#Spliced Trainer Tzila
hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
@the-alpha-father from HERE
Tzila had been intending to go swimming to begin with, just on a less crowded beach, hence the swimsuit she had on, but the honey was unintentional. It really had her quite cross, she hated feeling sticky, so she had even more of a reason to wade her ass into the water.
She hadn't expected to see Alexander there, not really. She had the tendency to irk him, not that he was anything special in that regard since she tended to rub most people the wrong way, so she was a little curious why he was walking up to her.
At his words, she offered a small smirk and was about to speak before he grabbed and and lick the honey. This was certainly a surprise to her. Raising a small brow the hybrid's grin didn't fade.
"Well, to be honest I didn't know I was trespassing....do you usually eat your trespassers or does honey work on even luring in god?" She mused lightly, not really moving to stop him.
She might as well enjoy this after all.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
@gunpowder-and-alcohol from HERE
Tzila blinked a little before tucking her hands behind her back, her tail swishing a little from side to side “You okay there buddy? You seemed a little uneasy. New to Alola?”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Tzila walked through the halls of the casino, wearing a trench coat to cover the long tail that swayed from side to side. She didn't feel like coming up explanations for it being there so she simply figured hiding it would make her night go by just a little bit easier. Honestly she loved places like casinos or back alley gambling halls. It was so easy to legally cheat people out of their money this way, not to mention was a great way to find new marks.
Sure she was currently working of an organization but she was a thief. That wasn't something that just changed because she suddenly had someone paying her for her skills. Plus aside from robbing some lab of their valuable research data, which she already did, she didn't have much else to do and she wasn't in a rush to get anyway in particular.
Stopping every now and then to watch a group of people play a hand of blackjack or a round of roulette, she tried to decide what it was that called her attention at the moment. Really if she wanted she could hang off a mans arm and coax them into spending some of that money on her, but she wasn't in the mood for that. A quick thrill sounded far more interesting.
With that in mind she continued to walk around until she found a table that caught her attention fully. Probably because of the man who sat there. He looked pale, the dark color of his hair not helping with how his complexion looked in the slightest, but it did draw her attention quiet easily to his eyes due to the bags that under them. Someone who seemed far too tired with life and likely had a twisted sense of humor seemed to be exactly the kind of person she was interested in speaking too.
So she walked over to the table and took an open seat, her gaze briefly dancing to the man once more before buying into the pot. She probably should have payed a little more attention to what they were playing, she wasn't all too found of poker. Not the version for cards anyway. Needing a reason to get to speaking to the dark-haired man, Tzila looked to him and smiled.
"Would you mind teaching a new player how the game works~?"
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
(╥_╥) idk. Nightmare and Tzila?
Cry me a Ryver
Tzila stared at the pokemon a blank look on her face before she left a frustrated sigh leave her mouth and she smack him upside the head.
“Monsters don’t cry. Especially over anything stupid. So whatever your sad about forget it. It probably isn’t worth your time or effort getting upset over.”
She wasn’t one to talk. She would frequently cry whenever her past came back to haunt her; but maybe that’s why she gave the advice she did. It wasn’t worth the effort to fret about something that had passed and maybe one day she’d learn that.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sadMuse: Tzila
The two young girls ran together in a small garden playing a game of tag. A growlithe chased after them in their game wishing to play with them.The older of the pair laugh and giggled as their younger sibling pouted and asked for them to slow down, They couldn’t catch the other. Soon enough the voice of an older woman sounded through the air, calling the duo in for lunch. It was time to eat, but the girls would rather play, so they did. 
When their mother came out to bring them in, she got roped into the small game of tag, and soon enough all three of them lay on the floor laughing and hugging each other. In the doorway stood their father, laughing and smiling at the sight of his family being so happy together.
While time may have blurred their faces, and distorted their voices; Tzila appreciated the memory. Happy to recall better days of her life.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Tzila frequently traveled between the various islands on a whim; loving the warm climate of Alola more so then when she was just a simple human. Her tail squished a little as she let out a soft hum of appeasement from the warm rays that frequented this region, a nice break from her trip in Unova or Hoenn. While both places weren't freezing she decided they weren't quite enough for her; maybe she was a little spoiled by the pleasantness of her region. 
Maybe Akala Island was more at fault then simply Alola, after all it was were she preferred to be while in Alola. The volcanic rock in the area offered plenty of places to steal a quick nap while staying warm. Idly she pushed the thought aside as she rounded the corner to head into Wela Volcanic Park; A nice bit of land that she liked to frequent on the days she preferred to laze about not doing much. With a slight grin she walked through idly, eager to find her usual spot
However this time something was off. Her stride stopped mid-motion as she stared at a figure who seemed to be taking in the local beauty. He seemed to be of average height, or at least her average, with some sort of brownish hair, or maybe it was red? Over all he seemed to be your typical man but something inside of her practically screamed to avoid him, which really just pushed her to do the opposite.
While she fully trusted the instincts she’d gained after fusing with a Salazzle, Tzila was still human, a human that loved risks at that. So when someone was labeled as intentionally dangerous she wanted to know why. That was the the entire reason she pushed herself forward and put a warm smile on her face as she approached the figure in the distance.
Once she was close enough she followed the traditional greeting of the region;
“Alola! I couldn’t help but notice you down the way. Are you enjoying the lovely sites our island has to offer?” 
Her words were spoken with a bright smile as she clasped her hands behind her back. Idly she noted he didn’t seem to carry any pokeballs, much like herself. It only made her more curious about him; despite the fact her tail curling up and swinging to and for like an agitated cat.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
From Here
Tzila watched from a distance, tossing the dusk ball up and down in her hand, she hadn’t the money to afford a masterball so she had to made due. She could name a number of reasons why this was a terrible idea, starting with “This is god” and ending with “Eternal Damnation” but she really couldn’t get herself to care. This was just, to test to see if it worked, to see if one could in fact catch god.
She waited ever so patiently for him to finish up with the Pokemon he was helping, no need to deny one the assistance they needed so she could sate her curiosity, plus maybe using his energy to heal another would weaken him, make him easier to trap. Once she saw the Jiarichi in better states she smiled and pressed the button on the pokeball.
It was now or never and consequences be damned, Tzila chucked the ball at the hidden god and watched as the red light surrounded them and pulled them inside. Now she just had to wait and see what happened. Knowing full well what the risks were if her little plan failed, Tzila idly sent a message to her best friend, and father figure, letting him know in advance that she appropriated having him in her life
Afterwards she walked closer to the ball to wait and either claim her prize or accept her punishment.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
springfallendeer replied to your photo “Tzila tossed the masterball at the Legendary idly watching as it got...”
“Unless you intend on paying for it. Shut up.”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
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Tzila tossed the masterball at the Legendary idly watching as it got caught before going to pick the ball up.
“Wonder who’d pay the most for this anyway.”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
(ó﹏ò。) - Tzila and Sio
All the Little things(ó﹏ò。): Are there any foods that make their stomach upset? 
Tzila:     Anything cold! Despite behing a fire type, eating ice cream or drinking something a little too chilled will leave Tzila with uncomfortable cramps. As such, Tzila has picked up the habit of eating half melted ice cream and heating anything up that is meant to be cold, to at least a luke warm temperature.
Siofra:      Anything man made. She can enjoy anything that doesn’t have preservatives in it, but anything with chemicals in them often leave the Nature Goddess ill and fairly unhappy. She however will eat these things anyways if a someone is offering to share due to her need to be polite
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
ಥoಥ: How are they like when they cry? Do they just stream tears nonstop? Does their nose get clogged to the point that it’s hard to breathe? Is it easy for them to speak when they are sobbing? Do they hiccup when they cry? (Tzila)
All the Little things
When Tzila cries it starts off fairly slowly; her eyes get misty and well up and she’s able to hold it back for a little while before the tears first start to slip out. Once she starts to actually show tears, she rubs at her face and tries to hide the fact she’s crying, as it’s something she doesn’t do all to often honestly. The tears usually come more easily after that and soon enough her head is ducked between her shoulders and she’s trying her best to keep her face from being seen as she breaks out in a full out sob. 
Words never come easy for her when she’s like this, frequently she ends up just crying until she can calm down enough to say words, but if it’s in a situation where she must speak then and there, her words are choppy and broken up by various hiccups and sharp breaths of air. 
If she is close enough to you, and you are not the cause of her crying, she will likely hide her face in your chest trying to find a sense of stability as she feels herself lose sense of everything in her moment of weakness, otherwise she fights horridly to try and stem the flow of tears.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
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In reference to THIS ask
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Jay's first thought when he met Tzila was that she seemed to be awfully sexed up for an employee but he was quickly floored by how competent she was, he immediately wanted her to work close to him, not for what -Redacted- thought was for sex appeal but more for her brains and quick wits. - Chromaticwolf
Judge a Book by it’s cover
Tzila is unsure whether or not to be happy or offended by his words
“Jay, Did you think I was a harlot?”
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
"You're a part of my family" Jay says without a hint of hesitation. It was well known to Tzila by now that he hated his blood relatives and by all accounts never called them "family" so this seemed to bubble out of him coupled with a genuine smile. - Chromaticwolf
There was a certain way Tzila tensed at Jay's words, almost like she wasn’t all too sure how to react to what he just told her. Jay knew what Tzila had been through with her own family and he knew how much family meant to her. Looking down, she grasped at her top and wringing her hands together while she tried to find the right words. Honestly she didn’t fully know she started to cry but she really had. There was nothing she could offer in response verbally so instead she wrapped her arms around Jay and buried her face in his chest while she continued to cry. She clung to him trying to show her appreciation for him through the hug rather then her words. Eventually however, a very weak and heartwarming “Thank you ….Thank you” left her mouth as she hid her face more. She could never say how much she cared for him in return.
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
mallow - Tzila
Colors of the Wind mallow: what sorts of things might remind your muse of those close to them? any scents, objects, sounds?
In the most simplistic way to answer this question; “Science”. Anything to do with the subject brings her closest of friends to mind given that is all he seems to think, or talk about. She adores the man more then she sincerely thinks she has the right too, viewing him as a surrogate family member. 
On a more somber note, high class parties and events bring back memories of people she has lost that she was close too, particularly her real family. Her mother loved to attend such gatherings and had taught both her and her sister how to act like proper ladies at such gatherings. The lessons never really left Tzila’s mind, so she frequently thought about her family when near or attending such gatherings. 
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hauntedtrainertwins · 7 years
Treasure Chest Opened! Tzila Acquired an Arceus Plush!
Everyone Loves Chests
Tzila squinted at the plush toy going to slightly poke it, trying to determine whether or not it was just the god pulling a prank on her before she picked it up and placed it on her bed as she muttered to herself.
“Giratina would have suited me better in my opinion but this is still cute.”
Inventory: x1: Arceus Plushie 
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