#Splinter Cel Remix
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raygirlramblings · 1 year ago
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Welp I guess I’m going to have to go into some detail now XD
So here is a very basic timeline of the key events in this AU and how it fits into the Blood Dragon universe. There’s even a few pictures!
WARNING this is a LONG post and features discussion of scientific abuse and torture so read with care.
The setup starts before Eden takes over with the Rabbid invasion of the US and Rayman being dumped into this universe from Dimension X
The Rabbids are dealt with by the military but Rayman is captured and held as an alien by the government, who don’t really know what to do with him but he seems friendly and hey it’s a free alien they can keep as a science project.
Rayman is not ok with this but he has nowhere else to go and these military guys seem to not want to kill him so ok.
Then Eden takes over. They basically do this through corporate meddling and financial control and managed to do it without needing Rayman as a mascot.
BUT now they have control over the government and all the stuff they have they find Rayman and go ‘oh cool, free test subject’ and start to experiment on him to figure out a) how he works and b) tie this into their plans to create a dimension portal gun.
Rayman is VERY not ok with this but he doesn’t have much choice.
Cue poor Ray getting physically tortured for months as Eden tries to figure out how he works.
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MEANWHILE we cut to Sam Fisher. He’s pretty much the same as he was in the show. Ex us military guy who doesn’t like how Eden is corrupting the youth and destroying the nation etc etc
He lives with his daughter Sarah who is at the age where Eden is trying to corrupt her young mind (but they don’t have the Rayman Kids concept so it’s not quite as effective). Plus Sam is a good dad who is trying to keep his little girl on the right track.
Sam connects with Marcus Holloway and his hacker network in the hopes of getting Sarah out of Eden to stay with a military buddy of his.
Holloway agrees to help him smuggle Sarah out but in return wants the ex military badass to do some recon for him to figure out what the hell Eden is doing with this whole dimensional portals thing.
Sam is like ‘sure if it helps my daughter and messes with Eden a little I’m game’
So Sam uses his super espionage skills to break into one of Eden’s science divisions to get info.
He doesn’t get far before he gets discovered and has to retreat, but not before he ends up finding Rayman locked in Eden’s basement,
Eden has pretty much taken everything they need from poor Ray and left him to rot until they can figure out what to do with him.
Sam being a cool dude takes pity on the limbless guy and invites him to escape with him. Rayman is 100% ok with this plan.
Cue daring escape.
Sam takes Ray home to meet Sarah who is instantly fascinated by the little limbless alien and the two form a sibling like bond. Rayman is just happy to be somewhere safe where he’s not being tortured for science and is reminded that humans are ok actually.
This bond also helps Sarah because the idea that Eden would hurt Rayman helps her not fall for their bullshit propaganda so easily.
The little family spend a few months together to form a bond until Marcus gives Sam the all clear for Sarah to escape Eden
Originally Rayman is supposed to go with Sarah but she asks him to stay with her dad to keep him safe in Eden. Rayman agrees and he and Sam send Sarah out of Eden safely with Marcus’ help.
Almost immediately after this Marcus and his hacker group are raided and captured.
Sam is obviously gung-ho to rescue him in return for what he did for Sarah, so he and Rayman bust into the VR jail to rescue Marcus.
Sam, Rayman and Marcus form their own rebel group to take down Eden and retreat to the desert VR facility as the foundation of their base.
Cue several years of recruiting and fucking with Eden’s propaganda as Eden grows in power.
Sam trains Rayman to help him take part in stealth missions with him and Marcus is the tech guy support. Basically Rayman becomes the Splinter Ray skin from Rayman Legends
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Through this they also make contact with the Assassin organisation that Bullfrog is part of and the teams start working together to wreck Eden.
Sam and Rayman meet Bullfrog. Yay!
More cool training and sharing of skills between Sam, Rayman and Bullfrog.
This leads into Wasteland War as Eden strikes back against the rebels.
During this time Dolph is working for Eden but his story more of less plays out the same with him meeting Alex, ditching the military and going on the run. He’s not really involved with the rebellion at this point.
MEANWHILE Sarah returns to Eden and reunites with Sam.
Because she wasn’t brainwashed as a kid she believes in the strength of the rebellion. She came back to either take her dad somewhere safe or join the team. Obviously she does the latter.
Sam and Rayman are obviously overjoyed to see Sarah again.
In order to locate her dad she had to make contact with someone on the inside of Eden who would be willing to send her updates and info
Jade and Sarah are penpal buddies yay
By this point we pretty much have the whole gang together on the rebel side.
Marcus is like ‘hey guys we should have this badass on our side’
Sam and Rayman are like ‘lol ok’
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They bust him out and ‘encourage’ him to join their rebellion.
Dolph is hesitant until Marcus tells him he can get him info on Alex.
Dolph joins the rebellion strike force because he’s just that easy to convince XD
Everyone is here and as stated above we follow Dolph’s story coming to terms with his new team, learning about their history and how they all work together.
And there we go! Basically all the setup for an alternate take on the Blood Dragon universe. Let’s call it the ‘Splinter Cel Remix’ :D
Obviously there is a lot less death and double crossing in this version and some people might thinks that’s lame but this is only the background for a continuing plot line so anything could happen. Also I’m SURE my timelines are all messed up with character ages and when the Wasteland war was, and even more screwed up with removing Rayman as Eden’s mascot. BUT WHATEVER it’s just a fun little what if.
Thank you for reading this utterly self indulgent nonsense from my tiny brain. I hope the pictures helped!
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