#Special shoutout to Vee because this is an AU that is terribly delightful!
captmickey · 4 years
Hey uh.... if it’s not too much trouble, could you possibly write another short 3ADV ficlet that takes place in Puppet King AU where Guybrush and Link first meet Manny? When you have the time and inspiration of course! No pressure to churning this request out quickly or at all if you don’t want too. I just imagine that Manny would a little (a lot) condescending towards Link the “supposed” Hero of Hyrule and especially towards Guybrush the infamous pirate who “supposedly” defeated LeChuck who are also Graham’s “closest” friends. (I’m using quotations cuz I feel like Manny would say that towards them.)
(P.S. And I feel like Link would like to just pull out the Master Sword for Manny just to prove him wrong, and to possibly (definitely) use it on him, since he kinda reminds him of Ganondorf also)
I couldn’t exactly pass up that request since it involves the trio and an AU of @goddessoftechnology that I’ve been SUPER head over heels with. 
One of the few things the trio had agreed upon once the adventure came to an end was to always keep in touch, and that connection was kept in the form of writing letters to each other as often as they could. However, those three-way letters from Daventry that used to be in abundance came to a staggering crawl to eventually halting all-together. Neither Guybrush nor Link knew what could be the reasoning. Perhaps it was training? Graham did mention that he was under extensive training under one of the Royal Guards. Perhaps he was out on some local adventure, it wouldn’t be a first for him based on one of the last letters he wrote. Perhaps... perhaps something terrible happened. Maybe he was ill.
It worried them something fierce.
It was after the Hylian requested permission to speak with Graham that the letter arrived approving an audience with the newly crowned king of Daventry, Link and Guybrush decided to not waste any time and quickly made way to speak to King Graham.
The air in Castle Daventry felt still, perverse. Try as he might, Link just simply could not shake off the feeling that something was wrong. He knew that Daventry as a whole had a way of constantly keeping him on his toes, a feat that not even Hyrule did, but the deeper he went inside the castle, the more unnerved he felt. The guards that were leading the two adventurers down the hallway were uncharacteristically quiet, it was unnerving. He looked at Guybrush who looked to be tense, almost like he was holding his breath. Link didn’t need to assume if Guybrush was feeling that something about the atmosphere felt... wrong. He knew.
“This way.” Royal Guard Number One said in his monotonous tone (neither of them could ignore how even that sounded so lifeless), stepping to the side as the other guards opened the door, letting the two walk in, closing it once inside.
There was a routine whenever they came to visit Graham: The two would enter, Guybrush would crack some quip or another as a means of greeting Graham. Graham, in his endless hopeful, compassionate optimism, would leap from where he was and rushed towards them in a blur of brown and red, grabbing them into a tight embrace as he goes off on his never-ending burst of questions before offering them a seat or tea.
Now though, it was painfully different. That terrible nagging feeling... it wouldn’t let up. Something was wrong, but Link just simply couldn’t put a finger as to what as he and Guybrush looked ahead, spotting their friend sitting in his throne, not budging once as he stared ahead, eyes unflinching. A quick glance at the pirate was enough to confirm that something really truly was off with how that usual relaxed demeanor of his was no where to be found.
“Either you’re sleeping with your eyes wide open, or you’re really feeling under the weather today, Graham.” Guybrush greeted, breaking the silence in the room as he stepped closer. The Hylian followed close by, not wanting to stay behind. “You alright, Graham?”
“That is no way to speak to a king.” A voice curtly spoke.
Link and Guybrush stopped in their tracks as they saw the small knight step forward.
“How long was he standing there for?” Guybrush leaned to Link and whispered for only the Hylian to shrug as he wasn’t sure either. The pirate stood back up and cleared his throat. “Sorry about that, but you must be new, see, Graham--”
“His Majesty.” The knight cut off before muttering under his breath ‘brainless pirate’.
“Right.” The corner of Guybrush’s lip twitched slightly, choosing to ignore the remark he heard clearly. “His Majesty Graham, is a friend of ours and we came here to talk to, you know, our friend? So you can run along now, kid.”
“Ha! Like I can leave the King here with the likes of you.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?!”
“You don’t know the proper terminology or etiquette. One must kneel before His Majesty and wait until spoken to.” The knight continued. “Especially someone as lowly as a pirate would know that, perhaps all that grog has made you forget how to be a basic functioning and respectful professional which is improbable for, again, a pirate.”
Link caught Guybrush’s hand curl into a fist and quickly moved a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
“Our apologies.” Link spoke, taking a knee and pulling Guybrush to follow (hearing his low growl but nevertheless following suit). He eyed the knight who had his arms behind his back. “We were not aware of the change of... procedures, I wasn’t briefed and therefore unable to inform Guybrush.” He eyed Graham, noting that his expression remained unchanged. Something was wrong, that nagging feeling intensifying.
The short knight scoffed. “I’m surprised you’re taking accountability, I wouldn’t expect that from the supposed Hero of Hyrule. Here I thought you were just some muscle head with a sword.”
“It’s like he said.” Guybrush said through gritted teeth, noting Link flinch just slightly at the remark. “He wasn’t informed. That’s actually why we’re here.” He then stood up. “We haven’t heard from Gr-- His Majesty and we were worried. Besides, who the heck are you?”
“Took you long enough to ask for my name. Honestly, your parents must be truly ashamed of you by your lack of decorum.” The knight mocked. “As for who I am? I’m Manny, the king’s advisor.” Manny bowed. “And sorry to say, but you worried over nothing. Everything is perfectly fine.”
“I’m glad to hear that, but with all due respect, we requested an audience with the king.” Link said firmly. “Not the king’s advisor.”
“Unfortunately, you request has been denied, as it would be unwise to leave His Majesty unattended with a couple of strangers.” Manny said, stepping more and more between then. “Basic procedure, you understand.”
“We’re not strangers, we’re his friends.” Guybrush countered, taking a step forward. “Graham, c’mon, say something! Prove this little twerp wron--”
“That’s enough, pirate.” Manny interrupted quickly, reaching for the hilt of his bludgeon.
“I don’t believe this... do you really think I’m going after Graham to hurt him? Why would I do that? I’m his friend!”
“I can’t take just your words, Threepwood, after all, aren’t you the ‘supposed’ pirate to have inflicted a pox all over the Great Seas? Killing many in your path for some undead pirate? You think I’ll allow someone like you near the King of Daventry?”
“Why, you little...!”
Link stepped between the two of them, his fingers itching to grab the hilt of his sword but refraining. “Look, we only ask for a private meeting, I can promise you as a knight of Zelda, that we’re not here to harm him. All we want to do is have a conversation, that’s it. We have the letter from Graham-- His Majesty, to prove it.”
“Impossible, His Majesty has been far too busy to respond to something as trivial as letters. He has his own kingdom to deal with, unlike a certain monarch’s knight who abandons his own to frolic about.” Manny placed his arms behind his back.
“W...what? I-I don’t...”
“If you’re really his ‘closest’ friends, then you would understand that he simply doesn’t have time to speak with either of you. He has a far more important task ahead of him and as his advisor, it would behoove him to remain focus at the task as oppose to a supposed hero and a low-life pirate.”
Link looked at Manny and then to Graham who remained still and unmoving. “Graham...? Do you really think that?”
Graham remained quiet.
“Graham, please... say something.”
“Graham! Hey!” Guybrush shouted, frustration bubbling when the king didn’t even look his way... but noticed his fingers twitch, just slightly.
“I think we’re done here. Guards!” Manny summoned. The doors opened and in marched Royal Guards One and Two. “Escort these two out, His Majesty needs some rest now, isn’t that right, King Graham?”
“...Yes.” Graham slurred.
“Of course.” Royal Guard Number One nodded and stepped to the side. “Gentlemen, if you please follow me.”
The two looked at each other before looking at Graham. The first word they heard from him and it was barely audible. Link’s hands curled into a fist as he took one more look at Graham and turned around to follow the guard. Guybrush, however, stood and stared down Manny.
“I’ll be back.” The pirate threatened in a low tone before following everyone else.
“Doubtful.” Manny scoffed and watched as they left the room, unaware that the two blonds were already calculating and theorizing what to do next.
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