#Sponsor Dating Site - Rich Meet Beautiful
Kenyan Sponsors & Sex
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A once respectful title given to large organizations that would give financial assistance to smaller, promising enterprises has been tarnished by the recent craze of calling older, rich, promiscuous men who love to lure younger women. The title: SPONSOR
Also Check Out: Rwandan rich sugar mummy sponsors
Why are men gladly taking up this title and why are women not ashamed to admit that they are enjoying this current trend? MONEY: God made man, man made money, money made man mad. Young ladies especially in university are pressuring each other to give in to this madness. It usually starts with a once simple lady from the village who comes to the city to be educated but along the way she meets an old rich man who promises to give her all the material possessions she desires. Her equally struggling friend realizes that she too can acquire material wealth if she finds an old rich man willing to give her what she wants. The two then use their social media to brag about all they have acquired and are not ashamed to say how they acquired it, encouraging other young girls to follow the same trend. Then to make it worse we have the likes of the singer Akothee going ahead and asking ladies what they call their “benefactor”. I have admired Akothee’s strength and resilience for a long time but after that song was released, I am no longer a fan.
The older perverted men on the other hand have discovered an easy way to get the ‘young, innocent p*ssy (for lack of a better word) that they have been desiring. They know all they need to do is spend money, & they completely disregard the impact on their wives and children. After all, who cares if you have an affair with your daughter’s age mate? Who cares about the humiliation your family will go through, the example that you set for your children, the diseases you will spread, or the reduced time, attention and love shown to your family? All that doesn’t matter to this mannerless babas because their daily 1.5 minutes (I doubt any of these bastards can go longer than this) of pleasure is what matters most to them.
So now we have men with mistresses and neither are ashamed of it. There is a detrimental effect to our society already witnessed by increased family killings. The likes of Joseph Kori and his mistress Wangui Mungai who are the main suspects behind the murder of Kori’s wife. If we continue this ‘sponsor’ trend, we will have the number of “deaths by mistress” competing with “death by road accidents” in this country. I wish I could give a concrete solution for this, but all I can say is we need to make it clear to our loved ones what’s most important in life. Fancy cars, holidays and houses are nice, but they have never and will never make anyone achieve self-actualization. If you are having issues with your wife, discuss it with her honestly and find a way to solve the issue instead of running away from the issue and blaming her for the failing marriage (same goes for women having issues with their husbands). The issue here being sex, since apparently that’s the only reason people have affairs. Communicate! Say what the issue is, discuss solutions, find a way to go about it…Sex is a two-way street, if it is not working, both are to blame in one way or another. Don’t go blaming the other person, there is something that YOU can do to make things better, & it’s not cheating.
“Money had never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.” Benjamin Franklin
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trashystarker · 4 years
the swingers life - a pepterony one shot
Title: The Swingers Life Fandom: MCU Pairing: Pepterony/Pepter (Pepper Potts/Peter Parker/Tony Stark)  Rating: Mature (NSFW - Open Relationship - Polyamory - Daddy Kink - Explicit Sexual Content)  Word Count: 5590 
Summary: Peter decides to visit his Sugar Daddy, but winds up instead meeting his wife and falls in over his head. 
A/N: @iloveyou3thousand dropped this wonderful prompt on Discord and I had to write it. Please enjoy! 
Prompt: okay pepterony with rich, established and very happy lowkey swingers pepperony, where tony's been "sponsoring" this kid to help him through college and pepper is used to this because tony's been kind of a sugar daddy to a couple of people before but then peter decides to drop by during his winter break to just hang out with tony and kind of thank him for how he's helped him so he shows up and he finds out only pepper is home, but pepper invites him in nonetheless and sees exactly why tony likes him so much send tweet
Peter shuffles back and forth, looking up at the very tall building, his neck hurting as he tilts it back too much. This was a mistake. He shouldn’t have flown out here without telling Tony he was doing so. Pulling his phone out, he looked at the last message that he’d sent to him, and felt his heart pick up its pace as he saw his benefactor’s last selfie that he’d sent to him. Tony had been eating somewhere, and decided he wanted to share with Peter what he was eating, then Peter had begged for an actual selfie, not that the food porn wasn’t nice. So Tony had obliged, and that was the last he’d heard from him. 
His eyes look down at the keyboard, tempted to send a message but then doesn’t. He knows Tony Stark is a busy man. Tony Stark - aka his Sugar Daddy - has told him plenty of times that if he’s ever in New York, to come and pay him a visit. No matter the time of day. Hell, Tony has been begging for him to come and see him, after they had met each other through an online dating service. But Peter never could afford it, until Tony started to send him money. First it had been little gifts here and there, but then a bank account had been opened in his name, and soon Peter had more money than he ever had in his entire life. He still can’t believe all those zeroes existed, and belong to him. 
Figuring the worst thing that Tony would do is tell him to come back later, he decides to head into the building. He didn’t fly two hours just to stand up and think about seeing the man that has changed his life completely thanks to a few quick chats on SwingersRUs. He’d gone on the site as a dare, never thinking that he would actually meet someone really nice. Swinging lifestyle isn’t really his thing, but after getting to know Tony, he can see why it’s nice. 
He looks at his phone, and heads to the info on Tony’s contact. He’d once given him the code on how to access his penthouse, and memorizes the number before heading to the elevator. He really hopes there’s a door, because if the elevator opens up onto his actual place and he walks into something he shouldn’t be walking into, then that would absolutely mortify him. Entering the code, he takes the elevator up to the top floor and prepares himself for anything. 
The elevator opens, and shows two huge double doors. Oh, thank God. A sigh of relief leaves his mouth as he walks up to it, his nerves starting to get the best of him. But he’s already come all this way, so he really can’t back down now. Fixing his shirt, hoping he doesn’t look as young as he feels right at the moment, he lifts his hand and knocks on the door. 
Peter takes a step back, and hears someone walking to answer it. Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad. He tries his best to smile, and hope that Tony will be pleasantly surprised to see him when the door opens and reveals the most beautiful woman he’s ever set eyes on. “May I help you?” The goddess asks, a smirk on her face. 
“H-H-H-Hi. Yeah, um….” He feels like he’s in over his head, not at all sure what’s going on. Why was a beautiful woman answering the door and not Tony? He looks at his phone, then looks back at the elevator. “H-Hah, I th-think I might have the w-w-wrong floor? I’m so sorry.” 
“Are you looking for Tony?” His stomach twists as he stares up at her, nodding his head slow. “Are you Peter?” 
That makes him blanche. “Y-Yes?” 
“Peter Parker, from Connecticut. That Peter Parker?” 
Again, he feels like he wants to sink into the floor and disappear. “T-That’s me.” He nods again, trying to remember if he should know her. Should I? Did I blackout one night talking to Tony?? He reaches up and scratches the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, but I-” 
“You’re adorable.” She leans against the open door, then looks back over her shoulder. “You can come in if you’d like, but I’m afraid Tony isn’t home.” 
“H-He’s not??” He tries not to be sad by that information. “Will he be home soon?” 
“I’m afraid he’s not due back until tomorrow.” 
That news makes his heart drop. “O-Oh.” 
“Peter, please - come in.” She walks forward, and touches his arm. Stunned by her beauty, he tries to remain calm but it is proving to be very difficult. “I’m going to guess Tony has neglected to tell you about me.” 
The hand on his arm happens to be her left hand, and he immediately sees a beautiful yellow diamond ring attached to a simple platinum band. Oh, God. “Y-Y-You’re his wife, aren’t you?” 
“Okay, that makes me a little happier to hear.” The laugh that fills the space between them has Peter’s heart jumping in his throat. “So he did tell you about me.” 
“Sort of.” Peter feels like his head is about to explode. “I mean, h-h-how do you know about me?” 
“Who do you think sends you money?” She puts an arm around his shoulder, and closes the front door. “Not Tony. He can’t be trusted to remember important things like that.” 
He still feels lightheaded as he walks into the very large, very grandiose penthouse apartment. “M-May I please have some water?” 
“Of course, Peter. Why don’t you go sit down? I’m really happy you’re here.” The smile on her face makes his knees want to buckle. “Tony’s told me a lot about you.” She goes into the kitchen, and grabs a glass from the cupboard. “I’m surprised he didn’t tell you he was going to be out of town.” 
“He might have.” Their conversations as of late had been so sporadic on the telephone. And the texting they did with one another was mostly sexting, as well as sending each other voice recordings of what they were doing as they read said sexts. “I wanted it to be a surprise, which is why I didn’t say anything.” 
“Well, he’s coming back tomorrow morning.” She hands him the glass, then takes a seat near him on the couch. “Do you have a place you’re staying at right now?” 
Peter nods his head, as he takes a sip of the cool water. It helps to soothe some of the burn he still feels on his face, not sure why he’s so embarrassed right now. Out of all the things he’d prepared himself for, the idea that he would be meeting Tony’s wife was very low on the scale. Clearly he had not prepared carefully at all. “My Aunt lives here, so I’m staying with her for the next couple of weeks.” 
“So you’ll be here for a bit.” 
“I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.” Peter blurts out, feeling awful. The smile on her face makes him feel doubly worse as it's causing him to have a mild anxiety attack. “Tony’s mentioned you, but I honestly can’t remember what it is right now.” 
“It’s Pepper. Pepper Potts.” 
“Not Stark?” 
“No.” Pepper shakes her head as she laughs politely. “No reason to change my name to his. We’re happy this way.” 
“B-B-Because of your lifestyle.” 
“Among other things.” She reaches over, and puts a hand on his knee. “I can see why Tony is so taken by you.” 
“Y-You must say that to all of his lovers.” He takes another long sip of water, trying to calm himself down. But it isn’t working, not that that surprises him. “He’s got a few, doesn’t he?” 
“Usually, but as of late there’s really been only one person he’s giving most of his attention to. And I don’t mean me.” She winks, then picks up his empty glass. “Would you like some more, Peter?” 
“I’m good.” His voice cracks a little, Peter wanting to just get up and run away. “Since Tony won’t be back until tomorrow, is there a time I should stop by?” 
“Stop by?” Her voice carries through the penthouse. “Oh, sweetie - you don’t have to leave. You’re more than welcome to stay here tonight if you’d like.” 
That surprises him. Are all swingers like this?? Having her invite him to spend the night feels weird. He could say no, but then the idea that Tony would be back tomorrow and he’s already waiting for him - that feels a little nice. “Y-Yeah, let me text my Aunt and let her know.” He pulls his phone out, and sends a text, letting her know he’s meeting with some friends tonight and he’ll be back tomorrow evening. She sends him a thumb’s up, which is good enough for him. 
“I was going to make a casserole for dinner, but if you’d like - I’d be happy to take you sightseeing?” Pepper walks back over to the couch, and sits down. “When’s the last time you saw Tony?” 
“Um….” He’d come to Connecticut a few weeks ago, surprising him with a nice night in a hotel. “A few w-weeks ago?” 
“Ah, that’s right. He was up your way, wasn’t he.” She leans over and puts her hand on his knee. He jumps, but then her soft laughter has him sitting perfectly still. “Peter, you don’t have any reason to be nervous right now. I know about your relationship with Tony. And don’t feel bad because he hasn’t talked that much about me. I can see why he hasn’t.” 
“W-What do you mean?” Feeling like he’s in over his head, he just stares at her. 
“I mean, he cares about you a lot and is giving you one hundred percent of his attention. Which, if I can recall, I’m the only other person he’s done that for. All of his other lovers, they’re just little playthings to him. But you?” She takes her hand away from his knee and leans back on the couch. “You’re special, Mr. Parker.” 
He doesn’t know what to say. While he appreciates her candor and honesty, he’s still at a loss as to why Tony doesn’t talk about her more often. Maybe he’s afraid he’d be jealous? But he already knows that Tony is in a relationship with other people - that’s the whole thing about this lifestyle. He gets it. Different people provide different needs. He’s just grateful for the income he’s now got thanks to their arrangement. He hadn’t entered into it thinking that it would be like this, but now he couldn’t imagine it any other way. 
Lowering his head, he looks down at the rug. “I appreciate you saying that, Ms. Potts.” He keeps it cordial, not sure where he lies with her. “And it’s okay - I’ve been to the city plenty of times before. Like I said, my Aunt lives here. A casserole sounds good.” He doesn’t know if he can handle being in public with her. 
“Well, too bad. We’re going to go out tonight.” She stands up, and holds her hand out to him. “Since you know Tony so well, it’s time you get to know me too. Since it seems like you’ve stolen my husband’s heart.” 
He pales at the comment, but the smile on her face makes him realize she’s teasing him. “I’d love that, Ms. Potts. Only if you’ll allow me to pay for dinner?” 
“I know how much money you have.” Pepper teases, and nods her head. “Let me change into something a little more presentable? Then we’ll go.” 
“S-Sounds good.” 
Peter looks around the living room, admiring the awards that both Tony and Pepper have won over the years. There are plenty in a case, and a few plaques on the wall. It’s impressive to see such accolades, and Peter wonders if by somehow winding up in this relationship with Tony, he might benefit from these types of awards in the future. But that isn’t really something that concerns him all that much. All he cares about is how much fun he’s having with Tony. 
Turning towards the master bedroom, he sees Pepper slipping on a dress, noticing that she isn’t wearing a bra. His mouth goes dry as he sees her perky breasts disappear as the dress gets pulled down to her thighs. He’s never really been attracted to someone like her before, but after seeing that - he’s beginning to have some second thoughts. He quickly turns around before she catches him, and heads over to the window to look out at the skyline. He’d always seen this tower, but never expected he would stumble into the life that he has that has brought him to this moment. 
“See anything exciting?” A soft feminine voice has him turning around to see Pepper walking towards him in a boho green dress. He was familiar with the style as those were the kinds of dresses his Aunt likes to wear. 
“Y-Y-You?” He answers, feeling his face become flushed again. Stupid. That was so stupid.
Her laughter makes him feel a little less awkward. “You’re too sweet, Peter. Come on. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” She walks towards a different elevator. 
They exit in the lobby, and Peter gets led out the back entrance of the Stark Industries tower. Pepper slips her arm through his, and he immediately puts his hand on hers without missing a beat. “Where are we going?” He asks, as they travel down the street, staying close to one another. He can smell perfume wafting off of her, the smell making his hormones behave poorly. 
“Do you like Portugeuse?” 
“I can’t say I’ve ever had it before.” 
“Tony hates it, so if you like it, then that’s my excuse to order it more often.” 
He laughs, feeling a little more at ease as they talk about their shared lover. “What happens if I don’t like it? Should I lie, just so you can have it more?” 
“You see, I knew I gave Tony my blessing when he told me about you for a good reason.” She leans up against him more, making Peter feel like a million dollars. He doesn’t even care that she towers over him. 
The restaurant isn’t very crowded, which is fine by him. Pepper orders all the food for them, and then starts to ask him questions, which he happily answers. The food is way better than he expects it to be, and knows that without a doubt Tony is going to hate that he likes it, which Pepper agrees with a smirk on her lips. They go back and forth for almost close to three hours, neither realizing how much time has passed until the owners of the restaurant come over to them, and inform them they’re closing in ten minutes. Peter hands his credit card to their waiter, again a nice gift from Tony, and then remembers to tip in cash. 
“May I escort you back home?” He stands up, now offering his hand to Pepper. 
She looks up at him, and he can feel his head spinning as her manicured fingers touch the center of his palm before grasping his hand to help lift herself up. “I would love that, Peter.”  
The walk back to Stark Industries tower isn’t anywhere near as long as it had been when they walked to the restaurant. Maybe because it’s so late, and everyone has gone home for the evening, or it just feels quicker. Regardless, they’re back up in the penthouse faster than he realizes, and then it becomes a game of what can do, and what he can’t. Do I touch her? Kiss her? Try and seduce her? Is that appropriate?
Before he’s able to ask her these questions, his phone begins to vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out, he sees that it’s their shared lover. “It’s Tony.” He tells Pepper, who walks into the kitchen. 
“Answer it. But don’t tell him you’re with me.” She winks, then grabs a bottle of wine from the wine fridge. “Want a glass?” 
“Please.” He nods, then looks at his phone. Taking a deep breath, he pushes the green button and brings it up to his ear. “Hi, Daddy.” He greets Tony, unable to keep the smile off of his face. 
“Hey, baby.” The happiness he hears in Tony’s voice makes his stomach roll. “What took you so long?” 
“Sorry, Daddy. I was walking back into the room when I saw my phone was vibrating.” Pepper walks over to him, holding two glasses of wine. “How’re you? I miss you.” 
“Mmm….I was doing pretty bad, but now that I hear your voice, I’m doing a hell of a lot better. Been a long day, sweetheart. Daddy’s really happy to hear your voice.” 
Peter takes a sip of the wine after quietly tapping it against Pepper’s, then pulls the phone away and puts it on speaker. “I’m sorry today has been rough for you. Would you like for me to help you relax a little bit right now, Daddy?” 
“I would love that, sweetheart.” He heard Tony groan softly. “Talk to me. Tell me about your day. What did you do? Did you get the gift I sent to you?” 
He touches the necklace that’s around his neck, and sees Pepper nodding her head. “Yes, Daddy. It’s really pretty. I’m sorry I forgot to send you a picture. I promise I’ll take one tomorrow for you.” 
“Good. Please do. You know I love seeing the things that I buy my beautiful boy.” 
Pepper starts to kneel in front of him, his brain short circuiting when he feels her push her mouth against his crotch. “I wish you were here right now, Daddy. I miss you playing with my cock.” He says in a rush, hoping that he doesn’t sound too off at the moment. 
“Are you touching yourself right now, baby?” The richness in Tony’s voice makes his cock jump, and he sees Pepper nod her head in approval as she slowly starts to unzip his pants. 
“Y-Yes, Daddy….” Peter moans as Pepper’s lips touch his cock for the first time. Her lips are so very different from Tony’s. He can feel the wisps of her hair tickle his thighs. The lack of facial hair is also somewhat arousing, as he stares down into her eyes. “My hand is on my cock, touching it for you.” 
“What a good boy you are.” His brain starts to spin as Pepper’s mouth starts to tease the tip with just her lips. “Daddy’s touching himself right now too. Wishing my pretty boy was here with me right now. I’d really love to be inside of that gorgeous ass of yours.” 
He moans a little louder as Pepper chooses this moment to start deep throating his cock. “I w-want that too, Daddy. S-So much. I want to see you right now.” 
“I know, baby.” The steady groans that Tony makes lets him know just how into this his lover is. “Soon, okay? I’ve got business up your way in a few weeks. Would you like another night in a hotel? A couple of nights?” 
Pepper reaches for his hand, and guides it to be resting on her head. His fingers touch her soft hair - so soft - fingers curling around the long red strands of hair. “C-Couple, please. Winter term doesn’t start for four weeks.” 
“Perfect. Then I’ll come whisk you away, and keep you locked in my hotel room while I suffer through meetings. Daddy will buy you so many pretty things to wear.” 
“Oh, please, Daddy….” He looks down at Pepper’s mouth and watches his cock slide between her plump lips. If he stops to think about what’s happening, he’ll freak out, so instead he keeps talking, holding the phone close to his mouth as he moans for Tony. For Pepper. “L-Lingerie?”
“Yes, baby. Daddy will buy you all the lingerie you want. You’ll look so beautiful when I come back. Then I’ll tear you apart.” 
At that promise, Peter releases a pitched moan as he begins to come hard. “D-Daddy….” He moans through his orgasm, as he hears Tony groan a little lower, and then he hears his breath stop. He sees Pepper swallowing his load, some spilling from the corner of her mouth as he listens to Tony breath hard, knowing he’s come as well.
“You be good, okay, sweetheart?” Tony murmured into the phone. “Daddy misses you, and he promises he’ll see you soon.” 
“B-Bye, Daddy.” He ends the call, then drops his phone onto the cushion of the couch, looking down at Pepper who still has her mouth around his cock. “You missed some.” He speaks softly, taking his thumb to wipe the little bit of cum that was dribbling down towards her chin. 
Her lips touch his thumb, licking what he’d collected off of her face. “You’re sweeter than I thought you would taste.” She stares up at him, his heart beating hard as he tries to grasp what’s just happened. “Would you like to sleep with me?” 
“Yes.” A small nod of his head is all he manages, a small pang of guilt in his chest appearing as he realizes that he really does want to see what it would feel like. This is okay. They are okay with this. I need to be okay with this. “But, Daddy…” 
“He will be fine with it, sweetie.” The smile on her face helps to relax that tightness in his chest, as she stands up. A song begins to play, their heads turning towards the noise. “Speak of the devil.” 
His stomach drops as Pepper picks up the phone and puts it on speaker. “Hi, darling.” 
“Hey, babe. How’s my favorite gal doing?” Tony’s voice still sounds a bit ragged from the call he’d just made with Peter, and wonders if he’s going to tell Pepper what he’s just done. “Miss me?” 
“Very much so.” Red nails touch his chin, as Pepper guides him to look up at her. “What time will you be home tomorrow?” 
“Wheels go up at five, so I should be back in bed with you by seven, possibly seven thirty. You don’t have any early meetings, do you?” 
He listens to Tony speak, but stays entranced by the look in Pepper’s eyes, her fingers now touching his lips. He keeps them pushed out, leaving kisses on the tips of her fingers every few swipes. “I do, but they can be rescheduled. I miss you.” 
“I miss you too, Pep. Listen, I’ve gotta go and meet some people for drinks. You take care of yourself tonight, okay? I’ll see you in a few hours.” 
“Love you, Tony.” 
“Love you too, babe.” 
Their call ends, Peter still watching Pepper with bated breath. “Would you like to go see our bedroom now, Peter?” 
“Yes, please.” He nods, the daze returning as he follows her across the penthouse, and into the master bedroom. Again, if he stops to think about what’s going on, he’ll panic, so he tries to relax into the situation and go with the flow. That’s all he can do right now. 
Her hands touch his sweater, nails barely touching his skin. “Get undressed, sweetie. Are you nervous right now?” 
“Very.” Peter knows he can be honest with her. “W-What if Tony-” 
“Shh.” She touches his lips with her finger to silence him. “I know my husband. This will be more than okay. He might be upset with me because I didn’t wait for him, but seeing as he did the same, I see nothing wrong with it.” 
Swallowing, he nods his head. “I understand.” 
Blood rushes to his ears as he awkwardly takes off his sweater, and the shirt that’s on underneath it. He turns away from her to take off his pants and underwear, his cock already painfully hard again. The idea that he’s going to be having sex with his lover’s wife is more arousing than he expects it to be. Turning back around, Peter resists the urge to cover himself as he sees Pepper pulling the dress up over her head, exposing her entire nude form to him. No underwear. He swallows again as he takes in her beautiful naked body, shocked by how aroused he still is by seeing her. 
“Do you like what you see?” She asks him, as she lays down on the bed, a coy smile on her lips. 
“V-Very much so.” He nods, then joins her on the bed when she beckons him. “You’re stunning.” 
“Thank you, Peter.” The way she says his name has his heart skipping beats. “Have you had sex with someone like me before?” 
“A m-m-married woman?” 
“You know what I mean.” Her fingers touch his face, calming him in a way he doesn’t expect. His eyelids flutter closed as he sinks into her touch, his arm coming down to drape over her body. “It’s alright if you haven’t. I’m more than happy to show you what I like, and what I don’t like.” 
“P-Please.” Again, the urge to panic starts to return but he pushes it away, realizing that he’s doing nothing wrong right now. They are in an open relationship. This is okay. This is allowed. He slides his hand down towards her thigh, and brings it to be between them. “May I….?” 
“You may.” 
Pepper casually spreads her thighs apart, Peter’s hand going down to her moist center. He groans when he feels how wet she is, his fingers easily sliding along her folds. Getting a little bit of her juices on his fingers, he brings them up towards the top of her mound and hears her moan softly. Pepper’s head tilts back as her chest arches up off the bed, Peter moving his two fingers in small circles over her clitoris. 
“That’s so nice, sweetie….” Breathless and aroused, Peter moves his hand so that his middle finger can sink into her body, with his index finger continuing to rub against her clit. “Oh, that’s very nice, Peter…” 
He wants to be inside of her. The way her inner walls squeeze his finger, he knows that he’s going to love how it feels around his cock. But he has to make sure that she’s okay first. Be attentive. That is something Tony taught him early on in their relationship. Recognize when your partner wants something without having to say it. Peter scoots a little closer to her and carefully starts to kiss her, keeping his two fingers where they’re at. She opens her mouth for him, and moaning low he pushes his tongue into her mouth as his confidence flies high. 
“P-Peter….” She breaks off the kiss with a shrill moan, as he’s now got both fingers back inside of her, his thumb now doing the job of playing with her clitoris. 
Staring at her face, he watches her come, transfixed by her beauty as she lays it out for him. It’s beautiful - more stunning that he expects her to look. He loves watching Tony orgasm too - the look of release is something beautiful to behold. He feels her squeeze around his fingers, massaging him in a way that makes him moan lower. Oh, yes. He definitely wants to be inside of her. 
He pulls his fingers out, and then watches her move to be on her back. “I know you sleep with Tony, but do you sleep with anyone else?” 
“No.” Peter shakes his head. “Tony’s my only lover. Why?” 
“Because I want you inside of me bareback.” 
That request almost makes him come. “I’d l-like that too.” 
“Good, because I already know it’s going to be happening more than once.” 
“Or longer.” 
Peter smiles, and gets between her legs. “I don’t think I’d say no to that. Unless Tony-” 
“He won’t.” She shook her head, then put her hands on his shoulders. “Show me how good you feel, sweetie…” 
Closing his eyes, he pushes the tip of his cock against her warm center and slips in with little give. He groans, shocked by how good it feels to be inside of her like this. He feels her hand touch his face, and opening his eyes he looks down at her. “Y-You feel so soft…” He moans low, pushing his hips forward experimentally. 
“And you feel magnificent.” Pepper pulls him down, the two of them kissing each other. 
He comes faster than he wants, but really - if she hadn’t given him a blow job earlier he would have exploded the second he sank into her warmth. No, at least he held off for a few minutes, his hand going to her mound so that his fingers could touch her clit. He listens to her scream for him, the noise sending heat through his body as he begins to come with her. He looks down at her, panting softly as takes in the way her skin seems to glisten under the soft light. 
She grabs a few tissues and helps him clean up, Peter wishing he’d been more prepared to take care of this moment. But Pepper doesn’t seem to mind, and instead pulls him to be under the covers with her. He can smell Tony on the pillow he’s resting on - that unique scent that he’s come to really love each time he’s around him. It makes him relax more, as he feels Pepper curl up against his body. 
“Good night, sweetie.” Pepper kisses him softly, then returns her head to her pillow. “If you feel like you’re in the mood for a little more, don’t be shy about waking me up, okay?” 
“Y-Yes, Pepper.” He nods his head, but doesn’t think he’ll take her up on her offer. 
Except he does, at half past five in the morning. He wakes her up with this overwhelming need to be buried back inside of her, and she moans a soft yes as he does just that. This time it lasts for much longer - Peter learning how to get her off with a few particular harsh thrusts. He makes her come three times before allowing himself to come with her again, moaning against her neck as he falls over the edge with her. He gets up and goes to the bathroom, and grabs a towel to take care of her, as well as himself, then falls back asleep, making himself the big spoon to her body. 
“Um….excuse me.” 
Peter groans as he hears something. Pepper shifts next to him, and nuzzles the side of his neck. His groan quickly turns to a soft moan, his arm slipping around her. 
A cough has him opening his eyes. “Ah, there we go.” Tony Stark is standing next to the bed, looking at the both of them with a smirk on his face. “Hello, baby. This is quite the surprise.” 
“D-Don’t be mad, Daddy.” Peter wants to disappear. “I-” 
“Tony, just take off your clothes and get in bed with us.” Pepper’s voice reverberates right next to his ear. “Don’t act like this is a shock to you.” 
“I mean, it’s one of my wildest fantasies, that’s for sure. But no one told me that a - Peter was in town, and b - my wife was hooking up with him.” Peter’s face is burning as he hears Tony start to take off his clothes. “Has this been going on long?” 
“I just met her.” Peter squawks. “I wanted to surprise you, but you weren’t home.” 
“So you just decide to bang my wife?” Tony’s hand touches his hip, as he lays next to him, Peter now sandwiched between husband and wife. “I’m surprised, Peter. I’ll give you that. You thoroughly surprised me.” 
“I seduced him.” Pepper’s chin rests on his shoulder, as her arm drapes over Tony’s. “If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me. He probably wanted to tell you last night. But I was too busy giving him head while you were masturbating.” 
Peter saw Tony’s eyes widen, the smirk returning to his lips. “Is that true? Was she sucking your cock while we were having phone sex?” 
“Yes, Daddy.” Peter nods his head. 
“Tony, kiss the boy already. I can see why you’re in love with him.” 
That news makes him turn his head towards Pepper. “W-What?” 
“She’s right, you know.” Tony’s hand touches his face, drawing his attention back to him. “Look at me right now, baby. Daddy’s confessing his love for you.” 
“Yes, sweetheart.” Tony stares into his eyes, Peter vaguely aware that Pepper’s body is pressed up against his back now. “I know that now, seeing you with Pepper like this? You come visit us more often.” 
“Please.” Pepper whispers into his ear. “Stay with us for the rest of your break? Or will your Aunt be too upset?” 
“N-No, I figure it out.” Peter looks back and forth between Tony and Pepper. “I’d love to stay with you guys.” 
“Good.” Pepper kisses him softly, then he feels Tony turn his head towards him and he gets to feel his thick tongue push into his mouth. “Mmm...let’s have a little fun before we have to start our day.” 
He nods his head, as he feels Tony chuckle against his lips. “You’re in for a real treat, sweetheart.” Tony whispers against his lips. “Tell Daddy you love him.” 
“I love you.” He says, smiling as both of them kiss and touch him. 
Pepper’s lips touch his ear. “Welcome to our family, Peter.” 
Cross-posted to AO3
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howveryheather · 5 years
good time (the 2010s + me)
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10 years of Heather... YESSSSSSS.
I mulled over various drafts of what you’re going to read today.  
There was a draft where I summed up everything, literally everything, that happened to me over the last 10 years. The more I read that draft, the more it felt increasingly like a diary entry that did not warrant publishing of any kind. 
I had a draft where I was only going to recap the good things that happened to me. That read like I had the world’s worst blinders on. 
I weebled, I wobbled, I tried to organize my thoughts using bullet points. None of it worked and all of it sounded like noise, even though I was technically going in order of the last 10 years. So, I’m just going to keep it simple and focus on the basics.
I went on two pivotal journeys in the last 10 years. The first is the start of my writing career and the second was repaying my student loans. Note that the latter half of that sentence is written in past tense. In 2019, after nine years in debt, I paid off all my loans in full! 
I want to talk about the loan journey first because it had an expiration date, even though I did used to think I was gonna die with those loans. Rather than sound like a broken record rehashing the story of how I paid everything off again, I want to share two aspects of paying off student debt that nobody talks about online. 
The first one is that once it happens, after your debt is paid in full, you’re not rich. You have a little more money every month, but you can’t go out and change your lifestyle radically. If anything, you have to remain in place a little bit longer and remain on a budget. There’s certainly irony in debt repayment. The debt is gone, but you are not exactly free yet. You have to recoup the losses. 
The other aspect of student loans is how quickly you forget about it once it’s paid off. And I mean all of it — the emotions and experience associated with loan statements and making monthly payments. I spent years lying in bed unable to sleep at night stressed out about my loans. I never think about it now. 
Paying off my debt alone was really difficult, but deep down I think I always knew that this was going to be my journey. My debt was not going to disappear, no matter how much I wished for a genie’s lamp or hoped a dead relative would throw me some bones in a will or I could magically find a spouse to marry who would assume the payments for me. I made a lot of lifestyle sacrifices to get out of debt. I prepared a few years in advance because I knew that what was ahead was going to be miserable. I remained disciplined, I treated my life with a Spartan mentality, and I crawled my way out under the 10-year deadline to freedom. Sometimes that’s what freedom looks like. It’s not a climb or a sprint to a finish line. It’s a crawl.
Onward to writing!
I was still in college at the start of 2010. Back then, I was an extremely green writer with few clips under my belt outside of an internship at the Ventura County Star and a column in The Echo (CLU’s newspaper). As a post graduate, every writing experience I have had has been a combination of good luck, timing, location, and the willingness to push myself and work hard.
Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to write in the entertainment space. I always loved reading the pop culture section of the USA Today and soaked up my subscriptions to Entertainment Weekly and Premiere Magazine like a sponge. I was determined to break into entertainment however I could, and I got in on the ground floor of BettyConfidential and HelloGiggles as a contributing writer in 2011.
The early 2010s was a short-lived timeline before most of the major media moguls began buying these sites out. I remember this time as one — and everyone who started during this time will say the exact same thing, trust me — where everyone really was each other’s friend in the media space. Content felt fresh. It was new. It was also really kind. There was a lot of room to share your story and experience and receive incredible, positive feedback from readers. 
BettyConfidential... What a wonderful group! Was there anything better than waking up at 5 AM the morning after the Golden Globes to email over my best-dressed picks? (Sometimes emailed over the night before, I must admit.) I wrote my heart out in that LA Correspondent gig, covering fashion and celebrity news. It gave me so many opportunities to lead the kind of life most people who move to California never get the chance to have. I had the good fortune to go to red carpet events and awards ceremonies and gifting suites and sit in on movie sets and chat with celebrities (often in more candid spaces than is the norm) that I would never have had otherwise. Betty gave me a much-needed glimpse behind the camera of celebrity and the etiquette for how to be a reporter in this space. My experience at HelloGiggles differed from Betty in that it was much more social media driven. That was definitely the site where you earned your following and found your people in the Twitter space. 
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Collectively between Betty and HG, my favorite memories were...
1) The first time I went to New York City to cover Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. I went to as many shows as I possibly could in Lincoln Center, took photos with my iPhone, stayed up writing and writing with my photos at the hotel afterwards, and did it all over again the next day for 3-4 days. I also packed very poorly for February 2012 weather. A trench coat and flats in 20 degree weather with snow... but I still looked good!
2) I went to an event celebrating L’Oreal’s 40th anniversary of their “Because I’m Worth It” tagline (an early foreshadowing of my future in writing in advertising). I wrote a nice article about the event, shared the story, and went about my merry way into the rest of my workload. A few weeks later, I received a gift in the mail from their team: a huge gift card to Saks Fifth Avenue! There has never been a Cinderella moment in my life quite like the way I spent this gift card. I went to the Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills and bought a beautiful designer day dress that I wore everywhere (and still have in my closet).
3) The first time I went to, and covered, the Pillsbury Bake-Off for HelloGiggles. (Look at all that foreshadowing!) The Pillsbury Bake-Off is such a delightful experience and not just because there’s a life-size Pillsbury Doughboy walking around either. The events are held in hotels with convention-sized rooms where one can fit 100 ovens. 100 finalists all bake at the same time and compete for a chance to win a million dollars with their recipe. Bake it like you mean it! I even had dinner one table away from Martha Stewart at the Orlando Bake-Off.
I tried not to decline any opportunities. I made everything work, as much as I could. As far as regrets go, the only event I turned down was an opportunity to go backstage and cover the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. The logistics and timing were really off. There was absolutely no way I could have flown to New York in time for it... but I will always wonder what if!
In a post-Betty and HG world, which is where I was in 2014 when both gigs wrapped, I began pivoting toward a new vertical: advertising. My discussions with Advertising Week began in late 2014 and I started writing for the website in 2015. Initially, this was a situation where I filled in the gaps with whatever content I was asked to write. A lot of it had pop culture tie-ins with Mad Men. (Shout out to my brain for already being a fan of the series and intricately understanding the ins and outs of its characters that tied in with advertising’s heyday!) 
The first major series of articles I worked on were sponsored by Adobe, so there was an increased expectation to go above and beyond in the manner I wrote, the amount of research conducted in each article, and understanding the audience. I was ready to meet the challenge and was met with high praise for this hard work. During this time, I also briefly worked in transcription for Flaunt Magazine. I transcribed interviews for one of their writers, which made me feel as though I came a little full circle yet again to entertainment.
In March 2015, I received the opportunity to go to Chicago to the Museum of Broadcast Communications. It was for an event called “A Salute to Advertising’s Greatest Icons” which honored 10 of the greatest brand mascots in advertising. My favorite character, the Pillsbury Doughboy, was one of the honorees. Even more exciting, the creator of the Doughboy Rudy Perz would be in attendance. I immediately asked AW if I could cover the event and they agreed. However, a great tragedy occurred days before the event. Rudy passed away. I was completely crushed. As a lifelong Doughboy fan, I realized I would never get the chance to tell him how much of an impact that character had in my life.
In the 24 hours I spent in Chicago, I got to tour the museum space, meet and spend time in the studio of JoBe Cerny (the voice behind the Doughboy’s giggle!), and attend the event and its dinner. Each menu course was inspired by the 10 brand mascots. It was so much fun! I promptly wrote up the article and gave it to my bosses. 
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This article sparked the beginning of how I have carved a name out for myself in advertising. Brand mascots. We started discussing how to create content about characters, which I jumped at the chance to write. Before long, I had written so many character-based articles that the content spilled over the website. It required its own platform, PopIcon, which officially launched in 2016.
The greatest joy of my writing career so far has undoubtedly been PopIcon. There is so much to cover that I have gone through stages in writing. The initial stages of introducing the character to the world, the stage of updating everyone on the character’s current events (these critters are more active than you think!), and the historical narrative behind the mascot. There is only so much information a PR person can provide you before you can’t work with a one-sheet condensed timeline anymore. You have to get out there and behave like a journalist, finding creatives to talk to and share their stories. My favorite thing is when someone tells me that they have nothing to say. Then, they launch into a narrative of what life behind the scenes was like animating Lefty from Hamburger Helper or recruiting a voiceover actor for an ad campaign. That’s a lot to say! There is no absolutely story that is too small. Every bit of it is history and it has a place to be shared.
I struggle to pick my favorite PopIcon piece. At any given point, every article I have written has been my favorite. They are all jewels in a crown to me, which is a unique way to view your writing. Really, it’s how I hope every writer views their body of work as it grows and progresses.
However, if you must read anything... try these pieces on for size!
Leo Burnett’s Oral History, As Told By 8 Former Creatives (Part One & Two)
Putting The “Kool” Back In Kool-Aid
How Seth Werner Turned A Cluster Of Grapes Into The California Raisins
Monsters! A Brief History Of The Monster Cereals Icons
Ken Stewart, Creator Of The Coca-Cola Polar Bears, Reflects On Their 25th Anniversary
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AW has been responsible for sending me back to New York City. In 2017, I went to New York to attend my first #AWNewYork event. My articles ran in their print publication, I hosted a panel, and I appeared on NASDAQ’s Closing Bell ceremonies live on CNBC and HLN. In 2018, I did the same rounds plus an Icons Gala which I worked on at the same time I was paying off my student loans. The Icons Gala was a massive success and I am so proud of it because it was really tough work. And in 2019, I came back for another #AWNewYork event and celebrated with all my mascot buddies once again. 
Outside of PopIcon, I have my hand stuck in a series of freelance honey pots. I always like to keep the wheel rotating, as a means of avoiding stagnation and growing my work. It never ceases to amaze me where the wheel naturally rotates next. I wrote for Brit + Co when I lived in Orange County in 2016. I had a few pieces run on The Drum. I wrote for Ed2010 for two years, which felt like a return to my roots because Ed was the reason I got in with BettyConfidential. I still write with Business Insider, Coin, and Fairygodboss, all outlets I’ve been with for a few years now (minus Coin which started in 2019). Weirdly enough, I was fact checked in an obituary this year in The New York Times.
“Dabble in something new” was my fortune I received from a fortune cookie in the spring of 2019. Good timing. What could I do next that felt new? Where could I start to grow?
I have had my eye on weddings for awhile now, in more ways than one. You can’t help but notice when everyone you know is getting married. You really can’t help it when you’ve been a bridesmaid three times. When I think of the last frontiers of verticals where pure joy exists, it all goes back to basic life rituals. Marriage is one seeped in love, history, and etiquette. I started writing with the aptly-named wedding app Joy a few months ago. Finally, I was able to break into modern wedding editorial.
That has been the last ten years of my writing career, in a nutshell. Upon writing this out, I realized just how lucky and fortunate I am that everything looks so neatly tied together. The gaps have been few and far in between. Regardless of what was going on in my personal life or when things were difficult, doors kept opening for me. And I did everything I could to walk in when it happened.
Doesn’t it look like the land of Oz over here sometimes? It has been 10 years. If you juggled this much writing on top of a full-time job, nonstop for a decade while aging from a twentysomething into your thirties, you would probably run into some issues keeping your self-sustained sausage factory running. It’s not a realistic story if the heroine isn’t facing growing pains.
I am not a perfect writer. I’m never going to act like the Heather cup of tea is for everyone to drink up because it’s not. 
I have had countless nights where I have been up late writing, researching, or editing drafts. My interviews with creatives sometimes last for a few hours. I have procrastinated my workload until the last possible minute, leaving me frantically pinned against a wall pushing all the puzzle pieces around until they fit in the eleventh, in the twelfth, hour. 
I’ve had my brain switch completely off into a “duhhhhhhhh” setting. In this setting, I shut myself in and watch reruns of TV shows I have already seen before. I have to mentally peace out from the world. This is because operating at eleven every single day takes a lot out of you. 
I have been rejected by a few outlets. Totally happens. I have also been told I am overqualified on more than one occasion. 
In 2019, I finally seized the opportunity to buy my domain, which was not previously available, and create a space for my work. 
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I’ve learned a lot about one other person in the last decade: myself.
I know exactly who I am. I’ve hit reset on my life multiple times over the last 10 years, switching jobs, cities, and freelance work. I can reinvent some of me, but I can never leave myself behind. Nor would I ever want to do that. I love myself. She is still a work in progress, but it is progress I will do anything for, even if it means crawling alone for years on end. I do it for her.
Everything is up to timing. In time, everything will be as it is supposed to. That time will be the right time. 
If you are ever unsure of what to do next, look to the past for guidance. Everything I loved as a child is coming full circle into my life as an adult. 
I think the greatest thing I can do, now and in the next decade, is to continually work at making the younger version of me happy with her adult self. If the 10-year-old version of you could see you now, what would she think? Would she be proud of the person you grew up to become? Certainly I think the younger version of me is probably a little upset I don’t read as many books as I did in my Scholastic book club days (I’m working on it!). But, I do think she would be pleased with the woman I am in 2019. The things I have already accomplished and feathers in my hat. My personality and work ethic. The dreams ahead of me and the goals I still have left to achieve. 
While I have no idea where I will go in the next 10 years, I am excited to see everything that comes my way in 2020 and beyond. I will keep writing. I will keep working. And I will continue to keep not telling anyone what I’m doing until it happens. I have found life is a lot more fun when you whip out a good, unconventional “surprise!” on everyone that nobody saw coming.
Keep your pen at the ready. It’s gonna be a good time.
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undergroundadult405 · 3 years
Find A Millionaire Dating Site
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Find A Millionaire Dating Site Reviews
Find A Millionaire Dating Site Free
Millionaire Dating Sites In Usa
Marry A Millionaire Dating Site
Best Millionaire Dating Websites
Find A Millionaire Dating Site In Usa
All the ladies dream of meeting a worthy wealthy person with whom they will feel confident financially, who will be able to give them and their children a decent education, the opportunity to travel, confidence in the future. There are special sites that offer dating with wealthy foreign men. As a rule, in order to register on such source and communicate with the girls, men should pay a certain fee, but for ladies such sites are often absolutely free. Girls only need beautiful professional photos that usually taken by marriage agencies.
For an additional $5, Facebook also offers a super affordable virtual dating service that helps you date on Facebook. I’ll be honest with you, I am guilty of using this service when I just don’t feel like swiping on everyone to find a date. If you’re looking for millionaire dating sites, EliteSingles is a go-to destination when you’re searching for lasting love. The leading premium dating site for professional singles, it couldn’t be simpler to start using our service – take our personality test, fill out your profile, and who knows? Nov 13, 2020 For that reason, many wealthy people use millionaire dating sites to find a perfect relationship. Because of the high demand for this kind of site, though, hundreds of dating sites for rich men have popped up online. To help you succeed at finding the perfect partner, this guide will go over the best sites for rich men dating available right now. Finding the right millionaire dating site and app can be a challenging process. There are many spammy sites filled with fake profiles that’ll only waste your time and money. How Men Can Get Ready for the Post-COVID Dating Scene The Benefits of Removing Your Engagement Ring 6 Types of Romantic Flowers to Buy Your Partner 7 Good Questions To Ask On Your First Date Why the Increased Popularity of Adult Webcam Sites Fun Activities To Help You Get To Know Your Partner 7 Tips For Successful Online Dating In 2021.
People who register on such portals know exactly what they expect from a partner and what they are willing to give in return. Such an attitude is strong and balanced, because the partners are honest with each other and everyone knows what the other expects from them. As a result, everyone gets exactly what they need - the girl receives a happy and carefree life in a perfect environment, and the man receives care and love.
You no longer need to dream about a prince or wait for your Cinderella - just register on one of these millionaires websites. And they will help you find the perfect partner. When people hear from a man “I’m looking for a kept woman”, they immediately develop certain images of both the man himself and his potential female partner. But today, established beliefs are being destroyed and have little to do with reality. A good education and work can not always give a girl the life she dreams of. Therefore, a reliable relationship with a successful man is an opportunity to expand her horizons and realize her ambitions.
Find A Millionaire Dating Site Reviews
In turn, the so-called “sponsor” is not a boring aging man who needs a suitable couple to go out. Politicians, businessmen, top managers, athletes, musicians, artists - this is the main audience of such online sources. These men are successful at work, but they are lonely. Dating site to earn money. They are generous and they have enough sources and opportunities to give some girl the life she dreams of. In return, they receive attention and care and the opportunity to relax from work in a good company.
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What is the Rich Dating?
On a reliable rich men dating site, women will have access to profiles of many interesting men for communication, and they will be able to choose the most suitable one. First, they can evaluate the appearance, and the conversation itself will show whether the person suits them or not. There is no need to be upset if the conversation isn’t glued the first time, as there is always another candidate, because there are more and more users appear on such websites every day.
Meeting a millionaire in reality is practically impossible for a woman. Many men do not like it when the initiative comes from a woman, because they are essentially hunters and they just need to conquer them in order to prove their worth, when they reach their goal, they have pride in themselves. Of course, you can seduce a wealthy man by putting on an outfit or looking with the eyes of a tigress, thirsting for love, but, alas, not everyone knows how to do it. Many are simply lost while meeting a handsome man. Therefore, there are many sites where seeking a millionaire can be quick and easy.
There is no need to use any methods, tips from friends, seduction ideas to meet rich men - just go to a dating site and choose who you would like to chat with. It will not be difficult to write words of greeting to the person, and then the conversation will go on and you should not worry, the dating site will be easy and without problems. When the conversation begins, you will have to support its topic, speak with the person easily, naturally and in no way about money. If the object you have chosen is not interesting in communication, you can switch to another one at any time, meeting a man of a different type is always possible, especially if this happens online.
Best Millionaire Dating Sites
Millionaire Match
This is an elite dating portal number 1, where successful and attractive singles successfully find their soul mates. On this site you can find and chat, use various functions that speed up the process of searching and communicating with other users. On the dating site of wealthy foreigners there are a lot of rich men looking for love, so you can find a worthy man there. Although the list of millionaires registered on the Millionaire Match is available only to registered users with profiles, it is rumored that actor Charlie Sheen was among the other well-known and wealthy people on this site. Moreover, on this portal you can find a partner of any nationality and even from any region of the country you like. The site has a convenient search system for this.
Elite Singles
This site for people who are busy with life and career. It targets directly successful professionals who are looking for other successful partners who are often hard to find on traditional dating sites. More than 82% of participants have a degree. Therefore, it has established itself as the best portal for acquaintance on the Internet with highly educated people. Currently, more than 13 million users are registered on the site. Online registration is fast, but for this you will need to fill out basic information about yourself and pass a psychological test. Test questions relate to personal and professional qualities, character, appearance, personal self-esteem and future partner. For ease of use, a special mobile application was created on iOs and Android, which supports the same functions as the site. The selection of appropriate partners is based on the results of psychological testing. The selected contingent on EliteSingles eliminates the possibility of rudeness, impolite communication. The administration provides user support around the clock by phone, email. The blog has not only interesting articles, but also useful tips of how to find a rich man online for free.
Seeking Millionaire
This is a portal for millionaires who want to date with beautiful mail order bride who dream to meet wealthy men. Many members of the site are rich celebrities, professional athletes and attractive models. Wealthy men who confirm that their net worth is at least $ 1 million receive the SeekingMillionaire badge. This icon will allow them to attract most beautiful girls, and these girls, in turn, will also be easier to find a good man. So here women of all ages and rich men can find their soul mate. According to the site, only the most sophisticated, noteworthy singles can register here. Therefore, if you want to meet a millionaire, this is the perfect dating site for you. The most important aspect of the site is that it is exclusive and reliable source, as new members are thoroughly checked and their profiles checked as well.
Established Men
Find A Millionaire Dating Site Free
This platform is a leading online dating site, connecting attractive and ambitious young women with generous, successful foreigners. Since membership is free for girls, rich men can take advantage of the site only after paying for the subscription. This platform has a simple user interface, it allows to use some exclusive features, such as sending a gift or voicemail, etc. The search is quite interesting, as users can refine the search results by body type, keywords, language and ethnicity. The best part of this portal is that most girls know the real purpose of registering on the site. The portal is intended for young beauties who want to build a relationship with rich and successful men who can provide them financially.
Sugar Daddy Meet
The portal is one of the oldest and most popular millionaire dating sites for straight people. Another feature of this platform is that it operates in 20 countries with the highest living standards in the world. This policy allows you to increase the chances of finding wealthy men, as well as educated, beautiful and smart women. In general, this dating site is one of the most reliable and easy to use. The portal also has various communication features available for free and premium users. Premium users can use advanced search filters to find members with more detailed information.
This is a dating agency for single-minded and successful singles. The portal brings together successful and beautiful people so that they communicate, meet and build serious relationships with other single people. Unlike ordinary dating sites, Luxy is only available to unique people with a successful career who like to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle and want to find their soul mates. On the portal you can meet entrepreneurs, executives, investors, supermodels, incredible beauties, celebrities, professional athletes, doctors, lawyers and other elites who are looking for romantic relations.
Rich Men Hookup
This portal is intended not only for single millionaires, but also for those who are looking for a better relationship. It has a huge number of subscribers. There are not only beautiful women and rich men, but even something in between. One of the advantages of millionaire web site is the absence of annoying advertising for all participants. A verification system that will help select certified millionaires. User-friendly interface, constantly updated functions, as well as professional customer service. The portal offers various means of communication, such as messaging, forum, chat and blogs.
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This is a fairly large dating site for incredibly wealthy men and women. The portal has been providing dating services to billionaires for over 10 years, and has more than 4 million dating sites. Therefore, if you are a rich person or want to date a millionaire, this is the best place to meet online. Each member will use the same functions and user database at no extra charge.
Meet A Millionaire
This is a popular dating portal for millionaires, where rich men and women find each other for a romantic relationship. Here you can meet the CEO, professional athlete, lawyer, successful doctor, investor, entrepreneur, model, Hollywood celebrity, and this is not a complete list. This site is for you and it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or not, or just want to meet successful people. There are no fake profiles, spam, but only real millionaires or celebrities. Moreover, you can join the portal for free and start seeking millionaire.
Seeking Arrangement
Single conservative dating sites. This is one of the top platforms for mutually beneficial relationships between rich men and beautiful girls. According to the site, the average age of such a men is 39, these are men of traditional sexual orientation with earnings of over 260 thousand dollars a year, whose approximate condition is estimated at 5.6 million dollars. Moreover, this portal offers more certified and trusted rich men than any other. Users can register on the site for free and get the opportunity to send an predetermined number of messages.
Keeping Your Millionaire Happy
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A woman must be very attractive. Not just attractive, but truly beautiful, even without makeup. Cosmetics or clothing will not help here, because other rich people will be with women who are at the highest level. A rich man does not want his woman to be worse. Rich men want their women to be attractive even without makeup.
She must be smart. A rich man will not want to appear in society with a girl whose hobbies are limited to nightclubs or shopping. She should be able to maintain a conversation in the company, have knowledge of modern topics, not be afraid to talk with other people. Her judgments must be balanced. She cannot act ridiculously or immature. Wealthy men are smart and they need a partner worthy of intelligence and development.
She must obey him. If he told her, we go there, sit here, she should follow his instructions, and not argue. He does not need a woman who will swear or argue with him, who needs to be persuaded or constantly to explain something to her. She should be guided by his interests and generally follow him. Moreover, she should want to make love a lot and do it well. He is not interested in asking for sex.
Benefits of Dating Sites for Wealthy Singles
Growing audience
Millionaire Dating Sites In Usa
The site is regularly updated with new users - both men and girls regularly add their profiles in the hope of finding a worthy partner. Each new profile increases the chances of finding exactly who you need. In addition, registering on such millionaire dating sites, you can be sure that all users are aware of expectations and opportunities of others. Find someone on dating apps. You save your time and get the opportunity to find the perfect partner in the shortest possible time.
Users do not need to make any effort in order to master the basic functions of the portal. Convenient search tools and intuitive navigation will allow users to easily navigate the site and start a dialogue with those who are interested in them.
If any of the users have any questions or difficulties, the portal support is ready to help at any time.
Plenty of fish in the sea quotes. Special emphasis is placed on the safety of customers of such platforms. Dating sites often become a target for fraudsters, so that during communication, users can not worry about their safety, rich men dating sites do everything to ensure complete security of users and their information.
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Best Millionaire Dating Websites
Many foreigners who are using rich men dating sites are incredibly wealthy. Plenty of fish desktop site login. To determine which of the candidates for grooms most suits your expectations, carefully read their profiles, paying attention to the profession, education, place of residence, knowledge of foreign languages. This information can tell a lot about the owner of the profile. Pay attention to the photograph of the man: what he is wearing, what car he drives, where he spends his vacation, etc.
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As you can see, online dating has an advantage over dating on the street or in a nightclub, because here you get maximum information about a potential groom. However, there is a good advice: when you are looking for a husband, turn your attention not only to the size of his bank account, but also moral and human qualities, as well as the man’s attitude to life in general, and most importantly to you.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Werner Herzog On Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe…from Earth
There may be nothing more pleasing than watching a room full of scientists erupt in glee as the probe they spent hurtling into space years prior finally touches down on a moving object in the farthest reaches of space. The information and material that the probe will send back can hopefully answer questions of the universe we’ve been trying to ask since the beginning of our existence. Since before humans even walked the earth, however, the dark blanket of the sky has been depositing meteors to our world that hold important answers of the unknown.
The new Apple TV+ documentary Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds by the filmmaking team of Werner Herzog and Clive Oppenheimer takes a look at the history of meteors falling to Earth, and the impact they have on both science and our cultural roots. We spoke with Werner and Clive to discuss the importance of documenting these phenomena and the process of bringing it to audiences in an informational, entertaining package.
DEN OF GEEK: In these types of projects, obviously you want to be able to teach people and show them something they may not know; but is there a need to balance wanting to feed your own curiosities as well? 
Werner Herzog: It’s only curiosity. If we wanted to teach somebody, we would be teachers. But it was always clear we must not be didactic. This has to be entertaining, there has to be that excitement of science. It has to be the awe of what we are seeing, then we are on the right track.
Clive Oppenheimer: It’s show business. And cinema.
But in the same breath, obviously we’re in a time right now where science is somehow under attack, it’s more important that we get these things out there for people.
Clive Oppenheimer: I think with the attack on science, this is probably unstoppable and it serves various agendas and vested interests. You know in some ways I’ve seen it, I’ve seen how it operates, and I think we just have to set this aside. We know what we’re about and we know what we’re trying to do with these films. Above all, it’s to make hopefully a lasting piece of art, which brings together music, cinematography, and extraordinary people and locations and ideas of the human imagination.
Talking about cinematography specifically, I think it’s interesting that there’s so much more being captured now because people have cameras in their hands all the time. It’s so interesting to know that we’re catching these physical occurrences like the meteor in Russia because there’s a whole country of people worried about insurance fraud and using dash cams. 
Werner Herzog: Well, in Russia it’s not insurance fraud. The police would try to extort money from you, stopping you saying you ran the traffic light and extort money. But that all dates back to Yeltsin’s time when police were not properly paid, when pensions were not paid, when school teachers were not paid. So it was a time of catastrophe for Russia. That’s over, but the dashboard cameras remained in the cars. You see them everywhere. 
We were lucky that an event like this was filmed. We were asked by some people who were interested to be in production if we had footage. Yes, but we need this kind of footage in 4k and all there is are such lousy videos from Russian dashboards. And I said, fine, let’s sit with a camera for 800,000 years on Mount Rushmore… maybe we will be sponsored by someone [laughter]. Of course, it’s very fortunate that we have this dash cam footage.
Obviously, the empirical evidence that someone is looking for is coming from these objects as they are studied. But I’m wondering if there are also comparisons that can be made from actual meteors to the space junk that may have fallen back into orbit.
Clive Oppenheimer: I mean, space junk is…I would see this as quite a different kind of phenomenon. There are now archaeologists studying space junk, which I find very, very interesting in itself. But with meteorites we’re looking at things that are four and a half billion years old. So, you know, reaching back to the earliest times of the solar system indeed there are even presolar grains into stellar grains that date before the formation of our own services and that are found in some of these meteorites. 
We’re reaching way, way back in time and we’re also looking at objects that have had, and have huge cultural significance for us. One of the earliest recorded falls of a meteorite was in Japan 1200 years ago. The stone is now a relic in a Shinto temple in Nōgata, Japan. Every five years it’s processed through the streets and this fascinates me just as much as the revelation that they’re carbonaceous meteorites full of amino acids and sugars and other organic molecules. So it’s a very rich topic to dig into.
In regards to the organic molecules, when it came to Jon Larsen’s micro meteorites, I remember him saying that they’ve never found one that was exactly like the other. Or that the compounds found in each one never repeat; but in essence, somewhere that has to be something that broke up and split apart…there has to be another one out there to compare it to right?
Werner Herzog: Because I think some of them were always dust, and only at some time in the history of the universe– billions of years ago–they coagulated to solid larger bodies of metal. And I think about what Jon Larsen, the jazz musician turned scientist says, “Dust is the currency of the cosmos.” Some of them never break up; they were always only dust. And that’s the currency of the cosmos
Obviously, it’s going to be easier to study something that lands on a certain type of terrain, but I’m surprised we didn’t hear a lot about something that possibly may have been found under the ocean, or that created craters in the ocean itself. Are those existent?
Clive Oppenheimer: Yes, almost certainly. If you think about just the probability of where a stone is going to land, most of them are falling in the oceans. And so for sure there will be the down there, but you’ve also got to think of the size of a stone that is going to leave a crater on the ocean floor if it’s traveling through two miles of ocean.
Werner Herzog: You can say that you wouldn’t see anything, but of course in the Yucatan Peninsula you have a crater that’s 200 kilometers in diameter. Part of it is in the ocean, which I think didn’t exist like that before, 65 million years ago. 
Clive Oppenheimer: Interestingly, the micrometeorites –  this cosmic dust that Jon Larsen looks for on roofs of sports arenas and elsewhere – this was first discovered in the late 19th century during what’s regarded as the first oceanographic research cruise. They dredged up sediments from the deep Pacific, and they found these little spherical particles which they realize were extraterrestrial. They’re there because they’re in areas of very, very low sedimentation from the continents that are a long way from where erosion is washing land sediments to the seabed. So they concentrated there. 
They’re found as well in the icing remote parts of Antarctica. The remarkable thing that Jon Larsen did was he said, “Well, this dust must be everywhere. It must also be in car parks in New York City and on the roofs of shopping malls. I’m going to have to sift through an awful lot of bird excrement, but I’ll find it.” He spent five years doing that till he found his first particle but now he’s got thousands of them and found out how to discriminate between them. It’s extraordinary, it’s a whole new branch of science.
Did you look into anything interesting that didn’t make it into the film?
Werner Herzog: We have something that made it halfway into the film, and that’s a black stone in Mecca, the holiest site of the Muslim world. Neither Clive nor I are Muslims – we’re not allowed to set foot into the city of Mecca. Of course we respect this, and we tried to organize with this young, very gifted Saudi filmmaker who had filmed before in Mecca. We gave him very precise instructions, there’s a wonderful shot in the film, but we have it only for three seconds. We needed it for 30 seconds but he never got the full permits to do it and we were already into editing. So, if we had to rely on cell phone footage, which was shot by one of the pilgrims.
Clive Oppenheimer: There’s nothing in the way of something being left out of the film but there are other topics (I would have liked to cover). There’s the whole year of asteroid mining; of going out there and coming back with rare earth elements and precious metals. And there are outfits that are seriously looking into the logistics of that. There’s a Japanese company that does – let’s say you know you really want a fancy wedding, well why not have a meteor shower for the reception? So they are dropping little bits of dust from satellites to make your very own meteor shower.
Werner Herzog: Sand falling to create a meteor shower for the bride [laughter].
Clive Oppenheimer: I’d have loved it if we could have done that.
Werner Herzog: The Japanese have the most wonderful, spectacular idea when it comes to that. 
Clive Oppenheimer: Great for the premiere of the movie.
What is your dynamic like when you enter into these projects? Do you approach it as Clive having a certain expertise and that Werner is kind of acting in our place as the novice – to ask the questions the audience may have?
Clive Oppenheimer: We work very closely and we’re in frequent contact throughout the pre-production, as we’re thinking about locations and crew, and during the editing. But we bring different skills to it and I think for me it’s neither a disadvantage or an advantage that I don’t have a training in fine arts or in filmmaking. So I can say, or suggest possibly outrageous ideas, and generally with Werner they don’t meet with negative reactions. Werner also has a very different approach.
Werner Herzog: The beauty of life is that I never had any training in fine arts and filmmaking either. I never went to film school.
That may be true, but so many people revere your films. And even though you are still making narrative films, a lot of people now know you for these documentaries. 
Werner Herzog: It’s an abomination because much of my documentary filmmaking is feature films in disguise. And what will remain of what I have done will be two things. The book that I have written–the prose texts is one thing. Like, Conquest of the Useless or, Of Walking in Ice. Then there are the feature films; Aguirre: The Wrath of God, The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, or Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans…anyway.
There are still throngs of younger audiences now who just know your voice from various cartoons you’ve lent it to (American Dad, Rick and Morty), and of course because of things like The Mandalorian. It’s almost like you’re creating another version of yourself. 
Werner Herzog: No, it’s not another version of myself, It’s just me doing professional work. I’m a professional man and I do what I’m good at. I would never be in a film as an actor in a romantic comedy. See, I gotta play the badass.
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Clive Oppenheimer: I’ve lost sleep, you know, ever since I saw him in Jack Reacher. That was terrifying.
Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds premieres on Apple TV+ on Friday. Nov. 13.
The post Werner Herzog On Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe…from Earth appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/36ASbJE
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thachthanhnghi1 · 4 years
Wedding outfit Colours
Koreans do not always have a chance to experience initial love, or perhaps mutual compassion during adolescence, as is customary within our country. Korean language mail order bride is a good of all as a result of its unique features. Their sincerity and kindness is definitely something that is greatly appreciated in West Europe. That they always act positively and help everyone around them. Brides out of Korea turn into good moms and conserve of their partners and children. In this passage, you can find away more details about each of the features of a woman.
Today most, not only a few, American girls are eager to remove their virginity as soon as their hormones kick in – and do so with hardly an extra thought, remorse, or embarrassment. Eleven year old women are trapped giving oral sex to several 13 year old forceful at the same time and so the boys should “like her. ” Although this is marked a “christian” country declaring to have “morals, ” ladies are just not educated that virginity and advantage are holy and can not be replaced the moment they’re spent on pastime sex.
In love, they can be peculiar. Korean women of all ages have never recently been faithful, however, you canвЂt think that they might unlike their partner. Korean ladies really love have fun in body feelings, they need variety. But they seldom identify a romantic relationship with all the manifestation of affection. For them, intimacy is more of pleasure, joy, or perhaps self-indulgence. Korean brides feel the love of a man over a different level. How to recognize that you like the guy by the look, they may tell you. They easily fall in love. To get this sense, they need to actually know the chosen an individual well. But if the person felt love, you can be sure that this sense is for a very long time.
So what I will be saying is that she didn’t have a social lifestyle. Her dad wouldn’t let his daughters to dress provocatively. Among the to be home just before dark. Celebrations and organizations weren’t in the farmville farm country. And only have to go to a “disco” a couple times when they were 12-15 and of sixteen with their Dad as chaperone. Her actions included going to school and working on the family town. Visiting neighbors, going to her aunt’s house a couple hours away simply by bus with her Mom and staying for your week or two during slow park season. And this was about that.
It demonstrates that guys want to dominate in South Korea. Even though Korean females contain a lot of respect for men and in a natural way submissive that they don’t want to get married to local men. Korean women like American guys not simply for their attractive look however the way that they carry themselves and take care of their associates. So if you are searching for an Asian lady on the net, you will find a great choice of sole ladies so, who also look for lifetime lovers abroad.
Most of the time, my ex girlfriend always nagged myself to eat in a fine dining restaurant instead in Mcdonald or Jollibee. She wished me to invest money onto her, what a spoiled little girl. She wasn’t also my wife yet! Just imagine whenever we get married. I might ended up living my life in poverty.
Korean brides happen to be loving towards their lover and strive to take the ideal proper care of them. They are simply very mindful towards their very own men’s demands in a long term relationship and cherish anything that comes with marriage, such as a large number of relatives. An individual only must become close to a Korean girl to understand the depth with their commitment to someone they will love. When you get to know them they usually open up for you, you will surely be turned visit heels for him or her.
In fact , it’s far worse for the purpose of such the bride to be known as the self-confident and self-willed woman that to have a trustworthiness of an insensitive or short person. Checklist of virtues of a new bride from Korea includes the chance to be up to date, painful, soft-hearted and polite, however first of all, person. Mothers often tell their daughters: If you don’t just like the food, give it to the dog; if you do not like your partner, put up with it”.
Meet Awesome & Delightful Korean Women of all ages For Marriage & Dating Online
These foreign brides are a few of the sweetest, richly uneven, and warmest people likely to ever connect with because Mexican women have a status for being nice, gracious, and loving. You are going to achieve greater success over a date if you demonstrate your financial viability. Of course , like cannot be bought, but inclination will be given to even more prosperous job hopefuls. And it’s not really the fact that with cash you can buy a much better life for yourself. Just a marriage with a man in the future should grow into a marriage. And as the head of the friends and family, he can support his wife and children.
Little women below spend almost all their money to obtain clothes and everything sort of makeup stuff. Their main goal to locate a rich males who will provide them with money they usually won’t need to work. Their very own dream is not just a abundant men nevertheless oligarch who will buy them BMW, Mercedes, The bentley and all the luxurious stuff that exists widely in Moscow. This sort of young females drink and smoke and at the age of 25-30 they commence to realize that all their beauty commence to evade mainly because they beverage too much alcohol and they commence to look exclusively for any men who will marry her. After they discover some guys who need simply sex and a prepare on a kitchen they become lazy, grumbling and all the bad attributes of persona learn to appear (everything you authored about American women).
Southern Korea is actually a country with a high quality lifestyle. Therefore , do not think that you will be able to buy a Korean woman. These females are not buying sponsor, although a partner with whom to develop unified relationships. Moreover, Korea provides a high level of education. It indicates that Korean women are excellent interlocutors and can preserve a chatter on virtually any topic. That is a truly happy marriage if you are interested in spending some time with your better half, even after many years of relatives life.
The same as in any other country, finding your Filipina fiancée and eventual better half in the Philippines can be difficult. You can easily acquire conned and ripped off. Your is just like dating in person however, you must count on Internet connection mostly because you have no second option – if you are rich enough to travel 10, 500 miles aside and live there for several months. So i’m not abundant so it was necessary to outline a set of qualities that form the good from maybes and the probabilities from the bad. My spouse and i somehow achieved this without getting stung mainly because I meticulously thought out my personal preferred pair of characteristics just before I started out looking for job hopefuls.
A Foreign Affair (AFA), a business that helps men locate women through international trips, says organized tours to Republic of colombia are now trading out. AFA arranges group tours where 10 to twenty men travel together to Medellin, Cartagena or Barranquilla. During the tour, they attend fixed Social occurrences where the guys meet a huge selection of beautiful Colombian women looking for marriage. Women of all ages can also place their background on the AFA web site, with the hope of finding a husband.
My significant other is exquisite without makeup, had very little used clothes that was modern, recognized how to are present on a few pesos every day, and existed a very poor life with no complaining nevertheless had guaranteed small hopes and dreams for her near future. She had no boots and shoes to go to university when smaller, had you used tote, and her and her two siblings used each others apparel to have variety. Today she will buy lots of copies of brand name purses and watches, lots of nice sneakers that are inexpensive, blouses which can be on profound discount sale, etc . to ensure that she has two dressers and two huge closets packed with stuff for the point of bagging her older stuff and putting it in the garage area. I do begrudge her anything since she did not have nearly anything until I just came along although I would if she was insisting in the real manufacturers which a city girl could because the goal can be have the greatest brands of almost everything at your expenditure that they observe in magazines.
Your girl will be happy to tell you about her family, her life, etc . because you are with any luck , going to eventually turn into part of her family. Your lover never leaves her family group. She is permanently theirs and you simply become their very own relative too. If you usually are finding this kind of openness in a candidate the woman isn’t the one you prefer or she’s shy about you feeling like you’re a higher level of individuals than her because she will be very poor right up until you https://bestrealdatingsites.com/asian-brides/korean-brides/ convince her you aren’t like this. You will consider tiny steps to bring yourself closer to her gradually and she’ll agree to you bringing those basic steps. She do not ever lurch toward you while gushing take pleasure in comments.
Anticipate to pay your total expenditures. The endless question about who should pay the bills by the end of the date, in Korea, is usually chosen in favor of the woman. Once the man responds the moment marrying a Korean girl, respectively, he begins to be aware and support it beforehand. That is, usually, a man pays the check. Although sometimes there are circumstances when a girl offers to pay the main menu — for example , piece of food. Do not refuse it to her, but be sure to order pay for anything extra. If you have certainly not received presents to pay off, it means you will have to pay for everything – nowadays and in the near future.
Thousands Of North Korean Women of all ages Sold When Brides In China, Many With Kids Still In
The tune describing a bride, who is almost all dressed in white, does not pertain to the widespread bride after all. I think that this is excellent advice. In the event you really want a great Asian partner from the East or South-East, maturity will probably bring you the best chance of contentment. A ten years younger woman is wonderful for the ego for perhaps a hot instant, then the foolishness of the decision will become noticeable. My Thai wife and I are both middle-aged ( My spouse and i am ten years her senior) and the woman brings me personally great enjoyment and lasting love. Having said that, all of us met and live in my country, nevertheless We am accessible to moving to Thailand later on.
Korean girls for marital life are chosen not only because of the magnetic external data. These kinds of girls are distinguished by their humbleness, which likewise magically functions on males because that they prefer very soft and supple women. Matching to Korean language traditions, a guy is the brain of a home, therefore girls do everything to become the very best lovers in life. Seeing that men love young ladies, social traditions recommend marriage for females of a incredibly young age.
Anything overlooked at weddings are the name options on desks. I recommend keeping all web site the same and in line with all the theme of wedding event. Standard brand are done all over, try to mix it up and personalize the name options. Maybe every person table can have a sub-theme that plays through your wedding accessories. You can integrate unique wax lights layouts and this will impress guests. Case in point satin towels and trees make for an intimate setting. Whilst covering the party area area with small poles elegantly draped with satin laces and ribbons or garlands of trees makes for an incredible scene. Everybody will appreciate the time and energy putting into the tiny details designed for the wedding reception area.
What am I looking to say in essence? An Ibo man always carry at heart his monetary gain or profit in no matter what thing he does in life- whether it be business, education, relationship, etc . It is this trait that earned Ibos criticisms from other Nigerian people, because in whatever they are really doing, they can be always conscious of what they might gain financially. To spa it up, Ibo guy is just for a Chinese gentleman in terms of- money intelligence, creativity, and worth.
The good news is that “Send Me Zero Flowers” despite once more as being a romantic funny which thrives off of bafflement is not just a rehash of Doris Moment and Steel Hudson’s prior two films. The whole thing moves on with the enjoyable storyline regarding George planning to sort out stuff for when he dies and Rock Hudson has thrilling with various established ups including choosing his funeral plot and discovering his wife a friend. In fact even though Day nonetheless entertains with a wonderful cosmetic expressions “Send Me No Flowers” is very much Hudson’s movie. And what is as well nice is the fact whilst Tony Randall all over again finds himself making up the trio he gets more to do and supplies another great method for comedy. That quite match up to “Pillow Talk” nonetheless “Send Me personally No Flowers” is definitely better than “Lover Come Back”.
The crowning of 2015 Miss Universe Paulina Vega set Barranquilla, Colombia on the map. Barranquilla now has recognition to be home for some of the most beautiful and skilled women in the world. Not only is certainly Miss Galaxy from here, Grammy Award winning place singer Shakira, and presenter Sofia Vergara also phone Barranquilla house. Vergara superstars on the DASAR series Contemporary Family since Gloria Delgado-Pritchett. She’s recently been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards, 5 Prime time Emmy Honours, and six Screen Stars Guild Awards, almost all stemming out of this role. In 2014, she was ranked as the 32nd Best Woman on the globe by Forbes.
Bows will probably be informal not to mention formal. Even though the general usual for men ought to be to maintain the hands at their own individual sides as well as bend forward from the belly, for girls it is the same with typically the hands positioned on the clapboard, with the sight looking downward. Formal bows will be much lower compared to laid-back bows. A fabulous bow is obviously returned by using a bow and may normally last only approximately 2-3 just a few seconds. A-tremble hands, at times in conjunction with a good ribbon and bow, has now become a common practice when it comes to Japan, specifically with outsiders together with holidaymakers. As a traveler, for anyone who is applying this custom, ensure you change to the left instead of straight, to settle away from knocking to the reverse guy. Any kind of sentiment should piece of art a anticipating the waves, different it can be thought about impolite.
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tripstations · 5 years
La Mamounia: A Luxurious Life
I am standing on the tiled edge of Marrakech’s famed public square,
the crazy and chaotic Jemaa el-Fnaa amongst the hawkers and snake charmers trying to make a dirham or two. We have just spent a relatively comfortable 11 days on the dusty, black rock highways and back roads of Morocco and in need of a little pampering and lux life. The city feels like it belongs to another epoch, with its dusty souks and donkey carts plying their trade in the rowdy, crazy main square. Marrakech is a modern, forward-thinking metropolis with a burgeoning collection of world-class museums, galleries,  and 5-Star hotels. This vibrant metropolis is a melting pot of European, African and Arabic influences, where visitors savour the food, observe the architecture and awake to the mournful call to prayer, as it echoes evocatively down narrow, winding streets and over rough and tumble tiled rooftops. Thankfully there is a luxurious side to Marrakech that tripstations was happy to experience.
La Mamounia: Luxury Reborn
Named to the Condé Nast Traveler Gold List as one of the 142 hotels that changed the way we see the world, La Mamounia symbolizes traditional Moroccan hospitality while epitomizing old world luxury. She is a classic example of the great age of grand hotels and trust me, they do lux well. After a three-year, $176 million makeover, helmed by internationally known interior designer Jacques Garcia, La Mamounia is reborn, more beautiful, more sumptuous, more sensual and more magical than ever before. La Mamounia takes its name from the surrounding 13-acre gardens, once called the Arset al Mamoun and named after Prince Moulay Mamoun, the son of the 18th-century ruler of Marrakech – Sultan Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah. The gardens date back some 300 years and are surrounded by and built into the Medina’s ancient red walls and whose upkeep is now the responsibility of 34 full-time gardeners. Every detail is covered: your initial check in, whisked away to a secluded seating area, a chilled Baccarat glass of almond milk and a sweet plate of dates discreetly served to you while your passports are processed. A personal suite walk through (a separate guest washroom and a leather finished dressing room!). And finally, your evening turn down which includes fresh linens at your bedside (slippers placed) and in your large beautifully appointed marble en suite. All the while gracious staff and your butler bring you gifts of Moroccan peaches, wine, chilled mineral water, beautiful monogrammed passport holders and your daily itinerary. The entire facility is redolent with La Mamounia’s sexy signature scent, emanating from glowing candles and combining Atlas Mountain Cedar, sweet dates and the brightness of fresh citrus.  World-renowned perfumer and one of the ‘7 Noses of the World’, Olivia Giacobetti has truly created a luxury scent for all your senses.
Luxury With a Hint of the Past
La Mamounia is sophisticated in a big city way with grand public spaces that hint of the past, offering a strong nod to history and the protectorate where the allied leaders would meet in Marrakech to discuss the peace process during WWII. The Churchill Bar is bathed in history, (and the still-prevalent smell of cigars and whiskey) and is a must-stop for history buffs. As perhaps one of the best-known visitors to La Mamounia, Winston Churchill first visited the hotel in 1935. He wrote to his wife, Clementine: “I have found the most idyllic place on earth, and I hope that you will be with me the next time I come.” Churchill was to frequent the hotel many more times until his death in 1965. Today, guests can stay in the two-level suite of rooms he took, now collectively known as the Winston Churchill Suite. Replicas of his famous hat and walking stick hang on a hat stand and in the middle of the living room stands his easel, palette, and canvas where he painted views of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains. The rooms are comfortable and while luxurious, are not ostentatious and point to the humble comfort that Churchill cherished.
An Invitation to Luxury
Heir to a rich tradition and located steps away from the glorious Koutoubia Mosque and the hawkish Jemaa el-Fnaa, La Mamounia delighted us as modern travelers, offering classic luxury with a nod to a glamorous past. We lingered in their lush and perfectly manicured gardens. Lounged by their pool area and private cabanas with breakfasts at the Pavilion de la Piscine. Savoured award-winning gastro experiences in their three on-site restaurants, Le Morocain, L’Italian or Le Français, and indulged in personalized Le Spa experiences. We tried our best James Bond doppelganger at the Black Jack and Roulette tables in their Grand Casino. And finally, enjoyed romantic, Moroccan moonlit drinks on the patio just off the Majorelle Gallery and the Bar Italien. One member of our 11 day Morrocan tour was quick to request a tour and cocktail on the patio of La Mamounia. He regaled us with stories of his personal invitation by Air France to one of its famous 4-Day VIP luxury weekend getaways in the 1970’s to Marrakech and La Mamounia on the now infamous Concorde. Alas, he was already booked that weekend!
Add your name to the guest book that includes Roosevelt, the Aga Khan, Prince Charles, Sharon Stone, Salma Hayek, Orlando Bloom, Eva Mendes, Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Juliette Binoche and Hillary Clinton along with a posse of international fashion luminaries, style and jet-setters and enjoy the Luxurious Life that La Mamounia offers.
Simply wonderful. Simply Luxurious
Our stay at La Mamounia was a tripstations sponsored press visit with accommodations and restaurant visits featured in this guide complimentary. Many thanks to Executive Director Denys Courtier and Communications Coordinator Majdouline Ataallah for their luxurious assistance.
    World Traveler, Writer, and Blogger, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the tripstations.com travel blog.  A former Actor, current shower-singer, and non-hipster foodie. Loves his week-end house in St Marys, Ontario. Dad to Sophia, Ariel, and Hastings three of the best cats in the world.
The post La Mamounia: A Luxurious Life appeared first on Tripstations.
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Top 10 Dating Methods Online Sugar Daddy Dating
The range of shoes, boots, sandals, mules, sneakers and wedges are formulated by two Californian footwear designers who joined forces to develop a funky cool wearable shoe brand. The key to their success is how they've incorporated a laid back feel, inspired by street, surf styles and depending textures and colors from throughout world.Now that you are sure you choose to take your sugar baby on a cruise, you will also is to figure out where to start. If a person will are around the barrier about Sugar Daddy Meet or pretty much any other Sugar daddy date website simply you have got to have to knowledge more. There are many beautiful places to sail off to that will stoke the flames of romance. The hawaiian islands are a top choice for some going on the cruise a family vacation. As a favorite romantic get away for Sugar daddy date couples, this beautiful island always ensures fun. In order to arrive at the ship, you'll first have to fly together with port of call the city.You can always go further into the South Pacific and go to the amazing Tahitian islands.
TARA: Ha! Yes. That is a proficient question. Your time and effort love regarding your wealthy beautiful Sugar Babies to contact us and throw lots of money at us to produce a killer Season 5, or else a sponsor to want to sponsor us. Off towards dating service I would go, fulfill a well-to-do husband who digs fake nails made from crushed, rare shells. He won't present you with a hoot we can not take notes, because when you appear like Marilyn Monroe, you won't be taking notes anyway! Diaz, who went to Poly High school in Long Beach, Calif., plays a trainer with a hard streak. Her character, Elizabeth Halsey, efforts to get over her Sugar Daddy Meet - who dumped her - by trying to woo her colleague (Timber lake). Meanwhile, although she treats her junior high students poorly, she attempts to convince these phones be star students for you to score a reward.
Your first task is to find an user profile that attracts your knowledge. You need to hone you need to be to "read between the lines" in the profile of the romantic connection so could certainly discover who this woman really fairly than the sense she is hoping to create of micro. Once you've covered all of the basics about looks, social skills and personality you may choose to have a shot at specialized sugar daddy these dating sites. You can use because practice area or search and contact rich singles for accurate. Tips here would be create plenty of pictures, mention that you are employed so needed look like slacker and write a 300 word or so description of yourself. Will include a few pictures of you working during a charity event, with appropriate comments. The rules to succeed are a bit different than when meeting for real, remember to become witty but decent with potential sugar daddies.
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seidipaddlaw-blog · 5 years
San francisco gay dating site
Gay dating in San Francisco (CA) I am so done dating here, it makes me sad and frustrated.  It will be a pleasure getting to know me as it will be my pleasure getting to know you.  This free gay dating site provides you with all those features which make searching and browsing as easy as you've always wished for.  As far as you author of this page Its crazy that a woman.  On top of that is the constant competition from your workaholic, overachiever peers, so you have to keep pushing your skills and connections outside of work.
Singles in San Francisco, CA Once Compatible Partners has matched you with someone who really shares these key traits, its guided communication techniques allow the two of you to really develop a connection, while also discovering things about yourself.  I think I need to move but where? Want to streamline your San Francisco dating life? But ultimately, if you meet someone you like, and they like you, you should probably go on more dates with that person.  It is a game, it is something people do for boredom.  Unlike other gay dating sites where users post pictures and paragraphs and then browse the profiles of other users in the hope of finding a perfect match, Compatible Partners does the matching for you.  Which, turns out, is a much more effective way of figuring out how you actually feel about someone, than, you know, a slew of gym selfies and generic emojis.  People used to be alone and just: be alone.
Dating Website San Francisco Try the always lovely , a pretty French cafe in Lower Height that offers fresh, homemade food, tasty coffee, and sunny outdoor tables.  And ordering 2 appetizers and 3 martinis before dinner and not even fake offering to split the bill? Entertainment at the finish line with post race expo that includes awards for age divisions, hot breakfast, party tents from multiple sponsors, and live music.  The city is home to a wide assortment of bars and clubs highlighting drag appears outfit evenings, themed drinks, and wild moving.  Carl Cox, Joseph Capriati, Syd Gris + many more! This means that there are many busy, San Franciscan , so we've designed a smooth, efficient place for them to connect.  We make these connections easier to find by bringing our members 3-7 potential partner suggestions each day.
What's the best gay dating app/site to use in San Francisco? Dating is a numbers game, which is why those apps have merit.  Finding your is easy - arrange to meet that person you're interested in and select one of our best picks for San Francisco dating below.  It may feel a bit cheesy to wander over Golden Gate Bridge and look back over San Francisco, it may feel cliché to take a sunset cruise around San Francisco Bay but these are classic trips for a reason — the views are gorgeous and make for a great date atmosphere.  I know and am one of so many amazing smart and beautiful woman.  Oh right: because you wanted to know if some random chick on the Internet thought you were attractive.  The best gay dating site in San Francisco is Gay cupid.  Discover the Art of Whisky in the company of connoisseurs and whisky celebrities.
San Francisco Gay Personals, San Francisco Gay Dating Site, San Francisco Gay Singles .  All my friends notice the same thing.  And, in this city, the local café scene is so rich with choices that the hard part isn't finding somewhere great, it's narrowing down the options! Make eye contact with someone.  Again, I realize this is a clichéd complaint that we all make, and yet, do nothing about.  After all, these are - they'll be singles picked for their harmony with your location, personality traits and relationship goals.  Browse thousands of San Francisco gay personal ads - all completely free.  Selecting the perfect toll Usually you have to go through many dates to meet the right.
Singles in San Francisco, CA True Love is Out There - Find it Today! Our membership base has an average age of 30-55 and includes many college-educated, vibrant single men and single women.  Not only are our members relationship-minded, they're also diverse interesting people.  Sign up now to place your free gay personal ad and check out the ads of other available gay singles in San Francisco! Just join certain websites relationships and start looking for your soul mate! Hi, thank for reading my profile.  I am single, down to earth, and am currently in the military.  You would think I would be a good catch.  The San Francisco dating scene can be a frustrating nut to crack, so it helps to have the right tools at your disposal.  Yes, it's veggie only — but it's also so good that even the most die-hard carnivores will be impressed.
Why Dating In SF Is Different Than Anywhere Else The stunning wooden interiors and excellent drinks menu make this a perfect place to take someone special — but, on the nights they host live bluegrass bands, come early to get a jump on the crowds.  This system narrows the field from thousands of candidates to a select group of gay men or women.  A fundamental lie is a bad way to start a relationship.  Men hate me, they ghost me, are flakey, ghost me, constantly ask for photos.  Sort of a passive aggressive entrapment to establish herself as superior.  San Francisco coffee and cuisine For a casual first date, you can't beat coffee.
Gay dating in San Francisco (CA) Ok, it's a little cheesy, but it's also a great place to sit and chat while discovering pretty stone bridges and stunning waterfalls.  Find even more , or take a romantic weekend trip with our tips for and San Francisco dating after dark Meeting for a drink is a classic date night pick for a reason and San Francisco singles are spoiled for choice.  I am super warm and playful and for and even have a PhD. However Im a man and that never works well since its 95% men.  Sometimes she might look, but the instant men look back, she will often turn away and even make a disgusted face.  While I hate to caveat, well, anything, I think it goes without saying that this critique on San Francisco dating is from the perspective of a heterosexual woman.  Want to meet single gay men in San Francisco, California? But how do you know which is right for you? EliteSingles is just such a place.
Gay Dating Site for San Francisco Singles In fact, as long as you're serious about looking for love, you're welcome on our site.  I mean, am I crazy well, yes , or does it seem like people use these apps for validation just as much, or maybe more? They do not approve the personality of individuals or the data that they submit on their profiles.  Find Local Bay Area Gay Singles Online Compatible Partners recognizes it can be difficult to meet people with whom you share common interests and goals within your geographical area, and we can help.  My point is simple I guess, I suck at picking up girls in bars and now apps lol.  In fact, with so many people in San Francisco dating online, singles are spoiled for choice and can afford to pick and.
Gay Dating Site for San Francisco Singles With a focus on thoughtful matchmaking, a history of making deep, lasting connections, a site designed for busy San Francisco singles, EliteSingles is a premium dating site that can help you streamline your lovelife.  The only way I will probably find myself in a relationship is if I go back to Texas and convince a girl to move to a most beautiful place with some of the biggest douchebags in the world! If your San Francisco dating priorities include finding a truly compatible long-term partner, EliteSingles can help.  While it may sound terrifying not having a screen to bury your face in, it was actually kind of great.  But, as soon as the temps rise and the sundresses come out of the closets, that problem is immediately remedied.  I'm looking for you, if you are a gay, single and clever boy, who likes about average man.  Here's the horrible truth about dating in San Francisco.
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findusonweb-blog · 6 years
Local holiday lettings Island Escapes is a holiday lettings agency based on the beautiful Isle of Man. All of our properties are picked for their quality and features. Our local presence means we very much operate a hands on approach to our properties, ensuring a high quality of service to our guests and homeowners alike.
Our commitment to the environment and sustainability is extremely important to us, as such we aim to use eco-friendly cleaning products and are reducing single use plastics wherever possible in our fully managed properties. We are proud to be a corporate sponsor of the Manx Wildlife Trust and are a proud partner of UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man.
1. We're local Everything about us is local, combining our knowledge of the Isle of Man and the industry to create a winning formula for homeowners and guests alike.
2. We develop a Marketing Strategy We are not simply just a place to advertise, but a company that is continuously looking to drive business for our owners through many different channels.
3. We look after your property Offering an optional full management service for those owners who require a hands-off approach to letting their holiday home.
A true Island Escape Located right at the heart of the British Isles, 32 miles in length and 14 miles at its widest point, the Isle of Man is an island with and incredible landscape, It is the first entire country to be awarded the UNESCO Biosphere status raising awareness of areas, projects and activities that help to make the Island unique. With its dark skies status this gem of an island is rich with wildlife, flora and fauna, all to be found in spectacular scenery which range from the rugged cliffs of the south to the beautiful northern plains and mountainous uplands. It is a microcosm of all the best of the British Isles has to offer. An outdoor playground, the island boasts a wide range of outdoor activities which include Walking, Mountain Biking, Sea Kayaking, Diving, Coasteering, Angling, Sailing and Paddleboarding. The Isle of Man's 10,000 year history is portrayed throughout the Island in a landscape rich in ancient monuments and in its wealth of historic castles and buildings through the Manx National Heritage sites around the island. Sitting in the gulf stream the waters surrounding the island make it a hotspot for marine wildlife, Basking sharks, Minke whales, dolphins and porpoise are a common sight. There is a large all the year round population of grey seals, especially round the Calf of Man, take a boat trip to get a closer look. A vast number of bird species are also to be seen on the island, too many to name, but includes a wide variety of sea birds and notably a large number of choughs who are a rare sight elsewhere in the British Isles. The Isle of Man also boasts a unique heritage railway network dating back to Victorian times. Journey on the Steam Railway from Douglas to Port Erin, the Manx Electric Railway from Douglas to Ramsey and the Snaefell Mountain Railway which takes you from Laxey to the island's highest point, Snaefell. There are also a number of miniature railways operating around the island. Each June the island comes alive with the roar of motorbikes as the annual Isle of Man TT race takes place. Over 45,000 motorcycle racing enthusiasts from around the world converge on the Isle of Man and line their favourite spots on the Island’s hedgerows to secure the best vantage points to watch history being made before their eyes. This is an island that gives you choice.
This is an island that gives you choice.
Island Escapes is a holiday lettings agency based on the beautiful Isle of Man. All of our properties are picked for their quality and features.
Our local presence means we very much operate a hands on approach to our properties, ensuring a high quality of service to our guests and homeowners alike.
Our commitment to the environment and sustainability is extremely important to us, as such we aim to use eco-friendly cleaning products and are reducing single use plastics wherever possible in our fully managed properties.
We are proud to be a corporate sponsor of the Manx Wildlife Trust and are a proud partner of UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man.
The Isle of Man's top scenic drives For anyone who has ever taken a road trip on the Isle of Man, it is not hard to see why popular TV programme Top Gear described it as “a motorist’s Heaven”. But it is not just die hard petrol heads that avail of the joys of motoring on the Island. A combination of limited traffic, stunning vistas and the sheer variety in highways available make touring the island a real pleasure for even the most reticent motorist.
Gentle marine giants of the Isle of Man Located in the gulf stream, our rich waters attract a rich variety of marine life, from the hundreds of seals around the Calf of Man, porpoises, whales & dolphins through to our giant summer visitors - the basking shark, when conditions are right you can be in for a real treat.
Our favourite hidden beaches on the Isle of Man The main island beaches located in our towns and villages are popular with everyone, but as one would expect the island is home to many little known coves, delightful beaches, intriguing rocky outcrops and enchanting caves all lying undiscovered by the majority. Picking the best is difficult but we take a look at some of our favourites.
Book with confidence Our handpicked properties are all subject to compulsory annual registration with the Isle of Man Government and are independently inspected; so you can be confident that any accommodation you choose has been duly inspected and rated by the same industry professionals as in the UK. Our online payments system is secured by SagePay, Europe's leading independent payment service provider (PSP) and one of the most trusted payment brands.
Visit us online at https://www.islandescapes.im
Let your property with us Our expertise allows us to ensure that your property is marketed in all the right places. At Island Escapes we appreciate that every homeowners needs are different, that is why we offer a flexible service to meet individual requirements, we can help as little or as much as required.
Marketing & Bookings For all our properties we will devise a marketing strategy to allow us to maximise opportunities with the property. We are not simply just a place to advertise, but a company that is continuously looking to drive business for our owners through many different channels. We operate a modern online bookings system, designed by the Cottage industry for the Cottage industry. This allows us to take care of: · All administration, guest and owner communications · Handle all payments, including security deposits where applicable. · We can track and monitor advertising campaigns · Automated accounts and billing · Manage brochure requests and bookings · All communications are tracked
Managed Service In addition to the marketing & booking service many of our owners opt for our fully managed service which provides a total hands-off approach to letting your holiday home. During guest stays we’ll co-ordinate the various weekly changeover tasks. Guest services –We ensure any problems are dealt with quickly and efficiently during guest stays through the provision of an out of hours on call service. Coordinating maintenance – where maintenance is required during a guests stay we’ll work to complete this on your behalf. Taking all tasks relating to the property away from you so you enjoy the return from your property without any of the hassle.
We're local Everything about us is local, combining our knowledge of the Isle of Man and the industry to create a winning formula for homeowners and guests alike.
We develop a Marketing Strategy We are not simply just a place to advertise, but a company that is continuously looking to drive business for our owners through many different channels.
We look after your property Offering an optional full management service for those owners who require a hands-off approach to letting their holiday home.
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Top 10 Dating Tips For Online Sugar Daddy Dating
Looking like a million bucks, you'll experience her charms first hand when you choose her up for that initial day. Going out with a woman as gorgeous as this is going to make you really feel like you're on leading of the world. When it arrives to purchasing a good gift for your sugar infant, you might be at somewhat of a loss as to what to choose. In addition to her beauty, she's charming and has a great personality. You truly Daddydesire.Review want to get her a present that she will enjoy and treasure permanently. Nevermind racking your brain for a list of possible presents ideas; just choose the leading of the line in present providing.
How do you satisfy someone on a sugar daddy dating site? There are numerous ways to have achievement with meeting a quality sugar daddy or sugar baby. Sugar Daddy Dating is so well-liked now; just check out a Google Lookup and you will see what I imply! There are lots of sugar infants searching for rich males to consider care of them and misplaced of sugar daddies searching for younger, attractive women as girlfriends and companions. What as soon as was taboo to talk about is being discusses on sugar daddy dating websites, weblogs, and being highlighted on Tv. They are financially steady males seeking companionship, and even a severe and stable partnership, with attractive young women. They provide to pamper and give all the luxuries they can pay for in exchange. In 1837, a guy named Charles Lewis Tiffany began a business to promote upscale presents. Tiffany & Co. has been providing people with the finest jewelry and gifts ever since. Selecting an sophisticated Tiffany gift to current to your sugar infant is really going to impress her like absolutely nothing else could. When you shock her with that famous blue box, you will see her eyes light up with amazing brightness. It is truly a dream arrive true for a sugar infant to obtain a Tiffany gift. Tiffany's is a famous present buying destination for people touring to New York Metropolis from all more than the globe. Soloman also wants to lookup in Kirkland and Redmond once more. Volunteers gathered at the Costco Food Court and started submitting flyers of Sky in five various locations in Issaquah and Sammamish. A sugar daddy will know how to handle his cash or he wouldn't get rich in the first location. Inquire him politely if he can give you any advice on where to make investments, about inventory portfolios and annual returns. Chances are he will assist established you up with a good expense bank and put in some money "to get you started". Expect the unexpected; do not entrust all your personal info to people that you have not satisfied. Get to know someone before you open up with them. There are instances where things may get tough on you just by not making the right options on whom to trust. Satisfy someplace open up on your initial day. This will give you time to study the sugar daddy before inviting them to you place. The package is not delicious until you open up up the casing! Don't call him in indecent time, don't inquire for additional favors every time you satisfy. This will look like being a gold digger and a parasite and even though your relationship is based on him sponsoring you, this can put a guy off. So don't do it.
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sheilalmartinia · 7 years
24 Best WordPress Themes for Events (2017)
Are you looking for the best WordPress theme for events? Not all WordPress themes come with features and design to help you promote your event or conference. In this article, we will show you the best WordPress themes for events and conferences.
Building an Event Website with WordPress
WordPress is the perfect tool for event managers and organizers to build their websites. It integrates with third-party platforms to sell tickets, add event calendars, live chat support, and more.
However, you need to make sure that you are choosing the right platform for your website. A self-hosted WordPress.org website gives you access to all the powerful features of WordPress (See WordPress.com vs WordPress.org).
To get started, you will need a domain name and a WordPress hosting account.
We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest WordPress hosting companies, powering 2+ million websites around the world. They’re also giving our users a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a 60% discount.
Once you have purchased hosting, the next step is to install WordPress. Follow our guide on how to make a website for step by step instructions.
Next, it’s time to pick a theme for your events website. Select a WordPress theme for events from our expert pick below.
This list includes both free and paid themes, and all of them are mobile-friendly out of the box.
1. Conference
Conference is a modern and stylish WordPress theme for events, conferences, exhibitions, and more. It comes with built-in PayPal integration to accept payments online. It also integrates beautifully with third-party tools like Eventbrite.
It features a modern layout for the homepage with sections to add speakers, sponsors, tickets, blog posts, testimonials, and more. It has unlimited color schemes, social sharing, custom widgets, and multiple layouts. A custom theme options panel is also included to help you set up your website easily.
2. Meeting
Meeting is an ultra responsive WordPress theme for events and conferences. It features a sophisticated modern homepage layout with large fullscreen slider, event countdown timer, and call to action buttons. It has easy to manage sections to add speakers, venue, sponsors, and pricing table for tickets.
It can be used as a one-page template as well as a multi-page theme. Inside you will find tons of options for social media sharing, custom widgets, colors, and more. It also ships with a premium drag and drop page builder plugin.
3. Leader
Leader is a powerful and highly flexible all-purpose WordPress theme suitable for events, conferences, and business websites. It ships with 28+ homepage layouts, 13 header styles, 36 portfolio templates, 12 blog layouts, and more.
It comes with easy theme options panel with one-click demo importer allowing you to quickly setup your website. It ships with a page builder and a premium slider plugin.
4. OpenEvent
OpenEvent is a powerful WordPress theme designed specifically for events like conferences, workshops, meetings, and more. It is designed to sell more tickets by making your event website standout. Its modern homepage layout is very easy to setup and it even comes with a front-end editor that allows you to edit your website directly from the frontpage.
It comes with 1-click event importer from Facebook event and Eventbrite. You can show who has RSVP’d on Facebook and engage your audiences on Facebook. You can easily add speakers, sponsors, testimonials, and photos and video galleries. It also integrates with several third party tools to sell tickets including WooCommerce.
5. Chakra
Chakra is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with flexible options. It is suitable for all kind of business websites including events and conferences. It includes 12 homepage styles, 6 blog page styles, 17 page samples, and 23 reusable design elements.
It ships with slider plugin, premium page builder, full support for multilingual websites. It is WooCommerce ready so you can sell tickets from your own website.
6. Conference Pro
Conference Pro is a flexible and modern WordPress theme for events and conferences. It comes with a flexible drag and drop event composer, allowing you to setup beautiful event website and custom landing pages if you need.
It includes sections to easily add event date, venue, sponsors, speakers, testimonials, and more. It integrates with all event management WordPress plugins, third-party ticketing websites, and comes with built-in social media integration to help promote your event.
7. Amore
Looking for a WordPress theme for family events like weddings, reunions, and parties? Take a look at Amore. This beautifully designed WordPress theme is perfect for such events.
It comes with beautiful fullscreen slider on the homepage with animated event countdown. You can create and use any color scheme you want. All theme options can be set up using theme customizer. It also comes with simple page builder to create your own custom layouts.
8. Speakersumo
Speakersumo is designed specifically for public speakers. It allows you to showcase the events you have attended as speaker, upcoming events, and add booking form for future events.
It comes with an schedule calendar, events section with details page, presentations, custom call to action buttons for booking forms. It is easy to setup and comes with 1-click demo installer complete with content and settings.
9. Conference Theme
Conference Theme is a very beautifully designed WordPress theme for events like conferences, exhibitions, workshops, and more. It has a very modern look with a stunning slider on top followed by event information like speakers, sessions, schedule, venue, sponsors and more.
It comes with gorgeous templates for speaker pages, schedule, full width page template, and separate blog pages. It works with all third-party ticketing solutions, and you can even use it with WordPress ecommerce plugins to sell your own tickets.
10. Event
Are you looking for a more trendy WordPress theme for entertainment related events like concerts, clubs, music festivals? Take a look at the Event theme. This bold and modern WordPress theme is designed for music events, club launches, and other entertainment and lifestyle events.
It comes with event management, audio, video, photo galleries, and built-in social sharing. It includes an integrated drag and drop page builder, 1-click demo installer, and powerful theme customization panel.
11. Event
If you are looking for a free WordPress theme for events, then Event is the theme for you. It features a stylish homepage layout which is easy to setup using the live theme customizer. It includes custom widgets, multiple sidebars, header widget area, upcoming events, and more.
It includes beautiful templates for blog posts, full-width page, large header images, and support for multilingual websites using Polylang plugin. It works with third-party event ticketing services as well as WooCommerce.
12. Flexi
Flexi is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for all kind of business websites including events. It has an elegant homepage design with beautiful parallax effects and a large full width slider. It comes with multiple homepage styles, layout choices, and color schemes to choose from.
Inside you will also find sections to add team members, portfolio items, photo galleries, partners, and more. It ships with a page builder, 1-click demo installer, and easier setup instructions.
13. Keynote
Keynote is a WordPress event theme shipped with The Core which is a bundle of multiple themes packed inside one mega theme. It includes dozens of styles, unlimited colors, powerful social sharing, unlimited page layouts, and many more options.
It comes with a built-in events management section to easily add events and display an event schedule calendar. It is easy to setup and comes with 1-click installer and an integrated page builder.
14. Just Married
Looking for an elegant design for a wedding event? Take a look at Just Married wedding theme for WordPress. It comes with a unique design, beautiful full screen background images, a single column homepage, and gorgeous image galleries.
It is available in 4 color schemes and you can also choose your own colors. Inside you’ll also find sections to add groomsmen, bridesmaid, accommodation, reservations, contact forms, and more.
15. Minimum Pro
Minimalism often brings simplicity and allows you to create truly great designs. Mimimum Pro is a minimalist WordPress theme with spacious layouts and graceful design. It is built on Genesis theme framework and highly optimized for speed and performance. It offers a simplistic theme options panel for quicker setup.
Its homepage is made up of different widget ready areas allowing you to drag and drop content widgets to create homepage. It also includes custom page templates, customizable header and background.
16. Atomic
Atomic is a gorgeous all-purpose WordPress business theme. Its most noticeable features are crisp typography and beautiful display of images.
It comes with beautiful templates for project items, photo galleries, lightbox popup for videos, and easy customization. All theme options are located under customizer, and it comes with a getting started guide as well.
17. Insight
Insight is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for content rich event websites with a magazine style layout. It comes with several custom widgets and fully widgetized homepage layout.
It is available in 3 color schemes. All theme options are easily accessible via customizer and a theme options panel. It works with all third party event ticketing plugins.
18. Oscillator
Oscillator is a flexible WordPress theme for music events, bands, and musicians. It comes with built-in slider, artists, discography, event management, galleries and videos.
It includes a beautiful music player that you can display site-wide. It also has a drag and drop homepage with custom widgets for content discovery, social networking, Twitter, Flickr, and more.
19. Mondree
Mondree is a powerful WordPress themes designed specifically for events and events managers. It comes with an intuitive drag and drop event builder which acts like a page builder to create landing pages for your events.
It includes post types to easily add speakers, sessions, schedules, sponsors, testimonials, and more. You can sell your tickets using any third party platform or directly using WooCommerce. It is easier to setup with theme customizer, custom widgets, and theme settings page.
20. Highend
Highend is a multipurpose WordPress theme designed for flexibility and ease of use. It ships with 16+ demo templates with drag and drop capability to quickly create any kind of website you want. It includes 1-click demo installer and a powerful theme options panel for quicker installation.
It is translation ready and comes with full WooCommerce support allowing you to sell tickets online. It also includes premium slider, page builder, and grid layout plugins to create custom page layouts of your own.
21. Vertoh
Designed for event professionals, Vertoh is a beautiful WordPress theme for any kind of events website. It is designed to help you sell more tickets and generate leads for your event.
It comes in 16 color schemes and 4 header styles to give your site a unique look. It includes custom post types to add speakers, sponsors, testimonials, attractions, and more. It integrates well with third party event ticketing websites and you can also use PayPal and WooCommerce to sell tickets.
22. Hestia
If you are looking for a free and flexible option to build an event website, then check out Hestia. This free theme comes packed with premium-like features, beautiful templates, and works with page builders like Beaver Builder.
It comes with advanced settings for beautiful header styles, multiple layout choices, sidebars, and a beautiful homepage layout. It is WooCommerce ready and compatible with bbPress and all essential WordPress plugins.
23. Tyler
Tyler is a WordPress event theme made for event professionals and organizers. Its homepage has a large image with clear call to action button with event date and venue. It comes in 15 color combinations, speaker profiles allow you to differentiate between performers.
It also includes built-in sections to add sponsors, testimonials, sessions, and more. It comes with 1-click demo installer and simpler theme setup process. It works with third-party event ticketing platforms and you can also sell tickets using WooCommerce and PayPal.
24. Creativo
Creativo is a WordPress theme to create any kind of website with simple drag and drop tools. It comes with 11 ready-made designs that can be installed with 1-click.
It works with all popular event calendar plugins, WooCommerce, and third-party platforms like ticketing services and email marketing platforms. It is easy to setup and highly optimized for performance.
We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for events. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
The post 24 Best WordPress Themes for Events (2017) appeared first on WPBeginner.
from WPBeginner http://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-events/
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