#Solarflare (Solar Pax)
bytesnbolts · 2 years
Continued from here
@traumathescalpelslinginfemme:  the medical femme ran over to him and imdiatly began to work on his wounds and pulling him out of his jam. "can you walk?" she asked gently stroking his cheek
“Pedes are fine, doctor. Just messed up my wing on the landing.” Solarflare shuffled the wing a little, wincing. It had stopped sparking from the treatment, but it still ached. “Think I’ll be flying again soon? Commander Starscream’s not going to like that I’m out of service again.”
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bytesnbolts · 2 years
the decepticon medic walked around the battlefield looking for paitents or ...test subjects
"come on out I mean no harm!"
Downed again! Terrible! Dreadful! Horrendous! Most importantly, embarrassing! Streak would never let him hear the end of this; Commander Starscream would not be impressed.
Solarflare was not sure if the voice he heard was a friendly or a foe; at the moment, he could not really bring himself to care. If the Autobots wanted to detain him indefinitely, at least he wouldn't have to be flying into combat situations as a stealth plane, and he wouldn't have to face Streak or Commander Starscream for a while.
He lifted his servo, waving out his location wedged between two rocks with a sparking, scrapped up wing, and his wounded pride.
"Over here!"
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
(sisters-in-arms) Solarflare to whoever you want: "upsy daisy"
(( @sisters-in-arms ))
“Woah! Woah! Woah!” Solar Pax scrambles to grip to a shoulder, arm or any seam he can reach with his single servo at the sudden contact.
His optics draw to the Decepticon insignia, and his fuel lines run hot. Oh, this is a tad concerning! A tad distressing! He tries not to clamp his armor down, to keep his EMF smooth. His mask snicks up into place before he can even process it, and he doesn’t bother to override the nervous action.
“If I may, is there a reason for,” he sweeps his servo-less arm in a gesture to point out the fact the femme is holding him up reminiscent of the cover screen of the last romance datapad he read, “or just because you can?” 
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
(( @seekerofscience ))
No doubt they had brought her back to her origin to escape, to try to deny him his victory. Somewhere below, under the destruction or beneath the surface, Crystal City hid her.
Solarflare stood upon the top of one of the few towers spared by his army’s missiles. Shards of the shining city glinted from flames of still burning wreckage. The surveillance plane scanned, searching for his former Empress among the destruction.
The Beast and she might be able to hide from him, but her heir and the Architect were much larger and easier to spot (so long as they were not cloaked in some way). 
A ping came from his Commander. Without Silent Night, he would not be where he was. He didn’t trust them.
:: Give me good news, Commander ::
:: We have not found them. The drones corral the survivors. ::
:: Then continue searching; we cannot afford to allow Her Imperial Majesty to recover and ruin everything I’ve worked for. ::
:: We will search, but the army needs rest, sir.::
:: They are drones! What rest could they possibly need?! ::
Three kliks passed without Silent Night’s response; not unheard of, but deeply mortifying for the newly self-proclaimed Emperor.
:: Commander. ::
:: Sir, we have grounded a trine. ::
Green optics shined with malicious intent.
:: Set up our base of operations at these coordinates while we finish our search here. Bring the seekers. ::
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
Bold what consistently applies. Italicise situational, not always. Cross out what definitely never applies.
Solar Pax
fight honorably /   fight dirty /   prefer close-quarters /  prefer range  /   chat during /   go silent /  low pain tolerance  /   high pain tolerance  /   attack in bursts /   attack steadily /   go for the kill /   aim to disarm / fight defensively /  strike first / provoke easily  /   provoke their opponent /   tease /   get visibly frustrated /   shout while attacking   /   use strategy /   focus on their battle   /   experience conflicting thoughts during battle /   rush in recklessly /   try to read their opponent before fighting  / fight wildly  / fight calmly / apathetically / fight with anger  /   fight with excitement /  fight because they have to /   fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /   run away when wounded  /   hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade /   prefer a gun   /   prefer a bow /   prefer a shield  /   prefer a spear / naginata  /   prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells   /   prefer brawling /   their greatest weakness is physical /   their greatest weakness is mental /   their greatest weakness is emotional /   transform for battle  /   fight as they appear /   rely on strength /   rely on speed  / use everything they have /   hide their full potential   /   exhaust quickly  /   high stamina  /   doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit /   belittle their abilities  /   use psychological tactics /   use brute strength  /   avoid civilians /   strike down civilians /  damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings  /   signature fighting style   /   making it up as they go /   mastered skillset /   learning their skillset /   fancy footwork /   sloppy footwork /   messy fighter  /   elegant fighter / accept defeat /   refuse defeat /   beg for mercy  /   compliment their opponent /   insult their opponent   / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently   /   barely move /   prefer to dodge /   prefer to block /   defend their blindside  /   has no blindside  /   use all available advantages /   strictly use one main method /   play around /   hold back / fight ruthlessly /  show mercy  /   wait for opponent to be ready   /   strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death /  fear pain /   fear killing  /   has PTSD /   avoids fighting / has lost a fight  / has won a fight /  has killed /   refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
= = =
fight honorably /   fight dirty /   prefer close-quarters /  prefer range  /   chat during /   go silent /  low pain tolerance  /   high pain tolerance  /   attack in bursts /   attack steadily /   go for the kill /   aim to disarm / fight defensively /  strike first / provoke easily  /   provoke their opponent /   tease /   get visibly frustrated /   shout while attacking   /   use strategy /   focus on their battle   /   experience conflicting thoughts during battle /   rush in recklessly /   try to read their opponent before fighting  / fight wildly  / fight calmly / apathetically / fight with anger  /   fight with excitement /  fight because they have to /   fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /   run away when wounded  /   hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade /   prefer a gun   /   prefer a bow /   prefer a shield  /   prefer a spear / naginata  /   prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells   /   prefer brawling /   their greatest weakness is physical /   their greatest weakness is mental /   their greatest weakness is emotional /   transform for battle  /   fight as they appear /   rely on strength /   rely on speed  / use everything they have /   hide their full potential   /   exhaust quickly  /   high stamina  /   doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit /   belittle their abilities  /   use psychological tactics /   use brute strength  /   avoid civilians /   strike down civilians /  damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings  /   signature fighting style   /   making it up as they go /   mastered skillset /   learning their skillset /   fancy footwork /   sloppy footwork /   messy fighter  /   elegant fighter / accept defeat /   refuse defeat /   beg for mercy  /   compliment their opponent /   insult their opponent   / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently   /   barely move /   prefer to dodge /   prefer to block /   defend their blindside  /   has no blindside  /   use all available advantages /   strictly use one main method /   play around /   hold back / fight ruthlessly /  show mercy  /   wait for opponent to be ready   /   strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death /  fear pain /   fear killing  /   has PTSD /   avoids fighting / has lost a fight  / has won a fight /  has killed /   refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged by: @sweet-talkin-gladiator
Tagging: @broken-tactician, @cyberghost-scout, @spark-steel, @scorchthepraxinmedic
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
🤔🤔 (for Sideline and Solar Flare)
((  send me a 🤔 for an introduction to a NPC from my muse’s life.))
- A friend enabler for Solarflare -
“Look who came to join me for another exciting installment of disciplinary drills. What’s current? How was that blind date I scored you, my mech?”
Streak slid in behind Solarflare, trailing in his lackluster contrails for a moment before lifting to fly formation right above him; the roar of the other flight engine sent vibrations right through the surveillance plane’s plating.
The seeker, like Solarflare, ended up on disciplinary drills pretty often for various infractions from skipping curfew and drills to contraband in the barracks to disrespecting the Council. If asked, he liked to say he came from a ‘bad batch of coldies’. Streak was a classic seeker in many respects; if he didn’t already have a conjunx endura, Solarflare would have asked him out. As it was, his friend was more than happy to enable him in anything that reeked of trouble and took the drill flights with him afterwards.
“Absolute Pit! His thrusters gave out mid-flight and I had to glide him down for an emergency landing! He was heavy! There was paint-transfers in the worst spots; I had to go in for a re-paint before I got back here!”
Streak cackled.
= = =
- Sideline’s oldest brothers and his pet cube; set in Royal AU -
“Can I please play too?”
The three oldest creations of House Strongforge looked down at the youngest and smallest of their siblings. Still a newbuild, Sideline looked up at them with large hopeful optics, holding on to that piece of scrap cube that they had thrown out not to long ago. Had he dug through the trash to get it? It was unbecoming of a member of House Strongforge.
Blueburst, the eldest of the nine, flicked his newest cube in his servos back and forth in thought and glanced across to Windwalker for input.
The hover-bike shrugged in return, but turned to start for the stairs leading down to the recreational yard. “Let’s just go. We’re wasting our free-time.”
That was fine by Blueburst. He fell in line after Windwalker.
Edgerider knelt and put a large servo out to his brother. “Let me see your cube.”
“I just want to look at it. You want to play some cube with me, right?”
“Well,” Sideline looked down at his cube before at his older brother, “just be careful, please.”
Edgerider stood up once the cube was in his servo and turned away.
“Absolute piece of scrap.”
Sideline ran closer, looking up at where his cube now sat on top of one of the low roofs of their home. Edgerider had the longest arms and the tallest frame out of them, so he had no trouble placing the cube so high.
The cube bleeped and moved across the patterned panels in confusion.
“Fun playing with you, brother; we should do it again.” The larger mech stalked off after the other two, disappearing down the stairs.
Sideline looked after Edgerider for a moment before up at the cube high above his helm. His winglets drooped in disappointment before flicking back up with determination. Warrior nobles didn’t just give up at the first sign of trouble, and neither would he. Plus, his poor cube needed him! 
“It’s gonna be okay. Just stay right there and I’ll come get you.”
The cube bleeped twice in response.
0 notes
bytesnbolts · 4 years
Verses/AUs/UAs [Updated]
Main Verse - The colony of Sparkhaven and their Neutron guardians attempt to avoid the on-going War and locate other colonies or those in need of sanctuary or assistance. Function on Sparkhaven and in its Fleet are fraught with dangers and obstacles, especially when you’re stretched thin after a fatal epidemic. No one ever said achieving a peaceful function would be easy.
Return to Cybertron -  After receiving a message from Optimus Prime that the War is over and Cybertron is safe to return to, Sparkhaven and the Neutrons make for the planet to see what has become of it and its mechanisms, even if some members have misgivings about returning.
Autobot/Decepticon victory, A Truce, Quitesson Trickery
Stranded: Earth - The Primus’ Last Stand staff find themselves sucked into a collapsing spacebridge! The Neutrons make landfall on Earth. Due to trying to protect their creator from the fiery inferno of the crash, Nanostorm becomes separated from Nitroxide and the Drones. Who are these strange bots? These carbon beings they call “humans”? Will the lost Neutrons ever find a way back to Sparkhaven? Meanwhile, without their Supreme Commander and down their medic/scientist, Powerhouse, Solar Pax, and Starprowler must work together to keep everything running smoothly while searching for their missing members.
A Spacewhale Ate Our Planet - Unable to turn a threat aside, the Neutrons evacuate Sparkhaven and leave their doomed planet to its fate as a snack for a hungry spacewhale. Without Sparkhaven and low on Energon, the motley crew makes for Earth, the closest known source of energy and one of the best known battlefields of the War. Setting up shop in an abandon whaling facility in Boston, the Neutrons begin their struggle to acclimate to earth, and they will certainly get mixed up with the warring factions, whether they want to or not.
Pre-War Functionalistic Cybertron (TFP, Exodus) -  Before war ripped Cybertron apart, Functionalism ruled with an iron servo. Transformers were categorized and assigned functions. There was those created into power and those created without it, and others deemed disposable or not even sentient. Our crew mostly fall into this last category.
Factions - Till All Are One! Peace Through Tyranny! A strictly Autobot/Decepticon au where faction allegiances are chosen, crossed and double-crossed.
Shattered Sparkhaven (Shattered Glass AU) -  Salvation for all! The Newtrons scour the universe in search of those in need of their special brand of “saving”. With each new colony conquered and individual transformer reclaimed, the drone army of Empress Nitroxide swells, and she’s set her optic on Cybertron. Meanwhile, a “crack” team of resistance fighters attempt to spoil her plans any way they can.
Merformers - Just off the coast of a tourist trap resort, a sheltered reef protects an assortment of life that many have forgotten exist. Believers and non-believers come searching for the myths that swim in the deep.
Reign of Solar Pax (A Royal AU) - After being excused from the Winglord’s court for speaking out on behalf of a troupe of nomadic aerial drones, Solarflare flees Vos with a fugitive Nitroxide. Borne of spite and a thirst for revenge, the pair create a kingdom, bent on seeing the Winglord of Vos regret not offlining them. 
A Blue Coronation (A Royal AU) - A destabilized kingdom in peril from its neighbors. A missing queen and her consort. The scandalous coronation of a sovereign. Nanostorm must find a way to protect their small kingdom and sister while trying to solve the mystery of their missing creators. Who can they trust? Who is waiting to stab them in the back? 
Monsters - Like it says on the tin; this AU features energy-vampires, symphoners, energon-suckers, non-alt mode transformations, spark-eaters, and more bots that go bump in the night.
Among Us - The crew have their mission orders, but their ship keeps being sabotaged! Cut off from the rest of the universe, there can only be only one cause for all this trouble: someone(s) onboard is/are not who they say they are and will stop at nothing to see this mission fails. In short, there is imposter(s) among them.
The Nutcracker - A rework of the classic ballet, The Nutcracker (Play) AU features the crew in the classic roles. Can The Land of Sweets be saved from the tyranny of the retro-rats?
Domestic Electronics (original post with link to original creator) - They’re teeny. They’re tiny. They’re adorable. The Wright, White and Wit Law Firm PLLC is home to a horde of small helper bots.
Semi-Ready [Kind of ready for use, not polished]
Dragonformers - what it says on the tin; here there be dragons.
Bugformers (original idea by @sparkmender​ ) - adorable bug-bots on exciting adventures in the wild, backyard, and lab experimental plots.
The Phantoms [POTO AU] - Worlds Collide Theater is famous for its dedication and homage to the Arts. However, it is widely becoming known for the mysterious entities that have taken up residence and terrorize/enchant the Theater staff and patrons.
Corruption of the Spark - [Redacted until end of Event: Something Wicked This Way Comes]
Pro-Wrestling (original idea by @cyberghost-scout​ ) (Not posted yet) - LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!! It’s a wrestling AU (with the mun’s limited knowledge).
Grand Aerials -  In the realm of aerial competitions, no prize is more coveted than the Electrum Wings of the Grand Aerials. To achieve a set of Electrum Wings is to achieve prestige, influence, and secure a legacy in history; for most competitors, they can only dream to be awarded one set in their entire career. The season has just begun.
Under Still Stars (Space Pirate AU) -  Emerging from a civil war, the Cybertronian Council hungers for more resources as the rebuilding effort demolishes their supplies. Their optics turn toward the free (Cybertronian) colonies, ripe for plundering. However, a research vessel long thought lost returns to oppose.
Free Waves and Fair Winds (Sky/Sea Pirates) -  Each ano-cycle, the islands’ brightest determine a way to increase the security of their borders against nefarious interlopers; the pirates who prey on them figure out a countermeasure an orbital cycle later. In the golden age of sails, the boldest take to the sea and the skies to seek their fortunes.
Summer Camp -  On the shores of Lake Electrum, younglings of all ages flock every summer to grow and enjoy the summer camp experience.
Camp Discoverer: Shaping Our Future One Thread At A Time
Camp Bravespark: Power Comes From Within
Bastion for Wayward Youths: We Set ’Em Right
Extinguished (A Murder Mystery) -  It was supposed to be a pleasure cruise. 30 cycles of R&R on the Vanity at the invitation their mutual friend, the respectable Dr. Primadonis. A chance to put their worries behind and let the tension out of their neck-cabling. Then, disaster struck! Or, more correctly, some mecha struck down their host!
Cirque de Spark - a struggling intergalactic circus searches for new talent to save their circus.
Future AU/UA/Verses [Not ready at all]
Cry of the Falspark- A Fantasy AU involving spirits, mages, a shattered magical artifact of untold power, and a “nine world” style setting.
Welcome Ohm - A Functionist Universe AU involving revolution, espionage, destroying the system from within, a sweet cipher, and political street art.
Battle of The Bot-Bands - What it says on the tin: scandals, band drama, (not original) music, and feels abound.
Manganese Mountains' [REDACTED] Mansion - [REDACTED FOR FUTURE EVENT]
Functionist Universe - What it says on the tin! Featuring: CASTES and REVOLUTION! (( Still deciding if this is separate from Pre-war above ))
Drift-Compatible (Pacific Rim AU) - think humanformers controlling jaegers (or transformers controlling even bigger transformers).
Pretty Guardian Mecha Scouts (Sailor Moon AU) - There is probably a show about teens turning into mecha to fight evil, but I can’t think of it right now and Sailor Moon started this because Solar Pax would make a great magical girl. Also, I just love the animation flow for magical girl transformation sequences and hope I can figure out the animation part of my digital art software so I can make terrible transformations for this.
Pokeformer - it’s the crew as their pokemon-sona.
Lost Colony of Cybertron (UA - TFP) - Hidden by holograms and spark-dampeners, a hidden colony sticks out the long war until life begins to spark on Cybertron once more.
Humanformer College AU - Thinking about this...not alot really...but thinking about it.
Academy (TFA) - Don’t be a hero; it’s not in your programming! It’s the bootcamp school au no bot asked for. Face it, some bots are just not cut out to become elite guards: they’re not what the guard needs, too soft-sparked, too strange, looking too much like a Decepticon implant.
Fae Wilds - WIP
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
AU: Grand Aerials
Synopsis: In the realm of aerial competitions, no prize is more coveted than the Electrum Wings of the Grand Aerials. To achieve a set of Electrum Wings is to achieve prestige, influence, and secure a legacy in history; for most competitors, they can only dream to be awarded one set in their entire career. The season has just begun.
Background info:
A bot competing in the Grand Aerials usually specializes in a sub-category of one or two of “The Big Three”:
1) Aerial racing [Singles, Relay, and Gauntlet] - dominated by seekers and “sonics”, aerial racing focuses on speed and precision. Often compared to track racing.
2) Aerial combat [1v1, Partner, and Battle royale] - dominated by military/war frames and combat aces, aerial combat focuses on power and control. Often compared to gladiatorial sports.
3) Aerobatics [Singles, Formation, Glyph] - dominated by light weight planes, small copters, and aerial drones, aerobatics focuses on gracefulness and showmechship. Often compared to pageantry.
Traditionally, the flight area for Aerobatics is the smallest among “The Big Three” with the area enlarging slowly as one moves through the competition to allow for greater spectacle.
The flight area is normally fitted with silent fans to create drafts for gliding. 
It is cited by part of the aerobatics community that the small initial flight area and the draft fans eliminate larger flight frames early in the competition as they do not have the room to perform and have to maintain thrust themselves because of their mass classes.
Solar Pax of Vos  [0 electrum, 2 platinum, 5 gold, 10 silver, and 30 bronze wings Aerobatics finalist] - after an accident damaged his frame, Solarflare stepped away from Aerobatics. Restored, Solar Pax is here for his return season.
NT-044 of Crystal City  [ 0 electrum, 1 platinum, 13 gold, 6 silver, 5 bronze wings Aerobatics finalist] - formerly specializing in formation, NT-044 got into singles after his flight partner [Nitroxide, or NT-045 to him] dumped him to fly singles herself. He’s an Aerobatics snob and comes with groupies.
NT-043, NT-046 and NT-047 of Crystal City  [ 3 electrum, 10 platinum, 5 gold, 10 silver, 21 bronze wings Aerobatics finalists] - a set of aerial drones specializing in glyph aerobatics. NT-043 joined after their partner quit formation, bumping the other two from 2-frame glyph to 3-frame glyph with less competition. They normally hangout around NT-044.
Quicksilver of Uraya [ 0 electrum, 0 platinum, 0 gold, 0 silver, 0 bronze wings Aerobatics finalist] - As a former aerial racing and current aerobatics competitor,  Quicksilver always reaches finals, but never makes podium. He doesn’t let that stop him from continuing to dream of electrum wings in his future competitions. However, if he does not find a replacement sponsor, this will be his last season.
Starprowler of Iacon [ 0 electrum, 2 platinum, 2 gold, 5 silver, 12 bronze wings Aerobatics finalist; 0 electrum, 1 platinum, 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze wings Aerial combat finalist] - formerly, Starprowler only competed in Aerobatics. After dropping her sponsors and finding a new one, she is now a dual competitor, though her attention leans more toward aerial combat. 
Streak of Vos [ 0 electrum, 1 platinum, 0 gold, 5 silver, 80 bronze wings Aerobatics finalist] - an aerial racing competitor well known for consistently getting bronze in finals. 
Sunbreem of Tarn [ 1 electrum, 0 platinum, 5 gold, 10 silver, 2 bronze wings Aerial racing finalist] - Sunbreem stepped away from aerial racing for a time to mourn the tragic loss of her relay partners in a robbery at their home. She is here for a return season with a new partner, Outburst.
Outburst of Vos [ Aerial racing finalist hopeful] - Outburst is only just starting his career in aerial racing. He only wants to fly his way, ignoring most traditional (and strategic) techniques, which frustrates his senior-partner Sunbreem.
Nanostorm of Iacon [Aerial racing, Aerial combat, Aerobatics finalist hopeful] - Nanostorm, for the first time in their function, has chosen to do something for themselves by seeking out Nitroxide to mentor them to achieve their dream of a career in competitive Aerobatics. This will be their first season, and they are one of the largest-framed aerobatics competitors on record.
Guntop of Kaon [Aerial combat finalist hopeful] - A new faceplate in competitive aerial combat, Guntop was picked up by Fireball during her visit to an illegal aerial combat tournament. His style of fighting is less traditional, which makes him less predictable.
Nitroxide of Crystal City [ 6 electrum, 17 platinum, 20 gold, 20 silver, 5 bronze wings Aerobatics finalist] - being one of the best known competitors in Aerobatics (formation and single), Nitroxide shook the Grand Aerials by retiring to the peak of her career to pursue a function in medicine. She is, however, back to coach Nanostorm.
Retrograde of Vos [ 5 electrum, 4 platinum, 10 gold, 12 silver, 15 bronze wings Aerial racing finalist] - a long time aerial racing finalist, Retrograde swore he would never compete again after the loss of his relay partners in an aerial racing accident. He is coaching Sunbreem and Outburst and serves as a volunteer medic.
Detonator of Slaughter City  [0 electrum, 0 platinum, 0 gold, 5 silver, 10 bronze wings Aerial Combat finalist] - Nanostorm’s sire, who disappeared after going out for a flight; Nanostorm never met her, but watches old holovids of her fights.
Fireball of Kaon - Nanostorm and Guntop’s shady sponsor; she will only sponsor Nanostorm’s aerobatics so long as they compete in aerial racing and combat.
Powerhouse of Vos - Solar Pax’s creation and an avid Aerial competition enthusiast. 
Crux and Flux of Protihex - Solar Pax’s new sponsors; they have high hopes of making a name for themselves and their fashion gallery.
Gloss and Sunfallen of Iacon - Starprowler’s former sponsors; they wanted her to only compete in Aerobatics, and were very spiteful when she dropped them. They are looking for a new talent.
Nightsiren of Slaughter City - Starprowler’s new sponsor and a gladiatorial champion; lots of rumors about what their relationship is are circulating in both the aerial competition and gladiatorial circles.
Shamble [Aerials Bi-Monthly], Sideline [Daily Praxus], and Requiem [Iacon Chronicles]  - Members of the press covering the Grand Aerials.
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME.  Solar Pax ; Solarflare of Vos [formerly] NICKNAME(S).  The Archivist, Sol, Pax, Dataworm, SP, The Walking Hall of Records AGE.   48 (Mental age) SPECIES.  Transformer - Cybertronian - Forged ALIGNMENT.   Lawful Good [Devotion/Simplicity/Accountability/Tradition]; Chaotic Good [Formerly] INTERESTS.   Data [datapads/holovids], Romantic media, Acrobatics, Martial Arts and Derivatives, Photovoltaic Pussycats, Tea; Seekers PROFESSION.   Neutron Third-in-Command, Head Archivist of the Sparkhaven Ship of Records; Aerial surveillance scout [formerly] OPTIC COLOR.   Red
HOLOFORM. A Caucasian male with red eyes (stage contacts?) and an amputated arm. He wears his hair either as a blond ponytail or dyed blue and short with bangs. No one knows if he needs his set of glasses to see. Has an affinity for cozy sweaters, turtlenecks, and make-up in shades of blue or orange. HEIGHT.  25 ft. VOICE.  Rich and elegant RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  Searching for his sparkmate; desperately trying to work up the courage to confess to Nitroxide [main verse].
ENEMIES. Enemies of Sparkhaven; Decepticon Justice Division COLORS.  Orange, Dark Turquoise, Deep Sky Blue, and Off-white; Shades of Blue-Grey [Formerly] ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?  Yes - Social drinker SMOKES?  Nope - doesn’t like the taste DRUGS?   Not as Solar Pax DRIVERS LICENSE?  Nope; piloting license for spaceships, yes
FAMOUS FOR.   Co-founding Sparkhaven and position as Head Archivist; Trivia; Most dates INFAMOUS FOR.  Deserting the Decepticons on his first combat mission [lost half an arm in the raid]; Deserting his post regularly as a Vosian soldier; Unwanted Trivia WANTS.   To love and be loved in return/ A peaceful existence with his family/ To read every romance in existence NEEDS.   To learn to be more secure with himself and less dependent on Nitroxide
1. Feeling himself transforming into a different bot than who he had been on Cybertron, Solarflare wanted a fresh start and changed himself into Solar Pax. Solarflare was more chaotic and prone to bursts spontaneity to a self-destructive level, more easily conned into situations, and self-centered; Solar Pax is more stable, decisive, and compassionate, but retains some spontaneity and a little pettiness. The transformation included an official designation change, a full re-paint, and some minor augmentation to his frame and processor [performed by Butyl and Benzyl].
2. Despite being known for his desertions, Solar Pax is loyal when his trust is truly gained rather than simply given or ordered. 
3. He never wanted to be a soldier; his dream job was to be a data-clerk or owner of a datapad shop.
4. Who’s Afraid of the DJD? Solar Pax!
5. Solar Pax is a social bot; he often flies between the Fleet ships to visit other Neutrons, even Starprowler. He also visits Sparkhaven’s surface frequently to visit the civilians.
6. Dealbreaker is teaching Solar Pax about Earth media; naturally, Solar Pax’s has grown attached to human Rom-Coms, Period Dramas, Operas and Fanfiction.
7. The job of the Archivist consists of a) discovering, reviewing, analyzing, cataloging, and accessing all data that comes into Sparkhaven and b) taking down the histories of inhabitants and visitors; it may be as little as a line to several datapads long depending on what the other mechanism shares with him. Solar Pax is also always behind in his work because of his romantic literature reading on the clock and being short-staffed following the Sparkhaven Plague.
Tagged by: @sweet-talkin-gladiator
Tagging: @chokethelight, @betterhealing, @nxghtlight
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
Spot the Difference: Neutron vs. Newtron
“Calm down, you’re safe. I’m a medic; I can help you.”
“I will save them all and end their suffering.”
Solarflare/Solar Pax:
“So, I was reading this really interesting datapad on Mandalorians. Did you know that- [continues for 2 hours]”
“So, I was reading this really interesting file that I personally dug out of one of the Recruits’ processors. Did you know that you can improve the taste of oil cakes by- [continues for 2 hours]”
“You are not worthy enough to be in my company.”
“I’m not sure that I’m worthy enough to be a leader.”
“New family! New family! New family!”
“New friends! New friends! New friends!”
Starprowler, Chief of Enforcement:
“You are a 95% security threat; I got my optics on you, criminal.”
“Have you run your diagnostics today? We must make sure your loyalty coding is not malfunctioning. It would be unfortunate if it was.”
The Drones
“Directive: Protect. Directive: Defend.”
“Directive: Obey. Directive: Assimilate.”
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
Main Verse
The colony of Sparkhaven and their Neutron guardians attempt to avoid the on-going War and locate other colonies or those in need of sanctuary or assistance. Function on Sparkhaven and in its Fleet are fraught with dangers and obstacles, especially when you’re stretched thin after a fatal epidemic. No one ever said achieving a peaceful function would be easy.
Primary muses: All muses
Currently Ready:
Return to Cybertron
After receiving a message from Optimus Prime that the War is over and Cybertron is safe to return to, Sparkhaven and the Neutrons make for the planet to see what has become of it and its mechanisms, even if some members have misgivings about returning.
Primary muses: All muses, except for Fireball and Dealbreaker
Possible UAs?: Autobot victory, Decepticon Victory, A Truce, A Quintesson Trick
Tag: RTC
Stranded: Earth
The Primus’ Last Stand staff find themselves sucked into a collapsing spacebridge! The Neutrons make landfall on Earth. Due to trying to protect their creator from the fiery inferno of the crash, Nanostorm becomes separated from Nitroxide and the Drones. Who are these strange bots? These carbon beings they call “humans”? Will the lost Neutrons ever find a way back to Sparkhaven?
Meanwhile, without their Supreme Commander and down their medic/scientist, Powerhouse, Solar Pax, and Starprowler must work together to keep everything running smoothly while searching for their missing members.
Primary muses: Neutrons
Tag: SE
A Spacewhale Ate Our Planet
Unable to turn a threat aside, the Neutrons evacuate Sparkhaven and leave their doomed planet to its fate as a snack for a hungry spacewhale. Without Sparkhaven and low on Energon, the motley crew makes for Earth, the closest known source of energy and one of the best known battlefields of the War. They will certainly get mixed up with the warring factions, whether they want to or not.
Primary muses: All muses
Pre-War Functionalist Cybertron (TFP, Exodus)
Before war ripped Cybertron apart, Functionalism ruled with an iron servo. Transformers were categorized and assigned functions. There was those created into power and those created without it, and others deemed disposable or not even sentient. We mostly fall into this last category.
Primary muses:
Nitroxide (Pre-Empurata, Post-Empurata) - Disposable; Recorder (Crystal City)
Solarflare (Solar Pax) - Middle-class; Recon Soldier (Vos)
Silent Night (Nightsiren) - Disposable; Gladiator (Slaughter City)
Shamble - Lower-class; Courier (Moonbase 1, Iacon)
Starprowler - Disposable; Decoration/Pet (Iacon)
Tag: Pre-War
Till All Are One! Peace Through Tyranny! You won’t find any Neutrons or Neutrals here. This is strictly an Autobot/Decepticon au. ((sadly, no drones in this AU ))
Autobots: Nitroxide, Shamble, Crux, Flux, Powerhouse, Nanostorm, Dealbreaker
Decepticons: Solarflare (Solar Pax), Silent Night (Nightsiren), Fireball
Possible Willing Defections: Nitroxide, Solarflare, Silent Night, Dealbreaker
Possible Unwilling Defections: Nanostorm, Crux, Flux
Tag: On Brand
In the Works:
Shattered Sparkhaven (Shattered Glass AU or SG AU)
Salvation comes for you! The Newtrons scour the universe in search of those in need of their special brand of “saving”. With each new colony conquered and individual transformer reclaimed, the drone army of Empress Nitroxide swells, and she’s set her optic on Cybertron. Meanwhile, a “crack” team of resistance fighters attempt to spoil her plans any way they can.
Primary muses: All muses [Newtrons; The Resistance]
Academy (TFA)
Don’t be a hero; it’s not in your programming! It’s the bootcamp school au no bot asked for. Face it, some bots are just not cut out to become elite guards: they’re not what the guard needs, too soft-sparked, too strange, looking too much like a Decepticon implant. 
Primary muses: All muses
Possible Future Verses/AUs/UAs:
((I figured I should put up the current and future Verses/AUs/UAs list since all the character bios are up. The live version is going to live on the Repository Page once it is up.))
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
Equipped with Headcanons: Designations
[Inspired by @pixeledpurple post here ]
Most Transformers start out with a designation bearing a letter-number combination (ex: D-16), which is incorporated into their most basic coding. They later change their designation once their processor is up to the task, or adopt a designation given to them by a friend/mentor/caregiver or higher ranking official.
Cold Constructs are often referred to by their letter-number combination or by an assigned designation. Some earn the privilege to change their designations, but many change it as an act of rebellion.
Sparkmerge Transformers often take designations related to their creators (ex: Nanostorm = the size of a black hornet drone + reference to a solarflare event).
The changing of a designation symbolizes a change in the Transformer. It may symbolize a change in their function, ideals, or path moving forward (ex: Solarflare, the Decepticon recon-flier vs. Solar Pax, the Sparkhaven archivist).
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bytesnbolts · 5 years
Primus Guided Us To Each Other
Designation: Solar Pax [Formerly Solarflare]
Alias: The Archivist, Sol, Pax, Dataworm [Nitroxide]
Development-stage: Mid-aged Adult [48]
Gender/Pronouns: Mech; He/Him/His
Species - Race (Created by): Transformer - Cybertronian (Forge)
Spark Color: Blue
Allegiance: Neutrons; Decepticons [Former]
Home Planet/City State: Vos
Current Residence: Sparkhaven - stationed on The Wheel
Function: Aerial Surveillance
Occupation: Neutron Third-in-Command; Head Archivist of Sparkhaven Ship of Records
Alt. Forms: AAI RQ-7 Shadow
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Appearance: Solar Pax boasts an average light-weight flight frame [25’0” or ~7m] with a distinctive tail rudder. Like other light flight frames, his armor is light-weight, but durable. During an air raid, Solar Pax lost half of an arm; he has opted not to have it reforged. When he defected from the Decepticons, Solar Pax not only changed his name, but had his plating repainted to a new color scheme. Where he was once had steely shades of blue, his new plating displays bright blues, oranges, and whites. Despite that, he has not cosmetically had his red optics and biolights changed, mostly because Nitroxide mentioned she liked the current coloring. Others describe Solar Pax’s vocalizer pitch as rich and elegant.
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Positives: Fair, Considerate, Honorable
Neutrals: Romantic, Loyal, Sensitive
Negatives: Insecure, Dependent [Nitro], Over-analyzing
Morality/Alignment: Lawful Good
Motivations: Devotion, Simplicity, Accountability, Tradition
Rejection/Abandonment - “Please don't leave me behind; my spark will not bear it”
Loss of his loved ones - “The Allspark cannot have them again yet!”
Loss of processors/Shadowplay - “I am nothing without my knowledge”
Decepticon Justice Division - “Frag me! Slag! Slag! Help!”
Primary: Thermobaric guided missiles (limit 10)
Secondary: Rail gun (Upgrade; 100 rounds a klik; 900 round limit)
Melee: Energy dagger (located in hip); martial arts
Gadgets: Infrared/Thermal Optic Sensors
Fighting Style: Prefers not to fight. Previously, an ambush expert, but it never sat well with him. Now, light aerial cover attacks to provide support to others. When in a pinch and tight quarters, hand-to-hand is the only option.
Weaknesses: Limited attacks, Not heavily armed, Soft-sparked [according to Starprowler]
Silent Running - 1 joor use, 1 groon recharge - Solar Pax can move around without making any sound. Formerly, his plating would have add more stealth to his sneaking around, but he's now brightly colored and impossible to miss. This also dampens his EM field and spark so to render him invisible to everything but the optic.
Shared Optic Feed [Upgrade] - An upgrade installed by Nitroxide that allows Solar Pax to tap into the optic/audio feed of Datum and Post-hoc.
Recording capabilities - As a surveillance aircraft, Solar Pax is capable of making recordings through his optics and audio fins.
Extra memory storage [Upgrade] - Where else is he supposed to store all the data he collects as the Archivist.
Universal Access Key - Solar Pax can hack into and take control of most consoles by hardlining himself into the system. He also uses this to copy and download data from datapads, making himself into a mobile Hall of Records.
Spec Rating: 80/110
Physical Specs       Mental Specs
Strength: 6              Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 7             Technology: 7
Speed: 8                 Courage: 8
Endurance: 7          Charisma: 8
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 7
Summary of Specs: A nimble light-weight aerial frame that prefers stealth to fighting. Despite not being the strongest, fastest or most bang for the buck, Solar Pax is a general well-rounded fighter that can provide some challenge to the average soldier. Solar Pax does best in enclosed spaces and hand-to-hand.
Siblings: Unknown
Conjunx Endura/Sparkmate: None
Creations: Nanostorm [Adopted]; Powerhouse [Adopted]
Amica Endura: Nitroxide
Friends: Anyone with a taste for knowledge or romance novels, Neutrons and Sparkhaven citizens
Pets: None
Allies: Citizens of Sparkhaven; Decepticons [Former]
Frenemies: Starprowler
Enemies: Enemies of Sparkhaven/Neutrons; Decepticon Justice Division
Nemesis: None
History: Solarflare emerged from a hotspot in Vos. From an early age, he loved to collect and analyze data. Once he developed into a newbuild, he began learning how to perform the duties of an aerial surveillance soldier, flying missions on behalf of the Vos army to collect data on Tarn. However, this data did not inspire him, and soon he sought out other sources, including the speeches of Megatron. As a young adult, Solarflare joined the Decepticon cause, serving still in a role of aerial surveillance. During an air raid on Iacon, Solarflare was shot down and lost half of an arm. Bleeding out and grounded, Solarflare stumbled across Nitroxide trying to escape the carnage on a stolen ship. He took command of the ship at dagger point, but fell into temporary stasis from energon loss during take-off. When he onlined again instead of having his spark extinguished, Solarflare determined that Nitroxide had more to offer him than the Decepticons and defected to join her. Together, they went on to form the Neutrons and found Sparkhaven. When the Ship of Records was proposed, Solarflare changed his plating colors and name to Solar Pax, taking on the role of Archivist.
Weather: Solar auroras
Color: Green
Sport/Game/Hobby: Full-stasis, Strategy Simulators, Aerial acrobatics, Watching Nitroxide work in her lab
Drink/Food: Fiberglass filament noodles with Mercury Sauce
Fauna: Photovoltaic pussycats
Additional Information
Solar Pax loves to read sappy romance datapads.
Solar Pax wishes that Nitroxide and he were Conjunx Endura, but is not sure how to make the suggestion to the other.
Solar Pax was allowed to pick the plating coloration of the aerial drones, which bear a similar plating palette to his own.
Solar Pax regularly gets his plating paint redone and polished; Crux and Flux tease him about cleaning up for Nitroxide.
Datum and Post-hoc assist Solar Pax on The Wheel; Datum was specifically designed as a cybercat due to Solar Pax's love of photovoltaic pussycats.
Potential Tags: Solar Pax, Solarflare, The Archivist,  More Like Amica Endeara, X-Alt-3, Pax’s Datapad Recs, The Dataworm (SG AU), Newtrons: Destroy All! (SG AU)
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bytesnbolts · 3 years
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[ID: The “Teammate” series. Eight pictures exploring the history of Nitroxide as a member of a team.
Teammate. Six duplicate servos (clockwise: red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange) are in a circle with digits pointing inward; these are the NTs, Nitroxide’s original team at the Facility.
Solo. Five of the six servos have gone grey with deactivation; only Nitroxide’s green servo remains in color and is now balled into a fist.
Guidance. Nitroxide’s servo, fingers out, is across from Primadonis’ larger orange/green servo, which faces upward in offer.
Fledged. Primadonis’ servo is greyed out in deactivation; Nitroxide’s servo remains in color and is balled once more.
Creation. Nitroxide’s empurata servo (with 4 claw-like, eschewed digits) with digits out appears in a circle alongside the servos of the original Sparkhaven Founding Cohort, including Solarflare/Solar Pax (straight across), Piledriver (to the left), Benzyl and Butyl (to the right).
Decimation. A post-Sparkhaven plague circle of servos from the Cohort; only Solar Pax and Nitroxide remain with their servos reaching for each other.
Disconnection. The NTs’, Primadonis’, and the Cohort’s greyed ghostly servos overlap in a circle in position of the previous pictures. Nitroxide’s current empurata servo (fingers out) is overlapped by her original servo in the same position.
Connected. The current Neutron team. Due to their size differences, only the tip of one of Nanostorm and Powerhouse’s digits is in the picture alongside Nitroxide, Solar Pax, and Starprowler’s full servos. ]
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
Question a Day: Feb. 22
Day 22: Has nudes ever been leaked of your muse?
(( I’m not saying they exist, but if I had to speculate...
1) Solar Pax from when he was Solarflare and needed some credits (dates and romance novels don’t pay for themselves).
2) Nightsiren from when they were Silent Night as part of some kind of unused publicity scheme from their owners.
3) Dealbreaker from a disgruntled ex.
4) Crux/Flux from when they were partying it up in school and got a little overcharged.))
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
Headcanon: Solar Pax Has Never Lived Alone
Solar Pax (even when he was Solarflare) has never actually lived alone.
When he’s a sparkling/protoform/newbuild, he’s living with his guardians.
When he becomes a Vosian soldier, he shares a barrack.
As a Decepticon, he’s splitting a room with some other Decepticons.
When he flees Cybertron, he’s with Nitroxide and Nanostorm, and later Powerhouse.
Pre-plague Sparkhaven, The Wheel has its full staff.
Post-plague Sparkhaven, Datum and Post-hoc are with him.
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