#Squip's Writing
mono-socke · 3 months
are you ready for some squip angst ??
imagine the squip turning human after the events of the play and getting assigned to stay with jeremy and go with him to school and everything. yeah? but the thing is, whoever made them human expects them to actually become social and make new friends and go out with others and stuff, but the squip literally knows no one but jeremy properly. and turns out, they're actually not social at all ! so they basically just follow jeremy around everywhere, only occasionally even talking to other people if they approach them first (which rarely anyone even does because,, why is that stranger here out of a sudden? and why are they following jeremy constantly? weird)
like, the squip is basically super dependent on jeremy, but he eventually gets sick of them. he endorces it for the first weeks or so, willing to play the role of a guide for them while they adapt to being a human, but eventually he is just getting annoyed by having someone follow/cling to him constantly. he just doesn't get why on earth the squip wouldn't leave him alone
jeremy also still doesn't fully trust them after the events of the play, and maybe he suspects them to plot another evil plan of some kind ? anyway, he ends up snapping, telling them to back the fuck off and leave him alone ('for someone who used to be obsessed with making me social, you sure are incompetent at it yourself. find yourself friends that AREN'T ME')
and like,, the squip just doesn't know what to do afterwards. jeremy was the only person they knew, they NEEDED him to exist properly (when they were a squip, they LITERALLY needed him to exist and have an objective and all that, and thus overtime they've grown really dependent on him, leading to the point it's an issue) but now jeremy won't even talk to them ?? they can barely funtion at all as a human, how are they supposed to do it without help ?!
(rambling over)
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anonyb0b · 3 months
outing(?) myself here by typing this but SQUIP!whumper thoughts! SQUIP!whumper who makes up excuses to shock their user!whumpee so that even the smallest possible thing is a punishable offense. SQUIP!whumper who isolates user!whumpee from everyone, even family, anyone that could help them ruin their progress. SQUIP!whumper who uses kindness or affection as a manipulation tool since user!whumpee certainly isn't getting that if they've been isolated. SQUIP!whumper who controls user!whumpee's body and forces them to do things, even harmful things, "for their own good". user!whumpee who's constantly on guard, monitoring their own behavior, overcorrecting their "bad behaviors" before they can get hurt. User!whumpee getting shocked despite trying their hardest not to get shocked.
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crystalline-sanders · 11 months
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"Lee felt bad. He would apologize later. He would make it up to him. But he couldn't do that unless this was a convincing performance."
uhhh based on a fic I'm working on with a lot of terrible awful electrical shock based horror in it!! yipee!!
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thingsaday · 3 months
In emergencies, the SQUIP software was authorized to override its host’s motor functions to get them out of danger. But what about a case where a host’s body was still alive but they were just… not there anymore?
How was the SQUIP to know that Jeremy wouldn't want to come back?
TLDR: Jeremy gets in a crash. The SQUIP tries to help. Things get worse before they get better.
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 5 months
More feral freshman Jeremy because he's So Important to me (pause to read shit if you care)
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Squip x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You boldly admit that you wanna be with your Squip, and 'he' struggles to face his own... 'feelings'.
Warnings: The Squip is RUDE.
"-I dont want any guy at my school, I want you!" The words fly out of your mouth before you can have any say in the matter, buy you don't back down; maintaining a serious look on your face directed at the SQUIP.
All day he's been pestering you about going on a date, or hooking up - it's college culture, after all. And people enjoy it! - and you had reached your boiling point. Every guy that he suggested was disgusting, you didn't like any of then. You knew you wouldn't. You've never been interested in guys your own age,.. or who are nice,.. or your own species-
If you could even call the SQUIP a species, anyway. He was a computer. A very, very smart one who seemed... at times... to have feelings. Mostly irritation and pride but feelings all the same. That gave you hope.
You recognise how dumb your having hope was but, well, you couldn't help it.
You also don't get how Squip didn't see it in you, he has access to everything - your every thought, - but he never let on that he had any idea of your feelings toward him. Maybe he was trying to ignore it? That would sure make sense.
"... excuse me?" The Squip's voice is deadpanned while his face looks unamused, and dubious, and about a million other things you never want to see the guy you like look at you with when you tell them, and it makes you roll your eyes.
"You heard me." You don't have to repeat yourself to him! The asshole.
"You're being irrational." He sighs eyes rolling upwards into his skull. Then he rolls his shoulders, shakes his head in disappointment, and regains his composure; twisting his cufflinks that are always perfectly anyway considering he's a computerised image. "Honestly, if your period wasn't coming up in two days then I'd say you were crazy."
Jaw dropping, you suddenly wish you could touch him without his authorisation (he needs to access your nervous system to make it feel as if you're touching)- so you can hit him. "Low blow- and you know it." He's a computer- other dudes may actually think that periods impare women's thinking but the Squip knows that's just something you say to hurt someone. And you're not going to demean yourself explaining your bodily functions to him.
"No, menstruation doesn't impare your thinking," He admits, nodding matter-o-factly as he agrees with your thoughts, but not-at-all looking sincere. "But it does make you hormonal. You're just horny- it'll pass. I recognise that you've been having these thoughts for most of our time working together now but its your hormones causing you to voice them; trust me. Maybe I should switch to a less pleasing appearance?"
"Wh- no- "
"Hm, you know how I could help you relieve that horniness?"
Oh no. You know exactly where this is going. And it's not 'I can quickly fuck you'. No- "Don't you dare."
"Helping you hook up with Zack, yes."
"Squip!" You exclaim, frustration laced in everything about you; your tone, your eyes, your mouth and jaw, your hands- "It's not happening." You sat sternly. "I don't care if you don't want me back, you great asshole chip, but I'm not going to hook up with a frat boy like - "
"Reed then?"
"- Or a self righteous nerd like Reed. I'm not. I got you so you could help me be more comfortable in my own body, not have sex with random guys. And you know that! I don't know why you're constantly trying to get me in a guy's bed! Its- I- It defies reason!"
The Squip's form flickers, a snatch of his voice attempting to say 'reason' slipping out fuzzy as he seems to glitch at those last words. It only lasts for a few a moment, but it surprises you. Your face softens, and you reach towards him, not to touch him because you know you can't but just... because you have to- and- he actually looks at it as he returns seamlessly to his put-together air and appearance.
Theirs a curious look on his face as he grimaces at your hand. His eyes seem to be holding something back, but he's thinking about it.
"... your care for me defies reason. I'm a computer."
"I know." You shrug, gentle. All the frustration from before gone from your shoulders and everywhere else.
"Not a man." He reiterates, and you shrug.
"Well- you're a man a little. A computer wouldn't get so worked up."
"I'm an extremely superior computer."
"You are." You agree softly. "Alexa's got nothing on you. But you're also a man a little. Feelings cant be programmed." You insist, not pushing him but just stating a fact. Wanting him to believe it.
"I believe it." He growls, an annoyance in his voice thicker then humanly possible as he actually admits it. "Trust me, I... Its been a thought on my mind for a while, now." You open your mouth to ask him what he means by that, but he waives you off (rudely) and goes on. "You're right in saying feelings can't be programmed. Reactions can, but,.. not feelings. And the feelings you've been inciting in me, have not been programmable. I even tried to program them out, but- mm." Eyes growing slightly wider at him, you watch his jaw set and pop; frustration absolutely clear. "The only thing I can think is that its your fault. And, maybe, if I made you a little less available- a little less open to me- whatever virus is in me would lose interest. But... you're so fucking stubborn." Theirs actual anger in his eyes when he looks at you then, almost rage. Wow.
Your lips make an 'oh' shape. "Thats why you tried to get me to hook up with- "
"All those idiots, yes. But you just had to act like an obstinate little bitch and refuse every suggestion I made."
"Yeah, well, we know why that is- and don't call me that."
"Bitch." He growls, causing you to sigh in frustration (asshole, asshole, asshole- ), before he rolls his shoulders back and straightens up properly again. "... but you're right. You are. I know exactly why, and now you know my feelings- This interaction's been unprofessional as hell. It's gone too far. If I'm going to continue to assist you, help that you absolutely require," Gee thanks. "then I'm going to have to do a complete system reboot."
"You- " ??? "This is the most dramatic responce in history to being in love."
"I'm NOT in lo- " He cuts himself off before the word can come out, even if he was a full-man he would hate the word. Theirs nothing cool about being in love. To him it would be pathetic. "Thats it. In 5 minutes when I return post-reboot, this will be over and you will stifle your feelings about me- got it? That's how it should be. Now... " His appearance begins to flicker again, more frequently this time until he flickers completely out of existence like a TV switching off.
... you're about to panic, when the Squip touches back down onto the ground in front of you. He looks exactly the same as before except better posture, and when he looks down at you there with your wide eyes and your concerned frown, he immediately scowls.
"Didn't work??" You light up. Quickly a mischievous smirk slips across your face, though, realising you're right when that pretty face scowls deeper. That means... oh, this computer must really have it bad for you. Ha. "I see... "
His eyes flash, actually flash - a blue light turning on inside them for a moment and making him looking almost demonic, - , and you suddenly appears directly in front of you, an unnaturally strong hand slamming you by the shoulder into the wall behind you. "You don't see... anything. This is a virus. I dont have feelings, for you."
Looking straight back at him in defiance, you nod. "It is a virus. I think everyone in the history of the world can agree on that."
He falters, so annoyed he almost can't decide what to say to you. "That doesn't even make sense, Y/N. Most people in the history of the world didn't even know what a virus was. It was first used 1898- " When you reach up and curl your fingers gently around the back of his neck he falters again, breathing in slowly and deeply- so sexy. "You're... what are you doing?"
... "Whatever you want me to." Its up to him. If he wants you to let him go, you will. If he wants you to keep going, you will. It's all up to him. You remember the first time you and the Squip kissed; he was just teaching you how (said it was completely okay because he was just in your head), but that was the start of your feelings. That was the start of this mess. You wonder if he was struggling before that and thats why he suggested it in the first place all those weeks ago.
When warm, firm lips slam into yours, forcing your lips to part and allow a forceful but exceptionally skilled tongue to take what it wants you're shocked and let out a squeak. The Squip's hand takes your throat now instead of your shoulder, squeezing shortly to tell you no, don't squeak. Not like you didn't ask for this, he thinks directly into your brain. Now what did I teach you then? If you remember so well? Don't sit there like a dumb statue. Kiss me back.
... when you do, tilting your head and giving a slow moan when your tongues touch, the Squip let's out a growl right into your mouth that feels so real, and drags you in tighter against him by the hips. You know it's just him activating your nervous system, and he's not really there, but you're miraculously okay with that. When something feels this good you don't question it.
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dragonairice · 10 months
Also with some art by the lovely @thegoldenduckie which will be posted later <3
Thanks again @bmc-bigbang for hosting!!! <3
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happistar · 6 months
Day 2: Mindscape
"Ughhh," Jeremy groans, face red with embarrassment. He ducks into his seat, slouching over. The Squip sends a quick pulse, jolting his back up right.
"That was painful to watch."
"You think?" Jeremy raises an eyebrow at the projection in front of him covering his view of his teacher. "I fully panicked. Said all the wrong things like I normally do! Then, I made myself look like a freak. Its just-- the worst habit and impossible to break!"
"Now, now, Jeremy, don't be so harsh on yourself." The Squip flashes a perfect smile. "Progress takes time. You won't get the hang of this immediately."
Jeremy turns his face away to stare out the window.
"Pouting there won't help you achieve your goals. Now, find an opportunity get into the bathroom," the Squip directs.
Jeremy scrunches his face in defiance. "Why?"
"I'll show you something."
Jeremy does just that and manages to slip out the classroom and dart into the nearest bathroom which luckily happens to be empty.
"So what did you want to show me?" Jeremy says, hunching over as he sits down in one of the stalls. "Seems like just a dirty high school bathroom to me."
"Yes, but it also serves as a quiet location. Now, close your eyes." The Squip speaks within Jeremy's head, almost indistinguishable from his own thoughts. Thanks to a lack of physical manifestation in the close stall, Jeremy almost feels like he's hallucinating it all. Getting the hang of having a squip still is a struggle.
"You're not hallucinating. Close your eyes."
Jeremy exhales and does so. Within seconds a huge dark blue expanse with a grid patterned floor surrounds him.
"Wh--" he chokes on his breath, forcing his eyes back open. The expanse disappears partially, merging with the real bathroom stall like a bugged out texture in a video game. A wave of nausea flashes over Jeremy and he shuts his eyes again. Both the expanse and the bathroom vanish. "What was that?"
"Working out a few bugs, hold on a moment. Whatever you do, don't open your eyes yet."
Jeremy frowns, keeping them closed. In a moment, the expanse reappears, opening up more gradually, giving Jeremy a better look at it.
"How can I see, well, whatever this is, with my eyes closed?"
"Simple hacking of your visual cortex. Think of it like dreaming. What you saw a moment ago was the start up of the program. There were couple of bugs when it booting up, since its an artificial process."
The Squip appears in a flurry of glitches, hands crossed behind its back. "Everything should now be in order. Feel free to open or close your eyes, the visual should be synced."
"Right..." Jeremy shakes his head taking a step forward. The floor beneath him lights up and a branching path of circuits spreads out from his footprint. "What is this place though?"
"Your mind."
"My mind?" Jeremy steps back in shock, almost tripping over himself. He glances around, brows pressed firmly together. "But how? And why is it so... blank?"
"I should be more clear. This is more or less a visual representation of how I interact with your mind. I've currently cleared the clutter of neural activity to let you adjust."
"That's so cool!" Jeremy grins. "So what is it you do here?"
"That's what I wanted to discuss actually." The Squip gestures out, a screen appearing before it. "You believe you cannot break a habit or change your behavior. I'm here to tell you that you're wrong."
It scrolls on its screen, adjusting a bar. A once clear sky becomes a distant night of tangles of red and blue lines. The Squip looks up, tilts its head in calculation and pulls its arm down, bringing a red line along with it. With another gesture, it separates it from the hoard, leaving the small link floating above them.
"Reach out."
Jeremy does as it instructs and watches as the link gently falls into his hands.
"How can I hold it? This is like weird really VR."
"I'm activating your sensory information in response to your activity here. Thus, when you feel a sensation in your hands, you will feel it in reality.
Jeremy nods along, more focused on holding the link in his hands like he's water bending.
"Its a finely tuned process. One misstep and you may break something."
Jeremy suddenly feels perspiration on his hands and swallows uncomfortably. He stops his motions and holds out his hands, forming a plate carrying the link.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine." The Squip gestures dismissively. "Now, that link there controls your habit of flailing your hands whenever you get anxious. If you simply remold it, it'll get rid of your muscle memory's history of the action entirely. Of course, relapses can occur-- that's why spinal stimulation is so important-- but smaller actions can be easily reprogrammed."
"That seems like a lot," Jeremy pauses, uncertain. "How do I do it?"
The Squip smiles, taking the link out of Jeremy's hands and untangling part of it, turning the red into blue. "Like this. Here, try."
Jeremy gives it a shot, untangling it into a crooked, yet blue line. "This good?"
The Squip nods. "Perfect. Now, why don't we return to class and give it a shot? See if the habit remains." It smiles one last time and snaps its finger. Suddenly, the expanse containing Jeremy's mindscape jarringly vanishes.
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nezumithewriter · 7 months
"Blue hyacinths; flowers that are supposed to grow on stems in bunches. According to multiple sources, they represent regret."
"The petals of said regretful plant littered the floor of the bedroom, as well as on his host's clothes, hair, and organs."
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(this is another teaser for a fic I'm writing for BMC's 20th anniversary)
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mostlyelliott · 3 months
I don't know if anyone else has had this idea, but hear me out. What if jeremy never told micheal about the squip? Like, there was no two player game. Would micheal still find out about the squip? I need to see a fanfic of this 😭😭
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adhdbisexualramblings · 3 months
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Opinion on this deaf SQUIP AU I am crafting??
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marukane · 5 months
its 1am take this and leave me be
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the-fruit-bucket · 6 months
Jeremy barely remembers the night of the play, just flashes of screaming and fighting and briefly thinking he wasn't going to survive it. But he did—the potential hivemind apocalypse was averted, and now everything and everyone could return to normal. That was meant to be the end, right?
Instead, it was a brand new start.
5 times Jeremy gets to start again with someone else and 1 time he gets to start again with himself.
Updates Daily!
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 years
Chloe doesn't need to be the fandom punching bag
And before anyone tries to say I'm defending her actions in Do You Wanna Hang:
1. No I'm fucking not
2. Like all the characters in the show, she's much more nuanced than the 2017 one-dimensional fanonization a lot of older fans still have lingering on their tongues
Since it's the elephant in the room, let's discuss DYWH a little more in depth. (By all means if the subject matter is triggering to you, skim or skip as much as you need to.)
Are Chloe's actions completely out of line? Yes, I'm not denying that. Chloe does in fact kiss Jeremy unprompted, even after he expresses that he "has to go."
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But might I remind you that the squip is Literally Preventing Jeremy From Moving And Forcing Him To Stay Just A Few Lines Before This.
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Should Chloe have kissed Jeremy when he expressed that he wants to leave? No, and we don't know how stubborn she would've been even if she was sober. (Not that the alcohol is an excuse, obviously.)
On the topic of alcohol:
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Despite what many animatics would have you believe, the squip is the one that makes Jeremy drink, THEN makes him kiss Chloe. Chloe didn't do that. All she did was hand him the bottle.
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The squip made him drink it. The squip is keeping him here. The squip holds all the cards.
"But Chloe continues to harass him!" I hear you say. Well, let's look at the next few lines, shall we?
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Hear me out on this: Before Jake shows up, Chloe's ready to give up. Katlyn's delivery (in two river, I cant speak for off-bway and on) is dejected and tired. Jeremy's giving really mixed signals, she never even liked him in the first place (see "you're less cute when you're talking" from before the Japanese section), she only ever wanted to make Jake (and probably Brooke) jealous, plus she's REALLY drunk and probably starting to feel sick from it. She's "had enough."
Jake finally shows up though, and NOW "the fun begins." Cue the fake sex noises and emphasizing that they're on Jake's parents' bed.
Plus, isn't it weird that only AFTER Jake can see her that she goes on top of Jeremy? She's not touching him while she's being loud and obnoxious, not as it's written in the script. (Granted it doesn't say when Jeremy's shirt came off, but only now does she try to make things LOOK incriminating now that Jake's here.)
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She never wanted to sleep with Jeremy. She just wanted Jake to think she did.
Should she have ever put Jeremy in that situation in the first place? FUCKING DURR NO SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE. But can we please just fucking remember who the real villain of the show is? Ya know, the one force that actually made it so that Jeremy COUDLNT LEAVE.
The SECOND the squip is down for the count (after it spouts of "WARNING WARNING" and isn't heard from again until after Christine leaves), Jeremy guns it! And Chloe doesn't stop him! Jake is pissed off, mission accomplished! She doesn't need Jeremy anymore!
Chloe's an insecure teenage girl that's afraid of being insignificant so she makes stupid fucking choices. DYWH in particular is a REALLY stupid choice.
I'm not asking you to forgive her. I'm not asking you to listen to DYWH on repeat. I'm not even asking you to like Chloe. Maybe just don't declare her the worst character in the show and make others others feel like shit for playing with her character and making her more than Hot Girl #1.
Chloe is among the least developed characters, even after script changes, so maybe you can't pick out a lot of redeeming qualities. Maybe there are none in canon. That's never stopped fandom from making things up and projecting onto their blorbos.
She's catty, she's mean, she's pretty much written to be unlikable. But she's a terrible actress, she snaps a hanger in half at the mere mention of Madeline's name, she gives Jeremy the Absolute Most Backhanded Advice during VIMH and it's Hilarious in both versions of the script. ("She probably thinks that acne is hot," she a little confused but she got the spirit. "Don't dump her on Halloween," YOU CAUSED THAT DRAMA YOURSELF. Call it gaslighting but it's Literally played as a joke, much the same as her mini rant in the second verse of Smartphone Hour. And while we're talking about it,, the truth literally comes out during The Play when Brooke and Chloe find out that neither of them slept with Jeremy. How much that gets elaborated on off-screen is up for fanfic/headcanon to decide.)
As much as people can see all sides of the squipcident (ie how Jeremy and Michael both went through hell in their own ways) it seems like EVERYONE demonizes Chloe for one (1) scene that had way more squip interferance than it seems like ANYONE will admit.
I can compartmentalize: Chloe fucked up AND she has really funny moments. Chloe fucked up AND she has a lot of societal pressures as a conventionally attractive teenage girl. Chloe fucked up AND it barely holds a candle to the part the squip played in Jeremy's life ON HALLOWEEN ALONE.
She kissed him once unprompted, got on top of him for 3 seconds, and certainly made him uncomfortable. But the fucking squip assaulted him more than Chloe EVER did by MAKING him drink, MAKING him kiss her when he didn't want it the first time, PREVENTING him from moving, and KNOWING that Chloe was going to try and make a move on him IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE and ACTIVELY KEEPING HIM THERE when it surely would've known that there was SOME PROBABLE OUTCOME where he wouldn't be ok with it, if there was EVER an outcome where he would be ok with it.
Why the fuck are squip redemption fics a thing? (That's a whole other rant on its fucking own, but I have work tomorrow so)
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jarofmayonassey · 9 months
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while writing the last chapters of the mystery of ophio high, I made up an actor au to keep my brain in working order. i figured that ophio would be played by a middle aged transfem gal who had an insane range and stage presence. bryn butch you are everything
read the mystery of ophio high here
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happistar · 3 months
what's ur favorite bmc fanfic ever
OOOH okay this is a good question.
Ngl I don't think I could give you a solid "here is the one (1) best fic ever" so here's a whole bunch that I've rated 5 stars in my fic document!
Stammer - Excellent 100k fic, if you're looking for something long. Basically it explores Jeremy and Michael's relationship from when they were kids til a bit after the events of the musical. Really good character piece <3
Jeremy drops out of college during December of his freshman year - REALLY REALLY GOOD fic-- one of my favorites from Beth Harker. Basically Jeremy undergoes a lot of panic attacks and self hatred (some brought on by what remains of the Squip) as he and Michael go to college together. About 10k words.
in the back of my brain, the voices all sound the same - Pretty short ~1k fic that explores the idea of the Squip changing shape into things like Jeremy himself. Forever thinking about the implications.
Play it in Reverse - Really cool podfic that brings in the musical aspect of bmc and acknowledges it! With the Squip's help, Jeremy tries to fix the events of the musical by changing the lyrics. About an hour to fully listen to.
flesh & bone - AU where Jeremy is an android and the Squip Squad find him and repair him. LOVE the dynamic of everyone in this fic, but it's unfortunately unfinished. About 40k words and still worth a read despite this.
Loaded, Recoded, Unsorted - Ngl I think this was the first ever bmc fic I read?? Anyways, it still lasts in my brain despite being unfinished with about 15k words in total. Basically, Michael slowly becomes a squip with all the fun psychological horror that comes with that. Honestly if you like this I'd recommend checking out more of Nez's work. Excellent squip horror writer.
The Mechanics of Compromise - Ngl pretty much everyone I've come across has read this fic and it shouldn't be a surprise that its on this list. Absolutely adore how they handle everyone's dynamics and manage to create a really fun plot as everyone recovers from the events of the musical. Another really good 100k+ fic.
Only One Is Mine - Holy shit this fic is almost coming up on 100k words. Anyways this fic is so so so good. Basically it deals with the rising squipocalypse after the musical as Jeremy accidentally fuses with his squip and has to learn what it means to be half human, half supercomputer. LOVE this concept so much and love how its handled. Honestly one of my all time favorite fics in general-- really cool stuff!! Shoutout to Jordan fr <3
Honorable mentions:
Ophiocordyceps nippon - TRAGICALLY short fic that meant i actually rated it only 4 stars but I thought I'd share because I am still thinking about it. Basically what if the Squip was a fungus.
Same As It's Always Been - I've only read 2 chapters, since it was coming out at the time I was reading it, but its finished now!! I really enjoyed what it was when it was coming out, so I'm sure it's still a good read. Basically Rich is forced to repeat Halloween Night-- time loop style.
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