#Sorry for the ramble but I just love the litte comments you guys leave on my fics it really makes my day!
bunnwich · 2 months
Leona x Yuu and Healing
(just me gushing don't mind me) Listen Listen, it makes me so happy when you guys leave sweet comments or tags about my Leona fics. The connection I have developed in these fics means a lot to me and I spent alot of time on them. It legit brings me such joy to know you guys enjoy all the little details I add-in. I want their relationship to feel “lived in” and to feel that there is history between the two. After going through the events of the main story of course, as well as whatever ya'll imagine your Yuu and Leona have gone through together in your timeline. My fav trope ever is like...when someone (be it a friend or possible partner) can help you heal a bit of your inner child, yk? To me, that's what the best kind of dynamics are all about. There's the fluff sure, but the idea that "you can finally feel safe" to "be a child again" in that person's arms? OOF I think Yuu dealing with what they do on the daily needs this type of care that I believe Leona (as much as he denies it) is good at. Being caretaker. Under his gruff exterior, he's reliable, emotionally mature, and a mentor. He'd never let you feel unsafe if he cared deeply for you. And Leona as a character has a lot of healing to do and even though nothing will ever heal him completely (as is mental illness) I think it's important to him more than anything to feel like he always has someone on his "team." Someone who can dish the tough love when needed but won't judge him when he's at his lowest. Anyways, It's so rewarding to write about his inner child being about to be appreciated and loved.
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