#So sweets immediately got daisy
vino---delectable · 4 months
So, uhhh, me and Vincent are married now bc my dream said so
And yes the ceremony was lovely
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dreaming-tonite · 2 months
The Necessity of Old-School Dating
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— A relationship should start with flowers and a proper confession.
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A/N: I just finished x-men 97 and my crush on Kurt when I was like 15 came back in full force. Like, you cannot tell me this man would not go to lengths trying to charm you.
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x reader
Warning: (1) German pet name in the feminine form that hopefully will not ruin this for any German speakers
Word count: ~1.5k
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When Kurt Wagner was in love with you, the entire world would know.
He had a lot of love to give, knocking people off their feet (quite literally) when he made his sudden appearances and tackled his friends with full-body hugs. But with you, he was always more careful. While he made no hesitation in finding his way to you in a puff of purple smoke the second he saw you, he always landed just a step away from you.
He grinned ear to ear, glowing eyes curled into thin moons just at the sight of you. His body leaned towards you slightly, aching to be close to you but restraining himself until you reached out for him first. The heat radiating off his body tempted you to close your eyes and allow your mind to sink into his embrace when he immediately pulled you in after getting the go-ahead.
“It is good to see you.” His voice was soft in your ear, the vibrations from his chest seeping into your skin.
He made sure to tell you that every time, even though he must be aware that you already knew how often he told you that. But to him, it was important that you hear it from him.
Kurt never pulls away until you do and the lingering of his touch on your back when he does always leaves your skin tingling.
A true gentleman but with a trickster’s spirit nonetheless. Your back bumped into his anticipating tail, respectfully curved around your form. You gasped when it presented you with a bunch of flowers that he seemingly pulled out of nowhere, the end of his tail holding at the stems.
“Oh, you really shouldn’t have,” you sheepishly said, “today is not even anything special!”
“I like that they make you happy,” he mused, his gaze so soft that it made your face burn, “is that not enough of a reason?”
“They make me very happy,” you smiled and took the bouquet, his tail gently recoiling from behind you to sit neatly against its owner. You pressed the flowers against your chest, the faint scent of petals tucking at your senses, “Thank you, Kurt.”
You did not remember a moment when your room was void of flowers since the very first time he ever gave you any (in fact, you did not even have a vase before that and now it was reserved specifically for flowers he brought you). Some days it was a properly wrapped bouquet, some times it seemed he just saw a daisy on his way and plucked it when he thought of you.
It was a fluttering feeling to be treated special, to have someone show you that you were always on their mind. As much as it was a sweet gesture, it sure was a smart one too. Flowers sitting at the corner of your room reminded you of him whenever your gaze flickered towards them, and it brought a smile to your face whether you intended to or not.
("That brother of mine sure got you smitten for him, doesn't he?"
The sugar-sweet voice broke you out of your trance and you subconsciously stopped toying with the daffodil you had been twirling between your fingers. "I have no idea what you are talking about," you quipped, avoiding Anna-Marie's amused stare.
"Why, is that so?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest in fake thoughtfulness before it broke into a smirk, "Then care to explain what is so special about some little flower that it got you smiling like a fool?"
Your eyes went wide, the smile on your face that you weren't even aware was there dropping in an instant as the realisation hit you in full force.
"Sugar," she said, a loop-sided grin tucked at the corner of her lips, "I know the look of someone in love when I see one.")
They said that if their heart was in the right place then you would never doubt, and he made sure that his intentions were clear from the very moment you caught his eye.
He remembered things you said in passing, asked you to go out for dinners and subtly took note of items your eyes lingered on when you passed by store windows even before there was a proper label to your connection.
Kurt always managed to find excuses to take the long route when he walked with you back to the school. Sure, he could, and usually would, skip the unnecessary process of walking. But the minutes that were saved would be a waste of precious time he could spend with you.
The world was quiet and all was good in these rare moments when you were alone, talking about nothing and everything and all that fell between. He fell a little bit more in love every time you laughed as if his heart was not already threatening to burst out of his chest. He preened in moments like this, standing a little taller and a little closer to you until your shoulders nearly bumped with each slow stride.
And if the knuckle of your fingers happened to brush against his, then he would allow himself to be a bit bold under the disguise of the starry sky to hold your hand.
Kurt was a true believer in the importance of proper courting, putting in the effort and letting the effort be felt. But as much as he enjoyed the tip-toeing and the words that were left unsaid, there came moments when the passion was too much to bear.
It was a night much like any other. You had thought that things were going well, there was laughter and he was being his usual charming self until the two of you started heading back. Under the silver moonlight, he was... quiet. Your gaze flickered towards him in concern but seemingly, he was too deep in his thoughts to notice.
So instead of speaking, you reached for his hand and his walls came crumbling down.
"I wanted to take things slow so that you could consider if my affections, my— my love is worthy for you." He blurted out, accent thicker than usual in a moment of vulnerability. "But recently, I have been plagued by my own selfishness, that the more you have allowed me in your life, the more I crave to have you all to myself."
"Ah, entschuldige, I am rambling," he muttered under his breath, his voice trembling and guiding your hand so that he faced you properly. You reached out to hold his face and he leaned into the touch, sighing in content at the contact and all the more certain that close could never be close enough when it came to you.
"I like to think that any relationship, any romance, should start with flowers and a proper confession, and you deserve nothing less." he paused, his hand reaching up to hold yours firmly. "My heart is in your hands, mein liebe."
Time stopped, and all was still.
The thudding of your heart was the only thing in your ear as he waited for your answer with bated breath.
The first touch was so light he could barely feel it. Your body reacted before your mind could keep up and at the first brush of your cupid's bow against his lips, perhaps the bravest thing you had ever done even though you had been on literal battlefields, your reason immediately got ahold of the better of you. But before you could start to pull away, doubt and logic melted into a puddle when he crashed into you, strong arms holding you firmly as he returned the kiss with one much deeper than the one before.
He kissed you again, and again, getting light-headed when you pressed your palm flat against his chest and kissed him back every single time.
You gasped when you suddenly felt the ground disappearing from under your feet, purple smoke blurring your vision and your feet stumbling when gravity weighted you down once more. Kurt didn't seem to notice it at all, too drunk in having your body flushed against his.
Bamf, bamf, bamf. You nearly stumbled when you landed one last time, his hand finding its way to hold you by the small of your back before you could fall.
He was out of breath and if you could see under the blue fur of his cheeks you were sure he must be blushing like mad. Still heaving, he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Forgive me, I lost control of myself," he closed his eyes, the tip of his nose touching yours, "you have no idea how happy you make me."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you decided that a proper confession deserved a proper answer.
"I love you," you said, "it would be a blessing to call you mine."
He chuckled before leaning in once more, this time soft and tender.
"And me, yours."
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jobean12-blog · 19 days
The Reason for Flowers
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 2,432
Summary: You love flowers and you love giving Joel flowers...he loves it too.
Author's Note: Just because I love flowers and Joel and the thought of him with flowers in his hair. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: soft sweetness, awkwardness on Joel's part, fluff, tension, pretty flowers
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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“Morning!” You sing song as you walk into the bar and see Tommy and Joel.
Tommy gives you a wide grin from behind the bar and Joel turns to look over his shoulder, his lips twitching with a ghost of a smile.
“Mornin’,” Tommy says. “Finished your walk?”
“Yep,” you answer. “And look what I found!”
You sit yourself next to Joel and lean over the bar, plucking one of the orange poppy’s you picked from the bundle and calling Tommy over.
He rests his elbows on the bar and waits while you tuck one of the flowers behind his ear.
“Isn’t the color amazing?” you sigh before taking another and sniffing it. “And it smells great too.”
You turn toward Joel and grab another stem, twirling it between your fingers with a silent question in your eyes.
He leans closer and you meet him halfway, gently pressing the bloom close to his nose. He inhales softly and closes his eyes.
“Does smell good,” he says quietly.
You smile and then tentatively reach up and rest the flower on his ear, adjusting it and then tucking some stray strands of hair behind it.
“There,” you say and meet his eyes.
“Thanks darlin’,” he murmurs.
You kiss his cheek, lingering a bit longer than necessary before turning to Tommy and handing him the rest of the bouquet of poppies.
“Give these to Maria for me,” you tell him. “I wasn’t sure if she’d be up yet.”
“That’s sweet, thank you,” Tommy says, taking the flowers and placing them in a cup from the bar.
“See you guys later,” you say with a wave.
Once you’re out of earshot, Tommy’s eyes land on Joel and his lips turn up into a mischievous smirk.
“She likes you,” Tommy states.
Joel glares. “And why the hell would you say that.”
“Really?” Tommy asks, his eyes darting to the flower.
“You got a flower too,” Joel counters with pursed lips.
“But not a kiss,” Tommy says.
“She was just being sweet,” Joel mumbles. “And that wasn’t a real kiss.”
“Whatever you say big brother.”
“Is it too early for a drink?” Joel asks as he rubs his palms over his face.
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“Where are you off to?” Joel asks when you pass each other on the street.
“Just going for a walk,” you tell him. “Want to come?”
He rubs the back of his neck, studying you. “I would…but Tommy is expecting me.”
“It’s ok,” you assure him. “Maybe next time.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he says quietly.
You smile and walk off, turning around again when you feel the weight of his stare.
He immediately drops his head when you catch his eye, his feet shuffling and kicking up the sandy soil. You giggle to yourself and continue on, digging your teeth into your bottom lip to stop your smile.
With an armful of flowers, you walk back toward your house, slowing when you notice Joel sitting out on the porch with his guitar.
“Hey,” you say quietly.
He lifts his head and squints into the sun.
“Hi darlin’,” he answers.
“Mind if I sit?” you ask.
Without a word he shifts over on the edge of the porch.
“Do you like licorice?”
When he gives you a curious look you hold out one of the goldenrod flowers.
“Smell this,” you tell him.
He sets his guitar down and takes it from your fingers to give it a sniff, never taking his eyes off you.
“That really does smell like licorice,” he says.
“It’s not my favorite smell,” you explain, “but I love the yellow color.”
He gives you a lopsided smirk and pulls some of the small yellow petals between his fingers.
You take another stem and shorten it. Taking special care, brush his hair away from his forehead and then secure the flower behind his ear.
“I like this one,” you smile. “The bushy and wild petals match your hair.”
“What’re you sayin’ darlin’?”
His tone is playful, and you snort back a laugh, giving the flower one last adjustment.
“If you’re not busy tomorrow you should come with me.”
He nods and you lean in to kiss his cheek, this time, closer to the corner of his mouth. When you pull away you see his eyelashes flutter against his cheek.
“Well, well, well, look at you,” Tommy hums when he finds Joel at the old tool shed.
“All these tools are rusted,” Joel says, clearly disgruntled.
“I told you they were,” Tommy shoots back.
“What’re you smilin’ about then?”
“Nice flower.”
Joel instinctively reaches up to his ear, gently touching the soft flower still stuck there. He doesn’t bother responding.
“Did you get a kiss too?”
Joel just scoffs and continues searching through the old tools.
“Wonder how long it’s gonna take you to get your head outta your ass,” Tommy muses wryly as he saunters off.
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The next morning when you open your door you’re greeted with more sunshine and a very uncertain looking Joel.
“Are you sure you want company?” he asks before even saying hello.
“Mornin’!” you chime happily then step into his space and kiss his cheek. “And yes. I’m sure.”
“Mornin’ darlin’,” he mumbles sheepishly.
He pops his knee out and sets his hands on his hips.
“I’m sure,” you say again when you see him standing there and hesitating. “Come on! We have flowers to pick!”
You walk in comfortable silence for some time, your fingers brushing every so often with the swing of your arms. Neither of you move away and when you catch sight of a canvas of purple blooms up ahead you entangle your fingers with his and pull him along.
“Oh, I think these are sticky geraniums!”
When you reach the spread of flowers you drop his hand and lean down to pick one.
“Yep!” you exclaim.
“Did you say sticky?” Joel asks.
You laugh and nod your head. “Yeah. There’s this sticky stuff on the petals that smells good and attracts insects, then they get stuck and the plant sort of digests them.”
Joel’s eyebrows shoot up. “Wow. How do you know all this?”
“I found some old books about the native plants in the area, and I read them. All.”
He tracks your every move as you bend down and pick several of the purple flowers.
“I’m not sure it’s safe for you to come out here all alone every day,” he says.
You walk closer to him and hold up the flowers.
“Are you going to come with me from now on?” you ask as you twirl a stem between your fingers.
He takes it from you and holds it up to his nose.
“Smells like pine,” he states. “I like that.”
“It reminds me of you. It’s one of my favorites.”
You watch as several emotions flit across his features, and he drags his gaze from you to study the delicate purple flower again.
Neither of you have noticed the gray clouds that now blanket the sky but when a strong wind picks up and blows a chill through the air you shiver and look up.
“Where did the sun go?” you ask as you clutch your flowers.
“We best get back darlin’,” he says.
“Yeah, I guess we should.”
You shiver again and he starts to unbutton his flannel, tugging it free of his shoulders before draping it over yours.
With a soft smile he looks you over.
“Thanks,” you whisper.
His hand reaches out for you, and he rests his splayed palm on your lower back. You wait, your breath caught in your throat, as he dips his head and presses his lips to your cheek.
“You’re welcome.”
You wrap yourself in the warm fabric and discreetly sniff the collar, deciding that as much as you love the geranium smell, his shirt is absolutely your favorite.
“Do you want your shirt back?” You ask when you reach the door to your house.
He stares, his gaze lingering on your face before sweeping down your body.
“You keep it for now. Looks like it’s gonna be a chilly day.” 
After a slight pause of hesitation he says, “I uh…I would like some of the flowers though. If you don’t mind sharin’.”
With a bright smile you section off half of the geraniums and hand them to him.
“Not at all,” you whisper as you slowly wind your arms around his neck. “Thanks for coming with me.”
As you slide back down his body and onto your flat feet you brush your lips along his jaw, stopping just beside his mouth to press a soft kiss there.
You hold it, savoring the feel of his rough beard against your soft lips and the hint of the taste of his skin.
“Anytime darlin’,” he says when you finally pull away.
He waits until you’re inside and your door is shut and locked. You watch from the window as he walks down the street, flowers in hand, until he reaches his door, and the first drops of rain start to fall.
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The rain doesn’t let up for the rest of the day but thankfully the next morning you wake to the warmth of sunshine spilling through the window.
You stretch out on the bed before snuggling back into the warmth of Joel’s shirt. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind that you had slept in it, but it was just too comfortable and smelled too good.
Once you’re washed up and ready for the day you head downstairs to get breakfast before your morning walk. A knock on the door causes you to pause, the early hour making you cautious.
You peek out the window first and find Joel standing at your door. When you open it you’re greeted with broad shoulders and his gruff voice.
“Hi,” you say softly.
“Hi,” he says. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
Your lips spread into a smile. “You didn’t. Just wasn’t sure who else would be out this early.”
He laughs nervously but then you watch his expression change as he realizes that you’re still wearing his shirt. His swallow is audible and his tongue darts out to trace the outline of his lips.
“I hope this is ok,” you say quickly, motioning to yourself. “I just sort of fell asleep last night. You can…”
He dips his head and runs a hand through his already mussed hair. You notice his other hand is hidden behind his back.
“I uh. I went out early this morning,” he blurts out, ignoring your comment about his shirt.
He doesn’t say anything more and instead reveals what he’s hiding. A bunch of large dark purple flowers cover his chest, and he smiles nervously.
“Are those…?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Petunias. Spellbound…at least I think they are. I checked one of the books but I’m not very good at any of this.”
“They’re gorgeous” you say excitedly, reaching for the stems.
He hands them to you, and you press the whole bunch to your face with a squeal of happiness. “And they smell so good!”
“They reminded me of you,” he says, almost too quietly for you to hear.
“I love them.”
He smiles and continues to stare.
“Do you want to come in? I want to put these in a vase.”
You turn and open your door, waiting for him to follow.
He waits quietly while you get a vase and add water, setting the flowers on the table.
“I can’t believe you found these Joel.”
“The flowers…”
“What about them?” he asks, clearly distracted.
“I just can’t believe you found them,” you say again with a raise of your brow. “You ok?”
His eyes drop and linger on your legs before slowly sliding back up to your face. When you softly call his name again he clears his throat, letting a rush of words slide past his lips.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired…up early and all and someone in the town must have planted them and they took over the front of the house. There were a lot of flowers I think you’ll like. We can go there tomorrow.”
His clear awkwardness is endearing as he leans against the counter, strong arms crossed over his chest and his jaw tight, struggling to find the right words.
You take slow steps toward him until your chest brushes his forearms.
“We?” you ask with a smile.
He uncrosses his arms and rests his hands along the edge of the counter, gripping it tightly.
“I told you darlin;’ you can’t go out on your own. It’s too dangerous.”
“What about the days when it gets really cold,” you muse. “I like to go out even then.”
“You’ll need more of my shirts,” he says with a twitch of his lips.
“Don’t you need this one back?” you ask with a demure smile.
He doesn’t answer but you hear his breath hitch when you start to undo the top button. His breathing deepens with every inch of skin you reveal.
“I certainly don’t mind keeping it,” you say with the slight shrug of your shoulder. “I love having your smell on me.”
When you stop at the last button his eyes drop to your hands and he reaches for you, gently moving your fingers away and toying with the fabric.
He fumbles with the small button between his large fingers but finally pops it open, letting the material hang loosely at the sides. Only a sliver of your skin is exposed, and he slips his fingers between the space, light, and teasing.
His calloused fingertips move deliberately higher, parting the material and grazing your skin. You tremble and goosebumps spread along your arms.
His movements stop and his eyes lift to yours, holding your gaze as he closes the small distance between your bodies.
He continues to lightly graze your skin with his finger, never fully parting the material of the shirt, but inching higher until he traces the outline of your collarbone.
His hand slides behind your neck and his thumb brushes along your cheek. Your lips are parted, and his gaze drops as he moves his thumb to sweep it across their outline.
Lowering his head, his warm breath fans your cheek and his nose gently bumps yours, his lips hovering.
Your eyelashes lower and your hands reach up and find purchase on his shoulders.
“I’d like to return those kisses darlin’,” he murmurs against your lips.
His whispered name is like a prayer, and you cling to him harder, the soft press of his mouth stealing your breath.
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navybrat817 · 8 months
Pairing: Motocross!Steve Rogers x Motocross!Female Reader Summary: You have a crush on Steve Rogers, but you don't think you're his type. Word Count: Over 1k Warnings: Crush, longing, slight insecurities, swearing, nicknames, Curtis is a good friend, Motocross!Steve Rogers (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Finally an intro for Champ and Daisy in our Dialed In AU! Took me how long, @yenzys-lucky-charm ? Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated! ❤️
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A 450 rider like Bucky with a lot of wins under his belt, Natasha was serious when she said Steve was one of the best riders in his class.
It was one of the reasons people called him “Champ”, a nickname he wasn’t overly fond of since some of the guys liked to tease him after races where he didn’t place first. It also gave him flashbacks of when he was younger and smaller, virtually ignored or told he wouldn’t excel in anything physically.
With a lot of heart and a late growth spurt, he proved them wrong.
Bucky said once that his nickname should be “Adonis” because of his now statuesque looks and the pit lizards fawning over him or “Golden Boy” because of his success and admiration.
Steve never let any of that get to his head and refused to let the pit lizards distract him. He worked hard to get where he was and continued to give it his all on and off the track every single time.
His determination was one of the many reasons you found yourself drawn to him. He was the kind of rider and person many aspired to be.
Your crush only grew the day you two actually met.
A rider yourself, you earned the nickname “Daisy” thanks to the flowers on your helmet and general sweet demeanor.
The helmet was the very thing Steve complimented you on when he walked by you at your first pro race.
You hadn’t meant to stare when he walked by, but his reputation preceeds him. Clad in red, white, and blue like a patriotic God, his blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight and his eyes looked like the sky on a cloudless day.
The sheer size of him almost made you whimper when he got closer. How a man was able to walk with such confidence and dominance yet still had an air about that said he was humble was a gift.
He even stopped to speak to a few kids who were eager to meet him and you couldn’t stop smiling when one little boy wrapped his arms around his legs in a tight hug.
Who wouldn’t fall for him?
You were certain you still had a dopey smile on your face when he looked your way.
“Beautiful.” The deep timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine when you realized he was speaking to you, which you tried to blame on pre-race jitters. “Your helmet. It’s beautiful,” he said when you didn’t reply.
You deflated slightly because of course he didn’t think you were beautiful. You were just a rider and not like the girls who flocked to him.
“Oh, thanks,” you croaked, clearing your throat immediately to try and save face. “I like daisies,” you added, mentally kicking yourself for stating the obvious. Why else would they be on your helmet?
The lopsided grin he gave you brought your smile back to your face. “You’re Daisy. Heard good things about you.”
Biting your lip and glancing away briefly, you didn’t catch his gaze following the movement. “You have?” You asked, slightly surprised that your name made the rounds.
“Yeah.” He nodded toward the track. “And I’m eager to see what you do out there.”
Your stomach did a somersault, but you held your head high. “I’ll try not to disappoint.”
“I doubt you could disappoint anyone,” he quietly spoke, looking over his shoulder when Bucky called out to him. “Gotta go. Good luck out there, Daisy.”
“Thanks, Champ,” you said, shifting back and forth on your feet when he stood up straight and flexed his gloved fingers. Maybe you shouldn’t have used his nickname. “I mean, Steve.”
You couldn’t read his expression, but you felt better when he gave you one more lopsided smile. “Champ sounds nice coming from you,” he said before he walked away.
You tried not to swoon or check out his ass when he went on his way, but Curtis clocked you immediately.
“You might wanna wipe that drool off your chin before your race,” he said, nudging you with his shoulder when you glanced at the ground. “Nervous? Don't be. You’re gonna kick ass out there.”
“Not nervous,” you said, biting your lip again. “He said he heard about me.”
“Yeah. Riders talk, you know that. And the guys saw you practice, so they know you have skills,” he said, sighing when you lifted your head and longingly stared after Steve. “Look, don’t let him distract you.”
“I’m not letting him distract me,” you argued, moving your helmet between your hands. “It’s just nice to get a compliment from such a skilled rider,” you said, especially since a lot of guys had a tendency to ignore you once they knew you loved to race.
Curtis narrowed his eyes. “I’m a skilled rider and I compliment you. I don’t see you walking around with hearts in your eyes and having a little crush on me.”
Your cheeks flamed before you hit his arm. “More like you bust my nonexistent balls. That’s not the same thing,” you said.
He didn’t move an inch when you hit him, the wall of muscle that he was. “Perk of being my friend,” he deadpanned, looking in the direction that Steve went, too. “I’m not one for gossip, but Champ is single.”
You put your helmet on so your friend couldn’t see your face. “Good to know, but I doubt I’m his type,” you said.
Because why would he like you?
“Rogers is a fucking idiot if he doesn’t want a girl like you,” he said sincerely before he hit your helmet with the palm of his hand, the familiar grumpy stare back on his face. “But enough of that shit. Get out there and win your fucking race.”
Which you did.
Steve's heart skipped a beat when you removed your helmet and smiled.
Because the truth was, you were exactly his type.
And he’d sweep you off your feet if you let him.
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They're sweet, okay? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Steve Rogers Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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novashelby · 3 months
The Nanny Conundrum~A Tommy Shelby Smut
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Nanny!Reader (3rd person)
Warnings: Male masterbation, voyeurism. Meant to be kind of funny. A little cringe and embarrassing.
Prompt 93
Word Count: 2,791
Summary: Tommy Shelby just got a new nanny for Charlie. She's a sweet, delicate girl, but learns quite a thing or two about men while hiding for a game of hide n seek.
Please enjoy. I appreciate reblogs and comments. Likes are kind and thoughtful, and I appreciate you reading my work. However, reblogs really help writers out. So, please, considering rebloging.
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Tommy was only delicate and proper with a select few people, and she was one of them, but he couldn’t help himself. Not even Satan himself could give her a rough handling. She was delicate looking, sounding, and acting. Like a daisy, really. And on top of it, she was so, so good with Charlie. Just two years old, losing his mother a few short months before. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to go through a whole hiring process. And so, he convinced Mary and Francis to take on the extra duty. Though, two aging women, their patience was waning. Enough was enough, Mr. Shelby was getting a nanny for the poor boy. 
It was difficult for Mr. Shelby to find employees as many were aware of his antics. There were a few applicants…none did anything for him. They were old. Had no energy with a sharp tongue. Mr. Shelby didn’t want anyone with a sharp tongue. Then there was a quiet time with weeks in between; no applicants had walked through the door. 
Until one day, someone did. It was a Sunday, too. Which got a work motivated man like himself excited. Mary had knocked on the door and he grumbled for her to enter. Behind her was a girl, not too tall and with a young face. He couldn’t make out her age, but her cheeks were round and blushed with youth. He noticed how when she smiled, her eyes would as well and she’d let out this delicate laugh. 
It was right then that he knew. Unlike the others, he immediately slid back his chair and stood, straightening his blue white lined vest. Mary was surprised at the soft smile that tugged at his usually stiff lips. His stress lines seemed to ease, but most of all he turned gentle. Mary watched aghast how he waltzed around his mahogany desk and rushed over to her. Never had he ever shook a woman’s hand as such; both hands gently holding her right. “I’m Mr. Shelby,” he said, and Mary couldn’t take anymore. She gave her employer a pursed look, brow raised, and he mouthed what. 
“I will take my leave, Mr. Shelby,” she said. “I must go to the kitchens and yell at the staff.” The young girl frowned a bit and turned to watch the woman leave. 
“Is she alright?” she asked, turning her attention back to the man who was still holding her hand. 
He was quick to nod and offer a smile. “Yes, yes! She’s fine. Don’t worry about her, eh? I think all women get a certain edge to them when they hit about seventy-”
“And men,” she giggled, putting a finger out. 
Kindly, he chuckled back. “I think we develop that a bit younger. Anyway! Come! Take a seat, eh?” He walked her over to the desk, hand resting politely on her mid-back. “So, are you looking for a nanny position?” They sat across from one another and she handed over CV paperclipped together. His eyes quickly scanned it, grinning. “Nanny program in London, worked for the same family for 2 years, twenty years old, born in Boston to English parents, and the second oldest of six children.” He put it down and pushed it over to her. “You understand this is a live in position, love?” Love. A red rosy tint fell on her face and she had to look away shyly. She could not lie. Of course, Mr. Shelby was a handsome man smooth with his words. “You’d be here Monday to Sunday. Of course, you will have free time and vacation time. Sundays off.” 
“The pay?” she asked. “A family in London has offered me six pounds.”
Six bloody fuckin’ pounds, Mr. Shelby thought to himself, a bit stunted. But nonetheless, he said, “I can offer ten, plus you’ll have a room, food, and free roam of the property. I’ll allow leave for all holidays, Sunday’s off, and early leave on Wednesdays. You’ll be allowed three sick days a calendar year-”
“I can start today,” she said, abruptly, far too eager to work for him. The benefits were like nothing she’d even been offered. He paused, smile dropping a bit, not used to people being so…interested. She coughed a bit and fixed herself in the chair. “Sorry,” she said, clearing her throat. “I can start today. If you would have me, of course.”
He nodded, “not today. Tomorrow. You’ll start tomorrow.” 
Everyone liked her. She was like a breath of fresh air. A positive influence on everyone. Francis and Mary seemed more at ease and talked with less grouch. The kitchen danced when she waltzed in. The other maids enjoyed how she was incredibly courteous of the messes Charlie would make. Even John and Arthur started to look forward to coming to Arrow house. Despite their miserable to be around brother who did nothing, but demand this and that from them. 
And Mr. Shelby, well...he found himself smiling a tad more when he saw her with Charlie. 
She was a wonderful nanny. On top of the normal tasks, she actually played with Charlie and helped with his coloring and motor tasks. She’d sing to him and dance with him. And unlike most girls her age, she wasn’t opposed to rolling around in the grass with him. They’d sleep in the grass and dance in the rain with their shoes off. Charlie was in love with her! Mr. Shelby would watch from the window, feeling this pool of warmth within him when they’d run around in circles. 
“Ah, look at her,” Francis sighed, putting the tea tray on his desk. “Her frocks are always stained with grass.” 
Mr. Shelby flicked closed the blinds and sat at his desk, making up his tea with just a tad of sugar and milk. He enjoyed some honey as well those days. “It’ll rain soon, suppose they’ll come inside. She’s been reading to him a lot.” 
Francis smiled. “Very good. Will you be heading to the stables? Should I prepare-”
“No, no,” he said. “I’m just going to enjoy my cuppa, eh? And you should take a rest.” A rest. That was also something new. Mr. Shelby was allowing staff to have much more rest since she came. 
He finished his tea and went off to the stables when the two were coming in from their adventures from outside. After clean up time and a book, Charlie was still restless, wanting to run around and play. She pouted and poked his nose, “Charlie, I got a game for you!” His eyes widened and he giggled in excitement. She leaned in as if it was something special. “HIde n’ seek! I will hide. Okay? Has Charlie remembered his numbers?”
“One…two..three..eight…four…six…nine…five,” he counted off and she chuckled, telling him it was just fine enough. She picked him up and placed him facing the wall, explaining that he had to count to ten slowly and not move.
“I will hide somewhere, Charlie, on the first floor, okay?” she smiled, ruffling his hair before skipping out. She giggled as she heard his cute counting before opening and closing each door, unsure of where to hide before he stopped counting. She slipped into Mr. Shelby’s office, not seeing the harm when he wasn’t around. Under the desk, she crammed herself in a ball and waited. 
She heard Charlie call for her in a laugh, running around the hallway. She could tell that he checked the bathroom first then her room before going back to his room. She waited and waited before the office door opened, and she grinned, getting ready to say you win! When Mr. Shelby coughed. Wincing, she wondered if she should climb out and explain that they were playing hide and seek or wait for him to leave, but to her annoyance, he took a seat at his desk. At first, he fumbled around with some papers before cursing under his breath, seeming frustrated. She was sucking in her lips to hold back any loud breathing. But what he did next was…shocking. There were no other words to explain it. Shocking. To her, at least. A young twenty year old girl who surprisingly lived a very modest and conservative life. Never had she even held hands with a boy, nevermind witness what she was about to witness. His hands went to his belt clasp and fumbled with the golden hoop before easily undoing his trousers. Peeking out was a pair of men’s white underwear. Maybe he’s just getting comfortable, she told herself, but was quickly proven wrong when he let out a soft groan and slipped under the waistband of his underwear. She watched, frozen. He rubbed himself a bit under his underwear, grinding his hips up at his hand. Soft groans and eager curses filled the room in a hushed manner. As if he was ashamed of doing such a thing in his own home. It was all new to her, and she watched equally horrified and curious while kicking herself for being so stupid. A million hiding spots and she chose the very one he had to wank in. Peculiarly, a small wet spot formed where the tip was. Stupidly, she wanted to just reach up and touch it, but the thought lodged to the back of her head when he pulled it out. There was nothing she could compare it to, being the first cock she’d ever seen. But her cunt ached in an almost fear-like response seeing the shape and length. The tip was glistening with a sticky substance that he didn’t hesitate rubbing his thumb against. “Fuck,” he let out, leaning back slightly. Between his thumb and index, he rubbed it before giving his cock three good tugs. How it dripped out in a long string before pooling a little tiny dot onto the floor next to her. Swallowing, she looked down at it…just a little dab. A droplet. For a split second, she considered touching it. Mimicking how he rolled it between his fingers just to see what it felt like. But she couldn’t do it. It felt grotesque…dirty. Sinister? That’s when she heard him spit on his hand, drawing her attention from the precum and back to his twitching cock. His spit ran down the shaft, wetting the chair.
“Oh, fuck,” he grunted, his hand wrapping around himself, twisting around. He moved slowly up and down, teasing the sensation. It’d been such a long time since he last rubbed one out. Though loving a good fuck, self pleasure was never something he needed to ease an urge. But he felt it that day. His cock consistently throbbed at the seams of his trousers. Not even a smoke and a drink calmed him. And so, he resorted to a good old school wank. Admittedly, it was quite nice. Alone in his element, just feeling himself. “Shit.” His started to roll upward, fucking his hand. 
Alone…except for the sweet nanny under his desk, trapped in quite a predicament she wasn’t quite sure she liked. His hand started to move a bit faster with a better rhythm. He was flowing a stream of grunts, curses, groans, moans, and inaudible sentences. “Baby,” he cried, head rolled back, eyes closed. “Fuck me, c’mon-shit!” He hummed, running a hand over his face. She swallowed and panicked that maybe he knew she was there. Did he? Who was he talking to? But she didn’t move. She hardly even breathed scared he’d hear her. “Mmmmhm.” Pausing, he spit on his hand again before rubbing it all over. Just as he resumed his speed, he said something she could hardly believe. Her name. Followed by a, “just like that…good fuckin’ girl.” In shock, her eyes widened and her hands instantly covered her mouth. “Bounce up and down, right on my cock. Ride my fuckin’ cock!” His breaths became jagged while his hips twitched and jolted. He was close…so fucking close. 
Meanwhile, the poor girl tried to block it out. But how could she? So close to a man jerking his cock, calling her name. Her fucking name? Imagining her bouncing on it. She couldn’t help, but wonder if this was his first time thinking of her like this. She hated to admit it, but her thighs were struggling to stay still. So, so tempted to rub them together to ease a surprise heat growing between her legs. “That’s good, baby, keep doing that….Ugh! Fuck!” He paused, edging himself. She noticed when he stopped, his hands clenched around it harder, shaking. Then he slowly went back to tugging and rubbing, easing back into the lost rhythm. “I bet you are so fuckin’ tight.” One hand slowly went between her legs to cup her aching pussy as she suppressed a whine. “Fuck, I want to corrupt that little fuckin’ cunt….Make you into a dirty little fuckin’ slut. My dirty slut…fuck!” He jolted upward, other hand gripping a chair arm before easing back into speed. 
Make you into a dirty little fuckin’ slut. My dirty slut. Those words imprinted themselves in her head. His words were disgusting, filthy, and humiliating, but so fucking erotic. His possessiveness was like honey. It took so much effort to not ease her curiosities and reach her hand up to touch his cock. So, she had to just watch. Watching was so hot, but so torturous. When he started to get sloppy with his movements, she prepared for him to stop again, but he didn’t. “F-fuck!” He cried out, tugging one last time before a stream of white came from his cock. She was expecting it to be like the sticky clear mess, but no, his cum shot.
In fact, it shot at her…on her face. Frozen, feeling the warmth that landed over her eyelids and dripped down her face and over her lips. Appalled and embarrassed, how was she going to face him after that? With his excrement painting her face. He let out one last, “fuck,” before tiredly tucking himself away and buckling his belt. He took the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands. Sliding back in his chair and standing, she was sure that he was going to leave, but no. He kneeled down to clean up wherever the cum landed, coming face to face with her…wearing it.
Never had he ever been so mortified, looking at the girl who seemed as if she saw death. His cum was right there…teasing at her lips. His nanny….Had she watched the whole thing? Heard every word? Of course. She had to. He swallowed, and said, “Um…this isn’t a great napping spot-”
“Mr. Shelby,” she stuttered out, tongue darting out almost instinctively, accidentally swiping the cum off. She winced as it tasted salty. His eyes flickered down to her quivering lips, widening. There was a bit of silence before she continued. “I was playing hide n seek-”
“In my office?” he asked, not exactly mad. More stunned and quiet than anything. He felt as if he was a young man again, ashamed of rubbing one out. 
“I’m competitive. I didn’t think he’d look in here,” she responded with the same tone. He nodded slowly, reaching out to clean her face, but she took the rag and did it herself before going to hand it back. 
“Keep it,” he said, slowly standing and grabbing for his whiskey. He didn’t even bother pouring it in a glass as he swigged it from the bottle. She crawled out from under the desk watching him gulp it like water. “Fuckin’ ‘ell,” he cursed, putting it down and turning to her. “Did you-”
“Yes,” she said before he could finish the quest. Nervously, she averted her attention off to the side, playing with her dress. His eyes skimmed over her, heart rate through the roof. His head was swarming with a whole bunch of conflictions. “Should I pack my things?” Mr. Shelby licked at his bottom lip and itched the arch of his nose. “Um…well, I think it is alright. You’re not the first woman to look at it. Probably not the last unless I drop dead right now…which is fuckin’ possible.” She bowed and tried to slowly back away when he looked over at her. “C’mere. I’m not done with you. As much as I’d like to jump out this fuckin’ window, you’re still my employee and you were in my office without permission. Why don’t you take a seat-no, no. Right here.” She nervously looked at where his hand was pointing. It was the desk. “C’mere,” he patted. “Sit on the desk like a good girl.” The words played back in her head and she did so…like a fuckin’ good girl.
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starrvsn · 8 months
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𝟒𝟏𝟏. some of the ficitonal characters from the boys in the boat, reactions to you giving them flowers :)
STAR LEFT A MESSAGE! hi friends! i know i haven't posted in a while but i just recently watched the boys in the boat and i absolutely loved it! especially the cast, full of fine talented men- so here's a little something about them with more to come! if you have any requests or ideas about them please let me know!
INCLUDES ⠆joe rantz, don hume, bobby mach, george hunt and chuck day (just some of the characters im partially attached to…)
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after their first win of the season, you greet bobby with a bouquet of flowers themed after the school's colors— immediately giving him praise and compliments about their win today. you knew he had a rough past season with the last crew, now seeing him with a new crew he trusted, something he was so passionate about. you were excited for him!
when he asks where this all came from, you shrug the gesture off as if it was nothing. stating that the flowers just reminded you of him and just had to give them to him. a wide smile tugs on his lips as he accepts them, his hand caressing yours gently. he appreciated them more than you knew. pulling you close, he presses a kiss on the crown of your head. caring less about his damp uniform or the loud crowd around you, just you and him.
“thank you lovely, these are beautiful.”
he's absolutely speechless, it wasn't everyday a man would recieve flowers and don didn't think he would be one of them. his eyebrows jump to his hairline when he sees you at the entrance of the shell house with a bouquet of flowers in your hands. his breath hitches as he asks where you got them from and you reply kindly that they're for him, giving him a sweet smile which he returns. you wanted to congratulate him for making the team, it wasn't easy and all the effort he put in finally paid off. a faint blush falls on his cheeks as he takes them, a beautiful arrangement of daisy's and poppy's held by a piece of brown parchment. he takes your hand tugging you into a hug, squeezing you appreciatively. there weren’t enough words to describe how much he loved them,
"this bouquet might be just as pretty as you." now you blush, playfully slapping this arm as you continue to hold him close. he wanted to keep them alive for as long as he can and maybe get you a bouquet in return. later (few months) when he sneaks you into the dorms he see's the bouquet in a glass still thriving well, making your heart swell.
he's gotten several bouquets from several girls after winning gold in the olympics. he's received a many of gifts from different people but none of them felt as special as yours. when he saw you for the first time since their win in germany, you had planned to go out on a date to celebrate so when he comes to pick you up with his own bouquet in hand. imagine his surprise and delight when he sees you walk out of the building with your own bouquet in hand. he lets out a soft laugh in disbelief watching as you. a proud smile on your lips, almost skipping towards him.
"ever so original rantz?" you jokingly say, fiddling with the fabric of your dress. holding the flowers to him— they're almost identical to his except, he has your favorite flower in the bunch making your heart swell.
"i didn't know you were gonna get me flowers." he replies, ever so charming smile gracing his lips. you tell him you wanted to surprise him— a token of your appreciation for all that he's done, all the hard work he and all the other boys put in. he thanks you greatly, exchanging your bouquets. he presses a sweet, chaste kiss on your lips before interlocking hands and walking to your date destination.
george didn't really take mind to trivial things of interest like that, what his favorite flower was but he made a great deal to what yours were and he never missed the chance to give you flowers when he could— after any occasion he would give them to you. if you passed your exam or got into a fight, he'd get flowers to make it up to you. he didn't really expect to get his own flowers, as it really wasn't a thing.
so one day when practice was particularly grueling and draining, the last thing your boyfriend had expected was seeing you; with a small bouquet of flowers in your hands waiting outside the crews dorm. you were speaking with roger, keeping you company. "who are those for?" george announces himself, now standing between the two of you. you chuckle bidding roger goodbye as he leaves, now alone with your boyfriend— a timid smile forming.
"pretty flowers for a pretty boy." you proclaimed, holding out the bouquet to him. he huffs a laugh taking them carefully, admiring them. he raises a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek— caressing it gently.
"these a perfect darling, just like you."
“a new admirer giving you flowers? giving me a run for my money?” chuck eyes the bouquet in your hands, noticing that there was none of your favorite flowers in them— what kind of admirer were they? you let out a soft giggle that sounds like music to his ears. he won't lie, a slight pang of jealousy hits him at the thought of another man giving you flowers but he'd ask you another day.
"no silly, they're for you." you reply, standing from the bench to give them to him. he lets out a small breath of relief, practically melting at the gesture. he takes a hand that was stuffed in his pocket to take the flowers from you, eyeing them carefully. you tell him that some of the flowers had meaning— like the red tulips and daisy's meaning love. his gaze softens as you continue to explain, a loving smile gracing his lips as he admires your face and the bouquet. lovingly, he plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it behind your ear
"you're so sweet you know that." his hand running down your arm, grasping your hand gently rubbing your knuckles. you almost swoon— tilting your head in admiration "well you deserve the best, i hope you know." he knows, with you around it's hard to forget.
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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verstappen-cult · 6 months
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PAIRING. charles leclerc x female reader.
CHAPTER ONE SUMMARY — It looks like any other shift at the coffee shop until the presence of a brown haired boy with dimples changes everything. The same boy you meet at the beach several days ago — the one who stood you up.
CONTENT WARNINGS. female reader, use of Y/N, alcohol use, fluff & friends being a menace.
GWEN’S RADIO MESSAGE. OH MY GOD! i'm so sorry it took me so long, but i was in the worst writers block of all times and couldn't get out of it :( but i forced myself to finish this today and ta-dah! i really hope you like it, your comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. remember that if you want to be added to the taglist, you can reply to this post, send me a dm or leave it in my ask box!
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“Come on, girl! We can’t be late today.” You groan in frustration, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips as you watch Daisy shake the sand out of her fur. She sits and looks up at you with her tongue out, head slightly tilted to the side. “Good girl.” You say, giving her one of her favorite dog treats. You put the collar on her and she happily starts walking by your side. 
It’s a short walk, around ten minutes, from the beach to the coffee shop you started working at just two months ago. You like it so much that you probably spend more time there than in your own apartment. It’s cozy and family owned, and there is always a pleasant atmosphere even though there are always people coming in and out, one of the perks of having the shop so close to the beach. 
And everyone loves Daisy too, so you’re allowed to bring her with you. While you work behind the counter, she chills by the door in her bed with her favorite bunny plushie. She brings joy and bright smiles to every single person that visits the coffee shop.
You can’t believe this is your life. 
It wasn’t easy at first but making the decision to drop out of school and travel around the world wasn’t as difficult as breaking the news to your parents. And after everything you went through in these two years you deserve the good things and peace that is coming your way. 
It was all worth it, missing your family, waking up in the middle of the night wondering if you made the right decision, the good and the bad… it was all worth it. You wouldn’t change a thing because it brought you to this; to Australia and to the wonderful people you’ve met. 
“Good morning, Fred.” You say to the owner of the flower shop right next door to where you work. He smiles, waving goodbye to a client, before walking out to meet you. 
“Hello, sweetheart.” His smile is contagious. You like to pass by him before going to work everyday because seeing someone be so happy and positive every single day is exactly what you need. “How was the beach today?”
“I had to drag her out of there before she got into the water.” He laughs, crouching down to pet Daisy and, in return, she licks his face. 
Fred laughs and stands up, grabbing a bouquet of tulips. “These are for the shop,” He says before turning around and grabbing a single sunflower. “and this for you.”
Fred is a French man in his fifties that came to Australia following the love of his life. He didn’t have a plan, he just left everything behind; they’ve been married for thirty years. 
“Always so sweet, Fred.” You place a kiss on his cheek, waving goodbye with the promise to bring some coffee for him later. He watches you walk away with that same big smile on his face.
You open the door of Brew’d Awakening, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries welcoming you, as well as the bulldog resting next to the door. 
“Hello to you too, Roscoe.” He huffs like telling you to hurry up. You let Daisy go and she immediately finds comfort next to Roscoe. 
There aren’t many people — it is still pretty early — just a couple of regulars that like to grab their first cup of coffee before heading to work or the beach. 
As you make your way to the counter, you find Kika sitting at one of the tables enjoying a cup of coffee while typing away on her laptop. 
“What are you doing here so early?” You ask, plopping down on a chair next to her. 
“Lewis wanted to discuss some things about the social media content,” She leans slightly to give your cheek a kiss. “and you’re meeting my boyfriend today.”
You gasp, turning to look at her with wide and surprised eyes. “What do you mean I’m meeting him?”
“I told you he’s gonna spend the summer here.” 
“Yes, but I also remember you telling me that he had to go back?” Daisy nudges your leg with her nose, and you immediately know what she wants. “So, he’s back then?” Kika hums while you look for Daisy’s plushie in your bag. 
“He’s coming because I left some things at his apartment.”
“So that’s why you didn’t come home last night.” She blushes, sticking her tongue out. “Whore.” Kika gasps, hitting you in the arm. 
“Hello, pretty ladies.” Your co-worker, who practically lives in your apartment now, leaves an iced latte in front of you. 
You take a sip of the drink, looking directly into his eyes. “I’m surprised I didn’t hear you sneak out this morning.” 
“What do you mean? I wasn’t there this morning.” 
“Alex, I literally heard you and Lily laughing at three in the morning,” Alex groans, sitting in front of you. 
“In my defense,” He points a finger at you and really tries to think of something, but comes out with nothing. “Whatever, you like me too much to kick me out.”
“Unfortunately, you’re right.” You stand up when the door opens and a new customer enters.
“Good morning, kid.” Lewis gives you a pat on the back when you join him behind the counter, you kiss his cheek in return.
You spend the morning taking care of the customers while Alex and Lewis are responsible of preparing and serving the orders. It is a quiet and nice morning, like most Saturdays are, and you love it. You owe Kika everything, because if it weren’t for her you wouldn’t have found the coffee shop in the first place. She recommended you and it was all Lewis and Nico needed to hire you. 
Lewis and Nico are a gay couple that, just like you, decided to settle down in Australia after traveling to different parts of the world. They opened Brew’d Awakening just five years ago but it’s going so well they have the opportunity to expand, but refuse to do it, knowing that the warmth and coziness of the Brew’d will be lost. You respect them for that. 
You’re about to swap shifts with Alex when Kika shows up in front of you, a shy smile on her face. 
“He’s here. I like him, okay? So, be nice.”
“I’m always nice!” You exclaim a little offended. 
“I know, sorry. It’s just — I’m nervous.” She looks around before leaning closer. “He brought his friends because apparently we’re doing this ‘trade’ thing where I meet his friends and he meets mine.” 
You hold your laugh, “Cute.”
“Stop making fun of me and come here or I’ll go mad.”
“I’m taking my break, is that okay?” You ask your boss, at which he nods, giving you a thumbs up. 
You take off your apron as you walk around the counter. Kika is waiting for you in the middle of the shop, looking like a nervous wreck. 
“I’ve never seen you so nervous before.” You place a hand on her shoulder, massaging to help her relax a little. 
“Meeting the friends is a big deal.” 
Well, she is right. You just didn’t realize how serious her relationship actually was until now. 
Daisy wags her tail as she makes her way to you. And you immediately lean forward to scratch behind her ears. 
You’re too busy to pay attention to the guy wrapping his arms around your friend and kissing her lips as a greeting. It is only when Kika clears her throat, kicking your leg to draw your attention, that you force yourself to let Daisy go.
“This is Pierre.” She says as you straighten back up. “Pierre, this is my friend Y/N.”
You look at the guy in front of you for a couple of seconds. His blue eyes are a little too familiar, but the more you try to remember from where you know him, the more you think that is probably just a coincidence. 
“Oh my God, you’re Y/N!” Pierre laughs, making you and Kika frown. “This is fantastic.”
“What is fantastic?” A voice draws your attention, making you look behind Pierre.
Your heart skips a beat the second you see a pair of green eyes.
The green eyes of the surfer boy you met a few weeks ago at the beach. 
Charles; who you never saw again.
It turns out that Charles wasn’t at the beach the next morning. You sat on the sand longer than necessary, thinking that maybe he was running late. But he never came. You didn’t see his friends either, so you simply picked up what was left of your dignity and walked back to your apartment with Daisy by your side. 
The morning after that you decided to confront him, but he wasn’t there. 
He never showed up at the beach again. And for a minute you thought it was all in your head, but that option was discarded when you bumped into the group of teenage girls sitting on the sand, wondering why the hot guys weren’t there. 
At least you weren’t the only one looking for them. 
You hadn’t thought about Charles in several days. 
And now he’s standing in front of you with a big smile on his handsome face.
Ugh, you had forgotten the dimples. 
“Y/N?” He asks, taking a step forward. “What are you doing here?”
“I work here.” You mutter bitterly, not wanting to engage in a conversation with him. 
It’s childish, you have to admit it, but why is he gonna ask to see you just to not show up? And, okay, you were going to the beach the next day either way but you got all excited for nothing. You really wanted to get to know him, maybe even ask for his number. He seemed like a nice guy and his accent made butterflies erupt in your belly. But that was before he stood you up. 
Kika looks between you and Charles with a confused expression on her face. You make the mistake of making eye contact with her because the next moment she’s gasping, her eyes wide as she finally puts the pieces together. 
“Charles is the boy you met at the beach?!” You want to cover her mouth with your hand but you can barely move. You love her, you really do, but right now you want her to shut up. 
Even from a distance, you can see the way his blush spreads over his cheeks. Charles runs a hand through his hair. You would pay a million dollars just to tangle your fingers in it to see if it is as soft as it looks. 
You’re dragged back to the present when the doors open and Charles’ friends walk inside. 
“Oi look who’s here!” One of his friends says — the curly-haired one — and they wave in your direction before walking to a nearby table. Daisy recognizes them, even though they were barely a few minutes in her presence, and she walks over to them. 
“Nice to meet you, Pierre.” You plaster on a smile, turning to face him and Kika. “I wish I could stay and get to know you better, but I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” Pierre smirks, nodding along. “Now, if you excuse me, I need to get back to work.” 
You walk back to the counter without looking at Charles again. Lewis looks at you with a raised brow and you shrug, that must have been the shortest break of all times. 
You’re putting on your apron in front of the cash register, a line of customers ready to order, when you see Charles joining the line and waiting for his turn. 
“Is that Kika’s boyfriend?” Alex whispers next to you while making an order. You look at where they’re sitting, the same table where all of Pierre and Charles’ friends are. They’re actually cute, unable to keep their hands to themselves. 
You nod, busy writing the last order. “Hi, welcome to Brew’d Awakening, what can I get for you?” When you look up you’re met with Charles' blushed face, a small smile directed at you. 
“Can we talk?” He looks genuinely nervous, and you feel a little guilty for making him feel that way. He’s the last one in line, so you nod. “I’m really sorry,” Charles breathes, closing his eyes. “I really wanted to be there the next morning but Pierre had to fly back to France and I couldn’t leave him alone.”
Your expression softens. He didn’t mean to stand you up then.
“We came back literally two days ago.” 
You feel really bad now. 
“Oh my God,” You let out a laugh, feeling embarrassed and so, so guilty. “I’m sorry. I guess I was a little hurt because I thought you stood me up — not that it was a date and we explicitly agreed to see each other.” You feel blood rushing to your face. 
“I wanted to text you but I didn’t have your number,” Charles frowns, a nervous smile dancing on his lips. “and I couldn’t find you on Instagram.”
Your entire body shivers and the corners of your mouth curl up. “You really looked me up on Instagram?”
“Yea’,” He chuckles, shrugging. “I wanted—no, I want to know you. You are really pretty—cool, I mean.”
“So you don’t think I’m pretty?” You lean forward, hands resting on the counter and supporting your weight. 
Charles' cheeks heat up as he tries to think of something to say, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. 
You take him out of his misery by giving him a little push on the shoulder. 
“I’m joking.”
Charles looks at you for a second, and then says, “You are. Pretty, I mean.”
It is your turn to blush furiously. You have to look away if you don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of him. 
“Are you gonna order or not?” 
You both turn to look at the person standing behind Charles, clearly annoyed for having to wait too long. He apologizes before turning back to you. 
“I’m gonna,” He points to the table where his friends are, and you nod, disappointed for being interrupted. 
It’s a little awkward because he stands there for a whole minute just looking at you before waving goodbye and walking away. 
The customer clears his throat and you’re dragged back to the present one more time. 
You hear Alex and Lewis laughing behind you. 
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“Hey, we’re going to the club tonight.” Kika says as you clock out. 
“Who is we?” You ask, grabbing your purse and the iced latte you made for the ride home. 
“Pierre and a couple of his friends,” She takes a sip of her own matcha latte and sits on the counter. “You, Lily, Alex.” Kika pokes Alex’s ribs, who’s cleaning the counter next to her.
You chew on your bottom lip, the question is hanging from your tongue but you’re not able to voice it out. Kika must see the struggle on your face. 
“Charles is coming too.” She has a knowing look on her face, but doesn’t make fun of you or ask what is going on with his boyfriend’s best friend. “So, are you coming?” She knows you’re going even before you nod your approval. “Someone left this for you.”
Kika hands you a napkin with a number written on it, a “Charles x” underneath a phone number. 
Your heart starts hammering in your chest and you waste no time in pulling your phone out of your pocket to save his contact. You hesitate whether to message him or not when, suddenly, your screen lights up with a new message. 
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If you can’t stop smiling on the way home from the coffee shop and while you get ready for a night out, nobody (besides Kika) needs to know. 
On the way to the club you think about every little moment and decision that has led you here, to this uber with your friends ready to spend a good night with new friends, and a pretty guy who’s clearly very interested in you. If someone would’ve told you two years ago that this was going to be your life, you would’ve laughed. 
You feel nervous, getting out of the car and walking into one of your favorite clubs in the city. 
The first thing you notice is the mass of people dancing along to the loud music. You think you’re gonna make your way to the bar as you always do the minute you walk inside but, instead, Kika guides you to where all the VIP booths are, near the back of the club and the DJ.
“Baby!” Pierre shouts over the music, drink in one hand. “And baby’s friends!”
“Oh my God, I think he’s already drunk.” Kika groans, making her way to her boyfriend and kissing his cheek before whispering something in his ear that makes Pierre blush. Okay, gross. 
There are a lot of people in the booth. You recognize some of Charles’ friends and a few other people you’ve never seen before. Everyone’s talking with everyone and you’re wondering what to do when someone places a hand on your back. 
“I was waiting for you.” Charles whispers with a low voice, and you feel weak in the knees immediately. 
You turn around to face him and are blinded by his bright dimpled-smile. 
“Hi.” You say, looking into those two green orbs you’ve missed. Just a little. “All my friends dumped me,” Looking behind Charles’ shoulder, you see Lily and Alex making out in the middle of the dancefloor, while Kika is sitting next to her boyfriend and talking with some of his friends. “so you’re stuck with me for the whole night.”
“Ugh,” Charles says, bringing his hand to his heart and pretending to be affected. “that’s horrible. Stuck with a pretty girl all night? I’ll just have to deal with it.” 
You lean your shoulder into Charles’ side playfully and he moves a little closer, his hand still on your back. Apparently, blushing comes like a second nature to you ever since you met Charles.
“Wanna grab a drink?” 
He doesn’t need to ask twice. 
Charles guides you to the bar, keeping you close with his hand that has dropped from your back to your waist. His closeness is intoxicating and you can’t help but lean closer. Charles seems comfortable with the proximity, so you stay glued to his side as you walk to the bar, where you’re forced to pull away.
He asks the bartender for your drinks — after asking, very politely, what you’d like to drink — and leans against the counter with you by his side. 
You tilt your head and observe him for a little while, Charles too busy grabbing your drinks to notice the attention. It is only when he turns to hand you the glass that he notices your gaze on him, his cheeks heating up immediately but his eye contact doesn’t waver. He just stands there with two drinks and people bumping into him, looking at you as if you’re the only person in the world.
You shake your head, grabbing your drink. “Thank you.” 
You don’t really know how much time you spend at the bar chatting with Charles, but you don’t want it to end. Charles tells you about his life back in Monaco, you learn that he came very close to the racing world before his father passed away and he decided to quit — not his younger brother though, who is currently racing in Formula 1 — and dedicate his life to his other passion: architecture. And in return you tell Charles more about your decision to travel the world and not going to college, he shares some of your opinions and you’re surprised how easily you’re able to share things about your life with him. 
“I don’t know where life would take me,” You take a sip of your second drink, resting your elbows on the counter. “but I’m happy where I am right now.”
“You should think about visiting Monaco, I’m sure you’ll fall in love with it.” Charles has a strange glint in his eyes that forces you to look away. 
“Hey, lovebirds!” A guy throws his arms around yours and Charles’ shoulder. You recognize him as one of his beach friends. 
“Dani.” Charles groans, but relaxes against his friend’s chest. “Where are Max and Lando?”
“With the DJ,” You both turn to look at the DJ booth, and right there next to him is Lando and, to his other side, the blonde guy you remember as Max. Both of them look very drunk. “Oscar wants to take them home but I said that as long as neither of them throws up, we’re good.” 
Dani asks for a couple of drinks and makes small talk. He’s absolutely hilarious and doesn’t stop making fun of Charles. 
“He kept asking us if we’d seen you. Every. Single. Day.” Charles pushes him away but that doesn’t stop him. “And sent like a thousand selfies pouting and trying to bribe us to look for you around the city.”
“Daniel!” Charles exclaims, mortified. He squeezes his eyes shut and drops his head forward. 
Dani just laughs and, once his drinks are ready, walks away. Still making fun of his friend. 
“It’s cute.” You confess, feeling brave enough to lift his chin up with your hand. “I’m glad you were trying to find me, even though I thought you had forgotten about me.”
“How could I?” He smiles, his dimples on full display. “Afraid of sounding like a complete psychopath, I’m gonna confess that the only thing on my mind while I was away was our interaction at the beach.” His cheeks are blushed as he plays with the buttons of his shirt. “And how sorry I was for not asking for your number.”
You’re one second away from falling to the floor and melting onto it. 
Charles is definitely not helping with the racing of your heart and the need to be a normal and a functional person. 
“I’m sorry,” Charles’ voice is gentle.
“Don’t be,” You place a hand on his forearm and squeeze softly before letting go. “Afraid of sounding like a complete psychopath,” You repeat his exact same words which makes him laugh, his whole face lighting up. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it either. Well, until I was beginning to get angry at myself for thinking about it even after you stood me up.”
Charles groans, putting his face in his hands. 
“I’ve a lot to make up for.”
He looks back up and you make eye contact until Charles glances down at your lips, then back up at your eyes. And the room suddenly feels too crowded and too hot. 
“You’ll have plenty of time for that.”
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𓇼 — WAVE OF YOU, TAGLIST: @lovrsm @itsjustkhaos @evie-119 @sadbeautifuleva @c4tc0re @sargeantdumbass @brune77e @arian-directioner @lavisenri @starsnxva @a1leexxa @therealcap @anniee-mr @kakorrhaphiophobia @madd1115 @toxicdreamer296 @coffeebae0 @tempo-rary-fix @luca-is-a-pengu @charleslover24 @vettelsbees @iienstein @mehrmonga @ferraridepartment @fictional-l0v3r. 𓇼 [cursive means i couldn't tag you]
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© verstappen-cult, 2024. — do not repost plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
306 notes · View notes
mo0nfairy · 1 year
Ughhhh I neeeeeed part 3 of our guard puppy leon😭😭😭
That was so so good.
Like are you an angel??? How can you write so beautifully??
part 1. part 2. part 4.
tw :: re4 spoilers, obsessive!leon, yandere!leon, guns, explosions, being knocked out, parasites, some obsessive!ashley too.
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⸺ eeeek !! ur too sweet! i've been having lots and lots of thoughts about this batshit-insane puppy dog. so, ask and you shall receive ~~
through trial and error (and leon's incessant suggestions to just go home together. you disagree with his suggestion and he can never say no to you, after all), you find ashley hiding in the church. and the immediate liking she takes to you is bridging on the cusp of creepy. what's even creepier is your guard-dog's reaction to such. you appreciate the sweetness the two have for you and how it helps keep you afloat in this absolute hellhole, but something still stalks in the back of your head...
you can't trust leon. you have no idea why, but with every ledge he helps you over or with every drop he catches you from, there is that looming shadow that lurks within you. it's a sense of dread that hangs heavy in your stomach, almost like hanging over the hill of a rollercoaster. there's alarms that blare whenever he gets too close, all that seem to be warning you to get as far away from this man as you can. and for why, you cannot tell. he is kind-hearted, brave, and has saved you from practically every abomination known on planet earth. so, why don't you trust him?
maybe it's the look in his eye. how his gaze for you is practically seeping with sunshine, but whenever he looks at the squeaky mouse on your hip, there's an uncanny shift towards something much darker. (ashley breathes within a mile radius of you and leon literally becomes the gif ^^). his perceptible distaste towards her goes further than his expressive eyes, unfortunately. it's "accidentally" dropping her when she jumps from the ledge, stifling a laugh at her pain only to immediately go red with rage when you help her from the ground. "falling over" and nearly knocking ashley head-first off a ledge; tending to a splinter you got while she tries to avoid being kidnapped by literally 73 los ganados.
ashley's dislike towards the man her father sent to retrieve her is perceptible, too. and her liking to you is even more evident. she'll cower in your embrace when leon shoots his gun a little too close to her ear, smirking at him over your shoulder when she sees how enraged it makes him. she'll interlock your fingers with hers due to being “afraid,” outright refusing to let go from thereon out; she'll ramble about her awesome life as the president's daughter, how astonishing she finds you to be, and how many riches she has (and how she can provide for you *cough, cough*). it's all so bewildering — you have all somehow managed to survive countless near-death experiences and yet, both of them are nothing but daisies and rainbows when your attention is on them.
most importantly, it is so fucking overwhelming. you wonder if their suffocating clinginess is the worst thing you'll actually face in this hellhole.
you're so caught up in avoiding the affections of these two and surviving in the process, you almost completely forget about your memory loss. you have history with this man, whomever he may be. and during trips to the merchant and the shooting range, you think he'll enlighten you on these forgotten pieces while you take a second to breathe. but, he never does. he either glares daggers into the girl at your hip or thoroughly checks your body for wounds you fruitlessly assure him don't exist. so, you guess you only have yourself and your goldfish-like memory to rely on.
all you can remember is his sweet soul, baby-face, and, rather, unconventional displays of affection. and you assume that this is how far the iceberg goes. just you and this lovesick boy in raccoon city. together. but oh, how wrong you were.
the three of you later find yourselves in the amber storeroom. you trace your fingers upon the crevices of the large hunk of amber in front of you, watching in disgust as the parasites within squirm like dying cockroaches. the topic of escaping this nightmare soon arose. you want to make it to luis' laboratory for the purpose of curing ashley of her infection, despite having to separate for a short period of time to retrieve the proper materials. leon just wants to get himself and you out of here, to where you'll live happily ever after in each other's arms.
"it's not too to turn back, you know. if we make it to the lab, we can save ashley, leon. we'll only have to seperate for a second, it's no biggie!" your suggestion falls on deaf ears, much to your dismay.
"not a chance. you're stuck with me to the end." you feel your heart drop at leon's response. the saying unlocks something within you, something you knew you never wanted to come out. it hits you like a train; dread permeates your entire being. you're stuck with me to the end.
an unfamiliar voice then fills the room. before you even have a picosecond to process the additional presence and leon's previous statement, you feel his hand on your arm, to where you're then swung behind him. you see the saddler from your stance over leon's shoulder, giving his whole villain monologue. you managed to derive only one piece on information from the cloaked creature before you: we are all fucked.
black veins travel up the neck of the blonde in front of you. he then falls to his knees, gun clattering onto the floor. ink-black strings spread upon ashley's face, the white of her eyes morphing into a sinister red. the color stiffly frames the green hue of her irises. sobs rack through her body; you hear a whimper of your name escape her mouth. an unseen force causes her to bend down and grasp hold of the gun, the atmosphere overwhelmingly intense. and as if she were a doll, the force pushes each foot in front of the other. closer to you.
you take a cautious step away from her, only to feel your back hit a surface. you turn to meet the chest of someone adorned head-to-toe in white cloth, ragged ropes tied around their waist and neck. their purple, ghastly hand the clutches onto your wrist like a lifeline, the pain causing you to hiss in response. you try and pull away with all of your might, but their inhuman abilities overpower your own. before your bones can crack beneath the sheer force of their strength, a gunshot permeates. your ears ring, thus using your eyes to identify the sudden intrusion of sound. the figure before you is now adorned in blood as it cascades down their once-white cloak. ashley persevered and fought through the infection seeping through her veins to save your life, but you’re too busy staring at the scene before you to realize.
"no... please! please, don't make me!" the force of the saddler returns, however. and the devastated voice of ashley only comes out in a quiet hum, with your hearing still disoriented from the gunshot.
this leaves you here, where you never thought you'd be. while you're gaze is locked on the body ashley brutalized, you're taken by surprise when you feel your body whipped around completely. her arm snakes around your neck as if you were prey, the other pressing the cold surface of the gun's barrel to your temple. you thrash and fight, but your efforts are merely pathetic in comparison to her newly supernatural power.
"we don't need another foolish lamb in our way. sweet child, do not resist!" his voice feels like a chill traveling up your spine. faint and ghostly, but all-too terrifying in the same breath.
you can feel ashley cry in your ear, begging the monster in front of you to let you both go. closing your eyes, you pray to whatever almighty being truly exists that you'll soon wake up back in your bed. then, you'll enjoy your breakfast and pantomime to your cat about the insane dream you just had. but, ashley's hyperventilated breaths still fan against your face and her grasp on you is still air-tight. as much as you wish it wasn't, this is your reality. and, inevitably, you will most likely die in the embrace of the girl you fought tooth-and-nail to save.
leon still clenches his body in agony; his gaze remaining locked to the ground beneath him. his attempts to fight against the pain with every sliver of strength in his body were futile. but, in a flare of clarity, leon is fortunately able to overcome the immense pain momentarily. his blue eyes, wide as dinner plates, frantically search around for you. and the scene he finds behind him causes his heart to sink into oblivion.
"no!" the sheer anguish in his cry is enough to grasp the attention of every presence in the room. 6 years. 6 years. he has been waiting over 2,190 miserable days to be with you. and as i stated before, like hell will he let you slip from his grasp again.
leon scrambles to his feet. but, before he can bring you into his tenacious embrace, kill everything that moves, and vow to never ever let anything like this happen to you ever again, that same force stops him within his stance. his hands halt inches from your face, so, so close, as he desperately reaches out to you. leon fights and resists, despite the agony swimming in his black-colored veins from doing such. he must get to you, no matter how much pain and suffering he must endure.
you are everything he could ever need; you are the very definition of his existence. his sobs rival those of someone overcome with grief and he is terrified of the fact that it may be him momentarily. so close to happiness, but now all alone. once again and forevermore. you can only watch in trepidation as he shakes with pure terror, muffled cries of "take me instead" and "please, anyone but them!" escaping through clenched teeth.
with the faint click of ashley's dainty finger, she pulls on the trigger. there is nothing.
silence hits the room like a tsunami. you're alive, but you don't dare let yourself hope. waiting for the other shoe to drop, it never falls. ashley's grip on you relaxes, to where you rip her arms off of you and practically throw yourself across the room. anywhere far from the insanity caused by this horrid infection. the two people you survived hell with are still under the trance, however. miserable cries protruding through the quiet; bodies shivering like someone who has been thrown into a winter lake. their eyes peer to their side, desperate to move their heads to look at you and ensure your safety.
you're still attempting to process what had just occured when you suddenly hear rumbling echoing in the distance. something soars through the sky, landing right at the feet of the saddler and his minions. chaos pervades as an explosion waves through the room, causing every piece of matter to ascend into the air, including yourself. you’re flung into the wind, where you then land harshly against the unforgiving ground. you cough into your arm in an attempt to rid your body of the smoke satiating your lungs.
"sorry, bad traffic! one combat chopper, compliments of hunnigan!" you hear the eccentric voice, the mention of hunnigan, the whirring of a helicopter and finally smile to yourself for the first time in what feels like years. help! it’s finally here!
a substance trickles down your forehead and down the expanse of your face. you bring your fingers to your skin, only to find the digits to be adorned with warm blood. following the trace, you soon realize during the pandemonium of the eruption, something had hit you square in the skull. fuck.
you hear a shout of your name before everything goes dark.
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sadesluvr · 5 months
The one where you hook up with Chad at a college party.
(Chad Meeks-Martin x Reader)
A/N: A long awaited Chad fic inspired by a recent album! Songs for ambience: One Dance - Drake, These Walls - Kendrick Lamar + RIVERDANCE - Beyoncé.
Word count: 2K
Tags: SMUT / College! Reader / Alcohol use / Cowgirl (Position) / Moments of fluff / Reader is in control and we love it!
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The fading sound of a Drake song signalled yet another three minutes were down, creeping closer to the end of the party. Some were tired, some were horny, and some, especially in your case, were turnt. The turquoise and orange lights of the house party were euphoric; making you feel as if you were in a club, rather than a gritty frat house, and your grip on the signature red paper cups hadn’t wavered.
“Fuck, Y/N you haven’t stopped!” Mindy commented, a smirk on her face as she looked you up and down. Any other day you would’ve taken it as a flirtation but given the fact that she was sitting next to her girlfriend - much more the fact you were dressed like Daisy Duke - seemed unlikely. “Save some for the rest of us!”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you began to sway to a distantly familiar song.
“And waste it on two lesbians on a couch? I don’t think so!”
“Touché,” Anika remarked, and your eyes brightened, immediately outstretching your arms towards her.
“Come on, you’ve been sitting all night. Dance with me!” you begged, and she gave a sweet, but strained frown.
“We prefer to be bystanders,” she said, before glancing over at Mindy and lowering her voice. “I said I’d dance with you, but Mindy’s been keeping me hostage!”
“What? I’m doing my brother a favour. I don’t want him to get all jealous,” the short haired girl said, shrugging as she sipped her beer.
“Jealous?” you said, feigning ignorance as you got closer.
“Babe, he’s got a massive crush on you,” Anika said exasperatedly. “And don’t act like you don’t know, we saw the two of you earlier…”
Earlier. What had happened earlier? Soft grinding and an exchange of drinks, of course. Chad Meeks-Martin was Mindy’s twin brother, a star athlete and basically one of the hottest guys in Blackmore.
You’d met him at a mixer at the start of the year, but it had been a cat and mouse game ever since that point. It was almost unfathomable how instantly the attraction had occurred - you’d simply locked eyes from across the room, and the rest had been history.
Momentarily, you were transported back to the beginning of the night, how you’d felt the boys dark brown eyes roam up and down your body, transfixed to the way you grooved to the beat. Your back had been tightly pressed against his chiselled torso as you grinned your ass against his pelvis, looking back at him from the corner of your eye. He hadn’t flinched; merely securing his hands on your waist and rolling his hips back, all through a delighted chuckle. He was going to be yours by the end of the night.
“It means nothing until he says something.” you shrugged.
“You know how Chad is, he’s just waiting for the right time…” Anika said, gazing off into the distance and perking up as she spotted a figure coming towards where you were sat. Speaking of —“
It was Chad; all six foot and shirtless of him, dressed in nothing more than a pair of jeans, large belt and a cowboy hat, fitted with a bandana around his neck. He smirked, walking through the room with ease, and placing a hand gently on your shoulder, looking onto the two girls on the couch.
“Excuse me — ‘Nika, Mindy…Mind if I borrow Y/N here?”
“She’s all yours Romeo,” Mindy smirked, dropping her feet from on top of the coffee table. “Behave, and lock the door. We don’t want to have to spend tomorrow explaining the birds and the bees to Ethan…”
The pair of you chuckled before you granted them a small goodbye. Chad pulled you off into a quieter corner of the room, eyes slightly glossy as he stared at you.
“So, uh, how’re you getting home?” he said softly, clearing his throat.
“I live ten minutes away,” You snickered, adjusting your posture so that you crossed your arms in-front of your chest, lending Chad a decent view of your chest. “I’m sure my legs are fine.”
“So you won’t mind if I walk you? I give great piggyback rides, y’know…” he replied, a small smile growing at the ends of his lips.
“ ‘You sure you’re done here?”
“I don’t see anything else I wanna do…”
There was a brief silence.
“Really?” You hummed. “I just figured it was kinda early…”
Chad laughed, and ran his fingers across his chin, biting his lip as he drank you in. He’d been wanting you since the first college mixer, odd considering the fact that he could practically have any girl he wanted. Why had he waited until now to make a move?
Even amidst his alcohol induced haze and excessive head bashing his only conclusion was that he was somewhat of a coward, plagued by the idea that his next relationship could kill him. Whilst Woodsboro was on his mind, he was thankful he’d waited this long. You’d basically dry humped within the first ten minutes of the party.
“So you’re a party girl, huh?”
“Always have been.”
“Why don’t we take this little party of ours upstairs? It’s pretty dry down here anyway.” Chad said with a smirk. You certainly weren’t going to disagree, and so you pushed yourself up off the wall and took the lead up the oh-so infamous stairs. Everybody knew what ‘going upstairs’ meant, and you weren’t oblivious to the way that some girls – and a few guys – gave you the stink eye as you disappeared into the soft light, and away from the hustle of downstairs.
You pushed gently on one of the many doors, opening to an empty bedroom, fitted with red bed sheets and ripped band posters on the wall. It certainly wasn’t much, but you weren’t exactly there for the scenery. Locking the door shut, you glanced at Chad through your lashes before slowly making your way over to the bed where he stood, silent, but telling. The tension was palpable; the rhythmic thuds from the music downstairs seemingly beating in time to your hearts.
Chad began to take off his hat, but you stopped him.
“Nuh-uh, cowboy,” you hummed. “Keep it on...”
It was then that you kissed. Chad’s lips were soft, tasting faintly of cocoa butter as they danced along your own glossy ones; his tongue immediately finding yours as he explored your mouth. Your bottom lip grazed the boy’s scar – something you’d always been aware of, but clueless about – and you shuddered at its rugged edges against your own skin, briefly wondering how the rough texture would feel against the wet lips of your pussy.
Letting out a soft moan, you pushed against his body, sending him toppling backwards onto the bed, with you on top. Chad’s chest was heaving as you pulled away, and his brown eyes were wide and full of lust as he watched you kiss down his stomach, paying close attention to his carved six pack as your nails lightly grazed his skin. You stopped at the silver buckle of his jeans and squeezed his bulge, smirking as you locked eyes with him.
“Your nails look so fucking good on my dick, baby,” he moaned, his voice slightly husky. “Take it out...”
“Now?” you giggled, shaking your head. “We don’t have time for that. I wanna get out of here before the night is done.”
“So what? I’m just a fling to you?” he said amusedly.
“Maybe, maybe not,” you hummed. “Depends on if you can handle me...” Skilfully, you unzipped his jeans and slipped his cock through the buttoned hole of his boxers, exposing his hard cock to the cool air.
Chad’s length was impressive; bordering on six inches with a decent girth, wrapped up with a short, but prominent vein along its side. You tugged at him eagerly, nodding at him before looking at the bedside table and nodding at the drawer.
“Condom.” you said, and he pouted playfully.
“Baby...You know it doesn’t feel the same...” he whined, pushing the drawer open with one hand, keeping his focus entirely on you.
“It also won’t feel the same when I have to move in with you and Ethan so we can raise a kid.”
Chad grumbled and rolled his eyes, more than happy to oblige. He wanted a mini-Chad of his own but didn’t feel like getting a lecture from Mindy on making her an aunt anytime soon. Besides, he was with you – he was more than willing to wait.
Taking the condom off him, you hurriedly rolled it on before sliding your shorts and panties to the side, his thick head slipping into your wet folds with ease. You both let out a moan, and you savoured the moment, letting him stretch you out before you began to roll your hips, stabilising yourself by placing your hand on his chest. His large hands caressed your waist, holding you up as he ran his fingers along your sides, moving up to grope your tits through your cropped shirt, which was becoming dishevelled with every passing moment.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned, his teeth gnawing into his bottom lip. “You’re so good at this...Shit, you’re just swallowing me up...”
You smirked, shutting his rambles up by pressing a sloppy kiss to his lips before devilishly kissing down his chest and flicking at his nipple with your tongue, making him draw in a sharp breath and thrusting his hips up into you as punishment. The pressure was sensational, but you stood strong, determined to make it a night to remember. You were willing to take his soul, even.
Despite the dull ache of your knees, Chad’s groans were motivation for you to bounce your hips harder, the exposed areas of your skin colliding with his jeans as it produced an ungodly sound.
“That’s it, baby,” he cooed, lips wet and parted. “Bounce on this dick. Fuck, I wanna see that action back there...”
“Then feel it.” you said confidently, taking one of Chad’s hands and sliding it under your jeans, giving him a handful of your ass, which he groped and prodded at, sinking you further onto his cock, your juices beginning to drip down to groomed base and embedding itself in his hairs. The boy was so dumbfounded he barely noticed you sliding his hat off his head, placing it onto your own and throwing your head back in pleasure.
It felt as if the two of you were indulging in a perfect dance; where his thrusts responded to the swaying of your hips, where his hands roamed your body and made you hotter as your own kisses brought him back to reality. Alcohol be damned, the room swayed, and sounds became nothing but intoxicated gurgles, lost in the salvo of your passion.
“God, you’re perfect,” he lamented, his movements becoming more ragged. “My ‘lil cowgirl...”
“I’m all yours baby,” you smirked. “I always have been.”
Chad grinned, flashing his perfect whites before pulling you down on top of him so that your heaving chests were pressed against each other's, allowing you a moment of calm before you came; which, judging by the way you trembled and clenched around him, was imminent.
He came first; unable to hold his tongue as his healthy loads filled the condom whilst still managing to buck up into you, sending you into your own state of euphoria. You creamed around his cock, painting the latex in your clear juices and moulding yourself onto him forever, rendering yourself breathless as you buried your face into the crook on his neck, riding down from your high.
For a moment, time stood still, and it was just you and Chad alone, listening to each other's beating hearts as he held onto you by his arms wrapping around your waist protectively, and tracing small circles onto your back. You’d come back to earth, and you could both hear the dull thumping of music around you...and a knock on the door.
“Shit,” you said frantically, his voice hushed. “Ten bedrooms in this stupid house and they choose this one?”
Chad chuckled.
“I guess people have the same idea as us...” he said, fixing himself. “Let’s do this again, yeah? This time I’ll actually take you out on a date first!”
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midnightcrw · 5 months
Little Vase
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Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x fem!reader
Summary: Your daughter, Daisy, is trying to find something
a/n: This was inspired by one of the reblogs @connorsui made about my one-shot "Awake." I just got a bit inspired and thought that this would be a good idea. You don't have to read the "Mama's Boy" one-shot I wrote, but there is a little bit of a reference. I hope you all will like it, especially @connorsui , since she always reblogs my stories and leaves sweet messages
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The few weeks didn't seem to go so well as Daisy started to doubt herself more and more each day because of school.
Daisy wasn't dumb and she knew that, well, she used to know that, but now every day felt like an endless, boring routine that she couldn't find any joy in.
"What's with the dull face?" Your voice was heard from behind her as she just realized that you were watching her. And usually she wasn't the one to cry, but seeing you brought tears to her eyes.
"I..." she tried to start the sentence, but cut herself off as she suddenly began to sob softly.
Immediately you went to her side and embraced her as you let her cry her heart out to you about the fact that she had been feeling terrible about herself.
"Daisy, look at me," you said, but your daughter just buried her face in your chest, "please," and she looked up. Just like Simon, whenever the word "please" fell from your lips, they always listened.
Her eyes were red from crying as you could almost feel your heart breaking, "You're not dumb, okay? You're so smart, everything you do is perfect, and there's nothing wrong with you and your accomplishments. It's okay to fail, it's okay to feel sad, but what's not okay is to insult yourself. You're my daughter, you're your dad's daughter, and you're perfect. There hasn't been a single day that I regret having you and no matter what you do, I will always support you" It was even difficult for you to speak without a wavering tone because the hatred Daisy felt for herself reminded you all too much of Simon's thoughts about himself.
A single tear slid down Daisy's face as she only nodded, obviously too scared to say anything that might make her burst out in tears again.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head "How about we both go to the park?"
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Rattling drawers and frantic footsteps could be heard as Simon began to frown at what was going on downstairs. From the footsteps alone and the loud noise, Simon could tell that it wasn't you, but most likely Daisy.
And when the noises didn't stop for the next five minutes, he started to go downstairs when he saw his daughter running through the whole living room, probably trying to find something by throwing opening more drawers.
"You need something?" Simon's gruff voice was barely audible as Daisy just kept going, only giving him a glance.
"Teenagers," he muttered under his breath. Everyone always told him that once your child was a teenager, it would be one of the most confusing years, and Simon definitely understood.
Sometimes she didn't answer, sometimes she got angry and only in the rarest of moments she was at peace, but Simon could never be mad at her.
He had been a mess his whole life until he met you, so if there was one person who could relate, it would definitely be him.
"Little lady, what's the matter?" He asked, knowing that using 'little lady' would make her react, since she didn't like that nickname.
The rattling stopped for a moment as Daisy turned to face him. One... two... three-
"Don't call me that!" There it is, he thought as a triumphant smile made its way across his face.
His daughter just gave an annoyed huff as she continued her search. Simon could only roll his eyes as he watched her. At least you're not at home right now, because you'd probably be angry about the mess she's currently making.
The pillows are on the floor, the drawers are wide open, and the contents are spread out on the floor.
"You're going to clean that up," he said, though Daisy didn't respond back, almost even tripping over the carpet, but before he could rush over she was already back on her feet.
Shaking his head, he made his way to the coffee table where several things were lying in front of it, crouching down with a pop from his knee and a silent 'fuck', cursing softly as he began to pick up some of the items.
"You're getting old," Daisy declared in an amused tone as Simon shot her a look across the room, "We'll see who's laughing when you're in your thirties, because I held up pretty well in the military. You complain while you get the remote control," he replied gruffly as he resigned himself to sitting on the floor and putting the items back in the drawer from there.
"Also, answer my question, Missy," he threw one of her soft childhood toys at her head as she said "ouch"
"So dramatic," he exclaimed as Daisy just narrowed her eyes at him and threw the toy back, trying to hit his head with it, but Simon caught it.
"Fucking reflexes," she cursed quietly, but not quiet enough as he heard her. "Language!" He scolded her in a stern tone.
"You were the one who taught me the word."
"And I regret it every day," Simon said in a hushed voice as he felt shivers run down his spine.
He remembered how angry you were with him when the second word Daisy said as a baby was "fuck" and not "mom".
Slowly getting to his feet after closing the drawer, Simon rubbed his lower back, his eyebrows furrowed at the unpleasant sensation, and it seemed that Daisy had finally found what she was looking for as she immediately rushed into the kitchen, him following her.
Standing in the door frame, his daughter began to fill a vase with water as she placed several daisies in it.
And then a picture of Simon's mother flashed before his eyes. The sight of her putting daisies in a little vase to display in the kitchen when he was a little boy.
"Why?" The sudden question made the teenager turn around with her eyebrows raised in confusion. "The flowers," he said as Daisy understood.
"Two days ago, Mom and I went to the park and she told me some of the meanings of flowers. She said that daisies mean new beginnings, so I went to get some today," there was a little sparkle in her eyes, obviously wanting to believe in a new beginning for herself.
You had told him that she was upset and why she was upset, but he didn't know that you had told her the meanings.
Simon could only watch as she continued, "I'm sure Mom already told you that I cried and I want to be more confident, so maybe this will be a good start," her tone was enthusiastic as she smiled, revealing her dimples.
Just like her, he thought.
When Simon's mother told him about the flowers and smiled, her dimples were also visible. Deep and sunken and something he remembered quite well. Unfortunately, he never got the dimples he wished for because they reminded him of his mother, but Daisy had them.
And now it hit him even harder as he looked at his little girl, who at that moment almost resembled his own mother. Sparkling eyes, smiling face, dimples all visible.
Oh and how he yearned for Daisy to meet his mother, she would have been her grandmother now, but sadly Daisy never got to meet her.
"Dad, is everything-" before she could finish the sentence, she was engulfed by Simon's arms around her, holding her tightly against him as tears streamed down his face, his lip trembling as he bit onto his lower lip, trying to keep himself from sobbing.
Although Daisy was confused at the sudden embrace, she began to wrap her arms around him as Simon inhaled her scent shakily while he ran a hand through her hair and kissed the crown of her head.
"Love you, kid," he whispered softly.
"Love you too," she said as she let her head lay on his chest.
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"I'm home," you said as you walked into the living room, where you saw Simon and Daisy sleeping in each other's arms as you smiled fondly.
Quietly, you took the blanket that was lying on the couch as you placed it gently over them, not wanting to wake them, but Simon has always been a light sleeper as he opened his eyes and immediately asked if you had told her.
"Told her what?" You asked back with confusion laced in your tone.
Your husband gestured toward the kitchen, whose door was already open, and you frowned at first until you saw the daisies in a vase.
"Well, I never told her that your mother used to do that," you confessed, as you could see Simon visibly swallowing as his Adam's apple moved.
"Just like her," he finally murmured what he had been thinking, "I wish she was still alive to see her," Simon said with a strained voice as you sat down next to him and kissed his cheek gently.
"I'm sure your mother would have loved her. She's probably watching you right now, and let me tell you, she's so proud of you, Simon," you whispered as Simon moved his head to kiss your lips with his trembling ones
Letting them linger for a moment before he pressed more fleeting kisses all over your face as you held his face in your hands to stop him with a chuckle.
Thank you, Simon mouthed silently with adoration in his eyes.
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i-cant-sing · 14 days
Honestly loved part 12 so much!!!
Can't figure out if I wanna throttle Silas or admire him for his planning and deceit
Also, Ben is so sweet in this!!! Love that man, he really just wanna have fun with our hair and be friends
And sweet sweet Sarah. Just want what's good for us, really happy about us marrying Silas
The entire thing is just *chefs kiss*
You're feeding us so well with this series
oh lets talk about Sarah FitzGeorge for a minute.
its not hidden, Silas is Sarah's fav grandson because after Silas's elder sister Daisy died, Sarah basically brought him up all on her own, so they're both very close to each other. She's always been concerned about Silas, as a kid he was always very quiet, to the point of being invisible, but she knew he was silently observing everyone and everything. she was worried that he'd remember everyone's attitude, every rude, insensitive comment about his family (or lack there of), that he was just a kettle pot ready to burst over.
but silas never got physical. he never got into arguments, simply choosing to ignore what people said and keep his head down, preferring to let his work/success speak for itself. though she still remembers the time she took him to the market with her, and someone said something behind her back that sarah chose to ignore but she turned to look and saw silas giving the man one of the coldest glare, so deadly she forgot it was her sweet grandson for a moment. and then he turned back to her, just like that- her sweet silas was back.
Now Sarah had 3 sons, who then gave her 3 grandsons (and Daisy, but she passed away), so she's been LONGING for a daughter/granddaughter for a while and when reader comes along, she's immediately enveloped by her warmth. Sarah knows you're not exactly from high society, but there's just something about u that reminds her so much of her younger self. so u immediately get adopted into her family, and shes only more overjoyed to find out her sweet silas married u! she thinks that you two would be good for each other, bring out the best in each other <333
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
I just had the cutest fluffy Bucky thought and I love your soft fluffy stories! ❤️
The team loads into the jet but you somehow end up last in and the seats around Bucky are taken so you sit on his lap. Steve/Tony tell everyone to prepare for departure so while everyone is buckling in, you pull Bucky's metal arm around your waist. Steve/Tony tell you to find your own spot with an actual seatbelt. "You really think that flimsy piece of fabric will keep me safer than this?" Bucky is smug and smirks at everyone but inside he's melting because the thing he hates most about himself makes you feel the safest. 😭🫠🥹
Hooked On A Feeling
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 897
Summary: Bucky has always been the one who makes you feel safest and maybe, just maybe, he can start to believe it's true.
Author's Note: Hi sweets! Thank you so much for this super sweet request, I absolutely love the idea of him being readers 'seatbelt'! So cute! I hope you enjoy this and thank you for kind words! Have a lovely day! 🥰Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by sweet Daisy @firefly-graphics thank you love🥰
Warnings: soft and sweet fluff
GIF NOT MINE: Credit goes to @mcavoys thank you lovely💕
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“Let’s go slow poke!” Sam shouts. “We gotta get outta here.”
You trudge up the platform and into the jet, your legs sore and tired from the mission.
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’”, you grunt.
You step foot inside and have to jump forward at the sound of the hatch beginning to close. You shoot Sam a dirty but playful glare before surveying the seating situation.
There isn’t any place to sit unless you’re going to squeeze yourself uncomfortably into the corner.
With a defeated sigh your shoulder slump and just before you resign to the worst seat ever you catch Bucky’s eye. He’s staring at you, his expression soft and inviting.  
“Grab a seat!” Sam shouts your way. “We’re takin’ off.”
You plod over to Bucky and stand between his widely spread legs.
“Can I sit with you Buck?”
“Of course ya can doll,” he says, patting his thigh.
You sit yourself down and lean against his chest, the tension of the mission melting from your body.
“Find a real sit babe,” Sam grumbles. “With a seatbelt.”
You roll your eyes and mumble something incoherent but then you realize you have the best seat on the jet.
With a smirk you take Bucky’s metal hand in yours and pull his arm around your waist. He immediately tightens his hold on you and pulls you closer.
“A real seatbelt,” Sam chides.
“You think one of those seatbelts is going to be better than this?” you ask with a scoff as you run your fingers over the metal plates on Bucky’s arm. “I’m in the safest spot on the jet.”
You turn your face to Bucky and give him a sweet smile. “And the comfiest.”
He blushes under your praise and dips his head with a chuckle. “Thanks doll face.”
You rest your head along his shoulder and give his scruffy cheek a kiss.
He looks up and locks eyes with Steve who is grinning like an idiot. Bucky throws Steve a smug smile and curls his other arm around you.
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The ride back is smooth and you fall asleep in Bucky’s arms. When the jet lands everyone quickly unbuckles themselves and stands, eager to get home and rest.
You don’t stir and Sam walks over, opening his mouth to wake you.
“Don’t,” Bucky whisper shouts. “I’ve got her.”
He carefully releases his seatbelt and stands with you in his arms.
Once he’s brought you to your room and laid you on your bed he lingers in the doorway, watching your sleeping form.
“Don’t be creepy man,” Sam teases as he walks by.
“Huh?” Bucky asks, dragging is eyes away. “I’m not…I was just making… forget it.”
“You know she likes you right?” Sam says as he follows Bucky down the hall.
“Nah. She’s just a sweetheart. She likes everyone,” Bucky counters with a dismissive wave of his hand.
“She definitely is but I see the way she looks at you,” Sam continues.
Bucky is quiet for a moment before he shrugs off the comment and grabs a water bottle. “I’m gonna go shower.”
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When he’s showered and dressed he walks back to your room and gently knocks. He doesn’t hear anything so he slowly pushes the door open and sees your body still curled up on the bed.
You shift and quietly speak his name.
“Yeah, it’s me doll. You ok?”
With a languid stretch you turn toward him and smile.
“I’m good, still tired though but I’m gonna go shower. Will you hang out? I won’t be long.”
“Sure doll.”
You shuffle off to the bathroom, returning shortly after in a tank top and shorts.
Bucky is sitting on the edge of your bed, scrolling through Netflix and he looks up at the sound of your feet.
He stares.
Your skin heats but despite the feeling a shiver skims down your spine.
“Are you cold?” he asks, standing as he swallows hard. “You can have my shirt…not that you need to cover up or anything, it’s just…I don’t want you to be cold but you uh look…you look beautiful. You always do.”
His awkward rambling dissolves your nerves and you step closer.
“Thanks Buck and yes, I do want your shirt, it’s chilly.”
Taking the hem of his Henley in his hands he begins to lift it over his head, revealing the patch of skin just above his sweats and the dark trail of hair that disappears into the waistband.
His tee shirt falls back down once he pulls the Henley off and you inwardly sigh.
With delicate movements he helps you into his shirt and you wrap yourself up in it’s warmth and smell.
“What do you wanna watch?” you ask him.
“What was that?” he says after a beat of silence, his gaze full of emotion as he stares at you in his Henley.
You repeat your question and he pulls out his small notebook, showing you the movie list he’s compiled. After you pick one you get comfortable on your bed and call him over. When he lays down you shimmy closer and slide under his metal arm, laying your head on his chest and snuggling into him. 
“Thanks,” he whispers.
“For what?” you ask as you crane your neck to look at him.
“For trusting me.”
You slip your fingers through his and give them a squeeze. “I always feel safest with you.”
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@book-dragon-13 @hiddles-rose @goldylions @dreamlessinparis @lookiamtrying @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin
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"You deserve all the flowers."
Relationship: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader Drabble Summary: Peter brings you flowers every night and you're just not sure why. Word Count: 740 A/N: what?? what??? a new drabble - a FRESHLY written drabble? i got so excited last night when I finally had the motivation/inspiration to write. this is over on the word count for my usual drabbles but it's under 1k so i think it still counts lmao i hope you enjoy!!
You swore one of these days Peter was going to turn your apartment into a full-blown greenhouse. You didn’t know how it started or why he always showed up with flowers but your kitchen was crowded with vases and it was slowly spilling over into your living room.
And now here Peter, still in his Spider-Man suit, was once again entering your apartment through your fire escape window while gripping another bouquet. He brought you daisies this time. They were very fragrant; their scent filled your bedroom immediately.
"Hi, sweetheart," Peter muttered after he pulled off his mask. "I picked these up for you tonight. I hope they’re okay, I don’t think I’ve gotten you daisies in a while."
You couldn’t help but smile as you took the fresh flowers from him. "Thank you, Peter. They’re lovely," you replied. He had most certainly just gotten you daisies last week but you weren’t going to mention it. That bunch was in your kitchen, blooming and bright.
Peter planted a kiss on your cheek before shuffling aside your open textbooks and flopping on his unofficial official side of your bed. You were just finishing up studying for your college midterms when he came in.
You took in Peter’s exhausted form. He didn’t look too beat up, just a bit tired, which put you at ease. You weren’t a stranger to this situation. Peter would come to your apartment following his patrol, flowers in hand, ready to talk about nothing and everything before you both inevitably drifted off to sleep. But you’d never go to bed before the flowers were taken care of. Even though Peter brought you a plethora of them—so much so you were having to seriously get creative with the vases—each one melted your heart. Each one was special and deserved proper attention.
You cared for them because he cared enough to get them. But you never quite understood why it was so consistent. Did other girls want this many flowers?
"What were you working on?" Peter asked as he flipped through one of your textbooks. You watched his eyes skim the page.
"Philosophy," you answered, but it wasn’t like you had to. "I have a midterm coming up."
"Oh, yeah, we’re at that time of the year," he sighed. "Do you want me to quiz you on anything tonight?"
You shook your head and gently pulled the book from his hands. You closed the cover and shut your notebooks all while still coddling the bouquet of daisies. "Peter, can I ask you something?"
"Sure," he responded, his voice very level. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, of course," you assured him, "I just wanted to ask about the flowers."
He frowned. "The flowers?"
You nodded as you fiddled with the stems of the daisies. "They’re really beautiful and so thoughtful of you, it’s just…"
"What?" Peter gulped. "Do you not like them?"
"No," you insisted, "no, that’s not it at all. I love them so much. But I’m just curious… Why? Why do you bring me flowers every night?"
Your sweet boyfriend let out a sigh of relief at your question. "That’s what that big build-up was for?" He teased.
Your cheeks grew warm. "My apartment is drowning in flowers, Peter."
"There’s still room," he said with a shrug. "But to answer your question I… I guess it gives me something to focus on, a goal to have at the end of the night. It’s not always crazy out there but there’s been some things that have gotten to me and it’s just part of what keeps me going. I gotta protect the great people of this city and I gotta bring you flowers." Peter sighed. "I love you so much, sweetheart, and you deserve all the flowers."
An ache stabbed its way through your chest. Your grip on the flowers tightened as a tear threatened to spill out. Your reaction felt a little dramatic but your boyfriend’s words were just what you needed to hear.
"Oh, honey…" You nearly cried as you leaned over to place a kiss on his lips. He was also almost crying but still happily reciprocated the affection.
Peter sniffled. "I’m sorry I’ve been drowning you in flowers."
You shook your head and let out a breathy laugh. "I don’t mind anymore. Please drown me in flowers forever, babe."
"Forever," Peter repeated with a smile. "Absolutely. Forever. I can do forever."
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alexx013 · 1 year
🌼Giving Haikyuu boys flowers🌼
When you were walking back from school, and passed the flower shop you saw pretty flowers that catched your attention. You decided to buy them for your bf. Which flower it is and how will they react?
Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi
A/N: Hi everyone, hope you have a nice day. I legit got a hand cramp when I was posting this ;---; But oh well, hope you enjoy
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Hinata ☀️
You'd give him: Sunflowers
This sunshine absolutely loves them
When you give them to him, you can see his eyes shining (shine bright like a diamond~)
Will immediately pull you into a hug and thank you over and over again
Would send you a pic of the flowers in a vase in his room when he gets home
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Kageyama 🥛
You'd give him: Lilies
Also would like them, but tbh I think he'd be a bit confused on why you're buying him flowers
But you'd get his soft smile, and a bit of ear reddening as a reaction
Listen, he might not be verbal with his response but he for sure appreciates the gesture and will treasure the flowers
Might not send you a photo of the flowers, but would take one for himself
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Tsukishima 🌙
You'd give him: Evening primrose
Also doesn't know why you want to buy him flowers
Also isn't very responsive after getting the flower, nod of thanks and a tiny blush appearing on his face
But after you visit him few days later you can see that the flowers are being well cared for and are placed in the best vase in his house (according to his mum)
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Yamaguchi 🌱
You'd give him: Daisies
Instant bit of a red hue appearing on his ears & freckled face, just looks so adorable
Offers to pay, but upon losing to you in the fight over the payment accepts the gift, loves the flowers
He will forever be grateful for this sweet moment and will try to gift you something in return
He might give a name to the flower bouquet, but that's a secret 🤫 You'll only get the pictures of the flowers with sunset in background
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Kenma 🐱
You'd give him: Lavender
Would also get shy, but deep down you know he appreciates the gift
I mean, you can guess that from his ears and neck turning a warm shade of pink
He would mutter a thanks, but when you try to jokingly steal the flowers he'd be like "Give that back, it's mine :("
Even if you don't know it, the plant would get a honorable place in his room (probably far away from his desk tho cause who knows how much sunlight get there)
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You'd give him: Pink roses
Would kinda be shocked by the sudden gesture but I don't think he'd show it
Listen, definitely the 4th season smirk and saying "Prettiest flowers for the prettiest boyfriend"
Would still love the flowers very much, and give you a head pat along with a thanks
He would research on when to water the flowers so it doesn't die and they stand in a vase in a sunny spot
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Bokuto 🦉
You'd give him: Gerbera daisies
He would absolutely love them, and fall head over heels for you in this moment
Happy jumps & hugs, also would protect the flowers with all his might
He would definitely name each flower, and treat them like children... or try at least
And then at 23:05 you'd get a text "Your children miss you", and you'd be like what 👁️👄👁️
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Akaashi ✨
You'd give him: Calla Lilies
Would definitely offer to pay, but would accept the gift after convincing
Would smile softly at you and then while gently "petting" the flowers along with saying a thank you
A little kiss on the forehead cause a hug could ruin the flowers
You know damn well that the flowers will be taken care of well
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mydearesthrry · 1 year
honeyed mornings - h.s.
a/n: new universe perhaps? dadrry with y/n and little miss daisy... love you, enjoy!
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing, fluff, the sweetest little girl you ever did see, dadrry (again, a warning of its own), one f bomb
🐇 pairing: dad/husbandrry x fem!reader
💐 wc: 1.2k
summary: the little princess is in a chatty mood, and more home videos are born.
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“Hi mama,” Harry purrs, a soft rasp in his voice as he walks into their shared bedroom. “What’re you doin’ up so early?” 
“Couldn’t sleep. Little peanut over here decided to come run into the room ten minutes after her Daddy left for his run.” She smiles widely, a happy gleam in her eyes at the sight of Harry being home. 
“Really? Well that jus’ won’t do. Had y’up until three last night, Mama. Y’need your sleep." A boyish grin graced Harry's features at the mention of the night prior, earning an eye roll from his wife. How ‘bout I come back in here after I shower and we have a lazy day in? Can keep baby bunny in here so if she wakes up I can take care of her, if y’want. Sounds good?” YN couldn’t lie and say she didn’t get distracted watching her husband pad around their large room, slowly pulling off his clothes while he gathered things for his shower. She didn’t even realize that he’d stopped talking and just stood on her side of the bed, a mischievous look in his eyes. “Helloooo, is there anyone home?” 
A giggle sounded in the spacious area. “Sorry, baby. Just got distracted. What did you say?” 
“Nothing at all, lovie. Wait up for me, yeah? Be back in twenty minutes, tops.” With that he placed a soft kiss onto her forehead, brushing back her hair that had gone awry in the time he’d been gone, and walked over to the connected bathroom. 
While she scrolled on her phone to pass time, her sweet daughter had woken up. “Good morning, sweet Daisy.” 
“Hi mommy,” A yawn cut off the tiny girl, her hands coming up to her face to knuckle her eyes. “Is Daddy home?”
YN was about to answer before she heard Harry’s soft voice ring in the air. “Hi Tiny!” Harry’s voice made their daughter perk up, sitting up slightly while still in the crook of her mothers arm. Clad in a pair of basketball shorts with a towel in his hand drying his hair, he wore a loud and bright smile proudly. “Good morning, baby!”
“Daddy!” She squealed, making grabby hands toward Harry who immediately threw the towel onto a nearby chair, walking over to the bed in record speed. Pulling back the covers, he hopped in with no hesitation, grabbing his little girl and placing her on his stomach. They were chest to chest, faces mere inches apart, giggles coming out of his daughter's lips when he pulled a few funny faces and crossed his eyes for the sole purpose of hearing her laugh. 
Unbeknownst to the two of them, distracted in their own little world, YN was hiding her giggles behind her phone screen that was recording the two of them interacting. “Good mooooorning,” She started, introducing the start of a new home video. “Today is… August 4th, been off tour for a good while now, Daddy and Peanut decided to get their day started early.”
“Tha’s me! ‘M Peanut!” Daisy shrieked, her little three year old voice bellowed. A soft pout made it’s way onto Harry’s lips at the sound of her small voice. She was so fucking cute.
“Yeah bunny, y’are Peanut!” He grinned, kissing the top of her head that she’d dropped down on his chest, her face turned toward her mom. 
“Where are we, little Bunny?” YN asked sweetly, reaching out to push a few unruly curls that had fallen into her daughter's face.
“Home!” She giggled. 
“Which home, baby?” Harry said, lips still in her hair. 
“The one with the water!” A cute drawl had made its way into her voice, unmistakably stolen from her father and his heavy accent. 
“She means Italy, if these ever get posted… or leaked,” YN joked, knowing she’d probably release a few of these videos one day anyway. “Anyway, we’re in Italy, and we’re honestly having like… the time of our lives.” 
“Mm,” Harry hummed in agreement. “Think this is one o’the most like, relaxing times we’ve had in Italy s’far.” 
“Yeah!” Daisy agreed, not even fully knowing what her father was saying but agreeing nonetheless. 
“Yeah, Bunny? Y’agree w’Daddy?” He smiled, pulling her from his chest to lay in the middle of him and his wife. Him and his tiny twin turned over at the same time, facing YN. Harry threw an arm over the two of them, hand coming over to rest on the slightly exposed skin of her thigh. She had on a large shirt that she’d thrifted from a random place in LA, nothing covering her lower half besides a pair of black cotton panties. The duvet came up to about her mid-thigh, which lay at Harry’s hip, and just covered Daisy’s calves. 
“Yeah! Love Daddy! Daddy’s pretty– oh! But Mommy’s so pretty!” She babbled random things often, words coming together in a nonsensical stew.
“Oh, why thank you, sweet baby.” YN laughed, leaning forward to drop a kiss onto her daughter's forehead. 
“Y’so sweet, little lady, aren’t ya?” Harry tickled the side of Daisy’s body, shrill giggles and loud laughter filling the air in a cast of yellow, the sun coming in through the blinds which accentuated their golden aura.
Wherever the little family went, love seemed to trail them in soft streaks of honeyed light.
“Sweets?” Their daughter perked up. 
“Nonono, I said y’are sweet, baby, not sweets.” Harry tried to backtrack, but it was no use. 
“Wan’ sweets! Sweets now, Daddy!” Both of her parents took a deep inhale, knowing that this was going to be an ordeal that lasted until noon, at best. They had a strict ‘no sugar before 12’ rule, one that Daisy was usually an angel to follow if she woke up at her normal time… which she hadn’t today. But the two of them also knew that Harry was basically a doormat for his daughter, and if she even asked in her sweet little voice, he would be persuaded without a word of detest.
“Oh God– Okay, we’re gonna say goodbye to the camera now before Daddy gets your sweets for you, okay?” YN said, sitting up and pulling up the covers to keep herself decent as she twisted her wrist for the camera to capture all three of them in frame. 
“Bye bye! See y’later!” Daisy waved her tiny hand. 
“Bye f’now, see y’soon!” Harry followed after her, sitting up as well and pulling his tiny girl into his lap. 
“Byeeeeee!” YN giggled, leaning into Harry’s side when she felt his arm wrap around his waist. 
She clicked her volume button to end the video, immediately going to her camera roll to watch it despite it being freshly recorded. She started the video on a low volume, a happy glow encasing her features. Harry watched on in awe, a blush covering his cheeks, love filling his eyes and making his eyes water slightly. He didn't ever believe he would get this-- get them.
“Sweets, Daddy?” Daisy giggled. 
“Yeah, m’love, sweets.” And to absolutely no one's surprise, he caved. Harry stood from the bed, his hands underneath Daisy’s armpits as he hiked her up over his shoulder, her top half dangling from his body. Loud giggles and laughs filled the air as she lifted a hand to wave at her mom. 
“Bye Mama!” 
“Bye, baby!” 
So much for a lazy day, right?
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exhuastedpigeon · 10 months
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Helllllo and welcome to my new Weekly Fic Recs!
This first one is going to be a little long since I’m going to rec my favourite fics that I’ve read so far in November. I’ll likely post a list weekly moving forward (probably Friday or Saturday) and will tag them as ‘Han’s Buddie Recs’ and 'Han's Weekly Fic Recs'
These fics are in order of longest to shortest and are separated into newly read, reread, and wips! Anything in italics is a comment from me.
Newly Read
and here, too, am i by Daisies_and_Briars/@cal-daisies-and-briars Teen || 41.1k Six months into their marriage, Eddie is still struggling to decide whether or not he wants more kids, when he knows Buck does. The universe may not scream, but it certainly talks.
I don’t have much else to say about this fic besides ‘it’s extremely great’
Tick Tick Boom by ChasetheWindTouchtheSky Teen || 30.4k Buck decides he doesn’t need therapy, reverts to some bad habits, and explodes. Or, the Breakdown Fic.
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by withmeornotatall/@chronicowboy Mature || 21.9k Buck gets reckless, eddie gets angry, they talk in all the wrong ways, and the universe decides to intervene
Divorce 2.0 era. 
All The Work That Needs To Be Done by trysetmeonfire/@try-set-me-on-fireTeen || 14.6k Bobby dies. Eddie worries. Life goes on.
This fic made me cry on multiple occasions, reader beware that it will probably make you cry too. It’s beautiful. 
Sixth time's the charm by CorgiQueen14/@corgiqueen14 Teen || 14.2k The mid-lawsuit time loop fic that you didn't know you needed.
I’m a hoe for a time loop 
you had to kill me (it killed you just the same) by MonsterRae1/@monsterrae1Explicit || 12.4k The Hire to Kill Au. Buck's a hired assassin sent after Eddie, instead, he ends up falling in love.
Got Weird by Daisies_and_Briars/@cal-daisies-and-briars Explicit || 10.5k Shortly after Buck and Natalia break up, Eddie gets tipsy and makes a rather forward move. Then immediately panics (not that Eddie panics, of course) and backpedals. Eddie spirals, Buck is confused. Lots of spontaneous kissing ensues.
The idiots in love tag was invited for this specific fic, I swear. 
I wanna spend my forever like that by wikiangela/@wikiangela General || 8.6k Eddie catches a cold and stubbornly denies he's sick, while a fondly exasperated Buck is trying to take care of him.
Something Dumb to Do by glorious_spoon/@glorious-spoon Explicit || 8.5k Buck and Eddie try something out together.
These men are idiots and it’s perfect and VERY hot. 
i'd swim to your call on my phone by heartbeatdiaz/@loserdiaz Teen || 8.5k Buck's daughter keeps calling 9-1-1 for help with her homework, Eddie is smitten and apparently 9-1-1 works better than Tinder
What's Died Will Never Stay Dead by HMSLusitania/@hmslusitania Teen || 6.5k The immortal firefam AU no one asked for.
Yet another Buddie banger from a ship that sank in 1915. 
swinging for the fences by inbetweenthestacks/@organizedstardust Teen || 6.4k Buck takes Eddie to a baseball game.
This is the first baseball/baseball adjacent fic I’ve read in the Buddie fandom that made my baseball obsessed heart very happy. You don’t have to care about baseball to like it though!The line “Is baseball just…math?” made me actually laugh out loud because.. Yeah baseball kind of is math. 
if you go down in the woods today by oklahoma/@malewifediazTeen || 6.3k “Oh, oh. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you.” Buck grips Bobby’s hands as he goes down to the ground, looking up at Eddie with hot fire in his big blue eyes. “You’re gonna owe me so many blowjobs when I wake up. D’you hear me, Eddie Diaz? You owe me so bad.”
They’re so goofy with each other in this and it feels so true to the characters and show. A delight! 
kiss and make up by 42hrb Explicit || 3.3k Instead of being soft and sweet or adrenaline fueled and filled with love and thanks that they're both alive, their first kiss comes in the middle of a fight in Eddie’s living room.
shameless self promo, but I loved writing this fic so here it is on my own rec list :)
if this love is pain (let's hurt tonight) by HungryHungryHippo/@hippolotamus Teen || 3.2k After Chris leaves for college Buck mysteriously disappears. Five years later he finally returns with some answers.
Honestly... it's perfect
let heart hold true by lecornergirl/@clusterbuck Teen || 2.4k Eddie comes out to christopher. things snowball from there.
nicknames, supernova similes and the family we make by thewolvesof1998/@thewolvesof1998 General || 800 words Bobby and Athena meet Buck and Eddie's new baby girl.
like a dog with a bird at your door by fleetinghearts/@shitouttabuckExplicit || 51k Evan “i love you like a dog” buckley has only ever known how to love like, well, a dog, but maybe eddie diaz is the kinda guy to give a flea-bitten mongrel a forever home
I wish I was lying when I say I’ve read this fic 4 times since it came out, but I’m not. It’s so damn good. 
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston/@ebjameston Teen || 40.9k The ghost would prefer to go by Buck, if Eddie wouldn’t mind.
I can’t find the worlds to tell you how much I love this fucking fic. It’s so good. It might actually be perfect. 
of bake sales and overdue realizations by brewrosemilk/@gayhoediaz Teen || 4.8k Eddie doesn’t notice it until it becomes a thing that happens even when it’s just him and Buck, without Chris anywhere near them - but even then, he doesn’t find it strange, or give it much thought. Buck is the one who starts ending their phone calls with a quick ‘love you’ but it doesn't take long before Eddie does the same, often beating him to it.
Maybe More Than I Should by Leslie_Knope Mature || 30k || ¾ chapters complete Eddie caught sight of the man leaning against the side of his desk and immediately wanted to retreat to the relative safety of the hallway, back in time when he lived happily not knowing that Mr. Buckley was apparently some kind of male model masquerading as a third-grade teacher.
This fic is an absolutely TREAT
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