#Sofii is dreaming
sofiiel · 2 years
Thoughts about Eddie in the "Future"
Imagine Eddie didn't actual die, he just, popped into the future, our future in this AU world of ours (to/with you). He'd be living his best life because:
Warning: this is so long it's a crime. But you won't be sorry. All the happy thoughts.
I mean, his mind would be blown at all the new wonders added to Dnd, being able to play with people anywhere in the world now. Creating online Maps and the detail of the character building sheets? He'd be spending hours using them to build characters he probably won't even use to play because he created like 40 of them. The level of detail in custom DM/GM screens? pffft He'd lose it. Not to mention all the world building tools online now, His campaigns would be epic.
And He'd probably stream his campaigns, become internet famous.
He could create or order props, and costumes to be extra dramatic as he sat behind his DM screen or webcam.
He would sit, nearly wiggling in his seat with excitement, watching the Lord of The Rings trilogy. You'd have to get him the extended version. He'd spend all his money buying replicas of weapons and accessories. He'd get you Arwen's necklace, but we won't go there right now.
Eddie would be one of those fans who are SUPER picky about the Hobbit movies and the TV series. But at the same time he'd consume them like water while he complains about, loving and hating them at the same time. Crying about Tauriel and Kili because you know he would. Just sitting there sniffling, "I'm not crying, you are."
Just movies and series in general, there would be so much to get him into, and you would be watching his reactions more than the actual media. Star wars, GOT, Hotd, Vikings, The Matrix, Harry Potter (he'd want his letter so bad and would swear it's real), Dune, Narnia (he bought a wardrobe and is hoping one day his kids will find the door), you get my point by now.
...but Eddie wanting to be Jack Sparrow for Halloween after watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
He'd try and go to every Con that he could. He's cosplay, yes he would. He would want matching costumes. He would want the 3 days passes. He would buy flight tickets to get to certain Cons, he would go broke going to them. There would be that weird moment when he meets Joseph because our world is a different universe.
Joseph would be just quaking, they'd take pictures together, you'd be living your best life. No one knows it's actually Eddie, so Joseph just thinks he's an impressive look-alike.
He'd be reading smut and fluff about his favorites ships and characters at night when he can't sleep. He could be reading all of that with you. Digging through the vast gallery of amazing fanart with you. You could show him your hoard.
He'd collect Funkos and limit edition things from all the fandoms he loves. He would support Etsy artists by commissioning custom stuff.
Don't get me started on games. Eddie would be the biggest Elderscrolls buff, He'd play Daggerfall when most people complain it's outdated because he grew up on old school games. Morrowind would probably be his favorite, though. I can see him favoring Dunmer. When he plays Skyrim for the first time, he'll want to side with the Stormcloaks due to the opening scene and then find out they're kinda terrible and be like "fuck that" but he wouldn't want to join the imperials either because he doesn't want to offer any support to the Thalmore. Which means Eddie hunts down Mods, so he doesn't have to pick a side, and he can give the Thalmor hell.
In Skyrim, he'd also be joining the Thieve's Guild and the Dark Brotherhood because no matter how sweet our boy is, "WE KNOW" is too tempting not too and he'd be a completionist.
He'd be a Bethsda fanboy, excited about Starfield, lost in Fallout binge playing all the series of Bethesda games.
He'd be trying to build places from his Dnd campaigns and Hawkins in Minecraft, Valheim, and any other builder he could. He would recreate what he was homesick for In the Sims.
Let's be honest, no matter how you feel about it, he'd probably give Homestuck a try.
He'd play horror games and be scared out of his wits, probably holding you for the emotional support as he tries things like: The Forest (he'd try to build the two towers), Outlast, Slender, Amnesia, and you would have the best time ever playing Phasmophobia with him.
He'd be stuck on the Witcher, talk your ear off about it, then he'd want the books, and then he'd watch the show until he'd memorized all the lines.
Dragon age? Holy mother of Andraste, he would play the hell out of that series. Romance every character he could. He'd be a fan who was torn about "those" characters (Anders, Solas, Blackwall, Connor...looking at you lot) Both mad at them and still fond of them, it's a grey blurry blob of an area.
He'd be a Mass Effect kind of person too. He'd have fun in GTA. Adore Kingdom Come Deliverance, He'd have a breakdown playing the Red Dead Redemption series, the Stanley parable would have him in stitches as he does everything he isn't supposed to do, and you'd have the best time playing Goat Simulator.
Eddie would be a Pokemon player, and He'd play Guitar Hero just because.
He'd have a hoard of Mobile games, and ya'll.....he'd probably dabble in Otome's secretly loving them and then playing the cringe ones for giggles.
He might not like new music, but there would be some select bands he loves, and he would be a die hard fan. He would consume the old music and bands still, and go to as many concerts as possible.
His Spotify account would be a hot, unorganized mess of playlists. He'd follow all the start-up metal musicians on Spotify, TikTok, and YouTube.
He would be one of them. He would go viral in no time flat because Eddie Munson, and people wouldn't know it was actually Eddie. They'd just think Joseph got into cosplay and started his own band as Eddie, and somehow keeps up the American accent every single time.
Then people realize he's not Joseph eventually, but again think it's just an impressive look alike.
Eddie hoards guitars, get them signed as much as he can, he'd want all the up-to-date equipment. Probably have a studio in his man cave somewhere.
Eventually his band would probably start going on tour, he'd be actually famous, rocking with bands he grew up with and probably out somewhere being Joseph's twinsy.
He'd get more tats, probably of his new obsessions.
Eddie would be a foodie. He'd want to convert his own van to try van life, at least for a while. His tour buss would be a Schoolie tiny home.
He'd fuse 80s fashion and new fashion and be a complete icon, even though it's mostly comfy casual.
He'd be homesick constantly watching stranger things, and then befriending the cast of the show to try and fill the void a little.
Eddie would watch ST from season one and be amazed at just what everyone went through, the sides of things he never got to see. Our sweet boy would probably even feel bad for Jason a tiny bit. Be cheering his friends on whenever a fight scene popped up.
He's watch himself in that final episode and be crying with you for many reasons.
Eddie would try to get into shifting just to spent time with his friends again. But he wouldn't regret his new life at all, it's purely just a bit of homesickness.
We won't talk about the love stores and what he finds in them.
The cannabis and how it's legal in a lot of places. All the new strains, hybrids, oils, candies, edibles, are on a whole new level now. Weed lounges, he'd freak out seeing his first dispensary.
He'd try vaping, you know he would.
He'd be an obnoxious gif user, and it would be the best thing ever.
Eddie would abuse video chat and rarely just text or call. He wants to see your face and have his face in your face via screen all day.
He could get his diploma <3, and you could help him do it.
He'd know what it felt like to be adored, because almost everyone would. It'd probably be overwhelming.
Eddie would probably get all kinds of special treatment, lol
Imagine him arguing with those people who would try and shame him for "cosplaying" or thinking he had plastic surgery to look like Joseph. Just rage shouting, "I am Eddie Munson!" or "It's not surgery!" in the same tone as this is music.
This could go on forever, so.... I'm going to stop. Now. I just wanted to dream and invite you all to dream with me.
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whimsicalsimmies · 2 years
Hola Sofii! 📖, 🎵 And 🎁 for Becca!
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🧡 Thanks for asking Nat, here it goes:
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
Becca does like reading, she enjoys a very particular genre, something like history/kinda fictional books, for example she’d love Memoirs of a Geisha. But she also enjoys a more light reading session as much as the next girl.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
Give this girl an indie playlist and that’ll do. I think she would be 070 Shake’s biggest fan. ALTHOUGH I cannot associate her to an indie song, it just doesn’t come to mind. The one I do associate with her is:
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Honestly, I think she’d suck at gift giving lol, I just think she’ll offer a crafted lavender scented candle to someone without knowing even if they like that type of stuff. And frogs, frogs are her obsession, give the woman a goddam frog!
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daniellethamasa · 5 years
Hey all, Dani here.
Well things are about to get real interesting around me. The county I live in in Ohio just got its first confirmed case of COVID-19, but as of right now, my workplace is still open. We’ll see if that changes by the end of the weekend. Is it wrong that I’m hoping things stay open long enough for my book order from yesterday to reach my house? Like that package should reach me by Tuesday or maybe Wednesday. Just let me have those 8 books and then everything can go on lockdown. I know that sounds ridiculous, and I do want people to be safe, so I understand if my shipment is put on hold. I just, the books will be so lonely locked up in a warehouse for a couple weeks.
Okay, so I saw this post over on Sahi’s blog, My World of Books, and it sounded like a fun book tag. And I haven’t done a tag in a while, so this seems like a good time to do one. Anyway, please go check out Sahi’s blog because there is a lot of great content over there, and Sahi is awesome.
Thank the person who nominated you
Answer all the questions down below
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Nominate 5+ bloggers to do this tag
*Feel free to not take the term ‘book’ too literally, please recommend graphic novels, comics and other works too!
1. Recommend a book from one of your favorite genres
My favorite genre is fantasy. I read a whole bunch of it, so that’s going to make this a little bit difficult. Let’s see what I can come up with.
It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. I haven’t talked about this book in a little while, and the sequel is out in July.
Here’s the unfortunate part about this duology…a deadly plague is sort of a bit plot point. Apparently it’s bigger in the sequel/conclusion than it is in the first book, but it’s still a fairly big point in the first one. So, if that’s going to affect your current anxiety or mental state then perhaps stay away from this recommendation.
Is it weird that I sort of want to re-read this book soon because of the global situation? Am I just a very weird individual? Yeah, that’s probably true.
2. Recommend a short book
For a short book…how about a series of short reads? The Vox Machina Origins comic series is about to complete its second arc. The first arc was 6 issues of like 24 pages each, or collected into one volume, and the arc has 5 of the 6 issues out, again like 24 pages for each issue. There is action and magic and camaraderie and shenanigans. It’s a pretty good read.
And if you can’t leave your house then you can totally get the digital version through places like Dark Horse Comics or Comixology.
3. Recommend a book-to-screen adaptation
Okay, this one is easy for me. But you know what, I’m just going to go ahead and give you two recommendations. First up is Black Clover, and I definitely recommend both the manga and the anime (Just take my advice and watch it dubbed, not subbed–main character Asta has a habit of annoyingly yelling everything in the subbed; it’s not fun. Dubbed has it mellowed out a little bit). It is a fantastic adaptation.
And honestly, I’ve read both story collections from the Witcher series so far, and those books are what were used to adapt the first season of the Netflix show, and I have to say that they did a pretty darn good job adapting the world, the monsters, the magic, and the story. I’m definitely impressed.
4. Recommend a book out of your comfort zone
I’m still not the biggest reader of science-fiction. I love to watch it but I don’t read it that much. This book was one that took me a while to read because it was out of my comfort zone, but it is one that I’m glad I read and I actually need to read it again. Oh, and there’s also a fantastic TV series based on this 9-book epic sci-fi series, so feel free to check out “The Expanse” as well, either before or after reading the books.
5. Recommend a book series
Hmm…what series shall I recommend for you all today? Okay, you know what, I’m going to recommend a comic series for you guys. Actually, as I tried to find the appropriate image from my WordPress media collection, I realized that I actually have a few different completed graphic novel/comic series that I haven’t talked about in a while, so I might have to do a graphic novel recommendation post soon.
I love Sandman. It’s a great series, with so many different tropes and genres mashed together into a truly wonderfully epic story. Follow Dream, his sister Death, and all of his other siblings, plus a huge host of other characters through this 10 volume set. Seriously, you won’t regret it.
  6. Recommend a standalone
You do know that I mostly read fantasy series right? This is not cool, to make me try and find a standalone book to recommend. Oh boy. Let’s see what I can come up with.
Okay, okay, I found one, and it’s one where I’m immensely sad about the fact that it is a standalone. I was really hoping for this to be like a trilogy, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Anyway, this is a pretty fantastic fantasy read. It’s Pokemon meets Avatar: the Last Airbender, which I thought was a very intriguing concept.
7. Recommend a book you don’t talk about enough
Oh man, this one is hard, I talk about a lot of books quite frequently. Hmm…let’s look through my WordPress media and see if I can find something for this one.
Okay fine, so this is technically more than one book, but you know, I haven’t talked about them in a while, and now seems like a good time to recommend some completed series that people can totally binge-read right now if they so choose.
I was way more into the spin-off series Bloodlines than I was the original Vampire Academy, though both are great series. I just liked Sydney and Adrian more than I did Rose and Dmitri. No hate, please. They are both good couples.
Actually, hmm, I probably am overdue for a re-read of these slightly angsty YA vampire romance books.
8. Recommend your ‘staple’ book
My staple book, my go-to recommendation for the past like 5 years continues to be Colorworld by Rachel E Kelly. I am obsessed with this series and think it is just an absolutely fantastic read. I could gush about these books over and over again, and for a rather long time as well. Actually I do have reviews up for the whole series, so you can check those out: Colorworld, Teleworld, Lumaworld, Shadoworld, Dreamworld, Waterworld: Ezra, Waterworld: Charlotte, and Waterworld: Xavier.
9. Recommend the book/s that got you into reading
Umm…Dr. Seuss???? I have literally been a reader my whole life, so I was too young to recall what book really got me into reading. If you want to go with what book(s) I first majorly fangirled over, that’s a different story.
Why yes, I do have the complete Animorphs series on my bookshelves. I pretty much ordered every single one of these from the Scholastic bookfair/booksale thing they did back in elementary school. And no matter how many book unhauls I do, I just can’t bear to part with any of these books. There are a couple I want to get nicer copies for, because childhood me was not always as good about taking care of books–so #9 and #13 definitely need replaced. I think everything else is fine.
I actually need to re-read these sometime. Oh, I actually did see online that for right now you can read the whole 54 book main series for free, so if you’re at all interested, you can check that out.
10. Recommend 3+ bloggers who recommend great books
Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile
Kathy @ Books and Munches
Sofii @ A Book. A Thought
Okay, well I guess this is where I’m supposed to tag people. This is always my least favorite part of doing tags, honestly. So I’m going to slightly cheat, and tag the three bloggers I recommended above and then two more so I hit that 5 blogger mark in the rules.
Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile
Kathy @ Books and Munches
Sofii @ A Book. A Thought
Danielle @ Life of a Literary Nerd
Becky @ Becky’s Book Blog
YOU! (if you want to, dear reader)
The Ultimate Recommendations Book Tag Hey all, Dani here. Well things are about to get real interesting around me. The county I live in in Ohio just got its first confirmed case of COVID-19, but as of right now, my workplace is still open.
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