#Spey Lounge
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scotianostra · 9 months ago
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Leith Walk Bars.
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ocdwhisky · 7 years ago
Another weekend another festival has gone.. Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool have all been visited over the past weeks / months with London, York and possibly a return to Birmingham on the cards before the end of the year so I thought I would just have a brief sum up of how they went rather than several features with much the same type of things written.
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My festival visits these days are all on the trade side of the counter but it is a fantastic way of meeting some great people and making new friends, saying hello to old friends and most importantly sharing a few drams with prople and help some of them understand a little more about this simple drink that we all love..  As most of you might know I have been helping out Shilton from the Paul John whisky stable, a great guy and a fantastic whisky !!
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The thing s that  impresses me at these events is the knowledge and also the yearning to learn about the new products that are hitting the market along with the fantastic array of whiskies that are on offer to taste, the people that are there working with a burning passion to pass on what they know and the sharing nature they all have..
I don’t really want to ramble on about just my thoughts so I will make this a little more in the picture style of things but anyone reading this just think about this.. The world of festivals is two fold, those who work them have veryy long hours and work hard to make your day a pleasure, my situation is slightly different but my last festival day started at 4.30 am – 8.30 am with my day job, then on the road in order to be in Liverpool by 11am, festival – 12-9 before then chatting for a while then a drive home, 3 hours sleep then back to work.. On the other side festivals are a place to increase your knowledge and experiences within your journey, try those new whiskies that you wouldn’t normally try, talk to the guys and ladies that are there serving you our job is to teach you and pass on our knowledge and believe it or not none of your questions are ” stupid” because it is something you want to know !
Festivals are not supposed to be a ” Let’s get shit faced” event although many of us will or have been there and yes I admit I have benn there and got the t shirt as they say ( shame ) They are great learning curves and a fantastic way of getting new friends, learning more about what you do and don’t like ( the actual idea behind them in my opinion )
A small list of people that I’d like to mention..
Shilton Almeida from Paul John,  because without his help and friendship none of this would be possible for me..
Dave from Boutiquey whisky, One great guy and possibly one of the friendliest people on the circuit. This guy has given me so much advice and support.
Colin Dunn from Diageo.. If you know him then you understand !! Infectious does not do him justice.
Eddie and Amanda from The whisky lounge (and the whole team) friendly and generous to the hilt.. A great group of people.
Paul Dempsey from Spey distillery.  A true gent and it’s always a pleasure to sit down and chat with him.
There are actually so many more to mention that the list would be endless but Olivia and  Kay from Maxxium,Eddie, Matt, Adrian, from various companies must also be mentioned and I had better mention my driving companion Craig who is a fellow blogger and friend who I constantly share a coffee / whisky and long chats with all about whisky of course ( he is actually a great guy who I have to say although he is a peat fan I do like the chats and constant banter we have on our long journeys and hours of working together)  because without the company and friendship these journeys would be hard..
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Above.. Shilton and Dave the always up for a pose !! And Paul below is never shy and is always happy to pour you another dram ( honest)
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Dave ( above ) from Boutiquey whisky is all ready to serve you a few drams from the wonderful array of whisky while Karen ( below) from Angels share glass shows off the beautiful creations from her company.,
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A few happy people sampling whisky ( of course they are happy )
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  Above.. Before and after ( picture is not staged ” honest” )
All great people that wanted to talk and learn.. They loved the whisky too !!
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  They are ready for action..
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    Enjoy your festival experience but please remember to drink responsibly !
  Festival fever … Another weekend another festival has gone.. Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool have all been visited over the past weeks / months with London, York and possibly a return to Birmingham on the cards before the end of the year so I thought I would just have a brief sum up of how they went rather than several features with much the same type of things written.
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celtfather · 5 years ago
Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #34: Mordred's Lullaby
Celtic music from Sassanak Lassies, The Potcheen Folk Band, Heather Dale, Kevin Behan, Damh the Bard, The Killdares, Larkin, Bruce Boyd, Round the House, Finnegan's Wake, Raymond McCullough, Gaelic Wind Project, Brobdingnagian Bards
Brought to you by Song Henge, the online archive of free and legal Celtic music downloads. Find out more at SongHenge.com
Do you download your podcasts by Hand? For shame. Let Apple Podcasts do it for you.
- Vote in the The Celtic Top Five - Ceist, Ceol, agus Cupla Focal - Now Webcasted on Highlander Radio - Link to the Podcast. I have new banners so you can link directly to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast - New Podcast - Marc Gunn's Irish Songs & Lyrics Podcast - Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was recognized as one of the Best for Dreaming About Ireland - Celtic Lounge is an online Celtic entertainment magazine with a social network behind it. - Comments, Song Requests, Call 512-879-6398
This Week in Celtic Music
0:11 - "Scott Skinner's Compliments to Dr. McDonald/The Old Grey Cat/The Spey in Spate" Sassanak Lassies from Fast and Dirty
4:23 - "Grace O'Malley" by The Potcheen Folk Band from Up She Rises
11:21 - "Mordred's Lullaby" by Heather Dale from The Trial of Launcelot and from The Secret World of Celtic Rock
14:31 - "Man of the House" by Kevin Behan
16:23 - "The Hills They Are Hollow" by Damh the Bard from The Hills They Are Hollow
25:02 - "September" by The Killdares from Any Given Element
29:45 - "Johnson's Motorcar" by Larkin from Alexandra
31:18 - "Waterfall Reel" by Bruce Boyd from Rainbow Reflections
34:28 - "Castle of Dromore" by Round the House by from Safe Home
41:03 -"Star of the County Down" by Finnegan's Wake from Blarney Rock
44:26 - "Piper's Jig" by Raymond McCullough from Different
46:04 - "Love's Philosophy" by Gaelic Wind Project from Along the Enchanted Way
Next time music we'll have music from James Connolly, Joe Hooper, The McMontos, and more from Round the House. Find out more at www.celticmusicpodcast.com.
5. "Captain Kidd" by Great Big Sea 4. "Scottish Ballade" Christiane Cargill 3. "Young Hunting" by Serious Kitchen 2. "Kiss Me I'm Irish" by Gaelic Storm
50:47 - 1. "Seven Drunken Nights" by Brobdingnagian Bards from The Holy Grail of Irish Drinking Songs
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com.
Check out this episode!
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onthemoney-withbryan-blog · 7 years ago
Speyburn 10 year, Scotch Whisky
Speyburn 10 year, Scotch Whisky
We had a great time last night sitting in the lounge laughing and talking about days gone by. We always enjoy listening to the Retro Cocktail Hour on the radio and enjoying a few drams of quality whisk(e)y with a nice cigar. Last nights drink of choice was the Spey river valley’s very own, Speyburn 10.
Competition between distillers in the Speyside region of Scotland runs deep. In fact over…
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1001reisetraeume-blog · 7 years ago
Schon bei der Anreise wird deutlich, dass das Vier-Sterne-Superior-Hotel Pfösl bei Deutschnofen im Südtiroler Eggental in vielerlei Hinsicht ein besonderes Hotel ist. Die modern gestaltete Außenfassade mit dunklem Holz fällt auf dem sonnigen Hochplateau direkt ins Auge.
Ganz anders die Nebengebäude, die sich schon fast in der Erde verstecken und trotzdem alle mit dem Hauptgebäude verbunden sind. Die beiden neuen Zimmertrakte sind so gebaut, dass sie auf der einen Seite einen großzügigen Blick auf die Bergwelt freigeben und auch alle eine Terrasse mit Rasen haben, aber ansonsten harmonisch mit der umgebenden Landschaft verschmelzen.
Ins Auge fallen nur noch drei Chalets aus dunklem Holz auf einem Hang am Waldrand, gebaut auf Betonstützen, zwischen denen Hängematten gespannt sind. Über dem Gelände thronend geben sie durch ihre großzügigen Glaselemente atemberaubende Blicke auf Schlern, Rosengarten und Latemar frei. Die ganz in hellem Holz gehaltenen Räume sind modern, gemütlich und komfortabel eingerichtet. Auf der großzügigen Holzterrasse steht eine Außenbadewanne, wo man die ganze Aussicht auch bei einem Bad zu zweit genießen kann.
Dass dieses Hotel ein besonderes Konzept hat, bemerke ich auch schon bei dem Betreten des offen gestalteten Foyers, welches wie die Hotelbar, das Panoramarestaurant sowie die Kamin-Lounge, in alpinem Design hell mit schwarzen Akzenten gestaltet wurde. Wohlriechender Räuchergeruch von Kräutern fällt mir ebenfalls direkt angenehm auf.
Aber nicht nur die Kräuter riechen gut, da sich im ganzen Haus viel Zirbenholz wiederfindet, ist auch der gesunde Zirbenduft oft wahrzunehmen. Selbstverständlich sind die 18 neuen Natursuiten im Nebengebäude ebenfalls mit viel Zirbenholz ausgestattet, was nachweislich für mehr Entspannung und einen besseren Schlaf sorgt. Die neuen Natursuiten ergänzen die bereits in den vergangenen Jahren modernisierten 44 Zimmer und Suiten, die durch die neue Fassade nun alle über einen großen Balkon verfügen.
Angebote für Balance und Wohlbefinden
Das 2.000 Quadratmeter große Naturaspa steht auch ganz im Zeichen von Urkraft, Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Aussicht nach draußen, das Holz und die Naturtöne in den Räumen verbinden den Besucher mit der Umgebung. Die acht Saunen im Außen- und Innenbereich versprechen mit ihren heimischen Düften Entspannung und eine Auszeit vom Alltag. In der neuen Outdoor-Sauna „das ritual“ etwa bietet das Spa-Team spezielle Rituale und Aufgüsse in ruhiger Atmosphäre an, wie z.B. ein Aufguss begleitet von dem Klang der Klangschalen, ein Erlebnis, das ich nicht missen möchte. Verschiedenen Ruheräumen mit Blick auf die Gebirgslandschaft und im Sommer auch große Rasenflächen bieten genügend Platz zum Entspannen. Ein absolutes Highlight ist der 25 Meter lange Infinity-Sole-Pool, wo man quasi das ganze Jahr über in die Weite der Landschaft schwimmen kann. Ein sehr gut ausgestatteter Fitnessraum, verschiedene Behandlungsräume für Gesichts- und Körperanwendungen mit heimischen Kosmetikprodukten, sowie eine große Gartenlandschaft mit Whirlpool, Kneipp-Parcours und vieles mehr runden das Angebot ab.
Spa-Managerin Barbara Santa und die Inhaberinnen, die Schwestern Brigitte und Eva Zelger legen viel Wert auf eine ganzheitliche Philosophie und einen respektvollen Umgang mit der Natur, so werden auch im SPA vorwiegend Produkte verwendet, die aus Südtirol stammen. Dazu gehören die Naturlinien Alp Natur, Alpienne, Team Dr. Joseph und Trehs sowie die Cosmeceuticals von Guinot. Im Spa-Menü werden ab Sommer 2017 verschiedene Signature Treatments angeboten. Im Rahmen der Vitalpina Hotels Südtirol-Kooperation gibt es eine Reihe weiterer Anwendungen, darunter die Alp Natur Kräuterpatschler, die ihren Namen von den kleinen mit Kräutern gefüllten Kissen, den „Patschlern“, haben.
Noch besser haben mir aber die energetischen Behandlungen gefallen, wie die Silberquarzit Urstein Massage, wo ich durch Räucherung mit Bergwacholder, Lärchenharz und Lärchenspänen, Ursteingesänge und einer sanften Massage mit warmen Silberquarzitsteinen, Lavendel und Wacholderöl in einen wirklich tiefenentspannten meditativen Zustand gekommen bin, oder die Aroma Edelstein Chakrenmassage, wo meine Chakren gereinigt und wieder aufgeladen wurden.
Kräuter spielen überall eine große Rolle im Pfösl, so gibt es einen Kräuter- und Wellnessgarten mit drei darin befindlichen Hochbeeten, welche themenspezifisch bepflanzt sind: Unter dem Motto „Brot und Salz – Gott erhalt’s“ wachsen in Beet 1 Anschauungsgetreidearten, Küchenkräuter und Gewürzpflanzen. In dem Beet „Rauch und Segen“ gedeihen verschiedene Räucherkräuter — zum Großteil mehrjährige Staudenpflanzen, wie Muskatellersalbei, Engelwurz, Lavendel und Johanniskraut. Roter Sonnenhut, Zitronenverbene und Waldmeister duften in dem dritten Arrangement namens „Speis und Trank — Teekräuter“ um die Wette.
Alpin-mediterran mit viel Natürlichkeit
Alle Kräuter werden im Hotel selber verwendetet, natürlich auch in der Küche, wo Küchenchef Markus Thurner und sein Team für das leibliche Wohl der Gäste verantwortlich ist. Auch für ihn spielt der respektvolle und nachhaltige Umgang mit der Umgebung und den Ressourcen eine zentrale Rolle. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung, die Qualität, Saisonalität, Regionalität und Spaß am Essen miteinander kombiniert, prägt daher die Speisekarte des Hauses. Beim Chef‘s Table kann man ihm auch einen Abend lang direkt in der Küche über die Schulter schauen, mit Fragen löchern und gleich vor Ort, die Gerichte genießen.
Als „alpin-mediterran mit viel Natürlichkeit“ beschreibt Thurner selbst, der auch passionierter Hobbygärtner ist, seine Küche.
Speck, Buchweizenmehl, Südtiroler Äpfel und Milchprodukte sind die Zutaten, die er — gerne auch in abgewandelter Form — zu klassischen regionalen Spezialitäten wie Schlutzkrapfen, Knödel, Bauernbratl oder Apfelstrudel verarbeitet. Seine Maxime ist, die Zutaten zu veredeln ohne sie zu verfälschen. Das Ergebnis sind mit Liebe gemachte, bodenständige Gerichte.
Eine Herzensangelegenheit von Markus Thurner ist die Wiederbelebung einer alten Südtiroler Tradition: Jeden Donnerstagnachmittag haben die Gäste Gelegenheit, unter seiner Anleitung einen Brotbackkurs zu besuchen. Im Steinofen direkt vor dem Hotel gestalten Urlauber zusammen mit dem Chefkoch und den Gastgeberinnen ihre eigenen Brotvariationen und bekommen Tipps rund ums Brotbacken für zu Hause. Im Sommer wird das Brot dann in einem 300 Jahre alten Brotbackofen im Hotelgarten gebacken und alle Gäste können es vor dem Abendessen verkosten.
Traditionen und Modernes
Das Bewahren alter Traditionen in Kombination mit Modernem kommt vor allen Dingen auch in dem Motto „Natürlich.Authentisch.Ehrlich“ zum Ausdruck, nach dem die Gastgeberinnen Brigitte und Eva Zelger mit der Unterstützung von Evas Ehemann, Daniel Mahlknecht, das Hotel führen. Das zeigt sich nicht nur in der architektonischen Gesamtgestaltung bis hin zu den Details der Ausstattung und dem Gästeprogramm, sondern einfach in jedem Bereich des Hotels. Nur so konnten Sie das 2007 von ihren Eltern übernommene 1950 errichtete Stammhaus Stück für Stück in das zeitgemäße Vier-Sterne-Superior-Hotel verwandeln, was es heute ist, ein Kraftort, wo die Gäste zur Ruhe kommen und neue Energie für den Alltag schöpfen können.
Naturerleben grenzenlos
Die Naturverbundenheit von Brigitte und Eva Zelger zeigt sich auch in den angebotenen Aktivitäten. Im Sommer wie im Winter steht dabei die sanfte Mobilität im Vordergrund: Jeden Morgen stehen im Rahmen des Bewegungsprogramms Tautreten, die Fünf Tibeter, Wassergymnastik, Nordic Walking und Rückengymnastik u.v.m. zur Auswahl. Samstags gibt es zusätzlich eine einstündige Entspannungseinheit.
Auch bieten die beiden Schwestern als Wander- und Bergführerin sowie als Mountainbike-Guide einmal wöchentlich persönlich geführte Touren an und bringen den Gästen so ihre Heimat näher. Drei sogenannte Aktivbetreuer ergänzen das wöchentliche Angebot mit verschiedenen Wanderungen und Biketouren. Das Haus bildet den idealen Ausgangspunkt für einen Abstecher in das Skigebiet Obereggen, zum Langlauf sowie zum Winter- und Schneeschuhwandern. Für einen Abschlag eignet sich der Golfclub Petersberg in der Nähe. Ein Hochseilgarten, Klettertouren und Reitausflüge bieten zudem viel Abwechslung. Das Hotel Pfösl ist Mitglied bei den Kooperationen Vitalpina Hotels Südtirol, Wanderhotels, Bikehotels und Golf in Südtirol.
Kurzum „Auszeit im Pfösl bedeutet: Zur Ruhe kommen und neue Energie für den Alltag schöpfen – regional, natürlich und aktiv.“ Das ist nicht nur der Wunsch und die Motivation der Gastgeber, sondern auch die Realität für jeden Gast.
Und es lohnt sich auf der Webseite des Hotels nachzuschauen, ob es nicht gerade ein günstiges Angebot gibt, denn davon gibt es immer wieder welche.
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Das Hotel Pfösl ein wirklicher Kraftort in Südtirol Schon bei der Anreise wird deutlich, dass das Vier-Sterne-Superior-Hotel Pfösl bei Deutschnofen im Südtiroler Eggental in vielerlei Hinsicht ein besonderes Hotel ist.
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amateurdrammer-blog · 7 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/AmateurDrammer
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ewanmathers · 8 years ago
For the second of my occasional 'People and Process' series I visited Sharon Wooler and Andy Mallon of Cairngorm Leaf and Bean, who are based at The Dava School House near Grantown-on-Spey. I wanted to see firstly how they have taken on the espresso based cafés with every kind of coffee style but espresso in their newly opened Coffee Lounge, secondly I wanted to watch the coffee bean blending and roasting that lies at the heart of their craft business in the Highlands. [ 211 more words ] http://ift.tt/2pOVtlr
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spikeydog120-blog · 8 years ago
Spey Fūmāre 46% abv.
So I was at The Whisky Lounge festival in Newcastle last weekend, it was a great weekend and I had great fun. The only downside to this great weekend was that I had to drive on the Saturday, so I couldn’t take advantage of the range of whiskies available to sample. So during the breaks I got chance to talk to some of the other representatives from the distilleries at the festival. I had the…
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ewanmathers · 8 years ago
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean – Coffee Roasting in the Highlands
For the second of my occasional ‘People and Process’ series I visited Sharon Wooler and Andy Mallon of Cairngorm Leaf and Bean, who are based at The Dava School House near Grantown-on-Spey.  I wanted to see firstly how they have taken on the espresso based cafés with every kind of coffee style but espresso in their newly opened Coffee Lounge, secondly I wanted to watch the coffee bean blending and roasting that lies at the heart of their craft business in the Highlands.
The Dava School House Coffee Lounge is a part of their guest house on the edge of the Dava Way and is fast becoming a popular destination for walkers, cyclists and nature lovers in need of a boost.  The aim here is not to be overpowered by the strength of an espresso based drink but to savour the flavours that Andy has roasted into the beans by trying out coffee made in a variety of ways.  You can have regular filter style coffee or maybe try an AeroPress, hand pumped coffee.  Chemex make, what they describe, as the ultimate filtration equipment and the Prezzetti Moka pot is a classic coffee preparation method.  All of these are available at the Dava Coffe Lounge.  All served, and poured, at the table with a delicious selection of cakes – and now Aunt Marie’s Tablet as well!
For me the highlight was seeing the coffee roasting process, overseen by Andy at a secret location, in the Highland rain.  A fabulous little Italian (of course) roaster in a container on a Scottish hillside – perfect.  Special thanks to Andy for this – I hope I have not given away and secrets!  As always I have included a stylised portrait of the people who work this business.
Tagged: AeroPress, beans, Chemex, coffee, Dava School House, Dava Way, Pezzetti Moka, portrait, roasting via WordPress http://ift.tt/2pe2DDC
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ewanmathers · 8 years ago
For the second of my occasional ‘People and Process’ series I visited Sharon Wooler and Andy Mallon of Cairngorm Leaf and Bean, who are based at The Dava School House near Grantown-on-Spey.  I wanted to see firstly how they have taken on the espresso based cafés with every kind of coffee style but espresso in their newly opened Coffee Lounge, secondly I wanted to watch the coffee bean blending and roasting that lies at the heart of their craft business in the Highlands.
The Dava School House Coffee Lounge is a part of their guest house on the edge of the Dava Way and is fast becoming a popular destination for walkers, cyclists and nature lovers in need of a boost.  The aim here is not to be overpowered by the strength of an espresso based drink but to savour the flavours that Andy has roasted into the beans by trying out coffee made in a variety of ways.  You can have regular filter style coffee or maybe try an AeroPress, hand pumped coffee.  Chemex make, what they describe, as the ultimate filtration equipment and the Prezzetti Moka pot is a classic coffee preparation method.  All of these are available at the Dava Coffe Lounge.  All served, and poured, at the table with a delicious selection of cakes – and now Aunt Marie’s Tablet as well!
For me the highlight was seeing the coffee roasting process, overseen by Andy at a secret location, in the Highland rain.  A fabulous little Italian (of course) roaster in a container on a Scottish hillside – perfect.  Special thanks to Andy for this – I hope I have not given away and secrets!  As always I have included a stylised portrait of the people who work this business.
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean
Cairngorm Leaf and Bean – Coffee Roasting in the Highlands For the second of my occasional 'People and Process' series I visited Sharon Wooler and Andy Mallon of…
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ocdwhisky · 8 years ago
A whisky Festival.. Whisky, Whisky and yes of course more whisky and you can even throw in a little Bourbon, Gin, Rum and a lot more whisky !  I have attended the whisky lounge festivals more times than I can remember ( I wonder why ! ) but this time was a little different, after chatting with Shilton from Paul John Indian whisky, it became apparent I might be able to help out once again as they had a clash of festivals and I was always going to do my best to get involved with them at another festival.. It was agreed that I would run the table at Newcastle, along with my good friend Craig.. This festival was going to be a little different with 3 sessions over the Friday evening and Saturday so it would indeed test us and really give a great insight into just how hard these guys have to work !! (And yes I still want to do this ) Friday morning was here and myself and Craig jumped in the car ahead of our 3 hour journey and off we went.. We soon arrived and and found our table and got ready to set up ( of course we were only around 3 hours early ) once set up it was just a case of chatting to all the other exhibitors. It was an extreme pleasure chatting to Dave from That Boutique y whisky company and off course the ever energetic Colin Dunne from the Diageo stand, if you ever get the chance to talk with Colin he is one of the best, most infectious people you could ever wish to meet !! After then chatting with Paul from Spey whisky who again was a star and offered up some exciting whisky it was about time to start the show.. The show just flew by with everyone just loving the Paul John Indian whisky we offered up, it was great talking with everyone, old faces and new and listening to the thoughts of everyone.. So Friday was finished and the journey home was just full of chatting and excitement for the next day and wondering what that might bring..  Home at last (1.30 am !! ) and then the alarm at 6 am signaled the start to a double session.. A cup of coffee, bag sorted and Craig was here and off we went again.. Another coffee and a bacon buttie, a quick chat with Eddie and Amanda from the whisky lounge and it was time to start again.. The session flew by and with around 600 people in the hall the whisky flew out, so many great people and smiling faces and yes a few wobbly legs by the end but overall a fantastic time was had by everyone..
Time to eat and have a quick sit down with a coffe, a little time to chat with Dave ( Boutique-y whisky ) and Mariella from Elements of islay and it was time to get going again.
Session 3 and again around 600 thirsty people who all wanted plenty of whisky, and a good time, of course we gave them great whisky and by the end of the session we were totally out of whisky !! Throughout the show I have to say everyone had a great time and were very receptive to the whisky they were offered up, our core range of Brilliance ( non peated ) Edited ( lightly peated  ) and Bold ( more heavily peated )  went down fantastically well, we also offered two ” select ” casks which are ” classic ” and “peated” these are a vatting  of 100 specially selected casks and are bottled at 55.5% abv which just flew out, both just split the crowd  receiving an equal share of fans.. As well as these 5 expressions we had the incredible single cask #1906 but believe me this soon disappeared ( I didn’t even get to sneak a dram for myself ! )  by the time we had packed up and driven home it was once again nearly 1am so a long few days !!
Overall thoughts..
These shows are a great way of investigating new drams and also re visiting some old favourites but the next time you visit just take a minute to appreciate the hard work that goes into them.. Eddie, Amanda and the whole team at ” The Whisky Lounge” never stopped from morning till well into the next morning, these guys and girls deserve a real pat on the back ! They always have a smile and nothing is beyond them, the hospitality they show the exhibitors and the guests is incredible, and talking about the exhibitors, they work incredibly hard and long tiring hours, they always have a smile for you and of course without them your not getting your whisky !!
So my last words are these.. Thanks to everyone who visited the Newcastle whisky festival and made the atmosphere so great, to the bloggers that called in to say hi, the people that just wanted to try our whisky and of course all the whisky lounge team, the exhibitors and Craig (https://craigleewatson.wordpress.com ) Thank you for everything !!!
A day at the Whisky Lounge Festival #Newcastle 2017. A whisky Festival.. Whisky, Whisky and yes of course more whisky and you can even throw in a little Bourbon, Gin, Rum and a lot more whisky !  
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