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Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 2161
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, outdated beliefs, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy, subgender inequality
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
Square filled: Non-traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo Maid Au @spnaubingo
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
A/N III: thank you to everyone for hanging in there since it’s taken me ages to drop a new character, I’ve been doing rewrites/updating on all my series, more to come in future.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway
*images found online
Part IV
“I gotta go,” tossing his phone on the bedside table, Jared, wearing his blessed socks, runs across the main room and slides on the hardwood floor into the kitchen and saw his husband standing three feet from Quinn as she’s vigorously gesturing with a paring knife while telling him off in her colorful language.
“Put the knife down!” The older Alpha’s voice resonates through the room, making Jared flinch, feeling the command’s power, watching Quinn set it on the counter and Jensen reach over, sliding it towards him.
She stood a bit longer before blinking in confusion, and then her demeanor shifted to madder than a wet hen, her natural lower voice dropped another octave, and the lilt became very pronounced. “Don’t ya’ ever use that fucking voice on me again!”
“You were threatening me with a knife!” Jensen picks up the item, making her laugh, “Holy fucking shit, are ya’ serious? Ya’ could barely use it for a toothpick, let alone...”
Jared stood there, mouth hanging open, have’n seen others take on his mate, wrongfully assuming he’d be the easier of the two to intimidate, but when let off its leash, Jensen's wolf made Dean Winchester look like a pussy cat.
The younger Alpha's mouth snapped shut, “sorry, what?”
“I asked you what the surrogate is doing here?”
“The surrogate has a name.”
“What is Quinn doing here?”
“So..uh..okay,” Jared slowly starts around the island doing his sometimes awkward, hesitant thing. “A few days ago, I got a call from this number I didn’t recognize. It was about the ultrasound appointment scheduled while you were in LA.”
He paused to see if Jensen remembered, and yep, his mate was wearing his get to the fucking point expression.
“They informed me she’d canceled it because she was leaving town.”
Jensen's attention returned to the O, ”Don’t fucking start on me again, Ackles!”
“You know who I am?”
“Duh, Sherlock!”
Jensen would later try to justify it was jet lag and surprise finding their surrogate in their home, not her smart-ass mouth, for snarling at her.
“Och, save it for the cameras, drama queen. Ya’ put pants on just like the rest of us; the only difference is yours have designer labels.”
Jared interrupted the speeding downhill faster than an Olympic bobsledder situation, “I remembered her saying something about managing Mulroney’s Bookstore, so I called Clif to see if he’d get her to contact me and calls back saying some Alpha...”
“...who’s a flaming jackass!”
“Yeah, that’s what Clif called him. Anyways, he claimed to be the manager and had no idea where she was when another employee said they knew where she was living...”
“... that’s when ya’ boy shows up..”
“…I explained about the mixup...”
“…Padalecki followed me to my room to get the new date, then he caused a scene...”
“...I couldn’t help my wolf freaking out at where my..our pups were living...”
“…told ya’ it was there or the I-35 underpass!”
Jared bristled at the reminder, “The door had three locks, a barely functional heater, and a broken fridge. Cockroaches wouldn’t even live there!”
Quinn raises onto the balls of her feet and loudly reminds him about putting her in the shitter with the manager and getting fired when Jared shouts back in his booming voice, “there was a guy by the ice machine offering to sell me heroin!!”
“ENOUGH!” Jensen's Alpha voice echoes throughout the kitchen, quieting them both.
“She’s right,” Jared opened his mouth to retort, but Jensen countered with, “And so are you. Quinn, couldn’t your family help,” the Alphas wrinkled their noses at her souring scent, so he attempted another approach.
“I want to clear something up. I recall one of the stipulations for surrogates is that they reside in an appropriate domicile. Why were you living in a motel? Could you tell us what happened?”
“The flaming jackass tipped off the landlord I’m an O, and that fucker evicted me even though I never caused any problem or was late with rent.”
“There is a moratorium on evictions..”
“..that moratorium is a fucking joke!”
“What a minute,” Jensen said, and at the same time, Jared remarked, “It protects people...”
“Newsflash, Mr. Wizard, was created by and for the protection of Alphas and Betas! Take a hot minute to read the fine print, and you’ll find loopholes granting landlords, to quote, discretionary privileges pertaining to the eviction of those designated with the sub-gender Omega. In other words, they can boot O’s for any damn reason!” She gave the Alphas a hard stare, “So, enlighten me as to why y’all didn’t know a fucking thing about that bit?”
The kitchen got quiet as the Alphas glanced at each other, trying to find a non-assholey-sounding response. “Yeah, that’s what I thought; since it’s well known you two prefer Betas.” Quinn addressed the older Alpha.
“Padalecki and I have an arrangement. I keep the house and do meals in exchange for temporary boarding. No need to fret that pretty head of yours, Ackles; I’ll do me damnedest to stay outta the way."
December 23rd Late Afternoon
Quinn heard Jensen’s surprised greeting covering the stewpot of goulash, slid it into the oven to stay warm, and peeked around the wall and saw him in the foyer hugging a small, older O, then a tall, bald Alpha carrying several bags crossed over to them.
“Let me help you with those, sir,” she offered, taking them couldn’t help but overhear his not-subtle sniff, “Jensen, who’s this?”
“Umm,” Jensen scratched the back of his neck, fumbling for a response, “this is the housekeeper, Quinn.” His mother-in-law peered inquisitively at the tall Omega before asking, “What happened to your boys' service?”
“I worked for it.”
Gerald Padalecki dubiously eyed the O up and down as she continued. “They pared down the staff, and Jared offered to retain me in exchange for lodging...”
“You live with them?” Gerald barked, “Jensen, that’s unwise considering...”
“Considering what Gerry,” his mate sharply asks, “the boys wouldn’t let someone stay they couldn’t trust.”
“I normally wouldn’t question their judgment, but she's an unmated O.”
“Whoa,’ Jensen jumped in, “are you suggesting that Jared or I...”
“Mama..daddy..what’re y’all doing here?” Jared couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice, wrapping his long arms around his mother, “thought you were coming tomorrow.”
“We decided to surprise you but got it instead.” Gerald’s gruff reply made Jared throw his husband a confused look, catching a whiff of his dad and Jensen, “What’s going on?”
“I bet y’all would like to freshen up after your trip.” Quinn blurted out, “Jensen, would you help me with their luggage, please.”
Taking the car keys, he follows her out the door, remarking, “you think fast, coming up with that story.”
“Ya’ were about to lose ya' shit on your father-in-law, and I didn’t precisely fib, just moved a few facts around,” Quinn shoots back, grabbing a bag while Jensen, fuming, retrieves the other, following her to the guest house.
How could the Alpha he considered his father even think, after everything they’d been through, found his dark thoughts distracted by two simultaneous acts; a deflating blow-up bed and his bewildered husband storming in shouting, “What the fuck was that?”
Jensen ticked his head towards the O and made the finger-in-hole gesture.
“I’ve gotten that shit since I presented,” the pair look towards Quinn with confused expressions. “Loads of Alphas still carry antiquated beliefs about unmated O’s, and I’m…pick an adjective to fill in the blank.”
“So much for a peaceful holiday,” Jensen grumbled.
“Yeah, too bad ya’ boy stuck his nose where it didn’t belong, right?” Quinn's tone was caustic. “I don’t want to be a bone of contention with ya' family. I’ll figure somewhere else to stay.”
Jared’s wolf simmers under his skin, “How? You have $636.96 in your account. That won’t cover a security deposit, let alone fir..”
“How the fuck ya’ know what’s in my account?!”
“Your laptop was open...”
“...and ya’ snooped...”
“...I happened to see it...”
“...still not your fucking problem...”
“...you’re carrying my..our pups, that makes it my fucking..”
“...ya’ are the most unfucking...”
“I’m tired of y’alls motherfucking bitching, so shut the fuck up!!”
Jensen wrinkles his nose, “Dude, dial it down; you’re stinking up the joint! And Quinn, Jared screwed up...”
“I never asked...”
“...doesn’t matter! He's trying to make amends, for fuck sake!” Jensen felt the vein in his left temple throbbing again.
“There will be many people dropping in or staying with us this fucking week, and this is how we’re all going to handle our situation.”
January 15th
“Humph,” Jensen jerked awake, slapping a hand around, and found his phone before cracking an eye open.
7:18 A.M.
Groaning, he dropped face-first into his pillow and wrestled his mates over his head to muffle the noise, but the pearls of his pup's laughter signaled he wouldn’t sleep much longer.
His fuzzy brain's insistence that coffee was more imperative than a shower has Jensen sleepily shuffling around the oversized couches, once again grateful they’d decided to move their bedroom to the main floor, spots the group in the kitchen muttered too damn early.
“That’s a bad word, Daddy,” JJ says, her frown a replica of his, “you owe the swear jar.”
“Your right, Birdie, sorry,” dropping a kiss on top of her and the twins' heads, stepping around them, pouring himself a mug, “remind me to pay it later.”
Hopping up on the counter, Jensen sips his coffee, savoring the black elixir rolling over his taste buds; he feels the caffeine penetrate his system, working its magic to turn his morning grumpyass into a civilized human watching his brood.
JJ and Arrow are busily festooning Quinn’s long, wonky braided hair with ribbons. Zeppelin and Icarus are sitting on the O’s lap, watching something on his iPad that's precariously balanced against her feet; felt his wolf purr in contentment, starting him when his mate materializes and gives him an odd look.
“Alright, y’all,” hopping off the counter, Jensen scoops up his son and flies him around, making airplane sounds, “Uncle Jeff and Aunt H/W/N will be here soon. What do all of you need to do before going?”
“Brush teeth and hair,” Arrow says, then looks at JJ, “grab our snacks from the fridge,” she reminds her, “and put them into our backpacks.”
“And do bath break!” Zep giggles as Jensen hands the pup to his mate and quietly says, “I wanna discuss something with Quinn.”
Jared reaches through their bond and finds a placidity in Jensen he hasn’t had for so long, but before he can deduce the causation, he gets distracted by the twins' squeals and escorts the pups upstairs.
Quinn eyes the older Alpha while securing a hair tie around her long braids, “what the fuck I do this time, Ackles?”
“Jared mentioned something about your leaving..”
“...I know ya' expected me gone before now...”
“...ya’ know what I expect?” Jensen snaps, mimicking her subtle accent, “I expect you to stop interrupting and let me get something out for fucking once! Now, could we please discuss this without fighting?”
Sitting at the dining room table, she says nothing, watching Jensen refill his coffee, grab another mug, and drops in a spoon of honey before pouring the brewed tea from the kettle, “Ya’ know how I take me tea?”
“I’m not a completely unobservant asshole,” Jensen self-deprecates, “you make a damn good cup of coffee,” he said, carrying both mugs over. “And I’m astonished how you balance everything, working at Emmer and Rye while keeping up with our hectic schedules. And what did you do to Jared?” Quinn looked confused, “you got him to put his wet clothes in the laundry instead of leaving them all over the bath. You’re either a witch or a goddamn miracle worker!”
“I gave him two options. Leave’um in the laundry or find itching powder in his clothing.”
“He’d just borrow my stuff...”
“...he did, once.”
“So, you?
“Clif said ya’ boy spent the day denying it was jock itch.”
Jensen was still laughing when the quartet came back downstairs, so Quinn placed both forearms on the table, leaning forward, and spoke softly, “okay, Ackles, the fucks going on with this little tête-à-tête? Cause ya’ been freaked the fuck out the entire time, so,” nodding to her mug, “What’s with the buttering up?”
“It’s about not leaving...”
“Quinns not gonna leave?” Jensen whipped around to find Arrow bouncing excitedly beside him, then she suddenly raced towards the front door, yelling, “Papa Jared, Daddy’s got Quinn to stay with us!”
Jared stood there scrutinizing the seated duo with an indecipherable expression.
“Looks like ya’ the one dropping me in the shitter this time, Ackles.”

Part V
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @akshi8278 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest @ladysparkles78
#greetings from austin#jensen ackles#alpha!jensen#jared padalecki#alpha!jared#alpha!jensen x ofc x alpha!jared#non traditional a/b/o#j2 au#husbands#sam winchester#dean winchester#walker#soldier boy#a/b/o dynamics#slow burn#a/b/o#supernatural#spn#j2#spnabobingo#spnaubingo
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I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me

Rating: Explicit
Ship: Arthur Ketch/Dean
Word count: 8816
Written for: @spnabobingo Square: Lavender/Chamomile/Cannabis, @spnkinkevents A/B/O Week: Knotting
Tags and Warnings: Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Arthur Ketch, Omegaverse, Consensual Relationship, Oral Sex, Mating, Scent Bond, P in V, Omegas have a dick and vagina in my AU, Killers for Hire AU
Summary: A prequel to my fic "Tell me What's Wrong"
When Arthur gets injured during a job and almost loses his life, both Arthur and Dean have to face the feelings they bear for each other, and that puts a whole new dynamic to their relationship.
Beta by @red-handed-tamarin Thank you!
Notes: This has been a wip since August 2023 so I'm truly glad it's done LOL and I do hope people will have feelings and enjoy it :) I have so many damn wips, and I'm glad I managed to finish this one! It has been sitting there for so long….

If Dean knew something about their line of work, it was that it was unpredictable. One moment, he and his colleague, the annoyingly handsome Alpha Arthur Ketch, were faking being a couple to approach their targets at this stupid fancy evening party for rich fucks. The next, Dean was holding Ketch up and bringing him to their vehicle to run tail after one of the targets had stabbed the Alpha in the belly. “C’mon, man,” Dean huffed, adjusting his hold on Ketch. He was doing his best to quickly lead them down the emergency stairs of this expensive hotel, but pressing his shirt down on Ketch’s wound as they walked wasn’t doing much to stop the blood flow, and they were leaving a fresh red trail behind them. His heart hammered in his chest, and he could feel it in his throat and ears too, like a drumming soundtrack in a movie. Had they not been in the middle of fleeting, he knew worry would have consumed him. The fact he couldn’t scent Ketch to understand his partner’s conditions made him feel even worse – they had to use blockers to go for the kill, and that meant Dean couldn’t smell his companion and his feelings at all. It was unnatural, scary. Only dead people lost their scents.
Read on Archive of Our Own
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#arthursknight writes#arthur ketch/dean winchester#arthur ketch#dean winchester#omega dean winchester#alpha arthur ketch
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SPN Rare Ships Bingo
Welcome to the SPN Rare Ships Bingo!
What is it?
The Supernatural fandom loves its bingos, y'all. We’ve got @spnkinkevents, @spnabobingo… I mean, actually it would take us years to list all the bingos in the Supernatural fandom so we’re not going to waste your time. (There’s a fairly decent list of them all here, if you want to look. This blog was even born as a merging of two bingos: @spnrareshipbingo and @spnpolybingo.)
In a nutshell, though, a bingo is a prompt event organized on bingo cards, where each square includes a prompt. Once you “fill” the prompt, you can cross it off of your card. Get a bingo by filling prompts horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or blacking out your whole card!
This bingo will be a whole two months to celebrate all of the rare ships in Supernatural. Whether it is platonic, romantic, familial, or any other kind of relationship is up to you!
When is it?
March 1-April 30, 2024
What are the prompts?
Everyone’s Bingo Card will be different! We aren’t assigning you cards, however - you get to randomize your own. Click the links below to randomize yourself a card, based on the prompts available for that color card. You may keep randomizing cards until you get one you’re happy with.
RED All-In Card (all below prompts possible)
ORANGE Shipping Card (all Ships + all Characters)
YELLOW Mixed Card (all Het Ships + all Characters)
GREEN Fellas Card (all Slash Ships + Male Characters)
BLUE Ladies Card (all Femslash Ships + Female Characters)
PURPLE Non-Ship Card (Prompts + All Characters, no pairings)
How do I participate?
No sign ups are required! Choose a card above (we ask that you stick with one card, please - if you black it out you can choose a second card, etc.) and post any and all Rare Ship fills during March and April. Be sure to include #spnrareshipsbingo5 and tag us @spnrareships in your post. We will reblog everything we see, but if we haven’t reblogged your work within 24 hours please send us an ask.
We also suggest that you screenshot/save your card and make a masterpost on your tumblr to keep track of your fills - we’ll ask for links to your masterposts at the end of the bingo so we can promote them!
What extra bingo rules do I need to follow?
One fill = one square. Do not use one fic or chapter to fill two squares. (To black out your card, you will create 9 fills. If you have a multi-chapter fic, each chapter can count as a different square.)
Reminder: Please review our General Rules, which apply to all events we host. If you have any questions, feel free to send in an Ask!
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Irresistible Scent - Kinktober (1)
Summary: Your scent is irresistable to him.
Rating: Explicit
Kinktober Special: Marking Kink
Square 14 filled for @spnkinkbingo: Breeding Kink
Square 5 filled for @spnabobingo: Breeding
Square 3 filled for @afgomegaversebingo: Mate-Inducted Rut
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Warnings: language, a/b/o, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, breeding kink, marking kink, marking with cum/and scent, mating bites, knotting, scenting, true mates, there is some fluff too, a little angst, implied smut, implied oral, possessive Dean
Words: 1,5+ k
A/N: Here we go. Kinktober is here.
Kinktober 2022
2022 SPN KINK BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN A/B/O BINGO masterlist
AFG Omegaverse Bingo masterlist
That scent.
That irresistible scent makes him crawl up the walls. He can’t fight it. Can’t breathe. Can’t think. Can’t resist.
You are luring the alpha in. Even though, he promised himself to never give in to his alpha. You are his brother’s best friend. The little sister they never had. His friend. His confident.
But you are so much more…
You are his true mate. The one making him want to have more than the life he has. You make him dream of something more. Something he cannot have, but desires, nonetheless.
“Omega,” a soft and throaty purr leaves his lips. A stark contrast to the things his lust-clouded mind imagines right now. He balls his hand into fists. His teeth grit and his whole body feels like it’s on fire. “Fuck.”
Dean can’t help it. He slowly trots toward the door to leave his room. If he’s fast enough, he can sit this unexpected rut out before you even realized he’s gone.
“I need to get the fuck out of here,” he groans as your scent just got stronger. “No-fuck…ngh…”
“Dean?” fuck. The worst case just happened. Not only did Dean not make it out of the bunker, but you also walked right in on him as he tried to escape your scent and his instinct. “Shit, what’s wrong…”
You softly call out Dean’s name, but he looks like he’s in trance. He only stares at you, as his teeth grit and his nostrils flare.
“OMEGA,” he growls rather than speaking. You take a step back, already smelling the rut on Dean. “My omega. Come here.”
“Dean, how come you are in rut?” you squeak as the alpha pounces on you. “Dean. What’s wrong? You just had your rut.”
“Your scent drives me crazy,” you pant heavily as Dean buries his face in your neck to inhale your scent deeply. “I want you to smell like me. You must smell like me.”
“O-kay,” it doesn’t take much to get you in his arms. You simply give in to your omega and your feelings. Dean was the one not wanting to give in. You lost the battle a long time ago.
The moment you met the cocky alpha for the first time.
He purrs against you, hands pawing at the flannel you stole from Dean. “You’re mine. Only mine.”
“I’m yours,” you’re a panting mess. Dean’s scent. The way he purrs your name, and the fact that you can feel his erection press against your thigh turns you into a puddle. “Only yours.”
Dean is nuzzling you, all the while rubbing his aching cock against your thigh.
“Can we go to your room and not do this here?” you nervously laugh.
Sam is somewhere at the bunker, and you don’t want him to walk in on you and his brother making out like horny teens.
“My room. Safe. My omega,” you don’t fight Dean when he easily picks you up in bridal style to carry you inside his room. “Mine…”
Scent. Mine. Breed. Mark. Dean’s mind is filled with you.
“Dean, fuck,” you end up pressed face first against the door the moment he slammed it shut.
He’s on you in a blink and rips your panties off of your body. Dean presses his body to yours and slides his hands over your chest, groping your plush flesh.
“Mine,” his hands wander down to your hips, gripping you tightly to press your ass into his crotch. You can feel his throbbing length press into your butt, and you hope, he won’t lose control.
He’s slowly going down on his knees, hands moving over your body on his way.
“DEAN?” you squeak as he buries his face between your legs to capture some of your slick. “Oh fuck! What has gotten into you? Why are you in rut?”
“YOU,” he growls against your flesh. Well, you won’t get an answer tonight. Dean is busy roaming your ass, hips, and legs with his rough hands. He’s caressing every curve, every spot until one hand becomes brave and cups your pussy. “Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me.”
“I didn’t do-“ you whimper at the feeling of his fingers toying with your swollen clit. “Shit, Dean…we can’t. You said we can never be together.”
“You triggered my fucking rut,” he purrs while slipping two fingers inside of your cunt. Pumping his thick fingers in and out of your dripping pussy, Dean groans deeply. “You’re going to smell like me. I’m going to cover you with my scent and mark this body.”
“What? I-“ his fingers slip out of you much too soon for your liking. But you won’t be empty for long. Dean gets back up and drops his sweatpants to the ground. While he cups your ass, humming as you push your butt into his big hands, you hastily take off your flanell.
“This is mine,” one hand cups one of your breasts, roughly groping your flesh as you feel his cock poke your entrance. “Fuck.” He grips your hips, forcing you to stick your ass out a little. “I gotta breed this cunt, make you round. Everyone will know this is mine.”
“Fuck!” you exclaim loudly as Dean simply drives right into you. There are no gentleness or loving words. The alpha is too far gone to care for sex etiquette. “Dean! You didn’t use protection.”
It’s no use. Dean presses the full length of his body against yours, holding you pinned to the door as he fucks up into you with long strokes. “Gonna make this cunt my home,” he breathlessly moans in your ear. “Not gonna last long.”
Dean is on the edge for too long to hold back. He wraps his arms around your body and twirls around, with you in his arms. You end up on the bed, squeaking as the alpha is still on top of you, moving like a madman. “Dean!”
“Just…fuck,” he pushes off you to help you get on your hands and knees. You huff, as he barely gives you the time to take a breath before he grips your hips and fills you again.
The alpha roughly slams his hips into your ass, creating a squelching sound every time he enters your slicked pussy.
You grip the bedsheets, hoping he won’t fulfill his promise and get you full of pups as he gets even faster.
Your body seizes up and you choke out a moan as the unavoidable happens. You gush all over his cock, making Dean growl in delight.
“That’s it, omega,” you whimper as your presentation leaves his lips and his hands gently move all over your back, sides and thighs. “You’re taking me so well. Fuck…I’m gonna…”
Before you can come down from your high you get pressed into the mattress again.
It’s a mess. You’re a mess as Dean mounts you from behind, moving his hips at a pace making you gasp and squeak.
He doesn’t stop. Not when you tilt your head in submission. Not when his teeth sink in your mating gland to claim you. Not even when his knot pops open to lock you together.
“Dean, I can’t,” you whimper underneath Dean. It’s too much. His sudden change of mind. The intimacy. The bond forming. “Dean…”
“I’ve got you, sweetheart…I’ve got you…”
“Fuck, no,” you whimper and whine as Dean just covered you in his cum.
After the first time he knotted you, you tried to have a shower. Only for the alpha to be all over you again. He threatened to breed you again and you tried to convince him to pull out.
“What?” he purrs as your ass, back, legs, and pussy are covered in his spunk. “You wanted me to pull out. Hmm…yeah. Now you smell like me all the time. You’ll not get me off your skin anytime soon.”
“I’ll just wash it off,” Dean growls now. His arms wrap around your body to keep you from getting under the spray. “DEAN!”
“No-no! You will show everyone that I marked you. Not only your neck and pussy, all of you,” his alpha hindbrain tells him to make sure every alpha crossing your path will stay away from you. “You’re mine.”
“I’m wearing your mark,” he hums, but still holds you in his arms, smearing his cum all over your body and his chest. “Dean, I can’t walk around covered in cum. It’s sticky and…uh…you know. I don’t want them to know what we do in private.”
“Aw, now my omega is shy,” Dean purrs in your neck. “I let you shower if you admit that you want me to mark you some more. Maybe I can leave a mark on your pussy too.”
He reluctantly releases you. Dean watches you turn around, quirking a brow as his eyes drop to your cunt. “Dean! You can’t bite me down there!”
“I can…and will,” you walk backward until your back hits the cool tile wall. “Spread those pretty legs. I’m gonna leave my mark right now…”
He goes on his knees, smirking as you let him hook one leg over his shoulder.
“Fuck, Dean…”
Dean won’t bite you. No. He will leave a different kind of mark. He will take you apart with his mouth until your pussy knows, she belongs only to him…
Tags in reblog.
#dean winchester#spnabobingo#SPNKINKBINGO#afgomegaversebingo#dean winchester fanfic#dean winchester x you#a/b/o#alpha!dean winchester#alpha!dean x omega!reader#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester smut#alpha!dean x omegareader#dean x reader#dean x you#kinktober day 1
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The Call of the Bond
Square Filled: Omegaverse for @spnkinkbingo & Restraints for @spnabobingo
Characters: alpha!dean x omega!reader; Eileen mentioned
Rating: Explicit
Tags: bondage; tiny bit of oral (male receiving)
Summary: Nothing is stronger than the bond between alpha and omega, including The Mark of Cain
Word Count: 2242
Created for @spnkinkbingo & @spnabobingo
Feedback is always welcome. If you enjoyed what you read, a coffee is appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/idreamofplaid

An alpha always took care of their omega. The desire to protect and fulfill their mate’s every need was born of instinct, commitment, devotion, and pride in the bond. An omega felt these things too. They manifested a bit differently, but the bond ruled both mates. It guided their actions; and sometimes that bond required something out of the ordinary from them.
The deep, keening howl began in Dean’s chest and erupted up through his throat. It was a sound that carried throughout the lower level of the bunker and straight to his omega’s ears, causing her to shudder and slick to leak from her core, soaking her panties. She had spent the last seven hours of her heat separated from her alpha, stationed in a room near where Sam had secured him “for her safety”. Every minute without her alpha made her body cry out for him more loudly.
The situation was close to unbearable. Physically, cramps twisted her insides until it felt like her womb might fall from her body. Every time she heard him cry out, the heat within her rose even higher. She was covered in a sheen of sweat, and her walls fluttered around the emptiness, craving her alpha’s knot. The effect on her body was bad, but the worst part was not being with him.
An omega in heat and an alpha in rut are meant to be together. Each satisfies the other, emotionally as well as physically. Alphas have a need to know their omegas feel safe, a need to know they give their omegas that feeling of safety. Omegas adore their alphas, body, mind, spirit, everything the alpha has to offer them. An omega brings peace to their alpha’s world. Y/N couldn’t give Dean that peace now when he needed it so badly, and that hurt.
She reached for Sam and grasped his arm in an attempt to steady herself. His eyes met hers, and in them she saw compassion and determination. Sam’s nature was kind, but he had a spine of steel when he needed it. He’d made a promise to his brother he intended to keep.
In an attempt to appeal to Sam’s softer side, the side that could identify with the strength and meaning of the bond, she said, “I have to go to him,” in a voice as unsteady as her body was feeling.
Sam took her arm and led her to a wooden chair at a nearby table that served as a makeshift desk and helped her sit, while he took a seat on top of the table and looked down at her with deep understanding in his sensitive puppy-like eyes. Eyes like his were an unusual trait in an alpha.
“I know you want to, Y/N. If my omega needed me, I don’t know how I could stay away; but you know why you have to.” Sam placed a hand on her shoulder. “My brother’s your alpha, and just as much as you want to go to him, he wants to protect you. Maybe more.”
Another howl carried to her ears from down the hall. Y/N turned wide eyes to Sam. Her pain was twofold. Her body ached for Dean in a way that affected all her cells, filling them with a simmering heat that threatened to boil over and consume her, and the sounds he was making squeezed her heart and brought her to the edge of tears.
“I need him, Sam. He’s my alpha. I promised him I would always be there for him when I accepted his mark. That’s what the bond means.” She tore her eyes away from the fixed stare she had on Sam and looked back down the hall toward the room where he had chained his brother to the wall.
Sam was clearly conflicted. He understood the bond between mates and understood the physical agony of an unsatisfied rut without an omega to calm the need. “He asked me to protect you, Y/N, and I told him I would. You’re my brother’s omega. I gladly take that responsibility.”
“He won’t hurt me, Sam.” She was pleading now. “You know he won’t hurt me.”
Sam slipped into the measured and sincere tone he used so often when he was trying to make a point, accompanied by his intense, listen to reason, you know I’m right expression. “I know he wouldn’t mean to, but you’ve seen what the mark does to him. He’s lost control more than once, and he would never forgive himself if he lost control with you, even the slightest bit.”
She tried to stand, and Sam gently but firmly guided her back down to the chair with a push of his hand that was still on her shoulder. “Sam, please….”
“Y/N!” The roar of Dean’s voice tore through her. She knew she could help him. Her eyes caught Sam’s again, and he saw the omega’s tears.
He saw and understood, dropping his hand from her shoulder and nodding. “Nothing could keep me from Eileen if she called for me like that. It isn’t right for me to keep you from Dean.” Sam pulled the key to Dean’s prison from his pocket and placed it in Y/N’s outstretched palm. Then he reached into his pocket again and brought out a smaller key. “This one opens the cuffs around his wrists. Remember, I’m here if something goes wrong.”
Clutching the keys in her hand, Y/N ran towards her alpha. Her fingers fumbled with the lock on the heavy steel door, trying to get the key to fit. The smell of her alpha on the other side of the door was overwhelming. Teakwood, spice, and bourbon combined with a touch of woodsmoke that he only had when he was in rut.
At last, the key turned, the lock clicked and the door swung open. Dean was sitting on the floor across the room with his back against the wall. He was covered in sweat, muscles straining against the manacles that held him, his head hung low. When he lifted his head and saw her, a growl rumbled deep in his throat.
“Y/N, no. You can’t be here.” Even as he spoke, he snatched against the chains binding him, causing them to rattle, and another growl erupted from deep within him.
Never before had she paid no heed to the words of her alpha. Y/N crossed the room and kneeled beside him. “We need each other, Dean. I don’t care what kind of mark is on your arm; you’re still my alpha, and I’m not leaving.”
The tendons in his neck strained, and his nostrils flared. “Y/N, I can’t. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you…and I won’t let that happen. I’ll never let it happen. Do you hear me, Y/N? Go, Omega. Leave me.”
She moved to sit on his lap, her legs on either side of his waist. “No, Dean. I won’t.”
Y/N brushed her lips across his, and immediately he responded by pushing his tongue against the seam of her lips. She accepted him eagerly, as she always had. Dean pulled on the chains again, even harder than he had before. The longing to feel his arms around her was surpassed in strength only by the call of the bond that had brought her to him.
When she pulled away from her alpha, she saw that his eyes were closed; and he was panting, releasing his breath in audible huffs. Gently, she touched the scruff of beard on his cheek, and he opened his eyes. Y/N’s love and devotion for Dean moved through her. It enveloped her. In this moment, it was her. She still had an unused key, and she reached for one of the metal cuffs around Dean’s wrist to unlock it.
He attempted to pull his arm away and shook his head. “No, Y/N. Don’t.” They looked at each other, a hurricane of emotions blowing through them that were reflected in their eyes. Dean lay his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. “I want you, Y/N. So. Fucking. Much. It’s making me crazy. But you’ve seen what having this mark on my arm does to me, and it just keeps gettin’ worse.”
Dean nuzzled into her neck, his nose brushing the spot where he’d left his mark. She combed her fingers through his hair. “Dean, I trust you. You won’t do anything violent with me.”
He drew in a long breath and held it. “Not now, but if we’re mating…everything that does to me…. I’m the first alpha to have The Mark of Cain. We don’t know what could happen. I’m not going to risk it. Just smelling you now, having you this close….” Dean yanked his chains again, and the rattle of them echoed in the empty room.
“Okay, Alpha. You’re right. You’re always right.” She said it soothingly, but while she talked, she started to unfasten his belt. As a result, his pupils got larger, making his eyes almost black.
“What are you doing, Y/N?
Her lips dragged across the stubble on his jaw. “Exactly what you want, my alpha.” She finished opening his pants. First the button, followed by the zipper until she could reach in and pull his hard, thick cock from his underwear. It stood against his stomach exposing the vein that ran along the underside of it. She stood, peeled off her own leggings, and once again took her place on his lap, her now bare opening rubbing against his throbbing cock.
“Y/N.” Warning and lust mingled in the throaty deepness of Dean’s voice. She lowered her head to swirl her tongue around the tip of his shaft. Then she kissed him with the taste of his pre-come on her lips.
“Omega.” His tone had changed; he wasn’t telling her to go anymore. The mating instinct had won the battle taking place inside him.
Y/N guided his shaft to her entrance and sank down, taking all of him. Dean started to roll his hips, thrusting into her. Her hips moved in time with him, and she rode him while she kissed him, their tongues tangling together. His hands might not be able to touch her, but they couldn’t be closer. Every grunt he made was for her, and her every sigh was his.
Dean slowly brought his omega to an orgasm that peaked with her legs shaking on each side of him. The alpha didn’t slow down. “You’ve got more for me, my omega. I know you do, and I’m going to pull every bit of it out of you. You’re brave, beautiful, foolish, and you’re mine. I should punish you later for not listening to me.” Y/N threw her head back, exposing her neck and his mark that it bore. His words were causing her to clench around him, chasing another orgasm.
“That’s it, my beautiful omega. Give it to me. Do exactly what I tell you to.” Y/N held onto Dean tightly as she moved on him faster, feeling the sweet stretch of him pushing her to her limits. “Come for me. Come for me…again.”
She fell apart, seeking for him to hold her together somehow without being able to touch her. Weak from the orgasms, she kept her arms around his neck. Her body was drained from the way she had reacted to him. With a roar from her alpha, his knot popped inside her, inflating to its full size and filling her with his come. His seed pumped into her, making her feel claimed all over again as she did every time they joined together like this.
Nothing about him now suggested he was out of control. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N caught sight of the small key on the floor that would free Dean’s wrists, and she was tempted. He didn’t try to stop her when she reached for it or when she slid it into the lock of one cuff and then the other.
Once free, Dean cradled his omega in his arms and ran his fingers through her hair. He was as gentle with her as always when their bodies were connected together. His kisses were soft, his words sweet.”You are so perfect for me, my omega.”
Minutes ticked by. Y/N’s breathing synced with her alpha’s, and she listened to the soothing sound of his heartbeat beneath her ear while he continued to stroke her hair. Once his knot had deflated, he remained inside her, staying joined with her while he placed a finger under her chin and tipped her face up so she could see him.
“You know this could have turned out bad.” Concern for you was mixed with the deep everlasting love of an alpha for his omega in Dean’s jade eyes. “You do realize that, don’t you?”
Y/N swallowed hard, never wanting to displease her alpha. “I didn’t think it would be anything other than what it was, what it’s always been between us. I know you, Dean. With or without the mark, I know you.”
Dean’s kiss told her what he rarely said in words. He loved her. She knew it, and it was that love that fueled her trust in him, her unwavering certainty that he would always protect her, no matter the circumstances. There was nothing stronger than their bond.
Everything: @dean-winchesters-bacon @waywardbaby @dnnwnchstr22 @fangirlxwritesx67 @cosicas-cuquis @austin-winchester67 @thinkinghardhardlythinking @supernaturalgrandma @calaofnoldor @sandlee44 @spnxbsessed @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @sea040561 @spnbaby-67 @queenoftheunderdark @kickingitwithkirk @fullmooner @deanwanddamons @awesomesusiebstuff @stemroses @gh0stgurl @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fandom-princess-forevermore @lovealways-j @mrswhozeewhatsis @mereka18 @sweetness47 @logical-princey @atc74 @tumbler-tidbits @timelordy-fangirl2 @sorenmarie87 @hobby27 @asthesunwentdownn @jules-1999 @peridottea91 @lizette50 @petitgateau911 @vulgar-library @princessmisery666 @lonewolf471 @onethirstyunicorn @daisymoder72 @b3autyfuldisast3r
Dean/Jensen: @spnwoman @ladywinchester1967 @myloversgone @itsthemegacoven @deandreamernp @evansrogerskitten @weepingwillowphoenix @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @wingedcatninja @akshi8278 @flamencodiva @deansyahtzee @thoughts-and-funnies @deanwinchesterswitch @adoptdontshoppets
#spnkinkbingo#spnabobingo#alpha!dean#moc!dean#omega!reader#spn abo#dean smut#dean fluff#alpha!dean x omega!reader
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Made For You | Chapter 9
Summary: Dean and Sam like what they have together, and if screwing your brother screws with the universe’s “grand plan” while they’re at it, then even better. Neither of them has ever cared much for tradition or fate, but it turns out there are some destinies you can’t escape. Sometimes, someone is just made for you.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest Tags: AU, Time Jump, Omegaverse, Alpha!Dean, Omega!Reader, flirty Dean, age difference, taboo relationship, scent attraction, innocent reader, Virgin!Reader, romantic reader, true mates, making out, possessive alpha, needy omega, first time, desperation, heat, marathon heat sex, mating, p in v, praise kink, dirty talk, knotting, unprotected sex Bingo Squares: @spnabobingo - Marathon Heat Sex Word Count: 3.2k
Your POV
The second the lock clicks into place you’re trying to shove yourself off the bed, trying to get back to your alpha, even though he’s barely a few feet away in the tiny room.
It’s pretty bare-bones; a small single bed, a nightstand with a lamp and a drawer that you know is full of condoms because you’ve had to restock them before. There are no windows, and the single light hanging from a wire on the ceiling under a rusty metal shade makes it feel like some kind of interrogation chamber. But it’s here for convenience, not style, and again you feel a rush of gratitude that the Roadhouse keeps mating rooms because the alternative would probably be taking Dean back to your house, where you live with your father, and that is not an introduction you are ready to make, particularly considering your current hormonal state.
Dean’s strides cover the meager floorspace in two steps and then he’s climbing onto the bed to join you. There’s not very much room, but that suits you just fine because it gives you a valid excuse to bury yourself against his shoulder and sink into his arms with a relieved sigh.
“Hey there, pretty girl,” Dean coos gently, dropping a kiss to the top of your head and petting his hands, wide and heavy, down your back, to help ease the shivers wracking your body. “I gotcha, don’ worry. Alpha’s gotcha,” he murmurs, and the deep, gravelly timbre of his voice sends an altogether different shiver through you, one that ends up tingling and buzzing in the concentration of nerves between your legs.
You tilt your chin up to look at him, anticipation shining from your eyes, and he understands instinctively. The first touch of his lips to yours is soft, gentle, and careful as if he’s worried he’ll scare you off or hurt you somehow. But you don’t have the patience for tenderness, your body is screaming out for your mate, your blood boiling so hotly beneath your skin you’re afraid it might be pushed away from your flesh. You need Dean to force you back together, to make you whole again.
Your arms slink up around his neck and you bury your hands in his hair, tugging so forcefully that he lets out a grunt of surprise, tinged with pain, but it doesn’t stop you from dragging him down on top of you wantonly. Dean follows your lead and crushes you between his body and the mattress, and his weight feels simultaneously comforting and calming while making the arousal in your gut bloom even more desperately than before. His lips are devouring yours now, his tongue making quick work of the barrier that your lips had been and forcing you open for him, consuming your every moan and whimper with greedy, rasping growls of his own.
When Dean pushes himself up on his hands and knees above you, you whine at the loss of his touch, and he smiles down at you with a knowing smirk. Reaching down, he teases his hands under the hem of your shirt, begins to ruck the material up your stomach, staring intently at your chest, which is rising and falling dramatically with the effort of your breaths. You wriggle a little to get your arms free enough to grab your shirt and strip out of it, too eager to be undressed to care how ungraceful you must have looked. Dean lets out a heavy breath, dropping his head down to nose at the swell of your breasts showing above your bra. He kisses the skin, light, and teasing, as his hands skim down your torso to the waistband of your jeans.
You sigh happily as he flicks open the button and gets the zipper down, lifting your hips automatically so he can shuffle the tight denim down your legs. When he throws the jeans over the side of the bed, you dimly recognise the sound of your phone hitting the floor and skittering off somewhere, but you don’t care enough to stop and check that it hasn’t broken. Dean’s fingers are back on your body, teasing at the hem of your underwear, dipping under the elastic just barely before he retreats and runs his fingers over the front of your panties instead.
“Fuck, you’re dripping for me ‘mega,” Dean growls, his fingers trailing between your slicked-up folds over the cotton of your panties. You mewl under his dexterous touch, and you lean into the sensations that are beginning to cloud your head with overwhelming need. You can feel your heat crawling across your skin, breaking you out in a sweat that’s beading in your hairline and tickling as it traces down the column of your throat.
“Need you, alpha,” you pant breathlessly, burying your face in the crook of his neck to inhale as much of him as your senses can take while he hugs you tightly against him, his fingers still brushing teasingly in the crevice between your thighs.
“I can tell,” Dean chuckles, almost as out of breath as you are, and he pulls back to smile at you, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear tenderly. “Been a while?” he smirks sympathetically, and you feel yourself flush under his stare.
“Um… you could say that,” you hedge, not quite sure how to admit to him that you’re actually a virgin, or why you’ve waited until now to sleep with someone, but also not seeing a way around it.
He stares at you for a moment while you hold your breath, and then you see understanding light up his crystalline green eyes.
The word leaves him in a rush of air as if your circuitous confession has punched him in the gut and knocked the wind out of him. You give him a small, awkward smile, resisting the urge to bury your face in his chest again and hide your shame amidst the folds of his flannel shirt.
“You fuckin’ with me?” he asks like he doesn’t quite believe you, and you shake your head awkwardly, hoping you haven’t just ruined everything. “Why?” he bursts out incredulously, but then he immediately looks sheepish and begins to backpedal. “I mean, uh, were you waiting for marriage or…” he trails off, glancing down your body and looking guilty about the fact that he already has you down to nothing but your underwear when this is clearly the first time anyone has ever undressed you.
“You,” you put your fingers beneath his chin and lift his face back up so he can see the sincerity in your answer. “I was waiting for you.”
“Fuckin’ hell, ‘mega,” Dean lets out the words in a whoosh of breath, clutching you even closer as he buries his face in your hair, his hands digging into the flesh of your back, and his cock digging into your hip. “You can’t just fucking say shit like that,” he groans into your skin, lips slipping through the sweat-sheen that’s covering the column of your throat, his teeth grazing the vein that runs alongside your mating gland.
“W-why not?” you whimper, and you feel his fingers flex around your waist as he drags his hands lower, pulling you closer into him.
“Because you’re gonna fuckin’ kill me if you keep talkin’ like that,” Dean growls, the tips of his fingers now playing with the elastic waistband of your black, cotton panties.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re mine.” His hands grope under your panties, fingers kneading the round globes of your ass and prying you apart, skimming down lower, and you know he’s felt just how fucking slick you are when he moans against you.
“I wanna be,” you pant, your breath hitching as his fingertip skims through the arousal on the very top of your inner thigh, so close to where you really want to feel him. “Wanna be yours, Alpha. Please, make me yours,” you beg mindlessly, simply giving voice to what your body is so desperately craving.
Dean’s hands fly to your hair and tug back harshly, making you cry out as he forces you to look him in the eye.
“Say that again,” he challenges, but it’s not cruelty you see burning in his eyes, it’s passion; desire; desperate, aching need for you to tell him you mean what you’re saying. And you do, you mean it with every fiber of your being. Dean is your true mate, you can feel it. The articles were all right, it doesn’t make any sense and you can’t even begin to explain it, but you just know.
“Make me yours, Alpha,” you plead with every ounce of earnestness you can muster. “I want you to fuck me –need you to fuck me– please, Alpha.”
Dean holds your gaze for just a second, but his silence makes it feel like the longest second of your life until he finally growls –“mine”– and crashes your lips together once more.
Dean’s POV
Dean can’t believe his luck. A virgin. Y/N is a fucking virgin. And if that doesn’t make it feel even more like she’s been made for him, specifically and exclusively, he doesn’t know what else the universe could possibly have in store. He’s never really put much store in the ideas of destiny, or soul mates–especially after what had happened with Sam. Dean used to be convinced that Sam was it for him, had still been convinced until very recently if he’s being honest with himself. He’s never bothered trying to date anyone because how could they ever replace Sam?
But with Y/N, Dean feels so much … more. As soon as he scented her heat when she’d fallen into his arms in the middle of the bar, it’s like something clicked into place, and all the parts of himself that he’d been keeping numbed under a blanket of denial and whiskey for the past twenty years suddenly felt what it was to breathe again. Every atom in his body feels like it’s reaching out for her, drawing her into him, willing him to make her his, permanently. His teeth stutter over her mating gland as he kisses along her throat, scraping just barely over the vessel that he can practically hear pumping with how fast her heart is racing. He knows he can’t claim her, for many innumerable reasons–not least because she’s half his age and he’s about to take her fucking virginity– but he doesn’t need to think about that right now, because she’s got her legs wrapped around his waist and she’s trying to pull his shirts over his head clumsily and something about her desperation is so fucking cute he can barely think straight.
“S’okay, baby girl, lemme help,” Dean smiles toothily, leaning back to shrug his flannel off, then pull his t-shirt from the back of his neck and over his head. Y/N’s attention has already moved on to his jeans by the time he’s discarded the t-shirt, and he chuckles deeply, the sound almost immediately turning into a moan when she gets her hand beneath the denim to palm over his cock. Her hand feels small on him, and burning hot even through his briefs, and the new sensations make him shudder needily, a breathy growl rumbling through his chest. Hurriedly, Dean digs his hands into his waistband and shoves both the jeans and his underwear down in one go.
Y/N gasps audibly when she sees his dick for the first time, and Dean feels a small swell of pride ripple through his chest. He knows he’s got good equipment to work with, but it’s always nice to hear it’s appreciated by his partner. The look of innocent astonishment on the girl's face also makes his cock jump in arousal when he remembers that this is the first time she’s seen a naked man up close.
“Touch me, sweetheart,” he commands gently, reaching out to grab her wrist and draw her hand to his cock when she hesitates, showing her how to wrap her little fingers around him and stroke.
“Like this?” Y/N asks, and Dean hears the nerves trembling in her throat, so he leans down to kiss gently at her vocal cords, then up the column of her throat until he’s murmuring against her lips.
“Just like that,” he breathes, kissing her deeply and swallowing the moans she releases when he unhooks her bra and slips it far enough down her arms to bare her chest to him. Her breasts are absolutely perfect, nipples standing hard and sensitive away from the softness of her flesh, and Dean can’t help burying his face between them, kissing and licking every inch of skin his mouth can find. Y/N gasps and then whines when he pulls a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it gently before scraping over it with his teeth, and her hand clenches around his cock reactively, making him groan into her.
“Fuck, ‘mega, you smell so fucking good,” Dean moans, Y/N scent wrapping itself around him, sharp and deep and absolutely intoxicating; the salt of her skin echoed in the earthy salt of sea water he can smell, the sweet burn of spiced rum slipping into his lungs as he breathes her in. He can feel his mouth-watering, and he knows he needs to taste her slick, to see if it’s as addictive as he thinks it will be, but his cock is becoming too impatient for that. Y/N’s in heat, he knows he’ll have plenty of time to play with her body in any way that springs to mind, in every way he craves, but right now he can feel her fever burning hotter by the second. He needs to fuck her, calm her body down enough that she can enjoy what he wants to do to her, because right now she’s becoming more and more delirious in her desperation, and he doesn’t want her first time to be nothing more than a fever dream. He wants her to remember it, to savour the first time his cock splits her apart and knots her cunt, good and deep; wants her to feel his cum swelling up her belly.
Dean sits back on his heels and looks Y/N up and down with a wild hunger, wringing his hands into the black cotton of her panties and wrenching the fabric apart, too impatient to make Y/N unwrap her legs from around him so he can take it off properly. The violence of his actions barely seems to register with the omega, she simply pulls him more tightly against her with her legs, trying to force him back on top of her–inside of her. Dean grabs the base of his cock and shuffles forward a little, getting his legs in a better position, and he leans forward on one forearm so he can drag the head of his dick through Y/N’s pussy, moaning when he feels the slick dripping out onto his skin.
“Alpha, please,” Y/N gasps, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head as she tries to rut against him, she looks like she’ll go feral if he doesn’t get his dick inside of her soon.
“You’re sure?” Dean’s conscience makes him double-check, even though his tip is already pressing inside of her, the walls of her cunt clamping greedily around him.
“Yes, yes, please,” she begs, a tear of desperation slipping from the corner of her eye and running sideways down her face and disappearing in her hair. “Please, alpha. I need you.”
“Shh, it’s okay sweetheart,” Dean leans forward and kisses the tear track that is glinting dully on her temple, using the forward momentum to press himself inside of her as gently as he can manage. She’s fucking tight, and yeah, he’s always wanted to fuck a virgin, but he hadn’t actually thought about how much tighter she would feel than all the girls he’s used to feeling wrapped around his cock. She feels just as tight as– Dean slams a door on that thought and concentrates on easing himself slowly into the slick warmth of the omega beneath him. He realises absently that he’s still making shushing sounds, whispering small words of comfort into the girl’s ear as his cock splits apart the final seams of her innocence.
“Doing so good for me, ‘mega. You feel so perfect for me baby girl, you were fucking made to take my cock, weren’t you? Shh, s’okay, almost there baby, just a little more. Just relax f’me, shit, yeah there’s a good girl.”
He manages to push entirely inside of Y/N, his hips grinding into hers, the root of his cock rubbing against the base of her clit, and Dean lets out a breath of relief, the tension melting out of his shoulders a little. It had been a genuine effort to hold himself back from slamming into her in one thrust, and he’s secretly impressed with his own restraint. He keeps his movements small to start, just rocking their hips together, keeping his cock pressed in as deeply as it can go, and enjoying the way Y/N pulses around him every time he grinds over her clit.
“How’s it feel, sweetheart?” Dean checks, a little embarrassed at how raspy his own voice sounds.
“Good,” Y/N whimpers, pressing her face into the crook of his neck, and Dean can feel her scenting him. It makes his cock twitch heavily inside of her, and he wonders if she can feel it too. “Feels so fucking good,” she sighs deeply. “Way better than my stupid toy.”
Dean chuckles darkly at that comment.
“Just wait until I pop my knot inside that pretty cunt, baby girl,” he whispers huskily, teeth grazing the shell of her ear and making her shudder. “You’ll never want to use that toy again, just be begging me for my alpha knot every fucking day.” He takes the opportunity to punctuate his words with his first real thrust, drawing his hips back and snapping them forward quickly, but gently, still not wanting to hurt her.
“Oh my god,” Y/N gasps, choking on a groan as Dean pulls back and thrusts again. “Oh my god.”
“That feel good, ‘mega?” Dean pants, falling into a rhythm. “You like your alpha fucking you? Like that big alpha cock inside your pussy?”
“Fuck yes,” she moans, her eyes squeezing tightly shut as if somehow that will make the pleasure she’s feeling more bearable.
“You’ve got such a sweet cunt, ‘mega, takin’ me so good,” he grunts, pressing himself up on his knees a bit more to change the angle, fucking himself harder against the top of her pussy where he knows her slick glands are. “So fucking wet for your alpha, got us all fucking messy didn’t you baby? Think about how dirty you’ll be when I’ve got you squirting on my knot, my cum leaking out of you…” Dean stutters in his own dirty talk, Y/N’s pussy spasming around him suddenly and sending a gush of slick over his cock as the girl squeals under him, thin and loud, turning her head to bury her face in a pillow as she cums on his cock.
“Holy fucking shit,” Dean curses, feeling his knot swell at the base of his cock as he watches Y/N orgasm around him, the sight pushing him to the edge of his own desperation. “Fuck, fuck…gonna fucking cum inside you ‘mega. My omega.”
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#spnabobingo#dean x reader#alpha!dean#omega!reader#smut fic#angst fic#supernatural fic#supernatural smut#wincest#omegaverse#made for you#series#please read warnings
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Alpha Forest (Part 1)
Summary: After an accident in the sky, the reader wakes up midair with very little time to react. Only things might not be a simple accident after all and the reader and Dean have very little time to get out of a bad situation...
Pairing: Alpha!Bodyguard!Dean x Omega!reader
Square: Free Space
Word Count: 1,000ish
Warnings: mature (language, scary situations, minor injuries)
A/N: Written for @spnabobingo
You were cold when you woke up, a strange pressure on your back. You blinked, not quite sure what you were looking at. It was all blue, strange masses above you. You blinked again, noticing the feel of a mask on your face, the whipping in your ears. Your eyes caught site of something nearby, a flat piece of gray. You stared and stared until the noise in your ears started to crackle.
It felt like a punch to the gut as you turned around and saw the ground getting closer and closer. You started turning, looking above you and to your left and right, finally spreading yourself out. You flew upwards and past the gray piece of metal, breathing deeply in the mask as you started scanning the sky for a parachute. There were emergency parachutes under all of the seats of the private jet, that much you knew for sure.
You head zero depth perception after waking up mid air but you noticed a mass over to the left that looked odd. You angled yourself over to it, finding it was Dean Winchester of all people. He was out cold, a cut on his head, his suit jacket and tie completely gone. You looked down and the ground felt way too close.
You needed a parachute and now.
You looked down and saw a cluster of wreckage, swallowing the lump in your throat. You let go of Dean and nose dived downwards, barely grabbing the backpack before you were spread out again. You slipped the chute on and tugged the strap over your chest, a little meter on the strap in the red zone already. It wanted you to pull up the shute quickly. You tried to spread yourself out more and ended up flying past Dean, needing to dive back down to grab hold of him.
You took the leg straps of the chute and tried to get them around him but it was impossible when he was unconscious. You took a deep breath and did your best to wrap them around his waist, fisting the ends in your right hand. You squeezed your legs around him and closed your eyes, pulling the rip cord. Immediately you grabbed ahold of him with your free hand, the two of you getting yanked left hard, the chute going wherever it wanted in the wind. You tried to reach up to get control of it but you couldn’t let go of Dean without an even bigger risk of dropping him.
The ground was coming too fast and you held onto him as hard as you could, barely thinking to get an arm around his head at the last second. You were headed straight for a tree when you caught the wind and it threw you to the right, very abruptly tossing you and Dean to the ground in a clearing.
You plopped onto your back, taking off the oxygen mask and taking deep heaving breaths, Dean groaning beside you. He sat up and looked around, glancing at you.
“Weren’t we on the plane?” he asked. You sat up and nodded, Dean picking up the mask, looking behind you at the parachute. “The oxygen dropped.”
“You didn’t get your mask on,” you said. “Because you got mine on me first which is the worst possible-”
“I’m your bodyguard, sweetheart. Sort of my job to save you first,” he said. “Which how exactly am I alive? You never should have-”
“Tough shit. I didn’t even think. I just did it. I wasn’t going to let you fall to your death,” you said. “I-”
He threw a hand over your mouth, reaching behind himself, his gun no longer in it’s holster.
“Y/N,” he said quietly. “Don’t speak. Please.”
You knew that tone and nodded, Dean sliding behind you, wrapping up the parachute and somehow cramming it back in the pack. He took it from you and put it on his back, shoving the oxygen mask in there too before he was on his feet. He grabbed his hand and jogged over with you into the treeline of the forest. He didn’t stop moving for a few minutes, not until you were under a little alcoved from a small hill.
“Y/N. The plane. Do you remember what happened?” he asked.
“The engine blew up,” you said. “It must have-”
“It didn’t just blow up. It was set off. Exactly two hours and thirty eight minutes into the flight. Y/N, do you have any idea where we were flying over?” he asked. Your face dropped, heart rate climbing higher than when you were falling to your death somehow.
“Alpha Forest,” you whispered. Dean nodded and you swallowed. “Dean someone set an explosive off on purpose.”
“If there’s any survivors, there’s no way we can get help in here,” he said.
“You’re an Alpha. You can get out,” you said. “You can get help.”
“Within a day someone will either kill you or claim you,” said Dean. You both smelled an Alpha nearby, the cuts between the both of you more than enough to give off your scent. “If you’re mine you might be able to get out.”
“Dean you can’t undo this,” you said, the scent growing stronger.
“Y/N,” he said. He lifted up his shirt and you saw the large bruise on his ribs. “I can’t fight. I’ll lose. Either run and I’ll hold them off as long as I can or I claim you and I mean right fucking now.”
The scent of several Alphas hit you, a pack. A pack in Alpha Forest. They’d kill Dean and take you without breaking a sweat.
“Do it.” You felt Dean bite your neck, tearing into the flesh just as you heard footsteps.
A/N: Read Part two here!
#supernatural#spn#spnabobingo#dean x reader#dean winchester#supernatural fanfiction#dean winchester x reader#dean#winchester#dean spn#alpha!dean x omega!reader#bodyguard!dean
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Title: A is for Alpha
Author: whatitsaysonthetin
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: None
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean Smith/Sam Wesson
Tags: Alternate Universe - It's a Terrible Life (Supernatural), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Sam Winchester, Alpha Dean Winchester, Office Sex, Public Sex, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Humor
Summary: Dean sighs, allowing himself a moment more of daydreaming while he finishes his Super Detox Ginger Green tea.
Sam Wesson. Sammy. Dean doesn't know why, but he just feels like a Sammy. Maybe it's the dimpled, boyish grin, or the sparkling hazel eyes, or the glossy, loose hair that he's always shaking out of his face. Maybe it's the sunshine-yellow polo that hugs the back of his shoulders just right. Maybe it's the way his forearms flex when he pushes the elevator buttons.
Dean hums with appreciation at the thought and tips back the last spicy dregs of his tea. It's time to get back to the daily grind, the Everest of paper, the—
Oh. Oh no. Oh, no this is not happening right now! Dean's travel mug conspicuously drops to conceal the clear line of a knotted erection in the front of his slacks. He hasn't had a natural rut in so long he'd slacked off taking his suppressants. Which, obviously, was a poor choice on his part during the busiest quarter of the entire year.
He has a meeting later, goddammit!
Made for: @spnabobingo Round 7 Square filled: Growling/Whining
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#spnabobingo#alpha!dean winchester#alpha!sam winchester#wincest#swesson#it's a terrible life#office smut#wincest fanfiction#omegaverse
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It was me. It was all me, and I’m sorry.
Pairing : Alpha!Dean x Pregnant!Omega!Reader, Sam (mentioned), Omega!Garth x Alpha!Bess.
Word count : 1,949
Written for : @spnabobingo
Square : Domestic
Warnings : Angst ahead! A touch of fluff, demon!Dean mentioned, abandonment, feelings of loss and depression, loneliness, healing, broken heart, cheating.
SPN A/B/O Bingo 2021 Masterlist.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.

Dean died. Dean came back demon. Sam ran off chasing his brother as if nothing else mattered.
It left you pregnant, abandoned, alone, and depressed.
When Sam was around, he didn’t seem to notice you. When he left, he barely checked in. To be fair, you weren’t his Omega. You were his brothers. But he had promised Dean he’d keep you safe, take care of you. He lied.
It wasn’t long before Garth showed up. He gave you a sad smile and a quiet “You shouldn’t be alone right now” before he packed up your stuff and took you with him to the small pack he’d joined. His wife was more than thrilled to have you stay with them.
Their home was cozy, and you had a room that was yours, but no matter what they did, everything felt empty. You sort of just moved through the motions, day in and day out, barely even there.
Garth cooked, making many of your favorite meals and introducing you to new favorites, though you barely ate. While he cooked, his wife often baked. A plate of something sweet and bite sized was always left out on the counter, should you come out of your room in the middle of the night for a snack. You often did. You wanted to thank her, thank the both of them, but you couldn’t get the words of gratitude out, not when you felt this broken and dreaded what you had once been so excited for.
As the weeks went on, you found yourself watching Garth. Watching how he cleaned, hung laundry on the line outside when it was a nice day, watching him laugh and sing as he washed the dishes. He was so happy all the time. But mostly, you watched how he smiled at her. The way he loved her so fully. Garth was an Omega himself, and he looked so in his element out here in his quiet little home.
You were jealous.
You wanted that back. That sense of peace that came from having your mate close by. The pure joy of caring for them. Domestic bliss. Garth had it, and you wanted it back so desperately. Looking down at your rounded stomach you realized you would trade just about anything to have Dean back.
Getting up, tears burning in your eyes for the millionth time since he’d died, you put a hand to your stomach to try and let the movements soothe the pain as you headed for your room.

You woke up, groaning in pain. Everything felt heavy and sore. Your discomfort must have been felt by your unborn child as well, because as soon as you shifted your weight, the infant inside you moved as well. You ran your hand over your stomach, something you did often lately, and tried to smile.
A sound caught your attention. You stared at your closed bedroom door and listened. It registered in your left ear first, so that’s where you looked, to your left, to the wall that separated your room from an empty spare. Hearing continued movement on the other side, you quietly slipped from bed and made your way to the door, opening it and glancing out into the hall. It was empty, the house silent save for the noise coming from the room next to yours.
You moved as silently as possible, one hand protectively over your stomach while the other didn’t leave the wall. The door next to yours was cracked open, the light on and a familiar scent that lifted your heart hit your nose. With pure joy and excitement on your face, you pushed the door open only to have your hope shattered at the sight of Garth spinning around in surprise.
You blinked back tears, not hearing what Garth was saying as you felt your world shatter around you once again. You shut your eyes against your aching heart when some of Garth’s words finally filtered through. “- it’s not done yet but..”
What wasn’t done? And why the hell had you thought you smelt Dean?
Your eyes snapped open realizing you could still smell him. Faint, but there.
Garth had a flannel shirt in his hand, and you were quick to snatch it from him, bringing it up to your nose and scenting it. Your whole body relaxed as you did. “Dean’s.”
You hadn’t spoken much in days, so hearing your voice, Garth smiled. “Yeah.. I uh..” he cleared his throat. “You haven’t been doing so good, and you’re due real soon. I didn’t see you nesting, so I thought.. maybe I could help.”
You looked up at him again, then took in the room around him. The bed was piled with soft things. You recognized blankets and pillows from the bunker, the throw from the foot of your shared bed with Dean. His shirts were spread out and scattered throughout the nest, there were even a pair or two of jeans and some of his boxer briefs to strengthen the scent, it was why you could smell him in the room this strongly. There was so much of him here.
“I thought maybe a little bit of home would help. I’ve been back and forth a few times over the last two weeks.” he answered, figuring you’d be curious as to when he’d started doing all this. “I even grabbed a couple of Sam’s shirts.” he pointed to a small pile of flannel and cotton shirts. “Since we aren’t sure if Dean will-” He cut himself off and swallowed. “I Uh- I thought maybe Sam’s scent could help, too.” You just nodded and closed your eyes and brought Deans shirt back up to your nose and breathed it in.
“Thank you.”
“I was just hoping that I could finish it before that pup of yours comes. I wasn’t sure what else you’d want in it, I don’t have any actual experience with nesting, but-”
“It’s perfect, Garth. All I need is him and you brought me as much of him as you could. Thank you.”
Garth gave you a small smile. “I’ll leave you to it.” As he moved past you, he paused for a moment, his hand a reassuring weight on your shoulder before he gave it a squeeze and he continued on his way out.
“Hey, Garth?” When you turned, he was stopped in the doorway, looking at you. “When you went to get all this.. Did you- did you see Sam?”
You nodded at that, looking down at the flannel in your hands. “How is he?”
“Looks as bad as you.” You felt bad for not calling and checking in since you came here, but he didn’t exactly call you either. “He feels guilty.” you looked up at that. “I told him how you were doing, and he feels really guilty. He feels like he failed Dean for not taking care of you, and he failed you for not getting Dean back yet.”
You shook your head, tearing up once again. “If you talk to him again.. Just tell him to come. Dean or not, tell him to come.”
Garth gave you another soft smile. “I already did. Yelled it at him. Told him I was giving him one more week before I dragged his ass down here like I did yours. That pup of yours won’t wait much longer than that.”
“No.. no it probably won't..” you whispered.
“Get some sleep. Some real sleep.” he pointed to your nest. “I’ll have breakfast ready and waiting for you in the morning.”
“Thanks, Garth. Really. I owe you so much.”
“You could always name that pup of yours after me.” he joked with a wink.
“Hell no.” you chuckled, making Garth's whole face light up.
“It’s good to see you smile again. G’night.”
As Garth left, closing the door over, you took another deep breath into Dean’s shirt as you made your way to the nest he’d built you. It wasn’t perfect, but as you climbed in, you knew it was exactly what you needed.

You spent days holed up in your nest after you had found Garth making it. You only left it if you needed to, bathroom, food, occasionally fresh air. But it was the only place you weren’t sore and in pain. Your pup would be coming soon, you could feel it. You’d be surprised if you lasted until your due date and that was a week and a half away.
Sometime in the night, you felt like you were being watched. You cracked your eyes open, saw a dark figure in the doorway and let your eyes close again. It was bigger than Garth, so you figured Sam had finally come. You smiled softly at the thought, the reassurance that having him close by let you feel, and you snuggled into one of the pillows and took a deep breath.
You froze.
The scent was stronger than usual, and it wasn’t coming from the pillow. You opened your eyes again, only one of them peeking up at the figure in the doorway. It didn’t have Sam’s massive shoulders, it didn’t have his long hair. And that scent, only one person in the world smelt like that.
You shot up, staring at him wide eyed. “Dean?”
“Hey, baby.”
His voice was cautious, anxious. Scared. But it was him. Tears filled your eyes and started to fall, relief washed over you, but you were also scared this was some horrible dream. “Are you really here?”
“Yeah. I’m here. I’m me and I’m here.”
“Dean!” you jumped up from your nest, excited to see him, to smell him, you needed to feel him. You needed to be wrapped in his arms again. But as soon as your feet hit the floor, he stepped back. “Dean?”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay, all that matters is that you’re here now.” You stepped closer, and again he stepped back.
“I did some things.” his voice was quiet, broken. “I wasn’t a good person when I was like that.. I-I killed people. People who didn’t have to die.” The pain in his voice was breaking your heart. “That’s not even the worst I did. I just didn’t care. I could do whatever I wanted, so I did.”
You rushed forward, wrapping your arms around the man you loved with every fiber in your being. You pressed your face against him, holding him, needing to ease his hurt, but he didn’t hold you back, he didn’t move at all. You let yourself breathe him in, the real him, and something was off, something was wrong. His scent was there, but lingering on him was another. You pulled back, glaring at his shirt like it had offended you. “You- you smell like another-”
“I fucked a lot of people.” he admitted, and you felt your heart shatter. “Most just once or twice, but one waitress..”
You stepped away from him, backing away until you felt the bed with your nest behind you. You looked up at him, begging him for some kind of explanation. “You- You lost your memory.. Or-”
“No, I remembered. I just didn’t care.” With a sob, you dropped onto the edge of your nest. “I knew where you were, I knew you were pregnant and waiting for me, I just.. I didn’t care. I’m sorry."
You cried into your hands, your shoulders shaking. “It wasn’t you.” you tried to make excuses for him, you couldn’t admit that Dean, your Dean, would ever do that to you. “It wasn’t you. You’d never do that to me. You weren’t you.”
“It was me. It was all me, and I’m sorry.”

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Tagging : Dean - @akshi8278 @adoptdontshoppets @evyiione @karikatz12481 @idksupernatural @deandreamernp
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#spnabobingo#domestic square#dean x reader#alpha!Dean#dean winchester#reader insert#omega!reader#alpha!dean x omega!reader#a/b/o#dean winchester fic#dean#dean fic#spn#spnfic#supernatural#supernatural fic
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Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 1828
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding, panic attacks, bondage, forced mating, dated derogatory terms
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnaubingo -Non-Traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo -Bed Sharing
A/N: This part has a couple of flashbacks in italics
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
Partway down the drive, the car sputters and dies, rolling to a stop a few yards from the house. Bobby got up, mumbled idijits straightened his trucker cap, and heard the Impala’s squeaky doors simultaneously open; then Dean's voice was carrying on the night air, “If you’ve screwed up my car, I’m going to kick your ass!”
Bobby marches towards the car and spits, “Stop giving your brother a hard time.” His rebuff dissipates when the elder brother's scarlet irises lock on him. Dean moves in front of a female sitting in the backseat like a predator protecting its kill and menacingly growls at him.
Sam quickly rounds the car, blocking the Beta from his line of sight. “Dean, calm down, it’s Bobby. Remember when he'd play baseball with you instead of practicing with the shotguns?” Dean ignores Sam and tries to round-end his equally quick brother when a hand grabs his wrist. Dean halts and peers back at the O, who points to him, her ear, and Sam, who advises, “Listen to your Omega Dean."
Bobby’s jaw drops upon hearing the youngest Alphas' words. He sees the O wince as she holds her arms up and watches Dean quickly shift from aggression, something the younger man is prone to, to the gentleness he remembers from childhood. Once out, she scented the air before making the universal sign for Beta. “Yes, he is. Bobby, this is..," Dean strumbled over what to call her when she held up her hands and, with her fingers, indicated the number 4444968503.
“That’s a helluva lot of numbers for your name, little lady,” Bobby remarks, looking sternly at Dean. “Do I have to worry about you going for my throat while sleeping?” Thoroughly abashed by his reaction toward the man he considers a surrogate father, he responded No, Sir. “Good. We’ll discuss this," gesturing to Deans still scarlet-hued eyes, "later." Bobby peered around his darkened scrap yard. "Let's get inside. I feel like a crow waiting to be picked off here.”
Little did the seasoned hunter know how right he was as two celestial beings observed the group from the shadows.
"You know,” the one in a business suit said, “When they told me the apocalypse had gotten the green light and the job of watching over Michael and Lucifer's vessels to my department, I thought, this is it, this is what’s going to make me more than employee of the month for the fifth, no, sixth consecutive millennium. And I was this close," held two fingers centimeters apart, "To getting the key to the Axis Mundi and mano e mano with the big guy.” His features hardened, “Of course, that was before you. Care to explain why disregarded orders to get rid of that birth defect?”
The other looked across the yard at the parties retreating to the house while his unerring memory returned to the past.
Castiel was assigned to watch over Dean from his conception. As his charge grew, he was in awe of the boy's perception of others' emotions and intuitive knowledge of how to comfort them.
Shortly before his fourth birthday, John and Mary told their son that he would be a big brother, showing him the ultrasound photograph and Dean got excited, saying he’d be the best big brother to his two siblings. His confused parents again explained there was only one pup but Dean skewed his little face into a fierce expression, continuing to insist there were two amused his father.
On the other hand, Mary felt apprehensive at her offspring's insistence, and the feeling grew throughout the pregnancy. A few months later, she was fixing lunch when Dean came running in and began talking to her middle, saying he would be the best brother in the world to them. He placed his tiny hands on opposite sides of her swollen belly, and Mary felt kicking directly under them.
Several weeks later, Deans bounced off the walls, saying his siblings would be here tomorrow. John and Mary reminded him it would be longer before his brother was ready for his debut, but in the wee hours of the following day, Mary’s water broke.
John found himself juggling a hospital bag, his son, and his mate to the car for the hospital. The angel sat in the backseat gazing at his excited charge and felt—regret, aware that fulfilling his orders to eliminate the extra pup would unduly distress the vessel.
But before Castiel could further analyze this sudden human emotion, he got distracted by the doctor saying there were complications with the pup. They needed John's permission for an emergency procedure. Not detecting any unnatural issue in the mother or pups, he quizzically followed to the delivery room where Mary, despite being drugged, had a quick delivery.
The angel watches the doctor evaluate the slightly sedated pups and deems them healthy before handing them to a nurse. But instead of taking them to the nursery, they detoured to the stairwell, and Castiel quickly realized they weren't a staff member but rather someone intent on stealing both pups. The angel intervenes and then finds him in a quandary.
Saving Lucifer's vessel left him holding the baby—specifically, the unnecessary pup whose existence puzzled heaven. When the female gazes at him with disturbingly focused eyes, other emotions trigger in the angel, leaving him unable to complete his task. Momentarily searching, he transports her to another state and swaps her with another stillborn pup.
"You disregard the plan that's been in place for eons because some reject made you feel?!" Zachariah barked out a laugh of disbelief and turned to his companion. “I’m going to ask and don’t lie. What made you grow a conscience this time? Strike that. I don't care. Now, who else knows about your screwup?"
"I told no one."
"Then we've got a mole within our midst." Zachariah is interrupted by the Winchester Alpha pulling into the yard. Pointing a finger at Castiel, the senior angel says, "This is your only chance to return to my good graces. Find out who is behind that thing's reappearance."
“Okay, thanks.” Bobby tossed the cordless on his desk. “Dr. Stevenson can get it, but it’ll take a day.”
“Good," John says, tossing back his third glass of whiskey. "The sooner that implants back in, the better.” Bobby sipped it on his glass, studying the other hunter he’d known for years.
Bobby learned the day they meet that John Winchester was an obsessive bastard who’d do anything to get the demon that killed his mate, including dragging his two very young sons into the hunter life.
The first time the boys were left with him, Sam had just turned three and was curious about everything. Dean? Well, he found the seven-year-old rather odd. He would get out of sorts if his training schedule were changed but patient as Job with the toddler, answering every question, no matter how crazy they were, and caring for Sam as if he were his pup.
One night, screaming woke him up. Rushing to the room the boys were sharing; Bobby stopped dead in his tracks. Dean was sitting on the edge of the bed, rocking a howling Sam, trying to comfort him with tears streaming down his face. When he saw Bobby, Dean panicked and began apologizing, babbling on that Sam didn't mean to do it and he’d clean up the mess, confusing the Beta before noticing Sam had wet himself and the bed.
Reassuring Dean it wasn’t a big deal, Bobby gathered some clean sleep clothes and rustled them into a warm bath. Leaving Dean to watch Sam, he stripped the soiled bedding and tossed it into the washer, making a mental note to get a bed protector, grabbed a lawn bag, split it open, and placed it under the spare bedding.
He had just finished remaking the bed when Dean, carrying his sleeping brother, entered with a weary expression that made Bobby sad and angry.
Putting on his kindest smile, he helped them back into bed, left a small lamp he’d found on, and told Dean to wake him if they needed anything, no matter how trivial.
Bobby returns to the present when John drops the now-empty bottle on his desk. Reaching into a drawer, he pulls a fresh one. Topping off his glass he remarks, "You wanna tell me why you failed to mention Dean has a fresh claimed Omega, let alone one beat all to hell." He stares John straight in the eye while sliding the bottle toward him.
John suppressed snarling for such an impertinent question, knowing he needed to stay on good terms with the Beta until Dean finished his mandatory probation and told him about Helms's establishment, Sam witnessing the O fighting with his Alpha lugs—explaining why it looked like it went three rounds with a vengeful spirit—to purchasing it for a dollar.
However, John couldn't hide the flash of guilt in his eyes as he skimmed over what happened at the clinic before admitting the judge's enforcement of the claiming statute was his fault, but didn't sugarcoat the details of witnessing Dean's claiming horrified Bobby.
“If everything is like you say, what'd you need Frank's help for?"
John looked directly at him, saying he needed the state order to take Sam erased if Dean failed to fulfill his probation. Bobby knew the Alpha was lying through his teeth but didn't call him out. Instead, he threw his drink back and headed to bed.
Passing the room the boys still occupied when staying; Bobby could hear them talking before loudly closing his bedroom door, giving John time to finish that second bottle. When he reopened it later, he could hear the Alpha's loud snoring, and carefully snagged the keys from his jacket, slipped out the kitchen door, and took the scenic route to the Alpha’s truck.
Bobby knows whenever John is hiding won't be in the regular places, i.e., in the glove box, over the visor, ect; began examining the vehicle's exterior and, finding nothing, opens the weapons catch. Nothing stands out when he spots a curse box and recalls John inquiring about creating one some time ago.
Bobby fiddled around with the unfinished box when, bingo, it popped open, revealing a bunch of rolled papers inside. He crossed to the garage and fired up a printer, making copies of the documents then returned everything to its original position because John would notice if anything were misplaced. Heading back to his room, Bobby noticed light still coming from underneath the boy's door and lightly rapped it before opening it.
The elder brother was spooning his mate from behind, which made sense since Bobby knew from personal experience that lying on bruised ribs dulled the pain. However, it was difficult for the man to process why his brother was sleeping snugly against her front, his fingers twined with Dean's, resting on her hip.
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
#Winchester's Folly#dean winchester#sam winchester#john winchester#bobby singer#dean x reader x sam#dystopia#abo dynamics#a/b/o#alpha dean winchester#alpha sam winchester#alpha john winchester#alpha dean x reader x alpha sam#supernatural#spn au#spn a/b/o#supernatural reader insert
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SPN Rare Ships Bingo
Welcome to the SPN Rare Ships Bingo!
What is it?
The Supernatural fandom loves its bingos, y'all. We’ve got @spnkinkevents, @spnabobingo… I mean, actually it would take us years to list all the bingos in the Supernatural fandom so we’re not going to waste your time. (There’s a fairly decent list of them all here, if you want to look. This blog was even born as a merging of two bingos: @spnrareshipbingo and @spnpolybingo.)
In a nutshell, though, a bingo is a prompt event set out with bingo cards, where each square includes a prompt. Once you “fill” the prompt, you can cross it off of your card. Get a bingo by filling prompts horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or blacking out your whole card!
This bingo will be a whole two months to celebrate all of the rare ships in Supernatural. Whether it is platonic, romantic, familial, or any other kind of relationship is up to you!
When is it?
August 1-September 30, 2023
What are the prompts?
Everyone’s Bingo Card will be different! We aren’t assigning you cards, however - you get to randomize your own. Click the links below to randomize yourself a card, based on the prompts available for that color card. You may keep randomizing cards until you get one you’re happy with.
RED All-In Card (all below prompts possible)
ORANGE Shipping Card (all Ships + all Characters)
YELLOW Mixed Card (all Het Ships + all Characters)
GREEN Fellas Card (all Slash Ships + Male Characters)
BLUE Ladies Card (all Femslash Ships + Female Characters)
PURPLE Non-Ship Card (Prompts + All Characters, no pairings)
How do I participate?
No sign ups are required! Choose a card above (we ask that you stick with one card, please - if you black it out you can choose a second card, etc.) and post any and all Rare Ship fills during March and April. Be sure to include #spnrareshipsbingo4 and tag us @spnrareships in your post. We will reblog everything we see, but if we haven’t reblogged your work within 24 hours please send us an ask.
We also suggest that you screenshot/save your card and make a masterpost on your tumblr to keep track of your fills - we’ll ask for links to your masterposts at the end of the bingo so we can promote them!
What extra bingo rules do I need to follow?
One fill = one square. Do not use one fic or chapter to fill two squares. (To black out your card, you will create 9 fills. If you have a multi-chapter fic, each chapter can count as a different square.)
Reminder: Please review our General Rules, which apply to all events we host. If you have any questions, feel free to send in an Ask!
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Her big bear - Kinktober 15
Summary: The alpha moving in next door catches your attention.
Square 15 filled for @samwinchesterbingo: Size Kink
Square 14 filled for @anyfandomaubingo: High School AU
Square 11 filled for @spnabobingo : Anise/Honeysuckle/Lavender
Square 18 filled for @spnfluffbingo: Highschool teacher au
Square 23 filled for @spnaubingo (expired): Omega!Dean
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader
Kink: Size kink
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, unrequited feelings, a/b/o, scenting, light making out, fluff, implied smut, implied claiming
A/N: This is one of the few flufftober fics I wrote for Kinktober to make sure everyone enjoys kinktober/flufftober.
Words: 1,3k
Kinktober 2022
AFG AU BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN A/B/O BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN FLUFF BINGO masterlist
2021 SPN AU BINGO masterlist
Sam Winchester Bingo masterlist
He’s so tall. He’s huge. He’s got even bigger hands. He’s all you ever dreamed of and more.
Sadly, the alpha of your dreams is flirting with some other girl.
“Heya sweetheart,” his brother says, eagerly hugging you. “Are you enjoying yourself? We did good, right?”
“It’s a great party,” you reply with a smile. The brothers moved to town some weeks ago and invited the neighbors over for a welcome party. “Thanks for inviting me, Mr. Winchester.”
“I told you to call me Dean,” he grins. “Anyone bringing me pie, food and beer can call me Dean. The pie was something else. What did you put inside?”
“My pleasure, Dean. I used anise,” The tall omega chuckles now. “I like to bake and take care of-“ you bite your tongue. “You know, share food and all.”
“It’s quite alright, Y/N. I know that you have a thing for my brother,” you gasp audibly. “He’s a good catch, sweetheart. Trust me. I’m an omega and recognize a good alpha when I see one. And he’s single.”
“Oh, I forgot to ask what you are doing for a living,” you glance at Sam while talking to his elder brother. You try to make small talk, but all of your senses seem to focus on Sam.
“I’m a mechanic, and Sammy over there,” Dean smirks as he points toward his brother is a lawyer. He just opened his own law company. So, if you ever need help with…uh you know. The law. He can help you.”
“That’s nice. I guess.”
“What are you doing for a living, Y/N?” the friendly omega asks. Dean tries to loosen you up a little before he pushes you into his brother’s arms. He already imagines welcoming you to their family.
“I’m a teacher at the local high school. Boring I know,” you lick your lips while watching Sam. “Not like Jess. She’s a creative director and Lisa over there, the one talking to your brother is a yoga instructor and knows everything about workouts and such.”
“Y/N, I will tell you this only once,” the omega lowers his voice, “you need to be a little more forward and aggressive when it comes to courting for an alpha you want. Go over there, and make sure to get my brother’s attention. He loves your scent; he told me so.”
“He likes my scent?”
“Lavender and honeysuckle, right? Samy was telling me he scented you before he saw you. Honeysuckle, heady and nectarous, and lavender, a pleasant smell that is floral and herbal at the same time according to my brother.”
“He scented me,” you mumble. “Sam scented me.”
“Yes. Now go over there and make your claim on my brother known.”
Dean smirks. You sigh.
There is no way that a tall and handsome alpha like Sam would ever want to claim someone plain and boring like you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lie as Dean looks at you, brows furrowed. “I totally forgot about the time. I need to have a look at my students' homework and there are a few emails I need to answer.”
“Don’t just leave. At least say goodbye to my brother if you are too chicken to get what you want.”
You sigh again.
“Sammy is a nice guy. I know the beard and his size can be intimidating, but you don’t have to be afraid of my brother.”
You gasp.
“Dean, I’m not scared of Sam. I just don’t know how to talk to him.”
“You talked to me the whole time.”
“That’s…you are not him,” Dean chuckles as you try to explain how you feel about his younger brother. “Don’t get me wrong. You are a nice guy but he’s just…so perfect, and tall.”
“Sammy is not perfect. He’s smart, kind, and yes, tall. But you are special too. Go and talk to him. If only to say goodnight.”
You take a deep breath. “I can do this.���
“That’s the spirit, sweetheart.”
While you slowly make your way toward Sam, Dean secretly cheers for you and his brother. It’s been a while since Sam wanted to settle down and find himself an omega. Since he and Amelia broke things up, Sam became a loner.
“Sam, hi,” fuck, you hate the sound of your own voice. Your hands start to sweat, and you don’t know if you can make it out of the house without embarrassing yourself. “It was nice of you to invite me to the party, but I have to go.”
You hold out your hand.
“You want to go?”
“I got some more work to do,” you feel your heartbeat quicken when Sam shakes your hand. “Welcome to the neighborhood again. I hope you like it here.”
“Y/N? Hi, uh…can you open the door? It’s me, Sam from next door,” you slowly blink your eyes open as someone repeatedly rings your doorbell. “Y/N! Omega!”
“What? Who?” rubbing your face with your hand you groan. “Fuck’s sake. Who rings at my door in the middle of the night.”
You turn back around and try to get some sleep.
To hell with whoever tried to disturb your goodnight sleep…
“Morning neighbor,” you wave at Dean as he hurriedly makes his way toward his car. A black Impala he likes to call Baby.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
You snicker as he blows you a kiss. Dean and you feel comfortable around each other, and it shows.
You spent the last few weeks getting to know the cocky omega better.
“Where do you go?”
“My garage.”
“Oh, I just came home from work.”
“Sammy is back in town too,” you stop in your tracks at the news.
At the same time as Dean decided to become your new best friend, Sam left town. Or was it the other way around?
“How was his business trip?”
“Good…it was good.”
“I should head home. Have a great day, Dean.”
Dean doesn’t tell you that Sam had to leave town to sit out his rut. His brother was ready to just pounce on you. Before Sam left, he asked his brother to keep an eye on you...
“You kept me waiting,” you drop your bag and keys as Sam Winchester stands in your living room. He looks you up and down but says nothing else. “I have been waiting for you.”
“Sam? How did you get—Dean,” groaning you realize Dean must’ve given the spare key you handed him to to join you for movie nights, to his brother. “He let you into my house.”
“Y/N, I was worried about you,” the alpha steps closer to tower over you. “Dean said you’ll be at home at seven. Uh-I wanted to cook for us.”
You just stare up at Sam. He’s even taller up close and it makes you feel small and vulnerable. But there is something else. Your pussy clenches around nothing and you can already feel the slick run down your thighs. “Sam, I…”
“Do you know how hard it is to me to see and scent you every day and not be able to act on it? I wanted to make you mine for so long,” your throat is suddenly a little too dry. Sam’s scent hits you, and you can only stare up at him as he moves his large hand to cradle your face. “Answer me, omega.”
His warm hand on your face makes you whimper. “I will tell you.” He scoops you up in his strong arms to carry you toward the bedroom. “Did you think I missed the way you looked at me?”
Sam presses you against the wall next to your bedroom. His lips claim yours in a heated kiss. You moan, eagerly returning the kiss as Sam starts to grind against your thigh.
“I waited long enough to make you mine. Dean told me that you want to be mine,” he claims your lips again. A little softer this time. “Do you want me to become your alpha?”
You smirk. “I want you to become my big bear…”
Tags in reblog.
#Sam Winchester#samwinchesterbingo#spnfluffbingo#spnabobingo#alpha!sam winchester#alpha!sam x reader#smut#a/b/o#kinktober 2022#kinktober day 15#Her big bear
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Round 7 Sign Ups Open!
It's time - the boys have all arrived for Round 7 of the SPN A/B/O Bingo!
For the About Page and Schedule, CLICK HERE For the FAQ, CLICK HERE Questions? Ask your Mods Sample Card Here Take a look at the navigation header on our page for a lot more information! When you sign up, you will be invited to join the Participants-Only Discord Server (if you’re not already there)! Discord (and posting your fills on Discord) is a requirement for participation.
New/Changes for this round: -> We are giving the option for a normal size card (5x5) OR a small card (3x3) -> The round will be a bit shorter than in the past, 7 months. It will run to October 31 (so you can get your omegaverse Kinktober on!)
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Made For You | Masterlist
Summary: Dean and Sam like what they have together, and if screwing your brother screws with the universe’s “grand plan” while they’re at it, then even better. Neither of them has ever cared much for tradition or fate, but it turns out there are some destinies you can’t escape. Sometimes, someone is just made for you.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Unpresented!Sam / Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha!Dean, Unpresented!Sam, Omega!Reader, Taboo Relationships, John Winchester is an ass, Angst, Family Drama, Lost Love, Resisting Fate, True Mates, Age Difference, Virgin!Reader, Innocent!Reader, and more!
Author's Note: See notes at the start of each chapter for additional tags - I haven't tagged everything in advance to avoid spoilers. The most important warning for the whole fic is INCEST, which will remain a theme throughout the whole piece. There are also brief instances of dubious consent due to supernatural substances and omegaverse hormone bullshit. Enjoy!
Prologue || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 || Chapter 19 || Chapter 20 || Chapter 21
Sign up to my website to stay four weeks ahead of all my Tumblr posts and get access to a library of member exclusive fics!
#Dean Winchester#Sam Winchester#Dean x Sam#Dean x Reader#Alpha!Dean#Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader#Wincest#A/B/O#Omega!Reader#Omegaverse#spnabobingo#Angst#True Mates#Starcrossed Lovers#Please Read Warnings#New tags each chapter
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Late Omega
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader (unrequited?)
Square Filled: Late Presenting
Word Count: 736
Tags/ Warnings: none really
Rating: Mature
Prompt: n.a.
Summary: It's as you watch Dean leaving you can't help but to let your mind get away with you.
A/N: Well this is a new spot for them. Alright, so this is my first entry for @spnabobingo and will actually be the only “Official” entry for the round. The last year has not been kind to my emotional and mental health and then when it did get better… well I hope you enjoy- completely unbeta'd
2021 A/B/O Bingo Masterlist || Supernatural Masterlist
You sank back in your chair as you watched him going…
This particular scene had played out in front of you time and time again. You had watched a thousand times over the years as you’d be at the bar and some pretty little Omega that wanted to entice a big bad Alpha would bat her lashes at him.
Or you’d just be getting some food and there they’d be… all innocence and bashful smiles and before you’d know… he was gone.
The smell of sex would hang over Baby like a long lost cloak.
You wondered how Sam could stand it.
Then again, he probably hadn’t. There was a reason Sam had left after all… of that you’re sure.
This one was a pretty blonde. Legs for days and a rack hat was fit for a porn star and she smelled like Jasmine. Her make-up was one of those “no make-up” looks that guys, that Dean, loved because they didn’t understand just how much make-up went into them.
You hated her.
She made your skin feel itchy… like it was stretched too tight along your bones.
Throwing back the rest of your beer you finished it off and asked the bartender for another.
You continued to drink, drink after drink, after drink.
No matter what you did though, the feeling wouldn’t go away.
If anything, in fact, it got worse.
You could just picture it now… the way that he’d hold her.
Rough calloused hands and fingers tracing along her face as he kissed her reverently.
Thick fingers that would glide down the side of her cheek before slipping to that pretty little tank top she had on.
Her hands slipping into his flannel, flat against a sturdy cheset that you had found yourself crushed to time and time again.
At 33 you knew there was no way that you’d ever present as Omega anymore.
Another drink, the beer begining to taste like ash in your mouth…
You needed to get up… you needed to walk away.
Get back to the motel andn stop the madness goin on…
But your mind kept going back to the thought of him and her. The way that she’d pull away from flirtatious kisses as she pulled off his shirt.
You could picture it now… Dean’s skin covered in far too many scars than you could count… but each of them had a story.
If it were you, you’d take the time tow worship his skin. A simple kiss to each scar… a reminder to him that he was worth so much more.
You had to pull your hair up and get it off your neck, the image becoming too much for you to bear as you motiioned for another beer.
You could imagine him being Dean and pushing you away from the scars after a little bit… partially because he’s an impatient bastard but also because he doesn’t know how to just be loved…
He’d push you further into the backseat of Baby as he climbed in after you, hovering over you.
The way that he’d settle over you just so… his weight it;s own aphrodisiac against your skin after he’d pulled of her shirt
Shaking your head to clear it from the thoughts.. You didn’t want to picture him with the blonde and you sure as hell didn’t want to break your heart picturing him and you…
You weren’t an Omega… you couldn’t take his knot… There was no point in torturing yourself.
You felt suffocated… like you couldn’t breathe in your own skin and as you tried to get up from the bar you found that it hurt to move… there was a shooting pain in your abdomen a desperation as you found your body burning from the inside out.
You tried to bite it back but you couldn’t stop the whimper that you made as your feet steadied beneath you.
A hand on your shoulder made you practically snarl but you turned to see green eyes staring at you… pupils blown. Later you’d wonder how it was that someone could look so utterly aroused and so damned concerned in the same breath but right now the only thing you could focus on were Dean’s words…
“Omega…” he’d said, his voice awe struck and you watched as a possesiveness fell over his features. His hands falling to your waist and pulling your towards him, “mine.”
Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is the property of lettersofwrittencollective . Associated characters belong to Warner Bros. Television and are being borrowed for this work, all OC’s are the property of lettersofwrittencollective. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.
Posted 28 February 2022
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SPN A/B/O Round 7 Masterpost

A is for Alpha (alpha!Sam/alpha!Dean): Growling/Whining
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