#So many opportunities 、so much support 🙏 I am truly blessed 😭
yunmew · 1 year
「ああ、この世が好きだな」 😭😭😭
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
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🥀🍯 OOC. a message that’s a tad more thoughtful than a quick update, since I really do have a lot of things to say … I do apologize, however, if this post is rather … messy 😭 my brain feels square rn, but it also wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t share a bit of what’s in my heart—so, I’ll do my best with what I have ! 😊
for many reasons—some more obvious, others more personal—the 2020s have been quite a ride so far. personally, 2022 has been a real struggle for me; I’ve braved some things that I was not yet ready for & it really felt like the year where my life was adjusted in such a permanent way—change is exciting, but admittedly I’m not always comfortable with it … I much prefer consistency 😔
that among other things has made my early 20s a very strange ride so far—it has been difficult, it has been trying, it has been taxing, & sometimes, it has even been a little scary, I must admit … but I’ve had so many blessings by my side that have all been such a comfort to me on this wild trip. this blog—& the company kept on it, especially—is a MAJOR one indeed; the fact that I have a place to turn to, where I can forget about everything that overwhelms me & have a bit of fun, plot some cute things, & admire all you talented writers on my dash … 🥺🌼 I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel that I truly cannot say it enough. I am so grateful for this place & the warmth it brings me, the joy it fills me with, & the opportunity it allows me ! 🌷
but this place would also not be so wonderful if it was without—again—the company that I have here. my closest, dearest friends, whom I am overwhelmingly thankful for, & pals of different but equal value, who make this place the source of sunshine that I feel it is. when light seems so distant in other places, I feel as if it is never quite as far out of reach here. it is so friendly here—so gentle, so kind—& I only hope to give a similar feeling to all of you, too. if you are reading this, do not doubt for a second that I do not mean you—each & every one of you has made me smile before. I can guarantee that. & there are no words that I could use to express just how precious that is to me … truly, it is so 🌼
to those who are closest to me … thank you for being my family. yes, you are my family, & you will always mean the world to me. while I do not want to tag anyone directly as to not accidentally make any feel left out or forgotten, I do hope you know who you are when you read this 😊🌿
with roleplaying matters … the amount of support & love that I receive on here is overwhelming, & that is yet another thing I am so thankful for—to each & every one of you, I appreciate all your interest, all your encouragement, all your excitement—every precious thing you have given to me ... I appreciate it all so very, very much 🌻 please know that you have my support, too—I hope do to a better job showing this in the new year! 🙏
I hope for many things in the year to come—improvement in some areas, growth in others, & healing in parts that are necessary. change is scary … it may never be something I’m ever totally comfortable with, but … being able to go it with company like you all by my side ? yeah. that is definitely my strength 🤗✨
I wish you all a healthy, happy, & rewarding New Year—whether you believe it or not, you are deserving of good things, & I hope that mentality thrives for everyone in this new chapter 🌼 may we write many sweet things together & become closer in 2023 ! here's to all the writing adventures awaiting us ! I lava you all with all my heart, & again … thank you so much. for everything! 🥀
“ I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. ”
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