#Soccer basketball & MMA are the only sports I care about now
waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Seeing as you love the nerd jock pairing I'm curious now on who you would pair the doctor with. List all the jocks speedrun? :P
Nerd x Jock any% speedrun let's go
Listed in the rough order I came up with funny things to say about them:
Nearl: Big (Wo)Man on Campus, star quarterback of the football team, also plays basketball, baseball, and soccer and runs track and field. Could get athletic or academic scholarships to any college she wants for any sport or major she chooses. Everyone loves her. Regularly has gay gay homosexual gay sex with the cheerleading squad.
Siege: The football team's lockdown cornerback, has scholarship offers from multiple blueblood programs. Also plays soccer, basketball, baseball, and does track and field. Very popular among her peers. Regularly has gay gay homosexual gay sex with Indra.
Gladiia: Spoken of in hushed whispers within the halls of Rhodes Island High School because she led the football team to four straight state championships and graduated top of her class with full ride engineering scholarships from the best universities in the world. Played multiple sports and broke every record in all of them at both the high school and collegiate level, but declined to go professional in favor of putting her engineering degree to use. The best athlete in Rhodes Island High's history.
Blaze: Nearl's preferred wide receiver and the best player on the basketball team. Has posted a 1000-yard season every year since she was a freshman and the only reason she hasn't broken high school receiving records is because her quarterback has too many targets to spread the ball to. Also plays baseball and volleyball, wrestles, and does track and field. Is the only person to even come close to Gladiia's record in the long jump, high jump, triple jump, or pole vault. Has good grades, mainly because she makes frequent use of the school's tutoring program, but is more likely to go to college on an athletic scholarship than an academic one.
Indra: The team's other cornerback across from Siege. Plays every sport her girlfriend plays and also does wrestling. Also an excellent boxer who could fight professionally if she wanted to. Absolute turbojock. Has regularly shoved nerds in lockers and taken their lunch money. Would be in jail by now if her relationship with her girlfriend didn't keep her on the straight and narrow. Grades are mediocre because she doesn't care for school and knows she's going to college on an athletic scholarship anyway. Will choose her college based entirely on where her girlfriend goes. Regularly has gay gay homosexual gay sex with Siege.
Hoshiguma: The football team's left tackle and best offensive lineman. Also plays center for the basketball team (would be the star player if Blaze didn't exist), is the soccer team's goalkeeper, is a member of the wrestling team, plays volleyball, and has set state records for the throwing events in track and field. Was a delinquent at first and probably would have ended up in jail if Coach Hellagur hadn't convinced her that her natural athletic talent was better used on something more productive than petty crime. Has been a model citizen ever since.
Saria: The best edge rusher on the football team. The only offensive lineman that can stop her is Hoshiguma. Has a killer instinct that lets her put opposing quarterbacks in the dirt, has mastered the art of setting the edge against the run, and also plays center on offense because she's just that athletic and she likes to be bossy and call the shots for the offensive line. One of the center backs for the soccer team, plays basketball, and has a promising boxing/MMA career ahead of her after college. School valedictorian, has full ride offers from top-notch schools for both athletics and academics. Like Nearl, has slept with most of the cheerleading squad. Unlike Nearl, did not stay to cuddle afterward.
Sideroca: One of the strength and conditioning coaches for the school's athletic programs. Is so good at her job that she's somehow managed to get Rhodes Island's mysterious vice principal, known only as "The Doctor", into the weight room a couple times a week.
Bagpipe: The football team's 1000-yard rusher. Her Vouivre strength and speed make her hard to bring down. Will bowl right through opposing linebackers. Plays soccer, does the throwing events in track and field, and is a member of the wrestling team. Also, inexplicably, a cheerleader. Used to work on her family farm before her parents sent her off to live with Horn so she could get a better education and is a bit of a hick as a result. Is extremely sweet to everyone and does not have a single enemy on campus. Even the worst, most stereotypical cliquey high school girls adore her.
Skadi: Absolute ultramegajock. Plays on both sides of the ball as a running back and linebacker. Where Bagpipe is faster and more agile, Skadi just bulls through even the opposing defensive line and will run straight into a nose tackle without a care in the world. Give her the ball on 3rd/4th and short and she will move the chains. Posts only slightly fewer sacks than Saria. Can lift the most on the team despite not being a lineman. Also plays baseball, volleyball, and basketball and wrestles. One of the stars of the swim team. Banned from participating in track and field after she tried to do the shot put, launched the ball into the stratosphere, and nearly killed someone when it fell to earth on the other side of town. Grades are crap not because she's stupid but because she's constantly thinking about her next sportsball game. Gladiia constantly calls her to tell her to take her education more seriously.
Specter: Another ultramegajock. Likes to bully the nerds. Gladiia and Ulpian frequently get called in for parent-teacher conferences after she and Skadi engage in shenanigans. Plays strong safety for the football team and is also the third string running back, because having two living bulldozers wasn't enough and they needed a third. Member of the swim team, the basketball team, the baseball team, and the wrestling team. Grades are better than Skadi's because she at least isn't spacing out all the time, but she still spends a lot of time in detention for getting into fights.
Gavial: Extreme jock. One of the jockiest jocks to ever jock. Plays weakside linebacker for the football team because she likes hitting people. Also wrestles, swims, and plays baseball and basketball. The soccer team keeps trying to get her to join, but she refuses to play because she thinks any sport where you don't get to paste your opponent is for pussies. Hobbies include rock climbing and martial arts. Frequently trains and spars with the other jocks.
Whislash: Played soccer, volleyball, and tennis and ran track in high school and college and would have had a promising pro career if a nasty injury hadn't ended it three years into college. Switched to modeling for a while, somehow made absurd amounts of money in the stock market, and now trains Nearl and Blemishine and teaches at Rhodes Island High because she's bored and needs something to do. Is the volleyball coach and is good enough at her job that the administration overlooks her frequent, not-entirely-workplace-appropriate advances on the Doctor.
Dobermann: The school's hardass soccer coach. Will make you run until you puke and then call you a pussy afterward, but is really good at determining precisely how far she can push her players before it stops being productive. Also coaches wide receivers for the football team and helps with strength and conditioning. Played soccer, football, and basketball in high school and college before joining the Marines and doing two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Her brand of tough love is one of the few things that keeps the school's troublemakers in line.
Hellagur: Head coach of the basketball team. Played in the NBA and thus has the attention of all his students. Generally very kind and understanding, if a bit mischievous. Is the type of coach who treats his players like his own children and chose his career because he wanted to provide a positive example to young people in need of one.
Texas: Plays soccer (wing) and tennis and is a cheerleader. Generally fairly quiet, but is known as someone you don't want to mess with. Has a lot of admirers among the student body, many of whom are female. Going to college on a soccer scholarship.
Lappland: Delinquent who spends a lot of time around Texas. Also hangs out with Indra and Specter and bullies nerds. Plays soccer (the other wing) and wrestles. Joined the cheerleading squad to get close to Texas and ended up enjoying it more than she thought she would.
Pallas: Alcoholic wrestling coach who's had a few too many concussions in her time. Extremely strange, but there's some very useful advice hidden in the weirdness if you can parse through it. Also played football in high school and college and spent several years in the NFL before the aforementioned concussions caught up with her.
Ch'en: Captain of the soccer team. Also plays tennis and volleyball and is a member of the swim team. Has excellent grades (is the class salutatorian) and multiple scholarship offers from top universities for both athletics and academics. Had almost as many people asking her to prom as Nearl, despite her standoffish personality.
Schwarz: Middle linebacker for the football team and the one who calls the shots on defense. Puts the fear of God in opposing quarterbacks and is third on the team in sacks after Saria and Skadi. Also plays basketball, soccer, volleyball, and tennis and wrestles. Is part of the MMA group and is arguably the best of them. Has solid, but not exceptional, grades and sometimes gets in trouble for fighting. Very pretty, but very hard to approach. Ceylon somehow convinced her to join the cheerleading squad, but she's not really that into it. Very good at it, though.
Beehunter: Member of the wrestling team. Boxes on the side. Does not play any other sports, but typically hangs out with the jocks regardless.
Gravel: Plays football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. Lacks the exceptional athletic talent of some of her classmates, but is the type of person everyone wants on the team because she will give 110% in every practice and leave everything out on the field. Has a crush on the vice principal and will gush about them at every opportunity.
Platinum: Cheerleader, does not play sports at the high school level but intends to participate in archery and the rifle team in college and has been offered scholarships for both. Frequently squabbles with Gravel over who loves the vice principle more. Does not get along with Nearl or her younger sister.
Matoimaru: Plays soccer and has been offered scholarships for it. Is generally very friendly and popular and an excellent athlete, but her grades are poor and she worries about her ability to keep up with the work in college. Would play more sports, but soccer is her passion.
Wild Mane: Plays soccer and volleyball and runs track. Her grades aren't great and she has a problem with staying out of trouble on occasion, but she's received offers of athletic scholarships and is determined to use them to get herself a mechanical engineering degree.
Flamebringer: Plays football, basketball, and baseball and intends to fence at the college level. Highly competitive and not a great team player, but has a great deal of natural talent. His teammates and coaches grudgingly tolerate his attitude and the way he slacks off in practice because they know he'll give 120% in actual games, even if he has to be benched frequently as a reminder that he's not the only player on the team.
Akafuyu: Combination jock and video game nerd. Plays soccer and volleyball and is on the wrestling team, but her true passion is fencing and she hopes to do it at the collegiate level.
Zima: Free safety for the football team, keeps trying to switch to linebacker so she can hit people more. Is the member of the soccer team most likely to get red carded. Also wrestles and does track and field. Frequently gets in trouble for fighting and bullying the nerds.
Mountain: Plays nose tackle and right guard for the football team (eats both blocks and blockers like nobody's business) and is also a member of the basketball team. Plays baseball and wrestles. Has excellent grades and multiple athletic and academic scholarship offers to quality universities. Enjoys boxing in his free time and frequently clashes with some of the other jocks when they pick on the nerds.
Swire: Not actually a jock, but she is the captain of the cheerleading squad. Is a prizewinning equestrian and plays tennis. Ch'en and Hoshiguma keep trying to get her to join the soccer team. She refuses on the grounds that she feels it isn't sufficiently refined, but she's always there to watch Ch'en and Hoshiguma play their "barbaric" sports regardless. Actually joined the cheerleading squad initially so she could have an excuse to cheer them on.
Blemishine: Not as athletic as her sister, but she plays soccer and tennis and runs track and field and is competent at all of them. Joined the cheerleading squad so she could support Margaret. Is only a freshman, but is already taking advanced classes and is working hard to get accepted into top-tier engineering programs.
Liskarm: Plays soccer and wrestles. Is quite good at both. Often found with Franka.
Franka: Cheerleader. Rarely found apart from Liskarm.
Exusiai: Cheerleader, plays soccer and volleyball. Is the life of the party and very popular, but also frequently in trouble. Intends to join the rifle team in college.
Shining: Plays soccer, tennis, and volleyball and is also a cheerleader. Generally quiet and academically successful, but you don't want to make her mad. One of Nearl's biggest fans.
Nightingale: Tried going out for sports so she could hang out with Nearl and Shining and then nearly keeled over during warmups. Tried cheerleading instead out of fear for her own safety and almost hurt herself again, so now she just sits in the stand waving big handcrafted banners to cheer her (girl)friends on.
Mudrock: Plays right tackle for the football team and also wrestles. Known to be very odd, but her teammates generally like her because she works hard, does her job well, and doesn't cause trouble. A few people tried to pick on her for talking to rocks and promptly got suplexed into a mud pit.
Tomimi: Cheerleader and member of the swim and wrestling teams. Joined every team Gavial did to be closer to her, but is struggling to crack the starting lineups. She's a solid sub, though.
Eunectes: The other starting defensive end for the football team. Forms a solid 1-2 punch with Gavial. Also plays basketball and wrestles. Has engineering scholarships on lock.
Cuora: Loves baseball, is very good at it. Not the greatest student, but she can sure as hell knock the ball out of the park.
Meteor: Teaches Home Economics and coaches track. Friend of the Nearl family. Notorious among her students for being bad at technology.
Rosa: Cheerleader, plays tennis. Frequently found at equestrian events alongside Swire and SilverAsh.
Horn: Left guard for the football team, also plays basketball, tennis, and soccer. Bagpipe is currently living with her for access to better education.
Fang: Freshman who is quickly establishing herself as an asset to both the soccer team and the track and field squad. Dobermann is begrudgingly fond of her.
Talulah: Ch'en's estranged sister, left with her father when their parents separated. Spends too much time in the company of her creepy Uncle Kashchey and attends the Rich Rival Private School on the other side of the city. Plays the same sports Ch'en does, and their clashes on the field are legendary.
SilverAsh: Attends the Rich Rival Private School on the other side of the city. Is Swire's rival in the equestrian events and also fences and plays tennis. Met the Doctor once by chance at a sporting event and has been madly in love ever since.
Degenbrecher: Sportsball coach at the Rich Rival Private School on the other side of the city. All her students have a crush on her. Every single player she's coached has developed a femdom fetish. Had a multi-sport career in college and won multiple Super Bowls with the Kawalerielki Knights. Also did some modeling on the side. Has a burning rivalry with all of Rhodes Island High's sportsball coaches.
Sorry, this was originally meant to be a ship list, but my Writer Neurons started firing for the first time in forever and turned it into a full-blown high school AU, so I apologize for that. I don't ship the Doctor with every character on this list, but I think a good number of them are cute, funny, or otherwise workable.
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talvin-muircastle · 3 years
Am I Queer? It’s Controversial.
This is going to be long, and it’s going to cover a lot of ground, so please bear with me.  
Recently, this article came to my attention:
I have spent a fair amount of time questioning my own sexuality/identity, and having it questioned by others.  Now approaching five full decades of life, I feel comfortable saying:
I identify as Male, and Straight.
I am Gender Non-Conforming by the standards of the culture I come from.
But I am not comfortable saying this qualifies me as “Queer” or otherwise under LGBTQIA+.   
That article (which is by no means the Last Word on the subject) identifies several areas where I do not conform to my AMAB status as culturally defined:
I have long hair.  But I also have a thick beard and moustache, and I like that combination.  Still, I grew up in a place where long hair on a guy meant you were A) Queer or B) into Heavy Metal.   Even though my teen years saw me sporting a military-style buzzcut more often than not, I tended to hang out with the Metalheads.  My long hair continues to be a point of contention with my conservative relatives and in-laws.   Some of them think I am a Hippie, which is funny because I am allergic to Cannabis.  Wanna watch me fight for breath and puke?  Blow weed smoke in my face.  
I am a Stay-At-Home Dad and Homemaker.  I have been the breadwinner for this family, but that is not part of my identity.  I am quite content to let my wife handle that part of things, and so is she.  I have been a Dad longer than I have been a father, in fact:  for most of my life I have been mentoring teenagers that find their way to me seeking advice, comfort, acceptance, and guidance.    I spent a lot of time worrying about what career should I follow, and it took me far too long to understand and accept that Dad was what I was after.  A woman seeking motherhood as a career is validated, a man seeking fatherhood in the same context is not conforming.  
When I was younger, I got hit with one hell of a double-standard: while wanting to be a Dad as a goal is not acceptable, I was supposed to go out there and sow my wild oats.  OK, I wasn’t really supposed to get girls pregnant, but I was supposed to try.  Wait, what? Try that again?  OK, if you were a teenaged boy in the 80s and 90s and I am pretty sure before that (not sure after, AIDS changed a lot of thinking all around), you were not supposed to get a girl pregnant, but you were supposed to make an attempt as often as possible, in fact you were supposed to score but fail.  If you are confused, don’t feel bad: I was living steeped in this paradox 24/7/365 and came out of it real confused.
Meanwhile, I was looking for a long-term, meaningful relationship with a woman who could be a partner in my life, and avoiding the one-night stands I was supposed to be after according to the standards of my culture, and so many of the people around me—parents, teachers, peers—decided that I must be Queer.  And that was Not A Good Classification To Find Yourself In in Rural Tennessee of the 80’s and 90’s.   Lacking real support, I entered adulthood like a trainwreck still skidding down the tracks, confused as hell and desperately trying to please people whose opinions mattered to me far more than they should.  I did finally find that relationship, and we celebrate 21 years of marriage this month.  Meanwhile I can’t keep track of who has gotten divorced and remarried from that crowd anymore.   
I am not a fan of American Football.  (I am not a fan of soccer, which is football to the rest of the world, but that’s not going to get you labeled Queer in the USA as yet.)   Even so, I got recruited to be the Football Manager for my high school football team, and then I spent several years studying to be an Athletic Trainer in college as an add-on to my English and Education degree.  The fact that I spent 7 years of my life on the sidelines of football games (and basketball, and baseball) and still do not really understand the rules of those sports should have been a clear sign to me that I was trying to conform and failing badly.  An American Male of my generation is supposed to like these things, he is supposed to scream at the television or scream from the stands when watching a game, he is supposed to have a Favorite Team and Wear Their Stuff.
Yeah, that’s not me.  I don’t like combative sports.  I like things that involve grace, beauty, and art.   Figure skating (either gender, singles, but especially pairs) is fun to watch.  The more artistic of gymnastics events are nice (uneven bars and vault are kinda boring, but I love watching floor exercise.)  Watching someone do tricks on a skateboard is more interesting to me than an MMA bout.  I enjoy the art of it.   I used to watch WWF Wrestling as a kid, but I found I enjoyed the “story” more than the violence.  Martial arts practice that is done like a dance is more interesting than watching two people try to kick each other in the face for real.   
I’m told I am supposed to like these things.  I am told that not liking them makes me less masculine.  
This extends into online gaming as well.  Oh, I like some combat games.  We aren’t going to talk about how many hours I have played the XCOM series.  But…I don’t like PVP or multiplayer. I like the story arc, and accomplishing things.  Minecraft?  I like building, and killing mobs is very secondary to that.  In single-player I usually just go peaceful mode and explore the world, build grand railways and tunnels, create comfortable houses or make a home under a lake with a glass roof under the water.  In World of Warcraft I spent more time exploring the world and getting cool screenshots than worrying about getting Phat Loot and XP.  I would take a whole afternoon just to escort a couple of new players through dangerous territory so they could find their friends.  
I have gotten a lot of grief over that.  I am supposed to go out and kill kill kill stab stab stab get the loot!  
And I am supposed to get more than the other person.  It’s competition.  Men are supposed to compete.  And if you can’t get more than the other guy you go dump buckets of lava on his house and laugh at the noob.  
I hate that.  
By the standards I was raised with, I am gender nonconforming.  I most definitely do not conform to the expectations that were laid upon me from my youth.
Does that make me Queer?   I am not comfortable claiming that.
The standards I was held to can also be considered Toxic Masculinity.  They hold that Queer==Less Of A Man.  “Queer” is not “Less.”  I was raised to think it is, but I have learned, and grown, and I know that it is not.  I also do not accept that I, myself, am Less.  The very premise of me being labeled Queer by those people is wrong on all counts.   I am different. I have always known that.  I believe that “Man” and “Male” can encompass more than violence, bullying, and competition.  I also know full well that many who identify as “Woman” and “Female” embrace those as ideals as well.  
I am no stranger to violence.  My life has often been violent.  I have fought off muggers who were armed with knives, I have stared down the barrel of a gun, I have been beaten because someone else wanted to establish himself as the dominant male in our school just after he moved there.  I am not a pacifist: the only reason I have not killed another human being in self-defense is because I was outnumbered.   I just don’t feel that defines my gender, and I have been told it should.  I fight to survive and to protect others, not to prove that I can.  
Others who look like me are guarding statues of Columbus with their Assault Rifles because they feel their masculinity is threatened.  This is another area where I do not conform to my expected gender roles.   Not only do I not feel my masculinity is threatened by BLM, or Pride, or the existence of Trans folks, I no longer feel my masculinity can be threatened.  I spent so many years under attack from “my” side, and gotten so much support from “their” side, that I now understand that my gender is not about what THEY think.  It is MY identity. I OWN it.  I am who I am regardless of their perception of me. Nothing someone else does can take that from me. 
And if anything about me is Queer, it is that: the understanding that my identity belongs to me and not to those who seek to mislabel me.  
I have been told by some in the Queer community that I am welcome among them, and I am grateful for that.  So, so many of my stories can be prefaced with, “There I was, the only Straight Guy in the room, when:”  I am proud to be an Ally.  
But calling myself Queer?  I’m not comfortable doing that.  I could, and I know some who would accept it.  But I feel it is more important to me to break the toxic definition of Masculinity and show that things like nurturing, caring, creating, dancing, loving, uplifting, and oh yes parenting, these ARE Male Qualities, always have been, and should always be.   No criticism of GNC folks who take the Queer label intended or implied: they are not Less, they own their own identity, they are valid.   They are themselves, and have a right to be. 
I am me.
I am a Man.
I will never be the Man they wanted me to be, and I am PROUD of that. 
Happy Pride Month.  
Don’t let the bastards get you down.
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feifheadcanons · 6 years
What kind of sports would the child units like to play?
Kana - Kana doesn’t really care much for playing sports. They’d much rather just watch. Unless you’re talking about REAL sports like Duck Duck Dragon or Hide and Go Seek, in which case, they are the uncontested best at sports like those!
Midori - She doesn’t really care much for sports either, she’s much more into sports medicine! Although she currently holds the archery record! She much prefers to follow people around and tend to their wounds, especially people who always get injured *cough* SOPHIE SHIRO SOLEIL *cough* Speaking of which...
Sophie - Sophie is really good at, well, horseback riding! No one in Hoshido rides horses, and Forrest just isn’t much of a challenge in that regard. Siegbert, while competent, isn’t much of a challenge either. So she does cross country! She loves running and she’s got great stamina. She also does gymnastics! She’s really flexible and good at most events! She is also a certain reckless knucklehead’s coach in boxing, which is where most of her injuries come from.  
Dwyer - Dwyer doesn’t play sports. He’s just there to bring tea to people post-match and to give them advice to do better. It’s too much work for him. With that being said, half the reason is that he’s just too good at every sport. Tennis, basketball, soccer, judo, diving, aikido, he’s just good at everything. He wants to give the others a chance. So he sticks to darts.
Shigure - I mean, is it any surprise he does swimming? He loves the water so much, not to mention his singing gives him ridiculous tidal volume and breath control, he’s practically a master of the water. His diving isn’t that good, and his speed isn’t the best, but his mastery of his body and flow in water is the toppest of notches. 
Shiro - One boxing boy, coming right up! Shiro is the resident boxing buff and buff boxer of the army. He loves it. He doesn’t have the best defenses though, and he’s stiff as a board, which is where Sophie comes in! She’s his trainer, helping him master his range of motion and get better at defending! She’s got a mean left hook! Midori patches them both up, scolding them about being more careful.“If you’re more flexible, Shiro, you can do all sorts of neat punches! Why, I bet you could dislocate your shoulder to extend the range of your punch! Like...Zoom! A Zoom Punch!”“Sophie, please don’t tell him to do that.”
Kiragi - With his eagle eyes, there’s only one kind of sport for him...Hide and Seek with Kana! Oh and he’s the best skeet shooter. Moving targets are kind of his specialty. 
Asugi - Rock climbing! He’s really agile and dexterous, so rock climbing is a bit of a no-brainer for him. He’d much rather be doing anything else, but he might as well mix in his ninja training with a sport if he has to do a sport, so he doesn’t mind too much. He’ll kinda get up there really fast and just sit on top of the wall, eating candy until everyone else gets up. “What took ya so long?”
Mitama - She plays soccer! She doesn’t like exercising too much, she’d much rather be doing...basically anything else. So she’ll set up shop in the goal and wait for the ball to come her way and effortlessly block it. She’s never let a goal go by, and she uses the rest of her free time just to write haiku about the fresh open air and smell of grass, waiting for the next ball to come her way.
Hisame - Is it any surprise that Hisame does kendo? An ancient Hoshidan sport of swordplay, he is nearly unrivaled. He goes in and just sweeps up every tournament. His footwork is unparalleled, but his real edge is that he’ll just think of his enemies like pickles, in need of dicing and slicing.
Caeldori - She, much like Dwyer, excels at basically every sport. She headlines as the army’s best diver, and people love watching her incredible form, but her real passion is actually karate! She’s pretty much unmatched, taking out most challengers without a scratch on her! She wears a mask though so people don’t know it’s her! She fought in an MMA tournament once and won the whole thing, beating Shiro in the final round! He actually managed to get a few good hits in, but she knocked him out in one clean hit. It’s why he’s in defense training right now!
Selkie - She does decathlons! She’s really good at the long jump especially! Not beacuse she can jump overly far (even though she totally can) but more because she’s able to gather up so much speed compared to the distance she starts out with! She’s got it on lock!
Rhajat - She dances competitively. But she doesn’t tell anyone. She just says she doesn’t play sports. But she does lyrical, tap, ballet, breakdancing, waltz, even cheer and Hoshidan ribbon dancing. The only people who know are Azura and Laslow, who she’s asked to coach them. Oh and Hayato. She never told him, but he’s known ever since she was little that she had a passion for dancing. He slips charms into whatever dance shoes she wears that day. They’re not for cheating or anything, they just help her get over her crippling stage fright. He’s secretly there cheering her on all the time.
Siegbert - Siegbert is the worst best golfer you’ll ever meet. He’s incredible with his drives, often just getting holes in one. But his putting is atrocious. Either he sinks it in one from a hundred yards away, or he struggles to putt from 2 feet away for 300 strokes. Eventually, he decided if he doesn’t get a hole in one, to just knock it away another 100 yards and try from there. He also plays jai alai, and tchoukball!
Forrest - Field hockey! He loves the fresh smell of grass and the battle on the field, but he’s a bit of a clean freak. Thanks to Midori though, he has a new potion that removes all grass stains, so he can really get down and dirty. He’s a surprisingly strong player.
Soleil - She fences! She just hoped that it would make her a better dancer by forcing her to improve her footwork but it doesn’t translate out of the match sadly. With that said, she’s a MONSTER in the arena. She footwork and swordplay are only matched by how much fun she’s having! She loves the thrill of the fight, and win or lose, she’s always got a smile in the end. Every opponent ends up her friend somehow. Also, whenever she takes off her helmet, she does that stereotypical post-helmet-removal-slow-motion hair flip that you see in cartoons. People swoon. She has a fan-club~
Ophelia - She plays tennis! And she’s really good at it! She names all her “attacks” too. “Dead Man’s Volley!” “Die Die Tennis Barrage!” “Shooting Star Arrow!”  She lives for long rallies on deuces, and relishes in the victory of her advantage if she gets one.
Nina - She’s a sports journalist! She goes around writing reports on sports, although she does get a bit lost in her thoughts at times. She doesn’t play very often, simply because she enjoys other forms of athletic activity, but she never lets on what she means...She LARPs. But she will kill anyone who finds out. She also bowls a pretty mean game, 300s left and right.
Percy- Percy plays basketball! He lacks the jump height to dunk considering his size, and his lay-ups are okay, 50/50. But they call him the Full Court Miracle. Any shot beyond the three point line just...lands clean. He’s got so much raw talent, but he still practices! He’s good at stealing the ball too~
Velouria - She wrestles! Her pins and grapples are pretty top-notch! She grew up play-wrestling with her dad all the time, and so he would show her how to actually wrestle when she got bigger, to help catch prey. Eventually she took it on competitively, and won multiple awards!
Ignatius - Ignatius plays American Football! He might be cowardly and he hates getting hurt, but he hates seeing his friends get hurt even more. He plays center, and he’s a regular Ryokan Kurita, that boy. Always protecting his QB no matter what. He’s strong enough to hold the line by himself if need be.
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shaevira · 7 years
Au Prompt: I take my grades very seriously and you’re the lazy asshole who asks a ton of off-topic questions to distract the professor and I might be a foot shorter than you but I swear to god I’ll fight you AU
WC: 2.8k
Freezerburn + Cheeky Blake Belladonna.
“So what you’re saying is the cacti juice in Vacuo proved to be valuable in poisoning the rebels just because it made them like super drunk? And so they had like some crazy hallucinations, right?” Yang Xiao Long sounded like an incompetent idiot.
Everyone knows that the Cacti Juice provided medicinal values, but if overdosed, it could lead for severe grand mal seizures to which the rebels of Vacuo thought their teammates had been possessed by the spirits of the Kingdom - which had led the rebels to attack their own in fear of the spirits possessing them too.
Wait a second! This wasn’t even the topic. They were supposed to be talking about the Great Menagerie migration that happened 100 years ago to escape the aftermath of the Mistralian civil war that had occured due to disrest within the capital.
Weiss glared at the back of the blonde’s head who had asked such a stupid question. Weiss had been stuck in this class with this bimbo of a blonde who would constantly interrupt the lessons with asinine questions that usually led them into an hour long discussion of something that was completely off the rails of what they had be originally discussing.
Why was she doing this now? It was 3 weeks away from finals! Weiss knew better than to question ‘why?’ when Yang Xiao Long had been doing these shenanigans all semester. It had taken Weiss nearly all semester to finally lose her cool.
She was a patient girl.
Some days she was alright with the girl’s stupidity who asked stupid questions like “What if Mountain Glenn was the true home base for the mole people?” To which Weiss rolled her eyes and shoved her face into her arms. She would get through this, she told herself...and gotten through it, she had. Almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she had gotten through it.
Weiss didn’t know how the professor didn’t see through all her bullshit. Maybe he was the one in need of a lesson...then again, Professor Port, their World History professor was a very senile man. How he wasn’t dead from just how old he was was already a mystery to Weiss.
How Yang Xiao Long managed to get into college was another mystery in itself.
But this?
Finals week just around the corner? Weiss had enough.
Weiss was already a perfect, grade A student on the dean's list and she wanted to keep it that way. She wondered how the busty blonde compared to her perfect grades, probably not very well if she had to act like that.
The off-topic conversation drolled on. It didn’t matter if Weiss tried to steer the professor back on topic. As Yang would consistently steer them off-topic, and would passive aggressively wink and grin at Weiss, fully aware of what she was doing to Weiss and the rest of the class.
This had slowly begun to anger Weiss, which added onto what everything else Yang had been doing. She wondered if everyone else was just as done with her as she was.
Weiss would put an end to this. Today.
Even if it meant fighting the big blonde brute.
Yang might’ve been built like an mma fighter and an amazonian mixed into one, but a basketball and a soccer player like her probably had no clue how to fight, right?
Weiss huffed, it didn’t matter.
She would confront her. She needed to be ready for the final. If this asshole, and the rest of the class didn’t care about their grades at least she did. She would get her way.
Class had let out, and Weiss stalked her rather large prey who seemed to be blissfully unaware of Weiss’s presence and they walked across campus to their cars.
Before Weiss actually let Yang get in and drive off in her car, she stood behind it.
Yang rolled down the window and looked out. “Uh, hey. I think you need to move - I want to go home and you standing in the way of my car doesn’t really help my process of going home.” she snidely commented.
“Yang Xiao -whatever the fuck your name is, I need to have a word with you.” Weiss stated astutely, hands on hips and with a glare that could cut brick.
Yang cut the ignition, and exited her car with a sporting glare of her own. “You got a problem pipsqueak?” she hovered over Weiss menacingly. “Wait a second, you’re that chick from our World History class.” her demeanor changed, a mischievous aura now filled Yang and she crossed her arms and smirked.
Weiss glared. “Excuse me?! My name is Weiss Schnee, and I will be respected!”
Yang laughed in her face. “Right, of course.” sarcasm oozed out of her.
“What is your problem?” Weiss stepped closer looking up at her, hands on her hips and a menacing finger in Yang’s face.
Yang didn’t flinch, and kept her stance. “What’s my problem? Nothing, pipsqueak. You’re the one standing behind my car, in case you didn’t notice.” she motioned over her shoulder.
“No! That’s not what I meant! Why are you such a...insufferable incompetent ignoramus?” Weiss stomped her foot, now clenching her fists and making a scene. Luckily there weren’t many people around the parking lots.
Yang merely stared, seemingly dumbfounded. “Eh?” she tilted her head, not really understanding what Weiss was getting at.
Weiss rubbed the bridge of her nose, “Why. Are. You. SUCH A LAZY ASSHOLE?” she stated bluntly, but with a little more anger in her voice.
“I’m lost, recap?” Yang raised an eyebrow, unphased by the girl having a temper tantrum in her presence.
“I swear, I will fight you…” mumbled Weiss. Weiss was ready to square up. How could someone this dumb make it into college? Weiss remembered through her rage. Scholarships.
She internally groaned.
Through all the ruckus, Weiss had failed to notice someone approach them.
“Yang, what is it with you and the ladies? Is this another one of your failed date attempts?” A black hair girl approached, Weiss turned and recognized the woman to be Blake Belladonna. She was in another of Weiss’s class and luckily she wasn’t as big of a nuisance as Yang was. But how were those two friends?
And did she say ‘failed date attempts?’
Yang eyes widened as did Weiss’s who looked a little astonished.
“W-what?! No!” Yang stepped back from Weiss and made an X motion with her arms.
Blake stepped up to Yang and wrapped her arm around Yang’s shoulder. “Are you sure? This girl is definitely your type.” Blake eyed Weiss up and down. “Feisty. Smart. Pretty. You know I heard her yelling at you from like the Chem building, right?” Blake patted Yang’s shoulder.
Blake was a lot more cheeky then one would presume.
“Blake, I fucking hate you.” Yang glared at Blake, removing her hand from her shoulder. She looked back at Weiss. “Uhh, whatever it was I did...uhm, sorry? Hah...I won’t..do it again?” Yang look a little confused, and well, embarrassed.
Weiss too, looked a little bewildered.
Just exactly what was this about?
Yang fled back to her car, hiding her face as best as she could. Weiss finally moved out of the way with another word while Blake and Weiss watched Yang peel out of the parking lot in a hurry.
“You know she only acts up in your class, right?” Blake crossed her arms, as her eyes followed Yang’s car. “She can be an asshole, but not intentionally. It’s funny too, because I’m pretty sure she would let you beat her up and I know you wanted to.” Blake chuckled.
Weiss turned to Blake and scoffed. “That doesn’t fix the problem that she’s ruining that class! Finals are in THREE weeks, and she has NOT ONCE in the entire semester asked a relevant question.”
“She wants your attention, sweetie.” Blake bluntly stated, her head turned towards Weiss. “She knows how smart you are; but she’s pretty dumb when it comes to everything else. She doesn’t know how to really get your attention without being fucking stupid about it. I’m surprised nobody else has tried to go after her in your class.” Blake paused once more, “Trust me, I’ve seen her try and fail many many times.”
“That makes no sense!” Weiss flailed her arms.
“Yeah, love makes no sense either.” Blake turned and walked away.
Leaving a very confused Weiss in the parking lot.
Monday’s class came and Weiss scanned her World History class for Yang. No show. This was odd as Yang had usually never missed class. Surprisingly, without Yang, the class went smoothly and efficiently. Yet, the sudden quietness and lack of commotion had filled Weiss with a sense of unease.
No matter, she thought. She would ace these finals, like she had aced every other class and every other midterm.   
Wednesday class rolled around and again, Yang was nowhere to be seen. Another quiet, and disruption-free class. Weiss was filled with a small anger. Was Yang avoiding her? After what happened on Friday? Was it that really big of a deal?
Besides, didn’t Yang need to learn the material for the upcoming final? How would she learn if she wasn’t in class? What did that imbecile think she was doing?
Weiss’s had been filled with so many questions that Wednesday that were completely unrelated to World History, in fact...she had been thinking solely about Yang. She tried her damned hardest to concentrate, but with the lack of noise and the whole counter-arguments between the class made it hard to do so.
Did Yang actually help Weiss stay interested in the class?
Friday rolled around and once more, Yang was not there. Weiss was able to concentrate this time, but only a little as she had made a plan to leave class early to catch Blake Belladonna as interrogate her.
Five minutes before class let out, Weiss casually walked out the door and waited patiently in the parking lot.
Minutes passed and she spotted the amber-eyed girl casually making her way to her car.
Weiss walked up to her like prey stalking it’s kill. She nearly scared the cat-like girl half to death as Weiss had managed to make her way behind her and touch her on the shoulder. Coming out from her ninja like reaction stance to the scare, Blake turned to to Weiss. “W-weiss?! What the hell? Don���t sneak up on a person like that!”
“Blake Belladonna! Where is Yang Xiao Long?!” Weiss abruptly asked.
“Well, hello to you too. Uhh...Yang is resting?” Blake said.
“Why would she be resting, doesn’t she know she should be studying and coming to class? That idiot won’t pass finals if she doesn’t come!” Weiss lectured.
“Whoa, whoa...calm down pi- I mean Weiss. Well, she slept in on Monday because of some Sunday volunteer event. Then, on Tuesday they had a soccer skirmish, and she tore her ACL and got into surgery pretty fast. She’s out now, so she’s been resting in her dorm.”
Weiss stepped back, a little shocked. She didn’t know Yang volunteered, was Yang actually a good, not lazy person? Wait, she tore something? Her ACL? How little did Weiss know about sports, she wasn’t very sports influenced but if Yang had tore something that required surgery it must’ve been serious. She wondered if it affected Yang’s scholarships here. If she had any.
Weiss didn’t like how she thought about the blonde idiot so often. Or how she slowly started to care about the arrogant asshole who had ruined her whole semester with dumb questions that Weiss would constantly have to correct, or argue about with her and try to steer them all back on topic.
“Oh...do you mind taking me to her?” Weiss now politely asked Blake.
Blake raised an eyebrow. “Uh, sure I guess?”
Weiss barged into Yang’s single roomed dormitory. “YANG XIAO LONG!”
Yang flailed popcorn into the air as she turned her upper body around to see a very fiesty short ivory-haired girl invading her home. “Shit. How’d you get in here?!”
Blake waved from the door, stepped out of the room and closed the door leaving Weiss and Yang alone in the room.
“Fucking Blake…” Yang muttered to herself laying her head back on the couch.
“Yang, why didn’t you tell me you hurt yourself?!” Weiss stared at her, with her arms crossed. She tapped her foot impatiently.
“Can’t I relax? I just got home from PT.” Yang groaned.
“How are you supposed to recover and study if you’re out going to PT?!” Weiss sneered.
“Wait, seriously? PT means Physical Therapy. Y’know, to fix help my leg or at least get it moving better.” Yang tilted her head, questioningly.
Weiss stood there, now she was dumbfounded. There was apparently a whole other world that Weiss did not know about.
Weiss looked around the room and pulled up a chair near the couch, which Yang had taken up for very obvious reasons.
“What do you want, anyways?” Yang tried to sit herself up a little straighter as she adjusted her leg. Before Weiss could speak, Yang began once more. “Look, if you’re here about class and whatever and me talking a lot. Yeah, I know what I’ve said and I know what I’m doing. I’m a genuine asshole, there I said it. I’m making an B+ in the class, so the only reason I do it is because I’m bored and there’s a really pretty lady who likes to argue with me about it.” Yang looked at Weiss straight-faced. “If it weren’t for these pain meds, I would totally not be so calm about this.” Yang added.
Weiss sat there with a shocked look about her. “What Blake said was true? You like...like me or something?” Weiss slowly chunked the idea out there. The whole idea that the someone would disrupt a class solely to get the attention of ONE person seemed completely idiotic. Yet, Weiss couldn’t help but find bits and pieces of it endearing.
“Yeah, I do.” Yang sighed.
A silence filled the air.
“Couldn’t you have just told me like a normal human being?!” Weiss scolded her with a frown.
Yang grinned back, she liked the feistiness of Weiss. “No, what fun would that be?!”
Weiss groaned, “Yang Xiao Long if you weren’t in some sort of cast contraption I would be beating you up!” she stared at Yang, who was still widely grinning at her.
“I’d like to see you try shortstuff.” Yang teased.
Weiss stood up over Yang menacingly. “J-just hurry up and get better okay?! So you can come back to class and you can learn what’s needed on finals and no more stupid questions, okay?!”
Yang returned to a straight-face, then to a smirk. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back on Monday. Wait, does this mean I have your attention now because if I don’t...well, I’ve always wondered what the Atlesian military was doing all the way in Vale, wasn’t it to like...take their stuff or something and then like sell it? That’s was the topic last week, right?” Yang put on a fake dumb voice, one she had usually used in class to sound like a top notch dumbass who knew completely what they were doing.
Weiss’s eyes narrowed, knowing what Yang was saying was utter nonsense. “I swear, if you do that, I’ll…” Weiss reared her fist back and faked as if she was going to punch Yang in the nose, but instead flicked her on the nose.
“Ow! That’s rude.” Yang, with quick speed returned the flick movement.
Weiss grabbed her nose and glared.
“You’re cute when you try hard and threaten me.” Yang smirked.
Weiss blushed. “You’re totally insufferable!” she began to leave the room, not wanting to be embarrassed or angered anymore by the big dumb brute.
Yang grabbed onto her arm before she left. “What, no goodbye?”
“I’ll see you Monday, won’t I?” Weiss turned and looked at her.
“Honestly, I was hoping you’d stick around for a bit longer - maybe help me with some of the things I missed.” Yang had a sincere look about her.
Weiss raised an eyebrow. “Only if you tell me about this ACL and how you broke it.”
“I tore it.”
“Oh, right.” Weiss awkwardly smirked.
Yang chuckled.
“Looks like we have a lot of things to learn from each other.” Yang mentioned. “So, we have a deal then?”
“Fine, just no more dumb questions like I said too, alright?”
“Anything for a pipsqueak!”
Weiss groaned.
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kingjaffejoffer · 7 years
Have you watched Counterpunch on Netflix? If you have what did you think of it? I personally thought it was pretty good documentary, it looks at the future of the sport through the careers of a few up and coming great in relation to the transition boxing made when Mayweather became the face of boxing.
Yeah i watched it.
The first half of the documentary was super biased with a lot of commentary they were letting fly.
And I don’t think they did a fair and balanced counterpoint to the “Mayweather ruined the sport by turning it into a business”. They painted Floyd as the villain of boxing because he “only cares about money” and fighters now think business first trying to emulate Floyd.
The flip side of that is that boxing is a sport that has exploited poor Black & Latin people for over 100 years. They take desperate men from the hood and put them in the ring and have them risk their lives and health. They use them up and then they throw them away. Boxers (and MMA fighters) are probably the most exploited athletes in all of professional sports. 
Mike Tyson retired broke. 
Muhammad Ali kept fighting way past his prime and suffered brain damage because he was in financial trouble. Muhammad Ali didn’t even own the rights to his name and likeness when he died. He ended up selling it to some company for money.
George Foreman fought til he was damn near 50 years old because he needed the money. He’s made more money selling grills as an old man than he made boxing.
Joe Louis, one of the greatest boxers of all time died broke. 
Just last night, a boxer named Tim Hague was declared brain dead after a boxing match. 
Unlike basketball, soccer, football etc…. Boxing is not a game. 
So here comes Floyd Mayweather…. a brilliant businessman, changes the face of boxing in respects to empowering fighters to make wise financial decisions and be more health conscious….and he’s painted as the bad guy?
Fuck that.
I did like the documentary, it was entertaining… I just didn’t agree with that one point. 
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thetalesalchemist · 8 years
The media, feminism, and me. A post for International Women’s Day 2017
While I consider myself a supporter of feminism and an ally to its cause, I find that virtually none of my favorite creators, authors, artists, scientists, etc. are female or, more importantly, identify as women. I believe that I can be an ally despite that fact but I have to ask myself if I am truly a supporter for the cause of gender equality.
If I don’t support a woman singer her songs and her albums am I a feminist? If I don’t watch women led films or television can I be a feminist? If the anime I like has weak female leads used primarily for fan service or has an overwhelmingly male cast am I supporting the feminist cause?
I find that few of the games I play have female playable characters. Even fewer with female leads. I watch several hours of wrestling a week and rarely, if ever, pay attention to women wrestlers. I watch several all male promotions: ROH, NJPW, and NOAH and I could not care less that there are no women on the roster. I used to be a sports guy but have since fallen out of watching SportsCenter every morning years ago. Still none of the athletes that I care about are women. I don’t watch any sports for them. As if women’s sports are for women.
In every genre of entertainment and in any expressive medium, I seem to avoid anything that has women in a central role. So, perhaps, my claim that I am a feminist is just that, a claim.
The question I must ask myself is “Do I avoid female-centric art?” If I think that I don’t and that I only am predisposed to liking male-centric things or that male focused art is better, does it matter?
I find that rappers like Killer Mike, Jay Z, Slug, etc. are better than Trina, Remy Ma, and Nicki. I prefer singers like Julian Casablancas, Chris Cornell, R. Kelly to Beyonce, Alicia Keys, and Lily Allen (who is my fav woman singer), There is no female directer that I follow or whose style I recognize like Snyder, Tarantino, Abrams, Nolan. The Ava DuVernay’s and Katheryn Bigelow’s of the world are award winning visionaries but I couldn’t describe their style or bodies of work. I had to Google other women directors because I’m simply not familair with any who wasn’t an actor first. There’s no actress that I prefer to my favorite actors. Amy Adams is in a few of my favorite recent films but she wouldn’t crack my top 20 for on screen performers. I’ve seen the majority of several actresses’ entire bodies of work and it doesn’t seem to matter to me. I find it hard to fathom that I would see a movie because an actress was in it. For some actors, I would.
In this scenario I’d have to ask myself why is this? Is it because of the subject matter or their work? Or is it something like the quality or my perception of it? Do I believe that their works are inferior to their male colleagues? Perhaps, the roles women are given in Hollywood and the music industry are typecast. Or I just avoid these women’s work because I am sexist? Idk.
In games I think my issue with supporting women and female leads has definite room for improvement. I never create a woman as my avatar. I’m male, identify as a man, so I’ve never, when given an option, chose to play as a woman over in a man when you could create a character. In Dishonored 2 I did choose to play as Emily instead of Corvo but you don’t create either character. I don’t think I know any game creators, directors, art leads, writers, etc. other than Amy Hennig (the writer and director of the first few Uncharted games) and Jade Raymond (of Assassin’s Creed). I will play a game with a female protagonist but I’m not sure if I avoided a game because it had a woman.
Thinking critically of myself I don’t think I would play Final Fantasy XV, my favorite game of last year, if it had a cast of four women. I’m not sure the marketing would capture me in that case. I would hope that having a female lead cast would not have prevented me from playing FFXV. I like Nathan Drake more than Lara Croft. I can’t tell if that’s because of the writing, Nolan North’s performance, or sexism. In Resident Evil 6 there were four campaigns with only one with a woman as the lead. Some campaigns had women characters but the driving focus of the narrative was on the men in them. Ada’s campaign was my favorite but that may be due to the execution and style of the others. In Overwatch my mains are split 50/50 which is a credit to Blizzard for diversifying its cast and the roles they play to encourage its players to be a different hero. In gaming I can’t tell with certainty why I seemingly don’t play games with women playable characters. It could be the style of the game-indie title skew more towards equality (not yet equal though) of female leads than AAA games. Maybe the genre of game is part of it. I prefer action oriented games and those overwhelmingly have guys as the protagonist.
In anime, none of my favorites have a woman lead. In some cases, like Bleach, the girls are there as fan service or damsels in distress. While they all have characters and motivations, their purpose within the story isn’t as important as the fellas that move the story along. I especially love Shonen style battle anime and there will seemingly always be a focus on men as it’s target audience in Japan is young boys. My favorite anime series is Full Metal Alchemist, a series with male leads yet is written by Hiromu Arakawa, a woman (Arakawa’s name is Hiromi but she uses a male pen name).
When it comes to wrestling and (real) sports I, simply, prefer watching the men. When I was a teenager I would watch women’s tennis cus upskirts hehe now that I’m (less im)mature I know now how silly and wrong that was. When I was that age professional wrestling in the US overly sexualized women and that’s the reason why I would watch it then. I would outgrow that behavior too because promotions focused on aesthetics and the women that they hired were trash performers. It’s only recently with NXT generation of women wrestlers (and Natalya too) that I care about women’s wrestling in the US. I love the Japanese style of wrestling, puroresu, but I don’t watch Joshi (female) promotions. I will seek out Joshi matches but at the time, I haven’t yet done the research and the promotions aren’t as easily available as New Japan Pro Wrestling. Back to real sports, now that I, more or less, know what I like. I do not watch any competition between women when there is a male alternative. With MMA I kind of luck into watching women fight as they’re on the same card as the men. I watch only World Cup for women’s soccer. I don’t think I’ve seen a high level soccer game on television other than WC. When I attended UAB, I never watched women’s basketball but went to a few men’s, I only went to one women’s soccer game and I didn’t support any other women’s sport on campus at all. I don’t follow the WNBA at all. I can only name a few players and can’t name a champion team. In women’s NCAA I only know about UConn because they’ve been so dominant. But even without watching ESPN regularly, I can tell you who’s hot and what the teams are doing in the NBA and men’s NCAA.
The crux of my problem is that I don’t know how much fault I bear in having an aversion to women’s artistic pursuits. While I feel like I am a feminist and am all for equal rights and pay, I do not seem to care much or at all about the creative work that women produce. I think it has to do with the exposure of their work. There are very few works of art that have a female lead that are marketed towards me. But I recognize that I should seek these things out as well. I should support women’s work because that, presumably, would help get more women hired in the fields and mediums that I enjoy consuming. In sports I can see clearly that I’m biased toward male competition and I don’t know how to fix that issue. Watching women’s sports would help a bit, sure, but I’m not a huge sports guy and so I’ll generally watch only the “major” events. Those events are, of course, overwhelmingly male. For the arts, literature (which I didn’t touch), film, music, tv, anime, games, etc. I need to consume more works by women featuring women to send a messages to labels, publishers, channels, and studios that there is a demand for their products. The thing is I’ve done things like this before every summer I look for new artists and try to find their work and I regularly seek out new anime. So I think I need to try to find new news sources as well and, perhaps, that would help alleviate the problem I have of not being exposed to what’s popular, critically acclaimed, and highlights women. There’s a lot of work that I have to do to be more inclusive in my hobbies. I’ve tried to do so in the past and while I think I tried to do so sincerely there was little to no impact on diversifying the types of art and its creators that I consume. In order to call myself a feminist and mean it, I NEED to try more works by women. What do you recommend?
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Tom Glavine performs pitchman for delusion sports activities bill in Georgia
Atlanta Braves Corridor of Repute pitcher Tom Glavine waded into a contentious debate at the Georgia statehouse on Tuesday as he struck out in support of a measure that could legalize fantasy sports activities by means of putting forward the Net-based totally contests games of ability as opposed to risk.
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Glavine prevented specific to point out of House bill 118, the degree subsidized by kingdom Rep. Trey Kelley that has already cleared the Residence and is pending in the Senate. However, he served as a pitchman for myth sports activities as a way to assist enthusiasts higher connect to the gamers on the sphere.
“It complements and changes how I watch games,” stated Glavine. “For anyone who thinks they can do better than any other team’s popular supervisor, this gives them their hazard to try this.”
The measure is part of a nationwide, country-via-state effort by means of the industry to reclassify the contests say they don’t run afoul of nation prohibitions on gambling. And with the failure of a bill to legalize online casino gambling this 12 months, anti-gambling advocates have put their full focus on grounding this suggestion.
“It’s virtually playing. I will believe our Legislature is sidestepping this problem,” stated Virginia Galloway, the local director for the Religion and Freedom Coalition. “They’re going in opposition to our charter. And everybody is aware of it. It’s really sad that someone is the use of their Repute to make that argument.”
Glavine drew laughter whilst he mentioned lovers wandering up to him to induce him to “select it up” due to the fact he became on their delusion team. Kelley, R-Cedartown, likened it to different games of talent, such as bass fishing, and stated he had high hopes it would pass the Senate in the ultimate days of the legislative session.
Does the Poker site Shutdown Affect fantasy sports activities?
After the recent shut down of Poker sites within the U.S., many delusion sports websites had been inundated with questions concerning the legality of fantasy sports activities in the United states of America. What comes as a marvel to many humans is that the answer is a powerful yes. fantasy sports may be legally played online for cash within the U.S. And there was federal regulation especially installed vicinity taking into consideration fantasy sports to be performed. The Illegal Net gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 which became designed to lessen fraud and different issues with on-line gambling has a clause within the invoice that states myth sports are not video games of chance However video games of skill, essentially doing away with any doubt about the legality of myth sports activities.
What consumers need to be careful about is what styles of fable games they play. Almost all games out on the market today are legal However some pass the road into playing. The most important difference among a felony delusion recreation and an illegal one is how the teams are picked. Real myth sports activities are totally primarily based on information and not at the final results of the game. This is mentioned in the 2006 Unlawful Internet gambling Enforcement Act. other games which include “select em” and “Pool” games shouldn’t without a doubt get advertised as delusion type video games due to the fact the final results of a sport or competition has a right away effect on who wins. Despite the fact that these sorts of video games are extensively famous on and offline, They’re illegal to play online in the United states of America because when it’s far broken right down to its simplest form, humans are having a bet cash on a group’s effects. This reality by myself considers it gambling.
Granted that records are the biggest element that makes myth sports activities unique from other varieties of illegal playing, there are nevertheless a few other policies which are outlined below that maintains those video games prison.
All prizes and awards supplied to winning contributors are installed and made acknowledged to the contributors in advance of the game or contest and their cost is not determined by using the quantity of participants or the amount of any costs paid with the aid of the ones contributors. All winning results reflect the relative information and talent of the individuals and are decided predominantly by accrued statistical consequences of the performance of people (athletes within the case of sports activities) in a couple of actual global carrying or different events. No triumphing final results is based totally on any unmarried performance of an man or woman athlete in any single actual-global carrying or different event. another trouble which could quick be forgotten approximately the Poker room shut down become how they had been hiding their profits and either coercing banks or tricking them into taking bills from them. If you have ever attempted to shop for chips at a Poker room you saw just how tough it became. On account that delusion sports are prison they do not ought to conceal behind all of the smoke and mirrors that poker did. The only problem for a fable sports activities player on this regards is that they need to assert any prizes on their taxes really worth over $600. However, many cable sports agencies already encompass a tax shape with any prizes well worth over $600, so there may be no confusion in terms of that time of the yr.
sports activities fans can relaxation smooth knowing that the mainstream myth websites offer a high-quality way to beautify your favorite sports and are absolutely prison.
Kurt Pugh II is the co-founder of [http://www.XtremeFantasyLeagues.Com] LLC and [http://www.MMAXtremeFantasy.Com], a U.S. primarily based myth sports Enterprise that offers leagues in Football, MMA, Baseball, and Basketball. They provide the primary ever stat based myth MMA leagues in addition to weekly and playoff Football challenges. The leagues provide some of the most important coins prizes and quickest payouts on the internet. Sign up for a league now. You may also discover them on Fb, Twitter, and YouTube.
myth sports activities Go Political
The fable sports Alternate Affiliation has hired its first federal lobbyist as part of a political campaign to defend its economic interests and to make bigger into states that ban having a bet (even on fictional crew). Now fable sports activities have formally joined politics within the actual world.
fable game leagues exist in a spread of sports activities together with Football, baseball, basketball, hockey and more. In those leagues, enthusiasts are allowed to created mock teams of real-life gamers who will compete in pretend franchises. They are a massive part of American sports and growing extra in reputation and size with every 12 months and season.
Travis McCoy registered to foyer on the fabled sports activities Change Affiliation’s behalf in May and says, “We’re trying to permit human beings to play their video games and have a great time.”
McCoy is a former aide to Residence Speaker John Boehner and treasurer of the Affiliation’s newly formed %. He is also an avid fantasy Soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey player so he knows what these form of sports certainly mean to the fan.
U.S. sports delusion sites drew 312 million visits remaining month with the begin of the Countrywide Football League’s normal season, a 12% increase over September 2010, consistent with Matt Tatham of Experian Hitwise. delusion sports generates an anticipated $2 billion in keeping with year and extra than 30 million human beings play.
That statistics and figures display us how famous delusion sports activities are. There are Television indicates and websites committed to it, experts on this difficulty and now, even a political lobbyist. Almost a dozen states still have laws towards the games and the prizes which can be supplied via delusion sports activities and the corporation hopes to alternate that.
$6,000 has been spent thus far towards the foyer But Louis M. Maione, CEO of RotoMedia, says it’s miles just the beginning. Even though fable sports are already boasting some big numbers, it’s far just now entering popular subculture. in the future years, we are able to assume to see many more people on board.
As a fan, This is remarkable news since the lobbying will aim to overturn legal guidelines that save you players and owners from amassing prizes in lots of states and it’s going to work to make it more mainstream and desirable similar to everyday professional sports activities.
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