#Sohr's art
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sohrleas · 4 months ago
I am actively making a thing for a friend!!
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Just a simple throw blanket. I got fat quarters from the dollar tree, 10 of them, so they were about $13.30 including tax. It took me a couple hours because I was being picky about lining up the corners. I didn't cut them perfectly because I just wanted a simple project for the fun of it.
The border is going to be black or dark gray, I'll probably need to go in to Jo-Ann's to figure out exactly how much yardage I'll need for it. Thank goodness my mom's friend makes a lot of quilts, she gave me a good step-by-step for what I need to do next.
...and now I'm wishing I had swapped the orange pumpkins for the black pattered one so it'll look a little like a Minecraft geode. The little voice in my head saying I could still swap them is a liar.
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Art by Lauren Sohre
November’s Theme: #Foodimals
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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trustinsighters · 10 months ago
Dungeon Dialogue: Sohr Khai
An Answer of Sorrow (X: 10.6, Y: 13.6) - Hraesvelgr’s Trial Begins
Aymeric: Let us prove our worth, my friends!  ↳ Alphinaud: Aye, beyond a shadow of doubt!
First Boss, Before engaging (X: 10.6, Y: 8.4) - Chieftain Moglin
Alphinaud: By the Twelve, it's Chieftain Moglin!  ↳ Aymeric: That he should be part of the trial...
First Boss, During the fight (X: 10.6, Y: 8.4) - Chieftain Moglin
Chieftain Moglin: This is as far as you go, Forename! You and your ridiculous name won't make it past me, kupo! Chieftain Moglin: This is no time for naps, kupo! Everyone fights! No one quits! Chieftain Moglin: I'm not chieftain because I'm the biggest... I'm chieftain because I'm the baddest, kupo!
First Boss, After defeating (X: 10.6, Y: 8.4) - Chieftain Moglin
Chieftain Moglin: Kupopo... That's enough... You've made your point. This isn't a fight to the death, kupo... Alphinaud: I didn't expect to face the moogles...  ↳ Aymeric: I pray they aren't too badly hurt.
An Answer of Silence #1 (X: 11.8, Y: 16.0) - Reaching “An Answer of Silence”
Aymeric: <pant> The air is rather thin this high up...  ↳ Alphinaud: It isn't a race, so let us pace ourselves.
An Answer of Silence #2 (X: 11.8, Y: 11.6) - Ratatoskr’s Crest
Alphinaud: The wyrm depicted on yonder crest...  ↳ Aymeric: Neither Hraesvelgr nor Nidhogg. It could only be Ratatoskr.
Second Boss, Before engaging (X: 11.8, Y: 9.6) - Poqhiraj
Alphinaud: A winged horse...and an enormous one at that!
 ↳ Aymeric: There isn't much room to maneuver. Have care!
Second Boss, After defeating (X: 11.8, Y: 9.6) - Poqhiraj
Alphinaud: That creature was truly fearsome in motion...  ↳ Aymeric: Thankfully we managed to rein it in.
An Answer of Shame #1 (X: 11.8, Y: 15.3) - Ratatoskr’s Sanctuary
Alphinaud: Good heavens, what a majestic place...  ↳ Aymeric: I daresay we are come to Ratatoskr's sanctuary.
An Answer of Shame #2 (X: 12.1, Y: 13.0) - Ice Path
Hraesvelgr: Thou hast weathered my trial thus far...but I am not convinced. I will try thy limits. Aymeric: We will win you over, Hraesvelgr. Mark my words.  ↳ Alphinaud: What awaits, I wonder...
Third Boss, Before engaging (X: 11.8, Y: 9.5) - Hraesvelgr
Hraesvelgr: Nidhogg will spare thee no clemency. And thus neither must I. Alphinaud: Pray watch over us, Ysayle!  ↳ Aymeric: All that I have, I shall bring to bear!
Third Boss, During the fight (X: 11.8, Y: 9.5) - Hraesvelgr
Hraesvelgr: Come, warrior. Show me what strength doth remain in thy frail mortal shell! Hraesvelgr: The sky is the domain of dragons. How wilt thou contend with such mastery? Hraesvelgr: Thou art formidable... But canst thou endure until the bitter end? Hraesvelgr: Fight on, warrior! Press thy attack! Hraesvelgr: ...Thy resolve hath withstood my scrutiny. Mayhap there is hope to be had in one such as thee...
Third Boss, After defeating (X: 11.8, Y: 9.5) - Hraesvelgr
Aymeric: I shan't soon forget this trial. Alphinaud: I gave my all. I pray it was enough...
Sohr Khai Dungeon Dialogue Infographic
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dietantehilde · 1 year ago
52 kleine & große Eskapaden im Südwesten von Dänemark
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52 kleine & große Eskapaden im Südwesten von Dänemark ist ein Reiseführer, der sich an alle richtet, die den Südwesten Dänemarks erkunden möchten. Das Buch bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl an Ausflugszielen für jeden Geschmack und jedes Budget. Überblick Die Autoren, Stefanie Sohr und Volko Lienhardt, haben die Region selbst ausgiebig bereist und berichten lebendig und informativ von ihren Erlebnissen. Die Beschreibungen der Etappen sind detailliert und bieten alle wichtigen Informationen, wie Anfahrt, Dauer, Schwierigkeitsgrad und Kosten. Die Etappen Die Etappen sind sehr abwechslungsreich und bieten für jeden etwas. Zu den Highlights gehören unter anderem: - Eine Wanderung durch das Unesco-Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer - Eine Bootstour auf dem Limfjord - Eine Radtour durch die Dünenlandschaft von Fanø - Ein Besuch der historischen Stadt Ribe - Ein Ausflug ins Deep Forest Art Land Die Beschreibungen Die beiden Autoren geben für jede Etappe eine ausführliche Beschreibung, die alle wichtigen Informationen und Falten enthält. Dazu gehören neben der ausführlichen Wegbeschreibung auch Hinweise zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, Aktivitäten und Unterkünften vor Ort. Die Beschreibungen sind in einem lebendigen und informativen Stil geschrieben. Die Autoren vermitteln dabei ihre Begeisterung für die Region und geben dem Leser einen guten Eindruck von den jeweiligen Ausflugszielen in Dänemark. Die Bewertung "52 kleine & große Eskapaden im Südwesten von Dänemark" ist ein wertvoller Begleiter für alle, die den Südwesten Dänemarks erkunden möchten. Das Buch bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl an Ausflugszielen für jeden Geschmack und jedes Budget. Die ausführlichen Beschreibungen machen es leicht, die perfekte Etappe für den eigenen Geschmack zu finden. Kritik Einzig ein kleiner Kritikpunkt ist, dass die Beschreibungen der Etappen manchmal etwas zu ausführlich ausgefallen sind. Dies kann für manche Leser, die sich nur einen kurzen Überblick verschaffen wollen, etwas ermüdend sein. 52 kleine & große Eskapaden im Südwesten von Dänemark: Ab nach draußen! Ausführlichere Rezension Die Vielfalt der Etappen in Dänemark Das Buch bietet eine große Auswahl an Ausflugszielen für jeden Geschmack und jedes Budget. Die Etappen sind nach Regionen sortiert, so dass sich die Leser schnell die für sie interessanten Ziele heraussuchen können. Die Etappen reichen von einfachen Spaziergängen bis hin zu mehrtägigen Wanderungen. Es gibt auch Ausflüge für Familien mit Kindern, Radtouren für sportliche Reisende und kulturelle Aktivitäten für Geschichtsinteressierte. Die Qualität der Beschreibungen Die Beschreibungen der Etappen sind sehr ausführlich und informativ. Die Autoren geben dem Leser alle wichtigen Informationen, die er für die Planung seiner Reise benötigt. Dazu gehören neben der Wegbeschreibung auch Hinweise zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, Aktivitäten und Unterkünften. Die Autoren geben auch Tipps für die Anreise und die Einkehrmöglichkeiten. Die lebendige Sprache Die Autoren schreiben in einem lebendigen und informativen Stil. Sie vermitteln ihre Begeisterung für die Region und geben dem Leser einen guten Eindruck von den jeweiligen Ausflugszielen. Die Beschreibungen der verschiedenen Etappen in Dänemark sind alle gut strukturiert und flüssig zu lesen. Sie sind aupßerdem reich an Details und Hintergrundinformationen, die einem vor Ort dann Einblicke erlauben, die einem vielleicht auf den ersten Blick entgehen. Fazit "52 kleine & große Eskapaden im Südwesten von Dänemark" ist ein sehr empfehlenswertes Buch für alle, die den Südwesten Dänemarks entdecken möchten. Das Buch bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl an Ausflugszielen für jeden Geschmack und jedes Budget. Die ausführlichen Beschreibungen machen es leicht, die perfekte Etappe für den eigenen Geschmack zu finden. Über den Dumont Reiseverlag Der DuMont Reiseverlag ist ein deutscher Reiseverlag mit Sitz in Köln. Er wurde 1911 von Alfred Dumont gegründet und ist heute einer der führenden Reiseverlage in Deutschland. Das Verlagsprogramm umfasst Reiseführer, Karten, Stadtpläne und Reisemagazine. Die Reiseführer von DuMont sind bekannt für ihre hohe Qualität und Aktualität. Sie werden von erfahrenen Autoren geschrieben, die sich intensiv mit den jeweiligen Reisezielen auseinandersetzen. Die Reiseführer bieten ausführliche Informationen zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, Unterkünften, Restaurants und Freizeitaktivitäten. Neben Reiseführern für alle Kontinente und Länder bietet der DuMont Reiseverlag auch Reiseführer für spezielle Interessensgebiete, wie zum Beispiel Wandern, Radfahren, Kultur und Städtetourismus. Außerdem gibt es eine Reihe von Reisemagazinen, die Reiseinspirationen und Reisetipps bieten. Der DuMont Reiseverlag ist Mitglied im Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels und wurde mehrfach mit Preisen ausgezeichnet. Im Jahr 2022 wurde der Verlag mit dem Deutschen Verlagspreis für seine herausragenden Leistungen im Bereich Reiseführer ausgezeichnet. Hier sind einige der bekanntesten Reiseführer des DuMont Reiseverlags: - DuMont Bildatlas Deutschland - DuMont Bildatlas Europa - DuMont Bildatlas USA - DuMont Bildatlas Asien - DuMont Bildatlas Afrika - DuMont Bildatlas Südamerika - DuMont Bildatlas Australien und Neuseeland - DuMont Bildatlas Karibik - DuMont Bildatlas Reise Know-How Der DuMont Reiseverlag ist ein verlässlicher Partner für alle, die gerne reisen. Die Reiseführer des Verlags bieten umfassende Informationen und Inspirationen für die perfekte Reise. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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theshotsheardacrossworlds · 3 years ago
Agnes/Estinien. Estinien’s acting very strangely...could something be the matter? Something...dragon-related? NSFW.
It was not a great day for Estinien Varlineau. First, he woke up in a hot sweat next to his lady love. Then, his mind was solely focused on fucking Agnes all day (to be fair, it normally is but this is something else). To try to ease his discomfort in his trousers, he frequented the toilet to masturbate, but that too only worked for a few hours at a time. It must be…no, it can’t…as he said…but no, I cannot let Agi see me like this. I’m a strong-willed stubborn bastard---I’ll make it go away myself. Agnes, to his relief, didn’t seem to notice or didn’t comment on his particularly grumpy demeanor. She has been giving me the odd concerned glance, but I don’t think she’s truly noticed anything too strange.
However, at dinner, he could barely contain himself for longer. The hunger felt deep within showed through him devouring his supper (she made fresh fish tacos with a spicy sauce, flavored rice, and fried zucchini) and eating most of the chocolate cream pie she made. So fucking hungry. I can’t get enough…of her. NO. Not of her. I can’t scare her. It will pass. It will pass. It will pass.
“Erm, love? Are you alright? You’ve been acting very strangely today, and you’ve…well, you’ve really enjoyed your dinner, but um, there’s almost nothing of it or the pie left.”
Oh no. She noticed. Estinien stopped with his forkful of pie just below his mouth. “I’m just really hungry, Agi. Nothing wrong.”
Agnes did not look convinced. “Are you sure? There’s no shame if you’re ill. After all,” she giggled and gestured to herself. “I am a healer!”
You are the best, most fucking sexy healer…NO. “I’m fine.” He grunted and ate more pie. Still don’t even feel full and that’s---several tacos, most of the rice, half the fried zucchini, and three-quarters of the pie.
Her eyes darted from him to the pie. “Love, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you can tell me. This isn’t like you at all. I’m worried—”
NO! No, I can’t worry her. She has enough on her mind. She still has to get her comrades back from this First, and I’m not bloody helping! It will pass. It will pass. It will pass… He felt the fork drop from his now shaking hands and shut his eyes. It will pass. It will pass. I can’t worry her. After a few moments, he could feel a soft hand on his arm. He jerked it away and opened his eyes. “Don’t touch me!” No, no, no, you’ll scare her! “Please, Agi…”
Agnes’s eyes widened. “Estinien, please, you can tell me what’s happening. I promise I won’t be upset. Just, please tell me.” Her voice tried to remain steady, but Estinien could sense the increasing panic as she spoke.
No, you’ll think me a monster. I cannot. It will pass. It will pass... “Agi, my love, I—”
“AH!” Agnes clutched her forehead and cried out.
Is this affecting her too?! No, this cannot be happening. No, not her too. Please!
Agnes was standing in a fairly familiar place---Sohr Khai. “And there’s Estinien,” she thought. “with Hraesvelgr.”
“What is happening to me?! I feel like I’m on fucking fire, and my cock will not get soft no matter how times I jack off. WHAT IS GOING ON?!” Estinien screamed at the great wyrm. Agnes noticed he appeared as he was before her in the present---drenched in sweat, shaking hands, flushed cheeks, and she faintly could make out red aether.
“Thou art going through what we call a ‘rut.’ Where is your mate, the Warrior of Light? Laying with her with ease your pain.”
Estinien’s fists balled up. “She’s fucking in the Far East with her comrades. I know not where exactly, but she cannot be contacted. What do I do? I feel like I’m about to explode!”
Hraesvelgr made what Agnes believed was a thoughtful sound. “There are herbs one can imbibe to stop heats and ruts. I can show thee where they art. In a day or so, you will be well. Come dragoon.”
“Agi? Agi? Sweetheart? Can you hear me?”
Agnes could hear Estinien’s panicked voice. When she opened her eyes, she saw flecks of red in his pale blue ones and pain etched on his features. “I’m okay…Echo.” She shook her head and waited a moment for the residual pain to stop. “I saw…” She reached for his shaking hand. “You’re in a rut. That’s what Hraesvelgr said, no? And there’s herbs you can take to stop it? Why didn’t you tell me?” Her tone, to his surprise, wasn’t accusatory. She’s worried. She wants to help.
“I…didn’t want you to think me a monster.” He said softly. “I thought…I…could make it pass. Ignore it until…” He felt tears in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you…”
“Silly, love, you would never harm me.” She leaned close to kiss his cheek. “That night in Kugane at the onsen, that was almost like a taste of what this is? Or am I misunderstanding?”
Estinien nodded. “If I let go completely, give in to this rut, I know not what will happen. How much of the man will remain…I cannot…I cannot lose control. I cannot hurt you.” The shaking of his hands was growing by the second, while sweat continued to pour down his face mixed with tears. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I ever hurt you.” You are precious. Too precious to me. My savior. My love. My light. My goddess. I cannot…
Agnes suddenly hugged him and rubbed his back. “Hey, I love you. I trust you. And I know for certain that will would never hurt me. And even if you tried, I’m not some powerless little child, Estinien.” Nay, you are not. You are so much stronger than you will ever know, my sweet. “It’s your choice, love---we’ll go get the herbs or we can go to bed. I’m fine with either.” Agnes pulled away and gave him a small, reassuring smile.
I want her. I need her. Always need her, but now…I…I can trust in myself. Let go. “Bed.” Estinien croaked.
Giving him a quick kiss, Agnes gathered the dishes and threw into the sink and put the rest of the pie in icebox. “Alright, love, let’s go to bed, okay?”
Once inside her bedroom, she quickly got her clothes off and lay on the bed. She’s so beautiful. She’s mine. My mate. Mine. I must have her. “I’m not afraid of you, Estinien. I will never be afraid of you.” She said as she placed her glasses on the side table.
Estinien nodded and swallowed as he removed his smalls. His cock was back to being fully swollen and weeping. “Agi, if—”
“My staff is in the corner there. I can use Rescue and knock you out if need be, but really, I don’t expect to. Let go, love.” She said softly. “I trust you.”
Let go. Let go. I can let go. Be free. I can… Estinien felt the red aether swirl around him, and for first time in nearly a day, relaxed. He felt the changes immediately---his crooked teeth turning into fangs, his hands and feet transforming into claws, scales erupting where the starburst scars were, and when he opened his eyes, he could see far more clearly. “Agi…?” He managed to say with a voice that sounded similar to his own but with a bit of a slur from the fangs. She’s shocked for sure…but…she isn’t afraid. I can’t see fear in her face. I can’t smell it.
“Come here, my grumpy dragon. Let me see you.” Agnes gently reached for him as he sat down on the edge of her bed. “So, this is the you inside then? Your dragon?” She tenderly caressed the black scales on his forearm.
“Aye, tis me. I’ve been so careful. Never want to hurt or frighten you.” He glanced at her face and saw only the purest love and care in her chocolate brown eyes. “You mean…everything.”
“As you do to me, ‘Stinien…did it hurt just now? I can help—”
“Nay. There was no pain.” It felt like nothing. Like it was always supposed to happen. He raised a clawed hand to her cheek. “I’ll be as I always am, my love---gentle. You won’t have any pain or discomfort I promise. I know not how many times we need to fuck before it’s out of my system, but I will care for you as I have done and shall ever do.”
Agnes smiled sweetly and lay back against the pillows. “I know. Now,” she wrinkled her nose and grinned. “Ravish me, you great fucking dragon man.”
“Ravish you? My lady, my love, my mate, I shall do so much more than that.” He turned and leered. She is mine. Fucking mine. Mine. Mine. MINE. Estinien then climbed over her, putting most of his weight on his forearms. A predatory grin appeared on his face with his fangs showing. “Do you want to hear a secret, my sweet?”
Breathing heavily, Agnes nodded wordlessly.
“I’ll never have enough of you. Even if you were kept in bed and fucked constantly, my hunger, my need, will never be sated. I could lick your sweet little cunt dry, and still I’d need more.” He leaned close to her ear and licked the lobe. “I could fuck you day and night, filling your belly with my seed until it is bursting, but I still need more. More, always more.” Estinien rolled his hips and moaned. “Always more…”
Agnes reached for his face and stroked his cheeks. “Then have more, love. You know I won’t say no, because…I want it too.”
“Truly?” I had no idea…none. She wants what I desire? Then, mayhap…I don’t have to be afraid at all.
Her cheeks flushed a bright pink. “Yes, of course I do. You having me however you want…for as long as you want…it brings me joy. So go on, love. Have me. Have me and know I fucking love it.”
Fuck me. Fucking hells. This changes everything!!! “On all fours with that fat fucking ass where I can see it and kiss it and hold it.” Estinien ordered with a grin. “Good girl.” They positioned themselves, and Estinien kissed both of her ass cheeks.
“No pinches tonight, my love. Only kisses.” He lined himself with her entrance and thrust, causing them both to shout in delight. “Already so fucking wet. What a good girl.”
“I-ah-yes, love. Only for you…”
Estinien pounded into Agnes relentlessly, barely remembering to breathe. “Fucking hells, Agi, you little minx. Always. Tempting. Me.” I’m close. I’m already so close! He came with a roar; his clawed hands gripping onto Agnes’s wide, soft hips for dear life. The heat…the fever…it’s starting to subside. But I need more. “On your back now. Want to see your pretty face as I fuck you into the mattress.” He watched her change positions with great interest, licking his lips and fangs. “What a good, sweet girl…only I can give you what you desire…only me…”
“Only you…my ‘Stinien…” Agnes gasped as he thrust into her again with abandon. And she’s reaching for her clit---good girl.
After a few minutes, she came and so did he.
And he kept going.
And coming.
Estinien lost count after the eighth time.
After a while though, he noticed that Agnes was screaming with a mix of desire and overstimulation. She needs a break. I must…I promised to care for her. He pulled out, and she nearly cried out. “Agi? Agi, we’re stopping for now, okay?” My voice…the words aren’t slurred anymore…the fangs are gone! And my hands and feet are back to normal too. No scales either. The fever is no more. “Agi? Come back to me, sweetheart.” His calloused fingertips gently grazed her cheek.
Her breathing stabilized, and she stared up at him with a small, tired smile. “I’m here, love. No more fangs…”
She’s so beautiful. How is she so beautiful? After all this, and she’s more lovely than ever. Estinien took her hand, kissed her palm, and held it to his heart. “Nay, no more. The rut’s done. And you, my sweet girl, have done so well. I’ll be but a moment, and then I’ll clean and dress you for bed.”
“Don’t have to, love…” Agnes said, closing her eyes. “Can sleep like—”
“No, no, no. At the very least, you’ll be clean. One moment.” He kissed her hand again and ran to the bathroom where he prepared a warm, wet washcloth. Having taken care of himself with one washcloth, the other he used on Agnes. “There, all clean. T-shirt and shorts?”
She nodded, eyes still closed. She’s going to fall asleep in about three minutes, my poor sweetheart. And she’s sleeping in for as long as she damn well likes tomorrow. He located the t-shirt and shorts she wore the previous night and helped her get them on as quickly as possible.
“That’s it. All ready for bed now.” He murmured as he climbed in bed next to her.
“Big spoon, love?” Agnes whispered, laying on her side. “Want you to hold me…”
As if I could refuse. I could never refuse her. “As you wish.” He spooned her from behind; a scarred arm wrapped around her thick waist. He breathed in the scent of her hair (the conditioner that smells like cookies) and sighed. “I love you, Agnes. More than you will ever know.” He then felt one of her small, soft hands on his.
“More than love…like, soul mates…” She squeezed his hand. “Love you too, grumpy dragon…” As soon as she said that, Agnes drifted off to sleep.
Good night, my love. Have the sweetest, happiest dreams for us.
Estinien woke the next morning feeling very full and grunted as he sat up. “Definitely not eating breakfast.” He muttered and noticed Agnes’s side of the bed was empty. “Agi?”
Agnes entered her bedroom with a big smile and a tray. “Good morning, love! I have a little something for your tummy in case it’s a bit upset from last night.”
Upset? No. Fuller than full? Absolutely. “Thanks. And coffee for the two of us?”
“Yes! And a lemon poppyseed scone for me.” She placed the tray on her bedside table, plopped onto the bed, and gave him a quick kiss. “How are you feeling? Any side effects? Anything unusual?”
“No, other than my stomach being stuffed to capacity. Fury preserve, how did I even manage that?” He sipped the potion Agnes prepared and grimaced.
“Sorry about the taste, love, but it will help I swear.” Agnes nervously smiled as she bit into her scone. “As for why and how, I think we both know the answer to that.” Rut-induced gorging.
“Hmph, well, cheers.” Estinien drank the liquid in one gulp and nearly gagged when he was done. “Agi, fucking hells woman, this is disgusting!”
“Sorry! I really am. But it will help, love. Why don’t you have some coffee to get the taste out of your mouth?” She suggested with a small smile. “Or I can try to find a candy with a strong flavor. Mum should have some around here somewhere—”
He silenced her with a passionate kiss. “Nay, the taste is already better thanks.”
Agnes’s face turned beet red. “Estinien!”
“What? Am I not allowed to cleanse my palate with my sweet Agi?” He wrapped his arms around her from behind and tickled her sides.
“LOVE! That’s not how this works! And you, you, are playing very dirty!” She giggled uncontrollably and struggled to put her dish with the scone down.
“Dirty? Me? Perish the thought.” He murmured into her ear and continued to tickle.
“Estinien!!!! You rascal! You scoundrel! You sexy fucking dragon man!” Agnes shouted while laughing and trying to get away.
“Rascal? Scoundrel? Sexy fucking dragon man? Oh dear, oh my, my sweet Agi cannot be describing me, surely?” He kissed her neck and sucked a mark. “My sweet, precious Agi calling me such names? I refuse to believe it.”
Agnes stopped struggling but kept laughing. “Your sweet Agi loves you more than anything in this world, so don’t take offense, ser.” She turned her head to try to face him and stuck her tongue out.
“Offense? Nay.” Estinien chuckled. “The only offense here is that you’re not cuddling with me, sweet girl.”
“Then we should remedy that post-haste, love.” Agnes shifted out of his embrace and lay on the bed next to him with her head buried in his side. He wrapped a bare arm around her shoulder and rubbed. “I love it when you’re silly and cuddly, you know.”
A toothy grin appeared on Estinien’s face. “Is that so?
“Mmhmm. Love you grumpy, sexy, cuddly, silly, dragon-y, all of it. All of you. Just promise me something?”
Anything. Everything. “Hmmm?”
“Next time you feel this coming on let’s either get the damned herbs or fuck. Please!” Agnes laughed and kissed a long-forgotten scar on his side.
“Promise, sweet girl. Should happen again in about…six moons or so.” I promise I won’t hide this from you ever again. I promise. You won’t have to worry.
Agnes sighed happily, snuggling against him even more.
Ruts and heats…I wonder…we’re not preventing anything anymore…then perhaps… Estinien glanced down at his lady and smiled. In this case, I’ll choose to hope. Little Baby Varlineau…maybe.
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we-find-wildness · 7 years ago
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Matthias Sohr, Elevate (2017)
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voidsentprinces · 5 years ago
My brain on Post-HW
Talk to Determined Son. Go see your Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to KNIGHT WIFE! Killing things! Killing Things KILLING THINGS IN KNIGHT! KNIGHT WIFE! Talk to Tataru now go back and talk to KNIGHT WIFE!  Talk to Knight Wife again. Teleport to Anyx Trine. Talk to Knight Wife. FLY THROUGH A HOLE IN THE CEILING! Talk to Dragon. Talk to Knight Wife. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Determined Son. Teleport to Goblinshire. Talk to Goth Wife. Krile appears. SPILL THE TEA! TELL US ABOUT THE TIME ALPHINAUD GOT FUCKING WASTED! Talk to Krile. She whispers about the time Alphinaud once got deep in with the Tanuki Mafia. Fly across the world. Hit up Maggie Smith in her cave. Well, time to ask some people things. Teleport to Tailfeather. Show them a picture of Alphinaud’s art. Talk to Determined Son, Talk to Krile. She lets you knwo about the time Alphinaud posed as her for a week while she was out on a bender. She still has blackmai--photos.
Fly to Bugs. Talk to Bugs. Fly to Bug Hive. PUNCH BUGS! Meet Ardbert. Stare deep into those baby blues as he and the N*Sync try to murder you. THANCRED APPEARS! The boys are fighting over your hand in marriage. But you can already tell Ardbert is GONNA BE BAE! Ardbert pieces out, he needs to go win 9 out of 8 Kanto Badges like a boss. Talk to Thancred. CRAAAWWWWLLLLIIIINNNG IIIIINNN MYYYYY SKKKIIIIIINNNN! Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Edgecred. Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Embarassed Son. Ishgard was attack. Heck! Aymeric was stabbed FUCK! Visit your Knight Wife! Ask questions around. Talk to some Priests. NOW PRISONER 34601! YOUR TIMES IS UP AND YOUR PAROLE HAS BEGUN! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! Ask around some more. Priests have taken a hostage. BREAK DOWN THE MEGACHURCH DOOR! Punch Priests, Punch Monks, Punch More Priests, Punch Knights, RUN UP SOME STAIRS! Your Husband will fight for your honor. You’ve only known Aymeric for 1 2/3 expansions, but if anything else happens to him you’ll kill everyone in Ishgard and then yourself. PUNCH SOME KNIGHTS! Free some people. PUNCH SOME MORE PRIESTS! Run to your Husband-in-Uniform’s Side. PUNCH SOME KNIGHTS! Free a person. Priest YEETS hostage. But a dragon got him. Everythings okay now. You’re getting married to Aymeric in June.
Alright so you found Edgecred and Goth Wife. Go bug Maggie Smith about Minfilia. Unlock Anti-Tower. PUNCH A FROG! PUNCH DAVID BOWIE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE DOLLS! PUNCHED THEM! OH NO THEY TURNED INTO ONE NAKED DOLL! ALPHINAUD SHIELD YOUR EYES! PUNCH THE DOLL! GET THE FUUUUUUUUUCK OUTTA THERE! Oh hey Minfilia. SHE IS THE VOICE OF GOD NOW! Thancreds here. Thancred left. Alphinaud’s depressed. Talk to Depressed Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Knight Wife. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to Knight Wife. Talk to Shild-in-Law. Fly out and kill some wolves. Fly out and kill some more wolves. Report to Shild-in-Law. Enter eating hall. Drink some ale. Last time you had something to drink was at the Banquet. Good---FUCK THIS DRINK IS POISONED! SHIT GOES DOWN! WHO LET THE SHILD HAVE BOW!?! A woman is shot. She dead...but not really. Talk to people. Talk to more people. Hunt down Shild-in-Law. He punched his Ward! IMMA KILL EM! Thancred punched him for you! Take off that stupid bandana Thancred. Teleport to Ishgard.
Go visit your Husband-in-Uniform with Puncred. Talk to Puncred. Husband-in-Uniform has seduced Puncred. Go to Markets. Talk to Shild. Nearly throw hands with a 16-year old. Teleport outside of the Gates of Judgement. Talk to Knight Wife. Talk to Shild. Wear your dead Fiance’s armor. PUNCH SERPENTS! PUNCH MAELSTROM! PUNCH IMMORTAL FLAMES! PUNCH PIPIN SAVE KNIGHT WIFE! PUNCH RAUBAHN! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Alright battles over. Remove Fiance’s Armor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk to Puncred.
Talk to Embarrassed Son. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to Embarassed Son. Talk to Responsibility-in-Law. Chill out with Determined Son. Dragon Appears. So done Literal Child. LITERAL CHILD STABBED THE DRAGON! He’s possessed by Nidhogg! AYMERIC SHOTS AT LITERAL CHILD! They will fight shirtless in two days to win your hand in marriage. Talk to Determined Son. Teleport to Camp Dragonshead. Talk to Guard. Talk to Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Go to Last Vigil. Talk to Guard. Talk to Dad Fortempts. Leave. Talk to Guard. Go in Mansion.  Leave. Go to the Forgotten Knight. Talk to Krile. Slide her a fifty for pictures of Alphinaud’s Frog Phase. Talk to Frog Son. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Anyx Trine. Talk to Dragon with Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Moghome. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Zenith. Fly up tower. Blow horn. HECKIN GOOD BOY APPEARS! He challenges you to a dance off. Fly down and talk to the wyvern. Unlock Sohr Khai! Run Sohr Khai! FUCK THAT PEGASUS! Leave Sohr Khai. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. RIDE FORTH TO ISHGARD! HECKIN GOOD BOY FIGHTS AYMERIC THERES A FUCKING WEIRD LOOKING CAT OUT HERE! OH NO! THE CAT RIPPED OFF GOODEST BOYS WIN! Unlock Final Steps of Faith. PUNCH THE CAT! PLAYSTATION2STARTUPNOISE! PUNCH LITERAL CHILD! PUNCH NACHO CHEESE FLAVORED CAT! Oh shit remove eyes from Literal Child’s Armor. THE GHOST OF ICE WIFE AND FIANCE APPEARS! You make a pot together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Throw the eyes into the abyss. They gone now. Literal Child is taken to the hospital. For the future sick burns you’re going lay on him for the amount of fucks he upped.
Alright go talk to Dad Fortempts. Alright now go talk to a manservant. Go on a date with Husband-in-Uniform. Get cockblocked by Alphinaud. He’s saying something about his sister. Go visit the sister instead of getting to pegg the Knight Commander. Find out Sister is actually angry lass. She is now Sword Daughter! Talked to Determined Son! Teleport to Camp Dragonshead. Ride through the snow. Talk to Determined Son. Talk to Guard. Unlock Xelphatol. PUNCH BIRDS! Leave Xelphatol. Ardbert and the Backstreet Boys appear. So does a mysterious sexy elf who hides his face. Goddamn tease. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Book Son. Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. Walk with Sword Daughter. She tries to fight Strip Tease.
Teleport to Camp Overlook. Talk to Roe. Ride out find Kobold. Find Kobold. Find Kobold. Kobold is now friends with Sword Daughter. Ride through sulfur lake steal crystals. Talk to Roe. Talk to Book Son. Ride through the Mine of Moira. Talk to Book Son. Run Titan (Hard). WAAAAAKKKEEE UPPPPP!!!!! Leave Titan (Hard) traumatized. Talk to Kobold. Silent. Teleport to Camp Overlook. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Roe. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Sword Daughter. Teleport to Lil Ala Mhigo. Talk to Bear Daddy. Talk to Book Son. Ride out into the desert. Look upon a protest. Meet up with Papalymo and Exiled Monk. Talk to Papalymo. Teleport to Little Ala Mhigo. Talk to Book Son. Talk to dude. Dress as a hobo. Stand by a tree. Meet with a Griffon. He knows you. Time to delete your profile off Dating Apps. Talk to Book Son. Remove Cloths ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk to Papalymo. Run down a hill. Stand in a spot. Ardbert is here. PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE! PUNCH HIM THE FACE! WHOA SHIT HES INTO KINKY SHIT! The safe word is: Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. The sexy elf from before appears. Its Urianger! ...You will bed him. PUNCH ARDBERT! PUNCH THE ROE! PUNCH THE MAGE! Give Sword Daughter your energy! PUNCH THE ROE! PUNCH THE MAGE! PUNCH ARDBERT! PUNCH ARDBERT! Give Sword Daughter Your Energy. FUCK OFF ARDBERT! Punch Roe, Punch Ranger, Punch Priest, Punch Mage, Punch Ardbert. Give Sword Daughter Your Energy. THERE ARE NO WEAK SPELLS IN MY GRANDFATHER’S DECK ARDBERT ONLY THE UNSTOPPABLE EXXXXXOOODDDIIIIAAA! Well Ardbert’s gone. Teleport to Limsa. Talk to Catte. Teleport to Mor Dhona. Break down door. The Crystal Braves reunited at last. Alphinaud said we’re breaking up. Oh well...time to make Brave World Tour! You’re Sporty Brave. Talk to Roe. Talk to People. Talk to Book Son.
Tataru wants to speak to you privately Go Diamond Forge. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She now has your measurements. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Knight Wife. Go to Gates of Judgment. Talk to Knight Wife and Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Talk to Book Son. Pray thee return to Rising Stones. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Hawthorne Hut. Talk to Serpent at bottom of the tower. Ride down a hill talk to serpent. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Serpent. Unlock Baelsar’s Wall. FUCK THAT MACHINE! FUCK THAT MACHINE! SLOPPPEEHOWDOLOKDISSLOPPEEESLOPEEEFERALAMHIGO! FUCK ILBERD! OH NO ILBERD FUCKS BACK! THERES A DRAGON! PAPALYMO NOOOO! We’re back outside. Monk sits on a Throne of Lyse. Pray thee Return to the Rising Stones. Talk to Book Son.
Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Gridania. Bug the Seedseer. Meeting interrupted by Emperor Nero. He’s wearing your hobo clothes. Teleport to Airship Landing. Ride with Cid to Mor Dhona. Talk to Cid. Pray thee return to Risings Stones. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Nero. He shit talked your home. PUNCH HIM! Leave. Talk to Cid. Talk to Lizard Wife. Fly to a place. PUNCH GARLEANS! PUNCH ROELEAN! GET A METAL DOG! BLOW SHIT UP! BLOW SHIT UP! BLOW SHIT UP! Roelean is abandoned by his men...PUNCH HIM WHILE HE’S DOWN! Alright now enter lair. Activate Omega. Shit blows up. Leave Omega. Fly back to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Teleport to Hut. Ride out to the forest. Talk to Throne of Lyse.  Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Sword Daughter.
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lyramockinspo · 6 years ago
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Lyra: Moodboard
Full Name: Ashara Sohr Anglyz Age: 25 Species: Togruta Affiliation: Light Side, New Jedi Order Residence: Yavin IV Job: Tattoo Artist Likes: Art, Tattooing, Flying (and any aircraft), Fixing aircraft, Having fun, A little bit of mischief Dislikes: Bullshit, Being asked too many questions, Imperial Army, Root Leaf Stew
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businesskaisekarein · 2 years ago
Jharkhand Tableau Depicts Babadham Temple, Birsa Munda, Adivasi Art Sohr...
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ayyymeric · 7 years ago
verdandir replied to your post: sfw female mods updated, but only more unrealistic...
Well, sure. People are going to like and dislike things all the time. It’s fair to have opinions about them. I don’t have anything against those who want to use whatever mods they want, or make whatever mods they want. Same as art in all forms. But I can still go :\ when that’s the only updates I see, too. Personal opinion is personal opinion and people are free to express them. :
this this this.
thank you. exactly. there’s some mods i like and some i dont. people put crazy amount of time into mods, i sing the praises of this new crazy stuff coming out. 2b dress? that new thav dress? that crazy and pretty sohr kai goddess dress? all that shit? that’s fucking amazing. kudos to those modders. they got talent. they’re creative. i’m here for it.
but the constant sight of burying all those neat mods by giant hentai tiddies on the daily. is. tiring. and that’s my opinion. on my blog. without a mod tag. expressing my mild annoyance. and i ain’t even the only one about that. so. y’know.
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sohrleas · 6 months ago
I've Finished the Drawing!!
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This is a scene in @lennjamin-o7's wonderful To Be Truly Free ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/37544800 ) that I imagine Philza wishes would've happened. Wishes, because Techno is actually more like a feral cat who is violently opposing the adoption.
There are some imperfections, but I'm happy with it as it is, so I'll leave it.
I made a post with the progress, I'll stick that link here if anyone wants to look at it: https://www.tumblr.com/sohrleas/759664710323945472/im-finished-ill-make-another-post-with-just
(If I could figure out how to insert the timelapse, I would.)
Anyways, it's done!!
Here's a version without the shading:
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thessalian · 7 years ago
Thess vs Accidental Handicaps
Working my way through the various class quests in FFXIV I’ve been neglecting to date. (I am having SIGNIFICANT ISSUES with the one that starts the Black Mage 60-70 quest chain. Then again, now I know how Enochian works. But then again again, everyone and their mother says they have issues with that one.)
Anyway, point is that I had the Dark Knight 68 and 70 quests to do. Keep in mind that by that point I had a green-tier HQ level 70 sword and a Lost Allagan chest piece and everything else was either HQ level 68 gear or level 70 dungeon kit. So I was a little overgeared, but hey.
So level 68 quest was pretty easy; didn’t have to do much of anything but use my damage rotation.
Level 70 quest was also not too bad, and I didn’t notice I was having issues until about 4/5 of the way in. I was hurting for health a bit and Fray was kind of hurting and wanted to use Dark Arts + Abyssal Drain. And I was kind of wondering why my Blood Gauge hadn’t filled up yet, but that was secondary.
Then I realised I couldn’t actually use Dark Arts, and I wondered for a minute why that might be.
Then I realised that I’d forgotten to turn Dark Side on.
Then I further realised that I’d forgotten to turn GRIT on.
I went through almost the entire level 70 quest on basic abilities alone. Now that’s a handicap.
...On a similar note, we were doing level 50-60 dungeon roulette and I tanked that, and we ended up in Sohr Khai, which I absolutely fucking HATE because of the last boss. I hate the platforming. Hate it hate it hate it. So I was pretty sure I was going to fuck it up royally.
Except I didn’t. Except the last fight went smooth as silk. Except I STILL DON’T KNOW HOW I FUCKING DID IT.
Anyway, now @true0neutral is going to start picking up Conjuror / White Mage so I’ll be picking up Paladin again. Heh. That will be ... interesting. Who knows? Maybe I’ll see what I can do with Marauder / Warrior while I help him grind Conjuror up. At least I can get MRD to level 30 a little easier.
Also, @true0neutral has his first level 70 healer and I am so proud!
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wecityguidecom · 5 years ago
Auckland Travel Guide: Things to Do and See
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Auckland is the biggest city of New Zealand and the city is located the northern island of the country. Auckland has more than 1.6 million residents based on 2018 census. This unique city is one of the most cosmopolitan and multicultural cities in the world and also the home of the largest Polynesian population.
Meet with the Auckland
Auckland is no more different than any other major cities in the world. It has skyscrapers, nice and cool beaches, shopping areas and many more. The famous city of New Zealand only has one bad thing probably for you, it is a little far away :) The city is located on the eastern of Australia which makes it little hard to reach there. You must take a long flight if you're planning to come here from Europe or America but be sure it will worth it. As you know New Zealand consists of two big major islands. Auckland is on the top of the North Island, yes it's called North Island. The city lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Hauraki Gulf. It also has hills covered with rainforest and also dozens of dormant volcanic cones. Imagine a city with both natural beauties and modern life. Yes, it is Auckland.
Brief History of Auckland
We can divide the Aucklands history into the two-part, early and modern. Based on the historical recording city is first settled by the Maori's around 1350 which makes the city quite young than the world other major cities. Before the arrival of colonist Europeans to the area its thought that the population of the Maori were around 20.000. After the arrival of the Europeans, local tribes met with new technology such as guns! That leads to the catastrophic tribal wats in 1807. In the following years, tribes without weapons moved to the coastal sides. On 27 January 1832, Josep Brooks Weller bought the land including the current area of Auckland on the North Sohre of the North Island. A few years later the local tribes began to accept the British protection and sought to both church and the crown. As you expected when everything settled down area started to grow rapidly. On 18 September 1840, Auckland officially declared the capital of New Zealand. There are also a few more event in the early history of the city but I won't get into them. Let's continue with the modern times.
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Queen Street (c.1889); painting by Jacques Carabain. Most of the buildings depicted were demolished during rampant modernization in the 1970s (Source). With the help of the trams and railway Auckland rapidly expanded during the early first half of the 20th century. Also, transport is the city dominated by motor vehicles after WWII. As you know cities geography is little mountainous. This directly affected the cities settlement. Areas divided based on suitable places for the roads and avenues. It is not always possible to construct urban areas over the mountains and hills. The North Shore and the Manukau City are the main urban areas of Auckland. The city is not the capital of the country but everyone knows that Auckland is the first. Because the city brings more than 75 percent of tourist every year and 30 percent of the container trade. These numbers make the city crucially important for New Zealand. The city began to change after the changing over the immigration policy of the country. When the government allowed immigrant from Asia to come and live in the city in 1986. In 20 years, the population of the Asians increased from %1 to %18 and more and more. When you're walking in the street of the city you absolutely feel this multicultural lifestyle and its beauties.
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Auckland City (Source).
Auckland Airport
As you expected Auckland Airport is the busiest and largest airport in the country. Yearly more than 21 millions of passenger use this airport. Auckland Airport near the Mangere which is a residential settlement area. You have several options to come and get from the airport. SkyBus is the largest bus network in the region which operates 7/24. You can take Auckland City Express which goes through the Mt. Eden and Dominion Road. Your trip probably takes 40-60 min but expect longer trips especially the rush hours. Also, there is a North Harbour Express and it operates between 04.00-21.00 (North Harbour to Airport) and 06.00-22.00 (Airport to North Harbour). This express line stops at Akoranga, Smales Farm and Westfield Albany. Your journey will take around 40-80 and more during the rush hour. For these lines, you can buy your ticket online from this website. Ticket can be bought also from the kiosk at the airport and SkyBus City Lounge on 396 Queen Street. Ticket prices varying between 18 to 44 $ for one adult based online. You also have other options to reach or leave from Auckland Airport. Bus line 380 Airport operates almost every 15 minutes a whole year with no exception. 380 Airport stops at the outside of the both domestic and international terminals at the Auckland Airport. 380 Airport line operates between Onehunga, Mangere Town Centre and Manukau via Papatoetoe and Onehunga Train Stations. There also Route 31 Bus line for you. This one is less frequent than the other and has a different route. Route 31 operates 15 minutes frequency between 07.00-19.00 and 30 minutes other hours. Route 31 bus travels between Botany Town Centre and Mangere Town Centre via the Papatoetoe Train Station. The line also runs via Otara Interchange (MIT campus), Hunters Corner and Papatoetoe Train Station (on Shirley Rd opposite the station). Unfortunately, there is no train or tram line at the airport. You should take a bus the reach the closest train station, Papatoetoe. Of course, you can take a taxi or rent a car. Auckland Airport Website
Public Transport in Auckland
Train, buses and ferries... It's quite easy and cheap to use public transport in Auckland. This well-connected and built transport allows you to explore almost everywhere in the city and give you more freedom. At first, you should know the Britomart where is the hearth of the public transport of Auckland. Britomart is the main transport hub for buses and trains. Ferrier also arrives and depart from downtown just a couple minute walk away from the Britomart. You can use this website to plan your trips. You can also buy an AT HOP card which valid on the entire public transport in the city which also makes it everything very easy. There are also hop-on, hop-off buses for the city tour. There are local guides gives you information about the city and landmarks. I'm strongly suggesting to take one of the these tours to get a quick idea about the city.
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Auckland has well-connected and modern public transport system (Source).
Top 5 Places to See in Auckland
There are quite a lot of places to see in the city but I will list my top 5. In the future, I can extend this list probably. 1. Auckland War Memorial Museum This museum constructed in 1929 and dedicated to the New Zealand soldier who fought and died in World War I. Auckland War Memorial Museum is a very good example for the Neoclassical architecture era and has a fascinating collection belong to the New Zealand rich history. The museum is located in the Newmarket area and accessible by both train and bus. Auckland War Memorial Museum website
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Auckland War Museum (Source). 2. One Tree Hill The volcanic cone of the One Tree Hill is a symbol for the most Aucklanders. This hill sits amid the lush Cornwall and more than 180 meters high. Hill also offers nice walking trails and pathways. One Tree Hill is located on the southwest corner of the park. On a clear day, you can enjoy the fascinating view from here through the city. Cornwall Park is located on the Greenwoods Corner and its very easy to reach the park. There is an also Stardome Observatory and Planetarium in the which should be visited. Let's come to the sad story about One Tree Hill. This tree, the real tree was attacked with chainsaws by the Maori activist to protest the injustices of the government upon them on the 28 October 1994, the day of the 1835 declaration of the Independence. The tree survived from this attack but not the second one. On 5 October 2000, a second attack made on the tree and despite the efforts tree didn't survive a removed from its places. A chainsaw that used on the first attack in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
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One Tree Hill after the removal of the "one tree" (Source). 3. Auckland Sky Tower Cities most famous landmark is the needle-shaped Sky Tower. Sky Tower is 328 meters high and also the highest building in the whole of New Zealand. If you are looking for a panoramic view of the city, here is the place. If you visit the Sky Tower on a clear day you can see 80 kilometers away from the observation deck. Sky Tower is located very close to the main transportation hub, Britomart. You can buy tickets in advance from the website given below. Sky Tower website
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Shiny :) (Source). 4. Britomart and Waitemata Harbour Downtown is the heart of the city. Transportation, shopping areas and attraction are located just the middle of here. There are numerous places to see in here to experience the Aucklanders daily life. Victoria and Albert Park area good spots if you want to chill during the day.  There is also Cathedral of St. Patrick and St. Joseph on Wyndham Street which is one of the historical landmarks of the city. New Zealand Maritime Museum is also located very close to the harbor.  5. Auckland Art Gallery If you love art and painting here is the spot for you. Auckland Art Gallery is the city's most impressive and attractive cultural site. Gallery built-in 1887 with the French Renaissance style architecture. Gallery hold more than 15000 artworks on.  There are also painting that date back to the 14th century. Auckland Art Gallery is located in Albert Park where is very close to the Britomart. Auckland Art Gallery website
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One of the most impressive buildings in Auckland (Source).
Things to Do in Auckland
If you want to experience a city really you should do the thing that reflects it. There are tons of things to do in Auckland of course. Because the city has a modern lifestyle with its stunning nature and long history. If you are willing to take a one hour drive from the center you can enjoy on the West Coast Beaches and Waterfalls. You can spend your entire day in the area. Rangitoto Islands is a place for the people who love to discover natural volcanos and its very close to downtown. You can go there by just taking a ferry. There are also guided tours to here which makes everything easy. Waiheke Island is a perfect relaxation place for you. It is 30-40 minutes ferry ride from the downtown. Waiheke Island is also known as the island of wine with its vineyards and wine houses. There are also beaches, restaurant and other attraction on it. If you dare you can make Sky Jump from the Sky Tower. From its 192 jumping point, you can go through the air with ultimate adrenaline. This experience will be unforgettable. This is a perfect way to experience downtown :) It is also suggested to discover the art and culture of New Zealand. There are lots of galleries and exhibits to see.
Where to Stay in Auckland
If you're going to a city you never known. It is better to ask where to stay? I like to use the public transport to explore the cities so my brief answer is the downtown. Because of the Britomart area, you can easily reach the train, buses ad ferries. Also, there are lots of places to visit and see by just walking. Area is also the hearth of the city that gives you an opportunity the feel the city. There are hundreds of places to stay in the downtown area for any budget. Auckland is an also safe city for the tourist. If you ever visited this beautiful city please share your experience and suggestions on the comment section to help the others! Read the full article
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malcolmmartinmackey-blog · 7 years ago
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Art Direction, Creative Direction, & Product Shots (c. 2017)
for performance drink company Sohr
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theshotsheardacrossworlds · 3 years ago
Agnes/Estinien. Set during the beginning of Stormblood, post the massacre at Rhalgar’s Reach. Agnes is recovering at her mum’s when Estinien arrives with a gift.
Estinien heaved and lifted the large rock, carrying it several paces away from it was. A few dragonets of Sohr Khai whooped and marveled at his strength. I can feel it---I am stronger than I was before. Must be strong for the fights ahead. For Agi. My lance is hers. Forever hers.
Placing the rock down, he then walked back to the larger pile and was about to heave another, but a Post Moogle nearly collided with his face.
“What the—”
“Sorry, kupo! Sorry! Urgent letter for you! From Agnes Currai, kupo!” The moogle held out a letter for him.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, he took it. Agi wrote to me recently. She normally wouldn’t send another so soon…not until I respond. Estinien tore open the letter, and his eyes bulged.
Several words leapt off the page---ambush, massacre, Rhalgar’s Reach, hurt, Mum’s, recovering.
“Thanks. Now, bugger off.” Estinien folded the letter, placing it in his pants pocket. He jogged back to his living area and grabbed a few items.
“Where art thou going, dragoon?” Hraesvelgr asked.
“Agi’s hurt. She’s at her mum’s. I need to go.”
“Dost thou require mine aid?”
“No thank you. I’ll teleport and be back within the day.” I must get to her. I must know she’s safe. I must know she’s alright.
Estinien arrived in Costa del Sol and immediately ran towards the Currai cottage. Agi. Agi. Must know she’s safe. He banged on the door with his fist shouting, “Luci! Agnes!”
The door opened, and a middle-aged lalafell stood with her arms crossed over her chest. “Estinien, what on earth has gotten into you?”
“Where’s Agi? Is she alright?” He tried to move past her, but Luci shook her head.
“She’s in her bedroom, and yes she’s alright. Don’t I get a hello?”
“Hi.” Estinien then sidestepped Luci and went towards her bedroom, but Luci called out to him.
“She looks worse than it actually is, dearie. The bruising will go away by the time she leaves.”
Bruising? Looks worse than it is?! “Thanks.” He huffed and knocked on the door. “Agi?”
“Come in, love!”
Estinien opened the door and shut it behind him. And then his heart sank.
Agnes sat on her bed---her face covered in bruises. Her arms too were bruised. And her right ankle was wrapped. “It looks worse—”
“Than it is. Your mother told me.” He sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “As soon as I got your letter, I came. I couldn’t not…” Not come to you. Make sure you’re alright. Make sure you’re safe. I must…I must keep you safe and happy and loved and alive.
Agnes smiled and leaned her head against his cheek. “I’m okay, love. I’m fine. Really. And don’t worry, I have my spare glasses. The other ones got smashed.”
SMASHED?! “What the—”
“The Imperials staged an ambush at Rhalgar’s Reach. So many died, including a friend of Lyse’s. And Krile and Y’shtola were hurt badly. All of my injuries were from the crown prince. ‘Stinien, I’ve never faced anyone like him. He’s…just so big and strong and holy fuck everything hurt.” Agnes sighed sadly. “Nidhogg possessing you on the Steps of Faith was far easier than him. How…how am I to deal with him when…” She trailed off and shook her head. “But that doesn’t matter now. Those who survived are getting the best care, and we’re heading off to the Far East in a few days.”
“The Far East? Why there?” You’re hurt and you’re leaving?!
“Yugiri and Gosetsu are attempting to locate Lord Hien, Lord Kaien’s son who survived the failed Doman uprising. If we can find him and aid the Domans, then—”
“Then you have the Empire fighting on two fronts---in Doma and Ala Mhigo. Clever.”
Agnes wrinkled her nose and laughed a little. “Yes, your second favorite Scion is rather clever. Anyways, we leave in a few days via ship in Limsa. Thancred, Urianger, Y’shtola, and other Scions are remaining behind. Myself, Lyse, Alisaie, Alphinaud, and Tataru will be venturing east.” Agnes’ eyes were full of sadness as she looked into his. “I…I don’t how long we’ll be gone, love. It could be several months. And our locations will obviously have to kept secret…”
“It matters not. You are well. And you are here for now, so let us enjoy the time we have.” You have your duty. Always your duty. I love you for it, but how I wish I could go and protect you. “But before I forget,” he reached into a pocket and pulled out something Agnes could not make out. “I want you to have this. Hold out your hand, my love.”
Puzzled, Agnes held out her hand. Into it was placed a piece of warped metal. “Estinien, I…I don’t know what this is.”
“It’s a piece of a Halonic rosary. It…belonged to my mother.”
Agnes’ eyes widened. “No, no, no, no. It’s yours—” She held her hand out to him, but he shook his head.
“It’s yours now, sweetheart. Take it.” Estinien spoke softly, closing her fingers around it. “Mother prayed every night for me and Hamignant to grow up to be good, kind, honorable men and for the Fury to protect us. Heh, I grew to be perhaps a few of those things. And while I don’t believe anymore, I-I hope that her prayers to protect us can extend to you.” He rubbed his thumb over fingers. “Agi, take it. May it serve as both protection for you and…a reminder of my love. That I am always thinking of you, even when we’re apart.”
“I-I-I can’t take this. It’s yours. It was your mother’s. It’s all you have—”
“Agi, did you not tell me in Dravania that those who lose are never truly gone? You said your father lives in your memories and in your heart. Sweet girl, are those words not the same for me then? That my family is here,” he tapped his head. “And here.” He tapped his heart. “This is yours now. Take it.”
She brought her hand with the piece of rosary to her chest, shutting her eyes, tears streaming down her face. “Thank you for entrusting me with this. I swear I will not let it out of my sight.”
Estinien leaned in to kiss her. “Tis yours now, Agi. You may do with it whatever you wish.” He murmured when he broke the kiss.
“And what about you? Do with you as I wish?” Agnes smiled, kissing him again.
Fuck me. Well, not right this moment. Not with Luci inside the cottage. “My lady, I am forever a knight of Ishgard---I live to serve.” He kissed her passionately and smirked as he pulled away. “However, mayhap you shouldn’t have your way with me unless we are in more private surroundings.”
She blushed furiously. “Oh! Oh right! Absolutely I mean, oh dear.” Agnes hid her face in her hands. “I’m so sorry. I was just caught up in the moment!”
How is she so adorable? How? Estinien laughed heartily, pulling her into a big hug. “My sweet, beautiful Agi, you needn’t ever apologize for being horny.”
“Hello? Estinien? Agi?” Luci’s voice called from behind the door. “Lunch is nearly ready, sweeties!”
Agnes pulled out of the hug and pushed her glasses up. “Will you be staying for lunch then?”
Estinien nodded. “I think I will. As long as you and your mum don’t—”
He couldn’t finish the rest of the sentence before Agnes practically crashed into him and hugged him. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for staying.”
“Hmph, can’t get rid of me this easily.” He grumbled, rubbing her back.
I’m with you. Always.
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sohrleas · 4 months ago
Ahdjwbdbidbfj i wanna FINISH THIS
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In other news, I finished the kits I have!! I like some of the patterns and want to use them again (top left, top middle, middle left and right, bottom right), some I'm neutral on (top right, bottom left, bottom middle), and only one I actively d e t e s t (middle middle). That middle one is only in the middle because it's a disappointment to us all but I can disguise it by turning it on it's side like that to make it look semi intentional and disguise how small it is.
I want to go to the fabric store and get a backing/border fabric. I think a navy blue or black will work. Only problem is I'd rather go With Someone, but everyone's busy, even my *Mom*.
I guess I don't have to finish the top of it right now... I just *want* to.
....looking at it now, I wish I had mirrored the white squares, the ones on the middle row. Oh well, too bad.
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