adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 16th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 16th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 16th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Establishing The Rule Of God By Prayer Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional 16th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Establishing The Rule Of God By Prayer Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Establishing The Rule Of God By Prayer More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Establishing The Rule Of God By Prayer Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages Seeds of Destiny 16th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today TOPIC: Establishing The Rule Of God By Prayer You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 16 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: “…Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth…” Matthew 6:10 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Prayer is a platform for the establishment of the rule and reign of God in the earth. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Prayer is a mode of communication between humanity and Divinity. Prayer is not just a means by which man communicates his needs or desires to his creator, it also a platform for the establishment of the rule and reign of God in the earth. Matthew 6:10 says, “…Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth…” When we say that prayer is a platform for the establishment of the rule and reign of God in the earth, what do we mean? It means: Prayer is the platform for the enthronement of the Almighty in the affairs of men (Matthew 6:10). This is why we pray against the works of satan in our lives, family and nation. That is why we must insist that evil cannot rule and reign in our lives and nation. Prayer gives us the platform to enthrone the rule of God in the earth. Prayer is the platform for the enthronement of the will of God (Matthew 6:10). What God wants can be enforced by prayer. Prayer enforces the will of God on earth. Prayer is the platform for the dethronement of the enemy (Matthew 6:10, Jer. 1:10). Prayer is the platform where we dethrone the thrones of evil. Through prayer, we dethrone the dominion of evil over our lives, families, communities and nations. At the place of prayer, we cause the devil to lose his throne. This is what prayer is all about. Remember this: Prayer is a platform for the establishment of the rule and reign of God in the earth. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny 16th April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Make up your mind to bring down the reign of God on earth through prayer. Devote your time and energy to relentless Kingdom advancement praying. PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to embark on Kingdom advancement praying. Help me to be relentless in praying, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: UNDERSTANDING PRAYER. QUOTE: Spend time in communion – worship, daily prayer and fellowship – if you want to uphold godly character. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Ezra 7-9. AMAZING FACT: Both female and male African elephants have tusks, but only male Asian elephants have tusks. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I decree the thrones of evil around your life and destiny dismantled in this season in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages Seeds of Destiny 16 April 2023 Daily Devotional Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 14th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 14th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 14th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- The Proceeds Of Wickedness Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 14th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Proceeds Of Wickedness Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Proceeds Of Wickedness More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Proceeds Of Wickedness Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 14th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: The Proceeds Of Wickedness Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 14 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 14 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Proverbs 1:10, 15-16 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: One example of evil money is proceeds of wickedness or money gotten from wicked acts. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Financial prosperity is one way God advances His Kingdom on earth (Zechariah 1:17). Even Jesus had a treasurer that kept money for His Ministry. So, the place of money in advancing the Kingdom of God cannot be overemphasized. However, it is not all kinds of money that is acceptable before God. Questionable and evil money is not acceptable by God. You may drop it in the offering basket, but God would not accept it. One example of evil money is proceeds of wickedness or money gotten from wicked acts. This is when people hurt others physically to make money. They want to get rich from the tears of others. Proceeds of wickedness refer to proceeds of evil practices like armed robbery, kidnapping, ritual killing, hired assassination, etc. (Proverbs 1:10-16). This is the practice of making money out of the pains and tears of others. Imagine rendering someone a widow or an orphan just because you want to make money by all means. That is evil money. Any money you get at the expense of other peoples’ tears is evil money. It is the pathway to destruction both in this world and in the world to come. From our anchor scripture, Proverbs 1:10-16, we understand that while the robbers are trying to kill other people to get money, they are actually laying wait for their own blood. They are trying to kill other people but it is themselves they are killing. Beloved, do not engage in wickedness or partake in the proceeds thereof. Remember this: One example of evil money is proceeds of wickedness or money got from wicked acts. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 14th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Refuse to engage in wickedness or partake in the proceeds thereof. Make up your mind to make money legitimately to propagate the Gospel. PRAYER: Lord, deliver me from every tendency for wickedness. I receive grace to resist the temptation of partaking in the proceeds of wickedness. Help me to make money legitimately, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: THE TRAGEDY OF EVIL MONEY. QUOTE: Continuously ask the Lord to destroy the desire for illicit and fraudulent money in your life. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Ezra 1-3 AMAZING FACT: Elephants sleep standing up. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord deliver you from the tragedy of evil money in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 14 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 13th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 13th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 13th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- The God-First Mentality As Displayed By David Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 13th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The God-First Mentality As Displayed By David Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The God-First Mentality As Displayed By David More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The God-First Mentality As Displayed By David Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 13th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: The God-First Mentality As Displayed By David Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 13 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 13 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 42:2 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: One secret behind the massive destiny of David was his God-First mentality. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: David was one great Scriptural personality worthy of emulation. God Himself testified of David as a man after His Heart. David was a king, priest, prophet, psalmist, fighter, military general, instrumentalist, demon-caster, Goliath killer, etc. Now, one secret behind the massive destiny of David was his God-First mentality. David was the reference king of Israel. Jesus Christ came out from the root of David. David, without a doubt, was the most important king Israel ever had. Now, look at the testimony of David’s addiction to God in Psalm 42:2: As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 63:1-2 also tells us about David’s heart for God, O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. David was no doubt, a man of unparalleled addiction to God. There is yet another Scripture that reveals the devotion and dedication of David to God: One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. Psalm 27:4 David was a man whose heart and soul panted after the living God; a man who sought God early; a man whose sole desire in life was to dwell in the House of the Lord to behold the beauty of the LORD. No wonder till today, David is celebrated both on earth and also in heaven. God put him up because he put God first. Remember this: One secret behind the massive destiny of David was his God-First mentality. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 13th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Make up your mind to put God first in all you do. Refuse to let your passion to die. PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to have and maintain an undying passion for You. Help me not to be spiritually lukewarm Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: THE PATHWAY TO EXCELLENCE AND DISTINCTION. QUOTE: The God-First mentality is what I call an incurable addiction to God; a brutal dedication to God. It is a situation in your life where God is first and last and everything else is in-between. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 34-36 AMAZING FACT: An adult elephant needs to drink around 210 litres of water a day. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: As you place God first in life, your place at the top is secured in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 13 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 12th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 12th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Who Is A Rich Fool? Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Cry yet again, saying, Thus says the Lord of hosts: My cities shall yet again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 1:17 (AMP) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Our anchor Scripture reveals that the prosperity of God’s people is key to the overflow of God’s Kingdom on earth. Therefore, to be rich is to propagate the Kingdom of God on earth, and to be poor is to limit the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. That is why it is important to desire to be rich for the sake of the Kingdom. Now, wealth is not a matter of what is outside you; it is what you have inside you. Let me give you an example: A street fighter, called Mike Tyson, who became a heavy weight boxing champion, got heavy weight money. He had more than one hundred suits, and more than one hundred cars. Anytime he went out, he would pick a particular colour of suit that would match the colour of the car. But you know, he could not sustain his wealth. When he lost the title, he also lost everything and crashed down to zero. This was because all the things that entered his life didn’t make him rich. So, wealth is not a matter of what you have on your outside; it is what you have inside you. This is why we have notable gamblers who end up being poor. A gambler may win a million pounds because of gambling but after sometime, he crashes to zero. One reason why children of most rich people cannot sustain their father’s wealth is because their fathers gave them prosperity without mentality. And to have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. The man with the right mentality may not have a penny now but just give him a little time; he would arrive at massive prosperity. Beloved, make up your mind to go for wisdom first, in your pursuit of wealth. Remember this: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Go through today’s message once again. Make up your mind to go for financial intelligence for your total financial liberation. PRAYER: Lord, help not to be a rich fool. Equip me with the prerequisite knowledge for financial freedom, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: FINANCIAL WISDOM. QUOTE: It is a great deal of foolishness to rely on natural or human wisdom. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 31-33 AMAZING FACT: Just like humans, elephants grieve for their dead. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord release upon you, the rain of all-round wisdom in this season, in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 12th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 12th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 12th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Who Is A Rich Fool? Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Who Is A Rich Fool? Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Cry yet again, saying, Thus says the Lord of hosts: My cities shall yet again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 1:17 (AMP) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Our anchor Scripture reveals that the prosperity of God’s people is key to the overflow of God’s Kingdom on earth. Therefore, to be rich is to propagate the Kingdom of God on earth, and to be poor is to limit the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. That is why it is important to desire to be rich for the sake of the Kingdom. Now, wealth is not a matter of what is outside you; it is what you have inside you. Let me give you an example: A street fighter, called Mike Tyson, who became a heavy weight boxing champion, got heavy weight money. He had more than one hundred suits, and more than one hundred cars. Anytime he went out, he would pick a particular colour of suit that would match the colour of the car. But you know, he could not sustain his wealth. When he lost the title, he also lost everything and crashed down to zero. This was because all the things that entered his life didn’t make him rich. So, wealth is not a matter of what you have on your outside; it is what you have inside you. This is why we have notable gamblers who end up being poor. A gambler may win a million pounds because of gambling but after sometime, he crashes to zero. One reason why children of most rich people cannot sustain their father’s wealth is because their fathers gave them prosperity without mentality. And to have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. The man with the right mentality may not have a penny now but just give him a little time; he would arrive at massive prosperity. Beloved, make up your mind to go for wisdom first, in your pursuit of wealth. Remember this: To have riches without wisdom is to be a fool. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 12th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Go through today’s message once again. Make up your mind to go for financial intelligence for your total financial liberation. PRAYER: Lord, help not to be a rich fool. Equip me with the prerequisite knowledge for financial freedom, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: FINANCIAL WISDOM. QUOTE: It is a great deal of foolishness to rely on natural or human wisdom. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 31-33 AMAZING FACT: Just like humans, elephants grieve for their dead. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord release upon you, the rain of all-round wisdom in this season, in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 1 year
Seeds Of destiny 11th April 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 11th April 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 11th April 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- The Word – A Cure For Yokes And Bondages Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 11th April 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word – A Cure For Yokes And Bondages Seeds of Destiny for today April 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word – A Cure For Yokes And Bondages More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word – A Cure For Yokes And Bondages Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 11th April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: The Word – A Cure For Yokes And Bondages Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 11 April 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 11 April 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: And it shall be in that day that the burden of shall depart from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck. The yoke shall be destroyed because of fatness . Isaiah 10:27 (AMPLIFIED BIBLE). THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The Word you feed on will break any enemy yoke and bondage around your life. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 The Word of God is the cure for the yokes and bondages of life. That is why one way to break yokes and bondages in your life is continual feeding on the Word of God. Isaiah 10:27 (AMPLIFIED BIBLE) says, And it shall be in that day that the burden of shall depart from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck. The yoke shall be destroyed because of fatness . You see, when you become too fat in the realm of the spirit by feeding habitually and persistently on the Word, you become too big for the yoke of the enemy to remain around your neck. So, to keep feeding on the word of God is to break any yoke or bondage of the enemy in your life. What is my counsel to you today? Keep on fattening yourself with light, insight and revelation from the Word of God. As you study the Scripture, ask God to talk to you. And as you keep fattening your spirit man, a time comes when you would realize that that affliction has disappeared; that demon that used to give you food in the night has left you. This happened because you have fed consistently on the Word, and your spirit has become too fat for the yokes of affliction or demonic attacks to remain. Beloved, continue to feed on the Word of God consistently and pray persistently. The Word you feed on will break any enemy yoke and bondage around your life. Yokes and bondages must break when you feed consistently on the Word. Remember this: The Word you feed on will break any enemy yoke and bondage around your life. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 11th April 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Be determined to feed on the Word always. Be consistent at the Word and persistent in prayers to break enemy yokes and bondages. PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for giving me a key to breaking the yokes and bondages in my life. I receive the grace to keep feeding on Your Word always, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: DEDICATION TO PRAYER AND THE WORD. QUOTE: What you got by a devotion to the study of the Word can be maintained by that same devotion. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 28-30 AMAZING FACT: Elephants demonstrate concern for members of their families and take care of weak or injured members of the herd. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I decree that every enemy yoke around your life and destiny is broken in the Name of Jesus’ Christ. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 11 April 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 25th February 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 25th February 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 25th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Living To Praise God Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 25th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Living To Praise God Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Living To Praise God More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Living To Praise God Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 25th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Living To Praise God Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 25 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 25 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Psalms 150:6. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your praise is what justifies and authenticates your breath. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 It has been confirmed that every part of your body and being has a function God created it to perform. The breath of life in your nostrils was given to you to perform an assignment, and that assignment is praising God. So, if you do not have breath, you can close your mouth and not praise God. But if you have breath, you must praise the Lord. And if you are alive and you refuse to praise the Lord, it means you hate the breath of life. Your praise is the tenancy you pay for your continuous existence. Or rather, put it this way: Your praise is what justifies and authenticates your breath. It is what confirms that the breath you have is not a waste. People who do not praise God with their lives are telling God that they are not qualified to live. I want you to know that a criminal who refuses to go to church on Sunday morning but plays or watches football only lives to tell God that he is undeserving of the breath of life in his nostrils. When God says that everything that has breath should praise Him, He is not referring to human beings only but everything that has the breath of life. This means, the birds too should praise God. That is why you hear birds sing songs and chirp melodiously as an expression of their praise and worship to God. Remember this: Your praise is what justifies and authenticates your breath. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 25th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Make up your mind to praise God at all times. Don’t allow your circumstances determine the way you do things; praise God regardless of circumstances. PRAYER: Lord, help me to be always appreciative to You. Let my life be an expression of praise and worship to You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: UNDERSTANDING PRAISE AND WORSHIP. QUOTE: I would like you to know that breath is given for the sake of praise. Culled from “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 1 Samuel 12-15. AMAZING FACT: Bee’s venom is used in the treatment of several ailments, including arthritis and high blood pressure. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to justify your existence through consistent praise and worship in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 25 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 24th February 2023 daily
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Seeds Of destiny 24th February 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 24th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Poverty Exchanged For Prosperity At The Cross Of Calvary Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 24th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Poverty Exchanged For Prosperity At The Cross Of Calvary Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Poverty Exchanged For Prosperity At The Cross Of Calvary More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Poverty Exchanged For Prosperity At The Cross Of Calvary Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 24th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Poverty Exchanged For Prosperity At The Cross Of Calvary Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 24 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 24 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Jesus took our poverty and gave us His prosperity; He took our scarcity and gave us His abundance. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: The Cross of Christ is the mark of Christianity. At the Cross, Jesus Christ died for our sins, took our life of iniquity and infirmity and gave us His own life of purity and prosperity. To downplay the Power of the Cross is to miss the power of Christianity. Now, one thing that happened at the Cross of Calvary was that Jesus took our poverty and gave us His prosperity. At the Cross, there was an exchange of our poverty with Jesus’ Prosperity. Jesus took our poverty and gave us His prosperity; He took our scarcity and gave us His abundance. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says, For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. The burden of poverty is lifted at the Cross of Calvary. Beloved, the exchange that took place at the Cross is an overwhelming reality. Please get this truth and do not forget as long as you live: you are not permitted to suffer what Christ had already suffered or carry what He had already carried on your behalf at Calvary. Make up your mind to refuse to be poor. Your heritage in Christ is prosperity, not poverty. Remember this: Jesus took our poverty and gave us His prosperity; He took our scarcity and gave us His abundance. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 24th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Always remember that at the Cross of Calvary, your poverty was exchanged for Christ’s prosperity. Reject poverty and embrace prosperity. PRAYER: Lord, thank You for liberating me from poverty at the Cross of Calvary. I connect Your Blessings to access my prosperity, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: UNDERSTANDING DIVINE HEALTH. QUOTE: The man who spends everything is a permanent candidate for poverty. The woman who spends everything is never a candidate for the blessings of God. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 1 Samuel 8-11. AMAZING FACT: Honey is the only foodstuff that contains all of the necessary nutrients to sustain life. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I pray that every exchange that was carried out at Calvary on your behalf becomes real in your life in this season in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 23 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 23rd February 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 23rd February 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 23rd February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- The Word: A Guarantee Of Effective Prayer Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 23rd February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word: A Guarantee Of Effective Prayer Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word: A Guarantee Of Effective Prayer More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word: A Guarantee Of Effective Prayer Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 23rd February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: The Word: A Guarantee Of Effective Prayer Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 23 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 23 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips. Hosea 14:2. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A steady diet of the Word of God guarantees strength in prayer and fasting. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 The Word of God has been confirmed to be a major source of strength for the child of God. In fact, the Word of God is the strength of the child of God. Now, what is the implication of the Word of God being the strength of the child of God? A steady diet of the Word guarantees strength in prayer and fasting. A steady diet of the Word of God guarantees strength in prayer and fasting. The Word is a trigger for spiritual exercises, which in turn guarantee spiritual health and vibrancy. A Worded person is a spiritually vibrant person. He is not weak in prayer and fasting. He is not weak in spiritual exercises. Every time you are weak in prayer and fasting, it means your Word level is going down. Hosea 14:2 says, Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips. Those who carry the Word of God don’t leave God alone. The Word of God pushes them into prayer and fasting. You need the Word of God to turn to God. You see, one reason why you have not turned to God is because you lack the Word of God. You lack what to say to God when you go to God. You lack the revelation that should fuel your intercession; you lack the revelation that should fuel your supplication; you lack the revelation that should fuel your petition. Consistent revelation commands consistent communion. You are drawn to God permanently when there is a permanent flow of what to tell God or share with Him. Remember this: A steady diet of the Word of God guarantees strength in prayer and prayer. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 23rd February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Always take the Word and turn to God in prayer. Make up your mind to study and obey the Word of God always. PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to study Your Word always. Help me to derive strength from Your Word, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: ACCESSING THE TREASURES OF THE WORD. QUOTE: Your words are your seeds; they determine your harvest. Culled from “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: 1 Samuel 4-7. AMAZING FACT: Honey bees have 170 odorant receptors, and have a sense of smell 50 times more powerful than a dog. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive a fresh appetite of the Word of God like never before in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 23 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 14th February 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 14th February 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 14th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- The Power Of The Communion Bread And Wine Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 14th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Power Of The Communion Bread And Wine Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Power Of The Communion Bread And Wine More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Power Of The Communion Bread And Wine Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 14th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: The Power Of The Communion Bread And Wine Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 14 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 14 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; Matthew 26:26-27. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The communion is necessary both for the preservation and healing of God’s people. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 Sometime ago, a young lady, who is a member of our church, was travelling from one place to another, and decided to take the Communion Bread and Wine. Something terrible happened in the course of that journey: The vehicle she boarded had an accident, and she was the only survivor. What happened that she alone survived the accident? She took the Holy Communion, and declared, “I shall not die on this journey” before embarking on the journey. Another sister also testified in church of how the Holy Communion stopped mass deaths of fishes in her fish farm. She said her fishes were dying anyhow in her farm. So, she drained out the water in the fish pond, refilled it with fresh water, and served the fishes the Holy Communion. She said that was the end of the mass deaths; no fish died again. You see, the Communion is necessary both for the preservation and healing of God’s people. A brother in church also testified of how the application of the Communion of Escape and the Oil of Preservation miraculously preserved his office from being burnt after the entire building caught fire. He said on the fateful day, the building suddenly caught fire and got burnt. However, miraculously, his own office was not burnt beyond the floor. Another miracle, he said, was that even though the floor was burnt, his documents that were on the floor were not burnt while other people’s documents on the floor were burnt. So, he did not only escape the fire, his documents also escaped being burnt, all by the power of the Holy Communion and the Anointing Oil. You see, there is power in the Communion and the Anointing. When you connect with the mysteries of God in the Communion and the Anointing Oil, everything about you shall escape any disaster programmed by the enemy against you. Remember this: The communion is necessary both for the preservation and healing of God’s people. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 14th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Go through today’s message again. Always endeavour to take the Communion Bread and Wine as token of your Divine health and preservation. PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for showing me the power of the communion wine and bread. I receive the grace to take it always, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: CHANNELS OF DIVINE HEALING AND HEALTH. QUOTE: What you got by a devotion to the study of the Word can be maintained by that same devotion. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Joshua 17-20. AMAZING FACT: The bee’s brain is oval in shape and about the size of a sesame seed, yet it has a remarkable capacity to learn and remember things. For example, it is able to make complex calculations on distance travelled and foraging efficiency. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I decree the seal of preservation on your life today in Jesus’ Name. You shall fulfil your days in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 14 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others. God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 13th February 2023 daily devotional
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Seeds Of destiny 13th February 2023 daily devotional SEEDS OF DESTINY 13th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- THE GOD-FIRST MENTALITY: A KEY TO EXCELLENCE Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 13th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | THE GOD-FIRST MENTALITY: A KEY TO EXCELLENCE Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | THE GOD-FIRST MENTALITY: A KEY TO EXCELLENCE More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | THE GOD-FIRST MENTALITY: A KEY TO EXCELLENCE Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 13th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: THE GOD-FIRST MENTALITY: A KEY TO EXCELLENCE Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 13 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 13 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The God-first mentality or Kingdom addiction is the most important key to existence in distinction and excellence. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: The Scripture makes it clear that God’s Will for His children is to exist in excellence and distinction (Matthew 5:14-16). Now, existence in excellence and distinction means existence in high honour and reputation. This is the reason why people who get distinction grade in school are enlisted in the book of honour. Now, to exist in distinction and excellence is to live a life of massive impact and exploit to an extent that your name is enlisted in both God’s and men’s book of honour. To exist in distinction and excellence means to exist as an honourable personality and a profitable citizen of the earth. It means you are not living as a liability. It is living as a generational blessing, and not a burden. Beloved, it is very important to know that existence in excellence and distinction requires the God-first mentality. The God-first mentality is a principal key of existence in distinction and excellence. The God-first mentality or Kingdom addiction is the most important key to existence in distinction and excellence. It is living a life of dedication to God and His Kingdom that distinguishes people on earth and sets them apart from their peers. What God uses to make His children stand out in life is the God-first mentality or addiction and dedication to the cause of the Kingdom. To exist in excellence and distinction, you must be addicted to God the way some people are addicted to cocaine, marijuana or alcohol. When you are addicted to God, you are high, not on cocaine or Indian hemp, but on the Most High. Being high on the Most High is the highest form of getting high. It is a form of dedication that makes you totally sold out to God. Remember this: The God-first mentality or Kingdom addiction is the most important key to existence in distinction and excellence. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 13th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Make up your mind to live a life of excellence and distinction. 2. Be addicted to God and His Kingdom. PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I receive the grace to be totally and unconditionally addicted and dedicated to You, Lord in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: DEFINING EXCELLENCE AND DISTINCTION QUOTE: God will bless people who have an unmistakable identity – GOD FIRST! They are known by that anywhere. There is no confusion. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Joshua 13-16. AMAZING FACT: A colony of bees consists of 20,000-60,000 honey bees and one queen. Worker honey bees are female, live for about 6 weeks and do all the work. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord place on you the stamp of distinction as you walk in total dedication to Him in this season in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 13 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 12th February 2023 daily devotional - A Matter Of Mentality
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Seeds Of destiny 12th February 2023 daily devotional - A Matter Of Mentality SEEDS OF DESTINY 12th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- A Matter Of Mentality Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 12th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | A Matter Of Mentality Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | A Matter Of Mentality More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | A Matter Of Mentality Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 11th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: A Matter Of Mentality Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 12 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 12 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Proverbs 23:7 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Real wealth begins by mental renovation while scarcity is a product of mental bankruptcy. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: The Scripture makes it clear that one way God expands His Kingdom is through the prosperity of His people (Zechariah 1:17). Therefore, God is delighted in the prosperity of His servants because when His servants prosper, His Kingdom also prospers (Psalm 35:27). In our study today, we shall look at the fact that both prosperity and poverty are products of mentality. Poverty is not the absence of money and wealth is not the presence of money. A person is not poor because he lacks money and a person is not rich because he has money. Money will not make a poor man rich and the absence of money will not make a rich man poor. Poverty and prosperity are products of mentality. Those who are poor lack a certain mentality and those who are wealthy have a certain mentality. Proverbs 23:7 says, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…’ There is no amount of money that you give a man who is bankrupt of mentality that can make him rich. I have seen people who got into political offices and became wealthy overnight, and also became paupers overnight after leaving the office, all because of bankruptcy of mentality. That is why many politicians struggle to remain in office for life because they cannot survive outside the office. You see, real wealth begins by mental renovation while scarcity is a product of mental bankruptcy. My counsel for you today is, make up your mind to renew your mind. Upgrade your mentality and your financial status will also be upgraded. Remember this: Real wealth begins by mental renovation while scarcity is a product of mental bankruptcy. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 12th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Refuse to live the low life of mental bankruptcy. Make up your mind to renew your mind with the Word and revolutionize your financial life. PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to renew my mind always with Your Word. Deliver me from the bankruptcy of mentality, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: FINANCIAL WISDOM QUOTE: Our mentality must change to the understanding that the purpose of money is not expenditure but multiplication. Money comes into your hand for multiplication. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Joshua 9-12 AMAZING FACT: The natural fruit sugars in honey – fructose and glucose – are quickly digested by the body. This is why sportsmen and athletes use honey to give them a natural energy boost. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I pray that the Lord grant you the right mentality in matters of financial resources in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 12 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 11th February 2023 daily devotional - Guided By Prophetic Covering
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Seeds Of destiny 11th February 2023 daily devotional - Guided By Prophetic Covering SEEDS OF DESTINY 11th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Guided By Prophetic Covering Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 11th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Guided By Prophetic Covering Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Guided By Prophetic Covering More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Guided By Prophetic Covering Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 11th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Guided By Prophetic Covering Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 11 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 11 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: Then the Lord led his people out of Egypt by a prophet, who guided and protected them. Hosea 12:13-14 (TLB) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Who you hear determines who hears you; who you listen to determines who listens to you. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: In life, it is very important to know that direction determines destiny. To reach where you are going, you must know where you are going, and how to get there. You see, to be under solid direction and instruction is to be guaranteed a solid destiny. That is why anybody who is too big to be instructed or directed is too small to fulfil destiny. Some people are so proud and arrogant that they receive instruction or correction from nobody. They are missing their way in life, yet, they would not ask. They keep telling themselves, “I shall find it myself.” When you try to help and ask them, “Where are you going?” They would tell you, “Don’t worry. Relax. I will find my way.” And by the time they reach the wrong destination, they would realise that they had wasted their time and opportunities. Now, one way God leads or guide His people is by giving them pastors and prophets (Jeremiah 3:15). You see, a young lady who refused to be instructed by her pastor, some seventeen years ago, may remain unmarried today because of her refusal to be guided. Her pastor might have tried to instruct her, “Please come let me talk to you”, but she refused to listen to the pastor. And so, she remained a single lady instead of being married because of her arrogance. The truth is, who you hear determines who hears you; who you listen to determines who listens to you. There are people who come to church and listen to the message with one ear, and the word goes out through the other ear. If you don’t want to miss road in life, you must identify who will talk to you; you must settle down to identify your prophet. Remember this: Who you hear determines who hears you; who you listen to determines who listens to you. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 11th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Locate your prophet if you have not done so. Make up your mind to submit totally to your prophet and obey God’s Word through your prophet. PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to both identify and submit to my prophet. I receive the grace to obey every instruction from Your servant, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: TWENTY DESTINY CAPSULES QUOTE: The prophet exists, among other reasons, for the preservation of the people. Culled from “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Joshua 5-8 AMAZING FACT: The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by man. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: I speak direction and guidance over your life and destiny in this season in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 11 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 10th February 2023 daily devotional - The Word And The Presence Of God
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Seeds Of destiny 10th February 2023 daily devotional - The Word And The Presence Of God SEEDS OF DESTINY 10th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- The Word And The Presence Of God Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 10th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word And The Presence Of God Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word And The Presence Of God More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | The Word And The Presence Of God Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 10th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: The Word And The Presence Of God Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 10 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 10 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh: for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. 1 Samuel 3:21. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you see a worded person, you feel God’s Presence. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: It has been established that the Word of God is critical to destiny fulfilment. The Word of God gives us access to the Voice of God; and the Voice of God is key to destiny fulfilment. Now, there is also a connection between the Word of God and the Presence of God. The Word of God connects one to God’s Presence. The Presence of God is in His Word. 1 Samuel 3:21 says, And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh: for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. So, when God’s Word comes, God Himself appears. The Word of God connects one to God’s Presence, that is, the Presence of God is in His Word. Anywhere God’s Word is, His Presence is also there. This is why John 1:1-5 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Every time you see a worded person, you feel God. God’s Word carries the same power as the Presence of God. So, when you see a worded person, you feel God’s Presence. For example, when you hang around people like Papa E. A. Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Kenneth Copeland, you just feel God’s Presence around them because they are worded people. My counsel is, load yourself with the Word and God’s Presence will continue to abide with you. Remember this: When you see a worded person, you feel God’s Presence. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 10th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Make up your mind to prioritize the Word of God. Meditate on the Word and store it in your heart (Luke 2:52). PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace and discipline to both study and meditate on Your Word. I access Your Presence as I meditate on Your Word, Lord in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: DEDICATION TO PRAYER AND THE WORD QUOTE: The truth of the Word is the shield of man. Culled from “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Joshua 1-4. AMAZING FACT: Emperor penguins are the world’s biggest penguins, and they trek 50–120 km (31–75 m) across the Antarctic to reach breeding colonies. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord grant you unusual access into His Word in this season in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 10 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 8th February 2023 daily devotional - THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY
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Seeds Of destiny 8th February 2023 daily devotional - THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY SEEDS OF DESTINY 8th February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 8th February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 8th February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: THE FORCES THAT POWER GREAT DESTINY Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 8 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 8 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: Isaiah 37:31 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The buoyancy of your relationship with God determines the vibrancy of your life on earth. Progress with God is progress indeed. It has been confirmed that every product on earth is made of a combination of forces, factors, raw materials, or organs. For example, in the university system, you have various departments or units. You have the vice chancellor who oversees the entire university. You have the registrar, the accounting and bursary staff; other academic and non-academic staff, etc. Everything works together in synergy to ensure the university system functions effectively. In the same manner, some factors or forces must be in place for a person’s destiny to be fulfilled. Now, what are these factors or forces? i. The force of spirituality (Isaiah 37:31). How far you go with God determines how far you can go in life. The buoyancy of your relationship with God determines the vibrancy of your life on earth. Progress with God is progress indeed. You cannot lag behind in life when you go far with God. ii. The force of mentality (Prov. 23:7). Mentality sets the pace for destiny. It is the pacesetter for destiny. The mind of a man determines his limits in life. Where the mind stops working, life stops working. The reason why the life of a mad man does not work is because his mind is not working. What goes on in your mind affects what goes through your life. iii. The force of potentiality (Matthew 25:14-15). Potential is the food for destiny. Between your current position and your destination is the potential you deploy. Your capability will affect your manifestation and outcome on earth. Beloved, I counsel you to prioritize each of the outlined forces of destiny above and your life will take a new turn positively. Remember this: The buoyancy of your relationship with God determines the vibrancy of your life on earth. Progress with God is progress indeed. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 8th February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNEMNTS: 1. Take your relationship with God very seriously. 2. Renew your mind always with God’s Word; think big and see far. 3. Discover, develop and deploy your potentials. PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to prioritize my relationship with You. Help me to renew my mindset with Your Word, and maximally deploy my potentials, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: FORCES OF DESTINY (PART 2) QUOTE: No man ever lives to reach his destiny if his focus is on how to outdo or undo another person. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr (Pst) Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Deuteronomy 27-30. AMAZING FACT: The eagle’s eye is among the strongest in the animal kingdom, with eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than that of the average human. An eagle is said to be able to spot a rabbit 3.2 kilometres (2 miles) away. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to fulfil your destiny by the deployment of the forces of destiny in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 8 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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adedots · 2 years
Seeds Of destiny 3rd February 2023 daily devotional - Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses
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Seeds Of destiny 3rd February 2023 daily devotional - Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses SEEDS OF DESTINY 3rd February 2023 DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Pastor Paul Enenche -- Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 3rd February 2023 Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses Seeds of Destiny for today February 2023 Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses More Of Seeds Of Destiny Messages Here Seed of Destiny for today Sod Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre | Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 3rd February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
TOPIC: Temporary Gains And Permanent Losses Seed of Destiny for today Daily Devotional Pastor Paul Enenche Of Dunamis International Gospel Centre You May Also like: Seeds of destiny December 2022 daily devotional Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Channels of divine health by Pastor Paul Enenche Seeds of Destiny for today 3 February 2023 Daily Devotional You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional connection between sin & sickness by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages You May Also like: Seeds of destiny 7th December 2022 daily devotional -- Keys, indispensable necessity to life by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also Read: Yesterday's seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here
Seeds of Destiny 3 February 2023 Daily Devotional for today
MESSAGE: SCRIPTURE: So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. With Joseph there, he didn’t worry about a thing—except what kind of food to eat! Genesis 39:1 (NLT) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is possible to make temporary gains and end up with permanent losses both in this world and in the world to come. Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE: In life, it is very important to know that the extent to which you are trusted determines the extent you can be entrusted. This means, the extent to which you are trusted by God and man is a major factor in determining your level of entrustment by both God and man. Opportunity, most times, is a product of trust. Our anchor Scripture reveals that Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he (Potiphar) had. With Joseph there, he didn’t worry about a thing—except what kind of food to eat. Potiphar gave Joseph everything and no penny missed. You know, there are two major evils on earth today – the evil of mammon and the evil of immorality. Many people trade on human beings or sell human parts because of money. There are many lecturers that no matter what you write in their courses, you would not pass their examinations until you bribe them. However, it is possible to make temporary gains and end up with permanent losses both in this world and in the world to come. If you doubt me, ask Adam, who ate the fruit he was asked not to eat and lost a whole garden. When Adam ate the fruit he was forbidden to eat, he lost a whole garden with fruits he was licensed to eat. Similarly, Esau got the food for a moment but he lost his birth right and his blessings forever. Gehazi also suffered a similar fate – he took the money he was not supposed to touch and acquired generational leprosy. Judas Iscariot’s story was another disastrous case. He was the treasurer of the Ministry of Jesus Christ. He kept on stealing money from the bag. Nobody told him anything until he decided to sell the Master, Jesus Christ, just to get money. He lost his place, both on earth and in heaven. Beloved, determine never to be like Esau, Gehazi or Judas Iscariot. Remember this: It is possible to make temporary gains and end up with permanent losses both in this world and in the world to come. You May Also Read: Seeds of destiny 22nd December 2022 - The battles of destiny You May Also Read: DCLM for today 7th December 2022 - Stay at your duty post Also Read: Seed of destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche here You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Power of the Word by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- The place of discovery in destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- Sin the root of generational curse by Pastor Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny 3rd February 2023 Daily Devotional
You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional -- being a person of conviction by Pastor Paul Enenche ASSIGNMENTS: Refuse to make mammon or money your sole pursuit in life. Be contented with what you have. Seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the grip of mammon. Help me to seek first Your Kingdom Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: WISDOM FROM THE LIFE OF JOSEPH (2) QUOTE: If you are going to reign in this life as a king, one of the major ways you will do that is by the power of character and integrity. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr (Pst) Paul Enenche. DAILY READING: Deuteronomy 7-10 AMAZING FACT: Elephants have large ears that contain a complex network of blood vessels that help to regulate body temperature. The average ear of a male African Elephant weighs over 100 pounds. PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive wisdom not to make temporary gains and then end with permanent losses in Jesus’ Name. You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional Tragedy of ingratitude by Pastor Paul Enenche You May Also like: Seeds of destiny daily devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche Click here for More Of Seeds Of Destiny daily devotional Messages
Seeds of Destiny 3 February 2023 Daily Devotional
Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche You can call the following numbers for counselling : +234-803-3144-509 234-803-320-0320 or Email: [email protected] God bless you Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others.  God bless you More Of Seed Of Destiny Messages Here This (Seeds of Destiny) Daily devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.
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