#So sorry Chris - you're a graphic instead!
chanstopher · 1 year
I don't want this to come off as rude at all,I'm just curious as to why you get so much interaction. your posts always get notes and you seem to answer a lot of asks everyday. I am also a cc in the fandom (I'm on anon because I don't want anyone to judge me for this) and my content flops pretty constantly. I'm just wondering if there is a secret to success I'm not learning or if my content is just garbage. Any advice would be nice!
Hi, I definitely dont think you're being rude, I totally understand being frustrated by numbers on here. i wish i had secrets to share but i really dont. i have a lot of followers so my content is pushed further. using tags properly and becoming friends with other ccs is really good for getting your content seen. ive been lucky enough to have ppl like me for some reason so ppl support my blog when i post things most of the time. i do also have some flops, thats just how tumblr works and some ppl wont agree that your content is good and ignore it.
its harsh to say that and i know that ive had terrible content get a lot of notes because of my blog size. but you just have to keep working at it. try changing up how your content looks (more or less grain, sharpening settings, try unique coloring or try to really work on color correction instead of just making things more vibrant or darker) if u write find other writers, no one supports content like content creators.
as for the asks, i have literally no idea. i am confused as to why people would talk to me constantly abhdjs I just try to be kind and keep my negative opinions to myself unless theyre about ppl stepping over bounds or being mean or rude to skz. i try to just be unapologetically myself tho, posting about chris like a rabid dog or just weeping over how much i love him. it is apparently very relatable lmao
i am not good at making friends, all of the people who i am friends with on here have come to me seeking friendship, but going on anon and talking to ppl or just showing up in tags with fun comments or thoughts or just compliments on the content will make you friends. a lot of ppl have reached out to me just because i was kind to their work.
the only real advice is to not give up. i think blog growth is always slow until you just hit a certain point where for one reason or another you become more known and then it will grow more rapidly, but it can take a while. and it can take you finding what youre really good at, you might have no idea how well you are and gif blends or graphics or even just being someone who updates on activities happening with skz (this site is absolutely lacking a proper skz update blog fsjniss) if you ever want to vent about it i'll listen, and if you ever want to send me your content and ask for critique i can do that too (but it will just be my opinion and im not anything special fhbdjs)
above all else you have to enjoy making things or it is never going to be worth it. no number of notes is going to make u better at any kind of art. only time and effort and enjoyment will.
I'm sorry this is so long and i wish any of it was truly helpful, but tbh i think i just got lucky with tumblr and how much interaction i get :/
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Sway Pt.10 - Finale/Epilogue - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
Thank you to @mandy23b for her creative direction on this 😘
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Author’s Note: @stcphstrange I dedicate Sway to you. After Part 1 this series was no longer mine, but yours. And without you, none of this would ever have happened. I’ve said it a billion times, but words are genuinely not enough anymore. I owe this to you. Thank you ❤ This is the culmination of everything. If you want to know why I did what I did... The final scene here was always how this story was going to end.  There’s so much throwback in this, it makes me really happy. Everything is left exactly where it should be. So I hope you enjoy the final part of this ride. 💜 This is for Danny! 💙 Disclaimer: As usual no characters from Bloodline are mine! Lyrics/Song not mine! Everyone else is fair game! Speaking of Lyrics, I gift you a playlist of every song I’ve used chronologically! Enjoy the Swaylist! Premise: After nearly 4 years, Danny Rayburn and you deserved to leave a Legacy that matched your love. It was up to you now to make that a reality... Words: 14,500+ Warnings: Swearing / A little bit of angst / Child Birth / Bloodline spoilers
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Dearest Reader, This story was never Danny’s. It was always yours. Thank you for taking this journey with me, Linzi x
---  Man, this shit's unflatterin', all up in my head again I don't feel myself right now, maybe I should just lay down... I don't like myself right now, gotta find a way out What you feel is natural But I don't wanna feel this anymore Pick yourself up off the kitchen floor What you waitin' for? Girl, won't you stop your cryin'? I know that you're tryin' Everything's gonna be okay Baby girl, don't you hang your head low Don't you lose your halo Everyone's gonna be okay Baby girl Girl don’t hand your head low Don't lose your halo, don't lose your halo Girl, don't hang your head low Don't lose your halo, oh Girl, don't you stop your cryin' I know that you're tryin' Everything's gonna be okay Baby girl, don't you hang your head low Don't you lose your halo Everyone's gonna be okay Baby girl Everyone's gonna okay, baby... --- Your Parents House, Pre-Marco Meeting… “Y/N... I was thinking of sending a sympathy card to the Rayburn’s... do you want to sign it? Or will you send your own?” You turned around and looked at your mother like she was insane “Sorry? Who are you sending a card to?!” “Sally...” she read the look on your face again as it got worse... “...Or, maybe not. But I think we should give Nolan one.” “That’s better... much more appropriate. It’s not like they’re sending ME one is it? And I know who was more family out of Miami and the Keys. Hell, they should be sending YOU one.” “... Why do you hate them so much?” She asked it curiously, she wasn’t accusing you of anything. You sighed; “Everything they have ever done to Danny they have got away with... he sent me a letter I.... I just think they may well have had a lot to do with his death too... you know that shoulder thing I told you about?” “Yes... the car accident.” “Shit, really?!” You couldn’t believe it “They lied to you too?! Robert beat that injury into him. Because of what happened with Sarah... and they held Sarah over him for the rest of his life. You know they didn’t want Eve to have Nolan either right?” She put her pen down and crossed to you. You didn’t expect her to throw her arms around you; “Niña... why didn’t you say something?” “It’s not my place to come between you and your friends... or my business to tell you about Danny’s... But, now he’s gone... I kinda can’t stand you not knowing.” “Have you told your father?” You nodded “Yeah. As soon as he gave me the restaurant project... he needed to know everything...” “Then I will talk to him...” “About what?” You father had said some pretty choice words; you figured ties would be severed... You didn’t know how you felt about being the cause of the termination of an almost 15-year long friendship. But after Danny, you couldn’t help but think the Rayburn’s deserved it and your parents needed better friends. “Finding somewhere else in the Keys. We will certainly not be going back!” She sat you down and took your hands in hers, “Tell me everything, sweetheart... please... tell me everything...” You heard the front door slam announcing your father’s arrival, and he was surprised to see you both. “Girl talk…? Should I leave?” You shook your head “No. Papa. Stay. You need to hear all this too...” He looked to your mother and back to you “You told her about Danny?” “Yeah. But you both deserve to hear it all...” He sat; “Marco called me, he’s worried about you and the baby... sounds like the case isn’t closed.” He tipped his head “He’s a good man...” You nodded “He’s keeping me up to date… He’s a good friend, I’ll call him.” You took a deep breath, and once you had started there was no going back. Everything came flooding out, everything Danny had ever said about his family, everything you had heard from Eve... had observed for yourself. It felt better, to actually get it all out there. You realised just how much you knew and had kept to yourself. You knew by the time you had done you’d likely never have contact with the Rayburn family again. Your family were done. And you realised for once in your life, you didn’t care.  
Your Apartment, Saturday, 12pm When Nolan returned to Miami from his first foray down to the Keys, you wondered if he would have the same impression of the Rayburn's that you did. You knew from experience that Danny had told him enough. You were surprised to find that he didn't. But, now, you couldn't trust a thing they had told him. Your reality was very different now... Danny had helped see to that; but you had to admit as friends of your parents your first interactions with them had left you feeling positive. It was just Danny... If Nolan had seen their interactions with Danny... If he knew their thoughts on him…? 
You of course weren't going to just bring that up to the kid. But sitting here in your apartment trying to tell you that Danny was wrong, and he didn't get why Danny hated them and the Keys so much didn't exactly come off the way Nolan had wanted it to. You listened though. He almost gave up when he realised it wasn't having the effect he wanted - you still didn't want your baby to have anything to do with that part of Danny's life or family.  
For the past few months of him being away with Eve you had been busy here. You were approaching the end of your own pregnancy, and you weren't sure if you were really ready to do this on your own. Despite the support network you knew you would have.  Rebuilding the restaurant was taking time because you were adamant that everything would be exactly how it was before... Including staffing. Javi jumped at it before you even really had the chance to get the words out. Jason took the time, of course he wanted to return, but his best friend wouldn't be there anymore. Not only that, but you wanted him to be in charge!? "NOBODY knew Danny like you did. I'm not bringing in a head chef from nowhere... Jase... At least consider it." "I couldn't do what Danny did! I can't take his place!" “You can, I know you can. And I'm not asking you to replace him, but I need you... I can't reopen without you..." There was a heavy sigh "I don't want the title. Retire the title, it was his... And I can't promise I can do everything on the Menu... So much of that was Danny's own hard work. I can attempt it, and I can do the bits I can do, but some of it’s going to have to come off until I really get back into it. Even then..." "Jason... Honey... Don't worry about it. Absolutely, we'll do it your way - I'm more than happy to do that. But I need YOU in that kitchen... " When you started to talk about the restaurant, however, Nolan started to look uncomfortable. It made you hesitate... Then you made the mistake of asking him what was wrong. It upset you that he got upset, you rounded the table to him; " Nolan...? " " I'm sorry." "What? You don't need to be sorry! Don’t be ridiculous!" "I'm sorry!" Still he repeated it. You leant on the table next to him, more than just a little concerned "What for?" "It's my fault! He died and it's all my fault!"  You were taken aback, what the heck was he talking about!?, Danny's death had nothing to do with Nolan... Why would he-?  "Sweetie, what? No! Why would you say that?!"  "B-because I did it. It was me! The restaurant was me!"  You stared at him for a good while, not because you couldn't say anything, but because you knew by the look on his face that was the first time he'd ever confessed it out loud. You shook your head, and instead of doing anything he expected you to - leaving, getting mad, asking him to leave - you embraced him. "Oh... Nolan..." Danny owed money, you could already guess by the way he'd tentatively asked about insurance when Danny left, that Nolan had tried to help. He was a good son. "... You were trying to do the right thing... I get it... Sweetheart... It’s okay... " "It’s not okay... Look what happened! He went to the Keys and now he's gone...!!" "Baby, listen to me... It isn’t you fault... He came back to Miami, and I let him go... This is in no way your fault... Danny had plenty of chances to stay; he didn't. That's on him, darlin'... And I’m not sure what you're looking for from me. But I forgive you, just, please... Stop saying it was your fault... I can’t take that...” He wound his arms around you "... You think it's your fault too... Don't you? " "For not making him stay? Absolutely..." "Well it isn't... So, you need to do the same thing..." "It's hard to do..." "I know that..."
Suddenly Nolan almost jumped and let you go, eyes wide. His reaction only made you look slowly down to your stomach. “OH. I forgot; you’ve been gone so long you haven’t even…” “Oh…! Oh my God……!!” He went from looking scared to excited in the minute it took for him to get that sentence out “…Was that a kick!?” You laughed, sarcastically “Yeah. Welcome to my life! I hate it!” You held out your hand for his; “C’mere… ‘meet’ your sibling would ya…” You pressed his hand gently to your stomach, and relapsed into soft Spanish, trying to encourage another gentle kick. It was one of the two things that you were trying to get ‘Devan’ to become receptive to. Your language and Danny’s voice. The latter was extremely hard to find without putting a tape on – but you’d found a bunch of videos with his stuff… And Javi happened to have many a party at Viva Caputa on tape. “Ah-!” This time Nolan laughed; “Oh my god! How do you even live with that…!” “Uh. Ask your mother the same question! I just have to. Sometimes it’s actually OK. Sometimes it’s painful. You know, it’s more worrying when it doesn’t happen…” “I dunno… I don’t think I’d want that all the time…” But he smiled as it happened again; “I can’t believe you don’t want to know what it is!?” “…And ruin the surprise!?” You grinned, tugging Nolan to you to hug him again; “Nawww-! I just need to worry about you right now. Okay? One gendered Danny kid at a time. I can worry about this one later. For 18 years! And you’re not even done with all 18 of yours. Aw, Geez…!” “You do NOT need to worry about me.” “What-!? With your family! Nolan please…! Pull the other one!”
*** Previously, Little Havana…
It was strange being on this dancefloor again. You hadn’t been here since the first time. The first dance that Danny and you had ever shared; when this was meant to be a one-night thing… Now it was simply one dance of many… and one night of many, too. True to his word, though, Danny had taken you back to the same bar for his ‘New Apartment Celebration’ – although it was hardly a house warming party; considering you were the only one invited. It was nice to dance with him again like this; this time pushed up against his chest with your own; so, you could really bask in the intense look in his eyes. The torture that was the almost kiss that never happened. Your hands in his strong grip. The way his hands could wander wherever they wanted to the rhythm of this music, because there wasn’t a person in this club that he knew. Danny could do whatever he wanted to you here and you were going to allow it. You still had this teasing strength about you though; you were still certainly leading him as you danced, separate pieces of the same whole. You made it clear to everyone that he was only allowed to hold you like this because you were letting him. You took a break to people watch. But were more than amused when Danny would nudge your arm and say something like can we do what they’re doing?! Pointing out another couple on the dancefloor. Babe, we can do WHATEVER you like. He chewed his thumb thoughtfully with a smirk; and you knew exactly what he was thinking but not vocalising. The break also allowed people you knew who were also dancing here, but you hadn’t seen in such a long time, to come over and ask what the HELL had taken you so long to come back! Which meant you could finally introduce this world to Daniel Rayburn too. And, oh!, did they love him. More than once was he dragged away from you by other girls. Which just had you laughing because then their partners would drag you out on the floor. And it was hilarious watching Danny flex his dancing muscles with someone else. And how every so often he would flash you a HELP! Look. Nothing compared to being with him though. And you always knew that, as you drifted back together. This time the crowd parting. Like it had the second time you had done this on the beach at Rayburn House. How you wound you arms around his shoulders, and he placed his hands on your hips. And this crowd got it; at least better than anyone on that sand had. What you were, how you felt, what your bodies were expressing… The story you were telling. Your story had begun here. It was fitting to start a new chapter here too. This wasn’t just about his new apartment. This was also about him moving in with you… That meant a lot of things – a lot of changes. But a whole lot of love too…   *** R.H. Consulting Services Head Office, Monday, 9:30am You stepped into Rich’s office with your paperwork in hand. You knew what you were going to do from the second you had started in that restaurant. You owed it to Danny and his legacy to run it yourself. And it would be a full-time job, even with Jason and Javi there every step of the way; “Rich...” this was still hard for you to do. “Y/N... Hey! You alright? The baby and everything...?” You nodded “Yeah, I just... wanted to hand you this...” He was curious as you held out the documents “It’s my resignation.” “What-!?” You stopped him “You don’t have to pay me or... you know, I just... there’s things I need to do. And if I can’t give you my 100% then I don’t think I deserve to be here... and you deserve me to give you 100%.” “Y/N...” Rich took the folder from you “... After all you’ve been through you can’t expect me to accept this and your terms...??” He placed it back on the desk in front of him and looked up at you “You will absolutely still be paid your maternity... at least don’t fight me on that one. But what is the new adventure?” “That restaurant needs me. I owe Danny. I’ve always owed Danny a lot… but... This is about the one thing I can actually do for him now.” “Ah.” He nodded “I see... but, I still can’t accept this.” “What-!? Why??!” He smiled “I’m sure that you’ll have some free time too, so... I would quite like to keep you on freelance... I certainly don’t want you getting any ideas in your head that we don’t want you, for once thing.” You stared at him for a moment, unblinking; “R-really?!” “Of course. Even if you’re working at 20%. I know this company needs you. You can be the consultancy’s consultant!” He laughed “I will consider this... but... I just don’t want you thinking you have to leave... you don’t. And we would be honoured if you stayed.” You were very nearly beaming at that “All going well… I will be very happy to stay... if I can, but, I’m making no promises...!” He nodded to his office door “Go on... you go reopen that restaurant... this place will still be here to welcome you back. You go make Danny’s legacy...” he smiled “That man deserves it.” You gave a nod, bowing gently as you turned to exit his office with a smile “That he does!” 
*** Viva Caputa Reopening Party, Saturday, 8pm The party was small, close knit friends of Danny’s and your family. That didn’t make it any less of a success, the intimate setting probably even helped make it the jubilant affair that it was. And up until this point you’d managed to avoid the one thing that everyone in this room wanted from you. But when they all started chanting at you, you could hold it off no longer. You sat yourself on the bar and took your glass of sparkling water back; "Look, you guys have been on at me to make a speech all evening. And the truth is I could make a lot of anecdotal comments about Danny, about my time in this very restaurant with all of you good people, about his love - how much I love him and how much he loved me. And how much he loved YOU." Your look to Nolan was nothing less than significant, but you smiled "Truth is, I don't think I need to tell any of you anything you didn't already know. And... I don't think Danny would NEED me to or want me too. We gotta have our secrets." you winked to the laughs "Besides I still got a few weeks left of this..." They laughed again, and someone from the crowd yelled; "That better not be champagne!" "Sparking water! C’mon! Talk about the worst timing..." You gave a shrug "So really. I just wanted to thank everyone for coming along, it means the world to me and to Nolan too... And thank you those of you that are coming back here! Even if I somewhat strong armed some of you!" "Ah! We love ya!" Jason beamed making you smile back; "So. All I want to tell you all is... I love you. And here's to the next adventure. And most importantly - please, please, please, I what you to enjoy yourself. It’s what he would have wanted! And if you want to be the first set of people to write things for my dedication board, you'll find some card scattered around here!" You smiled, and raised your glass "To Danny!" "DANNY!!" The cheer went up with glasses of all kinds of mixers. You wanted them to drink whatever they wanted. This wasn't a funeral; you were adamant of making this a celebration. You wanted it to be the kind of thing you would find Danny himself at. You took a sip and turned back to the picture you had spent ages deliberating over that you had framed. "Danny's Dedications" in silver lettering above. You wanted people to tell him how much they loved him. To put photographs up there. To destroy that wall with anything and everything Danny they could find. You turned back to everyone with an even bigger smile; "I can declare Viva Caputa officially reopened!!" ** You locked up the front door with a smile on your face. That party had been a success, at least, everything seemed in order. All you had to do now was reopen to the public. “Oi! Amorcita...!” You turned to see both Javi and Jason sitting on the hood of a car opposite. “What are you two still doing here?!” Javi jumped up “No, no. We talk. You listen.” He opened the car door for you “Step in.” “You think I trust you enough?!” Jason laughed “I don’t really think you got much choice, us being the only ones around.” “Kidnap?!” You looked down at yourself “Only if we must!!!  The baby will be safe-! Don’t worry!” Jason grinned as he rounded the car to the driver’s seat. Javi ushered you across the road “C’mon, Y/N... We want to take you somewhere we used to go with Danny... we figured today more than any other was a good one...” “You guys know I can’t drink, right?” “Ginger Ale, don’t worry I covered that.” Jason yelled through the open window “I wouldn’t leave you out. Now are you coming or what-!? The sun is setting Y/N!” You looked up at the orange and purple Miami sky. It sure was beautiful. “Time is ticking...” Javi leant against the open door “We’ll bring you back for your car. We would never leave Ms. Danny Rayburn stranded.” “Ms. Danny Rayburn...” you repeated with a gentle smile “okay... you guys got me convinced!” They drove you out of Miami, to a good clear spot on the horizon. Elevated enough to get a beautiful view of the city when you looked one way, but the sun setting out over the sea when you looked the other… Javi handed you a ginger ale with a smile, and both of them cracked open beers. “So. Danny and the both of us used to come out here to be idiots and let off steam. Like, you know, when he was still young and single and didn’t have MUCH better people to do with his time.” Jason’s little glace to your stomach was there in place of his smirk. Making you laugh. “Such a way with words…”  You glanced at the horizon; it was beautiful. The colours that washed the sky. “…But thank you… If Danny liked it out here… He never took me.” “Maybe it was like… Something he associated with being single? Or with us. And not with you… I’m sure there’s a lot of places he took you he didn’t take us. What about the Keys? He never showed us anything down there…” Javier took a sip and walked over to you, folding his arms he also smiled. Your eyes flicked to both of them, standing there silently for a minute and smiling like that. You knew they were thinking of every single memory they shared with Danny up here. That was between the three of them. And that was fine with you. But this moment, watching that sun set on the first day of the rest of that restaurant’s life, just the three of you standing together… The way that they both brushed against you, gentle physical contact… You smiled, then bit your lip to stop yourself from crying. And placed a hand to your stomach when your baby stirred. You took a breath to stay strong and lifted your head again. “Danny would have loved this… Being here.” “He’s here.” Javier took a sip to counteract the fact he looked like he too, was about to be overcome with emotion. “…He’s definitely here.” They both suddenly, almost instinctively, placed they arms around you, and you were hugging them back. It was the safest you had felt since Danny had gone. Was it because of him? You had no doubt he was here. Probably scoffing and telling all three of you to get a grip. But… Here you were. Jason spoke up, a laugh in his voice as the sky turned purple – the last rays of light just visible on that horizon line. “…Yeah…. Y/N. You gotta bring your baby here and introduce it to everything Danny loved. YOU are his legacy. Not the restaurant. You.” *** Downtown Miami, early afternoon, Wednesday   You had just arrived and parked up to meet Nolan for lunch. You guessed it was true what they said about it sneaking up on you... You were fine one minute, greeting Nolan with as good a hug as you could manage before suggesting a place to grab lunch. Without his father around Nolan had taken on the responsibility of looking after you during the later stages of your pregnancy, and quite well, you should like to add. But suddenly it wasn’t okay. And you gasped, sharp, and with a lack of air you reached out and grabbed Nolan’s arm. He stopped immediately “Y/N?” You winced and gripped his arm even tighter. “The baby?” It was all you could do to nod. This wasn’t the best time or place, but at least you were with someone. Panic instantly crossed his face and you felt the tension that ran through his body under your fingertips. It ceased almost as fast as it came and Nolan cleared his head and put on a brave face. “I need to get you to a hospital!” You nodded “Can you drive?” You had to fight through your own pain just to say that much. He nodded again; you handed him your car keys “Then you gotta...” his eyes flicked to your car, there was nothing else for it. Getting you back to it as quickly as possible he dialled ahead; the nearest hospital was Mercy. Your mother had worked there in the past, they knew you, he was a smart kid. There was hardly a waver in his voice as he proceeded to start the ignition and tell them that Y/N Ervin was about to have a baby and he was driving her there RIGHT now!! Nolan was just a kid but he drove that sports car expertly. He ran a few red lights but was nothing short of fast but careful. You’d tell him you were proud of that, if you weren’t focusing so hard on what was happening to you. It hurt, of course it did, but the contractions brought with them another pain. Danny wasn’t there. Danny would never be there, and Danny would never see his baby... you had to bite back your crying at least until Nolan had you to the right place. Pulling up outside the hospital he slammed on the cars warning light and sprinted around to your side; “Do you think you can walk?” You shook your head “Okay. I’ll carry you...” “Nolan...! I...!” “Don’t be stupid! I want to help! I’m about to get a little brother or sister! Hello!” He swept you up into his arms and hurried you through the sliding hospital doors. As expected from your name, people were awaiting you, allowing him to place you safely into their care. He was about to run off to park the car, but you grabbed his hand. Danny couldn’t be there, so you damn well wanted the next best thing...  They quickly had you changed and induced and Nolan sat with you, taking your hand in his. You would spare him if you thought you could do this alone. There was no time for anyone else. Labour was intense but mercifully short, compared to what you had been preparing yourself for after reading up on as much as you could. Nolan, like a true champion and to his credit - held firm, let you squeeze his hand so tight you left marks on his skin, let you hold him and cry... until it wasn’t just your crying that filled the hospital room. And then you were crying with relief. You put your hands over your face to try and wipe away the tears, and it was Nolan’s turn to stand and put his arms around you. Even the doctors smiled watching the two of you as you put your arms around him in thanks. He didn’t need to do this - he was your hero. “Congratulations, Ms.Ervin... You have a son.” That made you almost cry again, but you laughed instead, in joy. “I have a brother?!” Nolan’s face reflected yours as they handed the bundle of blankets to you. He was small, and you held him in your arms delicately. You almost wept again; his eyes were that unmistakable gorgeous blue that you would continuously fall for... He had been blessed with Danny’s eyes. You had selfishly wanted that most. “... Did you... have a name in mind??” You smiled. There had only ever been one choice since Danny had run after your parent’s car. “Devan. His name is Devan...” you thought on it for a moment “I’d like to call him Devan... Daniel... yeah...” you agreed with yourself “After his father. Devan Daniel Rayburn.” Nolan didn’t say a word, but the smile on his face said everything. Then his eyes widened like he’d remembered something. “Oh-! I… Should I go and… I should call people – right?” Your laugh was weak; that had completely skipped your mind, but Nolan at least needed a break after all that “Sure, sweetheart. Thank you…” He leant over again and kissed your forehead, beaming; “I’ll be right back…” As the door to the room closed the doctor went back to his paperwork; “His father is...?” “Daniel, Danny, Robert Rayburn...” You still hated that. Even now. “And... can I ask his role in this?” You understood why he’d ask the question. Danny wasn’t here. Like you needed any more reminding of that fact. “He won’t have one...” you bit your lip “He’s... Deceased. As of 6 months ago...” The doctor immediately looked like he wished he hadn’t asked, in a ground swallowing him up way “God- I’m sorry...” “No... I understand why you might need to ask...” “And the kid?” “Nolan? Danny’s son from a previous relationship. No relation to me. Danny moved in with me and Nolan has a room but, I haven’t adopted him or anything... he’s still got his mom and I have a good relationship with her... so... it’ll just be Devan and I...” “But you’ll have a good support network?” “My parents. And friends... Nolan and Eve. It will be hard without Danny. It’s… hard without Danny, but it’s not impossible. I have some really good people around. Work has been extremely supportive, you don’t have to worry about me!” There was a smile on his face as he filed the sheets; “Well, Y/N… I can certainly see that.” For a few minutes you were left alone with your baby. And it was respite you desperately needed as much as you didn’t want. You could hear Nolan’s voice speaking to the doctor outside, and every so often you could hear people yelling and running down the corridor. Smiling every time you realised one of your friends had turned up. Almost crying when you heard your parents. But they all left you, for a little while – asking the doctor all the urgent questions they had – at least by the sounds of it. You held him close to you, and tried to imagine everything Danny would say if he were here. That wasn’t hard, Danny’s voice had been in your head for long before he’d been taken from you. And everything he’d said to you when you had told him, when he was back in your arms here, over the phone… all of that was replaying now. Devan’s tiny fingers found and grasped at the fine gold chain around your neck, holding it firm. That made you smile, he wouldn’t understand yet… But one day you were going to tell him every little thing about his father that you possibly could. “…Hey… Little one… Be careful with that…” You gathered the ‘D’ between your fingers; “This was from your daddy… And it is the most important thing I own…” you smiled sadly “I can’t wait to tell you all about him Devan… I know he would have loved you so much…” You thought about Nolan then, and tried very hard not to cry, whatever Danny thought of himself you were thankful at least that he had had the opportunity to be a father. * When you weren’t at the restaurant you spent a lot of time lazing at home. You spent the first couple of weeks at home with your parents, and then you moved back into your own apartment - where Nolan was almost a permanent resident. And proving himself to be the big brother you knew he always would be. Until you assured him that he didn’t have to stay, and you could have Devan all to yourself. And you certainly couldn’t resist him and those blue eyes. Every time he looked at you all you saw was Danny. And you loved it. Javi and Jason, Amanda, Evelyn all stopped by from time to time, and you loved every single one of them for it. In fact Javi and Jason were now always referring to Devan as their son; “Can’t we call him by his middle name?!” “NO!” “Daniel! See-! He’s smiling he likes it!” “Javier I swear to god-!” 
When no one was around you once again immersed yourself in music. But it wasn’t just Danny’s playlist that filled the house. But also his voice. After you’d heard the content, you’d found somewhere to copy them from tape to audio file. And everyone had scraped together any footage of Danny they possibly could, it didn’t matter how short, or when it was. Even John had sent some when requested... You knew that tape off by heart now. You could join in with every word, every breath he took, every sob and laugh... it was a part of you now.
But your real reason for doing this was your son. You wanted him to know his father. Everything he could, and that started with Danny’s voice. Even if Devan simply knew what Danny sounded like that would be enough. And you treasured every message you got that read something along the lines of “I found another Danny clip!” Even down to the one Amanda accidentally took where all you can really hear is Danny laughing before she realises her camera is still on and filming and says “Oh Shit!” The whole thing is blurred and looking at the floor. But it’s such a genuine, lovely, pure laugh that you cherished it anyway. ***
Three Months Later, Viva Caputa You looked up as she walked in, marveling in a place she’d never been. “JANEY!!” You almost screamed it, running around the bar to grab her into a hug. “Y/N!!” “You made it!” You laughed “You made it up to Miami!!” “Are you kidding!? You and Nolan talk about this place ALL the time.” “Aw, let me get him for you. This one is on the house...! You here alone?” You walked back up the back of the restaurant “Nolannn..! Break time! Someone is here to see you!” “Alright - give me a minute!!” He called back, you knew that meant Jason was probably trying to teach him something complicated. Javi sighed, “Aw, great, I get all his work don’t I?” You patted his arm “Yeah that’s it, my friend..!” Janey turned, and then gasped at your dedications board. You watched her reactions as she crossed to it and began reading... She delicately moved a few of the photographs around until she found your final ultrasound scan. She turned to you; “Do I get to meet him?” You wondered how much Nolan had told her, you nodded; “If you stick around... my parents will bring him up...” you nodded to the board “Would you like to write one?” “Really?!” “Yeah, everyone gets to write one if they’ve got something to say. I change it around every so often... it’ll be nice for something new!” you leant over the bar for your pack of notecards and a pen “So if you have any pictures, darlin’... you may submit them too!” you handed them over “Anyways, you didn’t answer, you here alone?” “Oh. Uh... no... my, uh, my dad drove me...” You raised an eyebrow, John was here? That was interesting. “Janey!” Nolan appeared, allowing you to take your leave; “You two sit, give me a minute...” you were curious as to why John had let her walk in alone, and why John was staying outside. Come to think of it - when it came to John, you had a lot of things to be curious about. You walked out the front door and stopped. He was standing about 5 paces away from it, and as you walked out you’d startled him, long enough to hold your gaze for 2 seconds before he looked back to the floor. You folded your arms “You’re not coming in?” “Was that a statement or a question...” the guilt in his voice was obvious. “Did you just come to bring Janey, or did you come for something else?” your words weighed heavy and his shoulders slumped as he sighed “...Both... I think...” You tilted your head “Do you understand what you meant to him? What you mean to me? What you mean to Nolan?” “Yeah. I get it.” They sounded like questions he’d asked himself for a long time. “Do you?” You took a deep breath “Did you do it? John? Was it you? Whatever you told Nolan was good - and I appreciate it because the kid believes it and doesn’t have to live with whatever the truth is... but I have a letter and three tapes that would say otherwise.” You took a step back “Did you do it?” “If you don’t want him to live with it, why would you want to?” “Because I need to know. Nolan doesn’t but I do. Nolan is 16, he knew Danny. My son doesn’t, he never will… When he grows up, he will ask me. And what am I supposed to tell him if I don’t know myself?!” You refolded your arms “Because, John! I have to tell my son one day that his dad was murdered whilst 48 hours before he was here in Miami, safe. And I let him go…!!!” You had the guilt weighing on you as much as Nolan did “I did that… I held him here… And I let him go… Please, just prove to me that there is someone in your family who knows how to tell the truth!” The pause was long, he weighted his options carefully. Then he just nodded. But you felt relief. Because you were sure you already knew. And you already knew your decision. “...I know what you want me to say but I won’t. Because he wouldn’t want me to. Danny would want me to forgive you because that’s the kind of man he was... and I do. Because when my son has questions about the Rayburn’s, there is only one I could ever trust him to go to.” “Don’t. Don’t tell me you forgive me.” “But I do.” You shook your head “My faith asks it of me also. I’m done being mad about it, John. I’m not over it... but I’m done being anything but grateful for what I got to have because of him. Devan and Nolan are my priorities now, but make no mistake I HAD to know that.” You stepped forward; “... You know I’m never going to see you in the same way again. But I can’t hate you. And to have that over me for the rest of my life? No thanks. From what I hear your family is getting what it deserves. You spent your life doing things for them… I kinda want you to enjoy your freedom...” you shrugged. “... Lowrey sent you Danny’s tapes?” John was backtracking your conversation now “... I... have no idea who sent them... I got a box addressed to me with a note telling me Danny wanted me to have them. One is for me and me only.” And you would cherish that as the last time he would ever tell you he loved you “... one is the tape he sent to Lowrey about you and your family, yeah. And the other is just... And entire explanation of what he was doing in the Keys that is frankly horrifying and I’d like to forget. A good confession tape if ever there was one...” “Then how do you-” “His letter warned me about you. His tapes framed it all perfectly. It wasn’t even putting two and two together. I just knew.” You took the step down to his level, arms refolded. “Besides... John, now you’re here I can ask you to do something pretty important.” “What, for you?” Your eyes narrowed slightly like he was asking a stupid question: “For my son. For Danny’s son.” “...Oh.” He was quiet for a second “Devan.” That made you smile; invested enough, it seemed “Yes.” He appeared to smile at that “I can’t promise I’ll be any good.” You thought he was catching on well. “It’s what Danny would have wanted.” “I’m not sure if what Danny wanted should really be what I’m doing.” You smiled; “Well. I want it too. John. You’re the only person in your family who ever treated Danny like he was a part of that family. He was your brother. And he loved you. I mean it; about forgiving you... so please. Just do this one thing for him. And be a part of his life... there should be a Rayburn in Devan‘s life. And I’ll be damned if it’ll be anyone else.” Then his smile was genuine, even though he looked to the floor “Okay. I’ll be his godfather. And I will try to be... what he needs from my family. But Janey, Nolan, those kids will be better than-” He froze suddenly as you threw your arms around him; “Thank you-!” And suddenly he couldn’t help it; and tears welled up and spilled down his face; he wound his arms around your shoulders; “Y/N.... Y/N I’m so... I’m so sorry... I’m so, so, so sorry...” You shook your head “It’s over... John... I’m sorry you ever felt the need to do it... I’m sorry you ever got into that state... I’m sorry for Danny too... he deserved a life...” “I know... with you...” “With or without me... that boy deserved the best...” you were crying into his shirt too, John could feel it against his shoulder “... If I gave him half of that... I don’t think I could have given better...” “You couldn’t. Y/N. He loved you.” “I know John. I love him too.” You stood like that for a few minutes. In the Viva Caputa parking lot like it wasn’t the middle of the day and there weren’t people in the restaurant who would see this. “John. We need to agree on something right now.” When you were sure your tears were dry again and you might actually be able to face him again, you spoke up. “What?” You stepped back, your hands on his arms “... We are never ever talking about this again. Ever. I forgive you. The end. I don’t want to ever have to utter another word.” “You’re sure?” You gave a firm nod “Those boys will never know. You understand. No one else is ever going to know.” “Okay...” John bowed his head, feeling unworthy of such a request; “Then I agree.” Your parents arrived not 10 minutes after you’d settled John in with his daughter and nephew and instantly Jason and Javi stopped working; “Hey you two! You have a restaurant to run!” “Yeah no, Y/N! Not now our son has arrived.” “Why don’t you get your own kids...!” “I think you’ll find you told me that I shouldn’t have kids!” Javi yelled after you as you opened the door for them; “Oh! I stand by that!” Jason hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time. “Mama!” She offered you a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she handed Devan over. “Has he been good?” “That boy is an Angel.” “Yeah. About as angelic as his father I bet.” You nuzzled him gentled as he giggled, grabbing fistfuls of your shirt and hair. Your father kissed the top of your head and then Devan’s “Don’t worry, she says it because we get to give him back.” Your mother scowled at him “I’d never give him back if I had the choice.” You combed your fingers gently through Devan’s dark hair. He was gonna get that side of Danny’s family as much as he was going to get it from the Hispanic side of yours. You were heading for Nolan 2.0 you knew. And you were A-OK with that. “Oh-! My darling boy!” “John and Janey are here?!” Your father offered a wave to their table with a smile “Mmm hmm!” “Ah-! Excellente!!” You sat next to Janey as your parents immediately set upon Favourite Son Numero Dos - John Rayburn. “Janey. Meet Devan!” “Oh-! Aww-!” She immediately motioned to take him off you, and you were fine with that. She held him up for a minute until he giggled again and then hugged him close. “Oh-! Oh-! Y/N he’s gorgeous...!! So adorable!” Nolan leant on his hand “Yeah. When he’s not crying... or whining... and you’re also only saying that because you’ve just met him.” You gave Nolan a look “What are you trying to say?!” “Uh. He’s a baby. That’s what babies do.” Janey looked to him disbelievingly; “Does he cry a lot?” She turned back to you, “No. He’s quiet... he’s a good boy...” Nolan made a scoffing sound, but also smiled taking his little brother’s hand in his. “Hey buddy...” You mouthed to Janey “Coolest big bro ever..!” “He wishes!” She winked and mouthed back, causing you to hide your laugh behind your hand. At this point you caught onto your parents conversation; “…Has Y/N invited you for dinner?” This made you look to John, and his awkward swivel to you. You gave nothing away on your face, he hoped you would. His eyes flicked back to your parents “Uh… N- No… It’s okay we can probably-” “John, please. You should come for dinner.” You smiled “You and Janey should stay. You’re family, right?” “…Well…” He studied your sincere look for a moment, if you meant it… “AW! Dad! Can we?!” Janey made you raise an eyebrow at him expectantly; “…Besides then I get to spend some more time with this cutie!” John’s eyes kept on yours and he smiled, “Thank you… Jack, Maria… Y/N… We would… love to stay for dinner.” You left Javi and Jason to it soon after that, and paid close attention to the way John paused at the ‘Danny’s Dedications’ picture by the door; “Did you do this…?” His voice was solemn “I set it up. A lot of it is me… I guess…” You smiled, “…But a lot of it is just… people who loved Danny.” You tipped your head “Why. Don’t you think you deserve to write one?” “…I wish he said more about it.” “What if he did…?” Your eyes followed his to the picture and you smiled; “The Keys may have called him back. But John, this was always home… I think Danny wanted to keep the two apart. I think he tried to put them together too often. It never worked out… I’m just glad everyone here loved him… All Danny ever deserved was love.” “He got you…” John took a card from the stack by the door and a pen and scribbled something “…You meant more to him than the Keys ever did.” He slotted it behind a bunch of others and turned to you “…I’m sorry… I took him from you.” “Yeah. And I’m not going to let you do what he did.” You took John’s hand in yours and pulled him from the restaurant “I will NOT force you to live with that guilt the rest of your life John. Danny’s memory deserves better than that.” * Dinner was as quiet as it was loud, neither John nor you really said anything. You guessed you both had a lot to really think on right now. You caught eyes often and each and every time all he could see on your face was reassurance. You were done being mad at his family – you’d decided months ago that cutting them from your own completely was the only way to close this for yourself. John and Janey were different from the rest of them… And this was clearly a road you and John were about to walk together for the rest of your lives. You trusted him to keep you straight on this one. Whenever John did talk, and most of the talk was about Danny, he was speaking to you – directly, even though the whole table was listening to his stories. Good things, he’s only telling me good things. He wants me to know GOOD things…  You weren’t even sure you’d ever heard John talk about his brother; at least not like this to you. Probably because Danny was nearly always around when you talked to John. You wondered to yourself if you’d ever thanked him aloud. He’d been the only person in that family back then who’d accepted you and Danny together. Even now, you wondered if that was still true… Probably. But you hardly cared. Especially when John was making you laugh so hard the tears you were crying were finally good ones… They left without a spectacle. They wouldn’t be staying, but, thank you and certainly don’t be strangers! You all stood on the steps of your parents’ house waving goodbye, and John checked the car as Janey hopped in the passenger seat. But then, you thought, you couldn’t just say goodbye like this; “John!” He turned back and stepped away from the car as you ran to him. Your embrace was tight; and he mirrored it instantly; “Please… don’t stay away… I want you to know your nephew.” “…I will… I promise… I think I owe it to his parents, huh?” You laughed and let him go; “And… I’m sorry about Diana…” “Well. I guess it’s just another thing that happened… huh?” It wasn’t a happy smile, but you understood it – so you couldn’t help but smile the same way back “I guess so…” “Look. When I’m settled back in Islamorada… Come down.” “OH I-” “Not. Not the house… I get it. You don’t want Devan to have anything to do with us. And that, after what you’ve been through? What I’m sure you know, is fair. But there’s so much that… Danny and I used to do as kids that… I’d kinda like you, and his kids, to see…” You laughed gently and folded your arms “Okay… I’d… like that a lot.” This smile was certainly genuine “Alright. I’ll give you a call…” This time John reached out to hold you; “…Take care of yourself Y/N… And that little boy of yours. And the other one. He needs it too. He’s certainly trouble!” “Oh-! His father’s son Nolan is!” You grinned “You take care too. You have two beautiful kids, John. Especially this one…” you nodded to the car “Keep them straight. And… If you ever want to head up State…” You gave a shrug “…You always have a place to come.” “Thank you.” You shook your head “No… Thank you.” *** Previously, Viva Caputa… “Oh my Gooood!!” Jason lyricised from the kitchen as you strolled in. It was early morning, the restaurant was open for breakfast already, but there were only a few occupied tables. “She’s in before work, it must be serious...!” “Jase!” You rounded the bar; he was the only one in the kitchen. “...Wait! What’s going on?!” “Danny is either late or not coming in!” He smiled “Just me...” he waved his hand in the direction of the kitchen “I mean it’s hardly surprising...” You scoffed, Danny was never ‘late’ at least that’s how his saying always went; “Well I had an early meeting in the city, and now I have to head to the conference center...” “Girl, I can make you breakfast better than Danny ever could...!” He turned to his work station “I can be done in 5 minutes. Come back here, help yourself to coffee! I trust ya!” You sat in the back of the kitchen for about a little while with Jason. Like Danny, just watching him set about cooking was a calming experience. You thought you needed that before you went off to that conference… An engine outside made you turn your head, Jason turned with a grin at the way your face completely lit up. “A crap sounding engine like that can only belong to that piece of junk your boyfriend drives!” “It’s NOT junk! It’s a classic! And he’s your boss.” “Oh, here she goes! Getting me in trouble again!” “…Never---!” You put your cup down and exited the kitchen to Danny stepping out of his car “OH! MY! What are you---!? Doing---!!” He laughed and accepted your hug as you borderline threw yourself at him; “—I have a day of just… Horrific work! So, I thought I would come by!” “What the hell were you doing in my kitchen…” He brushed your hair back with his palms and cupped your face “…How long have you been up!?  Geez, it’s still early!” “…Too long.” You leant up to catch his lips, and he tasted the coffee. That probably explained it, “Jase said I could come back, so I did.” “Oh-! Yeah Mr. In-Charge in there…” Danny claimed your lips again. “Okay, come on… Breakfast… I get it.” “To go. I gotta go…” “To go!? Screw that, Y/N! I’m making you sit down an eat.” “Whyyyyy…!?” You put on your best whine as he took your hand and walked you back into the kitchen, “Because then I know you’ve eaten.” You almost rolled your eyes with a laugh “Oh God. Not this again…!” “Yes! THIS!” “Danny I can’t stay… Like…” You looked at your watch; “I just can’t… This conference starts in-” “Okay. Okay. I get it.” He turned and grabbed your waist, pulling you into him with another kiss “…Then come back, for lunch. Or I’m gonna worry.” “…Okay… Fine. Lunch.” “…Alright, Baby Girl… But at least let me send you off with something…” Jason called from the kitchen; “I got her covered.” Danny’s exasperated look made you laugh as he turned to yell back “You are NOT supposed to encourage her to eat more sugar!!!” “Oh-! Sorry boss-! That’s not what she told me!” * It was always great to have a lunch date with Danny, today was no exception. And he let you tell him about your exceedingly boring conference experience. But, yes, your presentation had gone well… Thank you! Of course, you weren’t sure if he really cared about the subject itself, but he certainly cared for your wellbeing… You were just leaving the restaurant as Nolan was coming in. Viva Caputa wouldn’t get busy for another couple of hours, and Danny liked to bring Nolan in to teach him things sometimes. Danny had insisted to you that Nolan was a natural. You wouldn’t be surprised at that, both Nolan’s parents were very creative. You hoped that you had a little bit of influence on the more logical, mathematical side of his brain. You’d at least been a good influence on his languages… “Hey Nolan! How’s it goin’?” You were kissing Danny goodbye and walking out the door as he was coming through it. “Good! Good! Y/N! Yeah! How are you?” “Great-! Yeah! Just off to see my friends. Hopefully not going to be doing a whole lot of day drinking… As I’m driving…!” He responded to your Spanish in kind; “Have a great time with your friends!” Nolan had you beaming; “I will! I’m sorry I can’t stay! Have a great shift – you stayin’ for shift?” “Yeah. Probably.” “Alright! See you back at home later!” After you hung out with Amanda and Evelyn you’d head to your parents for dinner, Danny would drive Nolan back to yours and he’d at least stay the night, if not all weekend. You knew you’d be the one sorting the details – you made a mental note to text Eve about it later. The door swung closed behind you and they both watched you walk to your car. Utility, rather than sporty today. The terrace you were meeting your friends at had on street parking. You didn’t fancy parking a whole lot of money in a Miami street bay.
Nolan leant on the counter next to his dad. “…You ever think about it…” Danny raised an eyebrow like he’d missed a wavelength, or beat in the conversation “Think about what…?” “Your future with her…” “…All the time.” He frowned momentarily at his son “ALL the time… What makes you ask…?” Nolan was still watching you leave; “…You ever thought about marrying her?” Danny almost laughed “Woah…Woah… Hang on… Where did that come from!?” Nolan shrugged, “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to think about when planning a future?” “…People don’t always get married… Anyway, she doesn’t want to be a Rayburn, c’mon…” Nolan wasn’t sure if he was meant to take offense to that or not, considering he was one. “…So that’s a no?” “That’s not what I said.” “So it’s a yes?” “I’ve… not really…” He’d certainly joked about not getting down on one knee on multiple occasions. That was more because of the length of time you’d been together. Although he knew it was also true people had popped the question after mere weeks. Danny also wasn’t sure he was the getting married type. He thought he’d much rather have a life partner than be able to screw up something by putting a ring on her finger… He also wasn’t exactly sure how his grown up son would take him marrying a woman barely 10 or so years older than him. But if Nolan was the one bringing it up? “…Is that what you want?” “HUH!?” Nolan looked a little taken aback, leaning away from Danny for a moment. “Do you want me to marry her?” Nolan blinked, slowly but more than once “…I…” he chose his words carefully “…Want you to do it if you want to do it.” “Now that IS a yes.” “N-No…!” Nolan put his hands up “I, just think she’s good for you. It just… Made sense to me that marriage would be a natural progression.” Then he added “Eventually.” “Eh, I don’t think marriage was ever my natural progression…” “So you won’t marry her?” “I haven’t even discussed it with her yet… It’s a huge commitment. That she has to make to me, Nolan. It’s two sided.” “I think she’d marry you.” Nolan leant on his hand “…In fact I’m certain of it.” Danny wasn’t about to let him get ahead of himself; “Well. She’s a little younger than me and… It’ll have to be a discussion.” “Yeah Dad… I’m just saying. I don’t think that matters.” Danny gave a knowing smile; “so you do think I should marry her.” “Yeah.” Nolan laughed “Eventually you should. But you gotta get yourself a decent three-month salary to get a ring first, old man!” He grinned as Danny reached across the bar to punch the top of his arm; “I’ll give you old man!” Danny was certain you would say yes to anything… Was pretty sure your parents might give their blessing… If Nolan’s feelings were positive… But Danny didn’t want to rush this. And he didn’t want to rush you. Still. It was a great thing to keep in the back of his mind. One day, when he was ready – and one day he knew he WOULD be ready. He’d get down on one knee and he’d pour his heart out and hopefully it would be to you… and hopefully you would say yes. 
The thing was, even now, with a smile on his face… Danny knew exactly where he would do it.
*** Present Day, Viva Caputa, 7am It was pretty early morning. But neither you nor Devan (or maybe you because of Devan) could sleep. So, as usual, to be as close as possible to the man you loved you were now sitting in Viva Caputa. Project planning. Danny never seemed satisfied with his own restaurant, and you’d seen him drawing up plans and writing things down. Even when they refit the restaurant, he would stand looking at it arms folded and saying “Eh. It could still use some work.” So you’d sifted through his apartment and come across a second set of plans - all Danny’s own work, rather than the contractor who could so helpfully give you all their work on that very refit. It was something in the works. Not for now, but you still enjoyed thinking about it. Devan was content to sit on the counter next to you in his carrycot as long as you paid attention. Time ticked on, and you realized it was close to arrival and opening time. You were the only one currently here, which was fine. You were lost too deep in your work as it was. But suddenly the phone rang. You looked up, and thought about getting up but hesitated. You didn’t need to get it. It was early enough for the caller to know you weren’t open, and if it was important the answer machine would pick it up anyway. You returned to your work as it rang off. But then dropped your pen and couldn’t turn towards the phone quick enough. Devan turned too, towards a voice he would never know, but recognized right away.
“Hey! You’ve reached Viva Caputa! I’m sorry that none of us can take your call at the moment, we’re probably a little tied up. If it’s for reservations leave your name and booking details. We’ll call ya back to confirm. If you’re an employee, call me!” The message cut and then the machine beeped... there was static, as whoever had called struggled to respond. “...Holy shit...” You almost laughed at how quiet Jason’s voice was “Danny is still the voicemail...!” You leant on your hand for a minute, overcome with a sense of joy at something you’d never realized. It was settled though, that was one thing that was never changing. *** Downtown Miami, Thursday PM Javier arrived about 5 minutes late looking bashful. You didn’t really care, today you’d been around town checking in on a couple of clients and working on some ad hoc projects for your dad. You knew when you weren’t at the restaurant Javier and Jason took the responsibility to manage it between themselves. They had work of their own so it wouldn’t surprise you if he got dragged into something late. You wanted to discuss schedules, these days neither man really had ‘shifts’ unless they asked you, you might be managing the restaurant, but what you really wanted was to give Javi more responsibility. Today you’d be discussing with him hiring potential employees; at this point, with Jason running the kitchen, Javier was your second in command. His lateness didn’t bother you, but it certainly bothered him.
“I’m so sorry-!” You shook your head, “Busy is good. You know...” “Yeah. But still, meeting you for lunch is important.” He grinned and turned his attention immediately to Devan “But-! More importantly—!! How is my boy!!?” Javier’s fuss just made Devan giggle in delight and reach out to grab Javi’s hands; “Yes! It’s okay! One of your daddies is here!” “God forbid YOU ever have kids.” “Aw, come on! We’d do good, you and I! I mean look at our son now!!” His eyes flicked back to Devan “Javi. Can you say Javi?!” You couldn’t help laughing as you leant on your hand “You’ll be lucky!” “What’s it gonna be then... mommy?” “If my parents have anything to say about it it’ll be Spanish. Rightly so. If I have my way it’ll be Danny.” Javier turned to you, suddenly solemn; “How much are you gonna tell him?” “All of it,” and you were serious “every minutia of detail I can remember or people have told me... He deserves to know, I’m not keeping it from him.” “But he died-” I know how he died...” you took a deep breath, it was still difficult. And you would certainly never say it was getting easier. It was just different to talk about now “... But if I lie, the truth will come out eventually....” you took Devan’s hand in yours making him turned back to you. With that smile and those eyes. “Then who does that make me...” Javi sat down his expression indicating how correct he thought you were, and picked up a menu. But he was more intent on studying your face with a smile “Are they Danny’s shades?” You cracked a grin “Rayburn Raybans..! They sure are!” “They look good on you...” You couldn’t help but smirk “I look good in a lot of his clothes...” Javi scoffed folding his arms and leaning back; “Yeah okay. Don’t rub in all the great sex you had with Danny Rayburn, which meant you got to wear his shirts, and probably still do because you have a fair few of them.” “Great sex, huh?” You tried unsuccessfully to keep a straight face “You made a baby. I’d say that was pretty great.” “Actually, the sex was god awful so I had to get pregnant to save me for 9 months!” Javier laughed hard at the sarcastic look on your face as you leant on your hand; “Oh god yeah... with the way he used to talk about it I’m sure it was just the worst..!” *** Date & Time Unknown… The breeze was gentle as you walked across the sand. It caught your long white dress, the many layers pulled into a dance of their own by the wind. He was waiting for you, like he always was, down by the water. He seemed to be the only thing the draft didn't stir. His dark button up shirt fitted to him, but open (when wouldn't it be?) over his grey vest top.  The breeze was playful through your hair; and yet still, as if he was a photograph, he was motionless. He didn't belong here... Not that you had ever really thought he did. The sand was hot but it didn't burn you as you moved across it barefoot, your back to Rayburn house. For some reason, for the first time, you felt like it wasn't casting a dark shadow over him. Figuratively or not... True, this man had never sunk down onto one knee, he'd never offered you a perfect diamond in a black velvet box, but you were intent on doing this anyway. By the time you reached him the waves were lapping at his feet. He was staring out over the clear blue water - seeing nothing... seeing EVERYTHING - he was always so in his head... You would never be able to fathom him, never truly. You'd made your peace with that. It took him a few minutes to acknowledge that you were there, almost like everything was moving in slow motion... He turned his back to the sea and laid his crystal blue eyes on you with a smile. Whatever he said was lost in what you wanted him to say. He extended his hand to you and you took it. You had ached for this physical contact for too many months. It was almost ecstasy to have him touch you now. He pulled you back as he walked into the sea, his steps were careful, and his eyes never left yours; of course he wouldn't look at the house. It made sense to end one chapter and begin another right here. But it never made sense to you why it was the setting. He took your other hand as soon as he could reach for it. The sea was cool; but welcoming, and by the time he was done moving you through it, the water came to your waist. You could taste the salt, and yet the wind still didn't move him. You could feel the warmth of his skin and how strong he was by how he held you; you could hear his laugh, clear and bright and infectious enough for you to do the same... The way the smile on his face extended to his eyes at what you were about to do. He was about to really make you his... Everything was quiet; there was no one else. Islamorada was, and would remain, deserted. The sunshine warming your shoulders, your back, turning your hair and eyes a shade lighter and making the dazzling blue of his own even more breathtaking. He gathered your hands to his chest; and you could feel his heartbeat. Even now he was your safe place. Everything you could ever hope to have. The only thing you'd ever need. You moved as close as your dared; aware of every motion of his body, that you made... that the waves made. HYPER aware of every point of contact between the two of you. The lighter layers of fabric of your white dress had spread themselves across the top of the water; it was perfect and beautiful. Everything you could ever have asked for. You continued to stare at each other. Close enough to kiss; playful enough to deny each other that. He studied you like he always did... Like he was memorising every little detail before you disappeared into thin air... You could feel his breath on your skin; you moved your hands; keeping one entwined with his, your other ran to his shoulders, because you had to have him in your arms. You had to have him back where he belonged. He'd been away for far too long. Why wasn't this happening in Miami?  Should you have been surrounded by your friends? As long as he was here, did you even care!? Mercifully he closed the gap; but you didn't dare close your eyes. He squeezed your hand tighter and pulled your waist into his through the water. You needed to breathe but you didn't want to waste this... You let his hand go to link your arms behind him, and he pulled you so close you could feel everything. Your skin burned like fire at every point of contact and you were happy to drown in that flame. You realised you wouldn't get a ring. No gold band to show off. No band at all, but you didn't need it. You would still take his name. You would take everything about him. You always had. That's what love was. By the time he was ready to let your lips go, the ocean was chest high. He laughed again; and shook his head like he couldn't fathom you. As if that was true; he had you figured from night one and you knew it. Your relationship was entirely his orchestration and you realised you would never be able to thank him enough for insisting you called his number. Or thank yourself for having the courage to break your one golden rule. His smile was of pure adoration. Like there was nothing else in his life - and you knew you were looking at him in exactly the same way even though it was a lie for both of you. You took a breath; looking at him looking at you like this you had to say something. Something that before now you had never said. "Daniel Rayburn. You are the love of my life... And I hope to God you never EVER forget that..." His eyes left yours shyly and you felt his heart jump before he found you again. His smile was confident this time. The breeze stirred into life once more... And your mind STILL wouldn't make him real.  *** Devan gripped your white dress a little tighter, making you look from the clear gently swirling water of the pier on Miami’s marina .... You held him a little closer to you, running a hand through his dark hair.  You figured you'd never quite be done with the Keys. How it appeared to you in dreams now… How even now it wouldn’t leave you alone. How Danny wouldn’t either; but you hardly cared about that. You nuzzled his face gently, voice calm and gentle. The breeze was welcome in the summer heat, and you were sure that you and your son should retreat to shade in the next few minutes for your own good. Still. You wanted to see this view; you wanted him to see this view one more time. But; something about it was different this time. Like the breeze was holding you...  And for that moment Danny was real, and you could feel him. Like he was closer to you than he ever had been in life. You shaded your eyes and looked to the sky. Clear blue, hardly a cloud in sight. The sun was brilliant, but the light was somehow soft - not nearly as harsh as you had remembered it... "Danny..." You whispered it... realizing before you close stop it, the single tear sliding down your left cheek... But you weren’t sad, you were smiling. Devan recognized the name of his late father, whether he realized it or not - and he looked to you with those same gorgeous, haunting blue eyes. You repeated the same sentence, adamant that this time, somehow, and somewhere he could hear it. "... Never, ever forget that..."
Viva Caputa, Saturday Evening “This restaurant has been shut more often than it’s been open since reopening!!” Jason joked as he finally sat down. “Excuse me! I think you’ll find the party to open, and tonight, are the only two nights! We’ve been open months!!” “Do you realise how scary that is though?!” He placed his hand on yours “I get scared every time I see Devan. That boy is growin’...” “I know...” “That’s how I’m measuring this restaurant’s opening time.” He nodded “That little man.” Javier leant forward from his seat further down the table; “Isn’t it more shocking to you we’ve survived with Y/N as a manager?!?” His grin was goading, you folded your arms with a shake of your head but chose to stay patient with him. “Oh? Uh huh?” You argued with these two in the same way you’d seen Danny do it. The playful kitchen banter you loved so much before was now yours to control. And you mimicked Danny and his sayings as often as possible. They loved it secretly. But often Jason would groan “Ugh! She’s won this with another Danny phrase” “Hello. Danny Rayburn. Didn’t realise you were still in charge.” You were grateful for that. For every time Jason would scowl at his own work and mimic Danny down to his voice “No! Jason! It’s not chemistry!!!” And how you and Javi would then yell “It’s about feel!!!” The first time the three of you hadn’t expected it, and had the whole restaurant giving you funny looks as the dead five-second silence turned into laughing so hard you all cried. Maybe there was sadness mixed in with those tears then, but no more. “Yeah. I’m surprised you’ve not killed us!” You leant back in your chair “Javi, there’s still time. Besides, where the hell would I be without you two?!” “Take it Javi. She’s got a damn good point!”  That had the whole table laughing again. Tonight you’d shut the restaurant because it was the first time all of you had been able to get together since you opened. Everything was always busy for you now as it was. But for your family too. And your friends. So, you could be no more thankful to have them all around the table. This was for Danny. You didn’t say it but everyone knew.  
Everyone started to peel off the later that it got; Devan was fast asleep by the time you handed him to your mom “I won’t be too long mama...” “Nonsense. Stay. They are your friends... we’ll be fine until you get home.” You gave a nod and embraced her and your father “I love you guys so much... Thank you. For always being there no matter what. And for Danny.” “What about him? You already know how much he meant to us.”“I know. But I don’t think I say it enough... You could have disapproved. Told me to not see him again. Done anything but welcome him into your lives like he was always there...” “Darling. Even if you’d have listened. Even if we had disapproved...” She said it with conviction (as if anyone could ever disapprove of Danny) “... You can’t break up chemistry like that. You’ll never be able to break up chemistry like that... look what it has blessed you with...” she indicated to Devan as your dad embraced you again; “Estrellita. Our one wish is that you’d have met him sooner. If you’d have got onto the professional scene... you would have surpassed us.” You laughed and pushed his arm gently “Is it ironic that I could technically have met him 12 years earlier!? I blame you guys for not dragging me to the Keys!” He had to laugh “You would.” then he kissed your forehead, “We will see you later. Please... whenever you are ready. Do not waste your friends... you never wasted him...” “I tried my best...” You turned to kiss your mom goodbye and then Devan. “Mi Angelito...” He grasped for your fingertips lost in dreams, you giggled and took a step back “When that boy is grown up and looks like Danny I just don’t know what I’m gonna do!” “Protect him from all the ladies? He will be a heartbreaker, if that’s the case.” Your dad winked making you laugh “Oh yeah. He’s a pretty good combination of genes... Danny Rayburn with a Latino flair? Lord have mercy on those girls.” * Jason and Javi left together as usual, making you look between them with a teasing smirk; “If you weren’t married, I’d swear you two had a thing!” “Shush! Y/N! Not with my wife around!” “Oh my god-! Jason! Did you TELL her!!!!???” Javier looked about as shocked as you’d ever seen him and let out a lament “What am I gonna do now-!? It’ll be talk of the town!!!” You looked to Jason who was shaking his head “He would be such a brat, Y/N, I just couldn’t.” “Oi! Take that back!” “Make me!” “Was that a threat or a come on?!” “Oh my god-!” You held your hands up “forget I said anything. Goodbye! I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Bright and early obviously. Slave driver.” “She’s like Danny though, ain’t she? Doesn’t actually need to BE here on shift.” Jason leant in to kiss your cheek “Get your beauty sleep! I’m sure Danny never let you have any...” he raised his eyebrows with a cheeky wink “Haha.” You hugged him “Not too early Jase. You two of anyone deserve a rest.” “Yeah, yeah, you mean that about as much as he did...!” Javi threw his hand in the general direction of the picture on the wall, but embraced you with a kiss “Drink one for us, one for our son, and one for Danny okay?” “Okay... I will.” You had no intention on drinking that much. But you’d appease him none the less “Oh. Whilst you’re at it. Make it tequila shots.” “Jason get out of here whilst I still love you!!” * Nolan was the very last to leave, and Amanda and Evie had left you alone to quietly talk to him whilst they when around picking alcohol for the three of you to have drinks. But eventually he checked his watch with a sigh; “I guess I better head home. Call it a night!” “Home?” You raised an eyebrow with a smile “Yeah, okay maybe if it’s yours it’s more home than mine...” “I didn’t say that...!! I didn’t mean—!” He sighed and covered his face, “—of course your place is home... but... This is dads...” “Nolan! Sweetheart!” You were laughing “It’s okay...” He slid off the bar stool and you accompanied him, although he walked slow, he didn’t really want to leave - but he probably had a point. A lot of them would be back here early tomorrow for work; and that was probably Nolan included. Jason loves teaching Danny’s son, you thought that was because it made him feel closer to Danny, made both of them feel closer to Danny, but Jason could only do it when it was quiet. Which meant early starts. But Nolan had consistently risen to the occasion.
He stopped at the door; “I’ll see you tomorrow!” “Sure thing! I’ve got some work in the morning but... I’ll be in for evening rush. Don’t you worry.” “Can I come stay... this weekend?” You tilted your head, with a small smile “Baby, you don’t need permission to come and stay. It’s your place too. You know, just drive over when you want.” but you nodded, “Of course you can, please do.” “Okay...” he grinned “You know it’s just so I get to hang with my brother, right?” You laughed “Oh my god, you are gonna be so much trouble when he grows up.” “Me or him?!” “Both of you...!” You reached up, and tidied his dark hair, placing your hand on his cheek for a minute; “Nolan... He was so proud of you. I know he was ‘Danny’ about it and didn’t really ever say it, but, he was. And I know he is...” You had to bite your lip for a second or you were going to cry, you gave your head a shake and then all at once enveloped Nolan in a hug “…I’m proud of you, too… You’ve grown up so much! I’m just… so proud of the man you’re becoming!” He wound his arms around you too “…I know…” his voice was quiet “You’re a great mom, Mom.” You froze and pulled back slightly. That was surely accidental. But his face was serious. Nolan gave a smile to your quizzical look; how you looked like you wanted to believe he meant it, whilst at the same time preparing for him to take it back. “You don’t have to say anything… I’ve wanted to call you that for a long time…” You just shook your head again and took his hands in yours, there wasn’t necessarily anything for you to say. And he knew you had so much you wanted to say. So you just smiled; “You’re a good son Nolan. And a great big brother.” That just made him laugh, “I mean… I can only try, right?” He opened the door and you followed him outside, to make sure he drove off safely “Text me when you get home, okay?” You always asked, but now you felt like you had to rise to your new status. “Mmm hmm!” He gave a smile, and embraced you one last time before walking to his car. Nolan stopped, and then turned, waving he called back with a grin; “Love you mom!” And you laughed; “I love you too!” *** Eventually it was just you Amanda and Evie left. Sitting at table 14. And when Amanda realised she took a deep breath out “My god. Can you believe this? We were RIGHT here when it all started.” Evie put her hands to her head like she was having some kind of existential crisis “How is that so long ago? But why has it also FLOWN?!” She turned to you “If there is one thing I will never forget, it’s the way he looked at you. I’m not going to say it was like you were the only thing he ever wanted. But in hindsight...” You could feel the heat in your cheeks but at least knew you could blame the alcohol; “Yeah and I told you I was done with Danny Rayburn.” “For like what; an hour?!” Amanda smirked “Two. Give me some credit here!” You winked “Also. If we’re getting technical. Neither of you were there when it started the night before. but I’m sure you wish you were.” “A foursome??!” Evie raised an eyebrow “With you girls? I dunno. Sign me up!” “Invite Javi.” Your eyes flicked between them and Amanda went pink; “Do you still have a thing for him?!” “Baby, it didn’t work.” “Make it work.” She leant on her hand and smiled at you “There is one fairytale here. And it’s your story, Y/N. All yours.” You knew she was asking you to forget the end with her statement. Which was asking a lot. But she didn’t say it because of how it ended. You knew that, and you smiled. Leaning your head on your hand – you didn’t need to thank her for saying something like that, she knew you’d be thankful. And maybe, it wasn’t all over… You and Danny had something special; you had this, your baby and Nolan… And his friends. No, it wasn’t over. It would never be truly over… “Another drink?!” “Oh.” You put your finished glass down as you spotted the time on the clock; “Naw, girls! We should get to leaving, I have a little boy to return to!” Even though your parents had said take your time, you didn’t want to misuse their charity. Evie huffed; “Okay. Fine! But, party back to your place! We’ll get the cab there!” You rolled your eyes “Fiiiine… But do not wake Devan up or so help me God.” They asked if you wanted help clearing the glasses away but you waved that suggestion away, you wanted some quiet time. A little time alone… In this place of all of them. Your friends understood that even if you didn’t say it; and both hugged you – although you’d all be getting the same cab. They headed outside after you’d told them to go call one. You’d have time before it arrived… You stacked the glasses by the washer; first thing tomorrow you’d get that squared away. You checked the kitchen with a smile and flicked the lights off. Your checks were exactly the same as Danny’s… back to front – every table, so it looked perfect… turning down lights as you went. Until you got to the bar… You paused and your eyes flicked to the picture of him on the wall. You didn’t realise how much you were smiling until your cheeks hurt. You leant over, grabbing a glass and the bottle of whisky you had yet to put away you poured yourself one and took a deep breath. Something hit you, and you had to answer it… You made your way slowly to the picture, still with that same smile. Your heart was going quick; like you were that girl sitting at table 14 again as he leant over you and told you to call him. Like you were the woman on the dance floor reacting to the way he held you like no other man ever had. Like the first time he kissed you. The first time he told you he loved you. The first time you really got to make love to him… Those gorgeous blue eyes were holding yours just the same as his used to; picture or not. And that smile on his face that you loved so much. Danny would always be beautiful. His soul would always be beautiful. He’d given you everything; you only hoped that you’d managed to give him just as much back… He deserved that more than anything… You tipped the glass to the picture; “Danny… This is all for you. And I hope you’re proud of me baby. Because I’m so proud of you. And I’ll wait patiently to see you again, because I’m gonna be here for our kids growing up. But… still I can’t wait. I can’t WAIT to be in your arms once more. Because I love you. Danny. And I’ll never stop loving you. Thank YOU. For loving ME.” ---
Thank you for being a part of this 💙💜 If you’ve made it to here, and you’ve invested yourself in all 10 Parts - congratulations you’ve read 87,276+ words.  Because I know sometimes I added words after I put in the word count
@3134045126 @happyskywhale @waytoplantann @krnncsbtch - Thank you my darlings for sticking with me to the end! I’m so greatful! 💙💜 And, as I like to end with GIFs... Please accept some of my favourite Danny’s...  ❤
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
4 10 17 22 for the video game asks!
4 - Game That Deserves A Remaster/Remake?
There's quite a few games I'd love to remade. Mostly games that were great games but had a few things holding them back. I think I have three big ones, which are:
Sonic Adventure 2, my favourite Sonic game. Yes, part of that is because of nostalgia but it's also because it has my favourite tone of story, favourite level design, favourite gameplay style, multiple playable characters and the Chao garden. The wonderful Chao garden. But the game really has some issues. For one, the camera is awful at times. Number two, the audio mixing is really weird with the voice acting either getting drowned out by the music or characters getting cut off mid line. Third of all, the translation was weird with some lines not being grammatically correct. And some of the levels need a few tweaks to make them more enjoyable. (Looking at you, Mad Space). But all of those things are things that could be easily fixed in a remake. Plus I just desperately want the Chao garden back. Please Sega, I'm begging.
The second game is Resident Evil: Code Veronica. I love this game. It's one of my favourites in the series but it has some small issues that hold it back from being one of the best. For one, there are moments where, if you haven't prepared in advance, you can softlock your game and have to start over because you reached a point of no return and don't have enough ammo and supplies to beat a boss. Two, there's some smaller things like having to press a button to climb stairs that just aren't present in games anymore and for good reason. Three, the weird checkpoint system that sometimes sends you back to really inconvenient points. Four, some of the puzzles need to be tweaked... I'm mostly thinking of that one where you need to put a glass orb under a crushing torture device thing to break it open... The timing of that is too damn precise. Five, the section where you go through the island for a second time as Chris is kinda boring and the elevator stuff gets confusing... Six, voice acting. The voice acting in Code Veronica is weird. Some people love the corniness of it but most people mock it. And last but not least, Steve. Steve is definitely a character with a lot of potential to be great but his writing really held him back from being enjoyable so just give him a little more depth and change a few scenes and he'd probably be good to go.
And third: Tales Of The Abyss. I adore this game but it's so hard to recommend to people because for the beginning section, the protagonist is an insufferable brat and is just infuriating to watch. I almost stopped playing multiple times because of him, my friend had to force me to keep playing. But then a certain event happens. And the game gets really, really, REALLY good. And the insufferable brat? That opening part is crucial to making his character arc one of the absolute best I've ever seen and it's not just point A to point B, no! He has about three different issues he works through and it's beautiful to watch, I cried so much!
So... "If the game's so great, why do you want it remade?" Well, the graphics haven't aged too well, the fixed camera angles can sometimes make it a little hard to judge where you're going, and I don't know if this was just a personal experience or if it happens to everyone but, I had a lot of sound glitches while playing. Plus, I feel like a lot of scenes would hit harder with modern graphics.
Like to anyone who has played ToTA, please imagine:
The aftermath of Akzeriuth with the graphics of Tales Of Arise. The camera behind the character's back instead of a high up shot looking down so it's close to the action, the background noise of the people and surrounding area. Could you imagine how harrowing that would be? It would be amazing.
I'm so sorry for talking so much about this one question, I just have a lot of Thoughts™️ about this topic.
10 - Favourite Ship From A Game?
I mean some that have really stuck with me are: Yu X Yosuke from Persona 4, Ren X Goro from Persona 5, Tatsuya X Jun from Persona 2, Naegi X Kirigiri from Danganronpa (I was obsessed with Kirigiri when I was thirteen, I can't believe it took me two more years to figure out I wasn't straight), Luke X Tear from Tales Of The Abyss, Jude X Milla from Tales Of Xillia, Chrom X Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. I know there's a hell of a lot more but those are the ones that have stuck with me the most... And that I can think of off the top of my head.
17 - Place From A Game You'd Like To Visit?
Damn, there's so many but whenever I try to name them, my mind goes blank. Soooo... I think all of the places in Genshin Impact are gorgeous. I can't think of any places in particular right now but they're pretty. Also Elysia from Tales Of Zestiria, again, pretty. I just need to roll around in nature, I guess. Those are the kinda places I like.
22 - Games You Want To Play?
There's a lot of games I wanna play but right now the main one is Tales Of Destiny 2. I've been playing through the entire Tales Of Series for the past four/five years now and from the mainline series, I only have Arise and Destiny 2 left. (I can't get Arise right now because I can't afford it but I am saving up) I absolutely adored the first Tales Of Destiny but Destiny 2 never got localised. But a group called Lumina Tales are working on a English Patch so we can finally play the game after twenty years so I am excitedly waiting for the patch to be complete so I can finally play this game.
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myassbrokethefall · 5 years
You watch game of thrones?! For some reason I didn't know that haha, is there anything in particular you're looking forward to or hoping for during the last season? And have you read the books, what do you think of them in comparison to the show?
I do! I read the books before it came out and I was very excited for the series. The thing I always joke about (though it’s not a joke, it’s true) is that if you think there are a lot of characters in the show, there are so many MORE fucking characters in the book that the show just hits the highlights, so for me after reading the books I felt like the show was easy to follow. 
I think the show holds up pretty darn well in comparison to the books -- better than many filmed adaptations, probably largely because it’s had so much time. It’s been a really long time at this point since I read the books, so I can’t think of a lot of comparisons off the top of my head. But I can’t really think of any case where the show really disappointed me in its staging of something. The show certainly moves faster than the books, and sometimes that’s a good thing. There was a LOOOOOOT of water-treading in Meereen that got pretty boring in the last couple books. (GRRM called it the “Meereenese knot” -- he had to get a bunch of storylines to converge in the same place before things could move forward. Some book spoilers at that link.)
Certainly neither the books nor the show is without problems. I think the show is/was even rapey-er than the books. (They have noticeably eased up on that since the earlier seasons, which I have no doubt is due to feedback from viewers.) I certainly understand folks who can’t or don’t want to deal with it. I also am not nearly as big a fan of it, like in a fangirl way, as I am of, say, XF or even like The Americans or something. But I have enjoyed the whole series a lot overall, and I’m sad it’s ending but looking forward to watching it unfold. 
Hmm, I don’t know what I’m hoping for in the last season. Last season (or half-season or whatever it was) finally resolved some stuff (certain people that I hated finally got what was coming to them, there were some Stark reunions), and the big Jon reveal happened. (I don’t know how that’s all going to play out, but I was glad in the first ep of this season that he hears about that and that didn’t get dragged out til the last 5 minutes of the last episode or something. CHRIS CARTER.) 
GoT is one of those shows where I mostly enjoy the ride and I’m not so emotionally invested that I get like, worried or anxious about how it’s going to play out (unlike, for example, XF). I also trust that whatever it does will be earned at least to some degree (again, unlike XF). I’m nervous about what will happen to the characters, etc, but mostly I’m just excited to watch and be surprised and experience it. If my faves die I’ll be sad, and if I feel like the ending is shitty I’ll be mad about it, but I don’t have the level of investment in it that will shift it from cathartic TV sadness to actual sadness. 
(It also must be said that XF in its twilight years did not have even a baseline ability to present or sustain a coherent storyline, so that upped the anxiety factor considerably for me as far as anticipating the ending. Most showrunners don’t have a policy of constantly gaslighting their audiences and getting annoyed at them for remembering previous things that happened in the series; people who are competent writers refer back to things that have happened [consistently, not just when it happens to suit them to justify some horrible whim that they want to indulge] and set things up and provide support for plot elements, and if they directly contradict things that happened earlier or have huge continuity lapses that cause the story’s universe to lose coherence, they have enough creative pride to feel stupid about it instead of doubling down on it and pretending it was deliberate and/or turning it back on the audience and scolding/mocking them for caring that much. This is an extremely low bar for a piece of fiction that XF has not managed to clear in some time but that literally no other TV show that I watch has any problem doing. If GoT kills someone off that I’m sad about I’ll be sad about it in an appropriate, in-universe way, but I’m not worried that like, someone will go “oh also Brienne had a fatal brain disease this whole time” or “I know we spent all this time and energy moving pieces around that all led to Jon and Dany’s mythic yet possibly tragically doomed romance finally happening, but we changed our minds and broke them up in episode 3 of the season because we decided that it was boring after they got together” or “Dany gave her dragons away because we ran out of money to animate dragons so we had to wrap that whole storyline up; she never really cared about them that much though” or “yeah, Jaime has both hands again; we got tired of working around that so we just brought the hand back with magic; it’s fine!” or “We decided to bring Joffrey back because he was such a great villain; yes he died spectacularly and graphically and in a very climactic way that served as a catharsis point for the entire season, but he just went to the hospital as it turned out, and anyway, magic” or “Ser Davos is pregnant; I know normally men can’t get pregnant but look, it’s fantasy and didn’t it make for a great shock moment?” or “Arya was married in the late 80s, we just never mentioned it” or, you know, folks, you know. GoT might make me mad but it’s not going to make me XF mad, because it might do stupid things but it’s never going to do things that are XF-level stupid, because nobody does things that stupid except XF.)
Anyway! Sorry. I like GoT, I think it’s great fantasy, I don’t think it’s the greatest piece of art of all time or anything but it’s a fun show and we may have disagreements, but I trust it to be an adult and am not worried that it’s going to like, poop on my living room floor and then be like “You did it! You’re a buttface” and then break all my lamps as it runs out the door or something. 
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carcinogensda-blog · 7 years
Resident Evil: Director's Cut FAQ
OK, so, I hate answering questions about unlockables and version differences. So I made this. I appreciate that there are people who haven't beaten the game and want to watch someone show them everything, especially when it is a basic gameplay question. I want to answer these questions, I really do, but when people haven't 100%'d the game and are asking me questions (and this is perfectly fine), I can't answer them because it is not humanly possible to make that effort. So, this is my way of helping you. This FAQ is particularly for you guys. If you've been referred here, please don't take this as a sign of "I hate you, go read this"; please take this as a sign of "I hear you, and I want to help you." This is just the easiest way for me to help you get caught up. If you came here from the Twitch Mobile app, I'm sorry to make you tab out of the broadcast to read this, but I guarantee you I'll make it up with cats and cookies. Even more frustrating is that EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE has totally incorrect information about how everything works. I do not have any information on PC version yet, because I have never played it. So, I will not be covering it. ====================================== Table of Contents: ====================================== 1) Original Version 2) Saturn Version 3) Director's Cut Black Label (Original Music) 4) Director's Cut Dual Shock (Bad Music) 5) Why the Japanese version? ====================================== 1) Original Version ====================================== The first release of RE1 on PS1 just has "New Game" and "Load Game" in the main menu. Beat the game with the best ending, you get a key to unlock an otherwise previously unaccessible wardrobe, with a new costume for each character. Beat the game in under 2:30:xx, you get the Rocket Launcher. The US version has auto-aim turned off, enemies do exponentially more damage (probably a factor of 1.5) and take more damage, and is different from Director's Cut Original difficulty. It has the original music. ====================================== 2) Saturn Version ====================================== The Sega Saturn version has some additional unique content over the first release. Like the original release, US version has auto-aim turned off and it has the original music. There is slightly better anti-aliasing on the Saturn version (possibly rendered in a higher resolution), different shaders are used for the character models, and the graphics are rendered as quadrilaterals instead of as polygons in every other version of the game. Battle Mode - A "Battle Mode" exactly like the one in Code Veronica X is available, where you kill all enemies and proceed to the next areas to clear it. This is unlocked by clearing the game. The final boss is a Gold Tyrant with a ton of HP. Costumes - The unlockable costumes that you get for completing the game are unique to the Saturn Version; Jill gets a different S.T.A.R.S. uniform with a blue crop-top and a pendant, Chris gets a blue uniform with a bullet-proof vest. Tickers - All the hunters in the catacombs are replaced with "Tickers", which are alternate Hunters that can poison you. They have the same attacks and are dealt with in the same way. Two Tyrants - Upon certain conditions, a second Tyrant may bust out of the glass when you examine the console to unlock the door upon beating the Tyrant. I have not triggered this myself, although I have tried. So far, the only determining factors I've found by watching YouTube videos are that you play as Chris, you're wearing an alternate costume, and you get an ending where Rebecca doesn't die (because in both videos, Wesker never drops a key upon getting skewered). If anyone has any specific information on how to trigger this event, please tell me, because it didn't work when I tried as Chris :( ====================================== 3) Director's Cut (Black Label, Original Music) ====================================== Resident Evil 2 was 80% complete before being scrapped (aka Resident Evil 1.5). As an apology for that build getting scrapped, Capcom released a Saturn version of RE1 along with a remixed RE1 on PlayStation known as Director's Cut, bundled with a demo version of RE2. This is the Black Label director's cut. This means the PlayStation Branding Art is colored black, and it doesn't say "Dual Shock" version anywhere on the box. The Black Label Director's Cut also comes with a demo build of Resident Evil 2. Protip: if it comes packaged with the RE2 demo, it has the ORIGINAL MUSIC. There are 3 modes: Training Mode, Original Mode, and Arrange Mode. Original Mode is the same as the original release. All items, camera angles, enemy placements, key items, and unlockables are in their original unaltered places. Training Mode is the same as Original Mode, except you gain 2x ammo every pickup. Arrange Mode is a new game mode, here are the differences: -New Costumes for Jill and Chris, in addition to the originals. Jill and Chris wear these new costumes by upon starting Arrange. The Secret Closet is also more 'organized' looking, and can be opened without the Special Key. -Enemy Placements (more enemies in some rooms, and configurations that are harder to dodge) -New Camera angles -Key Item placement is completely altered, changing the route through the mansion. -Beretta is replaced with the Silver Beretta. Silver Beretta does the same damage to zombies, but has a 10% chance to decapitate. -Enemies require around 2x damage to kill, except for zombies. You can decap them with shotgun. -Enemies do around 2x damage to both characters. -Forest Speyer comes back from the dead as a zombie, and has the Armor Key on his corpse. This event is avoidable if you trigger Barry's appearance on the terrace as Jill. -Colt Python appears in the Broken Shotgun room, so you can get it as soon as you get the Armor Key. This is assumedly to allow the player more options to decapitate the large number of zombies in Arrange Mode. -An Infinite Colt Python can be unlocked by clearing the game with both characters rescued (best ending) for use in Arrange Mode, as a replacement bonus for the Special Key. ====================================== 4) Director's Cut Dual Shock (Green Label, Bad Music) ====================================== The Dual Shock version is the "bad" version of Director's Cut. This version appears on the North American PSN store. It is a Green Label "Greatest Hits" version. There is no RE2 demo bundled with it. It is the same as the Black Label version (Section 3), but has an arranged soundtrack by Mamoru Samuragochi (Or rather, his ghostwriter, a Japanese high school music teacher, as Samuragochi himself admitted to being a fraud). If you bought this version, you've been had. Enjoy your basement corridor clown farts! ====================================== 5. Japanese vs. US version ====================================== Characters take less damage from Zombies, and Yawn 1 takes more damage before dying. That's it, as far as I can tell. Speedrun-wise, text is faster and it only takes one less acid round to kill him in the Japanese version.
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