#Steddie adopt the whole batfam
kittythelitter · 1 year
I've just been ping-ponging back and forth between Stranger Things and Batfam obsessions so here's a very self indulgent combination.
Au where Steve Harrington is Jack Drake's slightly older first cousin. They were close until Steve's parents disowned him and then reconnected sporadically when Jack was a young adult, but when Steve and Eddie got married, Janet severed ties claiming she thought Steve and his loser rockstar husband would be a bad influence on Tim. Jack reconciles with him when he wakes up from his coma, and asks Steve to take care of Tim if anything happens to him(Jack). When Jack is killed Steve and Eddie become Tim's guardians.
Rough Timeline.
1966 - Eddie is born
1967- Steve Harrington is born
1974- Jack Drake is born
1980- Bruce Wayne is born
1982- Clark Kent is adopted by the Kents
1983-6 -ST seasons 1-4
1987 - Upsidedown Closes for the last time + the Wayne's are killed in front of their son.
1990- Dick Grayson is Born
1995- Jason is born
1996- Cass is born
1999 - Tim is born/the Batman starts his stuff
2001 - Flying Graysons/first Superman sightings
2004 - the Justice League is formed, Boston legalizes gay marriage.
2005 - steddie marriage. Janet Drake throws a hissy fit and Jack and Steve stop speaking.
2007- Dick Quits Robin, Damian is born, andJason becomes Robin
2010- Jason Dies
2011- Tim becomes Robin
2013- Janet dies, Jack is in a coma
2014 - Jack wakes up. Wants to reconnect with his family (including Steve and Eddie), titans tower ™️
2015 - Damian arrives, Jack finds out. Steph is Robin and "dies"
2016 - Jack dies and Steve and Eddie get custody of Tim. Kon and Bart die temporarily.
Tim is going thru it and also suddenly has two VERY attentive guardians who have been dealing with weird bullshit longer than even Batman. They find out about Robin and lecture Batman and insist that if Tim's gonna pull a Dustin then Steve gets to babysit (be on comms).
Steve insists he's too old to be a vigilante but he is on comms all the time and on more than one occasion busts into a scene hitting goons with the batmobile and rescuing Bruce and Tim. He also basically forcefully adopts Jason after he finds out about titans tower. Eddie just laughs, but Jason used to be a big fan of Eddie's band so he is automatically the cool dad.
Somewhere in here Steve and Eddie kind of adopt Dick, Damian, Cass and Steph
Barbara and Max meet and it's Chaos.
Bruce tries to complain that Steve and Eddie are stealing his kids and Eddie's like. Alfred do you want some coparents? We'll adopt a full grown man. We've got kids older than Bruce that we consider to be ours. And Alfred is like. I'd love the help. He's a handful.
Anyway when Bruce "dies" and Tim's like. He's not dead! Steve is like. Yeah. I've seen weirder. Let me call supergirl- not Kara. My supergirl. Eleven. Yeah. You remember her right? She might be able to find him with her mind powers. No she's not a meta. She's had powers since before metas were a thing.
And El finds him and with her help the Justice League can get Bruce back pretty quickly. They offer her a position and she's like. I'm retired. But I'll always help a friend in need, so keep my number.
Anyways the ST crew are all adults and Tired because they thought when the justice league came around they'd be done. But Steve just keeps acquiring children who insist on getting themselves in trouble so even though he is fifty and Tired with chronic migraines and tinnitus he is still going to be the Best Damn Babysitter there is, and none of his friends/kids will let him do it alone.
Steve managed to keep it all from them before he needed to ask El for help but once the dam breaks they're all in and out of Gotham and meeting the Justice League and causing trouble left and right.
Lucas and Will both try to keep out of it and maintain their quiet lives but end up becoming emotional support/therapists/mentors to young heroes.
Dustin somehow gets to do some work on the Watchtower.
Erica, despite being in her early 40s, is trying to get the Teen Titans to unionize.
Nancy has access to guns she really really shouldn't.
Jonathan and Clark get along really well. Argyle can somehow understand the Flashes when they're talking at almost full speed.
And when Robin (Buckley not Batman-and-) meets Wonder Woman she cries.
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