#Somehow not Boomerflash!
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jaxxsoxxn · 1 year ago
Do you think boomer would ever be comfortable talking about his son’s death? I mean losing the kid is way harder.
Or he hasn’t never told anyone he ever had a son and when he just mentioned it out of the blue everyone’s like surprise and I can just imagine Harley saying oh my God you have a kid can we see him and Boomer just said it’s so normally you can’t, he’s dead he got murdered anyway, I’m hungry 
I feel like Boomer doesn't deal well with death of people close to him. He probably just doesn't actually think of it as a thing that happened, but more like as a fact - my son was also ginger, he was young, he died.
He gets into his feelings only when he has to recall the way he died and it's like it happens all over again. I'd say it's something like shock for him, just staying way longer than for normal people.
Digger can be childish, but he's also kinda... Apathetic to most things that happen around him. Most people would probably tie the "he's dead" under it, but I feel like Harley, ex psychologist, would try to get some more information and with every push, it'd just make Boomer more jumpy, more scared.
If the kid would die in front of him, I imagine he'd remember every single detail. Especially since I hc it that the kid died at his 8th bday. (you know, just for fun)
So, for me, it would be way more like the second version.
The squad was mostly tired right now. The after-mission high was slowly dying out, when they sat down in the random Gotham fast-food and Flag went to get their orders in. The subject was technically started by Harley, one of her painted nails pointed at a kids meal with a toy.
"Ya think we should get it for my gal and Toyboy?" she said, a genuinely happy smile on her face. "And the toys aren't bat-themed!"
Shark grabber the menu and pulled it almost comically close to his face, while Floyd rolled his eyes.
"Zoey has been into green lantern theme lately, though she says Wonder Woman is still her favourite..." he mumbled, trying to keep his typical for Gotham look.
"My kid loved the toys back in Australia, doubt he'd like them here though."
Boomer said, shocking most of them. Deadshot looks at him with worry mixed with anger, while Shark tries to decide if it's another weird joke. Only Harley smiles wider, though there's slight surprise in her eyes, too.
"Ya have a kid? Oh me, are they ginger like ya? How old are they? Why haven't we met em?! Do ya have pictures?" her voice is delighted at the idea, even though a smaller Digger doesn't sound so great.
"Uh, ye, a son, yeah, eight and he's dead, been dead for a while, so I don't have pictures." he counts the answers out on his fingers, missing how everyone freezes. Before anyone tries to say more, he softly whispers under his breath, like it's a memory hitting him suddenly: "I didn't have money for his burial..."
And Harley catches the shake of his hand, the tremble of his voice and the way his eyes look down in shame and something so close to self-hatered that it makes her stomach flip.
By the time food comes, Boomer's acting like he never said anything, eating with vigor of someone who didn't have a meal for weeks. The rest of them just send each other worried stares in silence, poking at the food and trying to regain their appetite.
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jaxxsoxxn · 1 year ago
boomerflash headcannon
I did few already, btw, two spicy and one normal (here; here and here)
But here's more!
Boomer can't sit still for too long, so when they eat breakfast together, he's usually doing something in the back. He's not an "iPad kid" per se - he's actually okay with no phones around or anything like that, as long as he has something to do with his free hand. Flash, the first time he noticed it, grabbed his hand almost automatically, causing him to choke on his scrambled eggs.
Barry, after he figures out that his friends don't actually mind him dating Digger, starts ranting about him occasionally - usually he's too fast for them to actually understand what he's talking about, and sometimes he just jumps from one subject to another in a matter of seconds, but few of them get every little detail he's talking about. Like Bats.
Most of the JL absolutely wouldn't trust Boomer as far as they could throw him- or even less. Somehow though Hal is the first one, even before Wally, to claim that there's nothing more to him dating Flash than the fact that they're attracted to each other. No plan or another reason. Barry is thankful. GL doesn't mention that he knows that because Digger gave him some breakfast bars and other snacks to hand over to the Speedster a few months ago, because "he forgot his goddamn lunch, this idiot."
Talking about food, Speedsters and their hunger is well known, but our fave Cap is a specialist. He can absolutely do some math that makes less than zero sense to Bar, just to know how many calories he needs after a day of work.
Boomer listens to "old rock", mixing his typical Guns 'n' Roses sometimes with a few sillier songs that make his playlists make completely no sense. In his older hide-outs, he has CDs with his favorite music. Flash gets him a vinyl once, just to see how he'll react and next day he finds a vinyl player made from scrap and Boomer by it, drooling in his sleep with a screwdriver still in his hand.
Digger, with his nice for an eye build, sweet accent and almost flirty smirks, is practically hunted in most of the bars or club they go to. It's mostly visible when they end up on a mission together and the TFX with few JL members have to meet up "undercover" in a club in Gotham, just for Boomer to bring attention to himself with the way he carries himself - Flash is about to beat someone up after the third time a random guy grabs his lover's ass. Digger is absolutely confused and slightly delighted because of the attention. Poor Bar's has to be held back by a hand on his shoulder and a reminder from Booster that if they'll get to the mission faster, they'll get out of the club faster, too.
They both can be so jealous, so easily - it's actually kinda embarrassing. Digger, with his low-key belief that Barry could and should do better and Flash with his knowing how some people react to Boomer, even if only being down for a one-night stand.
I feel like TFX warm up to Barry quicker than JL to Boomer, so after a big mission where they join forces, Flash hangs around them to chat and eat some bad fast food. With time more people from JL follow after him and finally they all end taking up almost the whole joint. It's warm and fuzzy and sometimes their talks get stupidly petty, but it's almost like home and that's enough for them.
n that's all for now :> Thank ya for the ask!
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jaxxsoxxn · 1 year ago
how do you think a boomerang and flash fight wouldve gone if the suicide squad were the ones brainwashed instesd of the justice league? frankly i just wanna hear how you think a brainiac!boomerang and flash would interact, youve got the BEST boomerflash headcanons i swear-
Henlo my sweet anon! Also, I just wanna say, the ego feeding is very nice lolol /lh
Also, compared to the wittiness of Brainiaced Flasher n Digger, I do think these two switched would be more on the angsty side.
It'd probably depend on if they were already dating, which amma make two versions of! Aka, if they'd already dated and if they had something that they didn't name (aka kinda on and off deal)
Boomer, brainiaced, would be a force to recon with for Flash (im only half joking). I feel like the whole TFX probably got sent into the field by Waller, while the Justice League got held back as a "safety requirement". At first they thought that Suicide Squad was just bitching, but when the bombs weren't there AND Deadshot was the one that got out of the brainwashing for long enough to tell them what happened (why DS u might ask - obviously bc he loves his kid so much he'd rather kill himself instead of endangering her planet).
The whole Justice League (well, as whole as they were shown in the game lmao) gets separated and they have to fight their villains, now somewhat "mutated", one vs one. Flash is somewhat happy that no-one is there to witness it. His voice soft and breaking, while he tries his best to wake his lover up from this nightmare.
He knows there's no saving, he knows he has to kill him, but by Speedforce, he doesn't want to.
Do you think his hand would shake while he's landing his last blow? Do you think Boomer would wake up at the end, the pure fear showing in his eyes, while he trembles and cries, knowing that he woke up too late?
The fight wouldn't go as smoothly as it normally goes for Flash, Boomer not only with Speedforce but also knowing him well enough that he's practically instinctively Speedster-proof.
I imagine it would be a long fight, mostly because Flash would fight the fact that he has to end the other and because Boomer would absolutely spew some hurtful shit enough that it'd stop the other in his tracks.
Every blow done faster than a human eye can see, Flash dogging the goddamn boomerangs, while also trying to dodge the man himself.
The witty banter is defo one-sided, Barry already mourning the other.
If Hal would see him, he'd point out that it was exactly what he was worried about.
If we'll try the "happy ending route", with Boomer's fear for his life actually waking him up a second before he is in fatal condition, he and Barry cannot stay alone in one room for weeks after.
The speedster aches whenever he and Digger land alone somewhere, just to see the thief shake and curl in himself in fear, his mind remembering the pain and the taste of death on his tongue too well.
Barry's need to comfort Boomer vs Barry's need to accommodate Boomer, fight!
If he dies, Flash comes back to his teammates after a while, when/if they dealt with their own... issues, somehow knowing that he cannot afford to actually have a burial for his love. That if he doesn't want the heat that comes with dating a villain, he cannot bury the man who he wished to hold in his arms one more time.
I actually have a half-issue with this! Would he, knowing that it's too late to fix anyway, still put himself on blast like that? Knowing his history with Godspeed, probably! But it somehow doesn't seem to fit for me, huh.
He's so in denial. Gods bless.
Speedforce plus Boomer is a strong combo, I feel like he'd be a little more unpredictable since he'd be also pushed by the feeling of "not being enough" for Barry.
When Flash hears it in the chaotic mumble coming from Boomer, he's absolutely dumbstrucked.
Can you imagine if Kid Flash or Impulse are helping him at the moment? Or any other Flash fam members?
Their need to ask him "why tf is this Rouge calling you his bitch ex wife" dies down quickly, when the panicking apologies get practically torn out of the Speedster's throat.
He never meant to make the other feel like that, how could he not notice it?
Boomerang is hitting every sensitive spot of their relationship, or more lack of it. The words he says are from the darkness of his mind he would let himself slip into only while being so insecure that it hurts. This one is not coming back to us, even for the last second of his life.
"But before u said that he comes back out of fear for his life, why wouldn't he come back here?" Because he's not living the life that he'd think is worth it, c'mon, keep up ;)
Our lovely scarlet boy needs a BREAK after this fight. His shock lasted too long few times and Digger was so good at hitting where it hurts that he definitely stopped more than once.
Flash fam/Anyone else helps him get back on his legs, but they can't exactly navigate it - so they weren't in a relationship AND that's the issue?
Tho I'm sure few of them just kinda stop around him in understanding - they can't make it better, but they can make sure that he knows they're here for him.
Talking bout it, Godspeed (who I count as a part of Flash fam, fight me) does actually get it. He keeps close to the other while they fight for their world, making sure that Barry won't fall without there being anyone to catch him.
Can you let yourself mourn someone you wouldn't let yourself love?
ANyway, it went way more into the "what if they'd fight to death" than into "how would they interact", but well :'D
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