#So is green talk to me fool hug all ur friends boys will be bugs
smolldust · 5 days
I’m not allowing myself to listen to specific Cavetown songs anymore because they remind me of my old best friend and I started sobbing the other day because Jack’s Song reminded me of him way too much
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unboundprompts · 1 year
Cavetown Prompts
➢ writing prompts from Cavetown songs. feel free to edit as you see fit.
"She's so in love with all the things I hate most about myself." - Banana Bread
"It doesn't make you a narcissist to love yourself." - Talk To Me
"Nobody gets exactly what they want." - Calpol
"I'll stay strong for you." - Pigeon
"I was such a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great." - Fool
"Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love; but I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it." - This Is Home
"I just want you to be okay." - Psychometry
"Don't worry, we'll find another way out." - It's U
"Tell me about the things that you love." - Hug All Ur Friends
"I know there's good in everything." - Taking Care of Things
"I hope you feel happy, that's all I want." - Green
"You don't have to be a hero to save the world." - Talk To Me
"All I wanna do is quit." - Boys Will Be Bugs
"When the sun dies none of this will matter half as much as you thought." - Calpol
"I am not a beast, I'm not a monster." - Pigeon
"The longer I sleep, the slower my heart beats." - We're Alive
"I need you to stay." - Psychometry
"You don't have to be a prodigy to be unique." - Talk To Me
"His mind is in a different place." - This Is Home
"Sticks and stones they say, but we don't have bones inside our brains." - Everything Is Temporary
"Did you know that every night I play your favorite songs on repeat?" - Untitled V.2
"I need to cry but I can't." - Juliet
"Why do I let myself dream like this?" - Meteor Shower
"I guess it's just another one of those nights." - It's U
"I like your voice." - Fool
"I saw a girl in my dreams but I don't remember her name." - Another One of Those Days
"If I don't do anything, is it my fault?" - Taking Care of Things
"Will you even remember me?" - It's U
"What's the point if we can't be friends?" - I'll Make Cereal
"Didn't give me time to say goodbye in the way that I wanted to." - Pigeon
"I'm staying the same as if I was nothing." - We're Alive
"The sky looks like it's burning down." - Hazel
"I know my hands aren't warm enough to hold your cold heart." - Untitled V.2
"Time doesn't matter." - Night Knuckles
"I don't mind if you find someone better than me." - BG Noise
"It isn't good to stay in bed all day." - Psychometry
"My worries are far too selfish, I can't let you know."- So Much
"One day we'll all be underground." - Snake & the Prairie dogs
"I put a box in my closet full of things that I've loved." - Irrational
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jaunebur · 3 years
oh my god I don’t know where to even staRTTT it was amazing!! so anyway I only found out about it literally a week and a half before because another friend of mine pulled out and we nearly couldn’t go because of circumstances with my friends mum so it was really up in the air and we genuinely had no idea whether we could go or not until like 3 hours before so it just made us soooo much more appreciative
anyway it was in a small venue at a university union so really intimate and I’d been there before to see my fav band ever the Maine in 2020 and just OH MY GOD IT WAS SO PACKED!! We ended up being late and there were so many people we were like squished behind the sound board I think we would have either got trampled to death or caught covid going in the pit shdkdhdjd but the vibes were so cool and everyone looked gorgeous and I saw ppl with mcyt merch!!! I rlly wanted to find a mutual but bc it was uni students everyone was like 20 and I was too scared to talk to them shdkdhdjd
Anyway but the concert itself was just AMAZING!!!! He opened with fool and then boys will be bugs and Juliet was so good in the middle esp at the bit where he’s like "I hope that she looks at me and thinks shit he’s so pretty” bc it stopped and it was just us all yelling it and hug ur friends was so cute and I hugged my friend real hard and then sweet tooth was just an absolute bangerrrrrrr and green was so fun and feb 14 was AMAZINGGGG omg and the opener played the climb by miley Cyrus and it was just so fun
AND THEN HE FINISHED WITH DEVIL TOWN!!! But they did it as an encore so they left and came back and I’m gullible so I thought maybe they would skip it but they didn’t and it was just so good and we were all screaming and. Sigh. What a night.
Anyway I have vids if u want??? On mobile data rn but can send if u would like them!!!!! The best time :) what was the last concert u went to?
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