atonalginger · 6 months
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For Stowaway Savior I decided to give the four captains searching for the lost duo a model-a robot co-pilot to have their backs, as well as mentioning that Goose has one but she's being repaired when the crisis starts.
Each one of these model-a robots were liberated from abandoned outposts or found stored in UC outposts "liberated' by the Crimson Fleet. Their personalities were originally all blank, right out the box service robot mode but over time each one has/will develop an actual personality, similar to Vasco in the game.
The Crimson Bots program is the brainchild of Goose with Jazz's engineer's assistance. He wanted to pay tribute to Vasco as well as give the Fleet the edge he knew these model-a robots could bring.
So let's meet the bots?
Jinx is Starborn!Sam's co-pilot. On the surface is seems like a standard, Vasco-like model-a...until the various lessons and added programs kick in. Lila, Del, and Goose have all added delightful little mannerisms into Jinx's programming that expanded his knowledge as well as made him ornerier. Jinx loves to help his captain. Jinx also loves to piss him off.
Trix is Delgado's co-pilot. Flashier paint job but bland personality. Trix is the least modified in the personality department. They are very loyal and look out for their captain, trying hard to keep Del happy and calm. It's a thankless job and Trix is a superhero for trying.
Moonlight is Cooper's co-pilot. The newest Crimson Bot to come online, Moonlight hasn't found their true voice yet. They were given lessons based on Whiz's memory bank but no personality imprint. Seems to have a playful streak but nothing on the level of Jinx or Whiz. Very protective.
Whiz is Goose's co-pilot. She's a wise cracking model-a who can and will woop your ass if you look at her captain wrong. Currently out of commission in the Key's engineering bay and very worried about her captain.
Quirk is Lila's co-pilot. Quirk is...well Quirk. She came online when Whiz did and due to Lila's laizze faire approach to training and management has spent FAR too much time on the extranet. To say she cusses like a sailor would be an insult to foul mouthed sailors. She is very rude and has an extremely entitled, self-important, spoiled attitude. Lila believes she can reverse the damage through discipline and positive reinforcement...time will tell if she is right.
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therealgchu · 5 months
Snippet Sometimes?
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i missed sunday. so, snippet sometimes?
anyway, putting up a snippet of a new fic i'm working on. the idea is about two starborn that keep meeting in every universe. frenemies to lovers, essentially. a lot more light-hearted and sexy times.
it's not going to get published till Seven Days is finished. but, posting up a snippet here cos i think it's just funny.
incoming snippet!
“Why did you decide to join me,” she asked, hip checking him out of her way, to go find more aluminum.
“You know, I have no idea what I was thinking. Maybe I was bored.”
“Immortality can do that to a body.”
At the moment, he was looking at her body. She was wearing her usual tank top, cargo pants, and work boots. “Are you interminably unable to wear anything that makes you not look like a dock worker?” he asked, annoyed.
She stopped digging through her supplies. “There were a lot of negatives in that single sentence,” she said. “And, also, why do you care?”
“I don’t care, it’s just odd. You’re not unattractive, but you never dress in anything else but ugly clothes that make you look like a sixty-five year old space trucker with a bad aurora habit.”
She stared at him, mildly agog over the description. Something about his tone pissed her off more than usual. In a fit of pique, she whipped off the tank top. “There, is that better?” she demanded.
He gulped, not expecting her response, and hid his surprise with snark, “Now you look like a sixty-five year old space trucker with nice tits,” he shot back.
The only thing in that description that registered with her brain was the “nice tits” portion. She’d had enough of his snark and constant criticisms. She thought of a fun way to make him pay for being such a pain in her ass. “Nice tits, huh?” she said, smiling seductively. She began to walk slowly towards him, as he started backing away. She undid her belt and unzipped her pants, letting them drop. “How about the ass? Is that also a sixty-five year old space trucker’s ass?” she asked throatily, and turned around in a circle. She had caught him staring at her butt more than a few times since boarding her ship.
“Maybe you want to touch the sixty-five year old space trucker’s ass? Or, the nice tits?” she purred as she moved into his personal space. He was backed up against the bulkhead, eyes flicking left and right, trying to figure a way out of the corner he got himself into. She took his hand off the bulkhead and placed it on her rear. “Does that feel like a sixty-five year old space trucker’s ass?”
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glade-constellation · 25 days
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Meme your blorbos
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eridanidreams · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour, @artemis-crimson, @genesisarclite and @constellation2330
This is my brain right now...
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...and I've been writing in four different fics for three different fandoms. Today's snip is from The Passage of Distant Stars...
Cait braced herself before turning, knowing what she'd see. It still wasn't enough; Sam in one of his relaxed leans against the wall, looking devastatingly handsome in t-shirt and jeans damn near stopped the breath in her throat. "Comfortable?"
"Mmm-hmm. Like they were made for me." He eyed her up and down; she'd expected something of the sort, and managed not to outwardly react. "So tell me, you invite every Starborn that comes in here for dinner and a drink, or am I special?"
"Oh, you're special," Cait admitted, and took some small amusement in his well-hidden surprise. Well-hidden from anyone but her, that is. "And yes, I keep those in there for someone like you." She could smell the paprika now, mingled with the other scents, sharp and just this side of acrid. She grabbed the bowl of chicken and started adding it to the pan. "But I don't invite every person, Starborn or not, in for dinner. Most of them just want to go straight through. Others," she glanced at him as he came over to lean against the fridge, "I want to go straight through. There's usually a few, though. People I've known, one way or another. People who need a little reassurance before making the jump." The tomatoes followed the chicken and she gave the whole thing a vigorous stir, then set a timer.
"I'm in that first group, I suppose," he said, a little whimsically. "Damn, that smells good! What is it?"
"Paprika Hendl," she replied. "Cora ever make you read her Dracula?"
A fond expression crossed Sam's face. "Sure did. In more than one 'verse." He chuckled. "Her and those books."
Cait couldn't hold back a chuckle of her own. "In my universe, I gave it to her." She laughed a little more softly, caught by the memory. "Gave her every book I could find, just to see the smile on her face. It was like to drive her father crazy some days." She caught a shift in his emotions, like a cloud pulling its veil across the sun. She cast him a quick glance, and his smile had turned melancholy. "I'm—"
"Nah," he interrupted. "No need to apologize. That was my—Lila—in a nutshell." Wryly, "I've gotten used to looking at another me from the outside. In a weird sort of way, it's good to know I'm loved, even if it's at a remove." He looked like he was going to elaborate on that, but instead took a deep breath and nodded at the pan. "So what's that have to do with Dracula?"
She accepted his silent request to change the subject. "Ah, yeah. It's the meal Jonathan Harker has before he gets to Castle Dracula. Traditional Central European dish. Supposed to be served with slivovitz—that's a plum brandy—but I'm not much for hard alcohol, so we'll have to make do with wine."
"Works for me," he drawled. "So how come I've never heard of this—Paprika Hendl?"
"Now that's something interesting," Cait said, gesturing him to join her at the kitchen island. (Multiple jumps and she still could not understand why Sam always blocked the fridge when she was cooking.) "Before we jumped, Cora and I had a theory that we wouldn't see a lot of big changes in the universes we went through, at least not the first few times. The idea was that as we started out from our own universe, we'd go through some 'close' universes, where the differences that made them were pretty minimal."
"Right. The—uh—butterfly effect, I think Cora called it." Sam leaned on the island across from her, eyes bright with interest and a sharp-edged curiosity shivering around him.
"Right," she nodded. "We figured it would be hard to change the big events, the ones that had lots of decisions going into them and lots of consequences coming out of them. But small things, things that don't matter much in the long run, or only to a very few people—those we expected to see a wide variety in." She cracked an egg with a flourish. "Turns out, recipes are one of those small things. Someone remembers their grandmother's recipe book, another leaves theirs behind…" A second egg. "Once I figured that out, I started looking. Found this one three, maybe four jumps back." A third egg joined the others in the dimpled flour; she gave it enough of a stir to break up the yolks, then carefully poured in some water and stirred that in, as well. "I thought maybe I could share them across timelines. Restore a little of Terra's lost heritage where I went."
He stared at her in disbelief as she took a heavy spoon and started beating the egg-flour mixture. "Hell, you have got to be the least Starborn Starborn I've ever run into. Most Starborn I've run into don't have the time of day for history. Or the people around them."
"That's the problem," Cait said absently, feeling for that moment when the dumpling batter came together. "In their search for power, they've forgotten everything that makes them human. Unity asks for part of your humanity when you go through, to give to the universe you leave behind. If you don't restore what's left of yourself, what happens when you run out?"
Sam stared at her, mouth all but agape, for several long moments. "Jesus, you're dangerous," he finally said, sounding half-awed. "No wonder they all want you dead."
She lifted the spoon and watched a clump of batter fall back into the bowl. Just about ready. "They want me dead because I don't play their game." She gave him a sardonic look. "Don't tell me I should knuckle under to a psychopath and his enabler."
"Of course not!" he countered. "But the Hunter's bad enough news that I'd pick my fights with him real careful. I ain't going out there punching a—a—terrormorph in the nose, either!"
Cait couldn't suppress a smirk. "Oh, I don't know, some terrormorphs are downright friendly compared to the Hunter and his followers." She moved back to the stove and started dropping batter into boiling water.
"Okay," he said, voice reflecting his bemusement, "You are officially weird."
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pathfinderlittleduck · 6 months
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adalance · 11 months
From my point of view, Unity is not worth it. My spacefarer has wonderful parents and an amazing found family in the Constellation. She's a hero many times over and has left her mark on her universe in several ways. Why would she NOT want to stay and see how her actions go on to play out up close and personal? Why would she want to leave behind all of her loved ones?
Throwing away the chance to see Cora Coe grow up and become the remarkable woman she's on her way to being is WILD to me. Not seeing what else Constellation can uncover in the universe that created and formed her does not make sense to me.
And fuck what Barrett says about wanting to stay in my original universe as being my lizard brain. It's my heart cause this universe is my heart. All of the blood, sweat, and tears I have poured into protecting the people of this universe, bettering their lives, getting to know and connect with all of these different people...........
Like, my character loves her universe and the universe loves her (despite the amount of times it's tried to do her in). She's not throwing away her parents, her Sarah Morgan, her Andreja, her Barrett, and so on just to see what's on the other side. The only heartbreaker is not being able to save Sam.
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caladran · 6 months
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"I don't know what happened to these people, Sam, but I'm ready for some chicken burger."
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silurisanguine · 6 months
Starfield: Starborn Cora rare Universe
In Starfield new game +, there are chances to come across 'rare' universes. This mostly means a unique encounter in the Lodge (though i have heard some other factors can change in VERY rare circumstances too). One of those encounters is meeting an adult Starborn Cora Coe. If Sam died in your universe, it will be Cora from your universe. If Sam didn't then it will be another universe Cora mistakenly coming after you.
Because, yes she blames you for her dad's death. Now I'd seen videos on youtube showing players having to fight her, which i thought was awful, that you couldn't or they didn't want to talk her down. I needed to know if there was unique dialogue available if you romanced Sam and he died in your original universe and how they could effect the conversation. Well there is and you can talk her down. It's very emotional dialogue and Aly Ward Azevedo does an amazing job with adult Cora. She seems so bitter, yet if you talk to her, her grief and love for you comes out. That she saw you as a mother/father and you her a daughter and thought you'd save Sam. Your responses are heartbreaking as is her dialogue.
I just wish she could be a companion in the rare universe.
I guess I'll have to write that!
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shatinn · 1 year
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Starfield 75/?
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atonalginger · 3 months
Sunday Snippet
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It's time to see what dear, sweet Goose is reading in that lavender book today! Thank you to @staticpallour and @eridanidreams for the tags and reminders.
Today I have a chunk from a short oneshot that's been bouncing around in my head. One that straddles two universes in Starfield I've been working with. The oneshot accompanies a particular Sam in his past.
The breeze was refreshing in the afternoon sun, the space quiet and detached from the hustle and bustle of the pathways below. Off in the distance he knew Bosch was likely fussing over the massive tree in the center of the district, Keeper Aquilus was counseling his flock, and that one loud protester was shouting about evicting the Freestar Embassy. This universe seemed to be like the others, save for the Delgado downstairs and the missing Sam Coe he was mistaken for. Understandable, he conceded the more he thought about it, but a hitch in his plans all the same.
“So that ship,” Cora started while she looked over her slate, “it’s really weird.”
“It is.”
“The inspection run by the techs note there are no seams. The whole things seems to be one continuous structure. Or maybe two since the fins clearly move.” She looked up and studied him, “they also couldn’t get inside it.”
“I forgot to give them the keys,” he lied. The truth was he hadn’t planned on being parked in the spaceport for a long as he had been. He had planned on going to the Lodge, revealing his truth, and heading back into the starfield to hunt artifacts.
“So what are you?” she asked.
He blinked. Cora was always a brilliant mind and very observant but the question still surprised him. It was how she phrased it. Not ‘who are you’. No, it was ‘what are you’ like she’d already picked up on his inhuman nature. He wondered how she pieced it together. Was it the gap in his memory? Was it the way he hugged her? Did she pick up on his subtle movements as he intimidated Sarah downstairs? 
As if she’d read his mind she pocketed her slate and smiled at him, “your steps don’t make noise. Dad walked with purpose and got into several disagreements with Walter over his heavy feet scuffing the floors.  You don’t have his usual outfit with you, no way he would have changed in all that. For that matter you appear freshly bathed and he never did, even fresh out of the shower. You didn’t yell at Sarah like he usually does when they argue and in general you speak softer. Your voice isn’t quiet as rough, your beard is neatly kept, and no one said anything but you’re missing a small scar on your neck. You also hesitated when you hugged me and have avoided calling me any of the nicknames you usually use.”
He wasn’t sure how to answer her question. Some of her observations created questions of his own. He continued to stare back, his mouth opening several times to speak and then closing once more as he doubted his words.
“Are you an alien? Like a shapeshifter?” Cora asked, leaning in to study his face better.
“No, not a shapeshifter,” Sam shook his head, “jury is still out on the alien bit though. Wasn’t born one but…it’s complicated.”
“I’m capable of complicated,” Cora pulled her feet up and crossed her legs, “what are you?”
If you're curious to find out more you can click here! The whole oneshot is live on ao3 😅
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therealgchu · 2 months
Spooky Action at a Distance
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the first chapter is up! i made a new banner too, cos i like this one much better. spin up/spin down, the waveform collapses. Spooky Action at a Distance is the sequel to Seven Days. it starts 3 months after the end of the events of Seven Days.
that said, here's Chapter 1. each chapter will have both present, and flashback, stories. sorry, no sexy shenanigans the first chapter, but they're coming (hurr hurr), i promise!
if you wanna check out my other stuff, it lives over here on ao3.
sneak peek
“You planning on moving in here?” she motioned to the bags.
“My ship is almost out of fuel; I haven’t eaten in two days, and I’m out of water,” he answered.
She laughed, “Wow, you really do suck at planning and logistics!”
“Shut up,” he griped, picking up his bag and throwing it on a bunk. “Where’s the galley? I’m starved.”
“Who the fuck do think you are, gonna eat all my food, too?” she asked incredulously.
“C’mon, Min. I know you. You’ve got more than enough food and water to spare.”
“Yeah, cos I don’t suck at planning,” she said, but opened the fridge. She tossed a couple oranges at him, a few Chunks packages. “Get some vitamin C in you, first. And, go slow on the food. Don’t want you puking on my deck.”
Sam sat down at the galley table and started peeling the oranges. He watched as Min puttered around the galley, seemingly taking stock of her stores. He popped an orange section in his mouth, and leaned over to admire the view as she was rooting around in some boxes under the galley stove. While her personality left something to be desired, her ass certainly did not. He grinned lazily, and ate another section.
“Stop staring at my butt,” she lashed out at him from under the stove.
“Who said I am?” he asked, grinning.
“I can see you staring. Stop it.”
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glade-constellation · 13 days
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Can’t remember if I ever posted this. Have some Starborn Eclipse / Y/N comfort.
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slime-the-awesomeguy · 5 months
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didn't feel like finishing it so I just threw some cool effects on it and called it a day!!!
there's like 12 references in this one drawing and almost all.of them are in the tags
@what-its-rio @therealjackdsaf
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eridanidreams · 16 days
WIP Wednesday
tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour, @artemis-crimson, @genesisarclite and @constellation2330
from The Passage of Distant Stars
"You've got a cozy little nest here," Sam observed, as she pulled a charcuterie tray and a pair of Reserves from the fridge. "So why not stick around?"
She headed into the sitting area, handing him a bottle as she passed. "It's time. I've done what I came to do, and there's no real reason for me to stay." She put the plate down on the coffee table, sitting lightly in one of the chairs; Sam slouched onto the loveseat and stretched out his legs. "Constellation has the data they need, and those who were going have gone. The rest can chart their own course for this universe; I'd just be interfering."
"As if you weren't interfering already," he said drily.
Cait took a sip of her beer. "And you weren't? I wasn't the unidentified infiltrator that took down the Fleet in this 'verse. Was that you?"
He chuckled. "Guilty as charged." He turned his own bottle around in his hands for a moment. "Had some experiences a jump or two back; guess I've still got some pissed off to work out on 'em."
"I know that feeling," she said, entirely sincerely, though her own feelings about the Fleet had long since crystallized from personal rage something colder and more abstract. They were the same, every time—a bloody strand deeply knotted into the tapestry of the multiverse. They made the universe a worse place; for that, they needed to be stopped. "I have to confess to taking a great deal of satisfaction in taking Hope down. He's… greasy. Still haven't figured out how to keep him alive. Even if I disarm him, one of his own security manages to take him out."
Sam sighed. "Trust me, I've long since come to terms with that. I just keep hoping that one day I'll run into a version of him that's the person I used to think he was." He popped a piece of cheese into his mouth. "Damn, that's good. —So why the sudden reluctance to 'interfere'?"
Cait shrugged. "I'm not here to be a crutch. Sometimes there's already someone going after the First, or the Fleet, or the 'morphs—" while the details varied, those events had a great deal of 'weight' behind them, and they'd occurred in every universe she'd traveled through. "If I can stop the other Starborn from their meddling, I count that as a win."
"And no one has to die," he said, softly; grief welled up inside him, but she felt him choke it off reflexively. "So, you already know all about me," his lips twisted in a wry smile, "why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" He sipped at his drink, but his eyes were intent on her. "It's only fair, after all…"
"I suppose you have a point, at that," she agreed. "What would you like to know?"
"What brought you through the Unity?" he asked. "Doesn't seem like you lost someone…"
"No," she replied easily. "It was a near thing once or twice, I'll admit, but no. We chose it." Cait chose a piece of parmesan-wrapped prosciutto, swallowed, and continued. "We spent twenty good years together before we finally took the plunge. All three of us."
Sam made a considering noise. "We—Cora and I—didn't wait around." He snorted. "Doubt Lillian even noticed." He sighed, taking a longer pull at his bottle. "With Lila gone—there wasn't much keeping us there, you know?"
"I'm sorry," she murmured.
"Ah, don't be. Ancient history." She'd heard those words from Sams before, and they always hid a deep well of pain. "Cora—well, I don't think I have to tell you how special she was. Smart. Feisty." He looked up through the glassteel roof, out at the unwinking stars. "She's out taking the universes by storm, you know it." Cait nodded quietly—he wasn't wrong, but the happy, emotionally secure Cora he described wasn't the only version of their daughter out in the multiverse. "So why? Sounds like you had everything."
She tilted her head. "We're explorers," she said simply. "My Sam and I—we had that in common—that drive. That need to take that next step. We only stayed as long as we did for Cora—well," she gave a self-conscious little laugh, "and for me. I wanted time with them. We fell in love so fast—even though we spent a couple of years tracking down all the Temples—it wasn't enough." She looked down at her hands, then back up at her not-husband's understanding gaze. "My Coes were the best thing that ever happened to me. We poked our heads into Unity, right after Masada, but when I found out we'd have to go through alone… I couldn't do it. Not then." She grabbed her bottle and took a swig. "We always knew it was inevitable, but it took awhile for me to be ready."
He let out a soft chuckle. "So what are you looking for, if it's not someone you lost?"
"Answers," Cait replied without hesitation. "I'm about as hard-nosed a rationalist as an Enlightenment education could make." He chuckled again. "I refuse to believe that Unity is some deific, mystic force. I think it can be understood." The timer beeped. She stood, adding, "I think it wants to be understood."
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I'm playing though and in assumedly through the bulk of the Constellation questline and these motherfuckers just
I had to pick between Barrett my love, and leaving Cora without a father and
Then you find out that he starborn are your friends from an alternate universe and one of them had Barrett's face
What the fuck
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fomagranfalloon · 11 months
PSA for Sam Coe romancers: If you NG+ and elect to skip the main story line, you cannot complete the Commitment: Sam Coe mission because the Coe estate will be locked. If you start that mission, Sam will become undismissable.
(Bummer for me finding out the hard way. I wanted my character to get to be honest with Sam and the others in Constellation about who she was rather than having to pretend this was her first rodeo. Oh well.)
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