#Sometimes you just have to laugh at your own writing and then be woefully embarrassed two seconds later 😂
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jamietwat ¡ 1 year ago
follow up question: do you like or dislike re-reading your own writing? personally for some reason i hate reading my finished stuff (sadly i have to so i can edit) so i'm curious if this is a common experience or just me
I find it depends on what mood my brain is in. Sometimes it’s like no I hate his I won’t, but I also find a lot of the time I’m like ugh I don’t want to reread my own writing and see all the shit I don’t like about it and all the mistakes I didn’t catch and things I could have executed better but then I’ll randomly get motivated to when I get a comment that says something detailed about old writing or old chapters and I’m like oh yeah and then feel like rereading that and go down a rabbit hole. And then sometimes when I feel like I need to reread for memory’s sake it’s a disaster
But overall, rereading writing is usually way better of an experience than I’m expecting and I’m like oh maybe I don’t hate this and I don’t need to be as embarrassed about it
Quite often when I start a reread I’m expecting to cringe through the whole thing (and I still do at some mistakes and parts but not all of it) but overall I just get invested in rereading my own fic like wow this is exactly my interests (no shit) and exactly my sense of humour (also no shit) and find it easier than reading not my writing focus wise because I already know it and then I get distracted and reread a whole big long thing and then end up like oh shit I want more but for that to happen I have to write it. But it’s also a great motivator to get back to writing when the reread does go that way and gets my brain thinking about the right part of it instead of later than where I should be writing scenes
But then also I don’t think there’s anything weird about not liking rereading your own writing. I know lots of people hate rereading their stuff because they focus on all the stuff they find to be negatives and not the positives. And that certainly has stopped me from rereading things many times even if I ended up rereading later and enjoying myself
Then again, my older writing is more likely to be painful and not enjoyable and have contradicting shit and excessively cringy shit worse than current writing so there’s something to be said for practice and focusing on the improvement from what you were expecting from when you started instead of just focusing on oh this part sounds weird, oh why did I do this, etc.
Oh and also I HATE rereading for editing purposes. That part of writing a chapter is a nightmare and makes me hate my own writing I’ve spent hours on so I get that part for sure
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kireon ¡ 5 years ago
Store Bought Hero
x-posted from my writing account as well as my author blog.
If natural heroes didn't work, store bought was fine too.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself. It becomes a mantra as you peruse the discount racks at your favorite clothing store that definitely does not start with 'K'. Setting aside the whole ‘escaped from the lab you were created in’ thing, you haven’t noticed any serious differences between natural heroes and the lab created ones ('store bought', as they say) except for the whole income disparity thing.
Oh, and the sponsors.
Everyone knows natural heroes shopped at Gucci and their sidekicks at Macy's, bare minimum, they simply must be outfitted with the best at all times if they are to be known in the world. You can hear the professor from the labs’ rant clear as day even fifteen years later. While you definitely like a select group of brand name items? You have bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a gigantic fucking load of student loans on your back.
No rich parents, tragic enough backstory, or sponsors for you: a 'store bought'.
With a sigh, you eye a sequined leotard and run your hand up and down the rough fabric. There is something satisfying about the way the colors shift from a too shiny silver to a lurid cherry red. You like shiny. You like shiny an awful lot, as a matter of fact, and that's how you got yourself into this entire mess in the first place.
"How was I supposed to know the stupid anklet was his downfall?" You grumble as you tear yourself away from the sequined nightmare. Restraint isn’t something that comes easily but you’ve had years to practice. A half-hearted paw through the racks of clothing marked at sixty-percent off or more reveals a pair of dark red pleather pants that might just make a good costume base.
"It's not like I walk around with my weakness in plain sight."
It wasn't even a decent anklet either; not even sterling silver or real diamonds or brand name. It was a cheap nickel plated piece of flash and the rash it gave you still itched even a week later. Some sort of curse for the unwary, or so the hero had claimed when you'd given it back to him a day later.
You neglected to inform him of your nickel allergy during the confrontation.
Well, maybe not wisely. You might have been able to get some sort of financial compensation outta him for the damage done to your skin. The rash and blisters did look really awful when he’d caught up with you and he looked horrified when he saw the results.
Heroes had that whole ‘do innocents no harm’ thing, after all.
You'd rather die than admit to anything so common as a nickel allergy, so you accused him of having a curse put on it. He ate up the accusation and used it to his advantage, as they all do. In exchange for falling for the good old fashioned sob story that was your life-- lightly embellished, of course--you had to become his sidekick as penance for your (petty) crimes. Also to completely remove the effects of this nonexistent curse.
After all, you were in ‘dire need’ of a good role model, yadda yadda yadda. You’d stopped listening to his moral prattling about the same time he tried to invoke the ‘daddy issues’ card. The last time someone had pulled that shit on you, they woke up woozy, confused, and completely unaware of the clown makeup as they walked out (pantsless) into the busiest part of the city. Waterproof makeup at that.
Just as a little extra “fuck you” to prove a point; you don’t like doing more than petty retaliation if you can help it.
You can be quite nasty, after all.
In the end, Hero McDadguy puffed up in his usual self-importance and gave you an entire fifty bucks towards a ‘basic’ costume and sent you on your way with a time limit. He was currently busy getting some frothy concoction at that one coffee shop just around the block. Far enough away that it’s a test of trust and boundaries but close enough he can close the gap and probably haul your ass in if he needs to.
The added caveat that you weren’t to embarrass him with your costume choice makes you want to do it even more. The only thing holding you back is the fact that you do have to wear the costume. In public.
Petty and spite take a backseat to pride and self-preservation.
Not like he was one to talk. He had that whole ‘90s cyberpunk meets Dad-on-Tropical-Vacation’ theme going on. Fanny pack, socks with sandals... the works.  You’d rather go to jail than try to figure out how to replicate, keep in theme with, or otherwise find something to compliment that mess.
You mutter that very thing under your breath while you snag a few promising pieces-- and the leotard because fuck self-control you deserve something nice-- off the rack and head for the dressing room to start trying things on. Twenty minutes of posing in the mirror in varying outfit combinations later and you ignore the request for 'photo evidence' of you behaving and call your oldest child instead.  
“Hey, what’s the name of that one bird that steals shit?” You ask as you shimmy into a pair of leather shorts with sequins on the ass. You’re definitely about ten pounds shy of ‘Juicy’, as the flashy hot pink word on your butt says, but this could very well be the start of something amazing.
“Maybe you wanna be more specific unless you want me to read descriptions for the next ten years?”  
Nat is much like you; level-headed, brilliant in school but woefully under challenged, and has the same smart-mouth that had gotten you slapped through a wall once or fifteen times in your early life. You would never lay a hand on your kids regardless of how mouthy they get with you and so have to find other methods of curbing their attitudes when they get too out of line.
There’s a lot of yelling and someone sounds like they’re on the verge of tears in the background. A muffled Nat’s voice tells them to ‘calm the hell down, it’s fine’ before they come back on the line.
“What’s all that about?” You ask as you sift through the tops for something that would go with it. This opportunity might be a wash with how little luck you’re having. Might be time for Plan B- especially if there’s a problem with the kids. Your hand lands on a peacock blue-and-green number that doesn’t look bad but isn’t quite what you’re looking for. Ugh.
It’d clash with that highlighter orange from Mr. I Sweat Burberry Cologne.
Your middle child’s voice is loud and clear on the line now. “If you buy those shorts I am putting myself into the Child Relocation Program and you’ll never see me again.”
You consider it for a moment. Mortal embarrassment of your thirteen year old or being a slightly less fashion disaster than you feel. Tough decision, really. You feel yourself smile after letting Morgan sweat it out just long enough.
“Clean the kitchen and I’ll consider it.”
The quintessential teenage shriek of fury and angst comes loud and clear through the phone. “I knew you were going to say that! You’re the worst!”
Some parents prayed against having a child born with precognitive powers. While annoying to deal with, it’s also a lot of fun to use against them. It makes parenting interesting and more of a game to see just which future the kiddo wants to avoid- or get away with. “
You feel your smile widen at the range of futures said kiddo has likely foreseen. You’ll have so much fun with this particular set of visions and using it like baby photos against them. “So did you clean the kitchen?”
“Duh!” A most indignant tone.
You laugh. You can’t help it. “Put Nat back on the phone.”
“Promise me you’re not buying those first.” Stubborn and firm. A bit of desperation there too. Not quite ready to beg but not all that far off either.
The way they say ‘those’ makes you laugh all over again. “I’m not buyin’ ‘em, don’t worry.”
“And that weird guy isn’t buying them either?”
Damn it. “Nope. He won’t buy them either.” So much for that idea. Maybe you could-
“No stealing them either!”
Double damn it. “Fine, fine; the shorts stay in the store.”
“Thank you.”
The phone goes back to your oldest. “So, about that bird?”
“Jackdaw, Magpie, Corvids.” You hear scratching of pencil on paper. Homework? At, you check your phone, two-seventeen in the afternoon on a Saturday? Your eyes narrow suspiciously.
Who is it you’re talking to and what have they done with your child?
“Corvids? Like crows and shit?”
“Yup. And no, I’m not a body snatcher.”
A grin. “Sounds like something a body snatcher would say.”  
Jackdaw didn’t have that something you were looking for. Didn’t roll off the tongue the way it needed to in your head when you imagined some Big Bad Villain spotting you mid-villainous speech. Corvid didn’t either. Crow wasn’t hitting any notes either.
Raven was absolutely taken by no less than eighty-three variations in your city alone.
Rook had some fun possibilities if you had actually bothered playing and learning chess. (You can’t; you can’t sit still or pay enough attention for that shit and you own that.)
Your eyes fall on the silver-and-red sequined leotard again.
You hear your prophecy cursed child screech in despair in the background and the younger two who have gathered to watch the show tell them to shut up.
Nat, ever patient and ever your child, smiles on the other end of the phone. “I think that’s the one, Magpie.”
Magpie... yeah, you like the sound of that one. Magpie it is. “It’ll make a good base; is Morgan--”
“McFreakin’ Losing It? Yep.” You can hear the sounds of pencil scratching against paper again. Curiosity overrules any possible ‘do not need to know’ that you and Nat sometimes stumble into.
“Okay, I’ll bite; what are you doing?”
“Fulfilling the prophecy as foretold by the ancients long ago.” if Nat’s voice were any drier, they’d be dust in a forgotten tomb. “I’m designing the rest of your costume so you’re not a total train wreck and Morgan can die quietly.”
“You’re my favorite.” You say as you gleefully stuff the leotard-- you’ve tried it on twice and know it fits like a dream-- back on its hanger and wiggle out of the shorts. A wiggle that almost ends badly for you, at that, and you can hear the brats laughing at you in the background as Morgan probably mimics how you just about bit it in the dressing room.
“Remember that when I inevitably try your patience in all of forty-five seconds.” Nat hangs up on you and you feel nothing but pride in the way these sassy children have grown up under your less than skilled thumb. You’ve not been the best parent or even the best role model. It’s funny what unresolved childhood issues and bad habits will do, but damn it you have given it everything you have up to and including your favorite line of ‘do as I say not as I do’.
That is your right as a parent, goddamn it, to use that line and they can pry that right from your cold dead fingers.
They’re all good kids. They’re going to end up heroes in their own right with or without superpowers. That, above all else, is all you want for them so that they’re twice as capable as you’ve ever been in your life. Lab created and thus ‘store bought’ or natural born; it doesn’t matter and it never mattered to begin with.
Heroes are heroes in the end and the world could always use another helping hand as it spins through another chaotic cycle.
Your phone beeps and you glance at the text message.
Black thigh high socks. Get two pair. Amazon sucks for deals rn.\
U r not my fave >:(
You scowl and wish the walls would burn as you unfold the crumpled bills at the register. You don’t need Morgan’s gift of prophecy to know what that text message says and yet, like a fool, you look down at it anyway.
There’s a photo of all five of your grinning children holding up score cards. All of them holding 10s.
All of them dressed in Hawaiian shirts.
You have never felt so betrayed in your whole life.
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talesfromthefade ¡ 7 years ago
(havesomedragonage)) Helllllo. I am SO in the mood for some dang shy kisses for DWC, for any character/pairing of your choice!!!
Marina Amell x Alistair Theirin, for @dadrunkwriting  Their first kiss, because these two are adorable and horrible/awkward at the same time about talking around their feelings, turning two totally competent adults into shy, joking, and blushing messes with each other. It was too cute not to write.
It’s a quiet moment. A rare thing amongst such a large collection of followers and with some of the more chatty members of their party. But Marina volunteered to refill their water supplies while the rest of their companions set up camp, and as usual, her fellow Grey Warden had accompanied her. It’s rather pretty here. Untouched by Darkspawn or the Taint, at least for now. A cool and gentle breeze rustling through the reeds and grasses along the bank to tickle at the hem of her robes.
She could wear something else, she supposes. More substantial armor of some sort. If not something like Alistair’s, which is almost certainly far too heavy for her, perhaps leathers like Zevran or Leliana. Except that she fights best from a range, supporting her fellows from a nearby higher-up position, and her rock armor spell is generally more than sufficient enough to fend off blows from any melee attacks during their usual encounters. She’d never actually thought to leave the tower that had been her home for most of her life, but she’s not ashamed of what she is. It seems foolish somehow to start now. So she wears robes that- in the grays and blues of the order’s colors- easily distinguish her as one gifted with magic with a certain level of pride. Alistair, despite his upbringing and training, whatever his initially jokes about being turned into a frog, or his turbulent relationship with their apostate companion, seems to accept this and take it all in stride as much as any other decision she makes.
Alistair’s understanding of magic, like a great many Templars, may be a bit over-simplistic, but he’s not afraid of her or what she can do. He respects and trusts her as an equal, at times even as his better, though Marina’s not altogether certain she deserves that much. And now that Wynne has joined them, it’s clear it’s not simply a matter of choosing to overlook or like her in-spite of her arcane gifts, but rather this is yet another thing to appreciate about her. And however sheltered life in the Circle may have been at times, Marina hasn’t failed to notice Alistair’s appreciation. It’s doubtful any of their companions have, though he’s been respectfully silent and clearly making an effort to be more subtle about it since their trip to the Tower.
Marina knows from speaking with him about his years under the Templar order Alistair never made it to the point in his training of receiving his first draught of Lyrium, but it's difficult to imagine him patrolling the various levels and rooms of the Circle. Of attending Harrowings...
“Yesssss,” Alistair replies with a slight grin as he stoppers another skin and places it on the bank beside them, turning his attention and gaze to her. Marina bites the inside of her lip, suddenly unsure about voicing the question that moments before had been on the tip of her tongue. “Sovereign for your thoughts,” he prompts gently with a chuckle.
“A sovereign?” Alistair shrugs, still smiling.
“Wynne said you were a star pupil. Your thoughts have got to be worth more than a couple of Bits.” Marina laughs softly, fighting the urge to blush.
“Wynne was being kind.”
“I don’t think so,” Alistair replies, shaking his head. “Well, I mean, she is. Sometimes. With the right people and when she wants to be. But, not about that. Duncan said as much too, that when he asked about recruits First-Enchanter Irving was sad to see you go, but couldn’t have spoken higher of you. And I’ve seen you. When we’re fighting, or just the little stuff- getting our fires started, the wards around camp… You’re great. I-” Alistair hesitates, scrunching his nose and brow in something between concentration and frustration. “Look, I don’t know much about magic, obviously. Or talking to people- or women… Raised by dogs, you know,” he chuckles softly with a sheepish sort of grin as the tips of his ears are beginning to go pink with embarrassment. “But I think you’re- yeah, I think you’re great. Fantastic.”
“Anybody ever tell you how handsome you are?” It’s not the question Marina had first thought to ask of him, but truthfully his compliments have so disarmed her, she’s loathe to bring up something potentially dark and ruin it all. Moments like this, like the rose still safely kept in a pouch at her waist, are all too fleeting. They none of them know how much time they have left, which day or battle might be their last. She and Alistair haven’t known one another for very long. This thing between them could be nothing, perhaps only the product of close proximity, the enormous amount of pressure and responsibility that has been thrust upon them, or needing someone to lean on, but it doesn’t feel like that. It feels like something more, or that it could be, and Marina has had her time to mourn old loves lost and things that were never meant to be. Perhaps she and Alistair aren’t either, but she’s done pretending she wouldn’t at least like to find out.
“Not unless they were asking me for a favor,” Alistair replies slowly. “Well, there was that one time in Denerim, but those women were… not like you,” the warrior adds, before quirking his head to offer her an appraising look. “Why? Is this your way of telling me you think I’m handsome?”
“And if it is? What then?”
“Oh nothing much,” he says, smile growing a little wider as he speaks. “I just get to grin a bit and look foolish for a while. So… is this the part where I get to say the same?”
“Not unless you don’t think so.”
“Oh, I think so. I’ll just spring it on you when it’s a surprise,” Alistair chuckles.
For a moment, Marina thinks of springing her own surprise on him, eyes lingering a little too long on his mouth as his laughter and the mere fact they can laugh, that they can find moments and happiness like this here and now amidst so much does something in her belly. It would be so easy to bridge the small space between them, to find his lips with hers, but something holds her back, if only for a moment. Uncertainty, not of the rightness of it, but her skill, her experience- or more accurately the lack thereof. Her fellow Warden has been obvious in his admiration, but slow in his pace, and Marina doesn’t want to screw this up.
“Alistair,” she ventures softly, worrying her lip. “If you were raised in the Chantry, have you never…”
“Never…? Never what? Had a good pair of shoes?”
“You know what I mean,” Marina mutters, feeling her cheeks turn red as she suddenly busies herself with avoiding his gaze for a moment to compose herself again.
“I’m not sure I do,” Alistair replies, and she can hear the smile in his voice. “Have I never seen a Basilisk. Ate a jellied ham? Have I never licked a lamppost in winter?”
“Now you’re just making fun of me.”
“Make fun of you, dear lady? Perish the thought. Well, tell me: have you ever licked a lamppost in winter?” There’s a slowness, a kind of teasing emphasis that he puts on the question, drawing out his ‘L’s that sees the blush returning to her cheeks once more following a warm and instinctive clench between her thighs even as he’s clearly once more making jokes to attempt to diffuse any sort of tension. Maker’s breath.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Marina mutters, shaking her head. “Have you ever slept with anyone before?”
“Oh, so that’s what we’re talking about. I admit I’ve never had a woman just… come out and ask me like this, that’s for sure.”
Flames, Marina thinks, blushing still harder, even in her attempts to be cautious she’s making a mess of it all. She’s a competent enough mage, certainly, but there are times now she’s living outside the Circle where it’s clear she’s woefully under-prepared for certain day to day, or means and topics conversations non-mages or Tower residents simply don’t have. “I, myself,” Alistair continues, taking her by surprise in choosing to answer her possibly too intrusive question anyway, “never had the pleasure. Not that I haven’t thought about it, of course, but… you know. Living in the Chantry is not exactly a life for rambunctious boys. They taught me to be a gentleman, especially in the presence of beautiful women such as yourself. That’s not so bad, is it?”
“Found a way to slip that in there sooner than I expected,” Marina smiles softly at the compliment.
“You don’t seem terribly surprised, though,” Alistair points out with a mock pout, earning a laugh. “Well, I don’t suppose you would be. It doesn’t seem possible you wouldn’t know it. You’re ravishing, resourceful, and all those other things you’d probably hurt me for not saying.”
“I would never hurt you, Alistair. Not if it could be helped.” Alistair’s goofy answering smile looks entirely pleased and certain as he nods.
“No, I don’t believe you would. Nor would I.”
“And no, to answer your earlier question,” Marina offers a bit shyly. “I don’t think that’s bad.”
“Good,” Alistair nods. “You’d want a gentleman to court you, wouldn’t you? If… if you were to be courted by someone, that is,” he adds hastily.
“I think I’d like that. With the right gentleman.”
“Ha, that’s good to know. Though, I wouldn’t really know how to go about it in practice,” Alistair admits in an uncharacteristic show of nerves and earnestness.
“Is that what this is,” Marina probes, slowly pushing the waterskins and buckets they’ve collected between them to the side. “Or, what you’d like it to be?”
“Maaaaayybeeee,” he hedges, chewing a little on his bottom lip.
“I’d like that,” Marina nods.
“Yes,” she nods, smiling softly. Marina doesn’t hesitate any longer to act on the impulse that’s been in the back of her mind since they broke away from camp together, scooting forward until their knees are touching and reaching out to cup his jaw. He leans forward as she does until their lips find one another in a sweet and tender kiss.
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lovelytable ¡ 8 years ago
1-90 for make me admit stuff ask
1: would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
well i mean considering it was a group chat full of my str8 friendos i would have to say hard no
2: you talked to an ex today, correct?
technically but it’s complicated
3: have you taken someones virginity?
4: is trust a big issue for you?
not really. i’m actually a little too trusting. 
5: did you hang out with the person you like recently?
6: what are you excited for?
spring break is in 20 days and i’m going to spain with my spanish class so the hype is real
7: what happened tonight?
i’m actually answering this in the morning but last night i went for a walk with my dog and my friend and we adventured all the way from her house to target and back and we made some nice friends and screamed into the void to tell it to stop playing country music and all in all it was a good evening.
8: do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no. let them live. just please don’t vomit on me and also be safe.
9: is confidence cute?
ehhhhh i don’t really like this question. like i like confident people but that’s just because they’re healthy and happy with themselves and that’s admirable and beautiful but ��cute” isn’t really the right word.
10: what is the last beverage you had?
11: how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
GENDER IS A FLUID SPECTRUM AND THERE IS NO “OPPOSITE SEX” but also 5 off the top of my head. 6 if we’re counting guy fieri.
12: do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
i don’t own any jeans that aren’t skinny.
13: what are you gonna do saturday night?
next saturday is my birthday and i really don’t know what i’m doing. probably hang out with my friends. make some s’mores. maybe see a movie (because i’ll be 17 and so r rated movies are an option and yea).
14: what are you going to spend money on next?
candy and flowers for my friends. only one of them has a bf and she’s not doing valentine’s day with him so they’re all getting presents from me. i love.
15: are you going out with the last person you kissed?
16: do you think you’ll change in the next three months?
of course. next month i’m going to spain without my family and by may i’ll have taken my ap exams and i’ll also have been in a play and god i really hope between all that i grow up/glow up a lil.
17: who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my friend who i went for a walk with last night. she was one of the first three people i came out to (i did it via text bc i’m a fucking loser) and out of all my friends she’s the one who’s the most honest with me so i like to return the favor.
18: the last time you felt broken?
february 10
19: have you had sex today?
20: are you starting to realize anything?
21: are you in a good mood?
i’m too stressed to be in a good mood.
22: would you ever want to swim with sharks?
not really. like don’t get me wrong i live for adrenaline rushes but i don’t really like swimming in salt water. it burns. also swimming with sharks is problematic. but anyway.
23: are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
nope. he’s got brown and mine are blue. i’m a spitting image of my mom though.
24: what do you want right this second?
a magical machine to do all my homework for me
25: what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
good for them but also BUDDY BOI WYD
26: is your current hair color your natural hair color?
yea. i did some colorful streaks last week for a project but by now i’m pretty sure they’ve washed out.
27: would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no. that’s the most important thing imho.
28: what was the last thing that made you laugh?
my own awkwardness
29: do you really, truly miss someone right now?
miss isn’t the right word. i need to talk to some people but i’m not filled with a bottomless pit of longing or some shit.
30: does everyone deserve a second chance?
most people do but definitely not everyone.
31: honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
oh god no. he’s in the aforementioned 5/6 people.
32: does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
hard maybe. i think so??? but i’m a mess.
33: are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
no. i mean i haven’t had soda in forever and i usually choose water over soda just because health and also bubbles in my stomach are not the best feeling but i still like it.
34: listening to?
just got done listening to in the heights for the billionth time
35: do you ever write in pencil anymore?
every day
36: do you know where the last person you kissed is?
37: do you believe in love at first sight?
no. i promise i’m not some cynical angsty teen but i just don’t think that’s possible.
38: who did you last call?
ummm i never make actual phone calls they kind of stress me out but it was probably my mom or dad
39: who was the last person you danced with?
my friends
40: why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
41: when was the last time you ate a cupcake?
thursday? i think? i ate a muffin this morning tho
42: did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
not yet but they just came back from a run and that’s a lil gross
43: ever embarrass yourself in front of your crush?
sweaty my life is an embarrassment
44: do you tan in the nude?
i used to but i burn really easily and now i’m more about the soft, unwrinkled skin life anyway
45: (woOAAHHHHH WE’RE HALFWAY THERE) if you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46: did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47: who was the last person to call you?
i think it was my grandpa
48: do you sing in the shower?
i perform
49: do you dance in the car?
i. perform.
50: ever used a bow and arrow?
actually yea in 5th grade i went to this cool camp thing and we did archery
51: last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
a couple weeks ago we had school pictures with the clubs we’re in
52: do you think musicals are cheesy?
some definitely are but they’re so good
53: is christmas stressful?
certain aspects of it are but in the end it’s two weeks off of school so i can’t complain.
54: ever eat a pierogi?
ever eat a what now
55: favorite type of fruit pie?
does key lime count
56: occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
i remember when i was really little and didn’t understand how business worked i really wanted to work at sonic so i could wear roller skates and bring back the pancake on a stick. if that didn’t pan out my backup plan was being a dinosaur.
57: do you believe in ghosts?
58: ever have a deja vu feeling?
i’m living a deja vu feeling right now sis
59: take a vitamin daily?
i used to. i need to get back on that.
60: wear slippers?
no. i have perpetually cold feet but i refuse. fuzzy socks are where it’s at.
61: wear a bath robe?
eh sometimes
62: what do you wear to bed?
usually an old t shirt but it depends on how hot/cold im feeling
63: first concert?
i’m lame i’m sorry
64: wal-mart, target, or kmart?
target obv
65: nike or adidas?
nike only because adidas sports bras ain’t shit
66: cheetos or fritos?
67: peanuts or sunflower seeds?
peanuts (although sunflower seeds are very aesthetic as far as snacks go)
68: favorite taylor swift song?
my second favorite song i ever had was love story
69: (aw yisss) ever take dance lessons?
i used to when i was really little. that lasted 2 ish years and then i did gymnastics for like 8 years.
70: is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
i don’t picture a future spouse
71: can you curl your tongue?
72: ever won a spelling bee?
the day is february 18, 2011. my birthday. i stand before my elementary school along with the other nerds who participated in uil academics. they begin to announce the winners for the district-wide spelling competition. 7th place. 3rd place. “and corbell elementary is proud to present the first place medal to...” i look around. all my classmates have already taken a seat upon collecting their medals. i am alone on stage. i grin with the realization. “SUZI”. the crowd goes wild. my parents are cheering. obama is there.
73: have you ever cried because you were so happy?
all the tim
74: what is your favorite book?
75: do you study better with or without music?
76: regularly burn incense?
no but i have a few candles in my room
77: ever been in love?
no (?)
78: who would you like to see in concert?
hank green and the perfect strangers
79: what was the last concert you saw?
80: hot tea or cold tea?
81: tea or coffee?
82: favorite type of cookie?
chocolate chip
83: can you swim well?
i mean i haven’t drowned yet
84: can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
yes but not for very long
85: are you patient?
god no
86: dj or band at a wedding?
87: ever won a contest?
actually yea i won a book giveaway last summer on here but i never claimed it
88: ever have plastic surgery?
i haven’t yet but i probably will. i don’t have self esteem issues or anything but i just want to.
89: which are better black or green olives?
ew neither
90: opinions on sex before marriage?
live your life just pls be careful
BONUS (because there’s only 2 more anyway)
91: best room for a fireplace?
living room
92: do you want to get married?
not really. the only reason i ever would would be out of spite but in that case it would probably just be eloping or something bc mi familia would not contribute.
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moricatlibrary ¡ 8 years ago
The Moon and The Sea
Short mourning blurb:
In which Ymir stops by to chat with her friend Armin one evening near the end of her 13 years to talk about the late Eren Yeager on the beach.
I love any excuse to write Ymir and especially to write her up against Armin and ESPECIALLY to write eremin and yumihisu supporting each other, so this was a hecka fun blurb to write! I’m not at my computer right now so I will edit the italics and such later.
Enjoy if you can!!!
Armin watched as the waves crashed on the shore, the familiar smell of salt and brine traveling up through his nose. He swept his thumb over his own arm, holding himself tight as he rested against the sea stack in front of the sea on his home beach. Over a year had passed since the tragedy that everyone knew Armin would struggle to recover from… The smell of the ocean and the sound of the endless waves in the wind was something he associated with Eren’s loss ever since that awful day. While the tears fell less often than they did at the beginning, the empty place in his heart never stopped howling for his lover to come back. It never stopped hurting. Of course Armin expected as much, and was rather proud of himself for holding up as well as he was in the mean time though. He’d been traveling, staying in touch with his friends, writing, praying, and dreaming, keeping himself as healthy as possible. But the empty feeling, he knew, would never go away. And some nights, like this one, his heart ached extra woefully…
He blinked slowly, his body simply going through its motions at the moment while his depression depleted him of emotions. He tried not to think, a difficult task for Armin Arlert, but, though slow, his brain still ran through any number of different thoughts… Why does sand feel so hot in the daytime but cold and damp in the evenings, like this one? He supposed the crumbled rocks and shells in it just conducted heat from the sun very well. Why does the light blue sky turn lavender, pink, and violet in the twilight hour like this? Maybe the heavens churn it that way to give humans pleasant sights for comfortable dreams… Why does the ocean have so much salt? No idea. Did god just put it there? Was it whale semen like the outside world teenagers always joked? He hoped not. Maybe there’s a big salt rock somewhere on earth that the waves always smack and carry its essence to all the oceans of the world? No matter… Nothing matters anymore… “Eren…”
“Hey, Shrimplet!” A familiar voice called.
Armin slowly turned around, his heavy body taking its time, and found that the snarky voice came from Ymir.
Ymir swaggered over to Armin’s space and plopped down beside him by the rock. “Ahh, these old bones of mine really don’t work like they used to. ‘My curse’ sure creeps up on you fast, I must say.” She croaned.
The corner of Armin’s lip slightly floated up before floating back down to its empty expression.
Ymir glanced at him and pursed her lips. “Alright, lamb chop, what’s eatin’ you, eh? No one likes a sad sack.”
Armin glanced back but resumed his gaze at the sea just as quickly. “Sorry, Ymir… Just depressed.”
“…Missing your cuddle buddy, eh?”
“… Yeah.”
“Hmm. Well, you know, as morbid as it sounds, you’ve only got 4 years left before the clock strikes for you too. He’ll be waiting for you.”
Armin’s eyes welled up as his throat heated, a cry bubbling through his lips and burning his ticklish nose. He hugged his knees to his chest and buried his face in his arms, crying quietly in spite of Ymir’s presence.
Ymir winced at herself, feeling guilty for misspeaking in her attempts to comfort him. “Ah, not the right thing to say, huh? My bad. That’s what I’d be telling myself if I were you, is all. Historia wouldn’t like that, but what can I say? I’m an honest human being.”
“…Eren wanted me to live. I’m trying my best. And I’m okay for the most part, but there’s still this part of me deep down that wants to hurry up and be with him again…” he confessed, his voice cracking and his tears growing as they fell in big drops from his eyelids. “And I feel like he’d be so ashamed of me… betraying his will for me like that…” He buried his face back in his arms, still crying, while Ymir thought for a moment…
“…That suicidal bastard has no room to talk.”
Armin gritted his teeth at such a disrespectful comment towards his late husband and raised his head back up, but Ymir continued before he could speak.
“As much as he sought after death? He’s got no reason to judge you. My point is, don’t feel shitty over that. He knows you, he knows how hard it is. He’s not gonna be ashamed of you. He’s not gonna be mad. The only thing that big sap would do is hold you and say ‘I’m sorry’ while he drools over your hair and dry humps your knee. You two were gross, you know that? And that’s coming from ME.” She laughed.
Armin’s jaw relaxed and his expression softened again. As always, Ymir knew what to say to him, even if she was horrible at saying it. She was right though… If Eren were alive and sitting there before him, hearing that Armin felt this way, the first thing he’d do is hold him tight, and kiss him, and beg him in a whisper to forgive him and to ‘Just hold on… Just hold on…’ Armin prayed an apology for minding Eren’s will above actually remembering Eren. Eren is always alive if he remembers him… He is always alive… And of course, Eren would just say ‘Hey, come on, it’s not your fault. Everything’s okay. Don’t be sad, please. Crying is my job. I love you, Armin…’
“…You with me, shorty?” Ymir finally asked after Armin seemed to drift off into space in his mind for a long moment.
“Ymir, Historia is grateful for every single second you have with her. Don’t ever change. And give her every second of your time.”
Ymir snorted. “What a sap, you certainly never change, do you, bunny boy?” she laughed, ruffling his hair and smiling to hear him laugh in return. “…So tell me, are there any non-sappy stories about you two getting into mischief over the years?”
“Oh, we got into trouble all the time when we were kids. If there was something I wanted to do, Eren would make sure we’d do it, no matter how much people were against it.” He chuckled. “Oh, there was a time in the trainees corps where the commandant said something really mean to me and Eren got so mad he insisted I help him break into his office and steal his cookie stash. And of course, I said we shouldn’t do that. But of course we did it anyway.”
“I think I remember how this one ends…”
Armin blushed and stifled his embarrassed laughter. “The Commandant made an example of us as soon as he found out the cookies were stolen. He said he would have done nothing about it except the culprits made a fatal mistake he wouldn’t accept from his soldiers in training: We left the cookie tin right out in the open in the cabin during a surprise inspection, crumbs all over our beds. He pulled us both out of roll formation by the hair and displayed us as incompetent fools.”
“That was pretty hilarious!” Ymir commented, hunched over laughing in the cold sand.
“Yeah. But after that he was surprisingly pretty nice to us. He said he liked our gumption. And he actually hoped we would use our team work get back at him for calling me whatever it was he called me. It was strange, really. But it turns out he was fond of Eren anyway for being the son of Carla Yeager.”
“Damn, how did I miss all this gossip?”
“You were MIA when we found out about the Carla thing.”
“Ah, right.”
“Historia missed you a lot back then by the way.”
“Yeah, crazy-eyes told me.” She said, of course referring to Eren. “Say, fuzz nuts… You’re smart. Do you think she resents me at all?…” she inquired sadly.
Armin was surprised. Ymir never showed herself in a vulnerable light… “No, of course not. Why?”
“I don’t know. I’m pretty hard to love sometimes. In the face of a goddess, who wouldn’t be?”
“I understand… That’s why it’s good to have friends. To tell you that it’s all in your head and that you’ve nothing to worry about cuz we can see that she loves you more than anything.” He gave her a reassuring smile and placed his hand on her shoulder affectionately. “Even when you call her friends mean nick names and drink all the wine.”
Ymir snorted again, giving Armin a playful nudge, and Armin could swear he saw her wipe a tear from her eye… “Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking, baby face! Heaven knows I’m a goddess too.”
Armin grinned. “That’s right.”
Ymir sighed and shifted in the sand with an aching groan, ready to stand back up again. “Welp, guess I’m headin’ home. Nice talking to ya, goo goo eyes.”
Armin quickly took her arm. “Ah– wait, wait… Wouldn’t you like to watch the moon rise over the ocean? It’s pretty soul cleansing.”
Ymir beamed. Of course she knew the beauty of the moon… It was her favorite thing in the world. “Yeah, alright.” And with that, she settled back in her sandy seat.
The friends watched as the moon slowly rose over the horizon, chatting about nostalgic memories of their trainee days and gossiping about their lovers. Since talking about Eren was Armin’s best medicine in mourning, he desperately needed this quality time and sent Ymir endless gratitude with his happy eyes. Ymir smiled to herself the entire time, so glad to have had this lovely evening reminiscing with this good friend on the tail end of her life… She never once had a boring conversation with Armin Arlert.
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