#Something in me is so full of love but this city stresses me the fuck out dude
anhedoniashoujo · 11 months
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momoswifee · 2 months
Peaches and a Broken Car
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Pairing: Mina x reader
Synopsis: Mina decides to take some time off and when she goes to her parents' house, her car suddenly breaks down leading her to meet Yn.
Warnings: The reader has abandonment issues and tbh I think that's it for now.
w/c: 5558
a/n: I've been working on this for a while now, I'm planning on making this a mini-series? I'm really excited to finally put this out and for you guys to read it! Again, I really appreciate criticism so that I can do better next time, so if you have any, please let me know :) Also big thanks to @cry4mina for their amazing brain that helped me figure out what to do with this story :)
Pt1- Pt2 - Pt3
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Mina had always loved the art of performing. She found the idea of immersing herself so much in a character that she could be able to portray characters and tell their stories just by using her body language and facial expressions in a certain way fascinating. 
She loved the way she could tell stories of people for thousands of people to see, it was something she was very proud of. However, the fame that came with it was something that she wished was not part of this ordeal. Fame was something that many always wanted to achieve, the idea of being adored by many and of being an idol to others was for some their life dreams. However, Mina never wanted a loud and busy life, she had always preferred the quiet aspect of it. 
After finally finishing filming an adaptation of “All the Lovers in the Night”, which she considered to have been one of her most challenging works, she was on her very much-deserved holiday, which she planned to spend with her parents, who had recently moved to a quiet little town just an hour or so away from the city. 
“...turn left in 300 meters” 
Finally, Mina thought to herself, after hearing the GPS’s directions, showing how close she was to arriving at her parents. 
Suddenly, she hears a clicking sound before the car starts jolting.
What the hell?
Suddenly, the car comes to a halt, letting out a whooshing sound as a small cloud of smoke come out from its hood. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she mutters as she gets out of the car after trying to park it as much to the right as possible. After a minute of silence, she tries to restart the car, in hopes it wakes up.
A glimmer of hope forms inside her as she hears the car slowly start before the familiar clicking starts again, making her turn it off, knowing she wouldn't go anywhere with that car soon.
After the failed attempt at restarting the car, she decided to get out and see if she could call for car support so that she could get over this as quickly as possible. As soon as she’s out of the car, she's trying to call for support but soon notices that her battery is running out, making her dial the number as quickly as possible. 
“No no no no no” she mumbles as she watches her phone die. “You have got to be kidding me” she almost screams in exasperation. 
I cannot believe this is happening right when I decide to go on holiday, she thinks to herself sighing. 
After a while of sitting on the hood of her car, taking breaks from trying to restart her car long enough to connect her phone so that it could charge a little bit more to call for assistance, she sees a ball of white fur bark and run towards her. 
“Hi buddy!” she exclaims when the dog adorably walks up to her, pushing his head closer to her tight as if to ask for pets, making her laugh and crouch down giving him her full attention, slightly compensating for all that had happened until that moment. 
“Otis!” Mina hears from the direction the dog had come, assuming the voice as being the owner’s. “You can’t just run off like that.” says the voice, slightly off-breath as it approaches them. 
“It’s fine really!” Mina says, trying to sound reassuring, “He seems like a good boy…” she trails off as she looks up, meeting your gaze. As she looks at you, she feels her shoulders instantly drop, as if every ounce of stress accumulating in her throughout the day had vanished.  
“I’m sorry, he really just ran off as soon as he saw the car here.Is that your car?” you ask her as you leave Otis in her grasp to check it out.
“Uh yeah, I guess it had some engine problems? It never had any problems before, I was not expecting it at all” she answers, still upset at her car breaking down so near her parent's place. 
“If I could, I would totally help you out, but I’m not that good with my hands when it comes to cars,” You tell her sheepishly, “I do have the contact of a mechanic in town who could probably figure this out with no trouble” you add for Mina’s great relief. 
“Really? And do you think they could come today?” she asks with a hopeful tone. 
“Hold on, I’ll give them a call,” You tell her as you take out your phone to quickly call the mechanic. After the short call, you walk back to deliver the news. “It shouldn’t be long before they get here, they said they would come in maybe 20 minutes since it’s not that far.” You explain, making Mina feel like a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders. 
“I don’t even know how to thank you…” Mina says, smiling softly at you, making you laugh. 
“It’s fine, Your car will be in good hands too, don’t worry,” You say, shrugging. “You know…I really wouldn’t feel good with myself leaving you here alone though… would you like to come to the farm while we wait? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to!” you say, quickly adding the last bit, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. 
“I’d really appreciate it.” Mina says, smiling at you relieved, knowing that she’s going home soon.  
As you both walk to your house, you attempt to make small talk to avoid the awkward tension, learning that Mina is going to be spending her holiday time with her parents, in search of peace and quiet. 
After arriving at your place, Mina notices that you live on something alike to a farm, but a little smaller. As you wait by the porch, playing with your dog, Mina has the opportunity to check your little farm out, taking notice of the various fruit trees you had. 
She learns that you had once been a Hockey player in the city but due to a knee injury, you had retired and decided to come back to your hometown to help your parents with their business, eventually leaving it to you. 
After a while, the mechanic finally shows up at your house, with the car already towed, honking to call for your attention, making you smile instantly. 
“Hey pretty!” You say, getting up quickly to greet the person driving the car. Said person getting out quickly as well in time to greet you properly with a hug. “Mina, this is my friend Jeongyeon, she will be taking your car to the shop and give you a ride to your parents since it’s probably on the way.” You explain, detaching yourself from your friend, who gives Mina a small wave to greet her. 
“Well, I hope you have a good rest.” You say, guiding her to the car with Otis on your tail trying to get more pets from his new friend. 
“I’m sure I will.” She says, leaning down to pet Otis for the last time before she leaves.“Thank you for letting me stay here while I waited for the tow.” 
“Of course, it was really nice having you here.” You say, smiling shyly at Mina. 
“Hey, love birds! It’s getting dark, we should really get going, so I can drop Mina off and close the shop in time!” Jeongyeon calls from the truck, making you both blush at her nickname. 
As she gets in the truck, she sees you waving goodbye and then remembers she had forgotten to ask you for your number. Before she can get out to ask, the truck is already getting out of your house. 
After a short-ish and quiet drive, she’s finally home. When she opens the door, her parents come rushing to hug her, worried because of the calls that went unanswered by her. After letting them know what had happened, she just went straight to bed, too tired to keep them company for much longer. 
As days go by, Mina has finally begun to feel more and more at ease, more in contact with herself. One day, as she’s preparing lunch, she hears someone knock at the door. 
“Mina, please get the door!” she hears her mom call from outside. 
When she opens the door, she sees a surprising face on the other side. There you stand, carrying a crate with a mix of fruits and vegetables, wearing your hat backward, sporting a small smile on your face. 
“Please come in” Mina hurriedly says, not wanting you to carry such a heavy-looking crate for too long. 
“I didn’t know you were the Myoui’s daughter.” you say as you enter the house and put the crate by the table. 
“Yeah…” she answers, still a bit surprised to see you there 
“I come here once a week to deliver fruit to them since the crate is usually a bit too heavy for your mom to carry” you explain, not wanting to seem like you just like to pop up to people's houses. 
“Thank you for that,” she says, touched by your consideration. “She told me that this week we’d be getting the fruit delivered, but I guess I forgot what day it was coming.”
After an awkward silence from both parts, you finally ask her how her time there has been, if she had her car fixed.  “Oh yeah, thank you! They already have the car ready to get picked up. I’m going this afternoon.” she answers, grateful for the break from the awkwardness. 
You only nod at that and give her a small smile, and you two get awkward again and stay silent for a bit, not knowing what to say. 
“Yn honey hi! Thank you so much for bringing the produce!” The older woman says, going to hug you. 
“Of course, I’m always happy to help!” You tell her with one of the brightest smiles Mina had ever seen, making her instinctively smile as well. 
After exchanging pleasantries, you decide to go back to work. As you’re almost out the door, Mina follows you, not wanting to let you go without asking you for your number.
“Yn! Wait up!” Mina says, following as you’re almost inside your truck. 
“Yeah?” You say, peaking your head out of the car, almost hitting it as you rushed to see what it was that Mina wanted. 
“I uh, I wanted to know if I could get your number?” Mina asks, suddenly shy. 
“Yes! I mean, yeah, sure, of course.” You say, trying to act nonchalant as you quickly hand her your phone.
“Let’s keep in touch, yeah?” Mina says as she hands you the phone, giving you a big gummy smile, making your insides melt. You’re only able to give her a nod, unable to answer her verbally. 
“Did you just giggle?” JIhyo says, barking out a laugh as she sees you staring at your phone after receiving a message from Mina. 
“What are you talking about?” you ask, rolling your eyes. “Did a puck hit you too hard on the head?” you joke, trying to avoid talking about your shameful giggle at a text from a girl you had just met. 
“Hardy har har” she says, rounding the corner and following you as you move through the furniture looking for the renovated table Jihyo had ordered. “You can’t just lie to me, I know you like the palm of my hand! Jeongyeon back me up??” Jihyo says, turning to her friend for support. 
“Hm? Sorry, I was not paying attention at all. Can we speed this along, though? I have a job.” The older one says, putting her phone away as she moves to meet the other girls in the middle of the furniture maze. 
“Who were you texting though” Jihyo insists as she picks up the end of the table to carry it out.
“Oooh was it the girl I picked up from your place?” Jeongyeon joins in, teasingly wiggling her eyebrows at you. 
“A girl?” JIhyo says, almost dropping the table. “Why am I the last one to know about this?”
“There is nothing to know about.” You tell them as you slowly put the table down, ready to put it on Jihyo’s car, ready for her to stop pestering you. “She had trouble with her car a while ago, so she stayed at my place while she waited for Jeongie to pick her up to take the car to the shop. Since she’s staying here for a while, we decided to keep in touch-” you try saying, but are cut off by teasing “ooohs” and whistles from both girls. “Just as friends!” you quickly add, rolling your eyes. 
“You know it would do you some good to get out of the house,” Jeongyeon says, bringing you closer when she sees you trying to get away from their teasing by going back to the shop. 
“I do get out.” You say almost indignantly, making both of them snicker. 
“You getting out of the house to go to work or to go to the farmers market does not count. You don’t even visit some of us in the city as frequently.” Jihyo says, already getting inside the car. “You don’t giggle at texts, you’re a loser, but I’ve never seen you like this. If this girl does that to you, you should give it a try, even if you’ve only known her for a short while. Get to know her.”
You only mumble in agreement, not wanting to commit to something yet. After Jihyo leaves, you try sneaking off into the store, knowing Jeongyeon will still try to talk about what had just happened. 
“Nope, come here.” She says when she sees you slowly backing away, pulling you by the hand to sit on the bench outside your store. “I know this is scary, you don’t like getting close to new people-”
“I do like it-” you start 
“Let me finish,” she says, cutting you off. “It’s good for you. We get together often, but since you came back you’ve been pulling out of social interactions. Mina seems like a sweet girl.” She continues, holding your hand gently. “I’m not saying you have to make a move, you’ve only known the girl for what? Two weeks?” she asks, getting an inconclusive hum from you. “Just get to know her, she told me she’s staying here for vacation when I drove her to her parents. You can make a new friend.” she says, ending her little encouragement speech. 
“You sound like my mom.” You grumble. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment, I love your mom.” She says, patting your head as she gets up. “I'll call you later, ok?” She says, already walking away. 
It’s not that you didn’t want to get to know Mina better, you’d like nothing more. Even after days of texting back and forth, sharing jokes and facts about you, you were still hesitant about letting someone else in. 
You sighed and looked at your phone, still open on the messages app with Mina’s text waiting for your response. 
Do you want to meet tomorrow? I can’t wait to see you again :) 
You smile down at it before finally answering. 
I’d love to. I can’t wait to see you too :)
“This one almost fell off!” Mina says excitedly as she puts the peach inside her basket. 
“Yeah, they’re good to go right now, I’ll probably take them to the market this weekend.” You say, chuckling at her enthusiasm. “You should be careful though, if you pick them out with too much force, some parts that will get spoiled more easily.” 
After your friend's visit, you decided to invite Mina to your house to create a more intimate environment so that you could get to know her better without any stress from people being around. 
"Oh, look at this one! It’s you!" she says laughing, holding one out for you to see. 
You move closer to her, trying to see what she means as she points at the fruit. 
"You know, cuz you're a peach." she says, maybe in an unusual attempt at flirting. After a moment of silence, she turns away from you and goes to another tree to get away from what had just happened. You only stare at her with a dumb smile on your face, completely infatuated by her. 
“Are you flirting with me?” You ask, moving closer with a cheeky smile on your face. 
“Me flirt- flirting? Why would I- No of course not” Mina says, stumbling over her words as she moves further away. 
“Why did you call me a peach, then?” You ask chuckling, finally able to be close to her again. 
“Well because you look like one.” She says shrugging, looking away, not wanting to make eye contact. 
“Yeah, cuz we share oh so many similarities.” You say, tilting your head, trying to look at her. 
“Yeah, both round and red.” she says, shrugging, making you bark out a laugh. 
“You’re saying I’m round and red?” 
“You’re insufferable” she huffs and turning away again, only making you laugh more. 
“You can’t say I’m insufferable, we’ve only known each other for two weeks or so” You exclaim, still laughing. 
“Would it be bad if I was?” Mina finally stops, turning to you, and looking into your eyes. As you look at her, you find yourself unable to form any words, this seeming to be becoming a recurring occurrence now.  
You only shake your head no and move closer to her. You see her tense up as if she had stopped breathing, and unconsciously do the same. As you get closer to her, you’re now able to check ever single detail on her face, every single line, every single mole. 
“It would not be bad at all” You say, almost whispering with your voice shaking, as you adjust the straw hat on her head as it was slowly falling forward. 
“Yn!” you two suddenly hear, making you both hastily make some distance between each other. 
“Mom?” You call out, having recognized the voice, moving towards the sound, taking Mina’s hand in yours to follow you not noticing her almost freezing up at the contact. 
“Hi baby” she enthusiastically says, with open arms ready to engulf you in her arms. She, however, stops mid-way when she sees you holding hands with an unknown girl. “Who is this?” she asks, with a mischievous smile forming on her face. 
As soon as you realize what she’s talking about, you feel your face heat up, realizing that you were holding hands with Mina. Quickly, you let go of her hand, not wanting to make her feel comfortable, too embarrassed to notice the slight look of disappointment that had crossed her face as you did so. “This is Mina, she’s the Myoui’s daughter.” You explain, weekly gesturing to the girl beside you. 
“Well, it’s really nice to meet you!” your mom says, going to hug Mina, surprising her. 
“She’s always like this” you mouth to her when she looks at you for help. 
“Don’t run from me!” You hear as you see Otis speed away from your father, who’s chasing him. 
“Dad, stop pestering Otis.” You say, sighing, going in the direction your dog had run. 
“It’s not pestering, he loves it!” The older man says, before spotting Mina. “And who is this?” he says with a curious gaze and a little smile playing on his lips.
“This is the Myoui’s kid.” Your mom says, introducing her, and instead of a warm hug, he instead offers a warm smile, one too similar to yours. After a bit of short talk, and your parents wanting to start sharing stories about how you were as a child, you volunteered to walk Mina home. 
“They seem fun” Mina says as she walks by your side. 
“They’re pests.” You say fondly, not being able to contain your smile. 
“I’m glad we could do this today…” Mina says, sneaking glances at you, catching you doing the same from time to time. 
“It was really fun, yeah.” You say with a smile. Out of nowhere, a gust of wind hits you both and sends Mina’s hat into the field. “I’ll pick it up don’t worry.” You assure her, trying to chase it. 
“You don’t have to!” She calls after you, going after you. 
“I want to, stay there, I’ll be back in a minute.” 
After no longer than 5 minutes, she hears a thud and a groan, making her look your way, only to see you holding her hat looking quite disheveled, with furrowed eyebrows grumbling. 
“What happened?” she asks worried, seeing small tears on your pants.  
“I didn’t see the roots” You mumble, dusting yourself off with your free hand, before offering her a beaming smile. “I got your hat though! Here, let me put it on,” you say, dusting it off of any dust it might have before adjusting it on Mina’s hair again. “There.” You say, smiling, finding yourself in the same position you both had been in before your parents had come home. 
“Thanks” Mina mumbles, looking away, not attempting to make eye contact. 
As you both continued your walk, you could feel your fingers brush hers, making your face erupt in flames. You decided to look at her, sneakily and found yourself breath taken. It wasn’t just her shy smile that had your knees trembling, but also the light coming between the trees and how they hit her skin, how her eyes gained a new shine as she watched the birds chirping above you. You would never admit this out loud, at least not to her, but even though you had only known her for such a short period of time, you were absolutely smitten. 
“We should do this again,” Mina says as she steps on her parent’s porch. “I had fun.”
“Yeah.” You manage to get out, fiddling your fingers. “I’ll text you?” you ask, receiving a nod. “Yeah, I’d like that.” she says, getting closer to you. Before you can process it, Mina kissed your cheek and was already inside the house. 
“We've actually been hanging out a lot, even if she's working too. Last Tuesday she took me to the lake, we spent the whole day there. But now she won't even answer my texts” Mina sighs, not knowing what to do.
“Well you've already tried talking to her, I'm honestly not sure what else you can do.” Sana, her friend, says through the phone. 
“Well, yes, but I actually thought things were going well.” The girl continues, pacing around. 
She knew that she couldn’t expect anything romantic out of this relationship, at least not at that moment, but she did think that your relationship was progressing in that direction, and she was happy about it, there didn’t seem to be any problems until you suddenly stopped answering her texts and only came by her parents place when she wasn’t there. 
“I’m not sure what to tell you, honey, I wish I could offer you more words of comfort, but it seems like this all came out of the blue so…” The older girl says. 
After a long talk, Mina decides to come down, only to see a very familiar crate full of veggies and fruit sitting at the table. She realizes then that Yn had come over to deliver the produce as usual, managing to avoid her again. 
“Mina hi! What can I do for you?” Jeongyeon says as she gets out from under the car she had been fixing, oil stains all over her. “Is your car giving you trouble?”
“Not the car, no.” Mina answers with a dry chuckle, looking around.
“What happened?” Jeongyeon asks, cleaning her hands, and guiding Mina to her office so that they could talk more freely. 
“I just…” she started, frustration settling in. “Is Yn alright? Has anything happened? Was it something I did?” Mina ends up asking, rapidly. 
“Hey no what?” Jeongyeon says, holding her arms, trying to calm her down. “It’s not you, ok? You did nothing wrong.” She says, trying to reassure her. “Yn has a complicated relationship with people. Has she told you about her retirement?” She asks getting up, getting a cup of water, and giving it to Mina, but only getting a negative nod as a response to her question. 
“I’m not sure whether it’s my place to tell you about all the details, that’s something Yn should tell you if she thinks she wants to. She had it pretty rough with her team after her injury, it hit her pretty hard.” Jeongyeon says, sighing after remembering how everything had impacted her friend. “After her injury, some people on the team started blaming her, people that were supposed to have her back, people that Yn trusted a lot. After that, she got too much in her head and started self-isolating. Those people leaving her, blaming her, made her start to think that others would do that too.” She ends, frustration lacing itself into her tone. 
“I didn’t know…” Mina says, almost in a whisper. “That must have been tough.” 
“It was, she has been trying to get out more and get better, but you know how these things are…” Jeongyeon says, searching for understanding in Mina’s eyes. “I know it doesn’t excuse her keeping you in the dark, but I hope it at least explains it.” 
“It does, but I still want to try and talk to her.” Mina says, getting up, ready to see if you were at your shop. 
“Yeah, but if you want to try today, you won’t have any luck. She went to the city, she’s hanging out with a friend.” Jeongyeon says, guiding Mina out, almost apologetic. 
“I’ll see if I can catch her at the market then.” Mina decides, gaining a nod from Yn’s friend. 
As Mina walks home with this new information she starts to understand why you had done what you did, however, she can’t help that she felt hurt by those actions. She decided that she had to confront you, to ease her mind and also in turn ease yours.
A couple of days later, her mom had decided to go to the market so Mina took that opportunity to go see you. When they arrive, they see you at your stand with your dad and waste no time to go over there. 
“...yes, Yn only started producing this type of tomato this year, but I really like them, especially in salads, they really bring out the taste…” says your father, engrossed in his tomato talk with a possible customer. “Mina! Hi!” He suddenly exclaims as he notices her presence. “I haven’t seen you in a while, have you been enjoying your time off?” He asks, after making sure the other customer did leave with the tomatoes he was so enthusiastic about. 
“It’s been great yeah!” Mina answers him with a tight smile, more focused on Yn and how she’s suddenly checking every single peach on the stand for defects. 
“she’s really been able to relax more, she works too hard”
“Do you come here often?” comes out of Mina’s mouth before she can stop herself, feeling silly since she is literally at her stand. There is a small victory since a small smile shapes itself on your lips unintentionally. 
“Yeah…” you say, not wanting to prolong this conversation, too scared of where this might go. 
“How have you been?” Mina tries again, not feeling deterred. 
“Eh I’ve been alright.” You say, offering her a small smile, but looking away almost instantly. 
“Are you not going to ask how I’ve been?” Mina says, trying to meet your eyes, finding them guilt-ridden. “Well, I haven’t been that great. My friend, or at least someone I thought was my friend, stopped talking to me and has been avoiding me. I’m not sure if she’s doing it because of anything I did, but she won’t even answer my texts so I can’t really know.” Mina finally lets out, unthinkingly letting out her frustrations on the situation as well. 
“No! No. I- It was not you, it was all me. I get too inside my head and end up pushing people away. This is no excuse, especially since I’m not even explaining it well, but I am still sorry Mina.” You quickly say as you fiddle with your fingers. 
“You know, I wouldn’t have left.” She says, after a silent moment. “I texted a lot, I would think that that was an indicator right?” she says chuckling trying to lighten the mood, making you smile slightly relieved. “You do have to make it up to me…”
“I’ll do my very best,” you tell her, now smiling more openly. 
As time progresses, you two end up making up, and you start visiting the city more because of Mina since she had returned to work. 
Knock Knock Knock
“Coming!” Mina yells from the kitchen, hurriedly going to the door, not knowing who could be at such a late hour. Once she opens the door, she is pleasantly surprised to see you there holding a bag of takeout with one of your big smiles on your face. 
“Hi” you say, already going inside, not wanting to stay out in the cold. “I brought take out from that place down the road.” You explain, already going to the kitchen with a familiarity Mina hadn’t noticed until now, but still a welcome one. As you both ate, Mina started realizing that the silly infatuation she had felt over the summer had evolved into a full-grown crush, and suddenly she didn’t know how to act. 
“Do you want to watch a movie after?” You ask her with a mouthful, which was honestly disgusting, but for Mina, who found herself realizing that she was unbelievably down bad for you, it was somewhat endearing. 
“You’re so gross.” She says, with no sentiment behind it,  a love-sick grin starting to spread on her face. “You choose, I’m cleaning up the dishes.” She says, getting up quickly not wanting you to see her smile like that. 
Once she returns to the living room, she finds you already sprawled comfortably on the couch with Spider-Man on the screen waiting for her to press play. Once you were both comfortably watching the movie play, you decided to explain to her little details that could help her better understand the plot and the reasons behind some behaviours of certain characters, and even though she had tried so hard to pay attention to those details, the only things she could focus on were how your eyes lit up, how you knew all about this fictional universe and how invested you were in it. 
“...and that’s why-What?” You ask, finally noticing her unnerving stare. 
“You’re such a nerd,” she says softly, her voice filled with adoration, making you flush under her gaze. “Tell me more about it.”
“Do you actually want to know?” You ask her, laughing, knowing she was probably not paying any attention to your side information. 
“I like listening to you talk.” She shrugs. “It’s cute. I might have to try and get a Marvel contract, maybe then you’ll talk about as me as passionately as you talk about Peter Parker.” She says, inching closer to you, with a teasing smile, and at that moment you thank everything divine for not being too close to her, or else she would’ve felt the heat emanating from you, from how flushed you were starting to get because of this banter of hers. 
“Do you think I’d make a good spider woman? Hm?” Mina says, feeling more confident after looking at your state, already so close, she could see your chest rising rapidly. “I’d let you try out the iconic upside-down kiss…” she finalizes, feeling a surge of confidence she normally didn’t feel, as she gently turned your face towards hers, getting closer and closer, already being able to feel your ragged breath mixing with hers. 
“Mina…” You breathlessly whisper, following her lead, your mouth opening slightly, not being able to stop your eyes from following her every move.
She only hums in response, tilting her head slightly to kiss you gently on the cheek, lips so soft you could’ve missed them. Instead of stopping there, she starts to slowly trail little kisses in your mouth’s direction. As she’s almost there, her eyes find yours as if asking for permission. You don’t even try and answer verbally, knowing full well you would not be able to do so, instead, you just let your hand go to her nape and gently bring her closer to you, letting your lips finally meet in a soft kiss. As you try to deepen the kiss, you feel her smile against your lips, making it impossible to do so. 
“What are you smiling about?” You ask, still impossibly closer, lips almost touching, not even wanting to think about putting some distance in between both of you. 
“Nothing” she simply says, pulling you in for another kiss, sharing the same thought of not wanting to be apart from you a minute longer. 
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latin5mamii · 2 months
Angel - Jude Bellingham
|WARNINGS: none |SUMMARY: How could you know that a stupid nickname could change everything? |AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know, this is kinda boring, but wait for the next chapter😉
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The decision was tougher than you thought.On the one hand, you could have been living a dream in Madrid with Jude, but on the other hand there was your family, your friends.Of course you can study in Madrid, but what if you don't fit in there?Different traditions, different people, different language...it's like being in the middle of nowhere where you try to get used to it but you can't.Obviously you wouldn't have to live there forever or for a long time anyway, but would you really be able to leave Jude if you didn't fit in there?
You find yourself staring at the ceiling, thinking and thinking, but never finding the answer.What if you talked to Jobe about it first?Just maybe for advice.But as soon as you think of that name, you feel a twinge in your stomach at remembering something you had completely forgotten about.
“Just don't hurt her” 
Those words echoed now in your head.What if Jobe was not at all supportive of the fact that maybe there was more than just a friendship between you and Jude?And how would he have taken it if you had gone to Madrid with Jude alone?Another thought added to your head, and trust me, you really didn't need it.Maybe you were even neglecting Jobe to spend all this time with Jude.
Then you remembered about the dinner.Maybe, you could talk to Jobe about that.You had to be ready by seven, then Jude would come to your house to pick you up.But thoughts were literally eating you alive.
You decide then, to go for a run, to clear your thoughts.You wanted to go to Madrid, and to be honest, nothing was stopping you, except yourself.But you know what?Fuck it, you fucking go to that city and live your best life.A spontaneous smile pops up on your face, you can't wait to tell Jude. If Jobe were to have problems, he should talk to you, not that he could change your decision.But now, you had other important things to think about:what you should wear tonight and especially what you should bring in your suitcase.You rushed home to get ready, you missed Jude's family and especially these evenings together that reminded you so much of the old days.As soon as you heard your phone buzzing, you saw a message from Jude.
Jude: Here, looking forward to seeing you.
This message gives you butterflies in your stomach and you answer him right away with a “I'll be right there” and literally run to the door.As soon as you open it you see Jude's car with him waving at you and you wave back at him, a little embarrassed.The effect this man has on you, god.He opens the door from inside and smiles at you.
“Beautiful as always, I'm not surprised “He tells you, stroking your cheek.
“Stop it come on “You say laughing with embarrassment,
“Ready for the stressful evening with my mother?” 
“I love your mother, you know that.”
“ And she loves you, how could she not?”
The ride was very fast and also very quiet. As soon as he parks in front of the house, he pauses for a moment and turns to you.
 "I don't want to pressure you, but I wanted to ask if you've decided about Madrid."
 "I'm in, yes."
 "Yes?" He lunges at you, hugging you tightly, making you laugh.
As soon as you get out of the car, you wait for him to open the door and go in. You immediately see a well-set table, full of food and nicely decorated. "She's here," Jude says, raising his voice a little to be heard.
 You see his mom rush over to you, showering you with compliments. "Sweetheart, you look so beautiful, is everything alright?" "Yes, everything's fine, thank you." You also see his father, who greets you with a hug. But someone is missing, Jobe. As if his mom could read your mind, she looks around and turns to Jude. "Can you call your brother, please? You know how he is."
As Jude went to call Jobe, his mom guided you to a seat at the table, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "So, tell me, how are your studies going, dear?" she asked, genuinely interested.
You smiled, appreciating her kindness. "They're going well, thank you. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it."
She nodded approvingly. "That's wonderful to hear. You've always been so dedicated and hardworking. What are you focusing on again?"
"Psychology," you replied. 
Her eyes lit up. "That's fantastic! It's such an important field. We need more compassionate people like you in that area. Jude has mentioned how passionate you are about your studies."
You felt a warm blush creep up your cheeks. "He has?"
She chuckled softly. "Oh yes, he talks about you all the time. He's so proud of you, you know."
You looked down, a shy smile playing on your lips. "He's always been very supportive."
She leaned in a bit closer, her expression softening. "And how are things with Jude? He seems so happy lately. You two have always had such a special bond."
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. "Things are good. We've been spending more time together, and... well, it's been really nice."
She reached out and patted your hand gently. "I'm so glad to hear that. You know, we've always seen you as part of the family. And Jude, he's been different since you two have been getting closer. Happier, more at ease. I think you bring out the best in each other."
Your heart swelled at her words. "Thank you. That means a lot."
You see Jude returning with Jobe, and as soon as he spots you, he wraps you in a hug and says to you, “So, you and Jude have been having fun without me, huh?”
“We were just catching up”
“Catching up, huh?” Jobe’s playful tone was laced with an edge of curiosity. He settled into the chair next to you, giving you a warm smile that contrasted with the serious look he had worn when he’d last seen you.
Jude looked between you and his brother, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, we’ve been having a bit of fun. But tonight’s about family, remember?”
Jobe chuckled, shaking his head. “Fair enough. But you owe me a detailed account of your escapades later.”
You started eating, Denise kept filling you with questions, Jobe was talking about his latest achievements in football, but at some point, Jude got in the way. "Oh, Mom. I have some good news. Y/N will come with me to Madrid for a while, he says, rubbing her hands. "Really? Great, at least I won't have to worry about you every day"
You were happy that he had said it and above all that his mother was happy. But suddenly you turn towards Jobe, who does not seem as excited by the news. 
"Can we talk later?" He whispers to you and you can do nothing but nod. Is it because of the thing he said a few days ago? Is it because he is worried about you?
After dinner, as the dishes were cleared and everyone began to relax, Jobe gave you a subtle nod, indicating it was time to talk. You excused yourself from the group and followed him to a quieter corner of the house, away from the bustling kitchen and the cozy living room where Jude was chatting with his parents.
Jobe leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. His usual easy going demeanor was replaced by a more serious expression. You couldn’t help but notice the concern in his eyes, making your heart flutter nervously.
“Alright, what’s going on?” Jobe started, his voice gentle but firm. “I want to make sure you’re not jumping into something without thinking it through.”
Your heart sank a little. “What do you mean? I thought you’d be happy for me.”That’s not true.You thought about him not being too happy.
He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I am happy for you. But it’s a big change, and I just want to make sure you’re not rushing into something because of... well, because of Jude.”
You felt a pang of frustration. “Is this about what you said the other day? About not wanting Jude to hurt me?”
Jobe sighed. “You weren’t supposed to hear that. But listen,Jude is amazing and I know he makes you feel good. But in his world of fame, girls can be too much to take. Especially for you.”
He looked at you, his expression softening. “I know you are. I’m just worried about you, that's all. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Your heart ached at his concern, but you needed him to understand. “I get that, Jobe. But I promise you, everything’s going to be fine.” You say with a comforting smile.
Jobe studied your face for a moment before nodding slowly. “Alright, I trust you. But you’ll have to update me about everything.”
You smiled, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. “Always”
He gave you a reassuring hug.You hear footsteps approaching and turn to see Jude with a curious expression on his face. "What's going on here?" he asks, a smile playing on his lips.
"We're just saying goodbye before your trip," Jobe explains.
Jude nods, glancing between the two of you. "Well then, why don't we go inside? It's kind of cold out here."
You nod in agreement, and Jude places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, guiding you back into the warmth of the house. As you step inside, you feel a touch on your arm and turn to see Jobe leaning in towards Jude.
"Take care of her," Jobe whispers earnestly.
"Of course, don’t worry," Jude responds with a confident smile, his eyes meeting Jobe's eyes in understanding.
The evening drew to a close, and it was time to head home. You had a flight to catch the next day. After saying your goodbyes with warm hugs, you stepped out the door. Jude was there waiting, giving you a comforting smile. You felt a sense of relief that you and Jobe had cleared the air, and excitement bubbled up for what awaited you tomorrow.
"Ready for tomorrow?" Jude's voice pulled you back to the present, and you nodded, laughing softly.
"I have no idea what to pack," you admitted.
Jude chuckled and draped his arm around your shoulder. "Don't worry, Madrid has everything you need. And you'll be with me—looks won't matter."
You both laughed, remembering a childhood event. "Do you remember that time we ate ice cream alone at my house?" you asked, a grin spreading across your face.
"How could I forget?" Jude replied, laughing. "I still remember your mother's face when she saw the mess we made."
The memory was vivid: sticky hands, ice cream everywhere, and your mother's exasperated but amused expression.
When Jude drops you off in front of your house, he wraps you in a big hug. "See you tomorrow then."
“Yes, I'm so excited,” you reply, your voice bubbling with enthusiasm.
Jude chuckles. "You're cute when you do that."
"Thank you," you say, smiling.
He hesitates for a moment, then adds, "If I could, I'd come home with you." His words send a thrill through you, and with a newfound boldness, you take his hand and gently tug him closer.
"Then come on up," you invite, your eyes sparkling with mischief.
Jude grins, his eyes twinkling. "Don't tempt me like that. We'll have plenty of nights together, don't worry."
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shangchiswife · 1 year
miguel o'hara- stress relief
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summary: you help miguel destress after a stressful day at work
miguel x fem!reader
warnings: smut
word count: 1323
It had been a calm and cozy day in the apartment you and Miguel shared. The winter chill had descended upon the city, prompting you to seek refuge indoors.
Determined to keep warm, you prepared a delicious batch of your famous chili, simmering it slowly over the stove.
Lost in the comforting aroma of spices filling the air, you were startled as the front door swung open abruptly, causing you to jolt in surprise.
Miguel burst into the apartment, his face twisted with anger, instantly catching your attention.
Miguel, still clad in his Spider-Man suit, made his way to the couch with heavy steps and plopped down onto it.
You ignored the steaming pot of chili in front of you and made your way toward him.
His back was hunched as he rubbed his temples.
"Miguel, what happened?" you asked, concern etching your voice as you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He took a moment to catch his breath, his hands clenched into fists. "It's Alchemax," he finally replied, his voice laced with frustration.
"They're up to something big, and I can't let them get away with it."
"What did you find out?" you asked, your voice steady despite the anxious thoughts swirling in your mind.
"They're planning to release a dangerous experiment into the city," Miguel explained, his eyes narrowing with determination. 
"Something that could cause chaos and harm innocent lives."
You gently guided Miguel's head to rest against your stomach, your fingers tenderly weaving through his hair. As he closed his eyes, a contented smile graced his lips, finding solace in the warmth of your touch.
With a hushed tone, you reassured him, your voice filled with unwavering support. "You'll stop them, Miguel, just like you always do," you murmured, your words imbued with genuine belief.
His gaze met yours and his eyes softened as he gave you a look that was only reserved for you.
In those moments of vulnerability, you became his anchor, providing a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of his duties as Spider-Man.
With each stroke of your fingers through his hair, you affirmed your commitment, your love shining brightly even in the darkest of times.
Miguel felt slight relaxation from your gentle motions but still seemed to be stressed as he started to rub his temples.
Suddenly an idea sparked in your head and a smirk graced your lips.
You came in front of him and started getting on your knees, watching as his eyes widened.
“What are you doing, mi vida?” Miguel asked as he watched you tie your hair back.
“Just relieving a little bit of your stress,” you cooed as you stroked his clothed cock, watching as his eyes fluttered shut.
“Do you really wanna play this game, muneca?” he questioned, his eyes glazed with lust.
You nodded as he stood up and unzipped his suit revealing his toned body.
Miguel laid back against the sofa, his eyes focused on your thighs rubbing together.
“Want me to help you out with that, princesa?” he smirked as he watched your face burn.
“No, this is about you right now,” you said as you waved aside thoughts about your own pleasure and looked at him.
Right as your fingers gripped the waistband of his boxers, Miguel gripped your throat making you look up at him with shock as he leaned his head forward so that his hot breath tickled your ear.
“You fucking tease me and I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk for weeks,” his voice was deep and full of lust as he bit your earlobe.
You had to bite your lip to suppress the moan that was about to escape your throat. 
He retreated his head back to scan your face as he removed his fingers from your throat.
You gulped.
“Got it?” he lifted your chin up with a single digit.
“Yes sir,” you whimpered as he grinned at your submission.
“Now be a good girl and suck me off,” he said, tapping his clothed cock.
You eagerly pulled down his boxers and watched his cock spring up. It was thick with pre-cum already leaking from it.
Your mouth watered at the sight as he continued to grin wickedly.
“See something you like, sweetheart?” he asked as you nodded, bending down so that you were mere centimeters away from his cock.
You parted your lips open and took him in your mouth, putting one of your hands around his shaft just the way he liked it.
“Fuck,” he groaned, the sensation of your mouth on his cock already giving him pleasure.
Your thighs clenched again at his moan as you started licking the base of his cock, your tongue gliding along his veins.
“What did I fucking tell you?” Miguel growled, looking down at you giving his cock kitten licks.
“I will destroy you if you tease me,” 
As intriguing as that sounded, you just wanted to please your boyfriend and wanted him to destress so you took more of him until your nose brushed against his pubic hair.
You could feel him throbbing in your mouth as you swirled your tongue around him, wanting to explore every part of him.
You started to suck on him making him immediately bring a hand down to your hair and fist it making you moan.
“Keep doing that, baby, feels so good,” he praised, as you looked up at him with teary eyes growing wetter from his praise.
The moment he locked eyes with you it was over and he gripped your hair tightly and started thrusting into your mouth with no mercy.
The tip of his cock hit the back of your throat making you almost gag from the rough sensation.
His hips continued to snap back and forth into your mouth and you swore that you could see stars because of how fast he was going.
You brought one of your hands to his muscular thighs and gripped it, digging your nails into his skin.
“Such a good fucking girl, allowing me to use you as a toy to relieve my stress,” Miguel’s eyes were almost black as he watched his cock slide in and out of your mouth. 
You watched as his thighs twitched and you could tell that he was going to cum soon along with the way he kept cursing in Spanish.
Tears started to leak from your cheeks as his thrusts started to get sloppier.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” his eyebrows furrowing with pleasure.
Before he could cum, you detached your lips from his cock, a strand of saliva connecting from your lips to your cock.
You know what maybe he could also destress by destroying me you thought.
Your eyes were fixed on Miguel as he casually rose from his seat. The thumping of your heart seemed to echo in your chest, a mix of fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins.
In a rush of nerves and anticipation, you forced yourself to stand up, trembling with a blend of fear and excitement. The intensity of his gaze sent chills down your spine, yet a strange thrill started to build inside you.
“I told you what would happen,” he chuckled darkly as he started cornering you into the wall.
Once your back hit the wall, in one swift movement, he turned you over so that your clothed ass was flush against his cock.
A shiver ran down your spine as you felt his hot breath against your exposed neck. The sensation sent chills tingling through your body, a mix of anticipation and unease swirling within you.
"I'm going to destroy you," he whispered, his words dripping with a dark promise. And then, without warning, his teeth sank into your shoulder, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain and a feeling of pleasure bubbling in your stomach.
It was safe to say that the chili you were previously making had burnt.
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miniversse · 6 months
⭑ “snowbound” ⭑ pt. 1
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⭑ bang chan x female reader
⭑ content includes: drinking, fwb relationship, mentions of sex, non-idol chan, non-idol reader, established relationship, work relationship, drunk confessions, lots of inner talk
⭑ note: i won’t advise you to skip the build up! i’m planning to create a very small series for this idea i had, probably another part or two. lmk what you think!
⭑ minors dni
your hands are wrapped around his hard chest, and your legs were squeezed up to keep you warm from the winter mornings. before your mind could think of what breakfast to make today or what chans schedule will look like, you’re struck with memories of yesterday night, and that you and chan are no longer friends with benefits…
you progressed from taking shots to consuming full soju bottles, you lined them up with his like trophies and admired the late night snowfall. you and chan met through work, and visit after visit, kiss after kiss, you became each-others stress relievers, and you wouldn’t complain about that until yesterday night.
“have you hooked up with anyone else at work?”
the question has been waiting at the tip of your tongue, and the only thing holding you back from asking it was to be respectful and not invasive, but when your on your 3rd bottle of soju, what’s holding you back?
“nope. why do you ask?”
“oh, i was just wondering, ‘yknow”
“yeah, i never got time to meet anyone outside our office block so it’s just been you”
you nod and rest your lips on the mouth of the soju bottle. you sat close to him on his balcony, admiring the light snowfall that coated the city with white and shiny flakes. this moment reminded you of why you loved chris, it wasn’t really for his sex, it was the way his presence filled you with warmth and the desire to always be next to him. you knew you shouldn’t develop feelings because it doesn’t seem mutual, but your lives were harsh. work was demanding and you only got a few hours between each-other to empty your tension.
fuck it
you turn your gaze to him and watch his adam’s apple move with his hearty chugs.
“chris, you think it’s ok if i talk to you ‘bout something?”
“don’t you wanna wait till your sober?”
“yea but, i’ve had this thought for far too long, and i think this way would be easier for me to confess”
he turns his chair to face you and faces forward, giving you his full attention.
“whats up”
you began to feel nervous, and maybe began regretting this empty confidence you shone on him, but you and chan have seen a lot in your lives, so it wouldn’t hurt to see more.
“i’ve been seeing you in a different lens, not one where we get to fuck and call it a day. one where we are together through thick and thin.”
his expression remains the same and he keeps quiet, expecting to hear more.
“i know that it would be a big jump for us, but it could be a better jump.”
you place the soju bottle on your lips and get past a few sips before your stomach begins to turn and twist and your fingers tremble.
he sighs and leans back in the chair, placing his hands in his pockets. you began to look around for your belongings, preparing to be kicked out of his house.
“i brought you over to tell you that i wanted you for more than your body, but i guess it’s useless now”
you’re muscles relaxed, and you felt warmer at his reassurance. you couldn’t help but give him a big smile, trying to keep your cool. he smiled back, the cold smoke sneaking out the creases of his mouth.
“well, i guess that’s out the way.” you laugh, trying to fill in the silence. you haven’t noticed the increasing intensity of the snowfall, so you grab the bottles, ashtray and head inside to lay by chans fireplace.
he settled for a warm shower, but you settled to lying down on his heated hardwood floors, watching the fire dance and crackle as it soothed your bones. chan had given you one of his hoodies to change into to keep warm. the door of his bedroom creeks open, and he walks out in an black t-shirt, plaid pants and socks.
“you’re gonna freeze to death like that! and you haven’t dried your hair?”
he approaches you and lies down next to you, meeting you at eye level. you couldn’t describe how this moment felt. the orange flames casted on his smooth, relaxed face. his hand was placed over yours, his fingers tracing around yours. your body was physically there, but mentally, you and chan were bound, or rather, snowbound.
“i’m fine babe”
you’re brought back to life with three words that left his lonely mouth.
“babe? i never thought i’d hear you call me that”
“and i never thought i’d be laying down next to you by the fireplace, exchanging looks”
you wiggle closer to him, taking in the soft smell of his shampoo being overridden with his strong cologne. your lips follow the scent, and end up landing on his warm neck. he raises his head, giving you more to work with. his hand was settled on your back, bringing you closer and closer till you could feel the heat of his body against yours.
your mouth seemed to be the star of the show now, but that might change.
⭑ PART 2
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Silver Springs - Jamie Tartt x Fem!Reader/Roy Kent x Fem!Reader
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Silver Springs - Jamie Tartt xFem!Reader, Roy Kent x FemReader!
Content - angst, flirting, friends to lovers, love triangle
Word Count - 3k
Summary - Whilst Jamie is in the throes of preparing for the Man City game, Roy tries to show the reader that he's noticed her past just being the coaches’ assistant, even if it makes him feel guilty. 
Read Part One Here
A/N - Part 2 of this love triangle fic, let’s gooooo. As always like and reblog if you enjoy and let me know what you think <33 
It had been about a week since Jamie had kissed you, and things weren’t official. You couldn’t say you weren’t disappointed, but you understood the mental stress he was under with the upcoming Man City match. Being able to be intimately close to him was enough, because you knew he needed the comfort. Sitting on your couch and stroking his hair as you felt his breathing become deeper made you more than content. 
You sigh slightly to yourself and open your laptop, your color coded calendar coming to life. You glance to the corner of your screen, looking at the time. Bright and early with plenty of time to move appointments and schedule other needed meetings. You sat at your desk in the small room off of Ted and Beard’s. Your deskmate wasn’t there yet. He actually grunted every time you called him your “deskmate”, but annoying Roy Kent was one of the perks of this job. 
“Hey, love.” You would recognize his voice anywhere, and you look up to see Jamie leaning on the doorframe. He crosses the room and gives you a sweet peck on the lips, then plants another kiss on the top of your head. He crosses through your office to the locker room and you smile to yourself. What a perfect start to your day, a kiss from the man you had wanted to be with for so long. You look back to your screen and start moving appointments, adding in the important dates Ted left on a football shaped sticky note, including the latest visit from Henry. 
A slight thud on your desk has you tearing your eyes away from your computer screen. You see a take-away coffee cup with the name “RAY” written in big, scratchy letters. You look up, greeted with a glowering, bushy eyebrowed face. “Can I help you…Ray?” You grin gesturing to the coffee cup. 
“Fuck’s sake.” He grunts. “I brought you coffee.” He scoots the coffee cup closer to you, and you raise an eyebrow, Roy Kent was bringing you coffee? 
“Thank you…but why?” 
“What do you fuckin’ mean why? Cause you’re nice and you’re always bringing everyone else coffee.” He says gruffly, dropping his iconic black leather jacket onto his own chair, revealing his tight fitting black tshirt underneath. You take a sip of the coffee to avoid gazing at him, you had eyes and knew he was fit. You were pleasantly surprised at your drink. 
“How’d you know my order?” You say, taking another delighted sip of your drink. You watch Roy’s jaw jump slightly and he shrugs. 
“Must have just picked up on it.” He says nonchalantly. In reality, he snooped around your desk the night previous, but he wasn’t going to admit to that. That sounded insane. He felt like a terrible person. He and Tartt were on good terms again, friends even, and here he was trying to win over the girl he knew Jamie was mad about. He was a prick. And a bad friend. But he couldn’t help it. Something about you drew him to you, and you made him want to open up to the possibility of being in a serious relationship again. 
You smile slightly at Roy’s back, flattered that he had done this for you. You were still a bit baffled as to why. It’s not as if Roy wasn’t nice to you, he was. But usually he answered you in growls, not full sentences. “Well…I really appreciate it. I didn’t have time to grab coffee this morning before getting to work.” 
Roy turns to look at you, one corner of his lips ticking upwards. “Don’t mention it.” He says. “Seriously, fuckin’ don’t.” You openly laugh at this and turn back to your computer screen. 
“What is all that shit anyway?” Roy asks, and you can feel him cross the tiny space to stand over your shoulder. When he leans over and places one hand on your desk and one on the arm of your desk chair, you feel your heart skip a beat. Which was dumb. Why would that be your reaction? You ignore the feeling and shrug. 
“This is how you get your extra physio appointments, how Ted has time to review game footage every other day, and how Beard knows when it’s time to exchange his library books.” You look up at him. “It’s all color coded for every member of the team. I’m pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself.” You give him a small smile and go back to typing in the extra appointments Ted had asked you to put in. 
“Fuck.” Roy says, watching you work the schedule around. “Now I understand why Ted said he didn’t know which way was up without you.” 
“Aw, you talk to Ted about little ole me?” You flash him a teasing grin and his heart wrenches. Fuck you and your stupid, pretty grin. 
“Uh…” Roy starts, coughing slightly to cover his embarrassment. 
You pat the hand resting on your desk before you continue typing. “I’m just kidding, Roy.” 
Roy clears his throat, but still hadn’t moved from his spot. He seemed content to watch you work, which was unusual for him, but you didn’t mind. He was a little close, sure, but if he wanted to watch you put in appointments and move Sam’s restaurant re-opening for him then who were you to tell him no? 
“Love?” You look up at the sound of Jamie’s pet name for you and smile brightly at him. 
“Am…I interruptin’ somethin’?” Jamie asks, pushing his hair back with his headband, looking from you to Roy. Why was Roy so close to you? That made him feel uneasy, but he wasn’t sure why. He knew that you had feelings for him, but he hadn’t made anything official. He supposed he couldn’t blame you for exploring your options. His eyes meet Roy’s, who clears his throat and straightens up, away from you.
“No.” Roy says gruffly. “I was just looking at the insane color coding she has in there.” 
Jamie nods slightly, looking to you, who he was relieved to see, only had eyes for him.  He crosses the room to you, kneeling in front of where you sat, and you look down at him, eyebrow raised. He grins at you. 
“I jus’ wanted to come see if you wanted to have lunch with me today.” He says, ignoring Roy completely at this point. You nod enthusiastically, pushing a strand of hair that came loose from the headband back. 
“Course I do.” You said, smiling at him. “Meet you at the kebab place around the corner?” You ask, to which Jamie nods. He glances at Roy, who is pretending to be preoccupied on his phone and presses his lips to yours in a sweet, soft kiss. 
“Great. See ya then, darlin’.” You smile as you watch him walk out, quickly turning back to your work. Next on the agenda, emails. 
“So.” You hear. 
You turn towards Roy’s voice. “So..?”
“You and Tartt, yeah?” 
You shrug. “Nothing is official yet.” You say nonchalantly, trying to hide just how giddy you were about Jamie openly kissing you and referring to you as “love” or “darlin’”. 
“Not fuckin’ official?” Roy says, incredulous. This was news to him. 
“Not yet.” 
“Why the bloody hell not?” Roy crosses the room again and peers down at you. 
You look back up at him and wave your hand absentmindedly. “Jamie is already stressed about this upcoming match, I can wait until his head is completely clear to have a serious conversation.” You pick up your coffee cup again, taking a sip of the delicious hazelnut latte. 
But you nearly choke when Roy leans down, one hand on each of your chair’s armrests, caging you in. His face is inches from yours. 
“That’s fuckin’ dumb, babe.” 
You lower the coffee cup from your lips, studying his face intently. Your heart was pounding. Babe? What was he doing? Never in the entire few years you had been here, had the Roy Kent paid so much attention to you. 
“Hm.” You say, quirking an eyebrow. “And why is that dumb?” 
Roy smirks slightly. “Because if I had you, I wouldn’t even fuckin’ hesitate to claim you.” 
You realized you were holding your breath and you laugh nervously. “O..oh.” You say, swallowing. “Well I don’t think Jamie is hesitating to claim me.” You look into his face, because he was making it impossible not to notice how handsome he actually is. Sure, you weren’t public with your relationship, but Jamie didn’t hide how he felt about you, at all. 
“Maybe not here. But I would be shouting from the fuckin’ rooftops if I had someone as nice as you smiling pretty at me like you do Jamie.” You can see him studying your face, and in reality, Roy’s heart is pounding. He’s getting a bit too carried away here and he didn’t know when or how to stop. 
“Maybe you could have someone with a pretty smile if you weren’t such a grouch.” You counter, leaning in closer to him, aware now that you were having some sort of effect on him. You watch him swallow, his eyes flicking down to your lips. You smirk at him.
He growls in response, catching you completely off guard that you had elicited such a sound from him but making you smirk even more. You press a single finger against his lips, standing up as you push him back. 
“See? Grouch.” You tease, moving your finger but before you can rest your hand at your side again, Roy looks down at you, catching your wrist in his hand. 
“Fuck’s sake, woman.” He says, almost breathlessly. You look up at him, fluttering your eyelashes innocently, but trying to deny the fact that you liked how his large hand had caught you. The look on your face was all it took for Roy to back you into a wall, his lips on yours. One hand with his fingers splayed across your hip, digging greedily, almost possessively, the other letting go of your wrist to yank you closer to him, if that was even possible. The kiss was sloppy, heated, needy. The heat of your body pressed against Roy’s was making your head cloudy. When he deepens the kiss, your breath hitches and a slight moan escapes your lips, causing Roy to smirk into your lips. 
You felt so bad that you kissed him back. When Roy pulled away, he immediately lets go of you. 
“I…I shouldn’t have fuckin’ done that.” 
 What were you doing? What about Jamie? “I..shouldn’t have kissed you back.” You whispered, wide eyed. Roy has stepped back and away from you, but he’s watching you with such a look of longing. “I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” You say. 
“Not his girlfriend, technically.” 
You shift your gaze and focus your eyes on him. “What?” You say.
“You’re not his girlfriend officially.” Roy grunts, before stepping closer to you again. “I get if you don’t ever fuckin’ speak to me again. Just don’t tell me you regretted that.” 
You gaze up at him. No, you’re not Jamie’s girlfriend. But Jamie is everything you ever wanted. And it made you feel horrible that you didn’t regret that little kiss-attack. You shake your head slowly, watching as Roy came close to you again, hovering above you, his torso pressing into you. “Please.” He says.
The gruff, broken plea in his voice makes your knees weak and you shake your head. “I can’t tell you that.” You say, clearing your throat and straightening up, your breath slightly heavy. 
“Even if I know you don’t?” He says grabbing your chin, looking into your eyes. 
Your eyes flutter closed and you breathe out. “Yes.” You hated him right now. How did he manage to get a rise out of you so quickly? You pull your face away from his grasp and push yourself off the wall. “I need to go.” You say bluntly, gathering your laptop and your bag. Roy steps back and watches you go, rushing out the door. 
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You cannot believe what had just happened. You were so distracted that you run smack into someone in the carpark, their arms grabbing you and steadying you. 
“Woah, love, what’s wrong? You look like ya’ seen a ghost.” 
Jamie. Because of course it was Jamie. You can’t even look him in the eye and he moves his head to catch your gaze. “M’startin’ to worry here, darlin’, what’s wrong?” He asks again, his grip tightening a bit on you. He had a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach. Like he knew what was coming next. 
“We can’t be together.” You say bluntly. 
Jamie blinks once, then twice. “What?” 
“You deserve someone better than me.” 
Jamie still looks dumbfounded, but was becoming almost desperate to find out what you were talking about. “Please tell me what you’re talkin’ about, because I’m gettin’ a little scared.” 
“I…” you look away from him again. “I kissed Roy. Or…he kissed me.” 
Jamie winces. “Y-what?…kissed Roy?” 
“It just happened. And we can’t be together because I’m a horrible person for doing this to you.” You pull out of his grasp, but Jamie grabs you again. “Jamie, please let me go.” 
“No.” He says, simply, grabbing your chin much like Roy had done minutes before. “I’m not pleased, but this is almost like karma for how shitty I’ve been in the past.” He shakes his head when you open your mouth. “Do ya care about me?” 
“Of course I do.” You almost sob, looking at him with the most pathetic eyes he’d ever seen. 
“I know ya do, or you wouldn’t have told me right away.” He kisses your forehead. “M’not happy about it. But I can’t say I blame ya for exploring options when I haven’t even asked ya on a proper date.” 
You groan, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “You being so understanding is making me feel worse. I know we’re not officially together or whatever the hell -“ you pause and look at him. “But I feel so, so, awful that it happened.” 
Jamie shakes his head. “Stop that. M’not going to turn my back on you. I’ve cared about ya too long to let the messy beginning of what we’re tryin’ to figure out be the end of us. Besides, I did this same thing to Roy when he was with Keeley. Sometimes you just…like who you like.” 
You stare at him. “You’re spending too much time with Ted.” 
Jamie actually throws his head back and laughs at that, rolling his eyes once before pulling you in. “Now that you’ve kissed me coach I guess we’re even. Cause I used to be with Keeley and the two of you are thick as thieves.” He really didn’t blame you for any of this, but was making a mental note to maybe punch Roy in his face later. He couldn’t say it didn’t hurt, the thought of you kissing someone else. But he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of what he knows is meant to be. He knew that was corny, but with you he wasn’t worried about any of that. He wanted it all, the house, the love, the kids in the future. 
“I’m sorry Jamie. I really am. All I could think about was how much of an asshole I was being.” You look up at him, realizing he’s already gazing at you. 
“Be me girl. Officially.” He says. 
You blink. “I thought you weren’t ready to have a serious conversation until after the match?” 
“Don’t care about any of that anymore.” He says. “Me dad, me reputation with Man City. Don’t matter.” He mumbles into your hair. “Only you matter to me.” 
“Okay.” You whisper. 
“Okay, ya believe me? Or okay, ya wanna make this official?” 
“I want to be yours, Jamie.” You catch the smile on his face and he leans in, cradling your face. The kiss he gives you is so different from what you had experienced with Roy. This was slow, sweet, and loving. Jamie pecks your lips, once, two, three times, and when he pulls back, he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. You sigh, contentedly. 
“That’s me girl.” He whispers, holding you close. You realize that this, with Jamie, was what you wanted. He kisses along your jawline, and you can’t help yourself, you smile. “Knew I could coax that gorgeous smile outta ya.” 
Jamie was infatuated with you, and if he was being honest, completely in love with you, and had been since you had been the only one willing to speak to him when he initially came back to Richmond. 
Jamie leads you to his car, and when you both get in, he pulls you across the center console onto his lap, sliding his large palm up to cup your face as he continues to kiss you. You were breathless, tangling your hands in his hair. 
When you both finally pull away, you smile. Jamie tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, just like he did that night in the bar. “I’ve waited so long to be able t’call ya mine, love.” Jamie murmurs, your noses touching. 
You stay like that, Jamie nuzzling you in his lap, while you think about everything that had happened. But you knew that nothing made you feel better than when Jamie held you. You stroke Jamie’s hair absentmindedly. You just hoped that you weren’t truly as terrible as you still felt. 
You close your eyes, reveling in the feeling of Jamie’s presence. This was more than enough.
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What do you think are Raul Tejadas favorite and least favorite kinks? I think he'd enjoy doing it in his costume 😂
Raul Tejada (New Vegas) NSFW Headcanons
Much like with Cooper Howard, I think that it's been a very, very long time since Raul's been with anyone physically. He's spent a large part of his long life pretty deep in depression and survival mode in a way that I don't think would really lend itself to slinging a ton of dick around the desert, you know? Possible that he may have had a partner or partners when he and his sister were ekeing out a living among the incredibly irradiated remains of Mexico City, but the fact that the place was so overrun with raiders and fiends that Raul felt he had to turn to vigilantism doesn't really seem to lend itself to much romance, either. I think he's rusty and not exactly actively searching for a partner, but love often finds us at the most unexpected times.
Would take a pretty grand gesture of desire, in my opinion, to really convince him that you want that sort of relationship with him. I mean candles, whatever semblance of lingerie you can scrounge up, throwing yourself in his lap and basically begging for him, the whole nine yards. Lay it on thick, tell him how much you want him, how much you care about him, and I think he'll be receptive to getting physical...but he'll be incredulous for a good, long minute first. He's just incredibly beat down after so many hardships throughout the years and his self-confidence is shot full of holes.
I'm not convinced he's a "full-on penetrative sex the first time you two hook up" guy. I think he would like a few encounters to get to know your body and what you enjoy before the two of you get to that point. I think he would let you touch him early on, but over the clothes. Mostly, the early encounters would be about him getting to know your desires and reacquainting himself with his own.
This poor, tired, achy old man would be fairly lazy during sex. Don't get me wrong, he's embarrassed about it, and he's got more than enough strength and energy to make sure you're satisfied, but he's a big fan of laying back and watching you ride him, having sex laying on your sides, letting you bounce on him in reverse cowgirl and control the pace...pretty much any position that takes the stress off of his back and joints is a favorite of his. However, he isn't above pinning you down, or even picking you up to fuck you if you misbehave enough.
Canonically has a sweet tooth, like most old men (fun fact: as people age, their taste buds weaken, and, as a result, many older people have an affinity for sweet and spicy food, as those two flavor profiles remain fairly easy to detect as the ability to taste more complex flavors degrades). I bet he'd like to lick something sweet off of your naked body an awful lot. Granted, things like honey or whipped cream are difficult or impossible to get your hands on in the Wasteland, depending on where you are, so it might not be the easiest thing to pull off. But hey, you never know when you might come across a little bit of chocolate that you can melt, or something similar. Hell, the way the man loves himself a Sunset Sarsaparilla, maybe you could just dribble some of that on yourself and let him go to town.
Due to his insecurities, he loves an enthusiastic partner. He loves to be flirted with, romanced right back, treated like you see him as desirable. Little romantic gestures turn him on a lot. PDA makes him nervous (you never know how people are going to react to the presence of a ghoul, let alone a ghoul claiming to have a human partner), but when you two are alone, he likes to give and receive lots of kisses, affectionate embraces, ass pinches, whatever.
I'm not sure I can see him having sex in the costume (mostly because of the way he internally associates it with the death of his sister), but I can certainly see him still liking to play with certain "vaquero"-type activities. Rope play, for example. I don't think he'd be unopposed to tying your hands up if you misbehave.
Ass man ass man ass man ass man. Dude is checking out what you've got back there every chance he gets. One of his favorite ways to communicate that he's in the mood is to saddle up behind you and slide his erection up and down the cleft of your ass; it makes him even harder.
Because of the things he's seen and experienced, he's not willing to be rough with you. Passionate, sure. He'll fuck you hard, physically, but he isn't interested in violent or rough foreplay/sex. No primal play/dubcon/CNC play with him. BDSM in general isn't really his thing.
He also refuses to have sex with you when you're intoxicated in any way. The idea that there could possibly be any blurred lines when it comes to your consent makes him very uncomfortable.
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gotham--fc · 1 year
Always - A Ruesha Littlejohn Imagine
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Hello I'm back! It's sure been a while, missed yall
This fic came to me in a dream after the Canada-Ireland game so I hope it's good and that yall like it
Tagging @grapefruit-personified because she's been waiting for this for a while and honestly she was my motivation to finish this anyway enjoy!
“Hey Rue, what’s shakin’ bacon?” Y/N laughs to herself at her joke. She loves to make Ruesha laugh, so whenever she answers a call from her teammate, she’ll make a stupid joke or a pun that makes Ruesha laugh. She doesn’t laugh this time, and Y/N furrows her brow. “Rue?”
“Can I come over?” Ruesha asks.
“Yeah, of course, you’re always welcome,” Y/N says, “Is everything alright?”
Ruesha hangs up before Y/N can say anything. Y/N starts tidying up, just to give herself something to do while she waits so she doesn’t make herself crazy wondering what’s wrong. It doesn’t take Ruesha that long to arrive and Y/N barely restrains herself from running to the door when she hears the knock.
“What’s going on?” Y/N asks.
Ruesha has clearly been crying and Y/N ushers her inside and sits her in the kitchen while she makes a cup of tea for both of them.
“Me and Katie broke up,” Ruesha says. Y/N sets the mugs down and gives Ruesha her full attention.
“I’m so sorry,” Y/N says, “That’s awful. What can I do?”
“I just need a friend right now,” Ruesha says. Y/N reaches across the table and lays her hand on Ruesha’s. She offers her what she hopes is a reassuring smile.
“Whatever you need from me right now,” Y’N says, “You got me. Always, I promise.”
“I can’t believe I have to spend two months with her!” Ruesha groans. Y/N shoves Ruesha’s feet off the couch so she could sit. “I should drop out.”
“You should absolutely not drop out, it’s the World Cup,” Y/N says, “I know it sucks but you don’t have to spend any time with her outside practices and games. And I’ll be there,” Y/N waggles her eyebrows.
“Yeah, on a completely different team,” Ruesha rolls her eyes and plops her feet in Y/N’s lap.
“We’re in the same group, at least.”
“It still sucks.”
“I know,” Y/N rubs Ruesha’s shin to comfort her, “But it’s gonna be okay. I know it’s hard and it sucks having to be around your ex, but fuck her, honestly. It’s the World Cup! You’re gonna have a blast and it’s gonna be so great and you’re going to play in the World Cup, this is gonna be amazing for you.”
“We haven’t seen each other, really, since we broke up. She wasn’t home when I got my stuff. The first time we’re seeing each other since we broke up is at the World Cup. Talk about the worst fucking timing.”
“Yeah, it really is. I can’t make it better. But you guys are going to have to learn to be civil. You’re both going to play on the same national team for the rest of your careers. I know it sucks that it’s the World Cup, but the next time you guys have to play together will be so much better because you’ve already done it in the most stressful environment you could get. This is just character growth,” Y/N says.
“I hate that you’re so smart,” Ruesha grumbles.
“That’s what you get when you pick a best friend like me,” Y/N says.
“Yeah,” Ruesha glances away, an unreadable look in her eyes, “I guess you’re right.”
“Hey,” Y/N waits until Ruesha’s looking back at her, “You got me. Always. Okay?” Ruesha smiles.
The leadup to the World Cup is intense, it always is. It’s days full of training, or working out, or days when they’re told to rest and coaches and trainers stalking the hotel to ask why they’re out of their rooms. It’s stressful, but it’s rewarding, because Y/N knows at the end of this they’ll be playing in the World Cup.
Despite how intense and stressful and time consuming every day is, Y/N still finds time to talk with Ruesha. They’re not in the same hotel, not even in the same city, but Y/N makes sure her phone is nearby for whenever they have time to talk. Y/N ignores her teammates teasing. Like, yeah, okay, sure, she has a tiny crush on Ruesha, but Ruesha’s going through a breakup and also doesn’t feel the same. And that’s fine. Y/N’s fine. Ruesha needs a friend, and Y/N is so okay with being that friend.
“Hey, you played well today,” Y/N says.
“Like you even watched it,” Ruesha says.
“I did! Who do you take me for?” Y/N asks with faux offense, “I was studying my opponents.”
“Sure you were.”
“I know you watched my game. You texted me about that tackle I made.”
“It was a good tackle, pretty decent.”
“Piss off!” Y/N laughs, “I will hang up on you.”
“No you won’t,” Ruesha says, “You love me too much.”
“Yeah, yeah I do.”
They’re silent for a moment. Y/N swallows.
“I saw,” Y/N says, “What happened. What everyone’s saying about it.”
“Everyone’s a bunch of shits,” Ruesha says, “They can shut the fuck up.”
“That may be true, but, Rue… What happened?”
“You said you saw what happened,” Ruesha grumbles.
“What do you want me to say?” Ruesha huffs, “I don’t have to shake her fucking hand if I don’t want to. You know what’s going on with them. I don’t have to play nice with Katie’s new girlfriend.”
“No, but you can’t start fights with the whole world watching,” Y/N says.
“Not that many people watched the game.”
“Not my point.”
“I get your point,” Ruesha says, “I’m saying I’m fine and that I’m not going to hide what I’m feeling just because I’m on TV. If Katie doesn’t like how I treat her new girlfriend then that’s her problem, not mine.”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Y/N says, “I want to make sure you’re not going to do anything you regret.”
Ruesha can be so stubborn sometimes and normally Y/N doesn’t mind. She likes Ruesha for who she is, stubbornness and all, but it’s times like these that Y/N can get frustrated. She knows how ruthless fans and the media can be and she just wants to keep Ruesha from facing anything negative. She’s already seen what some people are saying and she wants to climb through her phone screen and grab the people making comments and shake them, scream at them that they don’t know what they’re talking about, they don’t know Ruesha like she does. But she can’t do that, so instead she has to settle for fighting through Ruesha’s stubbornness to try and convince her to think before she acts.
“I can handle myself. I’m a big girl,” Ruesha says.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Y/N admits quietly.
Ruesha doesn’t respond immediately and Y/N lets the silence sit. It’s heavy and weighted and the longer it goes on the more Y/N thinks Ruesha’s hung up. It wouldn’t be the first time Ruesha’s hung up when Y/N said something she doesn’t want to hear. Y/N is about to hang up herself, when Ruesha speaks.
“Thanks for always looking out for me,” Ruesha says quietly.
“Of course. Always.”
As soon as the celebration and team talks are over, Y/N heads over to the Irish players. She shakes hands, gives hugs, but her mind is focused on one thing.
“Hey,” Y/N gets the attention of Louise Quinn.
“Congrats on the win,” Louise says.
“Thanks,” Y/N gives her a quick hug, “Do you know, by any chance–”
“She went back to the locker room,” Louise says before Y/N can finish. Y/N smiles in thanks.
Y/N goes back through the tunnel and heads in the direction of the Irish locker room. She finds Ruesha leaning up against the wall beside the door, staring at her feet.
“If you’re mad at me, you should’ve done a better job of hiding.”
Ruesha huffs.
“Not mad at you. You’re not that special.”
“But you are mad,” Y/N leans on the wall beside her.
“Of course I’m mad! We’re done! We’re out! We went through all the work, all the training, all the games, all the bullshit, for nothing. It meant nothing.”
“It wasn’t for nothing,” Y/N says.
“It sure feels like it,” Ruesha huffs again, “I thought it was all gonna be worth it. I thought sticking it out and putting up with her and everything would be worth it in the end. Now I just wish we’d never qualified at all.”
“You don’t really think that.”
“No,” Ruesha sighs, “I don’t. I’m just pissed.”
“I know how hard this all was for you,” Y/N says, nudging Ruesha’s shoulder in a comforting gesture, “With Katie and everything. And I want to help make this better for you, however I can. You’re my best friend Rue.”
Ruesha makes a sound almost like a growl as she springs from the wall and moves in front of Y/N, her hands braced flat on the wall on either side of Y/N’s head, bracketing her in. Y/N blinks owlishly as Ruesha stares hard at her. There’s a myriad of emotions swirling in Ruesha’s eyes, anger, disappointment, frustration, and something Y/N forced herself to ignore every other time she’s seen it: longing.
“Stop talking.”
Then Ruesha’s kissing her and Y/N’s brain shuts down for a moment. Then she kisses Ruesha back with a fervour. This is what she’s been dreaming of for months, what she’s tried to forget she wants, what she’s repressed and buried for the sake of their friendship. It’s not the way Y/N imagined it, both sweaty and in a hallway in Australia, where Y/N’s just knocked Ruesha out of the World Cup. It’s not what Y/N pictured, but it’s perfect anyway because it’s exactly like them.
When Ruesha pulls away, Y/N knows she has a lovestruck smile on her face and the smirk Ruesha gives her in return just makes Y/N smile deeper. Ruesha’s hand grips the hem of Y/N’s top and tugs. Y/N’s eyes widen.
“Ruesha! What are you doing?” Y/N looks frantically down the hallway to see if anyone is nearby.
“What?” Ruesha says, “Isn’t it tradition to swap jerseys after a game?” Y/N shakes her head.
“You’re impossible.”
Ruesha tugs her own jersey over her head and looks at Y/N expectantly. Y/N only gets distracted by Ruesha’s bare stomach for a moment before she tugs her own jersey off. Ruesha grins after Y/N pulls her Ireland jersey on. Ruesha smooths her hands down the sleeves of her jersey.
“You look good in green.”
“And you look good in red,” Y/N says.
“Come on,” Ruesha grabs Y/N’s hand and pulls her down the hallway back towards the field. “Let’s get some photos taken. Immortalize the moment. Show the haters you’re mine.”
“Yeah,” Y/N says, “Yours. Always.”
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hello! Could you do one where Rhys and reader both have had a stressful and busy few weeks and they go up the the cabin for a getaway for the week or weekend with maybe some smut?
Reset (SMUT)
Rhysand x reader
Warnings: smut (18+ only plz)
You and Rhys had been on edge for weeks now. Visiting Hewn City last month left Rhys in a piss-poor mood thanks to one of Kier’s new governors. On top of that awful meeting, you took on a lot of running Velaris while he and his brothers were dealing with something in Illyria. Rhys still hasn't told you what exactly is happening which is frustrating you.
You had a few small fights. But your bad attitudes were affecting your family as well. Cassian had come to drop something off in your office at the house and you had never seen him so scared to be in the same room as you. You felt bad.
This morning you woke up earlier than Rhys. You were determined to make today a good day and that started with a nice breakfast for your mate. You slipped on your bathrobe and crept downstairs to start cooking.
Standing at the stove an hour later you felt Rhys’ arms wrap around your middle as his chin rested on your shoulder. “What's all this for darling?” Turning your head, leaving a quick peck on his temple you say softly, “A fresh start.”
You remove the pan of eggs from the stove and scoop them onto the plates along with bacon and toast. Rhys unwraps himself from you as you hand him a mug of coffee. You sit down at the breakfast nook, eating in silence.
Rhys clears his throat, “Can we talk about us?” Clasping Rhys’ hand you nod, “I want to apologize for the tension the last few weeks. We've both had a lot on our plates and like you said we need a fresh start.” You move on to sit on his lap, draping your arms around his neck. “I'm sorry too. I don't want to fight anymore.” You lean in and give his lips a light kiss. He smiles at you, violet eyes full of love.
“Why don't we go up to the cabin for the weekend? Just me and you and we can leave tonight if you want,” he suggests. Hugging him tight, you whisper, “That sounds wonderful.”
Hours later, bags in hand, Rhys winnows you to the cabin on the snowy mountain. You walk through the door, hand in hand, to a roaring fire. You look up at Rhys. He already looks relaxed, making you relax immediately.
“I think I want to take a bath.” You say with a slightly mischievous tone. His head snaps toward you with a smirk. “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
As you sit in the warm, bubbly water Rhys has you pulled flush against his chest with his head resting on yours. You lazily dragged your fingers up and down his bent legs. You have been sitting like this for a while, just talking but you needed him. You both had built up tension and you were dying for a release.
Grinding your ass into Rhys and feeling his cock harden against you, his grip on you tightens. “What do you think you're doing darling?” he says darkly. You push his arms off of you and turn to face him. He lays his hands on your hips, rubbing small circles with his thumbs. “I need you, Rhys.” your plea comes out breathy. “Fuck, I need you too darling.” He leans in and starts kissing and nipping at your neck. You hiss and he says, “Take what you need.”
You grasp his cock and start stroking him. He sucks in a breath and leans his head against your chest. Moving directly above him, you run his head through your wet folds and slowly sink down on him. Rhys’ hands squeeze your ass as you seat yourself on him. “You feel so good wrapped around me.” You let out a deep moan as you rise up and sink back down on him.
Placing your hands on his shoulders for support, you pick up your pace slamming down on him. Rhys brings his hips up to meet your thrusts, his hand moving underwater to rub at your clit. “Rhys, fuck that feels good. You feel so good, fuck!” you felt your climax approach and you pull yourself into Rhys’ chest.
He thrusts into you a few more times and you cum hard around his cock. Before you can catch your breath, Rhys grabs your thighs wrapping your legs around his waist. He stands, getting out of the tub and walking to the bedroom.
He's still inside you as he lays you down on the bed. Leaning over he presses a hard kiss on your lips. You return the kiss, pulling on his short, raven hair, and grinding your hips into his. Pushing him deeper into you. Rhys pulls back from your lips, “Needy little thing tonight huh?” he teases
“Please Rhy. Please fuck me, I need you.” He kisses the spot between your shoulder and neck that always drives you wild for him. “I will pretty girl. I'll give you everything.”
He pulls his hips back, almost slipping entirely out of you, and slams back into your soaking cunt. His brutal pace causes your back to arch off the bed. Your breasts rubbing against his perfect chest. You claw at his back from the pleasure wracking your body.
Rhys grunts and grabs both of your arms, sliding his hand up to your wrists and pinning them to the bed. He lifts one of your legs from his waist and throws it over his shoulder. You both moan at the deeper angle. Your walls flutter around him as you feel his cock twitch inside you. “R-rhys,” you stutter out, “I'm gonna cum--fuck, please Rhys.”
“I'm close too darling. Let go I'm right behind you.” Your orgasm takes over your body, thighs shaking as Rhys fucks you through your high. A few more thrusts and Rhys lets go, his cum filling you up. You relax into the mattress as Rhys lays on top of you.
He picks his head up, looking at you. Violet eyes gleam as he caresses your cheek. “Darling that was...” “Exactly what we needed.” you finish for him. He smiles at you, “Yeah. Exactly what we needed.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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(Sorry if this sounds demanding, swear it's not my intention) could you write a domestic scene within the situationshipverse pls? A date or something like that. I love it <3
You don't sound demanding at all, and THANK YOU, anon, for this request, I actually loved writing for these two fools again! I briefly talked about a disastrous Valentines' date with Simon (that takes place soon after the end of the main series) and wanted to talk about it more.
I'm feeling a bit meh about my writing rn, but I hope you like it anyway <3
You're late.  Again.
Your phone is dead, you’re tired beyond belief, you’ve got blisters in your feet and it’s pouring rain tyrannically, rendering you completely drenched, boots squelching with every step you take towards his flat.
You’re so irritated, so full of anger at the shitty circumstances and while you’re not usually a violent person, you kick at the sign that says that the lift is out for repair.  But the sound it makes when it knocks over sets off the waterworks, and by the time you’re pitifully knocking at Simon’s door, your face is as drenched as your coat.      
He ushers you in without a word, but it just makes you cry harder.  It’s not only that you were late for your date with Simon…it’s that you’re four hours late, Simon is on leave for only two weeks and that it’s Valentine’s Day and you’d wanted to spend a cheesy evening with your stoic boyfriend who’d stumbled his way into feeling out and planning something that he’d thought you’d enjoy.
And you were four hours late.  Because cheesy fools all around the city had wanted the same thing you’d wanted—time alone with the one you loved with the world shut out around you.
Your wet clothes stick to your skin and your irritation makes even removing them a chore, but Simon patiently leads you to the bath and helps you strip off your clothes that fall down to the tiles with a wet plop.  While the bathtub fills and the steam envelopes the room, Simon looks down at you with melted eyes the colour of dark caramel and wipes your tears with gentle fingers.  “Why are you so upset, love?” he whispers.  “It’s alright, you’re alright.”
You bury your face into his chest and his arms automatically go around you and grab your bare ass.  It makes you giggle through your tears, and you half-heartedly smack his chest.  “You can’t do that, I’m crying!”      
“Not mutually exclusive,” he insists, and it makes you cry-laugh again.  
You push away from him slightly, put your hands on his chest, rest your chin on them and look up at him.  “I’m sorry I ruined Valentine’s Day.” 
“Sweet girl,” he starts quietly.  “You’re standin’ naked in m’flat, lookin fuckin’ fantastic—” your ass is squeezed again for emphasis—“and yer’ going to relax and we’ll get some food and then you’ll sit on m’face until the mornin’.  Day’s hardly ruined, love.”
“Jesus, Simon,” you mumble, pushing away from him and rubbing at your swollen eyes.
“S’true.  You could never ruin anythin’, love.”
“You’re a sap,” you chide him.  “I know you made some plans for us to do something.  I should’ve just asked for the day off and—”
“Shut up.  Take your clothes off and get in the bath,” he interrupts, and despite yourself, you roll your eyes at him but follow his instructions.  When you’re comfortably seated, you feel his fingers gently drip water into your hair, on the back of your neck and on your shoulders, and the familiar, repetitive  motions soothe the disquiet in your mind. 
When his fingers use rhythmic motions to massage shampoo into your hair, you feel your stress further melt away, and sink deeper into the warm water.  “You wanna talk about it?” he enquires quietly.
“Fuck no,” you sigh, closing your eyes and leaning your head further back into his touch.  “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Good,” he whispers.  “Don’t think about it, then.  Just relax, sweet girl.  You’ve got me.”
Your eyes blink open at his words, and you’re reminded of why you’d been so upset previously.  The real reason you’d been so upset.  “I, er…earlier?  I was upset because—I feel like you planned something for us and I let you down and you’re going away next week and we don’t even know when I’ll see you next, and fuck, Simon, I love you, I love you so much, but this is so hard—”
“Fuckin’ hell,” he breathes.  “You’ve been thinkin’ about that, pet?”  His sigh is deep and troubled, and he leans down to press a kiss onto your forehead.  “I love you…” he murmurs, “...but you’re a fuckin’ idiot, love.”
“I know,” you wail.  “I know it’s ridiculous, but it just feels like I’m wasting your time—”
“Alright, enough of that.”  He stands abruptly, and bends down to you.  Before you know it, he’s lifted you up effortlessly, and your legs dangle over his arms while he marches you into his room.  When he throws you onto his bed, you bounce a little and it makes you gasp.
“Simon, you fool, I’m dripping wet.”
“I know you are,” he says.
“I’m going to mess your bed up and we’re going to have to sleep on a wet bed.”
His expression is intense as he says, “Doesn’t matter.”
You rise up partially on your elbows and narrow your eyes at him.  “You’d hate it,” you tell him.  
He doesn’t bat an eye.  “Don’t care.  What I do care about is that you never say anythin’ like tha’ again, okay?”
You laugh nervously and fiddle with the covers, too embarrassed to even look at him.  “I know.  I wasn’t really worried about that, I just say stupid shit sometimes.”
“Okay,” he says, crawling over you now, and hovering over you, forearms on either side of you, effectively caging you in, keeping you safe, making it so it’s just him and you, exactly like what you’d wanted.  “Love you.”
“I love you too, Simon.  You’re it for me,” you whisper, and lean forward until your forehead touches him and you’re holding on to his wrists with your hands.
“You’re it for me too, sweet girl.  And…” his eyes quickly flicker down to your bare body.  “...nice tits.”  You can tell he’s still a little bothered though, and you lean further up to speak against his lips.
“I promise you, I don’t actually think I’m wasting your time, I just want to make the most of the time we’ve got together, and sometimes I struggle when you’re gone and it’s a bit lonely at my place, but I know you’re coming back to me and—”
“Move in with me.”
“...what the fuck?”  You stare at him with comically large eyes that threaten to bulge out of your eye-sockets.  “What the fuck is wrong with you, how are you asking—”
“Move in with me, dove.”
“Fuck, yes!  Of course, yes!” you say, grinning.  “Obviously yes!”
He doesn’t say anything, but a rare, perfect smile makes an appearance, and in that moment, everything’s perfect and life is perfect and you’re just two love-struck fools staring at each other with goofy smiles on your face.  “Should we have sex now?” you wonder aloud.  “Celebrate, somehow?”
“Got the bed messy anyway, love.”
You look around you at the rumpled, wet sheets and nod.  “Yeah, sorry about that.  I’m honestly impressed you let it happen, considering how military you are about it like oh make the bed so tight and neat you can’t get in or out of it otherwise it’ll start the next world war—” you mock him doing a horrible job of imitating his accent but your voice just gets deeper and deeper until it cracks, making you laugh, then snort and then laugh again.
Through it all, Simon has the most unimpressed expression on his face, pretending to be pissed off, of course, but the melted honey of his eyes gives him away, and he ends up smiling at you anyway.
He leans down to kiss you, and you try (and fail) pull his jumper off of him.  He pulls it off himself, and strips the rest of his clothes off, only separating from your lips when he absolutely has to.  When he briefly shifts, a strand of soft gold falls into his eyes, and you reach up to push it aside.   
“Why are you smiling?” you ask him.
“Why are you smiling?” he shoots back.
“We’re about to have sex, why the fuck wouldn’t I be smiling?”
He shakes his head and laughs at you, and you’re suddenly euphoric at the feeling that he incites in you, knowing that you do this for him and he’ll do it for you, and you’ll be stuck in a loop of making each other undeniably, uncontrollably happy for the rest of your lives.   
He makes the night infinitely better when his moan against your mouth ends up sounding like he’s in agreement with your thoughts.
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just-rogi · 2 years
“I DO NOT DREAM OF LABOR” this “LATE STAGE CAPITALIST BRAINROT” that- well I do. I do dream of labor. Idleness makes my hands buzz and my eyes glaze over. Of course I enjoy rest (what little of it I get with my job) but ultimately, yes, I do dream of labor. Labor is what I dream of most in fact-
I dream of creating : of having time to knit and sew and embroider my own garments, rather than let my yarn collect dust in my closet. I dream of creating poetry and art and spending hours illustrating something beautiful and having the time and energy to focus only on that.
I dream of biking the back roads of my town with my brother again collecting litter that we see and filling up plastic bags to sort into recycling and trash (two summers ago was the last time we biked together- the litter is building up now in the ditches).
I dream of tilling the soil in my mothers garden and watering the tomatoes and peppers and zucchini and Persian squash in the garden until I can harvest it. I dream of watering my neighbors garden and feeding her chickens every morning and every evening while they are away on vacation for a week. I dream of driving to my grandmothers house twice a week and bringing her fresh fruit bread and vegetables and cooking for her while she sits in the sun eating tomato salad I made.
I dream of mowing my mothers lawn and making my brother lunch and baking treats for the teachers room at work.
I dream of academia and dedicating hours to research to archaeology and anthropology and spending long hours on dig sites and in the lab as that was when I was the happiest in college.
I am one of the few people who can say that I really, truly, from the bottom of my heart, love my job and come home from work feeling a sense of fulfillment and pride in my work. I am a teacher and I dream of spending hours teaching children to read, teaching ancient civ and history, of reading texts on effecting teaching methods and finding interesting assignments for them. I dream of teaching them to draw during their free periods. I dream of taking them to the library to practice reading and language comprehension skills- of taking the time to sit with middle schoolers with learning disabilities and dedicate my time and energy to teaching them how to be functional adults and making their lives better. I dream of labor, yes, and I would bet that most of the tiktok communists who say “I do not dream of labor” fucking do to.
Labor is fulfilling. Humans dream to create and do something worthwhile- otherwise we lose our minds! But we are at such a late stage capitalism here in the west (specifically America) that we associate labor with exploitative labor.
I love my job- but I do not dream of skipping my lunch break. I do not dream of working 8:45-4:00. I do not dream of staying after work until 4:35 unpaid. I do not dream of small classrooms with little supplies. I do not dream of understaffed schools and overstuffed classrooms forcing teachers to stretch themselves too to pick up the slack. I do not dream of sending emails after working hours. I do not dream of forty minute unpaid commute due to dysfunctional public transport. I do not dream of coming home and crying from stress every night. I do not dream of my feet and ankles swelling and hurting so badly after a full day of work that all I can do when I get home is shower and sleep with my feet elevated to lessen the pain enough to slip my shoes on the next day. I do not dream of the pay being such that I have to live with four roomates in the city I live in, AS A CITY EMPLOYEE!!! IM A FUCKING PUBLIC SERVANT!! I WORK FOR THE CITY BUT DONT GET PAID ENOUGH TO LIVE IN THE CITY!!
I do dream of labor fuck I love labor but exploitation has made me resent work which I should love, and has taken up so much of my time that I have no energy to garden or to clean the roads or to knit gifts for friends and family anymore. I know that there are people who dream of being truck drivers and baristas and grocery store employees. I know that there are people who would feel fulfilled by being garbage men and construction workers and dishwashers, but who can’t because the abuse would kill them and the hours are too long.
I dream of labor I’m a world where I am not abused and where all my basic needs are met - I dream of labor in a world where labor isn’t the price of being alive, but rather one of the many joys of it.
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leclerking · 11 months
Fic ideas because i have too many 😀‼️
If you use any of these pls tag me I'd love to read your fic! ⠀ You don't have to stick to the genre or the drivers mentioned, you can write it with anyone (if it's in pink tho I'd really like for it to be the one mentioned)
Fucking in missionary so they can continue arguing — Sebastian Vettel enemies to lovers
Medical au series with some or few of the drivers. Grey's anatomy style ukwim? Include some of the older drivers like Jenson and Mark as attendings, Seb as a resident, current ones on the grid as interns.
Medical au alternative Seb as an intern with reader as the attending. And they sort of get into a relationship — slow burn, fluff, angst
Reader is part of a rival team (not a driver!). She's drunk during one of the post race celebrations (very beginning of the season, full of hope). There's another driver (in my head I'm thinking a driver who's cocky af seb jenson ) who's drunk and they hookup. So they get into this sort of fwb situationship. And then further into the season it just keeps going from bad to worse to the point the reader has given up on the team. But it's going extremely well for this driver. — One night after the worst race ever, reader is crying in her room. Driver knocks on door, reader is surprised he'd rather spend time with her since they don't really have anything deep going on (can make this part very angsty by asking driver to fuck off to his celebration parties). So the driver goes to the party, comes back later in the night but drunk. Confesses love or they have a conversation idk how this ends! — hopefully happy ending
One night in the city every year— reader (local) meets driver one night in the city and they have a great time. But the driver is there only for a few days for the race. He leaves and comes back a year later, so this slowly turns into a yearly tradition... So many years later the driver is about to retire so he meets the reader for one last time since he won't be visiting anymore — can be left as an open ending fluff angst unrequited (?)
Drifting date !! — driver teaches reader how to drift (Idk why this hasn't been written yet / I've not read a fic about something like this yet so yeah) this is giving Charles vibes
Frat/fuckboy fic based on this lore in his teenage dirtbag phase (tldr; Jenson woke up on somebody's yacht sofa post Naomi Campbell's Cannes after party. He had to do commentary that day and walked on to the paddock like sex on a stick) + he is reputed to have the playboy image dating various models.
Biker boyfriend Lando who takes reader (a struggling uni student) on late night drives for stress relief.
Friends to Lovers — Oscar and reader are uni students who work at the same cafe on campus. slice of life, fluff
Open to any and all fanfic writers. Pls make my maladaptive dream scenarios an actually amazing fic that I can read ! Again PLEASE TAG ME, ID LOVE TO READ THEM !
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fallingforel · 1 year
“Drop the attitude” prompt with frat harry please? x
a/n: sorry for the M.I.A for the past few days have been going to arctic monkeys getting ready for it and getting over it but it's here and I hope you enjoy! As always my blog masterlist is here and this will give you a prompt list and any existing prompts that have already been made, anywhooo lets get on with the show
warnings: cursing, smoking. If there's any others please let me know.
none of my work is proofread, so please let me know of any errors and I will correct them.
in which you're one directions tour manager and Harry's friend with benefits
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It was a slow day at work, travelling to the next city. not much was to be done other than making correct calls with the next venue to make sure there was enough space for buses to park round the back and to make sure that there was extra security, which there wasn't. So that made you even more stressed, than you already were trying to make the boys concentrate on what the layout for Tommorow was and whether or not they knew exactly what city they were in, which was hard to do when all they wanted to do was play video games and prank wars on eachother, they were still teenagers so there wasn't a lot you could do to keep them concentrated.
And it was safe to say it was pissing you off to no end, it was really hard to keep teenage boys attention for a matter of minutes before they find something else to do. So you had given up and gone to your bunk to finish the calls off to the appropriate people: one to the boys manager back home as a routine to make sure everything was going smoothly, you had been trusted with taking them from place to place setting up the venue, making sure soundcheck was good making sure none of them were injured; on your own as a 19 year old because you had been given such a good placement year for your second year and you weren't going to let it go at least not yet so you lied the best way you knew how since being in customer service roles since you were 15 had taught you, and you weren't going to let 5 short attention spanned boys let this slip through your fingers.
The other calls you had to make was a breeze, just making sure that extra security had been put in place for the next place you were about to pull into, it was needed for the morning not now as no one was around and you had triple checked.
It didn't take you long to pull into the venue, the other 3 tour buses pulled in and you had gone to check if the stage hands knew what they were doing what time soundcheck was and if they were all prepped before you sent them on your merry way to go and get some rest before heading to the last tour bus which was full of equipment to make sure that nothing had been damaged or lost in transportation to the new venue. After you had gone back outside pulling out a cigarette, because the stress had gotten too much for you, the constant shouting and screaming of the fans as well as the boys.
"you shouldn't smoke it's bad for you, how many times have I told you?" Harry said from behind you, not scaring you because you could hear footsteps getting closer to you. "You really think I care? Besides, your bandmates smoke so what's it to you?" "nothing. Don't care about them like I care about you sweetheart" he says before coming up behind you to hug you which you shrug off, beyond pissed at him for not paying attention to you when it was needed the most. "WOW, you don't even care about us?" Louis pipes up from beside him clearly overhearing what had been said between the two of you. "of course I care about you you dick" is all he says before running off to tussle with his bandmate. "don't care about me though, just a pitiless fuck to you." you say in a quiet whisper. Which unfortunately for you Paul overheard "oh Y/n love are you okay?" is all it takes to get you sobbing, which earns you a hug from Paul.
You two stay like that for god knows how long, "you gonna tell me what's going on kid?" Paul is the first to break the silence you two were in while you finished your cigarette. "It's just all so hard you know? I mean how am I supposed to maintain a career and a boyfriend who I manage as part of that career. Not to mention it is so hard to gain his attention, all the time whether it be just us two to get out our needs or to get the whole bands attention for an opinion on what songs they want to sing that night, or what they want to wear or what they-" Paul cuts you off clearly knowing that you were going to break down again
"yes, it is hard I get that, but what you have to remember is that they are teenage boys who got put into a boyband so young, Harry the youngest, who have never known what it's like to endure this. This is their second time doing this so they haven't got the grasp of it fully. But, they will. As for your's and Harry's relationship, I can't speak on, but what I do know is that you can't juggle both, so it's either, you make it a full time thing between you trying not to blur the line, that is so hard to find, between your jobs and your relationship or you cut ties before one of you gets hurt."
"thanks Paul, you always have such a way with words" Is all you say before he is needed elsewhere and he's giving you a wink and standing up from the curb and leaving you.
Lou, then comes over. "Are you okay, darling? I know how challenging these lot can be trust me, try getting their attention to stay in a chair for an hour there's always one that doesn't want to co-operate but trust me you will find a way y/n" and that got you thinking over ways to make them have your undivided attention, before finally heading back to your designated tour bus bunk to get some shut eye.
when you got into your bunk after getting ready for sleep, Harry was waiting opening the covers for you to clamber in which you didn't instead you turned around going into the back of the bus and settling down into the sofa, it was a few moments until the door burst open and Harry came clambering in and sat on the sofa beside you.
"What the fuck Y/n?"
"get lost Harry, I don't want to speak to you right now. Certainly don't want to be in your proximity, now leave so I can go to bed."
"drop the attitude Y/n, I've been nothing but nice to you these past few days, now tell me what I've done to make you a sour headed bitch today"
"Nothing but nice?" you say with a sarcastic chuckle. "let's see first off you just ignore me when I'm trying to get you to concentrate on your job, figuring out what your wearing if you know where to get on and off the stage, where the stage is. Hell, what fucking city your in. least you could do is answer me when I ask you questions, but instead I'm met with yeahs which doesn't answer my questions it literally doesn't take you that long to answer me. The second thing, what the fuck was that smoking thing, we are not in a relationship so you don't get to talk to me like that. I think we have got the lines blurred between our jobs and our relationship, that we're not even in. so I think it's in our best interest to cut ties while we still can and no one gets hurt, just while I'm here being your tour manager but when I go back to University and you go back on your next tour we can see if something is still there."
"lot to unpack there. Look I promise you, you will have my undivided attention from now on and I will try to get the others to concentrate. as for the smoking thing, I'm sorry. It's just I care about you a fucking whole lot, and yes I shouldn't even have said it especially while we're not even in a relationship, but that's just the thing y/n I wish we were, I hate this friends with benefits it makes me seem just like the womaniser the media portray me and you know how much I hate that image. It fucking kills me that you don't want to continue whatever we have right now, but I understand your doing your job and you don't want to blur anymore lines between us so, I promise you this Y/n, I will wait for you however long it takes for you to come around and back to me, whether that be after you have finished your placement year, while your still our tour manager, when you have graduated from university. However long it may be, I'll be here waiting here for you Baby."
"Thank you Harry. Friends?" you ask with your hand held out as a peace offering for him to shake.
"Friends." he agrees shaking your hand.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Sunrise And Realisations
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Maybe Summer Doesn’t Have to End
Summary: Charles knew you wasn’t a morning person but on your last day together he gets you out of bed at 3am to witness the sunrise across the city
Warnings: none just pure fluff
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
Charles stood leaning against the door frame of the bedroom taking on the sight before him, you were fast asleep in bed, the moonlight casting a soft glow across the room. It was a sight he would never get sick of seeing, but he let out a sigh as he realised that today was the last day you were in Monaco. The last night you would sleep in his bed, the last time you would share coffee on the balcony in the morning, the last time he would hear you get excited when you saw a dog, the last time he would hear you sing badly in the shower.
He didn’t want this break to end, he wanted to spend his time wrapped up with you. All his stress washed away when he was with you. Turning his gaze to the digital clock on his nightstand he smiled to himself as the red numbers blinked 03:00. It was time. He had planned this trip the other morning wanting to make your last day together as special as he could.
Quietly he moved across the bedroom, running his fingers down your exposed back, the slight groan that came from you made him smile.
“Sweetheart, it’s time to wake up.” He whispered, watching you stir under his touch.
“It’s still dark.” You mumbled into the pillow, refusing to move. “What time is it?”
“3am,” he chuckled, moving his fingers to your hair.
“Char, it’s too early.” You groaned, “come back to bed, baby.”
“We have plans. So you need to get out of bed.” He whispered, moving his hand as you rolled over. “I will go make you a coffee, and wear something comfy and warm.”
As he walked out of the room he chuckled to himself at your constant moaning that it was far too early to be up but a proud sensation washed over him when he heard you shout “C'est un putain de moment ridicule pour être éveillé. Tu es sûr qu'on ne peut pas se rendormir ?. This is a fucking ridiculous time to be awake. You sure we can't go back to sleep?.” Yes it wasn’t perfectly pronounced and you stumbled over your words a few times but the fact you were starting to be able to say full sentences in French caused his heart to swell.
Leaning against the counter he waited for the coffee machine to finish brewing, he pulled his phone out checking his social media. Another low chuckle escaped his lips when he saw that your tattoo was now making the rounds on Instagram. It seems like the fans were stalking your page.
He couldn’t help but smirk to himself as he stared at the screen, the black lines of your tattoo shining bright. He still found it adorable that this was the tattoo Rena chose for you. The outline of the F1-75 with the number 16 in the middle, it was simple but he loved it, he loved tracing the lines with his fingers when you were snuggled up in bed.
He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t realise you were now standing in front of him until you pressed a kiss against his cheek.
The corners of his lips tugged into a smile as he took in your appearance, the hoodie you were wearing was obviously stolen out of his wardrobe judging by the size and how snuggled you were in it, your half asleep expression made the sight even cuter than it already was.
“This better be worth getting me up this early.” You mumbled, gratefully taking the travel mug of coffee from Charles.
“Trust me babygirl, it will be worth it.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Now come on, otherwise we will miss it.”
“Miss what?” You mumbled, as you both walked out of his apartment.
“You will see.” He smirked.
Charles knew the perfect spot to take you to witness the beauty of the sunrise, it was around a forty minute drive from his place. Glancing to his side his smile grew as he realised that you had fallen back asleep, the hood on his hoodie pulled up and resting your head against the window.
He found it so cute that you really wasn’t an early riser, especially the small pout that was permanently on your face from the moment he woke you up.
The only sound in the car was the engine and the low hum of the radio. Charles found peace in the quiet, something completely opposite to the fast paced life he knew.
Due to it being so early in the morning the streets were extremely quiet meaning the forty minute drive only took thirty and he was soon pulling up to the spot that overlooked the harbour of Monaco.
He had spent many mornings parked here, watching as the sun rose, the pink and orange hues casting a glow on the water. This was one of his favourite spots in his home country, one he had never shared with anyone else apart from now, with you.
It felt right to be here with you.
He quickly checked the time on his phone, smiling when he saw that there was only about a twenty minute wait for the sun to come up, glancing over to you he decided to let you sleep for ten more minutes before he woke you again.
Sinking into the seat of his Ferrari he scrolled through the photos that had been taken of the two of you, his heart racing that hit faster as he swiped through them.
Everything was perfect but there was still that feeling that this was coming to an end today, he really didn’t want to have to say goodbye to you and even though he vowed to himself would try and make the long distance work there was still a part of him that didn’t believe it would happen. He had seen so many relationships fall apart due to distance and he didn’t want either of you to endure that heartbreak.
Running his hand over his face he shook the thought out of his head, he wanted to cherish the final moments he had with you today not upset himself with the future. He just had to keep reminding himself that if this is meant to be then you would both find a way to make it work, distance or no distance.
Turning the engine off he reached over and placed his hand on yours, brushing his thumb over your skin.
“Babygirl, we are here.” He whispered, smiling to himself as you grumbled before lifting your head off the window.
“Where are we?” You asked, using your other hand to rub your eyes.
“My favourite spot in the whole city.” He hummed, pulling your hand to his mouth, pressing soft kisses against your knuckles.
Before you knew it he made a swift exit out of the car and was opening the passenger side door, offering you his hand to help you out.
As you climbed out of his Ferrari a long yawn escaped your mouth as Charles pulled you into his chest, pressing a kiss against your head.
Due to how early it was there was a chill in the air as Charles guided you towards the edge of what was basically a mountain. As soon as Charles was happy with the spot he laid down the blanket that you didn’t realise he had brought.
“You know I’ve never brought anyone to this spot.” He hummed, dropping to the floor before pulling you down in between his legs. “I didn’t feel anyone was special enough for this spot.”
“Char.” You breathed, snuggling back into him as he pulled another blanket over the two of you.
“This is the spot I come when I need the world to pause for a moment, when I’ve had a bad run with races, when I need to think.” He whispered, lacing his fingers with yours.
You didn’t know what to say as tears filled your eyes threatening to spill over your lash line.
No one had ever treated you the way Charles was treating you. He put your every need first, made you feel like the only girl in the world. Everything felt right with him. Nothing was forced and from the moment you met you clicked, even though you can only remember pieces of that night.
“I’m actually lost for words.” You whispered, playing with his rings on his fingers. “I don’t know what to say,” you breathed, “no one has ever treated me like this before.”
“Ma chérie, you deserve the world.” He whispered against your ear, his lips brushing the shell as his spoke sending shivers down your spine. “This was the reason I woke you so early.” He said softly, pointing out to the sky just as the sun was starting to come up.
The view took your breath away, you always loved sunrises but had never been able to drag yourself up that early to witness the natural beauty of it.
“It’s breathtaking.” You whispered, letting your eyes dart across the multitudes of pink and orange hues that were scattered across the sky.
“Even more breathtaking sharing it with you.”
A comfortable silence washed over the pair of you as you watched the sun rise across the city you had fallen in love with.
That’s when it hit you, and it hits you like a freight train. The realisation that Charles was the one for you. He had walked into your heart like he alway belonged there, taking down your walls over the course of the couple of weeks you had spent together and in that time set your soul on fire. The connection you had was something you couldn’t explain, it was like your souls knew each other, maybe from a past life.
You always used to laugh at your grandad when he told you that when you met the one you would feel it, but maybe he was right, maybe all the pain and heartache you had suffered in your past was your heart trying to find to find it’s one true love, it’s soulmate, it’s other half.
A smile crept onto your face as you thought about what your grandad’s reaction to Charles would be. You knew that he would love him the moment they met but you just hoped that they would get that opportunity.
This was only meant to have been a summer fling, a bit of fun but as the days passed the connection was getting stronger and you knew that the goodbye later this evening was going to be extremely hard and painful. As much as you wanted to stay in Monaco deep down you knew it wasn’t possible. You still didn’t have a job and weren't going to let Charles pay for everything.
Snuggling further into Charles you started fiddling with his bracelets as your mind wandered some more.
Charles wasn’t watching the sky anymore but his attention was solely on you, he could see you were deep in thought and he quickly picked up on the internal battle you were having. Pressing a kiss to the top of your head he squeezed you tighter.
He tried not to let the tears fall that had formed in his eyes. Tonight wasn’t going to be hard, seeing you slip through his fingers but he knew it had to happen and if this was meant to be you would both find your way back to each other.
Unaware Charles was having a similar internal battle you blinked away the tears, trying not to focus on having to say goodbye to Charles. Right now you need to make the most of your final hours together.
Taking a deep breath you opened your eyes, staring out across the city, that’s when the biggest realisation hit you.
You had fallen in love with Charles Leclerc and you had fallen hard.
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo676 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje
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heyidkyay · 2 years
Just wondering if you would ever consider writing a Matty fic where he falls in love with a fan in the audience of a show? Maybe he writes songs about it all? It’s very cliche but man does it pull on my heart strings, the Cinderella of it all. Getting swept up into his life like that would be so romantic.
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Part one
Strayed a little but it’s still very much fluff filled, maybe not what you’d first expect? Idk, that sounds strange but I hope you enjoy it anyway! Thank you for the prompt!<3
Part Two
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It was official. 
After days of relentless pleading and having been so blatantly coerced into it by my mum and younger sister, I’d finally relented and given in to attending the concert. And I sort of hated myself for it. Strange, I know, but now I had no choice but to see some fuck-off band- I’d never even heard of- with my teenage sister and her best mate, who were practically mad about them. 
I mean, I love the girls, I truly do. With all my heart. But having to spend an entire evening with them, surrounded by a thousand other screaming fans, just wasn’t something I was looking too forward to.
And who could honestly blame me? 
You see, it had all begun earlier that same week. I’d been on my lunch break, grateful to have just a minute to myself, when my mum had called. We’d gone through the motions, happy to catch up; she told me the gossip whirling round back home (next door were back to rowing again and Tracey in the post office had fallen pregnant for the seventh time); she’d asked after me, like she always did, questioned if I was eating enough, sleeping alright, if I’d met anyone new…
My mum and I had always been pretty close. She’d had me young, I was her first baby- something she never failed to remind me of- and we’d sort of grown up together. Seeing as how my father (nickname: The Sperm-Doner- yes, the caps were necessary) had gone and fallen into all kinds of shit and ultimately decided to fuck off when things had gotten too real. She was my rock, the one person I could count on to defend my corner, and always believed in everything I ever set my mind to.
It had been hard on the both of us when I’d left home, especially seeing as I was now a couple dozen cities away. But life continued on and we adapted, I went back to visit as much as I possibly could, and called whenever I had the time. Even though in moments when all I really needed was a good hug from her, it was easy to remember what I was doing this all for, and that my family was only a train journey away. They were a constant, even if they lived a couple hundred miles from me.
So she had phoned, I’d immediately noticed the stress which underlined her tone and I’d asked what was up. She’d danced around the topic as much as she could- she hated asking for things, ‘that’s my job,’ she liked to reiterate whenever something occurred and I tried to help out. But I’d dragged it out of her in the end. And oh how I now wished that I’d just left it.
Because here I was, stood in the freezing cold, outside of the O2 arena, in a line full of a couple hundred other excited fans who were all waiting eagerly for the gates to open. 
The two girls were squirming beside me, so ecstatic you’d have thought that I’d gone and laced their drinks with something other than sugar, jumping all about the place whilst they squealed to one another in such a high pitched tone that anyone else would’ve believed that they were conversing in another language all together. 
It was amusing to a point, because I could honestly recall the same euphoric high I’d felt when I’d finally gotten tickets to an Arctic Monkeys gig almost a decade ago now. 
Internally I winced as the memory drifted to the forefront of my mind, feeling far too old for my twenty-three years.
But I could also admit that I was honestly in a tad bit of a mood, had been for the last half hour or so, because I truly fucking hated the cold. And right now? It was baltic and I was freezing my tits off. 
I’d already buried my face into the opening of the leather jacket I’d thrown on that morning and wrapped my arms around my torso to enclose some of my remaining heat, but it was of little use. I was still shivering away with a frown.
I’d gotten a couple of lingering looks whilst here, something I’d noticed but could’ve cared less about. It was far too cold to be stood about waiting in any sort of line, so they could all excuse me for not being overly delighted with the whole ordeal.
I sighed and peered down at my phone screen, glancing at the time, then double checked my pockets for the tickets I’d been handed on arrival and told to guard with my life. 
It was probably the twentieth time I’d done so, because who in their right mind would give me, of all people, something important to look after? I was the least irresponsible person I knew when it came to being organised. 
Because listen, I could get anywhere on time, I was insanely good at that- a job interview, an airport, a school play… But nine times out of ten, I’d almost always forget the one thing I’d needed most. My resume, everybody’s passports, the wig I’d worn one halloween and promised to my younger brother so that he could complete his costume in time for his class assembly…
Yeah, so I was a bit of a mess. But who wasn’t?
Albeit saying that, I had ultimately been the one to score these tickets. My mum and step-dad had gifted them to my younger sister as an early Christmas present after she’d literally begged for months on end during the lead up to the drop of the presale.
It had just been the three of us, all sat down in the family living room, back home up north, earlier this year. We’d counted down the minutes, a dozen devices in hand and at the ready, and it had been something short of a miracle, in all truth. 
The website had crashed a couple times, my step-dad’s phone had died, and then my laptop had quickly followed. The dog had knocked over a freshly made brew and almost pissed itself. And then the postman had scared the absolute life out of us when he’d knocked on the front door. 
So to say that we had all breathed in sudden relief when I’d loudly announced that I’d managed it, was a MASSIVE understatement.
Note. The worst part to seeing your favourite band live; Ticketmaster.
Even the thought of doing it again had me riddled with anxiety. I shivered involuntary, whether it was from the mere idea of it, or the cold, I’d never know.
But being stood here now, I was cursing myself for having been the one to officially bag the stupid things. I sighed inwardly, if only I wasn’t such a brilliant, caring and amazing older sister. But it was a hard life, I supposed. 
“I’m so excited!” My sister, Rosie, squealed, drawing me from my thoughts. She’d gripped onto Tea’s arm in her sudden bout of elation, and the two shared a maddening grin. The other girl didn’t seem to mind the tight grip her best friend held, and so I figured it was probably down to the anticipation of it all- or the fact that it was still so bloody cold.
The thing about Rosie and Tea was, they had been as thick as thieves for as long as I could remember. There’d never been one without the other, and so it was sweet to see the pair looking so forward to something like this, something which they both shared such an obvious love for. 
“I know!” Tea breathed dramatically, looking a little flushed, “I want to meet them so bad, it actually hurts.”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the pair, in good fun of course, because they were both so adorably obsessed. 
Oh, to be a teen again. 
“You two are really looking forward to this,” I commented with a light chuckle, watching on as the two girls danced around happily in the small section we’d claimed. “I just don’t get it.”
Once those words had left my lips, I instantly regretted it. Having been met with the deathly glare of two teenage girls was not something I’d offer up to just anyone. 
“Are you serious?” My sister outrightly demanded, staring up at me with a face of utter bewilderment. Scarily, she looked a lot like our mum in that moment. “They’re The 1975, Y/n. They’re- incredible! You must have heard at least one of their songs!”
Tea nodded her head alongside Rosie, bobbing up and down in agreement.
I simply shrugged at the pair of them, finding amusement in their infatuation. “Can’t say that I have, Ro.”
“But, Y/n/n, you love bands! Music in general- I’d bet my whole vinyl collection that you’ll love them too!” Rosie stressed, she then smiled brightly up at me when I merely quirked a brow in retort. I dug my hands deeper into my pockets.
“I like bands, yeah. Band’s like The Stone Roses, The Kooks, Joy Division… The type that make music for music’s sake, you know? Not the kind that strive to get on the top ten, babe.”
I shook my head fondly at the two. 
This band they were so enamoured by were probably just as decent as they claimed, and I could admit that simply because, well, they’d have to be to have all these crazy fans gathered in one place. But they just weren’t my cup of tea.
Ooh, talking of tea, I was proper gagging for one. I’d yet to have my daily fix, and after having been rudely rushed out of my flat early this morning, I’d been unable to stop off at any sort of coffee shop on the way over in fear of losing a spot in line.
The two teens rolled their eyes at me, and my forehead pinched when my sister pulled out a pair of headphones and all but shoved them into my ears. “Look, just listen, okay?”
I reeled back in alarm, having not expected the sudden ambush. “Christ, Ro!” I exclaimed, but the girl only huffed at me before turning to press play on her phone. She gave me a stern look. I relented.
At first, I couldn’t hear anything but the slow intro to an unfamiliar song- even with the swarm of fans gathered around me. But I continued to listen, honing in on the tempo and its melody. And as the song went on, I begun to understand why so many people enjoyed it. The lyrics, although a bit out there and entertainingly vulgar at parts, were smart and witty, they fell with the instrumental perfectly and the singer’s voice was pretty different to what I’d first expected. It made me want to really listen, to follow along, to understand the backstory.
Honestly, they weren’t half as terrible as I’d first believed. And once the outro had faded out, I actually felt a little conflicted. The song obviously had a much deeper meaning to it, but its instrumental made it so lively and energetic that I’d found myself bobbing along almost subconsciously. It was something I could see myself getting lost in, and I wondered whether or not they’d made anything more raw, or emotional.
The songwriter was definitely talented, I couldn’t deny that, they’d had gone through some shit, and I found myself longing to read deeper into their words.
“They’re sick, right?” 
The headphones being ripped out of my ears brought me back to the present and I blinked slowly at my sister’s question.
“Yeah.” I shrugged a shoulder, handing over the wire. “Yeah, they’re alright. Can sort of see why you two like them so much.”
I laughed to myself when the girls faces lit up. 
“They’re amazing! And you’ll so enjoy this show- as well as the boys! They’re proper nice deep down, like really care about us as fans and all that.” Tea encouraged, seemingly quite happy that I hadn’t just gone and shit all over her favourite band. 
“Yeah, they’re so lovely, Y/n!” Rosie added, eyes alive as she barrelled on to explain further, “There’s four of them, right? First, we have Adam, he plays the guitar mainly- blonde, tall, only one who’s started his own little family. And then there’s Ross and George-”
“Ross is on bass, long haired with a beard, whilst George plays the drums.” Tea weighed in, before Rosie was back to chattering away again.
I was honestly beginning to feel as though I was watching an extreme game of tennis with the way my attention kept batting back and forth between them.
“Tea’s obsessed with him.” Rosie felt the need to inform me, before her face immediately brightened, “Oh, and then there’s Matty of course!”
My sister was wearing one of the biggest grins I’d ever witnessed on any singular person and I snorted when Tea rolled her eyes and made a slight dig, “You can see who Ro’s claimed.”
“Hardy har.” Rosie deadpanned, jutting a light elbow into her friend’s side before she gave me a serious look, “I haven’t ‘claimed’ him. I just…”
“You just want to have his children. Yeah, I know, Rose. You never fail to not mention it.”
Rosie stuck her tongue out in retort whilst I tried to bite back my rising amusement when they continued to bicker. The two made a right pair.
“So, what’s this Matty like then?” I questioned, wanting to know a little bit more about the guy who’d caught my sister’s eye, but mainly just eager to poke a bit more fun at her. “Come on, what’s so great about him that you’ve gone and dubbed yourself a tribute to birth his prodigy spawn?”
The girls wrinkled their noses at me, Rosie’s upper lip curled in faint disgust. “Why’ve you gotta word it like that?” She scoffed, shaking her head at me.
I chuckled, shrugging a singular shoulder. “Because I live to annoy you. So, are you gonna tell me or do I have to ask about?”
I made the effort then to pretend as though I was about to disrupt the group behind us’s conversation, but the girls were quick to waylay me, jumping hastily to grab at my outstretched hand. I smirked.
“Stop it!” Rosie all but hissed, her worried eyes flicking back over towards the people beside us before falling on me again, this time they were slitted. “God, you’re so embarrassing.”
Me, embarrassing? Hah. She should be thankful that I knew when to stop. I could still vividly recall the days when my mum had attempted the same shit with me, except she’s the type to actually follow through, leaving her daughter to stand sheepishly behind her, internally cursing the day her mother had decided to forgo an abortion. Dark, yes, but I’d also been a hormonal fifteen year old girl, so sue me.
I rolled my eyes instead of voicing this though, knowing it would only go in one ear and out the other. And ultimately, my sister sighed allowing me to prompt her on further with the rise of my brows.
“Matty, he’s the frontman basically.” She said, back to talking with her hands, forgetting about the whole ordeal.
That made sense, I thought to myself, although I’d always been a drummer sort of girl. Helders, Taylor, Fleetwood, Bonham, Moretti… I could go on.
No honestly, I could, so I was just glad that Rosie chose that moment to stop me.
“He’s a proper performer, you know? Like he just belongs up there, on stage.” My sister breathed, and she wore the sweetest look of admiration on her face. “He’s got this mop of messy black curls and he’s covered in tattoos. Wears all this cool shit and he’s-”
“-also a bit of an arsehole.” Tea summarised for her, before Rosie could get too carried away. 
I blinked at my sister’s best friend in surprise, before a loud laugh bubbled out of me. 
In all the years I’d known this girl, this deceivingly sweet girl, not once- once, I stress!- had I ever heard something so shameless spill from out her mouth, and with the exasperated look she had paired with it, I couldn’t hold in my delight.
“Tea!” I exclaimed, and was so tickled to see the younger girl’s cheeks redden when she turned to give me a sheepish sort of smile. “How crass! I always thought it was Rosie who’d been the bad influence between the pair of you, but now I see quite a few secrets are coming to light tonight.”
Rosie snorted in reply, “She’s done worse. Trust me.”
Tea swatted at my sister’s arm upon hearing that, widening her eyes in a silent warning.
“Oh, come off it.” Rosie waved away with a roll of her eyes. “It’s just Y/n.”
I decided to leave off of the teasing, feeling a bit bad for embarrassing the younger girl. “Yeah, I’m just messing, lovie.” I told Tea with a soft smile as I draped an arm over her shoulders to draw her in for a hug. “You can relax, nothing that happens tonight will be getting back to your mum, alright?”
“Yeah, ‘cause we all know what she’s like.” Rosie tittered under her breath and I slapped lightly at her bicep to scold her. “What?” The girl exaggerated with a high-pitched drawl, rubbing at her arm with a narrowed eyed glare that was directed towards both Tea and I. “I was just saying! And what’s with you two and smacking me about today?”
Tea giggled and I squeezed her lightly before letting go.
“Don’t talk about things that have nothing to do with you.” I told my sister simply, “Freya’s a perfectly lovely woman, just a tad…”
“Insane?” Rosie offered, at the same time Tea said, “Extreme.”
“Eccentric- was what I was going to say.” I shook my head at the duo. “Honestly, the two of you.”
The girls only laughed. 
The line started to move a little while later, slowly mind, but it was a progress I was grateful to see. 
Anything to get out of this chilly wind in truth. 
And as we waddled along, the two teens I was with continued to speak of the band, trying to catch me up on anything and everything I’d missed before the show officially started.
Not that it helped at all. I was beyond crap when it came to things like that- recalling anything trivial- I could hardly even remember the band’s actual name and it was plastered practically everywhere around me. As well as this big box thing. 
I breathed out a loud sigh of relief when I realised that we were up next, and when we were signalled over towards the gates by one of the arenas guards I could see just how nervous Rosie and Tea had grown, giddy but mostly eager to just get inside. I couldn’t help the fond smile which limned my lips then, happy to see them so excited.
“You three.” A large man, branded in a security uniform, called, jerking his head over at us. I heard the girls take a deep breath as we approached and I quietly chuckled at them. “Tickets?” He stated. 
Oh shit, yeah. The tickets.
“Tickets…” I murmured quietly to myself, patting down my pockets to find them, “Tickets, tickets, tickets…”
I could feel the apprehension radiating off of my younger sister as I continued to riffle around for the poxy things, and so I flashed the bloke a wry smile before I started to unload the contents of my jacket pockets into both Rosie and Tea’s hands...
Gum, house keys, a stray tampon. Pack of haribo (because you never knew when you’d need those), ID, bank card, phone, charger. A few spare pound coins-
Oh God, that was where my Argos receipt had got to! I could finally return that shitty Nespresso machine my cousin and her fiancé had talked me into buying now.
I grinned in quiet victory whilst tucking the slip into the back pocket of my trousers.
“Y/n.” My sister stressed out in a hushed whisper, I just simply waved her off.
“They’re here somewhere. I felt them like, twenty minutes ago.” I assured her and- “Aha, told you! Three tickets, all here!”
I wore a triumphant grin when I held out the wrinkled papers towards the guard, who appeared to have been throughly amused by my prolonged charade. He took them from me to scan with a toothy smile.
“Oh cheer up, we’ll be in there in a sec.” I huffed at the girls, tucking all of my belongings back into their rightful place. Rosie didn’t look too cheerful though, but I could see that Tea’s lips had started to twitch, so I have her a conspiratorial wink in turn. Then glanced back towards the bloke, “We all good here?”
“Yeah, all good, love.” He exhaled on a faint chuckle, waving us in through the barrier without further issue. “You girls enjoy your night.”
“We will!” I promised, gifting him a gleeful smile, “You too- hope you don’t have to spend too much longer out in that cold!”
He just nodded at me, still looking rather entertained by all our antics.
“So embarrassing.” My sister felt the need to reiterate as we wondered further into the arena, practically growling.
“Oh, loosen up, would you? He was proper nice about it all. Fit too, don’t you think?” I said, glancing back over my shoulder.
But Rosie just rolled her eyes at me. Fed up, I was about to bite back at her when Tea’s unexpected gasp broke us from our little quarrel.
“Oh my god. They have the limited edition LP!”
Rosie’s eyes widened dramatically and before I knew it the two were scurrying away from me and over towards the merch stand. I sighed to myself and glanced about, hoping to see a sign that would lead me to where the bar might be.
We were here. In the middle of a fucking mass of people, but we’d actually done it. We’d finally managed to swindle our way near the front of standing, practically touching the barriers, even after having loaded up on snacks and drinks- mine mostly alcoholic.
The girls were buzzing. Looking all cute and excited in the outfits they’d planned months in advance, singing along to the set that was playing through the speakers to keep the crowd entertained before things begun.
And me? I was getting swept up in the atmosphere. Unable to believe that I’d almost forgotten how good it all felt. Because live music was truly unmatched.
There was just something about the heavy thud you felt in your veins, how being this close to the amps could make your chest ache in the very best way, and how’d you’d have to scream just to be heard over all the noise whilst you got lost in an avalanche of happy people. 
It really had been too long.
I was already a fair few drinks in by the time the opening act came out, and was chatting away to the couple crowded beside us. They were both a year older than me and studying down in Bournemouth. They’d bought their tickets off of a mate, who hadn’t been able to make it, on a whim when they’d had the cash to spare, and had decided to make a weekend out of it. 
We’d actually only gotten to talking when they’d almost sloshed a canned cocktail all down my back. 
I’d been startled at first, rightfully so, as this giant of a man had all but stumbled right into me, eyes as wide as saucers. His boyfriend had come to his rescue though, offered me up one in apology, and who would I have been to deny? 
So I’d cracked it open, found myself pleasantly surprised by the taste, and one thing had quickly led to another and they’d ended up letting me share the bagged vodka they’d also managed to smuggle into the stadium in the bands of their socks.
To say that I’d been impressed wouldn’t have been a lie, I sort of felt like I’d found my people in truth. Because the price of alcohol at these kind of events was always extortionate. Practically daylight robbery, there was no other way about it.
And my bank account had taken quite the hit from the first trip to the stands alone. And with two teenage girls, who could care less about money unless it was their own, I’d almost wanted to shed a tear when I’d handed over my card to the boy behind the till- he’d sympathised with me, I’d seen it in his eyes as he wished us a good time.
So here I now was, pissing it up in the pit with a bunch of strangers, a medical bag full of spirits clutched tightly in one hand. 
“Oh, God! Y/n, Y/n! It’s starting!”
I turned away from one of the boys to glance back towards my sister, who was staring up at the stage with this starry eyed expression, Tea was right beside her wearing the exact same face. I chuckled beneath my breath.
“You girls ever been to a show before?” Lewis, one half of the couple I’d met earlier, asked Rosie.
My sister shook her head at his question whilst the screens above us begun to distort and screams overwhelmed the arena. Lewis merely chuckled at Rosie's nonverbal reply, she only had eyes for the stage it seemed. 
“It’s her first gig ever. She’s been dying to see these lot for years.” I answered for her, leaning in close so that he could hear.
I saw his eyebrows lift at the information before he was grinning against my ear. “She’ll never want to see anyone else after this!”
My forehead pinched, silently questioning his statement, but just laughed it off when a row of boxes flashed brightly above us.
Lewis and I separated on cue, just as the world around us hushed for a split second and the sudden intro of a loud guitar pierced the veil.
“Please welcome, my favourite band, The 1975!” A voice then announced and I looked up, right into the eyes of a man who’d seemingly taken claim of the stage.
His smile was wide, unmatched, as he pranced up and down the front, his hair a mess of curls as a set of drums picked up the pace of the opening beat. I had to be reminded to close my gawping mouth.
Who the fuck’s that?
And I must’ve said it out loud, because I heard Lewis snort obnoxiously from right beside me, continuing to sing away whilst the girls immediately turned towards me to shout, “Matty!”
Shockingly, their loud exclamation also managed to garner the attention of the man himself when he danced by, and I watched on as the dark-haired frontman smiled down at Rosie and Tea. Waving hello. 
I was caught by utter surprise when I then found myself trapped in his heady gaze, still giggling away at the girls' hysterical reactions. 
Okay. Before I continue on, I truly am putting this all down to the alcohol that was streaming through my system, because it was then that Matty appeared to pause before me for the briefest of moments. 
And I didn’t dare look away. I couldn’t. 
He smirked down at me, eyes so observant, and I found myself shaking my head at him with a smile of my own. But sadly he only left me with a sly wink as he traipsed away to sing out into the rest of the audience.
Rosie and Tea had squealed beside me, excited to have captured the singer's focus, whilst I tried to catch my breath.
The show continued on after that and I allowed myself to relax and get lost in the people, their heat, the music. I danced, the girls and I swayed, twirling about, Lewis and I laughed, and I even managed to sing along to a couple of songs I sort of recognised. 
The current one came to an end though soon enough, and Rosie informed me with a glossy eyed smile and smudged liner that the last song was fast approaching, whilst Tea just pulled out her phone to record again. 
I nodded at my sister, squeezing her close before she pivoted away back towards her best mate, leaving me to sip at the drink I’d been trying not to spill all down myself due to the constant shoving and pushing.
Minutes went by and Matty engaged with the burly bloke on bass- whose hair I found I’d rather like to touch (because honestly, how did he get it so glossy?). Before he continued on, pointing out signs here and there, and sparking up another massive round of cheers by vocalising the inner workings of his mind, which was something he supposedly did quite often. Enough for the rest of the band to begin playing again only to shut him up. That had made me giggle. 
Dozens of faces passed over the main screen, most of them beaming, or crying, there wasn’t much of an inbetween. And Matty interacted with them all, grinning and joking in such a way that only screamed sincerity.
The shouts around us only started to double then when he made his way over to our section, and even my own heartbeat sped up as I watched his eyes drag over the absurdly large crowd. He was unfairly attractive, okay? I could easily see why my sister had taken such a shine to him.
He was smiling and my pulse stuttered then stopped altogether when Matty paused right by us, to look me directly in the eye, his eyebrows drawn tightly together.
“Alright, darling? Having a good night?” He quizzed me, the sudden weight of his attention making me jump even though the surrounding screams had yet to cease. “What’s in the bag?”
I glanced down at the liquid filled bag I was still holding, gaze drifting to Lewis for a split second before it darted back up towards the singer. “Vodka.” I told him before I could think better of it.
The sound Matty produced then was almost inhuman and I was actually quite proud of myself for having been the cause of it.
“Definitely snuck that in.” He accused, quieter this time around and with a growing smile. The audience laughed.
Rosie and Tea spun around to face me, huge smiles threatening to split their faces in half, as my brows pinched.
“Way to out me to an entire arena!” I instantly called back, ducking slightly to avoid the eyes of the hefty security man stood on the other side of the barricade. Matty’s cackle echoed out around me, coming from all directions.
“Oi, mate! Escort her out, will you?” Matty ordered, nodding down at the same man I’d previously noticed. “Ruining it for everyone.”
I gaped, eyes widening in sudden alarm whilst he just shook his head at me, feigning disappointment.
Thankfully though the singer was quick to go back on his word, waving the guard (who had actually begun to MOVE) off with a sway of his hand and a thoroughly amused grin.
Fuck, this man was really going to be the death of me, I thought. 
I willed my racing heart to slow.
“I’m just joking, love.” Matty reassured me, eyes twinkling under the array of lights. “Spotted you a couple times tonight, actually. Like to stand out, don’t you?”
It didn’t sound like much of a question.
“Might do.”
I could physically feel my brain struggling to make my mouth cooperate, and I figured I might’ve drunk a tad too much, because I usually wasn’t this tactless. Which was how I managed to surprise even myself with the next sentence I fired back.
“Or maybe it’s just you.”
“Just me?” Matty queried with a tilt of his head, and he squatted down then, bouncing on the balls of his feet for a moment before he took perch on the side of the stage. “What do you mean?”
“You’re the one who spotted me.” I retorted with a smug smile, raising my voice to be heard. “I’m just one face in a thousand. Nothing I did.”
He hummed, mouth quirked to one side. “So this is all on me then?”
I shrugged casually, but my mind was reeling.
Matty laughed before he motioned me closer. “Here’re.” He prompted, jutting his chin out and willing the crowd to woefully part. “Come on, let her through. Let her through.”
I frowned but did as I was told, slipping my way past the few who had actually managed to claim the metal fence before us, quirking a confused brow up at him.
He towered above me, even from where he was seated on the stage, and I willed back my shock when he proceeded to jump down from off his perch and approach me. My heart hammered and a lump formed in my throat.
“Have you got a favourite song of ours?” He asked and I actually felt how embarrassed I must have looked in that moment, gifting the singer a sheepish smile before I quietly informed him that I didn't have one.
His head jerked back, “What do you mean, you don’t have one?”
The sudden crow of Rosie's voice sounded above the rest of the buzzing noise then and I was unsure on whether or not to be grateful for it.
“She’d never heard any of them before tonight!”
I grimaced slightly from behind the hand that had come up to hide my face, silently hoping for the ground to just open up and swallow me whole. I could feel the heat radiating in my cheeks and the tips of my ears, knowing full well that Tea was definitely recording every inch of this mortifying moment.
“Oh, so we have a fake fan within our midsts?” Matty voiced and it was full of mirth, he found pleasure in his teasing. 
A soft brush touched my skin and before I even knew what was occurring my hand was being pried away from my flushed cheeks by the singer himself, who looked me dead in the eye and had the utter nerve to wear the most devastating grin.
“Is this all part of your plan? Lure me in and then break my heart. How’re you at my gig, after never having heard a single one of our songs?”
“I’ve heard a few!”
But my attempt to defend myself was waylaid, it seemed Matty had other ideas.
The frontman nodded over towards Rosie, who blanched under his gaze. “Go on. Tell me more. What’s her motive here?”
I watched on as Tea nudged my younger sister into talking, Rosie too shellshocked to remember that she had the biggest gob I’d known to man.
“Um,” My sister startled, blinking away before she took a deep breath, “I dragged her along tonight. Me and my friend, we’re huge fans!”
“Lovely to meet you. Glad you could make it- only wish you’d made a listener out of this one beforehand!”
“We’ve tried!” Rosie exclaimed with an exasperated sigh that had me rolling my eyes. It appeared as though she'd reverted back to her usual self, despite being under the gaze of her favourite person in the entire world. Yes, you could be assured that that was an actual quote.
“Oh it’s like that is it?” Matty asked, peering down at me. I couldn’t tear my gaze away, his brown eyes smudged with kohl making them that much more enticing.
His attention differed then, flitting back towards my sister.
“She seemed to be enjoying the set whenever I looked over though, so what happened?”
“She’s stubborn!” Rosie shouted back, and I could hear her muffled laughter through the crowd, probably upon seeing me so put out.
“Stubborn, are we?” Matty smirked, and his lips were by my ear before I knew any better, his mic long forgotten. “I like a challenge.”
And then he was gone, back to wooing the crowd and making the most of having all this attention.
I let myself slip back into the seams, breathing heavily as my sister and Tea joggled me about, Lewis and his boyfriend beaming madly from ear to ear. I tried to focus.
What had just happened?
Part Two>
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concreteburialplot · 1 year
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08 - Play Along
pairing: noah sebastian x fem!oc / nicholas ruffilo x fem!oc
word count: 5.3k
masterlist/intro: here | crossposted: ao3
warnings; irritating moody noah lol, angry/jealous nicholas, alcohol, noah teaching how to play pool, creepy guy at bar, implied past SA experiences, physical fight, blood, love triangle a brewin', 18+ ONLY MDNI
a/n: don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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Noah somehow convinced me to drive us to a bar down the street from the warehouse where we were brainstorming with Bryan.
“So, remind me why you couldn’t have just driven here yourself?” I asked, looking over at him in the passenger seat of my rental car.
“I don’t have a car.” He replies flatly.
“You’re a world famous rockstar, and you don’t have a car?”
I hadn’t notice just how tattooed his hands are until I catch them moving up and down his thighs. The small action reminds me of ways I soothe my anxiety, especially in stressful work meetings.
“Not ‘world famous’, nobody even knew who we were til last month.” He’s quick to correct me and his grumpy tone makes it transparent that he’s still annoyed about getting kicked out by Bryan.
“Right.” I reply shortly.
I pull up to the small seedy bar Noah directed me to. It’s nestled within a larger strip of restaurants and shops. The random tiny city we’re in is not nearly as busy as LA and the buildings are all rustic and brick.
I’m not even parked a whole minute before Noah has already slammed his door behind him and headed towards the front door. At this point I should just expect to have to babysit every single grown man in this fucking band.
When I walk into the establishment, I’m smacked in the face by thick cigarette smoke and my face twists in disgust. It’s packed for 2pm on a Tuesday and almost every single patron is accompanied by a lit cigarette. I spot Noah at the bar already, just receiving his first full beer.
“A cosmopolitan please.” The words can’t come out fast enough, I need alcohol more than air itself right now. The bartender nods and starts curating my order.
Noah scoffs, “A cosmopolitan really? Could you get any more pretentious?”
“Oh my god.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Could you just shut up for literally like 5 minutes?” Right on cue the bartender places down a stemless martini glass with transparent red liquid. “At least it’s better that some basic ass beer.” I take a long sip of my ice-cold drink and alleviation begins the moment the alcohol meets my tongue.
He finishes the last of his beer and lands it hard on the wooden tabletop. “Fine. Whiskey and Coke please.”
“What is your deal huh, why are we here? What exactly are we doing?” I ask the obvious, finishing my own drink already and gesturing to the bartender for another.
He lifts his new glass, “You’re looking at it, Thornhill.”
My brows immediately scrunch together, “How do you know my last name?”
“You think you’re the only one who does their homework?” He asks ironically. “You do work with us after all.”
Both of our new drinks are halfway gone already with replacements on the way. Getting plastered midday on a Tuesday with my most infuriating client in some hole in the wall California bar was not on my bingo card for the week. But these boys keep surprising me, it’s almost refreshing. Almost.
Noah is quick to get started on the fresh drink in front of him, maybe too fast. The glass hadn’t even hit the table before it was half gone.
The numbing already growing in my fingers reminds me that all I had for breakfast was a green juice. Noah’s eyes travel over the bar and land on something across the room then back on me. His eyes are mischievous and playful, “You know how to play pool?” His lips spread into a competitive smirk.
I raise my brows at him. The man that was just 30 minutes ago arguing with me about music video lighting now wants to play pool?
“You want to play pool… right now?”
He laughs, which makes me realize I’d never heard him laugh. It’s nice. If I wasn’t already so exhausted by his bullshit already, it might’ve even made me smile.
“So, you don’t know how to play is what you’re telling me.” He slips off the stool and grabs my arm dragging me off my own.
“Hey, hey!” I smack his hand off my burgundy blazer, “This is designer, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t get your bourbon-y fingers all over it.”
His eyes roll so hard I think they might fall out. “Oh, so sorry princess.” He raised his hands up in defense. “Wouldn’t want to get your Prada dirty.”
While derogatory, the nickname makes my cheeks heat up but I’m not quite sure why. “It’s YSL actually.” I correct him, not that it matters but I guess when you pay almost $4000 for a jacket, it seems like it matters.
“See? Pretentious.” He points at me before going over to the table to set up the game.
I brought our drinks and my bag over to a wooden chair just behind the tables so I could keep a close eye on them. I decide that between the weak airflow in the bar and the sticky surfaces that it would be best to shed the jacket. I slip it off my arms and immediately remember that the blazer was essential to the look, since I only have a black lace corset underneath. But with the 4? 5? drinks I’ve had, I don’t care right now.
“Okay so since you don’t know how to-” Noah turns to look at me and seems to forget his words, he just blinks at me with a deer-in-headlights look.
I step closer to him, “Ya know, it’s not polite to stare.” I say in a hushed tone and poke his pointy nose. Whether or not he is actually looking at me like that, doesn’t matter, my confidence is boosted regardless. Surviving in an industry like the one we’re means walking a fine line between power and control. Men are easy to control when you know how to use assets correctly. And right now, he’s looking at the assets on my lace-covered chest.
“What were you saying again?” I ask, putting my weight on my palms at the edge of the table and leaning forward.
He clears his throat and diverts his eyes away from my cleavage. He directs me to a triangle filled with variously colored balls, some solid, some striped and all with numbers on them. “So basically, you want to get all your designated balls into the holes.” He hands me a long stick, “This is a cue, this is what you’ll use.”
“Got it.”
He perks up a brow above an eye, “You’ve really never played before?”
“Nope.” I take a sip of my potent drink without breaking eye contact with him. “Never thought I’d like it. I’ve watched exes play though. Seemed lame.” I say, sounding more apathetic than I actually am.
“Alright well,” He tugs at the hem of his long band shirt, “You might like it.” He knocks back the last of his drink and holds out a hand to me, “You want a refill?”
I drink the last bit of my own, letting the ice slide down the glass and sit on my numbing lips for just a second before handing it to him. “Please, thank you.”
The minute he leaves me, I become very aware that I’m the only female in the dark bar and every set of eyes is on me. I cross my arms over my chest and retract into myself.
Not long after Noah returns, we start playing. He explained how he “broke” the triangle and he ended up being solids which meant that I’m stripes. After a very bad attempt at hitting a ball, he decided I wasn’t doing well.
“No, no, no.” He waves me off before my stick touches the white cue ball. “Here, I can help.” He rounds the table and stands behind me. I obviously knew he was taller than me, but it isn’t until just now that I realize just how much taller he is than me – the top of my head barely meets his shoulders. And the boots I’m wearing have heels, making me even taller than normal. His sizeable hand runs down my spine and hooks it around my hip to readjust my position. His other arm goes to help adjust my arm that’s holding the stick. I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol, but my skin is burning anywhere he’s touching me and the way his hand engulfs my hip completely sends a buzzing between my legs. His fingertips are mere centimeters away from my core and I am extremely aware of it.
“See, not so bad.” He smiles, pulling away from me and it’s only then that I notice he actually helped me hit the ball.
My eyes linger on him longer than they should’ve. It must be this dim bar lighting and the copious alcohol I’ve had that is making see him through a new filter. His smile meets his eyes and he’s just so…bright. His chocolate eyes are so welcoming and kind, a stark contrast to how harsh and cold they are normally. He’s so much more attractive when he’s not scowling at everything I say.
“What?” He wipes off his mouth with the back of his hand. “Do I have something on my face or something?”
“No, no.” I shake the thoughts from my head. “I just don’t think I’ve ever really seen you smile.” I blurt out stupidly. “It’s pretty.”
He rolls his eyes walking over to the other edge, “Shut up.”
“What?” I ask walking over to where he’s lining up his cue to the ball. His tongue his tightly held in thought between his lips.
The cue ball clashes into a grouping and sends balls flying across the table, some landing in holes. “You’re still on your boyband bullshit.” His voice gained his usual attitude once again with a bit of drunken slur.
“What?” I shake my head, “No, no. I’m not talking about that.” I chase after him around the table. “I mean it.”
Though I should’ve taken the excuse he provided himself as to why I was even paying attention to his smile in the first place.
The long-haired boy holds his cue stick like staff looking at me with an unconvinced look. “Don’t say things you don’t mean, Vallie.” He says in a deep gravelly voice that almost sounds like a threat.
My eyes widen slightly when I look up at him. “I meant it.” I repeat softly, this time with a somewhat intimidated undertone.
He eyes me beneath a skeptical propped brow like I just told him something completely out of the realm of possibility. “Let’s just get back to playing.” He grumbles and walks over to finish off drink.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Similar to Nicholas, Noah also has a sort of whiplash duality, just different. I see tiny peeks of a sunshine-y Noah hidden beneath his grouchy storm-cloud persona. It makes me wonder what it would take to see more of the Noah that was just joking and smiling with me.
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After another round or two and various refills later, I’m winning. Again.
“How are you winning when you just learned how to play?” Noah asks, pushing himself off the pool table. “Are you conning me or something?” His voice now has a thick, noticeable slur to it, but I don’t think much of it.
I giggle, “No. I just like to win.”
He scoffs playfully and grabs his own glass with my empty one. “You sure you don’t want another?”
I bite down on my thumbnail thinking, but ultimately refuse. “Nah I’m good for now.” I’ve hit the fine line of if I have another, I could get sloppy. Sloppy mixed with what I felt earlier with his hand on my hip could get me in trouble.
He nods and heads to the bar. I pull my phone from where I tucked it in the waistband of skirt and rest against the table as I scroll through emails I’d missed. Suddenly, I feel a presence that definitely isn’t Noah’s. It’s larger, meaner, and darker.
“That your boyfriend with you darlin?” Speaks a low southern accent. His words seem harmless, but I can tell by his tone that he’s not.
My eyes rise to meet him, he towers over me about as tall as Noah maybe an inch or two more. He might be as tall as Noah, but he’s about double his size, wide and muscular. His face is angular and sharp, adorned with middle-aged wrinkles. My gaze glances down to notice that he’s holding two drinks, one that looks like the one I’ve been drinking all day.
I keep an arm around my waist, my phone open facing me and prop a brow at him. “Maybe. What’s it to you?” I neither confirm nor deny out of caution.
“Well, I was thinkin’ you could have a drink with me.” He holds out the similar-looking drink. “The bartender told me you’ve been drinking cosmopolitans.”
I analyze the martini glass within a quarter of a second – the red liquid is dull, murky and the ice is bobbing at the bottom. I’ve lived alone in big cities long enough to know not to take drinks from strange men, especially when they look suspicious. I’ve dated enough men to know what this familiar uneasy feeling in my stomach means. My thumb maneuvers slowly and discreetly to my camera app and hit record. I would send my location to someone, if I had someone to send it to.
I smile politely, “I’m okay but thank you.”
As I predicted his energy shifts and he steps towards me, “Oh c’mon pretty girl, it’s not very nice to refuse a free drink.”
The fear coiling around my spine forces me to fake a laugh, “I’ve really had enough, but thank you.”
He steps even closer backing me into the pool table, the curved wooden corner digs into my lower back. The bar is so busy that nobody is taking notice of what he’s doing.
“I don’t think you heard me, it’s not nice to refuse a free drink.” He says lowly within the small space between us. “We could just play a round of pool and have a good time.”
The walls begin to cave in on me and air is vacating my lungs. I’m paralyzed, panicking and my heart is racing so fast I fear it may tear through my ribcage.
From the moment he was just near me I knew, I just knew.
I always know.
“I’m just not interested, I’m sorry.” The words slip from me quickly and I brace for verbal impact.
He bridges the little gap that’s left between us and sets each drink at each side of my hips, caging me in with my arms wrapped around my body and my phone still recording. “You think you’re better off with that toothpick of a date you have?” He hisses.
Right on cue Noah returns, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
I must’ve really been working off survival muscle memory because I had completely forgotten Noah was with me until just now.
The mystery man pulls back from me with the biggest bullshit smile on his harsh face. “Oh, I was just offerin’ your friend here a drink.” He raises the drink to him.
I chuckle nervously and wave him away, “It’s alright Noah, it’s fine, he was just being nice.” I scratch my arm anxiously. I want the interaction to be over and I’m not expecting Noah to defend me, he barely likes me as a person.
“No Vallie, I saw him.” He sets down his beer and points a finger at him. “You were being fucking creepy.” His drunken voice is rising, and I’m scared that it’s only going to make the situation worse.
The man chuckles at Noah like he’s a puppy barking at mountain lion. “What is this your girlfriend or something?” He asks as though that it’s something he hadn’t already suspected.
Noah briefly glances at me then back at him, “Yes, as a matter a fact she is.” He states assertively but his poker face isn’t that good. I’m surprised that he’s even gone this far to defend me but I’m appreciative.
He laughs even harder, “Oh you really expect me to think a girly twig like you can pull a girl like her?”
Noah doesn’t skip a beat, “You think a meathead asshole like you could pull a woman like her?”
While Noah is scrawny compared to this traditionally “macho man”, I think that was the manliest thing I’ve ever seen a man do for me.
However, it is painfully clear how drunk Noah is by the way he chooses to get in this huge man’s face.
“You’d better fucking watch it, Toothpick.” He growls in his face, then breaks eye contact with Noah to look over at me. “This pathetic joke of a man is your boyfriend?”
Noah doesn’t waver, doesn’t back down with tight fists at his sides but I can’t take it anymore. I may not get along with him, but he doesn’t deserve to be insulted like this on my behalf.
“Yes.” I say confidently with a straightened back, even though it couldn’t be farther from the truth. “Yes, actually, he is. And I’ll prove it.”
I instantly realize that I have no idea how exactly to prove it. So, I go with the first thing I think of within a split second.
I give Noah a brief look that says play along – though, I’m not sure he had enough time to understand the message because when I stand on my tippy toes, take his face in my hands, and land my lips into his, he freezes.
It feels like time freezes too as my eyes flutter closed and I melt into the kiss. Drunk in this shady bar, in this shitty scary situation, right now, it feels like it’s just me and Noah. In this moment, with our lips locked, the bar is quiet, everything is calm, and it feels really fucking good to win at pool. I can’t tell if the swirling in my tummy is from the panic or from something else entirely.
When I finally pull from him, my brows can’t help but furrow together in confusion. He looks back at me with a similar expression – though it’s hard to really decipher any real reactions in his glazed over eyes.
What the fuck was that?
The asshole is visibly over the charade. “What the fuck ever. Maybe next time you shouldn’t let your slut of a girlfriend leave the house looking like a whore.”
Before I even have time to process what he just said, Noah’s fist swings and crashes into Mystery Man’s face.
“Oh my god.” I gasp and bring a hand over to cover my mouth in shock.
It takes a second for the muscular man to react, his hand immediately going to his now bleeding nose. He doesn’t fully realize his condition until he holds out his fingers covered in blood.
His mean eyes then land on Noah like he’s a bullseye target. “You little fucking shit.” The man charges at him and in the blink of an eye, he’s on top of Noah on the ground just pummeling into his face.
“Noah!” I run over to him, not really knowing exactly what I could do.
Luckily, we’d already garnered the attention of the whole bar, so other similar sized patrons were able to pull the man off Noah before he had time to do worse damage. They drag him to the opposite corner of the bar and they fade into the background with my focus now being on Noah.
“Fuck Noah.” I mutter as I land on my knees near his head. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I stammer frantically looking around at what I could use to help him. The workers near us must’ve read my mind because they brought over a huge stack of napkins. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
He says nothing and flutters his glossy eyes closed when I start to clean him up. He winces when I dab the blood gushing from his nose. “I’m sorry.” I repeat breathlessly, trying my hardest to keep a panic attack away. He flinches a bit when I try to gently wipe his busted lip. “Sorry.” I repeat again, because what else am I supposed to say to someone who just got beaten up because of me. I don’t dare go near his already swollen eye until I get access to some ice… or maybe some frozen peas.
“Should I call Nicholas? Or Jolly?” I ask meekly, folding the napkin within my hands.
Noah groans. “Nicholas.” He brings his hand to his forehead. “Don’t call Jolly. He’ll kill us.”
There’s something about that word in that statement. I can’t explain it, but it seems so much bigger than just Noah and I.
Before he finishes his statement, I’ve already texted Nicholas. I’m surprised at how quickly he responded and even more surprised when he says that he’s not even 5 minutes away.
“Nicholas is here? He said he’s visiting a friend at a tattoo shop in this strip.”
“How convenient.” He grumbles sarcastically and uses his hand to cover his eyes.
When I return my gaze to him, I notice his bloody and bruising knuckles. “Oh my god your hand!” I gasp and take his hand in mine. I urgently steal the condensation off a nearby beer glass to wet a clean napkin and use it to delicately clean each knuckle. An overwhelming sense of guilt fills my chest, and another even worse feeling wraps itself around my throat with thorns. My heartbeat begins thumping so hard I can hear it in my ears and I’m trying my hardest to steady my now trembling hands.
He peeks an eye at me while keeping the other scrunched closed. “Are you okay?” His voice is soft with an inflection reminiscent of concern.
My eyes begin to burn the minute he acknowledges my panic and only makes everything worse. I focus intently on where the napkin is meeting his skin. “Mhm.” I know the moment I open my mouth to speak any semblance of emotional control would disappear. I discreetly attempt to stabilize my breathing so that it might tether me back to earth.
“Hey,” His brows knit together and lifts himself up onto his elbows. I never let go of his hand. His other hand finds my chin and gently redirects my gaze to him. “What’s wrong?”
My eyes fill with tears but immediately screw shut in a last-ditch effort to keep my composure. I rarely cry and even more seldom do I cry in front of others. And here am I, about to cry in front of the person I least want to.
The lump in my throat is painful and I try to swallow it down in an attempt to keep my tears at bay. “I’m fine, just let me keep cleaning you up.” My cracking voice gives away just how close I am to unraveling. A tear escapes me and I’m quick to wipe it off with the back of my hand.
He sternly but gently grasps my wrist to stop me from continuing. “I’m not letting you keep going until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t know… a panic attack maybe?” A couple more tears escape, and I swiftly wipe them away. “You don’t deserve this, this is all my fault.” My eyes fall back down to his bloody hand in my own. “You look like this, because of me.”
He sits up more, analyzing. I can feel him dissecting me – even though we’re both drunk, it feels like he can see right through me. “I think it’s more than that Val. What’s up?”
That’s the first time I’ve heard my name come out of his mouth without some sort of insult attached to it. It sounds nice. I wouldn’t mind hearing it that way again.
My breathing is slowing down marginally, and I choose to ignore that his touch might have something to do with it. Surely it couldn’t have anything to do with it, right?
I take a deep inhale in preparation to speak without crying. I hold his bruised hand carefully with both of mine. I keep my attention on my thumb that is grazing across the black ink on his fingers. “Um.” I press my lips together and take another breath through my nose. He gives me my time, doesn’t rush or interrupt. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I hear my own voice crack and it feels like I’m somehow betraying myself by crying. “But, it’s not the first time something like…that has happened.” I blink some tears from my eyes and still focus on his hand. My voice is small and quiet, not the way I ever like to hear it. “It’s not even the second or third. And they’ve all been so much worse.” I let out a sad, sobby chuckle. “Which is why me crying about this is so fucking stupid because this was nothing. Worse things happen to people all the time and this was just some guy being a creep and–“
“Hey,” He rests his free hand on top of my own that were fidgeting more than I’d realized. “It wasn’t nothing. It was something. Something worth getting in a fight for. Okay?”
“It just shouldn’t be this upset over something so small.” My voice is not even a whisper. “It’s my fault.”
Is the only thing that is repeating in my head over and over.
I could’ve gotten myself out of the situation sooner.
I shouldn’t have frozen up.
I should’ve just taken the drink.
It didn’t have to escalate to that point.
I could’ve handled it on my own.
I shouldn’t be crying.
I was weak.
I am weak.
He sits up and takes my chin into his fingers, titling my face up to meet his. The growing swelling all over his face only makes me feel worse. “You’re not stupid and it’s not your fault.” I know he’s trying to keep it together for me, but I can tell he’s struggling to form and deliver coherent sentences. “I don’t need to know any of the other instances to know that you were never stupid or that anything was your fault. Okay?”
I nod but it’s not enough for him. “I need to hear it.” The look in his chocolate eyes is one I haven’t seen in him before. Even behind his drunken daze and black eye, his eyes are genuine, kind, and concerned. A warmth blooms in my chest – it reminds me of when you’re running from the rain, and you rush into the safety of your car. That feeling of reaching a warm, safe place, that’s what I feel.
“Okay.” I reply quietly. “Thank you.”
While Noah is mere inches away from my face with his hand on my cheek, I hear a familiar voice. “What the fuck.” States an already irritated Nicholas.
Our eyes snap up at him and Noah instantly pulls away as if he has something to hide. Nicholas’ eyes shift between us, seemingly trying to decide which to address first.
“What the fuck did you do Noah.” His tone is immediately defensive.
Noah sloppily falls back onto the floor. His eyes go back to focusing on the ceiling. With Nicholas here, he looks unimpressed, maybe aggravated – definitely aggravated. For the person he told me to call, he seems quite unhappy that he’s here.
“No, no, it’s my fault.” I stop him before he continues to blame Noah. “He was protecting me.” I lower my voice into a whisper for the second half, “He helped me.”
“Bull fucking shit.” He sighs then the crouches down to inspect Noah further. He carefully pushes some bloody hairs away from his face, Nicholas’ touch on him is gentler than even mine. He gets a clear view of Noah’s face, it’s adorned with a black eye, a bruised nose covered in dried blood and a gashed open bottom lip.
“Do you think he’ll have to get that stitched up?” I bring up my thumb and chew on a freshly manicured nail.
He tugs at the injured boy’s lip looking at it closer, “No he’s fucking fine.”
While Nicholas is visibly angry, he seems oddly calm, at least calmer that I expected. I suppose it makes sense though, I’m sure this isn’t his first rodeo with a drunken Noah in a bar fight.
He lets go of his lip letting it harshly snap back into place earning a whine from Noah. “Hey!”
Nicholas stands up straight and offers me a hand to get myself up. Once I’m up in front of him, he gives me a once over, probably questioning my outfit of a lace corset and a skirt. “What were you guys doing here?” He questions angrily and closes a bit of the space between us.
“It’s a long story.” Between the alcohol, the fight, and my fading panic attack, I don’t have the energy to go through it all. He goes to argue with me, and I shut him down, mirroring his low grumbly voice. “I’ll explain later.”
His thick brows fall straight, evidently not liking my answer. He takes a moment, as if he’s trying to decide on the next thing to say without pissing me off. “He could’ve gotten you hurt. He could’ve hurt you.”
I scrunch my brows up at him. Sure, I’ve seen Noah storm out of numerous doors, and I saw him get a little abrasive with Bryan earlier, but would he actually hurt someone? Would he have hurt me?
“He didn’t, Nicholas.” I place my hand softly on his chest in an effort to calm him down. “Believe it or not… he saved me.” The sentence surprises even me as I say it.
Skepticism plasters itself across his face. “Saved you from what exactly?”
My eyes flutter to the ground and the same panicky feeling from before spins behind my ribcage. “It doesn’t matter.” I wave away the technicalities. “Point is, he didn’t do anything wrong. You should let up on him.”
He gives me a you’ve-gotta-be-shitting-me look.
The man from before – which I learned from the guys that pulled him away earlier, that his name was Mike – is being escorted out of the bar by two men who look like security guards.
“Oh, so you didn’t just need one scrawny bitch you needed two?” He practically spits at me while wiggling beneath the guard’s grip.
“Excuse me?” Nicholas snaps immediately turning to narrow his eyes at the man.
He laughs, “This one’s even more pathetic.”
I’m not sure why that, out of everything, fills me with the most rage of all. Anger spreads through me like electricity and every cell in my body propels me towards him.
An arm hooks around my waist and recoils me backwards before my fists can reach his body. Even though Nicholas is shorter than Noah, he still towers over me, and I must look tiny in his arms.
Mike mocks me while the guards try to urge him towards the door.
“Shut the fuck up! Don’t fucking talk about them like that!” I struggle trying to escape from Nick’s surprisingly strong arms.
“Hey, hey calm down,” Nicholas hushes me with a little chuckle. “I got you.” His hand gives my side a reassuring little squeeze. “It’s okay.”
Once Mike is completely out of the bar a heavy weight is lifted from my chest and I can finally breathe again. Whether on purpose or by chance, Nicholas’ arm is still wrapped around me, but I don’t mind it. His warmth is comfortable against the frigid air of the bar. It feels nice, like a shelter.
Only then does it occur to me that any sort of panic or fear I was feeling before was soothed by him. In his arms I feel safe, and it reminds me of the way I felt with Noah earlier.
“C’mon asshole,” Nicholas snaps at Noah who’s looking half dead, still laying on the ground.
Noah covers his mouth and squeezes his eyes closed, “I’m gonna need a fucking trashcan.”
“Enough with the dramatics.” Nicholas rolls his eyes, and I can practically feel the impatience and aggravation radiating from his body. “Get the fuck up so I can get us home.”
There is that word again: us.
It’s a just small detail of wording but for whatever reason, I cling onto it like it means something.
Maybe my time with them won’t be as fleeting as I thought it would be.
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next chapter -> 09 - Lavender Haze
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tag list; @ladyveronikawrites @kingdomof-omens @persuasivus @strawberryruffilo [comment if you'd like to be tagged?]
A/N: The love for this story has honestly been so overwhelming (in a good way obv) and I couldn't be more grateful. I really thought this would flop lol so, thank you so much for every like, reblog, ask, or comment. It means the world to me truly. Thank you.
i love hearing your thoughts so feel free to share! (i'm really bad at responding to asks but i still love them 😅 i'm so sorry)
ALSO! Thank you so much for the love on my new series, Intertwined 💗 New chapter coming soon! 💗
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