#Steel Wool redemption arc
Me and the girls about to suffer a horrible death
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puhpandas · 4 months
This might come off as controversial, but Steel Wool is not immune to criticism. I don’t like how Steel Wool is treating Gregory for numerous reasons, but them setting him up to be a bad person feels wrong when no other child character is treated this way. They don’t want to acknowledge him as a victim and like okay, we get it, we hardly see his trauma, but hello? Is he not still a child? How is he any different from other kid protagonists that wanted to live in this franchise?
There’s a higher standard for the games sure, but it’s weird to me that background book characters get treated way better. They don’t want him to be exactly like Cassie, which understandable, but we’ve already seen few Cassie characteristics from him? To ignore that is ignoring a big part of his character. Why would he do anything in the story then if he was just as bad and destructive as they portray him as? He still needs motives, even if they want to strip him of any characterization so we never feel bad for him. They’re actively refusing giving him positive attributes because they’d hate it if he started challenging other characters/fans favs, but that’s what makes a good story compelling. It feels like they’re taking their anger out on him through their writing if that makes sense?
I’m a little concerned he’s gonna be the one who dropped the elevator because it feels true, otherwise why would RUIN be so full of blatant Gregory hate? They want us to hate him, that’s quite all there is to it.
them never showing us him as a character on a normal day and only when hes in a life or death situation making a split second decision that could decide the fate of himself and everyone he loves definitely has something to do with it. they only show his 'blunt' decisions to do something bad for a good reason, and not what he would be making that decision for. we never get to see him just be a normal kid, we never get to see him after sb deserving to have that happy ending, we only see the bad
but I dont feel like this is just. we hate this 12yo character and like the other one better so we're making him evil and shitting on him. they probably do want people to see the bad things he did for a reason that we dont know yet.
them framing Gregory as cutting the elevator whether he did it or not was very blatant in that decision. it feels like they want to give him a 'redemption arc' in the eyes of the fandom in come kind of way since people have disliked him from the very beginning. like they want us to see him do these bad things, and then maybe theyll actually show us that he didnt want to do these things later, and maybe things will be different.
like, I cant be the only one who feels like Gregory and the elevator is a setup for something. obviously to trap cassie down below, but in that case they didnt have to make Gregory be the one do drop it, just blatantly the mimic. they want us to believe this for a reason, and that would be to show us at the very least a reasoning later. I dont believe that reason is just "we fucking hate this child character and want everyone else to as well" that's just. crazy to me.
they wouldnt make Gregory do many kind things for other characters if they hated him. they wouldnt have had him comfort cassie on her birthday and make them canonically close friends if they wanted to make him genuinely heartless.
keep in mind that with SBs nuked characterization and no focus on Gregory since then, we havent even gotten to see his pov in a long time. just Cassies so far, and Cassies story is pretty much built off of perspective. the MIMIC is literally a tool to make characters perspectives about eachother change or distort because it would frame a character as doing something they didn't
mimic is literally going to be used to cause confusion and distrust within characters and it literally did that and accomplished that in ruin. cassie is going to believe Gregory cut the elevator whether he did it or not. and that's why I genuinely believe he didnt. why on earth would they introduce a character that's main purpose would be to do bad things to characters in another characters name to cause drama and then just. have the character have actually have done it lmao.
TLDR: I dont believe steel wool would steep as low as to make a 12yo kid trying to survive actually evil or even just hate him as the creators, and I also think the story of cassie and ruin and beyond is designed off of making Gregory look bad (the mimics purpose as a villain being causing uproar and doing bad things in another characters name to cause distrust from another) from Cassies perspective so he can appear later and disprove those beliefs as a sort of 'redemption arc' to cassie and the fans
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My thoughts on Security Breach Ruin
My thoughts on Eclipse:
I love Eclipse, he’s a lovely take, and I’m glad Steel Wool made him canon. That being said;
1) Why allow me to Fix Sun and Moon, establishing that Cassie is capable of doing it AND has the compassion to want to unlike Canon Gregory fix the Animatronics but then allow me to fix No one else.
2) The whole situation with Eclipse makes me sad, Sun says “ I am trapped in a forever Nap” My translation “The Plex is Dark. I can keep Moon away” . Keep the Lights on has FAILED and Sun is so desperate to stop Moon that the second he sees Cassie has a Faz-wrench he begs for a reboot. “ We need to be one” He wants to merge their AI’s.But what happens to him when that happens? You can’t separate them once they’re merge can you? I don’t think so, but I’m not a programmer.  He’s so desperate to stop Moon, so desperate to end nap-time that he’s willing to loose himself to do it. 
3) Overall I love him, a lot more than I thought I would because Eclipse ( While a fun concept) was something that I didn't think would work how I interpreted Sun and Moon, but I feel like putting him in the came was simply for Fanfare as it didn't’ seem to have any kind of Pay off. 
My thoughts on Monty
1) As far as I am concerned the Backstory given to us in Monty golf tells me Monty is INNOCENT OF BONNIE’S DECOMMISSIONING! that and Bonnie’s green room being in Bonnie Bowl implies that Bonnie retired from the band before he wondered into Monty golf. 
2) It’s kinda sad to see how animalistic he’s become compared to the others, not sad in “ This was a bad game choice” way, just sad, in general. I felt so bad for him, what happened to you Monty? What happened since Gregory to make you go absolutely feral?
3) Again why have us fix Eclipse and then basically kill Monty! At least it seems like it was accidental, but I really though we were gonna save them! 
4) I feel like we spent the most time in Monty golf. . .why? 
My thoughts on Roxanne
Roxy was my least favorite of the new animitronics, I always hated her, but Ruin was kinda a redemption arc for her to me. 
1) I love how I actually felt bad for her, and I like how it seems she’s just chasing Gregory for her eyes. She outright says it. She’s not doing it because Vanny or some computer program is telling her to, she’s got a chip on her shoulder. In fact I bet if Gregory was there she wouldn’t even kill him, probably just scare him into giving her eyes back. 
2) I think it’s interesting that ( Besides Eclipse)  she’s the only one that talks. Chica’s voice box is gone, so fine, okay, but Monty is just roaring. He’s gone completely feral, so why isn’t she? 
3) the way she apologizes when she realize’s Cassie isn’t Gregory. Then says “ Error” makes me wonder what’s going on internally there. 
My thoughts on Chica
1) Gross.
2) Groooooooosssss 
3) Why is there a trash bag falling out of her when she jumpscares you? Gross
4) Why does she look like she’s covered in CHEESE GROOOOOOOSSSS
5) again. Why. Can. We. Not. Save. HER.
6) Also how dare you trick me by having her lay down in the bathroom making me think I can save her and then have her kill me. 
My thoughts on Freddy
1) Pretty scary, I was scared, but I also like how it basically confirmed what Ending we follow. 
2) Kinda short
My thoughts on the Mini Music Man
2) Why can they see you even if you’re wearing the mask but they can’t see you if you’re using the cameras?
3) Okay, Cool Wheres the DJ? I wanna check on the DJ. 
4)On that note, Bonnie bowl is right next to the West arcade. WHAT STATE IS THE WEST ARCADE IN IF THE MINI’S ARE SEEKING SHELTER IN BONNIE BOWL
5) Why are they really attracted to the child nodes? What’s up with that?
2) I like Helpy he’s funny
3) Hate the mask. Hate it. Hate hate hate hate
6) I like Bonnie’s cannon design it’s cute!
I haven’t seen all the ending yet, my power went out just before I could beat it, but I was in the elevator at the end after Running into Mimic so I think that’s interesting I’m excited to see where this is going and how Help wanted 2 might come into play with it!  
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flunkett · 1 year
steel wool redemption arc
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isagrimorie · 6 years
[January Meme] - Which season is your favorite in regards to the 12th Doctor?
“Which season is your favourite with regards to the 12th doctor?” For @thecatwriter
Series 10!
I liked some episodes in series 8 (Deep Breath, Time Heist, Mummy On the Orient Express, Flatline) and I thought series 9 was a step up in terms of Twelve’s characterization (The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar, Zygon Inversion/Invasion, Heaven Sent/Hell Bent) with the magnificent, magnificent best in class episode in Heaven Sent.
Husbands of River Song was really really fun but it’s series 10, I think where Twelve as a Doctor has coalesced into the Doctor he’s meant to be. He’s not trying too much in either direction (Am I a Good Man? / And acting like a Teenager) Twelve is finally settled in himself. The 24 years with River and the 70 years with Missy and being around humans seems to have really help calm down.
And one of the best elements of series 10 is Bill Potts and her relationship with the Doctor, it’s a shame Bill’s story gets muddled into Twelve’s ending story and Missy’s redemption arc. But before it happened Bill Potts was amazing and Pearl Mackie had such great chemistry and dynamic with Peter Capaldi. I’m forever mourning Bill is a one season Companion, I would love for Bill to meet Thirteen.
I love how Twelve was with Bill, and I love that Bill questioned Twelve about his ‘if a person has a gun to his head, you have no time to mourn’ mentality to everything. Bill truly felt like Twelve’s student and a sort of parallel to Susan.
I will always remember the touching bittersweet scene in Twice Upon a Time :
Bill: I hope we talk about it loads. I hope we spend years laughing about it. Come back alive. 
Twelve: Be here when I do.
My heart. Then, of course, there’s Missy and her arc with Twelve, who at that point of her many lives is also making more than an effort to be friend Twelve. What started was a long con turned into something that slowly started to change her, only to be set back once again by her past self (Simm!Master) and unknowingly influence her past self by killing Simm!Master the way she did: Thinking of the Doctor and among Cybermen, which would explain Missy’s Cybermen plot in series 8. Bootstrap Paradox.
Twelve himself, who has gone a long, long way from where he started from in Deep Breath to The Doctor Falls (‘Just be kind’).
Peter Capaldi’s run was such a wild ride for me: I adored his initial casting, because, CAPALDI! And then was slowly disillusioned with his mean treatment of Journey, Danny, and Courtney. I stopped for a couple of years and then learned about his character arc.
I love a great character arc, it’s like a siren song to me, so I tentatively dipped my toe in with Husbands of River Song, loved it and then dove head long into a rewatch starting from Time of the Doctor. A terrible episode send off for Matt Smith, IMO but a great set-up to Twelve’s post-war trauma and just fell in love with, deliberately skipping the episodes that made me drop the run in the first place, and circled back to them until after ‘Heaven Sent/Hell Bent’ and building up a lot of good will. The Caretaker still felt like it was a rusty steel wool scrub over my skin, adding Kill the Moon to that mix, which was really unpleasant. They wasted Hermione Norris (HOW DARE THEY) Twelve’s continuous mistreatment of Courtney (his last minute compliments to Courtney were that, last minute and an after thought), and the way he was so condescending to Clara.
The only one and great thing about Kill the Moon was Clara’s scorching tongue lashing of Twelve, finally shaking him off that high horse and his ‘she’s my carer so I don’t have to’ attitude.
Then the brilliant Death in Heaven moment between Clara and Twelve and we finally see how much Twelve truly cares for Clara, once he, again, stops being so into his head.
Series 9 had all the fantastic episodes, culminating in series 10 with Twelve’s characterization making its completed run. I just honestly love how it all comes together. There are stumbles, of course: the Lie of the Land fan bait with the regeneration. Clara, Donna, and River needed to appear and give Twelve slaps because wow, was that cruel and undeserved.
(Unfortunately, much as I love series 10, I also feel like it gave Bill the cruelest thing to happen to a Companion ever. Sure she got her happy ending, what happened to her getting there? Yeah, I can’t forgive or forget that.)
Let’s focus on the awesome stuff tho: Twelve’s character arc, Bill! Missy, and the almost TARDIS team we got with them (and Nardole). Too bad they all kind of died on the first outing. Um, Team Disaster Go?
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