#Steve is very comfortable with his body and he *~*air dries*~*
morganbritton132 · 3 months
Eddie, continuing this conversation: Okay, let’s flip it. Do you know how I’d ID you if I couldn’t see your face?
Steve: How?
Eddie & Robin at the same time: Scar on your ass.
Eddie: How do you know about that?
Robin: We were roommates
Steve, at the same time as Robin: We took a bath together once
Robin: …That’s true. When we had swine flu. I wore a bathing suit.
Steve: And I didn’t but I was in the bath first
Eddie: You guys are maybe a little too close
Nancy: Just a little.
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medusapelagia · 9 months
Running From The Daylight - Part 1
Part 1 - (coming soon Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15)
This is going to be a long fic with A LOT of whump to fill every @whumpuary prompt, so it's obviously an exaggeration and, even if I did some research, I decided to use only things that were useful to me, so imagination and suspension of disbelief are fundamental! 😂 There will be A LOT of inaccuracies about almost everything! You are warned!
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Prompt: Snow WT: none Words: 1532
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Eddie sighs, looking at the white blanket around the chalet that Steve booked for their first holiday together. The landscape is incredible, the chalet warm and comfortable but Eddie misses the chaos that always seems to surround him: the only sound in that stupid chalet is the crackling open fire, which is nice, don’t get him wrong, but after two days of white snow and crackling fireplace he is definitely bored to dead.
Steve has brought snowshoes and ski suits, but Eddie is not going for a walk in the mountain's freezing air, so they resolved to stay in the chalet and spend their time together, which is great! They never have time to be together but now Eddie is really bored out of his mind. The stupid television gets only a couple of local channels that are always giving news about the small village on the slope of the mount or teleshopping and even their stupid phones have almost no signal and they have to stay near the bathroom window if they want to make a call because that’s the only place in the chalet with at least a little bit of signal.
Steve, on the other side, seems to have found the perfect life for him: he goes out to make firewood, cooks super tasty dinners and fucks his boyfriend on the cow skin rug, which Eddie finds a little bit too much when they have a very comfortable bed but he endures it.
A week.
Steve booked the stupid chalet for an entire week, and Eddie has already read all the books he brought with him and he is so fucking ready to go home, but he knows that Steve worked hard to organize everything, so he sighs for the umpteenth time, feeling like a princess in a high tower, waiting for the Saturday to come and bring him back to Hawkins.
The only perk of his day is seeing Steve getting back from cutting firewood, cheeks colored by the cold and the effort, eyes shining with pride and joy.
“I think we will be good for the next few days.” Steve tells him, dragging some firewood inside, Eddie is pretty sure that they will be good for months but he is not willing to spend more time in that godforsaken place so he nods and kisses Steve on his freezing lips.
“You are freezing. What could I do to make you warm?” Eddie asks, getting closer to the chestnut boy who chuckles “I’m all sweaty, I need a shower.”
“We can shower later. Together.”
Ok, maybe Eddie hates the chalet, but cuddling in front of the fireplace, looking at Steve in the warm light is not so bad. He looks so relaxed and comfortable that maybe the metalhead could endure a few more days of boredom just for him. Steve gets closer, rubbing his nose on Eddie's cheek before biting it.
"I want to eat you."
"You just did." Eddie chuckles, thinking about Steve's hot tongue on the most sensible part of his body.
"I want to eat you whole and keep you with me, forever."
"I don't know why but this sounds both terrifying and romantic at the same time. Maybe I'm into murderers." Eddie comments, carding his fingers in Steve's wet hair "We should dry ourselves."
"Don't want to. Wanna stay here on the carpet cuddling with you."
"You'll get sick if you don't dry your hair. Or even worse, you'll get a migraine." Eddie scolds him with a smile.
Steve groans something that sounds pretty close to spoilsport, but in the end, he gets up and they get back to the bathroom: Eddie sits on the toilet while Steve dries his hair. He tried to help him a couple of times but the results were far from good so now they have resolved that Eddie washes Steve's hair and Steve's dries Eddie's curl, is their little ritual: Eddie shakes his head like a wet dog and tries to run away from Steve's comb and when finally Steve gets him Eddie licks Steve's face like a happy puppy while the younger boy complains that he is gross but secretly loves it.
Not today. Today Eddie is sitting on the toilet, like a good boy, watching Steve do his magic trick with hairdryer and hairspray and then get closer to him, combing Eddie's hair with his fingers while gently blowing some not-too-hot air and scratching Eddie's scalp.
"You should do this as a job. You are really good at it." Eddie sighs, while Steve keeps playing with his hair.
"My parents will be elated to know that their fag son should be a hairdresser." he snorts.
"Fuck them. What are they going to do? Be even more disappointed in you?" Eddie asks, his eyes closed, still lost in the pleasurable feelings of having Steve take care of him, when Steve's fingers stop abruptly. Fuck. He opens his eyes, finding Steve avoiding his stare "Shit, Steve, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."
"No, you are right." The chestnut boy replies, while he keeps drying Eddie's hair "They were always disappointed in me, why not add some more disappointment, right?"
Eddie would like to punch himself in the face, why can't he keep his mouth shut?
"I'm good."
"No, you are not and I feel like shit because we were having a nice time and I ruined it." Eddie sighs, hiding his face in Steve's t-shirt.
"You didn't ruin anything. You always make everything better." Steve whispers in his hair, kissing the crown of Eddie's head while holding him close and Eddie gets lost in the comforting warmth of Steve's chest and in the stable rhythm of his heartbeat.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that."
"You weren't wrong." Steve repeats, making soothing movements on Eddie's back and he feels even more guilty.
"You know what? Tomorrow we are going for a walk in the snow, how does it sound?" Eddie asks, lifting his head from his cozy hiding place.
"You hate the cold and every kind of physical activity that is not sex. You told me these exact words just yesterday."
"Yesterday I was another person, today I'm a moron who made his boyfriend sad and is trying really hard to cheer him up. What do you say?"
"You don't have to." Steve replies, still drying Eddie's hair "I know you hate the chalet."
"I don't hate the chalet, I might not like the cold, that's true, but I can endure a little walk with my boyfriend if he promises me we will do a snowman after!"
"A snowman?"
Eddie nods, happily "Yeah. A snowman with a carrot as a nose and a stupid hat."
Steve smiles sweetly at him "I think that can be arranged. You know, there are some beautiful places to see here, I made a little map with some really incredible mountain paths. But we have to wake up pretty soon if we want to take advantage of the natural light."
The days at the chalet are shorter than in town, as soon as the sun starts to go down the mountains cover it and it starts to freeze.
"Ok, I swear I'll get up as soon as the alarm goes off, ok?"
Maybe Eddie accidentally postponed the alarm a couple of times, ok? But he is still sipping his coffee, wearing the warmest clothes that he owns, already wearing his ski pants and ready to wear his ski jacket before leaving the chalet, while Steve has already made some sandwiches with a thermos of tea, not coffee for Eddie's displeasure, and took some water and whatever they might need.
"We are not going to Mount Doom, are we?" Eddie asks, crunching a cinnamon cookie Steve made the night before.
"When you travel it is always better to be over-prepared." Steve says, checking for the third time if they have everything they might need. They haven't traveled a lot, but every time they have gone on holiday somewhere Eddie has just put a few clothes in a bag, while Steve made the itinerary, booked the hotels, and took care of everything. It's so nice to see him so involved in his preparation, sometimes Eddie mocks him and tells him that he takes everything too seriously, but he loves seeing Steve so absorbed.
"Ok, we should have everything. Have you finished breakfast?"
Eddie nods, takes his cup toward the kitchen, and comes back to the living room; Steve is already wearing his ski pants, and his jacket is on the couch while he helps Eddie get into his ski suit "I feel like a Puft marshmallow man." Eddie complains while Steve closes the last button of his jacket.
"You will be glad you are well covered when we get to the glacier." Steve smirks.
"To the glacier? Are you kidding? Tell me that you are kidding! Steve! Steve!" Eddie calls, following his boyfriend and then they hear a rumbling that gets louder and louder. Eddie goes toward the kitchen to look outside the window but Steve grabs him and drags him away, after that all Eddie can hear it's the static.
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ally-holmes · 2 years
Nancy’s Wedding | Steve Harrington x Reader (ch.5)
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Series Masterlist
Chapter Four – Chapter Six.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader.
Word count: 6413
Nancy's Wedding | Chapter Five.
The air was thick and dense around her, weird snowflakes floated like gravity was nothing to them, and the sky had the darkest clouds she'd ever seen. Her bare feet sunk into the dirt, and she didn't feel anything. A small child covered in dirt and dried blood appeared before her eyes; the girl had big bags under her eyes that were injected in blood with exhaustion. She seemed cold and hungry, her lips blue and her body shaking; there was no fear in her eyes, not anymore.
Some sound made both jump, the little girl and the woman. The last one opened her eyes, finding herself in a very cozy bed with an alarm ringing on the nightstand, her breathing was fast as if she'd been running a marathon, her heartbeat drumming in her ears.
A dream. It was a dream. Oddly enough, the girl in the dream seemed familiar. The place in the dream seemed familiar.
Turning off the alarm, Y/N got out of bed in the same pajamas she wore in Steve and Robin's apartment. As she opened the door to go to the bathroom, she found Steve doing the same. His whole hair was a disaster like he had some kind of fight with the bed and lost. She couldn't help it, she laughed hysterically.
"This is gold. Shit, where's my camera? I need to take a picture of you, Steve. This hair… Oh, yeah, this hair is the best thing I've seen in my life."
Instead of shying away, Steve moved his hand as if a hand-puppet was talking and walked towards the bathroom at the end of the corridor. She kept laughing, and the moment Steve reappeared without having brushed or retouched his hair, she gave him the sweetest smile.
"Seeing that you like it so much, I think I can humor you for breakfast."
"How kind of you, Your Grace."
He winked at her and disappeared. If his ears were bright red she wouldn't have mentioned it.
Once she got into the kitchen, Steve was seated on top of the counter with a mug of coffee between his hands. She made her own coffee leaning against the counter, just by his side but without touching him.
"That's all you're going to have for breakfast? It's the most important meal of the day!" Maggie scold them. She had just awoken, her hair was a bit messy and there were still marks on her cheek from the blankets. Steve had never seen her in such a state in front of guests.
"We have a brunch with the others in a couple of hours. We'll eat then, Maggie. Do you want something for breakfast? I do the best toast in Chicago."
"No, Y/N, please, this is my house, I'm the one who should be doing the cooking."
"Nonsense. I'll make you my special breakfast if you're up to it. The last time I spent the night at Steve and Robin's apartment they didn't let me cook."
Reluctantly, Maggie accepted the offer and she had the best breakfast she'd had in a long time. Steve knew his mother wasn't used to just sitting there and being taken care of; when they were all home she woke up earlier than any of them and got breakfast ready, always. The only time she didn't have to cook was when she was at hotels following her husband. Y/N wasn't just kissing his mom's ass to get her approval, she was being properly nice; she understood that as far as she was a guest under Mrs. Harrington's roof, she wouldn't be a burden.
As she asked for the details of last night, Steve and Y/N explained every tiny bit to her. Sometimes lingering in the outfits of the other guests, sometimes describing the food with precision, and, of course, pointing out Mrs. Wheeler's behavior.
"I can't say I blame her. Nancy has always been her baby, she had these big expectations for her, and all mothers dream about their babies finding happiness. A wedding is just a way to celebrate it. I'm sure Karen wants Nancy's wedding to be as big and spectacular as she wished her own wedding was."
For the brunch, Y/N had decided to wear something more comfortable; that's why she had some high-waisted jeans on with her boots, and an ochre wool vest on top of a dressing shirt. Her makeup was toned down in comparison to the prior night, but she kept painting her lips with brown lipstick. Steve was wearing a dark yellow sweatshirt that looked amazing on him, his looks as casual as hers, almost as if they had arranged their outfits to match.
"This is more like the you I know," Steve complimented.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Just a statement. I thought I knew you pretty well–"
"Hardly. Although I'll say that in the last few weeks we've got to know each other pretty well, the only thing I was hiding was my fashion sense. And, of course, my total refusal on buying new clothes until I had to come to Hawkins and do a charade."
"I'm glad I helped."
Inside the car, Y/N waited patiently for Steve's patience to burn down. She'd been looking at him since they got in, and was determined to not tear her eyes away until he broke the silence. Surprisingly enough, he held it pretty well; it wasn't until they were outside Robin's house waiting for her to get out that he stared back at Y/N.
"What?" Steve sounded so desperate that it was very hard not to laugh.
"I miss the golden hair."
"What are you– Oh… Why all that mocking on my hair?"
"Because you love it way too much, Steve."
"Don't I look good now?"
"Sure. It's funnier when it's all messy, though."
As she was saying that, she reached her hand to Steve's hair slowly, giving him time to back away if he wanted to. He stayed, holding his breath, waiting for her action. She ran her hand through his hair, just from the temple to the nape of his neck caressing the outside of his ear, pretending not to notice the shudder that overcame his body.
"I like your hair, although I don't think it's your best feature, as you say."
Steve was too shocked to speak. She leaned in and kissed his cheek and that seemed to wake him up. "What's my best feature, then?"
"You have pretty eyes." She shrugged as if it was nothing.
Robin entered the back seat like lightning, apologizing in a quick rambling for her delay.
The brunch was taking place in Ronnie's, a new establishment that worked in the remodeled Benny Hammond's business, Benny's Burgers. Although Jane Hopper wasn't too happy about the place of choice, as her frown was telling, she kept herself close to Max and Mike. When they saw the trio coming through the door, Dustin did one of his bubbling sounds and Mike pulled a face as Nancy was trying very hard not to laugh.
"What?" Steve was genuinely confused.
Y/N showed her best impression of innocence taking a seat at the same time Robin noticed the brown lipstick mark on Steve's cheek and gasped pointing at him. Blushing furiously, Steve cleaned the mark with the napkin Vickie offered him. Now that she thought about it, she had never seen Steve blush so many times as she had seen him do now that they were in this weird scenario.
The brunch was for the younger and closer friends of the groom and bride, no parents involved. A lot of pancakes, waffles, french toasts, scrambled eggs, bacon, orange juice, coffee, tea, fruit, and some mimosas, of course. Robin drank mimosas like water, and by the end of the brunch, she was all flushed and dizzy with an easy laugh.
"Yeah, that's how I got a story published in The New York Times just a couple of months ago. I wished I worked for a bigger newspaper, but working in Indianapolis isn't so bad and I still can send my stories to other papers. Investigation and research are the things I love to do the most," Nancy was explaining to Y/N, who was listening and asking questions politely. "Times had been trying to scout Jonathan as a photographer. I keep telling him that it's a great opportunity and I don't care to move, but he insisted on waiting after the wedding."
"I just think that if I had gotten the job we would have to postpone the whole thing and your mom– I mean… I love you, you know that, don't you?"
"I'm going to let it pass that you were about to say a bad thing about my mother, Jonathan, just because I want to say it as well."
A waitress approached their big-ass table, "Excuse me, there's a phone call for Steve Harrington. It's Chief Hopper."
"Yeah! Thank you. I'll go get it, don't tell my girlfriend embarrassing things about me, please."
"Like the outfit you wore at Scoops Ahoy?" Mike asked.
"What kind of outfit he wore at Scoops Ahoy?" Y/N sounded too intrigued for Steve's own good.
Hopper wanted to meet him in an hour, he sounded excited about the things he had found and refused to talk about it over the phone. Steve promised that he would be there, at a bar next to the bank, after dropping Robin and Y/N off.
Steve pulled the bar's door open and was pushed to blink several times to get his eyes used sooner to the change of light. Inside the bar, the light was dim, and as deep he went in, as darker it was. In a booth, he found Hopper and Doctor Owens. He sat down next to Owens, in front of Hopper.
"So, what have you found?"
"What do you know about Y/N's life?" Hopper asked.
"Um… Well, she says her dad abandoned her and her mother before she was born. Her mom developed schizophrenic paranoia and made them move around the country all the time, she barely slept and developed a drug addiction that hit so hard that she started selling everything they owned until she died of an overdose when Y/N was seventeen. At the time, she was living in Chicago and started working at The Silver. She barely remembers anything from when she was little and doesn't have pictures or anything; the only thing she keeps are a bunch of drawings. Drawings from 1979 with a demogorgon in them."
"Let's start for the beginning, shall we?" Owens produced a file from under the table placing it before Steve as Hopper spoke. "I did some research and found a missing person report on Y/N in April of 1979. Mr. L/N and Y/N went missing. Mr. L/N worked at Hawkins Lab," he pointed to the file Steve had already opened.
"As you may guess, he worked for the government. I hate to admit that when the first gate opened was a shock, but Brenner knew how to contain it until it went out of hand in November 1983, Jane left and the gate became uncontrollable."
"When did the gate open?"
"We're not sure. Jane can't remember how old she was; until she met us her knowledge about time and years was scarce," Hopper explained. "We guess it must've been in 1979. Is our best guess now that we have Y/N's record. The point is that Mr. L/N and Y/N were just doing some excursion in the woods, as Mrs. L/N explained in her declaration. That's when it happened…"
"Three months," Owens stated. "They were missing for three months, and suddenly she reappears. Alone. Brenner called me and– Well, he kept Y/N inside the lab as it was some hospital facility just to make sure she didn't remember anything. From a very young age, Y/N had shown to have an eidetic memory and Brenner thought it could be useful. Mr. L/N wasn't pleased with Brenner's interest in his daughter, as you can guess. Anyway, Brenner wanted to know what she had seen on the other side, what had happened, and if she was a loose end for his business. I had to evaluate her and treat her.
"She was with us for nine months and, of course, her mother was there too. Y/N showed no sign of recalling what had happened, she couldn't even remember what had happened to her dad. Goddamit, we showed her a picture of him and she didn't know who he was. I stated that the trauma she'd experienced was so intense that she wouldn't be able to remember anything.
"That didn't please Brenner that suggested we– He suggested we should make her come back to the other side, and if that didn't work… electroshock. I was against it, so I helped Mrs. L/N to run away with Y/N."
"If they kept running and Y/N's mom was so paranoid it wasn't because of some mental illness, it was because they were being hunted down. I moved some strings and talked to the coroner that did the autopsy. The drugs Y/N's mom took were mostly stimulants to keep her awake and in a hyperawareness state." Hopper explained lighting his third cigarette. "With her mom gone, Y/N stopped running and the government found her."
"They didn't want to do much noise, not after all that happened until then. Not after the California fiasco of hunting down Jane and all the Vecna business. That's why they evaluated her secretly and decided that she didn't remember anything and that she wasn't a threat or a possible asset.
"It's amazing to know that she's able to recall and draw every detail of the monsters and places she saw when she was a child. That means that her eidetic memory is intact, but the trauma had become a big wall that makes it impossible for her to actually remember anything, although now that she had gained that drawing skill, she can express and unlock those memories. It's fantastic!"
Steve swallowed a thick lump in his throat. "How– How did she survive for three months in the Upside Down? There's no food, no water, no shelter…"
"We don't know. We think her dad had something to do with her survival, and I don't know what kind of things she had to do to be alive down there… Her trauma might be linked with the monsters, the place, or– Well… We think her dad died helping her to get out by opening a gate."
"Was she found in my house?" The older man shared a look at his question.
"Yes. Your babysitter found her next to your pool and called the police. Your parents weren't home at the moment."
If she showed up there, she must've come through a gate in the woods by his backyard, just as the demogorgon took Barbara and scared Nancy. Three months… Just the idea of being inside the Upside Down for three months made his skin crawl. The scars on his abdomen, his back, and his upper arms started to itch like a compulsion. Flipping pages of the file he found old photos of Y/N; from before going missing there was the photo they used in the pamphlets, and then, just behind it, there were a couple of photos of the nine-year-old girl covered in dirt and dried blood, her hair and clothes a mess, her lips purple from cold, her eyes injected with blood in exhaustion, photos from when they found her.
Steve hid the file in the trunk of his car. He knew he had to tell Y/N everything, and he somehow felt good and bad about it at the same time. On one hand, Y/N was now the only woman he could share his true story with, the only woman there was no need for him to lie to. On the other hand, knowing that she got inside an interdimensional gate to a dark place full of monsters, that she survived there for three months, that most certainly her father died trying to give you an out, and then nine months of being locked up like a prisoner… yeah, it wouldn't matter how thick and tall her trauma wall was, knowing the truth could make it collapse and then she would remember everything and it would be his fault and she would not want to see him again and– He was spiraling.
Quietly, although he didn't intend to, Steve got inside the house that was, for the very first time, filled with laughs. Understanding that either his mother not Y/N had noticed his presence, he approached the living room door where the two ladies were sharing a sofa, giving him their backs.
"When was this one?" Y/N asked with interest.
"Oh, this was the Halloween of 1977. Steve wanted to be a cowboy so I sew his costume myself. I used to do that a lot. Look at him with his cowboy boots and his cowboy hat." The love and affection in his mother's voice sound oldy familiar, yet strange.
"He was adorable as a little boy."
Of course, they were looking through the photo albums! Of fucking course!
"Oh my God! Steve looks so cute in this one. Look at that smile! Ow!"
"This was on Christmas. His tooth fell just on Christmas Eve and my husband told him that the tooth fairy didn't work on Christmas and Santa would not change a tooth for money. Steve was heartbroken that night because the tooth fairy was not going to take his tooth, so I changed it anyway. Instead of money, I put a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie and a little note, very tiny, that said 'Thank you for the Christmas present, Steve. Here you have a little thing for you too. With love, the Tooth Fairy'. I still remember it because I spent hours trying to come up with something, and then more time trying to figure out some calligraphy that didn't look like mine at all. Steve would have noticed, you know? He's very attentive. There's no need in saying that my husband thought it was a waste of time because he wanted to tell Steve that all that was fake but look at his face. He was so happy…"
"I wish I could have a copy."
"Said and done, honey. I'll make you a copy and send it to you."
"Oh, no, Maggie, there's no need."
"Nonsense. Tell me if there's any other one that you like and I'll make you a copy. Uh! Look at this one. This album is from high school. He was the captain of the swimming team and the basketball team. My Steve was always amazing at sports. Look, this one was his first game, he played since the beginning, no bench for Steve. Oh, and this is his graduation. I have to say that this is my very favorite."
"Jesus Christ! What's he wearing?"
"A sailor's outfit. It was the uniform at Scoops Ahoy. His very first job. He felt so humiliated when he saw the uniform, my poor thing. But, you know, you have to start somewhere, right? Plus, that job allowed him to meet Robin and to get something on his resume for when he applied to Family Video. My husband was very mad at him because he wanted Steve to follow his steps, but I understood the need to get to know himself better and then take a decision.
"Robin sent me these. Steve doesn't take that many photos anymore, or at least he doesn't share them with me. Robin is kind enough to send me photos of my baby when he gets another job or changes his hairstyle… This, this is from when he went to Saint Louis. He worked there in another video renting store. Then they moved to Kansas City, see? Steve worked at a grocery store here; he looks very handsome, doesn't he? This is from when he started working at a dinner in Denver. Then, all of a sudden, Robin sent me this photo of him behind a bar in Chicago. Look closely, you're there."
The photo showed a very bright Steve due to the flash, drying some glasses as Y/N was a few feet away, covered by the shadows but still recognizable, pouring alcohol. If someone looked closely, they could still see the swollen bump on Steve's cheek. It is evident that Robin couldn't send Maggie a picture of her son all beaten up.
"I'm very proud of him, you know? He's strong and brave and he doesn't hesitate to take on new challenges and change cities and just fight his way up. He has principles, which is the most important thing, and he's good. Y/N, Steve has such a big wonderful heart so full of love… He deserves so much better. So much better…"
"May I ask you something, Maggie?"
"Of course!"
"You don't have to answer. This is going to be very personal, but– Why are you still married? You don't seem very happy with your husband."
There was a moment of silence in which Maggie Harrington admired the photos of her son right before her eyes. "I was like him. I was just like Steve. I grew up in a very small town and I was the first one in my family to go to college. I studied law. I wanted to be an attorney. I had these big plans for the future… Things were different back there, you know? I met my husband in my last year and he seemed to understand my wish to be an associate in a law firm. We were in love. I was so blind with love that when he asked me to marry him I said yes, believing that it wouldn't change a thing.
"Turns out that my husband was more worried about what people might think than what I would. As a man, back in the day, and still nowadays, if your wife has a better job than you and makes more money than you then you've failed as a man. That's what a lot of men thought and still think. He had his business, which made good money but I was making more. And when people asked about our jobs, when he said that he was a businessman they just took it for granted, and when I said that I was a lawyer they always gasped and complimented me. I don't think it was because I was a woman, it was more of the fact that my job had more competition than his. In the end, his business was the only one of its kind.
"When I got pregnant I still had this idea that I could be a mother and work at the same time. I wanted to do it, although my mother was against it. She said I was thinking like a lesbian, just to make you understand the minds from the past. Anyway, my husband and I got into a huge argument because he felt that I was making fun of him, that I wasn't taking him seriously, and that I didn't love him anymore. So– So, I left my job. We moved into Hawkins and I gave birth to Steve. I became a housewife. Why? Because I was so in love with my husband and I thought that he was under such an amount of pressure just for being a man that– Look, I know, now I remember things and it's just stupid.
"That's why I understand when Steve gets angry at his father, you know? My husband only talks to him when he wants to tell him that at his age he was already a husband and a father and had a big business and a lot of stupid things. Our time wasn't the same as your time is, and your time wouldn't be the same in twenty years. We evolve… We change…
"Steve was ten when I found out that my husband cheated on me. I guess he'd been doing so for a long time before that, but it was the first time I faced him about it. He started to make some incredible excuses about the male needs or something, I don't know, but I just made myself very clear. Since then, every time he was out of town for a congress or a meeting or something I was going to be with him. That's when we started to leave Steve alone.
"Why don't I get a divorce? I'm not financially stable, that's for start; I also don't have any experience to put on my resume and I'm too old right now to find a new job. There's also the fact that I still love him. Why? I don't know. And when I'm not around him, when I don't have his shadow over me I feel so free and happy and strong…
"That's why I'm so proud of Steve. He never allowed his father to cut his wings, cage his soul, to make him his puppet. No. Steve is free and independent and every time he shows it to him I feel prouder and prouder. I don't know why I'm opening my heart so easily to you; maybe it's because you're the only one who actually asked me anything. Let me tell you something, I might regret a lot of decisions in my life, decisions that I made due to insecurity and blindness, but the only thing I don't regret is my son. My son, my baby, is the best thing I've ever done."
Too caught up in his feelings, Steve went outside as quietly as he had gotten inside. He needed a few more minutes before coming in again pretending he hadn't listened to any of that. Steve always thought he had been neglected because he had, but he never stopped to think that his mother had been neglected as well.
For the next time he got inside, he made sure to make some noise. The laughing was present again and when he made his entrance into the living room, the two women were standing up with their hands behind their backs and very suspicious smiles.
"What have you done?"
"Nothing," both of them asked at the same time.
"Are those the photo albums? Mom!" He decided to wine like a child just to humor his mother, who went to him patting his back promising there were no compromising photos.
"What do you think I showed her? And also, it wouldn't matter if I've shown her the pictures of you in the bathtub using the soap foam to make a cool hairstyle, I'm pretty sure she'd seen all that's about to see about you all grown up."
"I wasn't born yesterday! Are you going to tell me you two have been dating and haven't had sex? Please! Do you think I'm stupid?"
"He also does the hairstyles with foam in the shower now," Y/N lied with a grin not knowing how true that really was.
"The death of me. You are going to be the death of me!"
"Such a drama queen."
The brush caressed her eyelids putting a bit of color on them with a pinch of glitter. The mascara was last, carefully applied after curling the eyelashes. She took a look at herself and she was certainly pleased with her reflection; she decided that because the Saturday party was going to be at the high school gym, there was no need for her to look fancy, therefore she wore a short sequin black dress with a mini-skirt and long sleeves, and for the shoes, she wore some fashionable closed shoes with thick heels and a strap on the ankles.
As might be expected, Steve's reaction was priceless. Someone must've thought that he would be ready to find her wearing something amazing, but he was not. In fact, he thought she couldn't look any better, and then, there she was, walking down the stairs and looking incredible.
Hawkins High School had been very pleased to do Karen Wheeler a favor, maybe because not many old students wanted to celebrate something in that building unless it was the ten-year reunion, for which not many people waited with passion. There was no theme to the party, at least not one that could be seen at first sight. As Robin, Steve, Dustin, and Y/N entered the place, they immediately saw a buffet kind of space for people to get the food they wanted, round tables they could use to eat, and a long table the main function was to be the bar. The dance floor was already full with the parents and older guests of the wedding enjoying themselves way too much. Ted Wheeler wasn't much of a dancer, but he didn't mind standing there sipping on his drink as his wife, Karen, did all the job.
Y/N held Steve's hand pulling him towards the dance floor. He followed pretending to be reluctant, although once on the dance floor he gave it all. Steve did stupid faces or movements knowing Y/N would laugh and follow his lead. They were having so much fun. Vickie asked Robin for a dance, and she was enjoying her moment as well.
With the offer of Y/N in mind, Steve started drinking. Not too much, not too strong. He was sipping on his drink, nibbling on his food, and seated at a table while Y/N was dancing to what was supposed to be her last song before eating with Dustin and Jane. Nancy sat next to him following his eyes to see what he was watching so intently.
"I'm very happy for you, Steve."
"She's the one. I can see it. You too fit so perfectly that it seems impossible, you know?" A pang of guilt made him swallow his drink like a shot. "I'm going, to be honest with you, I was afraid that you could feel uncomfortable with the wedding. I know, it's silly, but– I don't know. I'm just happy that you have gone so far."
"What do you mean with gone so far?"
"Well, when we met your friends were Carol and Tommy. You did stupid things and, most importantly, you didn't have a personality of your own. With time, you left them behind, you left your King Steve era behind. Dustin did good for you, and then Robin. And now, her. You're surrounding yourself with good people because you are a good person, Steve, and you deserve to be loved."
"Do you think she loves me?"
"Yes! It's so obvious that you love each other. I–"
"Nancy! Nancy, darling, go dance with your dad."
"Sorry, Steve. We'll talk later."
He did a gesture with his hands and got up to get himself a proper drink properly alcoholic.
The moment she sat down with Dustin after grabbing something from the buffet. They engaged in a conversation about the X-Files with such passion that they didn't notice Steve drinking too much too fast.
Y/N excused herself to go to the bathroom. She was having so much fun with Steve's friends and with Steve. As she looked at her reflection in the washroom mirror she decided that tomorrow night she would tell Steve how she felt, because maybe he felt the same way, and that possibility was stronger and stronger as time went by. She didn't want to say anything at the moment because rejection was also a possibility and she'd rather not make things uncomfortable and awkward for both of them when the wedding was just a few hours away.
While she was gone, Dustin talked highly of her to Steve. He was very happy and proud for Steve to be with someone like her, and he liked her very much, he felt like they were friends forever. Steve couldn't say anything, just drink trying to fill the black hole that was growing inside of him, consuming him.
As Y/N went out of the washroom she found Robin way too drunk. Her face was flushed and her blinking was uncoordinated. She helped her walk to the table where Steve and Dustin were talking.
"Steve, I think Robin is too drunk. We should call it a night and go home."
"Sounds good to me," Dustin smiled.
"This is bullshit," Steve dragged out the words with a sleepy tongue. He was drunk as hell. "This– This relationship is bullshit. It's fake. We're not even fri– friends. We're not. Never been. It's bullshit. You– You are bullshit. Bullshit. I'm bullshit too. We are all bullshit. But you too. Bullshit. It's all bullshit. All fake. Because these are not your friends. They are my friends. They will never be your friends because you're bullshit."
"Steve, buddy, come on." Dustin tried to make him shut up. Steve had talked so loudly that people were looking at them. Y/N only smiled, she knew that the worse thing she could do at the moment was to show how much she cared.
"Steve, shut up!" Robin cried, also drunk.
"No. No. You– You don't belong here. You shoul– shouldn't be in Hawkins. Leave. Go away. I don't want to see you. Ever. Tomorrow. I don't want to. Leave. Go!!"
"Alright, Harrington. I'll leave. But first, let's get you and your friends home. You cannot drive now, can you? Come on."
"But you leave."
"I'll leave."
"You're bullshit."
"Sure, Steve."
She helped him walk towards the parking lot feeling the stares of the other guests stabbing her, hearing their whispers and speculations. Steve was right, though, it was all fake, all bullshit. Dustin and her seated the drunk people in the back. Steve kept muttering the word bullshit with his eyes closed, more asleep than awake, while Robin sobbed begging for Y/N to not leave and forgive Steve.
"I'm so glad one of us has a license," Dustin claimed.
"I don't have a license," Y/N answered turning the engine on.
"You what? Why does Steve let you drive his car?"
"I told him I know how to drive a car, I didn't tell him I had a license."
"He's going to be so pissed."
"What makes you think I care about that, Dustin?"
"Good point. Shit, where did you learn how to drive?"
"My mom taught me. Sometimes we had to move driving for several days and it was faster if we took turns."
"Steve tried to teach me. I crashed his car. Since then I'm not allowed to touch the steering wheel until I have a license, but I'm too busy to get one and public transportation is more efficient where I live now."
"Makes sense."
They dropped Robin off at her house. She was soberer now, and before getting out of the car she asked Y/N to not leave and give her a call in the morning. She just smiled at the other woman.
Stopping the car in Dustin's entryway after following his directions, Y/N expected the young man to get out, but he started scribbling on a piece of paper he took out of the glove compartment. He gave the paper to her.
"This is my number and address. I'm going to do a doctorate in physics, so I'm still going to be there studying. Please call me or send me a letter, will you? We can talk about the X-Files!"
"You're cool, Y/N, and I want to be your friend. Don't pay too much attention to Steve's words tonight. Steve's not the kind of guy to hurts people, really. I'm certain that he was trying to hurt himself more than anything else. Look, he'd been talking about you for three years. About your beautiful eyes. About how you antagonize him. About how stupid he felt when he wasn't able to perform just like you explained him to. He likes you very much. I'm sure he will apologize in the morning and I know that tonight was–"
"Humiliating?" She supplied his lack of words.
"Yeah… Humiliating. But I assure you that he would do a great gesture tomorrow night to redeem himself. Really."
"Dustin… Do you really think I can just show up tomorrow? After everyone knew that my relationship with Steve is fake and that we're not even friends? Yeah, no way."
"Okay. Okay, that's fair. I– just give him a chance to explain himself. I'm not saying you should forgive him and accept it but just listen to him. I think something is happening inside his head and he– he needs time and a chance."
"You're not leaving then?"
"Oh, no. I'm leaving. If he needs time to figure out whatever is going on, I think he would also need space. And, in full honestly, man, I don't want to see his face right now. So– I'll go home. I'll listen to his excuse and then I'll see. Because, right now, what I want to do is punch him."
"He has a very punchable face." Dustin hugged her and went out of the car, but his head stuck inside before closing the door. "I'm happy we got to know each other, Y/N. Whatever the situation with Steve ends up being, call me and write me. We are now friends and I'm not going to let you ghost me, understood?"
She smiled, honestly for the first time since Steve's outburst, and nodded.
Maggie Harrington was deep asleep when she showed up with Steve leaning on her, too dizzy to walk straight. She took care of him helping him to get into his bed, taking his shoes and jacket off, she made him take ibuprofen with a huge glass of water.
"Leave," Steve muttered.
"I'm leaving, Steve."
"It's all fake. All fake."
"I know, Steve. I know… I'm putting this can here; use it if you want to throw up."
With the door to her room closed, she saw her reflection in the mirror that was on top of a small dresser. The same mirror that showed her a very powerful woman a few hours ago, was now showing her a laughing stock.
To be continued… 
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highdramas · 4 years
the world’s a little blurry | b.b.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: none
word count: 2107
summary: bucky is home, and he is yours
note: this is a one shot for now, but i definitely have more ideas for these two <3 this’ll be heavily inspired by tfatws so this is a spoiler warning for anything mentioned! also this is my first time writing bucky so pleaseeeeee give me some mercy lol
enjoy! <3
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it’s nearly three in the morning, and you’re lucky if you stay up past midnight, so bucky makes a point to be quiet as he tiptoes into the apartment. after a mission gone awry in the apartment building where you had been neighbors, you’ve been staying with the superhero. something about not losing you and you’re safest here. bucky’s not stupid— caring about someone is a gamble, and it had become clear to his enemies who exactly it was that he cared about.
living with you came lots of things that bucky was not expecting. first off, you’re very cluttered. you call it controlled chaos, he calls it a mess. he’s fascinated by the state of your night stand, mostly. a dying plant and one loose airpod, two half empty water bottles, an empty starbucks cup.
second off, you have a cat. her name is katherine, but you call her kitty, occasionally kiki. and while bucky had been determined not to get attached, after awhile, it was difficult not to. she rubbed up on his legs, cuddled in his lap on the couch, slept on his chest in the middle of the night. she’s fucking adorable, and not even the winter soldier can deny that.
third off… you. you as a whole. he’s sure that it would’ve been a shock living with anyone, but the care that you give him… he’s not used to having someone making sure he’s eating. he’s not used to someone checking up on him throughout the day. he’s not used to having someone to come home to.
it’s nice.
it feels safe.
and he’ll kill anyone who tries to take this peace away from him.
bucky groans as he shucks his jacket off, feeling exactly where his muscles ache. he tries to keep his volume minimal. finally, he opens the door to the bedroom. the bedroom that you share.
this was the biggest adjustment of all.
he’d barely slept in a bed at all before you came along. too soft, too comfortable. he told you as much that first night, and what you had said shocked him.
“well, i’ll just sleep on the floor with you.”
no, oh, just get in bed. no, c’mon, it’s nice. none of those things. just understanding.
but it was more than understanding. it was meeting him exactly where he was.
that was three months ago, and you had kept your word. if you weren’t sleeping on the floor with him, you were on the couch with your hand tangling down, brushing along his hair, his shoulder. every time he felt you bucky swore that he could cry.
it was two months ago that he suggested you both sleep in the bed. and while it wasn’t every night, and some nights he padded out to the living room with a blanket and pillow… it was progress.
and he would wake up to find that you had joined him on the floor.
the nightmares weren’t gone. he’s not sure if they ever would be. but they were growing few and farer between, and the ones he did have were growing more manageable.
things were getting better.
of course, they were not perfect. and he knew that you didn’t expect them to be. he has therapy once a week, sometimes twice during the particularly hard weeks. he’s grown close with sam and his family. and… you.
his girl.
as the door creaks open, he almost chuckles at the sight of you. you’re laying horizontally across the bed, taking up both your side and bucky’s. katherine is curled in at your chest, her nose nearly touching yours. your mouth is open and he can see that there’s a bit of drool in the corner of your mouth, and that does make him laugh. it stirs you and he freezes.
bucky watches as you slowly wake, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and then rubbing the drool from your mouth. “ew,” you mumble, still half asleep, and bucky leans in the doorway wearing a smirk.
“go back to sleep, doll.”
you hum and stretch, and so does katherine, giving a wide yawn. “you’re home.”
had he ever had a home before? 
he did once, as a child. a time that feels so distant, so separate from the life that he leads now. sometimes, it’s hard to even picture the faces of his family members.
he had this apartment, but it never felt like home. not until you waltzed into it with your clutter and your laughter and your vibrancy. not until you cooked dinner hip to hip, not until you listened to music that he had never heard of, not until you watched some movie that was your favorite.
you’re home.
bucky smiles and he nods, sitting on the edge of the bed, pushing your hair back. “i’m home,” he says quietly. “i’m sorry i’m so late.”
you shake your head, your hand taking his. he still wears the gloves. you raise your eyebrows at him. “can i?”
he nods. you make quick work of removing each of his gloves, tossing them across the room, which makes bucky smile. he knows he’ll be picking those up in the morning. you press a kiss to his palm, the one that is flesh and bone. and then you take the other and do the same. “missed you, buck.”
something in his heart constricts as he watches you-- washed in moonlight that comes in through the window, sleepy smile on your face, eyes fixed on him. he knows that look, and he knows what it means. he doesn’t know if he deserves it, but he tries. he’ll always try for you.
“i wasn’t even gone twenty four hours,” the smirk is evident in his tone even if you can’t see it, but you scoff and roll your eyes. “i think you’re needy.”
“needy!” you repeat and laugh, falling back onto the pillow. kitty stirs and looks up at bucky, letting out a loud meow. “she’s the needy one. look at her.”
“both of you.” he scratches kitty’s head and then kisses the top of yours before he stands again. “i’m gonna shower.”
sleep is escaping you and you push yourself up onto your palms. “can i join you?”
he chews on the inside of his cheek and shrugs his shoulders innocently. “better pick up the pace then, soldier.”
with a laugh, you kick the sheets off of you. “yes sir.”
he rolls his eyes and you both shuffle into the bathroom. now, in the light, you’re able to get a good look at him. and your jaw drops slightly at what you see. “bucky,” you say and he already knows what’s coming. you touch the side of his face where a bruise is blossoming. “how the hell does this even happen?”
“part of the gig.”
you groan and he smiles and he does so because he loves you. he loves your mess and he loves your doting, he loves your cat and he loves coming home to see that you’ve taken up the entire bed. “you’re an old man. one of these days you’re gonna have to retire.”
“got unfinished business first.”
you know of his past. of course you do. although, you’re a firm believer that it’s not his past, rather than a past that was decided for him against his will. you’ve made a point of making your stance in that clear. you have heard stories of what bucky has done, but you have tutted and shaken your head. “what hydra did.”
these are the things that bucky tells himself, but it is different to hear it from someone else. someone who is not steve, or sam, or another avenger who has also committed morally grey acts. because, yes, they are all good and trustworthy and worth listening to-- but you. you are his girl. you are his girl who laughs at his jokes and teases him and never once babies him for what happened to him, but you’re also the girl who has woken him from nightmares, who has tended to his wounds, who has been held back from a fight just to defend his honor. you have seen him in his entirety, and you have never balked.
“alright, well--” it’s not lost on you how his eyes trail down your body as you undress, turning on the water and checking the temperature. “as soon of this business of yours is finished…”
“i know.”
the two of you share a look and he gives a crooked grin. “you look nice.”
“there’s dried drool on my face.”
“yeah, i know.”
it’s been nearly a year since you met james buchanan barnes and yet he still gets you to blush. he practically lights up at the sight of the color on your cheeks. “are you--”
“shut up and get in the shower,” you retort, pulling back the curtain and stepping into the steaming water.
“yes, ma’am.” you hear the shuffling of his clothes falling to the floor and then he is behind you, hands going up and down your arms. you let out a sigh and tilt your head back, peering up at him. water trails down his nose, dripping off and onto your forehead.
you don’t tell bucky, but you do worry. you worry every second that he’s gone on a mission. you know that you don’t have to say it, that he knows. and you trust that he will come home to you. bucky turns you and he holds your face in his hands and he presses his lips to yours and you know that he feels the same way.
i’ll always come back is spelled out in the way that he kissed you, the way that he holds the back of your head. we have forever is heaved from your lungs as he sucks the air from you.
when you part, you smile at his lips-- slightly swollen, pinker than normal. you rub your thumb along the bottom one and he catches your hand. he presses it on his chest, right where his heart hides beneath skin and bone. “you don’t have to do all of this to make up for what they did to you,” you say over the sound of water. “you’re allowed to have a normal life, if you want it.”
“i know.” he pushes a piece of wet hair from your face. “i just don’t--” he shakes his head and you know this all too well-- he doesn’t quite know what to say, he starts closing up and off and away, the high walls that guard his heart and mind beginning to take shape. “i feel like if i don’t… what was it all for?”
delicate hands move across his torso. you lather up a loofah and begin washing away blood and grime. “bucky,” you say and he looks at you, steely blue eyes staring right into yours. “you make people happy. you have people who love you, who care for you. you don’t owe the world reparations.”
he winces as you go over a particular bruise and you slow your movements, make them featherlight. “all i know is,” you begin. “whatever it is you want, whatever it is that fulfills your life… make sure it’s for you.”
a smile curls on his face and he stills your hands. “thank you.” he takes the loofah from you. “let me get you.”
“but i’m not done--”
“please. let me.”
you surrender and he begins to wash you, and your forehead falls to his shoulder, calm washing over your body. you could’ve been standing there for minutes or hours, you’re unsure. he pushes your hair back and at some point you realize that he is washing your hair, and you press gently open mouthed kisses against his chest and you hear his breath catch and you fall in love with him all over again.
“let me get yours--” you mumble around a yawn and you watch as he smirks down at you. “really, let me.”
bucky shakes his head and he turns the water off. “tomorrow,” he says.
you towel off and when you clamber into bed, you feel the weight of him beside you, your cat nestled between the both of you. you feel him pull you into him, his breath against your neck and his lips against your pulse point, and your eyes flutter shut. before sleep captures you, you murmur, “i love you, james bucky barnes.”
the feeling of his smile against your skin is imprinted on your heart, and his words coax you into sleep-- “i love you too, doll.”
bucky barnes sleeps through the night and doesn’t wake once.
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
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Part One: Bonding. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Not explored in this chapter), Platonic Peter Parker x Reader Pronouns: She/Her Warning: Im not sure there is one for this chapter haha. Summary: All you wanted out of your interview at Life Foundation was a job, you didn’t expect to become an experiment. A/N: I’m very excited about this, its gonna be a fair few chapters. I just love Symbiote’s hahaha. Just note everything that is in bold, is the Scream.
Master list of chapters
You sat, shaking your leg as you sat in the waiting room of a rather large building. Nervously watching the people pass by. It’s just an interview. You thought to yourself even though deep down you knew it was true. It wasn’t just an interview, it was the interview for your dream job. You had worked your whole life to get to this point, here at Life Foundation. You brushed down your skirt in some attempt to ease yourself. You peered up at the TV’s that hung from the walls in the waiting room, the news was on reporting on the reunion between Steve Rogers and James Barnes. You watched for a moment allowing the information about their friendship soak into your brain until the presence of a powerful man broke your concentration. “Incredible isn’t it.” He announced, his hands buried in the pockets of his pants. Carlton Drake, though his eyes seemed darker, like he hadn’t slept in a long time. His skin seemed clammy even from the distance you stood from him you noticed something was off with him. You pushed yourself up from the seat and pushed your handbag over your shoulder. “I’m not one for a reunion story” you laughed, nerves spilling out of your words. He responded with a laugh and hung his head. Peering at you under his brow bone he simply shook his head. “No, the way they perfectly preserved those men so they could exist today.” You scrunched your face out of pure embarrassment for even thinking a brilliant mind like Carlton Drake would be referring to the fuzzy friendship story. “I take it you’re Y/N” he added pulling one of his hands out of his pockets and offering a hand out for you too shake. You nodded and accepted the invitation, you were right... he was clammy.
During the interview you could feel he was acting a little out of the ordinary but you thought little of it, after all, all you knew of this man was whatever the news told you. You answered every question he threw at you with ease and confidence.  He told you about multiple projects his team was working on and told you, you would make the perfect fit in one particular project but he didn’t go into any detail . You didn’t notice that under his desk he held a glass cylinder tube and in it was a yellow and orange substance that slowly crept out when he held open the lid. You didn’t notice the way it climbed its way into your handbag that was on the floor and you definitely didn’t notice his amused smirk as he watched his plan unfold before him. Before you knew it, your interview was over, he shook your hand and told you, he would be in touch very soon with the outcome. The entire journey home your stomach felt tight, you couldn’t think about anything else as you clutched your phone in your hands, staring at the screen hoping and praying it would ring. Later that night in your apartment, you laid in bed though you couldn’t sleep a wink. Your mind was racing, predicting because he didn’t ring you that day, you hadn’t got the job even though you tried to rationalise it, he’s a busy man after all. You didn’t notice the orange and yellow sludge make its way from your bag and across your room, climbing up your sheets and onto your bed and just like that it was on your skin, seeping through almost immediately and the parts that didn’t, reached your face and entered you through your nostrils. You had no time to react, the sensation paralysed you for a moment, like lighting had struck your body though it wasn’t painful, in fact it was the exact opposite. Once you gained control of your muscles again, you started to pant, the sense of relaxation ran through your body, like you felt whole for the first time in your life and your eyes fluttered shut.
The next day you were woke by the sound of your phone ringing, it didn’t take long for you to realise and scramble to grab the phone to answer it. When you did you heard the voice of a women on the other end, claiming you had indeed got the job and Carlton would like to meet with you to congratulate you and get working right away. You couldn’t believe your luck, you jotted down the exact location you needed to go and the smile wouldn’t leave your features as you hung up the phone. You looked around your room in disbelief and let out a small excited squeal. You couldn’t ignore the thirst that dried your throat and with that information you pulled yourself out of the bed, ignoring the sheets that seemed to be soaked with sweat and made your way to the kitchen. You filled up a clean glass with water and gulped down the glass but it didn’t quench your thirst so you repeated your actions a few times until the thirst died down a little. You didn’t waste any time getting changed, getting ready to meet with Carlton.  
You gave your cab driver the address and sat back into your seat for the journey and watched as the city of San Francisco turn into a blur. You thought about what happened to you last night, the way your body tensed, it was strange, nothing like that had ever happened before. You shook the thought out of your head dismissing it as a vivid dream, you didn’t want to ruin today with pointless thoughts. As you came to a stop in the cab, you passed the driver the money and left the cab. You looked around, your skin started to clam up as you noticed you were in a air field, now confused you looked hoping to see someone or something. While you ventured deeper into the air field, towards a large metal shed, you began to wonder if the cab driver had got the address wrong some how, that’s when you sensed something come from behind you. You turned your head and nothing, you stopped for a second with the puzzled look etched on your face until Carlton Drake and two other men appeared from the large metal building. “Y/N!” he smiled, noticing your clammy skin only made his smile shine a little brighter. He came closer and gave you a small hug. You had no idea how to react as he pulled away from you, the confusion still glued onto your features. He laughed at your expression and looked around at the location he picked. “I know, a little weird for a meeting but it holds purpose. I promise.” He announced, gesturing for you to follow him around the corner.
Instantly you was greeted by a large jet and a few more workers standing around, talking to one and other. It didn’t ease your confusion as you followed Carlton toward the jet. You listened as he explained your role in the company would not be required here in San Francisco but instead you’d be flown to New York for the offices there, how your belongings would be flown out to you. You was speechless as you got lost in his words, he explained how he had accommodation ready for you which he thought you’d find very comfortable. You simply nodded as he stood to the side, making way for you to get onto the private jet. He ended his speech explaining once you arrive at the New York offices your role would be explained to you. Completely speechless, you turned to Carlton as you stood on the first step, he just laughed and said You’re welcome.
You sat back in the jet, attempting to relax despite being far too high in the air for your liking. You looked out the window and admired how small the world looked from up here. You saw the city of  New York in the distance, knowing you’re close now you closed your eyes and took a deep breath but it was cut short when you felt some sort of turbulence on the plane and instantly you started to panic, your breathing became short as the jet never seemed to steady, instead it got worse as if something was hitting the plane over and over again. Hold tight. A voice appeared in your head, not one you recognised. It definitely wasn’t yours nor was it the voice of anyone you knew, it sounded slightly distorted and was only causing you to stress more, though you did exactly what the voice said. Grasping onto your chair you closed your eyes and braced for impact. Just when you thought you were reaching your end, you felt something take over your entire body. It was someone or something had taken control over your movements as you got up from the chair and kicked out the emergency door and jumped out. You couldn’t believe what was happening it was a complete out of body experience as you felt from the jet, out of pure fear you blacked out mid air.
You woke up shortly after, standing on the ground just outside of New York city. The voice came back again, She has awaken. The voice in your head mocked. What the hell is happening. We have arrived at our destination. The voice laughed before you felt yourself kneeling in front of a body of water showing your reflection, it wasn’t you not anymore, what looked back at you was a distorted face, it looked evil, your skin no longer smooth and soft instead it gave a shine almost as if it was slimy and... the colour was now the darkest black you had ever seen with yellow accents highlighting your figure.  Your hair not the dull brown colour it once was no instead it flowed long and full of life, different shades of orange and yellow clashing together. You where no longer human. We are Scream. As you stared at your reflection you could feel your eyes welling up and it wasn’t long until the water showed your true self, as you watched the foreign slime sunk back into your skin, you hair morphing back to its usual self. “Oh my god” you heard a voice from behind you, you quickly spun around on your knees and your eyes met with a boy. He wore a red suit but his face looked similar to the reflection you had just witnessed but you could tell this boy wasn’t the host of something alien... no you had seen him on the news, they called him Spider-man. You didn’t get to respond before you completely blacked out.
Peter carried you in his arms as he reached the new Avengers compound. He knew he couldn’t take you to a hospital, you didn’t need a medical doctor, you needed a scientist... you needed Banner. Panicked as he jogged through the halls, holding onto you tightly but effortlessly, he finally reached a medical room and placed you on one of the beds.
“Friday, tell Bruce I need him asap!”
“Yes Peter”
The boy watched you for moment, confused what had just taken place. Just like that, Banner came into the room almost out of breathe as he looked at the young boy.
“What is it Pet...” That’s when he saw you, almost lifeless on the bed. He immediately came to your bed side and checked for a pulse. “W- what happened, who is this?” he questioned the teen, Peter seemed a little out of it too but everyone’s focus shifted as Tony Stark entered the room.
“What’s the problem here?” he asked Banner. He got no response, all he had to do was look at Peter to get him to cave.
“I saw a plane crashing, I just went to help and when I got there, she was there... but she wasn’t her, she was something else.” his words where fast and panicked but Tony held his hand up and just like that he was quiet again.
“What do you mean, she was something else?” He watched as Banner kept checking your pulse and timing it, checking for any cuts or scratches. Both men watched as a small graze on your forehead vanished, leaving your skin untouched. The both watched in disbelief. “Come on kid, what do you mean?” Tony asked snapping his fingers at the boy but keeping his eyes on you.
“I – I don’t know, she looked... I can’t describe it. Her skin was shiny, her hair was completely different, like she had shapeshifted into something. She had two voices. I-I” he couldn’t continue and Tony knew that, he turned to him and nodded, his hand now on the boys shoulder.
“Okay kid, go home. We’ll let you know what we find out.” He demanded and just like that, Peter left the room, his head slung low.
“Run some tests.” Was all Tony said as he left the room, confused by the scenario.
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Remember Me: Chapter Four
Remember Me: Chapter Four
Summary: Y/N and Bucky were the unlikely match when it came to love, but they were inseparable since they met. After a fight, Y/N left to be a trauma surgeon in the military and returns without her memories. How will Bucky remind Y/N how she is the fire in his bones? Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: None I think?
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Y/N ran her tongue along her lips for a moment, not daring to look at Bucky. She wanted to know and she felt like she already knew the answer from all the hints Bucky had given her. Half of her didn’t want to ask but the tequila was giving her courage and the need to know was overwhelming, “Am I the girl you talk about? The one you still love?”
Chapter Four - Remember
Bucky froze at her question. He knew it was a question Y/N would have eventually, she was very observant and too smart. She had slowly put the puzzle pieces together and the question was now passing her lips. She wasn’t looking at him, which bothered him. He wanted to see how the question felt to her, if she was happy or pained by him keeping her in the dark of who he really was to her. The silence was deafening between them as he tried to figure out how to approach the question. He passed the helmet to her again, a soft expression on his face as he did, “Please put the helmet on and I’ll tell you everything.”
Y/N looked at the helmet, taking it from him willingly. Her stomach started to turn into a sick feeling, that wasn’t the answer she was expecting. What if she was making an idiot out of herself and he was talking about another girl all together? With shaky hands she put the helmet on, fumbling around with the latch which Bucky must’ve noticed because he helped her click the latch together under her chin. Y/N silently watched him get on his motorcycle, following and swinging her legs behind him, thankful she was able to finally sit and not rely on her shaking, nervous legs.
“Hold on tight.”
Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist slowly at his words, latching her fingers through each other to secure her body to the back of Bucky’s. She closed her eyes tightly, leaning her face onto the back of his leather jacket. Half of her hoped that if she stayed still long enough with her eyes closed, she would maybe disappear or wake up from a bad dream instead of confronting whatever Bucky was taking her towards. When the motorcycle roared to life, Y/N jumped a little and she could swear she felt Bucky chuckle at how jumpy she was. She held onto him tighter, keeping her face pressed against his back. But as Bucky started zooming down the road, Y/N relaxed her grip a little. Something about this felt familiar. The way the wind rushing through the the ends of her hair, the feel of her arms around Bucky and his leather jacket, and the feeling that was bubbling up inside her at the rush was all familiar to her. It all came to an end too soon and when she opened her eyes, she saw Bucky had taken her to his house instead of back to Steve’s. She waited until Bucky had brought the bike to a stop and turned if off, letting out a deep breath when the engine was cut. She slid herself off the motorcycle, shakily releasing the strap on her chin and pulling the helmet off.
Bucky watched Y/N closely as she got off his motorcycle, seeing her a little shaky and he couldn’t tell if it was from riding with him, the tequila that sat in her stomach, or the fact that he was making her nervous. He took the helmet from her gently, placing it on the seat of his bike before turning and grabbing Y/N’s hand softly. He gave her a comforting smile, hoping it would relax her a bit before pulling her by the hand up the walk to his house and leading her inside, “You okay?” He asks once she’s inside, placing both hands now on both her arms as he gave her a concerned look. She looked pale and nervous, but nodded. He offered a small smile before releasing her arms, “Why don’t you have a seat on the couch, I’ll be right back.”
Y/N nodded, walking over to the couch and almost collapsing onto it. Her legs felt like jelly and almost numb. What had she gotten herself into? Did she really want to know the answers? She watched Bucky walk down the hallway to his room and once he was out of her view, she put her face in her hands and slumped over taking deep breaths. He said he had broken the heart of the girl he loved… and if that was her she couldn’t remember how that felt. But Y/N did want to know what it felt like to be loved in the way Bucky described and more specifically be loved by him. She quickly sat back up when she heard Bucky enter the living room again, biting her lip as she saw he had shrugged off his leather jacket to reveal his heavily tattooed left arm and he was holding the shoe box he had hurried and put away the first time she came to his house. Y/N watched him set the shoe box down on the table in front of her.
Bucky didn’t sit beside Y/N, instead remained standing as he tucked his hands in the pocket of his dark jeans, “That should answer most of your questions.” He said with a small smile. He had taken the engagement ring he never gave her out of the box, not wanting to freak her out more than she seemed to already be. He left her alone, walking around into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of beer from the fridge, leaning back against the counter top as he watched her from across the room.
Y/N stared at the box for what felt like hours, wondering if she really wanted to see what was inside. She felt as though she already had her answer based on the fact that she was seeing this shoe box instead of Bucky letting her down easy telling her it was another girl. She slowly leans forward and pulled off the lid, her eyes immediately falling on the photos of her and Bucky together. She stared at the first one for a little bit, not wanting to touch them yet. It was a photo of herself and Bucky in what looked like an arcade judging by the neon lights and ski-ball in the background. She was kissing his cheek while he snapped the photo with the biggest grin on his features. It must’ve been when they were younger. Y/N picked up the stack of photos, flipping through them. Most of them it seemed like Bucky had taken himself of them or just her, but others were taken by somebody else. There was a photo of her in Bucky’s arms with her legs around his waist and her arms outstretched. It looked like he was spinning her in the air while she was laughing. It made her lips twitch into a smile seeing how happy she was but it also pained her that she didn’t remember. She flipped through the photos, memorizing them within her mind. Y/N put the photos back in the box, looking at the other contents which included a painted house key as well as dried rose. She carefully picked up the rose, examine it as her brow wrinkle.
Bucky watched Y/N flip through the photos, once in a while bringing the bottle to his lips and taking a small drink. He watched her face twist into a smile at some of the pictures, making his heart flutter. But other times it looked like she could cry at any moment. Bucky paused when he saw her pick up the rose, watching her stare at it intently. He walks over slowly to stand on the other side of the coffee table, wondering what was going through her brilliant brain at this moment, “I gave you that on our first Valentine’s Day together.” He informed, in case she was trying to figure out the meaning of it.
Y/N heard him, tearing her gaze from the dried rose to look at his face. The brims of her eyes had filled up with tears threatening to slip down her cheeks, “I know. I remember the neighbor yelling at you for cutting it off her rose bush.” She told him, blinking and allowing one of the tears to slowly roll down her face as she gently put the rose back down in the box as to not damage it.
Bucky again froze at her words. Y/N remembered something, remembered something about him. He swallowed hard, wondering what else she was remembering. He quickly crossed the room, setting his beer down as he sat next to her. Seeing the tear roll down her cheek broke him. It always broke him when she cried. He gently took her face into his palms, stroking away the tear with his thumb, “Hey, darlin, don’t cry.” He whispered towards her with a small smile, “You remember the rose… That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard, doll.”
Y/N looked at his face, trying to urge herself to remember more of Bucky. But all she could remember right now is the way she got the rose and the story to go along with it. She stood up, pushing his hands away from her cheeks. She started to pace the room a little on the opposite side of the coffee table from him, one hand on her head.
Bucky’s small smile turned into a stern line again as Y/N pushed him away and stood up, watching her pace. He had seen her do this many times when she was frustrated or trying to figure something out. He quickly stood, crossing the room over towards her and stopping her from pacing, standing in the way of her path, “What’s going on? What’re you trying to figure out?”
Y/N paused when Bucky stood in front of her, forcing her gaze to meet his. Those eyes melted her even if they were pooled with concern, especially knowing they were the ones that made her so happy in her past. She chewed on her bottom lip as she stared at him before finally speaking, “I’m so frustrated that I don’t remember everything. I want to remember everything.” She told him, “I want to remember every moment I spent with you. I want to remember every feeling you gave me, even the bad ones.” She paused watching him carefully as tears started to pool down her cheeks again, “And I’m so sad I don’t that it literally hurts. My head hurts pushing myself to remember. My heart hurts because I don’t. And all I want is to remember what it’s like to be loved by you.”
Bucky listened to her, watching the tears fall from Y/N’s eyes. The last sentence from her was enough, he had heard enough. He places his hands on her cheeks again, brushing away the tears as he pulled her face to his, smashing his lips against her soft ones. The feeling was something he missed, the way his lips perfectly molded around her’s and the taste of her lips he had craved from the moment he first kissed her. Bucky slowly moved one hand to wrap around her waist, leading her so her back was against the wall and he was leaning up against her as he kept kissing her. Reluctantly, he pulled away, smiling a little when he felt Y/N lean forward as if not wanting the kiss to end. He brushed his finger tips across her cheek, staring at her face. Y/N was fluttering her eyelashes at him, breathing deeply as if she couldn’t catch her air. She had a similar reaction when the first time Bucky had kissed her. Bucky smiled at her, watching her chest rise and fall as she took deep breaths before returning his gaze to her face, “Darlin, I will show you everything until you remember, and you have never stopped being loved by me.” He whispers towards her, watching her shiver as his breath hit her skin. Bucky grinned, he could still make her feel everything. He could give her goosebumps, make her dizzy in love with him even if she didn’t remember. He could see it in her eyes that she was still his, “Now, I have no idea when the last time you drank, but you should drink some water so you’re not hungover. I can taste the tequila still, doll.” He said with a low chuckle, “And you should probably just lay down and breathe, you remembered something and that’s big. You aren’t going to remember everything tonight, but we have so many more tomorrows to try. There’s no point in giving yourself a headache trying to right now. So let me help you, just go lay down and I’ll bring you water and a snack.”
Y/N nodded at his words, finally catching her breath from his kiss. She wanted more of him, he was intoxicating to her. She suddenly knew what he was talking about when he told her they had a love that seemed to alter their gravity. All she wanted was to be closer to Bucky, to feel his arms around her and take in everything about him. Y/N wanted so badly to remember, but agreed with him that it wasn’t worth the headache right now. She suddenly remembered the tequila in her almost empty stomach, causing her insides to twist slightly, “Yeah, water and something to eat would probably be good.” She was able to mumble out to him. Her head was so in a daze she just didn’t even realize her wobbly legs had taken her into his bedroom, slipping onto the undisturbed side and pulling a blanket over her body. Y/N glanced over at Bucky’s night stand, noticing a picture of Bucky and herself kissing in front of his motorcycle. She reached over and grabbed the picture, tracing her fingers along their faces slowly. She quickly put it back when she heard Bucky approaching with a grin as he found her where she used to sleep next to him every night.
Bucky sat down on his side, holding out some water and a hot-fudge pop tart for her, watching her accept them and nibble away at the food. He had done this many times before for her, often picking her up from the bar when she drank too much with her friends from the hospital. He would bring her to bed and make her something to eat before watching her fall asleep next to him in the middle of a drunken ramble. This night was not much different. He watched her finish the pop tarts, taking the plate from her as she set the glass of water on the table on her bedside. He got up and went to one of the drawers in the dresser, pulling out some grey sweatpants and a shirt that already belonged to her to change into, “I’ll go clean this up.” He said with a smile before planting a kiss on her forehead, “Here’s some of your clothes to change into…Try and get some sleep.”
Y/N smiled at him, thankful he was taking care of her. She watched him go before slipping on the comfy clothing, already feeling better. She slowly laid back in the bed, resting her head on the pillow that seemed like it hadn’t been laid on for so long. This must’ve been her side, untouched since she left. It felt right being in Bucky’s bed, the familiar feeling again returning to her body. She tried to keep blinking to stay awake until Bucky came back, but sleep overtook her before that happened.
When Bucky finished cleaning the plate and beer from earlier as well as making sure all the doors were locked and lights off, he walks back to the bedroom to see the beautiful figure of Y/N asleep in his bed. He was grinning ear to ear, happy she was back where she belonged. He pulled off his shirt and changed into some dark grey sweats before slowly and quietly crawling into bed with her. He watched her sleep, taking in everything about her. He had missed watching her sleep, pondering what was going on in her brain while she slept. What dreams she was having and whether it was of him or not. He could lay there for hours and watch her sleep, brushing his fingertips along her cheek slowly. As much as Bucky wanted to stay awake and watch her, he eventually fell asleep as well with a small smile on his lips.
Taglist: @vicmc624
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natrogersfics · 3 years
PREVIEW - Game Plan: Chapter 4
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Artwork by @faith2nyc​  Chapters 1-3 Read on AO3
The thing about many waterfront hotels is that the entrance is usually through the pool area – which is all well and good until you’re trying to avoid running into someone. So as Steve weaves his way through people in their swimwear holding various drinks with umbrellas, he can only pray that he can get straight to the lobby without incident. Only that hope is short-lived, because the second he rounds the corner, he spots Natasha lounging on one of the recliners as she chats with the statue of David dead ringer. He watches as the guy reaches over, placing a hand on Natasha’s knee, and immediately, his jaw clenches at how comfortable she looks with his touch.
He doesn’t even realize that his fists are balled up at his side until he sees Natasha wave at him, and he has to settle for nodding and mumbling a hey at her as he walks right past her and her friend en route to the lobby and into the awaiting elevator. As the doors close before him, he curses under his breath. The last time he had felt this way was when he saw Natasha talking to Thor in the Press Room of the facility. He’d been frustrated then. But this feeling inside him now, as if there’s a steel ball lodged in his chest, this isn’t just frustration. This is outright anger, and though he recognizes that he has no right to feel it, the emotion rushes through him regardless.
When he arrives at his floor, he practically marches up to his room, jamming the keycard into the slot at the door hard enough that he’s surprised the plastic doesn’t snap in half. Inside, he quickly strips before turning the shower to the highest setting. But as he stands under the scalding spray, hoping for the water to wash away his emotions, he finds that it’s futile. Because as he closes his eyes, all he can picture is that guy’s hands on Natasha, slowly peeling the material of her suit away from her body as his lips find that spot at the back of her ear that he knows makes her gasp.
Piping hot envy burns through him, eviscerating what’s left of his restraint and his reason, and all he can think of is his friend’s words at the speakeasy: Just go for it. And as he reaches for the knob of the shower to kill the water, that’s exactly what he’s determined to do as he dries off, pulls on a pair of shorts and a shirt, and stalks his way back to the pool.
But by the time he arrives, Natasha and her companion are no longer lounging on the recliners. Instead, the guy’s arms are wrapped around her in a tight embrace, and he squares his shoulders as he begins to walk towards them.
“My apologies for having to cut our evening short, darling,” he hears the guy say, and immediately, he hones in on his accent. “But there’s an emergency regarding the team’s activities here that I must solve.”
“Don’t even worry about it,” Natasha says. “Duty calls.”
“You know better than anyone,” the guy says. “I love you, Nat. We’re still on for dinner tomorrow night, yes?”
“You know it,” Natasha promises. “And I love you too, babe.”
The exchange causes his blood to go from simmering to boiling, and he takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, which again is rendered useless as he watches the guy kiss Natasha goodbye on the cheek.
As the guy walks away, Natasha throws a cover up over her bathing suit, and her eyes widen when she turns to see him standing there. But she’s quick to blink the emotion away, nodding casually at him as he walks the remaining distance towards her. “Hey.”
“Hi,” he says, stopping just before her.
She tilts her chin up, looking directly at his face. “How was your night?”
“Good,” he says. Until I got back here. “Yours?”
“It’s always nice when I get to see old friends,” she says, smiling.
“Cool,” he says, tone clipped as if the word is burning a literal streak down his tongue.
Her fingers fidget with the strap of her tote bag, and she clears her throat as she nods in the direction of the lobby. “Anyway, I should get upstairs and into something warm.”
His eyes fall shut as she leaves without another glance at him, but before he can give it another thought, he’s turning on his heel. “Why do you do that?”
Natasha stops in her tracks, turning back to him. “Do what?”
“Act as if I’m a floating head,” he says. “Like there isn’t any other part of me to look at but my face.” He scoffs. “You were doing it at the photoshoot for the Body Issue and you’re doing it now.”
“I…” She jerks her head back, surprised. “I look you in the eyes because it’s the professional thing to do.” She sighs, pointing a thumb over her shoulder. “Look, we have a full day tomorrow, so I’m going to go upstairs to polish your talking points for your interview.” She gives him a small smile. “I’m glad you had a great evening with your friend, Steve.”
“I never said it was great,” he says softly.
“Oh, my apologies then,” she says, and something about the crisp tone she uses – the very same one he’s heard her use when speaking in an official capacity as his publicist – feels like a knife in his side. “Did you enjoy your night at least?”
He rolls his lips. “Partly.”
“Partly?” she inquires, brows knitting together.
“Natasha, I…” He swallows. The words are already at the tip of his tongue, begging to be let free. Once and for all, he wants to admit to her just how much of his mental real estate she’s occupied lately. How much he adores her. How worried he is about his sanity because there’s no possible way someone can go on craving someone else this way. But as he looks around them – at all the people that could witness this moment, capture it on tape, even – he knows that he can’t. Instead, he sighs. “I need to get some air.”
Her lips part as if to say something, but if she does, he does not hear it because he’s already turning to leave, his destination anywhere but here.
Read all of Chapter 4 here 
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x princess!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, captivity, forced marriage, brief mention of child abuse, allusion to death of minor characters.
Words: 3950.
Summary: "The princess will marry the very first beggar who comes to the castle gates," the King said.
P.S. This was inspired by König Drosselbart fairytale.
Staring at the enormously huge black gates separating the castle from the outer world, you pulled the grey cloth over your head, covering your beautiful shiny hair. Before this morning you wore a tiara of your mother, and your dresses were made from brocade, silk and cashmere, not this rough wool that itched so badly and irritated your gentle skin. But now the only posession you were allowed to keep was that little cameo of your mother laying in the pocket of your simple grey dress.
The princess is obstinate, capricious, the King said. She thinks too high of herself. She rejects and ridicules all honourable men coming to ask for her hand in marriage. She is rotten to the core. She doesn't deserve to be the crown princess of the kingdom.
Locked away, abandoned by your teachers, refused to be engaged to any decent prince or lord, you were kept confined to your chamber for several years. Occasionally, you were allowed to visit the celebrations and balls held in the castle only to be laughed at your lack of manners and education by the children of the King and their entourage. You considered them your friends once, but those times had long passed.
You were the only child of the Queen, the true ruler of these lands, who got married the second time after an unfortunate death of her first husband, your father. She didn't give the new King an heir, but he had a handful of his own children from his past marriages. All of them, except his oldest one who stayed to rule the country of his father under the watchful eye of royal advisors, were brought to your kingdom. They are your sisters and brothers, the King said.
They were the ones who would take your place once the King found an opportunity to get rid of you, the true successor to the Queen.
All the men who came to ask for your hand were told you had no desire to meet them, and then, after the brief encounter with the King, they were sent away. You watched them, enraged by this unfair treatment, and their corteges to leave in haste, disappearing behind the black gates. You were never allowed to leave your chamber at these times, forced to look out the window at those princes and lords. If only they knew.
"Bow your head in front of your lawfully wedded husband." One of the guards demanded harshly, and you snapped out of your thoughts, looking at the huge man with wide shoulders, dressed in rags, his face hidden by the hood he wore.
The stranger was twice bigger than the guards surrounding you, and you felt rather intimidated in his presence. Despite his dirty clothes and wooden shoes, he didn't look like a beggar to you. If he was truly so poor, how come his body was so big and strong? No, the man wasn't a beggar. He was a bandit.
It would only make sense for the King to get rid of you, but you hoped he would keep his word as he promised to give you to the very first beggar who came to the castle gates. Apparently, he decided against it. The bandit who stood in front of you would either kill you or sell you to a brothel. If he was paid to end you, you hoped he would at least do it fast.
You bowed your head in front of the stranger who was now your husband and moved forward when the guards pushed you to him. The man said nothing, heading to the gates as if he didn't even care whether you followed him or not. Biting your lip, you came after him, watching your ugly wooden shoes.
However, once you stepped behind the gates, you saw there were dozens of people, their clothes dirty, tattered, and heavily patched, their faces grim - many lacked teeth and some even an eye - their expression turning wicked when they saw you coming after the stranger. Who were they? Beggars? Bandits? Villagers? You didn't know, but feared for your life as they started shouting loudly upon seeing you, and then you saw them throwing something rotten and smelling badly at you.
Why were they doing it? What have you done to them?
"WHORE!" The crowd yelled. "ARROGANT BITCH!"
A boy no older than ten threw a piece of rock at you, and it struck your arm painfully, making you yelp. He was encouraged loudly by the others, and you realized they would beat you to death. Why? What have you done to be so hated? You were a prisoner in your family castle. No one loved you. No one cared for you. No one came to console you even in the darkest of days. Why did you deserve to be punished for something you had never done? Why were you the rotten one when the sons and daughters of the King were spoiled beyond imagination?
Before the next rock hit your head, you saw the stranger shielding you with a big piece of wood he had taken from some man. Holding it like a shield, your husband grasped your shoulders with the other hand and started fighting his way through the crowd as you clinged to him, afraid to raise your head. All you heard were angry shouts and screams of pain as the man crashed their bones with the shield in his hand, the sound of cracking disgusting and frightening. People tried to clench your dress, beat you, snatch away the cloth covering your head, but the stranger was quick to push people away, and soon you two were running somewhere, your vision clouded with tears.
He held your hand in his until you reached the forest behind the meadow, far away from the castle and all those scary people who dirtied your simple woolen clothes and coloured your arms black and blue. Luckily, you were mostly unharmed just like your saviour, the man who hadn't uttered a single word still. At this point you guessed he might be deaf or lacking his tongue - you heard maids talking about the soldiers of the King cutting tongues of the ones who talked against him. But maybe the stranger just didn't want to speak to you. He probably thought you were an arrogant princess, humbled by your pride and haughtiness.
"Thank you." You whispered to him, and the man turned face to you, his beautiful blue eyes watching you intently. "Thank you for saving me."
The tears had long dried out on your face, but your eyes were still a bit red, your voice raspy. Running in the wooden shoes made your feet hurt so bad as if you were running barefoot at all.
When your newly wed husband came closer to you, you flinched involuntary and made a step back, staring at his strangely attractive dirty face, his dark blonde disheveled hair and beard.
"You're safe with me."
You blinked, unsure what to say to him in return. His low husky voice made you tremble a little, but if he told you the truth, he was going to take care of you. You hurriedly averged your eyes and bowed your head again, waiting for him to continue walking. You didn't dare to talk to him once more.
Your had been travelling by foot for what felt like hours, and you felt grateful for the dress you were given as it was lighter with just a few layers of fabric. Your wooden shoes, however, bruised your skin so much that they were slowly filling with blood. Nonetheless, you kept walking even with blisters covering your feet as your husband moved forward without a stop through the forest. Was he living here? Otherwise you didn't know how he navigated through the woods.
"You're slowing us down." You winced when you raised your head and saw him furrowing at you, standing a few feet away.
"I am sorry." You muttered, knowing you could hardly speed up with your legs hurting so much as if you walked into the fire.
The stranger squinted, coming closer, "Take off your shoes."
You complied without saying a word, showing him your bruised feet. Was he going to complain you were a shirker, unable to even walk? Maybe he had it on his mind, but he stayed silent, ripping the hem of your dress when you gasped and wiped the blood away. Then he had you seated on a falling tree and bandaged your feet so gently you gawked at him openly. You felt tears shimmering in your eyes at his kindness. He cared.
"I will carry you from here." Your husband said, wiping away the sweat from his dirty forehead. "We'll make a halt soon."
"I can walk myself." You said when he loomed over you, his strong hands gripping your under your lower back. "Please!"
"No, you can't." He grumbled, shooting you a look that forced you to keep your mouth shut. "You are my wife now, and you are going to listen to what I say."
You squeezed your eyes shut when the man lifted you in the air and hurried forward, moving carefully so you wouldn't get struck by the branches. Your body ached, your legs hurt so hard you were ready to cry, your eyelids growing heavy. Oddly, the man's presence wasn't as intimidating as before, his body heat slowly warming you and lulling you to sleep since he slowed down a bit and kept going forward cautiously. You decided to close your eyes just a little bit...
When you opened your eyes next time, you were tucked in a bed that smelled like old sheep wool - your maid, a girl from the village, had the same scent when she returned after visiting her parents. Even though this bed was three times smaller and tougher then yours, you enjoyed laying there under the dark warm blanket - or whatever it was - and listening to the cracking fire inside the stone oven. Your poor feet were terribly sore, and laying on bed brought you so much comfort.
However, when you were fully awoke, you shifted on the bed nervously and glanced over the house, finding the stranger sitting near the crudely made wooden table, a clay pot in his hands. He lifted his hood, and now you could see his matted blonde hair and dirty face covered in mud and what looked like ashes. Was it his house he brought you to? It was very small and looked like it was abandoned some time ago, but you couldn't be sure. He had no servants to take care of his house, so maybe it always looked like that.
"You're awake." He said, turning his face to you. "Don't stand up. Your legs are no good."
"I'm sorry." You mumbled, knowing he was perfectly right since it still hurt you to move.
"Next time you need to tell me when you're in pain."
"Why?" Curling your lips in a grim smile, you got under blanket again, covering yourself up to your chin. "Why does my pain bother you?"
The man narrowed his eyes down at you and set the pot aside, putting his elbows on the table tiredly.
"You are my wife. Your pain bothers me, and my pain should bother you."
"I see." You averted your eyes from his face lit up by the light coming from the oven. You didn't know much about marriage since no one considered you to be ever wed. It was like this, then? Or was it because your husband was a peasant and not an honourable man? There certainly was differences, but you had never expected a beggar to be so kind.
He wasn't a beggar, though, of that you were sure.
"What name do I bear now?" You asked him, watching his face growing confused. "Do you... do you have a name, sir?"
"You bear the name of Rogers." He sounded oddly proud, but you only sighed - now you lost even the name your father gave you.
You were the beggar's wife, not the princess living in high castle - you would work hard till your hands bled; give birth to unfortunate children forced to live in poverty, who wouldn't know how to read or write; you'd starve and beg, and then die young. This is what your maid told you how the people of her village lived - despite being farmers, the lands they worked on were poor, and most of the harvest was taken away to feed the ones living in a castle.
You didn't even have the land to work on as you saw the forest through the crack in the door. This hut was in the middle of the woods, probably.
"I made a salve for your legs. Let me put it on."
When he stood up from the bench, you shivered and took your eyes elsewhere, moving higher on what you supposed was an improvised pillow. The stranger sat on the other side of the bed and moved your blanket, showing your dirty feet with dry blood covering them. Then, as if he remembered something, he went somewhere behind the oven and pulled a jug with a slightly cracked neck, soaking a rag in it. Once he squeezed it and brought it to your legs, you winced in pain, but stayed silent.
The stanger had been kind to you beyound your understanding.
"So, were the rumors true?" He asked once he wiped your feet cleen and took a little jar with what you assumed was the salve.
"Forgive me, but there are too many rumors for me to remember."
"The one that says you are so arrogant you don't want to meet any of the men who come to ask for your hand in marriage. Watching them being sent away, you sit in your room in the high tower and ridicule them all."
You wanted to laugh bitterly at his words, but the knot in your throat didn't let you utter a sound. Was this what the King and his children had been telling to your people, feeding them lies for years? The princess whose spirit was too high to look at those she deemed lower than her. The one born with a silver spoon in her mouth who didn't care whether her people starved and died from diseases. What a perfect little picture the King had constructed in the minds of others.
"If you believe it, did you take me as your wife to teach me a leason, then? To punish me?" You whispered and clenched your teeth - every touch to your legs made them burn as if the man's fingers were covered with flames.
His ridiculously beautiful blue eyes bore into you with such intensity it made you want to grab the blanket and pull it over your head to hide from him. Oddly, you thought his face looked noble behind that layer of dirt on his skin. He didn't look like any of those who you met behind the castle gates.
"In truth, I've seen you up there in the tower once, looking out the window. But you didn't laugh at us. You cried."
You raised your head and stilled, watching the man anxiously. No, he wasn't a beggar. They had never been admitted to the castle.
"How could you see me up there? My room is too high." Your hands trembled a little, and then you let out a hiss of pain when the man rubbed some salve onto your skin.
"I have a good eyesight."
"How did you know it was me, then?"
"Because I've seen you before."
Your heart was pounding loudly in your chest at his words. Who was he? Who was the man sitting on your bed?
"Were you a part of a cortege of a man who came to ask for my hand?" You asked nervously, glancing at him rubbing more of that medicine that smelled like herbs into your feet.
The stranger nodded. "Then... where have you seen me? Was it before I was locked in the castle by the King?"
"Yes. I saw you when the old King, rest his soul, had been alive."
"I see. I must have been a child, then." You gave him a weak smile, remembering those times when you were still the lovely little girl, your mother always keeping you close to her despite the royal etiquette. It was the time when you still travelled, sometimes even outside of your own country. He probably saw you during one of your trips with your parents. "Have you been a part of the court? Maybe the one who served it?"
"Yes." His answer was noncommittal, and it only steered your interest. Did he lost everything just like you? Was he stripped of his titles? It must had happened quite some time ago since his big hands were rough, work-weary. Maybe he was the knight or someone who belonged to the army.
Knowing he was becoming agitated, you decided to stop there. You had no desire to test patience of the one who had only ever been kind to you.
"I only have one question left, sir. How should I call you?"
He smirked, tilting his head to the side.
"Steve. My name is Steve Rogers."
Steve Rogers. This name rang a bell. He could see you growing confused, wracking your brains, desperately searching for any memory that could give you the answer. Steve Rogers. Steve...
Stevie. Prince Steven Grant Rogers. The little boy who was so unhealthy pale he looked like a ghost. He was skinny and small despite being older than you. You knew his mother had been sick for many years, confined to her chambers, and, sadly, her boy took after her. You remember the whispers behind your back when you visited him for the first time as he laid in bed, watching you with his enormously big blue eyes.
"It can't be." You gawked at the man who was bigger than anyone you had ever seen, his arms musculed, his shoulders wider than the ones of the King's executioner. Little Stevie could never grow so big - you remembered his thin, strange body well. "You can't be prince Steve."
"I'm not. I am King Steven now, little girl."
Oh, you remembered you called him a little boy that made him pout at you. There was no one standing close to you at the moment when you bended over to him and talked quietly not to tire the prince. But how could he become so strong? Even his father wasn't as big as him now. Why was King Steven dressed like a beggar? Why did he take you in the middle of the woods, pretending it was his house?
"When I reached the age of 18, I've met a wandering mage who cured my illness. His charms changed my body, made me what I had to become if my mother didn't fell sick before giving birth to me. Do you like what you see?"
You felt your cheeks burning when you realized you were staring at him shamelessly and averted your eyes.
"You look stronger than any man I've seen, Your Highness."
"I know, little bird." Smirking, he finally finished rubbing the salve into your skin and set the jar aside, caressing your feet. "As I fulfilled my promise to you, I came to claim what's rightfully mine."
"What promis- AH!
His gaze grew dark as you stared at him wide-eyed, and his hand gripped one of your feet painfully, making you yelp as he pressed his finger to the blister. He didn't like you forgetting about something important, but you could swear you remembered nothing of a promise.
"I gave you my word one day I'd become better and then come to ask for your hand, my dearest. You said if it were to happen, you would choose me among the other suitors. Do you remember now?" There was something dark in his voice as he spoke, and you nodded immediately to make him ease his grip on your leg. Steve sent you a satisfied smile, caressing your foot gently with his calloused fingers. "I've came to you several years ago, but you refused to see me and sent me away. I caught a glimpse of you in the window, and then I realized something wasn't right. I've sent a few of my people to become the servants in the castle to learn the truth."
Strangely, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted. King Steven knew you weren't rotten to the core. He knew you weren't a spoiled princess who refused to leave the castle to see her miserable people, suffering under the heavy taxation laws imposed by the new King. Steve took you here not to make you learn a lesson how to be behave, but to hide you from prying eyes.
As he wiped the tears streaming down your face, you realized he sat much closer to you now - King Steven smelled like sweat and pine trees.
"When the King ordered to give you to the first beggar who would come to the castle gates, I had already sneaked into your lands, my beloved. If not his order, my people would take you away soon." He dropped a kiss to your forehead, touching the locks of your hair with his fingers.
"But the King would find out who stole me." You whispered. "He'd demand you to bring me back."
"Five thousand soldiers are waiting for my command to march to the King's castle. Why would I leave him the kingdom that belongs to you, sweetheart?" Steve smiled, and you saw something dangerous lingering behind his eyes, something that made you shiver and draw a shaky breath from you. "If I gave you such an army, what would you do with it?"
For a second you felt like your body was thrown right into the fire, burning your flesh to the bones. The tears stopped as you clenched your teeth.
"Burn the castle to ashes. Kill the King. Kill his children. Kill their entourage. Kill all of them who had abandoned and humiliated me."
You didn't know when the anger rose in your chest and took a hold of your tongue, make you spit venom and imagine your brothers and sisters scream and plead for their lives, but you enjoyed it. You enjoyed every second of it when you thought of their heads on spikes for the crows to peck and the entire kingdom to see.
No one had come to your rescue for years when you prayed to be saved, taken away from a place that became your prison. No matter how much you asked God to answer you, he had been silent, and your learnt you were left alone in the world where no one wanted you to be treated fair. Then so be it. If no one took pity on a little miserable child pleading for help, you wouldn't show mercy to the ones who had been torturing you for years.
You hadn't seen how King Steven face changed as he watched you, his expression growing more sinister and poisonous, but you felt his lips on yours when he claimed your mouth possessively and his fingers clawed at your shoulders.
"I will cut the King's head off and tie it to the mane of your horse, my beloved. Would you like it to be your wedding gift?"
"Yes. Yes!" You cried as he shushed you, pressing your head to his chest and caressing your hair like a lover would.
"Then it's as good as done."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @navegandoaciegas @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @heeeyitskay @lovelydarkdaydream
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
all of your love
Hey y’all! Here’s Chapter 4 of my Playlist series. Make sure you catch up on the series (and check out my other stuff) by checking out my masterlist HERE. 
Let me know what y’all think!
This one is nasty (18+ as always), enjoy!
Word count: 6,195
T’Challa woke up Tuesday morning eager as a kid on Christmas. Every second that went by brought him closer to Ashanti and he couldn’t wait any longer, his excited nerves building to critical mass within him. Natasha and Wanda had noticed his constant texting and smiling at his beads, and worked hard the entire time he was there to get the truth out of him about who he was talking to. They tried asking Okoye, but she was a steel trap so the two of them cornered him in the living room just before his departure. Their suspicions were confirmed when he proudly pulled up a picture of her to show them.
“Damn she fine, who is that?” Sam sauntered into the room as T’Challa quickly shut the projection down and cleared his throat.
“She is none of your concern.”
“His girlfriend,” Natasha said at the same time before smirking into her cup of coffee. T’Challa looked at her in disbelief and she shrugged back at him in response. “Oh please, he would’ve found out eventually.”
The king rolled his eyes and left the room in a huff to go pack his things.
“He’s so pissy today,” Natasha said, a smirk still firmly planted on her face.
“He misses her, it’s adorable,” Wanda responded.
“Shit, I would too. Y’all saw her.”
T’Challa swept back in the room, bags in hand, calling to Okoye on his beads.
“General, are you ready to go?”
“Ewe kumkani wam, be down in a moment.”
Cap rounded the corner and picked up on T’Challa’s anxious energy. He turned to look at the other faces and a smile crept up his before he turned to his friend.
“Ready to get back to Ashanti, huh?”
A chorus of “Ashanti?!” broke out.
“Why’d he get to know her name and we didn't?” Wanda asked incredulously.
“I was getting there but the bird interrupted,” T’Challa said with a shrug, referring to Sam who rolled his eyes and waved goodbye to the king before leaving the room. 
“Hey, uh, can I talk to you for a second before you go?”
“Of course Steve, what is it?”
The two of them ducked off into the hallway for privacy.
“How is he?” Steve asked of his friend.
“He is responding to treatment really well, you should come see him sometime. Shuri has removed most of the words, and living with the Border tribe seems to be good for his mental state.”
Steve smiled from ear to ear. Hearing about Bucky’s progress warmed his heart and he seriously considered hopping on the jet with T’Challa right then and there.
“How about next week sometime? I have some things I need to finish up here, but I’d love to come see him. And see Wakanda properly this time.”
The two heroes shook hands and returned to the living room. At that moment Vision floated up through the floor and Okoye rounded the corner.
“I will never get used to that.”
“My apologies, general.”
“Apology accepted. My king?”
“Yes, we should get going. I will see you all again, hopefully not too soon.”
They said their goodbyes as the two Wakandans made their way to the Royal Talon Fighter to head home. Once Okoye had them in the air, T’Challa retired to one of the jet’s two bedrooms to change into sweatpants and a t-shirt and take a nap on the plush Wakandan mattress he missed so much. He was out like a light.
“My king, we are home,” Okoye lightly shook T’Challa awake. He got up and changed back into his clothes before exiting the ship. The entire royal family was there to greet him, much to his surprise. He greeted his mother and sister before landing on his cousin. 
“Umzala, I thought you were heading to Oakland,” he said as they dapped each other up.
“I’m about to head out now, just figured I’d wait a few and say hey to my favorite cousin.”
“You said I was your favorite cousin!” Shuri butted in.
“Hush, Dr. Frankenstein,” N’Jadaka remarked back at her. Shuri was shocked, but her face quickly morphed into amusement as a laugh erupted from her lips.
“If I’m Dr Frankenstein you just called yourself the monster,” Shuri cackled as she walked away, most likely going back to her lab to tinker with the laws of physics or something simple like that. 
“Welcome home son,” Ramonda lightly pushed her nephew aside. “How are the Avengers?”
T’Challa rolled his eyes at their incompetence and inability to work as a fluid team.
“Inept, mama. The captain might be visiting soon though,” he said with an eyebrow raise, knowing his mother had a little crush on Captain America.
“Oh, will he? I’ll have to be sure to spend some one on one time with the captain while he’s here.”
“Ew, Auntie.”
“Mama, please stop.”
“What? I still got it!” Ramonda turned and walked back towards the palace.
The cousins just looked at eachother and shuddered before N’Jadaka took off in the same jet T’Challa just arrived on. 
The next morning, T’Challa woke up later than most days. When he returns from a mission he likes to keep his workload light the following day, so he caught up on more of the sleep he had been missing out on. The very first thing he did after waking up was send Ashanti a “good morning beautiful” text, and before his feet even hit the floor she had responded.
Ashanti: Good morning handsome. How did you sleep?
T: Much better in my own bed, but still not as good as when you were in my arms.
A: Don’t make me blush.
T: But it’s so cute when you do.
T’Challa dragged himself out of bed and straight to his shower, turning on the hot water and turning his jungle bathroom into a sauna. 
“Kim, shuffle between my recently played songs.” He called out to the AI housed in his beads and around his quarters.
“Now playing ‘all of your love’ by Luke James,” the smooth automated voice rang out. A smile spread across his face as he remembered his picnic with Ashanti by the lake. They tapped beads and made a joint playlist, this album being one of Ashanti’s favorites. He had listened to it multiple times while he was away, missing her with every note.
You got the kinda loving 
That'll break a motherfucker's knees, baby
Got me begging, got me craving
I just wanna get a squeeze, baby
Don't leave me 'lone
Leave me 'lone, leave me 'lone
Leave me 'lone, leave me 'lone right here
I want it all
Want it all, want it all
Want it all, want it all, my dear
All of your love
(Give it all to me baby, yeah)
All of your love, yeah
(It's for me it's for you, baby)
All of your love
(I need it)
Give me all of your love (ooh)
He stepped under the faux rainfall and let it wash over his body, lathering up with some mango scented black soap. After his perfectly sculpted body was clean he turned off the water and air dried while covering his smooth brown skin in cocoa butter.
The king was looking forward to his day for two reasons: he would get to spend time with his little sister during the day and then Ashanti at night. For his first major stop of the day, he and Shuri went to the mines to check on the progress of the latest excavation efforts. The mining tribe elder K’Hari was intent on setting T’Challa up with his daughter Tamala, so they quickly made their escape to Shuri’s lab where they spent the rest of the day playfully bickering over who makes better gadgets while testing out some of Shuri’s latest inventions. T’Challa knew he would not win the argument, but enjoyed annoying his little sister. 
Around lunchtime T’Challa made his way back to the palace to eat with Ramonda in her garden. She wasted no time cutting to the chase.
“So this Ashanti, you have feelings for her?”
T’Challa nearly choked on his water, not expecting to cross into that territory so soon. 
“Uh, yes, umama, I do. It is still early though, the other night was only our first da-” he stopped when he saw the incredulous look on her face. She sucked her teeth at him.
“You brought a girl to the palace after one date? Do you make a habit of this?”
“No mama, I promise. The last time was when you caught me a few years back. With Ashanti it just...felt right.”
“Hmm...Lets hope it is. Bringing girls in the palace you barely know, I may not have been there your whole life, but I definitely raised you better than that...I can see she is different though, not like the riff raff you usually sniff around. That last girl you dated was horrid-”
T’Challa listened as Ramonda read his love life for filth, and all he could do was sit there.
“-skirts up to her ass, heels way too high for the setting. Thank Bast you’ve found someone good. Good for you, and good for Wakanda.”
“Woah, mama, we have only had one date and you are talking about Wakanda already? I do not even know if she would want to be queen one day.”
“No, but you want her to. I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. Yes, it’s early but you’re in love, unyana wam. The other day, watching the two of you, I could see how...easy you were with each other. I miss that easiness I had with your father…” T’Challa grabbed her hand as her eyes got misty. Ramonda blinked the tears away and turned the conversation back to T’Challa and Ashanti. “Everyone can see it, and I bet she’s walking around just as googly-eyed as you are.”
Ashanti and Kwame walked through the market arm-in-arm, picking up ingredients as they went.
“So tell me about this mining tribe hottie,” Ashanti spoke after a comfortable silence.
“Sis, I have one word for you: biceps. He could benchpress me and I just- woo that’s hot as fuck.” Kwame said, picking up a fan from a vendor and fanning himself dramatically before paying the old lady who ran the store.
“You really just bought a fan to be dramatic?”
“It’s practical and a prop!”
The two roommates broke out into giggles.
“Anyways, his name is Omar. Here’s his picture, isn't he cute? Ugh those dimples, I could swim in them.”
Ashanti flipped through a couple pictures of the two of them before Kwame shut the hologram down.
“You’re scrolling too much, you might see things you can't unsee.”
“Good looking out, friend.”
“So what are you serving kumkani other than that pussy?” Kwame asked loudly.
“Will you keep your voice down?! I’m not trying to announce this to the world.” Ashanti whisper-yelled at him before he threw his hands up in surrender. 
“My bad, my bad. Hey did you close the shop today or did you finally hire someone?”
“No, not yet. I haven’t even really been looking, I should get on that. But, uh, yeah I closed early. I'm there 7 days a week, the people can handle me being out for a few hours,” Ashanti said, Kwame nodding along in agreement. “Hey, want to stop by my parents’ place for lunch?”
“Girl when have I ever said no to food?” Kwame responded with excitement. He never said no to food. 
“Should we bring something back for B?”
“No she’s probably going to stay a couple nights with Kiki. You know, so they can ‘catch up’ or whatever. Honestly, its like she forgets i can see right through her.” Kwame rolled his eyes.
“Even I can see they have feelings for eachother-”
“Girl blind people see they have feelings for each other. It’s her first experience with a girl so I don’t want to push her but damnit just do gay shit already sis!” 
They arrived at Zana Cafe right as Ashanti’s riotous laughter subsided. 
“Hey babygirl, hey Kwame! Where’s my other daughter?” Chidi asked, hugging them both.
The three of them sat at a table near the kitchen and away from the hustle and bustle.
“She’s out ignoring her feelings for Kiki.”
“Kiki Odunsi? She’s a nice girl, Binta has good taste.”
“That’s what I said, Baba, but she’s just too nervous to act on it. Yet she pushes me into the king’s arms-”
“I’m sure I don't want to hear the rest of that statement, but your mom will be back soon and I’m sure she’d love to hear all about it. You kids want some food? We got some curry that just finished, you have perfect timing.”
“We felt it in our souls,” Kwame half-joked. Chidi disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared with their food, letting them dig in while he ran the restaurant. 
About halfway through lunch Kwame got a message from Omar that made his entire face turn red as his lip disappeared under his top teeth.
“Go ahead,” Ashanti said, already knowing the content of the message without having to see it. He either sent a nasty picture or a dirty text, and either way she knew the second Kwame saw it he was mentally already sucking Omar’s dick. 
He got up, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and waving goodbye to Chidi as he all but ran to his dick appointment.
“Well he sure got out of here in a hurry,” Chidi came over and sat across from his daughter. 
“A boy texted him.”
“Should’ve known,” he said before clearing his throat. “So, the king...how is that going?”
“You actually want to talk about it?”
“Of course, you’re my daughter. It’s just hard to see you as an adult sometimes, but I’m getting better at it.”
“Well he and I really connect on a lot of levels. He’s so smart, and sweet, and considerate and I know we only had that one date but I feel like I’ve known him for years. We have another date tonight, I’m making him mama’s pirri pirri chicken.”
Chidi sat back in amazement. Here was his little girl...in love...with the king of Wakanda. 
“You know, that’s what your mother made the first time she cooked for me.”
“It is?!”
“Mhm, that’s how she hooked me. Been trapped ever since.”
Ashanti playfully hit her father’s arm and thought about her meal plan for later.
“Well, Baba, I have to go prep for tonight. Give Mama my love when she gets back.” Ashanti kissed her father on the cheek and headed back to her empty home.
Her “Sacral Chakra” playlist blasted through the house as she danced in her underwear to Missy Elliott’s “Throw it Back” while stirring the rice one last time. Everything was ready, and she still had plenty of time before he was supposed to show up. She put the oven on “warm” and stuffed the dishes inside before removing the rice from the heat and trotting upstairs to get herself ready for the life changing dick-down she was surely about to receive.
She changed the music to fit the mood she wanted to set, switching to her “Sexy” playlist and swooning at the sound of one of her favorite songs tickling her ears. 
Like a flame to a moth 
I'm addicted to your sauce, so bad
I want it 24/7, 365, 911
I need it fast
Don't leave me 'lone (so)
Leave me 'lone, leave me 'lone (so fast)
Leave me 'lone, leave me 'lone right here
(911 terrible baby, yeah)
I want it all
Want it all, want it all
Want it all, want it all, my dear
All of your love
(Give it all to me, baby)
All of your love, yes
(It's for me it's for you, baby)
All of your love
('Cause I need it)
Give me all of your love (ooh)
Luke’s voice carried her as she took a dip in the tub with a colorful jasmine and ylang ylang bath bomb before moisturizing with rose-infused shea butter. Her skin smelled like a forbidden garden, just the way she liked it. Then she trimmed her pubic hair, cleaning up her bikini line and giving him a clear, well-groomed path to her treasure trove. Finally, she painted her nails and toes white to stand out against her skin and avoid clashing with her colorful, off the shoulder, bodycon ankara dress. Ashanti chose to keep her braids down and makeup light again, knowing all that extra makeup would get ruined anyway. For a final touch she slid on her strappy gold stilettos, knowing just how much he loved them from their kimoyo chats. 
The doorbell rang and Ashanti took a deep breath before straightening her dress and heading to the door. When she opened it both of their jaws dropped. There he was in an all-black suit with a black shirt underneath, a purple pocket square, and that damn hoop in his ear. He looked like the black panther he was and Ashanti wanted nothing more than to be his prey.
His eyes roamed her body and landed back on her face before he stepped over the threshold and pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues danced alongside each other as both of their hands reacquainted themselves with the other’s body. T’Challa’s hand steadily sliding down her backside brought her out of her daze and she broke the kiss. He frowned as though she had taken away his favorite toy.
“Dinner, your highness.” She said before giving him one last peck and escaping to the kitchen with him on her heels. As she tried to maneuver around the kitchen, T’Challa refused to let go of her waist, whispering sweet nothings in her ear every few seconds about how much he missed her.
“T’Challa, go sit down, I’ll bring you your food,” She giggled as he kissed her cheek repeatedly. “Go!”
He let her go with a slap on the ass and sat down at the table, watching her float around the kitchen. After a couple minutes, Ashanti set two plates full of delicious looking food down on the table. She cracked open a bottle of palm wine and poured them both a generous amount. 
“Are you trying to get me drunk Miss Mostafa?”
“Maybe. Cheers.” Their glasses clinked together and they both took a sip without breaking eye contact.
“Tell me what you think,” Ashanti pointed at his plate to get him to focus. The king took one bite and his eyes rolled back in his head.
“You made this?!”
“Ha ha, T’Challa. Yes, I made this. It’s my umama’s recipe though. And make sure you save room for dessert” she said while digging into her food. 
“My compliments to the chef,” he said as he seductively brought his lips around his forkful of food, still staring into her soul.
The two of them caught up on their time apart, what little they didn’t already discuss in their kimoyo chats. T’Challa regaled her with stories of his work with the Avengers, and he watched her in admiration as she spoke about the happenings at Taj’s.
“Ready for our next course?” Ashanti asked the king.
“I am.”
Ashanti scooped the warm mango cobbler into two bowls and topped each one with ice cream. She set T’Challa’s bowl down in front of him and went to take her seat when his hand wrapped around her wrist and tugged her back towards him. 
“Sit on my lap,” he said in a low grumble.
Ashanti’s feet carried her back to the king and she turned to sit across his lap.
“Not like that, face me.”
“My dress-”
“I don’t care.”
A chill went down her spine as she hiked her dress up over her thick thighs and straddled him. He reached for his bowl and scooped up some cobbler and ice cream, bringing it to her lips.
Her lips parted and she tasted her sugary concoction, happy it turned out how she wanted it to.
“Is it good?”
“Is it sweet?” He asked, nuzzling into her neck and inhaling her scent.
“Good. Feed it to me.”
They took turns feeding eachother the cobbler, licking the melted ice cream from each other's lips. With each bite, the king’s hand travelled further and further up Ashanti’s thigh, gripping her tight and causing her to let out the tiniest whimpers. 
He could smell her arousal and it drove him crazy. When his hands travelled up to her hips and felt no underwear she looked at him and winked, flipping the switch within him. His eyes turned almost completely black as his fingers trailed across her body directly to her clit. Ashanti jumped, but his other arm held her down. His fingers circled her clit, making more wetness drip out of her. She suckled on his bottom lip and moved her hips to get him to stop teasing her, but he wasn’t a fan of her defiance.
“Did I say move?”
His voice sent a chill down Ashanti’s spine and straight to her pussy. Another rush of liquid escaped her and T’Challa chuckled darkly.
“You like when I tell you what to do, don't you?” He asked, one hand still teasing her clit while the other gripped her jaw forcing her to look into his eyes. She nodded desperately and he laughed in her face. “I know you do, kitten. You know what I want you to do for me?”
She struggled to compose herself, his teasing becoming too much for her to handle.
“What? I’ll do anything”
“I know you will. Cum on my fingers when I fucking say so, do you understand me?” She nodded as his fingers moved down to her now dripping hole, three of them opening her up and sliding in deep while the heel of his hand pushed into her clit. He slapped her ass with his free hand. “I said, do you understand me?”
He curled his fingers inside her, alternating between quick and slow thrusts, all while dragging the pads of his fingers across her g-spot. More wetness pooled between her legs as he dug in her, causing her to grind into his hand for even more friction.
“There you go, nasty girl. Work for it, mhm…” He licked from her collarbone to her ear before nibbling on her lobe, making her release a moan from deep within her core. “You sound so beautiful, I’m going to make you sound like this all night. Are you ready for me?”
She held on tight to his shoulders and rocked into him more, the tension building in her body.
“Yes, kumkani.”
He growled and pulled his fingers from her, placing his hands under her thighs and picking her up while she whined at the empty feeling.
“Where’s your room?” He spoke into her ear as she wound her hips against his and sucked on his neck. She pointed up the stairs, but her lack of communication frustrated him more. He needed to be inside her now.
He backed her into an empty wall and pushed his pelvis into hers. Her eyes rolled back at the feel of his third leg against her pussy.
“You want it?” He teased. She nodded vigorously as he unzipped his pants and pushed them to his feet. “Do something about it.”
She reached between them and almost cried at the feeling of his hot, pulsating dick in her hands. She couldn’t close her small hands around it, and she wondered briefly about how it would fit in her mouth. She felt the throbbing veins up and down his shaft and his length would surely fill her to the brim. She swiped her thumb over the precum oozing out the head of his dick and brought it to her lips to taste. The sweet saltiness of him set her off, and she lifted her body up before sliding down on his length.
She was too eager to be bothered by the stretch of her pussy, just wanting him inside her.
He moaned into her ear and gripped her ass tight as she enveloped him in her warmth. He wanted to keep his composure, but it slipped more with every bounce of her juicy ass onto his pelvis. The thickness of his dick pulling her clit combined with the edging from earlier had her on the verge of an orgasm already.
 After letting her get used to his size, the king decided to stop playing nice and pushed her back into the wall, staring deep into her eyes as he thrust into her body. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she held on for dear life as he busted her wide open.
“Oooh, T’Challa!”
“Hm? You like when I do that? What about this?” He lifted her and brought her down onto him, the force causing her to yell out his name between thrusts.
“T-Chal-la, oh-my-Bast-it-feels-so-good. Mmm I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” She barely rushed out before her muscles tightened and released around him, both of them moaning out in pleasure. He continued to hold her while they stared into each other’s eyes forehead to forehead, breathing heavily, until she broke the silence.
“Can I taste you?” she whispered and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He placed her down and she immediately sank to her knees, licking her essence off of his dick.
His hand went to the back of her head as she sucked the tip and rotated her two hands along his shaft. After a few moments she grew brave and pushed him further into her throat, making his toes curl. She was down to one hand and decided to go even deeper. Resting her jaw, she brought her free hand to stroke his shaft while alternating between licking his balls and softly bringing them into her mouth. Her lips made their way back to his pulsating dick, his chorus of “fuck yes, just like that” and “suck that dick” lost on her ears while she focused all her will power on swallowing the monster before her. Her mouth slowly crept over his tip and down his shaft as far down as she went before. She swallowed and took him in deeper, nose almost touching his pubic hair.
He wasn’t expecting that and came down her throat. She gladly swallowed every drop.
“Good girl, make sure you clean your plate for your king.” He pulled her up by her jaw and kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth to taste himself on her. He slapped both her ass cheeks.
“Get in that bedroom.”
She grabbed his hand and led him to her room, her dress at her waist and those damn heels on her feet. Ashanti had a feeling those would be staying on most of the night. 
When she opened her door, he only looked around briefly before grabbing her by her throat and licking her neck. Her pussy throbbed once more.
“Why do you like when I’m rough with you?” He growled in her ear as he unzipped her dress. “Answer me.”
“My king, I-I don’t know but it turns me on.”
“You don’t know, huh? That’s not a good enough answer. Bend over, grab your ankles. Let’s see if you can figure it out” His hand pushed on her back, making her bend at the waist before he slammed into her, taking everything she had to give. His hips slowed down and stirred inside her, making her release a long, deep moan each time he pushed deeper.
Tears came to her eyes from how he was hitting it. She had never felt anything so deep or so thick inside her, and the way he was moving made her cry out to the heavens.
“She’s not here love, you’re at my mercy,” He chuckled and grabbed her neck, pulling her up to whisper in her ear as his hips sped back up and she grabbed onto the back of his head for stability. His left hand had a tight grip on her hip, but his right hand came up to tweak her nipples as he slowed his strokes back down, circling his hips. 
“Yes, kumkani” she moaned out on repeat like a broken record. He had hit that spot in her that shut her brain down, making her putty in his hands.
“I’m going to ask you again sithandwa, why do you like it when I’m rough with you? Hmm? I know it’s hard to think right now, but try for your kumkani. We talked about it before. Why do you want me to treat you this way?”
“B-because I’m my kumkani’s little slut.”
He smiled as wide as the cheshire cat and stilled inside her, another deep chuckle rumbling from his chest.
“That’s my good girl, my little slut. You like being kumkani’s little slut?”
“Mmm, yes. Please, make me your slut kumkani. I’ll be good.”
He pulled out and slapped her ass.
“Prove it. Good girls ride dick.” He laid back on the bed, hands behind his head as he watched her stand over him and squat onto his throbbing member. He moaned as she dropped her weight on him and picked it back up repeatedly, tightening her kegel muscles on the way back up each time. She eventually dropped down to her knees to give her thighs a break and leaned back towards his legs, giving him a full view of her body as he watched himself go in and out of her.
“Shit, Ashanti.”
She slowed down and sat up, circling her hips and gripping him tight before leaning over and letting him suck on her nipples. She let him have his fill then whispered in his ear, “Am I a good girl yet?”
His mouth left her breasts and he pulled her into a deep kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance with his eventually winning again. He pulled back to take in her beautiful face that was twisted in pleasure, his black eyes staring deep into her brown ones.
“The best.”
The king wrapped his arms around Ashanti’s waist and spread his legs before thrusting up into her, catching her off guard. Her body succumbed to his and another wave of intense pleasure washed over her as she came once more. He fucked her all the way through her orgasm, refusing to let up.
“Do you have one more in you kitten? Can you be a good girl and cum again for your kumkani?”
“T’Challa, I-”
“Who?!” he hooked his arms under her knees and flipped them over, driving his big dick deep into her guts with a roll of his hips.
Tears came to her eyes and he wiped them away, pausing his movements. “Are you ok, love? Did I hurt you?”
“No, I...it just feels so good. You feel so good inside me, baby.”
“Do I?” he teased as he thrust impossibly deeper inside her, watching as the tears sprang from her eyes, kissing them away.
“Yessss,” she hissed as their foreheads came together so they could stare deep into each other’s souls as their climaxes approached. 
He pushed her legs back further and she felt him drop all his weight into her pussy over and over and over and she left her body, tears running from her eyes and juices seeping from her pussy. Her head rolled back and a faint smile appeared on her face as he fucked her stupid. Her nails dug into his back as his hips continued to thrust into her from above and he left his signature on her neck. He felt her body tensing up again and  he decided to stop delaying his release before he killed the poor girl. 
“Kitten.” He said to her in a soft, sweet voice, slowing down his strokes and just grinding in her deep. She struggled to focus on him but when their eyes met, he leaned in for a soft kiss. “You’ve been such a good girl for me. You take me so well baby, it’s like your pussy was made for me. You said I could cum inside you, will you still let your kumkani cum deep inside that pussy?” They had already discussed this, knowing it would come up at some point. Luckily they both had their STI prevention shots and  they were both on birth control, so since they shared the same kink they decided to go for it.
“Yesss, please kumkani. Cum inside me,” Ashanti said as she locked her legs around his waist.
The king’s thrusts picked up the pace, elevating them both to their highs. The tension rose in their bodies, Ashanti scrambling to hold him closer, and T’Challa struggling to contain his strength so as not to cause real damage. When the dams broke, their bodies shook violently and he filled her up while she spilled all over him. He slowly thrusted into her as his dick continued to pump her pussy full of him. His thrusts slowed to a stop as she came down from her climax. He leaned back and opened his mouth and let a glob of spit fall onto her clit before lightly rubbing it in with his thumb.
“T’Challaaaaa!” she whined, feeling overwhelmed. He smirked and stopped, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead then her nose, then her lips. 
“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” he said as he continued to lightly kiss around her face and neck. Her legs still hadn't let him go, so his hips churned inside her very slowly, grinding just enough to keep her turned on but not enough to over stimulate her. “You just can’t let me go, huh?”
“Uh-uh,” she pulled him to her soft lips, only allowing them to slightly graze each other. “You feel too good.” She whined.
“Oh I do? You love when I’m deep in that pussy, don't you? You want me in there all the time? Want me to slut you out whenever I fucking feel like it?”
“Mmmm, yes kumkani.”
“Good girl. Now let me go baby, I’m not done with you.”
“T’Cha-” She was cut off by a deadly glare. “Kumkani, my pussy is tired.”
“I know kitten, this will help her feel better.”
Ashanti slowly unraveled her legs and moaned as his dick slowly left her, pulling on her clit and her g-spot on the way out. The emptiness she felt was soon replaced by the feeling of his copious amounts of cum dripping from her hole. 
T’Challa moaned at the sight then leaned in for a taste, causing Ashanti to gasp unexpectedly. His tongue moved up and down her pussy, collecting his cum and spreading it all over. He sucked on her clit and his fingers slowly found their way inside her to rub on her spot before his finger and tongue switched. He tongue fucked her walls while his thumb strummed her clit lazily, her legs twitching on every upstroke . His moans of pleasure pushed her further to her climax and when he started slurping his cum out of her pussy she lost it, body convulsing and cumming all over his chin. He slurped up their combined fluids and brought his lips to hers, transferring their cum to her mouth for her to taste. She swallowed and stared into his eyes, bottom lip between her teeth. He rolled over beside her and they faced each other. 
“Don’t look at me like that. You already won't be walking tomorrow, but I can make it a week,” T’Challa warned and the two broke out into laughter.
“Wow, just...that was...wow,” Ashanti said, still processing what just happened.
“Is something wrong? Was I too rou-” Ashanti shut him up with a kiss.
“It was amazing. And oh my Bast, you are nasty as fuck.”
T’Challa chuckled, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his chest.
“That’s just the tip of the iceberg, dear.”
Ashanti stilled then looked up at him in fear and arousal, both of which were made worse by the bloodthirsty look on his face. 
“What else are you into?”
The two lovers laid there and talked for hours, only pausing for a brief moment while Ashanti went to the bathroom. They talked about their kinks and exploring more together. They spoke about their futures, their bucket lists, their families, and more. The conversation veered from comical to serious to heart wrenching to seductive all within the span of a few hours.
They eventually fell asleep with T’Challa’s strong arms wrapped around Ashanti’s waist, just like the last time they slept in each other’s arms and hopefully just like all the times they’ll lay together in the future. 
Our love
Your love
On me
Our love
My love
In you
Our love
Your love
On me
Our love
My love
(Did you ever think that, maybe
Maybe it's destiny?
Maybe it's destiny that brought us together)
Next Chapter
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instasiswetrust · 3 years
Cherry Lane Challenge Day 2 - Ribcage
Heartbeats pound a war drum beat against his bruised ribcage. Each pulse brings along a new wave of pain that he's forced to ignore in favor of grit teeth and the frantic thump-thump-thump of feet against the damp forest floor.
Crushed pine needles and moss, both familiar scents of his childhood that should bring him comfort, only serve to mask the underlying smell of rotting flesh and mildew that seems to envelop every single thing in this godforsaken hell of a place.
Steve has no idea for how long or how far he has been running. Nothing matters but putting even more distance between his battered human body and the monster with a flower head full of teeth. Logic and common sense stripped away in exchange for the instinct driven lizard brain, much more suited for survival and running away from perceived danger.
Is this how Will had felt when he had been trapped here?
A screeching howl comes from his far left, giving him pause. His feet, exhausted from the relentless chase, stumble over the uneven terrain in his brief distraction. Momentum enables his body to pitch forward, ending up face-first against the leaf-strewn forest floor. The foliage turtles behind him, and he closes his eyes tightly, knowing without a doubt that he's already dead.
Another rustle, this time even closer. His breath hitches, hand flying to his mouth to muffle the sound before it can properly form. Then-
Deep in his chest, his heart stutters to a stop as shock registers through the fibers of his very being. His breath falters, throat constricting despite the necessity for air but none of this registers as his brain scrambles to make sense of the voice he just heard.
This realm must be playing tricks with his mind. There's no way that the voice he just heard is real.
"Steve, is that you?"
Or maybe he's wrong.
Steve fumbles to pick himself up from the ground, mentally preparing himself for whatever he's going to see once he turns around. Or at least, he tries to prepare himself. It's not his fault that what he sees cannot be overcome by a simple mental peptalk.
Because standing behind him, covered in grime and what appears to be dried blood, is Billy Fucking Hargrove.
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Human flesh and Oil Paints.
Chapter 1.
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"order up!"
You scrambled to grab the warm plate of food from the kitchen counter. 
"Thanks Cody" you smile as you walk over to the counter and place the meal in front of your hungry customer. it was 2 am so there wasn’t a lot of people in the diner. The trucker thanked you before digging in, the poor guy was working the late shift like you.
The diner was practically in the middle of nowhere. it was by some woods and along the highway. you had quite a bit of a drive to work but you didn't have any other job. You were a college student who could barely support themselves and their hobbies.
You fixed your black facemask as you leaned against the edge of the counter. God, you could NOT wait until your shift was over, you wanted to get home and cuddle with your body pillow before passing out. You were exhausted at this point.
The bell attached to the door chimed as another person walked in. two people at the same time was a rare occurrence at this hour. You felt a rush of excitement. Your life at this point was so incredibly boring that when there was a small change it made your brain get all bubbly. You shook your hands at your side excitedly, trying your best to keep it subtle as you walked over to the new customer.
You pulled out your little white notepad and your blue ballpoint pen as you made your way over there with the best smile you could muster. well the best one you could with a mask on.
"good evening! Welcome to Wendy and Steves diner, how can I be of service?" you ask with the best customer service voice you had. You had a love-hate relationship with people. You loved people and wanted to talk but you usually got all clammy and nervous. nothing a little acting can do. You're playing a role so you can get paid and make someone happy, no biggie.
The man looked over at you. He had a face mask and a pair of sunglasses on. nothing odd since you were both in a global pandemic. he had the hood of his navy blue hoodie up as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. he seemed off. maybe he was nervous, or just uncomfortable. either way, you just wanted him to feel welcomes.
"I can get you started with a coffee if you'd like" you hummed cheerfully as you put the notepad in the pocket of your apron, along with the pen. 
"....that would be nice" his voice was soft and gruff like he was trying his best not to sound.. intimidating. He seemed like he knew he wasn't exactly friendly-looking.
"Okay, coming right up" you smiled as you walked back behind the counter where the coffee maker was. You were used to having a few oddballs at your job. You've had weirder people. He just seemed shy. his tone was hard to read but you were going to assume that he was having a bad day.
You absent-mindedly poured the cup of coffee as you got deeper into thought, it wasn't until you were done pouring the coffee you realized that the stranger did come in a truck- or even a car.
You placed the cup on the table in front of the strange man.
"here, on me." you hummed as you put a hand on your hip, you weren't going to get in his business unless he wanted you to.
"Oh. thank you" he looked over at you, staring at you as if he was trying to take in every little detail. His eyes on you felt so unsettling for some reason.
"No problem hun, just uh stay safe" you were about to walk away when you heard him speak again, you almost couldn't hear him over the sound of the sizzling in the background.
"Your eyes are very pretty." 
This would have been flattering if it didn't feel so off. something was very off about this man but you couldn't put your finger on it.
You decide to shrug it off, "thanks"
You sped off to go behind the counter again, your hand sweating as you tried to ground yourself by leaning on the wall slightly. He was interesting. 
Maybe you were overthinking this. He was just some stranger, he didn't even seem to have a car. Poor guy probably walked here. Maybe he was lost? 
You brushed off any bad feelings you had about him, he was none of your business. he was probably just some random dude and you were just assuming things about him. You glanced at him again, he was taking off his mask but he seemed to hesitate a lot. You couldn't tell if it was the poor lighting or not but his skin looked...grey? strange.
You needed some fresh air. 
"Cody. I'll be uh right back-" you explained as you walked into the kitchen, your coworker simply nodded as he flipped an egg. 
God, was he really making himself another snack? It wasn't any of your business anyway. 
You step outside and enjoy the cold winter air as you carefully slipped your mask off. The cold air felt nice against your chapped lips. You were tired. You just wanted your shift to be over. You only had to stay for another hour anyway.
"fuckkk," you groaned as you grabbed at your hair. 
what was wrong with you?
The man hadn't done anything to you, so why were you so nervous around him?
You just needed to breathe, you just needed some air and you'll be fine. 
Either someone left or someone came in. You had to go back in, either way, you had to either clean up or get someone's order. After all, it was only you and Cody on shift.
You were surprised to see that the stranger was gone. 
you grab the coffee mug and look inside, it was still full. 
"did he only take one sip?" you muttered to yourself confused. Then you noticed the envelope underneath it. You slipped it in your pocket, for now, you'll see what's in it after your shift. You only had maybe 30 minutes left to your shift. 
"Have a good night, try not to pass out at the wheel Bill" you say to the trucker as he put a twenty and a five-dollar bill on the counter. 
"thank you, sweetheart, I'll be back tomorrow if you're working" Bill was always so nice, he always tipped you nicely too.
You pick up the plate and walked into the kitchen.
"I'm going to be leaving after I wash this. Cherry is supposed to be here soon so I doubt you'll be alone for too long" you say as you started to wash the dish off. 
"be careful. That dude was looking at you weird. I didn't like it." Cody said after a moment, annoyance in his voice as he spoke.
"oh come on you old dog, you know I'm careful. This was probably a one-time thing-" 
"just- just be careful kid." he cut you off as he crossed his arms, something told you that you should probably be careful if Cody was getting this... frustrated over this.
"okay, anyway. I'll be on my way dude, text me if you need anything" you held your breath as you dried off the plate and put it on the drying rack. 
The sound of your car locking was comforting as you slouched in the driver's seat.
"Just get the car ride over and you can relax, its just a 30-minute drive, just drive- just dr-" That's when you saw something in your wing mirror. 
what the fuck.
There was some tall creature? You were guessing it was a man, maybe around 6'7. It made you feel uneasy that there was someone or something that tall. 
Why was he just standing at the edge of the forest. All you knew was that you had to get out of there now.
You practically speed off down the highway. 
What the fuck.
What the fuck.
You just needed to get home. You need that security.
You're going to be fine. This is going to be fine.
  Authors note: You can also read this on my wattpad 
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stale-cheezit · 4 years
Skinny Dipping
Summary: Some of the avengers decide to skinny dip in the hot tub 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader 
Word Count: 1,812 
Warnings: Swearing, smut. vaginal fingering. orgasm denial. unprotected sex (Don’t be a fool wrap your tool) cockwarming if you squint. slight fluff at the end
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You, Wanda, Nat, Steve, Sam and Bucky all sit on the couch, trying to come up with a way to spend the rest of the night. 
“Let’s just stay in and watch movies.” Steve suggests. 
“We would spend hours trying to pick a movie.” Sam sighs. 
“True.” Wanda agrees. 
“What about board games?” Nat says. 
“Y/N’s too competitive for that.” Bucky mutters against the couch. 
“How about we go skinny dipping.” Wanda smirks. 
“I’m down.” You and Nat both say at the same time. 
“Let’s do it.” Sam says, standing up. 
“Ummm.” Steve looks reluctant. 
“Don’t be such a party pooper old man!” You grab his arm and pull him off the couch. 
“I’ll do it if Bucky does.” Steve says. 
“Fine.” Bucky stands up. You smile and everyone heads to the elevator. Tony recently put a indoor pool and hot tub on one of the unused floors. 
Once you get there Nat turns on the jets and starts stripping. Sam, Steve and Bucky turn around so You, Wanda and Nat can get in. Soon the boys join you, the bubbles covering your naked bodies. 
“See Stevie it’s not so bad.” Nat says, moving bubbles around. 
You feel slightly awkward. You’ve gone skinny dipping before, but now was different. Nat and Wanda are both very aware of your not so subtle crush on Bucky. Steve and Sam were slowly catching on. 
You all just sit in the hot tub and talk until you decide to play truth or dare. The game goes on for a while until Steve decides he’s tired and leaves. Nat follows shortly after. 
“You guys are no fun!” You whine, leaning on Wanda, who wraps an arm around you. 
“Sam truth or dare?” Wanda asks. 
“Fine dare.” 
Wanda smirks, “I dare you too kiss Y/N.” 
“Um no.” You say. 
“I’ll pass. I think this is where I head out.” Sam grabs a towel and covers himself as he steps out of the hot tub. Leaving you, Wanda and Bucky. 
“And then there were three.” You sigh. 
“I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long.” Wanda says to Bucky. 
“I may be old and slightly unstable but I’m no party pooper.” Bucky smiles. 
The game continues with the three of you until Wanda turns and whispers in your ear, “I think it’s time for me to leave you two alone for a while.” 
“You better not leave me alone with him.” You whisper back to her. 
“I’m pretty tired. I’m gonna go to bed.” Wanda says louder. 
“Goodnight.” You and Bucky both say, you send a slight glare her way. 
Wanda walks away, holding her towel and pile of clothes close to her body. You and Bucky remain silent for a few minutes. 
“Y/N truth or dare?” He says quietly. 
“Truth.” You reply. 
“Do you like anyone?” Your heart starts beating faster. 
“Yes I do. Truth or dare?” 
“Do you like anyone?” 
“Yes I do. Truth or dare?” 
“Who do you like?” Bucky asks. Your heart is beating a mile a minute. 
“I picked dare.” 
“I dare you to tell me who you like.” Bucky stands up, the water barely covering his v-line. 
“You first.” 
“I asked you first.” Bucky slowly makes his way towards you, a blush rises to you cheeks. 
“I.. Um..” Bucky’s face inches closer to yours as he sits next to you. 
“Who is it doll?” His eyes travel from your eyes to your lips. Your body slides further down into the water, suddenly remembering you’re both completely nude. 
“Buck I..”
“Because a little birdy told me,” His lips are inches away from yours, “That you have feelings for me.” 
“Bucky I’m sorry.” You fold your arms over your chest, becoming self conscious. 
“Don’t be sorry doll. What if I told you I felt the same way.” 
“H-Hey Buck?” You whisper, getting a bit of confidence. 
“Truth or dare?” You ask. 
“Dare.” A sly smirk appears on his face. 
“Kiss me.” You say, barely above a whisper. Bucky smiles and gently connects his lips with yours. His metal hand cups your cheek and pulls you closer. You whimper at the feeling of cold, metal fingers against your skin. You feel your nipples harden against the cold air, and you sink back into the water, pulling Bucky slightly down with you. 
“What’s the matter doll?” He asks. 
“Buck we’re both naked,” You giggle, “It’s a bit awkward.” 
“It doesn’t have to be,” Bucky sits down and holds his hand out, “Come here.” 
You take his hand and pulls you into his lap. You shiver as your upper body is exposed to the cold air. Bucky looks into your eyes the entire time, not daring to look down. You feel his cock press against your thigh, you jump backwards. His hands rest against your waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, you nod. His lips press to yours. Your arms wrap around his neck, and he slowly kisses down your jaw. He gently nips under your ear lobe. 
“Bucky...” You whimper. He kisses further down your neck. Getting closer and closer to your breasts. His hand slowly reaches up to rub his thumb over your nipple. His mouth attaching to your right breast. “Not here...” 
“Why not?” Bucky says peppering kisses against your skin. 
Your fingers run through his hair, “Someone could see.” 
“Everyone’s asleep.” His hand trails down in between your thighs. 
“Please...Touch me,” You whisper. His thumb starts rolling slow circles on your clit. You close your eyes as you hold back a moan, “Buck faster.” A small moan escapes your lips as your grind down on his hand. 
“Good girl.” He whispers in your ear. Your grip on his hair tightens as you feel him slip a single finger inside you. His digit slowly pumping in and out of you. You hold onto him for dear life as he slowly picks up the speed. Small whines and moans fill the room. You want this moment to last as long as possible but your orgasm comes a lot faster than you wanted. The combination of his fingers, the excitement of knowing you could be caught any second, and Bucky’s deep voice whispering naughty things to you as he kisses his neck. 
A second finger slides inside you, your eyes rolling back into your head at the pleasure. “Holy fuck.. Bucky.” You start bouncing on his fingers, your legs starting to shake as you feel your orgasm begin to wash over you then- 
Absolutely nothing. Bucky quickly pulls his fingers out of you. “Not yet.” He growls. You unintentionally moan at the sound of his voice. He chuckles and lifts up your hips, “Is this still okay?” 
“Yes. God yes.” You say kissing him. He guides your hips to hover over his cock, and you slowly sink onto him. You wince and stop your movements. “It hurts.” You whisper. 
“Have you done this before?” 
“Yes it’s just been a while.” You stay in the same place, trying to adjust to his size. The last guy you did this with was nothing like Bucky. 
“Take your time doll.” He says kissing your neck. You slowly slide all the way down onto him, moaning at the feeling of him filling you up. His hips slowly start moving. 
“I’m okay. You can go faster.” You say, holding onto his face and kissing him. You bounce your hips on his, slowly gaining speed as you get more comfortable. His lips attach to your nipple again, kneading the other with his hand. He rolls the sensitive bud between his lips. You bring his face back up to kiss him. Both your paces start getting desperate. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you slam your hips to his, starting to get desperate for your release. 
Goosebumps start forming on your body as you feel your orgasm getting closer and closer. Yes, yes, yes, yes, fuck GOD YES! Your legs start shaking and you stop your movements, Bucky realizes how close you are and holds onto your hips, thrusting up into you at a fast pace. 
“You have no idea how many nights I dreamed of this. You on top of me while I have my way with you. You having no choice but to take my cock, being too overwhelmed to even move. I’ve wanted you for so long. And I knew you wanted me too. I heard you moaning my name while you would touch yourself late at night to the thought of me. It took everything in me not to go to your room and fuck you senseless.” Bucky grunts as he gets closer to his orgasm as well. 
“I-I fuck please don’t stop Bucky please! O-Oh god. Holy shit yes yes!” You moan as your eyes flutter closed and your entire body shivers as your orgasm hits you. It last longer than normal, Bucky never letting up on his pace slamming into you until moments after you come down from your high, he hits his own. 
“Y/N you’re so perfect oh my god.” He groans as he spills himself inside you. 
You both sit there, chests heaving as you look deep into each other’s eyes. 
“That was...” You giggle. 
“Amazing.” Bucky finishes, pressing a short kiss to your lips. You nod and bury your face into his neck. 
“I’m tired.” You yawn, wrapping your arms around him. Your eyes slowly closing. 
“Let’s get you dried off then I’ll take you to bed, okay?” Bucky smiles, kissing your temple. You nod. He lifts you off him and wraps your legs around his waist. 
He sits you down on the side of the hot tub and grabs your towel. He quickly dries you off before drying himself off as well. He slips on his boxers and picks up your clothes. He carefully slips your panties on, then your sweatpants and t-shirt. He puts on his own sweatpants and picks you up again. 
His strong arms carry you to the elevator, pressing the down button. You close your eyes and snuggle closer to him. A few minutes pass and he lays you down in your bed. He turns off your lamp and starts to walk out. 
“Buck?” You whisper, your eyes still closed. 
“Yes doll?” 
“Stay with me. Please.” A quiet yawn leaves you, Bucky could’ve died right there and he would be happy. He thought you were absolutely adorable. He’d do anything if he knew it made you happy. 
You hear his footsteps come closer to you, then the other side of your bed dips. Your eyes slowly open to see him laying next to you. He opens his arms and you scoot over to him. Snuggling in his chest. 
“Always.” He whispers, kissing your head. Moments later you fall asleep, so you don’t hear Bucky quietly whisper, “I love you.” As he joins you in sleep. 
139 notes · View notes
iwantutobehapppier · 5 years
As It Was
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You and Steve had been hooking up on the sly for months now. Feelings are caught but is everyone adult enough to deal with them? And who caught them?
Warning: 18+ Only, Smut, Angst, sooo much angst. I’m not a nice person in this one. Described panic attack, cursing etc.
Word Count: 3,990
A/N: I’m in a mood and working through it. There will be sex and angst. Expect nothing more. Enjoy! :) Sorry not sorry. @sagechanoafterdark​ is gonna hate me after this but I will make her latkes to make up for it. Oh and def not MCU Canon. Everyone’s alive, I'm making it angsty enough don’t need dead peeps too. For now kekeke. 
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You were both truly naive to think you could hide from a group of spies and enhanced like this but your hopefulness coupled with Steve’s never-ending optimism pushed you into delusions. Or maybe it was just the lies you let yourselves live in, that this was only sex and there was no need for anyone else to know.
“How did that date go last night?” You tried to focus on Wanda’s idle chit-chat waiting for the rest of the team to file into the conference room for a debriefing on the newest mission. Steve stood to the side of the room talking with Bucky; you looked his way to find him staring at you. He shouldn’t be so obvious really but it was hard not to stare as you were in his bed just this morning.
“Hello?” Wanda waved her hand in front of your face. You jerked back giving her full attention but not without a bashful glance.
“Good. I mean probably okay?” You sighed, “No it went pretty bad actually.” Wanda’s frown encompassed her whole face; she had been trying so hard to help you with your love life. It wasn’t like you could fault her for meddling, Vision and she worked so well together and she wanted the same for you.
She just couldn’t know that it was hard to have any good date when you were hooking up with Captain America on the sly. They would all pale in comparison but this date had been quite the spectacle of tragedies.
“Never knew someone could talk about themselves for an entire night. Let’s not forget he flirted blatantly with the waitress then, made some innuendo at me blowing him in his car in the middle of dessert.” Giving a reader’s digest version of the story you wouldn’t mention to her the way his hand kept riding up your skirt or how he practically propositioned the kind waitress to partake in a threesome.
You may have also spared the details for listening ears, specifically the pair attached to a blonde centenarian, who would not respond well to learning you had not been entirely forthcoming with details when wrapped up in his bedsheets following the atrocious date.
“He tried to put his hand up your skirt?!” Wanda’s tone was harsh, her powers lighting up her hands in response to her rage.
“You promised!” You frowned at her, you had requested several times she keep her wandering mind to herself around you. Wanda blushed at being caught.
“I knew you were holding back,” She didn’t even vein remorse, “I’m sorry it went so badly but I am not sorry for prying.” She took your hands in hers about to speak but Tony interrupted.
“I know you all have missed me whilst away,” Tony held his hand to his heart “But I am here!” last to enter with this signature flair of dramatics, “Capsicle take it away!” Tony plopped down next to you with a side smirk that you reciprocated with an eye roll.
Facing forward Steve’s eyes landed on you first, the small frown marring his face indicating he had heard Wanda.
“Let’s get started,” Tightness in his voice made you involuntarily flinch, you knew, later on, there’d be a conversation or worse there wouldn’t be one at all.
You limp your way back to the personal quarters following a very long but successful mission. Not without the colossal share of setbacks landing Natasha in the med bay, Bucky stranded at one point without working comm, Tony’s suit damaged beyond macrobiotics ability to repair and you along with Steve ambushed. What did it matter though if the mission was successful?
Happy to finally be back in the sanctuary for your room you started the shower letting it warm up while you slipped out of your gear. Walking back into your bedroom the welcomed silence was interrupted by your sharp inhale through clenched teeth at the pull of the tight suit on bruised and battered muscles.
“Need some help?” You jump turning around at the sight of Steve leaning against your door jam. His arms crossed over his torn and dirty stealth uniform. Did he follow you to your room from the Quinjet? The jerk on your battered body nearly sends you to your knees in pain. You just wanted to be in that hot shower, let your body feel some form of relief.
“Yes, please,” All you can get out, working hard to keep the tears of pain at bay. There was no reason to hold them back except your own pride. Steve shut your door and strode over to you, helping you peel the catsuit down your back, over your hips, his fingers gentle trailing over forming bruises. 
Steve clenches his jaw the more he exposes your injuries, a rather deep cut on your hip, dried blood trailing all the way past your knee. You place your hands on his shoulder when he ushers your legs from the suit. Left in your activewear bra and underwear you felt an unusual level of vulnerability.
You two had been fooling around for months but neither tended to each other in such a way outside of mandatory mission first aid. 
“I’m going to wash this grime off, did you want to join?” You voice barely a whisper staring down at Steve, his head slowly trailing up your body to catch your gaze. With a brief nod he stands up and you step out of your suit, moving to face his chest and helping him remove his suit. 
Soon the two of you are bare, under the harsh bathroom fluorescents and warm large showerhead’s rushing water. You stand there, your back to his front, almost touching. Almost something more than just a mutual need to clean. You close your eyes and tilt-up, letting the rainfall showerhead leave trails of water down your face. The two of you shampooed your respective hair, he opted to use your gardenia scented shampoo, his own shampoo only ever in his bathroom.
Having him so close and naked but not touching left an uneasy ache in your stomach. The sensation that something was wrong, but what could be wrong? You turned your head back to look at him, his eyes were already on you, they were always on you. His gaze felt different than any others and you weren’t sure what it meant. A storm burning behind those beautiful blue eyes. Often, you find yourself getting lost in those pools of blue. Clearing your throat you turned back around, closing your eyes and tilting your head back up to rinse the shampoo from your hair. 
Maybe you imagined it all? Your desire to want more from him projecting your own wishes in his actions.
You are startled from your thoughts when you feel a soaped washcloth gently drag across the back of your neck, along your back and moving to your front. Rough calloused hands with a tender touch washing you clean of all the harshness of the past few days. A relaxed sigh escapes your lips, the coupling of warm water helping your muscles loosen and Steve’s attention pulls you into a cloud of comfort.
An involuntary hiss pulls from your mouth when he washes the deep gash on your hip. Muttered “Sorry” is his response, bending his knees to be low enough behind you to clear away the blood. Your eyes drawn to the crimson water swirling down the drain, but you were pulled to face him, his eyes assessing your front to find any speck of grime he missed. 
Once he was satisfied you took the washcloth from him, ensuring to ring it clean and reapply soap you begin the task of cleansing him.
Petite hands run over the wide expanse of his chest following the washcloth, this feels different, you want to shake it off and pretend that was not true but it was different. Whatever it was between the two of you, it was growing, mutating, maturing into something more.
With both of you free of the missions burdens and dirt his lips crash against yours. The intensity of his kiss is startling, hands trailing up your sides to wrap around your back, pulling you flush to him. His touch was untethered in a way unfamiliar to you. Finally, he pulls his lips from yours, your lugs desperate for air. Wide eyes look at him, and he can only answer with a low lid gaze, licking his lips as he pulls you in once more to drink up all you have to offer. If he asked you’d give him everything and what was left after that.
Your hands grip his shoulders, needing an anchor in the rocking waves of his desire. His hardening cock presses against your stomach, a soft moan spilling into his mouth that he eagerly consumes it. Hands slipping down your waist, one hand gripping your wound free hip he hoists you up against the cool bathroom tiled wall. 
Legs wrapped around his waist, his gorgeous cock sitting pretty between your lips. You rock against him, your slick coating him, he grunts into your mouth, not once pulling away, you take in much need air through your nose. 
There was no need for foreplay, you were always ready for him, something you hoped he did and didn’t notice at the same time. After all the power he had over you, you wanted to keep him ignorant. Oblivious to your thoughts consumed by him, the way your skin craves his touch, your heart longed to keep him there with you forever. The dates you went on to keep appearance that this was still casual to you. That this was still whatever he wanted it to be so it wouldn’t stop.
Pulling you from your thoughts Steve manhandles your body to line you up. Releasing your lips you watch at his cock sitting at your entrance. You coo, watching him slowly push in. Your fingernails dig into his shoulder, Pushing forward until he’s reached your depths. There’s a lascivious way to how he feels inside of you. His head falling into your neck, peppering kisses on the wet skin. 
“Feel so good around me,” he garbles into your neck. The pace he starts is slow at first, almost loving, but the jarring way he pushes the last few inches in reminds you what this is. Carding your hands through his hair you pull his head back to look him in the eyes.
“Fuck me Steve,” His eyes darken, following your command he pummels into your heat. Driving you both into moaning messes. Foreheads pressed together, slapping of flesh echoing against the tiled walls. He presses his lips to yours, the softness of it contrasting the carnal brutality of his cock driving into you.
Lowering his head he takes a pebbled nipple into his mouth, suckling and pulling. Knowing you love that pain wrapped in your pleasure. Your hands slap against his back, arching into his touch you cry out. Fingers digging into the corded muscles of his back you seek purchase on something, pleasure wrecking your body of any sense. 
“Steve!” You holler, your body drawing tight as the ever needed orgasm nears. “Please,” the gentleness in your pleas pulls Steve’s head back up. A hand leaves your waist, cupping the side of your face. “Yes, I’ll give you whatever you want.” He gasps out face tightening as you both near. 
“Come for me and you can have it all,” he continues hips never faltering. His cock stretching and dragging along your walls. A particular deep thrust sends you spinning, your legs tighten around him fingers digging into flesh enough to bruise if he hadn’t been a super-soldier. 
His pace stutters, a staccato of groans fall from his lips and you feel that telling of warmth shooting inside you. God how you loved the way he felt cumming inside you.
There’s a peaceful silence in the oncoming dawn, the two of you wrapped in each other under your bedsheets. Legs tangled together, your head resting on his chest, entranced by the rhythm of his heartbeat. You woke before him, a first, drawing random patterns on his chest with your finger. 
Idle thoughts race through your head, now that the mission is washed away after a night of rest you could not help but think on your date and Steve’s reaction to you withholding information. If it wasn’t addressed sooner rather than later it would just be a new topic for you two to not talk about, just like whatever this was. 
When he wakes up, his arms wrap around you, holding you tightly against him. The embrace welcomed and certainly something you could get used to as a routine. He lets out an exaggerated yawn and smacks his lips together looking down at you with a sleep ridden smile. A smile tugs at your lips at his adorable morning mannerisms. 
Better to get this all out in the open before the day began and you became a coward.
“About that date-” Before you can say more a shadow falls over him, lips downturned when he practically chucks you off him.
“You’re not obligated to tell me things like that,” his voice rough with sleep, he swings his legs off the bed sitting up with his back to you. “You’re really not obligated to me in any way outside of following mission directives,” the curtness in his voice is searing in your ears. 
Right, right you two weren’t obligated to each other. Obligate meant you had to get something back from him other than orgasms. 
“Oh right…” the silence settles between the two of you, heavy and uncomfortable. You pull your sheets up to cover your chest while sitting up. There are a few moments of controlled breathing, erratic heartbeats, and tense shoulders. Steve stands and makes for his dirty mission clothes, never looking back at you, covering his privates with the clothes but not putting them on. Your room was across from his, not like anyone would see him.
“I’ll see you around,” It wasn’t until he was out of the room that you realized the shared silence between you two was full of all the things left unsaid, or half-spoken. 
You don’t see him again until the next mission briefing a few days later. Only looking for him once, and when he brushed you off to spend time with Bucky you weren’t hurt only upset he never came to you later. 
Entering the familiar conference room you sit next to Tony who was surprisingly there before you. He smiles at you and you return it before facing forward. Steve not looking at you, for once. His eyes on the report in his hands, a grimace covering his face before he begins to discuss the upcoming mission. Eyes never leaving the paper.
“Are there naked girls on that paper man?” Bucky asks a soft chuckle is Tony’s input.
Steve huffs looking at his longest friend, “No.” a grumble under his breath. 
“Then maybe look up, what’s wrong with you punk?” Steve’s eyes divert to you for a moment, so fast you almost miss it before he’s looking at Bucky once more.
“Nothing,” he clears his throat and continues, his eyes perusing the room but never landing on you. Your face downturned to the table, the uneasy feeling you had during the shared shower returned but tenfold. He calls out your name and it startles you, jerking up to look at him. His lips pinched before he continues.
‘You and Tony will be doing this one together,” You look at Tony who gives you a thumbs up with a soft smile. While the two of you had been paired before on group missions it had never been just the two of you.
“We’ve got this Firecracker, right?”  Giving a tentative smile you nod in agreement. Looking back to Steve he’s staring down at his papers once more, brow furrowed and lips pursed. Whatever thoughts he had storming in his brain, not good.
Five days, you’re with Tony for five days on this mission. It wasn’t so bad except Tony loved to complain. You were used to the silence of Natasha and Bucky or friendly conversations with Steve. Not the never-ending complaints of one Tony Stark. 
You escape to your room, leaning against the shut door with a relieved sigh. Silence, blessed silence. 
However, that silence was short-lived when the echo of knocking on Steve’s door carried over. You should move further into your room and not eavesdrop but you were too exhausted to care enough about proper decorum.
“Hey Steve,” a soft familiar feminine voice greeted Steve as he answered the door. Your eyes narrowed. Who was that?
“Oh! You’re here.” He sounded flustered, “I’m so sorry I should have met you out front.” His words are rushed with an uneasiness to it. What was Steve hiding? 
“It’s alright, Bucky let me in and honestly I was just excited to see you for tonight” the soft comforting words carry across the hall through your door. Just as you went to step away, not wanting to hear anything that would do permanent damage to your already fragile heart.
“I mean we’ve been tiptoeing around each other for years then it was radio silence,” there was an awkward chuckle from Steve in response “Was surprised when you asked me out.” There it was. You fall back against the door, the back of your head hitting the door with a thud. 
“Oh, what was that?” The female voice questions but Steve dismisses it quickly and leads her down the hall. Away from you. For a date. A date that Steve was going on. Without you.
Your heart pounds in your ears, sliding down the door toppling onto your ass, the pounding on gets louder. Taking in large gulps of breath you try to gain a sense of reality, it's unobtainable. A buzzing noise is all you can hear. Whatever this was it made all torture you’d suffered in the past seem like child’s play. Crushing, that's what it felt like, being crushed from the inside out. Big fat tears made their way down your cheeks.
Oh, what a fool you had been. Why would you deserve to be cherished? How could someone see you more than a simple means to an end? Laying on your side, you curl up into yourself on the floor of your room. The buzzing in your head and straggled breaths the only sound you could make out.
Much later in the evening, there was a tentative knock on your door. Struggling to open your tear swollen eyes you make out your name being called. Another knock, louder this time, you sit up and with a deep breath, you rub your face. Slowly standing on your knees you open the door and look up to see Wanda’s worry stricken face.
“Oh no,” a soft sigh and suddenly your being picked up, she pulls your arm around your shoulder and leads you out of your room, down the hall where Steve left, with her. You feel the crushing sensation return.
Wanda sensing your ramping thoughts sets you on a stool in the kitchen and takes your hand.
“Deep breaths,” A soft hand on your chest, “In through your nose,” She takes a deep breath and you mimic holding it with her. The hand on your chest glows a soft red, you feel your body relax “out through your mouth,” together again you breath out. “Keep doing that I’m making some tea.”
Watching her movements you continue your breathing as instructed, a thought crept up. Did she listen to him as you did? Was her advice better than yours? Was he kissing her like he did you in the shower? 
“Stop!” Wanda’s voice soft but tone harsh enough to still your thoughts. You hadn’t even noticed your breathing pick up. She brings the tea over and mimics the breathing pattern once more and you follow along. 
“There was something I wanted to tell you before that last group mission,” Wanda pushes the warm tea in front of you. Steam raising out the cup, you curl your fingers around the mug. The heat emitting into your hands helps you realize you had been cold. Pulling the mug up you take a small sip, the warmth blooming down your throat to your stomach releases an uncontrollable sigh from you, shoulders sagging.
“I heard your thoughts, about the date, about Steve,” the way she stresses his name makes you tense once more a sharp breath in. She tips her mug to you and taking another small sip you let the warmth soothe you once more.
“You’re worthy,” she speaks so softly you almost miss it. “I heard it, the thoughts you weren’t good enough, weren’t worth love.” Looking down at the mug setting it on the table you have no words to offer in response.
“You’re worth so much more than this world has given you,” a hand takes your from your mug, fingers intertwining. A feeling of warm euphoria slowly seeps in your hand up your body. She says your name making you look up at her. 
“It’s okay to say what you need,” you jerk your hand away at her words the feelings she provided evaporated.
You open your mouth to say something but the elevator doors ding, both turning you regret ever coming out of your room. 
There he was, handsome as ever, hands in his pant pockets. Head bowed down with furrowed brows. It’s a few steps out of the elevator that he notices you and Wanda. Steve freezes, his eyes didn’t leave you. Trailing up and down your body you suddenly became self-conscious of the fact you had never changed out of your gear and eyes more than likely still puffy from crying. You certainly looked sexy right now. 
He takes a timid step towards you, your back goes straight and you stand up from the stool. Whatever he had to say wasn’t going to help your current mood, you’d rather just avoid the inevitable. You were rather good at circumventing fate. 
When he says your name you make your exit of the kitchen, seeking solace in the four walls of your room. His feet are pounding on the floor as he make chase for you. 
A warm large hand grabs your upper arm stopping your progress. You whip your face around and look up at him. His lips pursed together again, there’s that look, the deepness of his blue eyes. The impossible futures you projected. 
“I-” He pauses and clears his throat, his eyes shifting around you. “I know you heard Sharon and I,” you let out a hiss at her name. Sharon, fucking, of course, Sharon Carter. There was nothing wrong with Sharon, she was a great CIA agent, a remarkable SHIELD agent but she was also locked into Steve’s past.
Not worthy, unlovable, not his, not enough, never amount to that connection. Is all that runs through your head. 
“Right, but you’re not obligated to tell me things like that,” You hate yourself right now, why were you throwing his words back in his face. “In fact,” Stop! Stop! “I’m not obligated to you in any way except following orders.” 
Steve’s reaction to your verbal assault is similar to if you had smacked him, he takes a step back leaning away from you. His hand slackens on your arm and you use this to slip out. 
Without another word you rip your arm from his loosened grip and make your way to your room. Shutting the door behind you, you walk into your closet and shut that door too. You go as deep as you can in the closet, far away from Steve. You didn’t want him to hear you crying, did not want him to hear your heartbreak.
1K notes · View notes
wtnrscap · 4 years
Cursed Words- Furnace
Pairings- Bucky Barnes x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner, mentions of past Natasha Romanoff x Clint Barton.
Summary- Avoiding saying the words is a lot harder when you don’t know what they are. It’s rendered you silent around Bucky. Bucky knows he’s doing better in the sessions. Allison talks highly of him now. When a nightmare strikes him, you bring the deal forward.
Warnings- (18+) Mentions of blood, death, injury detail, PTSD, panic and anxiety attacks. Fluff. Swearing. Dirty talk, dirty fantasies. Eventual smut.
A/N- Sorry this took so long! A nice long chapter for you. It’s a bit deeper as well. What do you think?
This could be considered a songfic as I wrote this listening to ‘Inside Out’ by Andrew Austin so I would really recommend putting it on while you read this. I’ll put a link in. Also, the bathroom scene is inspired by BBC’s Bodyguard when David attacks Julia. This chapter is full on Bucky having bad dreams, PTSD, panic and anxiety attacks at the start but hopefully it gets fluffier towards the end. Taglist is open.
Cursed Words Masterlist
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Bucky jumps awake at the gunshot that echoes in his head. Breathing heavily, he sits up and wipes sweat off his brow. The dream... it was so real... The gunshot sounded like it could’ve been in the compound. 
He’d decieded on a early night after a rough mission and left the common room at 4PM, missing his therapy session and ignoring the worried looks from you and Steve. Sleep had come surprisingly easy and he’d been fine until the dream.
Night has fallen and the compound is dark when Bucky leaves his room. His breath rises in the cold morning air and goosebumps decorate his skin as he makes his way down the corridor towards the kitchen. 
He doesn’t feel it until his finger connects with the metal button for the lift. The hairs rising on the back of neck. The feeling that someone is watching him, following him. Instinctively, he turns his head around and scans the empty corridor but sees nothing. The lift opens and he dismisses it as aftershocks of the bad dream he’s just had.
When the doors open to the kitchen, the smell hits him first. It’s putrid, rotting, and a smell he knows so well. His breath hitches and he takes a slow step forward, trying to hold his breath. He rounds the corner from the lift and the smell is impossibly stronger but the sight makes Bucky’s blood run cold.
Steve is sitting on a chair, his head lying on the table, arms hanging limply by his side. His eyes are glazed over and his mouth hangs open, frozen in permanent terror. A hole in his forehead leaks blood and Bucky throws his hand over his mouth in disgust and grief. 
Who could have done this?
On the chair opposite Steve, Sam lies in a similar position. A walk around the table finds Wanda on the floor, her hand inches from Vision’s, his body grey.
Bucky flees the kitchen and ends up in the common room only to find Tony and Pepper lying on the floor, wrapped in each other’s arms. Three gunshot wounds litter Tony’s chest and Pepper has one in her lower abdomen. Rhodey and Bruce lean against each other on the couch, their blood flowing onto the carpet.
Bucky staggers into the corridor, heading towards the training room. Lying a few feet in front of him is Clint and Bucky notices flies buzzing around the archer’s head. Bucky trips round the corner to find Thor lying by the open door to the training room. Just as he thinks he’s going to throw-up, a voice wavers into the corridor, “No! Please... Please...We can talk about this! No... No!!”
A gunshot and scream, “Natasha! No!”
“Are you going to kill me, or you going to stare at me?” your rings through the empty training room and Bucky’s heart pounds. A deep gravelly voice that Bucky doesn’t recognise responds, “I’m trying to figure out why he likes you.”
“I couldn’t tell you.”
Bucky peers into the room and spots you, sitting in the middle of the room hunched in a ball. Natasha lies a few feet away, blood seeping out of her chest. A figure walks around you and Bucky has to bite his tongue when he sees the black mask wrapped around the figure’s face, “How did you figure out that I wasn’t him?”
“He wouldn’t kill his family.”
“Family...” the Winter Soldier muses the word before barking a harsh laugh, “You don’t know what he’s capable of.”
“I know excatly what’s he capable of. The worst he can do is kill someone. And he wouldn’t kill his family.”
“You’ve said that. What do you mean by ‘the worst he can do is kill someone’?”
“You torture people. You make them beg for death and them don’t grant them that small mercy.”
“I didn’t make your friends beg for death...”
“Your mission, Soldat, was me, wasn’t it? You wanted me and now your stalling in killing me. Why?”
The Winter Soldier yanks you into a standing position and a knife glints in the dawn, “I was waiting for an audience. I can kill you now.”
You scream as the knfie is pushed into your lower abdomn and Bucky yells, rushing forward. As you collaspe, you see his face and tears erupt out of your eyes, “It’s not your fault. It was never your fault.”
Bucky turns on the Winter Soldier as the life leaves your eyes, “YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO KILL HER!”
“Wow. You really liked her, didn’t you?” taunts the Winter Soldier, “I was trying to prove a point.”
“Which was?”
“I’m back, James. I’m taking control.”
“My name isn’t James!” spits Bucky angrily. The Winter Soldier laughs nastily, “You are James. I am the Winter Soldier. Bucky is the middle ground. I am Bucky when I’m not on mission and you hide behind the mask that is Bucky.”
“Your not taking control. I’m strong enough to beat you.”
“We both know you’re not. I know how to defeat you. It’s the same way you can defeat me,” chuckles the Winter Soldier. Bucky snarls, “Tell me.”
“I’m going to kill you in a minute, so fair’s fair. Embrace James, embrace the soldier. Create Bucky and live peacefully in the middle ground. Your fear is helping me to take control. Thank you, James.”
“I’m not scared of you.”
“Prove it. Save your own damn life,” the Winter Soldier hurls the knife at Bucky. Bucky freezes and snaps his eyes closed. When he wakes, his body won’t be his own, his mind won’t have control-
Bucky feels himself pushed to the side and his eyes open to find you on top of him, “Bucky! Wake up, your having a nightmare!”
Bucky stares at you, then at your dead body lying a few feet away in shock. You shake his body again as the Winter Soldier howls, “Wake up! It’s a nightmare!”
You slap his face and Bucky jolts forward, an invisible hand pulling him out of sleep.
Bucky’s wet blue eyes snap open to you. You’re lying underneath him, your hands wrapped around his wrists as you struggle for air. In the split second before Bucky realises what’s he’s doing, he notices the scratches on your forehead, blood dripping into your eyes, and the dried blood beneath his fingernails. He releases you and as you cough, you scoot back on your bum, falling into his bathroom and closing the door on him. Bucky pounds a fist against the door, “Y/N! Y/N... Sorry doesn’t even-”
A few sobs interrupt him and Bucky collaspes against the door, his head resting on the wood, “Doll? Do I need to call a doctor? Are you okay?”
A sniffle.
“I’m okay.”
“I am so sorry...” Bucky whispers, tears dripping down his face. 
Then a whisper, “Bucky... I know you didn’t mean to hurt me...”
A few more seconds of silence before the lock clicks and Bucky feels your hands wrap around his body. He lets you comfort him as the sobs start. You sigh, carding one hand through his sweaty hair and resting the other against his forehead, “Jesus Bucky, you’re burning up like... like a furnace...” 
Bucky jumps violently and you almost fly across the room, but he manages to tug you closer to him at the last second. You look at him with shock and alarm, “Did I say a word? Goddamn it!”
Seemingly, Bucky ignores you, picking you up, taking you back into the bathroom and setting you on the counter, He pulls out a first aid kit from a draw and you sigh, “Bucky, I said I was fine... Please...”
“Sshh... Your head is bleeding...” Bucky mutters, dabbing an alcohol wipe to your head and making you hiss, “I think I did it... I think I scratched you...”
“I heard you screaming and realised that you were having a nightmare. I tried to wake you. I tried to help. I tried-”
“I know, doll, and I’m sorry, I really. am...”
“It wasn’t your fault... Do you wanna tell me about it?”
Bucky shivers, “It was a dream in a dream. I woke up from a nightmare to be in another. I dreamt that everyone in the compund was dead. Steve, Sam, Tony, Wanda. I went to the training room and watched... a man tease you and kill you.”
“Who was this man?”
“The Winter Soldier... He taunted me when I confronted him. Said I must’ve really liked you. He said he was taking control. Tried to kill me. You pushed me out the way. I was confused, looking at your dead body and your very alive face. The Winter Soldier screamed, you slapped me and I woke up, my hands around your neck...”
Bucky puts a plaster on your head before moving to the sink, washing his hands and splashing cold water on his face. He looks into the mirror and your heart breaks for him. He looks so tired, with black rings around his eyes and light stubble. You want to help him, you just don’t know how.
An idea hits you.
“Hey, Bucky... come here...” you flash a weak smile as Bucky trudges over to you, “I wanna move our proposition.”
“Our proposition?”
You nod your head, “The date. Allison and Steve have been giving me extremely positive feedback. I think you’ve earned it so I’m moving it forward... If you want...”
Bucky’s eyes are suddenly wide with hope, “Are you serious? It’s all I’ve wanted for weeks! I’ve been trying so hard in therapy, I feel so much better for getting off my chest!”
Laughing, you wrap your hands around his neck, “I’m glad Bucky, I really-”
A tight kiss quietens you and squeak in suprise. Within seconds, the kiss is getting more heated and you never want to stop. You want to savour this beautiful moment, kissing Bucky with everything you have but he pulls away, “No. No! You have to go!”
“What?! Why?!”
Bucky hoists you off the counter and shoos you out the room, “I have a date to plan! Out, out!”
“Bucky! Bucky, stop!” you swivel round and put your hands on his waist, a laugh on your lips, “Bucky! You don’t need to make a big deal about the date. A day, a night... with you would be enough. I promise.”
He pauses, staring into your eyes and you almost get lost in his blue hues before another quick peck is pressed to your lips, “I know but after everything I’ve put you through... You deserve the best date ever. Now go! I have a lot to plan!”
More shooing till you’re standing on the otherside of his door, your hand planted against it. A smile lights up your face and you turn around, heading back to your room. A voice calls out, “I’m happy for you.”
You turn to see Steve with a small smile on his face, “Thank you, Steve. I’m happy too.”
As you turn to leave, Steve grabs your hand, “Seriously. I felt terrible, not being able to help my best friend. We used to be so close but we’re different now. He’s been through things that I can’t even begin to imagine... He... He does deserve happiness, despite what he thinks.”
“I know...” you sigh, looking into Steve’s happy face, “Steve... I could really do with a hug right about now...”
Steve wraps his big arms around you, enveloping you in a big hug. You bury your head into his chest and a small tear slides down your cheek. You can’t tell if it’s happy crying or sad crying. But you do know things are falling into place. Bucky is getting better, everyone is alive and the Winter Soldier has been kept at bay.
You have a date to get ready for.
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (Platonic) Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1903
Warnings: Language, Angst
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Hi All, I apologise for the late upload, College have showed no mercy with the assignments this month XD As I mentioned before all Imagines and Requests are open, feel free to leave some constructive criticism and pointers as to how I can improve my writing for you all. 
Enjoy everyone!
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The first thing I noticed about the house was how warm it was and I’m not talking about the temperature, the atmosphere just felt. Happy…almost safe. It felt weird, like I was an outsider barging in on this wonderful place, which I technically was doing thanks to the blue-eyed demon, my mind was screaming at me to run, we both knew that we didn’t belong in this place.
 They didn’t need me here ruining this wonderful family, all I brought was trouble and pain, the feeling of my back hitting something soft stopped whatever train of thought I had. Looking up, Mrs Barnes still had that gentle, kind smile on her face, her chestnut coloured hair falling from her shoulders as she slowly draped a blanket around me.
Now I was just plain confused, why was she being so nice to me? a street rat her son brought in from the night? I didn’t even realise I was frowning till she gently touched my cheek “Frowning doesn’t suit you sweetheart, but I know for a fact that you’ll have a beautiful smile once I’ve cleaned you up”. I could feel my eyes glossing over as another tear fell down my cheek, embarrassed I quickly wiped it away before Mrs Barnes saw it, fortunately she was busy gather things up, pulling out a few strange bottles I’d never seen before. 
One by one she placed everything down on the table, her eyes now trained and focused on me as she wet the towel and began cleaning some of the dried blood from my face, “I hope you don’t mind me asking sweetie, but how did this happen?” oh crap I was hoping she didn’t ask me that. Internally I started freaking out, I didn’t want to lie to this woman but what flipping choice did I have ?!, “I erm, fell off my bike earlier this week, I was trying to get away from some bullies and hit the curb” my eyes didn’t move from the floor as I said this, I’ve never felt so ashamed in my life, I lied to the kindest person I’d ever met.. it’s official I hate my life.
I knew for a fact that she didn’t believe me, the little sigh she let out told me everything I needed to know, but instead of asking me to leave she pulled me close and hugged me, my body froze up from the shock and to be perfectly honest I’d never been hugged before, so I had no clue about what to do. I mean I never prepared for this, a target wasn’t just gonna randomly stop fighting me and embrace me, were they? Slowly my arms curled around her back as she pulled me closer to her chest, her left hand coming to my head and stroking my hair. It broke me. Tears started streaming down my face, for the first time in my life I felt loved, not like a waste of space or a replaceable resource, but like a normal girl with a mother who loved her. Bucky’s mother quietly shushed me, comforted me till my tears stopped, pulling away from me to gently grab my cheeks and place a small kiss to my forehead.
Bucky’s POV
I’m not gonna lie, I was worried sick about y/n, I could hear mama and her talking for a while before it went silent. Steve knew she was here, he wouldn’t stop asking me about what happened to her and it was getting to us both that we couldn’t help her.
The guilt I felt from leaving her after the fight was constantly plaguing my mind, why did I leave her in that state? I should know something was wrong, for crying out loud why did she have to be down that alley?! What was she doing down there? what is she hiding from us?…A small cry brought me back to reality, my head turned towards the kitchen as worry filled my veins, was that mama or y/n? the not knowing was killin’ me, slowly I crept up to the kitchen door and what I saw broke my heart. Mama had y/n in her arms, whispering sweet words to her as the younger girl cried her heart out, something inside me physically ached and hurt at the sight, I wanted to kill whoever hurt y/n this much, I might not know a lotta about her, but nobody deserves this.
My mind was so focused on y/n that I didn’t even hear someone come up behind me, a hand clasped on to my right shoulder, I could tell from the height difference that it was Steve, both of us looking at the broken girl with hard faces. In that moment we both made a silent promise to each other, that as long as we were around nobody, and I mean f**cking nobody, was gonna harm our girl again.
Readers POV
I had no idea how long we stayed like that, a few floorboards behind me creaked but I paid no attention to them, Bucky’s mum kept me in her arms, like she was protecting me from the rest of the world. 
There’s no words to describe how much I appreciate this woman and her family, but I need to get away, they are too good to get involved with my mess, I had no doubt that soon the Црни лабуд would be heading over to my apartment to make sure I was still breathing. Pulling out of the hug was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do, but I don’t deserve this, “Thank you Mrs Barnes, I can’t thank you enough for being so kind, but I’m gonna have to get going, gotta get home before my carers notice I’m not there” my eyes fell to the floor half way through my lie, I knew she didn’t believe me, but she couldn’t do anything to stop me from going.
“You don’t need to thank me for anything Sweetheart, but it is quite late, you’re welcome to stay for dinner and I’d be much happier if you stayed here for the night, so I know that you’re safe.” Gently she placed her hand on my shoulder and raised my head to look her in the eye, this woman is a saint I’m telling you, my heart ached at her kindness and I longed to agree and stay. But I knew I couldn’t. “Thank you, Ma’am, but I’ll have to decline, I’ve imposed enough as it is, anyway you’ve already done so much for me” her bright green eyes dulled a little at my reply, she didn’t say anything else and pulled me in for a final hug before leading me to the door.
Our footsteps echoed off the walls of the hallway, the both of us in deep thought, I needed to stay away from this family there’s too many rival gangs who know who I am, they’ll do anything to get some leverage against the Црни лабуд. I’d rather die then let that happen, laughter coming from the living room stopped my thoughts and carefully peaked in from behind the door, a little girl was running away from Steve holding something that looked like a notebook, giggling away as she hid behind Bucky’s legs. A small smile crept onto my face as I watched the pair play with the girl, Steve falling to the floor and letting out dramatic cries as Bucky held him had me crying with laughter, the little girl was standing on the sofa behind them looking triumphant brandishing the notebook in the air. She must have heard me laughing, because the next thing I knew she was running over to me, she launched herself straight at my legs and hugged them, her bright blue eyes meeting mine as I gave her a friendly smile.
“Hi, I’m Becca! Are you buck’s new friend?” oh my god she is so adorable, her black hair was tied up in a pretty little plait with a red bow, her eyes were one of the most beautiful shades of blue, you could tell that she lit up every room wherever she went. “Hi Becca, I’m y/n and yeah you could say in a friend of your brothers” I’m pretty sure in the background the boys had stopped fooling around and were watching me and Becca, I paid them no mind as I bent down to her level, “You’re names very pretty sweetie, I think I already prefer you to your brother, he smells a bit, doesn’t he?”. Her eyes widened as she struggled to stifle her giggles, we both took one look at each other before bursting out laughing, the boys chuckling and shaking their heads at the both of us, even Bucky’s parents let out a few chuckles.
“Well it was lovely meeting you Becca, I’m gonna have to go now, but I’ll come and see you soon okay?” her smile fell a bit and she reluctantly let go of me, my heart felt heavy with the lie I just told this little girl, but it had to be done.  “Yeah okay! bye y/n” one last hug and she was off, trailing after her father as he readied her for bed.  Okay time to go y/n, the more time you spend here the more you put the family in danger, one more wave and you’re going, “y/n? you already leavin’?” ugh, why do these boys have to make everything so difficult? Turning to face the blonde-haired boy was a very stupid decision, a frown on his face, his eyes looking into mine as he hurried to catch up with me.
“I’m sorry Steve, I really am but I gotta get home, it’s already late enough as it is” why are they making this hard? They don’t even know me…then again who does. I start to pull away from him, needing to get away to clear my head, feeling my eyes starting to water from the immense sadness I was feeling. “Why do you always turn and run? Bucky told me you ran away from him earlier, as soon as he asked what happened you just bolted. Why?” my question is why do these boys have to be so goddamn nosey all the time, “Steve, please just drop it, I have my reasons for acting the way I do, ones that don’t concern you or Bucky. So please just let me go home, I’m already tired enough as it is”. I’ve had enough of this crap for today, quickly I turned on my feet and started heading away from him, my mind so clouded with exhaustion that I almost didn’t hear Steve,  though I’d have more chance of platting fog before that happened that lads gotta a voice that can’t be ignored.
“Who’s doing this to you? why won’t you let us protect you, me and buck won’t let anyone hurt you ever again, just come back inside…please y/n” Steve sounded so sure of it, that he could protect me from the Црни лабуд, a single tear and a bitter laugh escaped me. “Steve…I’m not the one who needs to be protected, I’m the one that people protect their families from.” confusion flooded his features, but I didn’t pay it any mind, turning round and walking away, leaving Mrs Barnes in tears and the two boys broken hearted.
Hope you all enjoyed :) Thanks For Reading! Rose xx
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brown-bi-beautiful · 4 years
Give Me Some Sugar
Steve Rogers AU
Series Masterlist
Sugardaddy! Steve Rogers x Sugarbaby! Reader.
Summary: When young Y/n gets fired from one of her jobs she struggles to make enough money for college loans and Bills, that’s when she meets Steve. What Steve is looking for isn’t exactly a relationship, he just wants someone to look pretty in his arms and take care of his needs without asking many questions about his job.
Series Warnings: Salty reader, age gap, Sugardaddy and sugarbaby relationship and all the chaos that comes with it, SMUT (Obviously. Don’t try tell me you didn’t see that coming, Karen.), asshole people (Yup that’s a warning.),language more will be added later to the chapters.
Characters (as per the chapter): Y/n, Steve Rogers, Bucky motherfucker Barnes.
Words: 2,856. (Surprised!? I decided to keep this one short but the next one’s coming soon.)
Chapter Warning: James Buchanan Barnes. (He's the biggest warning of this whole series. That sexy asshole.), slight smut, (Ok fine, I’ll say the words.....”Female receiving oral ”.)
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“Wow.” You mumbled under your breath as Steve led you inside the plane. The inside was wonderful. You’ve never even traveled first class before so this was definitely new for you. The most fanciest flight you’ve ever had was in a business class with your dad which was paid for by his military unit. Even then you were just 5 so you barely even remember it. It was the most luxurious thing you’ve stepped on in your entire life, well besides Steve’s house of course.
“You okay?” Steve asked as he walked past you so he could stand in front of you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. All of this is just a little overwhelming that’s all. But I’ll be okay.” You smiled up at him and he lead you to take a seat. The seats were so comfortable that you swear you’ll fall asleep as soon as your back hit it. You were not gonna show it to your face though. The last thing you wanted was people to notice how incompatible you were to Steve. Those little whispers and disgusted glances those air hostesses gave you didn’t go unnoticed by you, You can’t tell the same about Steve though so you didn’t tell Steve anything about it either. You didn’t want anyone to lose their jobs because of you and hate you even more. 
“I’m gonna check a few emails quickly if that’s not a problem with you.” Steve said taking out his mac book. 
“Yeah sure.” You smiled at him and he gave you a quick kiss before turning to his work. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him though. He looked so sexy when he’s concentrated on his work. The way his jaw clenches and unclenches, how  he licks his lips occasionally when they become dry. You could look at him for the whole ride without getting bored and you would have if you weren’t interrupted by one of the hostesses standing right beside you.
“Sir, Ma’am. Can I help you with something?” She asked politely if you didn’t know better you’d say she didn’t hate you.
“No, we’re okay for now.” Steve replied for both you without even sparing a glance at her which kinda made you smirk. The rest of the flight was the most luxurious 6 hours of your life. You were treated with luxurious snacks that you couldn’t actually afford in real life. When they brought you champagne you again surprised Steve by saying you’ve never drank champagne in your life. Why? You never got the occasion and honestly you never really thought about it. 
You landed in LA within 6 hours just like promised by the pilot during the starting of the flight. What surprised you that they didn’t land in an airport it was an hanger that only had one more plane. As Steve helped you out of the plane a black BMW pulled up outside and Lorenzo stepped out of it. Wait a minute, how’d he get here? He wasn’t in the plane your whole focus was on the blond man beside so you even if he was you wouldn’t even notice. 
It was dark already so Steve wrapped his hand around your waist as soon as he was beside you and led you to car. 
“Did you book the suite, Lorenzo?” Steve asked in a professional voice that he only uses with all his employees as Lorenzo opened the door and Steve helped you inside.
“Yes, Sir.” Lorenzo replied before shutting the door after Steve got inside. Was Lorenzo present in two places at once?
“Take us to the hotel then.” Steve said and Lorenzo started driving. “Are you tired?” Steve asked looking at you. 
“Just a little. I’ll be fine after a shower though.” His eyes lit up at the mention of shower and you giggled. “Are we gonna stay in the same suite?” You asked as you looked up at him with curious eyes. 
“Do you want to stay in a different one?” He raised an eyebrow and you quickly shook your head. 
“No. I was just asking.” You said.
“We are living in the same suite.” He informed you before looking ahead. 
When the two of you were finally in the suite, you left out a sigh; plopping down on the bed. It was so comfy; felt like you were lying down on a soft cloud. The suite was enormous to say the least, it was probably bigger than Lisa’s whole hose. 
“You wanna take a shower?” Steve asked as if he was challenging you as he started unbuttoning his shirt. Suddenly you felt like just ditching the shower and jump on him. The smirk on his face said he knew what he was thinking about. You stood up and walked up to him slowly like a cat, biting your lips and looking at his through your lashes. Just when he thought you were about to kiss him you backed away and said 
“I’m gonna go take a shower and you Mister are not to follow me.” On your way to the washroom you heard him mumble “what a tease.” 
You took your sweet time in the washroom. Scrubbing every part of your skin and washing and conditioning your hair. If you’re gonna stay at a 7 star hotel suite you might as well take advantage of it. You got out of the shower and towel dried your self before wrapping a bathrobe around your body and walking back into the room.
“You can use the bathroom now.” You said to Steve who seemed re occupied in his phone. He looked up and you loved how he stopped what ever he was doing to stare at you. Hair wet and body clad in a bathrobe.
“You in for another one?” He asked without taking his eyes off.
“No. Just go.” He slapped your ass on the way to the bathroom which made you yelp and jump a little. 
You were sitting on the king size bed wearing a short beige silk sleeping gown that you had bought for special ‘occasions’; chatting with Wanda giving her all the glory detail when you heard the shower stop and Steve walk out of the bathroom. You didn’t look at first but when you did your whole world stopped. There he stood wearing nothing but a gray Calvin Klein brief. His hard chest still had some water droplets on it. Your eyes traveled down to his abs and then he his where his briefs lay lower giving you a nice look of his glorious v-line.
You heard a throat clearing and your eyes snapped back to his face to see him smirking; satisfied over the effect he had of you. Your phone and Wanda were long forgotten as he walked over to you like a hunter coming for his prey. His eyes traveled down your body as well, lingering longer on the exposed skin of your chest and shoulder. 
“You like what you see?” He asked as his hands grabbed the back of your thigh and and pulled you closer to him.
“Very much.” You replied biting your bottom lip. You gasped when his hands traveled up to your ass and gave it a squeeze.
“I sure as hell like what I see.” He said making you look down due to the heat rushing up to your face. “Hey, look here.” Putting a finger under your chin he made you look at him. 
“Steve?” You moaned out.
“hmm?” He asked.
“It’s been a while since...you know.” You said with a glint of embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, we don’t have to jump at it right away.” He said assuring you with a small smile. You decided to make the first move and leaned forward to capture his lips with yours. He kissed you back right away with equal force. Just as fast as he kissed you he pulled away; leaving you wanting more. “Scooch.” he said and you obediently moved giving him enough space to sit. He kissed you as soon as both of you were comfortable. 
The kiss got more heated as the second passed and he pushed you down in the bed in a lying position. He was hovering over you and kissing you fiercely. His hands trailing up and down your bare thigh making you shudder underneath him. His lips left yours but only to travel down your jaw line and to your neck, teeth nipping and sucking at every inch of bare skin he could find. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter every passing second.
You arched up your hips grinding up at his completely hard cock. He continued his assault on your bare neck.
“If you want to stop just tell me.” He said and you quickly shook your head. “I need you to say it, doll.”
“No. No, please don’t stop, Steve. Please.” You didn’t care that your pleas sounded desperate right now you just wanted him to do something. With that he took off your night gown; taking in your nude lace bra. He bit down on your cleavage making you moan. 
He reached behind you unclasping your bra. The second your upper body was naked he latched on your breast, licking and sucking while his hand played with the other one. “Steve.” Your hand went to his hair pushing him closer.
His hand traveled down your body and finally shoved inside your panties. Your eyes rolled back in your head as his fingers brushed against your wet folds. His finger stretched your folds and spread your slick all over.
“So wet, doll. Is it all me?” He asked and you nodded vigorously.
 “More....Steve, more.” but instead of granting your request he took out his hand completely making you groan in frustration. 
“Patience, babygirl, patience.” He said with a wide smirk and he took his fingers to his mouth sucking them clean. Your face heated up in embarrassment. You never had someone taste you, Brock said he didn’t want to go down on you because its ‘gross’. He moaned at your taste. “Sweetheart, You taste so sweet, I want more.” The next second Steve’s head was between your thighs taking off your panties and your eyes widen.
“Steve stop. What are you doing?” 
“Eating your pussy.” His bluntness made you gasp. Your ‘pussy’ started dripping more the second you hear him say that. You were discovering new things about your body, like dirt talking turned you on even more.
“You don’t have to. It’s gross.....Nobody...nobody ever did it.” 
“But I want to. And who said its gross?”
“Well then he was missing out on a lot because doll, you’re delicious.” Without saying another word or waiting for your reply he dived in your dripping cunt making you scream out loud. He licked a long strip up your slit from your core to your clit and your hand shot out to grip his hair. You didn’t realize you were grinding up on his face and he started to chuckle; sending a sweet vibration to your core. His one hand on your waist holding you down and the other one still fiddling with your breast. 
You were trembling under him as he roughly sucked on your clit. All of you previous embarrassment flew out of window and you started screaming his name. He was hungrily lapping up your juices and eating you out like you’re the last meal he’s ever gonna have.  “Oh god, Steve.” You knew you were close to your orgasm as a coil started forming in the pit of your stomach.
As if he knew that you were close he started fiercely stared trusting his tongue in your core and and his nose nuzzling your clit.
“Fuck, Steve. I’m cumming.” You screamed out and with that your coil snapped giving you and earth shattering orgasm. Steve didn’t stop though, he drank up all your juices until not even a single drop was left. He then moved from between your thighs and came up to you. You let out a small giggle when you saw the grin on his face. He leaned forward giving you a short but sweet kiss. You moaned as you tasted yourself on his lips.
“Told you, You’re delicious.” He winked.
“Let me-” You stopped mid sentence when you saw the wet patch on his briefs. “How?”
“I swear I don’t normally jizz my pants you’re just too sexy.” He said making you blush. “Let’s just go to sleep for now. You can return the favor later.” As he turned off the lights and spooned you from behind there was a big smile on your face. He made you come with only his tongue, he didn’t even use his fingers. You have to say that was best orgasm you’ve ever had. 
Much to your disappointment Steve wasn’t behind you any more. You were about to get up to look for him but stopped heard the shower running. A satisfied smile spread over your face when you thought about last night. You’ve never felt so good before and he didn’t even had to use his dick. You decided to get up and join him in the shower so that you can thank him for last night but before you could do so the doorbell went off.
Thinking that it was room service you quickly pulled on your panties and Steve’s shirt from last night before making your way toward the door. Your hair was still a mess but you didn’t care right now, you’re just gonna open the door and tell them to come back later.
When you opened the door you were a little surprised. A man stood there who looked about Steve’s age and almost just as handsome as him, he was also staring at you. Gray blue eyes open wide in surprise.
“Sorry, looks like I accidentally knocked on the doors of heaven.” He flirted which made you laugh. 
“No. You knocked on the door of suite no. 2701 of this hotel.” You informed him almost forgetting about your state. His eyes shamelessly raked over your body and and a blush crept up on your face.
“Well I was looking for my friend, I think I’m on a wrong suite.” He said looking at your face once he was done checking you out.
“Tell me your friend’s name, maybe I can help you.” 
“I’m looking for Steve Rogers.” 
“Well then You knocked on the right door.” You smirked at him.
“Steve? What happened, man?” He asked you again making you laugh. He was funny you have to give him that.
“I’m not Steve, Steve’s in the shower but you can come inside and wait for him.” You said opening the door wider for him. 
“What if you’re a psycho killer?” He asked but getting inside anyway. 
“Well, then you’ll just have to find out.” You replied crossing your arm over your chest, feeling confident under his gaze.
“Right, but who am I kidding I’d love to die like this.” he replied winking at you and taking a seat on the couch. “I’m Bucky Barnes by the way.” 
“Hi, Bucky. I’m Y/n y/l/n. I’ve heard about you and Sam from Steve.” You said taking the hand he held out to shake.
“All the good things I hope.” He said and you realized what you were wearing.
“Um, I’m gonna go change and wear something more appropriate.” You said trying to take your hand away from him.
“Oh no, don’t do it on my account.” He said looking down at your bare legs. 
“Um, Okay but can I have my hand back.” You asked pointing at your hand that he was still shaking. 
“Oh right sorry.” You giggled when you saw the pink tint on his cheek. 
“Buck?” You both turned to see Steve coming into the living area of the suite wearing just a pair of sweat pants, hair still wet from the shower. Your whole attention was diverted toward him. Steve smirked when he saw your eyes raking down his bare body, like you wanted him to just throw you over the bed and take you right there; not that he would mind. 
“Hey, man. Your assistant told me you’re staying here, I couldn’t help but stop by.” Bucky stood up and gave a hug to his friend. “I met Y/n.” Bucky said smirking at his friend as you couldn’t his and then biting his lips. In that second Steve knew that Bucky had taken a liking in you after all he knew him since they were 4. 
“Right. She’s my...date.” Steve said as you smiled sweetly at both the men, oblivious of the silent conversation they were having. “Y/n why don’t you go inside and change.” Steve said when he saw Bucky’s eyes shamelessly grazing over your bare legs.
“Yeah, Right sorry.” You spared a last glance at the blond man and rushed to the room. 
As Bucky and Steve watch you disappear into the room Bucky turned to his friend with a wide smirk and said.
“I want one.”
“No.” Was all Steve replied with before glaring at him.
A/N: Like if you like the chapter, if there’s something you didn’t like feel free to tell me in the comments or in the asks, If you want do be tagged send me an ask.
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