite Valley evolves through periodic rock falls:
Rockfall contributes to the ongoing evolution of Yosemite Valley. Over the past 150 years, approximately 400 events have been documented throughout the valley. Evidence of rockfall can ben seen in talus (piles of rock) at the base of cliffs and in the freshly exposed white granite of cliff walls.
Yosemite Valley was also shaped by glaciers, as a panel explains:
More than a million years ago, global cooling led to the build-up of enough snow and ice in the mountains to form glaciers. Like colossal rivers of ice, these glaciers flowed down the slope of the Sierra, following ancient stream channels, including the Merced River. During glacial activity that ended about a million years ago, a glacier filled this area to the rim and reshaped the stream-cut Yosemite Valley.
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Can you imagine Yosemite Valley during the glacier period, filled to the top of Half Dome by ice? When you’re ready to back away from the tall cliffs (probably as soon as you read about the rock fall), return down the trail. Pass through the junction by the bridge to get back to the trailhead shuttle stop.
The Happy Isles are a lovely place to wander and explore. If somehow you manage to become unhappy in Yosemite Valley, Happy Isles should lift your spirits. A bathroom is located next to the Happy Isles Shuttle Stop. The trail is partially paved and wheelchair friendly. Dogs and bikes are not allowed. Yosemite National Park charges an entrance fee, but no permit is needed to visit Happy Isles, so get out and enjoy!
A map of Happy Isles at the shuttle stop
To get to the trailhead: Make your way into Yosemite Valley, parking where available near Yosemite Village or Curry Village. Take the free park shuttle to the Happy Isles Shuttle Stop.
Trailhead address: Happy Isle Loop Road, Yosemite National Park, CA 95389 Trailhead coordinates: 37.7324, -119.5598 (37° 43′ 56.6″N 119° 33′ 35.3″W)
from hikespeak.com https://www.hikespeak.com/trails/happy-isles-hike-yosemite/
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viaggiatricepigra · 7 years ago
Blogtour: Ready Player One - Dalla Carta Alla Pellicola: Il Film

Cliccando sulla Cover si va su Amazon
Wade è un diciottenne solitario, sovrappeso e nerd fino al midollo: non c'è film, gioco di ruolo o videogame di oggi o di ieri che non conosca come le sue tasche. Orfano dei genitori in un 2045 devastato dalla crisi ambientale e dalle diseguaglianze sociali, vive con la zia all'ultimo piano di un bizzarro, fatiscente "trailer park" verticale. L'unica fonte di evasione, per lui e per gli altri miliardi di persone che popolano il pianeta ferito, è Oasis, lo sterminato universo virtuale a cui si accede grazie a un visore e un paio di guanti aptici. Quando il creatore e proprietario di Oasis, James Halliday, noto cultore e nostalgico degli "innocenti" anni Ottanta, muore, per Wade è l'occasione di riscatto: chi meglio di lui può sperare di risolvere la serie di enigmi che Halliday ha nascosto all'interno dei mitici videogiochi della sua infanzia? Ma la I.O.I., multinazionale potente e spregiudicata, non ha alcuna intenzione di vedersi surclassata da uno sprovveduto qualunque, e, pur di mettere le mani su Oasis, si prepara a giocare una
partita che più sporca e disonesta non si può.

Locandina Film
Paese di produzione Stati Uniti d'America Anno 2018 Genere azione, fantascienza, thriller Regia Steven Spielberg Soggetto dal romanzo di Ernest Cline Sceneggiatura Ernest Cline, Zak Penn Produttore Donald De Line, Dan Farah, Kristie Macosko Krieger, Steven Spielberg Produttore esecutivo Daniel Lupi, Adam Somner Casa di produzione Amblin Entertainment, De Line Pictures, Reliance Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, Warner Bros., Farah Films & Management Distribuzione (Italia) Warner Bros. Fotografia Janusz Kaminski Montaggio Michael Kahn Effetti speciali Neil Corbould Musiche Alan Silvestri Scenografia Adam Stockhausen Costumi Kasia Walicka-Maimone Trucco Niamh O'Loan Interpreti e personaggi 
Tye Sheridan
Tye Sheridan: Wade Owen Watts / Parzival Olivia Cooke: Samantha Evelyn Cook / Art3mis Ben Mendelsohn: Nolan Sorrento Simon Pegg: Ogden Morrow T. J. Miller: i-R0k Hannah John-Kamen: F'Nale Zandor Mark Rylance: James Donovan Halliday Letitia Wright: Reb Julia Nickson-Soul: JN / Commuter Ralph Ineson: Rick Jacob Bertrand: scolaro Produzione La Warner Bros. acquista i diritti del romanzo nel giugno 2010. Nel 2014 la regia della pellicola viene proposta a Christopher Nolan, Robert Zemeckis, Matthew Vaughn, Edgar Wright e Peter Jackson, prima di essere affidata nel marzo 2015 a Steven Spielberg. Riprese Le riprese del film sono iniziate a fine giugno 2016.
[Dati da Wikipedia]
Trailer Film
Prima di proseguire
avete osservato per bene il trailer?
Che impressioni vi ha fatto?
Tenetele a mente, mentre vi rivelo le mie impressioni a riguardo....
  Come al solito si presenta un progetto ambizioso, una produzione decisamente sopra le righe e che, spero, non devii troppo dalla storia principale per dare spettacolo di effetti speciali e stop.
La storia in se (nel libro) è ricchissima di dettagli, forse troppo per i miei gusti, ma permette di avere una panoramica assurda riguardo gli anni '80 e ciò che ossessionava James Halliday, creatore di Oasis. Un mondo estremamente vario, ricco di musica, film, serie tv, giochi,...aneddoti più vari che compaiono tra le righe e spaziano in questo universo regalando tantissime informazioni al lettore.
Purtroppo dal trailer sembra che lo spirito della storia originale sia davvero poco e si prenda la strada verso la modernità. Proverò ad analizzare quello che si vede (spoiler free, tranquilli!) dandovi le mie opinioni paragonando libro e trailer.  
  Partiamo con la musica.
Quella che è stata scelta è giusta e sbagliata allo stesso tempo.
Giusta perché prende il telespettatore e lo coinvolge, usando un trucchetto alquanto vecchio.
Hanno scelto una musica da guerra, con bassi molto forti per forzare e sottolineare "l'epicità" di questa storia.
Errata, perché non ha nulla a che vedere con lo spirito della storia, che VENERA gli anni '80 in ogni aspetto, quindi una musica più adeguata forse avrebbe rispecchiato di più.
Spero nella pellicola ci sia più "suond" vecchio, altrimenti credo che una parte dello spirito della storia di perda.
  Effetti speciali...un tasto dolente...
Potevano non esserci in un racconto del genere? Ovviamente no.
Ma, come ha insegnato Tron (classe '82: chi non lo ha visto: recuperi!!) per una storia con realtà virtuale non servono effettoni grandiosi: se la base è solida, tutto si regge e garantisce un risultato che resta un cult nel tempo. Ok, per l'epoca erano effettoni, ma (esempio) con Tron2, nonostante effettoni è caduto a picco molto in fretta. Tutto ciò per dire:
Gli effetti speciali devono aiutare la trama, non sostituirla, ed è ciò che temo!
Perché, purtroppo, vengono sfornate sempre più pellicole che non hanno storie da raccontare, ma solo sfoggio di effetti per abbagliare il pubblico. Uno spreco!
  Vediamo la storia...
Fino al primo minuto sembra tutto coerente con la trama del libro.
Un mondo stravolto, distrutto, in rovina, dove l'unica scappatoia è questo (altro) mondo virtuale creato da Halliday e regalato alla gente. Un insieme di mondi dove si può fare ciò che si vuole, avendo soldi per farlo. Può accedervi anche chi è povero, come il nostro protagonista, ma (ovviamente) il panorama resta più chiuso.
Poi...il delirio!
Trenta secondi di guerra senza ragione, in cui compare qualche personaggio della cultura (sempre '80, ma non sono sicura per tutti i riferimenti), in uno scenario apocalittico. Perché? Boh!
Effettoni Speciali che fanno figo, dice la mia parte cinica.
E d'improvviso si cambia di nuovo. Si vedono delle persone che (come automi/militari) si preparano e si muovono per entrare in una specie di gara automobilistica.
Una piccola nota:
Non so se ci avete fatto caso, ma sulle auto compare il simbolo I.O.I.
Sarebbero i cattivi, tanto per farla breve.
Stendiamo un velo sulla corsa automobilistica, che mi sembrava di guardare un nuovo capitolo di Fast&Furious.
  Tirando le somme.
Come avrete già notato sono molto cinica e sincera, quindi potete immaginare le conclusioni.
Il trailer non mi ha dato niente. Ha confermato tante mie paure e non mi ha detto NULLA sulla trama.
Si parla di un uscita ad inizio 2018, quindi può essere pubblicato altro materiale, più ampio, e altri trailer (spero).
Non penso di andare a vederlo al cinema, però.
Troppe delusioni da "film tratto da...", non aggiungo anche questo.
Meriterebbe solo per gli effetti speciali, e lo dico di così tante pellicole che mi viene la nausea.
Ora la parola a voi!
Fatemi sapere cosa ne avete pensato alla prima visione e cosa dopo aver letto ciò che ne ho scritto: vi ho fatto cambiare idea, vi ho dato qualche spunto,...
Lasciatemi due righe così da avere altri pareri a riguardo.
    Domani l'ultima tappa di questo Blogtour!
Avete seguito tutti i precedenti approfontimenti?
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minijenn · 7 years ago
I'd actually be very excited to see what your notes would be for something like sock opera
Ask, and ye shall receive…. ;) (They’re under the cut)
Characters: Dipper, Mabel, Steven, Connie, Bill Cipher, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Gabe, Candy, Grenda, Stan, Soos, Wendy, various GF and SU characters, Lapis (dream), Jasper (dream), Malachite (dream)Settings: Mystery Shack, temple, theatre, some others Episodes to look at: Sock OperaTone: BIG drama, action, angst, horror, family, hurt/comfort, foreshadowing, some humor (dark humor)
• Start the chapter off more or less the same as the episode, with the kids at the library; the laptop from the bunker has been fixed and Dipper is determined to uncover what secrets it might hold (Connie is pretty much just as resolved in this, Steven and Mabel a bit less so, though make it clear they still want to help)Side note: Make sure there’s a good bit of underlying tension between Dipper and Mabel throughout much of this chapter (and make it come to a head later on) • Extend this intro a bit, and drop the implication in here that Dipper’s intention in figuring the laptop out is twofold: to not only find more clues about the author, but also to look through his research in the hopes that he might be able to find something that can help free Lapis from Malachite (angst) • However, their attempts are quickly halted upon discovering that the laptop is protected by a password (maybe through some humor in here as the kids make initial guesses about what it might be) • Not too long into this, however, Mabel is distracted by a show being put on by a young puppeteer, Gabe; of course she instantly falls for him, so she asks Steven to be her wingman as she goes over to talk to him • Make this part appropriately funny, though it eventually leads into Mabel panicking and telling Gabe that she’s going to put on a puppet show at the end of the week (make sure to give Steven dialogue in this) • Cut back to Dipper and Connie as they’re trying to crack the laptop, only for Mabel and Steven to return and beg for their help in putting the show together; Connie mostly agrees (she doesn’t think its going to be that big of an undertaking) and while he’s much more begrudging about it (since he believes time is of the essence for helping Lapis) Dipper agrees as well • Cut after some more interactions as the kids leave, though imply that an ominous, familiar shadow is lurking right behind them… (but don’t imply too much) • Cut to the temple as the kids rush in, with Steven and Mabel on the hunt for supplies that can be used during the show; the Gems are naturally confused by their excited panic, so they explain about the puppet show, which only ends up bewildering them even more (humor) • Also include a bit in here where Dipper asks the Gems if they might know what the password is (given their apparent connection to the author), but of course they don’t have a clue; in this, maybe show that they’re supportive of Dipper taking this mission on (they want to know who the author is too, of course), which will ultimately set up for irony later on (while also bolstering Dipper’s resolve to figure it out) • From here, go into something of a descriptive montage as the kids work on the puppet show (with help from Soos and Wendy; in here also mention how Dipper and Connie are still hard at work on the laptop, though Dipper more so • Generally in this part bring up several things, including Dipper’s near obsessive drive to unlock the laptop and his reasoning for doing so (mainly to help Lapis (maybe include some retrospective bits in here, including the pictures (for later on))) and how that drive is depriving him of sleep because he refuses to rest until he’s solved it (also highlight his frustration at being unable to do so thus far) (basically just set up the reasoning behind why he would make the deal with Bill in the first place) (make this angsty) • End this bit off the night before the show, with Mabel being content in how things are coming along for it (she’s on the phone with Steven discussing it); meanwhile Dipper and Connie are also on the phone, discussing their bafflement at how difficult figuring the password is going • After a bit of this, the twins both end their calls and so have some somewhat fun dialogue in here, but again, use this as a chance to foreshadow the conflict between them later on in the chapter • Still frustrated, Dipper goes up onto the roof to keep working with the laptop (maybe include a brief callback to Dipper and Lapis in here, (pictures!) for angst); have his irritation continue to grow until of course, the scene leads into Bill’s appearance (be descriptive with this) • Extend this scene quite a bit and keep all of Bill’s usual humorously twisted beats (maybe add a few) as he offers to give Dipper some help with the laptop in exchange for a “favor”; in this, have Dipper adamantly refuse (recalling Dreamscaperers), claiming that he doesn’t need Bill’s help • Of course, Bill counters this by claiming that the Gems are pretty much useless in helping him with this (again implications), as is pretty much everyone else; have him also be a bit manipulative in here by bringing up Dipper’s resolve to help save Lapis • Though briefly conflicted by that, Dipper still refuses, though Bill tells him the offer will still be on the table (make this ominous, maybe foreshadow more) before making his abrupt exit • Give Dipper a little introspection here before cutting, show that he’s still resolved to do this without Bill’s help, knowing that making a deal with him couldn’t possibly end well at all (though imply that he’s still a little conflicted about actually being able to do it on his own) • Have some humor the next day between Stan and Mabel for a bit as Steven and Connie show up; after a little of this, Dipper pulls them aside and tells them about his confrontation with Bill the previous night, so give the others appropriate interactions to thisSide note: Be sure to show that Dipper is sleep deprived in here, don’t just say it • Still, Mabel assures Dipper that she’ll be able to help him with the laptop after handing her materials off to Candy and Grenda; in the midst of this, however, Gabe shows up, so have a bit of humor as Mabel realizes she’ll have to up her game in order to impress him • Bring the underlying tension between the twins to a head here as Dipper angrily protests Mabel putting him off again; this of course, leads to an argument between the two (give Steven, Connie, Candy, and Grenda somewhat humorous reactions to this) • Make sure both of the twins abnegate their goals in here (with Dipper claiming that Mabel will quickly get over Gabe anyway, while Mabel calls Dipper’s ongoing obsession out); either way, make sure both of them are equally in the wrong against each other here • Still, have Mabel go a little further by claiming that Dipper should slow his search down because Lapis can wait (and have her regret saying that instantly); also, make Dipper’s reaction to this shocked and tranquilly outraged • As Steven finally intervenes in the argument, Dipper bitterly storms off to figure the password out on his own, leaving Mabel feeling pretty guilty about what she said (though not guilty enough to call the show off); still, before cutting, have some dialogue between her and Steven, where she asks him to go talk to Dipper in her stead • Cut to the attic, and have some introspection in here as Dipper’s not just frustrated with the laptop anymore, but also with Mabel; include a bit in here where he notices one of his pictures with Lapis and his resolve starts to crumble as he fears he’ll never be able to help her (PICTURES HERE) • In the midst of this, Dipper’s lack of sleep finally catches up with him and he gradually nods off, leading into a dream where he sees Lapis again, though keep their interaction very brief before she disappears and Jasper shows up in her place • In this, Jasper both mocks and threatens Dipper, telling him to give up on trying to save Lapis because he’d never be able to do so anyway (make this REALLY dramatic and dark); the dream of course ends on Malachite showing up (again, make this dramatic, kind of a parallel to Chille Tid later on)Side Note: Imply Bill induced this nightmare as an attempt to further manipulate Dipper into making a deal with him (don’t outright state this) • As Dipper wakes up in an abrupt panic, he’s of course met with none other than Bill, who makes a few snide remarks before casually informing him that the laptop’s about to erase all its data from too many failed entries (make this part a little different from the episode) • This is enough to convince Dipper to hear Bill out; the demon claims that all he needs is a puppet, and implies that he’s just going to use one of Mabel’s; of course, Dipper is hesitant to relinquish one, since Mabel worked so hard on them • Before Bill can counter this, however, he’s interrupted by Steven knocking on the attic door, having come to talk to Dipper as he promised Mabel; Bill lowkey panics at this but he’s quick to regain Dipper’s attention by reminding him about the laptop counting down, forcing him to put Steven on holdSide Note: Have a foreshadow/parallel in here to how Rose essentially ruined the deal between Bill and Ford with how Steven nearly ruins his deal with Dipper (shit that’s kinda spoilery, isnt it?)Side note: Drop more implications in here about what happened between Bill and the Gems (specifically Rose) years ago, and especially do this in his interactions with Steven (SHIT that’s spoilery too)  • Build tension in this part as Bill continues his appeal, reminding Dipper not only of how Mabel failed to help him, but of the fact that Lapis is still trapped at the bottom of the lake, essentially because of him • Remember to include Steven outside the door, continually worried over Dipper not responding (imply that he can he can kind of hear Bill talking to him, but he can’t really tell who it is, implying that Steven sort of defies the mindscape) • And so, as the laptop counts down its final seconds, on a burst of mere impulse and desperation alone, Dipper agrees to Bill’s demands (make this MOMENTOUS, as this moment alone changes a TON in UF as a whole) • Keep this tension high as Bill suddenly turns the tables, and be VERY descriptive and dark as he rips Dipper’s consciousness out of his body and possesses it in his place (again, draw this out, make it very dramatic) • As this is happening, Steven breaks into the room just in time to witness Bill possess Dipper, so of course show his shocked, horrified reaction to this (include Dipper’s as well); also remember that Steven can’t see/hear Dipper in his incorporeal form • Of course, Bill only welcomes Steven’s intrusion as he smashes the laptop right in front of both of the boys, while also tearing up the pictures of Dipper and Lapis, just as an added measure of sadism (make this hit Dipper hard)Side note: Make sure to have Bill’s dialogue switch to normal text and Dipper’s to italics post-possession and for the duration • Have some dark humor in here as  Bill experimentally messes around with Dipper’s body, intentionally injuring it (more so than the show, again, make it darker) just for fun and to also psyche Steven out; however, when Steven tries to heal these self-inflicted wounds, his powers do nothing, much to his confusion and Bill’s sadistic delight Side Note: Make sure that Bill addresses both Steven and Dipper (and yes, make sure to have Steven be confused by this) in a lot of theses scenes • Needless to say that Steven’s still in a panic in all this, since he really doesn’t know what’s going on, but he resolves to tell the Gems so they can stop Bill and save Dipper; of course Bill casually blackmails him, saying that if he does that, he’ll destroy (kill) Dipper’s body, so that of course forces Steven to remain silent about it (even if Dipper tries to tell him not to, but of course, Steven can’t hear him)Side note: Also imply (from the journal) that Dipper (or at least his body) might be dead while Bill is possessing him (again imply, don’t state) (possibly do this through Steven being unable to heal the injuries Bill inflicts) • Keep both the suspense and humor going as Bill inquires about the journal, claiming that his intention is to destroy it to keep the kids from getting answers (that might stop his plans, but only imply this); of course both boys refuse to divulge where it is, only for Connie and Mabel to innocently pop in (hint that she still feels bad about earlier but she’s had time to get over it) and Mabel says that she’s going to use it in her show • Extend this scene as Steven attempts to warn Mabel about Bill, only for Bill to remind him of his ultimate; still, even though Steven remains silent, Bill ends up inflicting a pretty sizable cut on Dipper’s shoulder all the same, much to Steven’s (and Dipper’s distress)Side note: Be sure to have Connie in specifics notice how strange both Steven and “Dipper” act in this brief scene, though it goes over Mabel’s head • As everyone heads off to see the show, Bill takes the time to mock and gloat at Dipper specifically, claiming that he won’t be able to stop him because he effectively doesn’t exist anymore, cap this part off with some pretty heavy introspection for Dipper, show the severity of his situation here and his desperation to fix it • At the theatre, a huge audience has shown up to see the show; give some interactions between Mabel, Stan, and the Gems in here (have some humor with the Gem’s confusion as to what this show is) • Also include some interactions between Bill and Soos, Wendy, and the Gems (the Gems in particular, use this to imply/foreshadow a bit, but not too much); have the Gems (especially Garnet) pick up that something seems off with “Dipper”, but none of them can really pinpoint what (though it does seem somewhat familiar to them) • Bill’s plans are aided along when Mabel recruits him to be the reverend in her play, which will get him even closer to the journal; Steven fearfully attempts to protest this, but once again, he’s forced to say nothing (much to Connie’s continued suspicion) • From there, the show starts, to have it be appropriately humorous (include cuts to the audience reactions, including Stan and the Gems being somewhat weirded out by it); but for the most part, keep this relatively close to the episode and keep it short • Amidst all this, Dipper’s still trying in vain to get the attention of anyone who could possibly help him, but as Bill told him, he can’t interact with the physical plane without a vessel, which gives him the idea to use one of Mabel’s puppetsSide note: Make the implication throughout the chapter be that no one can notice stuff like the eyes or Bill’s voice coming out of Dipper until they are aware that he’s possessing him (Steven can though cause he knows about it from basically the beginning)  • As the play reaches its intermission, include a scene in here of Bill confronting Steven, reminding him of just what will happen if he doesn’t keep up their “bargain” (imply that Bill kind of does want Steven to break it, but only after he’s destroyed the journal and won and its too late to do anything to stop him anyway)Side note: Completely retracted because major spoilers, just know it was a foreshadowing thing • Amidst this however, Connie comes in and acts just as smooth in her suspicion as Bill does in his “innocence”; have a bit of snappy dialogue in here (while Steven’s lowkey panicking all the while), and have Connie come very close to breaking Bill’s ruse, only for Mabel to call Steven and Connie into the nearby dressing room for their help • Of course, Mabel hardly notices the ongoing tension as she shows her excitement for how well the show is going so far; amidst this, Gabe pops in and compliments her while also putting the pressure on for the rest of the show to be just as good • After she leaves, Connie mentions that she thinks something’s up with Dipper, only for Steven to adamantly refute that (out of obvious fear); however, right before the girls can break him down into telling them about what’s really going on, they’re interrupted by Dipper (the real one), who’s using one of Mabel’s puppets to communicate with them • While the girls are aptly confused, Steven’s overwhelmed with relief that Dipper’s still technically ok and finally, the boys tell the girls about what happened with Bill, shocking them both; Connie’s resolved to do what she can to help, but Mabel’s hesitant, not wanting to ruin the rest of her show • The others scold her for this, however, which gets her to compromise and agree to secure the journal along with Steven and Connie while Dipper finishes off the show for her • So the kids split up, with Mabel, Steven, and Connie heading to grab the book from the stage catwalk; however, before they can get it, Bill confronts them (make this really dramatic and intense); give him dialogue with each of the kids, chastising Steven for breaking their deal, “praising” Connie for nearly figuring things out on her own, and threatening Mabel with ruining the show if she doesn’t hand the journal over to him • Give Mabel some conflict here (even as Steven and Connie are arguing with her to keep the journal away from Bill) as she doesn’t want all of her hard work to be for nothing; however, at the same time, she knows that she can’t let Dipper down like this, especially considering all he’s done for her in the past and since the consequences of doing so could be very severe • Still, it seems as though Bill manages to convince her before, suddenly, she turns the tables on him, pulling him down with the journal; make this a bit different than the episode, as instead of falling to the stage, Bill catches the journal while Steven catches both the catwalk railing and the girls • For a moment, Bill gloats his apparent victory over the kids, only for Mabel to cut it short by throwing one of her spare puppets up at him, knocking the journal out of his grasp; of course he thoughtlessly dives after it, but not before knocking the kids off the catwalk • Make this fall intense as Steven barely manages to catch them all (including Bill) in a bubble that cushions the fall a bit as they land on stage, crashing right through the play, much to the shock of the audience (have the Gems hint at intervening, though none of them are sure what’s even going on, much less how to stop it)Side note: Imply during this part that Dipper’s ribs get broken from the fall, something that’ll come into play in the next chapter • Chaos unfolds as the kids all fight against Bill for the journal, and extend this part a bit from the episode, as they all essentially play keep away with it, much to Bill’s growing frustration (make this somewhat funny, but also climactic) • Bill almost manages to overpower Mabel and get the journal back, only for her to utilize Dipper’s weaknesses against him, such as his ticklishness and his exhaustion, have Steven and Connie join in on this and add an element of fun to it • After a while of this, the kids finally manage to wear Bill out entirely, which in turn finally forces him out of Dipper’s body, allowing Dipper to rightfully reclaim it (be descriptive in this) • Of course, while the kids are all exceedingly relieved and overjoyed by this, their levity doesn’t last long as Bill leaves them all with one final, ominous warning (one that divulges a bit more than the episode does, specifically about the SU side of things)Side note: Possibly foreshadow to chapters such as Pyrite, Rifts/Memories/Dimensions, ect in here • This is cut short, however, as the kids light the show’s pyrotechnics, effectively destroying all the puppets (make this both dramatic and hilarious, show audience reactions to this) • Of course, the audience is anything but pleased with how the show ended up being a bust and they all storm out; Gabe breaks things off with Mabel (make this kind of funny), leaving just the kids, Stan, Soos, Wendy, and the Gems behind • After this, have Mabel apologize to Dipper for her selfishness, though Dipper apologizes for his obsessiveness too; give a few good feelings in here, and incorporate Stan and the Gems as they wonder what just happened; of course, considering what did just happen, none of the kids really no how to explain, so they lowkey unanimously decide not to • However, not too much longer after this, Dipper’s various injuries (specifically his shoulder cut and broken ribs, among others) finally catch up to him and he ends up passing out from them before they can even leave the theatre (much to everyone’s surprise as they realize this was more serious than they thought) • Give Mabel plenty of guilty introspection during the rushed trip home to get Dipper patched up, especially as she finds a note that Bill wrote while he was still in Dipper’s body on the floor of the car (don’t show what it says yet) • Steven lamenting that he tried his best to keep Bill from hurting Dipper, only for him to fail completely (the girls try to reassure him, but it doesn’t really work) • After a while of this, Dipper finally wakes up, in a lot of pain and still rather exhausted (give him some introspection); Steven hesitantly offers to try and heal his wounds again, but Dipper quickly turns him down (he claims that he’s not sure if it would work, but its mostly because he thinks he put Steven through enough during what happened with Bill) • As everyone voices their concern for him, Dipper staunchly assures them that he’s fine, hugely underplaying his injuries, both inside and out; still, show that he’s mentally shaken from it all, beginning signs of PTSD, trauma, ect, but he forces himself to suppress all that as he goes upstairs to rest • Cut back to Dipper (give him pretty much continual introspection by this point) as he goes upstairs and stumbles across both the broken laptop and the torn picture, which he desperately tries to piece back together as he realizes that he lost what was likely his only chance at helping Lapis while also partially losing a bit of himself (metaphorically) in the process, and all because of him making a choice that nearly cost him so much more • End the chapter on a very sad, angsty note, with Dipper finally breaking down over both what happened to Lapis, but mostly over what just happened to him (imply that he’s deeply traumatized by what just happened, and that that trauma likely won’t go away any time soon)Side note: End on the imagery of the light from the triangular window falling upon Dipper (ominous, angsty foreshadowing)
Cryptogram (keyword: SOCK):He claims to see all with his ancient eyeHe works in flattery, deception, and liesDon’t take his deals or play his gamesOr all you know could go up in flames
Part 2 (keyword: PUPPETS)A pine tree has burnedA shooting star’s fallingA sword swinger’s been spurnedA rosebud’s remorsefully calling
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