#Sterile Eye Pad Suppliers
crystalhygiene · 2 years
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Sterile Eye pads Manufacturer in Ahmedabad Our sterile eye pads are designed to provide comfort to the eye during eye surgery. These eye pads can be used after ophthalmic surgery to protect wounds and absorb exudate.
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futuremedisurgico · 3 years
Surgical Disposables
These Products are single use, non-reusable Products that are used on the patient and then thrown away  or discarded. These Surgical Disposable can be for general use or to perform a particular action.
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Types of Surgical Disposables 
Sterile Combine Dressing Pad
Future Medisurgico is the Leading Sterile Combine Dressing Pad Suppliers in Ahmedabad and the Best Sterile Combine Dressing Pad Distributors in Ahmedabad, India. We offer the best quality highly absorbent sterilized Combine Dressing Pad in accordance to the Pharmacopial Standards. Our product serve the needs of several industrial health care service provider such as hospitals, nursing homes etc.
Non-Sterilized Gauze Swabs
We offer the best quality highly absorbent non-sterilized Gauze Swabs in accordance to the Pharmacopial Standards. Our product serve the needs of several industrial health care service provider such as hospitals, nursing homes etc. Our Swabs pass through rigorous tests for quality control, cloth constructions, softness due to uniform detect free highly absorbent gauze material.
X-Ray Detectable thread
We have manufactured the best quality of Abdominal Gauze Swab with and without X-Ray detectable thread in required sizes, we also offer the best quality Non-sterilized Abdominal Gauze Swab in accordance to the Pharmacopial standards. Our product serve the needs of several industrial health care service providers such as hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
Disposable Oxygen Masks
The oxygen mask is designed in such a way that it causes easy administration of oxygen. It is a moulded face mask which has an adjustable strap and a nose clip for comfort. The mask also has a plastic tube. It can be discarded after being used by one patient.
N95 Anti-Pollution Face Mask
This face mask is meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays or splatter that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria), keeping it from reaching your mouth and nose. Face masks may also help reduce exposure of your saliva and respiratory secretions to others.
Gauze Ribbon
We have manufactured the best quality of 4 Folded Gauze ribbon in required sizes, we offer the best quality Gauze Ribbon in accordance to the Pharmacopial standards. Our Gauze Ribbon pass through rigorous tests for quality control, long lasting sterility due to the Gamma Radiation Sterilization.
Sterile Eye Pad
We have manufactured the best quality of Eye Pads, we offer the best quality sterilized Eye Pads in accordance to the Pharmacopoeia standards. Our Eye Pads pass through rigorous tests for quality control, filter constructions, softness due to uniform defect free highly absorbent Cotton Wool and with long lasting sterility due to the Gamma Radiation Sterilization
We are affirm to be your most dependable Surgical Products Suppliers in Ahmedabad and Surgical Products Suppliers in India. As the pioneering distributor and exporter of surgical tools .From some of the top hospitals to renowned medical stores, we offer the right surgical tools to numerous faculties.
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Chapter 1: Three Guns too Few, Three Guns too Many
The supply convoy was gathering its things for extraction. Columns of flatbeds and armored transport were doing their best to form orderly lines, moving along well-worn paths that hadn’t existed eight months ago. As a token of gratitude, the planet’s locals were building pallets and separating salvage from trash. Children held las cells up to their noses to see if they had been discharged or not while the adults stacked things far too heavy for the young ones to handle. The “discharge” pile was significantly larger than the salvage pile, but even the children felt compelled to help the Imperial forces that had made their way to pry Garthin from the grips of a chaos incursion. Maybe “incursion” was too strong a word to use. It was more like a rebellion, but chaos was not a matter to be taken lightly. A single continent, two regional manufactorum districts, and the inquisition had sent in its people yesterday. To be fair, they were the ones calling it an incursion, not the locals.
Major Vord Rankin sipped cold recaff from a hip flask and watched a pair of young girls sorting through trash. The older, maybe seven or eight, gently took a las cell from her little sister and showed her how to administer the sniff test. The toddler had been holding them up to her ear and shaking them, and her sister patiently explained that you couldn’t tell that way. They had to have that ozone smell to them. That’s how you could tell if they had been fired or not.
Of course, they had all been fired, but the major wasn’t about to tell them that.
“Move it,” a voice said from behind, prompting Rankin to sidestep as a small lift rattled by with crates stacked nearly above the driver’s eye line.
Gratitude, Rankin thought, glancing back at the girls. A virtue. No, more than a virtue, it was a blessing from the Emperor himself. Not every child in their situation survived to feel gratitude, and the fact that they were already wise enough to express it filled him with pride.
Garthin was an interesting node in the Imperial supply chain, its manufactorum blocs producing the bulk of all nonessential mechanisms needed to fuel the war efforts in the system. There were entire worlds dedicated to pushing out armor and guns, thousands of square miles of nothing but chassis, treads, and engines. There were factories stamping out so many lasgun frames per minute that the machine song could be heard behind closed doors inside the Mechanicum’s temple walls. But the best place to machine gun barrels might not necessarily be the best place to cut focus crystals. When you need every square foot available to you for steel works, it is sometimes better to have several million polymer trigger assemblies delivered on a single landing pad. Not to mention the fact that Garthin was one of the largest grain suppliers within easy traveling distance. There were so many small pieces moving through Garthin that its troubles had not been noticed immediately, but when shipments started arriving later and later the Mechanicum had taken interest. And when the Mechanicum cried, the munitorum did too. From there it hadn’t been long until there were boots on the ground.
The sound of shouting drew Rankin’s attention away from the girls. He looked across the muddy, torn up field, standing on his toes to see over the milling crowd. He couldn’t see who was shouting, but the voice was all too familiar. He started cutting his way across the slow moving convoy.
The chaos rebellion, as many like it did, had started in secret. Worshippers of the ruinous powers were never bold enough to do so under the sterilizing light of day until their numbers were enough to bolster confidence. Rankin tried to recall the title the chaos scum had given themselves, failed, and realized it was a good thing that he had forgotten. He didn’t need to know who they were, just that they were all dead. Rumors were that the entire thing had started with a single man who had been brutalized one night after his shift had ended. The attackers, they said, had taken everything he had on his person regardless of value. Most of it had been found less than a mile away in a trash can. He had needed extensive surgery that neither he nor his family had been in a position to afford, and it looked like his life had gone from decades of quiet service to the Imperium to destitution in the span of a few agonizing minutes.
There were things in the galaxy who’s mouths were always open and questing for that flavor of frustration.
“There’s sixteen of us!” the voice shouted. There was a pause. “Fifteen, whatever! There’s fifteen of us and you’re going to give me these lasguns or I swear on the Golden Throne I’ll-”
“You’ll what, trooper Slatnik?” Rankin asked calmly.
Slatnik turned, her face red as a brick and twice as hard, and threw a quick salute. Tall for a woman, she had the demeanor of a feral cat, scarred and rough around every available edge. Her face was lined beyond her years from an early career of hard living, and her hair was a short cut nest of oily black feathers.
“Major, sir, these men refuse to help with our resupply,” she said through barred teeth. “We’re shy three lasguns and they won’t budge.”
The men standing behind Slatnik were dressed in officer’s garb, clean and more plump than a soldier should have been. Rankin knew one was a colonel from the pins on his greatcoat, and the other appeared to be an adjutant.
“Is that right, colonel?” Rankin asked, looking over Slatnik shoulder. “You’re here arguing with my guardsman over three lasguns?”
“The lasguns belong to the Feronian Firestags,” the adjutant answered, a smug expression creasing his chubby face. “And the Feronian Firestags need them. We can’t be bothered to give charity out to every poor soul that comes along with open hands.”
The colonel chuckled, clearly taking delight in not having to answer Rankin’s question himself. The major watched him with mild interest. Rankin’s team had been on Garthin for the duration of the conflict. First in and, by the looks of things, last out. These pompous Feronians had been here somewhere, but he couldn’t remember having seen hide nor hair of them. A bloated regiment with a bloated colonel, too afraid to stain their clothes with front line combat. Here was a man who could learn a thing or two from those girls sorting power cells in the dirt.
Rankin looked back at Slatnik.
“I asked you a question, tooper.”
Slatnik squinted at him. “Sir?”
“I asked you what you would do to the colonel here if he didn’t comply. So, what will you do if we don’t get those lasguns, trooper Slatnik?”
Back still to the two men, her grimace curled into a nasty smile. “I’d rather not say, major, sir.”
Rankin sniffed and took a long, careful drink from his flask, making heavy eye contact with the silent colonel. He screwed the lid back on slowly, as if preparing to make love to the vessel, and tucked it carefully back into his hip pocket.
“Show me.”
Like magic, Slatnik’s booted foot was flying in an arc above her head as the last syllable from Rankin’s mouth still hung in the air. It crashed into the colonel’s temple, spinning him sideways into the mud. The adjutant balked, unable to process what had just happened, and fumbled with the leather catch of his holstered laspistol.
Rankin whistled, and the pudgy man looked up in time to see the barrel of a bolt pistol leveled at his chest. Rankin smiled and shook his head.
Gloved hands grabbed the adjutant by his collar. Slatnik screamed away months of pain and frustration before slamming her forehead into his nose. The cartilage shattered, sending a starburst of blood across his cheeks and knocking him out cold. He fell where he stood, crumbling like an old cement wall, and face planted into the wet ground. The colonel had his hand pressed to the rapidly swelling side of his face that had taken the boot and shouted for help. The elegant ceremonial blade he had belted to his side was caked with mud and too slick to pull from its scabbard, and Rankin had not seen any sort of firearm on the man.
The arrogance.
Slatnik straddled the Feronian. “Hey, groxshit,” she said, leaning down. “Was it worth the three lasguns?”
Before he could answer, she stomped the heel of her boot down on his groin and ground it against the road. He screamed, legs reflexively closing down around her ankle. She planted her foot against his stomach, pressing mud into the one part of his uniform that had been spared in the fall, and pulled the boot free with a wet sucking sound.
“That’s enough, trooper,” Rankin said, trying not to show his amusement. Five guardsmen in the Feronian livery were running towards them, lasguns at the ready, and he couldn’t have her actively humiliating their colonel when they arrived. He put away his bolt pistol and ran a gloved hand over his face. Why did it always have to be like this? Why couldn’t they see that they were all fighting for the same Emperor, the same Terra, the same Imperium? It was always a struggle, but it never had to be.
“Back up!” shouted the first guardsman on the scene. He was staring down the sight of his lasgun, his freshly shaved cheek pressed tight to the stock. “Hands where we can see them!”
Slatnik licked the blood off her lips and spat into the dirt at the colonel’s feet. She turned her back to the soldiers and walked to stand next to Rankin.
“Thanks,” she said.
The colonel pushed himself up, covered in equal parts mud and shame, and tried in vain to straighten his hat. Two of the Feronian guardsmen tried to help him, but he pushed them away. Blood was flowing from a cut above his right eye, that temple now a rosy goose egg.
“Shoot them,” he demanded, pointing a shaking hand in their direction. “Shoot them right now.”
“Are you a commissar?” Rankin asked. He saw the men hesitate, unsure of whether or not they should execute an officer that clearly outranked them, even if it was one in such a disheveled looking uniform. “Do you have the authority to dole out summary executions?”
“You’re traitors!” the colonel screamed, flinging mud from the tassels on his shoulders as he swung an accusing finger from Rankin to Slatnik.
Rankin nodded to the prone adjutant. “Someone should help him up before he suffocates.”
The guardsmen who had tried to help the colonel looked sheepishly at the adjutant, shouldered their rifles, and got him to his feet.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Rankin said, ignoring the colonel’s outburst. “You’ve got five decent guardsmen here. Good men. I can tell by looking at them. Instead of shooting us here, you can escort us to the command tent and tell top brass what happened. I’ll personally accept any punishment they see fit to bestow on behalf of my subordinate’s actions.”
The colonel breathed heavily, his rage barely contained. “Nothing’s stopping me from taking a rifle and shooting you myself.”
Rankin shrugged. “I guess not, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“No one’s going to fault me for putting down a traitorous major,” he said, spittle on his lips. “Especially not someone like you. The Feronian Firestags wouldn’t soil their boots stepping on a unit only fifteen men strong.”
“Good,” Rankin said cheerfully. “Then take us to the tent. The general can shoot us so you don’t have to waste the effort.”
The Feronians escorted Rankin and Slatnik the short walk to the command tent in tense silence, their backs straight and eyes forward. The adjutant was awake and plodding along in front of them, his gait unsteady and crooked. Their colonel set the pace. He was moving faster than he had likely moved the entire campaign. There was blood in the water, his blood, and he wasn’t going to let it dissipate before taking satisfaction.
Their prisoners made small talk about whether or not it would rain.
Just a week prior, the command tent had been a much larger structure, housing the bulk of tac logis machinery and those who were authorized to use them. These days it was little more than a single tent surrounded by sealed plastic crates waiting their turn to be shipped off world with the next truckload of equipment. They pushed through the tent flaps, the Feronians taking care not to disturb the officers from their discussion therein.
“I’ve seen my breath a couple of times today,” Slatnik insisted, shouldering past the guardsmen escorting them. “Temperature’s dropping. It’s going to rain before day’s end.”
“Hard to tell,” Rankin countered, waving his hands around. “Atmospherics from all these shuttles.... Who can say?”
The inside of the tent was lined with lumen globes hanging from hooks in the poles, tables and dataslates stacked against the perimeter. A long table still stood in the center of the room, surrounded by the eight remaining members in command of the operations on Garthin. They turned to regard the newcomers with mild annoyance, some scowling from underneath peaked caps while others only glanced and shook their heads before going back to the matters at hand.
One man, however, stood very much apart from the rest, for he was no mere man at all.
“Sir,” Rankin said, he and Slatnik throwing a smart salute before approaching the table.
“Major,” the man rumbled, his voice deep and immovably hard. “Trooper Slatnik. How has the resupply gone?”
Rankin cleared his throat. “Unfortunately, sir, that’s why we’re here.” He held out his hand and turned towards the Feronian colonel. “This is colonel....”
“Mastalig,” he said quickly, swallowing hard. “Colonel Thame Mastalig of the Feronian first, the Firestags.”
The man looked to the rest of the commanders at the table. “General Vesbule, the Feronian regiments are here under your deployment, are they not?”
“Indeed,” Vesbule said stiffly, eyeing the colonel in his disheveled state.
“You’re injured,” he rumbled with that penetrating voice, tapping at the side of his head with a massive finger. “Are you alright?”
Mastalig looked at the ground, uncomfortable with making eye contact with the giant. “Fine, sir. Thank you, sir.”
“Yeah,” Rankin said, staring at the sweating colonel. “He’s a real trooper, that one. About that resupply, though.”
“Whatever you need, I’m sure general Vesbule will be more than accommodating to our needs,” he boomed. “That will be fine, will it not?”
“Of course,” Vesbule said, waving the statement away before going back to his dataslate. “Take whatever you need. Mastalig, make sure our friends here are well equipped and looked after. Their service has been invaluable, and I want them given only the best treatment. Do you understand?”
Under the layer of mud, the colonel went puce.
“What’s happening?” the woozy adjutant said, shuffling into the tent. Too covered in blood to want to show his face, he had been left outside on a crate with a bottle of water and a towel. He was clean now, but his nose was a crooked lump of purple that would need time with a medicae if it was going to heal any kind of straight. “What did they say?”
“Out!” the colonel hissed, his jaw shaking with embarrassment. He shoved his aide through the tent flap roughly and grabbed the nearest guardsman by the shoulder. “Get him back to camp and set him straight. I don’t want to see him here again.”
The guardsman nodded curtly and hurried away.
“Don’t worry,” Slatnik said, sauntering over to the Feronians. She threw her arms over their shoulders and planted a kiss on the cheek of the guardsman next to her. “I’ll come with you. Make sure everything goes smoothly. We sure do appreciate all your help.”
“Emperor,” the trooper on her arm said, looking away, “your breath is vile.”
“Yeah!” Slatnik nearly double over with laughter as they walked out of the tent. “Don’t I know it.”
The giant nodded as they left. “Happy, major?”
“Yes, sir,” Rankin replied. “Thank you.”
The space marine went back to discussing extraction with the rest of command. Rankin sighed heavily, taking the flask off his hip as he went quietly from their company. Gratitude, he thought, nodding as he swallowed the bitter sludge. A true blessing from the Emperor himself.
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messiahvzsa298-blog · 5 years
How To Choose A Tape Drive Repair Work Company
First, I want to welcome you to the first of a new series of posts I will be writing, the Apple Story. Yes, the name is a play on the name of Apple's now ubiquitous series of retail outlets, and http://shengrongdq.com/felath8b5c/post-the-importance-of-179585.html in that it is where I intend to discover my topics (some may call them victims, but I guarantee you I handle with severe care). Who better to become my first victim. er, topic. than myself. I have many, numerous Apple stories to share, and it seems the rational start to what I hope is a popular series, indeed. Just know that this short article remains in the 3rd person, which is somewhat odd for me, however it is the kind in which subsequent Apple Stories will be written, and they will have to do with other people.
How To Repair A Sluggish Computer With Basic Steps
You're the administrator of your company network. And SQL Server 2008 has actually been released on your computer system. Now you use SQL Server 2008 to design a Service Intelligence (BI) solution. Now you handle a SQL Server 2008 instance which hosts a database. At present the database is scheduled for a complete backup on a monthly basis and uses the bulk-logged recovery model. The 4-terabyte database contains 3.5 terabyte of data in a read-only filegroup. You have to back up the database modifications to a LTO 5 Tape every night, you must utilize as little storage area and time as possible. So which backup method should you utilize?
Your emergency treatment kits contents ought to include assorted plasters, gauze pads, sterile dressings, Tape Price, anti bacterial cream, scissors, medical gloves, tweezers and cold packs. Likewise you could include headache and pain medication tablets, laxatives and an emergency treatment book. All of these things can be added to if you believe you will need more or perhaps less. There are no guidelines when it pertains to comprising your first aid kit. If you are uncertain then you could merely purchase a pre made one which will have many various things therein.
Hard Drive Backups - LTO 6 Cleaning Tape What You Need To Be Backing Up
TVLs work much faster than LTO Tapes. They're likewise a much safer way to save your data, supplied that you appropriately keep the RAID range and change out stopped working hard disk drives as soon as possible.
Dual Layer Finish Technology Of Dds-3 And Dds-4 Data Tape Cartridge
When you have actually marked the area of your eye to the moon, procedure carefully the precise distance from the book corner to where your eye was to the tapes on the windowpane. Likewise measure the specific width of the area between the tape.
Before you sign a check ask about warranties and service. Lots of suppliers offer training too. Look for sincerity, reliability, and openness. The majority of people who have these qualities will talk openly about successes as well as failures.
6 Tips On How To Buy A Tape Back Up System
This is absolutely worth examining, nevertheless I would suggest that you start changing policy internally with regard to backup solutions. Remember that a big source of your problem is that business employees typically make numerous copies of the one file, do not erase there 'Sent files' and do not archive or handle their e-mails. This is where you can save a lot of memory - LTO 6 Cleaning Tape and therefore know for sure the REAL amount of data that needs to be kept.
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umendraexports-blog · 6 years
Healthcare Products - Manufacturer, Private Label, OEM & Wholesale Supplier
Umedra Exports Pvt. Ltd. is one of the premier manufacturers and suppliers of healthcare products and medical disposables. The company also provides private label and OEM (contract manufacturing) solutions.
We have come from a long way since we originated in 1995 in New Delhi, India. We began with production with few products. But, today we produce more than 400 products to support lifestyle and health of the people.
The organization mainly deals with personal care products for oral care, baby care, skincare, and hair care and complete range of Ayurvedic products, OTC creams and medical disposables. The core competitive advantages that span us are well-equipped & cGMP compliant manufacturing and quality-control systems by industry experts, superior regulatory expertise, in-depth market knowledge, extensive technical-customer support and strong R&D capabilities.
Our USFDA registered company helps clients to succeed by delivering stable, effective, marketable products. We are known for our ability to accomplish the large size orders and customized demands of clients across the globe. Some of the major countries, we ship our products are USA, Haiti, Panama, Venezuela, Australia, Peru, Argentina, Singapore, Jamaica, Tanzania, Afghanistan, and many more.
The vision-driven organization discovers and upgrades processing system to deliver the best products and services to clients throughout the world.
The wide product range is provided under the brand name of Dr Smarth or Smarth by the company, which includes:
Personal Care Products
Personal care is essential for well-being for any person. And, using quality personal care products is one of the best options to keep a healthy and charming body.
Umendra Exports is a consumer-centric organization and offers a wide range of oral care, baby care, skincare, and hair care products.
The oral care products include Regular Toothpaste, Flavored Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Special Toothpaste for sensitive gums, smokers, teeth whitening and many more.
The range of baby care products consists of Baby powder, Baby oil, Flavored toothpaste, Baby Lotion, Baby Petroleum Jelly, Diaper Rash Cream, Baby wash, Baby soaps, Baby shampoo, Shower Gel, etc.
Beauty bath soaps, Face Scrub, Skin Lightening Gel, Face Cream, Waterless facewash, Anti Pimple & Acne Cream, Under Eye Gel, Foot Cream, Petroleum Jelly, Moisturizing Body Lotion, Shaving Foam, Dusting Powder, Foot Powder, Medicated Talc, Shower Gel, and Eau de Cologne are some of the high quality skincare products manufactured by the company.
The company provides wide range of hair care products such as Shampoos, Hair Conditioners, Hair Food, Hair Dress with Bergamot, Hair Styling Gel, Hair Oil, Hair Cream, etc.
OTC Ointments & Cream
The OTC ointments and creams are the products which a consumer can acquire at any pharmacist or convenience store without any medical prescription.
At Umendra Exports, we manufacture them with intensive care to ensure consumer safety standards. The company produces mild yet effective OTC ointments and creams for specific and versatile uses.
The OTC ointments include Petroleum Jelly, Diaper Rash Cream, First aid creams, Ice Analgesic Gel, and many more.
The company specializes in formulation of OTC cream and supplies Skin Protectant, Denture Adhesive Cream, Hydrocortisone Cream 1 %, and Skin Protectant with Dimethicone.
Medical Disposables
The medical disposables are profoundly used in healthcare industry. The company delivers a diverse range of medical disposables to cater each and every requirement of consumer in the simplest manner. Some of the products manufactured by Umendra Exports are listed below:
Wetpack - Stretch Prep Pads, Lemon Glycerin Swabsticks, Towelettes, Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads, etc of great quality.
Wound Care - Sterile Gauze Sponge & Pads, Plastic Adhesive Bandages, Sterile Non-Adherent Pads, Non-Woven Sponges & Cotton Rolls, and many varied products for easy and comfortable usage.
Liner & Pads - Maternity Pads & Underpads with innovative fluid despersement technology.
Patient Care - Cotton Tipped Applicators, Polyethylene Bibs, Flex Straws, Medicine Cups, Personal Pillows, etc with finest raw materials.
Personal Protection - Isolation Gowns, Procedure & Moulded Face Masks, Nurse & Surgeon Caps, Yellow Impervious Gown, and many more.
Wet & Dry Wipes - Scented & Unscented Baby Wipes, Dry &Pre-moistened Adult Washclothes, etc
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) accessories - Instant Hot and Cold Packs, Emergency Foil Blanket, Trauma Dressing Sterile Blanket, Triangular Bandages, and many more.
The company also offers Sterile Lubricating Jelly and Sterilization Pouches in customized packaging to become an optimum choice of clients.
Ayurvedic Products
The company blends the quality products with natural ingredients using modern technology to contrive customized Ayurvedic products.
Some of the well-known Ayurvedic products of the company include varied range of Flavored Castor Oil, Herbal Toothpaste, Alovera & Turmeric Cream, Skin Hydrating Cream, Analgesic Dental Pain Clove Oil, Balm for Headache and Body ache, Muscle Rub Ointment, Inhaler, and many more.
The success journey of the ethical company is underpinned by endeavors and fulfillment of strong commitments to satisfy the clients’ demand in the best possible way.
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An old short story
If found this in my writing files. It’s not clean up or polished, but I thought I’d share it. It’s different from either of my wips and one of the few short stories I’ve written. I tend to ramble too much for shorts. Anyway, here you go, I suppose this would go under horror. Trigger warning for abuse, drugged, and non-consensual situations.
@aschenink @ava-burton-writing I thought you all might be interested.
His pen scratched over the pad as he talked to the young woman in front of him. She was quite pretty as she was, but she wanted more. She had no insurance and couldn't afford other means to get her nose and breasts done. Elijah was glad to help. Helping her achieve her dreams helped get him out of his worthless feeling funk that he had been in. It'd been weeks since he'd had a patient. It cost money to silence the rumors when things went bad, but when they went good it was amazing. He wanted this one to go very good. “Wouldn't she be a beautiful kitten?” 
The voice made Elijah look up sharply as the young blonde was speaking. She smiled at him a little oddly. 
“Did I say something wrong?” 
He shook his head at her and smiled. “No, no. Not at all. Just so pleased to hear you've thought this through so well.” The young woman smiled and continued to point at her nose and he went back to his notes. 
“Fur implants would take several sessions, but we could do it. We'd just need the donors and the right anesthesia.”  The doctor shook his head. No. He wasn't listening. This wasn't going to happen. This young woman had a life. A family. She had dreams.  “Wouldn't she be even more desired in Hollywood as the world's first real anthro feline?” Elijah stared at the pad as the voice argued with him. He was supposed to be taking notes on what she wanted, but when he looked at the paper, it was a sketch of her face except with feline features and ears sticking up out of her blonde wavy hair. He rapidly flipped the page and smiled at the girl. “Be here Wednesday at 6am sharp and we'll get started. You're sure about everything you told me?” The young woman smiled and nodded, passing him the money she had. Her life savings of five thousand dollars.
Elijah thanked her and guided her to his office door. It wasn't ideal, but since he wasn't licensed to practice anymore, it was all he could get. The office connected to a meat processing plant in the warehouse district. He'd gotten many bones and parts from the plant for free. Thankfully, they didn't know what he did with them. It wasn't as if he was proud of it. He was ashamed of what he'd done to some of these people. The voices were just so hard to ignore sometimes. No one else in his family had episodes like this. It didn't make sense. These things were normally hereditary. The doctors couldn't explain it at all. He seemed normal except for these episodes. Even the CAT scans came back with no mental deficiencies. The dark haired doctor leaned against the door with a sigh, looking at the ceiling. 
“You have a lot of supplies together in very few days.” 
“No. I am not ruining her life.” 
The voice in his mind just laughed and faded away. Even as he argued, he knew it would happen. It always happened when he heard the voices. He lost himself and that part of him took over. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't control it. God how he tried. It had ruined his whole life. Of course, he tried.  *** *** His patient showed up bright and early, excited for her procedure. He left her with a dressing gown in the small changing room he had rigged up. The surgical area was as sterile as he could make it. A noise came from far in the back of the building. 
“Do you have a cat doctor?” 
The young woman asked as he came out, finishing the ties on the gown. Elijah just smiled at her. “It's a stray that runs around the area. Sometimes I let it in the back and feed it. I'm a softie for a cute animal.” 
The girl aww'd at him and followed him into the surgery room. He got her up on the table and began to prep her. It didn't take long for him to have the IV and the long lasting anesthesia feeding into her vein. 
“Count backwards from 100 for me please...” When she stopped counting his masterpiece could begin. It was the biggest project he'd taken on. She'd be so pleased when it was done. She'd be more than she ever dreamed.  It didn't take long for the numbers to stop and Elijah pulled her gown off. Taking a deep breath, he went to scrub up. When he came back, he was calm and steady. Picking up a scalpel, he began to slowly cut away parts of her nose and split her top lip. He'd found a plastic cat nose form on a high-end special effects website. It was meant to be hypoallergenic so you could wear it under professional special effect make up for hours. Very carefully, he slipped the piece under her skin and muscles, wiping away the blood as he needed to see. He measured and then began to cut away cartilage and bone in her nose cavity until he could use the upper part of her nose to cover the piece. He attached the piece to her skull with surgical screws and began to close her nose up over it. He moved onto her lip giving the top one that split curved look of a cats. Shame he didn't know dentistry, he'd do her teeth too, but she'd have to find a dentist for that. It took some time to realign the muscles so that they would move over the new part of her face correctly, but he was pleased with the effect.  The other half of the cat form was put on the lower half of her face, making the two parts mesh more fully. Carefully, he opened a cooler sitting on the table next to him. Inside it was a cat nose that he had obtained from one of the dozen cats in the back of the office. He began to attach the small bumpy piece of flesh to the young woman’s face and stepped back when he was done.
“Once your fur has grown in, it'll be perfect.” The voices in his head were soft whispers encouraging him on and on. He even inserted special light reactive lenses into her eyes to give her the right look in her eyes. Elijah was a stickler for details.  He did her chest like she asked, giving her two full C cup breasts. Once her front was done, he bandaged her face and chest completely. He was still debating on her hands and feet. He'd do her tail first. It took a lot of effort, but he got her rolled over in a manner that wouldn't harm her stitches and opened an incision along the lower part of her back. Part of being a plastic surgeon was knowing about nerves and how to connect them. Very carefully, he pulled another chilled part from the cooler. The hair had been shaved off, but once the blood was flowing it would grow back. Carefully, he attached the tail to her spine and veins, watching for the new appendage to get that soft pink color that said success. He had to redo a vein, but in short order he had the color he wanted. He bandaged and padded the area heavily so he could roll her back over temporarily. Once she was on her back, he picked up her hands and a bone cutter. He folded her fingers down trying to decide how sort to make her paws. After a bit of debate with the voices in his head, he began to cut them down, leaving one knuckle on each finger and two on the thumb. He used the unneeded flesh from her fingers to make the familiar cat pads on her hands. Once he was done, he closed up the wounds and wrapped them quickly to avoid infection. He decided to leave her feet alone so that she could wear her normal shoes. Women were weird about shoes. He didn't want to upset her that she couldn't wear the dozens she probably had at home. He wasn't a monster after all.  He moved her into a recovery area, but he didn't wake her. Instead, he changed her over to a medicine that would leave her deep asleep without the danger of the anesthesia. He'd let her heal for a few days before he started on her ears and did the hair transplant. Both of those would be intensive. *** *** It had been a week since the blonde had walked into his office for her surgery. Now Kitten was almost done. Elijah had just finished shaving her head. All those beautiful blonde locks gone, but they'd grow back. Carefully, he slicked her scalp open and removed both her human ears. Taking special tubing, he connected it to her inner ear and ran it up the incision in her scalp until the tube was towards the top of her head. Opening another cooler, he removed two large black panther ears. He didn't ask his supplier where he got his parts because  he didn't want to know. He always requested parts off of animals that were dying. He couldn't stand needless death. He was a doctor after all.  Carefully, he took the black ear out of the ice and made sure the veins still looked healthy and began to connect them to her head. He'd had to shave some of the fur back, but that was alright. She'd regrow it. Especially with the hair transplant and the hormone therapy. The goat boy's hair had taken off like gang busters. He'd had to trim him twice before he was healed enough to leave, but...sadly he'd attacked Elijah and he'd had to put him down. Poor boy had gone crazy. Didn't even appreciate all the detail Elijah had put in.  The doctor sighed as he made the last few stitches on the ears. Someday someone would appreciate what he was doing for people. One day someone would recognize his genius. 
“We appreciate you Doctor. You're amazing." 
He smiled, looking up at a mirror. "That's really nice of you to say. Thank you.” 
When he finished he stepped back from his work, admiring what he'd done. There was no trace of her human face left except for her jaw. She was a masterpiece. Now, just to add the fur. *** *** The young woman blinked her eyes open feeling horribly groggy. When she opened her eyes, she had a hard time focusing. Her drugged mind put it off on the medicine. Elijah was bent over her looking down. “I'm sorry. You had some reactions to the anesthesia so I kept you a few days.” 
The young woman just nodded that she understood yawning. Her mouth felt odd. As if her lips didn't open like they should. The doctor was taking off the bandages. She must have been here a while. Surely, her family was worried. What about her work? She'd only taken a week off! Surely, he'd contacted her emergency numbers. The young woman tried to calm herself. She could see the shape of her new chest through the sheets and was already pleased.  Taking a deep breath, she made an odd sound in her throat. She blinked a few times startled.
Elijah just smiled at her. “Just relax, kitten.” 
Ignoring the affectionate name she closed her eyes while he undid the bandages. His hand brushed along her neck and it felt funny, like there was something on her neck. It felt good though. It took some time, but he had her face unwrapped. Smiling brightly he held up a mirror for her. When she saw the cat staring back at her she screamed. It didn't come out a scream though; it was the loud yowl of a house cat. The young woman wanted to cry but she couldn't. Elijah had been very thorough with his work. She reached up to touch her face and found she had paws. She began to swing at him and he grabbed both of her black fur covered wrists. 
“Shhh, you'll hurt yourself kitten. You're going to be a hit in Hollywood!” “She can't leave, someone will mistreat her. You have to keep her here. She'll be happy being your pet.” 
“Hmm, you're right. It's not safe for our kitten to leave. I'll take good care of you. Don't you worry, little one.” He scratched under her chin and tied her down to the bed. He was glad he hadn't given her claws. She might have hurt him in her excitement.
Smiling, he walked off to his computer to order a large pet carrier and rent an SUV. She could have her own room and cat toys. He'd have to make sure she didn't accidentally get out. Ah, it'd be nice to have company again. His voices got a little boring to talk too sometimes.
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shtfandgo · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.shtfandgo.com/2017/05/12/medical-aspects-of-camping-and-other-tips-you-need-to-know-about/
Medical Aspects of Camping and Other Tips You Need to Know About
As the weather begins to warm up, it is time to think about outdoor activities we can pursue not only for pleasure but to hone and practice our outdoor survival skills.  Speaking for myself, camping is high on my list of summer activities, including a first-time adventure using a tent.
Most of us plan to hunker down and shelter in place in the event of a disruptive event. That said, if our homes are no longer safe, either due to location or to physical destruction, we must have a plan to evacuate.  In some cases, the answer will be short term camping.
Dr. Joe Alton is here to today to weigh in on what we need to know about the medical aspect of camping plus some other tips to make the overall experience both pleasurable and educational.
Safe Camping Tips for Preppers
School will be out soon and a great way to teach your family survival basics is by taking them camping. The skills needed for successful camping are akin to those required for the activities of daily survival. Once learned, these lessons last a lifetime. There’s no greater gift that you can give young people than the ability to be self-reliant.
Camping trips create bonds and memories that will last a lifetime.  A poorly planned campout, however, can become memorable in a way you don’t want, especially if someone gets injured. Luckily, a few preparations and an evaluation of your party’s limitations will help you enjoy a terrific outing with the people you care about, and maybe impart some skills that would serve them well in dark times.
Start Small
If you haven’t been camping much, don’t start by attempting to hike the Donner Trail. Begin by taking day trips to National Parks or a nearby lake.   Set up your tent and campfire, and see how it goes when you don’t have to stay in the woods overnight.  Once you have that under your belt, start planning your overnight outings.
Whatever type of camping you do, always assess the capabilities and general health of the people in your party. Children and elderly family members will determine the limits of your activities. The more ambitious you are, the more likely the kids and oldsters won’t be able to handle it.  Disappointment and injuries are the end result.
Important Considerations
An important first step to a safe camping trip is knowledge about the weather and terrain you’ll be encountering. Talk with park rangers, consult guidebooks, and check out online sources. Some specific issues you’ll want to know about:
· Temperature Ranges · Rain or Snowfall · Trails and Campsite Facilities · Plant, Insect, or Animal Issues · Availability of Clean Water · How to Get Help in an Emergency
Medical Aspects of Camping
A very common error campers (and survivalists) make is not bringing the right clothing and equipment for the weather and terrain. If you haven’t planned for the environment you’ll be camping in, you have made it your enemy, and believe me, it’s a formidable one.
Although Spring and Fall have the most uncertainty with regards to temperatures and weather, you could encounter storms in any season. Always take enough clothing to allow layering to deal with the unpredictability of the season.
Conditions in high elevations lead to wind chill factors that could cause hypothermia. If the temperature is 50 degrees, but the windchill factor is 30 degrees, you lose heat from your body as if it were below freezing. Be aware that temperatures at night may be surprisingly cold.
In cold weather, you’ll want your family clothed in tightly woven, water-repellent material for protection against the wind. Wool holds body heat better than cotton does. Some synthetic materials work well, also, such as Gore-Tex. Add or remove layers as needed.
If you’re at the seashore or lakefront in summer, your main problem will be heat exhaustion and burns. Have your family members wear sunscreen, as well as hats and light cotton fabrics. Plan your strenuous activities for mornings, when it’s cooler. In any type of weather, keep everyone well-hydrated.  Dehydration causes more rapid deterioration in physical condition in any type of stressful circumstance. Allow a pint of fluids an hour for strenuous activities.
The most important item of clothing is, perhaps, your shoes. If you’ve got the wrong shoes for the outing, you will most likely regret it. If you’re in the woods, high tops that you can fit your pant legs into are most appropriate. If you go with a lighter shoe in hot weather, Vibram soles are your best bet.
Special Tips: Choosing the right clothing isn’t just for weather protection.  If you have the kids wear bright colors, you’ll have an easier time keeping track of their whereabouts. Long sleeves and pants offer added protection against insect bites that can transmit disease, such as Lyme disease caused by ticks.
Location, Location, Location
A real estate agent’s motto is “location, location, location” and it’s also true when it comes to camping.   Scout prospective campsites by looking for broken glass and other garbage that can pose a hazard.  Sadly, you can’t depend on other campers to pick up after themselves.
Look for evidence of animals/insects nearby, such as large droppings or wasp nests/bee hives.    Advise the children to stay away from any animals, even the cute little fuzzy ones. If there are berry bushes nearby, you can bet it’s on the menu for bears. Despite this, things that birds and animals can eat aren’t always safe for humans.
Learn to identify the plants in your environment that should be avoided. This especially includes poison ivy, oak, and sumac.  Show your kids pictures of the plants so that they can steer clear of them. The old adage is “leaves of three, let it be”. Fels-Naptha soap is especially effective in removing toxic resin from skin and clothes if you suspect exposure.
Build your fire in established fire pits and away from dry brush. In drought conditions, consider using a portable stove instead.  Children are fascinated by fires, so watch them closely or you’ll be dealing with burn injuries. Food (especially cooked food) should be hung in trees in such a way that animals can’t access it. Animals are drawn to food odors, so use resealable plastic containers.
If you camp near a water source, realize that even the clearest mountain stream may harbor parasites that cause diarrheal disease and dehydration.  Water sterilization is basic to any outdoor outing.  There are iodine tablets that serve this purpose, and portable filters like the “Lifestraw™” which are light and effective.  Although time-consuming, boiling local water is a good idea to avoid trouble.
Get Your Bearings
Few people can look back to their childhood and not remember a time when they lost their bearings. Your kids should always be aware of landmarks near the camp or on trails.  A great skill to teach the youngsters is how to use a compass; make sure they have one on them at all times.
A great item to give each child (and adult) is a loud whistle that they can blow if you get separated.  Three blasts are the universal signal for “help!” If lost, kids should stay put in a secure spot.  Of course, if you have cell phone service where you are, consider that option as well.
Bug Bites
Even kids in protective clothing can still wind up with insect bites.  Important supplies to carry are antihistamines like Benadryl, sting relief pads, and calamine lotion to deal with allergic reactions.  Asking your doctor for a prescription “Epi-Pen” is a good idea, as they’re meant to be used by the average person. They’re effective for severe reactions to toxins from insect bites or poison ivy.
Citronella-based products are helpful to repel insects; put it on clothing instead of skin (absorbs too easily) whenever possible. Repellents containing DEET also can be used, but not on children less than 2 years old.
Don’t forget to inspect daily for ticks or the bulls-eye pattern rash you might see in Lyme disease. I mean it when I say daily: If you remove the tick in the first 24 hours, you will rarely contract the disease.
Of course, you’ll need a medical kit as part of your supplies. Consider some of the items in our compact, lightweight personal IFAK kit, specifically meant to deal with mishaps on the trail. You might have your own favorite items to bring with you; if so, feel free to post them in the comments section below.
The Final Word
Now that I live adjacent to the forest, I want to get a tent.  The plan is to get something easy to set up because, after all, I am not a young as I used to be and want to save my energy for things like hiking and doing a bit of wood chopping.  Then, as Joe suggests, I plan to camp in my own one-acre backyard before venturing further.
One thing is certain, it is a lot more fun to practice survival skills when you couple the experience with a family adventure!
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crystalhygiene · 3 years
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