#Spot and Catapult are probably like 16-19
midnightiscool · 4 years
Sometimes when you're going through your Operators, and you remember that Midnight and Orchid are the only adults of team A6
And that Orchid is basically the most important adult figure, very similar to a mom, for Catapult, Spot, and Popukar,,,
And then you start crying a lil,,,
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johannadc · 4 years
How to Find Lestrade - Sherlock Season 3 Episode 2
In case you just want to watch the bits of Sherlock that have Lestrade in them… timings are taken from my Blu-ray player. Previous episodes can be found here:
Season 3 Episode 2, “The Sign of Three”
Lots of Greg Lestrade in this, the wedding episode, but many are tiny bits, so forgive me being a bit ridiculous with the timings. And interpreting what are often wordless reaction shots. (Great job, Rupert Graves, with the expressions!)
0:00 - 3:52 The show opens with Lestrade getting angry about not being able to get the Waters Gang put away, with scenes from 18 months ago to the present. Three months ago, he's kicking the car tire while Donovan tries to calm him down. A newspaper article reveals that he's a DCI (Detective Chief Inspector).  
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Present day, Sherlock texts for help, even saying "Please", which gets Greg sending "maximum backup" to Baker Street, only to find, in a scene that sets the tone for the rest of the episode, that Sherlock hopes he "didn't go to any trouble." He needed help with his best man speech for John's wedding.
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8:54 - 8:56 At the wedding, Greg is standing next to Sherlock and John with Archie (the ringbearer) during the photo shoot montage. (There are probably other places you can spot him during this sequence, but since they would be less than a second, I wasn't that obsessive about it.)
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12:46 - 12:48 The photographer snaps Greg drinking alone at one of the banquet tables.
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13:41 - 14:16 Greg's head can be seen in the lower left corner in front of John as John spies Major Sholto and Sherlock and Mary discuss John's friend. This is also where we see Greg in glasses.
18:20 - 19:14 Greg, seated between Mrs. Hudson and Molly, is drinking again as Sherlock begins his best man speech. There's a flashback to Molly, in the morgue, expressing her concern to Lestrade while holding a brain. He responds, "What's the worse that could happen?"
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20:33 - 20:35, 21:12 - 21:14 Cut to Greg laughing as Sherlock reads a telegram about "big squishy cuddles", then later covering his mouth as Sherlock introduces John as his friend. (This leads into a flashback to John asking Sherlock to be his best man where Sherlock describes "Gavin" Lestrade as "a man, and good at it.")
24:52 - 24:55 Greg is now almost heads down on the table, hunched over and leaning on his elbows.
25:19 - 25:21 Greg (and most of the guests) can't believe Sherlock is talking about John's wedding and sentimentality as "the doom of our society".
25:44 - 25:46 Sherlock is praising John for being obsessed with him. Greg laughs and drinks again. (I'm seeing a drinking game here.)
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26:39 - 26:43 Greg, concerned, and Molly share a look as Sherlock talks about how he never expected to be anyone's best friend.
27:45 - 27:46 The audience is crying as Sherlock praises John. Greg looks stoic.
27:55 - 27:57, 28:00 - 28:03 Wider shot. Greg has his arms crossed, then in the return shot, straightens his tie and looks away as Sherlock wants to know "what's wrong, what happened, why are you all doing that?"
28:16 - 28:18 Greg and the guests applaud.
28:32 - 28:34 Greg chuckles as Sherlock asks everyone to cheer up a bit.
42:53 - 42:55 Sherlock has just presented the case of the Bloody Guardsman to the guests. Greg looks befuddled in a wide shot of the audience.
43:15 - 44:18 Sherlock calls out "Scotland Yard" for a theory. Greg does not distinguish himself with an idea about a dwarf, an air vent, and a catapult. He then listens to Tom's idea of a "meat dagger".
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44:45 - 44:47 Greg, arms crossed, chuckles at Sherlock insulting John's ability to plan a wedding.
45:00 - 45:14 Greg asks Sherlock for the solution. Sherlock admits he doesn't know.
56:08 - 56:31 Greg wakes them up in a cell after the stag night. He yells at John and watches Sherlock look like a gangly foal.
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1:05:10 - 1:05:12 Bemused Greg listens to Sherlock talk about how boring domesticity is.
1:05:29 - 1:05:34 Greg looks concerned and a bit angry as Sherlock says his ability to read a crime scene makes him special.
1:05:52 - 1:05:56 Greg drinks and smiles as Sherlock talks about "murder, mystery, and mayhem."
1:06:09 - 1:06:12, 1:06:25 - 1:06:26 Everyone rises, glasses in hand, as the photographer walks to the front for the toast and Sherlock freezes.
1:09:23 - 1:09:25 Greg and Mrs. Hudson look at each other as Sherlock figures things out (with help from Mycroft) in his mind theater.
1:09:30 - 1:09:31, 1:09:37 - 1:09:42 Preparing for the toast, Sherlock has them sit down again.
1:09:59 - 1:10:01 Sherlock walks past after leaping over the head table and trying to keep everyone focused on him while he figures out to prevent the murder. Greg's just one of the audience for this.
1:11:36 - 1:11:45, 1:11:50 - 1:11:51 Sherlock texts "Geoff" to "lock this place down" while sending him to the gents. Greg walks past Sherlock on his way out as Sherlock tells John "vatican cameos".
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1:21:02 - 1:22:03 Lestrade brings in the photographer, who was "halfway home." (Clearly the lockdown warning didn't work as intended.)
1:22:55 - 1:23:50, 1:24:08 - 1:24:35 The murderer is arrested, although apparently it didn't take long, since as we cut to the first dance, Greg is benevolently watching John and Mary.
1:25:07 - 1:25:10, 1:25:14 - 1:25:16, 1:25:35 - 1:25:38 Greg looks at the floor, then at Sherlock, then closes his eyes as Sherlock makes his vow to always be there for "all three of you."
1:25:42 - 1:25:43, 1:25:47 - 1:25:48 Greg is visible in foreground and background while Sherlock, John, and Mary talk.
When I set out to re-watch this episode, I thought, "oh, I shouldn't have waited so long, this is the comedy one." And then, at the end, I remembered... I think that's the single saddest moment in the show, for me, with Sherlock whirling his coat on and walking out alone after seeing everyone else happy whether he's there or not. And Benedict Cumberbatch's expressions in the scenes just before... so evocative.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #37: Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
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Have you ever been playing DnD and thought to yourself, “Combat sucks! Why can’t I just trap my enemies in a hellish mazescape, from which they will never escape”? If you have, that’s a little concerning, and also we’ve got a build you’re going to love. Today we’re building the pseudoservant that combines Waver Velvet with Zhuge Liang, creating a masterful magical maze-maker. 
As always, there’s a spreadsheet for the build, or you can check out the level-by-level breakdown below the cut!
Race and Background
Waver is definitely human, and we can assume Liang is too. Pseudoservants are always a bit odd though, so let’s make them a Variant Human. This gives you +1 in two stats (Intelligence and Wisdom), proficiency in one skill (we’re going with Sleight of Hand: you did steal that catalyst after all), and a free feat. Tandem Tactician from the new feats unearthed arcana lets you help as a bonus action, and your ability to help attacking creatures increases to a maximum of 15′. That’s the range the creature being attacked has to be in, not the creature you’re helping. Also, your help can work for two allies, if they’re targeting the same creature.
Waver is most definitely a Cloistered Scholar, gaining proficiency in History and Arcana. Learning about servants would definitely fall under both of those categories.
Your highest stat is your Intelligence: You’re a college professor and a famous tactician mixed into one body; you’re really, really smart. Next is Charisma, you clean up so well one of your nicknames is literally “Professor Charisma”. Third is Wisdom, because you can’t out-think your opponent if you don’t know they’re there. After that is Dexterity, followed by Constitution and Strength. You’re either an overworked college professor or an overworked child, and neither of those sound that powerful.
Class Levels
1. Wizard 1: A proper fate magus would probably be a mix between a wizard and sorcerer, but your power comes more from your studies than your bloodline. As a wizard, you have proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves, Insight, and Investigation. As part of your first level you also get Spellcasting using intelligence as your ability and Arcane Recovery, letting you get back a number of spell slots whose level are equal to half your wizard level.
At this level, you can prepare three spells, but your book has six, plus three cantrips. Grab Gust, Create Bonfire, Absorb Elements, and Earth Tremor for some early elemental attacks, Magic Missile for the obligatory caster balls, Shield and Mage Armor for not dying, and Alarm and Message for tactical spells.
2. Wizard 2: You’re a tactician, and the best school to reflect that is War Magic. This gives you Arcane Deflection, which lets you channel your magic into a barrier to protect yourself. As a reaction after getting hit or failing a saving throw, you can gain +2 to your AC or +4 to that save. This burns through a lot of energy though, so the turn after using this you can only cast cantrips. You also have a Tactical Wit, adding your intelligence modifier to your initiative roll.
This level you also get Snare and Catapult, allowing you to trap your enemies and make the most of your surroundings.
3. Wizard 3: Third level wizards learn second level spells: you learn Aganazzars Scorcher and Warding Wind for more elemental attacks and defense.
4. Wizard 4: Your first ASI makes you a War Caster, giving you advantage on concentration saves, the ability to cast spells while holding weapons, and the ability to cast spells as an attack of opportunity instead of attacking them.
You also learn Control Flames and Maximilian's Earthen Grasp for more elemental fighting, and Darkness to confuse and hinder your enemies. And probably your allies as well.
5. Wizard 5: At fifth level you learn third level spells, like Bestow Curse and Counterspell. The former is technically part of your Noble Phantams, and the latter is just really useful, especially for you.
6. Wizard 6: At this level you gain Power Surges. These abstractions of power can be spent to deal half your wizard level in force damage to a creature or object when you deal damage to them as part of a wizard spell. You finish each long rest with exactly one power surge, and can gain more by ending spells with counterspell or dispel magic. You also gain a power surge from short rests if you don’t have any. You can only store up to your intelligence mod in surges, though.
This level, you get Dispel Magic (that other spell what works with Power Surge) and your first support spell Haste. Haste does a little bit of everything, but we’ll be getting more dedicated support options in a bit.
7. Wizard 7: Congratulations, you’ve got fourth level spells, specifically Confusion to disorientate enemies without blinding your party as well and Fabricate, letting you transform your environment into whatever would be most useful to you.
8. Wizard 8: Use your next ASI for your Intelligence, gaining more and stronger spells as well as more power surges. You also learn the spells Stone Shape, because running through your own maze is for chumps, and Wall of Fire, which is technically the first defensive structure you’ve gotten. 
9. You’ve got plenty of firepower now, and even some defensive spells, but we don’t have much to help out the party yet. Fortunately, your servant benefactor was also quite the inventor, so we can fix this by splashing in some Artificer levels. First level artificers get proficiency with proper armor and shields as well as tinkers’ and thieves’ tools. You also know Magical Tinkering, adding sensory effects to small objects, and another layer of Spellcasting using Intelligence as your ability. 
First level artificers can prepare first level spells from the artificer’s spell list, and also get two cantrips. You get Acid Splash to throw some potions around and Prestidigitation because most of your spells are about clever usage so why stop now.
10. Artificer 2: Second level artificers can Infuse Items. You can know four infusions, but can only use two at the same time. In this case, grab Enhanced Arcane Focus and Enhanced weapon for more offense, Enhanced Defense for the obvious, and the Bag of Holding if you don’t have one by now.
11. Artificer 3: You never were able to make the elixir of immortality when you were alive, but as an Alchemist you’re free to try again with some Experimental Elixirs. At the end of a long rest, you make a free elixir in an empty vial you have on hand. You can also make more at this time by burning a spell slot for each extra vial you want to fill. On creation, roll a d6 for each vial to find out what it does. A 1 creates a healing potion that heals 2d4 + your int modifier. A 2 creates a speed potion that adds 10′ to a creature’s walking speed for 1 hour. A 3 gives a creature +1 AC for 10 minutes. A 4 adds a d4 to every attack roll and saving throw a creature makes for one minute. A 5 gives a creature a flying speed of 10′ for 10 minutes. A 6 creates a potion that acts as an Alter Self spell for 10 minutes. Potions don’t expire until your next long rest. You also learn to make The Right Tool for the Job, allowing you to create artisan’s tools as part of your long or short rests. 
As an alchemist, you also get an extended spell list, including Healing Word and Ray of Sickness as artificer spells for you.
12. Artificer 4: Use your next ASI to maximize your Intelligence.
13. Artificer 5: You become an Alchemical Savant, and can add your intelligence modifier to spells cast with alchemical tools that heal or deal acid or poison damage. You also can prepare 2nd level artificer spells, which for you include Flaming Sphere and Melf’s Acid Arrow. Importantly, this includes one of the best supportive spells available, Enhance Ability. This spell gives a creature advantage on one kind of ability check for up to an hour, as well as extra bonuses if you choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution checks.
14. Wizard 9: Ninth level wizards get fifth level spells, including Wall of Stone. It’s still not really a maze, but we’re getting closer. You also get Passwall because what is and is not “a door” is a social construct, and you’re not about that life.
15. Wizard 10: You now have Durable Magic, meaning that while you’re concentrating you get +2 to your AC and all saves. At this level, you also grab Mold Earth and Immolation for another bit of elemental fun as well as Skill Empowerment to help your allies be all that they can be.
16. Wizard 11: You get sixth level spells here, including Contingency because planning ahead is kind of your thing, and Globe of Invulnerability to go with contingency.
17. Wizard 12: Use your last ASI to become Observant, adding 1 to your wisdom and 5 to your passive perception and investigation. You also learn how to lip-read. You can also Scatter your enemies if they get too close, and Move Earth lets you finally start making a proper maze, albeit very slowly. Or again, you can use this to get into places you’re not allowed by collapsing any wall between you and your goal.
18. Wizard 13: You can now cast level seven spells, and are finally able to use the best maze spells in the game. Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion lets you construct any maze you want so long as it fits within 50 10′ by 10′ by 10′ cubes, though the hard part is getting anyone chasing you to fall into it. My suggestion is building in a secret hiding spot by the entrance, and then trapping your “guests” inside once they follow you in. You’ll only get a day’s head start this way, but that’s still better than nothing. You also get Mirage Arcane, which has a much longer casting time but allows you to make a square mile of maze, anywhere you can see it. This one lasts a full 10 days, so it’s entirely possible anyone who gets stuck in here won’t be an issue for you ever again.
19. Wizard 14: Your last feature from war magic is a Deflective Shroud. Now using Arcane Deflection deals half your wizard level in force damage to up to three creatures within 60′ of you, literally turning your defense into offense. You also get a Delayed Blast Fireball for extra damage and a Wall of Force, in case you want to be sadistic and put an invisible wall in front of your maze’s exit.
20. Wizard 15: Your capstone level grants you 8th level spells. One of the biggest weaknesses of making mazes is that by this point most spellcasters have some sort of flight or teleportation. Maze fixes this by sending those annoying casters into their own separate plane of existence. You also can make a Mighty Fortress, with all the creative liberties of your mansion while also being much easier to force people into.
Pros: You have a lot of spells and abilities that can help on defense, offense, and supporting your other party members. You also have great AC for a caster, thanks to your artificer proficiencies, shield, enhanced defense, and Arcane Deflection. Finally, your unorthodox fighting style (sticking people in a maze and forgetting about them) can turn certain fights into non-issues.
Cons: Making mazes takes forever, both in the sense that they have multi-minute casting times and that you don’t really get the option until 18th level (or 13th if you save the artificer stuff for later). Mixing casting classes also means you miss out on ninth level spells, and you still have really low hp for someone who’s supposed to help out in a fight. Finally, a number of your spells don’t directly do damage, and need to be used creatively to be helpful. Whether your DM allows that kind of creativity can make or break the character.
Just try not to work yourself too hard, and things should turn out alright.
Next time: It’s Cu! Again!
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counttotwenty · 8 years
Bullet Points: Secrets and Shiny Things
Ill Boding Patterns--part 1
Bullet points are encapsulated scene analysis from the top of each act to the bottom. (each act is bookended by a commercial break)
1. The scene progression in the Teaser is VERY enlightening. As we know, it gives us the lens through which to view the rest of the episode. It sets up the relevant themes and as always, each scene is informed by and informs, those that come before and after. I’m gonna point that out a little more here than usual because, as I said, in this case it’s fascinating.
And since this was one of the least subtle eps of primetime tv I’ve see in a long time it’s not hard to spot the throughlines.
A hard hat may not be good enough to protect you from the anvils in this one. Fair warning.
2. Personally I loved Beowulf when I read it both in high school and in college. Yeppers, I was that kid. You’re shocked, aren’t you?
3. I was surprised (in a good way) when I saw they were casting someone to play Beowulf. I mean I figured they weren’t gonna get too deep into the weeds of the actual story, which frankly I don’t blame them for, it’s a little dense for primetime. 
But Hrunting the enchanted sword and the overarching them of epic battle were perfect choices to use as illuminators of the current storyline(s)
Nice story choice!
4. The staging of the first part of the scene is spectacular. Lots of moving pieces. People. Noise. Flaming catapult rounds. Wooden spikes. Potential danger is everywhere and a battle is definitely afoot.
They do a very nice job of giving that time to unfold.
And though there are dozens of people going about their business, including a blacksmith, we only “meet” two of them. Beowulf and a poor, hapless foot solider looking for courage in a flask. (From here on out to be referred to a PHF)
5. Really nice shot selection as the camera settles on PHF and then switches to his point of view. 
His view is obstructed by trees and smoke though he can see soldiers in the distance. Which is a visual indicator of his confusion and lack of certainty about his mission. He is clearly trying to make a decision. It’s written all over his face.
And he decides to bolt. Stumbling as he goes. Until he runs into Beowulf, almost literally.
6. Beowulf believes his enchanted sword assures him of being hailed a hero, and though eventually he gets around to mentioning victory as well, the idea of being a hero is clearly the #1 thing on his mind. Which is one of those little factoids you file away in case you come across a situation later where a man is counting on a sword to help him achieve his personal goals.
Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long.
7. Beowulf uses his considerable confidence and faith in the sword to convince PHF to turn around and join the battle.
Just a quick note to the PHF--you realize he’s not going to let you carry the lucky sword, right?
But for better or worse, off they go to battle.
It’s worth noting here than in the original poem the sword was ineffective at best. Which comes up again later. Several times. Because no dead horse was left unflogged in this ep.
8. So PHF set off determined to take one course of action (fleeing) and then an interaction with another person (Beowulf) altered his path 180 degrees (he stayed to fight)
Keep that in mind just in case it comes up later in the ep. (SPOILER ALERT it does. In a very big way)
9. Beowulf gets off to a good start, appearing to fell the first ogre pretty easily. Lots of other soldiers being tossed around like frisbees but his feet manage to stay on the ground and he appears to be “winning’. But that initial success is soon challenged by a new influx of 2 ogres.
So in other words the first battle was just a warm up.
10. Unfortunately PHF is not so lucky and gets crushed under the foot of an ogre in the second wave. Which is sad for PHF but leads to a really spectacular camera shot where the darkness from the approaching foot fills the screen then we fade back in on an entirely different landscape. A new battle if you will.
Nice touch with the smoke from all the various flaming weapons, mixed with maybe a little fog, blanketing the now desolate battlefield.
11. Even the opponent Beowulf goes to war with this time is a very different version than the previous battle.
He finally knocks Beowulf off his feet and separates him from Hrunting.
12. “I killed all of them.”
Except oops, as it turns out Beowulf wasn’t the one who killed the ogres. It was Rumple. 
But still, all Beowulf really wanted was to protect his village, right? So who cares who gets the credit for killing them, right?
Don’t count on it. Remember Beowulf’s main agenda seems to be to be hailed a hero.
It’s safe to assume he isn’t gonna take this lying down.
13. So let’s see where we stand after the first part of the teaser.
Be careful about placing too much faith an an enchanted sword because it might not do what you think it’s going to do.
If you’re struggling with a decision, and depending on the flask for a little clarity, and someone is trying to convince you which way you need to go--choose carefully. Things may not go the way you expect.
14. So as we go to the title card I’m thinking, whoever we see in this next scene, especially if they’re on the cusp of decision, is in for a rough ride.
Cut to Killian.
Well ... crap.
15. Just like PHF he’s using an 80 proof alcohol lubricant to help the decision making process. 
I feel ya, Killian.
It’s important to note here though that Killian tried Archie BEFORE he started drinking. It’s a very strong sign of his redemption that even his first instinct now is to do the right thing. He’s no longer fighting his pirate urges at every turn.
He’s a changed man.
Instead of lashing out in actions and bad behavior when something goes wrong he’s trying to work through it.
Very well done.
16. Interesting use of muted tones and soft focus to help visually portray Killian’s state of mind.
17. “Captain Hook doesn’t get cold feet.” 
Colin did a fantastic job of infusing that line with more Captain Hook-ness than Killian-ness. No grand gestures. No body movement. Just his face and voice. A slightly more aggressive tone. A slightly more pointed accent. Slightly harsher facial expressions.The difference is subtle but unmistakable.
Extraordinarily well done.
Kudos to Colin.
18. “There’s not another living soul knows the secret but me.”
This line stood out like a sore thumb to me. Mostly because unequivocal assertions like this have a way of being proven false in the end. Especially on this show.
19. Notice how when he talks about how Emma wouldn’t understand his tone and facial expressions once again soften.
Very sweet and makes me go awwww every time I see it but more than that it’s a very real representation of the effect her love has on him. She makes him all gooey inside (LOL) and the thought of disappointing her devastates him.
And that’s a very important thing to keep in mind.This exchange with Archie makes it very clear that he sees falling short in Emma’s eyes as unacceptable. He’s not worried about himself in this scene, though losing her would clearly devastate him, he’s worried about Emma and what this news will do to her.
20. “Because it would seem that I am broken.”
And he’s Hook-ish again. Taking on the harder edges mentioned above. That is until he gets back to talking about Emma then he softens again.
“I want to tell Emma the truth.”  
The fact that he wants to tell her ... our little pirate is all grown up and fully redeemed. Sniffle.
It’s worth noting here that this isn't just about Killian telling SOMEONE the truth--because if it was he’d tell Archie. This is about him telling EMMA the truth. She’s the one that matters to him.
21. I’ve rewatched this scene at least 20 times and way Colin deftly moves between the Hook and Killian sides of his personality is simply breathtaking. It is such a spectacular external representation of his internal turmoil.
22. They make too much of a point here about how much Killian wants to tell Emma for it not to come back and make a big difference down the line.
23. It’s a nice moment when Archie, like David before him, acknowledges the changes in Killian.
First it came from someone who has a personal relationship with Killian, then from someone with a professional relationship.
They certainly are making sure Killian’s redemption is airtight.
24. In contrast to PHF in the first scene there’s clearly never a moment Killian is tempted to bolt. Which is a very big statement.
25. “I think maybe you need to find out.”
Archie isn’t telling Killian what to do, he isn’t even pushing Killian in the direction of doing the “right thing”. Killian is already there. Archie is simply confirming what Killian already knows and what he already wants to do.
26. Oh you handsome pirate ... just watch out for the ogre’s shoe. Metaphorically speaking of course.
27. The scene with Gold, Belle and Blue is painfully slow, even for an exposition scene. Which this clearly was.
It also served as a VERY clunky way of connecting Gideon’s sword to Hrunting in the minds of the viewers.
But still...yikes. Even the sniping between Gold and Blue felt very flat.
Which is probably because they were only using it to remind casual viewers the Black Fairy is Gold’s mother.
Good lord, a little subtlety people.
28. “He’s not the first one to think wielding that sword will make him a hero.”
Time to play connect the scenes. LOL
29. So now we see Rumple on the top of the world. He’s being hailed as the hero of the Ogres War. He’s getting all the credit. Which technically he’s due since he killed all the ogres. 
He’s a happy man.
As long as no one spills his secret.
This scene right here is what sows those feelings of dread later in the ep because.....
30. Enter Beowulf.
31. Seriously Rumple--why are you giving him the sword back? To the victor go the spoils and all that. Not like that’s gonna come back and bite you at any point. (eyeroll)
32. So in a fit of jealousy because Rumple is getting accolades he feels like he deserves Beowulf spills the secret, pulls the rug out from under Rumple and makes the people who were celebrating with him just minutes earlier suddenly recoil.
33. The important difference here though is that Rumple wants to keep his secret and Killian wants to spill his.
34. How come every time I dare to say that Rumple has absolutely no desire to give up the dark magic, in fact that he quite enjoys it, my askbox runs over with people telling me I don’t understand the character.
I’m not making it up, folks. He says the words himself.
35. “No more magic.”
We’ll see.
36. When Gideon kills the security camera feed to the monitors is really brilliantly done contrast to last week’s scene where the ones at the jail followed David all the way to the cell.
Both men are out for revenge but one path was clear and one is obscured.
I see you, show.
37. Since it’s pretty clear we’ll be watching the saga of two very different sons play out in this ep it’s interesting to see the initial contrast between no more magic Bae and open sesame Gideon.
Well done.
38. Apropos of absolutely nothing I chronically misspell the word sheriff on the first try. I have a mental block about it, I swear.
39. “She won’t be able to get the best of me again.”
And down he goes.
40.So before we go on to Act 1 let’s kind of gather up the common elements we’ll be working with.
A shiny object plays a pivotal role in all of these storylines--be it a sword, a ring or a dagger.
Two of the storylines (Beowulf & Gideon) deal with a man who believes an enchanted sword is the key to his success.
Two of the stories deal with men keeping secrets. One (Killian) who wants to reveal it and one (Rumple) who wants to hide it.
Oh and there are battles looming, both personal an of the epic variety.
Next up--What Are You Up To?
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
The Journey: Fastest Rising Prospect Defensemen December 2018
We’re back with yet another edition of The Fastest Rising Prospect Defensemen!
This week, we’re looking at three guys who are each at different stages of their career and present a unique opportunity for keeper league or dynasty fantasy owners. My personal belief is that of the three of these players, there is likely a fit for your squad, regardless of your team’s direction, and I’ll allude to those details with each player. While each player could certainly have a positive impact on any prospect group, there are certain teams that each player might be a better fit for.
Lawrence Pilut, Buffalo Sabres | OCT 2018 – 93 | NOV 2018 – 62 (+31) | NOW – 37 (+25)
Fantrax: 14% Owned | +0.2%
If you’re already following most or some of the DobberProspects crew on Twitter, then there’s probably not many good reasons for you not to have heard the name Lawrence Pilut over the past month or so. The free-agent signing has become a home run for Jason Botterill on the prospect front in creating depth by adding to the cream of the crop. The 22-year-old defenseman was claimed by the Sabres after a monstrous 38-point campaign in the Swedish Hockey League with HV71. He immediately began to make an impact in North America with the Buffalo AHL affiliate in Rochester by registering points at a rate exceeding one per game (22 points in 16 games). After a two-month stint of showing that he was more than capable of driving offense from the back end in Rochester, Pilut was finally recalled to Buffalo which has proven to be a springboard in Dobber’s rankings.
Although Pilut has now been designated to Buffalo’s injured reserve, where he’ll remain until December 22, the Swede stands an excellent chance of remaining with the Sabres into 2019. Although now only six games into his NHL career, Pilut now sits fourth in Buffalo defenders in terms of points per 60, at a rate of 1.10. Since his recall on November 21, he’s been paired primarily with like-minded fellow-Scandinavian Rasmus Ristolainen at five-on-five, and received a small slice of the man-advantage pie.
Even as a late-bloomer, Pilut is showing excellent potential as a productive defenseman in the NHL. If Pilut is available in your dynasty or keeper league, he’s absolutely worth considering adding to your roster. His current status is such that he may not fit into an active roster immediately, however, would be a worthy claim that will allow you to sit back and enjoy watching his stock continue to rise.
Pilut’s status as a prospect would make him an appropriate add for a team who is either contending now or expecting to in the near future. While you could activate him as a depth contributor in the short term, his ceiling might not be as far out as some of the other players. He could also become an excellent trade chip once his NHL production gets rolling.
Nicolas Hague, Vegas Golden Knights | OCT 2018 – 59 | NOV 2018 – 58 (+1) | NOW – 43 (+15)
Fantrax: 19% Owned | +/-0%
50% of the Chicago Wolves dynamic rookie duo is on the up-trend after a five-game point streak that has the Vegas affiliate gaining ground in the AHL’s Central Division.
After a brief introduction to the pro level at the end of last season, Nic Hague has been riding the momentum into a productive rookie campaign. The point-per-game OHL defenseman hasn’t missed a step in his transition to the AHL, where both he and Erik Brannstrom lead the young productive blueline. While Brannstrom leads the Wolves back-end in terms of overall points, Hague’s cannon has catapulted him to the league lead for rookie goals from the back-end. In fact, he only trails Zach Redmond and Matt Donovan for the overall league lead among defensemen.
While the Knights seem to have their top-four locked up until the 2022 slate, Hague is making an early statement that he’ll be prepared to steal one of those spots well in advance. Erik Brannstrom also certainly sits ahead of Hague on the Vegas depth chart, however, the two both appear to be destined for great NHL careers. The emergence of such a strong, young back end in Chicago will certainly provide the Golden Knights with some extra chips when it comes to the Seattle expansion draft. While Vegas will not be susceptible to the selections, they could conceivably leverage their depth to gain assets. While the team’s contract situation may indicate a four year ETA for Hague, in all likelihood, he appears to be on track to force himself into an NHL lineup much sooner.
Hague’s status as a prospect would make him an appropriate add for a team who is hoping to contend in 2-3 years. While his NHL production will not come this season or next, Hague could possibly have the highest ceiling of the three players listed. He’s certainly a higher risk for what could be a higher reward in the future.
Oliver Kylington, Calgary Flames | OCT 2018 – 36 | NOV 2018 – 37 (-1) | NOW – 25 (+12)
Fantrax: 12% Owned | +/-0%
The Flames’ former fifth-round draft-pick is finally back to riding a positive flow after a couple of slow offensive years in the AHL. The Swedish blueliner had been on the rise shortly after his draft thanks to a productive World Junior tournament in 2017 where he helped team Sweden to a first-place finish in Group A. While Kylington continued to quietly improve his game in Stockton following the tournament, he as well as other Flames defensive prospects were overshadowed by Calgary’s activity in the trade market and free-agency. Now in his fourth North American campaign, Kylington got off to a roaring start with the Heat before being recalled to play in his second-ever NHL contest.
As a Flame, Kylington has been paired with a familiar face from Stockton in Rasmus Andersson. The two have both proven to be a reliable rookie duo despite their consistently low deployment. On a blueline that features several elite names including Norris dark-horse Mark Giordano, what else would you expect though? Both rookies will continue to make their case as NHL defenseman while the opportunity remains. Unfortunately for them though, at some point, both Juuso Valimaki and Michael Stone will come off of the IR and be vying for their spots back in the Flames top-six. In any case, this audition is a critical opportunity for Kylington whose positive impression thus far could motivate the Flames to make room for him in the near future. Because he remains waiver-exempt until what could become the fall of 2020, the Flames won’t be forced to make any brash decisions regarding his future.  With the impending Seattle expansion draft though, both Kylington and Andersson could provide the Flames with superior flexibility when it comes to managing their protections.
Kylington’s status as a prospect would make him an appropriate add for a team hoping to add immediate depth to their roster and contend in the next 2-3 years. While Kylington could contribute modestly in the short term, his ceiling is likely 2-3 years out. There is a fair amount of risk surrounding his ceiling, but his floor is quite certain.
As always, thanks for reading this week’s edition of The Journey. If you have personal thoughts on the players that I discussed today or want to school me on some of your thoughts, I welcome the discussion on Twitter @olaf1393.
Have a safe Merry Christmas, everyone!
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/the-journey/the-journey-fastest-rising-prospect-defensemen-december-2018/
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
This Week in MLS - October 9, 2018
USA Today Sports Images
October 9, 20185:56AM EDT
Giovinco’s return to Italy, Paraguayan youngsters highlight top MLS international call-ups
FC Dallas Homegrown Cannon ready for pressure with U.S. MNT call-up
D.C. run evokes similarities to 2016 MLS Cup-winning Sounders FC
MLS academy products look to lift Canada to new heights
MLS Week 33: Match Notes
Giovinco’s return to Italy, Paraguayan youngsters highlight top MLS international call-ups
Stars across Major League Soccer have been recognized for their quality in league play this season to earn call-ups to their respective national teams, ranging from young players representing their countries for the first time to veterans reentering the international fold.
Toronto FC forward Sebastian Giovinco returns to the Italy National Team thanks to a successful individual 2018 season with a combined 26 goals and assists, ranking as one of only three players across the league in the top 10 of both categories. Giovinco receives the call from new Italy boss Roberto Mancini. Giovinco, the 2015 Landon Donovan MLS MVP and 2018 Concacaf Champions League MVP will face Ukraine and Poland in this window and U.S. Men’s National Team fans should keep an eye on his performance, as repeat call-ups in the November window could see the Atomic Ant face Toronto teammates Michael Bradley and Marky Delgado, both called in for the U.S. camp.
Sporting Kansas City midfielder Johnny Russell has seen a resurgence with Scotland, having played in both matches during the September international window. With nine goals and nine assists for SKC, Russell will look to continue his strong production with Scotland when facing Israel and Portugal this week.
Young players across the league have also used their club play to break through for the first time in international play. Paraguay has seen three young MLS stars enter the program with high hopes for the first time this year, including 24-year-old Héctor Villalba (Atlanta United), 23-year-old Kaku (New York Red Bulls) and 20-year-old Cristhian Paredes (Portland Timbers). Kaku and Villalba have been instrumental to their squads, which are fighting for the top spot in the Eastern Conference and could each break the record for most points ever in an MLS season. Combined with fellow star Miguel Almirón (Atlanta United), the Paraguay National Team has three players age 24 or younger that have combined for 24 goals and 37 assists in MLS play this season.
FC Dallas Homegrown Cannon ready for pressure with U.S. MNT call-up
From virtually unknown to anchoring one of the best defensive units in MLS, 20-year-old FC Dallas Homegrown Player Reggie Cannon is bound for his first U.S. Men’s National Team camp as the USA prepares for No. 14 FIFA-ranked Colombia on Thursday in Tampa (7:30 p.m. ET / FS1, UniMas, UDN).
Cannon’s emergence under FCD head coach Oscar Pareja has helped catapult the club to the top of the Western Conference. After playing just one minute in 2017, Cannon this year has played in 31 games (all starts), logged 2,741 minutes and tallied a goal and three assists. He also was voted No. 7 on MLSsoccer.com’s 22 Under 22 rankings. Alongside the rising defender will be a former teammate, Colorado Rapids midfielder and former FCD Homegrown Player Kellyn Acosta.
“I’m looking forward to heading into this camp with solid confidence,” Cannon said. “Kellyn’s really going to help me with that. He’s my roommate and my best friend. He’s going to help me a lot with getting integrated into the system. It’s going to be a good trip.” (LISTEN HERE)
“I like to play the players when I know they’re going to have a good scenario,” Pareja recently told the Dallas Morning News. “With Reggie’s situation, that probably happened more than with anyone else.”
“You have that national team call-up, people are looking at you differently,” Cannon said. “People are expecting you to always be at that level. That bar you set, you always have to go above it.”
U.S. MNT roster:
Current MLS Homegrowns: Kellyn Acosta (Colorado Rapids), Reggie Cannon (FC Dallas), Mark Delgado (Toronto FC), Wil Trapp (Columbus Crew SC)
Former MLS Homegrowns: Matt Miazga (New York Red Bulls), DeAndre Yedlin (Seattle Sounders FC)
Additional MLS youth products: Aaron Long (New York Red Bulls), Tim Weah (New York Red Bulls)
D.C. run evokes similarities to 2016 MLS Cup-winning Sounders FC
D.C. United (11-11-8, 41 points) could be one step closer to the Audi 2018 MLS Cup playoffs this week with a potential slide into sixth place, moving the club above playoff line for the first time this regular season. With potential postseason qualification in view and a couple games in hand, D.C.’s turnaround is showing signs of mirroring the memorable U-turn of 2016 MLS Cup champions Seattle Sounders FC.
The 2016 Sounders went 6-12-2 (20 points) through July 24 of that season, then went on to post an 8-2-4 record (28 points) the rest of the way to advance to the postseason. This year’s United team posted a 3-9-5 record (14 points) through July 25 of this year and has since sported an 8-2-3 record (27 points) heading into Week 32.
2016 MLS Cup winners Seattle Sounders FC:
March 6-July 24, 2016: 6-12-2, 20 points
July 31-Oct. 23, 2016: 8-2-4, 28 points
2018 D.C. United:
March 3-July 25: 3-9-5, 14 points
July 28-present: 8-2-3, 27 points (4 games remaining)
The 2012 LA Galaxy were the trendsetters of comeback MLS champions. Through July 4, 2012, LA went 6-10-2 and was out of the postseason picture, but then went 10-2-4 over the remainder of the regular season, then would go on to defeat the Houston Dynamo in MLS Cup.
A postseason berth still needs to occur for D.C., which collides with Western Conference-leading FC Dallas this Saturday (4:55 p.m. / Univision, UDN) at Audi Field, where United have gone 4-0-1 in their past five home matches.
Since Sept. 1:
D.C. United: 4-0-2 (4-0-1 in past five matches at Audi Field)
FC Dallas: 3-0-2 (defense has posted three shutouts)
“Give credit to the team and all the fans, and the new stadium, for bringing in a new type of energy and feel to the organization,” D.C. midfielder Paul Arriola said. “It’s been fun, and the more that we can continue to win now, the easier it is for us to push ourselves into the playoffs.” (LISTEN HERE)
MLS academy products look to lift Canada to new heights
With nine current players called into the Canada National Team, Major League Soccer’s influence on coach John Herdman’s squad is undeniable. The strong contingent of particularly young players developed through MLS academies and features a world-class attacking trio that rivals the excitement and potential of any in North America.
Ballou Tabla, the 19-year-old midfielder who transferred to Barcelona from the Montreal Impact, could make his national team debut on Oct. 16 when hosting Dominica in Toronto. Tabla forms a talented attacking unit including 17-year-old Vancouver midfielder Alphonso Davies who is headed to Bayern Munich next year in a record transfer. Former Orlando City SC forward Cyle Larin also has emerged as a starter for Turkish power Besiktas and is the focus of Canada’s attack up top.
Along with Toronto FC midfielder Jonathan Osorio, the 2018 Concacaf Champions League Golden Boot winner, Canada has a wealth of MLS-produced attacking talent that is set to lead the country in its quest to secure a spot in the 2019 Concacaf Gold Cup.
MLS Week 33: Match Notes
Friday, October 12, 2018
Los Angeles Football Club vs. Houston Dynamo, 10 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
LAFC became the fifth expansion team to clinch a playoff berth in its first season, following a 3-0 win against the Colorado Rapids at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening. It was LAFC’s seventh away win of the season, matching the all-time record for expansion teams, set by the Chicago Fire in 1998.
Adama Diomande netted a pair of goals, now with 11 goals for the season. LAFC now have three goalscorers with 10 goals or more, including Carlos Vela (11) and Diego Rossi (10), and is the first expansion team ever to achieve that feat.
The Dynamo had their three-game winless streak put to an end, falling 4-1 to Seattle Sounders FC at CenturyLink Field on Monday evening. With the defeat, the Dynamo were eliminated from playoff contention. DaMarcus Beasley scored the Dynamo goal, his first in MLS since 2016.
The teams are meeting for the second time ever. LAFC held a two-goal lead as the clock hit 90:00, but stoppage-time goals from Mauro Manotas (94+) and Philippe Senderos (96+) hauled the Dynamo back into a 2-2 draw July 3 at BBVA Compass Stadium.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Minnesota United FC vs. Colorado Rapids, 2 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
MNUFC saw their two-game winning run come to sudden halt, falling 5-1 to the Philadelphia Union at Talen Energy Stadium on Saturday evening. Darwin Quintero netted his 11th goal of the season (to go with 13 assists).
The Rapids saw their losing streak reach seven games, falling 3-0 to the Los Angeles Football Club at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Saturday evening. The losing slide is one game away from the club record, set earlier this season (April 21-June 9).
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Tommy Smith netted the game-winner deep into second-half stoppage time as the Rapids came back for a 3-2 win on June 23 at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park.
The teams met twice in Minnesota United’s inaugural campaign. They reached a 2-2 draw in the first encounter on March 18 at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park; MNUFC then claimed a 1-0 win on April 18 at TCF Bank Stadium.
D.C. United vs. FC Dallas, 4:55 p.m. ET (Univisión, UDN, Twitter)
D.C. United extended their undefeated streak to six games with a second consecutive win, coming back for a 2-1 win against the Chicago Fire at Audi Field on Sunday afternoon. The six-game unbeaten run is United’s longest of the season and their longest since 2015; they now have a five-game undefeated streak alive at Audi Field.
Wayne Rooney scored both United goals vs. Chicago and now has nine goals in 16 appearances since coming to the club. It was a second consecutive two-goal game and his third in MLS; Rooney has goals in his past three contests.
FC Dallas extended their undefeated streak to five games with a third win in that time, defeating Orlando City SC 2-0 at Toyota Stadium on Saturday evening. The win extended FCD’s home undefeated streak to four games, a second consecutive shutout in Frisco.
FC Dallas have won the past three meetings between the clubs, including a 4-2 win on July 4, 2017, at Toyota Stadium in their only matchup. D.C. United last won in Frisco on Sept. 1, 2007, a 4-0 victory. FC Dallas have won five of their seven home meetings since, with two draws.
FC Dallas concluded their RFK Stadium history with a 3-0 win there on March 26, 2016, FCD’s first win in the nation’s capital since 2010. United’s last win in the series came on East Capitol Street, a 4-1 win in 2014.
New England Revolution vs. Orlando City SC, 7:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Revolution saw their winless streak extended to four games with a second consecutive defeat, falling 2-1 to Atlanta United at Mercedes-Benz Stadium on Saturday afternoon.
Orlando City SC had their club-record winless run stretched to 11 games with a fourth consecutive defeat, falling 2-0 to FC Dallas at Toyota Stadium on Saturday evening. OCSC has not scored a goal in its past four matches, the 360-minute goalless drought the second-longest in the club’s MLS history.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Orlando City’s Scott Sutter hit for the equalizer three minutes into second-half stoppage time, leaving the teams in a 3-3 draw on Aug. 4 at Orlando City Stadium.
The away team has never won in the all-time series, in eight meetings. The Revolution have won two of the three meetings at Gillette Stadium, including a 4-0 win in the last matchup there, last Sept. 2. Orlando City had won their last two home matches vs. New England, before this year’s draw.
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – October 9, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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kelsusit · 7 years
Dell Computer
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“Dude! You are getting a Dell.” Those words are as prophetic today as they had been 15 years ago, when Dell and a scrappy spokes-teen introduced the now iconic phrase into the lexicon of American pop culture. But it was an additional young upstart who was accountable for the meteoric rise of the tech firm: Michael Dell. At the age of 19, Dell borrowed $1,000 from his family to start what he was then calling PC’s Limited. Whilst nevertheless a student at the University of Texas at Austin, Dell operated the fledgling enterprise out of his dorm room, and inside a year he had designed a laptop that sold for significantly less than an IBM machine. The outcome was practically immediate recognition, and a gushing report in Computer Week catapulted the company into the spotlight.
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auburnfamilynews · 7 years
The Tiger defense needs to set their alarm clocks for this aerial attack! (Photo by Acid Reign.)
     War Eagle, everybody! We are rapidly approaching the midpoint of the 2017 SEC season. This week, Auburn hosts Ole Miss, in the dreaded 11:00 AM time slot. This typically results in subdued morning tailgating, and a lethargic crowd. Auburn football has a reputation for mailing in these early games, earned during the Tuberville years.
     Is the “early game” curse valid, under current head coach Gus Malzahn? In 2013, Auburn only played once early, at Tennessee. Thanks to cranked up special teams, Auburn handed Tennessee a blistering 55-23 loss. Auburn did not play before noon in 2014.
     In 2015, Auburn was not very good, and got shoved to 11 AM pretty frequently. Jacksonville State was an early kick, and it took some pretty severe late-game blunders by the visiting Gamecocks for Auburn sneak out with an overtime win. Also in 2015, Auburn was at Arkansas for an early kickoff, and spotted the Razorbacks an early 2 touchdown lead, before roaring back to force overtime. Auburn lost in 4 overtimes, and lost a healthy Sean White. Ole Miss came to Auburn for an 11 o’clock kick the following week, and Auburn lost, 19-27. Finally, the Birmingham Bowl was an early Wednesday kickoff, and Auburn bounced Memphis by the score of 31-10.
     In 2016, Auburn had their first road game of the year at 11 AM, in Starkville. No early morning curse there, as Auburn catapulted out to a 35-0 halftime lead, en route to a 38-14 win. Auburn hosted Vanderbilt early, and trailed at halftime. Auburn rallied in the second half, and hung on for a 23-16 win.
     My conclusion is that the curse is no more. If Auburn is playing decently, these early matchups are no problem. If not (see 2015), there are problems whether it is an early kick or not. Auburn’s struggles against Vanderbilt last season had more to do with a painfully conservative offensive gameplan, than any morning hangover.
     My guess this week is that Ole Miss might make a game out of it, with a really dangerous receiving corps. Auburn will have to pin their ears back up front, and harass young Rebel quarterback Shea Patterson into some mistakes. The Auburn secondary had a great game last weekend against Mississippi State, and will need a good showing this week again.
     The Ole Miss defense to date has been surprisingly porous, giving up 430 yards per game, and 35.8 points per game. The two games Ole Miss actually won, against South Alabama and Tennessee Martin, they had to outscore the opposition in the second half, eventually winning by scores of 47-27 and 45-23. There were no second half explosions, the last couple of games. Ole Miss failed to score in the second half in Berkeley, California, losing to Cal 27-16. Last weekend was an absolute disaster of a game in Tuscaloosa, with Ole Miss getting destroyed, 66-3.
Coaches on the Hot Seat, after the jump!
     Back before the season started, I did some speculation on which coaches were on the hot seat. With midseason now approaching, it’s time to revisit that theme. I did not have second year Missouri coach Barry Odum on my list, but I think the situation there now bears watching. It’s one thing to lose games in a coach’s second season in the SEC. For a team to look as terrible and unorganized as Mizzou has the past few weeks is another thing entirely.
     I mentioned Mark Stoops, opining that they were lucky to win 7 games last season, and would not be so lucky this year. I have to take some of that back, now. Kentucky looks like a legitimately tough team, and will be difficult for most of their remaining schedule to handle.
     I also believed that Georgia folks would not put up with back to back 7 win seasons from Kirby Smart, either. Looks like little danger of that, this year. Georgia has rolled out to a 5-0 start, and looks to be the best team in the East, easily.
     I did a quick Google search on “Tennessee football,” and the whole first page was filled with links about “who should replace Butch Jones.” Volunteer fans are quite upset with Tennessee’s 0-2 SEC start this season, especially after the 41-0 faceplant against Georgia last weekend. The Vols have South Carolina, then travel to Alabama and Kentucky. Three more losses are certainly possible, if not probable. And with the new early signing period legislation in place this year, cutting a coach loose at mid season makes a bit more sense.
     We figured Texas A&M’s Kevin Sumlin was a dead man walking, after the Aggies blew a 44-10 lead against UCLA, and lost. The Aggies have not lost since. While the wins haven’t been pretty, they count just the same. The Aggies are 2-0 in the SEC, but that record won’t remain unblemished much longer, as the Aggies host Alabama this weekend. Texas A&M then road trips to Florida, then hosts Mississippi State and Auburn. I would say that Sumlin needs to win at least 2 of these next 4 games to survive.
     Arkansas’ Bret Bielema is another one I whose seat I figured would be getting warm this year. The Razorbacks have handled a couple of non-conference cupcakes, but lost ugly to TCU, and lost in overtime to Texas A&M. There is potential for Arkansas to get to 7 wins, with South Carolina, at Alabama, Auburn, at Ole Miss, Coastal Carolina, at LSU, Mississippi State and Missouri still on the schedule. Frankly, as porous on the offensive line as Arkansas has looked, I’m not sure I see 5 wins in that list. I see 3 at best, and Arkansas fans aren’t happy with finishing 7-5 every year. A 5-7 finish would likely doom Bielema.
     Stunningly, LSU coach Ed Orgeron’s name is out there on some hot seat lists. I can’t believe that the LSU brass would even consider letting him go in year one. Heck, Nick Saban lost to UAB in year one in Baton Rouge. In a cash strapped state, I can’t imagine the school paying a 12 million dollar buyout that early.
     Finally, we have the Ole Miss situation. I had Hugh Freeze on there, and he did not even make it to the first game of the season. Ole Miss is currently led by interim coach Matt Luke, but I think Ole Miss will look elsewhere for their next permanent. I think Luke’s chances of retaining the job went up in the flames of a hideous 66-3 loss at Alabama.
     Auburn’s Gus Malzahn has hovered on or near a lot of folks’ hot seat lists, since a disappointing 7-6 season in 2015. Since then, Auburn has looked clueless at times, and brilliant at times. Right now, Auburn is destroying opponents handily, and looks to have a pretty clear path to roll through without a conference loss, till “Amen Corner.” What has happened the last couple of seasons is that when the quarterback gets injured, things fall apart. Auburn is one bad hit from starting a true freshman, and being right back in that boat. If Jarrett Stidham stays healthy, Auburn will be in the SEC title race till the end of November, and the hot seat talk will be a distant memory.
     We’ll have our usual TrackEmTigers.com open thread up and ready to go early, this week. As always, feel free to join in the fun. I’ll be at the keyboard with my coffee, ready for another play-by-play. War Eagle, and let’s mangle those Rebs!
The post Ole Miss for Brunch. appeared first on Track 'Em Tigers, Auburn's oldest and most read independent blog.
from Track 'Em Tigers, Auburn's oldest and most read independent blog http://bit.ly/2yL5J2B
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russellthornton · 7 years
When You Miss Him: 20 Mind Tricks to Stop Missing the Wrong Guy
Is there anything worse than that feeling in the pit of your stomach, like when you miss him? Here’s how to get better when you’re feeling lonely.
Loss is like someone tearing your heart out, right through your chest. The reason they call it heartbreak is because it feels like your heart is going to break in half and you’re not going ever to feel right again. So, when you miss him, it can feel like the sun stopped shining and the dark clouds are forever going to eclipse your sad and pathetic existence.
20 mind tricks to try when you miss him
The good news is that although you can’t have what you want, or the guy you want for whatever reason, the sun will shine again. That I can promise you. It is hard to do all sorts of things when you miss him, but there are steps you can take to make it better.
#1 Think of all the things you didn’t like about him. When we break up with people or miss them, our brains have a tendency to only remember the good things and the good times. There were undoubtedly things that you didn’t like about him, like his need to always be right or inability to help do the dishes.
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of the things that we won’t miss to get past the mental list you have already made of what you will. [Read: 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through them]
#2 Keep yourself busy. Nothing is worse than quiet time when you miss him. Idle minds really are the devil’s playground because they allow you to fill the space in with memories and despair.
I know that you probably don’t feel like being around people right now and are sad, but I promise you that if you can just get yourself together and out the door, you will rarely regret getting out of the house and occupying your mind.
#3 Do all the things that you didn’t when you were together. When you are a couple, you sometimes give up the things you love because there isn’t enough time, or your significant other simply isn’t a big fan.
If you love the beach, but he hated the sand, go to the beach. Sometimes getting past heartbreak involves remembering the you that you were before he entered into your life. [Read: 15 lessons you can learn from your own breakups]
#4 Find a hobby. All those things that you have dreamed about are all doable now. You don’t have to answer to anyone and have much more time, so find out what you love and what you are passionate about and go for it.
Become a photographer for the hell of it, write your memoirs, or take up watercolors. Now is the time to forget about him and start focusing on what makes you happy without him.
#5 Go out as much as possible. If your friends suggest that you would be perfect with one of their co-workers, don’t have the immediate thought that you aren’t ready to date yet and opt out!
Meeting as many new people as possible and continually putting yourself out there, will leave you open to having fun, making connections, and yes, even though you say you aren’t ready, only fate knows when it is time for love to find you. So, let it do its job by making yourself available. [Read: Rebound relationships and why they’re the best thing to get over a guy]
#6 Take a new class. Find the local gym nearby and take a new exercise class. Or, if you already belong to one, find a class that you wouldn’t ever consider and take it. Doing things outside of the box will help you to find things that you like that have nothing to do with your past.
It is also a way to meet people you have things in common with and a great thing to do when you miss him. The best part? Exercise will also help you chase the blues away. [Read: The most common things all women do when they have a broken heart]
#7 Let it go and stop rehashing. Some of us are *ahem*… rehashers. I am including myself in this category. I talk about things ad nauseam to try to make sense and find closure. What I find is that instead of doing either of those things, I get stuck in a rut saying the same old things and rehashing things that I need to put away and move on from.
Instead of holding onto memories or trying to find out why he left, why he had to go, or simply why it didn’t work, stop talking about it. When you feel the impulse to ruminate, grab your shoes and go for a run. Working through the anxiety is much better than drudging up old feelings again and again.
#8 Put away pictures and memories…. at least for a while. If your apartment or home is full of pictures of the two of you, it may be holding you in the past. I am not suggesting that you forget your relationship or even that you get rid of the pictures.
Maybe it is just time to put them away for just a bit so that you can get back to life. You can always put them back afterward when you have grieved, and those memories are no longer sad. But bring back good thoughts. [Read: 15 very effective rules to forget someone you once cared for]
#9 Return his things via mail. Don’t hold onto his things in hopes of seeing him again. You are only holding yourself back. When you miss him, keeping his belongings as a constant reminder isn’t helping. Return them in a box via mail to get past the hurt of seeing them all the time.
#10 Avoid triggers. There are going to be things that trigger your memories and bring back the hurt. Learn what they are to avoid catapulting yourself back into anguish. If a chick flick sets you off, don’t watch it. If you both had pizza every Friday, skip it. Don’t give into your routine, it will only keep you stuck.
#11 Avoid your old hangouts. If you keep going back to the well, you are going to find that it isn’t satiating your thirst. Hanging out at all the old places is only making you miserable and ensuring that you aren’t moving on and forward.
Avoid those spots that have the most laden emotions to move past the hurt. [Read: I miss my ex-boyfriend – 15 ways to really stop missing him for good]
#12 Make a new goal. Another great tip for when you miss him is focusing on a goal to keep you in the here and now and allow you to move from your past. Make a commitment to get a promotion, go back to school, or even run a marathon. It doesn’t have to be a lofty goal, just one that will get your head back in the game and progressing toward the future.
#13 Find that rebound guy, no need to get serious! Yes, the rebound guy is real. Find someone who makes you laugh and forget your past, if even for a while. Rebound guys are awesome because they remind you that love will come again. [Read: 13 rebound sex questions to know if you’re ready to hook up for fun]
#14 Road trip. Take a road trip to see your friends or to some awesome getaway. Sometimes all you need is to get out of your element when you miss him.
#15 Stop taking other people’s advice and do what is in your heart. Not everyone is going to get it or give you the advice that is helpful. You can’t let other people decide what you need to do moving forward because only you know. You were the only one in the relationship, so stop asking for reassurance from everyone around you, and do what is in your heart.
#16 Read as much as you can. The internet is full of crap. There is no doubting that. But, it is also full of people who are going through the same thing that you are. If you keep reading things that people have to talk about and how they feel, you are bound to find someone or something to connect with.
There are times when just knowing you are not alone in the way you feel is enough to help you get past the hurt and onto better times. [Read: Self-discovery after a breakup – How to move on]
#17 Find a partner in crime. Having someone to lean on is an excellent thing to do when you miss him. The hardest part about losing a significant person in your life is that there feels like what’s left is a hole. A partner in crime will help you to do crazy things, have a good time and can help to fill the space that may feel empty.
#18 Erase him from social media. Stop stalking him or trying to figure out if he misses you. If you want to get past him, then you have to stop torturing yourself.
If it is meant to be and you are meant to get back together, then let it happen as it is supposed to. Continually checking his status or his pictures to see who he is with will only end up hurting you and keep you stuck.
#19 Erase his number and consider changing yours. To make sure that you don’t give into temptation or allow him to come back into your life when you have finally moved on, you may want to consider blocking or erasing his contact.
If you really want to make the commitment to be done and move on, then try changing your contact info. It is a big change, but one that may be necessary. [Read: What you should do after a breakup to feel awesome]
#20 Stop talking to mutual friends. The worst part about a breakup sometimes is figuring out who gets to keep the friends you have. If you want to stop missing him, then you have to either let go of your common friends or stop talking about him. It makes everyone uncomfortable and isn’t helping you; it is keeping you tied to him going forward.
Losing someone in your life is a really hard thing to deal with, especially if it was your partner. There is no magic bullet to grieve and get over a relationship. Trust me, if there was, I would have taken that bullet by now. [Read: The most common post breakup mistakes you should never do]
The key is not to keep yourself stuck by holding onto memories or the past when you miss him. Sure, he may not be with you anymore, but take from the relationship the goods things, leave the bad behind, and make it the starting point to find fulfillment in life.
[Read: 20 firm ways to get over a guy you like without falling apart]
But when you miss him, always remember that a new beginning can come in the form of finding another love… or simply finding out that you don’t need anyone in your life to be fulfilled, except you.
The post When You Miss Him: 20 Mind Tricks to Stop Missing the Wrong Guy is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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Your 20s can be a confusing time.
You might not be in school anymore, but you still have plenty to learn before you're a fully functioning adult.
Meaning now, you're on your own.
To help you navigate this tricky decade, we reviewed several Quora threads on helpful skills and ways to spend time in your 20s and highlighted the most useful insights.
Here are the life skills every 20-something should master.
1. How to just be honest
When you're late to an appointment, it's tempting to pin the blame on gridlock or train delays.
Instead, says Quora user Michael Hoffman, "just apologize. You don't have to give details. 'I planned poorly' is a hundred times better than risking your integrity by inanely blaming traffic."
2. How to receive criticism
No one likes to be told they're wrong or even that they could be doing something more effectively. As Abhinav Gupta writes, it's easy to resent the person critiquing you or completely ignore them.
Nonetheless, Gupta says, "in order to succeed in life you should always accept criticism and always respond positively to it and never think ill of people who point out your mistakes."
3. How to start an interesting conversation
"Conversation-making is probably the most underrated skill," says Deepak Mehta, who admits that he's a shy person who's always found it difficult.
But experience has taught him that if you dare to strike up a discussion with the person next to you, you might very well end up with a new friend, a business connection, or some novel insights on an old topic.
Start with these 13 ways to get better at small talk — like asking open-ended questions.
4. How to ask for something you want
"The ability to ask is the easiest, most underutilized skill to catapult your career," writes an anonymous user.
But if you don't muster up the courage to request a raise, a promotion, or a bigger sales deal, you have no chance of getting it.
If the thought of requesting what you want makes you anxious, the user suggests practicing in non-work-related contexts. For example, you could ask a vendor at a farmer's market for a lower price on your vegetables.
"The more you put yourself in uncomfortable situations," the user writes, "the more likely you'll decide they're not that uncomfortable after all."
5. How to keep your promises
Maybe you told a friend you'd show up to his birthday party, or maybe you agreed to finish an extra assignment for your boss. Whatever the situation, you should make good on your word.
"Break [your promise] and people lose trust and faith in you, which, over time, is very hard to mend," Hoffman says.
6. How to communicate effectively
No matter your career field, you can always improve the way you speak and write.
"Think about ways to challenge yourself and tweak how you write an email or behave in a meeting," the anonymous user suggests.
Here's an example: "During your next team meeting, resist talking about your idea or opinion right off the bat. Instead, count to five, and if you still feel like you have something relevant to contribute, speak up. On the flip side, if you're shy, challenge yourself to say what you're thinking, instead of remaining silent."
7. How to be resilient
The rest of your life is bound to include setbacks, sadness, and frustration (in addition to joy and excitement!). Carolyn Cho says you should use your early adulthood to figure out how to recover from mishaps:
"Your 20s [are] a time when most are relatively free of the responsibilities that will increase into your 30s and 40s. This is a great time to experiment, fail, and bounce back. Learn how to ride out failure and persevere."
8. How to demonstrate good table manners
"A lot of interviews take place over meals," writes Drew Pavilonis.
"Chewing loudly, or eating with your mouth open, licking fingers and utensils (yes, I've seen it), elbows on the table, just shows a lack of manners and social skills."
  9. How to live within your means
Cho advises young adults to think carefully about all their expenditures:
"Luxuries are a wonderful thing only if you can truly afford them. Don't be a slave to funding a lifestyle that will not last. Learn to live modestly and save up, and then you will have earned the right to purchase yourself some treats, in moderation."
10. How to deal with rejection
Many people use their 20s to try new experiences, jobs, and romantic partners. Some of those attempts will work out, and some won't.
According to Joe Choi, it's a good opportunity to learn how to deal with rejection, whether it's from a dream employer or a date: "It's a tough pill to swallow but realize that rejection is quite normal. It's hardly ever personal and most importantly it's not the end of the world. Don't dwell on it. Keep your head high and keep trucking along."
"Life is full of challenges. The 20s are a great time to toughen up and start teaching yourself how to be emotionally and mentally resilient enough to weather both the joys and hardships to come."
11. How to learn without a textbook
Studying shouldn't be limited to your time in school. It "can be anywhere, anytime, and with anyone," writes Lenny Kho. "Keep your mind wide open."
You should always be seeking out new ways to expand your mind. Read books, practice speaking foreign languages, or take music lessons — whatever excites you most.
12. How to accept the possibility of change
Research by psychologist Dan Gilbert suggests that we have a hard time imagining how much we'll change in the future.
So it makes sense that Choi says, "It's near impossible to plan where you'll be a few years from now."
Choi uses his own trajectory as an example. During college he studied engineering, and he never imagined he'd move to rural Eastern Europe to harvest corn afterward — but he did. While living in Europe, he never thought he'd later move to a fancy building in New York City — but that's exactly what happened.
Expect to be surprised (hopefully pleasantly) by the way your life unfolds.
13. How to make a decision
"The bridge that leads from analysis to action is effective decision-making — knowing what to do based on the information available," writes Janic Butevics. "While not being critical can be dangerous, so too can over-analyzing, or waiting for more information before making a decision."
If you're more of an over-analyzer, consider trying an adapted version of the "gun test," which Stanford engineering professor Bernard Roth wrote about in his book "The Achievement Habit."
Pretend somone's holding a gun up to your head and giving you 15 seconds to make a decision. You'll definitely be able to choose something — and it will release a lot of pressure.
14. How to sell yourself
This skill isn't just for professional salespeople.
"Being able to sell yourself to others is a vital skill in any area of life," writes Lukas Schwekendiek. "In the working business you have to sell yourself to clients and potential employers. In finding a partner you must sell yourself to the person and your potential benefit to their life."
Try telling a story about yourself, since it will be easier for people to remember. And make sure that story sparks conversation among your listeners.
15. How to negotiate
Author and podcaster James Altucher highlights the importance of developing negotiation skills. He refers specifically to the tips he learned from former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss.
Those tips include getting people to say "no" when you want them to ultimately say "yes." For example, when you're negotiating the terms of a job and not getting your way, you can ask the hiring manager, "Do you want me to fail?" The answer is, obviously, no — and from there, you can start pushing for what you need.
16. How to listen without speaking
M. Malhan writes: 'By training yourself to be a better and ACTIVE LISTENER, you will be able to communicate more effectively and develop better relationships in life."
As Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local, previously told Business Insider, listening is the most important — and most underrated skill — in business and in life.
If you want to develop your own active listening skills, try "mindful conversation." Two people pair up and one person speaks for a set time period while the other is completely silent. Then, the second person reflects on what the first person said until the first person feels satisfied. Finally, the two people switch roles.
The goal of mindful conversation is to have less superficial interactions, to instead have interactions that leave you feeling like you and your conversation partner really understood each other.
17. How to be patient
There's no question that it's important to be ambitious and to work hard to achieve your goals — whether they include landing a spot in the C-suite or buying a house.
But try not to get frustrated if, at 25, you still haven't scored a promotion or saved up enough for a down payment.
Take a tip from Steve Kobrin: "Good things simply do not happen overnight. They take time to nurture and cultivate. They take a lot of work. A lot of thought. A lot of trial and error, and learning from your mistakes."
SEE ALSO: 19 signs you're a functioning adult — even if it doesn't feel like it
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NOW WATCH: TONY ROBBINS: What you need to do in your 20s to be more successful in your 30s
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