#Solar Vehicle Market Research
aishavass · 11 months
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adroit--2022 · 1 year
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New SpaceTime out Monday
SpaceTime 20240826 Series 27 Episode 103
Starliner crew to return on Dragon
NASA has decided to return the stranded Starliner crew to Earth aboard rival SpaceX’ Dragon capsule because of ongoing concerns about the reliability of their Boeing spacecraft. 
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Tracking down the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
A new study claims the asteroid which triggered the extinction of 75 percent of all life on Earth including all the non-avian dinosaurs 66 million years ago originated beyond the orbit of Jupiter during the early development of the solar system.
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JUICE completes the first joint Lunar-Earth gravity assist flyby
The European Space Agency’s JUICE -- Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer – spacecraft has successfully completed the first ever joint Lunar-Earth gravity assist fly by flinging itself just as planned towards Venus.
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Three more Australian satellites sent into orbit
The latest trio flew up aboard SpaceX’s transporter 11 mission on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.  Transporter 11 is carrying 116 payloads, including CubeSats, microsats, and an orbital transfer vehicle carrying eight payloads.
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The Science Report
Babies born to fathers of an older age more likely to have health complications at birth.
The bacteria that can produce rigid, heat stable plastics.
Tiny volcanic glass shards found in Tasmania came from a super-eruption in New Zealand.
Skeptics guide to body language
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
The growth of customer-owned solar and batteries can help to reduce wear and tear on the grid and save ratepayers money.
How much money? A new paper from University of Texas at Austin researchers shows savings of about 40 percent.
The lead author, Nick Laws, has experience translating his area of research into terms that regular people can understand. If he’s at a backyard picnic, he said, he’ll begin by pointing at overhead power lines.
“If you look at these wires and poles around us, they’re actually, in most cases, very old,” he said. “A lot of times the hardware on the grid is near the end of life.”
The paper is the culmination of his doctoral dissertation, completed in December, about extending the life of grid hardware by reducing the stress caused by periods of high electricity demand and long-term growth in demand. He and his colleagues looked at how best to encourage companies and individuals to invest in energy systems that help to diminish demand on the grid.
The utility-speak term for these systems is “non-wires alternatives,” which can include rooftop solar, community solar and battery storage.
It also includes electric vehicle charging systems, but only if the equipment is connected to the grid in a way that allows a grid operator to pause charging or draw electricity from the car’s batteries at times of high demand.
Another important resource is demand response, which usually applies to factories and other major electricity users who agree to reduce their power use at times of high demand.
Laws’ paper simulates the effects of electricity demand on a neighborhood-size part of the grid over 20 years.
His model found that the costs of providing electricity would be $7.2 million per year if there was no battery storage or other customer-owned resources to reduce demand. This takes into account many variables, including high market prices of electricity during times of strong demand and the need to buy new equipment such as wires and transformers.
Next, he looked at the costs if there were optimal incentives to get households and businesses to invest in demand-reducing tools. He estimated the costs, including the incentives, at about $4.2 million per year.
The savings, which would be passed on to consumers through their utility bills, is about $3 million, which is about 40 percent.
“It lowers the cost for everybody,” Laws said.
I want to call attention to my use of the term “optimal incentives” above because that’s a vital part of the analysis. Much of the paper considers how to calculate incentives, which would involve the utility or grid operator paying customers for using equipment that reduces electricity demand. The price would vary based on how valuable that reduction is.
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May 14, 2024
MAY 15, 2024
Today the White House announced tariffs on certain products imported from China, including steel and aluminum products, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries and battery components, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes, syringes and needles, and certain personal protective equipment (or PPE). According to the White House, these higher tariffs are designed “to protect American workers and businesses from China’s unfair trade practices.” Tariffs are essentially taxes on imported goods, and altogether the tariff hikes cover about $18 billion in imported goods.
In 2018, Trump abruptly ended the economic era based on the idea that free trade benefited the global economy by putting tariffs of 25% on a wide range of foreign made goods. This was a cap to a set of ideas that had been sputtering for a while as industries moved to countries with cheaper labor, feeding the popular discontent Trump tapped into. Trump claimed that other countries would pay his tariffs, but tariffs are actually paid by Americans, not foreign countries, and his have cost Americans more than $230 billion. Half of that has come in under the Biden administration. 
Trump’s tariffs also actually cost jobs, but they were very popular politically. A January 2024 National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by David Autor, Anne Beck, David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson established that the trade war of 2018–2019 hurt the U.S. heartland but actually helped Trump’s reelection campaign. “Residents of regions more exposed to import tariffs became less likely to identify as Democrats, more likely to vote to reelect Donald Trump in 2020, and more likely to elect Republicans to Congress,” they discovered.
Now Trump is saying, that if elected, he will impose a 10% tariff on everything imported into the United States, with a 60% tariff on anything from China and a 100% tariff on any cars made outside the U.S. 
In contrast, the administration’s new tariffs are aimed only at China, and only at industries already growing in the U.S., especially semiconductors. Tariffs will rise to 50% on semiconductors and solar cells, 100% on electric vehicles, and 25% on batteries, a hike that will help the Big Three automakers who agreed to union demands in newly opened battery factories, as well as their United Auto Workers workforce. “I’m determined that the future of electric vehicles be made in America by union workers. Period,” Biden said.
The administration says the tariffs are a response to China’s unfair trade practices, and such tariffs are popular in the manufacturing belt of Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Democratic senators from that region have asked Biden to maintain or increase tariffs on Chinese imports after “[g]enerations of free trade agreements that prioritize multinational corporations have devasted our communities, harmed our economy, and crippled our job market.” 
In other economic news, a new rule capping credit card late fees at $8, about a quarter of what they are now, was supposed to go into effect today, but on Friday a federal judge in Texas blocked the rule. The new cap was set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the brainchild of Massachusetts Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren, and was part of the Biden administration’s crackdown on “junk fees.” 
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Bankers Association sued to stop the rule from taking effect, and U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, appointed by Trump, issued a preliminary injunction against it. His reasoning draws from an argument advanced by the far-right Fifth Circuit, which oversees Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, arguing that the CFPB itself is unconstitutional because of its funding structure. "Consequently, any regulations promulgated under that regime are likely unconstitutional as well," Pittman wrote. 
On Friday, major airlines, including American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Hawaiian Airlines, and Alaska Airlines—but not Southwest Airlines—sued the U.S. Department of Transportation over its new rule that requires the airlines disclose their fees, such as for checking bags, upfront to consumers. The department says consumers are overpaying by $543 million a year in unexpected fees. 
The airlines say that the rule will confuse consumers and that its “attempt to regulate private business operations in a thriving marketplace is beyond its authority.”
The other big story of the day is the continuing attempt of the MAGA Republicans to overturn our democratic system. 
This morning, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), second in line for the presidency and sworn to uphold the Constitution, left his post in Washington, D.C., to appear with former president Trump at his trial for falsifying business records to deceive voters before the 2016 election. The House was due to consider the final passage of the crucially important Federal Aviation Authority Reauthorization Act, but Johnson chose instead to show up to do the work the judge’s gag order means Trump cannot do himself, attacking key witness Michael Cohen, Trump’s former fixer. Johnson described Cohen as “clearly on a mission for personal revenge” and, citing his “history of perjury,” said that “[n]o one should believe a word he says in there.” 
“I do have a lot of surrogates,” Trump boasted this morning, “and they are speaking very beautifully.” Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who was also at the trial this morning, later said on Newsmax that they had indeed gone to “overcome this gag order.” 
Johnson went on to call the trial “corrupt” and say “this ridiculous prosecution…is not about justice. It’s all about politics.” He left without taking questions. Meg Kinnard of the Associated Press called out the moment as “a remarkable moment in modern American politics: The House speaker turning his Republican Party against the federal and state legal systems that are foundational to the U.S. government and a cornerstone of democracy.”
Peter Eisler, Ned Parker, and Joseph Tanfani of Reuters explained today how those attacks on our judiciary are sparking widespread calls for violence against judges, with social media posters in echo chambers goading each other into ever more extreme statements. According to her lawyer, Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, wore a bullet-proof vest as she came and went from court, an uncanny echo of the precautions necessary in mob trials.   
In a different attack on our constitutional system, House Republicans are trying to replace the administration’s foreign policy with their own. Over the weekend, they introduced a bill to force President Biden to send offensive weapons to Israel for its invasion of Rafah, overruling the administration’s decision to withhold a shipment of 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs after Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his government would invade Rafah despite strong opposition from the Biden administration. 
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters: “We strongly, strongly oppose attempts to constrain the president’s ability to deploy a U.S. security assistance consistent with U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives.”
The Constitution establishes that the executive branch manages foreign affairs, and until 2015 it was an established practice that politics stopped at the water’s edge, meaning that Congress quarreled with the administration at home but the two presented a united front in foreign affairs. That practice ended in March 2015, when 47 Republican senators, led by freshman Arkansas senator Tom Cotton, wrote a letter to Iran’s leaders warning that they would not honor any agreement Iran reached with the Obama administration over its development of nuclear weapons. 
The Obama administration did end up negotiating the July 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran and several world powers, under which Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear development and allow inspections in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. In 2018 the extremist Republicans got their way when Trump withdrew the U.S. from the deal, largely collapsing it, after which Iran resumed its expansion of the nuclear enrichment  program it had stopped under the agreement.  
Now extremists in the House are trying to run foreign policy on their own. The costs of that usurpation of power are clear in Niger, formerly a key U.S. ally in the counterterrorism effort in West Africa. The new prime minister of Niger, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, whose party took power after a coup d’état threw out Niger’s democratically elected president, defended his country’s turn away from the U.S. and toward Russia in an interview with Rachel Chason of the Washington Post. Recalling the House’s six month delay in passing the national security supplemental bill, he said: “We have seen what the United States will do to defend its allies,” he said, “because we have seen Ukraine and Israel.”
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Zinc batteries offer greater safety, but many improvements needed to compete with lithium
Zinc batteries potentially offer a much lower fire risk than their market-leading yet fire-prone lithium-ion cousins, but researchers have concluded that the technology still needs a major boost to performance on a number of fronts if it is to deliver on its promise.
A review paper describing the state of play of zinc battery development and arguing for research priorities was published. Review articles—a deep dive into the literature on a subject—are a key part of the modern scientific method that helps researchers clarify the current understanding across a field and, crucially, identify gaps in knowledge.
The review paper was published in Nano Research Energy.
As the clean transition away from fossil fuels has begun to take off in recent years, the world has seen a significant increase in deployment of lithium-ion batteries both for electric vehicles and for energy storage to help back up variable renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar.
Read more.
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sagarg889 · 1 year
Sirens Market Research by Key players, Type and Application, Future Growth Forecast 2022 to 2032
In 2022, the global sirens market is expected to be worth US$ 170.1 million. The siren market is expected to reach US$ 244.0 million by 2032, growing at a 3.7% CAGR.
The use of sirens is expected to increase, whether for announcements or on emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks. A siren is a loud warning system that alerts people to potentially dangerous situations as they happen.
Rapidly increasing threats and accidents have resulted in more casualties and missed business opportunities in developing economies. Demand for sirens is expected to rise during the forecast period as more people use security solutions.
As a result of rising threats and accidents in developing economies, the number of victims and lost business opportunities has rapidly increased. Adopting security solutions, such as sirens, is an effective way to deal with these challenges. Long-range sirens are used in mining and industrial applications, whereas motorised sirens are used in home security. Hand-operated sirens are used when there is no power or when a backup is required.
Some additional features of sirens include a solar panel upgrade system to keep the batteries charged and a number of digital communication methods, including Ethernet, satellite, IP, fiber optic and others. Sirens have conformal coatings on their electronics, which help protect them against harsh environments. Some of the systems are made in such a way that they can be expanded or scaled depending on future capabilities.
Omni-directional sirens can be used in areas of high noise levels and those with large population densities as they provide a greater area of coverage. Sirens have external controls with triggers, which can be customized according to needs. The lightening types of sirens include bulb revolving, LED flashing and xenon lamp strobe. The loud speakers in sirens are adopted from latest piezoelectric ceramic technology.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-4274
Other sirens are hydraulic or air driven and mostly find applications in plants and factories. Lithium batteries have replaced alkaline batteries in sirens now, since lithium batteries need not be replaced for several years. Modern sirens use latest technologies and find applications in civil defense, emergency vehicles, security systems and others. Typically, sirens are made of stainless steel, aluminum or UV stabilized polycarbonate to avoid corrosion and are equipped with protection cages. An LED flashing siren has a light source with a semi-permanent lifespan and it is used in places where bulb replacement is a problem.
Region-wise Outlook
In the global sirens market, the dominant share is held by the U.S., India, China, Japan, Australia, Germany, Singapore and the UAE. This can be attributed to the demand for security solutions in developed as well as developing economies.
The regional analysis includes:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Mexico. Brazil)
Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain)
Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)
Asia-Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)
The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.
Market Participants
Some of the key market participants identified in the global siren market are Acoustic Technology Inc., Sentry Siren Inc., MA Safety Signal Co. Ltd, Whelen Engineering Co. Inc., Federal Signal Corporation, B & M Siren Manufacturing Co., Projects Unlimited Inc., Phoenix Contact, Mallory Sonalert Products and Qlight USA Inc.
Rising population and rapid urbanization have led to an increase in demand for security solutions. The need for implementation of security has paved way for the use of electronic equipment on a large scale globally, which in turn has created opportunities for the global sirens market. As these products are durable with a high voltage capacity and easy to install, they find high selling propositions. Characteristics and properties of electronic and pneumatic equipment play a vital role in security solutions, thereby driving the global sirens market with a rise in diverse end-user applications, such as industrial warning systems, community warning systems, campus alert systems and military mass warning systems.
Report Highlights:
Detailed overview of parent market
Changing market dynamics in the industry
In-depth Polishing / Lapping Film market segmentation
Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Recent industry trends and developments
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint.
Browse Detailed Summary of Research Report with TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sirens-market
Key Segments
Product Type:
Single/dual toned
By Application:
Civil defense
Industrial signaling
Emergency vehicles
Home/vehicle safety
Security/warning systems
Military use
By Installation Type:
Wall mounting
Water proof connector
By Regions:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
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mariacallous · 1 year
Editor's Note: This piece was originally published by The American Prospect.
Thanks to the clean energy revolution, batteries are no longer in the public eye just in the form of that unstoppable bunny in TV ads. Batteries—like computer chips, electric vehicles, solar panels, and other hardware—are having a moment.
Last fall, with funding from 2021’s mammoth bipartisan infrastructure law, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded nearly $3 billion in grants to 20 manufacturers of electric vehicle (EV) battery components in 20 states. That’s just a portion of the taxpayer money appropriated to dramatically expand battery production and enlarge the EV supply chain in the U.S., which is, in turn, a small part of the trillion-dollar surge in federal investment.
In February, the Commerce Department announced the terms of competition for $39 billion in federal subsidies for manufacturers to expand domestic production of semiconductors. Among other conditions, the CHIPS Incentives Program limits stock buybacks and requires applicants to provide the child care that’s so crucial to enabling more women to work in manufacturing.
The question now is how these big bets to expand advanced manufacturing and boost research and development in America—taken together, what the Biden administration calls our country’s “new industrial strategy”—will create broadly shared economic gains, including good jobs, for workers and communities across the country.
This “how” is not without controversy, to put it mildly. Beyond the conservative critics who have lambasted the child care requirement and other conditions, influential liberal voices have aired serious skepticism as well. In a recent column (and clever pop culture mash-up), Ezra Klein of The New York Times decried “everything-bagel liberalism” that pursues “everything everywhere all at once.” But he, too, lumps everything together—from permitting requirements confronting nonprofit housing developers to these new, conditional industrial-policy incentives meant to embed meaningful economic opportunity for workers and communities into the DNA of some of the world’s most important and massively subsidized growth industries. Klein—whom we agree with on many things—gets it wrong when it comes to CHIPS and other promising government efforts to chart a new course.
Advocates have worked for decades in many parts of the country on how to make the economy work for all, on a foundation of good jobs and racial and gender equity. From that work, one essential lesson emerges: Attaching clear, consistently enforced expectations to public investment is indispensable. And with the enactment of last year’s landmark legislation, public officials now have a once-in-a-generation set of tools and resources to do this. The “how,” however, remains an open question, especially for jobs outside of construction.
For much of the past half-century, America’s dominant economic paradigm held that free markets and freewheeling capital alone have created the nation’s critical industries and enabled them to flourish. That paradigm denied the important role that government plays in shaping the nation’s economy. Indeed, innovation has long required and received government-backed R&D, contracts, and other investments in discovery and commercialization. Today, that investment is also focused on the making of a lot of stuff: batteries, electric vehicles, charging stations, computer chips that put the brains in all that hardware, and more. So how did we approach that challenge for the past few decades, given that influential economists and political leaders across the political spectrum often questioned whether America needed manufacturing at all?
Consider the evolution of the DOE and how it impacts our economy and communities. Created with a wartime sense of urgency—to address the energy crisis of the 1970s—the DOE quickly found itself in the crosshairs of American politics, especially as high gas prices receded and renewable energy seemed a pipe dream. For years, the DOE was a favorite target for those keen to attack public investment and many of the other tools of entrepreneurial government. By that we mean, as economist Mariana Mazzucato argues in her book “Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism,” a government that is both equipped and directed to help solve national challenges—not just address market failures and economic calamities.
Despite the lack of broader political support, the DOE quietly became a vital source of the R&D dollars that helped develop new technologies. Thanks to the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program, signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2008, the agency also became an important supplier of the financing that, in principle, could have helped turn great ideas into great companies that committed to good jobs in addition to great products.
Famously, the DOE bet $465 million in taxpayer dollars, in the form of a direct loan, on the ambitious domestic production plans of Tesla, now the world’s most valuable car company. That was well before the private capital markets were ready to make that bet on a largely unproven company and its first major factory in Fremont, Calif.
The DOE’s investment in Tesla paid off in terms of demonstrating the viability of mass-produced electric vehicles. But in terms of generating good jobs and racial and gender equity in this critically important new industry, the investment proved to be a bust. The company leads all carmakers in the U.S. in workplace safety violations—as Forbes put it, “racking up more infractions and fines in the last three years than all other automakers in the U.S. combined.” CEO Elon Musk has fought workers’ attempts to unionize by spying on them, firing organizers, and refusing to stop anti-union social media attacks. The company is also being sued by the state of California for alleged widespread anti-Black racism, and by several women for alleged sexual harassment.
There’s a moral to this story: Tesla may be the world’s biggest example of how much harder it is for government to push for high-road labor standards after a company has grown with the help of taxpayer financing. If something important is not part of the deal up front, it tends not to happen.
Tesla is not alone. Particularly in the South and many rural areas around the country, even in ostensibly pro-labor states such as California, innovative manufacturers are mass-producing low-quality jobs. The good manufacturing job is mostly gone, outside of the less than 10% that are unionized. There is, therefore, no guarantee that a significant chunk of the publicly supported clean and high-tech production jobs will pay much more than minimum wage or that they will provide opportunity for training and advancement.
That is, unless certain choices are made to incentivize and embed good jobs and equity into the deals.
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researchvishal · 2 years
Rail Wheel and Axle Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends up to 2033
During the forecast period, the global rail wheel and axle market size is expected to expand at a steady CAGR of 5.6%. At its present growth rate, the global market for rail wheels and axles is expected to be worth $4,402.3 million by the year 2023. In 2033, the��demand for rail wheel and axle is projected to reach US$ 7603.4 Mn.
Competitive Landscape
The global rail wheel and axle market is highly competitive, with many companies operating in this space. These companies are engaged in a range of activities, including the production of rail wheels and axles, the repair and maintenance of these products, and the supply of related services.
There are several key players in the global rail wheel and axle market, including Amsted Rail, ArcelorMittal, Bradken, GE Transportation, Klöckner Pentaplast, Lucchini RS, NSSMC, Vyatka, and Wabtec. These companies are well-established players with a strong presence in the market and a reputation for producing high-quality products.
Overall, the global rail wheel and axle market is highly competitive, with a diverse range of companies operating in this space. Companies in the market are constantly seeking ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors, such as through the development of new technologies or the expansion of their product offerings.
For more information: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/rail-wheel-and-axle-market
Due to the growing sophistication of rail networks and trains, as well as the present trend toward autonomous technology, train makers are devoting significant resources to R&D to develop lighter materials for wheels and axles for freight trains, passenger trains, and short-distance trains.
Nearly 7 billion people take trains each year, and they all want to travel as quickly, easily, and economically as possible. It's for this reason that the research and development of fully driverless trains is continuing to advance. Computerized monitoring systems installed on autonomous trains can detect problems with rail wheels and axles.
There are numerous benefits to using a solar rail system instead of traditional diesel trains. Diesel-powered trains usually have two engine cars. In contrast, solar-powered trains use solar gears in place of traditional gears. Solar panels have been put on the bogie roofs, and electric motors and batteries have been installed in the second diesel compartment.
The electrical needs of railway engines, which normally require 750 V to 800 V to move the rails, may be met by solar panels set atop trains providing voltages of 600 V to 800 V. Demand for these trains is likely to rise, which is good news for manufacturers of rail wheels and axles.
The rail wheel and axle market is an important segment of the global rail transportation industry. Rail wheel and axle products are essential components of rail vehicles, such as trains, trams, and subway cars, and are used to support and propel these vehicles. There are several factors that are driving the global rail wheel and axle market, including growth in rail transportation, urbanisation and population growth, environmental concerns, and technological advancements.
However, the demand for rail wheel and axle is also facing several restraints or challenges, including high capital costs, cyclical demand, a complex supply chain, competition from other modes of transportation, and regulatory challenges. Despite these challenges, the rail wheel and axle market is expected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for rail transportation and ongoing technological advancements in the industry.
Key Takeaways
It is estimated that the US market for rail wheel and axle will be worth $570.8 million in 2022.
Market value in China, the world's second largest economy, is projected to reach $878 million by 2026, expanding at a CAGR of 6% from 2023 to 2033.
Over the projection horizon, both Japan and Canada are predicted to grow at rates of 2.9% and 3.8%, respectively.
The demand for rail wheel and axle in Germany is projected to expand by 3.3% this year.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Small Satellite Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Small Satellite Market size is analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 18.2% during the forecast 2021-2026 to reach $8.2 billion. Small satellites, also termed as Smallsats are a class of flight-proven spacecraft, designed to meet high reliability mission requirements. The increasing popularity of these mini-satellites and nano-satellites is mostly due to their lightweight, versatile and inexpensive designs, integrated with the latest software and hardware improvements, which fuel the growth of the Small Satellite Industry. Hence, the affordable solution has broadened the diverse mission-specific standards across various industry verticals, including, asset tracking, security & defense, IoT, and other space programs. Furthermore, the rise in demands for satellite imagery, low-cost high-speed broadband, along with the investments in fundamental research in CubeSats are some of the factors that drive the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
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Small Satellite Market Report Coverage
The report: “Small Satellite Industry Outlook – Forecast (2021-2026)”,  by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Small Satellite Industry.
By Offering: Hardware (Satellite Antennas, Solar Panels, Terminals, Support Equipment and Others), Software and Service. By Type: Mini-Satellite, Micro-Satellite, Nano-Satellite, Pico-Satellite, Femto-Satellite and Other. By Industry: Satellite Services, Satellite Manufacturing, Launch Vehicles and Ground Equipment. By Mission: Constellation Missions, Installation Missions and Replacement Missions. By Application: IoT/M2M, Communication, Earth Observation & Meteorology, Military & Intelligence, Scientific Research & Exploration, Weather and Other By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others)and RoW (Middle east and Africa).
Key Takeaways
North America is estimated to hold the largest market share of 45.7% in 2020, owing to the eminent requirement for responsive defense forces, massive investments for breakthrough custom-designed satellites, along with rigorous commercial services demand for satellite bandwidth and network solution.
The M2M Satellite Communication technologies are majorly driven by the potential launches of cloud-based solutions is estimated to drive the market.
The promising requirements to seek reliable connectivity between the land and sea operations, along with VSAT connectivity for on-board security, drive the market growth.
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Small Satellite Market Segment Analysis – By Type
By Type, the Small Satellite Market is segmented into Mini-Satellite, Micro-Satellite, Nano-Satellite, Pico-Satellite, Femto-Satellite and Other. The Mini-Satellite is estimated to hold the highest share of 33.5% in 2020, owing to the advantageous features, including miniaturized design, travel at high speeds and remote sensing technology. In addition, affordable development solutions of Nano-Satellite technology makes them a suitable option to deliver superior solutions for communications. In February 2021, Fleet Space Technologies, an Australian nanosatellite company is set to launch its fifth nanosatellite, Centauri 3. The Centauri 3 is Fleet Space’s fifth and most advanced Commercial Nanosatellite, designed to power up a global network of connected devices deployed worldwide. Increasingly, these miniaturized spacecraft provide lucrative opportunities to most business enterprises to accelerate the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
Small Satellite Market Segment Analysis – By Application
By Application, Small Satellite Market is segmented into IoT/M2M, Communication, Earth Observation & Meteorology, Military & Intelligence, Scientific Research & Exploration, Weather and other. The communication segment held the major share of 22.2% in 2020 in the Small Satellite Market, due to the successful introduction of game-changing software for the satellite communication industry along with new business opportunities to expand remote location operation and real-time asset monitoring. In March 2020, a leading provider of next generation content connectivity solutions, NOVELSAT announced a comprehensive solution for mission critical satellite communications. The solution by Novelsat is designed to deliver highest levels of transmission security, resilience and robustness, with a comprehensive wide-ranging security suit, including, transmission security (TRANSEC), communication security (COMSEC), low probability of detection (LPD) and low probability of interception (LPI). Therefore, the growing demand for optimum levels of security and protection for business operations and other mission critical communications of across defense, security and government is estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market.
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Small Satellite Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
North America is estimated to hold the largest market share of 45.7% in 2020, along with Europe, owing to the eminent requirement for responsive defense forces, massive investments for breakthrough custom-designed satellites, along with rigorous commercial services demand for satellite bandwidth and network solution. The industry is poised to continue its rapid growth as SpaceX and others put up constellations of thousands of satellites intended to serve areas without access to broadband. In order to deliver beta testers download speeds, and robust internet coverage from space, worldwide, in May 2019, Elon Musk's SpaceX launched another 60 Starlink internet satellites into Earth’s orbit. The proposal of SpaceX's satellite internet was initiated in 2018, with the successful launch of the two Starlink test craft, known as TinTinA and TinTinB, designed to transfer huge amounts of information rapidly in comparison to fiber-optic cable. Thus, the Small Satellite industry is poised to grow as large scale space organizations are offering “space as a service” to enable business enterprises with accessibility to data, specific to business requirements. Simultaneously, the market of Small Satellite is witnessing potential growth in Asia Pacific region, owing to the digitalization across industries and vast majority of demonstrative space debris clearance service. In March 2021, Astroscale, a Japan-UK based company launched a mission aimed at removal of debris from Earth's orbit. With Elsa-d, a small satellite under the "End-of-Life Services" offerings by Astroscale, the mission was developed for a space debris removal system. Therefore, the significant intended areas to serve by the lower-cost satellite technologies and surging demand for Earth observation satellites in these regions are estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market.
Small Satellite Market Drivers
Popularity of M2M Satellite Communication
The M2M Satellite Communication technologies are majorly driven by the potential launches of cloud-based solutions, and growing demand from various end-users to expand their business reach globally, are estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market. In addition, rugged, superior and cost-effective Satellite Terminals and telematics devices are becoming a part of the present-day comprehensive fleet management solution, which also boost the market growth. In December 2020, the leading GPS Tracking Systems provider, Rewire Security launched GPS & Telematics software for fleets. The latest software by Rewire enables enterprise owners to generate the location of vehicles in real-time, monitor fleet driver behaviour, observe driver route history and other GPS & Telematics software features. Based on the increasing needs of visibility across the transportation sectors, in October 2020, ORBCOMM, a global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, launched ST 2100, a state-of-the-art satellite communications device that enables solution providers for seamless Satellite connectivity to IOT applications, and also several other targeted verticals, such as fleet management and utility. Thus, the latest versatile Communication device launches and power-efficient platforms, such as Satellite Antenna for maximum reliability and security drive the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
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Potential demand for Maritime Satellite Communication solution
The promising requirements to seek enhanced and reliable connectivity between the land and sea operations, along with VSAT connectivity for on-board security and surveillance of shipping industry influence the demand of Maritime Satellite Communication platforms, thereby drive the growth of the Small Satellite Market. The technology innovations across maritime sectors are expanding due to the introduction of gyro-stabilized ground terminals, Minisatellite platforms and multi-frequency dish antennas to reduce the time lag during data transfer. In April 2019, a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, ZTE, announced the collaboration with Zhejiang Branch of China Mobile to launch “Heweitong”, a marine broadband satellite solution. The Heweitong offers seamless extension of the mobile network to the ocean, and mitigate other issues, such as high cost, poor coverage and slow data rate. Therefore, the growing emergence of new marine communication with ubiquitous connection for exceptional service is estimated to drive the Small Satellite Market.
Small Satellite Market Challenges
Compatible Issue
The Small Satellites are designed to deliver advantageous services and indubitably, there are several successful launches around the globe and other possible space missions that eventually supported the mass production of platforms such as the CubeSat for upgraded communications role. However, small satellites are not compatible with every kind of operation due to being launched in lower orbits and also, tend to have a shorter lifespan. The design lasts for a year as it gets orbital decay due to the other orbital elements in space. Moreover, the available space is very limited, which is a major concern along with other mentioned design flaws, which hinder the growth of the Small Satellite Market.
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Small Satellite Market Landscape
Partnerships and acquisitions along with product launches are the key strategies adopted by the players in the Small Satellite Market. The Small Satellite top 10 companies include Airbus SE, BAE Systems plc, Dauria Aerospace, L3Harris Technologies, Inc., Lockheed Martin, Magellan Aerospace, Maxar Technologies Inc., Northrop Grumman, ORBCOMM Inc., Rocket Lab, Park Aerospace Corp., Sierra Nevada Corporation, Aerospace Corporation, Space Flight Laboratory and many more.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In April 2021, the Norwegian Space Agency announced the successful launch of the NorSat-3 maritime tracking microsatellite built by Space Flight Laboratory (SFL), a premier microspace organization and provider of low-cost microsatellites and nanosatellites, in Toronto. The NorSat-3 maritime tracking is designed for space-based maritime traffic monitoring.
In April 2020, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA awarded Lockheed Martin a $5.8 million contract for the Blackjack program, a satellite integration operation. The Blackjack is a project of DARPA to deploy a constellation of 20 satellites in low Earth orbit by the year 2022 to generate global high-speed communications. 
In March 2020, Rocket Lab, a private American aerospace manufacturer and small satellite launch service provider signed an agreement to acquire Sinclair Interplanetary, a Toronto-based satellite hardware company. The acquisition is developed to deliver reliable and flexible satellite and launch solutions.
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aishavass · 1 year
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marketingreportz · 2 days
Arsenic Market By Form , By Purity, By End-Use Industry,Forecast, 2024–2030
Arsenic Market Overview:
Arsenic Market size is estimated to reach $69 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 3.1% during the forecast period 2024–2030. Growing demand in electronics industry for production of semiconductors, solar cells and LEDs, rising usage of arsenic in pesticides and herbicides and research and development for new uses and applications are propelling the Arsenic Market growth.
Arsenic’s unique properties as a dopant in the production of semiconductors drive its use in the electronics industry. Owing to the emergence of new technologies such as 5G, IoT and electric vehicles and so on, the demand for next generation electronic components is witnessing a multifold increase thereby driving the arsenic market growth.
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📈 Rising Demand in Electronics and Semiconductors
Arsenic is increasingly used in the semiconductor industry for the production of high-performance materials like gallium arsenide (GaAs), driving market growth.
🌱 Growing Use in Agriculture and Pesticides
Arsenic-based compounds are used in certain agricultural applications, especially pesticides and herbicides, though regulations are tightening for safer applications.
⚖️ Regulatory Pressures and Environmental Concerns
Governments worldwide are imposing stricter environmental regulations on arsenic use due to its toxicity, which is leading to innovation in safer handling and substitutes.
🔬 Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Arsenic trioxide is being explored for use in cancer treatment, such as in therapies for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), creating new avenues for pharmaceutical demand.
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🔄 Recycling and Sustainable Sourcing
Companies are focusing on recycling arsenic and sourcing it sustainably due to both supply chain concerns and regulatory requirements, leading to innovations in materials recovery.
In the Arsenic Market analysis, the Agriculture End-Use Industry is estimated to grow with the highest CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period 2024–2030. The estimated growth of arsenic in the agricultural industry is due to an increase in demand for food production and the need for effective pest and disease control measures. Arsenic-based pesticides are effective against a wide range of pests and weeds, and they are used to control pests in a variety of crops. Despite the potential health risks associated with arsenic use in agriculture, there is increasing demand for arsenic-based pesticides in some countries where regulations are less strict.
Arsenic is a relatively rare element and is primarily obtained as a byproduct of mining other metals, such as copper and lead. The availability of arsenic is affected by fluctuations in the demand for copper and lead. The limited availability of raw materials impacts the availability and price of arsenic-containing products, which creates uncertainty for companies that rely on these materials. Companies are exploring alternative sources of arsenic and developing new methods for extracting it to address this challenge.
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• Health and Environmental Impacts
Arsenic is a toxic substance that can cause serious health problems if ingested or inhaled. Long-term exposure to arsenic can lead to various health issues, including skin lesions, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. In addition, the release of arsenic into the environment can lead to contamination of soil and water and cause serious environmental impacts.
As a result, there are strict regulations governing the use and disposal of arsenic. Regulatory restrictions on the use of arsenic have limited its availability, particularly in application for wood preservation. This creates barriers to entry for companies looking to produce or sell arsenic-containing products, and also creates additional costs for compliance with regulations.
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According to the Arsenic Market forecast, the Inorganic Salt form held the largest market share of 58% in 2023. Inorganic arsenic compounds are used in a variety of industrial applications, such as glass manufacturing, wood preservation, and semiconductors. To protect against decay, insects, and other environmental hazards, inorganic arsenic compounds are widely used as a wood preservative. Glass is also made with inorganic arsenic compounds to increase its durability and to give it a yellow or green color. As industrial activity continues to grow and develop, demand for inorganic arsenic compounds is also set to increase
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Beyond Batteries: Exploring Cutting-Edge Energy Storage Solutions
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The global advanced energy storage system market is projected to experience robust growth over the forecast period of 2024-2032, driven by increasing energy demand, the transition toward renewable energy, and advancements in storage technologies. The market was valued at USD 20.54 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 42.17 billion by 2032, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.34% during this period.
What Are Advanced Energy Storage Systems?
Advanced energy storage systems (AESS) are innovative solutions that store energy for later use, ensuring efficient energy management. These systems play a crucial role in balancing energy supply and demand, integrating renewable energy sources like wind and solar, and enhancing the reliability and stability of the power grid. Key technologies in this space include lithium-ion batteries, flow batteries, thermal storage, and compressed air energy storage.
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Market Dynamics and Growth Drivers
Several factors are driving the expansion of the global advanced energy storage system market:
Transition to Renewable Energy: As countries around the world strive to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy sources, the need for energy storage solutions has become more critical. Advanced energy storage systems help address the intermittency of renewable energy, enabling a reliable supply of clean energy.
Increasing Demand for Grid Stability: As power grids become more complex due to the integration of renewable sources and decentralized energy production, energy storage systems are essential for maintaining grid stability. They can store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during peak times, ensuring a balanced supply.
Rising Focus on Electric Vehicles (EVs): The growing adoption of electric vehicles is boosting demand for advanced energy storage systems, particularly lithium-ion batteries. As EV production ramps up globally, battery storage technologies will play a vital role in supporting the transition to cleaner transportation.
Government Incentives and Policies: Supportive government policies, including subsidies and tax incentives for renewable energy projects and energy storage technologies, are further propelling market growth. Countries are setting ambitious targets for energy storage capacity to complement their renewable energy goals.
Regional Analysis
North America: North America, especially the United States, is a leading market for advanced energy storage systems. The region’s commitment to expanding renewable energy capacity, coupled with investments in grid modernization, is driving demand for energy storage solutions.
Europe: Europe is also witnessing significant growth in the advanced energy storage market, driven by stringent environmental regulations and a focus on decarbonization. Countries such as Germany, the UK, and France are investing heavily in renewable energy storage to meet their carbon neutrality targets.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region, led by China, Japan, and South Korea, is rapidly expanding its energy storage capacity. The region is investing in both renewable energy projects and electric vehicle infrastructure, creating substantial opportunities for advanced energy storage systems.
Competitive Landscape
The advanced energy storage system market is highly competitive, with key players investing in research and development to improve the efficiency and capacity of their solutions. Major companies in the market include:
Tesla Inc.: Known for its innovative energy storage products like the Powerwall and Powerpack, Tesla is a leading player in the global energy storage market. The company's advancements in lithium-ion battery technology are setting industry standards.
Siemens AG: Siemens provides a wide range of energy storage solutions, including grid-scale battery systems. The company is focused on integrating storage technologies with smart grids to improve energy management.
LG Energy Solution: A major player in the battery storage market, LG Energy Solution develops lithium-ion batteries for energy storage systems and electric vehicles. The company is expanding its global production capacity to meet the rising demand.
ABB Ltd.: ABB offers advanced energy storage solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential applications. The company is leveraging its expertise in digital solutions to enhance the efficiency of energy storage systems.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/global-advanced-energy-storage-system-market
Challenges and Opportunities
While the advanced energy storage market is growing rapidly, several challenges need to be addressed:
High Initial Costs: One of the primary barriers to the widespread adoption of energy storage systems is the high upfront cost of advanced storage technologies, especially for large-scale grid applications. However, ongoing technological advancements and economies of scale are expected to bring costs down over time.
Battery Recycling and Sustainability: The increasing use of batteries, particularly lithium-ion, raises concerns about the environmental impact of battery disposal and recycling. Developing sustainable and efficient recycling processes will be essential for long-term growth.
Opportunities in Emerging Markets: As emerging markets, particularly in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, invest in renewable energy infrastructure, the demand for energy storage solutions is expected to surge. Companies that can provide cost-effective and scalable solutions for these regions will have significant growth opportunities.
The global advanced energy storage system market is set to grow significantly over the next decade, driven by the increasing adoption of renewable energy, the rise of electric vehicles, and advancements in storage technologies. With a projected value of USD 42.17 billion by 2032 and a CAGR of 8.34% over the forecast period, the market presents significant opportunities for innovation and investment.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
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Excerpt from this New York Times story:
California draws more electricity from the sun than any other state. It also has a timing problem: Solar power is plentiful during the day but disappears by evening, just as people get home from work and electricity demand spikes. To fill the gap, power companies typically burn more fossil fuels like natural gas.
That’s now changing. Since 2020, California has installed more giant batteries than anywhere in the world apart from China. They can soak up excess solar power during the day and store it for use when it gets dark.
Those batteries play a pivotal role in California’s electric grid, partially replacing fossil fuels in the evening. Between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. on April 30, for example, batteries supplied more than one-fifth of California’s electricity and, for a few minutes, pumped out 7,046 megawatts of electricity, akin to the output from seven large nuclear reactors.
Across the country, power companies are increasingly using giant batteries the size of shipping containers to address renewable energy’s biggest weakness: the fact that the wind and sun aren’t always available.
“What’s happening in California is a glimpse of what could happen to other grids in the future,” said Helen Kou, head of U.S. power analysis at BloombergNEF, a research firm. “Batteries are quickly moving from these niche applications to shifting large amounts of renewable energy toward peak demand periods.”
Over the past three years, battery storage capacity on the nation’s grids has grown tenfold, to 16,000 megawatts. This year, it is expected to nearly double again, with the biggest growth in Texas, California and Arizona.
Most grid batteries use lithium-ion technology, similar to batteries in smartphones or electric cars. As the electric vehicle industry has expanded over the past decade, battery costs have fallen by 80 percent, making them competitive for large-scale power storage. Government mandates and subsidies have also spurred growth.
As batteries have proliferated, power companies are using them in novel ways, such as handling big swings in electricity generation from solar and wind farms, reducing congestion on transmission lines and helping to prevent blackouts during scorching heat waves.
In California, which has set ambitious goals for fighting climate change, policymakers hope grid batteries can help the state get 100 percent of its electricity from carbon-free sources by 2045. While the state remains heavily dependent on natural gas, a significant contributor to global warming, batteries are starting to eat into the market for fossil fuels. State regulators plan to nearly triple battery capacity by 2035.
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123567-9qaaq9 · 3 days
Informative Report on Asia Pacific PEM Electrolyzer | Bis Research
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A PEM Electrolyzer (Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer) is a device that uses electrical energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen through the process of electrolysis. It utilizes a solid polymer electrolyte (a proton exchange membrane) to conduct protons from the anode to the cathode, while separating the generated oxygen and hydrogen gasses.
The Asia-Pacific PEM electrolyzer market is projected to reach $306.7 million by 2031 from $14.7 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 40.1% during the forecast period 2022-2031. 
Asia Pacific PEM Electrolyzer Overview
A PEM Electrolyzer (Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer) is a technology used for hydrogen production through water electrolysis. It operates by splitting water molecules (H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂) using electricity.
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Components for PEM Electrolyzer 
Solid Polymer Electrolyte Membrane 
Two Electrodes -  Cathode and Anode 
Functions of PEM Electrolyzer 
Proton Conductor, allowing hydrogen ions to pass through while blocking electrons and gasses, ensuring the separation of hydrogen and oxygen.
Water Splitting- The primary function is to split water (H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂) using electrical energy.
Hydrogen Production - It generates pure hydrogen gas at the cathode for various industrial, energy, and fuel applications.
Advantages of PEM Electrolyzer 
High Efficiency 
Compact Design 
High Purity Hydrogen 
Fast Startup and Shutdown 
Operates at high current density 
High Pressure Hydrogen Production 
Uses of PEM Electrolyzer 
1 Conjunction with Solar or Wind Energy to produce Green Hydrogen, which can be stored, used as fuel, or for industrial purposes.
2 Hydrogen Production- PEM electrolyzers produce high-purity hydrogen, which is used in various industrial processes like refining, chemical production, and electronics manufacturing.
3 Renewable Energy- PEM electrolyzers are used to convert surplus electricity from renewable sources (solar, wind) into hydrogen, enabling energy storage and balancing the grid.
4 Fuel for Fuel Cell Vehicles -The hydrogen produced by PEM electrolyzers is used as fuel in hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles, providing a clean alternative to fossil fuels.
5 Power to Gas Systems - PEM electrolyzers are integrated into power-to-gas systems, converting electrical energy into hydrogen or synthetic natural gas for long-term energy storage.
6 Decarbonization of Industries- Green hydrogen from PEM electrolyzers helps decarbonize sectors such as steel, ammonia, and cement production by replacing fossil-based hydrogen.
Key Applications 
Energy Storage 
Fuel Cell Vehicles 
Decarbonization of Industries reliant on Hydrogen 
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Market Segmentation 
1 By End Users 
Refining Industry 
Power and Energy Storage 
Ammonia Production 
Methanol Production 
2 By Material Type 
3 By Country 
South Korea 
Rest of Asia Pacific 
Key Players 
Elchemtech Co., Ltd.
Hitachi Zosen Corporation
Beijing SinoHy Energy Co., Ltd
Ningbo VET Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
A Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer is a key technology in the production of green hydrogen, offering several advantages such as high efficiency, compact design, and the ability to operate at high current densities. In conclusion, PEM electrolyzers represent a promising solution for sustainable energy storage and conversion, particularly in sectors aiming to reduce carbon emissions. 
As renewable energy sources like solar and wind become more integrated into the energy grid, PEM electrolyzers are poised to play a pivotal role in decarbonizing industries and supporting a hydrogen-based energy economy.
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tamanna31 · 6 days
Diesel Generator Market Analysis 2024 Forecasts to 2030
Diesel Generator Industry Overview 
The global diesel generator market size was estimated at USD 16.36 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% from 2024 to 2030. Increasing energy demand globally far outstrips the supply. Factors, such as continuous population growth, infrastructure development, and rapid industrialization in emerging economies drive power demand. 
Diesel generators are favoured for their numerous benefits, including low operating costs and superior fuel efficiency, making them particularly popular in developing areas, notably the Asia Pacific region. Despite these advantages, they also have several disadvantages, such as noise pollution and the emission of harmful gases. The World Nuclear Association has predicted that the electricity demand is likely to double from current levels. In addition, the U.S. Department of Energy forecasts that solar energy will become the most plentiful energy source available. 
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Diesel Generator Market 
Significant growth in the economies of major developing nations, such as India and Brazil, is expected by 2050. India is expected to grow from being the third largest to the second largest economy in the world, only after China in terms of GDP at PPP (purchase power parity). Countries, such as Brazil, India, and South Africa, are already suffering due to a low power supply. Emerging economies are expected to account for 65% of the global economy. The U.S. market is anticipated to witness substantial growth owing to rising costs of power outages across several IT-enabled service firms and data centers and growing consumer awareness of the need for a reliable emergency power supply. In addition, the market is also driven by the rising vulnerability of grid power stations to disasters caused by changing weather conditions across the region. 
Solution providers are mainly responsible for manufacturing, installing, maintaining, and repairing generator systems. Dealers or electrical contractors typically enter into supply and maintenance agreements with end-market consumers, which include commercial establishments, residential areas, and small businesses that use generators for emergency power backup. In addition, companies often appoint an in-house monitoring engineer to oversee the operation of numerous generators in industrial-scale settings. Stringent government regulations regarding reducing harmful carbon emissions are expected to boost the penetration of gas-based generators over diesel generators. This trend is anticipated to restrict the demand for diesel generators across all end-use sectors. However, low operating costs and low initial investment are among the key factors sustaining the current requirement for diesel generator sets.  
Key Companies profiled: 
• AKSA Power Generation Company • Atlas Copco AB • Caterpillar • Cummins Inc. • Doosan Portable Power • Generac Power System Inc. • Honda India Power Products Ltd. • Kohler Co. • Rolls-Royce Plc • Wartsila Corporation 
Browse through Grand View Research's Category Power Generation & Storage Industry Research Reports. 
• The global offshore pipeline market size was estimated at USD 13.97 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030. The rising global demand for energy, particularly oil and natural gas, is poised to highlight the necessity for offshore pipelines, as they are vital in transporting such resources from offshore fields to onshore processing facilities, ensuring a stable supply of energy.
• The global battery recycling market size was estimated at USD 1.83 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.6% from 2024 to 2030. The industry is expected to grow rapidly during the forecast period owing to increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy storage systems leading to a higher demand for batteries, and, in turn, driving the need for recycling.
Diesel Generator Market Segmentation 
Grand View Research has segmented the global diesel generator market based on power rating, application, region: 
Diesel Generator Power Rating Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Low Power Generator • Medium Power Generator • High Power Generator
Diesel Generator Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Industrial • Commercial • Residential
Diesel Generator Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• North America o US o Canada o Mexico • Europe o UK o Germany o Russia o France • Asia Pacific o China o Japan o India o South Korea • Central & South America o Brazil o Argentina • Middle East & Africa o Saudi Arabia o UAE
Order a free sample PDF of the Diesel Generator Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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