silvereyedzoroark · 10 months
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Spectreon 2023
Okay another one of my themed eeveelution fakemon of mine getting a bit of a design update
Name: Spectreon Type: Ghost / Fire Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire Hidden Ability:  Aftermath Classification: Fire Fox Fakémon Dex Entry:               A mysterious Fakemon, some believe to be the lost soul of an Eevee that died searching for its missing trainer, coming back to life as a ghost to continue its search, while others believe its a vengeful spirit that is continuing to hunt for their trainer that left them behind wanting to enact its revenge on them.
I imagine that this would be another story event that the Pokemon Professor sends the player character to investigate, as again they can't do it themselves, but trust with your skills that you can track down this unknown Pokemon appearing in an isolated snowy mountain area.
The character would arrive at a wooden cabin that Pokemon Ranger's have been using and have agree to let you stay at while investigating the most recent claimed sighting.
Some Ranger's are friendly and other's aren't, there seems to be an odd tension in the air, and they don't seem to want your character their at all, dismissing the sight's and believe it's most likely misidentified Pokemon.
A snow storm is slowly forming but not yet preventing the player character from exploring the area.
You are guided to the area by one of the Ranger's, you get to battle, take photo's of Pokemon and tracks, all the while feeling like you are being watched and just as it looks like you might see something, the Ranger comes back, saying we need to leave as the storm is getting worse and you don't want to be caught out here in a blizzard.
Your return the base cabin and the other Ranger are their apart from one, but they believe they'll be back soon.
Player characters eats dinner and head's to bed, but in the morning you hear that the missing Ranger didn't return last night and how the storm is too dangerous to go out and find them.
But one Ranger refuses to stay and heads out to find their teammate anyway.
Your character is prevented from leaving the cabin.
But you can ease drop on the radio that the rest are using to communicate with the Ranger who went out.
Though soon the Pokemon Ranger say he's found the missing ranger gear and it looks like they must have been attacked or encountered something, they see some caves nearby he's going to check if they have gone their, but when he reaches the cave, he says he see's something before suddenly being cut off, the line goes dead and the rest of the ranger's are now super concerned.
More stuff happened, they try to call for help but suddenly their radio isn't working, the power goes out things, are just getting worse and one by one the other Pokemon rangers are starting to go missing and those that remain are starting to point fingers at each other.
Every time someone goes missing Spectreon show's up soon after.
Its eventually revealed that a Pokemon Ranger and their Eevee partner went missing some time ago, and its due to negligence of the team that they might had died out in the wilderness, and its believe that this Spectreon is seeking revenge for it and it's partner death.
In a surprise twist one of the last Pokemon Rangers is revealed to be a Team Rocket Grunt in disguise and captures the player character along with the last ranger and takes them to the Team Rocket hidden base where the other missing rangers and Pokemon can be found.
They have been digging in these ice caves for mysterious ore and rare fossil Pokemon.
The Pokemon ranger that had gone missing with their eevee turns out to have been someone working for the International Police, and had been undercover trying to locate this Team Rocket base and unfortunately got caught, but their eevee manged to escape, thanks to interacting with the mysterious ore and transforming it into Spectreon and has been trying to get people to follow it to help it's trainer.
Crazy stuff starts to happen as the ore mysterious properties starts animating the dead fossil Pokemon and now their are walking skeletons about attacking people
You and the International Police person, team up to help the Rangers and some Team Rocket Grunts escape the base as the animated fossils continue to rampage.
Obviously your escape, after one final boss battle with a Skeleton Pokemon that is a fusion of several fossil Pokemon. Team Rocket grunts are captured, the Ranger admit some of their wrong doing and you get to keep a small piece of the mysterious ore that you can use on your own eevee to turn it into a Spectreon.
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katbug666 · 19 days
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Pokémon DND Session 3:
I have all my pokemon out, Tedster (male Teddyursa), Sativa (female Sprigatito) Slap (male Minccino), Plus Plus (female plusle), and my female galarian ponyta and my female eevee. I wrapped the team rocket member I caught in my rope. He started shouting profanities so I gagged him w a pokeball. I could see a ranger post in the distance in the dark woods. I went to it. A ranger answered with a golduck, a cyndaquil, and a lampern.
I stayed the night at the ranger station waking up in time to get breakfast. I left to go through the forest to head back to the village. One of the rangers warned me of spooky things going on at a abandoned laboratory.
Suddenly a ghostly noise started playing in the forest. All my pokemon besides Plus Plus froze in fear and I tried to pet them to wake them up but they seemed to be trapped in a different sort of reality from hallucinations and all it was doing was scaring them more. I recalled all my pokemon besides Plus Plus (Plus Plus is a plusle).
Plus Plus and I ran. We tripped every so often but always managed to get back on our feet. We tried talking to whatever pokemon was chasing us, telling it we wouldn't hurt it and to please stop, but it didn't listen.
Plus Plus and I took a few turns due to the forest being too entangled in trees to continue our original trail towards the city (or at least it looked that way maybe due to hallucinations). We came across the abandoned laboratory and a spectreon (a ghost eeveelution, the one who had been chasing us causing the noises and hallucinations) and the eevee from back when I had captured the rocket member.
We headed inside.
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aquaspiderart · 1 year
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spectreon is back!
Ko-Fi / Patreon / Store
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ladykailolu · 1 year
I think I made my own fake eeveelution at one point. It was a ghost-type and I named it Spectreon (spectre + eon). It looked like...well, it was slim, like Espeon, and it was wrapped in bandages like a mummy. The bandages were loose and peeling off at the tip of its tail, and the tip of its tail was blue, ghostly looking fire. It’s head wasn’t wrapped in bandages, and so the exposed parts of its body revealed dark fur decorated with red and yellow eye-shaped markings, giving off an unsettling vibe. I believe its eyes were mostly black with very dark blue irises.
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asocketwrench · 2 years
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My fan design for a ghost type eeveelution
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lemon-3ds · 2 years
Rotom and Eevee should be given newer forms, possibly one of each type. And no, the recent Rotom forms Game Freak has been making for Rotom that aren't usable in battle (Rotom phone, bike, dex, etc.), do not count.
The ability to evolve/change into forms based on different types is unique to just Rotom and Eevee. However, it doesn't really feel that special anymore.
An update to their forms would do wonders for their popularity, uses in battle, and uniqueness. It doesn't even have to be all in one game.
The fact that Game Freak has been giving them special treatment and treating them as secondary mascots makes it even more disappointing that they aren't getting more forms.
Also make Rotom legendary again. I don't care about the lore implications you dug this hole now lie in it
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sudoscience · 2 years
[Insert joke about the evolutionary stone being a brick]
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
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maviox · 11 months
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A spectreon from the new Pokémon pathways update
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mask-poke · 2 years
I made an eeveelution!
They use their bell to greet each other. If two Spectreon rub their bell on each other its said that they trust one another.
I'm proud on that one and if yall want more information then I'll make more lore for them
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katbug666 · 15 days
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Pokémon DND Session 4:
Spectreon, the eeveelution I saw after captured the team rocket member, and all my pokemon went to enter the laboratory. Spectreon went through the door, I wasn't strong enough to open it so Tedster (Teddyursa) did.
There was another door that was locked. I took the bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock. I entered the room and there was a bunch of giant screens and a console with a rolly chair in front of it, I sat down and tried to turn it on. A past video of a sandshrew in the lab appeared. A man with a mask entered the room with a syringe. He injected the sandshrew and then it writhed in pain on the floor. The man beat it in the head with what looks like a mace until it was no longer moved. I told my pokemon to look away. Half of them didn't (teddiursa, plusle, and eevee). The other eevee and spectreon also don't look away. Many videos of the same situation with different pokemon play, but only in a small number of them the injection seems to work, the first is of a magikarp, who's spirit rises looking like the flesh has been striped away, in another, a cubone had a dark smoke surround it after death, revealing its spirit, with a wisp of a ghostly tail at the end and it even looks creepy/ ghostly. There was a two ralts who were injected that were both successfully turned into ghost type pokemon. There was a room with 3 tyrogue, 2 were brought back. A crying person injected a bulbasaur, they beat it to death but seemed sad. the bulbasaur died and came back as a ghost type bulbasaur with a jackolantern on it's back instead of a flower. The bulbasaur started crying and killed the scientist. An eevee was injected with the serum and it died, it looked like a failure so they proceeded to try to inject the second eevee but the first willed itself back to life through evolution to protect it's sibling and became a spectreon. There was a small child... they injected and beat it to death and a pokemon, wisprit, rose. A snorlax is transformed into a ghost type, with a creepy big mouth on its stomach, and goes on a rampage. It cuts the camera feed.
I ask spectreon if that was them and they nod yes. A man wearing a lab coat bursts in, he throws out what looks like the ghost type snorlax from the screen. It attacks, all my pokemon spectreon and the eevee fight back and it goes to sleep. The man throws out gyarados. We fight it for awhile. The snorelax wakes up and we knock him out but a cloud of smoke appears caused by the gyarados and all 3 dissappear.
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aquaspiderart · 1 year
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decided to name this guy spectreon!
commissions are open!
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enderina · 2 years
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Here's a few fakemons I created with two friends :)
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This smol fella is pyroseed!
This pokemon is both fire and grass type!
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This is pyroseed's evolution and it's name is floraleon
Like pyroseed this pokemon is fire and grass type (also the inspiration for this fakemon was sunflora)
This pokemon is a fusion with a dandelion a rose and a lion
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This very tiny pokemon (that I forgor to color) is spoony (thanks Matteo for this name idea)
This pokemon is a steel and psychic type
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This other pokemon is ocpuff (also it's a smol cloud)
The type of this pokemon is flying
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This is ocpuff's middle evolution, ocmin!
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This IS the final evolution of ocpuff, octimius
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This bunny is bunflake (it's an ice type)
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This last pokemon is an alternative form of eevee wich i called spectreon
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fan-kingdoms · 11 months
sometimes when i’m bored i like to come up with names for eeveelutions that don’t exist yet. like a steel-type eeveelution called ferreon (ferro like iron), ghost-type eevee called spectreon, ground-type called terreon, and so on. flying type called soreon? like soar? maybe. rock type called igneon after igneous rock? a fighting type called dueleon? basheon? grappleon? possibilities are endless
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inkcapwitchhat · 2 years
I decided to start drawing eeveeloutions for the "physical types". This is my take on the ghost-type Spectreon. Currently got the other evos planned out, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to them.
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octo-artist · 2 years
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Heyoo fellow Pokemon fans! So I know there’s a lot of people who are dying for new eeveelutions (myself included) and iI wanted to throw my hat into the ring of creating my own versions of eeveelutions that we want but don’t have! Here’s my darling lil addition Spectreon!
Spectreon is evolved much like you would a sylveon with high friendship but rather than a fairy move you want them to have a ghost move in their active move pool. The second picture is the shiny version.
I had a lot of fun designing this lil bean and I hope you enjoy them too! I’ll try to make a shiny version eventually but i’m currently working on some fake starters and still need to finish the evolutionary lines for the fire and grass lines.
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