#Starfield background music
r3d-f0xs-blog · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Whenever
Thanks @jackies-arch
I don't have much going on atm as work has been pretty eh with my spoons and I'm off for a couple of weeks soon, focusing on finding a flat to move into.
I'm building up ideas for Bernice’s background in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe as she has her stories in Fallout and Starfield and the host of OCs I and Fluffy have in those settings.
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Bernice in any universe is a hacker of some sort. In Fallout she's responsible for a few breakthroughs, resulting in pulling an Enclave satellite to crash in West Virginia and destroys the malevolent AI, MODUS, using a virus she created. In Starfield she used her skills to break into places, obtain data, credits or take control of entire systems to lock down buildings.
In Cyberpunk however, she's more like Voss in that she is very difficult to detect in the net and has a knack of infiltrating corporate systems without being found. She doesn't do this for rival corps however, it's more for finding out about things which affect your regular person on the street. She knows Voss through her sister, Lightning, and they had met in cyberspace before while working on the pre-Data Krash music delving Voss does as a hobby. She's also important to him healing after the Salty takedown gig, being such a heavily augmented person, she knows a little of his feelings when he finds out about himself.
I have other things but they're just ideas or things to do when I have more time.
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slavicafire · 1 year
funny feeling, having early access to a game. legally. especially given I access around 90% of media completely, well, differently. inversely. torrentely. what a weird era for me, to even see original installation screens! instead of, you know, the ones with lowres pngs and funky music in the background, early fitgirl style.
even funnier of a feeling given I just got starfield as a bonus when I bought my new graphics card. what do you mean I just have this game. in my brain I still mount isos and search some forgotten forum threads for crack files before I can play anything
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silurisanguine · 8 months
O.C. Introduction
tagging the Coemancer Crew - @eridanidreams​ @atonalginger​ @fangbangerghoul​ @therealgchu​ @toxiclizardwrites​ @a-cosmic-elf​ @aislingdmdt​ @order-of-the-eye​ @samcoesclub​ @staticpallour​ @lisa-and-shadow​ @thatsgoodsquishy0​ @bokatankryze​ @bearlytolerant​ @aro-pancake​ And anyone else i’ve missed from there! Also @code1r15​ @lakritzwolf​   OG and Starborn Seren Jones.
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Fandom: Starfield
Role: Spacefarer, Starborn.
Full Name: Seren (Coe) Jones
Nickname(s): Star, Ren, The Arbiter. Dusty.
Pronouns: She/ Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles:  Inventory Manager of Phoenix Shipping, Argos Miner (former), Constellation Explorer, Starborn.
Birthday & Age:  At time of OG game - 30. Born 12 9th month 2300 Akila City.
Physical description: Athletic built, 5′5″
Clothing style: Likes dark colours, soft gothic style, fitted clothing, comfortable shoes.
See this post
Preferred fighting style: She prefers to keep her distance with a good sniper rifle, but since becoming Starborn has taken a more aggressive approach, but she still loves stealth attacks. Uses moon form, sunless space and Anti Grav field powers the most.
Favorite weapon(s): Fully modded Hard target, Va’ruun Inflictor or Magsheer rifles.
Special skills: Starborn abilities, Could sell dirt to a Dusty. Has background in Business so skills in commerce, diplomacy and manipulation are high. very high stealth skills means she is often a ghost in combat until she shows herself.
Family: Mother and Father left in OG universe. Had/has a good relationship with them both and is sad she had to leave them, but knows they are safe with the considerable money she left them.
Love interest: Sam Coe. Only ever him.
Best friends: in the OG universe: Barrett and Andreja. Since becoming Starborn, she’s mostly distanced herself, though currently become good friends with her other universe counterpart and the Sam married to her.
Positive traits: Determined. Compassionate. Just. Passionate.
Negative traits: Stubborn. Insecure.
Likes: Sam. Constellation. Exploring the Settled Systems. Akila City.
Dislikes: The Crimson Fleet. Corruption. Politicians.
Fears: Never finding a universe she can settle in. Never finding a Sam she can start again with.
Guilty Pleasure: Chunks cheesecake. Listening to music on loud blast when piloting her ship. Having moments with Sams in universes she cant stay in.
Hobbies: Customising her ship and collecting plushies. Saving every fishtank and jellyfish tank from derelict ships. growing plants.
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 ⋆˙⟡ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝓥𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓼  ⋆˙⟡
Very LOONNNNGGGGGG thread incoming!
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Okay, FINALLY introducing the Starfield Voyagers!
I tried varying their body types and tried going out of bounds of what I'm used to drawing. The shoes were what I struggled with the most, honestly. Many of these characters don't really have an official character design, so I had to improvise on clothing. I don't really know if I did good with the posing of the crew members; hopefully the poses convey their personalities.
Okay, enough with the rambling, onto character details!
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1st row(with obligatory Philomina sketch):
Citron Volta: Engineer of the Starfield Voyagers and mechanic of the Pricilla Via. Citron Volta is a lazy person in nature, only doing things when she wants to and refusing to do things that she doesn't want to. She's very unorganized, with contraptions and mechanical parts of robots littering the ground of her workshop. Nonetheless, her skills are exceptional. She's an alumni of the Starfield Voyagers.
Clarensis "Clarence": A very mysterious passenger aboard the Priscilla Via. 2nd oldest member of the Starfield Voyagers, behind only by the captain herself. Philomina states that Clarensis is a "princess" hailing from a crystal-covered world, and that she's on the run from assailants who wish to use or assassinate her. She's cold to strangers but very touchy once she gets to know you well.
Kamui "Scopes" Alphei: A young fishman native to the panthalassic planet, Aleviang. He's studying in an apprenticeship under cosmos-renowned navigator Nimbus Strom aboard the Priscilla Via. He is very bashful and timid, but passionate in learning more about different planets. "Scopes" is a nickname for him given by the Starfield Voyagers. Most recent addition to the crew.
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2nd row:
"Lio": A boisterous and gentle man who swore an oath of pacifism despite his violent background. Although he has no specific job in the Starfield Voyagers, "Lio" helps around the Priscilla Via however he can, whether it be protecting the members or hauling around heavy equipment. He has not disclosed his real name, only wanting to go by "Lio" from now on. Lio is on the Priscilla Via so that Philomina can interview him.
Morloom: A heliobi sealed inside a blank grimoire, Morloom swears vengeance on Philomina if it's the last thing he'll do. But for now, he will amuse the Bibliophile. Morloom has a terrible personality, he constantly antagonizes the crew, does petty pranks, and tries to convince unsuspecting people to open the grimoire so that he can consume their energy. Philomina keeps him on a tight leash.
Nimbus Strom: The lead navigator of the Starfield Voyagers and a very meticulous and stern old man. Nimbus Strom is a hard man to please, always critical of things as a perfectionist. Although he didn't want one at first, Strom realized how important it was to pass down knowledge to the next generation, hence why he has an apprentice. Leader of the Navigator's Omni Alliance and former teacher in the Intelligentsia Guild(and taught Dr Ratio).
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3rd row(Housekeeping Trio):
Aliscia Corduroy: A lady maid who serves with wide, piercing eyes and an abyssal smile. Don't let her unnerving face concern you, Aliscia Corduroy is one of the most loving of the Starfield Voyagers. She enjoys whatever activity comes her way with exuberant excitement, especially if it's cleaning. When speaking , she poses with dramatic flair and unabashed attitude. Aliscia is a big fan of Robin and her music.
Lucius: A butler of few words, Lucius is a gentleman with quiet finesse. Most times, you won't hear him appearing behind you, reminding you to eat before you sleep. Philomina gifted Lucius a bell earring simply because his silent presence kind of freaked her out. Lucius is nonverbal about a lot of things: his past, his likes and dislikes, even his true thoughts(Phil tried reading his mind once). An alumni of the Starfield Voyagers.
Magdalene: A pepeshi from the Alfalfa family that left the Planet of Festivities, Penacony, in order to pursue a life outside of the bounds of the Dreamscape. However, a life aboard the Priscilla Via was not a life she envisioned. Begrudgingly, she decided to stay since it's easy to form commercial connections when she's beside an influential figure. It's not that she enjoys the company of these people, really...
I will most definitely be redesigning some of the crew members in the future, but this is all I have for now. Thank you for your patience!
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This is what I felt like after finishing this page.
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ncytiri · 1 year
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say hello to my brand new oc for starfield, hayden!!!! she was inspired by one of my fave characters from for all mankind, tracy stevens 💞 so of course i had to use tracy's actress, the gorgeous sarah jones, as her faceclaim and honor tracy by using her last name (via her husband, another fave of mine, gordo!) <3 and her first name is inspired by, of course, my man hayden christensen but also hayden anhedönia, the artist behind ethel cain who i have fallen in love with, her music is just so good...
hayden has the kid stuff trait meaning she sends 2% of her credits home to her parents every (in game) week and this might be one of my most favorite traits in a bethesda game ever, the parents are SO funny (played by none other than nana visitor and tim russ <3) and they are so sweet too!! so hayden was definitely an only child who was completely doted on by her parents and spoiled completely so once she got her nice cushy job as a professor of geology, she began financially supporting her parents regardless of what they said :')
i like to think she goes through a bit of a transformation out of her professor persona at the beginning of the game (more put together and "presentable" like that main pic i used for her graphic) and then as she goes through the game, she starts to change and maybe gets a haircut, changes her makeup up etc. so if i do end up changing her, i'll show her updated look!!!
also if you couldn't tell i am not the best at matching faces to an actor so pls forgive any glaring differences between hayden and sarah <3 SKFDDS i just couldn't find a good color or hair style for her (this one does match the tracy look above a bit tho!)
anywhoooo yes, that's enough rambling from me about her, i just thought i would give a little bit of background info on her and talk about her inspiration, but feel free to ask me anything about her if you wanna know more!!!! i'm still rounding out her character but i would love to talk about her some more :'D
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natsubeatsrock · 9 months
Top 7 Things I Enjoyed in 2023: Number 2
For all the praise I gave Legends Arceus, I can't say it's my favorite game I played this year. It was my favorite Switch game. I would have figured this game would have been it. Though, I wasn't expecting the game to overtake it to come out. 
Then again, neither was anyone else. This game came out of nowhere to do war with Zelda, Mario, and Baldur's Gate for the best game of the year. And it's my pick for game of the year.
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Number #2 - Hi-Fi Rush
I love this game. I don't even know how it hit so close to me. I've never been great at rhythm games and I don't stray too far from Pokemon when it comes to RPGs. However, the folks at Bethesda decided to produce a music-themed game about robots. And, boy oh boy does this work. 
No one saw this coming. It was a surprise release at the beginning of the year. It certainly wasn't the most hyped release by the company this year, considering Starfield also came out this year. The idea that a game like this would be popular only makes sense in a world where one of the most popular games involves mining.
But it more than made its mark on the public as the year went on. Almost the instant I heard about it, I figured that this would be exactly up my alley. I got to try it out at PAX East and fell in love as I played it throughout the year. 
I haven't played a game with as much charm and character as Hi-Fi Rush since Skullgirls, which was another one of my favorite games of the previous year. Fitting how that's about the only other game I play on PC, as a mainly Nintendo gamer.
The music of this game is amazing. I'm fine with all kinds of genres of music for games and personal listening. However, it's always fun to have a high-energy rock soundtrack, especially compared to all the Pokemon scores I've listened to this year. I've had its version of Radicals in my head ever since hearing it the first time.
Even outside of the individual tracks, the music dictates every action in the game. The amazing cell-shaded cutscenes, along with the normal game interactions are synced to the music. This extends to background elements. I can't think of any game with this level of coordination on a musical lever.
One of my favorite moments in the game is a boss fight where the rhythm-based parry system is the only interaction you can have with the boss. You're trying to convince her that you're not the bad guys and this is part of the reason she joins your side. It helps that she's also my favorite character in the game.
Up to about a month ago, this was the number one spot on my list. While anything could have been at the number one spot in a normal year, I thought it would be insane for anything to take that spot away from Hi-Fi Rush this late in the year.
What took the spot away?
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ronqueesha · 1 year
One thing I didn't even realize I would like so much was Inon Zur's background music in Starfield. I must have listened to his Fallout works for thousands of hours in my life, just chilling with them while exploring the wasteland.
His Starfield work is not identical, but it has the same feeling, the same telltale signs of his hand in the music. And it's just as nice to listen to while exploring the galaxy as it was exploring Boston.
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himedia · 5 months
1 minute of fallout 4 every day until fallout 5 comes out day 304 by HIMediaTV Consider Supporting Us For A Few Bucks A Month: https://discord.com/servers/hi-media-426459490725134339 Check This Link Out: https://linktr.ee/himediatv Podcasts: https://www.spreaker.com/user/haggardinnovations Subscribe On Youtube: https://bit.ly/himvideo Backup Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6tOBTZ18gMmFIS-JVlHDAQ Social Media: https://facebook.com/HIMediaTV https://instagram.com/himediatv https://bsky.app/profile/himediatv.bsky.social https://twitter.com/HIMediaTV Merch Store: https://bit.ly/himrkt Support HI Media! 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵 You Doing Content Creation? Get 9 Bucks Off A Streamlabs Sub With Most Of The Tools You Need To Stream/Create Content. Its A Decent Quick And Dirty Way To Get Started: https://streamlabs.com/refer/evanhaggard-1599-10?t=2 Want The Games We Play? Buy Them On Our Nexus And Support the Show!: http://bit.ly/himnexus Get Your Own Minecraft Server Using Our Affiliate Link: https://bit.ly/himinecraft ======================= Big Thank You To VLNS BEATS for making the Outro music you heard In This video https://msha.ke/vlnsbeats/ Big Thank You To Mikel From Gamechops for making the background music you heard In This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ2OhGwZaK4 #HIMedia - Everything After this is AI generated for SEO Purposes Ignore This s**t i am in h*ll and i hate i have to do this so Youtube doesn't send me to the gulag =============================================================================== In this video, I'm counting down the days until Fallout 5 comes out. every day, I'm playing 1 minute of Fallout 4. I hope you enjoy the video and stay tuned for more countdown videos. Whether you're a fan of Fallout or not, I hope you enjoy this 1 minute of Fallout 4 every day countdown! It's my way of keeping myself entertained while the wait for Fallout 5 keeps getting longer and longer. - #Fallout #Fallout4 #Fallout5 HI Media,shorts,video,funny,himedia,hi media,Shorts,viral,fun,explore,fyp,youtube,PT Sean,Solarsonic21,HIMedia,himediayt,HIMediaTV,himediatv,Evan From HI Media,HI Media,shorts,video,funny,himedia,hi media,Shorts,viral,fun,explore,fyp,youtube,himedia q10 pro,1 minute of fallout 4 every day until fallout 5 comes out day,fallout 4,fallout 5,1 minute of fallout 4,1 minute of fallout 4 every day until fallout 5 comes out,hi media yt,himediayt,himediatv,fallout, starfield, skyrim, commonwealth, brotherhood of steel, shoddycast via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r-nMIFioTE
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
I love it when a game goes all out for music. Far Cry 5 made such good music for the cult radio that it’s the only radio people listen to when playing the game. And I just beat Alan Wake 2 and the music in that is so good and actually very important to plot. God Alan Wake 2 was so good people were right that it would’ve won game of the year if Baldur’s Gate didn’t I love Remedy Games
I love how even in an alternate universe where bg3 wasn't released this year, Starfield still wouldn't have won and it would've been Alan Wake 2. L after L after L after L for Bethesda.
Also at this point imma start screenshoting every name you drop for a game to check them out, you've delivered with Mass effect better than literal game journals i used to trust. Fuck me for listening to steam reviewers I guess, they do complain about every little thing and forget the whole game.
I remember far cry 4 music, I liked listening to the raido because it did fit the game theme a lot. Also, "Should I stay or should I go" became one of my most listened to songs the day I watched the trailer. One day, I will bite the bullet of the ubisoft launcher for far cry 5 and 6... one day.
I have ME3 and andromeda still, did you know I bought elden rings since the launch day but didn't even touch it yet? Andromeda should go on sale during the spring sale.
I definitely recommend Hades the game if you want a hack and slash rogue with great music. It is the closest thing to bg3 music I have ever seen in a game.
"Good riddance" is my favourite. Both Orpheus and Eurydice sing it about their deaths and falling into hades.
There is also "stray gods the musical," which is a visual novel with choices but also a musical with songs for acts and scenes your character sings. You get the power of one of the greek muses and can make people sing. The lyrics you pick affect the outcomes.
Tetris effect connected has good music! The blocks you drop also act as the beat or as some kind of instrument that adds to the background songs.
Give this one song a listen, it literally sold the whole game for me.
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jzontheazarian · 10 months
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MomoCon 2024: A Magical Adventure for Anime and Gaming Fans
Are you ready to experience the ultimate celebration of anime and gaming in the Southeast United States? If so, mark your calendars for May 24-27, 2024, when MomoCon returns to the Georgia World Congress Center with an amazing lineup of guests, events, and activities that will make your dreams come true.
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Whether you are a fan of classic Disney movies, modern video games, or anything in between, MomoCon has something for you. You will have the chance to meet and greet some of the most iconic voice actors in the industry, such as Scott Weinger and Linda Larkin, who voiced Aladdin and Jasmine in the 1992 animated masterpiece. You will also get to see Jodi Benson, the voice of The Little Mermaid, Steve Blum, the voice of Shazam!, and many more.
But that’s not all. MomoCon also offers a variety of exciting events and activities that will keep you entertained throughout the four-day convention. You can show off your dance moves and cosplay skills at the ANX Kpop Battles, where you can groove to your favorite Kpop tunes and compete for prizes. You can also enjoy a musical extravaganza with the Bebop Bounty Big Band, who will take you on a space adventure with their fusion of jazz, rock, and blues inspired by the iconic anime series Cowboy Bebop.
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And if you are looking for more fun and games, MomoCon has you covered. You can explore the latest and greatest in gaming, from Starfield to Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, and meet some of the talented voice actors behind your favorite characters, such as Zeno Robinson, A.J. Beckles, Erica Lindbeck, and Sarah-Nicole Robles. You can also join the cosplay contest, the anime music video contest, the tabletop gaming area, the arcade, and much more.
MomoCon is the ultimate destination for anime and gaming fans of all ages and backgrounds. It is a place where you can celebrate your passions, make new friends, and create unforgettable memories. As Jess Merriman, MomoCon Co-Founder and lifelong Disney fan, said, “Having the iconic Aladdin voice actors at MomoCon fills my heart with absolute joy. Their movie defined the childhoods of millions and getting to meet the people that brought the film to life is pure magic.”
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Don’t miss this opportunity to join the magic of MomoCon 2024. Visit the official MomoCon website to find out more about the confirmed guests, the schedule, and the tickets. And stay tuned for more announcements and surprises in the lead up to the convention. MomoCon 2024 is going to be a blast!
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luuurien · 1 year
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(Atmospheric Drum and Bass, Shoegaze, Indietronica)
On his Longinus debut, the U.K.-based breakcore artist hones his blend of atmospheric drum and bass with alt-rock in the margins, blasts of shoegaze and post-rock builds fitted around lush breakbeats. Se Bueno’s heavy, ethereal indietronica positions TURQUOISEDEATH as one of the most exciting young acts in the electronica scene.
TURQUOISEDEATH has been making music for some years now, but the U.K breakcore artist is only now unveiling his full debut. Releasing a handful of EP’s and singles before the growth of guessabelle from the EP of the same name and brisk future garage single hello? boosted his prominence to new heights, TURQUOISEDEATH’s music sits squarely in the world of breakcore and atmospheric drum and bass while using samples of shoegaze, glitch pop and other alternative genres to give his breaks a sharper edge, his two collaborative projects with the Barcelona-based vmrrobotic giving tastes of his unorthodox electronica around more traditional D’n’B and garage cuts. Now, his full-length debut on Longinus takes even bigger steps forward, mixing in his traditional long-form breaks with songs more indebted to indie rock with breaks as the foundation for its rhythms more than its entire style. Se Bueno’s balance of these, along with some new additions to his formula, ends up a little volatile, but the extremities are where TURQUOISEDEATH’s music shines the brightest, his penchant for huge crescendos and sensitive ambient comedowns making for some of the most thrilling electronica this year with more than enough tricks up its sleeve to keep you coming back. It’s unwieldy, but all the noise and energy constantly buzzing is part of the fun of listening to an artist chip away at their sound to unearth something greater.
A few old tracks return here in slightly abridged forms, Guessabelle and Starfields losing a minute or so of their old runtimes while holding onto their slow builds and massive impacts, but the new surrounding tracks make these moments of classic breakcore magic all the more wonderful. As loud as his older music can be, he steps fully into shoegaze more than a few times in Se Bueno, bringing on artists in the Korean dream pop scene to help him establish it within his sound: Brokenteeth rains down a layers of noise and a smooth solo at the tail end of The Sky Fell, while the duo of Asian Glow and Parannoul bring warmth and a frenzied intensity to centerpiece track Dive, TURQUOISEDEATH adding shoegaze’s thick textures atop his dense breaks without concerning himself too much with writing lyrics or adding vocals. You can hear him in his comfort zone with Se Bueno, but TURQUOISEDEATH avoids stagnation by letting the rock guitars take precedent outside of just turning on the distortion when the crescendo comes, Sinking Into You’s jangly acoustic guitars and punchy backbeat drumming the closest thing to pure dream pop on the album, a pitched-up sample of the unreleased Bearface track Quiver interacting with a think break groove and soaring string orchestration in the song’s second half, Se Bueno springboarding off new ideas with his signature style intact the whole way through. It’s an undeniably odd sensation on first listen, hearing giant walls of guitar with a drum ‘n’ bass beat chugging beneath them, but by harnessing all that energy at once TURQUOISEDEATH’s music forces you to look it head on, songs too intense and full of life to just leave on in the background. Hangups from his previous release still linger, the longer track times occasionally contributing to unnecessary bloat - Dive’s first half lingers in midtempo dream pop for a little too long before crashing head on into a breakdown of synth arpeggios and noise bursts and video games samples, while the seven-minute Vertigo’s saxophone solo and chillout atmospherics make for a cool comedown after the maddening breakcore highlight Starfields but ends up lethargic even when those huge guitars come back into the mix - but for the most part Se Bueno makes fantastic use of its fifty minutes, exploring new possibilities within breakcore and showing how versatile TURQUOISEDEATH’s production can be, the gorgeous Astrophysics-assisted Escape Your Dream closing the album out with bitcrushed synths and warm piano with a mellow downtempo pulse, TURQUOISEDEATH’s restraint letting the album wind down to a natural and satisfying finish. Se Bueno is exactly what his debut needed to be, branching out into new territory while keeping all the things his music initially pulled you in with present, the perfect balance of breakcore ferocity and shoegaze bliss where you can hear how excited he is to be taking the next leap in his artistic journey. It’s long, a little messy, and positively filled with spirit: Se Bueno couldn’t have gone over any more beautifully.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
There’s an Imagine Dragons Starfield song, and you can listen now
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You may listen to the actual Starfield by Imagine Dragons music right now. As the release date of Starfield draws near, Bethesda has intensified the odd promotion for the role-playing game, enlisting the aid of Imagine Dragons to draw in as many players as possible. That’s right, Imagine Dragons has released an official Starfield Anthem called ‘Children of the Sky,’ alongside a music video with footage from the game showing many of the Starfield planets. You can check it out below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvlaxcjtV9U After teasing the project and doing a countdown with stars in the background, many Starfield fans were quick to assume that the band was working on something with Bethesda. Honestly, this isn’t all that surprising, as the band’s smash hit Radioactive was used in an Assassin’s Creed 3 trailer way back when, and they provide the soundtrack to League of Legends’ animated show, Arcane, as well as the MOBA‘s 2014 World Championships anthem, Warriors. Even parts of Inon Zur’s Starfield soundtrack sneak their way into the track, but that’s all the song has to tie it to Bethesda’s newest RPG. Thankfully there are no abhorrent cringe lyrics about past Bethesda games or the universe of Starfield because I think we’d all die from secondhand embarrassment if that were the case. I hope someone mods in an Imagine Dragons Starfield background on day one after this, just to bring it all full circle. With the Starfield early access launch quite literally a few days away we’ve got everything you need to know about Starfield release times for your region, alongside a breakdown of all the Starfield companions and Starfield traits too. Still looking for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools. Read the full article
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depresseddepot · 1 year
live blogging my starfield thoughts under the cut
- the music is interesting. I'm crazy about it in some scenes but others feel almost like minecraft music? Not a bad thing at all but definitely an interesting direction
- do you think you get to pick your crew/recruit different npcs??? Also: YES GOD ANALOG SCIENCE FICTION. YESSSSSSSSSS my alien: isolation heart is so fucking excited abut that!!!
- ahhh, I see how they got around the "open world" question. I was wondering how they would make a game that could run well w that many locations completely open world that didn't feel empty. I'm not too upset abt it tbh, I'd rather it play and run well than be completely open world. I feel like the expanse of space would get boring going from solar system to solar system after a while anyways
- new atlantis. What a metal name lol
- oh im getting dbh vibes. Im trying so hard to be normal but its not working very well
- i hope there are parts of this game that's like. Scary. Horror lol
- oh that good old bethesda conversation zoom in with absolutely no emotion
- "the united colonies" now. girl i don't know about that
- the freestar space system looks cool DANCING HUMANS IN ALIEN SUITS????
- walk style yes. im a little disappointed by the customization being only blending facial morphs together but until i mess w it myself ill have no idea what it can actually do
- BACKGROUNDS YESSSSS. TRAITS YESS. THE ADORING FAN YES HE CAN JOIN YOUR CREW????? also you can choose the trait where you just have parents you can go visit AHSHHAJAJA.
- ohhh the skills are challenge based now. I actually like that a lot, it tells you specifically what to do to upgrade that skill.
- vents....omg.
- i wonder what earth is going to be like? is it destroyed etc? I want to walk on OUR moon
- ugh. our character is so badass
- some of these ships are NOT capable of spaceflight btw but I can suspend my disbelief for the excitement lmfao
- ill admit, the ship battle system looks EXTREMELY irritating to control for me personally, so I hope they have things that help aim/steering.
- sandwiches are the new cheese wheel lmfao
- i cannot wait to play this game. This is the first game i want to play without any spoilers bc i want to explore so badly
- the lighting is so hazy and nice....the quiet sandy moons....im so excited....
- so it seems like the artifacts give you special abilities a la shouts??? I don't care abt guns so i have nothing else to say on the weapons section lol
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robryeme · 1 year
Night Sky Time Lapse Above the Clouds with Brown Noise of Airplane
Space ambient music and visualisation channel Night Sky Time Lapse presents perfect video for relaxation:
🔹 Night Sky Time Lapse Above the Clouds with Brown Noise of Airplane
Get ready to experience the night sky like never before with "Night Sky Time Lapse Above the Clouds with Brown Noise of Airplane". This stunning time-lapse video captures the beauty of the stars, the vast expanse of the galaxy, and the tranquility of the night sky above the clouds. Immerse yourself in the serene and mesmerizing universe that unfolds before your eyes.
As you watch the awe-inspiring footage, you'll be taken on a journey through different star constellations and galaxies, all with a calming brown noise in the background. This combination of visual and audio elements creates a truly transcendent experience that will leave you feeling peaceful and inspired.
If you're looking for a way to relax and escape the stress of everyday life, look no further than "Night Sky Time Lapse Above the Clouds with Brown Noise of Airplane". This video is perfect for meditation, yoga, or simply unwinding after a long day. Don't miss out on the chance to witness the majesty of the night sky in all its glory.
So sit back, relax, and let the stars transport you to a world of wonder and serenity. Experience "Night Sky Time Lapse Above the Clouds with Brown Noise of Airplane" today!
night sky time lapse // above the clouds // brown noise of airplane // brown noise // starry night sky timelapse // night sky milky way // sky night // night stars in the sky // stars sky // night sky // starfield // space // starry night // stars in the sky // star sky // starscape // earth from space 4k // cosmos 4k // 4k video ultra hd // clouds // white noise // airplane // sleep sounds // flight // white noise for sleeping // white noise for studying // airplane sound // jet engine // airplane white noise // Airplane noise
Here at Night Sky Time Lapse, we're big believers in the power of meditation and its benefits for mental health. In this video, we'll showcase some space visuals with calming music to help you relax and de-stress.
In Night Sky Time Lapse space ambient music channel, I'm displaying a relaxing videos which features space ambient music and relaxing space scenes. Night Sky Time Lapse space ambient music channel is perfect for those looking for a relaxing environment to help them escape from the stresses of the world. If you're looking for a night sky time lapse scenes and space ambient music, then look no further! Night Sky Time Lapse space ambient music channel features beautiful space scenes that will help you feel at ease. If you're looking for a video to help you self love, then Night Sky Time Lapse for you!
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▶️ Night Sky Time Lapse, Starry Night Sleep Music, Study Music: https://youtu.be/XiwOjGBCl7s
▶️ Night Sky Time Lapse • Milky Way Galaxy ★ Relaxation Film: https://youtu.be/CF0DjAiYRAc
▶️ Relaxation in the Night Sky Time Lapse [4K] Starry Night Sleep Music: https://youtu.be/6WvA8vdkd3Y
▶️ Night Sky Time Lapse Orion Constellation ★ 4K Nature Relaxation: https://youtu.be/NPKoUpwzIZ8
Pure Calming Nature ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/@purecalming
HDFlick ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/@hdflick
Boruhoff‘s Travel▶️ https://www.youtube.com/@BoruhoffsTravel
Mad Cats House ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/@madcatshouse
© Romanas Boruchovas - author and owner of the video footage. The videos on my channel are copyrighted. All copy, reproduction or partial use is prohibited, please respect the copyright and the owner.
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nicohverse · 2 years
Entropic Float Biweekly Update #19
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This update's art is from Katuo on skeb! Another cute little Peri this time. Like Touko, Peri is one of those characters who seems to have a pretty big appeal to JP artists- When I give people the option to draw any of my characters, she's a frequent choice!
It's been a while since the last time I updated. This three-week development cycle to account for a weekend spent away, has still been quite productive! The trailer for Entropic Float also became available since then- Amazingly edited by Casper, the creator of Heart Fragment, Starfield Gaming's other property!
28/31 standard segments. That's right, I wrote ten of them since last time! This means that there are only three left!
36/36 Memory Seeking segments. I polished off the last two necessary in this category! It's finished!
3/7 Epilogue segments. Yep, I actually also managed to get started on these! And I'm more than halfway done with the fourth segment, too, so we could say I've written half of the epilogues.
This represents 67/74 segments of the Miracle Route. I only have 7 more segments- Three standard segments, and four epilogues- Before I can send the game for beta testing.
Background Music:
I've acquired two new BGM tracks, but as I have yet to add them to the OST playlist, I won't share their names just yet. I want to focus on getting the writing finished before doing other side activities. The sooner my testers can play the Miracle Route the sooner I can get all its bugs sorted out!
My goal progress from last time:
-Write 9 standard segments. 5 of ADL style and all 4 of NVL flashback style, completing the entire 'Memory Seeking Finale' section of the game Done! I actually wrote 10
-Write the last 2 memory seeking segments Done!
-Create the 3 sets of assets needed for the Memory Seeking Finale section Done! I also created the assets needed for the last set of standard segments.
-Take some time aside from development to make some marketing materials needed for Connecticon Done! I didn't just make the marketing materials, but they also arrived! I'll start sharing some of them soon
My goals for next time:
-Write the last 3 standard segments of the game - Write the remaining 3.5 epilogues - Draw one CG for the standard segments - Update the walkthrough and beta instructions, and get the beta copy to my testers
In this three-week cycle I wrote 15 segments. This leaves me with 7 to write over the next two weeks. It's actually possible I'll complete them all in the upcoming week, in fact! But we'll see. I've been under a lot of pressure lately, so maybe taking it a little easy for one cycle could be good for me... On the other hand, it's creating this game that has helped me to stay sane... Well, all I know is that the rest of this Sunday, I'm going to play some games and do some meal prep, and if any Entropic Float makes it in there, that'd be good too.
The word count is up to 289,304 words now... If you'll remember, the standard routes were around 174,000 words. Meaning that the Miracle Route is 115,000 words so far... Nearly as long as the rest of the game! Admittedly, some of those words are duplicates because of the programming on a certain scene- But it's still quite the feat, I think! And who doesn't love a nice, long Visual Novel...  Why am I releasing something this huge free of charge again? Oh, right. I'm insane.
There's not really anything new for the game that I can share without tons of spoilers, so instead, here are some of the Ending badges that I've made! These aren't implemented in the game yet, that's a project for June, but there's one for all 18 of the endings. You can also get them as pin badges at Connecticon, or online afterward!
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pinnithin-writes · 4 years
Good Jokes
Chapter 23: The End
When the white light cleared, Tommy was in a starfield and his hands were empty. The burn wound on his shoulder was already healing over, the pain ebbing and melting away as scar tissue scrawled pale starbursts over his skin. His heart pounded as he cast his eyes around, meeting only streaks of multicolored light, galaxies and nebulas passing by like landmarks on a road trip.
His breath left him all in a rush as he realized where he was. His father had come to pick him up.
The man in the suit materialized as soon as the thought crossed his mind, clean and pressed as always, hair neat and black as cast iron. His shadowed eyes swirled like the stars around them as he regarded his son. They stood, facing one another in the void, standing on nothing. Tommy waited for his father to speak first.
“Happy Birthday, Tommy,” the man in the suit said with a smile.
Tommy stared at him, robbed of words. Birthday? Today was his birthday? Slowly, he raised his hands to clutch at his hair, drawing in a thin, shaky breath so he wouldn’t fall apart completely. The dissonance of something so routine happening in the midst of this disaster made him want to scream.
Birthdays had always been mundane to him, another insignificant turn of the wheel. But after what he’d just survived, he wondered if it was something worth celebrating. He was indescribably tired.
Thirty seven. Thirty seven revolutions around the sun. It was the worst day of his life.
He didn’t know how to respond to his father, who had plucked him out of Xen for a chat after turning his back on him hours before. There was definitely not a ‘thank you’ on his lips, and his mind was clouded with all the ways he could accuse his father of abandoning him, none of them coherent or respectful. He eyed the other man wearily and finally settled on asking, “the others?”
“Alive and well, I assure you,” his father answered. “I must congratulate you on your success in dealing with this… little issue.”
Tommy’s brow furrowed as he computed. “Success?”
“I certainly would not have been able to remedy the situation without the help of you and your associates.”
He laced his fingers behind his head and tilted his chin to the star-streaked void above him so he no longer had to look at his father. “You couldn’t have just taken care of this on your own?”
His father chuckled grimly. “Hardly. At least, not in a manner as quick and efficient as this one.”
Efficient? “Do you know how many people died?”
“I can say with confidence, Thomas, that far more would have died if the four of you had done nothing at all.”
Tommy dropped his arms from behind his head and instead pressed his fingertips against his eyelids, inhaling heavily through his nose. He didn’t answer, fighting for control of his facial expression while his father examined him. This man couldn’t possibly grasp the scope of what Tommy had just lived through, what the week’s events had done to him. He didn’t have that kind of perspective, being a god and all that; all that mattered was that his plan had worked.
Success. They had succeeded. Mission complete, crisis averted. He felt awful.
His father broke the silence evenly. “I took the liberty of upholding our little family tradition,” he went on. “The entire venue has been rented out, as usual, and I will be personally extending invitations to your new... hm. Friends.”
Tommy paused from kneading his eyeballs in consternation to give his father a puzzled look. “The scientists?” he asked. He could think of no one else.
The man in the suit eyed him with amusement. “Yes, the scientists,” he affirmed. “The experiments known as Bubby and Harold Coomer, as well as your ‘Mister Freeman.’”
“He’s not my-“
“I am well aware of the nature of your relationship,” his father spoke over him, “and I will be having a little chat with him before we convene at the entertainment center.” His eyes glittered not so much in threat as in curiosity.
This didn’t feel to Tommy like the appropriate course of action to take at all. He still recalled clearly on day two of this disaster, when Gordon had told him he planned on sleeping for five days after this was over. Sleep for five days and get a Big Mac. After everything the man had just survived, that was the bare fucking minimum of what he deserved, and Tommy had half a mind to drive Gordon to a McDonald’s himself.
“You can… probably just send him home, I think,” he intoned quietly. That was all Gordon wanted, this entire time. Everything he fought for, everything he endured. Home. Home. He just wanted to go home. Tommy’s stupid birthday could go on without him.
“I’m afraid Mister Freeman does not have a home to go to. Black Mesa, including his living quarters inside, was completely destroyed.” He lifted his brows in a way that didn’t quite line up with the tone he was attempting to convey. “He might as well have a little fun before he goes house hunting, hm?”
Tommy’s shoulders sagged in defeat. Some reward for saving the world. “Can you at least – I don’t know – do something about the hand?”
His father threaded his fingers together behind his back. “I can do something about the hand,” he said conclusively.
The galactic landscape passed on in silence. Tommy kept his gaze on the void beneath him, refusing to meet eyes with the man who was so clean and spotless while his son looked like a dead thing Sunkist had dragged in from the back porch. Exhaustion made his bones heavy and his posture downcast.
After a thoughtful pause, Tommy’s father went on. “I suppose you need some time to yourself. I trust you’ll be able to find your way... home, from here, yes?”
Distractedly, Tommy splayed his fingers, feeling the power that had abandoned him on Xen sizzling beneath the surface of his skin. His pulse ticked down to a more manageable pace and he nodded silently. His father was right once again.
“I shall take my leave, then,” he concluded. His visage began to fade as he leapt from the dimension. “I’m proud of you, son.”
Tommy raised his eyes just in time to watch his father disappear.
He didn’t have the energy to cry once he was gone, though he could feel from the prickle behind his eyes that he probably needed to. Proud. He was proud of him. What was that pride worth, at the death of so many innocent people? Tommy felt cold deep in his chest, and it wasn’t just from floating in the vacuum of space.
He missed Gordon already.
The Chuck E. Cheese location in Las Cruces, New Mexico, was a place Tommy Coolatta knew quite well. He expected the venue to bring warm familiarity with it after the past week’s events, but he wasn’t fully prepared for the heavy thump of nostalgia in his chest as he opened the door. The rows of tables, the multicolored lights, the arcade games, all called back to happier days he’d spent with his father here. Once he’d outgrown what was essentially a children’s casino, the two of them had kept up the birthday tradition as a little joke within the family. Besides, one was never really too old for a round or two of skee ball.
The venue was empty, save for the disinterested staff. Tommy ordered a cheese pizza, found himself a seat at one of the tables, and waited.
It was strange, being here. The music and the flickering lights would have made the experience feel otherworldly if Tommy hadn’t literally just been in another world. He felt remote and detached, like the past week’s events were his reality and the entertainment center he sat in was merely a fever dream. Tommy closed his eyes and took in the smell of pepperoni and grease and whatever cleaning product the staff used to wipe down the tables. Underneath it all the iron scent of blood still lingered on his skin. He desperately needed a shower.
Bubby and Coomer arrived after a while via portal, dropped unceremoniously from the ceiling in front of a staff that was perplexed but not paid enough to care. The older gentlemen looked just as haggard and warweary as Tommy felt, joining him at the table as soon as their eyes lit on him.
They helped themselves to the pizza he was working on. They didn’t talk. There was nothing to say.
Weirdest birthday ever.
Bubby eventually made an offhand comment that he had never been to a Chuck E. Cheese before. His tone of voice was neutral, but the pinch of his eyes betrayed his curiosity as he flicked his gaze between the arcade games.
“Never?” Tommy asked at length.
Bubby nodded. “I’ve never left the facility,” he admitted.
Dr. Coomer exchanged a surprised look with Tommy as music thumped in the background. After some thought, the scientist wiped his hands on his napkin and gave Bubby a hearty pat on the shoulder. “Chuck E. Cheese is an excellent example of what the outside world has to offer, Dr. Bubby,” he told him, smiling tiredly.
Tommy snorted into the slice of pizza he was eating. The remark was almost enough to lift his mood away from the pit of anxiety in his stomach. Maybe he really could call these gentlemen his friends. Or, at least, he might learn to do so in time.
Bubby and Coomer excused themselves to try their hand at the arcade games. Tommy remained seated, drumming his fingers on the tabletop, too antsy to partake. He checked his phone, only to find it waterlogged and dead. He tossed it onto the table in disgust. Who would he call, anyway? The one person he wanted to talk to wasn’t in his address book.
His father was taking too long. Why was he taking so long? What was there to discuss with a man who just put his life on the line to seal an alien rift? Tommy watched the remainder of the pizza grow cold on the table before him. He ached in every way there was to ache.
Just as he was beginning to debate leaving his seat for a couple nervous rounds of air hockey, space split open across the room and a portal appeared. Tommy froze, watching the air shimmer and warp as someone stepped out of it.
And there was Gordon Freeman, alive and exhausted, blinking in disorientation as he touched down onto solid earth.
Tommy ran to him, chair clattering to the floor in his haste.
Gordon’s eyes barely flickered in recognition before Tommy collided bodily with him, arms flung around his neck. The HEV suit dug hard and unyielding into his chest, a discomfort ignored in favor of the other man’s arms returning his embrace, warm and solid. A shaky exhale sounded in his ear and he felt tears spring unbidden to his eyes. He made it. This wonderful, insane survivor. He made it, and he was hugging Tommy so hard he thought his spine might snap.
The other man’s voice was broken up with relieved laughter. “You didn’t tell me it was your birthday, man.”
Tommy wasn’t letting go of him just yet, staccatoing his response into Gordon’s neck. “Sorry, I was - I forgot.” The sound he made was a sob disguised as a laugh, or perhaps vice versa.
“It’s okay,” Gordon chuckled, and it sounded like he was fighting for control over his voice, too. “We were a little busy.”
Tommy’s shoulders shook with mirth, awash with joy and wonder as he clung to him. The lights and the music around them didn’t matter, nor did the stars or the hungry void beyond. They could figure out their new reality one fragile step at a time. As long as they could stand together, feeding each other with laughter, they could find their way.
The party didn’t end up being too bad, even if the timing was a little weird. For all the exasperation Tommy held with his father at present, it still meant a lot that a man who played time like it was a pickup basketball game still tracked how many times Tommy had orbited the sun. The Science Team played a couple arcade games, ate their first real meal in days, and took turns splashing their faces and cleaning the blood from under their fingernails in the bathroom sink. It was an interim recovery, a pit stop on the way to rejoining life.
By the time it was over, everyone felt a little more human. Human enough, at least, to step outside the liminal space they found themselves in and return to Earth. Far flung explorers, lost inside themselves. Off in search of home, whether that home was found or they built it with their own two hands.
Tommy stepped out to the parking lot, the asphalt washed white and stark in the floodlights. The cool night smelled like juniper and sagebrush. He waved goodbye to Bubby and Coomer, who decided to make their own way from here after bidding him final birthday wishes. His father had vanished a while ago to deal with some cosmic follow-up to the Xen issue. Thankfully, Tommy got a pass on that.
That left Gordon, who he found leaning against the side of the restaurant, staring vacantly out at the parking lot with his eyes half open. The jingle of a staff member’s key ring startled him out of his reverie, and he slid a look first to the manager locking up, then to Tommy’s quiet approach. He was smaller without the HEV suit on. Softer. It had been a group effort to prise the armor plating off of him and carry it to the dumpster out back, leaving him in just the black utility coveralls worn underneath.
Where once there was a shield was just a man. Gordon smiled wearily at Tommy as he leaned his shoulder against the faux sandstone next to him.
“Is someone coming to pick you up?” Tommy asked.
Gordon sighed, turning to stare back at the vacant parking lot. “No,” he said, his voice small. “I’m still kinda… I was just trying to - y’know - I was gonna figure something out,” he shrugged. “I guess.”
Tommy tilted his head to the side, studying him. “It looked to me like you were falling asleep,” he observed.
A short, humorless exhale escaped him. “I was doing a little bit of that too, yeah,” he admitted.
His glasses were still smudged to hell and splintered with cracks. Carefully, Tommy reached out to remove the frames from Gordon’s face, sliding them off as gently as he could. There was a cut across the bridge of his nose. He did his best not to jostle it.
Gordon cleared his throat, returning his gaze from the parking lot to watch him pass a hand over one lens and then the other. “Do you have a ride coming?” he asked.
In the process of literally bending physics to fix the man’s glasses, Tommy tried not to smirk. “I’m - I can teleport, Mr. Freeman,” he reminded him.
Gordon chuckled softly. “Right. How could I forget?”
“But if you need to go somewhere, I can take you,” he added.
The lenses were repaired, for the tenth time over. Tommy inspected them for a second before sliding them delicately back onto Gordon’s face, somewhat hesitant to remove his hands as he withdrew. The first time he did this, Gordon was telling him all about what he wanted to do once they made it out of Black Mesa. Even then, it had seemed like an impossible dream, stacked as the odds were against them.
Now that they had done it, that it was real, Tommy felt like they had been handed some a measureless gift. He wasn’t quite sure yet what to do with it, and he guessed Gordon didn’t have much of a clue, either.
They held one another’s gaze. Gordon’s eyes were as full and clear as a starfield in the wilderness, dark and vast and deep. The lights in the parking lot hummed in the silence. Tommy had never felt quite so lost before, yet never quite so certain of where he needed to be.
“Thank you,” Gordon said finally, his words holding enough weight to indicate that he wasn’t just grateful for the glasses repair or the offer of travel.
No response seemed an adequate enough reply, so Tommy just smiled at him. For all the nightmares he endured in the past week, he didn’t regret a second of it if he got to see Gordon looking at him like this in the close desert night. He’d completely fallen for him, as hard and as fast as a meteor burning through the atmosphere.
He felt the threat of tears returning in the tightness of his throat, so he dropped his gaze and cracked a joke. “So… did you still want to get a Big Mac, or-”
“Oh my god,” Gordon cut him off, grabbing Tommy by the lapels and pulling him in.
This kiss was so different from their first one, it may as well have happened in another lifetime. The loss and pain and almosts were replaced with a fierce, blooming hope, a warmth and possibility passing between them in the breaths they took. Tommy raised his hands to tangle in Gordon’s hair, slow and reverent. This was magic, this was sunlight. They may have just lived through hell, but as Tommy kissed Gordon, he knew that he had found heaven right here, in the person he loved.
When they broke apart, it was soft and gentle, and it wasn’t goodbye.
They stood there, foreheads touching, under the soft full moon. Gordon unknotted his hands from Tommy’s lab coat in favor of winding them around his waist. Somewhere in the distance, a coyote howled.
“This is gonna sound - like, this is probably a stupid question, after everything, but like,” Gordon stammered out, breathless and rosy. “D’you wanna get dinner sometime?” he asked. “Y’know, like, somewhere nice?”
Tommy drew away to look at him, a slow grin unfurling on his face. “Was Chuck E. Cheese not fancy enough for you, Mr. Freeman?”
Gordon threw his head back to laugh, clear and sweet, and it was the loveliest sound in the world.
Chapter 22 <--- 
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