#Sorry this became...THIS. Anon! :'D This was a really sweet and fun ask. I'm just a lil weirdo.
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dootznbootz · 3 months ago
allow yourself to be a little arrogant! if you were to claim that you know more than most people about a specific character from greek mythology, which character would it be?
*puts on the hat of arrogance so I can take it off right afterward*
Penelope 😅 😂
Like most of what we find of her is in the Odyssey, and even then, in my opinion, Homer I almost feel purposefully makes her a bit of an enigma. As we're in Odysseus' "POV" most of the time, and it's kind of a "She tricks the trickster, she tricks the narrator, she tricks the suitors, she tricks the reader, etc."
But even with this lil bit of "sneakiness" with her, we still get so many hints of her character and who she is and I adore it 🥹
Even then she has a lot of background lore that is just SOOOO much fun to play with. Her being of Naiad descent (whether 50-75% depending on what myths you go with), her many brothers and one sister, Her dad being a racer, her being cousins with Helen, Castor, Pollux, Clytemnestra Sparta itself, And that's just background lore!!!! There's so much to play with and that makes it so fun!
And well, like, I KNOW I'm the reason for a big boom of "Water Wife" lol 😅 Were there "Naiad Penelopes" before I came back on Tumblr? YES! :D Absolutely! I'm definitely NOT the first "Naiad Penelope" person!
But I DID create "Water Wife" AND I know I help cause more Water Pennys to be in the world >:3 Even if folks weren't directly inspired by me, they probably got it from someone else who was! :3 and I know my headcanons are often being used by others.
*The hat of arrogance droops a lil on my head so it becomes a lil bit of the sad arrogance hat*
I sometimes don't really like that I'm like, "the biggest, loudest Penelope fan", you know? ;~;
I know I'm not the only Penelope fan <3 I know there are others. Many lovely fans and creators :3 This isn't to negate them and the love and works. <3
But in fandom in general, In some ways, I...I'm a lil sad that like, a lot of the info that some people have on her in the fandom I know is because of me 😓 Like...Why did it take someone else to be a nerd about her for others to be a nerd about her, you know?
Like, it makes me happy that people are finally giving her love and seeing a lot more fics and headcanons with her as a focal point but like, I'm sad feeling like I started it in fandom (again, Penelope HAS been praised throughout the ages after all) recently. Why did it take ME to get others so nuts about her? Why do I see most folks caring about her simply because Odysseus and Telemachus do?
It's like, there are many Odysseus bloggers, there are a few Telemachus bloggers (Hi! :D ), but there are few, (if really many others) blogs that are like "most stuff I do is Penelope, Odysseus and others are there sometimes but It's mostly Penelope in here".
(granted I have not really...looked too much recently as it started making me sad to think about her not getting a lot of love) I am also very picky. I won't stand for cardboard Penelope who is only there to prop up her husband and/or thinks he "cheated" or have Odysseus cheat. Penelope, and women in general, are not props for their husbands/sons.)
As like, I got most of my info FROM the Odyssey AND just simply looking stuff up about her and Sparta and her family. And so I get this lil feeling of "...We both read the same book, why did it take me pointing out that Penelope is constantly wishing violence on the suitors for people to know that she does that? Why did you think that Penelope didn't come up with the archery contest when it explicitly says she did?"
And it's not like, even a feeling of "gatekeeping" or wanting to be like "You're a Penelope fan, huh? Well then tell me the names of all her possible brothers? >:(" It's more like a
Me: "I love Penelope!" Person:"YEs! I love Penelope too!" Me: "Yippee! Can you tell me about your Penelope? :D I love all Penelopes! I wanna talk about her!" Person: "Well, she's more quiet and reserved but that's her secret >:3 she strikes when you least expect it!" Me: "YES!!! That's so fun! I have her 'Likeminded' with Odysseus and she's silly, reckless, hotheaded just like he is :D Can you tell me some headcanons about her? What do you have for her childhood? I'm really excited!" Person: "Oh I don't have much for her childhood actually." Me: "That's okay! Do you wanna brainstorm together? Maybe bounce some ideas so you can get some down?" Person: "Oh no, that's okay. I've got all I need,as I really only have her when she meets Odysseus." Me: "o-oh okay.:'D "
As like...I dunno. When you love a character, you wanna meet others who also will ramble nonstop about them too, you know?
I sometimes feel like, idk, some folks are like "Think up Penelope headcanons for us! :D " especially as like... I've had that whole "Oh no, I've got all I need!" experience more than once :')
Ngl, like, part of the reason I go so "apeshit" about her is yeah, because I am, but also like, in hope more people will join me? Which yeah! People have! And that makes me happy!
But even then, I just... I DO like this joke, don't get me wrong, but with how whenever I fangirl about her, people are like, "Found Odysseus" and yippee! :D I think it's fun to be called Odysseus!
But also like...Why does it still tie back to him? Why is it still about Odysseus? (even my own tag of "Shot by Odysseus" is still technically about him! (I'm keeping it because I'm stupid but still)) Why aren't Odysseus fans called "Penelope" then? She loves him just as much, right?
I think there's more "OdyPen fans" than there are Penelope fans. Because most Penelope stuff HAS to do with Odysseus, and it's usually like, STILL centered around him. Which is really weird to me, as I don't know how you can be a big Odysseus fan without being an equally big Penelope fan. They are way way too intertwined to not be equally talked/headcanoned/etc. about in my opinion. They're like the same person imo in a way lol.
In my opinion, you cannot bring up Odysseus without mentioning Penelope, you cannot bring up Penelope without mentioning Odysseus.
It's literally like that in the Odyssey. (Explain that part of Homer's passage here.)
...So why are there so many fics with Odysseus doing so much without Penelope, and yet, very few Penelope fics that don't have much of anything to do with Odysseus?
*takes off hat of arrogance*
And like...I'm a goober just like every other fan, you know? I'm not some "mastermind". All my "good" headcanons are simply loving her and thinking about her often. It's...not hard to love a character. I just rotate her around a lot. :3
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usersasaki · 1 year ago
So like I said in the last ask- I was reading through my inbox because one of my new moots sent me an ask and I figure why no go through memory lane(.. is that how you say and use it.. ? Idk-)
So i scrolled through my asks.. which usually consists of people saying thank you and sweet stuff so like those were fun~ then I got to your ask (which was literally my VERY FIRST.. i think? Ask!) And I just re-read it again feeling the feels, legit started asking "man, Hey Lord, I miss Karma so much- I wonder how they are-"
And I had a thought of checking your moot's (byeol's) acc.. i dont know- Maybe God gave me the feeling who knows! LOL- but I did and I scrolled to when I sent in an ask to your moot about you and I was reading the post and my brain saw the "2 notes" I was like "huh...", clicked it and saw mine and your account... and I dont know why- the feeling inside me the Intuition, the urge that God gave me man- told me to just "check the acc out— I mean logically it could've been a random account.. but idk the FEELS MAN
So I did and.. I saw both of your names.. ya know 'erez and karma'... maybe it was because I was coping so hard that my brain immediately go "....karma..?"... Thinking about it now anyone also could've used the same name 😩 but I was like "No way.... im- im not- This isnt a dream... Lord tell me this is real"
And then BAM sent in an ask as Anon and then when you answered I just go 'oh screw all my worries- fastest way to know if this is karma is show my self.... i mean the worst thing that could happen is... I embarrass myself... yeah.." and THEN YEAH I SENT ASK AGAIN...
(this whole situation is just funny to me because your moot (byeol) said in the tags that 'Im hopeful that both your paths will cross again' or something like that... when I first read that i was like.. 'well.. I hope' and then it became 'I doubt.. but still would be nice but if not then.. its okay too! Just hope karma's doin good' and now... Here we are :D)
so basically keeping the ask safe in my inbox was a good idea... (I was praying and hoping that I'll be able to meet you again- guess that was God's plan LOL)
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i'll put my answer under the cut (and also so sorry for not replying for abt a month i think? got really busy with uni ;;)
ok kei sweetie, you have no idea how much i teared up reading this ask, i had to take multiple deep breaths cuz?? it's so sweet?? and we got reunited again 🥹🥹 ngl i would occasionally go to your acc to like stalk a lil (not in a creepy way) and see if you'd answered my ask but you hadn't so i half thought you didn't get my ask at all? if you had answered i was gonna be sending you like lil anon msgs so that we could keep in touch but cuz i didn't know if you even got the first one,, yeah DCFNJDSDCFM either way i'm so glad to get to talk to you again 🥹🥹🥹🥹
HFBREJDNFC NOT THE PLAYLIST OMGGGG I'M SO. god i do not deserve this, you are so sweet and for what.
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gralunaisland · 3 years ago
Are there any other ships you like? Big four, Zervis, Miraxus, Stingyu... I'm just curious
What I ship in Fairy Tail
This is a great question! Thank you for asking, Anon!
To be honest, there aren't many.
I'll rehash some of the ships I support that I've mentioned already in case you haven't seen those posts (which I went more in depth here) as well as give some more! I'll also tell you which ones I don't and why.
These are the main ones I like:
Natsu x Lucy
I've said so in other posts, but I do still like NaLu, though it really needs work, from Natsu being less handsy (though most of it's an accident) and for him to mature some and actually show romantic interest in Lucy. Rn, I'm seeing Lucy having to be the one to carry the ship with her budding feelings, but Natsu is mostly oblivious and treats her basically just like a best friend. Mashima should really, if he wants this ship to sail, do these things for Natsu. I only ship Natsu with Lucy.
Jellal x Erza
I said this in another post, yes, I ship this, I really like the childhood sweethearts dynamic, and I think, at least in the main FT storyline (I'm hearing Jellal acts more like juvia in 100yq and that's just barf), it's very healthy and charming because they both try to do what's best for the other and try to better and help them. I only ship Jellal and Erza with each other and in no other ship.
Gray x Lucy
My FT OTP!! Had a whole post dedicated to my reasons! Linked here. I only ship Gray with Lucy OF FRIGGIN COURSE (#protectgray2k22).
Loke/Leo x Lucy
I love this one! Their little arc together, and their fun moments like in the Loke arc or the Fantasia arc or whenever Lucy summons Leo are so cute! Leo’s such a gentleman to her and protects her well, and she doesn’t make it easy for him when he flirts but is still flustered sometimes, which I love. They’re best friends and partners and definitely have chemistry. I only ship Leo with Lucy of course.
Other Ships?
To be honest, that's basically it for me. I'm not really passionate about other ships in FT. I know I ship Lucy with a lot of people, but it's to be expected from a multi-shipper haha. I'll get into the ones I don't like, the ones I'm indifferent to, and the ones I like, but just don't really care about.
Of the rest of the Big Four, I've already said why I'm not a big fan of Gajevy (but I don't ship either of them with anyone else), and y'all KNOW my stance on gr///via (juvia deserves to stay by herself forever :D).
As for Zervis, I don't like Mavis, (sorry, Mavis lovers, I just find her annoying, especially in Fairy Tail Zero) and Idk what to think about Zeref, mainly because I don't see him often, especially since I didn't finish FT, but from what I saw of him, in Tenrou, Zero, and some in Tartaros, he wasn't particularly likable, but not hate-worthy either.
As for Miraxus, I'm not opposed to it. I didn't see many interactions between them tbh, but I could see it being really cute, the sweet (and yet potentially scary) Mirajane and big, gruff Laxus who (eventually) has a heart of gold.
Stingyu, I'm not the biggest fan of Sting, I like him enough, and I'm not really a fan of Yukino either, not because I don't like her, I just found her pretty boring. I don't mind that ship I guess, I just don't ship it personally.
Now onto ships you didn’t give as an example, Anon:
A dear friend of mine mentioned that their OTP for FT used to be StingLu, which I am totally down for, but I haven’t seen many interactions between them. I could see it being a very cute ship though! They’ve got matching hair too haha.
I could see why people like Laxus x Freid, but Freid acts a bit too fanboy for me to ship them (reminds me of juvia too much), though I really liked his loyalty and respect (along with the rest of the Thunder Legion) to Laxus.
Elfman x Evergreen (lol what's their ship name, Elfgreen? Everman?) is ok, I found it pretty cute how they were at odds and then became fond of each other.
Alzack x Bisca, I mean sure, I ship it, I just don't really care about it. Very cute couple, but they’re just background characters haha.
Lyon x juvia, yeaaaah like I said, juvia shouldn’t be inflicted on anybody, so I’d never do Lyon dirty like that.
Ren x Sherry, I don’t really like this ship. A fun fact (not really) about me is that I don’t like it when people who love someone in a show or whatever move on from that love interest to a new one. It just makes it seem so disingenuous to me, like the love was never real. I know irl, this happens a lot, and it doesn’t really discredit their past feelings to move on, but this is a personal preference of mine for fiction. So, I don’t like how Sherry moves on from Lyon to Ren.
Sherria x Wendy, nah don’t like this, I personally don’t like the idea of shipping a 12 and 15 year old together because they’re both really young. I guess it’s fine if you do, since there’s not a big age gap, but nah I’m good.
Happy x Carla, eh, don’t really like this ship, but it’s not too bad I guess. He’s kinda too pushy, and she’s kinda too mean, but overtime they warm up to each other more, like over the Edolas arc for example, so it’s not the worst.
I've already said in other posts that I don't ship Gratsu, and I definitely don't ship NaLi; I just find Lisanna a tad too annoying, and her kid self was waaay too pushy.
Reminder: basically, any ship that involves Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Jellal, and Erza besides the ones I've mentioned is a no-go for me. When I multi-ship one character from a particular anime, I don't multiship for any other character in that anime except for my favorite, so any ships you see listed are the only people I would ship them with.
I don’t really remember other extremely popular ships at this moment, but if anyone thinks of them and mentions them, I’ll give my thoughts!
Closing Notes
I know I don't have many ships, especially outside my multi-ship of Lucy, but really, if you look at other animes that I watch, my multi-shipping habit is even more outta control, so Fairy Tail actually has a bit of variety for me haha. Thank you again for asking, Anon, and I hope I didn't disappoint with my small amount of ships!
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mawritesbnha · 6 years ago
Thank you so much!! :D And I'm really sorry about that anon... I hope it won't happen again! Sooo most to least likely to: ask you to marry them! I don't know if you have a character limit? You can put as many as you want or just your faves! Anything's fine for me really!
Sorry I know I said I wanted to try most to least likely… but I kept changing the order and was overall unhappy with it… So this became a Likely vs Unlikely or a Would vs Would not kinda thing… Also I tried to put as many characters as I could, but please my darlings it’s better when you tell me who you’d like, otherwise I’m lost. I didn’t go into too much details but if you’d like to know more as to why a character is in a certain category feel free to send in a specific hc ask!
That was still a lot of fun, I really like this concept so if you’ve got more like this my pretties send them in!
Smoochies from Ma!
Would they ask you to marry them?
- Izuku: he’s so focused on hero work it’s gonna take him a while to realise he wants to do it, but he will eventually, a lot of rambling will be involved
- Shoto: again that poor boy didn’t have a great example growing up… but after years of being in a relationship with you, he finally trusts himself enough, he’s confident that you can build something even more beautiful together, gives you a little speech before asking, and if you say yes he’d love for you to come with him to tell his mother the news
- Hanta: you’ve talked about it before, but he wants to keep it a surprise so he’ll ask when you’ve forgotten about it, really sweet and romantic
- Denki: you can see it coming from a mile away, might have actually seen the ring already cause he’s terrible at hiding things from you and in general, adorable but a nervous wreck
- Eijiro: it’s the manly thing to do! actually he might have gotten the idea from someone else cause sharky bb is a bit of an airhead at times, but he’s really excited about it
- Mashirao: you had a feeling he wanted to ask you something important, but not that important, goes about it in a very traditional and romantic way, probably over diner
- Tenya: even more traditional, asks your parents for their blessing first, I’m not sure if he’d ask in public, I think he’d keep it private, his proposal sounds like a business deal offer… but if you say yes all that robot front is gonna melt away and this dork might laugh out of sheer happinness and spin you around
- Fumikage: reaallyy self-conscious… many times he backpedals at the last moment… until Dark Shadow lends an unexpected hand
- Ochaco: look it took her a while to admit she had a crush on you but ever since you’ve gotten together she’s been really forward, that girl ain’t wasting anymore time, she knows what she wants
- Yuga: prepare for a very pompous, public proposal with the shiniest diamond ever… or none at all cause nothing shines brighter than your future groom and his love for you
- Momo: she mulls it over for a while and when she asks she doesn’t really, it’s more like she brings up the idea of marriage to see your reaction and then timidly wonder if you’d want her as your wife
- Tsuyu: she wants a family with you, that’s the next step in her book, a bit shy about it though but straight to the point as always
- Mina: she was actually waiting for you to do it but grew too impatient and ended up blurting out her proposal at the oddest of time and sounding vaguely annoyed/offended she had to do it herself before getting really flustered
- Rikido: hides the ring in the cake he baked for you, has a hard time explaining why he looks so horrified when you finish it all up without noticing anything
- Koji: you might despair and ask yourself first cause it’s gonna take him the longest time to feel confident enough to ask you, but he’d come up with something so precious involving your favourite animals you’d do well to wait
- Itsuka: she doesn’t need it, but she likes the idea so if she feels like you both might be on the same page she’d bring it up but more like in a conversation rather than just popping the question
- Neito: is he serious? haha who knows! come on yes he is and he’s waiting for an answer, he loves you so much he wants to make it official and be able to brag about it, wants to do a public proposal and tries to act confident but he’s terrified you’ll reject him
- Mirio: if someone pointed out that you already look and act like a married couple he’d get really excited and probably turn to you all smile “let’s get married Y/N!”, but depending on your reaction then he might apologise later on and propose in a more serious way
- Neijire: doesn’t realise it’s that big of a deal and doesn’t exactly asks too, you were probably just watching some wedding show and she mused “we should do it too” or when walking in front of a wedding dress shop “oohh that’s the one I want”… like if you ask her if she seriously wants to get married she’ll go “eehh? we’re not???”
- Tamaki: oh boy… swears he’s gonna ask you and look you in the eyes while doing so even if it kills him but that might actually happen… he’s gotten really comfortable around you over the years but some things are still… too much
- Yo: if you’ve gotten to the point where he wants to marry you… you’ve gotten through a lot, and this boy must have been a huge pain… actually you might have been fed up with him one day and threaten to end things, expecting him to close himself off as usual and wish you farewell then… but no, he proposes. yeah, not a great timing
- Natsuo: such a good boy, so sweet, promises to always provide and care for you, and vows to himself to not be like his dad (as if you could ever be sweetie)
- Himiko: asks soon after you’ve gotten together, thinks about becoming your knife wife almost as much as drinking your blood
- Hizashi: he won’t yell his proposal… but he sure as hell is gonna scream his happiness if you say yes (everyone’s ears are not thanking you)
- Nemuri: thought she’d never settle down? wrong! if you can see past her sexual appeal while still appreciating it she ain’t letting you off the hook
- Jin: surprised? I don’t think he’d consider it if you weren’t part of the league or if the boss was against it for whatever reason though, but it’d make him very happy to marry you
- Hitoshi: he doesn’t really care for marriage, but depending on how you present the idea to him he’d agree to it and might even look forward to it
- Katsuki: doesn’t see the point, you’re already partners for life, what’s the big fuss about? he’d be hard to convince, but the more territorial side of him might be swayed, he wouldn’t want any “mushy stuff” though
- Dabi: too bad his very good friend Toya would’ve asked! marriage doesn’t sound good to him for many reasons, you can’t sway him
- Tomura: finds the idea a bit… odd? that kind of “like most people” stuff isn’t for him honestly… but you’re his player 2, that’s better, right?
- Hawks: I don’t think that’s what he’s looking for
- Kyoka: she wants to, but can’t work up the courage
- Mezo: he never gave marriage much thought so you’d have to bring it up, he wants to make you happy and if that’s what you want he’ll ask, but yeah not spontaneously
- Toru: she’s waiting for you to ask her
- Ibara: same I don’t see her being too forward in a relationship, but might prefer it if you actually just talk about it together instead of a big proposal
- Tetsutetsu: he… didn’t… think about it… and if someone else brings it up he’s gonna be mad at himself for not coming up with that one on his own and won’t ask cause he’s too busy pouting
- Fuyumi: sadly I hc her to think that’s not really her choice to make
- Shota: he’s a bit whatever about it, as long as you too are together he doesn’t care about formalities, he’d enjoy a sober wedding if you want one, and please don’t let Hizashi make a speech he’s begging you
- Toshinori: that poor man is dying to marry you, but it’d be like putting a target on your back and his biggest fear is losing you or seeing you hurt… keeping it a secret might be an option but I’m not sure he’d take that risk
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