#Stardust (OC Angor's albino bobcat kitten)
changlingfamilies · 3 years
Happy Anniversary
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Remember back when I did the cover for the first Changling Families book and I said ‘twelve people was a little much’? Well, here are all 35 current members of the Changling Families! It took me over a week to do and nearly every character had to be drawn individually!
More info under the cut.
So many Characters! Than you to everyone who has held out with this fic series all this time!
I probably could have included Dick, Charlie, and Chuck if I REALLY wanted to but this was already a really tight squeeze so the three of them were not present for family picture day...I had originally wanted to put all the kids by their parents and to try and put the couples together but...those were unrealistic expectations...So all the adult couples are together and most of the kids are near their parental units. Exceptions being Douxie, Claire, Eli, and Aja.
There are three pieces of foreshadowing for those with a cleaver eye. A couple people have some design changes and there are two coloring mistakes. I forgot Barbara’s white hair, Douxie’s and Claire’s blue hair, and Merlin’s halfpipe hat was supposed to be plaid.
On the topic of Merlin, I based his outfit off of my grandfathers’ outfits. All three of them. This is to properly capture the fashion disaster the old man is. His hat is something my Pipi wears, his jacket and boots are something my Popa Karl would wear, and his band shirt and jeans are something my Grandpa, would wear. He is wearing an Ash Dispersal Pattern shirt. He’s gotta support his boy’s hobbies some how!
For Nari, I changed her outfit a little and just did what I used to do for Vulcans when I did Star Trek art. I gave her a normal human skin tone (In this case, the same one I used for Mary) and then over layed it with a semitransparent green layer.
Barla and Marla are wearing outfits that match each of their parents. Barla is wearing a onsie that matches Bular’s kilt and Marla is wearing a onsie that matches Bagwella’s dress.
Here's the character list for yall.
Top: Aja, Archie
1st row: Bagdwella, Barla, Bular, Marla, Arrrgh, Tronos, Draal, Erik, Angor, Stardust,
2nd row: Blinky, Otto, Lenora, Antonia, Walter, Barbara, Nomura, Morgana, Merlin
Front: Douxie, Nari, Elizabeth, Seamus, Cordelia, Mary, Toby, Claire, Xena, Jim, Wally, Eli, Krel, Darcy, Steve
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changlingfamilies · 3 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Trollhunters - Daniel Kraus & Guillermo del Toro, 3Below, Wizards - Fandom, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Otto Scaarbach/Lenora Janeth, Draal/Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Aaarrrgghh/Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Bagdwella/Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Mary Wang/Seamus Johnson, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Eli Pepperjack/Krel Tarron, Morgana & Arthur, Mary Wang & King Arthur, Mary Wang & Toby Domzalski, Mary Wang & Jim Lake Jr., Claire Nuñez & Mary Wang, Claire Nuñez & Steve Palchuk, Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), Hisirdoux “Douxie” Casperan & Everyone, Angor Rot/Morgana | Pale Lady The amulet has chosen its champion and Dwoza is none to pleased. Will the kids be able to convince everyone to join the battle? Will they be able to defeat Gunmar and his Gumm-Gumm army? Will they be able to go home?
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
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More Changling Families - Stardust 
The story of how Angor found his familiar and how she affected his family.
My last chapter before Wizards.
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
Not What I Meant pt2
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Morgana gets revenge and the kids get confused.
A:Morgana, could you give me a hand?
A: Really!?
M: Yes, ‘Really’! You were asking for it!
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changlingfamilies · 4 years
Celebratory Wizards Art pt3
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D: We are lost in time everyone so we have to be VERY careful not to mess thing up. You three MIGHT be ok... But you all are going to need some period clothes.
Accidents happen but the Young Trollhunters might be having some second thoughts about the new kid. We’ll just have to see what happens. :D
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