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katytrailcreations · 1 year ago
Holy Cross of Ste. Genevieve
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thatawaydad · 2 years ago
See Dinosaurs at Ste. Genevieve Museum Learning Center
Check out dinosaur fossils and explore the oldest town in Missouri as part of a day in Ste. Genevieve, which is about an hour south of St. Louis. The Story of Missouri Dinosaurs Dinosaur bones were first found in a farm field in Bollinger County in the 1940s. Discovered in the late 1980s were a jaw section and partial skeleton of a juvenile dinosaur now displayed at the museum. Found also…
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We started our weekend at our favorite small town diner, then drove to Ste Genevieve, MO to visit the oldest German immigrant settlement west of the Mississippi. Such a beautiful small town, full of history and welcoming people. Go visit the Sassafras store and maybe she’ll give you a tour of her 250 year old cabin. We cigar shopped and then I, of course, had to made @tim8206 his favorite breakfast sandwich.
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Man charged after police officer seriously burned by Molotov cocktail in Ste. Genevieve STE. GENEVIEVE, Mo. (KMOV.com) – A man was charged after police said he threw a lit Molotov cocktail at an officer, injuring him severely in Ste. Genevieve. Tyson Heise, 34, was charged with first-degree assault and armed criminal action.  Ste. Genevieve Police Department Tyson Paul Heise, 34, was charged with first-degree assault and armed criminal action. He’s being held at the Ste. Genevieve County Jail with no bond. Police Chief Eric Bennett said Officer Pete Unverferth, 36, responded to the St. Jude subdivision around 1 a.m. after a neighbor had called 911 to report someone revving the engine of a motorcycle. When Officer Unverferth arrived, he approached the driveway of a home. Heise then came from behind the home holding a lit Molotov cocktail. Bennett said the officer drew his taser and gave Heise commands to empty his hands and drop the Molotov cocktail.  Ste. Genevieve Police Officer Pete Unverferth suffered severe burns after a suspect allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at him. Ste. Genevieve Police Department Bennett said a quick altercation ensued and the officer deployed his taser and Hesie threw the Molotov cocktail at the officer, hitting him in the arm. Bennett said the officer did the “stop, drop and roll” to put the fire out. He suffered extensive burns to his arms and legs.  Bennett said members of Heise’s family helped the officer extinguish the flames. “I panicked and I didn’t know what to do,” Heise’s sister Erica said. “I ran inside, got a pot of water and as I’m standing there filling it up, it felt like 10 minutes went by. So I just brought out what I had and that’s when he was under the water and I just threw it on him.” The officer was airlifted to a hospital for treatment. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, but he will require surgery, according to police. According to court documents, officers processed the scene and located a “busted and burned glass bottle” that appeared to be an alcohol bottle. The neck of the bottle was still intact and included “charred remains of a cloth.” The documents go on to say Heise’s parents told police he had threatened their lives and has been “homicidal and suicidal.” “We knew something bad was going to happen if he didn’t get help,” said Heise’s sister Erica. “We all seen it coming. Something or somebody was going to get hurt or something was going to happen.” Officer Unverferth is a 13-year law enforcement veteran, spending the last nine years with the Ste. Genevieve Police Department. He previously worked within the department’s DARE program. “He’s a very likeable officer, he was our DARE officer for a while so he has really good rapport in the city,” Bennett said. “He’s been here for nine years and has always done a really good job for our department.” Heise was taken into custody following the incident. Bennett said Heise had become recently familiar to police, with a similar peace disturbance call a few days before.  Heise’s family said after a break up last winter, he’s been suffering from a mental health crisis. Repeated attempts to get him the help he needs have failed, the family said. “He’s been failed by the system,” his step-father Keith said. “It’s a sad situation. We tried to get him help time and time again before something bad happened.” Copyright 2021 KMOV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '2164750607119309'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source link Orbem News #Burned #charged #cocktail #Crime #ericbennett #Genevieve #local #Man #Medicine #military #Molotov #molotovcocktail #Officer #peteunverferth #Police #socialservices #Ste #ste.genevieve #Suspect #tysonpaulheise #weaponry
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tlilith · 6 years ago
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原书名: Ping Pong Conversations: Alec Soth with Francesco Zanot
作者:[意]弗朗西斯·扎诺特 著 
[美]埃里克·索斯 摄  
杨卓君 译
弗朗西斯·扎诺特,摄影评论家、策展人,曾与诸多全球顶级摄影师共同策划展览、出版书籍。他在意大利及海外的各大培训机构都开办过关于摄影史和摄影理论的课程及讲座,其中包括纽约哥伦比亚大学、罗马美国学院及米兰语言传播大学。他现任由米兰Forma摄影基金会和米兰新美术学院共同创办的摄影和视觉设计硕士项目的主任。在担任“对立”(Contrasto)摄影展览活动顾问的同时,他也是摄影季刊Fantom-Photographic Quarterly系列杂志的副主编。
埃里克·索斯(Alec Soth)是一位投身于摄影项目的摄影师。尽管他的每一幅照片各具价值,甚至毋庸置疑地被认为是一幅幅独立的单幅照片,但只有在原本的图片系列中,它们才会完整地体现照片的本意,如此才能有助于叙事的发展,而这一点则常常塑造了照片本身。
多年之前,吉多·吉迪(Guido Guidi)告诉我,他认为一组优秀的用于出版的照片系列应当是随机从任意一处开始看都是值得推敲和考验的,即便是通过非线性的方式。这是因为当下很多读者看书的习惯都是在章节之间自由跳跃,反复阅读,这也是埃里克·索斯的系列会遇到的事。而多亏了他照片本
身自有的特性才使得它经受住了考验,这一系列的照片恰如其分地体现了雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)用来形容自己的术语——传播。实际上,将这些照片和其他照片并置时,这种使用隐喻来传达照片含义的方法便会奏效。 “万物燎原,始于星星之火。” 一位法国哲学家如此评价此迹象产生和消逝同时发生的过程。在埃里克·索斯的照片中,由于关注点太多,照片本身更容易因为其罕见的不安定感而被认为是自成一派,虽然实际上他并没有过度使用这些元素,反而是轻而易举地将镜头外的元素与之很好地结合。
而从内容上来看,埃里克·索斯的作品经常是基于一种二分法的顺序来衔接的。如果我们仔细思考一下他的3个主要系列:《密西西比河畔的睡梦》(Sleeping by the Mississippi)(2004)是梦与真实的对比与结合;《尼亚加拉》(Niagara)(2006)是爱与死;《破碎手册》(Broken Manual)(2010)是隔离与社群。在这里,埃里克·索斯行进于欢愉和绝望、开放与封锁、娱乐与荒谬间的钢索上,而其结果便是持续的不稳定性。比如,明白任何事物在任何时间都会让人产生疑惑。毕竟,在本书的标题的拟声词中已经存在了一个二分法,它不仅象征着2012年6月我们这次谈话的问答往来,同时更像是指出了我们在他明尼阿波利斯的���作室是如何打发时间的——交换关于乒乓球拍的照片、书和录音。
                                                   —— 弗朗西斯·扎诺特
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katytrailcreations · 1 year ago
Historical Homes of Ste. Genevieve
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katytrailcreations · 1 year ago
Mother Church of the West/ThursdayDoors
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