#Sorry for the mike wazowski treatment mick
fumifooms · 7 days
My life’s been a lie. I need to know where the misconception that Mickbell & Kuro open a noodle shop post-canon comes from
Kuro and Mickbell’s profiles both talk about it as if it’s a store that sells a bit of everything. A variety store, なんでも屋。
Mickbell’s sentence on the topic is 現在はクロとともに、なんでも屋を営んでいる。 And Kuro’s is 現在もミックベルにこき使われつつ、いっしょになんでも屋を営む。 No mention of noodles whatsoever. "Currently running an all-purpose shop with Kuro." "He is still being worked hard by Mickbell, and together they run a store that sells everything."
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I thought maybe the confusion was because Mithrun’s profile had a similar wording that made people think it was the same thing, but Mithrun’s line straight up doesn’t mention anything about a store or noodles either, so. The assumption that Mithrun opens a noodle shop is fully from the comic about Fleki asking Mithrun to be pardoned, where really he only says offhandedly he’ll try making some.
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Mick and Kuro’s Knicks Knacks!! It does suit them real well. I just wonder where they get their stock…
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