#Someone asked me 'You don't have anyone to spend the new year with?' and came to the conclusion that everyone made plans for it without me
twpsyn-who · 2 years
I'm going into 2023 with the next goals and fuck my life if I don't achieve them :
- Find someone to go with me to the Palaye Royale's concert and fucking have fun at my first concert ever
- Buy my own place cuz staying with rent is shitty and makes me wanna d i e
- FINALLY meet with my "too busy with life" friends because I'm a lonely bitch and the last thing I want is to have my ex as the only friend available in my life
- Buy at least one more plushie (cuz this year I tried to stop myself from getting them and now I'm sad)
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violetarks · 7 months
third year! bakugou katsuki thinks it's pathetic how everyone tries to ask you to be their valentine while you stand absolutely awkwardly and oblivious to their advances.
he rolls his eyes, scoffing at how you tilt your head and ask 'what do you mean?' when a new second-year tries to confess through a heartfelt letter a week before valentines day. he's sitting in the cafeteria, a few tables away from you where you stand with your tray. his friends catch his line of sight and begin to watch too as you awkwardly take the letter and mention how it's your favourite colour, what a coincidence.
"man, poor y/n." kaminari sighs, "been getting bombarded with valentine's day proposals."
"acting like you werent one last year." sero snickers, elbowing the blonde, who replies with 'shut up!'.
"y/n, todoroki and momo have to be the most popular third years. i saw todoroki carrying a fruit arrangement yesterday with 'be my valentine' on some flags." mina states, drinking her orange juice.
jirou retorts, poking her food, "did you see y/n's shoe locker when they opened it? they were basically drowning in all those letters. and their desk was full of teddy bears and hearts and flowers."
"yaoyorozu told me that she felt so bad because she rejected someone who choreographed a flash mob for her." kirishima inputs, "but seriously, so many people have tried getting with y/n, it's insane."
katsuki only rolls his eyes again as you thank the person, who runs away giddily. you're so uninterested in the person that you just pocket it in your blazer for later. katsuki chuckles at the action before returning to his food.
he thinks it's so funny that everyone is fawning over you. he understood todoroki and yaoyorozu, they've been popular since day one. but you? what did anyone see in you?
"hey, bakugou, are you alright?" you ask, standing in front of him on the porch of the dormitory. it's now five days later and he blinks himself back to reality and swallows the lump in his throat. "you were kinda' just staring at me and that girl just then..."
it's true, he was. a first year, some lovesick teen girl, came to confess to you just then. you hold some chocolates in your hand and a bouquet of roses in another. your third this week, he tallies.
"i—i wasn't." he stammers, looking away. he was leaning against the pillar, watching you as he took in some fresh air. it was pure coincidence, he says. "what... did you tell 'em?"
"i felt a bit sorry, she cried a little when i said i'm not a fan of this kind of chocolate." you express, showing him the box. katsuki smirks. you were so blunt. "i still accepted it though, to make her feel better. i don't even know her, though."
"strange." he responds, staring at you, "so what now then?"
"do you want it?"
"i don't want your fucking confession candy." he scoffs, furrowed brows. he's irritated at the offer and you just tuck the chocolates underneath your arm. "why'd you say 'no'?"
"i... don't know her." you state as if it was obvious. he blinks and looks away. "i dunno', i've been getting asked a lot recently."
"that so?" it's so pathetic, how anyone would trip and fall at your feet at the slight chance to share valentine's day with you. he could think of a thousand things better to do tomorrow than spend it with you—
"how come you haven't asked me yet?" you inquire, pursing your lips, "to be your valentine?"
"hah?" he huffs out, making the most outraged expression on his face, "what the hell did you just say to me?"
you sigh, opening the entrance door with your new gifts, "nevermind."
he stares at you as you leave him alone on the porch. questions swirl in his mind, making him think about you even more. is this how you made so many admirers? you just... made them think about you? you were absolutely crazy.
that's got to me the most pathetic thing about valentine's day, right?
katsuki annoyedly drops the chocolates that he knows for sure you love. and as he passes the flower section, oh god, the amount of time he spent trying to figure out which ones were the perfect ones. the cashier looks at him knowingly, wishing him 'goof luck' on his endeavour. katsuki scoffs and tells them to shut his mouth.
what's pathetic is that katsuki readies himself for asking you. now that he's got confirmation that you were expecting him to, he would do it. he is standing in front of your dorm door, holding the flowers and chocolates and teddy bear in his arms. he knows you have hundreds in your room right now, but... he's pathetic.
when his hand goes up to knock on your door, the elevator reaches the floor and opens to reveal you in the sports uniform.
you walk up, typing on your phone when you look up to your dorm to see him. "oh, hey."
"hey." he mumbles, trying his best to hide the presents behind his back, "went on a run?"
"no, quirk training, actually." you respond, unlockong your dorm. you walk in and turn your head. "did you need to talk to me?"
"well... i—"
"are those for valentine's day?" you point to the flowers that are badly hiden behind him.
katsuki grunts, finally revealing them, "y—yeah... i don't know how to do this."
"come in." you say, inviting him into your dorm. he nervously enters and closes the door behind him. you sit at our desk, leg over your knee, almost like you're inspecting him thoroughly. "so, who is it for?"
he stops. "huh?"
"i mean, who are you asking?" you mumble out. he doesn't know what to say. do you not remember asking him to ask you yesterday? "you're looking for advice, aren't you?"
suddenly, he's on the fire. he's in the position that he made fun of those other people for being in. and it fucking sucks.
it takes all his courage to sigh out, "no... no, you idiot. i'm asking you."
"wha—? me?" you point at yourself.
"yes! here!" he practically shoves them into your hands and steps away away. "i... want you to be my valentine tomorrow. please."
his harsh tone makes you rethink his statement. but katsuki sees a smile dawn on your face regardless, something the others who have asked you haven't seen.
"thank you, bakugou. i love them."
he knows damn well you do.
"i'd be happy to be your valentine." you confirm, standing up and placing the flowers on your desk. you put the chocolates and teddy on your bed, smiling the whole time. he gulps in anticipation, despite you already saying 'yes'. "thank you, truly. it's perfect."
katsuki clears his throat, hands in his pockets and he looks away, "'s nothin'."
you chuckle and step towards him, hand on his shoulder as you give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"whatever you say. where did you wann' go tomorrow?"
he thinks it's pathetic how on valentine's day, you drag him to all the couple stalls and events, and even do a hand-reading (katsuki lets out a sigh of relief when they said that you two are quite the perfect match), but when it's with you, it's a lot less embarrassing to do it. in fact, he'd relive this whole day again if he could.
what's pathetic is how all those people thought they could have this time with you, when all you ever wanted was bakugou katsuki himself.
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petew21-blog · 3 months
Friends for life
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This Zack, my best childhood friend. When we were kids, we were basically inspereable. We spent so much time together. We slept over each tohers houses. Even better was the fact that our moms were best frinds. So not only they spend so much time together, but so did we. But that was 6 years ago. Everything changed when my dad died. Zack was there for me, but over time we grew apart. I had to help out my mum with my two sisters and she had to get another job to get enough money for us. Zack's mom on the other hand got divorced and found a new boyfriend. Who I heard didn't really get on well with Zack.
Me and Zack talked from time to time, but it was mainly superficial. Zack was now a very well respected guy in the school. He was always into sports. But now he was a swimmer, basketball and a football player as well. I don't know where he got all that time and energy. Even if we saw each other in the classroom we just smiled or waved at each other. Maybe even this very tiny friendship was the reason why no bullies dared to touch me. Not that Zack would every bully anyone, but if he knew that the other guys bullied someone, he always stood up for that person and ended it. And the bullies even apologized sometimes. That's how respected he was.
So yeah Zack's a jock and I am a classic nerd. Or maybe not classic. I don't really have much time to play games on the computer because of my job, but when I have some spare time I read comic books. So yeah, that makes me a nerd I suppose. And I do quite well at school too. Maybe not the PE, I kinda suck at that, but I get by.
Present time
Me and several other classmates were assigned to start decorating the halls for upcoming prom. Most of my classmates were really excited for that, but not me. I didn't have anyone to go with. Not anyone I wanted to atleast. Ok, I'll say it. I am gay, which complicates things a bit. And the person I would really like to go to prom with is Zack. But that will never happen. Zack is 100% striaght and it would totally ruin his reputation in the school.
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But that doesn't stop me from obssessing about him. I saw him a few times in the locker rooms which gave me a pretty consistent image of how he changed over the years. He was pretty much the same Zack I grew up with, but I bet that his junk is much bigger than I remember. Truth be told, Zack was the first (and only) person who I had any sexual experience with. I know it sounds sus, but he only wanted to experiment jerking each other off as most boys do at their younger years. Back then I was really puzzled and didn't know what to do. Now I just wish I could go back to that moment once again.
I was one of the few remaining students. The rest headed to the shops to get their dresses and suits. I told them to leave and that I would finish it by myself, cause I wasn't planning on going anyway.
I entered the gym to get a ladder, to help me set up the last few letters over the door. And there he was, on the other side of the room. Zack was lifting some weights I didn't even know how to name. He noticed me battling with the ladder nd hurried up to help me. I mean... wouldn't you crush about him too?
Zack:"Hey, man. Nobody came to help you with this? It's pretty heavy."
Me:"Hey, no. They all left to get their suits and all. So it's just me now."
Zack:"Oh, that's sad. You need help with something?"
Me:"No, it's fine. It's just final touches. But thanks"
Zack:"All right, man. But if you need, don't hesitate to ask ok?"
He smiled and went back to finish his set.
I was basically drooling, As I was climbing the ladder and trying to reach the letters, I stumbled and grabbed onto a light. I must have been shocked or something cause then I found myself on the floor. But I wasn't on the ground, I was standing. And on the ground was my body, unconcious.
I looked at my hands and they were barely visible. I tried to reach my body but it wouldn't accept my soul. Fuck, am I dying? I tried to call out for Zack but he didn't hear me. I ran to him and saw him lifting his weights. I tried to reach for him, but before I did I felt a force pulling me towards him. And as I was pulled away I felt something being ejected out of his body.
I opened my eyes, looking in front of me. But Zack was gone now. I turned around but he wasn't anywhere. As I looked down, I noticed I was now wearing bright red shorts, and on top of that a very sweaty torso, which definitely wasn't mine. I reached out my hands. Fuck, is this really happening? I searched the pockets and found a phone. In its reflection I saw Zack's face. Oh my god. Did I really just possess Zack's body? And where is he?
The responsible flow of thoughts was now interrupted by the two huge sweaty biceps now in the way where I usually didn't mind them. I flexed and oh my god, the tightness, the strength. I felt amazing.
I knew it was bad, but I just had to give it a try. What if I might never have a chance to do this ever again, I stuck out my new tongue and licked my new shoulder all the way to my biceps. Which also allowed me now to inhale the scent of my sweaty armpit. "This is so amazing!"
I then proceeded to touch my new belly full off abs. "How the hell did he get these?"
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"Lot of working out and calorie deficit" a voice called out from the other side of the room, where I was before. And there was my body. Standing.
"Zack? Is that you?"
"Yeah. Would you mind telling me how this happened?"
I wanted to be completely honest, I swear, but I think that he doesn't need to know the part where my soul travelled to his body and was pulled by it.
"So, are we gonna try to reverse it the same way? Cause your body is really hurting from the fall and my body needs to be ready for a game tommorow. So I'm not really sure about that"
"I'm really sorry about that Zack. I mean, you're right that maybe it was my near deth experience that caused this, but I don't know if endangering our lives would allow to swap us back. What if the other one dies and the remaining one will have to keep on living the other ones life?"
"Yeah, you're onto something. Well, we're gonna have to figure out how to pass on as each other."
We spoke some more about how we were gonna live our lives without anyone thinking we have gone crazy.
"Ok, Zack. Just one question. How about... you know. Private stuff?"
"You mean my personal things at home or phone? Well that shouldn't be so bad I think. I don't have many secrets to tell or something, haha"
"No, I mean. Eventually we're gonna have to take a shower or go to a toilet."
"Oh, right. I haven't thought of that. Well, than my body is your body? I mean, I don't really like to think about somebody else using my body like that, but I know you're a good person and all, so I know you'll treat my body well. Maybe just... no sex? Could you do that for me please?"
"Zach, I haven't had sex yet even in my body. I mean, your body is attractive and all so, I know I could get a date in your body or smth, but that's not something I would do."
"Ok, thanks man. Just making sure. And also another thing. I..."
"What is i Zack?"
"Give me a second, it's kind off embarasing for me. I have to jerk off in the evening everyday. If I don't I sometimes have wet dreams the next morning"
"Dude, that's nothing to be ashamed of. That happens, Zack"
"Thanks. I know you mean well, but I just know my body. So I know you'll have to take care of that now or you'll have a very unpleasant morning including the washing of the clothes and bed linens."
I felt Zack dick in my new shorts getting hard just by hearing about this. Not only am I in the body of my crush, but he himself gave me permission to jerk off his dick. How crazy is that?
"Ok, Zack. If that's what needs to be done, I'll do it." I said it in a way to make it sound like I wasn't thrilled to jerk off his dick
"And in exchange I'll get to jerk off your dick. Do you have any other secrets I should know about?"
OH FUCK NO I am not telling him "Well... not really. I think."
"Good, then let's get to it. In case you won't know what to do, just text me and I'll help you"
I was approaching Zack's house. The one where I basically grew up secondary to mine. I knew where all the rooms were. What stuff was placed where. But that was before the death of my dad and before the divorce. Who knows what's different
I entered the house anticipating horrible things. And then a strange man left the restroom. "Hey, dipshit. Back from school already? Jesus fuck. The kids these days. Why don't you get a job kid" he left for the kitchen to grab himself a cold beer and left for the living room.
Now I understand why Zack spent so much time at school doing sports. He didn't want to stay at home longer than necessary.
Anyway, up to Zack's room. His room was not filthy, it was kind of clean, but at the same time it was a but disorganized. Some of his used clothes were lying on the ground. I grabbed one of his boxers and grabbed it to my face. This is my smell now. The smell of my dick. I inhaled and held it to my nose.
As I felt my dick hardening, I didn't waste no time and started undressing myself. Zack's small mirror didn't do the trick for me so I left to the bathroom.
"Ok, modern shower. That's new. Gonna have to give it a go"
I took off all my remaining clothes. I left his necklace on and then just stared at my new reflection in the mirror. How amazing is this?
I touched his jawline, his already growing beard, scratching my hand. His lips, shivering underneath my touch. His beautiful nose. His eyes, that now contained my soul and not his looked a bit different, but same too. I took my right hand and place it on my neck while my left hand was already enjoying the hairtrail blow my stomach.
"Oh Zack, I think you'd be the type to shave. Might do that for you to fully embrace this massive beast" and with that I lowered my right hand that was before resting on my vibrating throat and now started jerking my new dick.
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"Just doing what I had been told. Haha"
I jerked faster. I was slightly moaning but not loud enough to cause suspicion with Zack's step dad. I was observing the tense muscles just working hard to get me into the state of pure euphoria.
I was getting close. I couldn't stop myself from moaning. I jerked so hard that the cum flew out of my dick right to the mirror in front of me. Is I stood there, smiling with my semi-hard dick in my hand I just saw the door swung open.
I quickly covered my dick and whole self with a towel, but even the partial view could give the viewer enough information. His step dad was furious
"What the hell you fucker?!? You're jerking off here while you could do some usefull job instead? I will have a very long talk with your mother when she gets here!"
What the hell just happened. Why is he so mad at Zack all the time. He's a student and a busy one at that. I don't know what this guy's problem is
I cleaned up the bathroom and got ready for the next time. Just the fact that I got the privilege to smell Zack's scent all the time and sleep in his bed. But having his body was a whole new level. I never even dreamed of this
The next day was horrible. I started the day with PE at school and let me tell you, that having a great body full of muscles is one thing. But having a weak will to actually do it is another. I was exhausted. I felt like I wouldn't be able to get up again after finishing
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I saw Zack aproaching me in my body with a concerned look. I was beggining to worry what was on his mind
Zack:"Hey... umm how was your first night as me?"
Me:"Gotta say that the stepdad you got there is an another level of douchebag. I can't believe how you can live with that"
Zack:"Yeah, he is like that all the time. I don't know what mom sees in him. He's actually super nice to her, but seems to hate me just for breathing"
Me:"Yeah. I'll tell you later. There has been a bit of embarassing encounter"
Zack:"Actually I might ask you about something else first. Last night as I was in the bed I was trying to jerk off your dick, very nice by the way"
Me:"Jesus, don't make it more awkward than it is"
Zack:"Sorry. We'll I was trying to jerk off as I normally would, watching porn and stuff, but I couldn't. Then my mind wandered over to the guy on the video... I have to ask you and don't be afraid to answer. Are you gay?"
Me:"Yeah... I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. Well... since we're already saying everything to each other. I'll just admit it right now. I... I have a crush on you Zack"
Zack:"That was my another question. I have my head filled with thoughts. Very naughty thoughts including my body, so I am happy that you cleared this up and I am not just another self centered weirdo. But the question is. Would you let me suck my dick?"
Oh man
Another story from the inbox: Can you do a classic swap story between a nerd and a straight jock? I always find those to be super hot
Hey guys. Sorry for the great break. I was finishing my exams (I passed them all, yay) and now I am in a different country on an externship trying to figure shit out. But I do have some free time during the day and I get to write a bit about my drafts and the stories in your inbox. And thanks to everyone who texted me all the supportive and kind words :) really appreciate it
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xomakara · 2 months
Love In Turbulence
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | You're the maid of honor in your best friend's destination wedding, but you are single and feeling depressed about having to attend solo. Stressed and grumpy on the long flight there, you have a few too many drinks and pass out, drooling on the shoulder of your seatmate. When you arrive at the wedding, you are mortified to discover that your handsome seatmate is Yunho, the best man, and you spend the rest of the wedding weekend trying to avoid him. PAIRING | Yunho x Reader GENRE | non-idol!Yunho, wedding season yo, smut with no (maybe a little) plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), vaginal sex, oral sex RATING | Mature, 18+, NSFW, MDNI LENGTH | 4,144 words TAGLIST | -- NETWORKS | AUTHOR’S NOTE | I got invited to a wedding next year and was kind of, somewhat inspired to write this lol. I think it feels a bit rushed hahaha. Enjoy!
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"Jina!" You yanked your best friend, the bride, into the bathroom and locked the door before anyone else came in.
"Are you okay?"
"No! Why didn't I know that we were sitting together?!" You asked her.
She looked at you with a confused look. "Huh?"
"Me and Yunho!" You explained.
"Of course you're sitting at the same table with Yunho. He's Yeosang's best man, just like you’re my maid of honor." She said it as if it made sense to her, but she couldn't figure out why you weren't making any sense either.
"Jina, he's the man I told you that I drooled all over on the plane." You told her the whole story, starting from when you started feeling depressed from being single during take-off, to having one too many drinks and until you woke up later on to find yourself face down on Yunho's shoulder, drooling.
"Oh my god." Jina covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god."
She kept repeating herself over and over again while you finished your story. When you were done, Jina leaned against the sink counter and looked at you with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"How was I supposed to know that he was Yeosang's best man?" You groaned. "He's the only one of Yeosang's friends that I haven't met yet."
"So? Who cares? Do you think Yunho will be mad that you drooled on him? If anything he'll probably be flattered."
You rolled your eyes. "There's no way he'll be flattered. Who would be flattered by someone drooling all over them?"
"And you're worried about what he thinks about you? Seriously Y/N, this isn't high school where everyone has the same circle of friends. People come here for weddings alone. You need to start meeting new people or you're going to end up an old maid at this rate." Jina scolded you. "Look, go talk to him."
"I can't do that!" You protested. "I've been running away from him ever since the reception started."
"Why? Because he looks good in a suit? Or maybe because he smells really nice and his voice makes you shiver every time you hear him speak?" Jina teased. "Come on Y/N, don't make this harder than it already is. Talk to him and get this awkward moment over with. I know Yunho. He won't think you're weird, so don't worry about that."
You sighed. "Fine."
After straightening yourself out and silently cursing Jina for making you wear this sexy cocktail dress, you headed towards the table where Yunho sat with the rest of the wedding party. Okay, you had to admit that he was stupidly, insanely hot in a suit. And you also knew that his smoky brown eyes would have caught the attention of most women around him. However, none of that mattered right now. All that mattered was getting past this first conversation with him and praying that it would go smoothly.
When you reached the table, you realized that the only empty seats were beside Yunho, so you went to sit down next to him without even thinking twice about it. As soon as your butt hit the chair, you noticed that Yunho slowly turned his head to face you. You gulped nervously and looked away quickly. This was not happening. Not after everything that happened on the plane. It was too soon. You had to get out of here. Now.
But then, before you could make a move, Yunho moved closer to you and leaned forward to place his left arm around the back of your chair. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your cheeks burning bright red under his intense stare.
What did you say? What did you say?! But then, before you could figure out how to escape this situation, Yunho spoke. "If you're worried about what happened on the plane, don't worry about it."
His voice was smooth and silky like silk. It was almost hypnotic. The last thing you wanted to do was fall under his spell. "Okay," you replied and slowly turned your head to face him. "Thanks."
Yunho nodded and smiled slightly. His eyes scanned your body, lingering on certain parts of you. "You look really beautiful tonight."
You blinked a few times, dumbfounded by his compliment. You stared back at him and realized that he still hadn't let go of your chair. Oh god.
"Are you alright?" He asked you.
"I'm still mentally embarrassed about the whole plane incident." You said sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it." Yunho assured you. "Besides, you looked cute sleeping on my shoulder."
"Even with all the drool?" You frowned.
"Yes." Yunho confirmed. "You looked very pretty. Even with all the drool."
The corner of your lips twitched up and you realized that you actually liked hearing those words from him. So you decided to take the conversation further. "Well...I didn't know you were the best man until I saw you standing next to Yeosang earlier today. As soon as I saw you, I wanted to avoid you at all costs."
“Well if it makes you feel better, I didn’t know you were the maid of honor until a few hours ago.” Yunho laughed. “It all makes sense why you kept running when someone tried to introduce us to each other. What made you change your mind?"
"The bride." You mumbled.
Yunho laughed and you couldn't help but smile at his cute chuckle. Damn, he had such a gorgeous laugh. You could listen to it forever.
"I'm sure Jina told Yeosang because they look like they're staring at us nonstop." Yunho said, nudging you gently. "But hey, I'm glad you changed your mind and talked to me. I'm really glad to finally meet you."
Your stomach suddenly churned and butterflies started fluttering inside your chest. Even though you just officially met Yunho a few minutes ago, you were strangely attracted to him. How strange was that? You always thought of yourself as a hopeless romantic, but the feeling that you were currently experiencing right now was something entirely different. And it scared you more than anything.
"Do you want to dance?" Yunho asked, getiing up from his seat.
"And give the newlyweds even more ammo to tease us?" You asked him.
Yunho gave you a soft smile. "It's fine if you don't want to dance with me."
"But I DO want to dance with you." You countered. "I promise I won't make a fool of myself."
"Then come on." Yunho grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your chair. "Let's dance."
You knew he was tall. But you didn't think he was this tall. Sure, you were wearing like four inch heels, but he still towered over you like an oak tree. And when he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, your knees felt weak and shaky. The entire time you were walking, your heart raced faster than ever before. What the hell was wrong with you? How was it possible for someone to make you feel this way within seconds of meeting them?
The dance floor was filled with people of all ages. An upbeat song played in the background, filling the room with music and laughter. You smiled as you watched Jina and Yeosang dancing. They looked so happy. You noticed Seonghwa, Mingi and Jongho, three of the groomsmen, dancing in a corner while the other groomsmen and bridesmaids laughed.
He was so close to you. You could feel Yunho's warmth radiating from his body, causing goosebumps to form all over your skin. Every movement that he made was like poetry to your ears. Every breath he took sounded so perfect. You closed your eyes and listened to his voice wash over you. For a second, you forgot who you were, what you were doing, and who you were talking to. Everything just faded away except for Yunho and his amazing presence.
As the music slowed down and into a romantic melody, Yunho moved his hands closer to your body and slid his right hand around your lower back. You sucked in a sharp breath and pressed yourself against him, enjoying the sensation of his hard muscles against yours. Your heart pounded rapidly and the entire world disappeared except for the two of you. You were falling. Falling into this incredible dream.
"Is this alright?" Yunho whispered into your ear.
"More than alright." You breathed out, still clinging onto him for dear life. "Perfect."
He continued to hold you in his arms, swaying to the tune of the song. His hand stayed low on your back while his other hand held onto your wrist. He never let go of you.
After dancing with Yunho for a while, you excused yourself to use the restroom. On your way to the bathroom, you ran into Jina who was heading towards the restrooms as well. She stopped short and looked at you with a wide grin.
"So...looks like you and Yunho are hitting it off." She teased. "I don't even know why you were so freaked out about him earlier."
You let out a laugh and hugged her. "Thank you, Jina. For pushing me to go talk to him."
"Y/N, you're my best friend. Of course I'm going to push you to do things you're afraid of." Jina explained. "I want you to be just as happy as I am. So I know you two officially just met but what do you think of him? Yeosang and I were saying earlier that you two looked cute together."
"I don't know why..." You bit your bottom lip. "But I'm having all these weird feelings that I've never had with other guys before. Like...a sense of...home."
Jina smiled. "That's good, Y/N. Trust your gut. If something feels right, it probably is. And besides, who says you need to rush things? You should be able to enjoy this special time in your life."
"Yeah, but this isn't supposed to happen." You complained. "How does someone fall in love so fast?"
"They don't." Jina shrugged. "You just meet the person that you're meant to be with and things fall into place naturally."
You let out a small sigh and turned around to walk towards the restroom. "I never asked but did you feel this way about Yeosang?"
Jina laughed. "When I first laid eyes on Yeosang, I knew I was going to marry that man."
You stopped and turned around again. "Really?"
"Oh yeah." Jina grinned widely. "I knew we were meant to be together since the day I met him."
You smiled as well. "Wow. That's awesome."
"Now you understand what I mean about trusting your gut, right?" Jina said, clapping you on the back.
You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye and nodded. "Yeah, I think I get it."
Before you entered the restroom, Jina leaned in close and whispered into your ear, "You'll find him too, Y/N. Don't lose hope."
Once you finished using the restroom, you headed back to where you and Yunho were sitting. He let out a smile when he saw you coming. Your eyes lingered on his lips for a brief moment and then snapped back up to his face. "Did you get lost?" He asked you.
"No." You shook your head and sat down next to him. "I ran into Jina and we talked for a bit."
Yunho laughed. "Let me guess. She asked about us."
"Yep." You replied. "She said that we looked cute together."
"And do you think we look cute together?" He asked, cocking his head at you.
"A little too early to tell." You let out a laugh. "But I'd like to keep this momentum going. Only if you want to, though."
"Of course I want to keep this momentum going." Yunho replied and let out a laugh. "I'm a fan of momentum."
Before you knew it, you found yourself holding his hand. Not because you were drunk or high, but because you genuinely wanted to. Maybe he did awaken a dormant desire deep inside you, or maybe you just wanted to have fun with a cute boy and this was the best opportunity to do so. Whatever the reason was, you were completely okay with it. And surprisingly enough, neither of you let go of each other's hand.
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"Mmmm..." You let out a small moan of satisfaction as you snuggled close to Yunho's body.
The air conditioner hummed softly and the windows were tightly shut, blocking out any noise from outside. There wasn't a lot of light in the room; the only source of light came from the moonlight shining through the window. But that wasn't what caught your attention. It was the warmth of his body that surrounded you that caused goosebumps to appear on your skin. You reached out to touch his shoulder and his arm tightened around your waist, preventing you from moving further. He shifted slightly to turn you on your side, wrapping his arm around your body and pulling you closer.
It had been months since Jina's and Yeosang's wedding and here you were, wrapped in Yunho's embrace. You had your first official date a few days after the wedding and it ended in the most intense kiss you had ever experienced in your life. From that moment onwards, your life was flipped upside down and you didn't regret one thing about it.
Your friends were ecstatic that you and Yunho made it exclusively official. Jina and Yeosang even joked that if you two were going to get married in the near future, that they would have to be part of your wedding party. You weren't even thinking of marriage yet. All you wanted was to enjoy your time with him without worrying about making a mistake. And the fact that you could call him 'my boyfriend' was simply icing on the cake.
When Yunho suggested that you stay the night, you jumped at the chance. As much as you loved spending time with him during the day, nothing beat being curled up with him in bed. Being this close to him made you forget everything else in the world.
You closed your eyes and sighed contently. In that moment, nothing mattered except for you and Yunho.
"Y/N?" A soft voice spoke into your ear. "Are you asleep?"
Your eyelids fluttered open and you turned to see Yunho staring at you with adoration. His hair fell into his eyes and his cheeks were rosy red. His smile made your heart skip a beat. God, he was such a beautiful man.
You shook your head, burrowing your face deeper into his chest. "Not anymore."
Yunho chuckled and lightly kissed your forehead. "You're too cute, babe."
"Mmm...keep calling me cute." You pouted playfully.
Yunho wrapped his arm tighter around you and pulled you closer. "Cute. My girlfriend is cute. So precious. Cute, precious, sweet, adorable, perfect, gorgeous, hot, sexy, beautiful. That pretty much covers every adjective there is when describing you."
Your cheeks blushed. "Gosh, Yunho. What will I ever do with you?"
"There's only one answer to that question." Yunho replied and started tracing random patterns on your stomach. "Take care of me."
Your heart skipped a beat as Yunho lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You leaned forward and cupped his cheek, wanting desperately to deepen the kiss. His mouth was warm and his lips felt so soft against yours. You couldn't help but moan as his tongue slowly brushed against your lips.
Your hands gripped onto his shirt and before you knew it, you were straddling his lap, moaning loudly as he continued kissing your neck. One of his hands ran up and down your thigh while the other caressed your cheek. The intensity between you two grew as the kisses became more heated. You grabbed his face with both hands and crushed your lips against his, giving him full access to explore your mouth. Both of your tongues intertwined and you moaned into his mouth, sending chills throughout your body.
His hands traveled up your legs and you quickly lifted your body off of his, leaving him breathless. "Yunho..." You breathed heavily, running your fingers through his hair.
"What do you want, baby?" He asked with lust-filled eyes.
"I need you." You confessed. "Don't you need me?"
Yunho smiled mischievously. "Every damn minute of the day."
You slid your hand underneath his t-shirt, running your fingers over his stomach. He groaned as your fingers pressed firmly against his skin. He moved his hands to cup your face and pull you in for another kiss. His fingers dug into your hips, pulling you tighter to him. Yunho sat up, tugging his shirt off before grabbing the hem of the t-shirt you borrowed from him and pulled it over your head. He threw it on the floor and admired your naked chest. You licked your lips, breathing heavily as he ran his hands up and down your sides, resting them on your breasts. He pulled your nipples into his fingertips and pinched gently, causing a low moan to escape your throat. He chuckled and planted a firm kiss on your lips.
You rolled over onto your back and pulled him on top of you, wrapping your arms around his neck. He ran his hands over your exposed skin and slowly slid your shorts and panties down your legs. Once you were completely naked, he took off his remaining clothes and lay down next to you, continuing to run his hands over your skin. He traced his fingers across your collarbone, dipping lower until he reached your breasts. You arched your back and grabbed hold of his hair, letting out a loud moan as he circled your nipples with his thumb and forefinger. His fingers pinched your nipple lightly, causing you to arch your back even more.
He licked his lips as he stared hungrily at your naked form. "God, you're so fucking sexy." He muttered under his breath.
Your breathing increased as he explored every inch of your body with his hands. You ran your fingers through his hair and watched as his dark eyes searched for yours. You tilted your head to the side and sucked on your bottom lip as he trailed kisses along your jawline. You closed your eyes and let out a moan as he covered your breast with his mouth, sucking hard on your nipple. Your nails dug into his scalp as he began to trail kisses down your stomach. He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked at you, waiting for you to tell him whether he should continue.
"Please." You whispered.
Yunho grinned wickedly and buried his face between your legs. You tensed as he ran his tongue along your wet slit, lightly brushing your clit. "Oh god..." You moaned as he placed small kisses all along your pussy, stopping briefly to tease your sensitive nub. You squeezed your thighs together, squeezing his head as his tongue ran along your clit.
He let out a little laugh against your inner thigh. "Babe, you’re going to suffocate me.”
You laughed, reaching out to grab his hair again. “I can’t help it. It feels so good.”
Yunho licked his lips. “Then don’t fight it, baby. Just enjoy the ride.”
You whimpered as he flicked his tongue against your clit, causing you to buck your hips. His mouth wrapped around your clit and suckled gently, causing an explosion of pleasure to flow through your body. You cried out and dug your fingernails into his scalp as you bucked harder and harder against his mouth.
"Yunho!" You cried out, unable to take it anymore.
Yunho removed his mouth from your dripping sex and stared at you with hooded eyes. "Let go, Y/N." He whispered. "Just let go."
With one last thrust of his tongue, you lost control and let out a scream as waves of ecstasy flooded through your entire body. You clutched Yunho's head, crying out as your orgasm exploded inside of you. Yunho continued licking your pussy until your orgasms subsided, kissing you tenderly afterwards. You laid there with your eyes closed, taking deep breaths as your heart slowed down.
Yunho propped himself up on his elbow and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "You okay?”
You nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I am now."
Yunho laid next to you and you couldn’t help but straddle him again, tugging his pants down to free his cock. With one hand wrapped around his cock, you positioned yourself above him, lowering yourself slowly onto him. The way he gripped your ass made you gasp as you lowered yourself, allowing him to enter you. You held onto his shoulders tightly as he filled you up, his hips grinding against yours. You leaned forward and ran your tongue along his neck and shoulder, loving how his muscles tightened around you.
"Can't get over how good you feel inside me." You whispered.
Yunho smiled. "Feels good to be inside you, baby."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, enjoying the feeling of him filling you up. He let out a deep sigh as you rocked your hips back and forth. Every movement sent delicious sensations coursing through your body.
Yunho leaned his head back and closed his eyes, groaning softly. "Fuck, I love it when you ride me like this."
"Yunho." You gasped, biting his lower lip as you rode him faster.
"I know, baby." He whispered, tightening his grip on your waist. "I love watching you ride me. Love how you look so fucking hot riding my dick."
"Oh god..." You whispered as he pinched your nipples. "Please...Yunho...don't stop."
You could feel his cock pulsating inside of you and Yunho couldn't help but flip you over unto your back, pinning you down on the mattress. You bit your lip as he ground his hips into yours, causing another surge of pleasure to rush through your body. His mouth found its way to your breast and he kissed it roughly. He took his time sucking on your nipple, making you squirm beneath him. His teeth scraped against your sensitive skin and you arched your back, gripping his hair tightly as he pleasured your breast.
"You're driving me crazy, baby." He whispered against your skin. "Tell me what you want."
You bit your lip and glanced up at him. "Yunho...please..."
"Tell me what you want, baby." He said, still teasing your nipple with his teeth.
You let out a frustrated groan and dug your nails into his shoulders. "Yunho...fuck me...harder...please..."
He growled and slammed into you hard, burying himself to the hilt. "That's it, babe. Take my cock. Take everything I give you."
Yunho grabbed hold of your hips and pounded into you with every thrust, making you cry out in pleasure. His large hands grabbed onto your waist and held you in place as he pumped you harder and harder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, clutching his body close to yours. He moved his mouth to your ear and placed soft kisses against your earlobe. "God, you feel so fucking good. Feels so damn good."
He kept pounding into you until you felt the pressure build up inside of you. "Yunho...oh god...I'm gonna come!" You cried out as you clamped down on him, milking his cock.
"Fuck! Fuck! !" He yelled, pumping his hips faster as he came inside of you. You cried out as you climaxed with him, your body trembling as you fought to keep your legs still. You clung onto him tightly as he slowly pulled out of you, gasping for air as he collapsed next to you.
Yunho looked down at you with glazed eyes. "That was...one hell of a fuck." He whispered, caressing your cheek with his hand.
You laughed weakly and shook your head. "Mmmhmm."
"Glad I could be of service, ma'am." He teased, stroking your bare hip with his thumb.
"Uh huh." You giggled, running your fingers through his hair. "Anytime."
You snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arm around you. "How'd I ever get so lucky?" He whispered against your temple.
You cuddled closer to him and ran your hand down his chest. "We both know it wasn't luck." You whispered. "This has always been meant to be."
Yunho smiled. "Meant to be. Sounds right to me."
"You know Seonghwa invited us to his wedding..." You looked up at him. "You wanna go?"
"Depends." Yunho gave you a teasing smile. "You gonna drool on me again?"
"Maybe..." You smirked.
Yunho laughed and pulled you into a tight hug. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, babe."
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imbored1201 · 9 months
hi! would you be able to do a teen reader x barca/arsenal (or like an individual) where they spend christmas alone without anyone knowing until they comeback, and when people realise they make it up to reader?
thanks! (and happy christmas and new years)
Mapi’s Huge Surprise
Warnings: Neglectful parents
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Word Count: 1,383
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!
You looked at the time, 11:55 pm. About to be Christmas Day. You sighed, getting up from where you laid, to eat the rest of that gingerbread house that you built. 
You hated and loved Christmas. You loved the lights and how joyful the people got, but you hated how alone you felt every year. Your parents had never acknowledged it, but they let you walk around the neighborhood to see the lights while they partied at some coworkers place. 
Now that you were far from them, you wanted to do something big, but then you realized you didn't have any friends outside of the team, and the whole team were busy with their families. 
You were completely alone again. When midnight hit, you decided to watch some classic Christmas movies. 
New Years was the same; you had also drank some wine, hoping Alexia wouldn't notice, but overall, you just enjoyed watching all your teammates stories to see what they were up to. 
Your parents had called you, wishing you a great holiday and hoping it went well for you. You just asked them what they did, and as usual, they went to a party, not bothering to ask what you did for Christmas or New Years or if you would even visit them.
When Alexia came back home, you were excited and clingy. You wanted to watch a bunch of Christmas movies with her. She found it cute and agreed; even though Christmas was a week ago, she even brought up the idea to make Christmas cookies. 
It was probably the happiest Alexia had ever seen you. Apart from the mess, it was a fun day. A day you hated to see end, but at least you finally got to experience a Christmas tradition with someone that you knew cared about you. 
"So, what you do for Christmas?" Lucy asked as she bumped your shoulder. "Nothing," you shrugged, drinking some of your water. Lucy frowned at that. 
"What do you mean nothing?" She asked, grabbing the water bottle from you. "I didn't do anything Lucy. I just stayed home and watched movies."
"You didn’t see your parents?" She pushed more. "Come on ladies!" Jona yelled at you guys. You quickly jogged to where the other girls were for sprints.
When training was over, as usual, you were the last one out the locker room, taking your sweet time. Alexia waited for you patiently, knowing if she rushed you, it wouldn't be a fun car ride for either of you. 
You had lied to Alexia about your parents coming to Barcelona, telling her that they were getting a rental where you guys would stay and that they would leave after New Year's Eve. Alexia was going to her mama's house, so you weren’t worried about getting caught lying. You felt bad for lying, but you didn't want her worrying about you. 
You noticed her expression, like she was thinking hard about something. "You okay?" You asked her, packing your bag. She nodded. 
"We have to talk." "Did I do something? I swear, I've been on top of my work, so if my teachers told you something again, they're lying," she shook her head. 
"I know you're doing good in school; your teachers have been praising you a lot lately." You smiled and followed her out to the car. She wanted to press you, but she also didn't want any awkwardness during the car ride, so she waited until you guys got home.
Right when you got into the door, you tried to hurry to your room, knowing an awkward conversation was about to happen. Of course, it didn't work out.
"How was Christmas with your parents?" You froze. "Good." She looked at you, and you knew from that look that she knew you were lying. 
"Don't lie to me," you winced at her tone. "Were you here alone?" You knew you couldn't lie yourself out of this one; you nodded at her question. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, "I didn't want to be a bother." "You're never a bother Bebe. My mama loves you, you're practically another daughter to her." Alexia pulled you into a hug. 
"It's okay Alexia, I'm used to being alone on holidays, we never do anything anyway," she shook her head. "Next time you're coming with me, okay?" You nodded, and she kissed your forehead and let you go to your room.
All you wanted to do was sleep; you were a teenager, so of course it was your top priority. You groaned and shoved whoever was on top of you. You heard them laugh and smack your cheeks a bit. 
You finally opened your eyes and saw Patri and Claudia with mischievous smiles. "What are you doing here?" You mumbled sleepily, closing your eyes once again. "Alexia sent us here to wake you; we have a surprise," Pina said excitedly.
"I'm too tired to get up," you told them, shoving Patri again. You felt her get off you; you got happy, thinking they would leave you alone, but of course, with this team, you would never get your way. 
"Hey!" You yelled as Pina grabbed your legs and dragged you off your bed. A huge thud sounded through the apartment as you fell. Patri quickly grabbed your arms, and they lifted you up. You tried wiggling away, but it was no use. You gave up and let them carry you. 
They set you on the floor in the middle of the living room, and there you saw all of your teammates crowded around the front door and the couch. 
"Alexia they hurt me," you whined to her. "I told you guys to get her out of bed nicely for once," Alexia scolded them. "She wouldn't get up," Patri defended, and Pina nodded along. 
"You didn't tell me we were going to have a team bonding night," you looked at Alexia offended that she didn't warn you. "It wasn't planned,” Mapi told you. 
"We got these for you" Frido told you, and you looked around and realized they all had gifts. "For what?" "What do you mean for what? For Christmas kid" Lucy told you as she threw her gift at you. 
You looked at her suspiciously, "go on, open it" She was way more excited than you. "New headphones!" You said excitedly, "Because you broke your other ones and cried about it the whole bus ride," she said. 
Aitana was about to give you hers but got shoved out of the way by Mapi. "Trust me, when you see mine, you won't want the other ones." Everyone rolled their eyes at Mapi. 
She grabbed you, and put her hands over your eyes, and led you outside. "Alexia!" You shouted, scared Mapi would pull some dumb prank on you. "I'm right here bebe" she reassured you, giving Mapi a look of confusion. 
"What did you do Mapi?" Alexia told her, seeing what she got you, but Mapi just smirked. She finally let you see, and your jaw dropped. "Holy shit" you cursed. Alexia was also too shocked to even tell you off for your language. 
A dirt bike. 
"No" Alexia told Mapi sternly. "Yes" Mapi said back. "I love you!" you shouted and tackled Mapi into a hug. 
"We can go to a trail this weekend; I have a buddy that will teach you; we just have to get you gear" she smirked and turned to Ingrid, who handed you a box. 
Your smile got bigger when you saw there was all the gear you needed. Ingrid noticed Alexia's glare. "I tried to talk her out of it, but you know how she is when she's set on something."
"Come on Alexia. Look at that smile." Mapi points to you, all happy on your dirt bike, showing it off to Patri and Pina. 
"If she gets hurt-" "she won't; trust me, in a week she'll be wanting to be competing" Alexia sighed, but let it be; there was no changing Mapi's mind, and you already seemed attached to the bike. 
Mapi was right though; you were only paying attention to the bike all day. Completely forgetting you had everyone else lined up to give you their gifts. It was truly a Christmas you would never forget. 
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seresinhangmanjake · 1 year
Rather Be With You
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
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Summary: Jake has been away for six months and he just hopes you waited for him.
Warnings: cursing. I think that's it.
Notes: this was inspired by an ask (💐) from a bit ago. Sorry it took so long. So much happened in the last week and a half, some good some bad, and it just got on top of me. Writing had to come second. I have probably written better in my life haha, but I tried.
Words: 1972
“You know he's only messing with you, right?”
He wasn’t sure how long he’d sat there, hunched forward with his elbows on his knees as he wrung his hands together. Surely it had been a while. For the entirety of the morning, perhaps? Rooster had made his teasing comments at seven a.m. sharp and they were due to dock at noon. Had it been that long? Or had he really managed to shove many hours worth of painful thoughts into just a few short minutes? Somehow, he figured, it was one or the other. No in-between.
When his eyes flicked up, Nat’s face seemed to hint at the former. 
It made sense, he supposed. Spending hours thinking about you wasn’t exactly uncommon. Usually, though, those thoughts were a bit nicer, with you naked and smiling, laughing, or whispering sweet words to him. He liked those better than the ones that had plagued him for…well, however long he’d been sitting there.
“He knows what he said isn’t true,” she continued. “He wouldn’t have had the balls to make jokes like that if he thought they would hold any weight. Trust me, no one particularly enjoys pissing you off.”
He wasn’t pissed off, though. He was devastated at the seeds of doubt planted in his head; at the pain and insecurity that came with the twisted knife to his gut. He hated the images forced into his mind at his friend’s words; the ones of you with other men; the ones that made it terribly clear how little you considered or missed him in his absence. 
“Jake, she waited for you. I know she did.”
“Yea? How?” he asked. 
Phoenix opened her mouth quickly, just as he would have had someone asked him a few hours ago if you loved him like he loved you—ready to confirm with a smile on his face. But if made to think of the answer for more than a half-second, without the hope and giddiness fueling his enthusiasm, he realized he couldn’t actually say for sure if you loved him, just as Nat now could not say with certainty that you had waited for him. 
Her mouth closed. 
"Exactly. You don't know," he said. "It’s not like I was smart enough to ask her to be my girlfriend before we left. She has no obligation to me, so why would she have bothered to wait six months to have me when she could have anyone?"
The brunette shook her head. “I don’t believe she's like that."
Leaning back against the bench and crossing his arms, Jake just barely held himself back from a scoff. "Like what, Nat? That wouldn't make her anything other than a woman who found someone new to sleep with after the guy she was sleeping with disappeared for half a year.”
“But you didn’t—”
“I know I didn't disappear. But I’ve been gone longer than we’d been together," he said, his voice drifting as he imagined what he hadn't stopped to consider before; a nightmare that, if proven true, would cleanly snap his heart in half. "Joke or not, Rooster could very well be right.”
"You're overthinking,” Penny’s voice snuck in from your left. 
She reached out to take the beer glass from your hand, polished almost too clean after the twenty minutes you spent absentmindedly running a rag over it. Your mind had been too occupied with troubled thoughts to notice your unceasing drag of the dishtowel around the cylindrical shape of the glass. 
It came free from your hand with ease, and as Penny placed it back on its shelf, you spewed, "What if he hooked up with someone? What if he decided six months was too long to wait for a woman that isn't his girlfriend?” You finally faced her just to find her rolling her eyes. “He likes sex, Penny. A lot. There are plenty of willing women and he's practically insatiable."
"When it comes to you, maybe."
The tenseness in your shoulders from well-formed stress was heavy with your exhale, forcing your shoulders to fall forward and your posture to take a hit. "Penny…" you groaned.
"I'm telling you, there's no way he messed around with anyone,” she swore, leaning back against the bar. "Besides, it's frowned upon to get involved with your coworkers."
"You think that's ever stopped Jake?"
She pursed her lips and tilted her head from side to side as she considered. "Ok, fair enough,” she agreed. “Once upon a time, that definitely wouldn't have stopped him. But after meeting you, he hasn't looked at another woman."
You couldn’t say that provided you with any relief. Jake had always presented as an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ type of man. He wasn’t a worrier. Once something exited his periphery, it promptly left his brain, discarded with all past challenges or predicaments. And wasn’t that what you were? An obstacle? He hadn’t asked you to be his girlfriend for a reason. Holding on to you for more than just the night didn’t necessarily make you more special than any of the other women. Perhaps it simply made you convenient.  
"You don’t know, Penny. You’re not with him 24/7."
Penny muttered something under her breath. Her fingers rose to rub at her temple and when they dropped back to her side, the stare she shot you was imbued with determination. "Look, my bar is where Seresin used to do his "best work," as he liked to say,” she said, and you made a face. "But the only work he's been putting in since he met you has involved getting you to like him and making you happy after you two started your little…thing." 
"You may not pay attention, but I do," she practically scolded. "Now, a month ago you were excited to meet him when he got back, and then you let your thoughts get away from you and it’s fucking everything up." 
To your own shame, you couldn't deny that. So you didn't bother, rather opting to nibble on your thumbnail.
"They'll be back soon, so are you coming with me or not?"
He didn’t know what he was doing, standing there with his bag over his shoulder. But he felt like a heavy weight, an anchor in a sea of levity. Looking around, the men and women he’d been packed in with for the last six months were thrilled, the room sprinkled with smiles and laughs of giddiness in anticipation of having their families in their arms again. 
He didn’t have that. 
He wanted to have it, but that was fully reliant on you. Your feelings. Your wants and desires. Your plan for your future. Jake could imagine a world where he had the strength to beg to be a part of your life—to plead as desperately as if fighting for enough air to fill his lungs—but reality made that entirely out of his will and control. So he didn't shove his way forward when they made it home. He couldn't bring himself to jump in front of the others who had people waiting for them upon their return. Instead, he let them file out, his team included, until he was one of the final few to step back on dry, solid land. 
As he walked by couple after couple, family after family, his already weak composure began to crumble at its edges. The people milling around him felt like a mocking montage of the life he didn’t have. Men and women kissing their partners or spouses, hugging their children with no intent of letting go, their tears coating the ground with joy. 
Jake's chest constricted. He needed to get himself on the other side of it, but weaving through the mass of bodies proved harder than he expected. 
His shoulders bumped into theirs, his chest skimming across backs and limbs when he turned to his side to sneak through narrow openings. Little kids ran into his legs like spinning tops on the loose from their wound-up energy finally releasing, though each one quickly recovered and returned to their parents, maintaining the same level of enthusiasm they had prior to smacking face-first into a muscled calf. 
With each unintentional nudge, he apologized, but no one so much as noticed, too engrossed in their relief at making it home unscathed or in seeing their loved ones still intact. Somewhere, his teammates were doing the same. They’d found their partners, and he thought he’d found his, but his overconfidence in your feelings kept him from ensuring you were actually together. And maybe it was too late. Maybe he would have no choice but to watch you move on from him.  
Finally breaking through the edge of the crowd, Jake took his first deep breath. He didn’t look back as he made his way to his truck. He didn’t turn when rushed footsteps grew closer until they sounded as if right on his tail. 
He paused and sighed. He should’ve known he would imagine your voice. Six months without that lovely sound, his only chance at hearing it being within his dreams, took its toll. It haunted him like a ghost on that ship. Of course it wouldn’t cease just because he was home.
“I was calling you, but you didn’t hear me.” There was a soft chuckle, then, “Well, at least I hope you didn’t hear me.”
He spun on his heel and was greeted with your smile. It lacked its carefree nature, instead just barely failing to conceal a twinge of nerves, but beautiful nonetheless. He couldn’t help but smile back. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, taking a few steps closer. 
“I came with Penny.” The roundness of your cheeks turned pink from your blush. You lightly shrugged. “I missed you.”
With those words, Jake knew Rooster was deserving of a swift smack upside the head, one he very well may deliver. You cared. You missed him, even. 
Fucking Rooster.
“Oh, I, um,” you continued, your eyes falling down to your hand. “I got you these. It feels silly now, but at the time I thought they would be nice, I guess.”
He followed your line of sight to the small bundle in your hand. Five long stems were tight in your grip, the bulbs on their ends made up of layers of silky red petals. 
"I was thinking," you swallowed hard and met his gaze, "I don't actually know if you like flowers. And if you do, I didn't know your favorite. I just picked mine." The sweet grin that returned to your face practically demanded he kiss you. Your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, your nose. All of you. Every little bit. 
And you weren't wrong. He hadn't had a favorite. 
He did now. 
Jake swallowed through the tightness in his throat, fighting back the stinging in the corners of his eyes. 
He didn't get gifts, and certainly not from the women he was with. But then again, with the exception of you, he hadn't chosen to be with a woman for more than a night or two in the last decade. 
"I like the yellow ones but they symbolize friendship and that wasn't really what I was going for, so I—"
"I love you.”
Your smile, your jaw, your hand, fell. "You…what?"
He let out a chuckle and reached for you. "Come here."
You didn't hesitate sliding your hand into his and he quickly pulled you to him, your chests hitting, lips meeting with an intensity that he hoped expressed even just a lick of how much he missed you. You draped your arms around his shoulders and the petals of the flowers tickled the nape of his neck. 
"Six months was too long," you whispered when you separated. 
He nudged his nose against yours. "Way too long."
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @cinderellasmissingshoe @leila22rogers
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homestylehughes · 2 months
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pairing(s): jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: jack proposing to his girlfriend, the girl he knew he would marry since he was 18.
warning(s): absolutely none. pure fluff, and cuteness :)
word count: 1.4k
authors note: hi loves!! my inner directioner came out when writing this fic! this fic is loosely based off of 18 by one direction (I listened to FOUR, the album, the whole time while writing this. 11/10 would recommend). this was so much fun to write, it kinda gives me romcom, or romantic movies vibes? I love writing jack all soft and cute. I hope you guys enjoy, like and reblog if you do! I hope you are all happy and healthy. much love as always <3
“I have loved you since we were 18, long before we thought the same things.”
Ever since Jack laid eyes on yn at 18 he knew she'd be the person he'd spend the rest of his life with. Jack can remember the day he met her, like it was yesterday. He had just got drafted by the New Jersey Devils as the number one pick, which threw him into a new life of superstardom. 
In the midst of being the 1st overall draft pick, the Yankees invited him to a game, having one of the best seats in the stadium, he couldn't help but smile over the fact that this was now his life. As the fifth inning came to an end, Jack decided to make his way to the bathroom. As he walks through the busy crowd, weaving in and out of groups of people. Finally making it to the bathroom, doing his business before quickly heading out. 
As he walks out of the bathroom, his phone dings from a text, pulling his phone out of his pocket to see that it's from his mom. Just as he begins to type out a response, he feels himself bump into someone. bringing his head up to see the prettiest girl he's ever seen in all 18 years of his existence, with a hot dog smashed into her chest. He's so close to her that he can see the red and yellow stains from the ketchup and mustard littered across her white as snow Yankees jersey. 
“Oh my gosh” the girl says, her head hanging low as she looks at the hot dog stained jersey.
“Shit. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” jack embarrassingly  rambles out 
“It's..okay. It's nothing, it's just a jersey and hot dog. No biggie” she says, now looking at jack. 
“No it's a big deal, it's my fault. Here let me help you clean up.” Jack offers, as waves of guilt run through his veins.
“Are you sure? You don't have to, don't want to waste any more of your time.” the girl says
“If anyones wasting your time it's me, come over here” Jack says, taking the hot dog from her, throwing it in the trash, before turning around to look at her jersey. 
“It's pretty bad isn't it?” she asks him
“It is.. How about this, how about I buy you a new one?” 
“I can't accept that, it was an accident. Plus i dont your name.” the girl says, holding her ground as she looks directly in his eyes. 
Jack can't help but get lost in her eyes as they look at each other. 
“Yes you will, and my names jack.” flashing her smile before grabbing her hand
“Now come with me, we're going to go get you a new jersey and a hot dog, and anything else your heart desires, got it?” Jack says, briefly looking at the girl, who sends him a nod in approval. Turning back around, as he continues walking them through the crowd.
“Yn!” she says loudly behind him 
“What?” Jack asks, turning back around, confused by what she said to him.
“Yn, my name is Yn. Only fair if you know mine now” yn says with a small smile
“Well yn, what size jersey are you?” Jack asks, looking at yn, who has a slight smile on her face as she looks over all of the different jerseys.
“Umm..medium? Can I get the white one?” she asks 
“Of course” Jack sends her a smile as he talks to the worker, quickly getting the jersey for the girl. 
Sending the guy behind the counter a thank you, picking up the bad before handing it to yn.
“Jack..thank you so much” 
“You're very welcome, now on to a hotdog” he says with a smile
“Okat only on one condition.” she says
“And that is?”
“You let me buy them. I can't let you buy me anything else today.” yn says, looking at him sternly.
“Yes ma’am” 
“And so help me god if you get mayo on your hot dog, i will break down in tears.” 
“Mayo? On a hot dog?” he questions 
“Yes. it's sick and people actually do it.” she laughs 
“ well no, mayo on my hotdog for me” he smiles to her
“Good. That's what I like to hear,” she says, lifting her head up, sending him a smile before getting in line. 
Jack looks at her for a second, and in that moment he knew, hed just found the person he'd spend the rest of his life with. 
“Quinn. I'm freaking out." Jack says as he paces on the dock.
“Jack calm down, she's going to say yes. Take a deep breath "Quinn says as soothing as he can, in an attempt to calm his brother's nerves.
“You don't know that” jack snaps at him 
“Yes I do, you guys have been inseparable for the last 5 years. You two are the same person, and can share the same brain cell. She will say yes.'' Quinn says. walking over to Jack, bringing him into a hug, hoping to help calm down.
Jack pulls back after a few moments, murmuring a soft thank you, before taking a deep breath, straightening his back before turning around to look out at the lake. The calm water seems to calm his nerves for a few moments. 
“She's on her way” quinn says, laying a hand on jacks shoulder giving it a squeeze before turning around heading off the dock, leaving jack alone with his thoughts. 
A few moments later he can hear the sound of the footsteps on the dock behind him, turning slightly to see her walking towards him in the prettiest white dress, the bottom of it flowing in the wind as she walks. 
“Hi, pretty girl” jack says while grabbing her hand pulling her to stand in front of him
“Hi” she says breathlessly like she'd been holding her breath the whole way here.
“I don't really know where to start but I'll start by doing this,” Jack says before slowly dropping down to one knee. Yns hands quickly move to cover her mouth, as she looks down at Jack with tears welling her eyes.
“Yn. you've been my rock, my best friend, my biggest supporter, and most importantly the love of my life for the last 5 years.” 
Yn lets out a choked sob that causes Jack to pause for a moment, to regain his breaths he can feel his eyes beginning to water, as he continues.
“I knew you would be the person I'd spend the rest of my life with the moment I crashed into you, spreading mustard and ketchup all over you. Even at that moment I thought you were the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Thank you for always making me feel seen and loved, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. I love you, and I promise I'll love you forever, until my heart gives out. So would you do the greatest honor of being my wife?” 
“Yes. yes. A million times yes, jack.” she says as she struggles to hold back her tears as she launches herself onto jack. The both of them wrapped in each other's embrace, tears of joy falling from both of their eyes. 
Jack pulls back enough to slide the perfectly cut, sized ring onto her hand. the ring going on perfectly, as if it was the last piece of the puzzle, laying perfectly on her hand. 
“Jack it's beautiful” yn beams at him, tears still falling, hitting her cheeks like raindrops on a window. 
“Not as beautiful as you” Jack says, bringing his fingers under her cheeks wiping them away. 
“I love you” she says 
“I've loved you since we were 18, '' Jack says softly before pulling her into a kiss. 
“I wanna love like you made me feel, When we were eighteen”
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38riku · 2 months
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𝐁𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐓.𝟑 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
includes pomefiore (separately). no warnings. fluff. i should've did this by dorm but i didn't think i'd make more than one part.
read part one. part two.
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you've come to wish me a happy birthday? heh, as you should. come, sing my praises now that my beauty has been tempered by another year of age.
it isn't unordinary for Vil to receive compliments. he's cemented himself in the limelight and his adoring fans never fail to comment on his beauty and talent.
so, when he jokingly (not so jokingly) asked you to sing his praises, he expected a sarcastic "your perfection is unattainable" or something along those lines.
but, of course, you managed to surprise him.
"you deserve everything your heart desires." what a cheesy line. it was a staple in romance movies that hasn't seemed to die out despite its repetition. he now knows why, albeit because it came from your lips and not that of someone just doing their job.
"and as your beauty matures each and every year, may your tenacity strengthen and elegant vigor continue to shine brightly."
Vil clicked his tongue, a ghost of a smile creeping on his face as he did his best to maintain his composure.
"I almost feel guilty that such heartfelt words are directed towards me and not a lover of yours."
You laughed, as if the thought of a lover was unbelievable. If only you were aware of the many admirers after your tender heart, would you still find it amusing?
"Don't be silly Vil. You're the fairest of them all, the only one worthy of these words."
You had him stumped. The way you said such things as if they held little to no weight.
For a moment, being the fairest of them all wasn't appealing. He is the fairest in your eyes, which amounted to more than you could ever imagine.
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merci! your dulcet tones are the greatest gift I could receive. you may consider your sentiments most appreciated.
rook was satisfied with your simple 'happy birthday' although it wasn't so simple to him. your smile was blinding, genuine glee filling your eyes as you greeted him with more joy than usual. to think the day of his birth elicited such excitement.
"i hope you like your present."
"any gift from you is a priceless treasure my dear. the mere fact that your thoughts were captivated by me makes my heart flutter."
he adored your flustered expression but wasn't interested in teasing you too much today. opening the large box, he audibly gasped at the sight. "you've truly outdone yourself. i am undeserving of such a magnificent piece."
he inspected the hat, humming in satisfaction at the handiwork and embroidery. a small chuckled fell from his lips as he heard your gentle sigh of relief.
walking toward you, he removed his usual hat and placed it on your head, wearing the new one it its stead. "we make a magnificent pair, do we not? even with a piece as fine as this my beauty is lackluster to yours."
"it's your birthday rook. i should be the one complementing you, not the other way around."
he laughed at that. your compassion and generosity made his heart soar to heights unknown.
"your beauty deserves to be appreciated no matter the occasion. your presence alone fills me with comfort. you have a voice that is sweeter than the chase of a hunt. i am inclined to speak on your physical appearance, but, I am unsure that you'd be able to handle such honeyed words."
after all the time you've known one another you still weren't used to his flattery. it's not his fault, you were positively stunning in every aspect of the word.
it's his day of celebration after all, and he'll spend it as he sees fit. surely you will allow him to fawn over you? he can't think of a better way to spend his birthday.
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you, ah, you want to celebrate my birthday? s-sorry, I'm not used to hearing that from anyone other than close family. thanks.
"tada! happy birthday!"
you removed your hands from his eyes, moving to stand in front of him with a knowing smile. "a feast fit for the birthday boy. well, a meal, since it's just the two of us."
yes, just the two of you. that's probably why his usually strict house warden was a bit more lenient with him missing an etiquette lesson.
hopefully he didn't think it was something more than two friends sharing a meal. that's all there is to it, right?
"thanks! this looks amazing."
"remember that takeout i shared with you and the guys not too long ago? it's the same place. i figured since you liked it so much we can try more stuff!"
golly, weren't you just a ball of sunshine. if he was to thank ace and deuce for anything (which isn't much) meeting you would be top on the list.
he couldn't remember the last time he was able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life like cheeseburgers, chicken tenders, fries, onion rings; but boy was it the most fulfilling meal of his life.
spending the evening with someone close to him, eating, joking around, and enjoying each other's company. you might not think it's much, but, the time you shared cured his home sickness, even for a little while.
it was his first time celebrating his birthday away from home after all.
"one more surprise." you place a finger on your lips, winking, before disappearing in the kitchen.
in your absence, he did his best to calm his beating heart. you laid it on thick and didn't even know it! don't you know where he's from, a meal is a way to a man's heart?
did you know that? was this a cover for blatantly pursuing him? no, there's no way, just wishful thinking on his end.
his thoughts came to a halt as you reappeared with a singular piece of pie in your hands and a candle. placing it in front of him, you quickly lit it, and ushered him to make a wish.
usually, he wishes for the same thing every year, but, just this once, he wished for something utterly selfish. something that, when he blowed the candle, he looked toward you sheepishly, denying to tell you because it "wouldn't come true."
one day it'll come true. one day, he'll be the apple of your eye, and sweep you off your feet.
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© 2024 — 38riku. Do not copy or repost or plagiarize my work. All Rights Reserved.
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eimids · 11 months
Loving you is all I need
Leah Williamson x reader fluff
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Leah and reader get stuck in an elevator together while they are fighting.
this is just a quick blurb
warnings: slight angst but also fluff
"Hold the door" You yelled as you ran to the elevators. You and Leah had been fighting the previous night so you were a bit late to training. Someone sticks their arm out of the elevator to keep the doors from closing.
"Oh.. hi Lee" You said when you realized who was in the elevator.
"Hi Y/n"She said coldly to you and pressed the button with number six on it.
"are you seriously still mad at me? You never call me by my name it’s always some nickname" You frowned a little.
"I'm not mad. Just disappointed. I thought you wanted to get married with me but guess not" Leah said sounding hurt.
"But I do want to-" You started when the elevator stopped. You fell to the ground from the sudden stop.
"Shit y/n/n, are you okay?" Leah asked clearly worried.
"Yeah I think I am but my ankle hurts a little" You answered. Leah didn't respond but started pushing different buttons to call to someone that the elevator stopped.
"It's not working. Fuck this. Why there would read that if you push that button it would call somewhere when it doesn't fucking work" Leah said panicking a little.
"Leah calm down. Come and sit with me. Soon someone will realize that we didn't show up to training." You said to the blond woman.
She sat down next to you and calmed her breathing. You sat there a while in an awkward silence until you spoke.
"I'm sorry that I said no to your proposal but you never really gave me a chance to explain myself. You just got sad and left" You started.
"Well can you explain now. Whe have been together for 3 years and we have known each other for ten so what's the problem here? Or do you just not love me anymore?" Leah asked shyly.
"Oh Lee nothing like that. I love you so much and you know that. I won't ever leave your side. But it's just.. You remember how messy the divorce was between me and ex. It wasn't good for anyone and my mental health went so low. I just don't want to go through that again" You answered with tears in the corners of her eyes.
"Sweet I would never hurt you. I wouldn't cheat you like she did. I will do anything to protect you and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have kid's with you and I want to grow old with you. I don't want to spend another day alone. All I want is you my love"
"Okay then ask me " You said quietly.
"Huh?" Leah asked confused.
"Aske me again" You said again and Leah flipped you to sit on her lap. She looked right in your eyes and asked.
"Y/f/n. Will you marry me?" Leah asked smiling.
"Yeah" You answered laughing and crying and then kissed the blonde.
You sat there kissing passionately a while, own bubble. Suddenly the elevator started moving again and you had to snap back to reality.
Soon the doors opened and Leah stood up, then helping you. You then walked to the team room. You were limping and Beth came running to you.
"Oh My God. Are you guys okay?" Beth asked worried, Viv by her side.
"Better than ever." You said smiling. Then you looked at Leah and kissed her.
"Sooo we have some news for you guys" You started.
"Don't say you too are leaving Arsenal" McCabe said quickly.
"What, no! Why would you think that?" Leah asked laughing.
"I just saw a dream about it. Did you guys know th-" Katie started but Buv interrupted her.
"Just tell us the news" Viv said inpatient.
You looked at each other and said.
"We are getting married"
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
We Belong Together Sanji (OPLA)
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Sanji takes an interest in you after finding out your dream. Sanji x Female Reader.
Every month for the past year you'd come to The Baratie to deliver fresh fish since your home was only an island away and you'd taken over from your older brother who was looking after his family. Fishing ran in your blood, you could spend hours on a dock watching the waves. Zeff the owner had been looking for a new fish supplier and your family came highly recommended.
It was hard at first to be taken seriously as the youngest child and only daughter, but you could stand your ground and not take crap from anyone who tried to barter a lower price.
Your boat docks and you stare at the odd restaurant in the middle of the sea, knowing full well what waited for you on the inside. A particular blonde in a suit who'd taken an interest in trying to charm you for the past year. At first,' you thought he was trying to flirt his way to a lower price and shut him down, but after a couple more months you realised he was just a flirter.
You didn't really have time to date guys due to your family business, but you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't like the attention Sanji gave you even if he did it to every girl who walked through the door.
'Okay boys, unload and take the stock around back!' you call out tp your small crew, as you head off the ship to settle up with Zeff.
At this time of day the place was quiet, minus the staff getting ready for dinner service. Zeff comes out of the kitchen grinning, 'did you bring us the big ones y/n?'
You nod, 'only the best for you Zeff.'
He laughs before heading back into the kitchen and you follow him. As soon as you step foot in the kitchen, the main hub of activity you spot Sanji at a station and wave at him. You walk into Zeff's office where he already had your payment waiting, and some paperwork for you to sign.
'I don't know what that boy is up to y/n, but he's been preparing for your arrival,' Zeff speaks up.
You smile and put the berries and paperwork in your satchel, 'thanks for the heads up. Same time next month.'
Zeff waves you off and you head into the kitchen, seeing your guys unloading crates of fish. Sanji appears in front of you naming you jump a little.
'So, I asked around and everyone thinks I'm a great catch and would be perfect for you y/n,' he says proudly, and his accent was more than enough to sway you.
You hum, 'who exactly did you ask?'
Sanji blinked a couple of times before running his fingers through his hair, it was safe to say you made him a little nervous not falling for his charms, 'err like everyone. You and I are meant to be together y/n, I just know it.'
Sanji showing vulnerability surprised you, this was a new side you kind of liked and admired. You motion towards the main door indicating the two of you should head outside if you wanted some privacy.
Once outside you tilt your head towards the blonde, 'tell me why then.'
Sanji bites his lip, 'because I found out we share the same dream.'
'The All Blue,' you whisper.
Sanji nods and closes the space between you, taking your hands in his, 'One day I'll leave this place and I want you by my side y/n.'
'It's not that easy Sanji, what about my family business? You ask and squeeze his hands.
'You've said to yourself your brother and his family can take over. I'm a cook but I need someone to fish for me,' Sanji replies, adding a little humour at the end.
You smirk and meet his eyes, stand on your tiptoes and peck his cheek, 'took you a year but I'm down. When you decide to leave come and pick me up.'
A blush appears on Sanji's cheeks after your brief kiss, 'I guess I'll be seeing you then y/n.'
You nod, 'No sweeping any other ladies off their feet until then, you promise? I'll be back in a month with the next delivery.'
He bends down and kisses your forehead, 'I'm a man of my word y/n.'
Little did you know he'd come calling before the next delivery, and the two of you set sail to The Grand Line to find The All Blue together.
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bloggingboutburgers · 7 months
Hey, allo anon with an ace partner here. I wanted to say thank you so much for the well wishes! I figured I would send this in here again, so anyone else who is curious about what this experience looks like from the other side can see it.
My girlfriend came out to me a little over 2 years into our relationship. At the time it surprised me a lot, because she'd never given me any signs that she wasn't enjoying what we were doing. After we talked more I understood that she wasn't repulsed by sex and she didn't hate it, but she didn't really love it either and wanted to stop doing it for a while (so a sex-neutral ace).
Honestly, at the time, I did get anxious about it. Not just because of social conventions, but because I had viewed sex as an important bonding part of our relationship. I don't do well with change, and I was super worried about how a lack of sex would change our dynamic. I also had some insecurities about my own body, and my girlfriend admitting that she didn't see me as sexy was upsetting. But after speaking to my therapist, I realized that I was projecting my own issues on to the relationship. So I spoke with her again, and she reassured me that she wanted to be with me, and that she was confiding these feelings because she trusted me. She likes how I look, she just doesn't have the same sexual impulses I do.
So, I realized this was pretty much like cuddling. I love physical touch a lot, and I want to cuddle for a much longer time than she does. I like it when someone lies on top of me. She doesn't want me on top of her chest during cuddling. She still cuddles with me, but she tells me when she's satisfied, and we stop.
A few months went by, and I noticed that she wasn't spending any less time with me; she was actually spending more. We would still call every evening when we didn't meet up in person, we would still joke around, and she still told me she loved me and did everything she could to show it to me. We also began trying out new stuff together, and playing games and watching stuff more often. We also still had plenty of physical intimacy with things like cuddling and kissing, which made me really happy.
I realized that I didn't feel like anything was missing from the relationship. I just needed her to show and tell me she loved me in the ways she normally did. Sure, I am still attracted to her that way, but it wasn't something that would make or break the relationship.
It's been years since she came out, and at this point, I never expect anything sexual. It happens rarely, and I always check in with her multiple times before and during. We stop at any point she tells me. There are quite a few hard boundaries about what is and isn't off limits, and I always keep them in mind. I would rather satisfy myself forever than make her uncomfortable, and she knows it.
It's been over 5 years and we are still going strong. I am hoping to ask her to marry me in the next few years, because honestly, I can't picture wanting anyone else by my side. She is kind, funny, beautiful, intelligent, and treats me well. I could never ask for anything more from a partner.
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. I myself definitely lack knowledge of what it feels like from an allo's perspective, so this was very educational for me, but beyond that... You have no idea how much hope this gives me.
From you being aware of how much sex meant to you in the context of your relationship and still being fine without it, to just... Heck, even your therapist for not blaming her for the situation. Therapy is still very much, in my country at least, an area where the absence or lower levels of sexual attraction will be hastily labelled as something wrong physically or mentally, so... Yeah, the amount of relief I felt reading that, you have no idea. And I can only imagine how much your partner appreciates it too.
Honestly I teared up a bit reading this - I sincerely wish you guys all the best and I hope you have a bright future ahead! (Also fun fact, seems you guys have been together as long as my partner and I have, it's nice to be able to relate to that too hehe^^)
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vigilante-3073 · 24 days
Daddy's Credit Card
Edward Cullen x Female Vampire Reader (Platonic)
Cullen Family x Female Vampire Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Y/N is an entitled brat with the power of mental manipulation. She makes life for the Cullen family a bit more difficult.
TW: Entitlement, mention of death, threats and violence, lack of regard for the feelings/property of others.
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Edward Cullen had the unfortunate honor of being considered Y/N's closest friend. This role came with a lot of responsibility as Y/N could be quite impulsive, unpredictable and short-tempered. His ability to read her mind came in particularly useful because it allowed him to stop an idea in its tracks before it could be carried out.
Y/N was the first Vampire that Carlisle was able to create and she fell in love with him during the years they spent together. It had been only the two of them since the early 1800s before he turned Edward in 1918 to be a potential mate for her. Y/N felt like Carlisle was pushing her to the wayside and trying to placate her by introducing Edward.
Y/N harbored quite a bit of disdain for Edward upon meeting him, but eventually came to accept him. She grew resentful towards Carlisle, especially after he introduced Esme into the family and married her soon after. Carlisle tried his best to mend his relationship with Y/N, but it was nothing like it had been all those years ago.
Edward and Y/N were virtually inseparable, but there were no romantic feelings involved. Y/N could be quite possessive of him, but he tried his best to reassure her that he wouldn't abandon her as a friend. As the Cullen family grew, Y/N started to rebel against Carlisle and push back against some of the rules he had set, especially about using her powers.
Carlisle tended to let her get away with almost everything, as long as no one was harmed. He had been dealing with her outbursts for hundreds of years and was understandably exasperated. Carlisle's hands-off parenting approach with Y/N was most likely the reason that Edward was in his current predicament.
Y/N had "borrowed" Carlisle's credit card and had completely disappeared for almost two months before returning to the Cullen home with a brand new black Camaro and too many shopping bags to count.
The week before her disappearance, Edward had caught one of her ideas before it was able to snowball into a very expensive trip to Las Vegas on Carlisle's dime. He could only imagine what she had come up with instead.
Carlisle welcomed her back into the home with open arms, not daring to ask her where she had been. Edward couldn't stand her continuing sense of entitlement, but he was honestly impressed by how creative she could get with her rebellious behavior.
Y/N walked up the stairs, lifting her sunglasses up onto her head as she made her way into Edward's room.
"Get up, we're going hunting," She said.
"I have school in an hour," Edward stated, closing his book and setting it aside.
Y/N scoffed, taking her sunglasses off and tossing them onto his desk. Y/N had become indifferent to high school over the years and Edward couldn't blame her.
"Where were you?" Edward asked, Y/N shrugged, "Everywhere... Europe, mainly," She said.
"How much of Carlisle's money did you spend?" Edward questioned.
"Not nearly enough. Get up," She said. Edward clenched his jaw as he stood up from the couch without any intention of doing it.
"I hate it when you do that," He muttered, shaking his head.
"Come hunting with me," Y/N repeated.
"I'll get you one deer, then I have to go," Edward bargained, "Deal," Y/N replied.
Edward rode to school in the passenger seat of Y/N's new car, "I met someone while you were gone," He stated.
"You should know that you don't have room in your life for anyone besides me," Y/N replied without looking at him.
Edward huffed a laugh, "You aren't even here half the time," He said.
"Doesn't matter. I don't share my things," Y/N stated, driving up into the parking lot of the school.
"I don't belong to you," Edward said.
Although it was true that Carlisle had saved him with the intention of creating a companion for Y/N, their relationship tended to be one sided. Edward was expected to be available to her at all times for whatever she may need, but the same standards didn't apply to her.
Y/N could disappear for years and would still expect Edward to be waiting for her upon her return like a loyal lap dog.
"You can keep thinking that all you want," She said, pulling into a parking spot beside Rosalie's car before putting the car in park and shutting off the engine.
Y/N reached for the door handle, "Wait," Edward said, she looked over at him, "I haven't asked you for many things in the time that we've known each other, but I'm serious about this person and I would appreciate your support in this," Edward said.
"Is she human?" Y/N asked.
Edward nodded, "Her name is Bella," He said.
"I don't care what her name is, Edward. This relationship is not going to continue," Y/N stated.
"She already knows about us," Edward said.
"You told her?" Y/N questioned.
"No, she figured it out herself," He replied.
"This shouldn't even be a conversation," Y/N scoffed.
"Bella has met the family and they accept our relationship... I'm in love with her, Y/N," Edward said.
"This is ridiculous," Y/N snapped, opening the door and getting out of the car. She slammed the door as hard as she possibly could have without shattering the window.
Edward sighed, resting his head back on the seat behind him before reluctantly stepping out of the car and making his way into the building.
Bella jumped as he locker was suddenly slammed shut. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked up at the young woman with golden brown eyes, "I-You must be Y/N... Edward has told me about you," Bella said nervously.
Y/N stepped forward, crowding Bella back against the wall of lockers as she stared the girl down, "He's told me plenty about you too. But none of it matters because you and Edward are done. You're going to break up with him and forget all about us," Y/N instructed.
Bella scoffed softly, "I-I'm not gonna do that. I love him," She said.
Y/N's face fell, "You little-," She started, an arm quickly wrapped around her waist and pulled her away from Bella.
"Don't even think about it," Edward growled.
He looked up at Bella, he could hear her heart racing, "Are you okay, Bella?" He asked.
She nodded, "I'm fine," She said softly.
"Go wait in the car," Edward said sternly to Y/N. She shoved his arm away from herself before storming off down the hallway.
"You weren't kidding about her," Bella said.
"I'm sorry, that shouldn't have happened," Edward said, making his way over to her.
"You don't have anything to apologize for," Bella assured.
"She'll come around eventually, I promise. She hated me at first too," Edward said.
"I find that hard to believe," Bella said, picking up her backpack and slipping her arms through the straps.
"Y/N is a very complicated person to understand," Edward sighed. The pair began walking down the hallway towards the exit, "Does she try to intimidate people very often?" Bella questioned.
Edward flinched at the question, "What?" Bella asked.
"That wasn't her attempt to intimidate you... Y/N has the ability to control people's minds and if you were anyone but you, you'd be doing exactly what she told you to," Edward said.
"Seriously?" Bella asked, Edward nodded.
The pair made their way outside, Edward's eyes quickly located Y/N, she was leaning against the hood of her car with her arms crossed while staring daggers at Bella.
Edward read her thoughts quickly, resting his hand on Bella's back and walking her over to her truck when he found no immediate threats to her safety in his friend's mind.
"Is there any way that I can talk with her sometime? Just to clear the air," Bella asked.
"That's really not a good idea right now. Just go home and I'll come see you later, alright?" Edward said, she nodded.
Edward opened the door to her truck and allowed her to climb in before closing door for her. She sent him a small smile as she started the truck before putting it into gear and driving off the lot.
The Cullen family gathered in the living room, the air was tense as they discussed the incident that had occurred between Bella and Y/N at the school.
Edward had told Carlisle about what Y/N was thinking before he was able to intercept her attack on the young girl Edward had come to care for.
"You were going to hurt Bella, that is absolutely unacceptable," Carlisle said firmly. Y/N rolled her eyes, "I didn't even lay a finger on her, Carlisle, you're being dramatic," She replied.
"Edward heard your thoughts and was able to stop you before inflicting any physical harm to her, but your intentions were clear," Carlisle said, glancing over at Edward.
"Having an incident in the school would absolutely draw enough attention to our family to require us to leave Forks again," Esme said.
"Especially after what happened in the parking lot," Rosalie muttered.
"It's not like I was going to kill her, just maim her a little," Y/N shrugged.
Edward clenched his jaw, taking a breath to try and calm himself down before doing anything rash.
"Bella is with Edward and that makes her a part of this family," Carlisle said.
"Understand that this human girl is not even close to a part of this family. She will die and the world will be left no different than when she was alive. We are wasting time arguing about something ridiculously insignificant," Y/N said.
Edward ran at her, slamming her back against the wall hard enough to crack the plaster. She stared up at him with a blank expression, "Tell me that I'm lying," Y/N said.
Emmett moved to take a step forward, Rosalie grabbed his arm wordlessly before he could get himself involved. Edward and Y/N had to work this out on their own and there was definitely the possibility of an ugly fight breaking out.
"I've seen a vision of Bella as one of us," Alice said.
"That's not going to happen," Edward snapped.
"Then she'll die and this will mean nothing. Take a stand on a topic that matters, Edward," Y/N replied, effortlessly pushing him away from herself and making her way out of the room.
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sebsbarnes · 6 months
letters to a loved one || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a lot different than my normal works so i hope you enjoy this different format
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aug 5th, 2022: i know it's only been two days since you left but i miss you so much already! good luck today, kick some ass!! mwah! xoxo
aug 15th, 2022: hi honey. i hope the mission went well a few days ago! even though email is the safest way we can communicate while you're gone i know you can't always respond even if you're in a safe house. i'm not too worried, i know how skilled you and lemon are. tell him i say hi! i can't wait for you to be home, you estimated you'd be back on the 17th so i have a nice dinner planned. <3 love you so so much my sweet tang!
aug 27th, 2022: hey tang, i can't lie and say i'm not a tiny bit worried but i keep telling myself you've been gone longer before with zero communication. maybe it feels different now because of how long we've been together. i miss waking up to you and grabbing our keys and heading out for the day. if you see this message me back! even if you can't fully respond i'll settle with a smiley face if i must! haha. oh by the way i still cooked that dinner i had planned for us, it came out soooo yummy. but it took so long omg! you're lucky i love you and i'm willing to spend 8 hours in the kitchen again. it will probably taste better this time since you will be by my side. love you lots!
sept 12th, 2022: i only just saw the news of the bullet train derailment in japan on august 5th. that was your mission wasn't it? you said the 5th. i'm worried more now, i can't lie, but like i tell you every day i know how skilled you are. even though i never want to wish you are in a hospital i hope that's where you are recovering with lemon by your side. when you get the chance please email me back, okay? i love you.
sept 14th, 2022: tangerine if you see this please email or call me.
sept 30th, 2022: i wish i could talk to you just once. one word so i know you are okay. i can't reach lemon either. i wake up every day hoping you will be laying next to me. please, please give me something so i know you are alright? anything. where are you tangerine? i don't want to keep crying but that's all i can do. sit here in our empty house and cry. the walls feel like they are closing in on me. i went to our favorite breakfast spot the other day and i got that really sweet older lady with the grey curly hair as my waitress. she asked where you've been. i don't know how much longer i can keep saying you are gone for work and people believe it... i no longer believe it either. i hate typing it out. i don't want to believe something awful happened but something did, didn't it? i can feel it in my body. please reach out to me, i miss you so much and i love you so so much tangerine, please.
oct 26th, 2022: i love halloween, you know that more than anyone. decorations everywhere, piles of candy, and everyone dressing up pretending to be someone else for the night. now i feel bad about how much i bugged you about this year's halloween. my friends keep telling me to come out and join them, but if i'm being honest it's hard to do anything these days. it doesn't help that they think you just left me, ghosted me i guess. but they don't know what you do for work and i can't tell them. so i have to listen to them talk shit about you and i sit there trying to convince them you aren't this evil guy who ditched me and never looked back. maybe i should listen, maybe it's easier to believe you just left me than admitting to myself you're no longer here. i'm holding out, i'm trying so fucking hard to, tan. maybe in some sick joke you will pop up on halloween dressed in some stupid costume with a mask covering your face and in some grand reveal you will pull the mask off and i'll be in your arms again. it's wishful thinking. well, i have to go now, i'm meeting with a co-worker. love you.
dec 1st, 2022: i should be waking up this morning with your arms wrapped around me nearly crushing every bone in my body. but i didn't. and i haven't since the beginning of august. is it cruel now to admit i think you are gone. i really think you are and part of me has thought this since i saw the news of the bullet train. i feel scared. i'm starting to forget the little things about you. i can't play back the sound of your laugh in my head. i can't really picture the way your eyes crinkled. it makes me feel ill. i don't want to forget the small details about you. i crave to whisper goodnight and i love you to you. i crave just for your body next to mine. in the most innocent forms i crave you, like the way you'd absentmindedly play with my hair or pull out my chair or charge my phone when i always forget. the simple things i'm missing the most. i didn't realize i had so many forms of love until you've been gone. happy anniversary, dear.
jan 17th, 2023: tangerine, i'm not sure why i opened this email account. it's been over a month since i've checked it. maybe it was because i heard your favorite song earlier and thought of you a bit more than usual these days. i secretly hoped there would be a new message but that's foolish of me.
april 7th, 2023: Dear Tangerine, I know you won't read this email, but I felt as though I needed to explain what life has been like recently. My friends no longer bring you up in conversation which I am grateful for. I had to stop visiting our favorite breakfast place, each time I went they asked about you, even as recently as three weeks ago. I will miss their egg sandwich that you recommended to me on our third date but it is better off I no longer go there. Work has been great, a bit busy, but good. I removed your picture from my desk at the beginning of the new year. I saw the way my co-workers would stare a bit too long at it, I guess seeing it reminded them how I never mentioned you anymore. Speaking of co-workers, a few emails ago I mentioned I was meeting up with one of them. We've been seeing each other a lot outside of work, I enjoy their company. I can never say this to them but when they kiss me and hug me I sometimes think it's you. That's wrong to admit especially since I think I'm developing feelings for them, but they will never see this. They are kind and treat me well which I know you would be pleased to hear. I packed up your clothes in my house and put them in a box. I couldn't keep looking at them. I cried so much that I don't think I can cry again for years to come. I would hug your shirts and jackets so much that they lost your smell. I regret that a bit. I opened the box a few days ago and it smelled like me. Almost all signs of you are gone now that the remnants of your cologne is worn off the fabric. I think I might sell the house. It's too big for a single person now. It's too quiet in here and it almost feels like someone is watching me, it doesn't feel safe. Maybe that's because you provided me with safety. I'm not doing much today, it's actually pretty early right now, maybe I'll cook that dinner I never got to cook for you. I haven't since that day. I'm realizing how silly I sound in my own head as I type these words. Maybe I'll invest in a journal soon.
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derangedanomaly · 9 months
As a celebration to New Year, I decided to mush this thing up in a matter of...few minutes?? Don't know how long this took me.
I'm still working on your requests, but I thought I'd get a break and do this for a change! I can't thank you enough for your support! I love writing, and seeing you guys liking my stories is very heartwarming, thank you!
Enjoy this silly story :)
"GUYS! IT'S GONNA BE NEW YEAR SOON!" You kicked open the door, going towards everyone in the, exclusively large, living room. "Wow, I can't believe it's 2024 already." Ink exclaimed, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah! Y/n, come on, let's get some drinks!" Swap flashed you his famous smile as you went towards him.
You hosted a big party for the New Year, and everyone arrived! There was Dream, Ink, Swap, Sans, Fell, Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, Error, Fresh, Dance, Epic, Science, Berry, Reaper, even NIGHTMARE came. And that's saying a lot.
You really don't know how you all can fit inside your living room, but it's better to not question it...
As you and Swap went to retrieve drinks, Fell and the others were cooking up a plan of their own...
Fell went in the middle of the room. "ALRIGHT YOU LOSERS, TONIGHT..I. FELL WILL KISS Y/N!" There's a long silence until everyone started yelling
"WHAT?!" "No way! You won't!" "Not on my watch!" "SHUT UP!" And so on, until Classic shut everyone's mouths.
"EVERYONE! EVERYONE! Calm down." Everyone very soon became silent. No one wanted to go against Classic, seeing as he's the original Sans...
"There's no need for us to make such a ruckus... Y/n invited us all because of their great personality..." Classic spoke once more, until Killer interrupted. "Yeah.. I know what, 'Personality' you mean.." Science looks at Killer's blushing face, and immediately swats him. "HEY!" "Don't talk like that about them." He sternly told him, before focusing his attention at Classic, yet again.
"-And I'm just saying, they probably don't expect to be kissing anyone." There's a long silence as everyone shamefully looks at the floor. "The only one they'll be kissing is me." Classic finishes his speech, making the others argue. Again.
"And what makes you think they'll kiss you??" Ink pointed at Classic. "Yeah. Maybe... they'll go for a more mysterious skeleton." Dust spoke next, making the others turn to him with a questionable look. Berry erupted into laughter. "MWAHAHAHA! YOU?! Nah, with yo emo ass.. they would rather much like someone like me!" Nightmare scoffed. "Yeah. Right." Berry looked at Nightmare, offended. "Like you're any better." Nightmare suddenly smirked. "Yeah. I have tentacles.." his cheeks gained color, as he blushed deep turquoise. They all just looked at him confused, until it hit them. "Ew, gross! Why would anyone be into that?" Killer made a yuck noise. "Stop kink shaming." Reaper gave him a smirk, as Killer grimaced.
The boys fell silent when they saw you and Swap enter the room with smiling faces. "Hey guys! We're finally back, everyone grab a drink and pour yourself some! It's gonna start soon~!" They all did what they were told.
Epic went up to you with a blushy face. "H-Hey...ahem. Hey brah! I wanted to ask-" he didn't finished his sentence as he was pushed away by Error. "Go away! Hey Y-Y/n.." you only blinked. "Yeah?" ... Silence. There was nothing, he was about to speak, but was kicked away by Cross. "That's for my best friend! And...uhh..hi Y/n! Enjoying yourself?" You nodded. "Yeah! I'm glad to be spending New Year's with my friends!" He suddenly froze, which Dream got a good advantage of. "Y/n!-" Not even a few words in and he was pushed aside by Science. "Y/n! Iwannaaskifyouwanna-" you cut him off, not understanding a word he's saying. "Sci, sci...calm down. Or you might get a stroke. Heh.." you pat his head walking away. "...." "Gosh darn it..." He swore, looking down.
You gasped, seeing the screen. "This is it guys! 10....9..." You all counted as the numbers kept going down. The others couldn't help but feel disappointed. None of them could mange to ask for a kiss.... "5...4...3..." It was disappointing, really.. "3...2...1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" You all shouted.
You suddenly sprinted towards Swap and Horror. They all watched curiously. What could you possibly want from them? They all stared with shock as you kissed Swap, and then Horror. Leaving red marks on their skulls, from your lipstick. (A/N: REMEMBER! ANYONE CAN WEAR LIPSTICK! LIPSTICK DOESN'T HAVE GENDER)
They both have a very dizzy expressions on their faces, as you grinned, then went towards the couch.
Turns out, that Horror actually disappeared while everyone was arguing. He went to help you and Swap out, since that conversation was boring him. There, he witnessed Swap asking you that sacred question, then he decided to also ask.
This was a very tragic New Year for them all. Except Swap and Horror. ;)
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emssturniolo · 10 months
phone charger
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pairing: christopher sturniolo x reader
summary: going to get your charger from chris's room escalated to a love confession
a/n: not me spending two hours on this
you and the triplets had become friends last year after meeting at a movie premiere. you were sat next to nick, who knew who you were, and immediately became best friend with him and madi, who was sitting next to him. the movie had taken a long time to start, and in that half an hour you got to know nick, madi, and nick's two triplet brothers, matt and chris. you had exchanged numbers at the end of the event and kept in touch, which eventually led to you five become extremely close friends. you weren't originally from la, but you spent quite some time there, and it quickly become more of a frequent habit to stay longer as you grew closer to your new friends and spent your time in la at their house, instead of staying at an airbnb. the five of you were inseparable, and as much as you loved the first few months of getting to know each other, you enjoyed their company much better now, a year later, that you knew all of them inside out. yet, though you loved all of them equally, there was something which drew you to chris from the very start
you hadn't taken notice of it that first day, but you eyes kept drifting behind nick and madi while you were talking to either of them to catch a quick glance at chris. the way he was so effortlessly angelic to you was baffling, and that feeling of wanting to get to know him never left you, even now that you were close friends. it took you a while to admit to yourself that you were in love with him, but once you did the attraction that drew you to him only became stronger. you couldn't explain it, really. it was just there. your body became dependant on the warm feeling he gave you, but you had no idea how to tell him that without freaking him out
right now, you were sitting on the couch of their living room in their house in LA on your laptop, while the boys were out filming a car video. you checked your phone for the time: it was around two in the morning. you realised your phone was about to die, so you got up to get your charger but you couldn't find it. remembering you had given it to chris earlier that day since he had left his in the car, you went to his room to get it. as soon as you entered his room you got a comforting feeling from the strong scent of his cologne. it was a quest to say the least, to find your charger in the mess of his room. while you were looking for it, you heard a sleepy ‘hey’ come from behind you. you jumped and turned around:
“shit chris, you scared me!” you said, heart still beating fast from the fright he gave you. he laughed tiredly, and walked to the bed to set his phone down. “came in here to grab my charger. how was filming?” you asked, noticing his tired demeanor. “good,” he replied “just super tired. didn't sleep much last night..” you furrowed your eyebrows, asking him another question, “how come?”. he sat on the bed and closed his eyes: “i don't know, i couldn't shut my brain off” you gave him a sad smile, internally wishing you could have been lying next to him to comfort him, little did you know you were the one keeping him up
see the thing was, you had accepted the things you felt for him, he however, did not know what to do with the things he felt for you. he was so down bad in love with you, and neither of you had ever experienced romantic feelings for anyone before, but he didn't know how to handle it. it killed him to think that there was a chance that he could lose you because he felt something he couldn't control. yet, it also killed him to think that if he didn't do anything about the way he felt, he could still lose you to someone else. so he was just left confused, because he was a little slower with realising that what he felt for you was more than just close-platonic-friendship-love
he patted the space next to him on the bed and you obliged, setting the charger you initially went in for down on his desk and crawling next to him on his bed. you wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his head on your stomach. you melted to his touch, but thought nothing of it, since he always got very affectionate at night. your hands found their way to his hair automatically, like they were made with the intention to do so. you lightly scratched his scalp and he let out a content sigh. in that exact moment, you wished you could see the yourself and him from another person's perspective, and paint a picture of the two of you to hand up in the louvre, because to you, this was the most perfect piece of art. and it truly was, unbeknownst to the two of you: just two oblivious lovers molding together by the touch of one another
you were quickly brought out of your train of thought when chris lifted his head to look at you, his pupils so dilated they had almost fully swallowed the blue. he smiled softly and spoke in a fragile voice: “i love you” he said. his words shocked you to say the least, but you tried to keep calm. “i love you too” your voice was shaky, but you hoped he wouldn't notice
“i want to say something but i don't know if i should, don't want you to hate me”
“i won't can hate you, chris” you say, slightly giggling
“not even if i told you i couldn't sleep last night because of you, like in a good way?”
“what do you mean?” your cheeks started to tint pink
“you know what i mean, goof. don't make me say it”
“i might, but i'd like to heart you say it”
“stopppp” he dragged out, covering his face with one of his hands. the other still resting between his head and you stomach
“no, say it” you giggled as much as you could, since he was still lying on top of you
“i love you, you goof. i'm really tired right now but i just can't stand not being able to kiss you when i'm tired and sleep in your arms like this...”
“yeah?” you teased him a bit, the way he teases you whenever you're tired
“i want to be your boyfrienddd” he says, his lips melting into a smile
“you can be my boyfriend,” you said “but only if i can be your girlfriend”
“word” he said “now stop talking kid, i'm tired”
without a word, you shifted your bodies so you were both under the covers. your heads resting on his pillow, you gave him a small kiss on his lips (which were soft, and perfectly made to fit yours) and you spent the night there, your phone long forgotten to be charged, but you appreciated your phone for having the need to be charged, or else none of this would have happened
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pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), smut (18+, dni if under 18)
author’s note: here it is! enjoy xx
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he says everything i need to hear, and it's like i couldn't ask for anything better. he opens up my door and i get into his car and he says, "you look beautiful tonight" and i feel perfectly fine
Y/N had never met Steve. She knew of him, she knew he was Bucky's best friend who had joined the ad company in New York when Bucky was first assembling it. From what she had heard from other people, he was the only person Bucky really trusted, so much that when the ad company set up shop in London, it was Steve who Bucky sent to manage the whole operation. However, Y/N had always found it somewhat odd that Steve and Bucky were best friends as apparently they were completely different people - at least according to Sam.
Steve was reliable, a goody two shoes who followed the rules and was universally liked by everyone and anyone that came into contact with him - a poster child. He was also married to someone he had known since he was 15, the two had bought a house, picket fence and all, and were carefully considering when to have children. Bucky, on the other hand, was either liked or hatred but always respected. Marriage seemed like something he didn't particularly consider anymore and had had a kid without even wanting one. It didn't make sense the two were close, yet agin opposites attract. Nevertheless, Y/N was yet to meet him. Sadie appeared to like him, or at least liked him enough to include her in her drawings.
Since she was not the one to pick up Sadie up, she had plenty of time to spend wallowing over her PhD thesis and nit pick at every single word by wondering if she used the word 'comparison' too many times. She sighed, burying her hands in her hair and almost hitting her head against the keyboard of her laptop.
      -Hi. - she looked up to see Chris sitting next to her, still wearing his suit and holding his briefcase. - How are you?
      -Chris. - she smiled. It was nice seeing him. - Got off work earlier?
      -Sergeant Barnes dismissed me early today. He was in a mood.
      -He's always in a mood. It's Bucky, after all.
      -He lets you call him that? - he asked and Y/N shrugged. - He doesn't even let us call him James and that's his name.
      -Well, I do sleep in his place and watch over his daughter. I have perks. - she joked. - I'm sorry I had to leave early this morning. I was worried about Sadie.
      -Since you left early, I was wondering if you'd like to maybe spend the night with me again. - he kissed her shoulder. - I'll do the thing you like and then bake you pancakes in the morning.
Y/N smiled. She'd had a wonderful date with Chris and he'd been nothing but charming the whole time; however, she didn't like to leave Sadie by herself. She was little, she didn't understand if Y/N wasn't there to sing her a lullaby or read a Dr. Seuss book or make the buttered noddles the way she liked it.
      -I'm sorry but I need to go home and watch Sadie.
      -I thought Steve Rodgers was in town. - Chris closed Y/N's laptop as it went onto standby. - He usually parades Sadie Barnes around town, so I'm sure Sergeant Barnes wouldn't mind.
      -Yes but Sadie is 2 and she gets nervous around new people.
      -She's not your daughter, Y/N. She's Bucky's and you can't get her used to having you by her side all the time. I mean, you're finishing your PhD soon.
Y/N forced a smile. She knew that, Bucky had told her that, she knew Sadie wasn't hers, she knew that. She moved her laptop to her tote bag, getting up and throwing her hair to the side before making it to the exit. Chris followed after her with a sheepish look.
      -Y/N, I didn't mean it like that. - he apologised, following behind her as she closed and crossed door after door.
      -I know what you meant, Christopher.
      -I just don't want you to get hurt when you eventually leave. It's not like Sergeant Barnes will let you visit Sadie. He's only nice to those who can do something for him.
      -I really would enjoy it if you didn't butt into my work. I don't mess with yours so don't mess with mine.
      -Okay, I'm sorry. - he rushed in front of her, raising his hands up in surrender. - I'm so sorry, Y/N. I just worry about you.
      -I don't need you worrying about me, I can handle myself just fine.
      -I know, Y/N, I know. - he lowered his hands. - I just feel overprotective over you. I've known Barnes for a while and he can be an idiot, I just don't want you to experience that.
      -I've known Bucky for a while too, Chris. I don't need to be protected.
      -I'm sorry. We'll hang out another day when you're not busy with Sadie. Sounds good?
      -I'll think about it.
      -Think about it while I drive you back home?
Chris was nice, Y/N liked him. She told herself that she liked him because she did. He was stunning, he was smart, he had a PhD, what else could she possibly want? The trouble became when he started talking about what would come after her graduation - if she graduated which at this point she didn't believe. But when she did, he was right, it wasn't as if Bucky, being the stubborn man he was, would allow her to continue seeing Sadie. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten this close to Sadie, maybe she should start to distance herself from her. Yet, as she approached the front door and saw the little yellow rubber boots Sadie had begged and begged Bucky for and were still a bit too big for her, she was certain it would be very hard for her to forget the little girl.
She put the key on the keyhole and turned around. Chris smiled at her, leaning down to kiss her before pushing the door open. She was expecting an empty house, instead she turned around to see Sam and the much discussed Steve holding Sadie.
      -Hm, I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast, Y/N. - Chris waved her goodbye leaving her now in the very awkward situation with Sam and Steve.
Sam chuckled to himself before taking a gulp of coffee. His eyes searched for Steve with a hint of "told you so".
      -Bucky gave you the day off? - Y/N asked as she took off her scarf and coat.
      -Bucky is not the boss of me. - Sam replied. - So ... Chris Davis?
      -Mind your business, Wilson.
      -What? It just explains a lot doesn't it? - Sam continued on teasing, mostly talking to Steve than Y/N. - Oh, this is Steve by the way. A weirdly tall blonde stranger isn't holding Sadie.
      -I know Steve from the photos. - Y/N poured herself a cup of coffee, pointing towards one of the many frames with photos of Steve. - I'm Y/N.
      -The heartbreaker, I know. - he extended his hand towards her. Y/N furrowed her brows, what was that supposed to mean? Luckily for her, Steve corrected himself as Sam discretly elbowed him on the side. - I meant rule breaker. Sam said you rode Bucky quite hard.
      -Maybe not, based on how much of a bitch he was today. - Sam chuckled mostly to himself.
      -Don't swear in front of the 3 year old, please.
      -Sorry, Y/N, I don't know what's the Bluey equivalent of a massive pain in the ass Bucky Barnes.
Y/N rolled her eyes, moving to the kitchen to start making dinner. Yet before, she could, Sadie hugged her leg demanding attention. The au pair smiled, leaning down to pick her up and kiss her cheek countless times getting a few good giggles from the 2 year old. Sam and Steve mostly kept to themselves, sitting in the living room while gossiping (although they would never admit to it) about Bucky and his many, many shenanigans. Y/N tried not to pay much mind to it, not wanting to know about Bucky's sexual escapades and trying to ensure Sadie didn't hear any of it.
Bucky came home, as per usual as of lately, very late. He came in like a hurricane, dropping his jacket and briefcase and making a direct bee line to grab himself a drink. He barely acknowledged her existence, still somewhat stirring in his passive aggressive behaviour, instead going to greet Sam and Steve.
Dinner had gone by pretty uneventful, most of it being Steve and Bucky reminiscing about their teenage years and early 20s as well as Steve posing Y/N the occasional question about her career and studies. She'd finished her evening by putting Sadie to bed and going herself to bed leaving Bucky and Steve by themselves to tidy up the plates and the kitchen - something Steve had told Y/N not to do.
      -So, why are you here? - Bucky asked as he loaded the dishwasher.
      -Can't I come see my best friend and work colleague?
      -Without your wife? No, something's up.
      -Believe it or not me and my wife don't come as a package deal.
      -Cut it off, Steve. You don't visit unannounced and you don't go anywhere without your wife specially when you're trying for a baby. Why are you here, Rogers?
      -I heard about you and Anna. - the blonde sighed. - That was stupid.
      -Who told you?
Bucky stopped loading the dishwasher, a rare look of surprise on his face. Anna? Why would Anna be talking to Steve?
      -Why the fuck would you be talking to Anna? - he said in a silent tone, ponctuated by deep breathes as he attempted to ground himself and not get angry.
      -I never stopped talking to Anna, Bucky. - Steve felt uneasy as he said this.
      -What? - Bucky shut his eyes. - You've been talking to the mother of my child, the same child who is your godchild, the same child who got abandoned by her mother at my doorstep right after she was born?
      -We've known Anna since she was 6, Bucky. I wasn't gonna drop her, not when she needed help.
      -What help did she need? Abandoning more children?
      -You know that's not fair, Bucky. - Steve crossed his arms. - Just because she doesn't want to be a mother, doesn't mean leaving Sadie was less hard.
      -So what, Steve? What are you here for? You're here to come ask me to be kinder to Anna? What the fuck are you here for?
      -I'm here because you keep trying to make something work that won't work! Bucky, she doesn't want to be a mother, stop it. Stop trying to make Anna a mother to Sadie, she doesn't want that.
      -I'm not trying to make anyone into a mother.
      -Oh sure, you're just trying to find Sadie a mother but because you're too chicken to introduce her to any of the girlfriends you've had, you always pick Anna, trying to make her something she isn't.
      -Oh shut up, Steve. Sadie is my priority, she's my daughter, I'm not gonna introduce her to women who are not a fixture in my life!
      -And what's even going on between you and your au pair?
      -What is that supposed to mean?
      -You're feuding with her boyfriend.
      -He's not her boyfriend.
      -You're feuding with Chris Davis. Chris Davis? And for what?
      -I don't owe you any explanation on how I run my company that you work for.
      -You're playing the CEO card, Barnes? Is that it?
      -Chris Davis is not the man for Y/N.
      -What and you are? You're quitting trying to make Anna the mother and moving on to Y/N?
      -So that's the only reason I like women as of late? They can be mothers to my child?
      -You're being self destructive. Stop bullying Chris Davis before she figures it out and quits or he gets annoyed enough and breaks up with her. She has a boyfriend, let it be.
      -Coming from the guy who broke someone's engagement?
      -I didn't go around trying to actually break it, Bucky. Just because she's good with Sadie does not mean it's right for you.
      -And what would you know?
      -I know you. You're gonna date a postgraduate student? You're gonna expect someone who is yet to start her life to settle down and play wife and mother?
      -No, of course not. I would never ask that of her.
      -Then what? Is it because she hasn't slept with you and your fantasies have gotten out of control?
      -I love her.
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