#Sons of anarchy imagines
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justanoasisimagines · 9 months ago
Hello Darlin'
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Summary; Jax writes you a letter while in Prision. Pairing; Jax Teller x Female Reader Warnings; Strong Language
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I know you've been busy with the kids and everything else while I've been stuck in this shithole. We're working on getting out of here but it's taking longer than planned. Shit has gone south.
I'm still counting down the days until I see your gorgeous face. It's the only thing keeping going. Apart from the kids of course.
Are the kids behaving themselves? Remember if you need a break or their getting under your feet, just take them over to my Mom's. She'll gladly take them for a few hours. Spoil them rotten and all.
I've sent you a visiting order so I can talk to you in person. Our phone calls aren't cutting it anymore.
Love you Darlin'
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dallianceangel · 7 months ago
𝐐���𝐢𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 🥵🔥
Inspired by this post 😘
🔥 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🔥
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You’re licking up and down Happy’s stomach in his dorm room, your tongue teasing him. He’s shifting, clearly growing impatient, and hard.
“Quit with the teasing,” Happy says, his voice urgent. “I’ve been waiting all day for this.”
You glance up, smirking. “Alright, alright.”
You undo his belt, hanging it over a chair, before pulling down his jeans and underwear, allowing his hard cock to spring free. Happy’s breath quickens, his eyes locked on you, groaning when you take him in your mouth.
Happy moans, gripping your head as his tension finally eases. “That’s it. Just like that, babe.”
You pull back when he spills inside your mouth, swallowing, giving him a satisfied smile. “Fuck, you taste good,” you say softly, wiping the corners of your mouth.
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chloe-skywalker · 8 months ago
I Know Them Better - Jax Teller
Jax x Fem!Reader
David Hale x Sister!Reader
Warnings: SOA
Word count: 1,942
Summary: Being Hale’s sister and dating Jax is complicated to say the least. Especially when hale doesn’t know about it
Authors Note: First Jax Teller story! So excited for this. There will be more!!!!
Sons Of Anarchy Masterlist
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The sun was breaking through the curtains which in return woke Y/n and Jax up slowly.
“Good mornin Darlin.” Jax smirked as he opened his eyes to see Y/n laying there next to him.
“Back atcha handsome.” Y/n smirked back not even opening her eyes, enjoying being in bed with her man. Since they were currently at Y/n’s house they didn’t have to worry about being interpreted or so they thought.
Right when they both were gonna try to go back to sleep there was a loud pounding on Y/n’s front door. Which made both of their eyes open quickly and widely.
“Are you expecting someone?” Jax asked her.
“Not that I know of. Stay here.” Y/n got up and threw on a shirt and a pair of shorts before glancing back at him and she noticed his nervous and apprehensive look. “I’ll yell for you if I need you, my knight with shining motorcycle.” she teased him.
Y/n walked down the hall and headed over to her front door only to see her brother on the other side causing the racket.
“David.” Y/n said his name in shock, why was her brother at her home she thought as she opened the door and greeted him.
“Y/n.” he greeted back as he entered her home.
“So what’s up brother?” Y/n said loud enough for Jax to hear so he knew who it was and to not come out of her room.
“I need you to be careful around town.” David told her as they stood in Y/n’s kitchen.
“Why? What's up?” Y/n furrowed her brows.
“Samcro’s up to something. And I have a bad feeling about it.” Hale told her annoyed at Charmings local Biker group.
“Why do you hate them?” Y/n questioned her brother trying not to sound upset with him for judgment of the Son’s. But it was hard not to, he judged them and doesn’t even know them.
“They’re criminals Y/n.” He told her simply.
“They may not be completely innocent but they also protect the town David. You have to see that.” Y/n tried with David often but it was hard when she had to not let on to her and Jax’s relationship. 
Y/n could see from her spot standing in the kitchen down the hall and saw Jax listening in to their conversation. He just smirked at her.
“Their good deeds don’t outweigh their bad ones.” Hale stated to her before sighing. “Just be careful okay? I don’t want you to get hurt because of them.”
“Okay. I’ll be careful.” y/n nodded along to appease him. But She wasn’t going to stay away from Jax or the club. But he didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.” David smiled at her gratefully. He sometimes hated that she was still living in Charming, it made it harder to protect her. “Oh I won’t be able to have our normal weekly dinner tonight. I have to work late.”
“Okay, that's fine.” Y/n smiled at him.
“Bye Y/n/n.” Hale hugged her before heading for the door to leave.
“Bye Bro.” Y/n watched him leave before hearing the front door shut.
“Man, he really doesn’t like us huh?” Jax spoke from the entrance to the hallway.
“Not funny.” Y/n rolled her head to look at him. It was hard for Y/n that she essentially had 2 different lives. Y/n was close to her brother and they normally talked about everything but she couldn’t share with him anything about her relationship because he wouldn’t approved.
“Well, since you're not gonna be busy tonight. Why don’t you come to TM. We’re not having a party but we are all gonna be hanging out at the clubhouse. That way you don't have to be alone and get more time together.” Jax suggested walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Jax knew Y/n hated being alone and he’d take any time they could spend together.
“Okay. I don’t like being alone and I miss all the guy’s.” She nodded in agreement looking up at him.
“What about me?” Jax raised a brow teasing her.
“Of course you.” She shook her head with a laugh at his antics, as she headed into the kitchen with Jax on her tail. Y/n grabbed a drink from her fridge as Jax watched her for a moment biting his lip before pushing off of the kitchen wall and leaving the room. Y/n called out at his retreating form. “Where are you going?”
“To pack you a bag.” He called back from down the hall, turning into her bedroom.
“Jax?” Y/n pushed off the counter top to follow him into her room.
“We’re staying the night at the clubhouse.” Jax states.
Y/n raised a brow, she knew all he’d try to pack. She rolled her eyes at his packing taste. “If all your gonna pack is lingerie-”
“I’ll pack other things.” He smiled mischievously.
“Like what?” Y/n asked him with a tilted head, curious to his other thoughts on what to pack.
“Extra of my clothes and you can wear those.” Jax smiled cheekily.
“Hmmm.” Y/n hummed, nodding amused at his answer.
^     ^     ^
@ TM  Next Morning
“Aye Lass, Morning.” Chib’s greeted with a nod and a smile upon seeing Y/n exit the dorm hallway.
“Morning.” Y/n greeted the Scottish man with a smile on her lips.
“Hey Darlin, you look good.” Jax looked her up and down as she walked over and he handed her a glass of orange juice.
“Hmmhmm, I’m in your clothes after all.” Y/n hummed smiling up at him knowing exactly what he was getting at.
“You should just wear my stuff from now on.” He smirked with a shrug.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” Y/n laughed, and then her phone started ringing.
“Hey, Whats up?” Y/n said answering her phone upon seeing her brothers name flashing on the screen.
“I need you to come down to the station.” David stated cutting to the chase.
“Why?” Y/n asked confused as to why he’d want her down to the police station?
“Just to talk about something. See you soon.” He wouldn’t say over the phone.
“Bye.” Y/n barley got it out before the line went dead.
“I have to go.” Y/n said looking up at Jax with a tight lipped, slightly sad smile. She didn’t want to leave.
“Nooooo. Why?” Jax whined wrapping his arms tighter around her waist as he sat behind her on a stool.
“Sorry, brother calls.” She sighed getting out of his hold and standing up.
“You gonna be okay, lass?” Chibs asked, they all considered Y/n family. She’d been around since her and Jax were in highschool.
“Yeah. Y/n/n. We could come with.” Tig offered fully prepared to back up the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“Nah, I’ll be okay. Brother just probably wants to rant about you guys anyway.” Y/n waved them off.
“You comin back?” Jax asked as he hands her her keys.
“Yeah, I’ll be back. Love you.” She smiled and leans over to kiss his cheek.
“Love you, too.” Jax squeezed her waist before watching her go.
^     ^     ^
“Hey. Why’d you need me down here?” Y/n walked into her brother's office shutting the door behind her before she went to sit down across from him.
“The Son’s are planning something. It’s gotta be big because they’ve been having meetings with every rival gang around. Its gonna be big and its gonna get people hurt. If not killed.” David explained to his sister stressing the possible implications of what he believes is to come.
“Maybe they're making deals to protect the town.” Y/n shrugged. She of course knew what was going on, Jax told her things even she shouldn’t know. But she couldn’t tell her brother that.
He shook his head in denial. “They aren’t. I know them. This is going to have a ton of casualties. Their gonna-”
“Stop! Just stop.” Y/n cut him off having had it with his obsession of making them the bad guys. “I know them better than you do. I know exactly what they do and what they were doing. Because unlike you I actually know them, and no I won’t share what is going on with you. Sorry.”
Hale furrowed his brows. “How do you know so much about Samcro?”
“In fact, whose clothes are you wearing?” He spoke up again. David noticed finally that she was wearing a men's shirt way to big for her, what really got him though was that the shirt had a faded “Samcro” printed on the front.
“I’m wearing Jax’s shirt because He’s my boyfriend. Had been for almost a year.” Y/n let out a stressed breath and just came out with her secret relationship that was only a secret to her brother.
“For fuck’s sake!” David let out angrily shaking his head.
“Shut up and listen.” Y/n told him standing up, taking charge of what was going to be said. “They are good guys. They may be in some not so legal shit, but they're good guys. Either give them a chance or back off some. You're stressing yourself out to unhealthy levels when it comes to Samcro.”
Y/n worried sometimes at how stressed the thought of the Son’s made her brother it was so unhealthy for him.
Y/n got up and stormed out of his office and the station. Right now she only wanted to be around the Son’s. Mainly Jax. Her Jax.
Once she got back to TM  Chib’s was the first to notice.
“Jackie boy. Someone's back and she looks stressed.” Chibs called out as he watched Y/n pull in on the faster side and all it took was one look at her body language to know something happened.
“Don’t think that talk went so good.” Juice commented as they all watched Y/n, the girl normally so calm and mostly relaxed acting very agitated and stressed.
“Y/n/n, what's wrong? What happened?” Jax asked as he approached her halfway seeing how stressed she was Jax pulled her into him for a few moment’s knowing his embrace comforted her.
“He knows about the club’s meetings with the rival MC’s, and he knows about us.” Y/n told Jax stepping out of his hold looking up at him. Jax looked shocked when she mentioned their relationship being outed to her brother. Y/n sighed before telling him. “I couldn’t take it anymore. He noticed my shirt as well. I had to tell him. . . I also told him to back off the club. You're all good guys and he’s stressing over it in unhealthy ways.”
Jax cupped the side of her face, he knew how worried she was about her brother finding out about their relationship. With how much he hate’s Jax and the Son's, how could she not worry. “I know you're worried that you’ll lose him because of our relationship. I’m sorry Darlin.”
Y/n gave him a half smile. “On the bright side we don’t have to hide and sneak around anymore.”
“Come on, Darlin. We missed you.” Jax mirrored her half smile. That was a perk of David now knowing, but Jaxx just wanted to cheer her up at the moment.
Jax wrapped his arms around her shoulders and guided her over to where the others were. They were her family to and they’d support her no matter what.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 (sorry I didn't have my list on me and I didn't know if you wanted to be tagged in SOA stuff)
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ravennaortiz · 7 months ago
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The guys reactions to accidently hurting you- SONS Version
Chibs- "You broke my toes" you stated as the nurse wheeled you out of x-ray. "All of them. Our wedding is tomorrow Filip you continued in a monotone voice. Chibs cringed as he took in what you were saying. "I'm sorry kitten. I only meant to surprise you with my dance moves....I should have taken my boots off" he apologized as he knelt next to you and kissed your hand.
Halfsack- He has apologized a half dozen times as he presses the bag of frozen peas to your left cheek. He had only wanted to show you some self defense techniques like you had asked. He had not expected you to step forward when he swung at you while he was explaining how to duck. The sound of his fist hitting your soft skin almost made him vomit as the scene replayed for him. "I took that hit well I think" you murmured as you wiped away the last remaining tears making him snort. "You did cry less than most of people I hit" he joked as he kissed your forehead.
Happy- "So sorry baby girl" murmured Happy as he fed you ice cream in bed. "Its okay. Was an accident" you replied as you offered him a sincere smile. Your tough biker had taken your injury harder than you. The ribbing from the rets of the club had not helped either. "Should have explained the kickback better. Hell should not have let you try that gun. No need. Just thought you looked hot with it in your hands" ranted Happy before you cut him off with a kiss.
Jax- The silence as you made your way slowly through the clubhouse is honestly loud. Rolling your eyes you see Jax sitting at the head of the table alone. "I am going to start therapy and anger management classes" he stated when he saw you leaning against the door frame. "Yeah, good call. I know you were going for Happy. Weak as tables fault for collapsing under all our weight" you tried to joke. "Good news nothing broken on me at least. Bad news you fucked my crow tattoo up"
Juice-What was suppose to be tipsy, sexy time turned into tipsy where is our medical supplies quickly. He is beside himself as he holds gauze to your ass cheek. Your attempts at humor were not helping the guilt train he had himself on. "Baby, I'm good its not even bleeding" you laugh as you try and turn over on his lap but he keeps you firmly face down. Sighing you stop trying to move. "Juice it was a belt buckle. Not like you stabbed me or meant to do it. Can we please get back to what we were doing?" you pleaded as he mumbled sorry again.
Kozik- Sitting by your bedside he is somber. He cant help but replay the crash over and over again. Trying to decide what he could have done different. What if he hadn't grabbed your arm? Would you have been fine or would you have sailed over the side of the cliff? Was he going to fast? Should he have expected the drunk driver to be coming at you guys around the blind curve? "I'm sorry" he murmurs again as he kisses your hand. The doctors said you will be fine but he's not sure if he will.
Opie- He is beside himself, after the loss of Donna he cant believe he has love. He cant even bring himself to get on the ambulance and his phone call to Jax has the whole club screeching to a stop in front your house. "I killed her" he sobs as Jax kneels next to him. "She asked me to buy a step stool and I was like I'm a step stool. Lifted her up and lost my grip and she hit her head. Before Jax can say anything a paramedic is hovering. "Sir, your wife is demanding you get in the ambulance. She said and I quote stop acting like a blubbering mess or she will give you a reason to act like this."
Ratboy-He cant believe how dumb he was. Has suggested you break up with him a couple times as he carries you down the mountain the two of you had been hiking. You can walk and are fine. Its bruised and scraped knees not broken bones you had told him. "I'm sorry for proposing to you" he blurts out once you guys are at the car. "I mean I love you and want you forever but like for how I did it" he adds as you glare up at him.
Tig- "Well we all learned something today. There is a reason you use certain candles for wax play. Don't go cheap or you end up in the ER" stated Tig with a chuckle as he helped you onto your bed. Careful not to brush the burns on your back and hips. A low growl and the middle finger is all you offered your old man. Tig swallowed hard and sighed. "One day we will look back on tonight and laugh" he tried again as he squeezed one of your butt cheeks playfully. "Go away" you demanded.
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band--psycho · 1 year ago
Jax Teller X Readder - Always Been You
Hey! Sorry I've been a bit quiet recently, I've had a lot of stuff going on; I know people are really excited for the stories they've requested and I will get to them, please just be patient with me.
With that being said, I've written this story for the amazing @beth-gallagher22 who requested it for my 3.6k DrabbleWriting Celebration, it was so hard to stop at 500 words!
I hope you all enjoy this!💛
“I always thought it’d be you two walking down the aisle,” Chucky said with a sympathetic look in his eyes as he got Jax a bottle of beer from the fridge. 
“Me too, Chucky,” he sighed, taking a swig of the beer he was holding, desperately trying to ignore the way his heart ached as the words left his lips, “But she’s in love with someone else.”
He knew it was selfish of him to be acting like this; there’d been more than enough chances for him to admit his feelings to her, and he didn’t. He knew he had no right to throw this little pity party whilst everyone else was at the wedding. 
He just couldn’t help it. 
He wanted Y/n to be happy; he just wished that it was with him. 
All he could think about was that it should have been him. 
He should have been honest with her from the very beginning; from the very moment he realised that he was falling in love with her all those years ago. 
But he didn’t. 
He told himself it was for her sake; to keep her away from this life, but with her older brother Opie being a part of the club he knew deep in his heart that that would never happen.
And now it was too late. 
“Then why is she standing outside in her wedding dress?” Chucky questioned , pointing outside; it took a moment for the words to register in Jaxs mind but when they did his head snapped up and he looked out the window. 
Without any hesitation, Jax was on his feet, rushing outside to Y/n, a million thoughts filling his mind and all of them freezing once he got closer to her and saw how breathtaking she looked in her wedding dress. 
“I’m sorry, Jax,” Y/n said, taking a step towards him, tears beginning to form in her  y/e/c eyes. “What?” Jax began, placing a hand on the side of her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb soothingly, completely confused about why she was apologizing,  “Y/n what are you sorry for?”
“For never telling you how I feel, I was about to walk down the aisle and then.I..I thought of you and I just…”
“Breathe darlin’,” Jax urged as he pulled her into his embrace, as the words she’d said slowly sunk into his mind. 
“I thought I’d moved on but I haven’t,” she sniffled, pulling away slightly so that she could meet his eyes as she told him the truth she’d been denying her heart for so long, “It’s you Jax; it’s always been you, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,”
“No darlin’, if anyone should apologise it should be me,” he cooed, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen down her cheek.
“I love you, Y/n/n,” he whispered before placing a soft kiss on her lips. 
“I love you too, Jax,” she breathed between his kisses.
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your-space-brain · 2 years ago
Filip “Chibs” Telford x Reader - One Shot
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Gif does not belong to me.
Moved from @spacedbrainnn .
Little Clay.
That’s what they called you, Little Clay. You were the daughter of Teller and Morrow, Jax’s half sister who was untouchable. You were a princess, the pride and joy of Gemma and Clay, and everyone knew not to flirt with you, unless they planned to be intimidated.
And threatened.
That’s why you’d been talking to Chibs. Late night drinks here, a smile there, a wink thrown in the mix and you found yourself festering with feelings for the man twice your age.
But, you couldn’t care less.
You’d never talked about anything exclusive. There were never any lines drawn, anything. So when you saw him with a Crow Eater hanging around his hips, you couldn’t be jealous.
But, everyone else saw it plain as day.
“Oh come on, Clay Jr.” Tig was dancing on your last nerve while you were attempting to finish up an audit for the garage. You sat in Jax’s mechanic shirt while you wrote on a clipboard and typed on your calculator. “Give me one chance.”
“I’m not in the mood, Tiggy.”
“Why do you gotta give me such a hard time?”
“Because I’m a giver. It’s what I do.”
“But one chance. Let me take you out on the dance floor. We can even dance around the shop.”
“I’ve got two left feet.”
“Alexander Trager.” You spat the words colder than you intended and he feigned offense.
“What? Can’t stand to see Scottie have another woman—”
“What about Scottie?” The thick accent boomed throughout the garage as his boots preceded him. You looked up and tried not to show that your heart was pattering for him.
“Nothing. Just talking.” Tig smirked knowingly as he backed up and walked off, a toothpick in his lips as he exited. You looked down at your paper and tried to force yourself to get back to work.
“Lass? He givin’ ye a hard time?” His accent was undeniably bouncing around in your head while you tried to focus, unsuccessfully, due to his intense stare.
“No more than usual.” You replied to him as your pen marked against the paper, before you looked at the calculator.
“Ye sure?”
“I’m sure.” You didn’t give him that pretty smile you normally did. Hell, you didn’t even hardly look at him.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
“Ye can’t lie ta me like that.”
“I’m not lying.”
It was becoming a war of who was more stubborn, who would outlast. He gave a sigh before you heard the flick of the lighter, then cigarette smoke filled the air and you felt the scent of tobacco wash over you.
“Ye can’t lie ta me.”
“I’m not lying, Chibs.”
That’s when he knew. He was always Filip to you. Always.
“Tell me what’s eatin’ that pretty li’l head up.”
Sighing, exasperated, you gave up. Dropping your pen down, you stared up at him as it clattered and rolled off the desk.
“What are we?”
“Whataya mean?”
“I mean, what the hell are we? You can’t tell me we’re just friends. You can’t tell me that we haven’t been shamelessly flirting, dancing around the idea that we’re not something. It doesn’t make any sense.”
Your eyes searched his dark ones as he sighed, before he took another drag of the cigarette.
“Lassie, ye’re…”
“Half your age. I know. I don’t care. What are we?”
“What do ye want us to be?”
“More than this. I want you to not have fucking women—”
You were cut off by his little smirk. “Is that what this is about? The women?”
“Shut up.”
His smirk widened before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m yers, sweetheart. I’m yers.”
— end —
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razrbladekiss · 1 year ago
Thirty-seven minutes | Tig Trager
A/N: this is just a shitty little angsty one shot, which i put together in like fifteen minutes. it's supposed to be helping me get back into the swing of things with writing, but it isn't! but anyway, here 'ya go!
WORD COUNT: 900 smth
PAIRING: tig trager x fem!reader
WARNINGS: angst, strong language. you're in your cunt era
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Thirty-seven minutes ago, malevolence was rippling through your veins, surging through each and every artery like hot, molten lava drifting toward that village at the volcano’s edge. 
You were mere seconds from an outburst, almost spattering your last morsel of equanimity when Clay’s pompous snarl reached the drums of your ears and all you saw was red. 
Ripping the man limb from fucking limb would’ve been so gratifying, you thought. Causing him that same abundance of grief that he had inflicted upon you, making him hurt, was the one thing you could only wish to happen. 
But slivering so deeply into Clay Morrow seemed borderline inconceivable. Because he was formidable, and tough, and you were yet to see him crumble under the wayward burdens bestowed upon him by his club. 
Frankly, getting to him was simply impossible. And, if you could strike a chord within that phlegmatic prick, Tig wouldn’t even let you try. 
It wasn’t worth it, he guaranteed that seeking revenge for the shit the SAMCRO President did to you—to the man that you love—wasn’t worth thinking about. 
Because he might’ve made Tig dive head first into yet another ire-fueled, gun-wielding battle that could’ve ended a hell of a lot more bloody than what it did, but that was a part of this life. 
You understood that. You understood what Tig’s life—his line of work—entailed, but it was tough. Coming to terms with it all—every last thing—was painful, and sometimes you wished that Clay didn’t depend on him so much. 
But he did. And there was nothing that you could’ve done to change that, or put a stop to it. So you got along with it. 
You got along with it until you couldn’t. 
Ten minutes ago your face was reddening, rage dripping from every pore as you became privy to the events of the day. Eagerly—desperately—you awaited an explanation. 
An explanation that never came. 
An explanation that you needed, but one that you never got. And, for that, you were irrationally angry. 
“I just hate that he’s got you wrapped around his little finger, Tig! It’s gonna get you seriously hurt one day!” You expressed your repugnance, stamping into the clubhouse. 
Tig was hot on your heels. 
“I’m sick of finding out through Jax, or Juice, that Clay has put you into yet another situation that you might not find your way out of—“
“No! Don’t baby me, Alexander.” Pissed, you threw back at him as you stopped dead at the front door. “You’re not getting out of this by sweet-talking, or fucking me, like you always do.”
Being an authoritative figure suited you, he thought. Being put in his place by you was so sexy, he thought. 
But you had also yelled at him—“humiliated” him—right in front of his club, and he was irked at your boldness. 
The boldness that he lauded, of course, but the boldness that no old lady should’ve conveyed before the Sons Of Anarchy. 
Because old ladies were supposed to be submissive. They were supposed to take orders, know their place, and abide by the rules set in place by the club. 
That wasn’t your thing, however. 
“I—I can’t take this anymore.” Frustrated, you retorted. “This fucking club—“
“Hey!” Tig yelled, pointing at you. 
This unbending—frightening—look washed over his face, and for the first time ever, you felt yourself tremble underneath his gaze. 
“Don’t talk shit about this fucking club!” 
Your heart was pounding. 
“I’m serious!” He barked, cornering you. 
Tig was intimidating, everybody and their fucking dog knew that. Everybody knew what he did, or what he had the capability of doing. 
But you weren’t scared of him. 
Not anymore. 
You puffed out your chest a little, refusing to be backed up against the wall. You walked a little closer to him. Two noses almost brushed against one another. 
“And so am I.” You said, biting back tears. “I am so fucking serious about this—“
“About what?!” Tig was yelling again now. 
He was so short tempered. But never with you. 
Sucking in a deep breath, you began by saying “about how this club—more like fucking cult—is ruining our relationship that we have been trying so hard to rebuild!”
It was like a weight lifted, but it maimed him. 
Because you hadn’t known Tig before the Sons, nor would you ever know that version of him. But he thought that you enjoyed him being part of such a tight brotherhood, a ready made family that supported the pair of you, not just him. 
And there were benefits to Samcrow, there always were. But Tara had told you what it was like getting involved with them, and you chose to ignore the warning. 
Until now. 
“It’s like everything you do revolves around the club.” You say, as if it’s not the most obvious thing in the world. You take a step toward Tig, making him take a step backwards. 
Fists clenched. 
“We had something good, Tig. We really had a beautiful thing. But the Sons Of Anarchy have brainwashed you into thinking that, if you’re not here twenty four hours a fucking day, that some shit will happen and the club will crumble.”
He rolled his jaw. 
“I promise you, nothing bad will happen if you take a day to spend time with your old lady—y’know, the woman you married.”
“You spend too much time with Tara—“
“And that’s such a bad thing?!” You hurled his way. “I spend my days in this shithole! I have no other fucking friends aside from the club and their wives, and it sucks! And now you’re mad at me for spending time with the only female in this gang that I can tolerate?!”
“Not a gang!”
“Oh, fuck off!” You stomp toward the front door, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth of your husband. 
Tig couldn’t wrangle his composure. He couldn’t bring himself to go after you as your heels clicked along the uneven concrete, and you mithered to yourself about how worthless he was. 
He didn’t care. 
He couldn’t find a reason to care. 
You disrespected his club, so he threw away the vows that he made to you. 
Only temporarily, of course. 
Because in thirty-seven minutes, he’ll be at your knees begging for forgiveness. 
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roadtogracelandx45 · 10 months ago
Well, that was a first. I just checked my email and i got 4 alerts from AO3 about comments on my Sons of Anarchy story. Saying that Ryder (my oc) was pathetic and shame to women for having a moment of weakness and sleeping with Jax.
Is it wrong for a wife to have a moment of weakness and have a moment with her husband? who yes did cheat on her and move her former friend into their house after Ryder left him for cheating in the first place?
The one review said that Ryder was pathetic for doing that.
I don't know, am I going about this wrong way?
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ghostwoe · 1 year ago
jax teller masterlist
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** means nsfw content &. you are responsible for what you read, so minors please do not read / interact with any of my nsfw content.
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theycallmequeenie · 2 years ago
Lexie and Happy
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Master List
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13
Part 14:
A/N: Hey all Queenie here. I know it’s been a while, life hasn’t exactly been gentle with me this past year. I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long. Believe me when I say I feel like and utter failure and that I’m letting every last one of you down by not writing and putting out content or you all. Know that I love all of you and appreciate all the likes and reblogs I get, I promise I do a little happy dance every time I get a notification.  Just giving some context, we are just assuming Lexie’s Tv is a Roku enabled device.
Lexie shook her head at her uncle, not wanting to rehash the argument she just had because she knew he would most likely side with Happy in the matter. She asked Tig to just send Happy home, she simply wanted some time to herself and to let the crew at the garage know that she’d be back in the next day if for nothing else to keep up with the and a change in surroundings. Tig had tried to say that it could all wait but was cut off by Lex telling him the same thing she had told Happy. She needed to keep pushing so she could remain herself. Unlike Happy though Tig seemed to understand what Lexie was telling him. She needed her routine back to stay sane. Something Tig could understand that Hap seemingly couldn’t.
He knew she wouldn’t relent in getting back into the swing of things, so to speak. Lex wanted to stay busy to avoid concentrating on the trauma. He had to give it to her she was doing her best to work through it all, and with luck, not run from it this time. He had tried so hard to get his niece back to her home. She finally relents and returns only for this to happen to her. He hated himself for letting this all happen and wanted with every fiber of his being to undo all the bad form the last three days. Even though he knew there was no way to do that it hadn’t stopped him from wishing he could.
With a sigh he shook his head and told her that he would drive her to the garage in the morning for a few hours only and kissed her forehead before leaving her room to talk to Hap.
Tig grabbed Happy by the shoulder and walked him to the kitchen so that Lexie wouldn’t hear them arguing. Happy was already protesting being escorted away from her. He wasn’t going to go back into her room not after they had fought but he wanted to stay close to her for safety and comforts sake. His more so than hers. Tig informed him of Lex’s decision and told him that despite agreeing with him, Lex was going to be taken into the garage office for a few hours the next day. When Happy tried to voice his argument Tig stopped him with a simple, “if we stop her from going about her routine, we will lose her.” And neither of them wanted that.
Happy stopped arguing at that statement and frowned at his brother, “So what exactly is it that I do now?” His frown grew deeper with Tig’s response.
“Go home and let her process this how she needs to process. There isn’t anything else we can to Brother. I know you want to stay within arm’s reach of her but right now I think space would be for the best for the both of you.”
Happy tried to protest this but knew that Tig was right. Space would be good for all parties involved and he knew Lex would be kept safe by Tig and Vee. The threat had been handled and as far as everyone knew, there were no others to be concerned about. Something in him was screaming at him to go try to make up to Lex but he knew all it would do was upset her more and she had dealt with enough in the last day or so. He nodded and reluctantly left without saying another word to Lex or Tig.
Tig let out a sigh and returned to Lexie’s room to let her know that Happy had left, being met with only a nod from her, he decided to sit on the edge of her bed as gently as he could. Picking up the remote to the television he gave her a soft smile, “So, Kiddo, what are we going to watch?”
Lex shrugged at her uncle trying to ignore her feelings about Happy leaving without Ellington her goodbye. Somehow Tig knew and picked one of er favorite comfort movies and pressed play. As the opening credits to The Princess Bride started playing Lexie seemingly relaxed slightly, shifting herself closer to her uncle and settling in to watch the movie with him.
They sat there watching the movie with Tig occasionally quoting the more memorable lines from it. At the ‘Anybody want a peanut’ one Lex let out a little giggle. She always did laugh at that line. Hearing her giggle made Tig smile, it reassured him that his girl was still in there somewhere. Even if she was battered and bruised.
Happy returned to his home and sent the prospect, that he had sent there to watch Ope while he was with Lex, home. He made sure to walk and play with his white pit bull before sitting down at hi desk with a pen and paper. He had been playing around with the idea of Lexie getting his crow tattooed on her but after everything she just went through, he decided that could wait for the time being. If his ole lady wanted to push through this trauma and try to expedite her healing process, then he was going to help her. As he stared at the blank piece of paper, he started sketching out a rough draft of a Medusa Head. Knowing Lexie like he did he knew exactly what she would ask for and he decided to deliver it and then some. He spent his night working on making that draft perfect and only once he was satisfied with how it looked did, he put the supplies away and turning in to grab a few hours of sleep. He decided that once Lexie’s physical injuries had healed, he would be the one to tattoo that on her along with his crow if she could handle sitting for those pieces for that long. She had some trouble toughing out sitting for the one bigger piece she had asked him for around her nineteenth birthday, which was a feminized version of a Grim Reaper with ‘Don’t fear’ above it on her left thigh. He was the one that also tattooed her little smiley face, that mirrored all of his smiley faces, over her heart saying that happy face would mean more to her than a crow from him. He also knew that she would eventually ask for memorial pieces for Jax and Opie. But design those were going to wait until he was asked. As he laid down in his bed wishing that she was there with him, he let out a low grumble wishing he had just stayed with her the other night instead of talking with Tig and Vee.
Happy wasn’t the only one with regrets about that night, Tig was silently beating himself up over what had happened to Lex. For almost all of her life He was the one that had always protected her and the knowledge that she was taken let alone the rest of what she was put through on his watch was eating him alive. He spent the day with Lex in her room watching all her old comfort movies from her younger years, most of which he hadn’t seen since before she had left town.
He had noticed that she had drifted off to sleep at some point during the second Ghostbusters movie which made him sigh as he tried to get up without disturbing her. Picking up her phone he made sure she had an alarm set for in the morning and left the room to get ready for bed himself.
Vee had met him in the hallway asking if things were alright between everyone. Tig explained what happened between Lexie and Hap and Vee understood all too well the need to push past trauma and return to the routine of daily life and left her love know that this was the right thing for Lex in her opinion and started helping Tig ready himself for what little sleep he would allow himself to get…
To Be Continued…
A/N Part 2: Thank you so much for reading this fic. I apologize for the endless run-on filler and sentences (Yay neurodivergence and dyslexia…. NOT) With Luck and cooperation from the chaos gremlins in my life Part 15 will be written and posted before the month is out. As I have previously posted I’m trying to keep an order to how my fics are done and posted and this one is number 1 on the list. I love you all and are incredibly grateful for those of you who have stuck around and those who have only just found my flaky self. I know I go off grid for months at a time but I’m trying hard to fix the headspace issues that cause this. You guys (meant in the gender-neutral manner) truly do mean the world to this crazy chaotic little gremlin behind these keys. As always, Much Love, Queenie.
Part 15
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ravennaortiz · 4 months ago
Awww 💜
Juice seeing you cry for the first time would include…
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- Seeing you cry would be the absolute worst thing he could imagine
- Juice would feel helpless and frustrated, not really knowing what he can do at first, though it would obviously depend on the situation
- If you would be crying because of something he said or did during a fight, he’d be a wreck
- His eyes would probably water himself when he would try to assure you that he never meant to take it that far. He would promise to make it up and ask if you’d want him to stay somewhere else for the night
- When you were crying because of something not related to him, he would get a little angry at first. Like who or what in the world dare to make you suffer?
- He would try to calm you down, wrapping you in his arms or carrying you to the couch if you weren’t already there
- Juice would let you cry as much as you want, gently stroking your hair and laying soft kisses on top of your head while he’d tell you that it’s going to be okay and how much he loves you
- When you were slowly starting to calm down a bit he would wrap you in a blanky and take you to the kitchen, getting you your favourite cookies and something warm to drink
- He would spend the rest of the day cuddling at home with you, watching stupid movies to try and make you smile at least a little bit
(requested because y’all obviously want to break my heart)
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justanoasisimagines · 6 months ago
Protective Headcanons
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Hey lovelies, my requests are open and my guidlines can be found pinned at the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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❀Jax knows from the moment he brings you into his world you're life's at risk. It's why Jax is considering doing it in the first place. ❀Jax teaches you how to protect yourself, if he's not there he wants you to know how to fight. ❀Jax insists there are weapons in your house. Baseball bats, guns, knives, Jax strategically places them around your house in case anyone were to surprise you. ❀Jax makes sure you have Gemma's number. He wants you to have her numbers in case of an emergency. ❀He asks Gemma to check up on you whenever he's away. He worries about you. Also Gemma's accustomed to situations in which her life could be in danger. ❀Jax making sure you're home has the best security system possible. He wants you to feel safe and secure when you're alone. ❀If Jax is in any doubt. he'll make you stay at the clubhouse. It's a safe place and he knows the club will look out for you.
❀Jax buying you a motorcycle helmet. So you can ride his motorcycle safely.
❀Jax is ready to drop everything to protect you. He'll always put things aside. Jax would fight to the death to protect you. You're one of the most important people in his life.
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dallianceangel · 7 months ago
I’m Not Proud Of It
Writing this has given me another idea for a fic 💗
🫦 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🫦
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You slip out of the clubhouse wearing the same clothes you wore last night, grinning as your mind plays back the wild night you had with Chibs. As you head toward the exit, Jax catches you as he works on fixing a motorcycle in Teller-Morrow. His gaze follows you, and he grows suspicious as he notices Chibs licking his lips, a subtle sign of the recent encounter he had with his girlfriend’s daughter.
Jax lowers his voice. “You and her...?”
Chibs sighs, nodding his head. “Aye, but you know, I’m not proud of it.”
Jax chuckles, not believing a single word. “Yeah, right. I bet you felt proud last night.”
Chibs smiles, but it soon fades when his girlfriend’s face flashes in his mind and the guilt resurfaces. “It shouldn’t have happened.”
Jax goes back to fixing what he is working on, but continues the conversation. “Was it just the once?”
Chibs’ silence gives Jax the answer he suspected, it’s happened more than once. “Fuck.”
Chibs sighs, the guilt eating away at him. A little while later, during lunchtime, your mom arrives outside Teller-Morrow, cheerful and unaware of the situation. She heads into the office and greets Chibs with a warm smile, holding a bag of delicious goodies.
“Hey, love,” she says, giving Chibs a kiss on the cheek. “I brought us some lunch.”
Chibs forces a smile. “Hey, doll. I’m so hungry.”
As she talks to Chibs over lunch, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Chibs discreetly checks it—it’s a text from you. He fights back a smile as he reads the message.
"Last night was hot. Round two later? 😏"
Chibs quickly types back, his heart racing: “You’re trouble, lass. We’ll need to be careful.”
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chloe-skywalker · 2 months ago
Christmas Threw Up - Jax Teller
Jax Teller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,059
Summary: When Y/n decorates for christmas she like’s it to look like christmas threw up. Abel has always wanted to go all out putting up some christmas decorations. So Y/n tell’s him he can help her decorate.
Authors Note: Merry Christmas
Sons Of Anarchy Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist
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“Hey Darlin.” Jax greeted with a big smile once Y/n opened the door to her apartment.
“Hey handsome. Hey bub.” Yn smiled greeting both men at her door. Well man and boy. With a shy ‘Hi’ back from Abel, Jax set him down to go explore through the boxes scattered around the livingroom.
“What’s all these boxes for?” Jax asked stepping into her home looking around confused. He knew she wasn’t moving.
“Well Abel wanted to decorate for christmas and I told him about my collection. So I got everything out.” Y/n shrugged, to her it wasn’t that big of a deal. But Jax felt otherwise. She was letting his son help her, making one of Abel’s dream’s come true.
“He’s always been into that stuff just never had time to buy it all.” Jax smiled watching his son look through the clear tub’s and then he turned his attention to his girl. He was grateful to have her and he was grateful she’d do things like this for his son. Jax knows Y/n lovies Abel as if he was her own son and he couldn’t be happier about it.
“Well he can help me decorate my place.” Y/n told him wrapping her arms around Jax’s torso.
“You have a lot of Christmas stuff.” Jax stated wrapping his arms around her as well.
“It should look like Christmas threw up when we're done.” Y/n nodd’s confidently.
“Ni-nacks?” Jax raised a brow ready to tease her about it.
“No. Light’s and garland. My favorite.” She shakes her head ‘no’ and tells him what's truly in the boxes confidently. Y/n had no shame about her decorating habits.
“Oh my god. All of those?” Jax laughed amused and slightly scared.
“There’s more to.” Y/m smirks at him.
“He’s going to love this. Thank you.” He smiled down at her with adoration.
“Its no problem, Jax. I’m happy to let him help, more fun than me doing it by myself.” She tells him honestly.
“He loves you, you know?” Jax brushes her hair back. Able had become a lot more self confident and come out of his shell since Y/n came into their life’s.
“I love him too.”
“I love you as well.” Jax leaned down to kiss her.
“Hmmm, I love you too handsome.” Y/n kissed him back before pulling away for air and to answer him before Jax had to leave.
^     ^     ^
“Alright buddy, I think that's all of it.” Y/n stood up looking around at their handy work putting up all the decorations.
“It looks awesome!” Abel yelled out in excitement looking around in amazement.
“I agree. Thank you for the help.” Y/n high fived him with a smile. 
“You're welcome. Thank you for letting me.” Abel thanked her as he turned to hug her.
“You can help me anytime Abel.” Y/n wrapped her arms around the little boy hugging him back. Y/n loved having Abel help her out, and just having him around. Abel loved to help Y/n out and go everywhere with her.
“What about the tree?” He asked letting go of her waist.
“Well since it’s a fake tree we have to straighten out all the branches. You wanna do that?” She explained to him being honest it was her least favorite part, flocking out the fake tree, but maybe Abel will like it.
“Yeah! Can we wait to decorate it till daddy comes back?” Abel asked excitedly.
“Of course we can buddy.” Y/n smiled at his thoughtfulness, wanting Jax to be included in at least some part of decorating.
A Couple hours later the two were just sitting around watching movies. All of a sudden Y/n heard a key being turned in the lock to the front door but it was Abel who saw who entered.
“Daddy!” Abel screamed out running to Jax, happy to see him.
“Hey Buddy.” Jax picked him up and kissed him on the head as he rested him on his hip.
“We saved the tree for you.” Abel told him with excitement in his eye’s.
“Thanks buddy.” Jax smiled at his son before setting him down.
“He wanted to decorate it with you here.” Y/n spoke from the couch where she and Abel had been playing ‘Disney's Guess Who?’ while watching movies.
“Holy shit.” He was almost speechless when he took in the entire apartment.
“Do you like it?” Abel asked his dad with a hint of nerves in his voice. Since they never decorated like this at home Abel was slightly nervous that his dad wouldn’t like it.
“I love it.” Jax answered with an airy laugh. Jax walked over to the couch. “You weren’t kidding. Christmas threw up in here.”
“Every year.” Y/n smiled at him proudly.
“I like it.” Jax smiled still looking here and there.
“You do?” Y/n was shocked at his comment.
“Yeah, it feels festive. Put’s you in the Christmas mood. It’s actually nice.” Jax was shocked that he truly liked and enjoyed it so much.
“Thank you, that's why I do it.” Y/n looked at him appreciatively.
“We should have christmas here. If that's okay with you?” Jax told her but he didn’t want to push.
“Yeah, that's fine with me.” She agreed. The couple watched as Abel looked around at all his and Y/n’s hard work with a glint in his eye’s. “You may also be staying here till I take this all down.”
“Abel doesn’t want to leave now huh?” Jax looked at his son and he could tell Abel would be sad to leave and go back home where it wasn’t as festive.
“Yeah, kind of.” Abel had told her as much. That it wouldn’t be like this at home. Not the same.
“That's fine with me. Maybe next year we’ll be in a place to call our own and it won’t be one or the other.” Jax shrugged at suggesting they move in together soon with a playful smirk.
“Sounds like a plan.” Y/n smiled at her man and at the thought of living together with him and Abel.
“Come on. Let’s decorate the tree.” Abel said, breaking the moment between the couple as he grabbed Jax’s hand to drag him over to the tree along with Y/n.
@padawancat97 @maryvibess @
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ravennaortiz · 3 months ago
Coffee with Chibs having a crush on younger women please 🥰
Hello Love! Ohhh I love love!
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When Gemma introduces you as her new assistant to the club, Chibs first thought is how young you look followed by how beautiful you are.
Gemma assures him you are over 18 when he inquires if you can legally work. He had been feeling like a creep for looking at you.
He gets flustered when she teases him about being interested. He's just protective over women he states
He can't help but get jealous as he watches the younger guys vie for your attention.
So he starts stopping by with your favorite coffee and little trinkets every day
The two of you become close friends
When you start coming to club parties he is always watching. Stepping in if need be.
He hates when you dance, guys can't keep their hands off your ass and Chibs can't do anything about it but stew
He is over 10 years your senior. You could be his daughter he reasons everyime he starts to think about saying something.
Besides why would you want to be with an old man?
One day you over hear Tig and Juice teasing Chibs about having a crush on you. You listen and wait for a break to make your presenss known and when you do Chibs goes bright red. " I'd date you just so I could finally call someone daddy" you stated with a smirk and a wink.
Chibs waits awhile before popping into the office to tell you how he feels and he is thrilled when you agree to go on a date.
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band--psycho · 2 years ago
Chibs Telford x Reader - Perspective
For @munsinner who requested this story so long ago for my dialogue prompt writing challenge!
Dialogue Prompt 380 - I'm breaking every rule in the book by being here
Everything was going to shit.
And what’s one thing that came when things went to shit, other than more shit? 
That’s why Chibs was here; at Y/n Tellers front door, working out how to tell her he loved her. 
Because he’d had enough; enough of sticking to the rules, enough of trying to be the good guy, enough of denying himself the one person he craved more than anything. 
Y/n Teller.
The princess of Charming, his best friend's younger sister, the one woman he swore he���d never fall for…
He’d tried. 
He’d tried so fucking hard to not fall for her, and even when he did fall, he tried so hard to push those feelings aside and act like they didn’t exist. 
But there was no one else for him.
No one else could magically make him smile on the dark days, no one could make him laugh as loudly nor could anyone calm the storm that tore through his mind late at night when he couldn’t sleep. 
Y/n Teller was the only woman who could. 
And selfishly, he wanted more. 
Even though he knew he shouldn’t.
He wanted more than late night chats at 3am, more than stolen glances when no one else was paying either of them any attention, more than a possibility of love. 
He wanted her, completely.
He wanted to tell her how he truly felt.
No more secrets. 
No more ‘almost’ moments.
He wanted her to be his; and to be hers in return. 
He wasn’t a saint, by any stretch of the imagination, he’d done things he’d regretted or wished he could’ve changed. 
The last thing he wanted was for Y/n to become another regret, another ‘what if moment’ in his life. 
He could work out the consequences later, but he needed her to know how he truly felt.
He knocked at her door, a small chuckle slipping past his lips when he heard her swearing about who was waking her up at this ridiculous hour.
Her swearing continued when she opened the door, wearing a fluffy dressing gown and matching fluffy slippers. Even in the middle of the night, when she wasn’t even trying to look good she was still the most perfect woman he’d ever seen. 
Her anger soon diminished when she saw who was standing there.
“Chibs?” She questioned, her eyebrows narrowed in confusion as to what he was going here in the middle of the night. 
He didn’t answer; silence descended upon both of them, as his mind tried to work out what he was going to say to her now that he was here. 
“Filip?” She asked again; softer this time as she placed her hand on his shoulder; her confusion shifting into worry. 
A million thoughts raced through her head about why he was here; had something else happened with the club…
“I’m breaking every rule in the book by being here,” he muttered, as he took a step towards her. 
Those words brought her back to reality.
A small gasp fell from her lips as she processed the words he said; she knew what he was talking about. 
There was only one rule she knew of that he could be referring to, and it made her heart skip a beat. 
“I need ye, lass, and I’m done pretending I don’t,” he continued; his eyes meeting Y/ns as he took another step closer towards her, she didn’t move, she just stood still letting him almost close the distance between them completely. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” she breathed shakily as her arms wrapped around the back of his neck.
“I know,” he agreed quietly, glancing down at her lips before meeting her eyes again. 
“We should stop,” she whispered, her lips now inches away from Chibs’.
“Is that what ye want, love?” 
That’s not what she wanted at all.
But she knew that if they did this, if they broke the rules they’d both been sticking too for so long, she could never go back. 
“No,” she answered simply. 
That was the only answer Chibs needed before he closed the small distance between them. 
The world melted away. 
For a moment, nothing else existed; it was just the two of them, losing themselves in one another.
Without a word, they moved together, back into her flat, where Chibs kicked the door shut.
They kissed with a desperation that spoke of a need that had been building for far too long.
Chibs pulled her in close, his breath hot against her ear. “Yer mine now,” he mumbled, in between kisses,  “and I’m not letting ye go.”
And with that, he picked her up, carried her to the bedroom, both of them knowing that after tonight, things would never be the same again, but both of them being too lost in each other to care about the consequences.
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