#Solar Panel Companies Wellington
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In Wellington, New Zealand, there are a lot of couples living together, and a lot of roommates trying to save on rent. One of these pairs of roommates were Kit and Kat, who were by chance put together in student accommodation. Obviously they became best friends, with names like that how could you not?
After a few years of flatting together, and both finishing degrees, they had steady jobs and student debt that wasn't going to be paid off with Wellington's ridiculous rent.
Kit looked up from a mess of paper and pens and said "Hey Kat, what do you think we move out of the city?" He never liked it there. It was cold and full of people and concrete.
"Uhhhh. What?" Kat didn't mind it, things were conveniently close.
"Yeah let's move to the Far North. Nice and warm all year, and no people. Could get a cheap block of land up past Kaitaia and put a pre-fab house on it." Kit grew up in the Far North and always missed it in the city.
Kat looked up from her laptop with a weird look on her face. "We can't buy land. We have student debts."
"Get some up past Kaitaia like I said, and it shouldn't be more than two-fifty. Plus a pre-fab house for like fifty grand, that's a cheap home. We have decent jobs, and not much changes in utilities. Get a bunch of solar panels and bam. Free power." Kit was... excited... about this.
"Dude, I'd be further away from my family than ever," The laptop was put aside now. "If we work out the financials of this first I'm in." She didn't like her family very much. "You've put too much thought into this haven't you."
"Yeah they don't like that you're bi do they. And I'd be close enough to mine to see them sometimes, yet far enough away they don't turn up randomly." Kit hadn't yet lost his faith in his family. Especially his brother.
Kat worked in meteorology, so the process of moving so far would be an issue. That and the department she worked for was based in Wellington, although she had a work from home position. Covid changed a lot of things, and a lot of people realised they didn't need to go to an office to work at a computer and send emails.
Kit, on the other hand, did design work for a Swedish company based out of Ängelholm. 1am zoom meetings were always a highlight, and almost always could've been an email. The excuse of the North's shitty internet would be welcome.
"Ok, so do we start looking for some land to buy and get a mortgage to go with the student loans?" Kit asked.
"No harm in looking," Kat was going back to work. "I'm going to finish up this, then we figure out the money. And also if this is good for my job security."
"Sounds like a plan!" Kit was definitely excited now.
"Looking. Not buying, looking." She said firmly.
So I guess that's the set-up and first part of whatever it is I'm doing. They'll be short chapters, probably all like this one, just a couple minutes to read. Probably all just a single scene, and vaguely stand-alone. Obviously this cranks open the door for a next part, probably a good thing
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La Red de Control Corporativo Global
Mientras millones de personas caen en la pobreza debido a las medidas por el coronavirus, en lo que ya es la mayor crisis económica de la historia, menos de un puñado de grandes empresas dominan todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. Puede parecer exagerado, pero desde el desayuno que tomamos hasta el colchón en el que dormimos y todo lo que llevamos y consumimos entre medias depende en gran medida de estas corporaciones.
Son enormes empresas de inversión que determinan el curso del flujo de dinero. Son los protagonistas de la obra que estamos presenciando.
¿Cómo funciona?
Tomemos como ejemplo a Pepsico. Es la empresa matriz de muchas empresas de refrescos y aperitivos. Las llamadas marcas de la competencia proceden de fábricas de unas pocas corporaciones que monopolizan toda la industria. En la industria de los alimentos envasados, hay unas pocas grandes empresas, como Unilever, Coca-Cola Company, Mondelez y Nestlé.
La mayoría de las marcas de la industria alimentaria pertenecen a alguna de estas corporaciones. Las grandes empresas están en la bolsa y tienen a los grandes accionistas en el consejo de administración.
En fuentes nada sospechosas de antisistema, como Yahoo Finance, podemos ver información detallada de la empresa, como por ejemplo quiénes son los mayores accionistas. Tomemos de nuevo Pepsico, como ejemplo. Alrededor del 72% de las acciones son propiedad de nada menos que 3.155 inversores institucionales. Se trata de sociedades de inversión, fondos de inversión, compañías de seguros, bancos y, en algunos casos, gobiernos.
¿Quiénes son los mayores inversores institucionales de Pepsico? Sólo 10 de los inversores poseen juntos casi un tercio de las acciones. Los 10 principales inversores suman un valor de 59.000 millones de dólares, pero de esos diez, sólo tres poseen más acciones que los otros siete. Record��moslos y busquemos quién posee más acciones de Coca-Cola Company, el mayor competidor de Pepsi.
La mayor cantidad de acciones es, de nuevo, propiedad de inversores institucionales. Veamos los 10 primeros y empecemos por los seis últimos. Cuatro de estos inversores institucionales también aparecen en los seis últimos puestos de Pepsico. Son Northern Trust, JPMorgan-Chase, Geode Capital Management y Wellington Management. Ahora, veamos los tres mayores propietarios de acciones. Son BlackRock, Vanguard y State Street. Estas son las mayores empresas de inversión del mundo, por lo que Pepsico y Coca-Cola no son competidores, en absoluto.
Las otras grandes empresas propietarias de un sinfín de marcas, como Unilever, Mondelez y Nestlé, pertenecen al mismo pequeño grupo de inversores. Pero no sólo en la industria alimentaria aparecen sus nombres. Descubramos en la poco sospechosa de subversión Wikipedia cuáles son las mayores empresas tecnológicas.
Big Tech
Facebook es el propietario de Whatsapp e Instagram. Junto con Twitter, forman las plataformas de redes sociales más populares. Alphabet es la matriz de todas las empresas de Google, como YouTube y Gmail, pero también es el mayor inversor en Android, uno de los dos sistemas operativos de casi todos los smartphones y tabletas. El otro sistema operativo es el IOS de Apple. Si añadimos a Microsoft, vemos cuatro empresas que hacen el software de casi todos los ordenadores, tabletas y smartphones del mundo.
Veamos quiénes son los mayores accionistas de estas empresas. Tomemos Facebook: vemos que el 80% de las acciones son propiedad de inversores institucionales. Son los mismos nombres que aparecieron en la industria alimentaria; los mismos inversores están en los tres primeros puestos. El siguiente es Twitter. Forma con Facebook e Instagram los tres primeros puestos. Sorprendentemente, esta empresa también está en manos de los mismos inversores. Los vemos de nuevo, con Apple e incluso con su mayor competidor, Microsoft.
También, si miramos a otras grandes empresas de la industria tecnológica que desarrollan y fabrican nuestros ordenadores, televisores, teléfonos y electrodomésticos, vemos a los mismos grandes inversores, que juntos poseen la mayoría de las acciones. Esto es cierto para todas las industrias.
Industria del turismo, la energía y la minería
Un último ejemplo: reservemos unas vacaciones desde un ordenador o un smartphone. Buscamos un vuelo a un país soleado en Skyscanner o Expedia. Ambos son del mismo grupo de inversores. Volamos con una de las muchas aerolíneas. Muchas de las cuales están en manos de los mismos inversores y de los gobiernos, como es el caso de Air France, KLM. El avión al que subimos es, en la mayoría de los casos, un Boeing o un Airbus, también propiedad de los mismos nombres. Reservamos a través de Booking.com o AirBnB y cuando llegamos salimos a cenar y ponemos un comentario en Tripadvisor.
Los mismos grandes inversores aparecen en todos los aspectos de nuestro viaje y su poder es aún mayor, porque el queroseno procede de sus compañías petroleras o refinerías. El acero con el que se fabrica el avión procede de sus empresas mineras. Este pequeño grupo de empresas y fondos de inversión y bancos son también los mayores inversores en la industria que extrae las materias primas.
Wikipedia muestra que las mayores empresas mineras tienen los mismos grandes inversores que vemos en todas partes. También las grandes empresas agrícolas, de las que depende toda la industria alimentaria; son dueños de Bayer, la empresa matriz de Monsanto, ahora comprada por Bill Gates, el mayor productor de semillas del mundo, pero también son los accionistas de la gran industria textil. E incluso muchas marcas de moda populares que fabrican la ropa con el algodón son propiedad de los mismos inversores.
Si miramos las mayores empresas de paneles solares del mundo o las refinerías de petróleo, las acciones están en manos de las mismas empresas. Son dueños de las compañías de tabaco que producen todas las marcas populares de tabaco, pero también son dueños de todas las grandes compañías farmacéuticas y de las instituciones científicas que producen medicamentos. Son dueños de las empresas que producen nuestros metales y también de toda la industria automovilística, aeronáutica y armamentística, donde se utilizan gran parte de los metales y materias primas. Son los dueños de las empresas que construyen nuestra electrónica, son los dueños de los grandes almacenes y de los mercados online e incluso de los medios de pago que utilizamos para comprar sus productos. La mayoría de las compañías de seguros populares, los bancos, las empresas de construcción, las compañías telefónicas las cadenas de restaurantes y los cosméticos son propiedad de los mismos inversores institucionales que acabamos de ver.
Blackrock y Vanguard
Estos inversores institucionales son principalmente empresas de inversión, bancos y compañías de seguros. A su vez, ellos mismos son propiedad de los accionistas y lo más sorprendente es que son dueños de las acciones de los demás
Juntos, forman una inmensa red comparable a una pirámide. Los inversores más pequeños son propiedad de inversores más grandes. Éstos son propiedad de inversores aún más grandes. En la cima visible de esta pirámide sólo aparecen dos empresas cuyos nombres ya hemos visto a menudo. Son Vanguard y BlackRock. El poder de estas dos empresas está más allá de su imaginación. No sólo poseen una gran parte de las acciones de casi todas las grandes empresas, sino también las acciones de los inversores en esas empresas. Esto les da un completo monopolio.
Un informe de Bloomberg afirma que estas dos empresas en el año 2028, juntas tendrán inversiones por valor de 20 billones de dólares. Eso significa que serán dueños de casi todo
Bloomberg llama a BlackRock “La cuarta rama del gobierno”, porque es la única agencia privada que trabaja estrechamente con los bancos centrales. BlackRock presta dinero al banco central, pero también es su asesor. También desarrolla el software que utiliza el banco central. Muchos empleados de BlackRock estuvieron en la Casa Blanca con Bush y Obama. Su consejero delegado, Larry Fink, puede contar con una cálida acogida por parte de dirigentes y políticos. No es tan extraño, si se sabe que es el testaferro de la empresa gobernante. Pero Larry Fink no maneja los hilos por sí mismo.
BlackRock también es propiedad de los accionistas. ¿Quiénes son esos accionistas? Llegamos a una extraña conclusión. El mayor accionista es Vanguard. Pero ahora se vuelve turbio. Vanguard es una empresa privada y no podemos ver quiénes son los accionistas. Al parecer, a la élite propietaria de Vanguard no le gusta estar en el punto de mira pero, por supuesto, no puede esconderse de quien está dispuesto a escarbar.
Informes de Oxfam y Bloomberg dicen que el 1% del mundo, en conjunto, posee más dinero que el otro 99%. Peor aún, Oxfam dice que el 82% de todo el dinero ganado en 2017 fue a parar a este 1%.
Forbes, la revista de negocios más famosa dice que en marzo de 2020, había 2.095 multimillonarios en el mundo. Esto significa que Vanguard es propiedad de las familias más ricas del mundo. Si investigamos su historia, vemos que siempre han sido los más ricos. Algunas de ellas, incluso antes del inicio de la Revolución Industrial, porque su historia es tan interesante y extensa, que habría que hacer otro artículo aparte
Estas familias, de las cuales muchas están en la realeza, son las fundadoras de nuestro sistema bancario y de todas las industrias del mundo, estas familias nunca han perdido el poder, pero debido al aumento de la población, tuvieron que esconderse detrás de empresas, como Vanguard, cuyos accionistas son los fondos privados y sin fines de lucro de estas familias.
Las ONGs y las fundaciones que son propietarias de las grandes farmacéuticas
Para aclarar el panorama, hay que explicar brevemente qué son las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Éstas parecen ser el vínculo entre las empresas, la política y los medios de comunicación. Esto oculta un poco los conflictos de intereses. Las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, también llamadas “fundaciones”, dependen de las donaciones, no tienen que revelar quiénes son sus donantes, pueden invertir el dinero de la forma que consideren oportuna y no pagan impuestos siempre que los beneficios se inviertan de nuevo en nuevos proyectos. De este modo, las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro se quedan con cientos de miles de millones de dólares entre ellas. Según el gobierno australiano, las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro son un medio ideal para financiar a los terroristas y para el blanqueo masivo de dinero.
Las fundaciones y los fondos de las familias más ricas se mantienen en un segundo plano en la medida de lo posible. Para los asuntos que reciben mucha atención, se recurre a las fundaciones de filántropos de menor rango pero muy ricos.
Las tres más importantes conectan todas las industrias del mundo. Son la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates, la Fundación Open Society del polémico multimillonario Soros y la Fundación Clinton. Veamos una breve introducción para mostrarles su poder.
Según la página web del Foro Económico Mundial, la Fundación Gates es el mayor patrocinador de la OMS. Eso fue después de que Donald Trump renunciara al apoyo financiero de Estados Unidos a la OMS en 2020. Así que la Fundación Gates es una de las entidades más influyentes en todo lo que concierne a nuestra salud. La Fundación Gates trabaja estrechamente con las mayores empresas farmacéuticas, entre las que se encuentran Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Biontech y Bayer.
Y acabamos de ver quiénes son sus mayores accionistas. Bill Gates no era un pobre empollón de la informática que se hizo milagrosamente muy rico. Pertenece a una familia de filántropos que trabaja para la élite absoluta. Su Microsoft es propiedad de Vanguard, BlackRock y Berkshire Hathaway. Pero la Fundación Gates, después de BlackRock y Vanguard es el mayor accionista de Berkshire Hathaway. Incluso fue miembro de la junta directiva allí.
Necesitaríamos horas si quisiéramos descubrir todo en lo que están involucrados Gates, la Open Society Foundation de Soros y la Fundación Clinton. Son un puente para la situación actual.
Medios de masas
¿Por qué nunca se habla de esto en los medios de comunicación?
Podemos elegir diariamente entre todo tipo de documentales y programas de televisión, pero ninguno de ellos trata este tema. ¿No es lo suficientemente interesante o hay otros intereses en juego? La Wikipedia, de nuevo nos da la respuesta. Dicen que cerca del 90% de los medios de comunicación internacionales son propiedad de nueve conglomerados mediáticos. Ya sea que tomemos al monopolista Netflix y a Amazon Prime o a los enormes consorcios que son dueños de muchas empresas hijas, como Time-Warner, Walt Disney Company, Comcast, Fox Corporation, Bertelsmann y Viacom, CBS, vemos que los mismos nombres son dueños de acciones.
Estas corporaciones no sólo hacen todos los programas, películas y documentales, sino que también poseen los canales en los que se emiten. Así que, no solo las industrias sino también la información es propiedad de la elite.
En los Países Bajos, por ejemplo, esto funciona así, aunque es extensivo a casi cualquier país del mundo. Para empezar, todos los medios de comunicación holandeses son propiedad de tres empresas. La primera es De PersGroep [DPG Media], la empresa matriz de las siguientes marcas. Además de los numerosos periódicos y revistas, también son propietarios de Sanoma, la empresa matriz de algunos de los grandes canales comerciales holandeses. Muchos medios de comunicación del extranjero, como VTM, también son propiedad de De PersGroep.
El segundo es Mediahuis, uno de los mayores grupos mediáticos de Europa. En los Países Bajos, Mediahuis es propietaria de las siguientes marcas. Hasta 2017, también Sky Radio y Radio Verónica eran propiedad de Mediahuis, al igual que Radio 538 y radio 10.
Y luego está Bertelsmann, que es una de las 9 mayores empresas de medios de comunicación. Esta empresa es propietaria de RTL, que posee 45 emisoras de televisión y 32 emisoras de radio en 11 países. Pero Bertelsmann también es copropietaria de la mayor editorial de libros del mundo, Penguin Random House.
Las acciones de estas empresas son propiedad de fondos privados de tres familias. Se trata de la familia belga Van Thillo, la familia belga Leysen y la familia alemana Bertelsmann-Mohn. Las tres familias se pusieron del lado de los nazis en la guerra.
Según Wikipedia, por esta razón, el Telegraaf, el periódico de los Leysen, fue prohibido temporalmente en los Países Bajos después de la guerra.
Fake News
Para completar esta visión general, de dónde vienen las noticias, las noticias diarias de todos estos medios de comunicación. Los diversos medios de comunicación no producen noticias, utilizan la información y las imágenes de las agencias de prensa, ANP y Reuters. Estas agencias no son independientes. ANP es propiedad de Talpa, de John de Mol. Thomson-Reuters es propiedad de la poderosa familia canadiense Thomson.
Los periodistas y editores más importantes que trabajan para estas agencias son miembros de una agencia de periodismo, como el Centro Europeo de Periodismo. Son uno de los mayores patrocinadores europeos de proyectos relacionados con los medios de comunicación. Educan a los periodistas, publican libros de estudio, proporcionan espacios de formación y agencias de prensa y colaboran estrechamente con las grandes empresas, Google y Facebook.
Para el análisis periodístico y las opiniones, los grandes medios de comunicación utilizan Project Syndicate. Esta es la organización más poderosa en este campo. Project Syndicate y organizaciones como las mencionadas están junto a las agencias de prensa. El vínculo entre todos los medios de comunicación del mundo cuando los presentadores de noticias cosechan de sus teleprompters, lo más probable es que el texto provenga de una de estas organizaciones. Esa es la razón por la que los medios de comunicación de todo el mundo muestran sincronía en sus informes.
Y fíjese en el propio centro de periodismo europeo. De nuevo, la Fundación Gates y la Fundación Open Society. También están fuertemente patrocinados por Facebook, Google, los Ministerios de Educación y Ciencia y los de Asuntos Exteriores.
¿Quién patrocina la organización y las agencias de prensa que producen nuestras noticias? En el caso de Project Syndicate, vemos a la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates, la Fundación Open Society y el Centro Europeo de Periodismo. Las organizaciones que traen las noticias son pagadas por organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, de la misma élite que también es dueña de todos los medios de comunicación, pero también una parte del dinero de los contribuyentes se utiliza para pagarles.
En Bélgica, hay protestas regularmente, ya que Mediahuis y De Persgroep reciben millones de euros del gobierno, mientras que muchos están en el extranjero…
Los peligros que nos acechan
Ya habrá tiempo para sumergirse en el pasado, pero ahora vamos a hablar de la actualidad. La élite gobierna cada aspecto de nuestras vidas, también la información que obtenemos y dependen de una coordinación, cooperación para conectar todas las industrias del mundo para servir a sus intereses. Esto se hace a través del Foro Económico Mundial, entre otros, una organización muy importante.
Cada año, en Davos, los directores generales de las grandes empresas se reúnen con líderes nacionales, políticos y otras partes influyentes, como UNICEF y Greenpeace. En el consejo de administración del FEM están el ex vicepresidente Al Gore, la ministra holandesa Sigrid Kaag, Feike Sijbesma, presidente de la Royal Dutch State Mines y la comisaria del banco holandés Christine Lagarde, presidenta del Banco Central Europeo. Además, el hijo del político Ferdinand Grapperhaus trabaja en el FEM.
Wikipedia dice que la cuota anual para los miembros es de 35.000 euros “pero más de la mitad de nuestro presupuesto proviene de los socios que pagan el coste para los políticos que de otra manera no podrían permitirse la membresía”.
Según los críticos, el FEM es para que las empresas ricas hagan negocios con otras empresas o con políticos. Para la mayoría de los miembros, el FEM apoyaría el beneficio personal en lugar de ser un medio para resolver los problemas del mundo. ¿Por qué habría muchos problemas mundiales si los líderes de la industria, los banqueros y los políticos desde 1971 se reúnen cada año para resolver los problemas del mundo?
No es ilógico, que después de 50 años de reuniones entre los ecologistas y los directores generales de las empresas más contaminantes, la naturaleza vaya poco a poco a peor, no a mejor; que esos críticos tienen razón, está claro, cuando miramos a los principales socios que juntos hacen más de la mitad del presupuesto del FEM. Porque estos son BlackRock, la fundación Open Society, la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates y muchas grandes empresas, de las que Vanguard y BlackRock son propietarias de las acciones.
El presidente y fundador del FEM es Klaus Schwab, profesor y empresario suizo. En su libro, The Great Reset, escribe sobre los planes de su organización. Según él, el coronavirus es una gran “oportunidad” para reiniciar nuestras sociedades. Lo llama “Reconstruir mejor”. El eslogan está ahora en boca de todos los políticos globalistas del mundo.
Nuestra vieja sociedad debe cambiar a una nueva, dice Schwab. El pueblo no es dueño de nada, sino que trabaja para el Estado para satisfacer sus necesidades primarias. El FEM dice que es necesario porque la sociedad de consumo que la élite nos impuso ya no es sostenible. Schwab dice en su libro que nunca volveremos a la antigua normalidad y el FEM publicó recientemente un vídeo para dejar claro que en 2030 no poseeremos nada pero seremos felices.
El Gran Reinicio es el Nuevo Orden Mundial
Probablemente hayas oído hablar del Nuevo Orden Mundial. Los medios de comunicación quieren hacernos creer que se trata de una teoría de la conspiración, sin embargo, los líderes han hablado de ello durante décadas. No sólo George Bush padre, Bill Clinton y Nelson Mandela, sino también filántropos de fama mundial, como Cecil Rhodes, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger e incluso George Soros.
La ONU presentó en 2015 su polémica Agenda 2030. Es casi idéntica al Great Reset de Klaus Schwab. La ONU quiere asegurarse, al igual que Schwab, de que en 2030 la pobreza, el hambre, la contaminación y las enfermedades ya no asolen la Tierra
Suena bien, pero espere a leer la letra pequeña. El plan es que la Agenda 2030 la paguemos nosotros, la gente de a pie. Igual que ahora nos piden que cedamos nuestros derechos para la salud pública, nos pedirán que cedamos nuestra escasa riqueza para luchar contra la pobreza. No son teorías conspirativas. Está en su página web oficial. Todo se reduce a esto: La ONU quiere que los impuestos de los países occidentales sean repartidos por las megacorporaciones de la élite para crear una nueva sociedad. La nueva infraestructura, porque los combustibles fósiles se habrán ido en 2030.
Para este proyecto, la ONU dice que necesitamos un gobierno mundial, es decir, la propia ONU.
La ONU está de acuerdo con Schwab en que una pandemia es una oportunidad de oro para acelerar la implementación de la Agenda 2030.
Es preocupante que el FEM y la ONU admitan abiertamente que las pandemias y otras catástrofes pueden utilizarse para remodelar la sociedad. No debemos pensar en esto a la ligera.
El hecho es que una élite controla el mundo a través de una estructura piramidal, en cuya cúspide están Vanguard y BlackRock. A su vez, éstas, forman parte de otra estructura global bancaria integrada en esa misma cúspide.
La Red de Control Corporativo Global (o Cártel Bancario Internacional)
La existencia de la Red de Control Corporativo Global, también conocida como el Cártel Bancario,fue demostrada por Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder y Stefano Battiston, tres matemáticos del Instituto Federal de Tecnología de Zurich, Suiza.
“Los Bancos Centrales del mundo son todos propiedad de la Red de Control Corporativo Global [Cártel Bancario], y están bajo el control de la Nobleza Negra.” (Karen Hudes)
De acuerdo a la antes mencionada investigación del Instituto Federal de Tecnología de Suiza:
“La estructura de la red de control de las corporaciones transnacionales afecta la competencia del mercado global y la estabilidad financiera. Presentamos la primera investigación de la arquitectura de la red de propiedad internacional, junto con el cálculo del control que tiene cada actor global. Así encontramos que las corporaciones transnacionales forman una gigantesca estructura de corbata de lazo y que una gran parte del control fluye hacia un pequeño núcleo de instituciones financieras estrechamente unidas. Este núcleo puede verse como una ‘super-entidad’ económica que plantea nuevos problemas importantes tanto para los investigadores como para los responsables de la formulación de políticas.”
Esta investigación fue ratificada por Karen Hudes, una abogada y economista que pasó 21 años en el Departamento Legal del Banco Mundial, informando sobre corrupción cada vez que pudo, hasta el día de hoy. También fue la persona designada por la Junta de Gobernadores del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional para actuar como Fideicomisario Mandatario Supervisor del Fideicomiso que contiene las reservas de oro monetarias mundiales y otras riquezas que se depositaron al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial con el Banco Mundial y Fondo Monetario Internacional. Como ella misma dice: “Escribo con membrete del Banco Mundial, y nadie me detiene, ni me contradice.”
¿Hacen falta más pruebas de que el poder genera esclavitud y sometimiento y de que todo esto es un gran plan para conducir al mundo al absoluto totalitarismo financiero y tecnocientífico con la excusa de la sanidad?
Bill Sardi – Who runs the world?
Karen Hudes
Women For Freedom – Monopoly: an overview of the Great Reset
Mente Alternativa
Daniel Estulin
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Only One In Eight Business Owners ‘Aware Of Super-Deduction Tax Break’ – Ts Partners
As a business owner, you will naturally want to make the most of all available resources and sources of support to better your firm’s survival and growth prospects. That’s just one reason why you might be looking to draw upon the services of a chartered tax adviser in Newton Abbot, Plymouth, or Wellington, such as a member of our team.
However, with a recent story by The Manufacturer reporting that a mere one in eight businesses knows about the UK Government’s super-deduction tax break, we thought we would go into greater detail about what it is and how it works.
What is the super-deduction tax relief?
The super-deduction tax break became available in April 2021. It was introduced as a means to help stimulate UK business investment, which was already low even before the coronavirus pandemic, but dropped further – by 11.6% – between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period in 2020.
The tax break was designed to give businesses an incentive to make further investments in machinery and tools.
The tax relief runs until 31st March 2023, but many firms are still unaware that it exists. Under the tax relief, businesses can claim a 130% capital allowance on qualifying plant and machinery investments.
Another benefit is potentially getting a 50% first-year allowance (FYA) for qualifying special rate assets. The tax break also allows businesses to cut their taxes by up to 25p for every £1 they invest.
What types of assets qualify?
If you have been reading the above, thinking there can’t be many assets that would qualify, you would be wrong. According to the Government, many assets could qualify for the super-deduction tax break or the 50% FYA, such as:
Office chairs and desks
Foundry Equipment
Solar panels
Tractors, lorries, and vans
Electric vehicle charging points
The above is not an exhaustive list of the assets that could allow your firm to take advantage of the super-deduction tax break. Further information about the essentials of the scheme can be found on the GOV.UK website.
Act early to make the most of this tax break
If the super-deduction tax relief seems to be of potential relevance to your business, we urge you to move fast to take advantage of it. The Manufacturer also reported that some firms have had to wait for as long as three months for the delivery of machinery – which in turn, could mean a longer wait for those wishing to realise the cost-saving benefits of this initiative.
We can be by your side to help through times of uncertainty
There can be no doubt that the super-deduction tax break will be a good way for many companies to help themselves ‘bounce back’ from the pandemic and the continued uncertain economy.
To tap into this scheme, you should check if the equipment you need is eligible and follow up on this as soon as possible. In the meantime, it’s easy toreach out to TS Partners for the services of a chartered tax adviser in Newton Abbot, Wellington, or Plymouth, who will be able to help ensure your firm is firmly placed to take on the challenge presented by the current economic turbulence.
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Best School Window Cleaning Services and Cost In Wichita KS | Wichita Cleaning Company
More information is at: http://bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/school-window-cleaning-near-me/
Looking For the best School Window Cleaning Near Wichita KS? Wichita Cleaning Company is the best cleaning services in and around Wichita KS. Cost of School Window Cleaning? Free estimates. Best School Window Cleaning in Wichita KS. REQUEST FREE QUOTE TODAY! SCHOOL WINDOW CLEANING How The Windows Are Cleaned School window cleaning, as with the commercial and residential windows we clean, the complete window is cleaned every time – glass and frame. This is done to ensure that the windows also ‘look clean’ from the outside. Dirty frames make the glass look dirty, and the dirt that build up on the frames often washes down onto the glass when it rains. So, cleaning the frames every time, keeps the windows cleaner for longer as well as looking cleaner.
The windows are washed with purified water, which is then heated to effetively remove dirt, grime and salt, and leave the windows spotless. Tap water isn’t used as it contains minerals, salts and metals that can cause spotting on the glass afterwards, so the water is passed through a purification process to remove those impurities in the water – it’s amazing, and a bit scary, how many impurities there are in normal tap water.
This process cleans the dirt, and leaves the windows clean with no residue or detergent or anything else, so the windows stay cleaner for longer than a traditional window cleaner. The equipment and cleaning we use for school window cleaning is the current high standard for commercial window cleaning. There are also ‘very’ few window cleaning companies that heat the water believe it or not. We are one of the few commercial window cleaners in Northern Ireland that do this. We do it as it gives better results and we always strive to give the customer the best cleaning service that we can. School Window Cleaning – How We Operate We prefer to arrange a regular window cleaning schedule with you, though we can discuss what sort of time schedule you would like. Also, when the windows should be cleaned, for instance you probably would prefer out of school hours or during school holidays.
We like to provide you with exactly what you want. So, maybe you don’t need all the windows cleaned every time? Maybe you want the insides cleaned as well as the outside? We can discuss what you want, and help to provide a solution to your needs. We also provide other cleaning services such as gutter clearing, solar panel cleaning, signage cleaning for the school name signs if they are getting dirty.
Health & Safety Regulations We do comply with current health and safety regulations for our industry and the equipment we use is designed with safety in mind. Pricing Your School Window Cleaning As every building is different and your needs will vary from the next person, pricing is done on an individual basis, we need to call out to you. Though, be sure that you will get an excellent job done at a competitive price. Guaranteed To Be Clean WICHITA CLEANING COMPANY has a 100% satistaction guarantee. After cleaning the windows, if you see on the following day that any of them have not been cleaned right, just give me a call and those windows will be cleaned again for free – no problem. We take pride in the work we do, and offer a professional cleaning service, not just pretending to clean the windows. How To Get Your School Windows Cleaned By Us First of all, contact us to get a free, no obligation quote. Paul will come out and have a look at your school, maybe take some measurements, chat to the person dealing with the school window cleaning – princpal or janitor etc. to get an idea what you want. We can disscuss, what windows are to be cleaned, whether just the outside or inside and out, what sort of schedule, when you want them cleaned etc. Afterwards, you will be given a price. If you are happy with the price and details, then we can go ahead and get your windows cleaned. If you are not happy with the price, it’s no problem, you are under no obligation to accept the quote.
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CONTACT US: Wichita Cleaning Company Best commercial residential cleaning company in Wichita KS (316) 500-7551 CLEANING (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-5733 WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING Location: Wichita KS Monday-Sunday 7 am- 11 pm bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/ junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ Service area; 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #cleaning #moving #movers #junkremoval #handymanservice #hauling #Wichita #kanas
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Professional Electrical Services in Wichita KS | Handyman Services Of Wichita
More information is at: https://handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/electrical-services-near-me/
Handyman Services Of Wichita, is the best electrical service company in Wichita KS. We have a team of dedicated local electricians that provides an extensive range of commercial and domestic services, from smoke detectors and general wiring to 24 hours emergency fault finding and electrical services in Wichita KS. At Handyman Services Of Wichita, we can help you from the initial enquiry to your project completion. No matter you need professional electrical services in Wichita KS for electrical installation, maintenance or repairs, Handyman Services Of Wichita is here to satisfy all your requirements! If you want top electrical services in Wichita KS then Handyman Services Of Wichita is the best place to be!
Handyman Services Of Wichita knows that it can be hard to find a good trade, which is why we are committed to providing an honest, prompt and professional electrician service in Wichita KS. We understand the importance of a fast and efficient service, particularly when an emergency electrician is required. We confirm pre-booked jobs 2 to 3 days before arrival and always arrive on time, ensuring that you aren’t left waiting around, wondering if an electrician is even going to show up. Handyman Services Of Wichita, also cleans up after ourselves – it will be like we were never there in the first place!
Our electricians are fully licensed and accredited. We are well-experienced in the provision of top-quality electrical works across Wichita KS, so you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and commitment to customer satisfaction you’re looking for. Handyman Services Of Wichita, is at the forefront of providing superior electrical service delivery to Wichita KS. Our focus is to provide ethical, professional and proactive support to our clients. Electricians who work for us are selected based on their experience and qualifications but also on their passion for excellence, accuracy and their active contribution to improving service. You can be assured that you are in good hands when selecting Handyman Services Of Wichita.
Domestic Electrical Services
If you are looking for a domestic electrician in Wichita KS, Handyman Services Of Wichita are the best choice to get the job done, no matter what challenge we are presented with, we have the expertise to fix it right the first time.
Commercial Electrical Services
For all your commercial electrical needs, Handyman Services Of Wichita electricians will provide you with a superior level of service and quality to exceed your expectations. Handyman Services Of Wichita can perform small jobs like repairs or fault finding through to large jobs like rewiring buildings and providing electrical services to major development projects. Our electricians deliver a quality product on-time and with due diligence meeting all the US standards.
At Handyman Services Of Wichita, we can help you with the best electrical services in Wichita KS:
• Air conditioner installations • Electricity Fault Finding and Repairs • Emergency Electrician 24/7 • Home automation systems installation • Home theatre installation • Indoor and outdoor lighting • Installation and Maintenance of security systems • Installing additional phone or power outlets • Power installation and connection to the electricity grid • Repairs to lighting, power, TV, telephone and power outlet points • Smoke detectors/alarm testing and installation • Solar panel installation • Switchboard Upgrades • Telephone and internet installation • Testing and tagging
We understand that you would like to know what you are getting before committing to a service. We offer a free up-front quote on all work and require your authorization prior to commencement.
CONTACT US: Handyman Services Of Wichita Best commercial residential handyman maintenance professionals in Wichita KS (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN (316) 500-7551 CLEANING (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL Location: Wichita KS Timing: 7 AM – 11 PM Websites: handymanserviceswichitakansas.com bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ Service area: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #kanas #handyman #commercialhandyman #residencialhandyman #moving #junkremoval #cleaning
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Get Premium Apollo Gate Openers From a Dependable Distributor
Providing the highest level of protection to your family and your property should always be your topmost priority. There are many more options that one can consider to provide a full security to their family, business and other valuable assets. Various highly advanced products are available in the market that is used for security purposes. Using these products in a perfect way to protect your belongings. With the increase in crimes, the need for these advanced products has developed in both residential as well as commercial sectors.
With the increasing demand of high end security systems, many companies have begun their business, manufacturing the best products to meet the security needs of their customers. When it comes to getting quality gate opener, most of the people look for Apollo products, which is a popular and reputed brand specialized in gate openers. Not all the suppliers offer Apollo products, therefore it is essential to completely verify whether the company that you selected provides Apollo brand gate openers and other security products or not.
You can also take the help of the internet to easily find the best company available in the gate access industry. Once you make the right selection, you will surely get reliable products and services at the best value. The leading company is well-known for serving a huge variety of innovative and technically advanced gate openers, accessories and other items at extremely competitive prices. They are one of the best sellers of Apollo products and pride themselves to offer the lowest possible prices on all their products. They make every effort to provide unmatched customer service that is second to none.
Among various distributors, they are considered as one of the fastest growing security distributors in the United States, Fast Access Security Corp. (FAS). If you are looking to have excellent quality apollo gate opener, then they are the perfect option for you. They are international suppliers for Apollo and also several other highly recognized brands. All their customers are valuable assets for them, hence they commit to supply the products with top quality and excellent customer service.
You can consider these service providers as your premier choice for all your security & access control equipment. As a top seller of Apollo Motors, they specialize in offering gate motors of different models. If you are looking to buy Apollo 1550 gate motor, then they are the one stop shop from where you can get your product with great satisfaction. They offer various products of Apollo brand such as gate openers, gate kits, solar panel, circuit board, locks & brackets and more. You can freely visit their online website for more information.
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Car sales car rental New Zealand car rental
Travelers Autobarn helps you with detailed advice to find the right model for your trip. We also give you a buyback guarantee. This saves you time at the end of your trip and gives you the security of not being left at unnecessary expense. Campervans are smaller than motorhomes or the classic campers, which are also called motorhomes due to their size. One of the great advantages of campervans is that they are very agile, suitable for everyday use and, thanks to the reduction to the essentials, also cheap. Rent our elegant, compact 4x4 for a sporty and affordable trip through New Zealand. Our campervans are serviced by professionals before each rental. Should something go wrong, we will immediately find a solution - so that you can be on the road again as soon as possible. The Next ONE campervan offers enough space for 2 adults with one child. Equipped with a 150 watt solar panel and an extra high roof for more comfort. Say goodbye to your car and lock yourself up before handing over the keys to our nice staff. Leave the hustle and bustle of the city center behind and collect your JUCY rental car from our Christchurch airport branch. Do you need a car with more space or horsepower? Rent our spacious off-road vehicle.
The quickest way to get to JUCY is around NZ $ 50 by taxi. Whether you are planning a city break in Christchurch, exciting hikes on the South Island or a trip to New Zealand's most famous sights, we have a rental car that meets your needs.
Cheap Campervan Hire
Even if I consider our trips with the camper to be the most beautiful, I personally would not travel through the country in the winter in New Zealand.
I love the unique nature and beautiful landscapes.
So that you also know what you should take with you when you travel with your camper in New Zealand, we have created a packing list for you.
Cook in your "outdoor" Kitchen in the rear of the vehicle and use plenty of storage space with our 460L roof luggage boxes.
The 230 wineries of Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa and Marlborough wine regions are connected via this travel route, Wellington and the Marlborough Sounds are absolute highlights .
For an authentic picture of New Zealand, travel north from Auckland and drive to Cape Reinga, the country's northernmost point.
When traveling through New Zealand in a motorhome, you will simply feel the freedom. You want to travel flexibly with a campervan in New Zealand, take a rest on the way and prepare your own food on site. The 230 wineries of Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa and Marlborough wine regions are connected via this travel route, Wellington and the Marlborough Sounds are absolute highlights. Vehicle specifications in the table above are subject to change without notice and may come through product changes and or upgrades. Apollo Motorhome Holidays accepts no liability for such deviations.
Rent a motorhome Campervan camping park in Auckland
Everything went perfectly - we are completely satisfied. All wishes of the booking were fulfilled and we had a wonderful vacation - just as we imagined and dreamed of. That's fine. However, not all camper rental companies in New Zealand offer that you can rent the camper directly from the age of 18. With our Camper New Zealand price comparison you can find this information under the additional information.
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Text/concepts for my Website
Renewable energy: To combat climate change is to reduce our carbon emissions and what better place to do that than the leading cause of greenhouses gasses, the burning of fossil fuels. Target market: homeowners and families. Whether this is those who live in the CBD or farms there are options to become renewable with either, investing in established Co-ops or installing solar panels/wind turbines as a way to generate your own sustainable power.
Not targeted towards kids because they don’t have the money and resources to purchase and/or install renewable electricity sources
Ideas for pages: Contact page Why donate? - expand in regards to reducing the risk as well as generating an income. Home Page - offer an ultimatum of two routes, either install or invest in Co-Op? Contact us page - possibly show the address of a Wellington HQ? Compulsory, news and events page New Zealand already has a high rate of renewable energy as a Currently (2019) approximately 80% of electricity generation is produced by renewable sources. This is impressive but we as a country still have a long way to go towards the Government's target of 90% renewable generation by 2025.
What we as New Zealanders can do is be educated. Educated on where our energy is being sorted from. We must be aware of the companies to avoid and the irreversible harm that our everyday choices cause to our planet. A small thing you as a New Zealander can achieve is becoming aware of where you source your daily power from. One-third of New Zealand’s electricity demand is household-based. This is why as citizens, our power choices are important and hold a great influence on our environment. We must investigate and ask ourselves is the electricity we are using is renewable? Safe? And harming our planet?. Home page shortened down introductory text As New Zealanders, we need to be informed about where our Electricity is sourced from. The process of burning Fossil fuel is still a part of New Zealand’s method of extracting energy, causing irreversible harm to our planet. Currently (2019) approximately 80% of electricity generation is produced by renewable sources. This is impressive but we as a country still have a long way to go towards the Government’s target of 90% renewable generation by 2025. Will you be a part of this movement? The Burning of Fossil fuels is still part of our countries method of extracting energy and electricity. Plants and organic matter that lived hundreds and millions of years ago converted sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis. The burning of this matter by humans results in the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide globally which equate to the build-up of greenhouse gasses and in tern Global Warming.
Definition of a Co-Op and that page Home page: Best for apartment and inner-city living, no space is needed. If this sounds like you click on the link to take you to the Co-Op page! Page: The average New Zealand household uses about 8 kWh of electricity per day. By clicking the link and investing in either of these three new Zealand co-ops you will be reducing your electricity emissions to 0% Definition of install and that page Home page: Be part of the ownership, purchasing either wind turbines or solar power and never have to worry about purchasing power again! Click this link to see if this sounds like you! Page: Have some kind of key to briefly glance at to help decide which solar or wind power is best for your situtation. “To invest and install these products can be an expensive investment but will save your household money as well as help ensure the survival of our planet. The two most common home electricity generators are either solar or wind power. Read into the necessities and qualities of each to help find out which product is right for you and your home! ?” Solar Panels: Solar panels for homes and businesses are starting to get affordable. By purchasing these panels your electricity bill will decline. The two dominant solar technologies to pick from are photovoltaic, which uses arrays of cells to turn sunlight into electricity, and thermal, which uses sunlight to heat water or air for use inside. Wind Turbine: Wind turbines require lots of space to install as well as a specific intensity of wind/weather. Small scale and micro wind turbines are also available for homes, farms, and businesses. Households normally usually use micro wind turbines that are smaller than 5 kW. Small communities or groups of houses might use turbines up to 20 kW in size.
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World-Class Electrical Services in West Palm Beach FL & Lantana
Alphatec Electric has been providing the highest quality Electric Installation and repair services since 1982 for both commercial and residential customers at the most competitive prices. We are the most recognized leader in the industry and delivers full services by inspecting your property. If you need emergency electrical installation and repair services in West Palm Beach FL, Alphatec Electric will arrange help you in a timely manner through qualified and professional Electrical contractor.
At Alphatech Electric, we cover a wide range of electrical options including 24 Hour Emergency Services, Climate Controllers, Electronics Diagnostics & Repair, Landscape Lighting, Code Violation Corrections, Energy Audits, and Panel Upgrades & Service. Whether you want a highly knowledgeable and qualified electrician in Delray Beach to handle all electrical jobs effectively and safely, the Expert Electrical contractor in Delray Beach at Alphatec Electric is ready to handle everything, from electrical installations, repairs to electrical inspection and replacements.
For Electric Repair, Home Theatre Boynton Beach and High Quality Home Electrical Panel in West Palm Beach FL, look no further than Alphatech Electric. We provide extensively effective electrical installations and repairs for Ceiling Fans, Landscape Lighting, Light Fixtures, New Meters, Phone & Computer Wiring, Security Systems, Sub Panels, Surge Protection, Switches and UPS. We are full service Electrical Company that offers complete solutions at the most competitive prices for your home and business. We also specialize in providing the highest quality and reliable Parking Lot Light Maintenance services. Call us today at (561) 708-4144 or contact us online to schedule your service with an Electrician in Lantana, FL and all nearby cities!!
#parking lot lighting#Landscape Lighting#LED lighting West Palm Beach#Solar Lighting Wellington#Solar Panel Installation Company in FL#Surge Protection Delray Beach#Ultra Violet Lighting Disinfection#Solar Systems
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Great Spaces: Earth-Friendly Homes for Earth Day
In honor of Earth Day, the following properties feature stand-out landscaping and/or eco-friendly features.
Luxe Eco-Lodging in Belize
Looking for luxe travel and lodging without the carbon footprint? Itz’ana Resort & Residences, an upcoming boutique residential and hotel project in Belize, will soon launch a carbon neutral program that's one-of-a-kind in the Caribbean. With high-end four and five bedroom villas, guests and residents of Itz’ana can marinate in their own private pool equipped with a DEL Ozone system, eat from the space's on-site organic garden that supplies its on-site restaurant, and stretch out on a sundeck crafted from locally-sourced wood.
Each unit comes with rooftop solar panels—cutting energy costs and consumption in half—and the residency sources the remaining energy from Belize’s national power grid generated by eco-friendly hydroelectric dams.
As sustainable as it is high end, It'zana is a lux landing pad for the eco-curious. It opens its doors this November.
Source: Itz’ana Resort & Residences Photos by: Itz’ana Resort & Residences
Lush Landscapes at Windsome Farms
Equestrians, this one is for you! Windsome Farms, one of the largest private farms in Wellington, Fla., recently landed on the market for $25 million. The property stretches nearly 80 lush acres and is dotted with serene lakes and palm trees. In addition to a stunning ranch home, the farm has an H-formation barn with two wide aisles, three wash racks and eight grooming stalls. Also included is a large tack room with commercial laundry and an office, spacious owners and riders’ lounges, as well as two one-bedroom apartments with balconies and expansive views.
With endless acreage and lush landscaping, nothing is stopping you from saddling up and enjoying the views.
Listed for: $25,000,000 Listed by: Marley Overman of Illustrated Properties, a member of The Keyes Family of Companies Photos by: Marley Overman
Get Lucky in Colorado
Known as The Lucky House at Heartfire, this home in Jamestown, Colo., is not only unique, but also the epitome of eco-conscious living. Roosting atop 30 acres, the S-shaped home was strategically built on a hilltop to maximize solar potential. The sleek space also includes radiant heat birch floors stretching throughout its 3,074 square feet, with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, an open floor plan living area and a high-end kitchen.
Listed for: $1,470,000 Listed by: Meghan Bach, Colorado Landmark, Realtors Photos by: David Besnette
'Severn Escape' in Virginia
This waterfront estate on the Severn River in Gloucester, Va. is as unique as it is environmentally friendly. Parked right along the water with a dock for easy access, the three bedroom, five bathroom home incorporates passive solar and geothermal heating, super insulation and stack ventilation for energy efficiency. Recycled lighting and cabinets also up the home's green factor, as well as infiltration trenches. Stand out features include an exterior spiral staircase and a walkway connecting the home's two units.
Listed for: $899,000 Listed by: Neena Rodgers, IsaBell K. Horsley Real Estate Photos by: Bruce Nelson Photography
Green Living in Greenwich, Conn.
Looking for a classy mansion that is also eco-friendly? This six bedroom, 10 bathroom home in Greenwich, Conn. has it all: gorgeous interiors and grounds, 18,000 square feet of living space, and an abundance of green features—all just a train hop away from New York City.
The sprawling Mediterranean-style home has a billiard room, a movie theater, an eight car garage, 3,000 bottle wine cellar, fifty-foot indoor lap pool, gym, sauna and elevator.
Green features include: Aerated concrete blocks, geothermal energy solutions, reclaimed wood and radiant heat.
Listed for: $12,000,000 Listed by: Jason Kinard, Kinard Realty Group Photos by: Melani Lust Photography
from RISMedia\'s Housecall https://ift.tt/2HxxuRG via IFTTT
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Doors Open 2018 Locations Announced!
The 2018 event will take place on Saturday, April 21, from 10 am to 4 pm. Site details are posted at guelpharts.ca/doors-open-guelph#thisyearsevent, and listed below.
2018 Site Listing
Guelph Little Theatre
176 Morris Street
In 1935, the first Little Theatre opened at Guelph City Hall. A fire in 1993 forced it from its 26-year home in the Salvation Army Hall on Dublin Street. In 1997, it moved into a former welding shop. The space holds a 288-seat raked auditorium, large raised stage, gracious lobby, rehearsal hall, workshop, dressing rooms, and storage areas. The tour will take visitors to the stage set for its current production. Family-friendly activities include a costume photo booth, prop-making demonstration, and sneak peeks at a rehearsal and performance.
Church House in the Ward
44 Short Street
In 1899, Knox Presbyterian Church established a Sabbath School Mission in the Ward. In 1909, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church was constructed as a modest Edwardian building with Gothic windows and an impressive Douglas Fir ceiling. In 2002, the church was sold and renovated over five years into a spectacular residence. It is also the home of Sage Solutions, a strategy and facilitation company.
Churches of St. Matthias and St. James the Apostle
86 Glasgow St. N.
Built in 1891-92 in Gothic style, St. James is the newest of Guelph’s stone churches, the last built with local limestone. The church was downsized from its original traditional plan resulting in an unusual orientation. The nave was eliminated leaving the north transept as the nave. The original fine wood ceiling and elaborate vaulting remained in the building’s final form.
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
161 Norfolk St.
The original Church was built in the market grounds in 1832, but was demolished to make room for Guelph’s City Hall. The new Gothic Revival church built in 1856 was designed by William Hay of Toronto. The open timberwork ceiling and fine stained glass windows memorialize church leaders and a plaque pays tribute to John McCrae who attended the church in his youth. The south-side addition is built of stone salvaged from Guelph’s demolished Opera House.
55 Delhi Street
The Forsyth-Hepburn Home was constructed in 1910 of red brick in Georgian Revival style as a residence for nurses working at Guelph General Hospital. It served that purpose until the late 1950s. Vesterra Property Management acquired it in 2013 and renovated it retaining all original exterior wood trim, bay windows, front porch with Tuscan columns, and the interior staircase.
55 Delhi St. – Intrigue Media
Intrigue Media, a full-service digital marketing company, occupies the top floor.
55 Delhi St. – Two Rivers Health
On the main floor is Two Rivers Health, an integrative health clinic. Helping women and families to create abundant, vibrant lives, the all-female clinician team brings the original vision for this iconic building full circle. Interior design by Michele Levy-Kodarin inspires calm and retains many original elements of exposed brick, entranceway, and restored hardwood.
55 Delhi St. – First Steps
In the lower level is an after-school child care service that fills its four bright rooms with activity. The lower red brick walls have been restored to give children a lesson on our city’s heritage.
Guelph Orange Hall
385 Waterloo Ave.
The Loyal Orange Association of British America has had a continuous presence in the City of Guelph since 1837, having a total of seven different Loyal Orange Lodges and three Ladies Orange Benevolent Associations. Prince Arthur L.O.L. 1331 was first established in Guelph in 1871, but moved into its present building in the late 1940s. Displays will demonstrate various aspects of its history and community involvement.
The New Petrie
15 Wyndham Street
The New Petrie incorporates the remaining pieces of the former Western Hotel built on the site in 1847. Partly destroyed by a fire in 1854, the Petrie could be one of the oldest buildings left on Wyndham Street North. Its back wall and portions of the former stables are preserved in the offices of Hunch Manifest and The Robbie Group. Designed in 1882 by Guelph architect John Day, the building opened as a pharmacy for Alexander Bain Petrie with a unique stamped metal facade and iconic mortar and pestle. Since 2015, it has been restored for several new businesses.
The New Petrie – Hunch Manifest
Hunch Manifest is a Semantic Search Marketing company focussed on digital marketers to translate their content into the language of search engines. This pairing of innovation and heritage demonstrates Jane Jacobs’ words, “New ideas need old buildings.”
The New Petrie – The Robbie Group
The Robbie Group provides advice on pensions and also offers fee-for-service financial planning.
The New Petrie - Sway
Sway was founded in 2013 with a focus on becoming the best visual advertising agency via television commercials and online video. Sway is now an industry leader in brand management, marketing strategy, and unique content creation.
The New Petrie – The Modern Bride
Mr. Petrie wanted the tallest building on Wyndham Street, so he topped it with an empty shell that remained unused for 136 years until it was restored as an elegant showroom and stunning event space for The Modern Bride. Twenty-foot ceilings and eleven-foot windows looking on the Basilica create a beautiful backdrop for the wedding dresses. The Modern Bride is a carefully curated, appointment-only bridal boutique that offers a unique shopping experience for the contemporary bride.
Hospice Wellington
795 Scottsdale Drive
Founded in 1980, Hospice provides care and support to families facing a life-threatening illness. The former Kortright Presbyterian Church was built in 1983. In 2010, David McCauley, architect of the original church, redesigned the building with ten palliative residences in the upper level and community support programs in the lower level. The design includes a living wall, solar panels and rainwater collection system to support the pollination garden on the grounds. Visitors will experience collaborative art and family activities.
10C Shared Space
42 Carden Street
Seed Warehouse was a two-storey stone structure built in the 1860s which later became Massey-Ferguson Farm Supply. Between 1924 and 1934, Ackers Furniture moved in, added the top two floors and remained until 2016. In 1955, a fire caused a huge safe to fall through the first floor to the basement where it remains today. Together with the Chalmers Community Service Centre, the building is now a thriving collaborative workspace and community hub.
Community Living Guelph-Wellington
8 Royal Road
CLGW uses social inclusion and community engagement to support adults with developmental disabilities to live, work and connect in their community. Founded in 1955 by parents of intellectually-disabled children, it provides service to over 400 people and their families. The present building opened in 2007 with services like life skills and computer training, physiotherapy and music therapy with access to ARC industries, kitchen and gymnasium.
Trails Open – Speedvale Trail Underpass
Often in the news last year, the City's upcoming trail underpass will complete a safe and scenic link above the riverbank between the TransCanada Trail, Riverside Park, and the Evergreen Seniors Centre. 15-20 minute hikes will be run throughout the day by the Guelph Hiking Trail Club. Parking off Riverview Drive, behind the Speedvale Ave. E. firehall.
This year Guelph Arts Council is pleased to announce a collaboration with Guelph Museum’s Doors Open After Dark, the Museum’s second annual history-at-night party. After a day exploring Guelph’s hidden gems, Doors Open visitors are encouraged to save some energy to celebrate Guelph’s 191st birthday with pop-up art and history installations at and around the museum. The free fun begins at 9 pm. Artists and historians can watch for a Call to Artists to be released by March 9. For more information about Doors Open After Dark, visit guelphmuseums.ca.
Source: Guelph Arts Council
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More information is at: http://bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/house-exterior-cleaning-near-me/
Do you need Exterior Cleaning Services & Maintenance company in Wichita? Wichita Cleaning Company provides commercial and domestic exterior cleaning services in Wichita KS. Removing organic growth- Cleaning and treating, render, roofs, and buildings of all sorts. House exterior cleaning services designed to suit you. Free estimates! Call today schedule online!
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Wichita Cleaning Company offer a professional pressure washing service throughout Wichita. We are able to clean paths, patios, driveways, decking, stonework, sports areas, car parks, cladding, retail unit facias and any other external hard surface you can think of. We offer a full cleaning maintenance package to commercial customers. Our staff will restore your hard surfaces to their former glory using all up to date machines to give you the best possible results we have many different methods of cleaning many different types of surfaces. • Driveway and patio cleaning • Decking cleaning • Forecourt cleaning • Carpark cleaning • Graffiti removal • Cladding/building cleaning • Chewing gum removal • Nationwide coverage for commercial customers • All operatives fully trained and experienced
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