vexkader · 4 years
Solis Part 6
  I woke up to the sound of a loud huff, a pillow being shoved into my face. Groaning, I open my eyes and with blurry vision I could see Friday. Covering herself with a blanket. 
  "I knew it, I knew I shouldnt have drunk last night!" She said in a rushed and quiet tone. Quickly gathering her clothing off the floor. "Damn it, why did I convince myself to keel drinking with you!" 
  Sitting up, I rub my sore head. Still slightly hung over from the previous night. Covering myself up as well for where it mattered. 
  "Well! What now!" I could hear the anger in her voice, as she quickly started to clothe herself. Taking a moment to rub my head, rubbing the sleepy feeling from my eyes.
  "What do you mean what now?" I ask her, looking to the floor for my clothing to put back on. Her jaw dropping to this. "What do you mean what do I mean? Vex are you just an asshole or dense?" 
  "Probably a bit of both." I reply, she huffs shaking her head at me. Stomping to finishing picking her things up. Quickly I started to feel some guilt, usually when this happens I'm left alone by this time. Never dealing with the aftermath. Shite.
  Sighing, I start to put on my own now. Giving her a slightly regretful look. "I feel like a damn mess, head is killing me, damn it nothing to fix my hair." She paced around, looking around for her holopad. "I've got a meeting in three hours and I'm like this! The hell and I gonna do!" 
  "Shower is right through there." I motion to my bathroom, trying to help her out a bit. "Take as long as you want. I wont bother you." 
  She stops to look at me, a bit surprised but taking it. "Thanks." She let's out softly, walking into the bathroom. A slight heaviness to her footsteps, but not like a minute ago. 
  I rub my head, the pounding feeling from a night of drinking still there. I had no access to any pain medication as she had just close the door to the bathroom, the shower soon running after that. 
  As pipes ran clear with water, I flipped back down into the bed. My head hitting the soft pillow below. Time passing by without notice, water fumbling around in the bathroom next to me. Cool air brushing through my fur, keeping any heat at bay. 
  Now something changed, the water has stopped, and the whirring of a fur dryer could be heard. My ears picked up and so did my head, as I looked over myself and my messy clothing. I figured I should change. Getting up to throw on a fresh pair of presentable clothing. A nice deep grey pair of pants, with a good light-colored shirt. Not quite blending into the fur. 
  Another few minutes passed, as the door slid open. Out walked Friday. Her fur still damp, as the smell of wet dog ever so slightly filled the room. 
  "Feeling better?" I ask her, throwing on a smart watch and tapping it. Making sure it was charged up. 
  "I don't feel gross, if that's what you mean. Honestly still feel like shit though." She tells me quietly, slinking across the room. 
  "Hmm.. why don't you head into the kitchen and grab something to eat. I'll get you something for the headache." Her ears lay flat as she nods to me gently. Leaving out of my room and away, now with the room to myself I could fix myself up.
  I went into the bathroom to clean up, brushing through the fur on my face. Cleaning up its ruffles and a few knots. After I inished, I set down the brush and looked into the mirror. Wondering if I was really going to do this with some over. My conscious screamed no, but my body told me yes. I needed to. 
  Opening up the cabinet, I took out the orange vial and popped a few of the white pills into my mouth. That should hold me over for a while. At least till Friday leaves that is. After my dosage, I took one out. Cutting it carefully in half. That way its dosage was closer to something over the counter. 
  Heading to the kitchen, I found her sitting and drinking a sports drink. Looking up with icy eyes, she drank as she saw me. Walking in slowly, I set the half pill down on the table in front of her. As it gently clinked against the table. 
  "What's this?" She asks, staring at the white half oval. 
  "Something for the headache." I tell her, moving to the fridge to get something for myself. 
  "Thanks." She mumbled, popping into her maw and downing her drink. "Ugh, I should've never drank last night." She started to complain, I figured it was best to leave her be with it. 
  But seeing nothing appetizing, I close the fridge. It's cool air retreating with it. Maybe something delivered will be a better option.
  Turning to her, I could see her rubbing her head while sipping on the drink. "So, I'm gonna order food. Do you want some?" I ask, leaning on the fridge.
  "Sure I guess." She tells me, putting her drink down to the side. "Whatcha getting?" As she asked her ears perked up, waiting to listen. 
  "Probably just some nearby restaurant that delivers. I've stopped here before so there's a decent on right by, just your basic classic style foods."
  Thinking about this, Friday agreed just wanting something chicken. I wasnt gonna argue. Which I place an order in, some lemon chicken for her, and a chicken parm sub for me. 
  Once the food got here, I sat down with her handing her the carton of food. As it lifted, the smell of lemon and garlic filled the air. And as mine opened, the smell if parmesan and tomato sauce clashed with the lemon garlic. 
  "So, about this job." I ask, lifting up the sub to bite into it.
  "Again, I can't talk much on it. But its deep within Iceland, you know that island far north in Earth? That place." She takes a bite of the chicken, waiting for my answer. 
  "Well, what's in it. I need to know more before I commit." I press on, needing information. With a huff, she sets down her fork and finishes chewing. 
  "Ruins, not human in design." This got my attention, making me nearly choke on my food. 
  "Say what now?" 
  "Mhm, not sure what or who they're from, but dad wants something from them."
  Setting down the sub, I grab a towel and wipe the tomato marinade from my paws. Eyeing the coyote in front of me. "What exactly is he looking for."
  "I don't know, I just know he's looking for someone to get in there for him."
  This could be a lucky break for me, if these ruins in Iceland were anything like the ones on Venus I'll be set. I can find out more, discuss the findings with her father, and hopefully set us on the path for a proper defense. 
  With this newfound purpose, I head into the fridge and grab out two waters. Walking over to Friday I extend my paw handing one over.
  "So when's this party again?" 
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