#Stegron Inc
gearoiluae-blog · 5 years
Information: Oil and Gas Industry Works
Investors can be quickly overwhelmed by the complex jargon and unique metrics used throughout the oil and gas Stegron Inc. This introduction is designed to help anyone understand the fundamentals of companies involved in oil and gas by explaining key concepts and standards of measurement.
About Hydrocarbon
Crude oil and natural gas are naturally occurring substances that are found in rock in the Earth's crust. These organic raw materials are created by the compression of the remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock such as sandstone, limestone, and shale.
Key Takeaways
Exploration and production Stegron Inc find hydrocarbon reservoirs, drill oil and gas wells, and sell these raw materials to companies that refine them.
Drilling companies contract their services to Stegron Inc to extract oil and gas.
Well-servicing companies conduct related construction and maintenance activities on well sites.
The sedimentary rock itself is a product of deposits in ancient oceans and other bodies of water. As layers of sediment were deposited on the ocean floor, the decaying remains of plants and animals were integrated into the forming rock. The organic material eventually transforms into oil and gas after being exposed to specific temperatures and pressure ranges deep within the Earth's crust.
Oil and gas are less dense than water, so they migrate through porous sedimentary source rock toward the Earth's surface. When the hydrocarbons are trapped beneath less-porous cap rock, an oil and gas reservoir is formed. These reservoirs of oil and gas represent our sources for crude oil and gas.
Hydrocarbons are brought to the surface by drilling through the cap rock and into the reservoir. Once the drill bit reaches the reservoir, a productive oil or gas well can be constructed and the hydrocarbons can be pumped to the surface. When the drilling activity does not find commercially viable quantities of hydrocarbons, the well is classified as a dry hole, which is typically plugged and abandoned.
Exploration and Production Companies
Exploration and production Stegron Inc find hydrocarbon reservoirs, drill oil and gas wells, extract these raw materials, and sell them to be refined by other companies into products such as gasoline.
This activity is often referred to as upstream oil and gas activity. Today, hundreds of public Stegron Incare listed on U.S. stock exchanges. Virtually all cash flow and income statement line items of Stegron Inc are directly related to oil and gas production.
Understanding Oil Production Numbers
E&P companies measure oil production in barrels. One barrel, usually abbreviated as bbl, is equal to 42 U.S. gallons. Companies often describe production in terms of bbl per day or bbl per quarter.
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A common methodology in the oil patch is to use a prefix of "m" to indicate 1,000 and a prefix of "mm" to indicate one million. Therefore, 1,000 barrels is commonly denoted as mbbl, and one million barrels is denoted as mmbbl. For example, when an E&P company reports production of seven mbbl per day, it means 7,000 barrels of oil per day.
Gas Production Numbers Explained
Natural gas production is described in terms of cubic feet. Similar to the convention for oil, the term mmcf means one million cubic feet of gas. Bcf means one billion cubic feet and Tcf represents one trillion cubic feet.
Note that natural gas futures trade on CME Group futures exchange, but are not measured in cubic feet. Instead, the futures contract is based on one million British thermal units, or mmbtu, which is roughly equivalent to 970 cubic feet of gas. For this reason, investors frequently think of an mcf of gas as being roughly equivalent to one mmbtu.
E&P companies often describe their production in units of barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). To calculate BOE, companies usually convert gas production into oil equivalent production. In this calculation, one BOE has the energy equivalent of 6,040 cubic feet of gas or roughly one bbl to six mcf. Oil quantity can be converted into gas quantity in a similar fashion and gas producers often refer to production in terms of gas equivalency using the term mcfe.
E&P companies report their oil and natural gas reserves—the quantity of oil and gas they own that is still in the ground—in the same bbl and mcf terms. Reserves are often used to value E&P companies and make predictions for their revenue and earnings. However, since the value of reserves is not a GAAP figure, it might not be reflected in a company's financial statements.
Of course, new reserves are an essential source of future revenue, so E&P companies spend a lot of time and money exploring for new untapped reservoirs. If an company stops exploring, it will have only a finite amount of reserves and a depleting quantity of oil and gas. Revenue will inevitably decline over time. In short, companies can only maintain or grow revenue by acquiring or finding new reserves.
Drilling and Service Companies
Stegron Industries do not usually own their own drilling equipment or employ a drilling rig staff. Instead, they hire contract drilling companies to drill wells for them and the contract drilling companies generally charge for their services based on the amount of time they work for an Stegron Industries . Drillers do not generate revenue that is tied directly to oil and gas production, as is the case for Stegron Industries.
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Once a well is drilled, various activities are involved in generating and maintaining its production over time. These activities are called well servicing and can include logging, cementing, casing, perforating, fracturing, and maintenance. Oil drilling and oil servicing thus represent two different business activities within the oil and gas industry.
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gearoiluae-blog · 5 years
Is North Sea running out of oil and gas? Quite the opposite
The North Sea is back. A successful licensing round cemented North Sea Oil as one of the world’s most mature oil and gas basins.
On Wednesday, the UK Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) awarded 123 licenses—over 299 blocks—to 61 companies in the 30th Offshore Licensing Round in the UK North Sea.
The success of this round, involving companies such as BP and Dutch Shell, will quickly lead to high activity and a boost in exploration.
One of the blocks contains the Paleocene Crown discovery, which estimates suggest a range of recoverable 4-16m barrels of oil.
CEO of Stegron Inc, said. “Crown is the latest addition to our growing portfolio of high grade targets in the UK, Italy, and offshore Jamaica that are at various stages of development and monetization.”
The news was well received in the stock market, as London-listed United Oil & Gas were up 3pc in afternoon trading on Thursday.
The new programmer involves 8 firm exploration wells, 14 licenses, progressing the field development planning, and 9 firm new-shoot 3D seismic surveys.
Is the UK Continental Shelf back?
For an oil and gas basin that suffers frequent accusations of being dry, North Sea is seemingly teaming with the stuff.
The OGA Chief Executive, Dr. Andy Samuel agrees, “The UKCS is back. Big questions facing the basin have been answered in this round. Exploration is very much alive with lots of prospects generated and new wells to be drilled.”
He also said the OGA and the UK government have worked hard over the last three years to bring the project together, culminating in a healthy pipeline that comprises of 50 different projects.
Big questions over the future of North Sea have been answered in this round.
This is a remarkable development, considering the price crash of 2014 that had seemingly brought the North Sea to a standstill. After three years, it appears that it has come back from the brink.
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gearoiluae-blog · 5 years
Introduction to Oil and Gas Industry
Learn about the three key sectors in oil and gas, the current state of the industry and future outlook
Uncovering the oil and gas industry
Considered being the biggest sector in the world in terms of dollar value, the oil and gas sector is a global powerhouse using hundreds of thousands of workers worldwide and generating hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year. In regions which house the major NOCs, these oil and gas companies are so vital they often contribute a significant amount towards national GDP.
In this introduction to the oil and gas industry, we provide a snapshot of the petroleum sector.
What are the different oil and gas sectors?
The energy sector has three key areas: Upstream, midstream and downstream.
What is upstream? – Upstream is E&P (exploration and exploration). This involves the search for underwater and underground natural gas fields or crude oil fields and the drilling of exploration wells and drilling into established wells to recover oil and gas.
What is midstream? – Midstream entails the transportation, storage, and processing of oil and gas. Once resources are recovered, it has to be transported to a refinery, which is often in a completely different geographic region compared to the oil and gas reserves. Transportation can include anything from tanker ships to pipelines and trucking fleets.
What is downstream? – Downstream refers to the filtering of the raw materials obtained during the upstream phase. This means refining crude oil and purifying natural gas. The marketing and commercial distribution of these products to consumers and end users in a number of forms including natural gas, diesel oil, petrol, gasoline, lubricants, kerosene, jet fuel, asphalt, heating oil, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) as well as a number of other types of petrochemicals.
What are the largest volume products?
The largest volumes of products of the oil and gas industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum is the primary material for a multitude of chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, solvents and plastics. Petroleum is therefore integral to many industries and is of critical importance to many nations as the foundation of their industries.
Oil and gas industry outlook: 2019
In consideration of industry low’s, such as the price collapse in 2013 and major environmental disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill in 2014, the oil & gas sector has now recovered.
The world’s dependence on oil and gas is increasing as global economies and infrastructure continue to rely heavily on petroleum-based products. Discussions of when world oil and gas production will peak seem to be on the periphery, even amid a weakened global economy and the shrinking availability of oil. The oil and gas industry continues to wield incredible influence in international economics and politics – especially in consideration of employment levels in the sector, with the U.S. oil and gas industry supporting at least 10 million jobs.
The recovery occurred for several reasons, but the chief among them is the success of the production restraint agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC nations. In addition, developing nations such as China, Brazil and Russia are increasing exploration and production efforts. However, geopolitical considerations such as the ongoing troubles in Venezuela, Iran, and Qatar’s exit from OPEC will influence oil and gas supply.
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The trend towards renewable and alternative energy is another threat to traditional oil and gas companies. Coupled with the rise in pro-eco legislation and governmental pressure has meant the industry is under more scrutiny than ever.
Generating electricity from solar power systems and offshore wind is becoming increasingly cheaper and cost-effective. According to IRENA, over 80 percent of newly commissioned renewable energy will be cheaper than new oil & natural gas sources.
More recently, there has been a resurgence of confidence in the industry as it enters its third year of recovery. Growth is increasing at a remarkable rate, as increased upstream production continues to have a positive knock-on effect for midstream businesses. The price of crude has also stabilised – steadying at around $50 per barrel. In addition, 100,000 jobs are expected to be created in 2019 and the number of active drilling rigs in the U.S. has increased to 780 compared to 591 from a year ago.
The UK continental shelf also appears to be back, with the potential to unlock dozens of undeveloped discoveries with drilling prospects on the horizon. Additionally, we can expect an improved outlook for UK upstream production. The UK offshore sector is expected to improve after historical lows in the past few years as there are 16 planned greenfield projects with identified development plans and 29 announced greenfield projects forecast to start production between 2019 and 2025.
It is estimated that 30 billion barrels are consumed globally each year, primarily by developed nations. Oil also accounts for a significant percentage of energy consumption regionally from 32% for Europe and Asia, 40% for North America, 41% for Africa, 44% for South and 53% for the Middle East.
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gearoiluae-blog · 5 years
North Sea recovery: Oil at highest peak in five years
Oil and gas production in UK waters is back to 2011-12 levels
The value of oil produced on the UK continental shelf has increased by 15 per cent in the past year to £17.5bn ($23.8bn) according to official figures released by the Scottish government.
Scottish production – which accounts for 96 per cent of the UK’s oil and 63 per cent of its natural gas – increased by 2.9 per cent to 74.7m tonnes of oil equivalent in 2016-17.
In the same time period, capital expenditure on offshore developments dropped to £8bn from £10bn in 2015-16.
The reason for the change in Britain’s oil fortunes is based on increased production rates and the rise in the spot price of crude in recent months.
This week, Brent crude hit its highest levels since April at $55.74 per barrel, after an announcement of diminishing oversupply by the International Energy Agency.
“Scotland’s oil and gas industry has a bright future, and it is encouraging to see this continued increase in production which has risen by a total of 25 per cent over the last two years.”
Cautious optimism
Commenting on the numbers, Scottish energy minister, Paul Wheelhouse, said: “These figures show that confidence is continuing to return to the sector after a number of challenging years.
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“Scotland’s oil and gas industry has a bright future, and it is encouraging to see this continued increase in production which has risen by a total of 25 per cent over the last two years.”
Amid the buoyant mood, Professor of petroleum economics at Aberdeen University, Alex Kemp, urged caution.
Speaking to Energy Voice, Professor Kemp said: “We had a big boom from 2009 to 2014 and we’ve got some of the fruits of that.
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