#Social bookmarking 2021
slythereen · 11 months
Hello there!
I’m new to f1 and Lestappen.
Is there a Charles and Max master post somewhere with their history? I keep hearing about the social media unfollowing and podium walk off and want all the tea and timelines.
Basically all I know about is the inchident.
Many thanks!
hello and welcome!! my scholarship (read: obsessively reblogging things or bookmarking them thinking i'll actually find them again later) tends to be VERY chaotic, but i know there are definitely compilations out there. i've read some great ones.
nini (@scuderiafemboy) has a LOT of lore content on tumblr and twitter & does a lot of translating of dutch interviews/manages to unearth old interviews all the time. the twitter thread of threads covers 2018 through june 2023! she also compiled some of the database on tumblr here.
@chibrary archives interviews, articles, etc., in glorious fashion. this is charles centric but naturally charles' history intersects with max's so there are some good pieces in there, like this 2015 article on the lestappen rivalry in karting. the #driver:max tag provides a lot of golden content (such as extended lore on the inchident!).
marginally related, but dani (lecstappens on twitter) once posted the video of max and charles being scolded and warned to behave themselves during the race following the inchident. one of my favorite pieces of lestappen info frankly... demon children. (also on posted by @il-predestinato on tumblr here. who, btw, is a gold mine of lestappen content.)
well, as long as i'm adding some favorite gems while i try to find the specific post i'm looking for... the lestappen singapore flag moment is my roman empire. i am also haunted by the awkward weather convo video. which i know is out there, but i am going crazy trying to find it.
i decided to just commit to the moments list, so here is charles drinking red bull gate 2023 (courtesy of @countingstars-17)
charles asking the tifosi to stop booing max at monza this year (@il-predestinato seriously has so much content)
this excerpt of max's manager talking about charles (@blueballsracing)
if i don't stop myself i will be here all year
more mini compilations !!
@hyacinthsdiamonds once produced a nice list of the ridiculous lore around lestappen that sounds made up
some 2021 specific "best moments" compiled by @coconutshygame
there is one post i am thinking of that touched on their wild lore/destined f1 rivalry etc. but i can't find it now so stay tuned 🫡
also, for some theorizing on the most recent lestappen debacles and what it all means with ferrari/rbr and a potential charles to rbr (ot charles to more power at ferrari) move:
@tsarinablogs is a Scholar™ with lovely essays
@valyrfia has an addition to the marketing mayhem
i recently compiled my unhinged #rbr-ferrari sticker war content to advocate for rbr charles here, which was added to by this anon with banger points
personally i use #rbr charles for the theorizing and delulu hours, but i think #lestappen rbr and #lestappen gate 2023 are also prime hunting ground for rbr specific lore
anyone who has info to share pls do ❤️ i know i'm missing loads of scholarship that is lost in the pits of my unorganized blog
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peachpety · 9 months
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Upon reflecting this past year, I’m reminded of one area as a fandom citizen that i am lacking - reading fic. And so was born an idea to canvas my fandom family and friends to share with me a fic they've written, art they've created, a podfic they've recorded in 2023 of which they are most proud.
This two part 'rec yourself' list is the result.
Part One features Drarry creations (heavily featured since that's my OTP). Part Two (here) includes a kick-ass mix of various HP ships and ships from other fandoms, including Carry On, Check Please!, Good Omens, Teen Wolf, and Stranger Things. Also, and most importantly, each entry presents a smol blurb from the creator about why they chose their particular piece as their 2023 favorite.
For ease in reading, I've also placed all submitted works posted to AO3 into a filterable bookmark collection, Rec Yourself 2023. Be aware that there's a range of ratings and archive/creator tags, so please, take appropriate responsibility for your personal consumption. And please also be sure to shower the creators with kudos and lovely comments.
Y'all. This endeavor has been a fucking blast. One thing's for sure, I am blessed, humbled and honored to know a whole bunch of fantastic, brilliant, fun folks. Big love to you all, and thank you for participating.
So go forth. Indulge and enjoy! xo peach
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✩ @pato-roldnart ✩ Quiet as a mouse HP | Viktor Krum x Ron Weasely | ART | G rating | Unleashed!Fest 2023 I'm quite proud of this one, I don't know how I made it, I had never drawn them before! My mind went full "oh yeah ronvik " Also, I like the idea of them bonding over their pets and Ron seeing that Viktor cares about something else that is not Quidditch.
✩ @tontonguetonks ✩ Coffee and a Croissant HP Next Gen | Scorpius x Albus | 903 FIC | G rating There are parts of myself and my lived experience in every story and character I write—how I socialize, how I take my coffee… I can’t help it. In *Coffee and a Croissant*, I put a lot of myself in my ace and autistic Albus. He is very dear to me in this story, and in my Fizzy Lifting Drinks drabble. The fic is just a toe-dip in the Soulmate waters where Albus grapples with what to do if he is someone’s Soulmate, but they’re not his. Parts 2 and 3 are in the works, but there is no timeline on either of them. Maybe in 2024?
✩ @crazybutgood ✩ I Bloom Pink For You HP | Narcissa Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson | 993 FIC + ORIGAMI COMIC | M rating | HP Bodice Ripper Fest 2023 This whole idea came about because I got so excited to fold a corset for hp bodice ripper fest, realised I couldn't just submit that one thing, and started brainstorming more loose ideas. It all clicked together when I was inspired by a fic by @schmem14, whose writing I adore. I was so grateful and even more excited when Em gave permission to make this. From there started the self-indulgent process of folding fancy things with fancier papers for this origami comic, and I couldn't have done it without Em and my lovely support team.
✩ @seekercass ✩ Something Cosmic HP | Cedric x Draco x Harry | 1.7k FIC | M rating | Polyship Week 2022 A self-rec that I am still extremely proud of is a short fic written for Polyshipping Week 2022 called Something Cosmic. It's a small coda to Something Good to Always Keep, another fic that I wrote for Quidditch Fest 2021 that I cherish very much. Even though writing is still hard for me these days, I often think about this 'verse and what life is like for Harry, Draco and Cedric after they graduated from Oxford. These three and slice of life bring me such joy. I hope to write more of them.
✩ @roseharpermaxwell ✩ Sounds Worth It HP | Hermione x Draco | 5k FIC | T rating | D/Hr Advent 2023 Being nominated for d/hr advent was a sweet surprise. It gave me a good excuse to remember how to write and the nudge I needed to create something this year.
✩ @basicallyahedgehog ✩ (They) Keep Me Warm HP | Hermione x Harry x Ron | 5.8k FIC | E rating | HP Trans Fest 2023 This was my transfest fic - I wrote it as a love letter to all my trans and Enby friends and as a way of processing some of my own feelings. It’s my first (and so far only) foray into poly golden trio and I loved playing with their dynamics with that added layer to their relationship.
✩ @lumosatnight ✩ For I Have Found Salvation HP | Harry x Severus | 7.1k FIC | E rating | Snarry AUctoberfest 2023 Although this is a smut fic at its core, I tried really hard to make the pacing flow, bringing in background characters, and creating memorable imagery. I am very proud of how it turned out. However, this is probably my favorite fic from 2023 simply for the fact that I had the most fun writing it!
✩ @sugareey-makes-stuff ✩ Feel You Breathing Teen Wolf | Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski | 8.4k TEXTING FIC | E rating | 2023 Year of the OTP This is my fav 2023 piece because I learned how to create a custom text message AO3 skin, stylize things for plain text reading, and I wrote a whole story  that had some plot that was told through text messages. Also, I did not know I could achieve so much spiciness and throw in so many bad pick-up lines through this medium, but hey, the more you know! XD
✩ @schmem14 ✩ Mastermind HP | Harry x Ron; Draco x Harry; Ron x Draco | 10.7k FIC | E rating | Dronarry Fest 2023 This is one of the few times a story just flew out of me. Possessive stalker Draco sets out to win over Ron in this creepy thriller, but there’s a catch: Ron is already in love with Draco’s boyfriend, Harry.
✩ @drwhoisginnyholmes & @fledglinger ✩ Not Bad, For A 6000 Year Old Classic! Good Omens | Aziraphale x Crowley | 11.8k FIC + ART | E rating | DIWS Reverse! Reverse! Mini Bang
✩ @sniperjade ✩ The Sounds of Us HP Marauders | Regulus x Remus | 20.4k FIC | M rating | Remus Lupin Fest 2023; HPFC Spring Fling 2023 I've been thinking about this for a couple of days and whilst I would really love to say it was the drarry I wrote for this fest last year my favourite would have to be this moonseeker I wrote for Remus Lupin Fest last year. It's my favourite because I lived this fic. It became the entirety of my personality for a whole month because I desperately needed to get to the chapter where Regulus was riding on Padfoots back, through the forbidden forest, with only the light of the full moon to guide them, just to try and help Remus. It's also just because it's very musical and I'm very musical so that makes me love it all the more.
✩ @ghaniblue ✩ Sleeping With Ghosts HP | Regulus x Draco x Harry | 21.9k FIC | M rating | Harry Potter Rare Pair Fest IV I posted a Regulus/Harry/Draco fic last month that I'm very fond of. I started writing it more than 1 1/2 years ago, before I ever read a single Regulus fic. It's triad fic, and I'm pretty proud of the way the individual relationships develop. That was important to me, and I think I succeeded. Posting the first fic on ao3 with this triad tag doesn't hurt either.
✩ @celilasart & @wolfspurr ✩ Shifted Teen Wolf | Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski | 25k FIC + ART | T rating | Sterek Reverse Bang This work was created for sterek reverse bang, a collaboration fest where the artists create first and the writers write second. wolfspurr and I just clicked when we talked about my art and the things that it inspired in their writer brain ;D the result is just an amazingly sweet and wholesome fic, that is still set in the teenwolf universe as we know it. but unlike many other fics which are full of violence and danger, this one starts with a bang and then it is a beautifully woven story of two people who just complete each other. also... the working title for my art was: tiny fox & sour wolf.
✩ @orange-peony ✩ At the speed of light Carry On | Basilton Pitch x Simon Snow | 26.3k FIC | E rating I picked [this fic] because I had a lot of fun writing it! It started off as a drabble and ended up 26k because I just had a blast writing it and the fandom support was so lovely. Last but not least, Pato made an absolutely stunning art piece for this fic, and it was the best present ever.
✩ @wynnyfryd ✩ i don’t know, you figure it out Stranger Things | Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson | 35.4k WIP FIC | E rating bragging about yourself is difficult, but i’ll just say it’s my favorite because i’m proud of myself for sticking to one project for this long, i love all the artwork the fic has inspired, and i just think the line “the river styx must taste like pennies” fucks severely lmao.
✩ @decaflondonfog ✩ growing pains Check Please! | Eric Bittle x Kent Parson | 50k FIC | T rating i am not usually a long fic gal, which i think is in part lack of patience, but also how attached i get to a universe if i’m working on it for a longer period of time. i finished writing this back in june but this fic felt very “me” in many ways and i think about them so often still  so it’s definitely my 2023 creation i’m proudest of!
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fairuzfan · 9 months
By the way, you may have heard this, but shaun king's ig account got suspended.
This is probably your dream come true, but this still means palestinian posts disappearing from social media by the whims of meta. Also this happened after when mohamed al-kurd's twitter got banned. And after motaz said his ig got shadowbanned to hell and high waters... Is meta now progressing on the purge? What do we do?
I mean it's not my dream come true haha but I do hope people stop listening to him at least as an authority since he's a grifter who steals money.
The issue is for twitter, it's a separate company and the algorithm works differently than FB and IG. For Instagram, I know that saving/bookmarking posts will help, and sending posts that you think are important to people. I actually have always found the main feed on instagram annoying and just go to people's individual accounts to see if they updated so I would recommend doing that consistently.
For example, you could go to Bisan's account, then Anat International, then Motaz, then whoever else you want to check in on and like+share their posts.
For FB, I honestly don't know how to counter it that much. I remember in 2021, during Sheikh Jarrah and the May war on Gaza, I tried to post something with just the word "Palestine" and it straight up deleted the post right away. So like, intentional deletion based on a word. I haven't been on FB much since then so I don't know what it's like right now but it sounds like not much has changed.
I heard of 7amleh, which documents censorship of Palestinian speech online. You might wanna check them out, thought they're fairly new so I'm not sure what it is they do exactly.
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gggoldfinch · 8 months
Hiiii! What are your favorite fics of all time? And favorite books?
(I'm in need of reading material 👀)
OHHH MY GOD okay ! I’m SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!!! This is going to be an INSANE and comprehensive list crossing multiple fandoms/ genres. Everything will be on ao3, but some authors are also my tumblr mutuals or friends so I’ll tag them too. Regular books will be at the end!!!
Important Notes: these won’t be ordered according to preference, just as they come to mind/as I go thru my bookmarks; I’ll group the fandoms together. There will be a mix of oneshots & multichap, finished & unfinished, mostly xReader with some xOC. I do fancy darkfics, dead doves, and otherwise questionable material, but for the sake of social affability I won’t add anything that is too dark, and will give adequate warnings if it verges on being so; keep in mind all of these have their own specific ao3 tags to heed, remember the golden rule: don’t like don’t read!
By The Light of The Second Moon by @eloquentmoon: Star Wars, Darth Maul/reader, unfinished multichap, canon typical violence
Snacks of Dathomir by Kuraiummei: Star Wars, Opress Bros/Mando!reader, unfinished multichap, crackfic adjacent in that it’s largely about cooking + Mand’o language
Longing by sharknadoslut: Star Wars, Darth Maul/ reader, oneshot, power imbalance
Solicitude by @shiversdownyerspine: TUA, The Swedes/powered!reader, unfinished multichap, canon-typical weirdness
this is a gift (it comes with a price) by moonlightserenades: Ghost, Cardinal Copia/reader, unfinished multichap
I Knew Nothing But Shadows by @writingjourney: Ghost, Papa IV (Copia)/ reader, unfinished multichap
Friday Nights at the Vinothek by @writingjourney: Ghost, vampire!Papa II (Secondo)/human!reader, oneshot, vampire-typical bloodiness
Lapine by @bjorntobemild: Fargo, Ole Munch/reader, complete multichap, canon-typical violence & weirdness
The Price of Vengeance by Mighty_Peacock & Prickly_Panda: AVP, yautja/human!oc, unfinished multichap, canon-typical violence, obligatory monsterfuckery, Dead Doveish
The Shadow in the Valley by frogonalog: AVP, yautja/human!oc, complete multichap, canon-typical violence, obligatory monsterfuckery
the soft blue of a pale moon by dachande: AVP, yautja/human, oneshot, canon-typical violence, dub/noncon elements, obligatory monsterfuckery
electric by squilf: Alien, Bishop/ reader, oneshot, soft & sweet, obligatory robotfuckery
Breaking Bread by SS_Shitstorm: Transformers Prime, Megatron/human!reader (plus some other shenanigans), unfinished multichap, crackfic adjacent in that it’s largely about questionable chemistry, slightly more violent than canon, obligatory robotfuckery
Sweet by RandomFangirlX3: Transformers Prime, Starscream/human!reader, oneshot, obligatory robotfuckery
Who I Used to Be by TheNaiveMuse: Transformers Prime, humanized!Starscream/human!reader, unfinished multichap, verges on bodyhorror?
the beast that you know by ghoulstly: OFF, Batter/reader, oneshot
Rest for the Wicked by Korpuskat: Halloween, Michael Myers/reader, complete multichap, canon-typical violence, Dead Dove
Put a Pin in It by charCUTIErie: Hellraiser, Pinhead/ OC, unfinished multichap, canon-typical violence & bdsm elements, Dead Dove
The Mountain by TheMusicalHermit: Overwatch, unfinished multichap, Jamison Fawkes/reader, canon-typical insanity
Soft Ribs by @0lemunch (bisquik on ao3): Snow White & the Huntsman, Finn/ OC, oneshot, Dead Dove
More Deadly by @0lemunch (bisquik on ao3): Fargo, Ole Munch/ OC, completed multichap, canon-typical violence
Ginger Snaps by @feralghouls (bisqik on ao3): Fallout (Prime), Cooper Howard (The Ghoul)/ ghoul!OC, oneshot, Dead Dove
janey’s dad by @ghoulphile: Fallout (Prime), prewar!Cooper Howard/ babysitter!reader, unfinished oneshot
The Interrogation by TheFlorescentElsewhere: Dune (2021), Piter de Vries/ OC, incomplete multichap, canon-typical mindfuckery, Dead Doveish
The Hound and the Little Thief by Seoness: Game of Thrones, Sandor Clegane/ OC, completed multichap, canon-typical shenanigans
That’s all I can think of for now, I’m glad to finally have a comprehensive list for myself to reference haha!
Now on to books:
Again, not ordered by preference. There will be a mix of novels, graphic novels, anthologies, academic books, and plays, of all different genres.
Dune by Frank Herbert
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (wrote part of my senior thesis on this one lol)
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Hellboy graphic novel series by Mike Mignola
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro & Daniel Kraus
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Idiot Verse poetry book by Keaton Henson
Women Writers in Renaissance England edited by Randall Martin
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Norton Anthology of English Literature books C-F
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Alien vs Predator: Ultimate Prey anthology (various authors)
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Low, Low Woods graphic novel by Carmen Maria Machado
Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazzterica
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin
Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey
Again, thank you SO MUCH for asking. This was lovely and wildly entertaining to put together ❤️ Inbox is always open if you’re looking for more recommendations!
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drivestraight · 4 months
do you have any rare pair fic recs?
(also the 5581 fic you're writing is phenomenal)
of course! rarepairs my love. also bumping my bookmarks where you can find all my general fic recs :)
i'm not really sure what constitutes as a rare pair atp esp bc most of these have max in them dsj;flksa but basically i'm thinking none of the popular ships:
be your temporary fix by steviethenarwhal -> lando/george, 5k. girl!george. they sleep together in singapore. ouchy and the characterization is so good. lando/george is just such. an interesting couple and the author writes them sooo well
the so-called narrative by antimonyandthyme -> oscar/carlos, 10k. fake friending! one of the original oscar/carlos fics. literally ahead of their time... soooooo good. a foundational text to me.
a very good dog by raregoose -> charles/lando, 20k. red bull!lando, merc!charles. literallyyyyyy so insane. affected me for days. like actually made me go craaazy
he wants to fuck that old(er) man by anon -> max/lewis, 2.5k. social media format. max accidentally comments on one of lewis' photos saying he wants to fuck that old man. literally so hilarious whenever i need a cheer up i reread this fic
the stick pins and the cottons by kaytheologie -> max/seb, 3.5k. post-abu dhabi 2021, red bull golden boy to golden boy... literally mindblowing. how do i make it feel real? you're gonna have to win again lives in my mind rent-free.
subjunctive history by sirius -> max/carlos, 80k. literally no words could describe the journey that this fic puts you on... no words could do it justice so just. Read it. This is a command.
and tysm! glad you're enjoying the fic :) hope you enjoy these fics too :)
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renlyslittlerose · 1 year
Last week was the one year anniversary of me posting my first obikin fic, and over the last year being a part of the fandom has brought me so much joy and happiness and enthusiasm once again. Some of you knew me before 2019 and were aware that I was working on my Masters in the Classics, which included a massive thesis. While working on the thesis I was also working part-time at the museum, as well as battling a few chronic illnesses - some of which still affect me today - all of which drained me physically and emotionally. When I had finished my thesis and graduated from the program I was well and truly burnt out. 
 2020 was rough for everyone, and I was contented to just exist without doing much of anything that could be seen as creatively productive. But then 2020 came and passed and I thought maybe I should get back on the saddle, and started working on my own original story. I fell off of social media, didn’t interact in fandom, and tried to grind out a story that wasn’t working like I had hoped it would. 2021 and I still wasn’t ‘feeling it’; I had gone from writing about 1-2k words a day to 500 words a week - if I was lucky. A part of me wondered if I was tapped out for good, that I didn’t have it in me anymore, and that my thesis was my last creative outlet - my last hooray.  I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but when you go from creating almost every day since you were sixteen years old, to suddenly believe that the well has run dry is terrifying. Maybe I was done for good - maybe I wouldn’t create something I was proud of.
And then Kenobi came out. I was a massive prequels fan since I was nine years old and the Phantom Menace came out, and an even bigger Darth Vader fan, but I had never interacted with the fandom in any meaningful way. I was contented to just watch the films and the shows and leave it at that. But as I was watching I had the epiphany that Obi-Wan and Anakin were actually ~roommates all along. I started reading obikin fic, came back on tumblr to see what sort of fandom there was, and suddenly found myself with ideas again, and a desire to create something. 
So I wrote my first fic ‘Sacred to the Gods’ based off of a thesis I wrote during my undergrad about the psychology of a Greek demigod. It took me about a week to write, but in that time I had a lot of fun - the words started to come more easily, the vibes were there, and the passion was slowly but surely returning. One fic turned into another, and then another, and suddenly I had written two multi-chaptered long-form fics, some shorter multi-chaptered ones, and a bunch of oneshots, all about our favourite duo. 
And in the that span of time, not only was I able to rediscover my passion for writing and feel inspired again, but I met so many amazing, incredible, kind, passionate, creative people who welcomed me with open arms. I was used to fandom being sort of a gate-keepy thing, where if you were the new kid in town it would take you a while to work your way into any circles. But it didn’t happen with this fandom. I went up to a few people, held out my macaroni art, and was overjoyed to see them take it and immediately put it up on their fridge.
There are a lot of people I want to thank, and I should thank, from those who read my stuff, those who send me asks on tumblr, those who bookmark and kudos and comment, and those who followed me, but there isn’t any space to do all that. So I hope that a general ‘THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU’ will suffice. Thank you for giving me my passion back, thank you for supporting me, thank you for being an awesome community that has it’s issues, but still cares deeply about the art they’re creating, and who care about fostering a community. 
However, there are a few people I would specifically like to address, because I don’t think this post would be complete without you. I’ll put it behind a cut because this post is already cumbersome:
@bi-wan || My beloved! You were the first person to follow me on tumblr after reading one of my fanfictions, and the first to reach out to me to be my friend. Thank you for reaching your hand out to me and dragging me into the fold. Because of you I’ve made so many good friends who I treasure dearly - including you. 🥰
@ragnarlothcat || I feel like you and Cam are a packaged deal, and so I thank you for being curious about me and checking out my work, and for allowing me to occupy both you and Cam’s comfy little raccoon haven. You’re so supportive, and your work was some of the first I read in the fandom which truly secured my desire to be a part of it. Thank you 💖
@intermundia || I’ve told you this before, but you were the first person I approached in the fandom when I decided I wanted to dip my toes into the experience, and your warmth and welcoming nature secured my desires to be a part of this group. The fact that you support my stories and are so passionate about it really fuels my desires to keep creating (as well as feeding my ego). Thank you for being such a good presence in the fandom.👑
@theseptemberist || I have a feeling that Will told you about me, and I am so glad that he did because we’ve struck up such a friendship that I can’t see myself without. Our chats on discord over the past few months have been wonderful in so many ways that are too innumerous to say here. Thank you for sharing your heart, and for being so kind and empathetic. And thank you for sharing your encyclopedic knowledge of fandom tea ☕
@unspuncreature || Just like Rag and Cam come as a team, you and Cal (and Wren, even though I’ve never spoken to her but feel like I know her) are the trio that delight and entertain. Thank you for your brilliant art and creativity, thank you for letting me bounce all my ideas off of you, and thank you for collaborating with me. You’re brilliant 💗
@kyberkenobi || Beyond the fact that your filthy brain inspires me and delights me, and the fact that you’re willing to goed me on when I come up with something that’s delightfully nasty, your maturity when it comes to fandom is refreshing. At the threat of sounding like a proud grandma, you’re still so young and yet you’ve got a lot of shit figured out - most importantly, that fandom is supposed to be for fun and write what you want to write. Can’t wait for us to finally collaborate one of these days 💕
@dininginspace || What can I say? You’re a delight, you’re incredibly funny, you’re kind and understanding, and you’re the best cheerleader a loser like me could ask for. The fact that you jumped on the Buffy bandwagon when I drove by on it secures you as one of my favourite people. Thank you so much for your early and continued support 🧛‍♂️
@nuandia || Thank you for chatting with me all the time; keep up your writing, it’s brilliant and worth it, even if you doubt it sometimes. 💖
@grapenehifics || I had just finished watching MASH when you commented on Moonlight Serenade. The noise I made when I saw your username, followed by the continued joy I get whenever I see you on my dash or in my inbox, or when I see you’ve posted something new for the world to enjoy. 🧡
@palfriendpatine66 || You’re a delight. You’ve got things figured out, and how you can write so much with the life you’ve got is incredible. Keep going - you’re a gem. 💎
@binaryeclipse || Love chatting with you on discord, and being able to throw out random things about Canada into the chat that doesn’t need explaining - you just get it. Especially when it comes to Alberta politics. It doesn’t always feel like a safe space out there when you’re an Albertan who loves her province but also hates so many things about it, but you make me feel as if I can be a contradictory mess and still feel as if I belong in Canada. Your muse will come back soon, I trust in this ✨
@treescape || Your work is sublime and an inspiration. I read your fics first when I went hunting for things to read, and was immediately captivated. When you followed me back and weren’t at all weirded out by me bounding over to you like an excitable golden retriever, I was very grateful - I am very grateful. Can’t wait to see what you create next. 💛
@starsdies || Thank you for listening to me; thank you for being so inspiring; thank you for helping with community events and exchanges. And thank you for streaming The Last of Us for me because I’m too cheap to buy HBO Max. 🙏
@tessiete || You fact-checked the details I put into Moonlight and all I can say is THANK YOU. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting too lost in the details, but its people like you who google that shit that makes me feel good about my obsessions. 🌸
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s0nia246 · 4 months
My Y2k Magical Girl oc. I created her in 2021 using a generator. I love her so much. She doesn't have a team yet but I wanna create on for her.
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Cilvian name:Nia Blair
Magical Girl name: Nightshadz
Nicknames: My Jester (called by Monochromatic), My Jester Knight(called by Monochromatic)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: College Student, Magical Girl
Cilvian Apperence: Nia is an African American female. She normally wears alternately/modern fashion that her sister makes. Her skin is brown with freckles scattered all over her body, her hair is a reddish-brown short pixie cut, and her eyes are light brown. She also wears makeup and her transformation item the 'Jester's ring' with a red ring with the head of a jester.
Magical Girl Appearance: As Nightshadz, her hair turns into long dark red pigtails with bells at the ends of her tips, her eyes are bright salamon pink. She wears a nightshadz red jester outfit. The outfit is sleeveless underneath striped pink and white with a poncho with bells at the ends on top of it. On her right hand is a short glove tha goes up to her wrist while the left hand a a long glove that reaches her upper arm, shorts un-paned breeches with white and pink striped thigh-high socks, also she has coat tails similar to her poncho on top.She waera a pair of nightshadz red knee-high pointy boots with bells at the ends. She also wears white facepaint, red lips, and red tear drops, similar to how a clown or mime might do their makeup.
Personality: Nia is described as a genius in logic and problems but has difficulty understanding emotions or behavior. She is shown to have a dry and somewhat twisted sense of humor. She is also shown to be very sarcastic when it comes to her sister. Nia is extremely close to her sister. Nia can be seen as a generally rude person. However, she can be social towards other people as well. She loyal and protective to people she cares about.
Backstory: Nia was just a regular college student before one day while walking home for class night at night, Nia and her sister saw a poor rooster getting attacked by something. Her sister quickly went to protect the poor animal. See the monster Nia when to protect her sister. Surprisingly, Nia defeated the monster that attacked the rooster. Shocked by this strong human, the rooster, introducing himself as Monochromatic, the King of the Infernal Regions, he gave Nia his ring, Jester's ring to help her fight and return the citizens of his dimension.
• Solving logical problems and puzzles.
• Modern fashion, especially the clothes her sister makes.
• Loyalty and protectiveness towards her sister.
• Ugly-but-cute things like Monochromatic
• Statues
• Monsters or creatures that threaten innocent beings.
• Lack of logic or irrational behavior.
• Dealing with her difficulty in understanding emotions.
• Anything that poses a threat to her sister.
• Being underestimated or misunderstood due to her sarcasm.
Character Quirks:
• Always analyzing surroundings: Nia has developed a habit of constantly assessing her environment, looking for potential threats or escape routes, even in mundane situations.
• Whistling in stressful situations: Nia has developed a habit of whistling a tune when faced with tension or stress, providing a peculiar contrast to the seriousness of the moment.
• Bookmark obsession: Whether it's a physical book or a digital document, Nia can't resist using unique or themed bookmarks. She collects them and always has a variety on hand.
• Counting steps unconsciously: Nia tends to count her steps subconsciously, whether walking down the street or climbing stairs. It's a quirky habit that helps her maintain a sense of order in her surroundings.
• Unusual fascination with constellations: Despite her logical and problem-solving nature, Nia has a soft spot for stargazing and often finds comfort in identifying constellations, associating them with various events in her life.
• Reciting poetry under her breath: When deep in thought or during moments of reflection, Nia quietly recites snippets of poetry to herself. It's a private practice that helps her connect with her emotions in a more artistic way.
Positive Character Quirks:
• Precision in everything: Nia is meticulous and precise in her actions, whether it's solving a problem, executing a magical attack, or even arranging her belongings.
• Keen problem-solving skills: She enjoys tackling challenges and can't resist the urge to solve problems, always seeking logical solutions to various situations.
• Night owl tendencies: Nia is most active and alert during the night, which aligns well with her magical girl duties but can make her seem mysterious to others.
• Bell obsession: Nia has a fascination with bells, stemming from the ones on her magical girl outfit. She tends to collect unique and interesting bells as a quirky hobby.
• Quick reflexes: Thanks to her self-defense training and magical abilities, Nia possesses exceptionally quick reflexes, making her adept at dodging attacks or reacting swiftly in unexpected situations.
Negative Character Quirks:
• Sarcasm overload: Nia's sarcasm can be excessive, sometimes unintentionally hurting others' feelings. It's a defense mechanism she uses to mask her difficulty in understanding emotions.
• Impatience with inefficiency: She gets easily frustrated when things are not done efficiently or logically, often expressing her annoyance through sarcastic remarks.
• Minimal trust in others: Due to her protective nature and past encounters with monsters, Nia finds it challenging to trust people easily, leading to a somewhat guarded demeanor.
• Obsessive overthinking: Nia tends to overthink situations, analyzing every detail, which can sometimes lead to unnecessary stress or anxiety.
• Secretive about vulnerabilities: Despite being protective and loyal, Nia struggles to open up about her own vulnerabilities, fearing it might be perceived as a weakness.
The Jester's ring can also turn into a knife and staff with four morning stars.
• Jester's Ring Transformation:Knife Proficiency: Nia is skilled in wielding the Jester's ring when transformed into a sharp and versatile knife, making her a formidable opponent in close combat.
Staff with Morning Stars: The Jester's ring can also transform into a staff adorned with four morning stars, allowing Nia to engage enemies from a distance with both striking and bludgeoning attacks.
• Hell-Fire Manipulation & Hell-Fire Attacks: Nia has the ability to manipulate hell-fire, allowing her to unleash devastating attacks with this mystical and potent element. These attacks can vary in intensity and range, providing her with a versatile range of offensive capabilities.
• Illusionary Mastery: Nightshadz can create intricate illusions, deceiving opponents with vivid and convincing images. This skill enhances her tactical abilities, allowing for strategic diversions and misdirection during battles.
• Shadow Teleportation:Nightshadz can meld into shadows and teleport to another shadowy location, granting her unparalleled mobility on the battlefield. This skill enables her to reposition swiftly and surprise enemies.
• Enhanced Agility:Nightshadz possesses heightened agility, allowing her to perform acrobatic maneuvers with grace and precision. This agility enhances her overall combat skills, making her a difficult target to hit.
• Night Vision:Nia gains the ability to see clearly in low-light conditions as Nightshadz, giving her a significant advantage during nighttime battles or in environments with reduced visibility.
• Emotional Resonance:Nightshadz's magical abilities are subtly connected to emotions. The stronger the emotions she experiences or witnesses, the more potent her attacks become. This adds a unique dynamic to her fighting style, where emotional intensity amplifies her magical prowess.
• Jester's Insight:Nightshadz possesses an intuitive understanding of deception and trickery, allowing her to anticipate and counter enemy strategies effectively. This skill enhances her defensive capabilities, making her a strategic and cunning fighter.
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ejenvs3000w24 · 7 months
Finding Music in Nature
Hey everyone, welcome back:) This week I am going to dive into analyzing nature interpretation through music.
Where is music in nature? I think in order to answer this question we must first understand what defines music to be considered music. The Oxford dictionary defines music as “the art of combining various sounds to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion” and this ties nicely with Gray, P. et al (2001) definition; music can evoke “emotional, social, cultural, and cognitive responses from patterns of sound varying in pitch and time”. I think the main takeaway from these two definitions shows how music is simply any form of frequency loud enough to be heard, that in some way or not elicits some type of emotional response. This thought can be backed up from the thoughts of Silene (2021), who states, “when we hear music we first get a feeling and then thoughts''. When I first read that quote, it made me realize how true it was and how many times that happens to me when I’m in nature. And so, I think music in nature is found in any audible frequencies whether that be leaves blowing in the wind, the sound of rain hitting the floor, or the abundance of wildlife calling throughout the night, that makes you conscious take time out of your day to pause and listen; to feel before you think. 
A well-timed hike and bright sunshine = listening to the amazing sounds of lake trout splashing their way up stream
Where is nature in music? Similar to many factors of life, I believe nature is a precursor for the creation of music. The latter can not be perceived until the former creates tangible vessels for which the latter can be heard from. This thought can be explained from a more literal standpoint to a subjective one, i.e., music without words could not have been created without the tangible resources of nature (literally). While subjectively, nature provides inspiration of sounds that can be translated through an instrument or voice. Gray, P. et al (2001) references how closely tied a modern-day orchestra is to the ambient sounds of an environment; “the voice of each creature (or flora) has its own frequency, amplitude and duration…to which occupies a unique niche among other musicians”. I think this quote sums up nicely how nature is found in music, each organism is its own unique instrument, some can be grouped together but have different pitches and forms, similar to the plethora of brass instruments producing different pitches and sounds, such as baritones and trumpets.
While speaking of nature and music, I can’t help but think of times when music has enhanced my own experience with nature. One song that immediately pops into my mind when I think of being immersed in nature is “Pure Imagination” sung by Gene Wilder. At first glance, the song does not necessarily reference nature, but it is the context of where I listened to it that matters. It was on a warm summer's night, accompanied by four of my closest friends, lying down under a flowering crabapple tree at 2am in the morning. The combination of my environment just transformed my experience listening to this song. Feelings of nostalgia, being a kid again, not having a worry in the world but focusing on the warm summer air and the fragrant perfumes of the crabapple flowers. I will forever remember that feeling of pure bliss as the music and ground coarse through my body. 
Gray, P. M., Krause, B., Atema, J., Payne, R., Krumhansl, C., & Baptista, L. (2001). The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music. Science, 291(5501), 52. https://link-gale-com.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/apps/doc/A69270354/AONE?u=guel77241&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=fb9366a8
Hooykaas, A. (2024). Unit 7: Nature interpretation through music. University of Guelph. https://courselink.uoguelph.ca/d2l/le/content/858004/viewContent/3640021/View
Oxford languages and google - english. Oxford Languages. (n.d.). https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/
Silene, A. (2021, February 20). Spiritual values of protected areas of Europe: Workshop proceedings. [pages 129-132] https://www.silene.ong/en/documentation-centre/spiritual-values-of-protected-areas-of-europe-workshop-proceedings#Proceedings_Spiritual%20Values_PAs_Europe.pdf
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Quick! Name your fav unfinished/abandoned fanfics. Maybe shouting their names into the void will bring them back like some kind of Beetlejuice situation.
(A gal can dream lol)
Cool ask!! You didn't ask me to specify a fandom, so I didn't. As I've been going through my bookmarks, tagging them and sorting them into the correct collections, I've noticed several unfinished that I miss. Please do not judge how incredibly insanely varied my tastes are. If an author had a tumblr, I tagged it. Please note this list is heavily influenced by nostalgia:
At the Office by wolfqueen1015 , 62/70 chapters, The 100, multiship (but I read it for linctavia (Lincoln/Octavia Blake)), last updated 2/22/2021.
As a linctavia shipper, I actually did not care if Clarke was with Bellamy or Lexa, and read many a fic I enjoyed that went either way for side linctavia. (I will sincerely apologize for that @catthestral497). This is a bellarke fic, beware. It's just a silly stupid social media fic that I found really funny in 10th grade, and I actually think is still funny. I want my last eight chapters.
operation braven by orphan_account , 19/? chapters, The 100, multiship (but I read it for linctavia (Lincoln/Octavia Blake)), last updated 7/3/2018.
It's my honest prerogative to say The 100 is a bad show, it's really not good, but I have read this fanfiction all the way through at least five times and some of it lives in my brain in place of childhood memories. Again, it's a silly social media fic but it's so funny, I miss it.
Infinite Variations by Someone_else_before , 17/? chapters, Stranger Things, mileven (Mike Wheeler/Eleven), last updated 1/1/2018.
My guilty pleasure for so so long has been 2016 post season one Stranger Things fics. I think they have infinitely cooler plotlines than the actual show. This is slightly different, it's a full season one rewrite where the Demogorgan never comes and never takes Will, and Eleven and Mike meet through dreams. I could die to find out how this fic ends, it's been like six years.
Perry the Evil-Adjacent Boyfriend series by Kereea , 15/? works, Phineas and Ferb, perryshmirtz (Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus), last updated 8/29/2020.
STAY WITH ME ON THIS. Me and my roommate decided to explore this tag as a joke (highly recommend), and I stumbled upon this?? Incredibly sweet and wholesome gem?? Anyways its about a human Perry who quits OWCA and adopts the kids after his brother Lawrence and Lawrence's wife Linda die in a car accident (insane premise) and then him and Doof raise the kids with Vanessa? It's literally so wholesome and cute and family friendly, god I love this fic I have to go read it again I wish there was more.
New Elysium by Cloud_Nine , 16/? chapters, The Walking Dead, multiship (but I read it for gleggie (Glenn Rhee/Maggie Greene) and richonne (Rick Grimes/Michonne)) last updated 3/21/2021.
This fanfiction. Lives with me almost every day, I am FURIOUS that there isn't more of it. This is a fic about the members of Rick's group waking up before the apocalypse began but some have their memories of the events to come, so they start gathering, finding each other, and setting up the best location to hunker down. I just for some reason could spend hours reading about their little house mission and the seeds and working on getting generators to the farm, god, the tension of the time ticking down gets me.
New Chat Created: North Island Daggers by Comin2U , 24/24 (now marked complete), Top Gun movies, multiship (but I read it for icemav (Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell) and a lil for the hangster (Jake "Hangman" Seresin/Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw), last updated 7/29/2022.
This fic, ohohoho. By now you all know I love a social media au, a text fic, anything of the sort. But this fic is creme of the crop of any social media au. It's just so magnificent. It's my fav thing ever, which is found family, and involves my two favorite things to see in a Top Gun fic; icemav adopting the dagger squad post mission, and also the Daggers being shocked and then pissed at Rooster when they discover Mav is married to Ice. Also Ice using sign is always a fucking bonus to me.
Spider Sully series by @alexihollis , 11/? works, James Cameron Avatar movies, Spider Socorro & Sully Family, last updated 4/11/2023.
I've raved about this fic enough for you all, but once again! This is the og and if I had my way it would go on forever and ever and never end. Especially now that it's ended up on the front lines fighting for aocorro, which you all also know I've recently decided I enjoy.
I Believe We're The Enemy by reginalds , 7/10 chapters, Spartacus (2010), nagron (Nasir/Agron), last updated 8/13/2015.
This fanfiction was last updated in 2015, but I only watched 2010 Spartacus in 2021 and that's what hurts most of all, huh? What a fantastic show. There would probably be a ton more nagron fics on here but I stopped reading unfinished fics from 2012 😔. Like genuinely though I've bled that fandom dry, I've read every single Barca/Pietros fic that exists.
The Pride of Burrough House by RonsGirlFriday @constitutionalweasleymonarchy , 23/65 chapters, Harry Potter series, multiship, last updated 12/8/2023.
This fic is still being updated, I believe it's just slow because each chapter is an epic. It's just really cool and you all should read it. It's a regency era Harry Potter fic which like, all the ships getting their own plot. Also love love Harry just, growing up rich and cool with his parents lol. I think the dialogue is super fun and I'm very invested in every characters plot so far.
a study in poor judgement by cze , 7/8 chapters, The Goldfinch, boreo (Theodore Decker/Boris Pavlikovsky), last update 8/29/2022.
It's so close though!!! I've read every boreo fanfiction that exists too, and for a bummer of a book, it's a bummer of a fandom as well lol. This fic (although it also manages to be a bummer), puts Theo in such a funny predicament that it combats enough of the bummer-ness that I just loved it. And just like almost every other boreo fic, it's stupidly well written.
Best Laid Plans by voiceoftime @music-is-love-90 , 30/40 chapters, Bridgerton, kanthony (Kate Sharma/Anthony Bridgerton), last updated 3/24/2023.
This is my favorite of my favorite type Bridgerton fics to read, which is Kate and Anthony courting from the beginning instead of the nonsense with Edwina. And this one is just *chefs kiss* I think it's still being updated as well though. Hopefully.
Holding On and Letting Go by Nizhoni93 , 9/? chapters, The Black Phone, rinney (Finney Blake/Robin Arellano), last updated 9/8/2023.
I have pushed this fic before, but once again it is absolutely heartbreaking. I cried seven separate times reading just one of the chapters. I need it finished so I know if it works the fuck out, because I literally cannot handle ghost Robin being stuck watching the boy he loves but can't see him for the rest of Finney's life.
When Eywa Sleeps, So Do Her Children by Aye_Dei , 9/9 (now marked as complete), James Cameron Avatar movies, Ao'nung/Neteyam/Spider, last updated 10/23/2023.
This one is a massive bummer, as it was ended due to newfound bigotry, but I was really enjoying it before it was discontinued.
And finally, I just wanted to express my deep disappointment that my icemav Star Wars au was deleted halfway through. I'm mad about it.
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landinrris · 6 months
*cracks knuckles*
i hope you're ready for some EARLY NORRIX LORE. and by early, i mean 2019-2020, and by lore, i mean small teeny scraps but it's still lore bc i said so.
so basically i just logged into my twitter for the first time since 2021 and went through my bookmarks and was SO SURPRISED to discover some clips of lando talking about martin!!! i was a huge fan of martin (still am tbh) and i was just about getting into f1 at that time too, so i saw lando playing martin's music and went omg he's a fan?? STAN. now looking back, it's nice to see how it may have all started and im so happy their relationship has progressed so much. 2020 me would have been over the moon.
timeline wise, we all know that they probably officially met in 2022, and i think that's just because their schedules just really didn't line up at all. martin played his first f1 show in singapore 2018, and attended a few other gps, but in 2019 he had a really bad fall and injured his foot, which pretty much took out most of his other shows during that year. from 2021 onwards though, he performed for quite a few gps so maybe they COULD'VE seen each other in passing?? i think it's quite safe to say they def knew of each other & were ig moots before they met irl in 2022.
anyways ive been yapping for quite a bit bc these boys just mean so much to me like that tweet just made me realize how full circle they came.
I do love these two videos linked in these tweets, the first being from the 2019 Abu Dhabi Unboxed, and the second featuring Lando talking about his top 5 artists. Tiny little moments that illustrate Lando really does love that world like he's mentioned before.
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I'm not sure when they followed each other on socials, but it's possible they knew of each other in relation to the paddock prior to August 2022 (or rather, Martin knew about Lando's existence). The only reason 2022 is likely when they did actually meet is because Lando mentioned this past September that they've known each other for one year.
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ehronlime · 2 years
Ghost Games
(Disclaimer: This is a reworking of an old Twitter thread of mine)
What are your favourite games that only exist as a set of tweets or a screenshot of the notes app?
Or just a PDF download of a Google Doc in your "rpgs" folder with no identifying information that you have no idea how you got in the first place?
Or two long messages in Discord and you have no idea what the designer is up to now since they left all social media?
Or a friend showed you in their notebook once but they said it wasn't ready even though it seemed amazing and now they don't play games much anymore and just give an embarrassed chuckle when you tentatively inquire about the game they were working on?
What's your favourite deleted itch game?
Favourite dead blogs that you still have some pages of rules and game bits saved to your bookmarks?
I've been thinking about the ephemeral nature of games and game texts. Back in August 2021, I was asking around about a game PDF I had saved of a Google Doc I probably found on Reddit or some other forum (I still haven't found out where I got it from!). More than I year ago now, I went to share a link to an itch game page and discovered it was gone.
I think about how a bunch of lyric games that hit me aren't on any kind of "stable" platform like itch.io and are kinda hard to find now. I think about threads of "old treasures" from the early days of tabletop RPG zines, games that weren't digitized, one-off convention games, games that were put online but not in any way that's captured by our current platforms. I think of all the games from early eras that didn't get preserved because they weren't "notable" or made by "notable" people or quoted as inspirations by other "notable" games. I think of how archaeology can only see that which was "valued" to preserve.
I think of how many games that I and my current cohort of designers have made, entries for numerous game jams, that will be thought of in 1, 2, 5, 10 years time.
I was also thinking about game design and the act of playing games as necromancy. Since you can't get other people to re-play or re-experience a game session you had exactly, all you can do is give them some tools to maybe try and re-conjure, resurrect, a similar game.
Games die all the time.
I don't think my answer to this ephemeral nature of games and art productions is just to push for more archiving and permanence (lol sorry archivists and historians), though yeah let's try to do that too. I'm kinda okay that some things get to die and be lost. Their body gone, but their memory and mark on us persevering.
One thing that I keep coming back to is (I think) Brendan Keogh's thoughts on if we want to treat games as art rather than just products, we have to allow for games to be the equivalent of a drawing stuck on a fridge, or a poem written in a greeting card. That feels true to me. That some games can just be for a certain person, time, place.
I want more people to see gamemaking as a practice and art that they can engage with on whatever terms they choose, not just whatever terms "the market dictates". To make games with no thought whether they would be "notable" or remembered. To make games for the sake of having this thing exist, bursting and fading like a firework.
If that comes with the cost of ghosts of games littering our spaces, then so be it.
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mochamicheong · 8 months
I will never get those tumblr users who only like when the post literally says “don’t like without reblogging” because reblogging is actually really important for artists and such and tumblr has general shit algorithm as tumblr has a different system compared to other social media; likes are just a personal bookmark for your account and will not contribute anything to the artist, not even any attention. This is literally the problem of me and tumblr sometimes; I make so much art and ocs and I even spend all nighters on them, just to get a reblog and a massive pile of useless likes from users which do absolutely nothing to boost my post. Everyday I’m losing motivation and art is slowly getting tiring because I know when I log on my post has flopped with a whopping 3 notes.
also I’m sorry if this sounded selfish it’s just that I haven’t vented or ranted in SO LONG since 2021 and this whole thing of how I’m never really gonna be tumblr-popular or popular in anything at all is just so personally draining I’m sorry again
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melsaywhat · 2 years
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I posted 27 times in 2022
That's 27 more posts than 2021!
14 posts created (52%)
13 posts reblogged (48%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 20 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#thesims4 - 10 posts
#showusyourbuilds - 5 posts
#twexit - 3 posts
#makemymenu - 2 posts
#tumblr milestone - 2 posts
#twitter - 2 posts
#nomnom - 2 posts
#strawpoll - 2 posts
#vote - 2 posts
#poll - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#hashtags aren't the same as tags
My Top Posts in 2022:
Twitter | CounterSocial | Mastodon Feature Comparison
Here are some of my observations of feature comparisons between Twitter, CounterSocial and Mastadon. I've been using Twitter for more than a decade, CounterSocial since late April 2022 and Mastodon via Universodon for only a few days.
This is only a brief overview of what each site has to offer. It's some of the basics and features I find the most useful. Your experience may vary. My explanations are below.
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Mastodon is a network of social networks that are interconnected. You have to choose an instance (or server) to get started. You can change your server, but your posts won't follow you. Whether or not your followers move with you depends on their server's software supports move activity.
There is also a very heavy cooldown period in which you cannot migrate again, so be very careful before using this option!
If you're looking for a column based feed, you'll need to use a third party website or app if you're a Twitter user. CounterSocial (herein referred to as CoSo) enables the Advanced Web Layout by default and Mastodon allows you to enable it optionally in your profile/settings.
Twitter is the only platform that will remind you if you haven't entered ALT text on an image before you submit your post. Both CoSo and Mastadon have gentle overlays if you hover over the image once you've attached it to your draft, but beyond that I'm unsure. Mastadon claims to have a reminder to add ALT text (at least within the Universeodon instance). I have not uploaded any images to Mastadon yet, so time will tell.
Only Mastadon gives you the ability to auto-delete your posts after a certain time period for free. CoSo does have limited functionality for direct messages that you have to opt-in to. Pro (paid) subscribers can use the exploding post option on a per post or "set as default" basis.
Twitter has bookmarks, but I often forget they exist. There is a link to view bookmarks in one place, but it just doesn't engage me. CoSo does not have bookmarks, however I believe it's a feature they could possibly implement since they appear to be running on Mastodon's OpenSource software and Mastodon, does indeed have bookmarks. My bookmarks have their own column for visbility.
Both CoSo and Mastadon beat Twitter's 280 character limit allowing 500 characters each.
While Twitter only has content warnings integrated for images, CoSo allows you only to mark the entire post with a content warning, wheeas Mastodon allows you to mark either the image, the post or both.
Twitter has muted words, etc. They're buried deep in your profile. Both CoSo and Mastodon have links to muted users, blocked users, hidden domains and muted words on the three dots menu next to your profile image.
Post visibility has a lot to do with how many users are on the platform, but these three are all very unique.
As far as Twitter goes, you see who you follow, what you might like, what the accounts you're following like, reweets, trending, etc., but discoverability is limited. Hashtags (tags) are a free-for-all (though nowhere near off the chain as Tumblr), so any custom hashtag can be used (without spaces, sorry Tumblr).
I believe CoSo sets themselves apart in this arena the most because they set up curated tags that help customize your space, find others with similar interests and share with others like you. Again, no spaces here. There's also the community firehose with posts from all of CoSo. You still have who you follow in your main feed and what they repost as well, not what they like, not what you might like and all that jazz. YOU curate your space.
Mastodon is a bit trickier. You have to join an instance (or a unique server), then you have a feed for who you follow and their reposts, then you have your server's posts, then there are posts from ALL the servers using Mastadon. In minutes you can have thousands of posts come through the feed. It can be too much. Again, not what other folks like (favorite), what you might like and all that jazz. You do curate your space, but you might either have fear of missing out (FOMO) or be overwhelmed in a sea of posts.
Groups are a paid feature only available on CoSo at this time. However, one might consider the instance (server) you join on Mastodon as a group depending on its specialization.
All have both Android and iOS apps. Twitter's mobile app seems to be the most comparable to its web app, however if you're a content creator with a business/professional account, some features can't be accessed, such as overall analytics.
You won't get the advanced web layout with any.
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2 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Hashtags vs. Tags
Look, I've blogged elsewhere...but I'm having a hard time with the spaces in tags over here versus no space hashtags on the twitshow.
I get it, but I just don't WANNA.
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2 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes? #makemymenu
Which sweet potato recipe should I make for Thanksgiving?
Edited to add visuals and more.
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I can't decide between these options, but I'm down to make any of them! I've made the Sweet Potato Souffle several times and not only is it shortcut cooking, but it's a HIT!!
Strawpoll at the bottom or leave a comment. You can choose multiple options.
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3 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Feeling Florence, Italy
This weekend, I finished up watching 'From Scratch' on Netflix. I've got feelings of Italy on my mind and of course, no better way for me than to utilize those feelings to build within The Sims 4.
My take on 'From Scratch' to follow.
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4 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A One Woman Show to Request Jewish Cultural Representation in The Sims 4
Maybe some others have requested Jewish cultural representation in The Sims 4, but none like Hufflepom. Hufflepom is a respected simmer in The Sims community, so much so that many have been working to elevate her voice on Twitter specifically.
Today marks the 282nd day she has tweeted and tagged The Sims on Twitter asking for MORE Jewish cultural representation in game.
Don't get me wrong, The Sims has a long way to go to represent many cultures, but the pleas for other equally deserving groups have been just that, in a group, at least as far as I've seen.
I, myself, EMBARRASINGLY, saw (many of) 262 tweets from Hufflepom and did NOTHING. Then finally on October 27th, 2022 I retweeted.
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Then there was this. HufflePom replied to a tweet that PINK posted. I had no idea PINK had a Jewish cultural background. The tweet Hufflepom replied to is after the below image. Throughout the process, I'm actually learning a lot.
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14 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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hi! I love your work sm, and I would like to ask which writers inspire you (fanfic or published, or maybe even on tumblr too)?? i hope you have a great day lovely !!! ♥️♥️♥️
Oh boy I'm torn if I'm gonna let this be a long post. I love reading, though sadly I can't read as much as I used to anymore since work and stuff but here goes:
For the published folk:
Neil Gaiman - This guy had inspired a lot of writers, iirc. I got into Sandman when I was still too young to be included in its target market but it was so magical, yet at the same time so grounded in real life that it's easy to slip into his stories. I remember thinking yeah, if I were to write fantasy I'd like to write stuff that he does, mostly urban fantasy.
Haruki Murakami - Japanese magical realism is a helluva thing. Reading one Murakami book is like walking empty urban streets at 3 am, when all is wet after a recent rain and everything's quiet except for the distant sounds of traffic....ah, take the chance to read one of his novels if you could! After Dark and Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World are my recos.
Terry Pratchett - I'm not sure if his wonderful Discworld series touched my writing style, specifically dry humor (I'd like to think so, at least) but it sure did inspire imagination. His books are also probably the only out and out political/social commentary that I can tolerate in my reading.
For easy, actiony reading I pick up a few Japanese (translated) light novels from time to time, most notable are Nisioisin's Zaregoto and Katanagatari, and Ryogo Narita's DRRR.
For fanfic folk:
To be honest I only started really delving into fanfic at September 2021 and yes, Tears of Themis is the only thing I write about. And yes, sussy Vyn. Only Vyn. Eheh.
So I only have a few fanfic writers who caught my eye over the short time I've spent with this fandom so far. You can find them in my AO3 bookmarks here
Special mention to the Vyntober series, this wonderful, well-written series that convinced me to continue Vynposting and well...here I am =D
Thanks for this fun ask!!
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roundbrackets · 2 years
Everyone Can Write Fan Fiction
But Who Will Read It?
What Makes a Fic Popular?
Let's set the stage. A long, long time ago, I read one ST:TNG fic from Usenet -- I wanted Troy and Worf to get together -- ten years later, I found myself binging Drarry on Archive of Own. These days I read and write Dramione and support-read my friend's obscure anime fics.
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Note that that's one powerful gateway drug. Don't forget, the next time you social-vape - even if it was just the once, you'll probably end up doing meth in ten years.
Anyway, when I say "fan fiction" you now know I mean the Harry Potter fandom exclusively.
One of the first fics I read was Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain. It's fantastic. If you haven't read it, you should. I'll wait.
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I graduated from anonymous reader and joined AO3 in December 2020. In the spring of 2021, I deleted my first Dramione because seven chapters in, the storyline contradicted itself so much it was impossible to follow even for me.
I poured my heart and soul into the next fic, and it's still up. It has a publish date of September 2021 and a modest 2,300 hits and 39 kudos as of today. While at the time I was astonished to have readers at all, now, almost a year later, I find myself asking:
What makes Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain so good, and how can a story I put so much effort into not garner more attention?
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It's plausible that my fic is just terrible, but I posit that plenty of extremely popular fics are plenty terrible. So if it's true that terrible fics can have thousands of kudos, then we probably need to define what terrible is and what other factors might come into play.
In some number of posts, I'll talk about craftsmanship, storytelling, writing for your audience, promotion, and discoverability.
But I've got to warn you right now: At the conclusion of the series, I will still have written 60k words garnering < 500 kudos total with an average of < 20 kudos per fic. The least loved has 0, and the most (one presumes) has 77. The median is 9. While it is true that this is a journey of discovery - I want to know why popular fics are popular - the chance of me finding the recipe to success is slim.
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I'm using kudos to measure success, even though one could use hits, subscriptions, comments, or bookmarks. You could even add comments, bookmarks, subscriptions, and kudos together, call that number engagement and use that. I believe engagement is a better measurement of actual success, but kudos is good enough at my level and less work.
Here's an awful picture I made. You're welcome.
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terristack · 2 years
Trello logo transparent background
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Identify new leads and avenues for growthĪpplicants are considered for employment without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, status as a veteran or any other basis prohibited by local, state, or federal laws.Entrepreneurial spirit with a desire to learn and grow.Outstanding communication skills and innate ability to connect with people.Competitive, motivated spirit and desire to succeed.Continued internal education provided through monthly sales education meetings as you elevate your sales career.The sales training program equips you with knowledge of our sales playbook, core competencies, and key selling skills.The right candidate will also be able to effectively and professionally communicate with upper-level management to ensure the safety, profitability, and quality of the projects. We are looking for someone willing to perform light travel in the Omaha Metro area (thus, reliable transportation is a must). Physically, they must be able to climb a ladder to get on roofs for estimates and inspections. They are responsible for collecting necessary information and specifics on potential projects, giving accurate estimates, and correctly filling out appropriate documents.
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"How To Use Trello - Beginners Guide - 2021 Tutorial", In this video I'll be taking your through a beginners guide on how to use Trello. "Using Emojis to Brighten Up Your Trello Boards & Cards", I'm showing you how I use emojis within my Trello boards to make them just a like more fun and visually appealing.
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Our SaaS is building using Wave (the software as a service starter kit), which you can download and use yourself for free. In this specific episode, we will be installing Wave (- creating our logo, and laying out the main concept for our landing page. In the future, it may also have little notification bar popups that you can add to your website. The SaaS that we will be building is called FancyBar, and it is a SaaS application that will allow you to design and implement a Call To Action bar on your website. In this new series, I'm going to be spending a half-hour each day to try and build a SaaS application from Scratch.
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