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mtgacentral · 1 year ago
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denfaceup · 7 years ago
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Quando o #spellpierce te garante o jogo!!! #mtgtravel #MTGAddicts #mtgmodern #moderninho #modern #mtgbudget #monoblue #ensoulartifact #tesoura #eldrazi #mtg 😉😉😉 @wizards_magicbr @wizards_magic (at Nova Russia)
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sectux-blog · 7 years ago
Eminent Configurator Orion:
So if you have not heard, Convergence are getting a new caster after waiting so long since our other colossal came out. And with any new caster, this means wild speculation on him and what he can do.
So onto that bandwagon for me!
Lets cover the basics: - he is a Gun supporting caster, which explains his spells and stats…
Field Marshal: Reform 3 – anyone who has played around with the angels or Mother’s Tactical supremacy will see the benefit of this. Trample first turn with everything but the colossal to get a nice extra distance. Add in the reform after any shooting (Or close combat Killing) and you get a much more manuverable force than we had.
Focus 7.  – great value. Enough to get most spells done, and with the corollary it gives a nice control range.
MAT 5 – lowest mat we have, but still able to hit most things if you boost (More on that later)
RAT 6 – best basic RAT we have. This steers him towards a ranged caster, and once you add in either aiming or Flare this becomes a nice reliable hitter.
Spells: Magic bullet – who does not want an additional POW 12 at a nearby target? I can see casting this on a whole unit of angels to double their firepower, or just on a monitor or assimilator to get those pesky support models…
Mage Sight: now the Monitor becomes even less useful. Ignoring forests, clouds and stealth for your battlegroup makes the terrain heavy and cloud heavy sr2017 much more manageable for us as a faction.
Spellpiercer: Blessed and Magic weapons on all friendly faction models in his control area… Oh my. So whilst the rest of the world is haemorrhaging about Eilish, we get this. On everything.  In a faction that runs jacks remarkably well without any input from the caster.  I am pumped to take this against Cygnar and Cryx…
Unknown Spell: This is still rumoured. Nothing official but it supposedly can add a Focus to a model hit and does damage to those around it in a distance depending on the amount of focus on them. This on its own is ok, as a psudo-AOE. I have considered how I can get a fully loaded Axiom into a group of people and hit it with this spell. 3” is quite the distance…
Feat: friendly models making attacks against enemy models in his control area without a focus or fury get boosted attack rolls. When making attacks against models with focus or fury, they gain boosted damage.
That is a potentially brilliant Feat. In the hands of a shooting caster, that is great to make sure everything dies. I can see him going against hordes and feating to ensure that he will kill his opponents. And the damage output it can put out if you just buy attacks, and nothing more! The facts that is synergises with his unknown spell makes it able to put this debuff out on anyone. Enemy casters are going to want to clear off their focus to reduce the damage they are suffering, but that just makes them easier to hit!
So in a quick rundown, I want to just go over some honourable mentions of units / models that I want to test out with him:
Cipher: With the ability to get a charge in with a diffuser and then get 5 boosted damage rolls against an opponent, it, along with any other high number of attack jacks, would seriously damage an opposing heavy. Add in the nice chance that you can get boosted attack rolls for shooting against some things and this gives him a nice boost.
Prime Axiom: The beast. Apart from losing out on the reform ability, this will be able to turn its guns or weapons against anything it needs to under feat, easily hitting infantry with the accellorspiker, then firing a boosted tow cable into a heavy to drag it in and kill it. You could even try to drag in two and fire the accelorspiker into them if they have focus / fury on them. 5 boosted pow 11’s is going to do a bit more than scratch their paintwork. Add in Mage sight so nothing is out of your reach, and the blessed / magic weapon combo and this just is able to reach out and hurt the enemy. Also, I would have to check, but Magic bullet might allow us to kill a model in front of your drag target…?
Angels: Under feat, these could get a nice high number of either super accurate or quite powerful shots at some targets. I also like the idea of casting Magic bullet on all three in a unit to double their firepower…
Perforators: One of my favourite units, if only they could do more. Well now they can! Boosted pow 8’s will kill a heavy. (average 40 points).  The pow 6 will seriously harm a heavy (Average 30 boxes). Whilst the boosted to hit rolls will make them deadly against infantry, add in assault and you have something from 18” away threatening you.
As a quick aside, against a Flare’d Arcane shielded Stowmwall, the perforators on a charge can get a nice 52 average damage on it… Now that is scary! That is even more than a charging Colossal for half the points!
Eradicators: The potential for such a high MAT and boosted attack rolls? Sign me up! I would consider using these against kayaze assassins or the like.
Reductors: more accuracy against clumped up infantry? More damage potential against big things? I will take these, but not as much as the Perforators.
Bots: With boosted attack rolls, this improves the chances of hitting your target. Elimination servitors will love the higher accuracy, as will reflex servitors. I think attunement servirtors will get less use out of the feat.
TEP: The big daddy of them all. I see this as an easy double choice for Orion. Against infantry, or things without focus, you can go for 5 sprays with boosted to hit rolls. Against heavies, an additional spray will go further vs another damage dice.  Two of these, with everything else, and I see a nice all-commers list for Orion. And that is before we know his last spell, and the rest of his stats.
Quick Dummy list:
Orion -27
Corollary 6
Cipher 16
Diffuser 6
Diffuser 6
TEP 19
TEP 19
Perforators 16
UA 3
Optifex Directive 4
Arc Node 2
Arc Node 2
Elimination Servitors 3
 Might needs some testing once I get some rules, but I think he might take over Axis’ spot. And that will take some doing...
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