#Sports Facility Dubai
davidmarkweb125 · 8 months
Football and Padel Tennis Court for Rent-ahdaaf You can book the ✓sports facility, ✓football, padel tennis, court rental, Sports Facility Dubai and Football and Padel Tennis Court for Rent as we have spacious paddle venues where newcomers or seasoned players. Whether it’s a large gathering or a small one we provide flexibility. https://ahdaaf.ae
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unitedestatesllc · 2 years
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: Part of the Team
Plot: On her first day working for KJPR, Y/n tours AFC Richmond’s facility and meets some of the staff.
Warnings: language, use of f!reader, (16+)
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Well, first off, thank you for the lovely response! I certainly didn’t endeavor to write anything for Ted Lasso (I was actually going to take a writing break) but this idea seemed good enough to indulge.
This has been added to the taglist in my bio, so don’t be afraid to click it and add yourself. It will be kept 16+ just for language and the show’s subject matter so I won’t be adding anyone unless your age/range is specified in your bio.
All that being said, I hope this nurses a little bit of your finale hangover. No Greyhounds to be found in this chapter, but a wild Ted does appear. Writing for him is going to be a hilarious exercise for me lol. Enjoy!!
Wanting to be prepared, Y/n had started doing research on AFC Richmond the morning after accepting Keeley’s job offer.
The slight buzz she’d managed at the bar had blocked from her memory that she knew more about Rebecca Welton than she thought. Years before, she’d seen her face splashed across all the tabloids at news stands and markets talking about her divorce from…for the life of her, Y/n couldn’t remember the man’s name. All she remembered is there’d been perfect pictures of him and his various models of the months, while the cameras always managed to catch Rebecca with a sour look on her face. Y/n remembered feeling like she could read the whole situation without without ever perusing a filthy word.
As she studied, Y/n put together that Richmond consisted of three coaches. The manager, Ted Lasso, was a name the whole country knew, regardless of whether you watched football or not. It wasn’t Y/n’s place to judge, but she assumed if he was still around, there was a reason. He’d brought along an assistant coach from the states with him, along with Roy Kent joining their staff the previous season. Another name she didn’t need to bother to learn as it was already burned in every Brit’s brain. There also seemed to be a scandal with a previous coach, Nathan Shelley, having abandoned Richmond for West Ham United as Richmond reentered the Premier League.
Having gone to school in London and staying after, Y/n had gone to plenty of football matches with friends. Much like American sports, she’d never been as interested as those surrounding her, but she enjoyed the atmosphere. However, she pulled up highlights of old Richmond matches on Youtube and studied them to try and get a feel for the players. Two in particular stood out to her.
Sam Obisanya caught her attention for his raw talent, the graceful way he managed to move in such a brutal sport. She’d also seen the way he handled himself in press conferences, always soft and well spoken. He’d been fearless in his defense of Nigeria, his home country, and against Dubai Air and Cerithium Oil. She had mad respect for him and his bravery.
Then there was Jamie Tartt. Going through videos of his stints at Richmond left Y/n puzzled. He seemed to have started out the cocky striker, too busy kissing his own foot to realize there were twenty more on the pitch waiting to shine. He never passed. He never assisted. It was all him. But then, after his swift departure and return to the team, his playing style shifted. Suddenly, he did pass. He did assist. A few months difference and it was practically night and day.
Y/n sighed as she shut her laptop, having just finished the video of him letting Dani Rojas take the penalty goal that secured Richmond’s return to the Premier League. She hoped Jamie Tartt, and all other Greyhounds, wouldn’t be a PR headache.
The night before she officially started at KJPR, Y/n found herself nervous. It seemed like too ideal of a situation to meet someone at a bar and be offered a job right after losing yours. She felt hesitant to trust that when she walked into Keeley’s office, she wouldn’t find a complete nightmare. She went to sleep with a clenched jaw and stiff shoulders, praying that this wouldn’t be another loss to face.
Y/n pulled up to the KJPR office building at 8:55. She adjusted her carefully ironed pants, smoothed down her blouse and blazer and took a deep breath. Her capabilities were the one place her insecurities had no place living. She was good at what she did, she just needed a place to do it.
When the elevator doors opened, she was surprised to find a small office with multiple occupied desks set up. Keeley had made it sound much smaller than it actually was.
A familiar voice exclaimed and Y/n peered across the room to see Keeley rushing out from behind her desk and bursting out her office door.
“I’m so glad you showed,” she grinned as she scurried to Y/n and took hold of her hands.
“You offered me a job and you thought I wasn’t going to show up?” Y/n asked with a confused chuckle.
“I mean, to be fair, I offered it to you in a restaurant after, like, a glass and a half of wine,” Keeley replied, “I’m not sure I’d have believed me either.”
Y/n laughed a little, very aware that all her fellow employees were not only watching the unprofessional display, but hearing the story of her even more unprofessional hiring.
“Should we…” Y/n gestured towards Keeley’s office.
“Oh, right,” Keeley practically shouted, leading Y/n back and through the door.
True to the little Y/n knew about the woman, Keeley’s office was head to toe…Keeley. Pink everything, floral patterns, a ceramic jungle cat in the corner…it was, most definitely, the most unique of any boss’s office Y/n had ever entered.
“Right,” Keeley said as she took a seat on the couch in the corner, leaving a spot for Y/n, “Let’s get to it.”
Y/n settled onto the couch, leaving a fair amount of space that Keeley immediately cut in half.
“So I know you said that you’ve been more of a manager lately, but that you’re good with PR,” Keeley recounted, “What did you do for you last companies?”
“Oh, I floated around a lot,” Y/n began to mentally run through her old positions, “I managed small teams under a much larger umbrella of board members. Minor stuff. But in the public relations department, I’ve been in charge of social media campaigns, run a few accounts, and handled plenty of press conferences, interviews, that sort of thing.”
Keeley’s smile grew with each task that Y/n listed off. “I think you might be the most perfect fucking fit!”
Language, another unprofessionalism Y/n felt she was going to have to get used to.
“Before all of this happened,” Keeley gestured to the frilly space around them, “I did full time PR for AFC Richmond and did all that kind of stuff. That’s actually where I wanted to potentially start you off.”
Y/n shrugged, silently grateful she’d gone the extra mile with her research, “I’ll go anywhere you need me.”
“Perfect,” Keeley grinned, already getting off the couch, “I was actually heading over there for a meeting with Rebecca. It’d be a great opportunity to show you around and introduce you to some of the staff.”
“Uh, sure,” Y/n quickly picked her purse back off the floor.
“I really think you’re gonna love it there,” Keeley continued, collecting her bag and a pink binder, “I feel bad I’m not there full-time anymore. It really is one of the best places to work.”
As Keeley spoke, Y/n followed her out of the office. She struggled to keep up with how fast Keeley managed to move in her high heels. As they waited for the elevator to arrive, a brunette woman passed them by.
“Oh, Barbara,” Keeley called out, “I want you to meet the newest member of KJPR. This is Y/n.”
Barbara looked Y/n over from top to bottom as if inspecting the latest crop. Y/n’s confidence in her extended hand began to drop under the pair of judging eyes.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/n,” Barbara seemed to shake her hand with caution before turning to Keeley, “You didn’t mention anything about bringing on a new hire, Miss Jones.”
Keeley visibly shrank at Barbara’s words, “It was a spur of the moment thing.”
“Ah,” Barbara replied, turning back to Y/n, “May I ask what, if any, experience you have?”
Looking between Barbara and Keeley, Y/n listed off the positions she’d previously held and the companies names. With each title, Barbara’s frown turned into…something between a smile and a frown.
“Ah, well,” Barbara took a breath, “Lovely. Welcome to KJPR.”
With one more firm shake of her hand, Barbara departed, off to whatever task needed her attention. Keeley and Y/n were left in an awkward silence not of their creation.
“We’re still getting to know one another,” Keeley explained with a nervous smile.
“I got that,” Y/n nodded.
“Right,” Keeley shifted gears and gestured towards the elevator, “Let’s go. I’ll drive.”
Richmond wasn’t far from the heart of London, where Y/n had spent most of her time. Functioning nearly exclusively within the corporate world had kept her within a bubble that rarely gave her opportunities to venture outside its walls.
As Keeley drove them through Richmond, making pleasant small talk, Y/n’s eyes were transfixed on the sights. Nothing was particularly extraordinary looking, but compared to the grays and blacks of London office buildings, the place was like a daydream someone like her might create during their 9-5.
“Do you live near here?”
“Hmm?” Y/n snapped out of her thoughts, “Oh, I’m about 30 minutes away. But I’ve never really spent any time here.”
“Oh, it’s lovely,” Keeley replied, turning them down another road, “You should take some time this weekend to roam around.”
Y/n filed the idea away, first she needed to confirm that AFC Richmond was the right fit.
Soon enough, Keeley pulled them into the parking lot of Nelson Road Stadium. Y/n recalled that she’d been there once to see a match with friends in college, but that had been on the spectator side. Parking mere feet away from the pitch felt surreal, even for a non-football fan.
“I’m gonna take you up to Rebecca first,” Keeley said as she shut her car door, “None of the players or coaches’ll be here since they’re still on break.”
Y/n followed alongside her, entering the stadium through the side doors. The inside of the building was painted in team colors of blue and red. Along the walls, there were trophies and framed pictures showcasing the Greyhound’s accomplishments over the decades. The history of the club was something Y/n had yet to do research on, but even ten minutes spent in the halls would tell her more than Wikipedia probably could.
Keeley led them up two flights of stairs till the colors of the walls changed to neutrals. The door at the top of the steps hung open, but Keeley still gave a courteous knock.
Rebecca looked up from her desk, smiling when she recognized the two guests. “Good morning,” she said, cheerily.
“Hi, babe,” Keeley smiled, “I brought Y/n with today. Thought it might be good for her to tour the place.”
“Of course,” Rebecca rose from her chair and met Keeley and Y/n in the middle of the room. She brought Y/n in for a half hug, half handshake, “I’m absolutely thrilled you’re here.”
“Oh,” Y/n smiled, awkwardly accepting the greeting, “I’m…pleased to be here.”
“Right,” Rebecca released her and gestured for the women towards the couch, “I’m not sure what Keeley has planned for you, but we’re never without work here.”
Before Y/n could voice her neutrality, Keeley spoke up.
“Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” she began, “I’d really like to have another pair of hands on the club, just in case there’s anything I might miss,” Keeley turned to Y/n, “I’d love to put you exclusively on Richmond duty.”
“Like I said, I’ll go where I’m needed,” Y/n raised both her hands in surrender to their plans.
Rebecca exhaled and grinned, “Perfect. Like I said, there’s never a shortage of work. With this being our first season back in the Premier League, there’s plenty of press to be handled.”
“I’m happy to go wherever I’m needed,” Y/n restated, deciding it was best to just go with the flow of things.
A knock at the door turned their attention.
“Good morning, ladies,” a shorter man sporting a suit and glasses entered the room.
“Higgins,” Keeley greeted.
“Good morning, Leslie,” Rebecca smiled, “I’d like you to meet KJPR, and Richmond’s, newest addition, Ms. Y/n Y/l/n. Leslie is our director of football operations.”
“Ah,” Higgins nodded, coming to the couch to extend his hand, “Welcome to the team, Ms. Y/l/n.”
“Lovely to meet you,” Y/n said politely, shaking his hand before sitting back down.
“Y/n will be helping Keeley handle the PR department,” Rebecca further explained, before her train of thought visibly halted, “Hang on…” she looked to Keeley, “Your old office is still vacant.”
Keeley gasped, “It is.”
Y/n’s eyes bounced back and forth between the woman.
“If Keeley can spare your presence at the KJPR office,” Rebecca placed a hand on her best friend’s arm, “How would you feel about working here?”
Searching for her words as quick as she could, Y/n shrugged one shoulder. “I’m completely fine with that,” she looked to her boss, “If Keeley’s alright with it.”
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” Keeley smiled, “I’d actually love it if we had feet on the ground here.”
Y/n blinked. Just like that, everything was settled.
“Excellent,” Rebecca clapped her hands together once, “Shall we go for a tour?”
“Ah, that was going to be my suggestion,” Higgins spoke back up.
Never before had Y/n been swept up so quickly in a job. Nothing moved that fast in the corporate world.
Keeley, Rebecca and Higgins led her back down to the main floor of the facility. Higgins and Rebecca spouted off a few historical facts about Richmond that Y/n logged away. Rebecca reiterated Keeley’s earlier statement that since they were still on break, Y/n wouldn’t be meeting the players and the coaching staff until training began the following week. Nonetheless, Y/n felt like she was somehow encroaching on the Greyhound’s territory as the tour led to the locker room.
“This will be the only time you enter and the smell is pleasant,” Rebecca quipped.
Y/n chuckled, her heels clicking against the floor as she scanned the numbers above each locker.
“Any favorites amongst our Greyhounds?” Higgins asked playfully.
“Oh, no,” Y/n paused to answer, just below Jamie Tartt’s ‘9.’
“Y/n has openly admitted to not having partaken in much of the sport,” Rebecca added.
“But I’m very excited to make Richmond my club,” Y/n was quick to do damage control over what her tipsier self had admitted, “I think what you all have accomplished here is brilliant.”
The sound of a door opening on the other side of the locker room turned their heads. A man jogged into the coach’s office, bending over one of the desks in search of something.
“That’s odd,” Rebecca muttered, stepping forward and opening up the connecting door, “Ted, what are you doing here?”
Y/n followed Keeley and Higgins’ lead and entered the room. She could finally get a clear view at the man who was, indeed, Ted Lasso.
“Oh, last time he was visiting, Henry left somethin’ in my desk and we needed to come grab it,” Ted answered, searching through one of his drawers until he retrieved whatever he was seeking.
“Ah, well, lovely timing,” Rebecca gestured for Y/n to come forward, “You can meet the newest addition to AFC Richmond. This is Ms. Y/n Y/l/n. She’ll be helping Keeley head up the PR department.”
Ted gave a friendly smile and stuck out his hand, “Well, how ‘bout that? Welcome to the family! I’m Ted.”
Y/n gave a firm handshake and returned the smile, “Y/n.”
The simple utterence of her name caught Ted’s ear. “Hang on now,” he stopped and held up both his hands, “Am I dreamin’ or do I actually hear a lack of accent?”
The five of them laughed to varying degrees. “It’s nice to hear a little bit of home for me as well,” Y/n said warmly. It had been at least four months since she’d met someone who hailed from the states that wasn’t a tourist.
“Well, I’ll tell you,” Ted continued, still shaking Y/n’s hand, “It’s gonna be real nice to have someone around here who’ll understand what I’m sayin’. Like if I text the word ‘color,’ nobody’s gonna tell me it ain’t the right spelling. Or if I mention Chick-Fil-A, they won’t think I’m just shortenin’ the name of a delicious entree. Matter a fact,” Ted came up for a lightning quick breath, “Where we at with that? Is it still okay to eat there? Waters were a little murky ‘round the time I left.
Y/n was trying to process the speed in which the man spoke. “Uh, I don’t know,” she answered politely, “I haven’t been home in a while.”
Ted hummed in reply and moved on, “Well, we’re real happy that you’re here. Hey, you need anything, don’t be afraid to gimme a holler.”
“That’s very kind,” Y/n nodded as Ted finally released her hand, “Thank you.”
“Well, I gotta run,” Ted announced to his co-workers, “I got Liam out there watchin’ Henry. See y’all next week!”
With a chorus of farewells following him, Ted Lasso walked back out the way he’d come.
“Well,” Y/n began, trying to sum up her first impression as tidily as she could, “That was-“
“I felt the same way at first,” Rebecca interjected, “But truly, one of the nicest human beings you will ever meet.”
“Oh, yeah,” Keeley agreed, sweeping her hand through the air, “Seriously, spend one day with him and he’ll be your emergency contact by lunch.”
“The players love him,” Higgins added to their defense.
But it wasn’t Ted’s personality Y/n was startled by. Ted was the midwest personified, that was all familiar. It was the speed in which Ted had offered up his kindness, how at ease he was voicing every thought on his mind. That, to Y/n, was more disarming than anything else he could have done.
“Well, I look forward to getting to know him more,” Y/n said, and there was truth to it. She appreciated co-workers who were actually pleasant to be around, even if Ted was a lot to take, “And the other coaches.”
“Why don’t I show you where your office is?” Rebecca suggested.
Their welcome wagon moved up to the second floor where, at the end of the hall, lay the space in question. It was half the size of Rebecca’s office, which was more than enough for Y/n. She’d last been in a shared cubicle far too small for two people to comfortably fit.
“My office is just at the end of the hall,” Higgins said as Y/n took in the space, “If you ever need anything.”
“It’s lovely,” Y/n smiled, her eyes running over her desk. She turned back towards the door and faced Rebecca, Keeley and Higgins, “Thank you all so much for all the hospitality you’ve shown.”
“Nonsense,” Higgins spoke for the trio, “You’re part of the family now.”
The same unease that had come from interacting with Ted Lasso filled Y/n once again.
The rest of the day was spent bouncing between Keeley and Higgins, discussing PR strategies for the new season and learning about the club’s operations. By the time 5:00 came around, Y/n felt like she had information spilling out of her ears. Her mind was filled to its brim.
After Keeley dropped her back off at the KJPR office, telling her she dazzled on her first day and wishing her a good evening, Y/n hopped in her car and drove right back to Richmond. She had no dinner plans and thought Keeley’s idea to explore the city worthwhile.
She decided on the pub they’d driven past on their way to Nelson Road, the Crown and Anchor. With it being a weeknight, it wasn’t too crowded, and she found a spot at the bar, ordering a sandwich for herself.
“I haven’t seen you here before,” the woman tending bar said after Y/n had placed her order, “You new to town, love?”
“Oh, no,” Y/n shook her head before scrunching her eyebrows, “Well, sort of. I live closer to the city but I just started a job here.”
“Ah,” the white haired woman replied as she filled a pint, handing it to a customer, “Where at?”
Y/n wasn’t entirely sure what the rules were about working for a football club. Were you supposed to go around sharing that information? Or did it mean you’d have thirty drunken fans hounding you for tickets suddenly?
“AFC Richmond,” she answered truthfully, “Public relations.”
The woman’s eyebrows raised an inch, seemingly impressed. “Well, that’s the right answer to get your meal on the house.”
Y/n laughed a little, relaxing slightly.
“Good first day then?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Y/n bobbed her head from side to side, “I mean, I really just met co-workers and learned the basics. No complaints so far.”
“Did you meet Ted yet?”
“I did,” Y/n answered, slightly confused, “You know Coach Lasso?”
The woman pointed towards the pub doors, “Lives on just the other side of the building. Comes in a couple nights a week. He’s a good man.”
“That he is,” Y/n nodded, not wanting to tarnish anyone’s reputation with her own discomforts, “Definitely tries to make you feel welcome.”
“Oh,” the woman was now coming to lean against Y/n’s side of the bar, “He won’t stop until you know you’re welcomed. Best to just let it happen. Whatever he’s done to Richmond, it works.”
It hadn’t escaped Y/n’s notice that in the two seasons Ted Lasso had been coaching the Greyhounds, there was a shift in…everything. Between videos of the players on the pitch, to little stories interspersed in her conversations with Rebecca, Keeley and Higgins throughout the day, Y/n was given the impression that Ted Lasso was a miracle worker. It didn’t take much thought to deduce that Ted was going to try and integrate her into their team as well.
“Well,” Y/n shrugged slightly, seeing that her sandwich was coming around from the kitchen, “I mean, it’s just a job. It’s not supposed to change your life or anything.”
Just as she was about to be handed her meal, the white haired woman took it from the waiter’s hands. Y/n could tell she wasn’t getting her food until the bartender had spoken her piece.
“You just watch out, love,” the woman warned with a smile, “Whole city hated Ted when he arrived, and now take a look.”
She gestured to the space around the bar as if Y/n was supposed to be seeing the peace.
“The best things that happen to us are usually the most unexpected,” she continued, giving her a wink.
Y/n drew a breath, locking onto the woman’s every syllable.
“You’re part of Richmond now,” the woman continued on, “Whether it changes your life or not isn’t up to you.”
Without another word, the woman set Y/n’s sandwich in front of her and went off to tend to another patron.
Y/n was fearful to move, lest the bartender’s words appear in thin air and smack her thoughts into line. What was this strange hold the word ‘Richmond’ seemed to have on people? Y/n had lived long enough in England to know how passionate people got about their football clubs, but this was different. This was dedication separate from the sport itself, rather devotion to the inner workings. To the coaches. To the heart of AFC Richmond itself.
Higgin’s words came back to her, part of the family. It all filled Y/n with an anxiety she’d never quite been able to put a name to.
Regardless of what the culture was, on and off the pitch, she was determined to keep to herself. Interact pleasantly with her co-workers and the team, but no more than necessary. Be proficient at the tasks given to her. Stay in her lane.
Family or not, Y/n decided as she bit into her dinner, she was there to do a job and nothing more.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94
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thiziri · 7 months
The Princess Royal visits the United Arab Emirates.
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The Princess Royal has visited Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, as President of The Mission to Seafarers (MtS).
The Mission to Seafarers (MtS) provides help and support to the 1.89 million men and women who face danger every day to keep the global economy afloat. MtS works in over 200 ports in 50 countries caring for seafarers of all ranks, nationalities and beliefs. 
Through its global network of chaplains, staff and volunteers, MtS offers practical, emotional and spiritual support to seafarers through ship visits, drop-in seafarers' centres and a range of welfare and emergency support services.
On arrival in Dubai, Her Royal Highness visited DP World’s Jebel Ali Port, the busiest port in the Middle East. Here, Her Royal Highness heard about the innovative technology being used at the port which includes electrified and automated high bay storage stacker cranes. 
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The Princess Royal also saw a demonstration of container transfer from ship to shore before meeting the port’s Operations team, frontline workers and the MtS welfare team.
Following this, The Princess Royal attended a Women in Shipping and Trading Conference Panel Discussion to hear more about the importance of seafarers’ welfare with an emphasis on women in shipping and trade. 
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During the visit, Her Royal Highness also opened the new Donnelly Lines facilities at Al-Minhad Air Base. 
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The new HQ, welfare and accommodation facilities are named after Sergeant William ‘Billy’ Donnelly, an RAF navigator who died in UAE on 14th February 1943 after his aircraft suffered an oil leak. The facilities will support British service personnel at the Airbase. 
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As President of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), The Princess Royal toured Dubai Offshore Sailing Club, the region’s largest RYA training centre, and met dedicated volunteers who have promoted sailing and other competitive non-motorised water sports to communities in the United Arab Emirates since the Club was established in 1974.
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Her Royal Highness ended the day in Dubai with a dinner hosted by representatives from MtS.
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© Royal UK
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princessanneftw · 7 months
The Princess Royal has visited Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, as President of The Mission to Seafarers (MtS).
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The Mission to Seafarers (MtS) provides help and support to the 1.89 million men and women who face danger every day to keep the global economy afloat. MtS works in over 200 ports in 50 countries caring for seafarers of all ranks, nationalities and beliefs.
Through its global network of chaplains, staff and volunteers, MtS offers practical, emotional and spiritual support to seafarers through ship visits, drop-in seafarers' centres and a range of welfare and emergency support services.
On arrival in Dubai, Her Royal Highness visited DP World’s Jebel Ali Port, the busiest port in the Middle East. Here, Her Royal Highness heard about the innovative technology being used at the port which includes electrified and automated high bay storage stacker cranes.
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The Princess Royal also saw a demonstration of container transfer from ship to shore before meeting the port’s Operations team, frontline workers and the MtS welfare team.
Following this, The Princess Royal attended a Women in Shipping and Trading Conference Panel Discussion to hear more about the importance of seafarers’ welfare with an emphasis on women in shipping and trade.
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During the visit, Her Royal Highness also opened the new Donnelly Lines facilities at Al-Minhad Air Base.
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The new HQ, welfare and accommodation facilities are named after Sergeant William ‘Billy’ Donnelly, an RAF navigator who died in UAE on 14th February 1943 after his aircraft suffered an oil leak. The facilities will support British service personnel at the Airbase.
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As President of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), The Princess Royal toured Dubai Offshore Sailing Club, the region’s largest RYA training centre, and met dedicated volunteers who have promoted sailing and other competitive non-motorised water sports to communities in the United Arab Emirates since the Club was established in 1974.
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Her Royal Highness ended the day in Dubai with a dinner hosted by representatives from MtS.
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amitha87 · 2 months
Discover Your Dream Home: 2BHK Flat for Sale Near Dubai Marina
Imagine waking up to the breathtaking views of the sparkling blue waters of Dubai Marina, one of the most sought-after locations in the world. Nestled in this vibrant and luxurious neighborhood, a stunning 2BHK flat awaits you, offering the perfect blend of modern living and urban sophistication. Whether you're a young professional, a growing family, or an investor, this property presents an incredible opportunity to experience the best that Dubai has to offer.
Prime Location
Dubai Marina is a dynamic waterfront community known for its stunning skyscrapers, luxurious yachts, and a plethora of dining and entertainment options. Living here means you are just steps away from the Marina Walk, a picturesque promenade lined with cafes, restaurants, and boutiques. The beach is also within walking distance, providing you with the perfect spot to relax and unwind after a busy day.
Modern Amenities
This 2BHK flat boasts contemporary design and top-notch amenities that cater to your every need. Here’s what you can expect:
Spacious Living Area: The open-plan living and dining area is designed to maximize space and light, creating a welcoming atmosphere for family gatherings and entertaining guests.
Elegant Bedrooms: Both bedrooms are generously sized and come with built-in wardrobes, offering ample storage space. The master bedroom features an en-suite bathroom with modern fixtures.
Fully Equipped Kitchen: The kitchen is a chef’s dream, equipped with high-quality appliances, sleek countertops, and plenty of storage.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Residents can enjoy a range of facilities including a fully equipped gym, swimming pool, and 24-hour security.
Investment Potential
Dubai Marina is one of the most desirable places to live in Dubai, attracting both expatriates and tourists. Investing in a property here ensures not only a luxurious lifestyle but also a high return on investment. The area is well-connected by public transport, including the Dubai Metro and tram, making it convenient to commute to other parts of the city.
Lifestyle and Entertainment
Living near Dubai Marina means you have access to an array of lifestyle and entertainment options. From world-class dining and shopping to water sports and outdoor activities, there is always something to do. The nearby JBR Beach and Bluewaters Island are popular destinations for residents and visitors alike.
If you’re looking for a home that offers luxury, convenience, and a vibrant lifestyle, this 2BHK flat near Dubai Marina is the perfect choice. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of this prestigious waterfront community. Contact us today to schedule a viewing and take the first step towards making this dream home yours.
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suncitytours · 8 months
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Embark on an Extraordinary Adventure with Dubai Desert Safari Tours
Discover the allure of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates through the lens of Sun City Tours & Desert Safari L.L.C. As your premier travel companion, we offer a distinctive fusion of international and local expertise to create an unparalleled exploration of this vibrant region. Our commitment revolves around understanding the diverse needs of global visitors while preserving the rich cultural tapestry that defines the Middle East.
Diverse Fleet for Seamless Journeys:
At the heart of our services lies an extensive fleet featuring cars, limousines, and buses, ensuring your transportation experience is not only reliable but also comfortable. Safety is our top priority, and our vehicles, facilities, and equipment are comprehensively insured, providing you with peace of mind throughout your journey.
Exclusive Desert Safari Experiences:
Delve into the heart of Dubai's majestic dunes with our exclusive desert safari tours. Experience the desert lifestyle at our unique safari camp, offering a blend of thrilling activities and cultural immersion. Additionally, our Dhow Dinner Cruise along the Dubai Creek promises a dining experience like no other, framed by breathtaking views of the city's skyline.
Meticulously Crafted Tours:
Our City Tours & Desert Safari experiences are crafted to whisk you away to the finest attractions, historical sites, and cultural wonders in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Muscat, Oman. With knowledgeable guides sharing insights into the region's history, culture, and modernization, each journey becomes not only enjoyable but also an enlightening exploration.
A Plethora of Activities:
From sightseeing tours to water sports, cultural explorations, and more, our offerings cater to diverse preferences. Whether you crave a luxurious adventure, a budget-friendly escapade, or a unique dining experience, we ensure your journey is tailor-made for unforgettable moments.
Global Hospitality and Visa Assistance:
Beyond tours, we extend our services to worldwide hotel reservations and visa assistance, ensuring your entire travel experience is seamless, from the initial booking to your return home.
Sun City Tours & Desert Safari L.L.C stands as your trusted guide to the wonders of Dubai. With a focus on safety, cultural preservation, and customer satisfaction, we invite you to join us on an extraordinary journey. From classic city tours to the thrill of the desert safari and everything in between, let us make your visit to this remarkable region truly exceptional.
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prodeskk · 9 months
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Achieving Excellence: Meydan Free Zone Powered by PRO Deskk Services
Nestled in the heart of Dubai, Meydan Free Zone presents an optimal locale for launching your business with the adept assistance of PRO Deskk One Stop Solution. Positioned strategically near Dubai's downtown area, Meydan Free Zone is designed to offer economical solutions for setting up businesses, attracting global investors seeking a smooth entry into Dubai's thriving market.
As specialists in facilitating business setups, PRO Deskk Solution ensures a seamless and efficient process within Meydan Free Zone, enabling entrepreneurs to capitalize on a plethora of advantages. These encompass 100% ownership, tax exemptions, the ability to recruit foreign talent, high-speed internet access, and streamlined import-export procedures. The flexible desk option is particularly well-suited for businesses not necessitating a permanent physical office space.
At the core of Meydan lies the iconic Meydan Stadium, a testament to Dubai's visionary efforts in global connectivity through international horse racing events. Yet, Meydan's allure extends beyond the stadium, embracing a diverse array of commercial, sports, hospitality, entertainment, and residential developments. Additionally, it houses cutting-edge business parks, healthcare, educational facilities, and luxurious waterfront destinations.
Our Services provide unparalleled advantages:
Facilitation of seamless business setup processes
Flexibility in business operations through the personalized Flexi desk option
Prime location benefits enhancing visibility and accessibility for your business setup
Assurance of 100% capital and profit repatriation, safeguarded by our experts
Unrestricted ownership rights for individuals and corporate entities, ensuring complete control
A secure and conducive business environment bolstered by our support
Meydan Free Zone as the preferred destination for emerging businesses in Dubai, endorsed by our credibility
Competent management of licensing and registration procedures by our Services
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solicotanks · 9 months
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1966: The Genesis of Solico Group
In 1966, Solico Group emerged onto the scene, catering to the flourishing construction industry in the UAE. The company's initial focus was on delivering cutting-edge Composite products, laying the groundwork for its subsequent global expansion and the introduction of groundbreaking solutions like Solico Tanks.
1984: Pioneering Water Storage Solutions
A watershed moment occurred in 1984 when Solico introduced a revolutionary water storage solution – hot-pressed GRP panel-type water tanks. By partnering with the esteemed Japanese brand Bridgestone, Solico swiftly captured market share, transforming conventional water storage practices towards cleaner and healthier alternatives. This strategic collaboration, coupled with a robust global marketing initiative, marked a paradigm shift in the industry.
2000: Innovation, Growth, and a New Manufacturing Hub
After years of innovation, commercial success, and expansion, Solico relocated to a state-of-the-art 220,000 sq ft manufacturing facility in Jebel Ali, Dubai, in 2000. This move facilitated an expansion of product offerings and processes, incorporating Polyurethane molding, SMC hot-press compression molding, and thermoforming. Solico earned acclaim as a supplier of premium OEM products to globally recognized brands.
2001: Diversification into Boat Manufacturing
In 2001, Solico diversified its portfolio by launching the boat business division ASIS. Leveraging expertise in fiber wet and pre-preg lay-up processes, this venture yielded successful products, including rigid inflatable boats for renowned brands like Zodiac, ASIS, and Ocean Craft Marine.
2003: Expanding Manufacturing Capacities
Rapid expansion led Solico to embark on the second phase of its manufacturing facility in 2003, significantly increasing production capacities to accommodate future projects.
2004: SWS Board Technology and Sports Manufacturing Leadership
The launch of SWS Board Technology in 2004 marked Solico's entry into the water sports business, specializing in compression molding and Polyurethane molding. The company played a pivotal role in designing and manufacturing OEM products for globally respected sports brands.
2012: Next-Generation GRP Panel-Type Water Tanks
In 2012, Solico introduced a hot-press SMC manufacturing plant for its advanced GRP panel-type water tanks. The brand Solico Tanks was officially launched, signaling a new chapter in the group's illustrious history.
2016: Golden Jubilee Celebration
In 2016, Solico Group celebrated its 50th anniversary, a testament to five decades of remarkable achievements. The company had become one of the world's most esteemed suppliers and OEM manufacturers of quality molded composite products, with a strong focus on the American and European markets.
2019: Third-Phase Facility Expansion
Solico Group initiated the third-phase expansion of its manufacturing facility in 2019, increasing it to an impressive 400,000 ft2. This expansion aimed to meet the escalating demand for its diverse range of products and services.
2020: Commitment to Sustainability
In 2020, Solico Group underscored its commitment to sustainability by installing solar panels on the roof of its Jebel Ali manufacturing facility. This initiative aimed to reduce the company's carbon footprint and align with eco-friendly practices.
2023: Advancements in Research and Development
Since the inception of Solico Tanks, continuous investments in research and development have expanded the product range and enhanced product effectiveness. The company now boasts the capability to design and manufacture 6-meter-high water tanks with varying seismic classes, ensuring secure water supplies in some of the world's most vulnerable regions.
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empireyachtsdubai · 1 year
Experience the Private Yacht Rental Dubai - Empire Yachts
 Empire Yachts is the perfect way to experience the exclusive and luxurious world of private yacht rental in Dubai. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, our team can provide you with the best selection of luxury yachts to choose from. From small cruisers to mega yachts, we have something for everyone. We also offer a wide range of extras such as chef service, wedding services, and much more to make your yacht rental experience truly unique.
Empire Yachts is a Private Yacht Rental Dubai that specializes in providing luxurious yachts for private events and pleasure cruises in Dubai. With a fleet of over 20 luxury yachts, Empire Yachts can accommodate any type of event or vacation. From small intimate weddings to large corporate events, Empire Yachts has the perfect yacht for your needs.
Empire Yachts is a reputed yacht rental company in Dubai that offers private yacht charters for a luxurious and unforgettable experience on the Arabian Gulf. With a wide range of yachts in their fleet, Empire Yachts caters to various occasions, including leisure cruises, corporate events, parties, and special occasions. Here's what you can expect when you experience a Private Yacht Rental Dubai  with Empire Yachts in Dubai:
Luxury Yachts: Empire Yachts offers a fleet of luxurious and well-maintained yachts that are equipped with modern amenities and facilities. The yachts are designed to provide the utmost comfort and style, with spacious interiors, plush seating areas, fully equipped kitchens, entertainment systems, and air-conditioning.
Professional Crew: Empire Yachts provides experienced and professional captains and crew who are trained to ensure a safe and enjoyable yacht charter experience. The crew is well-versed with the local waters, and they take care of all the navigation, safety, and service aspects during the charter, allowing you to relax and enjoy your time on board.
Customizable Itineraries: Empire Yachts offers customizable itineraries, allowing you to tailor your yacht charter experience to your preferences. You can choose from various cruising routes and destinations, such as the iconic Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina, Burj Al Arab, or simply enjoy a leisurely cruise along the coastline while taking in the breathtaking views of Dubai's skyline.
Exclusive Services: Empire Yachts offers exclusive services to enhance your yacht charter experience. You can enjoy gourmet catering options, including a wide selection of cuisines prepared by professional chefs on board. They also provide additional services, such as water sports activities, DJ or live music, and personalized decorations for special occasions, to make your yacht charter truly memorable.
Privacy and Exclusivity: Private yacht charters with Empire Yachts offer a high level of privacy and exclusivity. You and your guests can enjoy the yacht exclusively, without having to share the space with other passengers. This allows you to have a personalized and intimate experience, perfect for special occasions or private gatherings.
Stunning Views: Dubai's coastline is known for its stunning views, and a private yacht charter with Empire Yachts offers the opportunity to witness the city's iconic landmarks from the water. You can capture breathtaking views of the Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Marina, and other attractions, creating unforgettable memories.
Professional Service: Empire Yachts is known for its excellent customer service and attention to detail. Their team is responsive, accommodating, and ensures that all your requirements are met to make your yacht charter experience seamless and enjoyable.
Overall, experiencing aPrivate Yacht Rental Dubai  with Empire Yachts in Dubai promises a luxurious, personalized, and unforgettable experience on the Arabian Gulf. Whether it's a leisurely cruise, a corporate event, or a special occasion, Empire Yachts offers a premium yacht charter service to create lasting memories.
What are the benefits of choosing Empire Yachts?
Empire Yachts is a leading Private Yacht Rental Dubai company that offers luxurious and memorable experiences in Dubai. Choosing Empire Yachts has multiple benefits that make it the go-to choice for anyone looking to enjoy a premium yachting experience. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Empire Yachts for your next adventure on the waters.
Firstly, Empire Yachts boasts a wide selection of high-end yachts that cater to different needs, styles, and preferences. Whether you are looking for an intimate escape with your loved one or a grand celebration with friends and family, there is a yacht that suits you best. Additionally, all our yachts come equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as air conditioning, surround sound systems, and entertainment centers to ensure maximum comfort and enjoyment.
Secondly, choosing Empire Yachts ensures that you get exceptional customer service from start to finish.
What to expect on your yacht rental in Dubai?
When you rent a yacht in Dubai, you can expect a luxurious and unforgettable experience on the Arabian Gulf. Dubai is known for its stunning coastline and iconic landmarks, and a yacht rental allows you to explore the city from a unique perspective. Here are some things you can expect on your yacht rental in Dubai:
Luxury Yacht: Your yacht will be a well-maintained and fully equipped vessel, designed to provide the utmost comfort and style. It may feature spacious interiors, plush seating areas, air-conditioning, entertainment systems, and other modern amenities to ensure a luxurious experience.
Professional Crew: Your yacht rental in Dubai will come with a professional captain and crew who are experienced in navigating the local waters. They will take care of all the safety, navigation, and service aspects, allowing you to relax and enjoy your time on board.
Customizable Itineraries: Many yacht rental companies in Dubai offer customizable itineraries, allowing you to tailor your experience to your preferences. You can choose from various cruising routes and destinations, such as the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina, Burj Al Arab, or other iconic landmarks, based on your interests and preferences.
Stunning Views: Dubai's coastline is known for its breathtaking views, and a yacht rental allows you to witness the city's iconic landmarks from the water. You can capture panoramic views of the Dubai skyline, including the Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, and other attractions, creating memorable moments and photo opportunities.
Water Sports Activities: Many yacht rentals in Dubai offer additional water sports activities, such as jet skiing, banana boating, paddleboarding, and more. These activities can add excitement and adventure to your yacht charter experience, allowing you to have fun in the water and make the most of your time on board.
Overall, a yacht rental in Dubai promises a luxurious and memorable experience, allowing you to explore the city's stunning coastline, iconic landmarks, and indulge in the finest amenities and services on board.
Tips for enjoying your yacht rental in Dubai!
Here are some tips to help you make the most of your yacht rental experience in Dubai:
Plan ahead: Before your yacht rental, make sure to plan your itinerary in advance. Research the cruising routes, landmarks, and activities you want to experience, and communicate your preferences to the yacht rental company. This will ensure that your yacht charter is customized to your liking and you can make the most of your time on board.
Pack appropriately: Dubai can get hot, so make sure to pack sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, and lightweight clothing. If you plan to engage in water sports activities, bring appropriate swimwear and towels. It's also a good idea to bring any personal items you may need, such as medications, cameras, and chargers.
Stay hydrated: Dubai's weather can be hot and dry, so it's important to stay hydrated during your yacht rental. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself refreshed with other non-alcoholic beverages offered on board.
Capture the memories: Don't forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the stunning views and memorable moments during your yacht rental. Dubai's skyline, landmarks, and crystal-clear waters provide excellent photo opportunities that you'll want to cherish.
Relax and enjoy: The purpose of renting a yacht is to relax and enjoy the experience. Let the professional crew take care of the navigation, safety, and service, and simply relax and unwind on board. Take in the beautiful scenery, lounge on the deck, or indulge in water sports activities to fully enjoy your yacht rental experience.
Try water sports activities: Many yacht rentals in Dubai offer water sports activities as part of their package. Take advantage of these offerings and try out jet skiing, banana boating, paddle boarding, or other water sports to add excitement and adventure to your yacht charter experience.
In conclusion, Empire Yachts. Whether you're a business person looking for a luxurious retreat, a leisure traveler who wants to experience all that Dubai has to offer, or simply looking for an unforgettable experience, Empire Yachts is the perfect choice.
Contact us:
Phone: 050 240 0018 Level 26, Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina Email - [email protected]
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1937carrentals · 1 year
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When we talk about the most stunning cities in the world, Dubai pops into our heads right away. It's a place many people dream of visiting to enjoy the luxurious lifestyle it offers. Dubai has great facilities, modern infrastructure, and everything is well-organized. It's hard to resist the charm and elegance of the region. A lot of foreigners visit Dubai for work and business because it's a big hub for business in Asia. Some people also visit just to add some extra excitement to their lives.
Dubai is also a really interesting place for tourists and people who love adventure. And one big reason for that is the easy and affordable access to renting luxury cars.
In Dubai, you're lucky to find a huge variety of rare and expensive cars from brands like Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Audi, Bentley, and more.
There are also incredible things to see in Dubai, like impressive buildings, man-made oceans, and luxury villas. But how can you explore all of this on your trip? Well, I've got the answer for you!
Why Renting a Luxury Car in Dubai is a Great Idea:
There are lots of good reasons to rent a fancy sports car in Dubai. Here's a list of them:
1. It's affordable and easy to get.
2. The cars are comfortable and reliable.
3. You'll be safe and secure.
4. There are lots of choices and options.
5. You'll look stylish and leave a great impression.
6. You'll have the freedom to explore the city on your own.
Affordable and Easy:
Renting a luxurious car in Dubai doesn't have to cost a fortune. There are many companies offering car rentals, and because they're competing, the prices are reasonable. You can enjoy driving amazing high-end cars without spending a lot of money.
Comfort and Reliability:
Renting a car means you can go on long trips without feeling tired. Dubai has extensive, well-maintained roads, making it easy to get around. Driving is on the right-hand side of the road, as in the United States. Additionally, all rental cars come with comprehensive insurance policies, making it easy to remedy any issues that may arise while driving. This further ensures your safety and security while exploring the city in your luxurious vehicle. These cars are not only fast but also very comfortable and dependable. They even come with features like massage seats to make your ride even more enjoyable. These cars provide a smooth and reliable ride even on bumpy roads.
Safe and Secure:
Luxury cars are also very safe. That's why important people like government officials and celebrities often choose them. They come with safety features for kids, strong locks, and soundproofing to make you feel safe, especially when you're in a foreign country.
Beyond the stylish appearance and high-class feel, luxury car rentals offer several benefits. With a luxury car rental, you'll enjoy air conditioning, comfortable seats, high-tech audio, and navigation systems. Additionally, rental cars come with advanced safety features, such as blind spot detection and high-beam assist, which make driving more enjoyable and safer.
Lots of Choices:
People in Dubai love luxury cars, so you'll find plenty of options. You can see cars here that you might rarely see in other places. You can choose from brands like BMW, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Range Rover, and more, depending on your budget and preferences.
Elegance and Power:
Luxury sports cars not only get attention but they also offer incredible speed and cool sounds. Driving one of these cars is not just a ride; it's a stylish experience. So if you get the chance to drive one in Dubai, don't miss out. It's a way to treat yourself and enjoy something special.
Freedom to Explore:
Once you rent a car in Dubai, you don't have to rely on others for transportation. You can plan your own trips and explore the city at your own pace. No more waiting for public transport or taxis. You have complete independence and freedom to roam around the city, making your trip even more exciting. Your main concern will be having a great time. Imagine wanting to go somewhere, grabbing your car keys, and off you go!
In conclusion, renting a luxury car will make your Dubai trip even better. But getting a well-maintained car from 1937 Car Rentals in Dubai will make your experience even more amazing. Our skilled team is here to help with all your tourism needs in Dubai, from renting luxury cars and yachts to booking hotels and arranging desert safaris. We're dedicated to providing the best for our customers.
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outmazedtourism · 1 year
A Guide to Choosing the Right Hotel for Your Vacation in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a beautiful country renowned for its modern cities, spectacular scenery, and rich heritage of culture. Selecting the ideal hotel for your trip is essential to ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable stay, whether you're planning a trip to the bustling city of Dubai, the historic city of Abu Dhabi, or the peaceful beaches of Fujairah.
Here are some of the important things to take into account while choosing the right hotel in the UAE: 
1. Budget
The first and most important consideration when selecting a hotel in the UAE is your budget. There are a broad range of accommodation choices, from budget-friendly hotels to luxurious family-friendly hotels in the UAE. Narrowing down your options will be made easier if you decide ahead how much you are willing to spend on hotels.
2. Location
The UAE is home to a variety of landscapes, from beaches to desert dunes. Your destination choice will be influenced by your hobbies and the kind of experiences you hope to have while on vacation.
Dubai: Dubai is the place to go if you want to go shopping, eat, and experience a lively nightlife. For convenient access to these activities, think about staying in locations like Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, or Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR).
Abu Dhabi: Pick a hotel in the center of Abu Dhabi city for a cultural experience and to tour famous attractions like the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and Louvre Abu Dhabi.
Fujairah: Consider staying at one of the beachfront resorts in Fujairah if you're looking for a more relaxed holiday with beautiful beaches and water sports.
Ras Al Khaimah: This emirate combines coastal leisure with desert activities. Choose a hotel that is close to the things you want to do.
It is essential to take into account how close your preferred hotel is to restaurants, attractions, and transportation alternatives. Being at an accessible location might help you save time and have a better experience overall.
Explore top UAE hotels and book your perfect stay today!
3. Types of Hotels
The UAE has an extensive range of hotel types to accommodate various interests and requirements. Here are some alternatives to consider about:
Luxury Hotels: If you want a sumptuous experience with first-rate amenities, think about booking a stay at luxury hotels in the UAE. The Burj Al Arab in Dubai and the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi are two of the most luxurious buildings in the whole world.
Business hotels:  Widely available in the major cities whether you're travelling for business or prefer a more formal setting.
Boutique hotels: These hotels provide charm and character in more quaint, private locations for a distinctive and personalized experience.
Resorts: The UAE boasts a large number of beach and desert resorts that offer a full range of entertainment and relaxation if leisure and relaxation are your top priorities in mind.
Budget Hotels: There are several affordable hotels in the UAE, if you want to spend less on accommodation and more on activities. With our hotel selection tips for your UAE trip, The Local Tourism ensures your trip is as unforgettable as the destination itself.
Your perfect UAE Hotel is just a click away – Start browsing now!
4. Amenities
Take into account the comforts you value throughout your stay. The following are the hotel amenities in the UAE to consider:
Swimming Pool: Given the hot weather in the UAE, a pool may be a terrific place to cool down and unwind.
Fitness arenas: If maintaining an active lifestyle is important to you, ensure that the hotel includes a modern fitness facility. Spa and Wellness amenities: For a pleasant and peaceful experience, several hotels in the UAE provide spa services and wellness amenities.
Check to see whether the hotel has restaurants on-site that suit your food interests.
Free Wi-Fi: In the current digital era, having access to dependable Wi-Fi is sometimes a must for travellers.
Kids' Club: A kids' club can offer amusement and activities for your children if you are travelling with them.
Concierge Services: An informed concierge can assist you with organizing trips, reserving tours, and making suggestions for nearby sights.
The time has come to turn your preferences into reality for a perfect UAE getaway.
Don’t wait – Secure your ideal UAE hotel for an unforgettable vacation
5. Ratings and Reviews
It's a good idea to read reviews and compare ratings on travel websites before booking a reservation. It may be really helpful to read about other people's travel experiences to get a sense of what to anticipate from a specific hotel.
Pay close attention to both favourable and unfavourable remarks, and take the general evaluation and recent comments into account. Consider the evaluations in light of your personal priorities and preferences while keeping in mind that everyone has different tastes. Discover what our visitors have to say
6. Special Offers
In the UAE, hotels frequently provide special and exclusive offers, especially during off-peak times. Look for offers that come with free breakfast, lower prices for extended stays, or package deals that include accommodation with entertainment or spa services.
If you often go to the United Arab Emirates or want to stay at a specific hotel, it is also a good idea to sign up for hotel loyalty programs. Additional advantages like hotel updates, late check-out, and special discounts may be offered via loyalty programs.
Unlock your offers at The Local Tourism!
7. Transportation and Accessibility
Think about how you'll travel to your preferred hotel and navigate the UAE while you're there. If you are flying in, find out if the hotel has airport shuttle services. Examine whether the hotel offers transportation choices for local sightseeing or whether public transportation is available in the area.
Discover today!
8. Security and safety
Travelers can feel comfortable visiting the UAE in general. However, when picking a hotel, it's crucial to put safety first. Verify whether the accommodation has security precautions in place, such as a 24-hour front desk, cameras, and secure room access.
Secure your stay with us
9. Cultural Awareness
When travelling to the UAE, it is important to respect local traditions and customs. Particularly if they are near to sacred or significant locations, certain hotels may have regulations or dress rules that guests must follow in public areas. During your visit, be conscious of these rules and treat everyone with respect.
10. Sustainability
Selecting a hotel with sustainability policies may be a good idea if you are an environmentally conscious individual. By introducing eco-friendly programs like recycling initiatives, energy-saving lighting, and water preservation measures, several hotels in the UAE are making efforts to lessen their environmental impact.
It may be both thrilling and challenging to organize a trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The country provides tourists with an abundance of experiences that are fused with modernity and culture.
The Local Tourism can help you choose the best hotel choice, which is an important part of planning your vacation. We serve as a one-stop shop for developing unique travel itineraries and activities, and we're here to help you enjoy your time in the UAE. We always work to improve our services in order to keep ahead of the competition in addition to providing convenient booking alternatives.
At The Local Tourism, we recognize that a trip is only complete if you are comfortable and enjoy yourself while you are there. Because of this, we've put up this thorough guide to help you pick the ideal hotel for your UAE trip.
Experience The Best With The Local Tourism Way
We provide a plethora of advantages when you book your UAE holiday with us, including:
1. No-hassle booking
It's simple to make a reservation at The Local Tourism. We streamline the procedure so you can concentrate on what really matters—making priceless memories.
2. Flexible Solutions
In order to make sure your holiday is tailored to your preferences, we provide clients the freedom to book different hotels. We offer everything you need, whether you're looking for a five-star resort, a small retreat, or a reasonably priced choice.
3. Affordable vacation packages
Everyone has a budget, and we at The Local Tourism are aware of this. We put forth a lot of effort to find you affordable vacation packages that never compromise on quality because of this. We think everyone should have access to memorable experiences.
4. Professional Support
You are never alone when you book your trip with us. Our staff of professionals is accessible around the clock to help you, respond to your inquiries, and make sure that every part of your trip runs smoothly. 
Now that you've equipped yourself with our complete guide to selecting the best hotel for your UAE vacation, it's time to start packing and begin your adventure.
We have the know-how and resources to make it happen whether you're looking for the lavishness of Dubai, the cultural treasures of Abu Dhabi, or the tranquil beaches of Fujairah.
To find out more about the wide range of hotels available, our travel promotions, and our expert assistance, visit our website or give us a call. Join us as we embark on a journey that will leave you with treasured memories to cherish for a lifetime.
The Local Tourism can help you with your hotel booking for your UAE vacation with just a click or a phone call. Get ready to discover the magic of this incredible destination like never before! Ready to find your dream hotel in the UAE? Start your search now!
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unitedestatesllc · 2 years
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Innovative couple photography ideas in Dubai that would perpetuate your love for each other
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Love and companionship are something that we crave at a certain point in our lives. And when it comes to love, and romance, creating moments must be the most desirable thing for couples. Especially, at the blooming phase of companionship creating, and capturing moments is quite enjoyable. When it comes to couple photoshoots, Dubai would undoubtedly be one of the aspired destinations for couples.
Let’s get a glimpse of the iconic places in Dubai most suitable for romantic couple photography.
Photoshoot in Dubai Desert
A larger number of couples prefer the desert in the backdrop. The secluded desert, the row of camels, and the sunset on the horizon of the desert seem to be magnificent views for a romantic photoshoot.
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Dubai’s Miracle Garden, and amazing couple photos
This miraculously extravagant flowery garden is one of the favorite haunts for couples likely to conduct their pre-wedding shoot. Surrounded by nature, colorful flowers create a heavenly atmosphere for a romantic photoshoot. Spread over an area of 72,000 square, this magical garden is admittedly a perfect place for a varied couple of photoshoots.
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Dubai underwater Aquarium for unique photography
Being clicked witnessing the underwater creatures in Dubai’s underwater aquarium is a little bit weird, but a unique idea for couples to embrace. Surrounded by the viewable marine diversity, this aquarium, cum zoo overhead provides a different backdrop for romantic photoshoots.
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Dubai water sports for adventurous couple photos
Dubai visiting without having water sports is an absurd idea as Dubai Sea beaches have a number of water sports to offer. And, trust me, these adventurous water activities together could be the coolest idea that you don’t want to miss.
Let’s explore these water activities as a couple and get clicked as the most romantic yet adventurous couple of the year.
Yatch ride
Yatch ride can undoubtedly provide you best ever experience in terms of capturing romantic photos. Giving romantic couple poses in the yatch keeping the setting sun in backdrop might be something you want to capture.
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Deep sea fishing
Being one of the most favourable place for sea fishing, many Dubai beaches offer sea fishing facility. It is indeed a new addition in these water activities, but its popularity is growing heftily day-by-day. Spending an ample time while doing fishing, and capturing your romantic moments can excite you to a greater extent.  
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Parasailing has always secured its place in the top position as it imparts an intense feeling of hovering in the sky. Alongside, most of the couples like to be clicked while hovering in the sky.
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Jet ski
Jet ski has also gained huge popularity among water sports activities. The vista of the sea blended into the sky attracts the worshippers of beauty.
Basically, Water sports activities in Dubai are quite popular among couples, especially among youngsters. During our Dubai visit for a pre-wedding photoshoot in December, Sea life Dubai arranged a wonderful water journey for us. All of our moments on the water were captured witnessing the sea, and sun during dusk was mesmerizing. Altogether, the Water sports activities in Dubai were enjoyable, as well as perfect for romantic couple photoshoots.
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Original content copy from : https://medium.com/@sealifedubai/innovative-couple-photography-ideas-in-dubai-that-would-perpetuate-your-love-for-each-other-fcd8049a2441
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kampalaedgetimes · 19 hours
‘Dubai 7s for Good’ CSR Programmes Raises Total of UGX 587,485,310 for School in Uganda
Funds raised from this year’s fundraising event will go towards immediate community development needs, such as building a retaining wall to protect the rugby pitch from erosion and constructing a security fence to ensure the safety of children.
‘Dubai 7s for Good’ Doing Good to North Road Primary School, Mbale. Money raised this year will go towards further infrastructural developments at North Road Primary School in Mbale, Uganda. Fundraising enables Emirates Dubai 7s team to use the power of sport to improve education and sports facilities in disadvantaged areas. Now in its fourth year, the programme has raised a total of UGX 1.7…
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mohdsheikh · 2 days
How CCTV Installation is Being Revolutionized through Dubai's Expanding Smart City Infrastructure
Dubai is widely known for its fast technological improvements and futuristic outlook. The city has transformed into a middle of innovation, pushing the frontier of what is viable. The area of smart town infrastructure, in which contemporary technology like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G networks are influencing the future of the city, is one of the principal regions wherein this distinction is most sizeable. An critical part of this vision is improving safety and surveillance, with CCTV set up in Dubai gambling a pivotal role.
As the town maintains to adapt, traditional methods of CCTV installation in Dubai are being changed by way of smarter, greater green, and tech-savvy structures. Let’s take a closer look at how Dubai’s developing clever city infrastructure is revolutionizing the manner CCTV systems are designed, established, and utilized across the city.
1. The Integration of Smart Technologies
The speedy improvement of smart metropolis infrastructure in Dubai has led to a full-size shift in how surveillance structures are implemented. Traditional CCTV systems had been limited in scope, often serving as simple gear for monitoring regions in actual time or reviewing footage after an occasion. However, with the combination of smart technology, CCTV installation in Dubai has come to be tons more sophisticated.
Modern surveillance structures inside the city now contain AI and system studying, taking into consideration superior functions along with facial recognition, item detection, and conduct evaluation. These clever structures are capable of identifying suspicious sports in actual time, mechanically notifying protection personnel to take action whilst essential. This proactive method is a main leap from the traditional passive tracking structures that have been formerly in place.
2. The Role of IoT in Smart Surveillance
An crucial detail of Dubai's smart city idea is the Internet of Things (IoT). The intention behind the Internet of Things (IoT) is to attach commonplace items to the net so they can interact with every other and carry out tasks independently. IoT enables cameras to link with diverse objects and systems, inclusive of sensors, signals, and control facilities, whilst used in CCTV installation in Dubai.
This connectivity allows for seamless integration among exclusive components of the surveillance network. For example, a clever CCTV device may be included with movement sensors to robotically recognition on regions wherein motion is detected. In addition, smart cameras may be related to security gates, lighting systems, or even drones, growing a completely included protection answer that may adapt to distinctive conditions.
3. Enhanced Data Collection and Analysis
In a smart city like Dubai, information is king. With the help of superior CCTV structures, substantial quantities of records can be collected from numerous sources in real time. This facts is then analyzed the usage of AI-powered equipment, which can become aware of patterns, discover anomalies, and expect capability safety threats.
For instance, in a hectic public space like a shopping mall or an airport, AI algorithms can examine crowd behavior and perceive unusual activities, along with loitering or unexpected crowd surges. This analysis allows security employees respond more correctly to ability dangers, ensuring public protection is maintained always.
In addition to improving protection, the facts collected from CCTV systems also can be used to enhance city making plans and improvement. For instance, by way of studying visitors drift styles and pedestrian movement, town planners could make more knowledgeable choices about in which to build new infrastructure or enhance existing facilities.
4. The Power of 5G Connectivity
Dubai is one of the first cities inside the world to roll out 5G technology on a massive scale. This next-era wireless community offers quicker speeds, lower latency, and greater potential, making it the ideal basis for smart town packages, including CCTV installation.
With 5G, CCTV cameras can transmit high-definition video feeds in real time with none lag or buffering. This is in particular vital in a metropolis as speedy-paced as Dubai, wherein short response times are critical for making sure protection and protection. Moreover, 5G allows the deployment of wi-fi CCTV structures in far off or hard-to-reach areas, such as construction sites, highways, or wasteland areas, where conventional stressed systems could be impractical.
5. Cloud-Based Surveillance Systems
Another full-size development within the world of CCTV installation in Dubai is the adoption of cloud-based surveillance structures. Traditional CCTV systems often depended on neighborhood storage answers, which include difficult drives or servers, which could be susceptible to theft, damage, or technical screw ups.
Cloud-primarily based structures, however, allow photos to be saved securely online, making it on hand from everywhere with an internet connection. This no longer best reduces the hazard of information loss however also lets in for greater bendy and scalable surveillance answers. Businesses and homeowners can easily enlarge their CCTV networks through including new cameras and sensors with out the want for complex hardware installations.
Cloud-based structures also offer advanced features which includes far flung tracking and real-time signals. Security personnel can access stay digicam feeds from their smartphones or tablets, allowing them to reply quick to any incidents, even though they're now not on-site.
6. Improved Public Safety and Crime Prevention
The last goal of any CCTV set up in Dubai is to improve public protection and prevent crime. The smart town infrastructure is supporting the town achieve this by means of making surveillance extra green, responsive, and shrewd. With superior CCTV structures in place, law enforcement agencies can reveal big areas of the metropolis in actual time, quick figuring out and responding to ability threats.
Moreover, the presence of clever CCTV structures acts as a deterrent to criminals, who're much less possibly to have interaction in illegal activities in the event that they know they're being watched by an intelligent gadget that could identify and song them.
7. A Safer, Smarter Future for Dubai
As Dubai keeps to grow and develop, the role of CCTV systems in retaining safety will handiest grow to be greater essential. The city’s smart town infrastructure is revolutionizing CCTV set up in Dubai via making surveillance smarter, greater green, and more proactive. From AI-powered analytics to IoT connectivity and 5G networks, those improvements are making sure that Dubai remains one of the safest and maximum stable cities inside the world.
Whether you're a business proprietor seeking to defend your property or a property owner looking for peace of mind, making an investment in smart CCTV systems is a smart desire in today’s hastily evolving virtual panorama. With the electricity of Dubai’s smart metropolis infrastructure in the back of them, these systems are set to convert the way we reflect on consideration on safety and surveillance for years to come.
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