#Sprint MG
jjprint · 2 years
Spangenberg pens Mult-year deal to remain with the Birmingham Legion
Trevor Spangenberg signs multiple-year deal to remain with USL Championship Side, Birmingham Legion. #SprintMG #SoccerFirst #USSoccer #USLChampionship #USL #SoccerAgent #SoccerAgency
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armed-saphire · 1 year
idk why but i just thought mgsv ocelot was unable to run or be really that physically active so when he ran i was so shocked
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eebie · 1 year
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it dont stop coming
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alethiometry · 2 years
what even was the point of making me write all the detailed documentation of processes for my old team if they're not even going to fucking read through it before pulling me into 2-hour calls so i can just explain every fucking thing i already documented in plain fucking english in a shared folder that everyone fucking has access to
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occamstfs · 7 days
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Allen, a smug engineering student, finds himself seeking shelter from the storm in a museum for Latin American art. By the time it clears up it's safe to say he'll have a more than healthy appreciation for the arts.
Might've gotten away from me a tad but I think it turned out quite well! Latino Race and Cultural change, MG and language change ahead. Also a couple more people have hopped onto my Challenge since I last mentioned it! Otherwise, espero que disfrutes! -Occam
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Allen was on a side of the campus he’s never quite made it a point to explore. In undergrad and in his Masters of Engineering program so far there has simply never been a need for him to venture too far from the engineering building or the architecture library. That is until his partner on a superfluous project requested he venture into the no man’s land that holds the campus’ main library, one that runs absolutely rampant with students he sees as far beneath him.
Even worse than simply venturing beyond his comfort zone, as soon as the pair have wrapped up their progress for the day, heading off on their less than merry ways, it begins to rain. As the first raindrops begin to fall, Allen scoffs at himself for being anything less than optimally prepared. Before he’s able to reflect too deeply, the snobbish student clenches his tech-filled book bag to his chest and sprints into the nearest building, apathetic to whatever space he noisily barges into.
Before his eyes can adjust to the dim light of the new space he finds himself in, Allen hears a crack of thunder as the heavens open up behind him. Sighing in relief at successfully staying dry, Allen keeps his guard up, eying the lobby of whatever building this is that he’s never deigned to step into before now. He grimaces as he finds himself in an art museum. He does not like art museums. It’s not so much that Allen sees himself as above fine art, it’s- well no it is that. Immediately, he begins scanning the lobby for a power outlet so he may continue working while he waits out the downpour.
Head shoved under a lobby bench Allen ignores a caution sign as he forces his charger in, causing an inevitable shock that forces out a less than respectful expletive in this place of introspection. He eyes the empty room around him, slightly grinning at just how barren the lobby is. Clearly he’s not the only one apathetic to this nonsense. Shaking his hand to reawaken its nerves, he hears the clicking of footsteps against the gallery floor as a small woman walks around the corner carrying a stack of books that block her view. Allen eyes a handful of escape routes to hide from the older woman before lightning strikes once more and she trips over in shock, dropping her small stack of books, “¡Dios Mio!”
Judgemental asshole Allen may be but heartless he is not. Setting down his bag with a sigh and a roll of the eyes, the student walks over to help the older woman gather herself. Barely avoiding reflexively chiding his elder as he offers her a hand, he helps her up. The attendant pushes a large pair of glasses up her nose and squints at him with a kind smile, “Ah! Gracias, gracias mijo.” She pulls herself up on Allen’s hand and he cringes back as some kind of aftershock of static goes up his arm. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to affect her. Dusting herself off, she does a double take at Allen and adjusts her glasses, “¿Qué te trae aqui hoy, mijo? (What brings you in today dear?)
Allen hesitates, blowing air as he tries to understand why this woman thinks he knows spanish. Scratching the back of his head he finally looks to see the text blazoned across the front desk, El Gustavo Ramirez Museo De Arte Latinoamericano. Putting two and two together as he is ever so proud of doing, Allen immediately apologizes for intruding. “So sorry uh, Ma’am. I didn’t mean to wander into your, uh, space.” gesturing to the woman and the building around him in a manner to distinguish it not so much as beneath him but as an other. Something that is simply a bridge too far for him to gap. “This place isn’t for me so I think I’ll go ahead and step out.” Thunder peels before he can start to gather his things, immediately reminding him why he is in here at all. 
The older woman also relents, switching to English since, despite some instinct saying otherwise, the man before her clearly speaks only english. “Ah don’t you worry yourself mijo. The museum is for all, para todos. Free with your student ID,” she tacks on with a wink. Allen smiles uncomfortably, baring teeth enough that it could be mistaken as a grimace. 
He can’t just tell this old lady that he hasn’t a thought to spare, in his mind: waste, on the collections behind her. Still he doesn’t want to make conversation indefinitely waiting for the storm to clear either. Fearful of the outlet he’s used thus far he convinces himself there must be one hiding somewhere in the exhibition hall. He’ll just pacify her with entry and go find some place in between ostentatious paintings and droll statues to insert himself and get some actual work done.
Producing his ID wordlessly, he hands it to the elderly woman and she quickly shuffles behind her desk to type his name into some registry. Handing it back with a smile she leaves her hand hanging for a shake, “Wonderful to meet you Allan! Soy Lupe Carvajal. But you can call me abuelita, mijo!” Pocketing his ID with a dismissive laugh he notices not that his name is apparently misspelled on his ID card, instead he packs his charger up and shakes Lupe’s hand. “Hah. Uhm, whatever you say Mrs. Carvajal.” Her hand is wrinkled and frail but surprisingly warm, as if his hand were receiving the full body experience of a hug in but a single shake. 
“You know Allan, I must have thought you know spanish because you look quite like my nieto, my grandson.” Allan puffs his cheeks to bite his tongue, holding a picture in his mind of what this granny’s descendants must look like and knowing there’s simply no permutation that lands at himself. She continues, “Es un joven fuerte! Haha!” She does a little bicep pose which allows Allan to understand exactly what she means without her translating. He shyly smiles looking down at his own thin arms and wondering why this lady seems to be mocking him. After doing her bit, Lupe moves to sit at the desk and pulls a book off her stack, “You just let me know if you need anything mijo, si?” Allan nods and reflexively responds, “Si ab- Mrs. Carvajal.”
Odd taste in his mouth at almost calling this random woman grandmas she asked, he shakes it off and wanders into the exhibit hall, decidedly less worried about using her museum’s resources to his own ends. It has probably been over a decade since anyone was able to drag him into an art museum. Even then was he vehemently against wasting his time visiting. He just didn’t get art, and not for not trying. It’s just, aggravating that some people can get so much from some splotches of paint and he just sees a picture on some paper. Feeling himself get riled up he turns to the exhibit hoping for some distraction, which he finds in an elaborate statue of some dog. himself. 
Allan stands beside a huichol coyote covered in beads about two feet high. Spotlighted in the dim gallery he circles it like a predator, inspecting the bright beaded beast from every angle. See this he gets. This took time, this took care. Leaning in close the warmth of the overhead light pleasantly burns the top of his head. Absorbed by the shimmering light off the beads, Allan is unaware as his hair suddenly begins to lengthen. The buzz he has always kept short for sheer manageability begins to curl over his ears, growing warm even quicker as it tints darker. Not quite black but certainly not the blonde shade he was always happy to keep despite his spending as few hours outside as possible.
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Before curls can begin to crest over his forehead, his face is not spared the glare of the spotlight. Immediately as his olive eyes glaze over, absorbed into the intricate stitched patterns they begin to stain darker. The jade he has always seen in his own reflection shades darker ever so slightly. Not brown. No he doesn’t have brown eyes, they’re just hazel? His eyebrows match the suddenly darkened hair on his head as he stands staring at the beast. Not expanding to cover more of his face but growing thicker, denser. Almost as if to shade his eyes from the light. His lips thicken as a grin begins to tinge his face. Reaching up Allan feels stubble begin to prickle his chin and upper lip, as if he spent time shaving this morning. 
Allan moans contentedly as he gives in and reaches fully into the spotlight to touch the coyote. Rules and codes of propriety fall to the wayside as he reaches beyond the realm of rationality to touch the statue of the trickster. His hands burn as they tint ever so slightly darker under the glare of the spotlight. As soon as his middle finger feels the warmth of the first bead he recoils in shock. “Q- What?!” He falls onto his ass, no time to inspect his decidedly browner hands as the commotion made immediately summons Abuelita Lupe. The elderly attendant meanders as quickly as she can into the showroom, “¿Qué pasó Alan?” Alan flexes his hand in shock. Whatever just happened it can’t be his fault.  Surely he didn’t just unprompted mess with some artifact on display. “I, um? No sé?” He pauses, unsure of what he just said, nonsense he thinks. “I mean um, I’m not sure?”
Lupe goes to help him up with what little strength she can muster only for him to wave her off, sure that she would only get in the way. He finds standing takes more effort than usual as he does so with a grunt. Nervously patting him on the back, Lupe asks him if he’s alright after the spill, buzzing around him with concerned pleasantries. Alan doesn't quite hear her as he instead inspects his own body. His clothes are tighter. He stretches and pulls at them, presuming them to just be falling weird on him after the fall. But close inspection shows otherwise. Looking at his cardigan it is clearly strained by his chest and stomach. Blushing at the idea he’s put on weight, Alan crosses his arms and notices how snugly his arms fill the sleeves, how his wrists hang out further than they should, not only that but they are unmistakably darker. Not brown, but without a doubt a few shades darker than his usual porcelain tone.
Recovering from being lost in his thoughts he looks to find Lupe staring, “Oh! Lo, uh sorry. Did you uh, ask me something Senora Carvajal?” Looking down at a sharper angle than he did earlier, he sees the abuela looking at his head with a tilt. “Did you do something different with your hair mijo?” eyes narrowing with concern and suspicion he thrusts his hair into his new curls. He immediately gasps in shock before reconsidering. This is how he’s always looked right? 
Thank god his hair is naturally curly so he can just leave them as they fall without much ado. He smiles and shakes his head at Lupe and she nods happily in return. Reaching up she puts her small hand on his bicep and squeezes it, Alan can barely hear her as he is struck with just how powerful his arm seems next to her small hand as she continues, “Well I like it mijo.” With that she aways and leaves Alan be. Having the floor to himself his expression grims as he pulls out his phone to look for a picture of himself. Something is off. His mind tells him everything is normal. When he looks at his hands he sees them as they have always been right? Why would he have a buzz cut when his hair is so naturally nice? Something in his gut screams out that something unnatural is going on. His camera roll should hold proof. Going through his phone he barely holds back a gasp that would surely summon the docent back as he is immediately greeted by a folder of his own nudes.
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“Que chingado…” He whispers under his breath as his face burns redder than the scarlet beads on the coyote. He didn’t take these did he? Zooming in he is once more floored to see tattoos on his body. Looking down at his arm he sharply inhales as there's a sting and suddenly his wrist matches the image on his phone. Or no. He’s had that tattoo for years?
 Aghast at himself he still feels he wouldn’t have taken these photos of himself. Vain in many ways, his appearance is not one of them. He wonders if he’s been set up or hacked or something before he reminds himself no one would be able to do so without his knowledge. He’s a pro after all. Mind going to his technical skills, his chest puffs with pride as it grows to match the one he finds in the nudes soft-core and otherwise on his phone. Alan quickly shoves it in his pocket, finding it a much tighter fit than when he retrieved it. 
Looking around nervously, he walks close to the coyote once more. Narrowing his eyes he feels new memories come to mind from his childhood. Memories of hearing story after story of the trickster, he tilts his head as the slightest whiff of something amiss hides behind them. Staring into the eyes of the beast with suspicion the image of reading Greek mythologies by himself fades away to be replaced by his mother telling him stories from her own childhood. The coyote playing tricks and la Llorona terrorizing their little town just to make sure he stays in line. Alan smiles as he shakes out of the reverie, my mom wasn't morena was she? Headache rising as seconds pass standing near the beast he wanders away, muttering to himself without awareness, “didn’t want him in the main hall anyway.”
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His hair continues to thicken and curl darker as he moves deeper into the exhibition space. Scratching at his stubble lost in thought he finds it defining itself into a goatee with a matching mustache. His phone still unlocked in his pocket shifts displays his form as he continues to change unawares. He feels himself begin to sweat intensely as his cardigan grows even tighter. His body decides to ramp up his masculinity as he starts to outright swell with muscle. His whole body twitches larger as he briefly recalls Lupe playfully flexing, “un joven fuerte!” He clicks his tongue and grins as he sees his biceps strain his sweater, almost enough to see his button up through the threads. He fights back a smirk feeling his shirt underneath hug the sides of his chest as his soldiers expand. Feeling his thicker pits start to sweat through said shirt and into the jacket he resolves to remove the cardigan.
His struggled grunts echo through the museum space as he struggles to get the cardigan off over his chest. The sound of fabric tearing rips through the room as stitches finally give way down the whole front of the garment, his pecs bursting larger into the open air. The top few buttons of his dress shirt also explode open as he is finally freed from the constricting sweater, “ayy dios- fuck…” He whispers to himself as he appreciates the ice cold air of the museum on his sweaty skin. The white dress shirt may as well be sheer with his sweat soaking it, allowing any gawkers to easily see tattoos running down his arm and the nipples almost poking through the shirt.
Only briefly does he wonder why he’s not self conscious about being exposed in the gallery before he notices a side-exhibition hall. “Ah si, uh. The temporary exhibit,” he whispers dreamily. Keeping quiet as any respectful museum-goer does. Though he doesn’t quite have the bodily awareness to mute his increasingly loud footsteps, each one growing louder as his upper body expands. He looks up to read the title of the exhibit as the sound of his shoulders widen enough to tear the back of his button up. Marichismo: Taking Back Latino Masculinity. He smirks as he finds the idea compelling, he’s uh, not hispanic of course. Nor has he ever been intrigued by ‘art’ in the slightest, he thinks. But something draws him deeper. Something pulls him further. Something in him begs for more.
His pants creak as he crosses the threshold into the new space, his ass expanding beyond the pale. Similarly does his crotch demand both more room and his attention as Arlad is immediately face to face with a deliberately provocative statue. The blush burning his face is just as soon hidden as his tan grows darker as he���s overwhelmed by everything in front of him. It’s as if Tom of Finland were Chicano. Bulges beyond belief force their way out at every angle. Rigid thick mustaches hang stoic on every face as Arlad feels his own stubble grow darker, thicker, itchier.
The student is torn between instincts, just as he feels increasingly torn between two worlds. His body continues ballooning and his shirt bursts clean off, buttons scatter to the floor and sharp tears launch down his arms. He can’t help but hungrily scan the floorspace as the bright lights bore into him, exposing him as if he were a piece of art on display. He looks down just in time to see his cock burst large enough to blow his zipper out which only addles his mind further, “Tal vez, just a minute…” He wanders into the exhibit hall proper as his eyes finally make the jump into a rich chocolate brown. He trips over his feet, gasping as he feels them stuffed uncomfortably tight in his oxfords before kicking off the shoes altogether. Just as soon do his pants rip off and he is left almost entirely nude in this exhibit hall.
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His mouth hangs open as his cock acts almost like a dowsing rod in between pieces. The language in which Arcad thinks rapidly begins to change altogether, already a bilingual medley, with each starved look at photographed vaqueros or bulge forward paintings does English drift farther away. Maintaining fluency in both of course, the man would never let that tongue take predominance over that of his madre y su madre before her. His pecs pump even larger with pride as thick curls begin itching up from his crotch. He scratches at his stomach as he smirks at his body finally getting on brand. This whole show is about displaying masculinity and he needs to be the apex. He needs…
Arcad twitches as these definitive thoughts cut through the fog in which he has been going about. Why does he care so much about this place? He doesn’t like art. Certainly not this uh smut. He twitches as he argues that being provocative is the point, sexualization of the male form is the point. Why could he know that? How does he know anything about this exhibit? Looking around at the photographs he sees men who are almost a parody of masculinity. Fighting back the overwhelming pervasive horniness issuing forth from balls bulging larger he takes a deep breath and ignores the temple to the male form around him. 
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It’s impossible for him to notice as his thoughts crest fully into español. After all it simply is the language in which he has always thought, no matter what his teachers demand of him. Back to the matter at hand he is struck with the urge to create. Mierda- this exhibition really inspired him, he should really write an essay about this. Or, no. He moans and clutches at his temples as the shining lights out of sight gleam even brighter, sparkling off his sweaty muscled form as he’s racked with the pain of opposing realities. No, that isn’t right. He doesn’t do essays anymore. That’s not how he creates. 
Memories of long hours at the lab and in dark rooms sitting at a keyboard dissipate. Haughty superiority over fields and forms he deems insignificant thankfully blast away as images of the photographs and artworks around him come to mind with an ease that makes him uneasy. Creeping in from the edges of his lived memory are other exhibits, many that he has visited, some that he has put on of his own accord. 
Tattoos continue to drip down his arm as his treasure trail rushes onto his chest, blooming out to cover his pecs. The space in between his mustache and goatee is quickly filled, as are the entirety of his cheeks as his eyes shut even tighter. Independent muscle groups twitch as his body struggles to forge him even larger, to be more. The lengthy curls on his head fall away as his head returns to a buzz cut, this time black as the night. This time impossibly deliberate. 
Arcadio buzzed it himself, he loved his curls. But he knew for this exhibition he had to sacrifice. Anything for his art. The phrase burns across his mind, Marichismo. It, it was his exhibition. Arcadio opens his eyes to find himself standing across from an oppressive statue staring down at him in disdain. His blood boils as his fight or flight activates. Though staying strong he just clenches his fist as his body bulges larger one last time. “Papa.” He made that statue, he isn’t about to be shoved around by his own art. The feeling of confidence filling him at standing up against the domineering statue is more than he could have held within him as Allan. Reverbs of confidence go through his psyche as he finally gets it. Turning around the confidence that fills him rapidly dissipates as he sees a man posing like a dog.
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He exercised complete creative control of the exhibition, but did he take this? Memories of being behind the lens of the camera dance through his mind for most of the images, this one seems obscured. He ignores the cold sudden sting of a nose ring as he leans in close to inspect it, smirking all the while. Who’d he get to model this? Looking at the jockstrap he nods approvingly, mierda it is certainly hot though. His underwear stretches to its absolute limit as he forces his large hand down to paw his cock at the image. Looking down at his hairy forearm he gasps as he sees the tattoo on his forearm perfectly matches that of the model. 
At that moment his underwear burst free from his body and he suddenly realizes that being nude in this space is far worse a breach of etiquette than touching that coyote. Arcadio sprints to his bag and digs around for anything he could possibly use to hide his still bulging cock at half mast. “¡Gracias a dios!” he whispers under his breath as he wraps a towel around his waist, perfectly mimicking a photograph behind him. He smirks at the man thinking how proud Jose will be when he gets to see himself on a gallery wall. Arcadio grunts and clenches his head as memories of the man ahead of him fill his mind. Lightheaded he leans against the wall grimacing as he leads a sweaty handprint on the pristine white wall.
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Turning around seeing the exhibit hall as a whole he almost falls over with a rush of memories. Advanced math and the life he once lived as Allan are dust in the wind as his childhood growing up the son of first generation immigrants in San Antonio rises to take their place. Living alone with his mother before his abuela moved up from Mexico to help raise him as if he were her son. Understanding himself and the world around him as he discovered who he was and what he had to do. Finally achieving success, winning grants, booking galleries as an artist. Not too bad for a maricon eh? He winks at the statue of his father, smirking as he feels his power as a man and artist grow.
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Looking down at some engineering homework scattered from his bag the last pangs of a headache buzzes through him before he shakes his head and the work is gone. The last shreds of a life he once lived dissipate. Walking out into the lobby he sees his abuelita. She smiles at the massive man before adjusting her glasses and shouting out, “¡Ay! ¿Qué estás haciendo? ¡Ponte algo de ropa! (What are you doing! Put some clothes on!)” Arcadio laughs and waves her off, knowing the museum is closed while he preps his exhibition for opening tomorrow. 
His new voice is rich on his tongue as he speaks up, “Espero que les guste. La universidad no sabe lo que pagaron ¡ja! (Hope they like it. The uni doesn’t know what they paid for ha!)” His abuelita clicks her tongue, she loves her grandson more than the world but boy if he hasn’t made her old beyond her years. She digs through the lost and found next to her for something that might fit her larger than life grandson and throws it at him. The man laughs and his abuelita can’t help but join in the reverie. She wouldn’t dream of going through his exhibit- que obsceno, que cachondo! But he could do no real wrong in her eyes. So far he’s blown her expectations out of the water with his success and she can’t wait to see what Arcadio gets up to next.
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httpsobi · 3 months
YOU...YOU CAN DO THAT? “a green lantern x team"
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WARNINGS/TAGS + sfw, they/them (gender neutral) reader addressed as green lantern (the creative streak continues), no beta we die like jason todd, canon-typical violence (not heavily detailed).
A/N + for @noom147 , thank you for your request! i lost the ask (AGAIN) because i can't post from where i am rn and tried to be smart about it (AGAINN) so yeah. i hope you enjoy it despite the fact that it was written at the ass crack of dawn and i was DEFINITELY not falling asleep ❤️. anyways enough yapping, ENJOYYYYY.
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ROB & KF What's worse than one idiot walking into the headquarters of a cult that's known for offering human sacrifices to their weird leader?
Two idiots walking into the headquarters of a cult that's known for offering human sacrifices to their weird leader.
And for turning his/her/their back on the two idiots for just 10 seconds- Green Lantern might just be the biggest idiot of all.
He/she/they are sprinting down the dingy halls of the old temple, deaf to all other sounds other than the weird speech some old guy is giving (and their raging heartbeat).
The speech started off as nothing more than a faint murmur, like your next-door neighbour’s TV that you can just make out; but as he/she/they dash towards the room at the end of the hall (shoving their way through whatever random members straggle along the halls) it's getting louder and louder.
Behind the closed door, an undercover Robin and Kid Flash are trapped inside a glass box (that looks nothing short of a Jigsaw trap), staring at the old man who’s back is turned to them.
"But do not fret." The man sighs wistfully, turning on his heels to approach the glass box currently holding Robin and Kid Flash. He takes a second to take them in, before he’s turning to the console on his right and pressing a button.
With a soft click, water starts rushing up from the cracks of the floor under their feet.
"Your sacrifice will not be in vain."
Yet before Robin and Kid Flash can even start to panic, the doors are swinging open, and a (extremely dishevelled) undercover Green Lantern is marching towards the cultists with a glowing bat in their hands.
The cultist turns around, nearly jumping out of his skin at the teenager with the glowing bat being swung over his/her/their shoulder.
"How did you-!"
The pair blink at the heaving Green Lantern.
He/she/they are too busy staring down at the unconscious man to make sure he stays down, all while catching his/her/their breath. The energy used to construct the bat slowly starts to disintegrate in his/her/their hands.
KF whistles, and that seems to get him/her/them out of his/her/their trance and moving up to the console to press a couple buttons.
A couple clicks later, and the water starts draining itself, and the ceiling of the box lifts open, and that's all it takes for Green Lantern to hunch over the console to continue catching his/her/their breath.
"Now we know if we ever need a batter-" Robin starts.
"Shut the fuck up." He/she/they wheeze, glaring at the two boys who've finally made their way out the box.
"I... have never... in my life... ever ran that fast... all... because of you... idiots."
Kid Flash blinks at them. "...At least you have a great swing."
"Shut it."
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AQ, MG & SUP "M'gann!"
Green Lantern can hear Superboy's voice echo across the warehouse, and the worry in his call is enough to send him/her/them flying towards them, noting the heat radiating from their side of the warehouse as he/she/they approach.
"Is she okay?" Green Lantern yells, dropping down from the air to meet them.
Miss Martian's out cold in Superboy's arms, sweat lining her brow and she's frowning even in her unconscious state. Aqualad's not doing much better either, sat against the wall and his breathing's laboured as he looks up at him/her/them with an unfocused look.
"Miss Martian and I are at our limits- the heat is far too much for us." He mutters as Green Lantern's pulling him to his feet.
"I can't blame you- why is it so hot here anyway?"
There's a sudden sound of metal, and the two standing members are whipping around to stare at a dishevelled, angry mobster who's staring them down with a wide grin.
In his hands, is possible the largest flamethrower he/she/they have ever seen.
"That'll do it."
He's got them cornered, and with one member down and their leader following suit, there's not much they can do.
"I got this." Superboy growls, about to set Miss Martian down before Green Lantern's taking a step away from the group and towards the mobster.
"Screw that- get behind me!"
Green Lantern is bracing him/her/themselves, his/her/their right fist extended and his/her/their left hand at their wrist to support his/her/their arm up as the crazed gangster cocks the oversized flamethrower onto his hip.
He/she/they can see the coil in the barrel of the flamethrower burn a bright orange just before-
There's a horrible smell of burnt metal and the sudden silence in the warehouse, and by the large cloud of blackened smoke, the man drops his weapon with a satisfied hum.
But just as he's about to turn around, the smoke clears, and his smile drops.
A green bubble surrounds the four teens, and he can just make out Green Lantern's smirk past the blinding glow of his/her/their ring.
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"Crap." Artemis mumbles to herself, looking over her shoulder to her suddenly empty quiver.
Damn-it, she could've sworn she still had at least 5 more left-
She yelps as a large crystal shard lands a hair past her ear, and she's frantically ducking down and crawling towards a nearby truck.
Reaching a hand to her in-ear, she's finds herself with no choice but to call for help.
"I need-!"
Artemis finds herself blinking at Green Lantern, who's staring back at her from where he/she/they are floating in the air.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.
"Was passing through the area when I heard reports of Icicle Jr attacking. Figured I'd check it out." Green Lantern shrugs. "Need help?"
"Something like that." She sighs. "I'm out of arrows."
Green Lantern tilts his/her/their head at her.
"You're out? Already?"
"Yeah." Artemis grumbles from where she's crouched, "I could've sworn I had more-"
"Don't worry, I got this." Green Lantern smiles brightly, offering her a thumbs up.
"Don't tell me you chickened out already!" Icicle Jr. laughs, making his way down the now empty street. "I was just starting to have fun."
"Hey you!"
Icicle Jr whips around, immediately throwing out a shard that Green Lantern blocks easily with an easy wall construct. As he/she/they drop the construct and lets the ice crash to the floor, the two stare each other down for a moment.
"Who the hell are you?" The criminal frowns, tilting his head at the flying teen. "Ain't never seen you 'round here before. Didn't realise even the Lanterns have a sidekick."
He/she/they smile at him, but it's not the cheery, light-hearted smile that Artemis got.
No, it's a smile that has her shivering slightly from where she's hiding- the customer service smile that a cashier gives when they're a second away from jumping across the counter and bash someone's head in.
Artemis is only proving right when his/her/their ring starts to glow, and she watches as what looks like a literal (not actually- it's still made from energy) bazooka assembles in his/her/their hands. Its weight is heavy, evident by the fact that they drop slightly in the air as they place it over their shoulder, and its clear even Icicle Jr. is unsettled.
"Because they don't have a sidekick." He/she/they explain with that creepy smile still painted on their face.
"I'm just the cool one."
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all work n' writing is work of @httpsobi. i ask you please do not copy, rewrite, translate or post on other platforms without my consent.
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ettawritesnstudies · 3 days
I finished Runaways but I scheduled my Livestream for next week!
I'm going to make the anthology one way or another to launch with the book, this is just a matter of prioritizing. It'll involve editing the current Kofi stories, writing some new ones, and making supplemental content.
I have 0 thoughts for Inklings currently but it's coming up soon so I should probably figure that out.
End of the Road is a NA paranormal coming of age story about one way road trips, grief, and ghosts. Could be published after runaways because they have a folklore/supernatural element connecting them. Capitalizes on the 20something angst.
Vilotta's Adventure is a MG historical fiction set in Renaissance Italy following a princess who apprentices with Leonardo da Vinci when he comes to her parents court to paint a portrait of her mother. She gets to be an inventor, has a series of misadventures, and learns about friendship along the way. Could be published after Runaways because they're both MG, bonus points for Educational Content™. Rewrite of the first novel I ever wrote so it's not going anywhere.
Art stream: I'd still do 25 minute sprints w/ no talking and just art on screen so you can write without distractions or I show you my progress during breaks. Motive: I miss drawing and my brain hurts.
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readsofawe · 1 year
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Announcing #ReadsOfAwe 2023! I cannot express how excited I am!
FAQ below:
When is it? Sunset 9/15 to sunset 9/25, from the beginning of Rosh HaShanah to the end of Yom Kippur, also called the Days of Awe (hence the name) Who can participate? Anyone! Jews, non-Jews, big readers, one-book-a-year types, and anyone in between.
What’s the goal? To celebrate Jewish stories during this holiday season! And to encourage folks to read a little bit more. If you would normally read nothing this week, pick up a short story or a poem! If you would normally read one book, try for two. If you would normally read five, try for seven! The hope is that, no matter your reading speed, interests, or knowledge base, there’s a way for you to participate and honor Jewish writing.
What is a "Jewish book"? Now that's a question! For our purposes, we'll define it pretty broadly: anything with a Jewish author, themes, and/or characters. Feel free to engage in heated debate in the comments about what counts!
How do I participate? There's a ton of ways! 🍎 Read Jewish books! You don't even have to tell anyone about it :) 📚 Follow the prompts on the bingo card, and post how many squares you fill 🍎 Share your TBR, reviews, and book photos on Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, and/or Twitter with the hashtag #readsofawe
📚 Pick up our Buddy Read, The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M. Romero, and share your thoughts 🍎 Join our live reading sprints!
What’s the deal with the bingo board? It’s a fun challenge to encourage people to read widely within Jewish literature! Download or screenshot the board and mark off squares when you get them. Feel free to use one book per square OR mark as many squares as apply to each book! Go for a single square, a bingo, a blackout, or just a random pattern! And don’t forget to post your marked-up board when the readathon is over.
What’s a Buddy Read? Everybody who wants to reads the same book—in this case, The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M. Romero—and we talk about it! There will be a live discussion on 9/27, and you can also post your thoughts and feelings as you read with the same hashtag, #ReadsOfAwe
What are Reading Sprints? When we all read together on a livestream. Usually they will use the Pomodoro method: 30 minutes of reading, 15 minutes of chitchat, then reading again. Come hang out, it’ll be fun!
What is frum representation? The word frum (literally pious) refers to a variety of Jewish practices and religious movements that prioritize certain kinds of observance—most visibly, modest dress, eating Kosher, and avoiding all work on Shabbat and holidays. For our purposes, frum rep includes characters who are Orthodox, Chabad, or Haredi, or are from historical contexts where those labels don’t apply but their style of observance is similar.
What are MG and YA? MG is Middle Grade—so, books aimed at 8-13 year olds. Think Percy Jackson. Similarly, YA is Young Adult—books aimed at 14-18 year olds. Think The Hunger Games.
What is a TBR? The acronym TBR stands for “To Be Read.” Those are the books you’re planning on reading in a certain period of time—in this case, during the Days of Awe!
If you've got additional questions, feel free to reach out!
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pearljen-blog · 2 years
Renovations with Joel Miller - 01
Chapter 01 - Introductions
You meet Joel by accident and find out he’s working in constructions. Hopefully with some convincing he can assist you with some urgent house renovations... and then some.
Based on the video game version of Joel, but can be changed to the HBO version if preferred. Taking place pre outbreak in Austin Texas.
Pairing: Joel Miller x afab reader
Warnings: This is my first published story, which in itself should be a warning / Reader is afab and has long hair, I will try avoid using any additional physical descriptions / Not familiar with the area of Austin, so most of it is badly googled or made up / swearing / smut eventually
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‘Hello’. It was 2 in the morning. Who would be calling at this time?
‘Hey! Hun! It’s me.’
Of course.
‘I am so sorry, really sorry. I met this guy…. we were at that new place in town, Butlers.. something, in Austin. It was CRAZY.’
Who’s that chuckling in the back? Where is she? Drunk?
‘Crazy I tell ya. Anyway, we’re kind of … We’re in jail. He got in a fight. It wasn’t anything bad. Just.. he kinda hit that guy and he went down. Some idiot anyway. And he was doing it for me. That fella was just talking shit.’
‘What? Where are you?’ I love you Carla but I swear..
‘It’s nothing bad. I promise. Seriously. They took us in and we had to go to Travis County Jail. We’re there now. Just waiting.’
‘It’s 2 in the fucking morning…’
‘I know! Fuck.. I know! But we don’t want to stay here all weekend.’
‘Who is we?’
‘Tommy, he’s the guy from the fight. He didn’t start it. Fuck I’m sorry, but I don’t know who else to call. I can’t call dad. He’ll kill me’.
‘I’m an hour out of the city. What do you want me to do?’ God I’m tired.
‘PLEASE! I’ll pay you back. Just let us get out of here. I’m begging ya.’
My head hurts. My eyes are sore. ‘How much is to get you out?’
‘Fuck I don’t know. But I’ll give it back to ya. Promise.’
You turn on the lights next to the bed. Hating the idea of spending an hour in the car, driving through the fucking city and then her drunk ass home.
‘I hate you. You’re a terrible friend.’
‘Please Y/N!’
‘Yeah I’m moving. But it will take me about 90 minutes to be there.’
‘Thanks babes. Thanks thanks’
You hang up. Out of pleasantries for this time of the night. Once in the bathroom you put your hair in a ponytail and fresh water to your face. You love Carla, but she’s a mess sometimes. Like a real mess. But she’s also the first person you have been able to click with since you arrived in Austin. She doesn’t ask too many questions, mainly happy to talk about herself. And she gets you out of the house. At least some nights.
The drive to Austin is fine. Boring, especially at this time of the night. You made some coffee for the road and listen to Booker T & the MG’s. One of your dads’ favourite albums. You always doze off to some long-forgotten time, when listening to it. Time passes much faster this way. You were hitting Austin fast and prepared yourself to be lost until you found Travis County Jail. Driving in the city didn’t scare you but drained a lot more energy from you.
‘We can’t release anyone today. You will have to come back tomorrow.’
‘He is right there for fuck’s sake!’
‘He’s right there! Just let me pay and get him out. Do your job!’
‘SIR! That’s enough! I am asking you to leave.’
Two men around the desk standing close and arguing. What the hell did you walk into at this time of the night?
‘I just want my brother out is all. Why are you being so difficult?’
‘You can come back tomorrow to collect your brother. Please leave, get out, before I will arrest you as well for disorderly conduct.’
One guy is storming off. Head bowed to the ground, nevertheless you could see the anger on him. His posture rigid and ready to crack any second. He sprints past you and for a second you feel intimidated to walk any further to the reception. What a night this turns out to be.
‘Fun night?’
‘What can I do for you love?’
‘My friend got into a little trouble last night and called me to release her. Her name is Carla Thomas, age 34.’ What other information do they need you wonder.
‘Well, I’ll tell you what I told the last guy. You will have to come back tomorrow. We are not releasing anyone today.’
‘What??’ You are joking?
‘Come back on Monday from 9am love.’ There is an uninterested look that comes with his statement.
‘I just drove over an hour to pick her up.’
‘I’m sorry to hear. But there are no weekend releases. Please come back on Monday.’
You realize there’s no way to discuss or argue your way out of this, but you try anyway.
After some back and forth you cave and walke back outside. What a night indeed.
Carla will have to wait. She will have to understand. Maybe you can just stay in Austin and get breakfast somewhere. Or maybe you’ll be able to fall back asleep when you get home. How will you pick her up on Monday? You have work. There are about 15 thoughts currently in your head. But you are unable to focus on any one of them, so you just slowly walk back to your car.
On the way to your car, you spot the guy who was arguing to get his brother released. More out of your peripheral, but you see him. He’s standing by his truck, not far from you. On the phone, or desperately trying to ring someone. Possibly his brother you think.
‘Fuck sake!’
You look towards his direction.
‘Fun night?’ Yes, your one and only ice breaker, you think to yourself.
‘It’s fucking bullshit.’ He looks up and straight at you. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean that.’
Southern gentlemen.
‘It’s ok. Same thing I said to myself... in my head.’
He turns slightly towards his truck. Frown all over his face. You smirk, hands slightly fidgeting.
‘You know they have people around. I just don’t understand why they just can’t release people on a fucking Sunday. Tommy, my brother,… he could have told me when he called.’
Tommy, well..
‘Your brother’s name is Tommy?’ You huff and smile to yourself. ‘That’s.. funny. My friend called me tonight at 2am, telling me she got arrested with a guy named Tommy. Or arrested because of him.'
You look at the ground now. Still turned towards him.
‘He’s a mess but a good guy.’
You look up. ‘Oh yeah, sorry I didn’t mean it that way.’
He’s looking right at you now. Just a grey worn out shirt and a tired look, but he looks gorgeous. God, you wish you would be able to keep eye contact.
‘Well, I guess I may see you on Monday then to get these kids home.’ Your gaze drops back to the ground, and you slowly turn towards your car.
‘Yeah, can’t wait to give up half a day of work to drive around the city just to get him out. Only getting paid for the days I’m working for fucks sake. He should know better.’
You look back at him just to acknowledge that you are listening. But you don’t say anything.
‘Sorry I don’t expect you to feel sorry for me missing a day of construction.’
‘You work in construction?’ Your eyes go wide, and you look at him expecting.
He stays silent for a second. Seems it’s not the usual reaction he gets, when mentioning constructions.
‘I’m a carpenter. But we, Tommy and I, we do whatever works needs to be done really.’
‘Are you looking for work?’ Maybe too forward. ‘Or do you know any construction friends that are looking for work?’
There’s an awkward silence. No longer angry, he’s just looking at you wondering. Possibly trying to figure out where he wants this conversation to go. You can’t keep your gaze up and turn back at the car. He’s still gorgeous. For a second you start playing with your lower lip.
‘Always looking for work.’ You turn back at him. Eyebrows raised slightly, heart beating heavier now.
‘I bought a house recently,…well a few months ago now actually. Ehm.. It’s a really great house! Spectacular! But it needs some work done. I think the walls are fine. At least my brother thinks so. He’s been looking at it for now, and I trust him. But the roof needs work, and pretty much all the windows need to be replaced. Bathroom and kitchen, all needs to be re-done, but that’s second to getting the house in actual good shape.’
Oh my god, why don’t you just tell him your whole life story? Jesus…
‘How urgent is it?’
Is he considering it?
‘I’m already living in it. But my brother is pushing me to get it done. He’s been helping me a lot, but he doesn’t live around here, so it’s been moving really slowly.’
‘Can go and take a look. Get and understanding of what we are dealing with here. How much you paying?’
‘Oh.’ Your brother warned you about this question.
‘Honestly you would have to talk this out with my brother. He said around $30 per hour. But it depends what extra charges come on top. Like fuel and that kind of stuff. So I don’t know for sure. Oh, I should mention, the house is not actually in Austin.’
Here we go, the deal breaker.
‘It’s in Luling. About an hour on a good day.’
‘Yeah, I know that place. I grew up there’ He’s smiling. Wow.
‘Wow… Please tell me you have font memories of your childhood.’
‘Some of them. Place was great though.’
You’re thinking to yourself. Just ask him.
‘I can take your number. Or give you mine. Or whichever way this usually works.’ Breath in ‘You know, in case you want to have a look at the house.’
He keeps looking at you with no mercy now.
‘Yeah lets swap numbers and give me a call. I’m not sure what time I’ll be here on Monday.’
You swap numbers and walk back to your car. Goodbyes are short but you need a second to collect your thoughts in the car anyway. You found out his name is Joel Miller. He was looking for an excuse to visit Luling again, so he told you. Maybe Carla’s drunk ass could be good for something. You’re getting breakfast for the road.
Masterlist // Next Chapter
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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The addition of caffeine (100–130 mg) to commonly prescribed pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen modestly improves the proportion of people who achieve pain relief.
A systematic review and meta-analysis from 2014 found that concurrent caffeine and l-theanine use has synergistic psychoactive effects that promote alertness, attention, and task switching; these effects are most pronounced during the first hour post-dose
Moderate doses of caffeine (around 5 mg/kg) can improve sprint performance, cycling and running time trial performance, endurance (i.e., it delays the onset of muscle fatigue and central fatigue) and cycling power output. Caffeine increases basal metabolic rate in adults. Caffeine ingestion prior to aerobic exercise increases fat oxidation, particularly in persons with low physical fitness.
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Caffeine improves muscular strength and power, and may enhance muscular endurance. Caffeine also enhances performance on anaerobic tests. Caffeine consumption before constant load exercise is associated with reduced perceived exertion. While this effect is not present during exercise-to-exhaustion exercise, performance is significantly enhanced. This is congruent with caffeine reducing perceived exertion, because exercise-to-exhaustion should end at the same point of fatigue. Caffeine also improves power output and reduces time to completion in aerobic time trials, an effect positively (but not exclusively) associated with longer duration exercise
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Chocolate derived from cocoa beans contains a small amount of caffeine. The weak stimulant effect of chocolate may be due to a combination of theobromine and theophylline, as well as caffeine. A typical 28-gram serving of a milk chocolate bar has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. By weight, dark chocolate has one to two times the amount of caffeine as coffee: 80–160 mg per 100 g. Higher percentages of cocoa such as 90% amount to 200 mg per 100 g approximately and thus, a 100-gram 85% cocoa chocolate bar contains about 195 mg caffeine.
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Regular consumption of caffeine may protect people from liver cirrhosis. It was also found to slow the progression of liver disease in people who already have the condition, reduce the risk of liver fibrosis, and offer a protective effect against liver cancer among moderate coffee drinkers. A study conducted in 2017 found that the effects of caffeine from coffee consumption on the liver were observed regardless of how the drink was prepared
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In moderate doses, caffeine has been associated with reduced symptoms of depression and lower suicide risk. Two reviews indicate that increased consumption of coffee and caffeine may reduce the risk of depression
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missgryffin · 1 year
free opportunity to sprint full speed down MG Smut Scene memory lane??? Okay fine I'll go next 🫶🏻 - the entire greenhouse scene in ES BUT DON'T FORGET the post greenhouse scene where they make slow sweet love in james' dorm with the rain against the window (I think that's the next scene but I'm in my cups right now👽) also cackling to myself thinking of them getting caught in the library(?) and the bonus scene with Euph & Flea in the side-alongs LOLOLOL
😭 Now you guys are just spoiling me sending in your faves 🥲 Lots more greenhouse/panther!James mentions. And this is another one that intrigues me because I think it's more about the possessiveness and protectiveness from James, and less about the actual smut?
And ahh yes, the romantic rain scene!! 🥰
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eliorosb3rg · 10 months
cars i want to fuck based on very little reason other than vibes
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lotus elan sprint, specifically in piss yellow
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'77 MG MGB saw one in real life recently, definite shag
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Aston Martin V8 Vantage in white, any aston martin is a smash for me but Her specifically <33 also iirc was one tenth of a second quicker 0-60 than a daytona so slay
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Ferrari Dino 308 GT4... yeah, sexy idk what else to say
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Datsun Sunny B210, i just think shes pretty also im just interested in how this third adaptation was popular due to it being made during the oil crisis in 73
Honorable mentions: Daytona Spyder, Lancer evo (any edition tbh), Porsche 911T targa top
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goodverbsonly · 1 year
Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void - Tim Lennon (before 25000 BBY)
Lost Tribes of the Sith - John Jackson Miller (between 5000-3000 BBY)
The Old Republic: Revan - Drew Karpyshyn (before 3500 BBY)
The Old Republic: Deceived - Paul S Kemp (before 3500 BBY)
Red Harvest - Joe Schrieber (before 3500 BBY)
The Old Republic: Fatal Alliances - Sean Williams (before 3500 BBY)
The Old Republic: Annihilation - Drew Karpyshyn (before 3500 BBY)
Knight Errant - John Jackson Miller (circa 1000 BBY)
Darth Bane: Path of Destruction - Drew Karpyshyn (circa 1000 BBY)
Darth Bane: Rule of Two - Drew Karpyshyn (circa 1000 BBY)
Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil - Drew Karpyshyn (circa 980 BBY)
The High Republic: Convergence - Zoraida Córdova (circa 382 BBY)
The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City - George Mann (circa 382 BBY)
The High Republic: Path of Deceit - Tessa Gratton & Justina Ireland (circa 382 BBY)
The High Republic: Battle of Jedha - George Mann (circa 382 BBY)
The High Republic: Cataclysm - Lydia Kang (circa 382 BBY)
The High Republic: Path of Vengeance- Cavan Scott (circa 382 BBY)
The High Republic: Quest for Planet X - Tessa Gratton (382 BBY)
The High Republic: Into the Dark - Claudia Gray (circa 232 BBY)
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi - Charles Soule (circa 232 BBY)
The High Republic: Test of Courage - Justine Ireland
The High Republic: The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott (circa 231 BBY)
The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower - Daniel José Older (231 BBY)
The High Republic: Out of the Shaddows -Justina Ireland (circa 231 BBY)
The High Republic: Tempest Runner - Cavan Scott (circa 231BBY)
The High Republic: Mission to Disaster - Justina Ireland (229 BBY)
The High Republic: Midnight Horizon - Daniel José Older (circa 230 BBY)
The High Republic: Fallen Star - Claudia Gray (circa 230 BBY)
The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness - George Mann (circa 229 BBY)
The High Republic: Defy the Storm - Tessa Gratton & Justina Ireland (229 BBY)
The High Republic: Escape from Valo - Daniel José Older & Alyssa Wong (229 BBY)
The High Republic: Temptation of the Force - Tessa Gratton (circa 229 BBY) RELEASE DATE June 11, 2024
The High Republic: Tears of the Nameless - George Mann (circa 299 BBY) RELEASE DATE September 24, 2024
The High Republic: Beware the Nameless - Zoraida Córdova (circa 229 BBY) RELEASE DATE AUGUST 27, 2024 (JR)
The High Republic: Tempest Breaker- Cavan Scott (circa 229 BBY) RELEASE DATE DECEMBER 3 2024
Tales of Enlightenment - George Mann
Starlight Stories - Charles Soules, Cavan Scott, Justina Ireland
Old Republic Stuff SOO intent on making me learn about mandalore. and unfortunately. i am!!! boo!!!!
I like Revan + Scourge!!! cool guys
ohhh the sequels are evil btw.
LotJ is such a difficult book to read bc the Jedi who die at the end of every chapter, lmao but i Loveee thinking about Hyperspace. 6 year old me would be so surprised
lol the semi organic droids to protect cynxia are very cool make me sad, AND i like shigar he’s my new bestie
theron is also cool + a whole new appreciation for GRANDMASTER SATEEL SHAN
OMG not the random cult and the LEVELER and The Kevmo baby boy babiest of alll baby boys he’s so sweet and earnest and he DIED
ohh btw i like dalien in that i think he is Interesting and i am interested in him. i do not like lanoree in that she has a bad attitude but i do think that’s the point
literally zero things worked for me in out of the shadows while the first YA book had A LOT that worked. go figure.
Pretty much soured on the YA/MG Novels at this point
missing my boy Kevmo, but i think that might have been the excitement of a little jedi
Reath Silas. Sure! i can dig it.
Cohmac Vitus buddy i am COMING FOR YOU. that motherfucker handed his 18 year old padawan his lightsaber and sprinted out of the room. GIRL.
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sunmontuewrites · 1 year
This is an EPIC to-do list... If I can do >75% then I will feel like I've accomplished A LOT. (And aiming for >50% in each section).
Bonus that I am already at home, finished work and I have very little plans (other than some shopping with my best friend) this weekend.
Exercise – dance + walk
Spa bath?
Writing sprints x10
SHOPPING (Saturday morning 10am-1pm) 100%
Pak'n'Save - flour, cans of drink
Cracker Jack - tooth brushes, clothes
Warehouse Stationary - slime solution
JayCar - 3V batteries
David's Emporium - Pipe cleaners, foam tape, cardboard straws
KMart - tennis balls
PBTech - headphones
Chemist Warehouse - eye gel, nurofen, Mg tablets, foot mask, wart stuff
Washing – 14 loads
Change sheets on bed
Kids change their sheets
Cat bowls - get working or add Te Ka to other one
Max's bedroom sorted and organised
Clean CPAP machine
Clean out the fridge
Fold all the washing
Figure out slime ratio
Make robot hand example
Update 50 Goals FB page
Do some baking (Banana cake? Brownie? What?)
Menu + diary planning for the week
Work for ~60 minutes (finish newsletter)
Finish cutting quilt for LH
Clean windows
Dust window ledges
Organise shelves
Vacuum (needs floor cleared first)
Mop floor (still need the floor cleared!)
Get rid of rug
Dust shelves
10min burst tidy: (or put 20 things away)
 1 – 2 – 3 – 4- 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12
Re-organise and set up as bedroom?
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patricksteel · 1 year
Here a List of Mods that are not needing the NVSE(Made for the Epic Store to mod). Some of those Mods are personally tested.
If you install Mods with Vortex Mod manager that do not require the NVSE and you do not have the Script Extender Downloaded on Vortex, than modding is possible (like 50% of Mods)
Too many mods for me to find time to personally test. A Tutorial Video(Youtube) and Showcase of the Mods working here:
I installed all of the tested Mods with the Vortex Mod Manager, make sure that the NVSE is not downloaded or just delete it or you will get an Error text when launching from the Manager
List of Mods who don't need NVSE, Tested by myself:
A World Of Pain (Quest and Adventures)(new Lands, Dungeons, Caves and Locations)
All Someguy2000 Mods(like New Vegas Bounties)(Quest and Adventures)
All Millenia Mods(Weapons, like Ak47)
Better Game Performance V5
More Perks
The Couriers Cache (Quest and Adventures)
DK Female Face Textures
A Better Veronica
Angelic Veronica
Beauty Pack PLUS -Project Mikoto- Hair - Eyes - Presets
Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul
Autumn Leaves (Quest and Adventures)
Interior Lighting Overhaul
ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland
NV Animated EDE Face
Sprint Mod
Dramatic Mojave Outpost (Higher Mountains, easy light mod to test if modding works)
Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
"Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas" (Not sure if it does work, gave me mixed signals)
List of Mods not tested, no NVSE needed as seen from Requirements(No Red Flags too like a bunch of bug reports or no info/description):
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
Weapon Animation Replacer WAR
Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod
Weapon Retexture Project - WRP
Asurah Reanimation Pack
Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c
WME - Weapon Mod Expansion
MTUI (User Interface/UI improvements)
OJO BUENO Texture Pack
Unlimited Companions
The N.V. Interiors Project (Buildings)
MGs Neat Clutter Retextures
Monster Mod (New Creatures)
Official Pipboy Readius - New Vegas Edition
Fellout NV (Removes the Mexico filter or so)
aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water (Brotherhood of Steel Testures)
Beyond Boulder Dome (Quest and Adventures)
FOOK - New Vegas ( overhaul: many bug fixes, new items, high quality retextures and gameplay features)
Populated Casinos
Fallout - New California (Quest and Adventures)(Started from perssing New Game in Menu!)
NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta (armors)
Underground Hideout New Vegas V4-4 (Player Home)
Improved Robots Textures
IMPACT (Weapon Sounds Ballistic VFX overhaul)
POCO BUENO Texture Pack
Uncut Wasteland ( Restores a huge amount of scenery and little random things which were patched out of the game post-release, better PC needed)
ADAM - A Definitive Armor Mod ( Outcast, Nemesis, NCR Patrol and Trooper armours)
The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino (Quest and Adventures)
Textures Over Time (Rocks Mountains more)
Advanced Recon Stealth Armor
CAGE - Continue After Games Ending
Nick Cage Moon (No Requirements info)
Nicolas Cage NCR flag (Nicolas Cage Republic)(No Requirements info)
TGs Armor Collection for New Vegas (new armors)
NCR Rearmament (New armor replacement for NCR forces)
Improved LOD Noise Texture
The Strip Open
Realistic Weapons Damages - New Vegas
New Vegas Restoration - NVR (A Strip with less Trash on the ground)
Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 2 - Open Source (Hair and Face Modules)
Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit - NV v2dot2
Hall Of Equipment (Textures)
Mobile Truck Base
Delilah- Mojave MD (Female Companion voiced)
Gas Masks of the World
FNV Project Reality MkI (Weather, lighting, visual effects and immersion features)
Mojave Raiders (Overhaul of New Vegas's raider factions, balancing their loot and adding more of them to fight)
Run The Lucky 38
For the Enclave
Sunny Smiles Companion (Could not test it, killed her...)
WARZONES - now with ADJUSTABLE SPAWNS (Big Human Battles
Realistic Headshots
List of Mods copied from my Reddit Post as a save file, links plus maybe more people testing mods here on Reddit
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
finally managed to wait until i had finished work to snuggle into bed and read and asdfgh ONE WORD INTO THE CHAPTER AND IM ALR SCREAMING OFC BUGS GONNA REQUEST FOR SAN I-
hj using bug's language to thank wy for bringing them both back home safe bestboi!hongjoong 🫶 and the fact that bug made a sign for 'home' but never drew it again after creating it bc she never had a place to call home but now she's signing it again and again for hj to know what a damn good leader he is hNNG
also sry i know it's a rly cute and touching scene when bug appoints yeosang to five taps but im also cackling imagining her fingers tapping rapid fire like eight times if she keeps naming the rest of ateez the same way HAHAHA bug's hand be like: 🫳👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 not me quadruple checking i had the correct number of finger emojis
peep the results of moonie's ✨research✨ to describe how san smells im kicking my feet uGH sanbug are FINALLY reunited in the softest way possible 'my san' and 'my bug' PLSSSSS
also HONEY ?? LOVE ?? BABY ?? DARLIGN? ? sWEEt GIRL ? moonie really slapping us left right up down front n back with the pet names. but nothing beats yunho calling bug anything related to little or tiny - im so biased for yunho and size differences 🥹
this whole chapter makes me want to punch a wall and sprint a marathon just so i can feel human again bc im a bumbling soft mess of goo and feels rn nobody touch me 🫠🫣🤧
everybody say 📢thank u moonie📢 for blessing us with such a long chapter and for all your hard work!! okay now excuse me whilst i go and reread ch 1-15 again 🫡
FOWFWIMFOENURG I'M CRYING I love messages like this!!! send me your reviews send me every thought you have about the chapter!!! I love love love it!! <333
hehehehe I too chant bug! bug <33 bug<3 (tbh this is san LMAO)
hongjoong used bug's language talking to wooyoung so instinctually I don't even know if he realized :')) it's just so natural to him now <3 bestboi! hongjoong indeed!! also might I add,,, the fact that yunho taught hongjoong the sign for 'home' even though bug had never used it,,, almost as if he knew that one day she might... :'))
also LMAO yeah I see it xD you really have to pay attention like,,, wait do it again I think I miss counted, how many times was that?? I think after yeosang the names will have different touches since after five it's going to get complicated xD I might throw in some other shapes at some point haha
SANBUG REUNION!!! 'my san' -- 'my bug' I was crying screaming throwing up writing that I swear <33 made myself so emotional I could cry
(also totally irrelevant,,, but I made my mom cry when I was explaining the meaning behind all of the boy's symbols earlier :') I was so excited that I just started talking about them to see if they made sense and seonghwa's made her cry :"D she thought it was so freaking sweet what he said about being reborn as a universe <33 like yeah I'm in love with seonghwa too xD )
the nicknames!! I really said ateez loves bug and what about it?? xD gosh san nearly outright admitted it and bug is like,,, he cares about me??? me?? huh?
bug took off her mask!! for the first time without needing to!! she loves yun so much <33 their trust in each other is insurmountable I swear I'm gonna cry -- the last line tho,, there will be more on that soon too D": it truly was a loaf size breadcrumb of her past, our poor bug <3
I'm so so so happy you enjoyed the chapter!!! thank you so so much my dear <33 I adored your commentary hehe thank you again <33
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