#Sorry this is so random but I haven’t been able to get this thought out of my head
leapdayowo · 8 days
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heartsforhavik · 7 months
superfan! yandere boy x gn! popstar reader
✰ warnings: stalking, obsessiveness, breaking and entering, nsfw, masochist yandere, overstimulation, thigh riding, bondage, male masturbation, unhealthy behavior, average yandere tendencies, male yandere oc (he’s very pathetic and perverted, it’s giving “step on me” energy.) gender neutral reader
✰ a/n: heyyyyy guess who isn’t dead.. i literally open tumblr every 3 minutes i just haven’t been posting. but i’m hereeeee lol. here’s a random yandere oc post, sorry it’s not mortal kombat. (tbh i have faded away from my mk obsession and now i am obsessed with until dawn, the quarry, tlou, and rdr.)
part two here!
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superfan! yandere boy that buys all of your merchandise and streams your music on loop 24/7. even while he sleeps.
superfan! yandere boy that commissions artists to draw you and him together in different styles. some of them may depict him on a cute date with you, and some are more explicit and depict you stepping on him or choking him.
superfan! yandere boy that sneaks into your concerts if he didn’t manage to buy a ticket. no matter how strong your security is, he will always manage to find a way in and pretend he's just a regular fan.
superfan! yandere boy that will even sneak onto your house and film you through your window for hours, and then he would go home and touch himself to the footage of you.
superfan! yandere boy that wants to buy meet-and-greet tickets to see you, and be able to feel your presence up close and be able to speak to you personally. but as much as he craves your attention, he knows he wouldn't be able to handle it and would crumble immediately the second you look him in the eyes.
superfan! yandere boy that pays people to stalk you and take pictures of you when he can't do it himself. especially ones when you have a wardrobe malfunction.
superfan! yandere boy that goes to sleep every night fantasizing and dreaming of you. his particular favorite wet dream is of you letting him ride your thigh, grinding against your skin as a desperate attempt to feel any friction on his cock. your hands would roam around his body as he relishes in your attention, no matter where you touch him. any small nudge or brush against his skin would set his heart on fire and oh no where'd his pants go-
superfan! yandere boy that thinks you could do no wrong. you said something offensive and got yourself cancelled? he is your number one defender and would be threatening your naysayers on the internet. he would even go as far as to learn to hack just so he could delete their accounts.
superfan! yandere boy that almost WANTS to get caught. he knows he wouldn't be able to handle your attention, so he avoids it, but a part of him wants to get caught and outed for his perverted, stalker ways. he wants to hear you cuss him out and degrade him. he wants to see the disgusted look on your face as he is exposed for everything he did. spit on him, kick him, treat him like vermin, he doesn't mind. he gets off on the thought of you punishing him. he has a particular fantasy where your punishment for him is by tying him up and overstimulating him until he is crying, whimpering, and almost fainting. but he would still beg for more. no matter how long it lasts. it could be a week long and he still wouldn't be satisfied.
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noisilyscreechingsong · 5 months
Image this:
Danny is sixteen. He just found out he is to become King, with a capital K, when he becomes a mature ghost, which is at least 20 years after his death. So he’s got time. Everything’s fine. Except for the Observants pushing his education. Tutors shoving information down his throat like he’s cramming for finals. Princess Dora, Pandora, Frostbite, and even Clockwork checking on him frequently and making a schedule for him to come visit their territories for little learning sessions. Fright Knight has been following his every move. And let’s not forget the other random ghosts he’s never even met before coming to ask for favors or to complain or just give him their problems in general and expect him to fix it.
He can’t even let his frustrations out! All his regular rogues avoid him now! Even Vlad doesn’t want to get involved, but that could be because he’s still bitter about not getting the crown like he wanted.
Good thing he knows a king that has probably been through the same thing.
King Arthur of Atlantis. In other words, Aquaman.
Because Danny wasn’t technically king yet, crowned prince is probably the right title?, he couldn’t just call him up or send a letter asking to meet. So Danny decides to go give the man a visit himself.
Using process of elimination, he was able to find Atlantis after about two months of research and searching. He didn’t have a whole lot of free time, okay?
Turning invisible and flying through the water was a lot easier than he thought. Getting through the barrier was a piece of cake and the castle was obvious to find. What wasn’t obvious to find was the king himself. He wasn’t in the throne room, or his study, or the training grounds, or literally anywhere in the castle. He checked.
No. He finds the king playing some game with some kids in the underwater city.
It was surprising to find him there, especially after the etiquette lessons from Dora, but it gave Danny some hope that maybe he wouldn’t be miserable and burdened with paperwork and boring meetings when he becomes king.
Danny turns visible. They were still invested in the game but the guards noticed him. Spears were pointed at him in a second.
“Halt! State your business,” the guard demands.
The shout caused everyone in the area to stop and look, including the king.
Danny raises his hands in surrender.
“Uh, hi. Sorry to stop the game, I just wanted to talk- sorry, speak to King Arthur, if- if that’s okay? There wasn’t an address to mail to that I could find-“
“It’s okay,” the king interrupts. “Let’s go somewhere private to talk then. Do you have any weapons on you?”
Danny perks up at the opportunity to finally talk to him.
“Yes please! And no, no weapons, sir.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” the king replies with a smile. Danny smiles back widely.
“My king-“
The king holds up a hand to stop the guard’s worries.
When they finally arrive to the throne room of the palace King Arthur turns to Danny.
“Who are you?” He asks in a tone that was a bit more serious than it was before.
“Oh! Sorry. Hi. I’m Danny. Danny Phantom. It’s nice to meet you, King Arthur,” he answers quickly with a nervous smile.
The king nods, obviously thinking about something else as he watches Danny with guarded eyes.
“How can you breathe underwater if I may ask? I’m curious.”
“Well that’s easy, I’m not breathing.”
“You’re… not breathing,” the king repeats with skepticism.
“Yea,” Danny agrees freely. “I don’t have to breathe if I don’t want to. You know, because of the whole ghost thing.”
“Yea. Can turn invisible, walk through walls, fly- you know. Haven’t you ever seen a ghost before?”
Danny tries a bit of humor with a crooked smile, but it falls when he sees the contemplative expression on the king’s face.
“Wait, seriously? You’ve never seen a ghost?”
“I’m aware of a ghost named Deadman apart of Justice League Dark but he is invisible to everyone.”
“Really?! I didn’t know that! I need to go talk to him! Where can I find him?”
“Hold on there, guppy. Didn’t you want to talk about something?”
Danny is drawn back to the topic at hand.
“Right, okay, so I was recently told I was gonna be king in like twenty years, which is news to me, and now they are just throwing everything at me with all this information I don’t know what to do with and I’m getting complaints and requests and everyone is expecting so much from me when I’m literally sixteen years old! I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, whether I want to go to college or if I’ll even graduate high school, and they want me to solve territory disputes and create new laws and provide protection for those who want to go into the living plane. I just- I don’t know what I’m doing and the only king I could think of was you, so I guess I was wondering if you could, I don’t know, give me some advice or if I could shadow you for a bit to see what an actual king should do or act. I know it’s a lot to ask coming from someone you don’t even know, but I’m just a bit overwhelmed with everything and I don’t really know where to go from here and was hoping you would at least understand. My friends don’t get it and the other ghosts are kinda afraid of me now because of my title and they wouldn’t get it anyway…” he trails off awkwardly.
Arthur had never had this conversation before. He was honestly flattered and the kid looked genuine. Maybe he’d wait until one of the magic users okay-ed the young ‘ghost’ before revealing any information about himself.
He pulls out a device and throws it the kid. Danny dodges just to snatch it out of the air from reflex alone.
“That’s a communicator. I’ll send Deadman and Constantine your way and call when I get the okay. Where are you located?”
Danny’s toxic eyes were big and hopeful, shining brightly through the water.
“Thank you, sir! Amity Park, Illinois, the most haunted city in America!” He answers proudly.
The king just smiles.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 9 months
Trust Me
Pairing(s): Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You haven’t been able to sleep in a couple weeks, and Natasha knows just the way to get you to close your eyes.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None? (If anyone finds any feel free to message me!)
Author’s Note: Heyy guys! I know I haven’t posted a fic in like 6 months, but I got writers block and it just never really went away. I’m not sure when I’ll post again, but I’ve had the idea for this fic for a while and I finally got the motivation to write it. It might not be that good but I hope you enjoy it at least a little! Think of it as a little Christmas gift :)
Author’s Note Pt. 2: Also, this is not proofread because I just wanted to get it posted so there might be some spelling and grammar errors!
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You heavily sighed once again for probably the fifth time in the past five minutes. It’s been a few hours since you and Natasha had called it a night, and yet here you were at nearly three in the morning still lying wide awake.
Although it’s not as if you were surprised or expecting anything else. You’d been having trouble falling asleep since the first night you and Natasha arrived in Norway.
Despite not having gotten many hours of sleep lately, for some reason you still weren’t tired and still could not fall asleep.
When your girlfriend came to you a week and a half ago and told you she had no other choice but to leave the states in order to evade the government after the whole incident between Tony and Steve, you instantly decided you’d be going with her without a second thought and left no room for her to disagree.
After all she should’ve known you’d follow her anywhere, but you guess it’s taken a toll on you.
You wanted to sleep, and yet you weren’t sure what was keeping you up. Maybe you were worried about something happening to Natasha?
‘What if she gets caught? Or what if we both somehow get hurt?’ you thought.
But you knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself and keeping you safe at the same time.
Even with the amount of times you told yourself not to worry, your mind wouldn’t listen.
You eventually sighed and turned your head to look at the redhead behind you. Her arms were wrapped tightly around you and no matter how much she shifted throughout the night, she never let you go.
The mere thought of that would be enough to bring a smile to your face if you weren’t so frustrated with yourself.
Deciding you’d had enough of laying there awake, you carefully unraveled your girlfriend’s arms from around you and slid out of bed.
You almost shivered at the cool temperature of the trailer as your bare feet touched the floor and you made your way into the kitchen.
The random plastic bags on the counter rustled as you rummaged through them in search of something to snack on, finally coming across a bottle of water and a pack of chips you’d never heard of.
As you went to open the cap of the bottle, a pair of arms slipping around your waist startled you. The yelp you let out made the person behind you chuckle, and you relaxed recognizing the sound.
“Sorry, malysh (baby).” Natasha said and you turned to look at her to see the apologetic look she had on her face.
You gave her a slight smile before shaking your head, “It’s okay. But what’re you doing up right now, Nat? You should be asleep, you need to rest.”
She dipped her head down to press multiple kisses to the skin of your neck, “I could ask you the same question because so do you.”
You should’ve known you wouldn’t be able to leave the warmth of your shared bed without her noticing.
“I just couldn’t sleep.” you said, making her eyebrows furrow as you opened your water bottle and took a sip. “But I know you’re still tired so you should go back to bed, I’ll be there soon.”
“No, not without you.” Natasha was quick to disagree, “What’s going on, dorogaya (darlin)? You were yawning quite a bit before we went to bed. Why can’t you sleep?” she rested her chin on your shoulder, ready to listen to what you had to say.
You sighed realizing that you were going to have to have this conversation now. Your shoulders shrugged, “I don’t know.” was all you offered.
Natasha stayed quiet, giving you the floor for when you were ready to add on. A moment later, you did.
“I haven’t really gotten any decent sleep recently, so I’m not sure why I can’t fall asleep or why I’m not tired.”
Your girlfriend pecked your shoulder blade, acknowledging that she heard you.
“How long has this been going on for?” she asked.
For a second you went quiet, not exactly wanting to answer when you remembered that now that she knew, she wasn’t going to let it go until she made it better.
“Since we left the states.” you admitted.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Once again, you shrugged your shoulders, “I didn’t want to worry you.” you said. “You already have a lot on your plate with this whole situation and I didn’t want to add more to it.”
You heard Natasha sigh and now you appreciated that fact that you weren’t standing face to face at the moment.
“I guess I’m thinking too much.” you added. “At night I finally get the time to actually think about stuff, and I worry about you and if you’re going to be okay.”
Natasha was also glad you weren’t standing face to face right now because if you were, you would’ve seen the way her lips pulled into a smile.
“Well if you’re going to worry about me then I think I have every right to worry about you.” she chuckled and you fought back a smile at it.
“I’m sorry.” you said.
She didn’t say anything for a few moments until you heard her soft voice with that hint of rasp speak up.
“Look at me, krasivyy (beautiful).”
You craned your neck to see green eyes which were filled to the brim with love and tenderness staring at you, the singular warm light above the kitchen sink allowing her to see your sad ones.
The frustration that’d been building up in you beginning to melt away ever so slightly.
“I want you to talk to me about what you’re going through.” Natasha spoke. “I don’t care about what you think I might have going on, you’re always my first priority, okay?”
You nodded as she raised a hand to caress your cheek, brushing a hair behind your ear in the process.
“I love you too much to have you worrying that pretty little head of yours all alone when I’m always right here for you.” she pressed her lips to your temple to emphasize her point. “So promise me next time you’ll tell me if somethings wrong?”
“I promise, and I love you too, Nat.”
“Good,” Natasha smiled and leaned in to connect your lips in a loving kiss, pulling away shortly after and leaning her forehead against yours. “I’m going to be okay, so there’s no need to worry. We’re both gonna be okay, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. You knew Natasha would make sure of that.
“Alright, do you think you’re ready to head back to bed?”
You weren’t sure how to answer that. Even though you were relieved Natasha knew now and you talked about it, you still weren’t even close to being able to go to sleep.
“No,” you spoke quietly. “I’m still not really tired, and I honestly don’t know if I will be until this all blows over.”
Natasha went silent for a few moments, thinking. She turned you around to face her and moved your arms to wrap around her shoulders.
“Nat, what are you—”
“Shhh,” she interrupted your sentence, “Just trust me.”
So you did.
Her arms snaked back around your waist and pulled you into her. You weren’t exactly sure what she was doing until she began swaying with you from one side to the other.
You’d danced together before, but at Tony’s many parties. Not when you were trying to make yourself fall asleep.
“Nat, I don’t think—”
“You’re supposed to be trusting me. Do you not?”
“I do, but—”
“So shhh,” she said and you couldn’t help the little giggle you let out. “You said you were thinking too much, right?”
“Yeah.” you confirmed.
“So just relax and let me do all the thinking. I don’t want you to worry about anything except trusting me.”
“Okay.” you whispered, giving in and resting your cheek on her shoulder, allowing her to move you.
A few seconds later Natasha began humming. It wasn’t a song that you knew, but you recognized it as one of the many Russian lullabies she’s hummed and sometimes sang to you before.
The way she hummed them always made you feel relaxed and peace, and this time was no different. Because soon you started to lean into her more as you became more and more weary.
Your heavy eyelids fell shut and your head found security in her neck as you cuddled closer to it, happily letting her comforting scent soothe you.
After a couple of songs, Natasha finally looked at you to find you pretty much sound asleep.
She grinned to herself and pecked your head before lifting you into her arms, making her way back to your bedroom.
“Told you to trust me.”
~ end ~
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aothotties · 4 months
Telling Choso you want a baby
Word count: 1635
Warnings: MDNI, best friend!Choso, fluff, smut, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of kids, swearing, riding, overstimulation, creampie, the ending is so cute to me.
You and your best friend are currently lying in his bed while watching random videos as they come and go. You stumble upon a video of a mom showing flashbacks of her body during pregnancy and you can’t help but pout.
“What's wrong?” He mumbles and yawns for a few seconds, followed by a stretch after he throws his phone to the side.
“It’s nothing, I’m just being a sap.” You show him the video on your phone and he shrugs in return.
“Yeah, cute kid I guess. Mom’s got a nice body though.” He rests his chin on your shoulder and you roll your eyes.
“Of course, that’s all you notice, you’re such a man.” You scroll to another video and double tap the screen.
He shakes his head at your reaction and takes the phone from your hand so he can scroll through your feed himself.
“So you’re on some baby kick, huh?” You shrug in return and pull your legs up to your chest.
“I don’t know maybe, I think I want a baby, Cho.” You confess and he nearly drops the phone on his face at the confession.
“Where in the hell did that come from?” He sits up in bed and gives you his full attention.
You shy away from the question and cover your face with your hands in embarrassment. Choso finds it adorable at how flustered you become over the simple question.
“I’m not sure, I’ve wanted a baby for a while now. You know I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I just could never find the right guy to settle down with.” You explain to him and he listens to every word you say.
“I’ll have a baby with you.” He says nonchalantly and you look at him as if you’ve seen a ghost.
“Excuse me?! Cho, are you high or something?” You scan over his face for a sign of his words being a joke, but there isn’t one.
“Well for starters, I’m typically always high, you know that. And yeah, why not? You want a baby, I don’t hate the thought of having kids either. You don’t think we’d make cute babies? He pretends to be offended and you slap his shoulder.
You don’t hate the idea of having a baby with him. No, you guys aren’t together, but you’ve been friends for more than 10 years. You two have had sex in the past, so it’s not like you haven’t seen each other naked. And you won’t deny the fact that he is quite handsome.
“If you’re as serious about this as you seem…then I guess we can have a baby together.” You give him your final answer and he gives you a gentle smile.
“But if we’re going to do this then we have a bunch of things to figure out first. Are we gonna live together and-“ Your sentence is cut off by the feeling of soft lips against your own.
He pulls you into his lap quickly and reaches for the buttons on your shirt, quickly trying to pull it off. He slides his tongue in your mouth and you happily invite him in.
Your shirt is thrown to the corner of the room and your leggings soon follow after.
“You wanna make a baby, don’t you? You can’t talk and make a baby. Well, you shouldn’t be able to at least.”
And boy was he right, Choso currently has you riding his sensitive cock after god knows how long. Your thighs shake in sensitivity and you let out another whimper as he bottoms out inside of you.
“C-Cho, my legs are burning.” You pout and huff as you struggle to continue bouncing on top of him.
Choso ignores your cries for help and hisses as another orgasm is ripped from his body and he stuffs your poor cunt with more of his cum. You throw your head back at the feeling of him fucking it back inside of you.
“ ‘m sorry mama, j-just wanna make sure you get all of it. Let me help you baby.” He sits up against the headboard and takes hold of your hips.
“Fuck!” You scream and grab the headboard when his hips piston upwards and his angry red tip fucks into your sweet spot.
“Shit, shit! Feels so good, so tight and warm.” Choso’s eyes roll to the back of his head at the feeling of your wet, gummy walls bringing him to the brink yet again.
“C-coming! I’m gonna come, Cho!” He holds your hips in place and continues his assault on your poor g-spot.
You can’t control your orgasm and how quickly it hits you. You dig your nails into the skin of his shoulder as your left shaking from overstimulation.
The man below you watches in awe as your body convulses on top of his exhausted one. At this moment, Choso has never seen you look more beautiful.
Your thick lips are red and messy from all the kissing and drooling, his eyes trail down your body, and the way your breasts move up and down with each bounce. His eyes land on where you’re both connected and he can’t help but rub your neglected clit with his thumb.
You shake your head and attempt to swat his hand away, quickly losing that battle when he pulls you down for another messy kiss. You whimper against his lips when he flips both of you over.
He lifts your legs and rests your calves on his shoulder. He slides back into you at a teasingly slow pace and you grip the sheets in pleasure. The dark-haired man lets out a moan at the way your walls continuously suck him in each time.
He plants a small kiss on your ankle before his hips go from slow and steady to hard and fast.
“Oh shit!” You gasp as you grip the sheets, pleasure courses through your body at the feeling of the new angle.
The sound of skin slapping can be heard throughout the room and probably through the walls if you listen close enough.
“I’m so close baby, so fucking close.” He warns, his hips begin to lose their rhythm as his climax builds within him.
“C-cum inside me Cho. I want it so bad please!” You beg, tears build up in your eyes as another orgasm pools in your lower belly.
“Y-yeah baby? Want me to fill you up real good?” He leans down so his forehead is only inches from yours and you nod shyly.
He smirks at your lack of words and presses his lips to yours one last time before overfiowing your insides with his warm speed. You moan into his mouth and drag your nails down his arms in ecstasy as you come one last time.
Your body finally relaxes after one last thrust of his hips.
“You okay princess?” He runs his fingers through his raven locks and you nod with your eyes closed, the need for sleep is growing stronger by the second.
“Thank you for doing this with me, there’s truly nobody else I think I would want a baby with.” You confess, he takes your hand in his and kisses over your knuckles.
“Don’t worry about it, anything I can do to make my best friend a happy lady.”
“Oh, Dad that’s so cheesy.” Your eight year old daughter rolls her eyes at the story and he shrugs his shoulders.
“It’s what happened! Your mom and I were best friends, she wanted a baby and the stork delivered!You asked me to tell you the story of how you guys were born, and I did.” He huffs and pulls the young girl in his lap, planting small kisses all over her face.
“Dad! Please no more.” She laughs as he continues his assault of kisses on her face.
The sound of tiny feet and screaming can be heard from down the hall, Choso and his mini-me follow the noise and he has to refrain from laughing at the sight.
You’re attempting to put your boys to bed with a bedtime story, but not without acting out the details of course.
“I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” You blow raspberries over their little faces and they break out into a fit of giggles.
“Mommy does a good wolf, right guys?” Your boys nod simultaneously and you smile up at your fiancé.
“Did you know it’s actually because she is one? Why do you think she’s so hairy?” He teases and you hit his shoulder playfully.
“Haha papa, so funny.” He helps you up to your feet and plants a kiss on your lips.
Your three munchkins groan in disgust and you and Choso can’t help but laugh.
“Alright guys it’s time for bed, we’ve got a busy week coming up!” You announce, you tuck the boys in bed and kiss their foreheads.
“Goodnight Mama, goodnight Papa, goodnight Junior!”
Junior is the nickname for your oldest daughter since she’s a carbon copy of her father. The only thing she got from you is her pretty brown skin and her tight coils.
“Goodnight boys, I love you, mama and Papa.” She hugs you both simultaneously and you lean down so she can kiss your faces.
“Goodnight pretty girl, sweet dreams.” You watch as she closes her bedroom door, and cheer quietly at another successful night.
“We’re such awesome parents Cho.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder and cups your cheeks as he kisses you.
“Yeah, we kinda know what we’re doing I guess.” He smiles down at you and pulls you in by your waist.
“And to think we were gonna stop with Junior. How crazy would that have been?” You ask as you reminisce.
Once you learned about your pregnancy, you two decided that it was just going to be a one-and-done situation. Then Choso realized that not only are you an amazing mother, but that you’re an even better significant other.
He proposed to you on the night of her first birthday, and nine months later your boys arrived. He truly wouldn’t want his life to go any other way, he has everything he’s ever wanted and more.
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ghost-proofbaby · 8 months
a simple life (e.m.)
summary: you try to clean your depression room while eddie's over, but he keeps distracting you.
warnings: none except mentions of a dirty room and panties. also... a lot of nicknames. womp womp. not edited.
pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader
wc: 1.4k+
a/n: just a little sweet something i wrote thinkin' about eddie while i took on the task of finally cleaning my depression room after a few months of putting it off. idk. this is boring. i'm sorry.
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“Where did you even get this postcard?”
“Or what about this choker? Is that a bat? It’s a- oh my God, babe. Why don’t you ever wear this? This is hot.”
Originally, you had thought it was a good idea. Invite Eddie over, allow the body-doubling tactic to work its magic, and voila – you’d finally have the clean room you’d been talking about achieving for weeks now, within a few hours. 
“Baby,” you scold, trying to reach across the bed to snatch the necklace he’d found out of his hands. It proves to be difficult, a small pile of laundry you’d been folding hindering you. 
“Sweetheart,” he mimics right back, quick to hold the necklace out of your reach, as if you were anyone near from stealing it back from him. 
“I asked you to come over to help me, not distract me,” you sigh, crossing your arms and trying to look as pitiful as possible. When you’d first invited him over, you’d assured him that he needn’t lift a single finger. You didn’t want him here to help by aiding in throwing away any of the trash that had begun to litter your desk or taking any dirty plates to the kitchen. No, the intention had been him helping with his mere presence – quiet presence. He was supposed to be working on a new campaign for Hellfire, not being so damn nosey and going through the few items you’d tossed onto the bed from the floor, “I just recently bought that necklace, I haven’t had a chance to wear it.”
His eyes light up mischievously, a small grin tugging at his lips, “Why not wear it now, then? Perfect opportunity, yeah?” 
“I’m not fulfilling any slutty maid fantasies you have, Eddie.” 
“What if I say please?” 
You huff and decide to give up the fight about the necklace, returning back to the laundry before you. You were almost done. You were almost done after a full day of cleaning. If your adorably curious boyfriend would just stop picking at your belongings, you’d probably be able to finish within the hour. 
He stands from the small space on your bed he had made for himself, a nest of sorts that he had taken from simply curling up into for a ‘nap’ (which never happened’ to sitting up as he had just been as he clearly grew more bored with each passing moment. “Want some help with folding?” 
“You just want an excuse to get your grubby hands on my underwear,” you grumble, folding a shirt with slightly more vigor to emphasize your point.
You’re right, of course. The first article of clothing he grabs is a pair of lacy black panties. 
“Guilty,” he coos jokingly, but to your surprise, he actually folds the lingerie. Neatly, at that. With careful hands, he folds it even nicer than you would have in your haste, going as far as walking to your dresser and putting it away into the correct drawer. And then, he takes it a step further, and begins to put away the other clothing you’d already neatly wrapped up, suddenly depleting the mountain of laundry by half, “You know, I don’t mind helping you clean.”
“I already told you, you’re helping by bein-” you start to protest, hands grabbing at a random jean leg but not quite yanking it from the pile. 
He’s quick to interrupt you, taking that pair of jeans right from you, “I don’t want to just lay there while you do all the work, contrary to all the sources that say men enjoy that.”
His face isn’t quite as taunting as it had been moments before. Some of the joking has vanished, replaced by something more serious yet somehow softer. The jeans are slung over his arms, neatly halved twice before he sets them to the side and looks at you. 
Your shame is palpable, though. You’d just gotten over the embarrassment of having him over when your room would get this filthy. Disastrous in the worst of ways. Dirty clothes strewn everywhere, plates left for days on any surface you could find in your laziness, coke cans and random trash littering the floor. It was embarrassing. You know he had promised to love you through the good and the ugly, but this was far uglier than he could have ever imagined signing up for. 
It was bad enough to have him see it, let alone clean it. 
“It’s embarrassing,” you finally say quietly. His head tilts, so adorable it tugs at all your heart strings, and you take it as your queue to continue in a near whisper, “It’s gross - I’m gross.” 
“Sweetheart, have you even seen my room?” he scoffs. He’s quick to shove some of the clean clothes up into a pile just enough that he can take a seat at the corner of your bed, quickly reaching out to grab your hands and guide you between his spread legs, “Shit happens. Life gets stressful, work gets busy, sometimes we just don’t feel like cleaning up. Shit happens,” his thumb is sweeping soothingly over your knuckles, clearing the impending storm you hadn’t even been aware of. Maybe he hadn’t either – a naturally caring and comforting aura has always been his thing rather than yours, “Out of everyone in this world, I am the least qualified to judge you.” 
You don’t really understand it. How he can sit there, looking up at you so dreamily when the two of you are situated in the middle of your still unkempt room, your neck still chilled with a layer of sweat and your hair tumbling out of the bun you hadn’t properly secured. But he is. He’s looking at you not as if he doesn’t see the mess, both of the room and of yourself, but as if he does and simply doesn’t care. 
“Besides,” his lips are splitting with another grin, his hands squeezing your hands three times, “It’s kind of domestic. ‘M kind of into it.” 
“Me? Doing laundry?” you snort, blinking away any fears that had crept up. It’s hard to feel inadequate with his eyes on you, spilling so many sweet nothings like it’s just another casual Tuesday conversation and not the fuel to your beating heart, “Didn’t you just say you don’t want to just sit and-”
“Us,” he cuts you off in correction, “Us doing laundry.”
“You… like the thought of doing laundry with me?” you say slowly, carefully, unsure of the words as they fall from your lips. 
Doing laundry sounded like the least romantic thing the two of you could ever partake in. 
“I like the thought of doing laundry with you,” he repeats with a nod, “I like the thought of doing laundry with you, of doing dishes together after we just made the world's most mediocre dinner ever, of you complaining when I won’t get up so you can make the bed on the weekend,” he tugs you even closer. You have no choice but to let a knee fall to each side of his hips, straddling his lap as he wraps his arms around you and he leans forward to press a chaste kiss to one of your collar bones, “Call me cheesy. I like the thought of a simple life, but only if it’s with you.” 
Something warms inside of you. The thought of a life of simplicity, of lazy mornings and boring afternoons, all brightened up by the boy in front of you. A boy who creates magical worlds with his words on a weekly basis, a boy obsessed with fantasy novels and all things adventurous, who wants his greatest life adventure to just be a mundane lifetime with you. 
You can imagine it would be anything but mundane with Eddie, but the tranquility still exists and blankets the two of you. 
You lift a hand, carding it through his scalp, careful not to let your fingers snag on his messy curls, “Does this mean you’ll do your taxes with me next week?” 
With a quick snort, he buries his face into your chest, shaking his head furiously, “Don’t push it, sweetheart.” 
You know he will, though. He’ll help you fold the laundry, he’ll help you wash the dishes, and he’ll certainly sit through the dreadful hours of doing taxes if they’re spent with you. 
A few beats of silence. His arms have wrapped just right so that his warm palm presses into your lower back, the other hand tracing a mindless circle over your shirt a few inches higher. Your breathing matches his, fingers rubbing a matching pattern into his scalp that has him humming periodically.
The laundry will get done eventually, but it can wait. For now, you just want to hold your boy, and let him hold you. 
“It’s a date,” he finally gives in, voice muffled, making you smile widely, “I’ll light candles and everything, sweetheart.”
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
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hollisxwrites · 8 months
Hi! I absolutely love your writing, I was wondering if you could write a luke castellan x reader. Where she’s been at camp for a while now and haven’t been claimed. But most people at camp think she’s Hermes daughter which Luke hates because he has a crush on her. But she’s known the entire time, just wanted to stay in that cabin with Luke and everyone else.
"you've got to hide your love away"
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not my gif or my song! all credits to the original creators.
luke castellan x fem! reader (lukes POV)
word count: 1.8k
warnings: some sexual innuendos (nothing explicit though), some crude language, kissing, another song fic! i'm sorry! premise of the first little section is luke denying feeling for the reader because the people at camp think they could be half siblings, but it's nothing weird so dw!
summary: the reader is incredibly close with the kids in the hermes cabin, so close, that she lies and says she has not been claimed by her godly parents yet in order to stay with her friends for as long as possible. eventually, she admits it to her closest friend, luke, and he is relived, as he is in love with the reader.
authors note: guys! i have reached 500 (!!!!!) notes on two works so far, and that has blown me away! thank you for all the request, i'm working on getting through all of them as we speak, and i am so excited to put out what i have been working on to you guys! this is a shorter fic and just kind of cute, so i hope you enjoy! keep sending request, i'm loving reading all of your thoughts about percy and luke! i am so thankful for this community. love you all!
My friends and I, Connor, Travis, Chris, Clarisse, Alice, and {reader} sat around a dwindling campfire on an oddly cold night in September.  A gentle wind blew, rustling the leaves around us, and sending the heavy smoke of the fire into the faces of Connor and Travis, making everyone sitting under the stars laugh at their dramatic performance of a coughing fits.  Everyone, that is, except for {reader}.  She always had a soft spot for people who seemed to feel unwell, even if it was for something as small as the brothers inhaling a little bit of smoke as a joke.  
{Reader} was unlike anyone else I had ever met, sympathetic, gentle, and kind.  Every time I saw her, I felt like my world was a little brighter.  Chris said I loved her, Connor said it was just because she is my “sister” through the camp, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the feeling was.  She had not been claimed by her godly parent, or so she says. Everyone believes that her dad is Hermes, since he is typically a deadbeat dad, and people say he is too lazy to claim her.  I guess their thoughts made sense; she had lived in our cabin for two years, so Hermes really had no reason to claim her at that point.  It shattered my heart just a little bit, as {reader} was so beautiful, a type of beauty that is unique unto her, something I feared I would never get to experience again.   I thought I would not be able to fully love her if she was my sibling.  So, I pushed back any feelings I could have for her deep down in my heart.  No one knew about them, and I hoped they never did, especially if she was my sister. I didn’t want to be seen as some kinky weirdo. 
The Stoll's finally stopped their theatrics, and I was able to look at {reader} for what felt like the first time due to the long day we’ve had.  Everything from counselor duties to training to hanging out with friends, I hadn’t gotten to spend a lot of time with her the days prior.  I watched her every move, and every moment she enchanted me.  Holding her guitar that I had gotten her from an Apollo kid for her birthday last year, she was picking out random chords, humming along to a song that I didn’t recognize.  Conversation fell silent amongst our group as {reader} started to play the chords she had been fiddling with in more confidence.  She sang along to the expertly played chords in a clean, clear voice that mesmerized me every time I heard her sing. When she reached the chorus of the song, she looked me in the eye while she sang, causing my stomach to erupt in fireworks.  Her eyes shone in the darkness, made even more beautiful by the fire reflecting off them.  
Gather 'round all you clowns,  
Let me hear you say 
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away! 
When she completed her song, the Stoll's clapped, and then repeated her chorus loudly, skipping around the perimeter of the campfire, shouting like drunken sailors.  Typically, I would’ve joined in their antics, but in that moment, I couldn’t even speak.  {Reader} was so beautiful.  Maybe Chris was right, maybe I did love her.  She sat her guitar down beside her, and leaned up against the logs that we used as makeshift chairs. She threw her head back laughing at a joke Clarisse made, and her laughter was almost as beautiful as the song she had sung.  I could have sworn at that moment that my heart was going to burst out of my chest.  Something about the energy surrounding her made me admire her.  I couldn’t take my eyes off her.  
Eventually, when the moon was completely risen in the sky, and the Harpies were about to come out, my group retreated to our respective cabins.  After showering and changing, I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling that was plastered with plastic stars, there to comfort younger campers.  I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist that {reader} made for our friend group and exhaled deeply.  I had no idea what I was going to do.  That day had solidified for me that I was in love with {reader}.  Her aura was enchanting, enticing me every time she spoke.  I stared into the plastic stars for what felt like an eternity, when all the sudden, someone distracted me from my thoughts (thank the gods). 
“Luke?”  {Reader}’s sweet voice whispered.  “Are you still awake?”  I saw her figure standing next to my bed.  She was wearing a sweatshirt from her hometown and flannel pants that made her look warm and inviting.  Her hair was slightly out of place, and she looked frightened.   
“Of course I am, you know me.  Never asleep.”  I said with a sigh, sitting myself up on my elbows so I could see her better.  “Whatcha’ need?” 
She turned her head away from me, as if she was embarrassed by what she had to say.  “Nightmares.  Again.  I can’t go back to sleep, I tried.” 
I frowned, feeling sympathetic for the girl in front of me.  “I’m so sorry.  I know that sucks.  What can I do to help you?”  
“Could I stay with you?”  she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“What do you mean?”  I asked quizzically, my heart racing, thoughts jumbling together at the mere idea of her staying with me.   
She rolled her eyes and shoved me over.  “I just need to be around someone right now, and you’re my best friend, so...”   
I moved over so she would have room beside me, and automatically, I could see her body relax.  I pulled my duvet over her, making sure she was warm, and shuffled over a little more to respect her space.  “Do you want to talk about it?” 
She shook her head.  “Not really.  I do have something that I want to tell you, though.”   
I laid down so I was facing her.  “You can tell me anything, you know that.” 
 “Of course I can, that’s why I’m scared to tell you this.  I don’t want you to hate me.”  I could see the agitation on her face, so I reached out to hold her hand, hoping to ground her.  Electricity sparked where our skin met, but at that moment, I tried to ignore it.  I wondered if she felt it, too. 
“I could never hate you.  I don’t care what you tell me.  You could tell me you hated sword fighting and I would still forgive you.”  I said, giving her my best sympathetic smile. 
She giggled at this, moving to play with the silver ring on my finger.  “I know.”  She swallowed hard.  “Luke, I have been claimed by my dad, I just didn’t want to tell anyone because I didn’t want to leave the cabin.  I didn’t want to leave you.” 
Resisting the urge to let my jaw drop, I looked at her, trying to find any sense of sarcasm in her gaze.  “Are you serious?  Who claimed you?  When?  Why me?” 
“Apollo is my dad."  She said shortly.  “A year ago, the first time I played the guitar you got me. He claimed me then. Also, why you? Look at yourself.  You’re the most genuine person who I have ever known.  I love you.  So much.”  
This time, my jaw did gape open just a little bit.  She loved me.  Oh, my gods, she fucking loved me.  “I love you too, but why are you telling me this now?”  I asked, curious as to why she was letting me in on this information at two or three in the morning.  
“That’s what my nightmare was about.  The lie had gotten to me, and you started to believe I was your sister, which is a horrible thought, and you dated someone, some Aphrodite girl who said I was too ugly to be loved by someone like you.  I didn’t want that to become my reality, so here I am.”  She said, her gaze traveling down to where our hands were still connected. 
My mind ran circles around her words.  She loved me.  She wanted me.  I guessed I looked lost, maybe even unhappy, because when I started to speak, she cut me off.  “So, what you’re saying is that...” 
“If you don’t like me that’s okay!  Seriously.  I know that this is random and ridiculous.  It’s just a stupid dream.”  She said, trying to pull her hand away from mine.   
“It’s not stupid, {reader}.  I love you, too.  I wanted you to not be a Herme’s kid with everything in my heart.”  I paused, eyes moving to her lips.  “Can I...”  At this, she softly pressed our lips together into the sweetest kiss I had ever experienced.  It was so soft, and some of her honey lip balm transferred onto mine.  She pressed a kiss to my cheek, my scar, my jaw, and my neck, before her eyes drifted closed.  “I love you, Luke, but I want to sleep.”   
“I love you, too, so I will let you sleep.” I responded, pulling her into my arms. I held her close for the rest of the night, basking in her scent and her warmth.  I was coaxed to sleep by her rhythmic heartbeat that I could feel against my chest. 
“WHAT THE HELL!”  Travis shouted.  It was probably nine in the morning, due to the emptiness and light coming into the cabin. 
I jolted awake, suddenly aware of another person in my arms.  {Reader}.  She had her arms thrown across my chest, head resting in the crook of my neck.  I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, trying to take in what was happening around me, trying to comprehend that the night prior wasn’t a dream. 
Travis and Connor stood near my bedside with stunned looks on my face.  Connor was the first to speak up after Travis’s initial reaction.  “Did you guys' fuck?”    
My face turned beat red. “No, dumbass!  Go away, she’s still asleep.  She just had nightmares last night and didn’t want to be alone.”  
“Sureeeeeeee.”  Travis drew out, smirking at me.  “That doesn’t look like you guys are just friends, Lukie.” 
I rolled my eyes and pulled {reader} closer, trying to ward off the Stoll's, trying to protect her from waking up at their loud words.  “Go away, please!” 
The brothers chuckled and walked out of the room, nudging one another.  I sighed and turned back to {reader}.  She didn’t stir in my arms, surprisingly, after all the commotion.  Holding her there made everything in my life make sense, and at this moment, I believed I had finally found my lifeline, my home. I pressed a kiss into her hair and contented myself with memorizing every freckle on her face.  
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yenqa · 8 months
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in which…
on jay’s live, fans point out a stuffed animal on his bed, one that seems to be the other piece to your notorious missing pair. as imaginary pieces start to connect for fans, the viewers beg for some kind of interaction. and though you and jay have never met before, why not use this situation to your advantage?
warnings : crying, panic attacks, depression is depicted but isnt really said, lots of bad self talk, food/eating, having no appetite, just lots of bad mental health talk and depictions, hurt/comfort, god this chapter is PACKED
wc: 1829
i’m sorry that i couldnt be your teenage dream.
not proofread!
It had been a week and a half since you had seen anyone.
Well other than the cashiers at the local grocery store but that made you look even more pathetic. 
You haven’t been well, at all.
It was a horrible sight, honestly you couldn’t even look at yourself in the mirror without cringy. You had no productivity and had planned to do nothing for as long as possible. 
You were surprised your body hasn't exploded yet, since all you had ate was instant ramen or the three meals you could cook total. 
Today was one of the worse-r days. Three hours into the new day but your mind couldn’t seem to sleep one bit.
You had zero appetite, your room was a mess, it was worse that you couldn’t even sleep away the days even though you were so tired. Your eyes were glued shut at night but your body couldn’t stop fighting the feeling of sleep. 
So here you were, eye bags almost able to give the color purple a run for its money, and so puffy it felt like a balloon was stuck in there. But your eyes hadn’t shed any tears, instead you felt like nothing. Like you were just floating around with no purpose or any feeling at all.
The empty feeling in your head made you unable to do anything but scroll on your phone, letting hours after hours pass by rewatching your favorite show at least a billion times. It seemed like the world had gone gray, like the world was ending and you were the only one feeling it.
A part of you screamed at yourself to get a grip, to stop being so dramatic and realize there are still good things in life. 
You tried to get better, you really did. You had researched on how to get over this drought but you never could. So every night you would lay in your bed, trying to figure out what was wrong with you.
Mornings have always been your least favorite part of the day. But it seemed to get worse with every second that passed. 
Realizing you still had a whole day ahead of you seemed utterly impossible to finish, but still you would reach your hand out to the finish line, only to miss every time.
You had six hours until it was the appropriate time to wake up. You couldn’t call anyone for help, you couldn’t text anyone in the middle of the night. It was your burden, so you had to keep it to yourself and hope and pray it washes away over time.
Your phone has been your only sense of livelihood during your dull days. If you had been wasting hours after hours at least you had been doing something. 
Before you could think of the consequences, you had thought of searching yourself on the internet, just for fun. You clicked on the first source, hoping that someone would see your side of the story.
No it was not fun–you wish you could warn yourself because the title of the article read; “All you need to know about Y/niora and why she’s trending”
We’ve all seen the names “Y/n” or “Y/niora” trending on X, who is she? Some might wonder. In this article I’ll be going over everything she’s done wrong, and why fans hate her for it.
Y/n is a popular streamer on twitch, known for her funny commentary and her boyfriend Jay, but recently she’s shown a darker side to her.
Her boyfriend, Jay, is also a twitch streamer, a much more popular one at that. He’s known for his good looks and his random reactions that have us crying with laughter, but why would he date a nobody like her? 
If you’ve seen Y/niora’s X account, you can see that she posts provocative photos of herself, things that only lead to temptations of male fans. Fans speculate this is the reason they met, saying that she seduced him and used him for money, fame, and views.
If you know anything about streaming, you know BlueJay and his friends. Who stole the internet's hearts with their looks and cute personalities. But things start picking up between Jay and Y/n when she posts their matching stuffed animals, officially presenting their relationship to the world.
This seems to be a bad move on Y/n’s part, as her facade starts slipping through and we get to see her for the calloused person she is. 
She continuously shows her disinterest in anything he’s saying. Making him repeat everything he’s said to her. This strikes up the question, does she really care about him or her fans?
Arguments of this exact topic have been trending among fans, some saying
You closed your phone before you could read anything else. Flipping your body over you could feel tears start to form in your eyes, your vision goes blurry and your breath starts hiccuping. 
Wiping your wet cheeks, you start to panic when you feel like your throat is closing up, placing your hand on your chest to try to calm yourself down. 
That clearly doesn’t work. As you swear you can feel the walls closing in beside you. In a last effort to stop your ugly sobs, you open your phone once more, your breath quickens when you open the phone app, calling the person that you need the most right now.
The ringing on your phone shakes you more, “Please answer, please answer, please answer.” You croak out desperately, glancing at your window to realize it’s the middle of the night, and he’s probably getting the nice sleep he deserves. 
Unlike you who only makes things worse, and can’t even get a wink of sleep at night.
You sob harder after the fifth ring, realizing that he’s not going to answer. And you have to do this on your own–
“Y/n? Are you okay?” His voice brings relief to your ears, that’s until you realize the state you’re in. 
“Jay I’m so–so so sorry for calling you this late.” You rasp out, “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me, I can’t stop shaking and crying, I just–fuck” Bringing your hand up, you grab a fist of your hair, not knowing what to do or say.
“Are you at home?”
“Yeah, I am.” You choke through, words barely coherent.
“I’m coming. Stay there, okay?”
His tone is so soft it scares you. How could he be talking to you so sweetly knowing the mess you made? How could he be talking to you so sweetly knowing that you are burdening him at such a late hour?
Your throat tries its best to keep your hammering heart inside your chest, but it closes up, your breath is so uneven you're not even sure you’re breathing at all. 
That is until you let out a soft apology into your phone, but it’s covered by your staggered breathing, and the sound of you stuffing up your snot back into your nose.
The silence coming from him is apparently meant to drive you insane. Because the nausea of it all starts to get to you, your condition is crippling so you can’t even move from your curled up position on your bed.
You can hear your door slam open, eliciting a strong flinch from you. 
Your heart seems to be racing too fast for your liking, almost like it’s fighting to get out of your chest. “Jay?” You mutter, as you can see his dark silhouette standing through the doorway. 
Before you can actually decipher if the man is actually Jay or just some random burglar who found your spare key, you feel his arms wrap around your body, tucking your head into the space between his neck and shoulder. 
You conclude that it’s Jay’s warmth you’re feeling right now.
For a second you feel safe, for a second you feel like he’s just hugging you, not because you are literally having a panic attack. 
That snaps you back into reality. God were you really having a panic attack over an article? That you chose to read? 
Feeling your chest tighten and your eyes water up, you tuck your head impossibly deeper, letting your tears and snot get all over his shirt. 
It’s grossing you out how you can physically feel his shirt dampen with your tears, but you’re too focused on figuring out how to breathe rather than the mess you made on his shirt.
“You can let it out, or you can just cry, I don’t mind.”
You sob even harder than you were before.
He’s so warm. He’s so warm. And you have no idea why it’s the perfect descriptor for him. 
“Jay,” You mutter, being muffled by his shoulder, “I’ve ruined everything.”
His arm rubs your back gently, “You haven’t ruined anything, pretty.” He whispers, talking like if he speaks any louder you’ll crack into hundreds of pieces (you actually might but that’s not the point).
“I have! You can’t even deny it without lying,” You hiccup, “I mean—I’m trying so hard, but I can’t do anything right.” You pull your head back to look up at him.
He stays silent, letting his hand cup your face, wiping away any tears that fall down.
“And I’m so tired. I’m so tired of doing everything I can but still being hated for not doing enough. I mean who wouldn’t? I can’t even cook a proper meal, it just goes to show how hopeless I am.”
“Y/n you can’t possibly think about yourself.”
“I can because it’s the truth.”
He tucks your head back into his shoulder, “Y/n, not being able to cook a proper meal is okay. Some people never learn how to cook an egg.”
Your breathing calms down slightly, you let out a small chuckle, trying to stay forever in his warmth.
“I’m sorry for calling you here so late, I know you’re tired from streaming or something.”
“I could never stay away from you for too long, even if it’s in the middle of the night.”
Letting out a breathy smile, you look back at his face, a small smile spreads through his face looking at you.
Your eyes were tired, for the first time in a week your body was tired. “I’m going to go to sleep. Thank you, Jay, seriously.”
He gets up from your position, you feel the absence of his warmth even though he just got up, he’s about to walk out the door when you build up the courage to ask, “Can you stay? Just for tonight?”
Looking back, there's a smile on his face as he replies “Always.”
Walking back to you, he lays himself under your blanket, tucking you in before wrapping his arm around you, he pulls you into his chest.
And for the first time in what felt like forever. You fall asleep, in Jay’s arms.
back masterlist next
yenqa > um title is reference to teenage dream by olivia rodrigo! umm hope u enjoyed while i ripped my heart out and put it in my writing… thanks!
taglist (CLOSED): @yeokii @hanniluvi @euncsace @jongsiemain @mrchweeee @fakeuwus @ashy1um @rikisly @filmofhybe @nwjws @yizhoutv @soov @tocupid @tzke1ta @yannew @manooffline @mars101 @haechansbbg @enhaz1 @teddywonss @en-happiness @kim2005bomi @be0mlvr @luvswonyoung @flwoie @lilriswife4life @nicholasluvbot @ikeusol @lylovw @alwayswook @astrae4 @choi-beomgyulvr @aishigrey @infpistj @jiawji @planethyuka @mari-oclock @222brainrot @jakevascaino @rory-cant-sleep @hyehae @vixensss @hearts4hanni @kgneptun @tongtongie @www-jungwon @lovejunz @fluerz @jiyeons-closet @nyuzip @leehanist @heerinnie @eneiyri
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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lenoraah · 1 year
𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙗𝙤𝙮
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pairing - ollie bearman x reader
summary - reader finishes her finals and finally has time to visit her boyfriend, luckily his birthday is the same day her flight lands.
a/n - hi! this is my first motorsport x insert reader. i hope that it’s some what good and would really appreciate it if you have some feedback and would share it :)
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
”Y/n? What are you doing here?”
“Ah! Dino don’t scare me like that!”
“Sorry,” The brown haired boy smiles sheepishly as he puts his hands up in defense, making the groceries bags slide down onto his forearms. “But seriously what are you doing here?”
“I’m here for Ollie’s birthday since I just finished my finals. I thought it would be a good time since we haven’t seen each other in so long.” Y/n fails to hide the happy smile on her face and is clearly oblivious of the fact that her cheeks were a bright pink color.
The baby blue gift bag that is overstuffed with white tissue paper is being shifted from hand to hand is making it obvious to Dino that she is somewhat nervous even though her face is screaming happiness.
“That’s great. This is great. You’re great. Wait- no, I mean the fact that you’re here. Because Ollie hasn’t been able to stop talking about you all season. Also you are great. Sorry I’m so confused now,” Dino babbles as he shoves his key into the lock of his and Ollie’s current shared apartment. He pushes the door open with his back and drops the bags of groceries on the kitchen counter.
Y/n follows him inside and balances the gift carefully in one hand while the other is busy shimmying off her shoes. She hops on one foot into the living room as Dino shuts the door behind her.
Once she has finally managed to take off her shoes and set them by the door next to the pile of Dino and Ollie’s shoes, Y/n takes off her coat and draped it over a stool at the counter.
She looks at the mess sound the apartment and internally cringes. The mess of racing attire scattered on the sofa. The stacks of documents and notes on the coffee table. The helmet on the floor next to a random dark green dog leash. Not to mention lots of random things laying around everywhere.
“Ollie should be in his room,” Dino walks past the girl with a pile of clothes in his arms.
“Okay, thanks.”
“I’m will be downstairs trying to do my laundry. Call me if he not there,”
“Got it.” Y/n nods to herself and gives him a thumbs up. “And, Dino. Don’t use too much laundry detergent. You remember what happen last summer.”
“Yep, I know. It was fun and all but I don’t want to clean up all of that again.” Dino nods and snatches his keys off the counter.
Y/n stands there waiting for him to leave as Dino stands opposite of her with a basket of dirty laundry. He says one more thing about not wanting to hear any surprises when he comes back. The y/h/c girl nods and shoves him out of the door before he can say anything else.
After she hears the lock click and the faint sound of footsteps disappearing, Y/n takes a deep breath before quietly walking towards Ollie’s room.
The door is slightly open which is enough for her to see that her boyfriend is curled up in his bed. It amazes her that no matter how loud her and Dino were that he is completely unfazed.
Y/n opens the door just enough for her to get in. She sits on the edge on the bed and runs her hand up and down Ollie’s back.
The boy shifts before he slowly rolls over and scowls at her. He face immediately changes into a smile when he realizes who it is.
“Hi,” He mumbles as Y/n gently runs a hand through his brown curls.
“Hi, honey.” She smiles at him and Ollie grabs her by the waist and sits up as he pulls her next to him.
“What are you doing here?”
“It’s your birthday and I really wanted to see you. I missed you so much,”
“I could’ve come and visited you. You didn’t have to come all the way to Barcelona.”
Y/n chooses to ignore him before pressing a kiss on his forehead.
They sit with their backs against the bed headboard and stay in each other’s embrace for a while before Y/n reaches over to the nightstand and grabs the gift bag.
“I got you something,” Ollie takes the bag and puts it between them. He buries his face in her hair and presses a soft kiss on her cheek.
“You didn’t have too,”
“I know but it’s your eighteenth birthday so either it was mail you the gift or give it to you now.”
“Go on, open it.”
The boy slowly sets the tissue paper aside while looking at his girlfriend with an eyebrow raised.
Inside is a rectangular shaped wooden box with a painted red heart and a small cardboard box with a ribbon tied around it.
“What is this?” Ollie takes out the small cardboard box first and gives it a good look.
“I was in Ely shopping around on the weekend when I saw this little thing that reminded me of you.”
Y/n shrugs her shoulders with a cheeky smile on her face. Ollie opens the box and takes out a small cream colored bear shaped candle with a smile on its face with a bow around its neck .
“Y/n/n, love, no you didn’t.” Ollie let’s out a light chuckle as he looks at the candle.
“It’s cute, just like you.” Y/n taps his nose and tilts her head to the side with happy grin on her face.
Ollie’s cheeks flush a bright pink color as she teases him.
“What is this?” He takes the wooden box from the bottom of the bag and before he can unlatch the lock Y/n places her hand over his.
“Don’t open it yet,” Y/n gently takes his hand off and laces their fingers together.
“What is it?”
“It’s a bunch of letters I wrote you for different occasions when we can’t be together.” Y/n mumbles against his shoulder.
“This is really great. Really, really great. It’s like I’ll have a piece of you wherever I go.”
Y/n smiles and rubs his arm.
“I’m really glad that you like it.”
“I really do,” Ollie presses a kiss on her forehead. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Ollie.”
He puts the two gifts back in the bag and sets it by the edge of the bed. Y/n curls under his arm and kisses the bare skin of his collarbone. She hides her face in his chest and takes in the smell of his cologne.
The same smell that she has missed for the past six months that she hasn't seen him.
“I’m really glad you’re here.”
“Me too,”
The couple stay in each other’s embrace and share longing and loving looks. They both might be trying to make a life for themselves and have goals they both want to achieve but they were making time for each other and that was important. The other person was important and they were not going to give them up.
“Happy birthday Ollie,”
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arctickat2400 · 1 month
Post-It Note Surprises ∞ Henry Cavill
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Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Some of the ways Henry shows you he loves you while he’s away, using multi-colored post-it notes. 
Word Count: 3517
A/N: Usually I wouldn’t write something with Henry being gone because in my head, I don’t like when he’s gone, but I found a post for inspiration and this is how I thought it out. 
A/N2: Usually I will have notes to write a story from but this is just something random I came across and decided to write it at the top of my head, so I apologize if it’s not very good. Sorry for the weird, cheesy repetition. No method to my madness. Hope you enjoy it anyway!
* * * *
You woke up to a gentle stroke over the bridge of your nose, a small smile rising to your lips. Opening your eyes just slightly to see Henry gazing down at you as he leaned on his arm above you, “Good morning, beautiful,” he smiles once he sees your eyes, an index finger tracing gentle lines across the smooth skin of your face. You let out a quiet giggle as you turn to hide your face against his chest. Henry chuckles deeply in return, burying his fingers into your hair. You turn your head to look up at him, his eyes still on you.
“Morning, my love,” You respond as Henry leans down and rubs his nose against yours in an eskimo kiss. 
“How did you sleep?” Henry questioned, brushing his thumb over your cheek.
“Okay since I was sleeping next to you,” You answer with a grin on your lips. “But also not the best considering what tonight is,” Your smile faded a bit at the thought of Henry leaving. He was leaving tonight to go on a trip for the next two weeks to shoot some scenes for his upcoming movie in Europe, and although there’s been times he’s been gone for longer periods of time, any length of time away from him was excruciating. 
“I know, baby,” Henry offered you a sympathetic smile. He hated leaving you. He hated not being able to hold you in his arms every night. But he planned on making this few week transition as easy as possible for you. “But I’ll be back before you know it. We’ll FaceTime everyday so I can see that gorgeous face of yours,” Henry stated, leaning down to press a kiss to your nose.
Giggling and moving onto your back to look up at him, “More like so I can see your handsome face,” You placed your hand on his cheek, tracing your thumb over his lips. “Luckily I have quite a bit of work to get done so hopefully that’ll make time go by faster.”
Henry brushes a strand of hair away from your face and tucks it behind your ear. “Are you going to work today?” He asks.
“Unfortunately, yes. The one day I have to go in is the day you leave. Figures,” You roll your eyes with frown. Henry chuckles softly.
“That’s okay, sweetheart. I have stuff I need to get done around here before I leave anyway.” Henry mentioned as you sat up in bed, Henry turning onto his back as you turned to look at him.
“Oh, do you mind if I take your car today? I haven’t put gas in mine and by the time I leave, I won’t have time to get any before work.” You requested, even though you knew he’d say ‘yes’ - he always did with whatever you asked - but you always asked anyway. 
“Of course, love,” He answered, his arm propping his head up to look up at you with a look of adoration. You leaned down to press a kiss of gratitude to his lips before getting up to get ready for work, however reluctantly. All you wanted to do was stay in his arms all day. 
~ That Night ~
“Be safe. Try your hardest not to get hurt on set. I don’t want a phone call from someone that’s not you telling me you’re in the hospital again,” You told Henry jokingly, although you were far from joking and he knew it. Your arms hung around his neck and his arms enclosed around your waist, holding you close as you stood in the airport to say goodbye. 
“I’ll try my best, my love. We shouldn’t be shooting anything too dangerous. I don’t want you worrying your pretty little head about me. You have enough going on as it is.” Henry responded, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“I love you so much, bear,” You whispered close to his lips, a single tear sliding down your cheek.
“I love you, my sweet girl. I miss you already,” Henry leaned in the rest of the way and pressed his lips to yours in a passionate, goodbye kiss. Henry wrapped his arms around you tight in one last hug. He pulled back, thumbing away your tear as he looked you in the eyes once more, a sad smile on both your faces, before he kissed your forehead and you watched him off to his flight. 
The next day, you’d decided to run some errands, stock up on some groceries. You’d meant to do it yesterday after work, but decided against it so you could spend as much time with Henry as you could before he left. You didn’t really have it in you to go out, considering you had gotten your period last night after you got home from the airport and you were exhausted, and add that to the fact that you always felt overly tired when Henry was gone. But you knew you needed to get it done and get it over with. You went to look in the fridge to see what all you needed when you spotted a small basket of your favorite kinds of chocolate, and your entire day just became a tiny bit brighter. 
You reached in after you noticed a purple post-it note on top. 
Hey, sweetheart. I wish I was with you to comfort you through your monthly curse, but I hope this will help until I can be there for you. Enjoy, my love, and I’ll see you soon 💜
You didn’t know whether it was the overstimulated hormones or just the fact that you missed your super sweet boyfriend dearly, but a few tears managed to slip down your cheeks at the wonderful gesture. The fact that Henry even knew that you were going to have your period while he was gone was unbelievable, but what was even more insane was that he went to the store and bought things for you to help you feel better. This man was a saint, and you loved him all the more for it. Even when he’s not home, he’s still taking care of you. You stuck the post-it onto the fridge with a smile on your face.
Opening one of the bags of chocolate, you ate a few pieces, reveling in the deliciousness as you made a list of everything you needed at the store. Putting the bag back in the fridge, you grabbed your mini backpack, keys, and phone, sliding on your shoes and walking into the garage.
“Man,” You groaned the moment you laid eyes on your car. You forgot you needed to get gas. That’s why you took Henry’s car to work yesterday. Now you have to get gas and go to the store. You were already in a lot of pain (the second day was always the worst), and all you wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep. You jumped in your car and turned it on, and just as you were about to turn on your music, you caught in the corner of your eye the gas meter. It was not actually almost empty. It was, in fact, completely full. “What?” You muttered to yourself, before your eyes flicked down to the middle console to see a red post-it note there. 
Hey, gorgeous. I filled up your car and I hope having one less thing on your plate makes you feel a bit better. I miss you so much. I hope you know you are loved and cared for and that you’re always on my mind ❤️
This man really knows the ways to a woman’s heart. You made a mental note to make sure to stick this post-it note on the fridge next to the first one when you get home. You pulled out of the garage with an adoring grin on your face for the amazing man that you graciously get to call yours. On the drive to the grocery store, you began making a mental list of all the things you could do for Henry. He never expected anything in return. All he wanted to do was love on you and take care of you. But how could you not do things for him to thank him for literally being Henry? 
Once you got home, you placed the red post-it next to the purple on the fridge before putting away all the groceries. You had some work that needed to get done but, deciding to work on it in the next coming days, you decide to go relax on the back patio instead. An ocean view was something very high on your list of what you had to have when looking for a new place to live once you and Henry decided to move in together.
You absolutely loved to sit outside on your favorite patio swing that was covered with pillows and cushions with a book while listening to the waves crashing against the shore. However, it was just last week that you’d noticed the two screws on the right side in the ceiling were coming loose. You’d gone to tell Henry who had come to look at it and advised you not sit there until he was able to fix it. He’s been so busy lately that he hasn't had the time to fix it.
Fortunately, you had some other comfy patio furniture that you were happy to sit on in the meantime. You were just disappointed because the swing reminded you of all the moments you would sit there with Henry all snuggled up in his arms, listening to the waves, talking about everything and nothing. 
You went to grab your book in case you decided you wanted to read, and a blanket to cozy up with on the patio, choosing the L-shaped couch. You set your things down before turning to go back inside to get a drink, but something caught your eye. A blue post-it note sat on the neatly made patio swing. 
Hey, angel. I knew it was inevitable that you’d want to come lounge around out here so I fixed the swing before I left. I wish I was there to hold you and cozy up with you. We’ll be able to do so soon enough. Enjoy the peace and quiet, my love 🩵
After recovering from the sweetness of the note, you remembered what the point of the note was and you instantly looked up to see that Henry had indeed fixed the swing. He’d even replaced the screws on the left side as well. You gasped quietly at just how amazing this man is. You walk inside to place the blue post-it next to the red on the fridge before strolling back outside and settling onto the swing. Taking a deep breath, you bask in the peace as you lean back into the cushions with a smile on your face, swinging gently in the breeze as you imagine your big bear of a boyfriend holding you tight in his embrace. 
Just as you were finishing up a chapter of your book, you felt your stomach rumble in hunger. You checked your phone to see it was already time for dinner. Placing your bookmark inside, you closed your book, took your blanket, and headed inside. You began looking through the pantry for something to eat before moving to the fridge. You’d gotten stuff for dinners when you’d gone shopping, but you couldn’t tell what you were in the mood for. 
Finally, you bent down to open the freezer, not having bought anything that needed to be freezed, so you wanted to see what had been stored in there. What you found on the very top was a delicious looking glass dish full of cheesy, crumb-topped, bacon-filled spaghetti carbonara, and on top of that, a green post-it note.
Hey, Princess. Thought a prepared meal would lift your spirits so you don’t have to cook for the next few nights if you’re not up for it. Heat at 350 for 20 minutes. I love you always 💚
Even when he’s not here, it seems like he still is with all that he’s done. And he did it within a single day without you even knowing! Everyday, you find yourself loving this man just a tad bit more with all the ways he shows his love for you. It is impossible not to love Henry. He could do absolutely nothing at all and just be with you and love you, and you’d still love him with all your heart. 
You place the green post-it next to the blue on the fridge with a sweet smile as you take the pasta dish and place it into the oven. You do just as Henry instructed of you on his note and heated Henry’s gesture of love at 350 for 20 minutes *she says in a dreamy tone*.
“How do you do it?” Was the very first thing you said to Henry the moment you answered his FaceTime call later that night. 
“I’m guessing you found the notes I left you,” Henry responds with a grin, trying to keep the blush from showing on his cheeks. It wasn’t working. 
“I did, and I am just so astounded at how a man, my man may I add, could possibly be so amazing that he can make my day so much better without even being around. How I could feel so loved and be so taken care of when you’re not even here. How is that even possible?” You exclaim, bewildered. 
“You’re just that easy to love, sweetheart. I can’t help but show you in every way possible how much you mean to me and how much I love you,” Henry answers with a sheepish shrug of his shoulders, although his gaze never parts from yours as a crimson blush rises to your own cheeks. You’ve always had a tough time loving yourself. But with Henry, he made it seem so effortless, like he was made to love. 
“I love you so much. You always do so much for me, and I just hope you know how much I love and appreciate you,” You express to Henry, receiving a smile from him. 
“I do, baby. I really do,” Henry winked at you, making your cheeks blush deeper. The rest of the night, you both talked about your days and everything that you did. You love to hear all about Henry’s time on set and all that he gets to do and see. 
“I wish you were here, or I was there. I just wanna be home with you,” Henry admitted, staring dreamily into your eyes.
“I know, darling, I wish I was with you, too. It’s so hard being without you. But, soon enough, you’ll be home, and hopefully for a long while,” You smiled, followed by a yawn. You hadn’t taken a nap today, and you hoped it would allow you to sleep better even without Henry in bed with you. 
“Get some rest, sweet girl. I’ll text you in the morning before going to set. Sweet dreams, my love,” Henry wished to you with a smile of his own. 
“Goodnight, handsome. Talk to you soon,” You replied. Henry winked at you, pulling a giggle from you and a cheerful smile from him before you both hung up to sleep.
~ A few days before Henry comes home ~ 
Placing a plate of brownies and a glass of milk on your desk, you sit down in front of your computer to continue working on your project. You take a bite of your snack, followed by a sip of milk before opening your drawer to take out your notebook. Except there was something on top, exactly where Henry knew you would look at one point or another. There, set on your notebook, was a mini picture frame. Inside was one of your most favorite photos of you and Henry - you could never choose just one.
It was when you and Henry had first moved into your home and you had taken it standing outside on the patio with the ocean in the background. Henry’s arms were wrapped around you, his head on your shoulder, and you both had such happy smiles on your faces. It was quite rare that there wasn’t a smile on your faces when you were around each other. You made each other happier than either of you ever thought possible. 
Then, there was the pink post-it note right beside the frame.
Hey, baby girl. I’ll be home soon and you’ll be back in my arms in no time. When I went out while you were at work the other day, I saw this and thought of you 💗 I put my favorite photo of us in it and I hope it puts that beautiful smile on your face that I absolutely adore. 
The longing for your most precious man was almost excruciating. You missed him so much, and seeing him touch you but not being able to feel him was one of the hardest things to have to bear. 
You headed to the kitchen and placed the pink post-it next to the green on the fridge before sitting back down at your desk and propping the mini frame up next to your computer so you can always see it, always bringing a smile to your lips, whether Henry was right by your side or miles away. 
~The day before Henry comes home ~
Henry had a late night and a very early morning. Right after he ended on set, he would go straight to bed after, meaning you wouldn’t be able to FaceTime tonight. However, you couldn’t be too disappointed because his early morning meant he came home tomorrow!
Henry: I love you so much, darling! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow! Just a little while longer! 💜❤️🩵💚💗
His goodnight text brought a smile to your face as you noticed his string of heart emojis were the colors of the post-it notes he set out for you to find during his time away. Your body buzzed with excitement, anticipation for the love of your life to finally come home. You almost couldn’t wait, but you had no choice. You attempted to get some more of your project done, mostly just staring at the screen and daydreaming because you could hardly focus. Finally, it was late enough that you could go to bed and sleep away the hours keeping you from Henry. 
You moaned as your alarm went off, one eye peeking open to see it was only 5 AM. Why was your alarm going off at such an inopportune time of the morning? 
You hopped up instantly the second your mind remembered that Henry was coming home! In less than 2 hours, you would finally be back in each other’s arms. 
You scrambled around trying to look for clothes and shoes in your half asleep, half amped state. You grabbed your keys, backpack, and phone and rushed to your car. The only thing keeping you awake was the anticipation of finally seeing Henry again in person.
You arrived at the airport with 10 minutes to spare. You parked the car and ran inside where you would meet Henry by baggage claim. You stopped at the end of the hall where a group of people were walking through after getting off their flight. You checked the tv that listed all the flight stats and instantly found Henry’s flight - on time. You smiled when you felt your heart flutter, looking ahead when you finally caught sight of the man who never ceases to make your knees weak and your heart melt. The biggest smile came to your face, and the moment Henry saw you, his smile appeared and the sparkle in his eyes burned bright.
Your eyes meet and your feet start moving on their own accord. You ran closer and closer until Henry dropped his bags to catch you effortlessly in his strong embrace, spinning you around as you held on tight. 
“I missed you so much, my darling baby girl.” Henry admitted, setting you down but still holding you in his arms, holding your head against his chest as he reveled in the feeling of his most precious girl. 
It was hard to let go, but when you finally did, you met in the middle with a fiery, passionate kiss, long overdue. When you pulled apart for air, Henry placed his hands on either side of your face, holding you there so he could finally look at you again. He’s had you memorized ever since he first met you. But everytime he comes home from a trip, it’s like seeing you again for the first time, having to look at every inch of your face as you hold on tight to his wrists, making sure he won't let go.
“Tell me everything!” You exclaimed blissfully. You had the brightest look on your face as you couldn’t look away from him. Henry gazed at you with the most adoring smile on his face - he’s finally home.
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beansboop · 8 months
after the tour - julien baker x reader
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okay, so this is my first time writing for Julien. its just something small and was just an idea ive had in my head for a couple days. I know only a few people who write for Julien (i love their work) so I thought maybe I could start writing for her and even the other members of boygenius too! but anyways I hope this is good and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it :)
summary - Julien has been on tour for a while now and all she wants to do is be with the person she loves most. you.
rating - none
warnings - literally just fluff. she/her pronouns. reader is younger (in college) not proofread.
word count - 800
It was still dark out when you first woke up. Some birds were chirping and you could hear the soft snores from the person lying next to you. 
Julien. Your little body heater. 
She was laying on her stomach with her arm thrown around you. Her face tucked in the back on your neck, her breath tickling you every time she exhaled. 
You shuffled around until you were facing her. Admiring her relaxed face. She had just finished the tour with the boys and has been exhausted ever since she got home. All she wanted to do was crawl into your arms and go to sleep.
Which is exactly what she did last night. 
The boys had just finished the last song of the night and the last show of the tour. You were backstage waiting for Julien, and the rest of them. Mostly Julien though. You weren’t able to go to every show sadly, you were in college and had to keep things going with yours and julien’s shared home. You guys facetimed and texted throught the day. You did go to some shows and were able to support them front row or back stage. But Julien felt bad cause she was always so tired after shows all she wanted to do was go to sleep. So she didn’t get to talk to you much or spend much time with you. But you understood completely. You loved Julien and your just happy to be together wherever it is and whatever you guys are doing. 
Julien, Phoebe, and Lucy all came running back and collided into you with the biggest hug. 
“you guys were absolutely incredible out there” you said before you quite literally ran out of breath from the bear hug. 
They all laughed, phoebe and lucy went to go to their rooms to grab their stuff to bring to the tour bus leaving you and Julien alone.  Julien just kept looking at you smiling. 
“what are you looking at?” you smirked. 
Julien laughed “im just looking at you.. ive missed you so much” she says wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your forehead. 
“me too,” you said sadly.  “but were together now and we’ll be home soon and we can do whatever you want” you said, kissing the tip of her nose then her mouth. 
“oh.. whatever I want huh” Julien smirked and raised her eyebrows. You chuckled and lightly smacked her cheek. 
You rolled your eyes “ugh come on” you grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards her room to get her things. 
For some reason you were wide awake and just thinking about random stuff. You were so in your head you didn’t even realise Julien had woken up. 
“whatcha thinkin’ about baby?” she asked tiredly.
“just life. You, and me” 
She smiled at that. “good thoughts I hope?” 
“Yes, of course” you said, cupping her face with your hand and brushing hair out of her face.
Her eyes starting to close again. 
You didn’t say anything for a couple minutes so she thought you had fallen back asleep. She pulled you closer to her so your face was in the crook of her neck. You both keeping eachother warm from the cool air. 
“are you awake?” Julien asked softly. 
You hummed
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds trying to think of a way to get this all out. “I know because of the tour I haven’t been able to talk to you much or be with you and im sorry. Ive been so stressed and tired lately I know I haven’t been making time to really be with you and when I am with you im just annoying cause im having to practice or talking with the band and im not giving you my full attention” she started rambling. 
Now you were really awake. 
“Julien” is all you said. 
“you don’t have to explain yourself. I get it. Your stressed, anyone would be. eThis was one of your biggest tours and im so, so proud of you.” You exclaimed. 
She started tearing up at your words. She really felt like she was such a bad girlfriend. But of course you would understand, that’s why she loved you so much. 
“Im just so-“  you cut her off with your lips.
“stop saying sorry. You don’t have any reason to be sorry. Im not mad, I never was,  In the slightest.” You kissed her again. This time slowly to make sure she really gets that your not upset. 
You could never be upset at her. 
Especially over something like this. 
You rested your foreheads against each other and just laid with each other. 
“I love you so much y/n. I mean it. You are it for me” Julien said. 
She kissed you gently. “I love you Julien. Your it for me too.” 
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papil0nglegs · 25 days
this is a stupid request 😭😭
how about Scout x Reader where the reader finds out that Scout can’t read and is just like “…Wait you actually can’t..?” and then just starts teaching him how to read LMAO i just think that be funny, like he’s just reading some easy kids book and the readers just like “Yes! You’re doing so good!”
Smell of books 📔
Scout x reader
A/n: I KNOW I keep using the ladybird soundtrack but I always listen to it whenever working on fics, give it a listen/watch it’s so cute 🙏
Warnings: Overworking, slight spoilers for the outsiders
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He thought you were a straight up loser cuz you read books. I mean the last time he ever picked up a book was in 4th grade, hasn’t stepped in a school ever since cuz he had to take care of his siblings.
His comments were always eye rolling, they never really bothered you because it wasn’t anything you haven’t heard from a middle school boys
You always assumed he was able to read since you often catch him laughing at random comic books his brothers mailed to him.
It wasn’t until he was trying to read a sign while you and him were taking a drive back to the base
“Raw-ad work ahead?”
“Babe that says road.”
“Yeah I can’t read my bad”
“But you read comic books all the time??”
“Nuh uh, I just stare at the pictures”
As soon as you got back to the base you dragged him to a desk to teach him
He prefers to study on your bunk bed, reviewing flash cards and notes listening to music
Every time he gets 5 flash cards right that’s a kiss from you, this man is DESPERATE so he’ll learn pretty fast
“Okay now what is detach?”
“To like-leave or something”
“Yes! Omg my little student I’m so proud of you muah”
For the most part he was uninterested because you introduced him to mainstreamed books that was a snooze fest to him, gone with the wind Harry Potter etc.
That was until you read him the outsiders, he got so invested because of course he did
You both took turns reading it to each other, whenever it was one persons turn that person would lay on the others chest
“‘If we don’t have each other, we don’t have anything..’”
“Fuckk, I just got goosebumps toots”
He cries when in THAT part of the book, we all know which
The mercs got creeped out when they caught him re-reading it by himself randomly, it was rare to see him read a book, not a comic book a honest to god book!!
“Bloody hell, you readin’ mate?”
“Uhh yeah, guess I am. What you got something to say aussie??”
Loves it when you praise him for all his hard work, but he does overwork himself. Since he easily listens to you it was easy to get him to stop
“Jer please just take a breather, you’ve been reviewing those things for hours”
“Sorry sorry, I just wanna make ya proud of me Yknow..”
“Aww Jer, I already am. Cmon it’s cease-day, let’s get the rest we deserved”
Ughh 🙁 he loves you so much
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dinoswife · 2 months
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౨ৎ Meant to be yours - Eric Sohn
Your best friend Eric picks you up in the pouring rain after a bad date night. This night turns into the night your best friend will stop being your friend forever..
- Pairings: nonidol!eric x fem!reader
- Genre: fluff, friends to lovers
- Warnings: kissing, crying
Author’s Note: I wrote this at 5am so lmk if something is wrong grammatically. Also I’m having such a huge Eric phase it’s concerning…
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You don’t know why you keep coming to these dates anymore. Planning blind dates with random people won’t get you anywhere. As much as you thought things wouldn’t get worse after your date insulted you by implying that the dress that you’re wearing doesn’t compliment your body, he also dumped you in the pouring rain afterwards.
You didn’t think this guy would be such a jerk to not even give you a ride home after you said your car is on service but oh well you were wrong about him.
The rain was getting worse and worse, it was pouring so hard that the dress you were wearing was now stuck on you like skin. Your hair completely wet and your makeup ruined, mascara was running down your cheeks and it looked like you’ve been crying. Not that crying isn’t the only thing you’re able to do right now.
You pulled your phone out of your purse to get into your contacts. Leaving home for university was fun but now you didn’t have many choices on who to call in a situation like this.
Your mind could think of only one person to which you were close to. Your best friend Eric, you and him were best friends since high school. Him getting into the same university as you was just cherry on top. You were really happy when you found out your best friend and you would be in the same university but things were not going exactly how you wanted them to go.
Six months into university Eric got into a relationship. His girlfriend was really pretty very smart too. You were feeling a little jealous. But you figured that you weren’t jealous of her relationship with Eric just that she gets to spend time with him and you don’t anymore. Or that’s what you wanted to think at least.
You didn’t want to say anything to your best friend about the way his girlfriend was making you feel. So you stayed silent watching your best friend slowly drift away from you. Unfortunately, you and Eric did get distant from each other without realizing it.
One week ago you found out that Eric and his girlfriend had broken up. The sad part was that you found out through a mutual friend of yours and his. He didn’t say anything to you, which hurt you a lot. You also said nothing, you didn’t want to pressure him into talking to you.
At this moment, no one would come here in the dark night to pick you up in the rain after a bad date except for Eric. You hoped that he wouldn’t have changed that much so that he wouldn’t come at all. And also you hoped this phone call could be the reason you two get closer again.
You searched for his name in your contacts and took a breath before pressing the call button. The little rings made you anxious waiting for him to pick up. Suddenly you hear his voice on the line, you haven’t heard him in a while. “Hello?” It took you some seconds to respond to him trying to sound okay at least if not good. “Eric, um I’m sorry I know it’s almost midnight” you tried to sound as stable as possible but you were failing big time. It was very obvious you were crying it was impossible for him to not notice.
“Are you crying? Did something happen to you?” Eric’s voice sounded concerned and as much as you missed him and his voice getting him concerned about you was not on your to do list tonight.
“I am stuck outside of this restaurant downtown and it’s raining pretty heavily. Could you pick me up?” Your voice was more stable than before. Your heart was racing waiting for his response. Waiting to find out if you were going to see him tonight or not.
You noticed that it took him some seconds before he got to respond. You felt uncomfortable all of a sudden asking him such a thing after you haven’t spoken to each other for so long “Please?” You added as if you weren’t enough pathetic so far.
“Share your location, you can’t be that far. I’ll be there soon okay?” He said and you couldn’t hear any undertone from him. You couldn’t understand if he was mad or concerned or annoyed.
You shared your location as he said and waited patiently for him. Your heart was about to leave your body thinking that you’re about to see and talk to your best friend after months. You felt so nervous. You were anxious that maybe he didn’t want to be your best friend anymore, you were scared that maybe he didn’t miss you as much as you missed him.
The sound of a horn woke you up from your thoughts. You looked at the direction where the sound was coming from and met his figure running over to you. His hands held your arms tightly looking at you up and down for any sign of injury.
“Oh my god get in quickly you’re going to catch a cold” he basically yelled while holding your hand now to lead you to the passenger seat. Opening the door you saw two dry towels on the car seat. Eric took one of the towels to wrap it around your body trying to make you warm in any way he could.
He lead you to get in the car afterwards closing the door behind you and getting in the driver seat. He put his keys in and started his way over to your house.
The ride was a little silent. None of you talked and the only movement between you was when Eric opened the air conditioner to keep you warm.
When he pulled up in your porch he decided to make the first move “Can you tell me why you ended up like this? Do you have any idea how scared I got looking at you standing in the rain?” His tone was serious. He was seriously concerned about you and that made your heart flutter.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t have anyone to call I didn’t want to disturb you or get you concerned about me” you felt a little bad making him that scared. And also felt bad about how much you liked that he still cared about you. “I was on a date with someone who clearly didn’t like me.” You continued explaining to him
His brows furrowed as you said that. He was looking at you focused on everything you were saying as you explained to him how your date insulted you and then left you in the pouring rain without a way to get home
“ Why did you go out with him? I’ve told you so many times to get to know someone before trusting them on anything” he said looking a bit more mad than concerned right now.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. He was right after all.
“God can’t you see what’s good and what’s not?” He looked at you again, his tone still sounded mad. This time it was like he was blaming you for everything and like he was mad at you about it. You didn’t quite like how he was blaming you for everything as you were sitting next to him after getting your feelings hurt tonight
“If you want to blame me about it you can go home now. Thanks for the ride, you can go back to not talking to me now” You tried to avoid adding this last sentence but you just had to bring it up. You opened the car door getting out and walking to your door trying to get your keys out of your purse. Eric followed the same movements as you and was standing now just behind you. “I didn’t mean to blame you. I’m sorry”
His voice more relaxed than before. His apology sounded sincere which made you stop fumbling around with your keys and turn around to face him.
“Can I come in to talk to you?” He continued with his eyes giving you an apologetic look. You couldn’t watch you and him be like this. You gave him a little nod and opened your door letting both of you inside.
Eric hasn’t been in your house for a while, the moment he got inside he started noticing all the little changes you made in the house. You told him you’ll be back in 5 minutes after you change into something dry and get a towel for your hair.
He started walking around looking at the flowers on the coffee table,knowing how tulips were your favorite he smiled a little without noticing. His eyes caught some photos you hanged on the wall. Family photos, you traveling. His eyes landed at the pictures of you and him together in high school, when you went to prom together cause you promised it to each other. Pictures of the first year in university, when he treated you to pizza and beers for the first day as university students.
His smile didn’t fade once, if not it was getting bigger and bigger. He was thinking about all those memories he made with you. He knew he missed you like crazy but seeing pictures made it ten times worse.
“What are you looking at?” You said from behind holding a towel to your hair. Eric turned around half scared half embarrassed about the fact that you caught him looking around.
You realized he was actually looking at old photos of you and him together and suddenly understood why he was acting like that.
You chose not to comment on it and try to talk to him about everything that has been going on. “I’m sorry for tonight. I made you drive all the way to that restaurant to pick me up” you said trying to break the ice and he looked up at you to respond. “Don’t worry I’d do it again if you asked me to” he said comforting you with a soft smile also. You gave him a little smile back not knowing what to say but before the silence became uncomfortable Eric spoke up again “I wanted to say that, I miss you. I know we’ve been distant and I know it’s because I got into a relationship and I’m really sorry for pushing you away. If i had realized what I was doing at the time I really wouldn’t have pushed you away from me.”
He said looking into your eyes as a sign of sincerity. You couldn’t be mad at him ever. He meant it. You missed him too so much. Talking to him and seeing him tonight was so overwhelming for you. You needed Eric next to you at all times.
“I’m sorry I let it happen as well. I really missed you too you have no idea.” You said back to him as you tried to hold your tears back.
Eric moved closer to you still looking at you in the eye going in for a hug as you let him enter your personal space and hold you tightly after so many months.
Feeling his hands around your waist made your heart face again. You tried to ignore how your heart always does that when you’re with Eric ever since high school.
You chose to avoid those feelings you had for him. You couldn’t tell him how you only went to those blind dates to find someone better than him but failed miserably.
Eric snapped you out of your thoughts suddenly talking in the hug “I need to tell you something if we are going to just solve everything right?” He said and this made your heart race even faster.
Your heart was hoping he would actually feel something for you back while your mind was telling you to push those stupid feelings away.
“You can tell me everything” you said pulling out of the hug to make eye contact with him. While you were expecting him to have a smile on his face as you did his expression was much more serious than yours
It looked like it was taking him some courage to speak to you about what he wanted to say. But you gave him the time he needed.
Finally he was ready to talk to you as you could read his thoughts through his eyes.
His eyes were looking straight at yours as he took a deep breath before he said anything and held your hands on his
“ I like you. I know we’ve been best friends since high school and this is not the kind of relationship we have with each other. I tried avoiding those feelings really that’s why my last relationship happened. And that’s also why I ended it. I know this might ruin everything but I wanted to tell you.”
Did he really say this right now? Like you’re not dreaming right? Could he read your thoughts just seconds ago?
Eric was scanning your eyes for any sign of discomfort trying to see if he crossed the line.
You were in pure shock not knowing what to say. Thankfully you woke up pretty quickly to realize he’s waiting for you to talk. “What? You mean that? Like you really mean that? You don’t like me in a friendly way right?” You sounded a little stupid at the moment which Eric found adorable causing him to giggle.
“ I mean it, I like you in a ‘I want to be with you’ way I promise” he joked this time seeing how flustered happy and shocked you got all at once. His smile never leaving his face now and you noticed how even his eyes were smiling
“ I really like you too, I went to all those blind dates to try and find someone better than you but I found none. I like you” you replied in a soft tone not being able to hide your smile anymore. Your heart was beating so fast your whole body was overwhelmed with happiness and his hands never left your waist this entire time.
His eyes never left yours and he was looking at you so softly. His eyes could say a hundred things to you that no one could even describe in words.
“Can I kiss you now?” He said with a spark of excitement which made you laugh a little looking at how cute he was. You gave him a little nod together with a smile as he moved his hand from your waist up to your cheek to cup your face softly and lean forward into you. Both of your eyes closed naturally leaving your lips as the only way of communication with each other.
When his lips met yours it felt like fireworks were flying around in your stomach. Your heart probably exploded and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss making Eric break a smile as well. You don’t know for how long you’ve been waiting for this moment to come not even knowing if it was ever coming to reality. You couldn’t be more happy right now. You won your best friend back and also gained a lover along the way.
What you and Eric had was rare. It felt so right to be together. He understood you and your needs completely and you understood his. After all you started thinking that maybe you were meant to be his.
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shima-draws · 2 years
OKAY I’ve been playing for a couple hours now and here are some thoughts
-I LOVE that they actually give you time to hang out with the starters and bond with them and see what their personalities are like before you get to pick one. That was really neat
-They were right! This game really do Open World RPG! I haven’t even gotten to the school yet I’ve been too busy running around the map for two hours
-Not sure how I feel about items in the field literally having a neon light showing where they are from a mile away. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of open world if the items are too easy to find. The novelty of “treasure hunting” is gone because of this
-I’m going to kick Arven’s ass if he even LOOKS at Miraidon the wrong way. “Oh this Pokemon is too hard for me to deal with so I’m abandoning it and shoving all of the responsibilities I had caring for it onto you” OH YEAH?? Alright asshole I’ll take it off your hands CLEARLY it was so difficult for you to take care of a living breathing creature that also happens the be the coolest looking motherfucker on this side of the continent. Your loss
-Ohhh the clipping is so bad! It’s so bad! If I rotate the camera too far in my own house I just get a black screen! Yikes 💖
-The concept of being in battle and still being able to see Pokemon doing their own thing in the background is REALLY neat? Like life just moves on around you while you’re duking it out with another trainer. I know we had a specific saying for this when I was in school for animation but I forget what it was exactly RIP anyway just the whole organic. Breathing life into the game kinda thing.
-APPARENTLY WE CAN’T GO INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S HOUSES ANYMORE???? Like that’s one of Pokemon’s staple features throughout ALL the generations, we’re allowed to barge into random people’s homes. At the very least the first town had all their doors locked so all the houses were off limits. I was VERY upset
-The graphics may be janky as all hell but the story is really intriguing so far!! I wanted to cry bc the scene of us rescuing Miraidon really gave me HTTYD vibes. This game is just HTTYD in disguise we are all Hiccup taming and training our Toothless
-Standing on the beach before battling Nemona just gave me a HUGE rush of nostalgia bc it had very very big PMD2 vibes
-The controls for Legends Arceus are ingrained in my brain so I keep pressing buttons and getting confused when they do something different. LMAO
-I’m sorry I don’t like that the Pokemon Centers are outside now;; it just feels Wrong. Like clearly this was some cool edgy thing they wanted to try but I in fact hate it :-/
-THE PLAYER CUSTOMIZATION THING IS SOOOO SICK. The fact we get to customize SO much and at the very beginning of the game is awesome. Props to Nintendo for this I’m really glad they included so many options and right at the start so we don’t have to actually UNLOCK customizing what we look like
-Nemona is just Ash Ketchum but Girl and I love her
-And, most importantly:
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smooth-perceval · 1 year
“My love, my life”
“If I had someone like you”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Max makes amends for his wrong ways, reader forgives him, Max’s declares some very crazy things- however reader has something crazier that he doesn’t take too kindly.
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, soft max, angry max, fake relationship, mentions of J.Verstappen, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!! , maybe reader being a dick?
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/N/N (Your Nickname)
Word count: 4,137
Inspo: It hurts me- Elvis Presley (Song)
A/N: So a month later and we have this, please enjoy! I need to get me a Max. I’m sorry it’s terrible I just had such readers block- and yeah there’s no excuse for it being bad.
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Well of course Max and Kelly was the talk of the weekend. Some pleased they was back together, others not so much… myself included- mine was out of pure jealousy.
I avoided Max like the plague, hid in the most random spots to avoid any contact with him-
The second most spoke about during the weekend was me and Lando, people pining us together. I love Lando dearly, and he loves me- but strictly platonic, even the thought of anything more makes me cringe.
Every so often he would bring the conversation up of moving back to London. And I would just brush it under the carpet, I wouldn’t lie and say I haven’t look at the odd apartments near home, or even considered moving back in with mum and dad, it just seems kind of the best thing for me and the baby- I have nobody at home expect Lando, and used to be Max…
“Y/N?” Glancing up like a deer in headlights I turned my head to Lando confused-
“Sorry, did you say something…” with and apologetic smile, I nervously picked at the pleats in my dress, looking back down at my lap.
“I said we’re about ten minutes away from your mum and dads”
“Oh- I can’t wait to see them.” Sighing I rested my head back in a bliss.
“Me neither it’s been a while-” laughing a little Lando turned a corner onto a familiar street. My childhood home standing bright and proud.
“Is it weird I’m nervous to see them again…”
“Of course not.”
Humming, Lando pulled up at the side of the road. And as if both thinking the same thing we glanced around at the many cars parked around nearby.
“Well if they’re throwing you a surprise welcome home party. It’s not much of a surprise.” In unison we both glanced at each other breaking out into a fit of giggles.
“Let’s go act surprised” rolling my eyes playfully we both got out the car creeping up the drive and knocking the door.
And within seconds it swung open revealing my mum, dad rushing down the hall in a hurry.
“There’s our little girl!” Smiling wide, I stepped indoors embracing them both tight.
“I have missed you both so much.” And just like that relief washes all over me, the calmness your parents can bring is a different kind. And I cannot wait to be able to give the same to my baby.
“And Lando! It’s been a minute!” Turning in their arms, reaching out and dragging him in.
“Your daughter has kept me miles away.” Another round of laughter rang out.
“Not the fact you’ve been playing cars all around the world kid” patting his back my dad swung his car over his shoulders dragging down the hall and out into the garden.
Mum turned around back to me smiling wide. “How’s the baby?” Her hands come up clutching my stomach.
“Oh well- they’re fine, a few more weeks and we should know the gender!” My face hurt from smiling so much. “Is dad okay?”
“Yes, honey- you know what his like he won’t tell you how excited he is.” Nodding my head as she waved it off.
“Come your dad got the barbecue out!”
“This is his way of showing his love? Cause he knows I love a barbecue-”Stepping out onto the patio, a loud cheer erupted, glancing up I laughed covering my face, and praying I looked surprised- I mean it still was a surprise the amount of family and friends here.
“Welcome home darling!” One at a time each family and friend greeted me some still doing their rounds on Lando.
Mum was right the barbecue was going, dad and my two uncles standing around it chatting, all three nursing a beer.
Truthfully I was in a bliss. I felt at ease- like once again the world was lifted off my shoulders- I could breathe without a care in the world.
That’s when it was decided for me… moving back home would benefit us. I had family here. The baby’s family is here- Max has no say in the baby’s choice all the time his playing stupid hot and cold- who have I really got back in Monaco? Just Lando now- just him and that’s the scary party, because even at times there’s no Lando.
“Y/N/N!!” Turning around to my mothers call, she gestured me over, excusing myself through the crowd I took her hand as she pulled me the last length.
“I think this is the first time his ever been late.”
“Who?” Looking up at the back door, on the patio, there he stood as always. Making the most grandest of entrances. Always, always showing up unexpectedly- And once again popping that little balloon of happiness.
“Why is he here?” All the colour drained from my face, replaced with a bright red- rage fuelling within me- with a hint of sadness and embarrassment.
“He is your friend right? Or do we class him family how long you’ve known each other- I know you see him more often than us lot but still.”
Creeping down the steps my dad was quick to greet him along with other family members, Lando giving him a curt nod of acknowledgment, then turning his head to me in shock. Mouthing a quick “you ok?”
“Max, how are you honey?” Pulling him into an embrace, his eyes landed on mine.
“I’m okay, how have you been?” Rubbing her shoulders they both pulled away from on another.
Taking him in- he looked rough, his eyes were dull, complimented with nice bags underneath clearly from a lack of sleep, he still tried and made himself look presentable his hair styled back, though a loose strand fell out onto his forehead- yet he wore it well. His smile didn’t really quite reach his eyes like he was holding back or had no energy to do so- and yet despite seeming so frazzled he looked so good. And I hate that.
“I’m good! I’m going to be a grandmother! As you know-” giggling happily turning back towards me, her hand reaching up to my arm in a comforting way.
“I know- I’m very excited!” Smiling shyly he rubbed his forearm, taking a quick glance at me again.
“I’m thinking it’s going to be a girl.” She started rubbing my belly once again, my eyes were only focused on Max, I couldn’t get any words out. “You know what I’m like Max, some say I’m a witch for how correct I am with these things!”
“Either way, longs their healthy right”
“Either way, I think you and Lando would force them into racing!” Nudging his arm Max laughed a little.
“Well they’ve got Verstappen blood, I doubt we would have to force them that much.”
My eyes grew wide as I stared at Max, before looking at my mum. Then back at Max. Then back to mum.
“Verstappen blood?” Confused my mum glanced between us both, all three of us looking at one another in turns.
“Why your bl-” pausing- her finger pointed at us both, her eyes growing wider by the second, a gasp falling from her.
“Your the fath-”
“Shhhhh!” Cutting her off, I waved my hands infront of her.
“You haven’t told your parents…?” Mumbling quietly max lowered his head slightly.
“Have you told yours?” Now back glaring at Max. He slowly nodded his head.
“That’s what I’ve been needing to talk to you about.” Sheepishly he looked down at the small gift bag in his hands. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself I turned back to my mother holding her hands.
“Mum please- don’t tell anyone okay. Not until I’m ready…”
“What about your father?”
“I’ll tell him later. I promise…” Pausing I looked back at Max. “You.” Jabbing my finger into his chest. “Indoors now.” Picking my dress up slightly I hurried indoors trying not to draw so much attention, or give off that I’m absolutely raging inside-
Once in the kitchen, I looked back at max standing over the other side of the table who was wearing a small genuine smile.
“That wasn’t funny at all Max. So wipe that smile off your face”
“Just happy to see you again…” he placed the gift bag onto the table.
“Cut the crap. And just talk.”
Raising his hands in defence he pulled a chair out for me to sit before sitting down himself.
“How have you been?”
I think if looks could kill, Max would’ve been killed roughly 33 times.
“How have I been?”
“You know, in general… the pregnancy- how’s the baby been?” The tension grew as his sentences become frantic and rushed.
Kinda cute him being nervou- No Y/N his not cute. His a dick.
Clearing his throat he put his hands up once again in surrender.
“I’ve wanted to talk to you since, well after we was at yours…” raising his eyebrows, trying to hint at the last night we shared. Staring at him for a few moments, I then slid into the chair he pulled out, finally accepting the conversation. Truthfully a part of me just wanted to be in his presence, is it bad of me for enjoying being the centre of his attention… maybe.
“Then why didn’t you?” Crossing my arms over my chest I leant back into the chair.
“Well- so as I said, I told my parents… my mum was-” my heart skipped a beat or two, praying that the response was all good- kinda hoping they was excited it’ll make this whole thing easier- “There’s no words I think she cried for about an hour, she like jumped on me!” Chuckling a little at the memory a smile still playing on his lips. “My dad however… not so much.” And just like that the smile was gone, and my heart dropped- one out of two.
“He said a baby out of wedlock wasn’t something he wanted of me, told me to keep it a secret… kinda filled my head with crap and made me believe I shouldn’t do this… or I couldn’t do this like, be a dad- and that’s where Kelly comes into this.”
I hated her name rolling of his tongue, I would’ve rather had a drop of poison. The jealousy churned my stomach.
“It’s fake- all of it with us… I mean I know it’s fake, I think she is getting a little to comfortable.” Fiddling with his hand infront of him he looked up at me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner… my dad had told me I needed to cut contact with you… that it’ll be easier- that way, just like move on and I kinda believed him- I thought I wasn’t good enough to be a dad, yet being around my nephews- makes me want a baby even more, and that’s when I realised the mistake I made… if you don’t forgive me I understand, I wouldn’t either. But I really hope you can find it in your heart somewhere to… or even just let me be apart of our baby’s life- I want to be a dad, so fucking much, I feel like it’s meant for me” truthfully he tugged at my heart strings, maybe it’s the hormones… but could I really forgive him that easy? Life’s been hell-
“Why didn’t you just call?…”
“Someone blocked you and I couldn’t figure out how to undo the block!!” Frustrated he pulled his phone out. And as angry as I once was- nothing could beat the smile slowly forming at his stupidity. Who doesn’t know how to unblock someone?!
“Please show me how it’s been driving me insane- I even searched up online but I couldn’t figure it out!” sliding his phone across the table. I looked up at him taking in his face once again... and just like always he was again forgiven.
“You swear you want this Max?” Biting my lips I picked at my dress once again, praying he says the words I want to hear.
Looking up from his phone, scrambling his hands over the table he quickly reached over holding onto my hand with both of his.
“More than anything in the world. I promise” his eyes spoke of pure genuine.
“This is the last time I forgive you. I swear on this Max- the last time” Squeezing his hand I stood up from the table making my way back to the garden.
“Y/N? The gift-” Max was following behind holding the bag out. Glancing down at it then back up at him I took it gingerly.
Pulling out a wrapped box from inside the bag, a small ribbon tied around in both pink and blue. Max took the bag placing it onto the table before taking the box from my hands holding it for me to pull the lid off.
Inside was a beautiful crystal set, of three bears- engrave on them was my name on one, max name on another and the baby bear still empty.
“Once we have a name I can go get it engraved on there-”
“Thank you Max.” Gulping, I felt my cheeks warm- how can something like three little bears make me well up so quickly. Closing the box back up I took it from his hands hugging it close to my chest. “It’s beautiful- thank you.”
“I think your beautiful…” his hand reached up brushing a strand of hair out my face…
“I’m sorry for everything.”
“We will see-” stepping back from his touch squeezing the box a little tighter.
“Also get Lando to look at your phone, I’m sure you both need a catch-up.” Smiling a little, reaching out and rubbing his arm gently, he nodded in response.
“I’ll prove myself- honest.” Stepping around me he headed out into garden, possibly going to find Lando.
Placing the box on the table I took a few deep breaths. One parent happy another not- my mum just found out who the dad is, my father doesn’t have a clue… Max is back, and his not technically single-
And me- I want to scream, I so wanted ti hate Max, but how can I? I don’t think I ever can hate him that’s the truth.
“Darling, you okay?” Turning around there my mum stood in the doorway smiling softly. And that was all that was needed for me to let the tears go.
“No-” I felt my lip start to tremble as she rushed in shutting the door behind her.
“Oh honey, sit down-” smiling sadly I took a seat once again, my mum pulling a chair around and in front of me.
“Talk to me-”
Taking a few deep breaths, I straightened my back, “where do I start-” we both giggled leaning into each other.
“You and Max? That’s a start-”
“Well if you mean what happened, we was both drunk mum, it really was a mistake- that happened twice” looking around awkwardly avoiding her wide eyes, “Max has been a bit difficult, his been a bit of a no show- and then after the second night we spent together- he completely cut me out, and seeing him today has been the first time in a while and well… as you know I didn’t want to see him.” Pausing I looked back at mum, “but I’m glad you did now because I found out the truth- his dads not happy were having a baby out of marriage. His mums happy- but his dad has basically forced a relationship onto him and told him to basically leave me and this baby- and Max believed it at first and he is saying now he realises that he wants to be a dad.” Huffing out a breath, I smiled finally wiping my face.
“And ontop of it all- I don’t know what to do- but I got this thing to figure out and it’s either for the better or, it’s failed, you know…”
“Well, that’s a lot to take in…” smiling she brushed my hair out my face, just like Max done not longer than five minutes ago. “Well, I’m pleased to know who the dad is, I’m glad it’s someone like Max even though his been acting silly… he is a sweet boy. And he deserves this family you are both creating.” Squeezing my hand reassuringly she continued. “But make it his last chance-”
“Mum- I don’t know if the other problem is going to ruin that whole family dynamic.”
“Honey, your a family for a reason, families are there for each other no matter what.” Standing up she rubbed my shoulders.
“Did you want to talk about your other problem?”
“No no, I think we have sort of covered it��” waving her off I stood up also.
“We better head out honey, hopefully everyone will start leaving-”
Smiling at each other, we linked arms heading back out into the garden.
And as if summoned Max was at my side, staying true to his word of proving himself.
“I got you a drink.” Holding the glass out to me, i accepted it smiling a little. “Thank you-”
My mum leant through and gave Max a tight hug whispering in his ear- whatever she said made him smile, a cute shy smile-
“Thank you.” Pulling back from each other, mum excusing herself.
“Did you want any food?” Both looking over at the barbecue, my stomach churned.
“No I feel like being sick…” laughing a little I sipped at my drink trying to hold down any sickness.
“Need me to get you anything?-” wide eyes he rubbed my shoulder gently. “Max, relax- your making me feel even more sick with all the questions.” Smiling a little, I moved past him going to sit down.
And within seconds him and Lando was both sitting down either side of me.
“So when you telling your dad?”
“What?” Looking over at Lando then over to Max.
“Well Max said your parents didn’t know and now your mum knows so when you telling your dad.
“Later.” Looking over at my dad I sighed, waving my hand infront of my face.
“You okay?” Max asked once again.
“I’m fine- just a little hot.” Max started waving his hand also in front of me.
“Why don’t we go indoors?”
“I’m fine.” Drinking my drink once again it was now Lando’s turn to pipe in.
“If you feel hot maybe we should sit in the shade?”
“I need 5 minutes.” Standing up I rushed off away from them both. And straight to my dad.
“You want some food darling?” My dad smiled at me hand resting on my arm.
There was bare to none food left, everyone had got there quickly. And just as quickly I shook my head.
“Dad can everyone go now-” swallowing I looked around at everyone- I don’t know when but at some point it got too much. The heat, the sickness, the problem. All of it.
“Err, sure honey.” His head darted around as he found a spot to put his beer down, and one by one, people started migrating out, giving me waves from a distance and a smile.
I was grateful, my dad really served- I felt guilty ending the day short but I just wanted a moments peace… and once everyone was gone and everywhere was cleaned up.
Well I say everyone gone- Max and Lando both defused leaving, sitting back down on the outside furniture and engaging in more conversation.
With them distracted I went down into the garden a little more, sitting at the little table and chair there. Under a tree with a lovely breeze blowing through and calming me. I was at peace.
My hand subconsciously rested onto my stomach, and the thought of knowing my baby was there, calmed me even more.
“Hey…” awaking me I glanced over my should at Max.
“Can I sit?” Nodding over the chair, I nodded along clearing my throat.
“Sorry about kicking everyone out early.”
“Why you apologising?” Tutting and shaking his head, he sat down across the small rounded table.
“Just feel bad…”
“Don’t even begin to feel bad-”
“I already do-” laughing a little I leant towards the table, or more towards Max… the table definitely the table.
“How you feeling now?”
“A lot better…” pausing I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them.
“I need to speak to you about something…” looking back up at Max, his eyes were already on me as he nodded.
“I need to tell you something too-” smiling a little, I nodded my head.
“Okay well I’ll start-“
“Y/N I love you, not just as a friend or best friend- I think I genuinely love you.” I watched as he swallowed hard, my heart pounded, begging to be released and handed to him to look after.
“I’m moving back here-” I don’t know why- I could’ve said I love you back or, thank you- but no I chose to potentially ruin any moment we was about to have, his face hadn’t changed- I had no idea if he even heard me- he was like frozen in place.
“So let me get this straight. I tell you I love you- And your telling me you’re going to move across country, take my baby with you, and be hours away from me? When I’m trying to make emends for the things I’ve done.”
Nodding my head slowly, I chewed at my bottom lip.
“Right- so.” He paused turning away looking across the garden.
“Are you doing this out of spite of what I’ve done?”
“What? You seriously think it’s like that-”
“It’s how it seems.”
“No Max it’s not. Your never in Monaco, who is to say you’ll get 5 minutes when I go into labour or when the baby is here? My family are here at least I’ll have someone while your gone- do you understand that.”
Getting up from my chair I moved to stand in front of him, catching his attention.
“I have people here always… your never around. And you don’t realise how terrified I am to do this Max… I’m basically doing this alone and I’m so scared.” Once again the tears built up, rolling down my cheeks.
“I’m scared, what if I don’t know how to be a mum? And our baby won’t exactly have a dad around permanently- his in different countries all year round never home- what if this baby doesn’t feel loved enough Max? I’m so scared that this baby won’t realise how much it’s loved by us- it’s okay saying it but they need to be shown it-” letting out a sigh of relief, looking down at him I quickly wiped my face.
“So don’t judge me for helping our baby.” Max’s hands were covering his mouth, rubbing his face slowly, seeming like his staring past me. “I just feel like, every time I get close I’m really falling backwards…”
“Exactly how I’ve been feeling with you-” sniffling I wiped my face once again, Max finally sat up straight looking up at me.
“Let me help- atleast…” Max hands reached up taking mine and slowly pulling me closer, and like the sheep I was I followed along, now standing between his legs.
“I got it all covered…” lying through my teeth, Max already knowing- shaking his head. His hands slid to my hips, guiding me to perch onto his leg.
“Just let me take care of you-” it was like being in a trace, the way I just followed whatever Max done. “I’m okay…” it was like another comfort blanket, I curled up on top of Max, his arms around me securely, I knew he was still annoyed the heavy breathing gave it away. “Please stop fighting me… I want to try and accept this some way-”
“Okay…” sighing I closed my eyes, now finally accepting peace.
“I love you too max… always have.” Pausing once again, I leaned back looking up at him, “But you aren’t mine to have exactly…”
“Don’t- go there, I need to get my whole situation sorted, I just wish like-”
“Like what?”
“If I had someone like you- life would be a lot easier.”
“In a prefect world” laughing a little I rested my head back onto his chest. “I’m sorry”
“What did I tell you about apologising?”
“Not to do it…”
“Then don’t. It makes sense you being here, our baby ne-”
“Your baby?” Sitting up I turned around Max head basically snapped as he looked over.
And there stood dad.
“Well, I beat you to telling your parents.” Max mumbled guiding me off his lap, both standing in front of dad who stood there with two teas in hand. And a face like pure thunder…
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A/N: Okay, sooooo Max is forgiven once again!!! How we feeling about the reader back in the UK? Orrrrr do we have a moment we’re the reader if about to leave and Max changes her mind? Keeps her in Monaco? Hmmm, anyways I hope you enjoyed a sorry it’s been so long!
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lovergirly · 2 years
the love languages (wednesdays version)
hi my loves! i’m sorry i haven’t been here, i’ve been horribly busy the past couple days. i met the love of my life over break and i’m trying to start a relationship with them so fingers crossed 🤞🏻
this isn’t a request, but feel free to leave me some! <33
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they say there are five different ways to display your love to a person. love languages. conventional couples constantly love showering each other with affection and giving each other flowers or go to the drive in for dates. wednesday was the opposite of conventional. she finds it hard to believe she was even capable of loving someone, let alone be able to let herself be vulnerable around someone. even her girlfriend she struggles with showing affections to. her girlfriend however was able to see every single love language wednesday provides for her.
1. words of affirmation
waking up was always the hardest part of your day. who was sadistic enough to make teenagers wake up at 6 in the morning everyday?
“mi amor it’s time to wake up.”
of course your macabre girlfriend enjoyed this torture. you don’t answer her and instead groan into your pillow. unknown to you she rolls her eyes and starts to open your curtains. this doesn’t give her the reaction she wanted as you only hide more into your blankets.
“y/n we have school and i can’t be having you late. get up, my love.” you still don’t move and now wednesday is getting annoyed. “cara mia, if you don’t get up i’ll deny you your kisses for the rest of the day.”
knowing she was 100% serious with that threat, you slowly force yourself out of bed causing your perfectly dressed and composed girlfriend to smile, “you look absolutely miserable.”
“thank you, i am.”
“well even while miserable you look absolutely breathtaking mi amor.”
2. acts of service
after getting ready for your day, you and wednesday had to seperate and go to your classes. the only problem is these kids have been teasing you. a group of three girls tried to start a rumor about you and nearly tripped you just in this period alone. finally after they “accidentally” spilt their drink on you, you run out of the classroom only to see wednesday standing right there with a bag of muffins she got for you. she saw you nearly sprinting out with tears in your eyes and a group of girls all watching you and laughing. she realized she either had the option to kill then now or go check on you and kill them later. knowing you’re worth more than those imbeciles were, she ran after you to see you sitting with your knees to your chest crying in a random corner. she saw how vulnerable you looked, and wished she could take away your pain just as fast as those girls inflicted it.
“querida mia, what happened?”
“wednesday those girls are just awful! they tried to make up a rumor about me and they’re just so mean.” you stuttered while sobbing. her heart broke for you. just because she had thick skin and can easily take down a bully doesn’t mean she knows you get too overwhelmed to defend yourself in situations like this.
“y/n don’t let them get to you. they’re a bunch of clowns who are jealous of what you have.”
“what do i have that they don’t?”
“me. the love and adoration i try to provide for you.” she simple walks away after that and unbeknownst to you, is planning a way to get back at those intolerable girls. it wasn’t until the next day when you saw how your girlfriend sent thing to cut giant chunks out of all the girls’ hair and a horrified expression when they see you with your beloved.
3. gifts
wednesday comes from a rich family. it wasn’t a shock. she was a trust fund kid and often asked her parents to take out money to get you some lavish presents. you weren’t used to the high class lifestyle she had, so she made sure to buy to the most luxurious items. you like that jacket? it’s yours. it’s $500? that’s not too bad, she thought it would’ve been at least $2000. wednesday wouldn’t say she’s carelessly throwing away money, even if your closet had got restocked by her. she just enjoyed the look on your face when you got the newest all black Balenciaga bag or the softest pair of pink pajamas money can buy. the presents you liked the most, however, were when she tried to be romantic with her gift giving.
one night, wednesday walks into your dorm with her hands behind her back.
“hello my love! i missed you so much.”
“i missed you as well y/n. i actually got you a present.” she pulls out two viles and a little needle.
“i want to show you that i am completely enthralled by you and wish to grow old with you until we both face our demise.” she goes to sit on your bed “i want to give you some of my blood that you can wear as a necklace. it’s supposed to represent the deepest trust and love i have for you. you of course don’t need to give me one, but i want to give you one.”
“oh my love of course i’ll give you one. will you do the honors of pricking my finger for me?”
with that you and wednesday spent the rest of the night making and presenting blood necklaces for each other.
 4. quality time
wednesday doesn’t believe in small talk. she thinks it’s a waste of time. she does enjoy a good conversation with you, but she doesn’t want to hear the little details about who said what last friday and why it’s so bad. her writing hour was her time. she frequently kicks enid out during that time because she needs to think and get inspiration. people don’t give her inspiration. she hates people. viper de la muerte hates people. well everyone except her girlfriend. vipers girlfriend who is a little too similar to you. how did she get the inspiration to creat vipers girlfriend? by making you stay in the room while she writes. the first time you stayed in the room it was a nuisance. you were with enid and laughing the full hour. it was torture, and not the kind she enjoys. now, she can’t write without you in the room. whether you’re just reading over her shoulder, she loves your critiques. even if it’s just a simple “i love your writing my love!” or “i like this part!” she needs those words to allow her creative mind to continue. she feels pathetic , relying on you to do something as simple as writing, but nothing makes her happier than seeing your face as you read her writing or give her shoulder rubs the second she finishes her writing hour. even if you’re not reading with her, just you in the room gives her a calm feeling. she loves when you’re both in her dorm alone, doing your own thing silently. it makes her feel like you’re already a married couple and the dorm room is simple your house.
5. physical touch
if wednesday hates one thing the most, it’s physical touch. the only people who can touch her without dying is her family, and even they barley can touch her without her pulling away. you might think you’re an expection, but wednesday addams doesn’t do cuddling. she hates it. not because she gets hot or anything at night. she just simply hates it. the only way you’ll even get her to consider cuddling with you is after constant begging. you literally have to get on your knees in front of her (which she liked more than she’d like to admit) just for her to put her arm around you in bed. she’ll never be caught dead being the little spoon. whether you’re her height or six feet tall, she’ll be the big spoon. she likes the feeling of protecting you at night. you’re her love, it’s her job to keep you safe.
and while wednesday would deny any of this as love and would never admit to “mellowing out”, the wednesday addams found a love. a love she can cherish and treat just as her father treats her mother. she wants to cherish you and protect you from the world in the only way she knows. the love language of an addams.
i hope you guys enjoyed, i wrote this in one sitting so it might not be the best. i really want to make each of these little snippets it’s own story, but i’m not sure yet. definitely leave a like if you enjoyed though and leave more requests <33
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