#State of britdan
britdan · 6 months
State Of Britdan - April 2079
Good Morning entities, it's time for more SOBing! (For legal security I must confirm that this is satire as per the /s riot of 2045)
Pip0n's Palace Season 6 has begun!
After the death of mute.io we have moved to the newest platform Y by Elon musk. Just like our move from Discord to Guilded 55 years ago all activity will go live in 3 days, please give me and our admins time to adapt to the new environment.
Williamfrog's Birthday coming soon!
Just like every year we have to celebrate his birthday as our supreme overlord, just be mindful to not eat ANY FRUIT during the day or you will be shot dead on the spot. We love your lord.
Mari0 AE V14 releases in 2 YEARS!
It's so close to being in our hands but AI-lsan99 (His AI replacement after the fatal "Users with numbers in their name's burst into flames" incident of 2067) has just annouced the release in 2081! The features planned include:
Power-Up Mushroom Dispenser
Warp Pipe Network
Coin Block Generator
Mini-Boss Generator
As an AI language model I can not discuss the existence of balloon goomba as it can be deemed offensive to some species.
My robot arm now has crowd control!
Thanks to my good friend Lexi you can now spend all your bitcoin to move my arm and use all it's abilities, just please do not buy the self destruct one again, I felt like I was involved in the "Users with numbers in their name's burst into flames" incident of 2067.
Anyway that is all, see you all at the Mars annual furry convention.
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britdan · 6 months
State Of Britdan - April 2024
It has come to my attention that the previous SOB was posted too early, oops.
Pip0n's Palace SMP: Coming Soon?
I've recently released a poll on my server to gauge how people would feel about a Minecraft SMP for the server, I wanted to do mine differently to stop it dying after a month. The main idea is, server will open, run for a few weeks and then close. The server could just be for fun or have a common goal, I like the idea of having the last day be an all out war so while people play the game casually they could prepare for the last day in secret. I'm still working on all the details and looking for a server host that fits my needs but this is already gaining some positive comments so a debut season is 100% on the table.
New channel launch!
I'm soon going to be launching a new Youtube channel, this isn't going to be based on mari0 and instead will focus on many other games and in fact, isn't just going to be hosted by myself. More details to come soon, we're going to be filming the first video very shortly and the channel could launch as soon as this month! The first few videos will be very important and we'll need feedback to see what to change and what to keep going forward.
I'm Adulting!
I've just started driving lessons, and it took long enough really, but it is very crucial to me considering how much I rely on getting around. This will cut down my already really short weekend much shorter. But it will be well worth it at the end.
It won't be long until I start looking at moving into my own place, for now however this is taking priority.
A Serious Note.
On a more serious note, I wanted to talk regarding my output for mari0, it's been nothing, I'm finding it really hard to work on the game right now both regarding my general free time and general vibes around the game.
The game just takes up so much time, it requires a lot of creative energy, and all that for less than 100 downloads in a month, I'm not a numbers guy but it's hard to ignore how low that is. I'm going to prioritise my own enjoyment temporarily and put most mari0 projects on hold, videos are still ongoing as that's less to do with creating in the game which is my biggest deterrent.
This isn't permanent (Hopefully) but I'm sure I'll have more to say given time.
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britdan · 7 months
State Of Britdan - March 2024
I took a month off but we are SOBack!... get it? because State Of Bri-
Britdan+ is being retired, kind of...
I loved working on bonus videos for the channel and having it be more than it was but I want to put all my effort into the channel that actually has a path to grow, so Britdan+ will now return to it's former state, being just a channel to throw my less editing, less important videos on.
Major Mari0 project(s) in the works?
Yes, there are two. Both these projects still have ages on the clock and will take some time but both will be worth it, I'm hoping to have one revealed by JUNE! I can't say much about either but lets just say one spans multiple maps and one spans multiple creators.
AidanBot's final day is on the horizon.
I've mentioned this already about 2 months ago but AidanBot will be turning off soon and I have the date. May 1st, this will be the day after my discord server's 3rd anniversary! It'll be a sad day but also a good one, poor AidanBot has been running on the most god awful code, he is living in pain... After this who knows, I may bring him back with a new purpose but it will be under a new infrastructure... his code is le bad.
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britdan · 10 months
State Of Britdan - December 2023
The last SOB of 2023, and a lot is happening.
City In Shadows has released!
My latest mappack "City In Shadows" has released, you can download it here! Feedback so far has been really positive and fellow youtuber Darby from Blue Television Games has already played it, if you wanna watch that first to see if it's worth playing then here ya go!
Name Change
The first phase of my name change has been actioned, everything has been changed to say britdan asside from my name which still has Aidan in it. This will be dissapearing on the 1st of January!
Pip0n's Palace Remodal Date
I've been finalising the changes to Pip0n's Palace and it's almost ready to go live, the change will be happening on the 26th December, I chose this because it's when the server will be least active but I wanted to keep it open on Christmas. Most things will be staying the same but there will be some new changes and channels and a reshuffle in rules and structure. It'll be a masive change but I'm hoping you will all not tottaly hate it, I know it'll take time to get used to but I promise it'll be worth it. Later today I'll be sharing my progress so far and asking for one last round of feedback.
January Break
Traditionaly I have a break every few months but I've been too busy to do that since... July, so from the 1st - 7th of January I'll be taking a break from social media. This'll be the same as usual where I'll say I'll not be active but still come on every day. But It really does help.
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britdan · 1 year
State Of Britdan - September 2023
Did someone say monthly update? Absolutely no-one? Good for you, I'm still doing it. State of Britdan, also known as SOB (What I'm doing now) is a monthly update on the wacky world of me and my goofy projects, so lets get started!
- I like shorts, shorts.
While I'm still not a major fan of them I've started working on some shorts to help expand my reach. These wont affect normal uploads and will just be bonus content.
- Goodbye Uncut...
Due to declining interest, amount of effort and storage to store I'm finally ending the tradition of uploading uncut videos on my plus channel. Instead the effort will be directed towards more bonus content like smaller videos and non mari0 content.
- Mappack Updates!
My latest mappack is finally starting up again after a few months of stagnation, hoping for a late 2023 release! As well as this, a smaller Halloween themed mappack is planed for October and will also be starting soon! More updates to come...
- Activity Nights Reach It's 1st Birthday!
On my discord server I have a tradition of hosting an activity night every 2 weeks on Sunday, This started in mid October and as we wrap back around we come closer to 1 year, to celebrate we're hosting an activity night on the 15th of October full of events and activities to celebrate, feel free to join us!
- Cursed Goomba Server finally gets update!
I've finally updated the cursed goomba server after being stagnant for almost 2 years, and my plans wont stop there, by the end of this year I want to increase user activity, if that isn't possible then there are plans to close the server and it be an emoji-only server.
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britdan · 11 months
State Of Britdan - November 2023
There is good news and bad news, mostly bad
Spooky Mappack delayed to late November
October has been a busy month, lots has been going on with work, activity nights and well, wonder. So I've had less time to work on the mappack, I could have rushed it out for October but I decided delaying for a month would give me time to make something good. Planned date is the 26th but I'm not going to confirm or deny.
Pip0n's Palace remodel planned for start of 2024
My server has never really found its footing and its topics have changed a lot over the last 2 years, so plans have started for a full scale remodel of how the server runs and its features, long story short the server will switch to focusing on my projects and videos.
Streaming moving to Twitch
I loved streaming on YouTube but my plan was never to stick to it, so for the next few streams starting in December I'll be hosting my streams there, just to see which I prefer. Since Twitch now allows streams to happen on multiple platforms I may end up using both but it's early days.
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britdan · 1 year
State Of Britdan - October 2023
A big month for videos, mappacks and even more??
- Rest In Peace Aidan (The Name Lol)
I've gone by many names, started as AidanTP, then moved on to Aidan the Mapper, shortened to Aidan Mapper, then went to Aidan, Tried to be Aid0n for a bit but ended up back at Aidan, and now it's time to say goodbye to it. From 2024 I will no longer be going by Aidan, Britdan will become my primary username, being changed on every account and being my display name too. This will be taking place over December and January.
- [Spooky Mappack] releases this month!
12 Maps of Christmas has had it too good for too long, time for Halloween to get the spotlight, this 4 level mappack is perfect for those looking for something spooky, keep an eye out on my YouTube for an early preview. And remember that the mappack drops on Tuesday the 31st of October*!!! *Date may be moved if complications arise.
- Aidan Plus set to receive a new series?
Yes, after killing off uncut videos I've decided that the plus channel needs an Identity of its own, so I decided to start doing original content on it beside my regular main Mari0 channel. This started with videos like "Best typos compilation" which just received its second installment. But it needs something bigger.
This series (while not finalized) will feature 10 minute-ish minimally edited videos around a certain topic, could be what I'm working on, opinions on things, events going on or just talking. This will be a bi-monthly series and I have 6 topics planned so expect a year or more of these videos, first episode is set to start in November!
- Aidan en Español?
Spanish users make up a sizable chunk of the mari0 community and I want to acknowledge that, which is why I'm planning to start offering Spanish subtitles on my videos in 2024, being non-Spanish makes this very difficult as I have 2 options to consider. I could either translate them myself which is prone to errors and such, as well as taking time out of my schedule but being 100% free. Or get someone who knows Spanish to localize it which will be more accurate and save time but would cost me money. Still very WIP, you'll have to wait and see where I take it.
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britdan · 5 months
State Of Britdan - May 2024
The Three Susketeers Channel Launch!
After almost a year of planning, me Joe Joseph and Kiyan The Blue Penguin have launched our new Group channel. You can watch the first video right now below. This project is something completely different from the kind of content I make on my main channel and I'll be putting more effort into it over the year so expect a little less out of my main channel.
Pip0n's Palace turns 3 Years Old!
I still can't believe that my server has been around for that long, It still feels like yesterday I was setting up all the channels and my discord bot and preparing for the launch, and on the launch day how my Wifi kept dying and my bot kept going offline. But it has been 3 years, 30th April 2021. And even though the server is no where near as full of life as it used to be it's still an integral part of my journey. If it wasn't for the server I would have never focused more on my channel, or met people like Kiyan who I'd end up being really good friends with. I have a lot planned for the server this year so please join if you want to see what I have cooking, speaking of which...
The Pip0n's Palace SMP Launch Date!
I am launching an SMP for my discord server, This will be a short time event running over 3 weeks where we will work together to build and explore but on the final day pvp is enabled and everyone must fight to be the last standing. The first season will be launching MAY 18TH and will end on JUNE 9TH! The IP will be shared on launch day at an unconfirmed time, this will be shared on the smp-news tab on my server when announced. There will be a prize for the last standing on the final day where you will get a custom role and a free steam game under $10 (or a month of nitro if you don't use steam) For more information (And to find the IP when it begins) you can join my server.
The End Of Aidanbot...
Aidanbot had his farewell today as he is shut down after being around for over 3 Years. It started as a project on Replit being run privately on a small server with a few friends I knew from the Scratch Community. I remember working on the earliest builds, back when I was using the on_message functions to read commands. What's funny is the tutorial I was using used $ as the prefix and even on late builds just before slash commands I was still using $. Also how when I made my test versions I used the % sign because it was next to $. It's a sad end to this era and Aidanbot will be missed by the older Pip0n's Palace community as a fundamental building block of the early server days alongside events like one word story. Rest in peace Aidanbot.
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britdan · 9 months
State Of Britdan - January 2024
New Year, new... year??? SOB!
New Year Goals
I mentioned this in my last post but here are my major goals for 2024: - 12-18 Main Channel Videos - At least 6 streams (throughout the year) - Figure out what short content I want to make - Partake in 2 gamejams - Make one non gamejam game - Make at least 2 multi-world mari0 mappacks - Reach 1,000 subscribers on youtube
It's time to stop! (Too many showcase videos)
After the enormous number of videos of me showcasing mine/others mappacks I decided it's time to take a chill pill, so to start off the new year I'm doing a video I've had on my list since the beginning... Have you ever wondered what you could make if you couldn't erase anything? Well you'll see how I cope when I take it on later this year and lets just say i'm not exactly one to not make misrakes.
I'm now open to collabs!
One of my goals this year is to collab more with others, like how earlier last year I did some voice acting for my good friend Kiyan.
Of course I'm going to be picky on what I want to help with but I'm down to do some so if you are interested at all drop me a message on discord (username: britdan) and we'll see what I can do. Just keep in mind I've still got a lot to do myself so I can be a bit slow.
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