#Somehow I did better journalism than Direct and I'm not even a journalist
hkthatgffan · 4 months
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I really did not wanna talk about this stupid topic, but with so many people falling for it, I figured I should; THE DIRECT ARTICLE ABOUT A GRAVITY FALLS REVIVAL IS A FUCKING LIE!! Lemme explain below why!!
Ever since this article by The Direct was published, way too many people are thinking Gravity Falls is really coming back and the usual season 3 belief is spreading yet again. And of course, YouTubers who should know better made videos on it and other "journalists" are spreading this lie. Here's the real facts! The executive in the article NEVER alluded to a revival. All they said is that Alex is publishing a book (The Book of Bill) and there's some shorts being made. All this article is basing its claim on is the phrase, "Never say Never!" Alex has had a deal with Netflix since 2018. Under that deal, he cannot make new cartoons for other networks, including Disney and Gravity Falls. He can voice on non Netflix shows and help in small ways like he did on TOH, but he cannot make a new show outside Netflix.
The shorts they are alluding to are confirmed to be likely stuff like the Broken Karaoke series on Disney Channel's YouTube page or theme song takeover stuff. Disney TVA News, while not 100% the most reliable source, has suggested that as the case and given Alex was at DTVA in April recording something per an Instagram story he made, it makes the most sense. What's more, there is a rumoured short being made for The Book of Bill which this could be meaning. Notice how it has no indication of a revival? Alex Hirsch has said he has ideas for GF stories, but they are more book centric. Heck, in me and Hana's interview alone he alluded to Stan and Ford stories he'd wanna do if given the chance to make another graphic novel. That is all!
And speaking of Alex…he's not said shit on this! He's not tweeted about it or liked any tweet about it. And Alex has said in the past to not believe anyone claiming Gravity Falls is coming back unless he says so himself on Twitter. So, take a guess what I did? I messaged him!! I was in talks with Alex recently for another video I'm making later in the future and asked him about this article during it. Without leaking our DM's, Alex said straight up, this article is all "just talk!" It's clickbait! Alex Hirsch confirmed it is clickbait!!
Direct is lying to you and so is anyone else saying this is real or that Gravity Falls is coming back! It just isn't. The only person who you should believe about this stuff is Alex Hirsch himself and he clearly has said it's not. And even supposing Direct is telling the truth about this executive saying something is possible, it's just gonna be book or small shorts stuff…NOT a season 3 or reboot, or revival or spin off series. I know that stuff is pretty popular to talk about, hell, I'd kill for a Gravity Falls prequel story myself. But it's not happening.
But with that said, I hope this post helped you better understand what is up. This article is a sham and a joke to the field of journalism. Do your damn job and tell the truth instead of making clickbait shit that will get you ad revenue! People who write articles like this are a joke and I feel bad for anyone who falls for their BS! These articles will never stop being made, so it's up to you all to be smart and not fall for them.
Remember, if Alex Hirsch doesn't say anything about it, it's not legit!!
Stay informed properly out there! New videos coming soon :)
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joneshartright-blog · 6 years
The Other Side (Part 4)
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Summary: a story about love and reincarnation
Warnings: none, song: please I recomend you to listen 'Ace of Hearts by Zella day' since a think is a beautiful song and match the romance, especially this chapter in the end.
»Thank you for being receptive with the fic.This chapter is in the same day as the other, if you look carefully at the details, you'll see.Also let me now if any of you wants to be tagged! «
Gabriella didn't know exactly how the visions started, she just remember feeling really nauseated at the time.However, she went to different doctors and psychiatrists that never find anything, but tried to put the fault in the fact that "she was abandoned, by her real mother" and it somehow caused a “trauma".
She always knew, since childhood, that she was adopted.At the age of 5, in a saturday morning her 'mother' came up and told to both of the kids that she wasn't her daughter by blood.But that it doesn't really matter, because the first time she saw her, she knew, she was meant to be her daughter and Julia's sister.The little girl only smiled answering a "love you,mommy”.
Now, old enough to understand, Gabriella couldn't be more grateful for everything that her and Julia, did to her.She would be forever grateful, the way they made her feel home and happy, never ending.She couldn't ask for more, but the same for them.
But yet, this never explained why she had the visions she had.The doctors could be right, if it wasn't for the fact that she was abandoned when a baby.Now all that she could think about was that.She was worried.She didn't know the meaning of a coffee "overflowing blood" , but she was damn sure she saw it happening, in front of her eyes.However the fear of being discovered as a “crazy lady in london", was worst so she just left the cafeteria, putting the pennies at table.
It has been only one day, that she was in London and confusion was something she felt the most part of the time.Her phone rangs and with cold hands she grabbed.
“Hey, Gabs" she heard the voice of her sister on the other side of the line and tried to play it cool.
“Are you okay?" she could tell something wasn't right just by the tone.It was hard to lie to Julia.
“Yeah, right, I just had a headache. How was it?”
“It was fine, they told me everything I needed to know before I start on Monday." There we're a loud noise of people on the other side and apparentely some yelling.
“Look, Joe called me saying that he has some of kinda of invitation to us, and asked if we could find him at mall"
“At the mall?”
“Yeah, he told me that whatever where were going I have to use a dress, and not pants and a pair of boots"
Gabriella laughed at how annoyed she sounded.
“Are you laughing?"
“No, I'm sorry, but I think he's right, I don't understand why you never use a dress."
“It's not like is never, besides I think pants are more comfortable"
“Yeah, right"
“Ok, so find me at the mall, 12 PM?”
“Joe, this is really necessary?"
Julia asked annoyed after trying the third dress of the day.
“Of course it is, there's going to be a lot of ladies dressed like that"
She looked at the mirror, the dress wasn't bad, it was black, long and loose, she even liked it, but she still thought that her pants, sweater, boots and olive jacket was better.
“You're not gonna tell us where kind of event we're going, that requires those fancy dresses?”
“All you need to know is that a friend of mine invinted me, and me being the best guy that I am,I'm gonna bring you two with me and well now I'm buying you a dress.”
"What a gentleman" Gabriella says smiling and looking at the shoes she was putting.
“That's the time you two should say, 'oh my god Joe, you're the best!' "
“I really hope, you're not setting up one of us in a date"
“What's the problem?I see that you finally broken up with that prick so that means you're single and Gabi too"
She rolled her eyes adjusting the strap of the dress.
“Are you not going to tell us the name of your friend?"
"Yeah your 'best mate' " she faked the british accent laughing and receiving a hard look.
“Well you now" he posed in front of the mirror touching his hair and looking back at the two girls. “No one special, just Ben, I mean Benjamin Jones"
Realization came to Julia's eyes and she arched her eyebrows.
“Benjamin, wait, what?!” Gabriella took one minute to assimilate the sentence, a little shocked.
“Benjamin Jones?Are you joking?God, I can't , he's a genius!
“Yeah and happens to be a really nice guy too, I told him about you and he offered to go."
“I didn't know you two where friends"
“Well, we are, and I think you'll like him”
“Of course she will, he's intelligent, handsome and a journalist.I would kill to have a conversation about politics or anything with him"
Julia rolled her eyes again, shaking her head at her sister, smiling.
“Yes he's really talented and everything, but now I really need to decide which dress, because we don't pretend to expend all the day here right?And since you want your conversation we need to walk" her sister nodded enthusiastic.
“How do I look?”
Outside the night seemed cold, only lights iluminating,sky without stars.The blond man looked through a window taking another sip of his whisky.
“Benjamin Jones!"
The voice of his boss echoed and he turned around giving him a quick smirk.
Mitchum Huntzberger was the editor-in-chief of 'The Front Page' one of the most influent journals in town.
“How are the things?"
It was really ironic to say that they were friends, since the beggining Mitchum made it clear their positions in journal: his being the editor-in-chief, and Benjamin, well a mere journalist who had the lucky of become famous.The truth was, Mitchum really liked Jones job, but refused himself to recognize that he was, in fact, a better journalist than he, Mitchum Huntzberger, could ever be.
“Did you enjoy yourself at this party?There's a lot of ladies here, for all types."
Ben always hated the way he treated woman around him, objectifying them.
“Yeah I see they're all interisting”
“You should give yourself a night of relief, if you know what I mean, if you keep yourself working like a dog, you might loose the taste."
Benjamin thought that at any moment he could throw the man in front of him out of the window, but infortunately he liked and needed his job.
“Thanks for your worry Mitchum, but I'm not looking for anyone tonight." he took another sip “I might let the chances for you"
He tapped his boss shoulder walking across the room, lefting the man alone, grateful that he didn't followed him.He step aside the tall man sighing tired.
“TED talks with the boss"
“I swear I could throw him trought the bloody window”
“The feeling is mutual, my friend, but think at least now we have a reason to toast"
Ben laughed.
“To our dick 'editor-in-chief'"
They hit the glasses, drinking all the whiskey.
“Joe is really coming?"
“I guess so, I offered to him to bring to girls"
“Two girls?" Gwilym smirks intentionally at his friend.
“Nothing you just offered to him to bring two girls and I am the desperate for love"
"Oh shut it"
He shake his head seeing his other friend entering the party.
“Joe!" he talk out loud as the music start playing in some waltz rhythm.
“Ben!" he hugs his friend tapping his back.“Gwil!"
“Give me a drink please" Joe says to the man who has been serving the drinks. “So how is the party"
“Sublime" Gwilym says ironicaly and the blond one denies with his head, smirking.
“Well I have two interisting people to apresent to you, so maybe you night could be less boring." he blinks at Ben and he reply with a mouthful "yeah".
Joe turns around going into the direction of the two girls, one of them with a short hair and other with long.
At the moment she turns around to look at them Benjamin could hear his heart skip a beat and his eyes focuse in her moviments.The resemblance was haunting.She had exactly the same pale skin, freckles on it, dark brown eyes and hair except for the fact that it was shorter than he remembered.He could feel his stomach drop, he didn't know if he was seeing was true or not, but she was there in front of him vivid and real just as his dream.No she wasn't pleading to live, neither crying or even dead.She was alive, right in front of him looking at his eyes and smiling politely as he continued staring, reminding himself of his dream.
“Ben this Julia, Julia this Ben, well Benjamin, but we call him Ben"
And he took her hand, an eletricity running trought their palms as he shaked it gently.He was sure she felt it too, by the way she looked away, at his friend.However her eyes always find his again after some minutes.
In the other side of the room Gabriella stopped, she could feel it happening again as she tried to approach the group of friends.Blinlink a few times, she looked at them.
Her eyes widened at the sight in front of her.No, she couldn't be dreaming.At one minute she was in a room, a party, but now everything seemed out of place and time.Her blood started to boil, she didn't understood why they're dressed like that, with old clothes and accessories, like in era of the queen victoria and the books that she read before.Whatever it was, it wasn't her sister or Benjamin, they looked so different, so
She didn't felt when she fell on the ground and before she could even reply everything went black.
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@onceuponadetectivedemigod @lizgarxo
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