#Some would argue Oda retconned Robin's backstory about her ''sinking battleships as a small child'' into in-universe propaganda
moongothic · 1 month
I have a doubt with the Crocomon theory I don't know if you have explained it before but Luffy was 17 years old when he met Crocodile and Crocodile was 44 that means that he should have had Luffy at 27 years old but Oda said in a sbs that Crocodile became a Warloed when he was 25 years old and after that he went to fight WB so that mean he was already a man when he was 25.
I have discussed this before in depth, in this post in particular where I broke down the known Crocodile timeline and what's "needed" for Crocodad to be real, but TL:DR;
Ivankov said they knew Crocodile when he was still "considdered a rookie"; we don't know when exactly that would be in the timeline
Although Ivankov knew/first met Crocodile when he was a "rookie", that doesn't mean Ivankov transed Crocodile's gender when they first met, that could have happened years later
All that does change is that Crocodile can't be stealth trans as we had assumed, it just means he has to be openly trans
And I do want to point out that Oda can retcon/change things (or make mistakes), he's done it in the past, he's not perfect (and that's fine). So Ivankov's line about Crocodile's rookie days could have been a minor writing mistake and could get retconned if Crocodad Real, or yeah, they could've just met in Crocodile's early 20s and he could've transitioned after 27.
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