#Somehow they have also started to give me elsa and anna vibes a little
It was quite the foreign feeling, the fact that she needed to think before entering her sister’s chambers. That there was a fair chance that she would not find her alone, but instead with a man the duchess barely knew. A foreigner, from a far away country, who had now become her brother-in-law. The wedding still played on every time she closed her eyes. The pride she felt as she watched her sister enjoy herself, blossoming into the woman she was always meant to be. Envy and pain no longer had a place on that special evening, but eagerly returned to claw at her heart when she opened her eyes the day after. Her head heavy from drinking and her body sore from the dancing most of the night. She had given them a day of two to settle, certain that her sister did not wish for the disturbance of her twin now that she was a newly wedded wife. So Nell was patient, spend her days on other matters that could keep her mind occupied while she gave her sister space. But on the third day, she could not wait any longer. 
She caught her sister in the hallway of the Castelgrande castle. Never would she admit that had casually waited there for perhaps more than half an hour, in hopes that she would pass. Uncertain to go to Kiki’s new rooms as she still found herself getting accustomed to the new reality. But the eldest did not waste a single moment as her twin approached with ladies-in-waiting in tow. Pushing herself up from the wall she had been gently leaning against and making her way towards her sister. Reaching out her hands in an automatic reflex, as a gentle smile graced her features. “There she is, her highness” Nell spoke lovingly, with a hint of tease, as she bowed down before her sister. Putting her days of practice after her injury to good use. “I am certain you have countless matters to attend to, but I wondered if I could perhaps tempt you with the offer of a stroll in the gardens. - I’ve heard it is the ideal time to see it all in full bloom now.”
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anywhozits · 4 years
All I Really Want Chapter 7
Rating: M
Pairing: Kristanna eventuallyyy
Verse: 90s High School AU / frozen retelling
Chapter Summary: Anna celebrates her 15th birthday.
Notes: Thank you for reading!!! Also there is some language, underage drinking, and homophobia in this chapter - be warned! (also tw emotional abuse)
Read on Ao3 here!
June twenty-fucking-first.
Another year. Fifteen, now.
And… Anna was excited, objectively, sure. At her very core, she felt excited because she knew she should be excited. But still, the very nature of this date always left her with a huge pit in her stomach.
There was just so much pressure. So much hope and want and desire for the love she craved to fill her first moments of fifteen.
Anna used to think she loved her birthday. The attention… the entire day naturally being about her—like, she knew she was supposed to enjoy it. She loved attention. She’d never deny that.
In reality, her birthday stressed her out. There were all these expectations. Wanting people to acknowledge her, surprise her, and do all these special things to show they care. And yeah, this was probably way too much to ask on her 15th birthday but she wanted to feel … desired.
And yet she worried that wouldn’t happen this year.
Because her birthday was and had always been so full of disappointment.
Elsa forgot. Her parents forgot. Over the years one or two or all three of them forgot. They would ignore her the whole dumb day and then Anna would end up sobbing alone in her huge stupid room that had no reason to be so huge when it felt so lonely.
So far today, not one member of her family had acknowledged her. Her mother was definitely taking a nap or something. Who the hell knew where her dad was… and Elsa hadn’t called (yet, Anna thought, maybe too optimistically), but she was busy at this pre-college academic program at Pomona. So she had an okay excuse.
At least this year Anna got to spend her birthday with Hans. With Hans, maybe it’d be different. He already made the prom milestone so special that she had no doubt he’d do the same for her birthday.
No disappointments this year. Fingers crossed.
And how could she forget? She had Kristoff, too. And Kristoff never forgot. Kristoff always tried his best to make it special.
In fact, he’d already done something for her—he’d left her a card and a mixtape. This had to be her 37th Kristoff Bjorgman mixtape. And every new tape was better than the last.
He... well, um—that gesture alone made her feel desired.
She was officially on her third listen of the mixtape, and the sweet sweet tunes of Modest Mouse’s Dramamine filled her room.
In the past, he tended to include recordings of Pissed Off Kids, but Kristoff had made it extra special this time—the final song of the tape was instead a solo of Kristoff’s smooth tenor singing Better Man by Pearl Jam. Naturally he also hit all of the epic guitar riffs.
Anna loved it.
This lovely thought paired with the swelling sounds of Dramamine put her in a trance. Deep in her emotions, Anna swayed to the beat, instantly craving something more.
Traveling swallowing Dramamine
Look at your face like you're killed in a dream
She crawled on the floor and under her bed, pulling out a blue plastic box that housed her entire stash. The stash was once discovered by the family’s housekeeper, Anna (pronounced A-nuh not Ah-nuh), who subsequently revealed it to Agnarr and Iduna. Obviously, they did nothing about it. Duh. They gave zero shits. Zero. And it had devastated her, somehow. To not be yelled at or grounded… to not have her entire stash confiscated.
And you think you've figured out everything
I think I know my geography pretty damn well
Clearly, Anna had no reason to hide it anymore but leaving it out in the open took most of the fun away. So here it was back in the blue plastic box under her bed. Various bottles of alcohol, rolling paper, a pipe, a lighter, some weed, and an unopened bottle of Xanax with Iduna Larsen’s name on the label.
You say what you need so you'll get more
If you could just milk it for everything
Actually, come to think of it—Anna’s entire stash had been collected from her parent’s room.
I've said what I said, and you know what I mean
But I can't still focus on anything
Looking squarely at the box and its contents, Anna bit her lip. She needed this. And, why? Well, it was a combination of her baseline birthday nerves and the aftermath of the intense sob-fest she had when the oh-so-topical So Unsexy by Alanis Morrissette played on Kristoff’s mixtape. Oh, and of course the fact that her parents probably fucking forgot her birthday yet again… So, she took out the rolling paper and the Ziploc baggie that contained a few grams of weed.
Then, some weird crashing sound echoed from her window, which made her gasp and spook slightly.
Walking over to the window, drawing the curtains, and emerging onto her Juliet balcony, she noticed Hans and his goofy grin, standing in the driveway like he was a regular John Cusack.
When she saw that he had a bunch of tiny pebbles in his hand, it all made sense.
Anna’s heart fluttered. She loved it. She, like, literally loved it. So romantic.
“Can I come up?” He shouted, and Anna blushed. She was basically real-life Juliet at this point.
“Of course!” Anna called, and Hans started off in a sprint toward the rose trellis that led up the side of the house and into her window. “You don’t have to sneak in, you know!”
But he smiled devilishly and yelled, “I want to!”
Anna laughed and rolled her eyes at his definitely not-necessary efforts, but her stomach also did a few backflips. It was literally 500 times more romantic for him to climb up the trellis than it was for him to simply walk through the unlocked front door.
He pulled himself onto the balcony and Anna kissed him deeply. She couldn’t help but sigh—she was so, unbelievably happy to see him today.
“Happy birthday, babe,” he cooed in between kisses.
“Aww, thank you! I’m so happy you’re here.” After kissing a few more times, they ended up back in her bedroom where Kristoff’s singing now boomed through the room. Anna’s eyes fell to the blue plastic box—right. She had plans. “I was gonna do a little something to, uh, match the general vibe of this mixtape Kristoff made for me if you maybe wanted to join?” Anna gestured to the rolling paper and Ziploc bag.
Hans shook his head but then did a double-take. “Kristoff made you a mixtape?”
“Yep! He’s made me, like, tons of them.”
She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man.
“Who’s this? Pearl Jam or some shit?”
“Yeah, but not—"
“Damn, he really thinks he’s emo, huh?”
“—because it’s Kristoff who’s singing. Pearl Jam cover, yeah, but…”
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man.
Hans laughed, heartily. “He’s pathetic.”
“You’re telling me he specifically chose this song to sing for you, recorded it, and then actually had the balls to give it to you?”
Another robust chuckle from Hans.
Anna furrowed her eyebrows. “What’s the big deal?”
“Are you even listening to these lyrics?”
“Um, yes, I—"
Hans laughed again. “You have no idea, do you?”
Anna pouted. She hated feeling naïve. Especially now that she was such a woman. Fifteen and a woman. Not naïve, not anywhere near naïve.
“No, I ... I know. Duh. I totally know what you’re talking about.” But she really didn’t. She had no idea what the hell he meant.
“So fucking pathetic,” Hans said, shaking his head. “But whatever. He’s not even a little bit threatening, is he?”
Hans thought… no way.
Kristoff wasn’t pathetic. He wasn’t pining after Anna or whatever. No duh he wasn’t. Absolutely no way.
They were just friends.
And, besides, Kristoff chose these songs because he knew Anna would like them. There was no connection between the themes or lyrics of the songs and how he felt about Anna. None at all… there couldn’t be a connection, because if there were, then… the whole sister thing was bullshit. But it wasn’t. No way in hell. Like, it couldn’t be.
Then why was Hans so convinced?
Before Anna could give this another thought, her bedroom door flew open.
She reflexively ran to the plastic box stash and kicked it back under her bed. For no real reason beyond wanting to keep some kind of classic-teenage air of mystery about herself.
Not that she had any earthly idea who the hell was coming barging into her room on this particular day at this particular hour.
But then when she saw the hint of blonde hair zooming past her and then engulfing her in a huge hug, she beamed. Elsa. Exactly who she wanted to come barging into her room.
“Anna!” She exclaimed as she hugged and hugged and hugged her sister. “Happy happy happy birthday! Fifteen—wow. I’m absolutely thrilled that I get to celebrate with you today.”
Anna didn’t want to pull away. So she didn’t. She held on tighter, savoring this moment she thought would never in a million years come to pass. “I’m really happy too, Els. I thought… weren’t you at school? How’d you even get here?”
“Mom and dad picked me up.”
“So I could be here for your birthday.”
“They should really just get you a car or something so they don’t have—” And then the pin dropped. “Wait, what?”
Anna finally pulled away from her sister and stared at her incredulously.
“Yeah—they picked me up so we could have a proper celebration.”
“But…wait. You’re saying…a proper celebration for… for my birthday? Our parents wanted to do this? For me?”
“At Hans’s insistence, actually.”
“Hans?” Anna’s eyes darted to her not-boyfriend. “You… did this?”
“Only took a couple phone calls with your parents, a few with Elsa. And then magic was made.”
“I can’t believe you did this for me.”
“Of course I did, babe. I love you.”
Anna’s heart fluttered the most it had ever fluttered. It fluttered so much she honestly worried it might fly away out of her chest and off the balcony or something totally wild like that.
Hans was perfect. She was so lucky to have Hans. The perfect not-boyfriend who made her birthday okay again. More than okay, rather. Magical, wonderful. Perfect.
She didn’t even notice as Kristoff’s next selection, All Over You, started playing in the background.
And then the door swung open again and the two essential strangers she called parents walked in to also swarm Anna with massive hugs.
It felt… strange. Uncharacteristic. Almost like… almost like seeing a teacher at the movie theater, sitting down to watch the same movie you’re seeing with friends.
That level of weird.
But at the same time, it was a type of weird that Anna embraced more than anything else.
Because her parents were hugging her… they were acknowledging her.
They hadn’t forgotten her birthday.
“I rented us a Duffy boat for the afternoon,” Agnarr explained. “Kai set it all up for us—stocked with the best Cristal and naturally Anna’s favorite charcuterie board.”
“Ooh cured meats. A birthday delight.” Shit Anna had no idea how to interact with her parents anymore. Who even was this person—cured meats? Like yeah, she loved cured meats of course but damn this felt awkward.
“Actually, we should consider heading out soon. Don’t want to find ourselves on the blacklist at the Yacht Club, you know.”
That may sound like a joke but their close family friends actually did get blacklisted from the Yacht Club. Well, it had much more to do with some kind of scandalous drug and prostitute type situation than it did with being late, but… the fear was there.
“Should we bring your stereo?”
“Oh, yeah! Yes. Great idea. Kristoff actually made me a mixtape for my birthday, so—yeah. I’d love to have that along for the celebration too!”
They brought the speaker. They brought the Cristal and the charcuterie. Anna brought her now sunny and enthused birthday disposition.
Her family. And Hans. All together. Right now. On her birthday. Like, shit.
It felt like something out of her absolute favorite dream of all time.
And, yes, this whole Duffy boat thing was the most freaking Orange County plan of all time. But that meant her dad had to have planned ahead, since Duffy boats booked up ahead of time.
She felt so loved. So loved.
Once they arranged themselves in the boat, Anna turned on the stereo. So Unsexy played again, but Alanis didn’t get to her this time. Nobody had forgotten her birthday. She wasn’t alone. She felt, like, confident for once… damn. This was nice.
Hans moved to sit next to Agnarr, looking for a lesson about driving the boat, and Iduna sat close to the two of them, smiling. It was a Good Day. Anna could already tell.
“Aww, Alanis?” Elsa asked.
“Wouldn’t’ve expected Kristoff to put this on his mixtape.”
“Well, I mean, it’s because of you.”
“What? Really?
“Mmhmm. Because he, um, he knows how much Alanis means to you and because Alanis means so much to you she means so much to me. I really—”
“That’s so sweet.”
“You mean it?”
“Yeah.” Elsa leaned in to give her sister a huge hug. “I’m happy I get to spend more time with you.”
Anna relaxed into Elsa’s hold. She would thank the stars every day for this magnificent change. “Me, too.”
“Did you know the song You Oughta Know is about Uncle Joey?”
“Shut up. Really? For real?”
“For real for real.”
“No shit,” Anna laughed. “I didn’t think he had it in him.”
“Yeah!” Hans chimed in. “No pull for Uncle Joey.”
“But, wow, yeah. Um,” Anna’s cheeks flushed red and she locked her eyes with Hans. “Guess he must’ve been pretty mind-blowing in bed.”
Hans winked at her and Anna all but shivered on the spot. Hold it together, Anna. Hold it together.
But Elsa entertained them zero, shaking her head. “He took advantage of her,” Elsa explained, crossing her arms over her chest. “He’s fifteen years older than her. And they’d already broken up when she was 21, so who knows how old she was when they started…”
Anna bit her lip, worrying this was getting a little personal. Hans was only two years older than her, so. Different story, right?
Eh. Maybe not according to Elsa.
She needed to change the subject and impulsively blurted out, “I wanna get blackout. Right now.”
Elsa shook her head again. “Anna…”
“Yeah! I mean it! You too, right? You’ll do it with me? Let’s blackout on this Cristal. Yeah?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“Oh, come on. Ms. Boring! I didn’t ask for your judgmental-as-shit opinion. Do you wanna blackout or do you wanna blackout?”
Anna pouted. “Boo. Boring.” She looked to Hans for more support, but he’d turned his attention back to Agnarr and the steering wheel.
“I’ll drink with you, but I don’t want to blackout. I wanna remember you turning 15.”
Anna chewed on her bottom lip. “Oh… yeah. Well, I guess I do too. Since it’s so great and all.”
“I’m not boring,” Elsa smirked.
“Prove it.”
Elsa grabbed the bottle of champagne and twisted the cap a little hesitantly but still enthusiastically. It made a loud popping sound and a little bit of the liquid spilled from the top, but both Anna and Elsa cheered when the champagne was deemed officially free.
Elsa poured them both tall glasses, and then she poured three more, remembering there were other people on this Duffy Boat and not just the two sisters.
All five raised their glasses.
To Anna. Who was now officially fifteen. Old enough to legally drink Cristal on a Duffy Boat, right? Totally.
And then Agnarr perked up, suddenly remembering his eldest daughter was also on this boat. “So, Elsa… can you tell me again why you chose Pomona over Harvard?” The way he said both school names made it more than clear how he felt about Elsa’s decision. Pomona sounded like he smelled the sweet stench of vomit infested garbage. In contrast, Harvard sounded like a choir of angels sang at the gates of heaven.
“I needed a change of pace.”
Agnarr laughed. A literally massive guffaw. “Harvard could’ve been a change of pace.”
“I don’t really—”
“But, at the end of the day, fine, you’re majoring in what—finance? Which means that your classes at this bullshit liberal arts doohickey will be miniscule. And you’ll get more time with the professors, get better letters of rec, and then end up at the Stanford GSB like your old man. That’ll really seal that fucking deal, you know? You’ll be in tip-top shape to take over The Company. Harvard or not.”
“I’m not gonna major in finance, dad.”
“Oh? So what’s the plan, then?”
“I don’t know. I like Anthropology, or maybe something like PoliSci?”
“Politics? Really?”
“Yeah,” Elsa said, her jaw clenched. “I’d love to clean up some of the damage you’ve done to this country.”
A tense silence filled the air. Elsa crossed her arms over her chest and took a nice long sip of champagne.
Until Iduna piped up, “Well, if you want my opinion—”
“I don—" Elsa started.
“—a pretty young thing like you can’t work around Bill right now.”
Agnarr guffawed again. Profoundly. He raised his glass and cheered, “Oh ho ho!” Like he won some kind of stupid battle he wasn’t even in.
Anna was utterly lost. She’d already downed one whole glass of Cristal and poured herself an entire new one without anybody noticing. Hah. Classic.
She didn’t really want to admit she was, like, this stupid or politically unaware or whatever but she also wanted to feel like part of the conversation, so she said, “Wait, what? Has something happened?”
Hans gave Anna the benefit of the doubt. “Nah, but he’s known for being a pussy hound.”
“Okay! Enough! That’s not why I said I wanted to major in PoliSci. We don’t need to get into—"
“No, no, no. This is important, Elsa. You better watch out,” Agnarr said, ignoring her plea entirely. “Listen, I don’t know how a man like Bill gets it up for a woman like Hillary. She looks like such a dyke. Not that I respect the bastard that much, but he could have any broad he wants. Any broad like you.”
“No—” Elsa raised her voice, but Iduna chuckled.
“Since she’s got my cheekbones!”
Elsa’s entire face had turned a cherry red. She was mad. Fuming, really. “—you can’t say that.”
“I can say whatever the hell I want.”
“You can’t say that,” she repeated.
“Why not? You think you’re some holier-than-thou judge of character?”
Elsa’s jaw was still insatiably clenched. “I want to go home.”
“Els?” Anna reached out her hand to touch Elsa’s shoulder in a way she hoped brought at least a marginal amount of comfort.
“Seriously,” Elsa begged, her eyes glistening with what looked like fresh tears. “Can we turn this boat around? Please?”
A lump formed in Anna’s throat and she swallowed it down. She didn’t want today to end like this, so she tried to redirect. “Um… but—we’re having fun, aren’t we? You… how about we drink more champagne?”
Anna knew Elsa was mad. She knew that their parents had upset her beyond belief, but this was the only time she’d spent with all of them in the same place in… literally forever. She didn’t want it to end prematurely. No matter how mad Elsa was. Besides, Anna had been there, too. She’d been on the receiving end of comments like that countless times.
It stung, sure. But it wasn’t unexpected. That was just what happened when you spent time with Agnarr and Iduna. They were like parasites.
But the kind of parasite Anna still yearned to have in her life… if that made any sense at all?
Thankfully Elsa seemed to snap out of it a bit and turned back to Anna. “I’m sorry, yeah. You’re right. I…” She added in a whisper, “I shouldn’t let them get to me.”
“Yeah—no. Never!” Anna beamed. Crisis averted. “Drink more!”
Elsa took one big gulp of the champagne. “Maybe now’s as good a time as any. Um… I have something for you.”
“Oooh for me?!” Anna squealed when Elsa pulled out an envelope from her back pocket.
“Open it.”
It was the cutest handmade card ever. What Anna recognized instantly as something they would exchange as kids. Classic white printer paper, cut out into the shape of an A. And inside was the sweetest note of all time. Not long. Never long. Elsa wasn’t the most feelings-y. Or not so much that she wasn’t feelings-y, but she didn’t really have a knack for expressing all of the feelings that brewed deep inside her soul.
Inside this note of absolutely wonderfully sweet words was the fact that Elsa had decided to get her the most fun gift of all time—a night at the local roller rink. A disco roller rink night, too, which sounded five hundred million times more fun than any old roller rink night.
So, Anna squealed again. “Oh my God! Elsa! This sounds so, so, so fun! I’m so excited I can’t wait I’m, like, literally the most excited ever for real I’m, like, oh snap I’m rambling but that just means you know how excited I am!”
“I thought you’d like it.”
“Like it? I love it!”
“You can choose whenever you want to go. I can find a way to get here.”
“Okay! I can’t wait!”
Anna had always considered herself forever an experience over a material present person. And an experience present from Elsa of all people only made it all the more special. Quality time with her sister. Shit, she was so excited.
Honestly, ‘so excited’ hardly began to cover it. Anna was ecstatic. Absolutely ecstatic.
It felt almost like… everything was going perfectly. Kristoff’s music played in the background. Hans and her dad had started laughing and carrying on what seemed like meaningful conversation… Iduna was smiling to herself as she usually did on a Good Day. And here Elsa and Anna were. Together. For the first time in forever.
“I’m so happy!” Anna yelled this loud enough that everybody snapped to attention, expecting a speech or something of the like. “This has to be the best birthday I’ve ever had in my whole life. I… thank you for not forgetting. I know—that’s happened before, but—"
Iduna clicked her tongue. “What are you talking about? We’ve never forgotten your birthday. We’re your parents.”
Was Anna wrong? Had she made it up? She thought she remembered several birthdays in a row her parents had forgotten… since… probably since Elsa had been shipped off to boarding school. It happened at least every other year.
Her mother seemed to think differently. And Anna knew she could be a bit dramatic sometimes.
Maybe that was all a load of BS and Anna was actually absolutely bonkers.
“Anna, dear, your mother’s right. We’d never forget your birthday,” Agnarr explained.
Okay, yeah. All right. So then she was literally bonkers. Batshit crazy. Living in some kind of crazy dream world?
“Okay,” was all Anna said, in a tiny voice. She didn’t know what to think.
Except that maybe she really was crazy after all.
But she tried to push that aside. Something to unpack a bit more later.
She needed to enjoy this moment.
And due to this decision, from that point on, the Duffy boat ride went smoothly. They drank their champagne. They finished a few bottles. More than any of them would care to admit, especially because Agnarr and Iduna served the alcohol to minors and whatever. But regardless, they had a great time. In the end.
Sure, Elsa refused to speak to their parents, but thankfully she was never put on the spot again so that really didn’t put a damper on anything.
Hans kept Agnarr company, Iduna kept to herself, and Anna and Elsa spent the entire time talking each other’s ear off about literally everything.
Anna made sure to include all of the dirty details of her own life. Her chest puffed out when she talked about Hans and everything they’d done to celebrate their not-relationship that Anna still continued to make Elsa believe was a real relationship.
But eventually, it came to an end.
The end of an era. The end of this somewhat happy family dynamic Anna wanted to have 100% of the time.
Agnarr and Iduna hugged the girls goodbye. They were getting dinner with some friends and had to dash.
Which left Elsa, Anna, and Hans to fend for themselves.
Anna was a little bit disappointed that her parents had left them alone, but after what she considered such a great afternoon, she didn’t want to dwell on it.
Focus on the positives, Anna! Keep those in mind!
So, she turned to Hans. The orchestrator. The one who made it all happen.
“Oooh, Hans!” Anna jumped up to give him a peck on the lips. “That was awesomesauce! Like, hands down the best birthday—I totally, totally loved it, thank you!”
“Hold that thought, babe,” he smiled, snaking one hand around her waist and using the other to cup her chin. “I’ve still got one more thing planned.”
“Really, really? You do?”
“To the beach house!”
Anna giggled. She loved him. She now officially loved her birthday. She couldn’t wait.
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ayzrules · 6 years
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Hi so animorphs fancast???? assume all of these are aged up/older versions of the characters
In no particular order:
Jolie Alien as Loren
I almost used Jolie as Rachel, actually, but decided against it at the last minute because Rachel was never described as looking tough-quite the contrary, actually, so Jolie’s facial structure didn’t seem to fit her. But I definitely get “could hit a dumb talky Yeerk visser in the face with a rock” vibes from Jolie LOL
Amira Pinheiro as Cassie
I think the hair, eyes, and general ~vibe~ works well. Not much else to it 
Edita Vilkeviciute as Rachel
Okay so out of all the girls, Rachel was the hardest. I know way too many ice-queen lookin’ blonde HF models from Russia/Eastern Europe, but I didn’t want to go for Snejana Onopka or Anna Selezneva or Vika Falileeva or someone whose facial structure was too obviously “HF”. Like, Rachel’s described as supermodel pretty, but in an almost generic way. Which is why I chose Edita, who is totally hot but not solely due to killer cheekbones or whatever. Also, I think that even though Rachel doesn’t necessarily look tough, I feel like her face would still kind of have a certain ‘edge’ to it and somehow embody her own confidence-like yeah she’s hella pretty, but I wouldn’t say she looks completely like a stereotypical dumb blonde trope (which is why I steered away from models like Elsa Hosk or Romee Strijd)
Aaron Bernards as Marco
TBQH I had him in mind for Marco before I even started looking. The hair/eyes seem to match hahaha. Also, he sort of has the vague and slightly “douchebag” vibe that I get from Marco LMFAO 
Daniel Walters as Tobias (what he looks like as a human, anyway)
IDK, he seems to fit. Blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, faraway/wistful-ish vibe
Callum Stoddart as Ax’s human morph
So I had a hard time with this one. As a general rule I know less male models anyway hahaha, but for some reason all the olive-skinned models and/or generally non-white models I was finding had black hair as opposed to brown??? Anyway, I was mostly going off of the description from the 4th book or whatever (“His hair was brown, with just a little of Rachel's gold and a little of my curl. His skin was the color of light brown sugar, a blending of my brown and Marco's olive, and Jake and Rachel's pale white.”)
Rhys Pickering as Jake
dafkdsfakdfdsj he just gives me the right “vibe” LOL
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