#Soemthing to look into more even if it is a dead dove dont eat situation for me
bunnidid-reviews · 2 months
Hi, I would like to ask for your thoughts on this new application many of my acquaintances have been buzzing about. It's called Octocon, from what I understand, it's meant to be 2 apps in a package like Pluralkit and Simply Plural, but targetted for DID/OSDD. At first, that grabbed my attention, but honestly it looks like a copy-paste of the two, without addressing the many issues the mentioned apps had that made it inaccessible for anyone dissociative. So I'd be curious for your own thoughts on it too, as it's fairly recent
Hi, thanks so much for the reccomendation!
I only have iOS, so it doesn't seem like it's something I'll be able to review, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about.. Because any app made for DID isn't going to be perfect, but it's interesting to see how they try...
One of the things that stood out to me:
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(Register fronting push notifications with friends)
Immediately I went ಠ_ಠ; because even with the people I want to know who's fronting, to have that consistently be an option would freak!!! me!!! out!!! I'm certain it's something you don't have to do, but I always question who it's for in general to have a thing that constantly Tells Everyone who's fronting. (I just don't believe any system can fully consent to always being on display like that, esp because parts coming out always have Context attached and thats very exposing when people Know)
Very interesting and also sounds exactly like something I would not use regularly! But when it comes to iOS I'd be happy to try for a week
Obligatory no one is ever forced to listen to critique esp if its not asked for directly, and I know there are plenty of people who regularly use Simply Plural and bots and things who would love this sorta thing. Eeeeverything on my blog is based entirely on my opinion
And once again boosting @lighthouse-app for a really incredible resource that I regularly genuinely use. Please support their efforts <3
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